IJJIJUUJM'IIUUHPI, iJipijujwpwip ww mmmnfnmm mvmiiigiHmmmm. "cRtWB toWWWWIWW is EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1916. 5JP FINANCIAL NEWS MANY COMMISSION HOUSES SELLERS OF STOCK IN NEW YORK MARKET Bears Found Fresh Material in Root's Speech and An nouncement That Canada Will Impose Tax on Profits Resulting From War Orders New York Stock Sales High Points in Today's Financial News t Six per cent, two-year notes to the amount of $T,500,000 of the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railway, due today, extended for six months. Road has no pressing financial problems. New business of United States Steel Corporation between 05,000 and 70,000 tons a day. Number of Pennsylvania Railroad stockholders increased 1477 in year. Copper companies' January production good, Empire Steel and Iron Company declared first dividend on preferred stock since January 1, 1913, Pennsylvania Steel stocks again strong on Philadelphia Exchange on expectation that new steel deal will go through. t.nt close, Alaska J Gold Mines. 0 Alaska Gold Mines,... 2MU AHU-Chalmcrs Mfif.... 30JJ Allls-Chalmcrs Mfe pf. 31H Am Ht Sugar 70)i Am llrako 8 A V pf. . , 103 Am Can 02 Am Cat fc f'dy 7014 Am Car ft Kdy pf U7H 118 Am Coal Products li;nu mm Am Coal Prod pf 110 i llfl HlKh. Low. Close. IM OJX Oil 22! i 30 Ml mn m (52 00JI 118 100U no mi RWi Mi 2.1 41 03 23H 31 811 70H 184 03H 71J1 mm mi at 23) li 11! H0J NEW YOItK, Fob. 1G. New Incentives for bearish energies were found this morning In the, tenor of Ellhu Hoot's speech Inst night nnd In tho announcement that tlio Cnnncllan Oovernmcnt will Imposo a tux of 25 per cent, on profits resulting from wnr order find munition contracts nnd on business pertaining to tho Kuropcnn conflict. This mndo Cnnndlnn Issues heavy from tho stnrt, and Canadian Pacific nnd Dome Alines both yielded sharply under moderate sales. Tho last-named stock, however, can hardly bo nftccted by the now tax ruling, as mining profits are already divided equally between tho companies nnd tho Urltish Clovern ment, where control Is held In tho Urltlsh Umpire. In tho nftcrnoon Canudlnn Pacific showed a loss of moro thnn five points, while Dome Mines was off six. Tho bcnrlsh mood, which has mndo steady growth slnco tho beginning of tho year, was more pronounced, not only among tho professional specu lators, but pervaded commission-house clients, and as a result many of tho commission houses were sellers of stocKs, causing declines In such Issues ns Union Pacific, Krlo and Now York Central. In tho afternoon there was an absence of hysteria over tho Canadian tax law, which hod unsettled trading during tho first half of the day. Then sellers, after definite Information as to tho scope of tho proposed legislation, found that profits to tho credit of stockholders would not be greatly Impaired by tho new tax. International Nickel, nccordlng to well-informed Interests, will have its net surplus reduced only 4 per cent., and that amount 'will not bo of substnntinl importance to stockholders. Other corporations, according to stntcmcntH from well-informed sources, will only hnvo earnings reduced to the same moderate extent, nnd before tho tax Is levied allowanco will be in ado for a liberal distribution on paid-up capital. Tho market, however, is 0110 In which buying power for tho time Is dormant nnd It required only moderate prcssuro to causo tho sharp declines sustained In the forenoon. Am Cotton Oil M)j ,m moo a 1, pr fil Am Ico Securities aoii Am I.lnccnl 23H Am Linseed pf 42 Am Locomotive 00 Am Locomotive pf . . . . 102)f UY2H 102)1 Am aiau Am Malt pf 33jj nm omen Her 102 Am Smelt Pf A 03U Am btcoi Foundries... r,7H Am Sucar Itef 113 AtnTc ft Tel 127H 1273. Am TntiArrn inii m-i am lonpr new hxjij 10OW PJfl 0 tkVi 102t( r,7 113 0 33' i 100 1)3 nr,u 11:1 22 30Ji Kill C9JJ 184 02H 70 118 I00!f no 63!, 605 1 31 23' 4W 0.V, 102! 0 :i ltiiM 03 cox 113 WHEAT MOVED UP; HEAVY EXPORTS Gulf Ports Getting Most of the Business Adverse Crop News a Factor Am Woolen tr rcti Am Woolen pf t r... Am Writing Pa pf. .. Am Zinc b ft Sm... Anaconda Cop M. .. Associated Oil Atch Top ft S V. ... Atcli Top H V ft Pf. 4Mf Ami . 07 08 . HU 12i . 70)i 78 . 8!),' 00U . 00! i 00H .mm Ift'lU 102!S 1(12!$ 10m 102 101,'i 102 127 J 127H IS8 100 100 48l OTA 12H 70H 8HS 00 J i 185 07ii 12! i 70 81) 001 AH Coast Lino lltu lllJi 111! UIH Jadwln Loco Works. .lll'f W2H llOJf 111 Ilaltlmoro ft Ohio K7M mi S7 n? Jiaiopnas Minlnc 2U 2'f Ilothlehem Steel -IGlHi JODH Urooklyn Hap Tr nr,i xri Brown Shoe pf 95 nJ! Hiitto ft Superior 88 88'i Cal Petroleum 32'f ,'I1J Canadian Pacific 172!f 171 More Stockholders of Pennsylvania Railroad The number of stockholders of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company on Jatiuary 31 was 93,455, an Increase of 1477 over January 31, 1915. Tho aver ago holding was 106.86 shares, a decrease of 1.71 shares from a year ago. Of tho total number of stockholders at the end of Jnnuary this year 33,564 were In Pennsylvania, 16,093 In New York, 16,130 In New England, 10.977 In foreign countries nnd 16,681 scattering. Women stockholders numbered 45,662, or 48.87 per cent, of tho totnl, nnd they held 2S.16 per cent, of the total 6,985,314 shares outstanding. During tho period between January 31, 1915 and 1916, tho number of foreign stockholders decreased 935, nnd their holdings decreased from 14.63 to 13.02 per cent, of the total outstanding shares. Two-Year Rock Island Notes Extended Tho $7,500,000 6 per cent, two-year notes of tho Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railway, duo today, are being extended for six months on a G per cent, basis, with tho same collateral. Tho notes of tho holders who aro unwilling to accept extensions aro being taken over by William A. Read & Co., who purchased the Issue two years ago. The notes have become an obligation of tho receiver. Tho Rock Island has now no pressing financial problems apart from debenture Interest until March 29, when tho Rankers' Trust lien of $1,600,000 and tho Central Trust loan of $2,500,000 again become due. The six days of grace for payment of debenture Interest continues until March 15. Copper Companies' January Production Tho January production of copper of tho Kcnnecott Copper Corporation was 10,000,009 pounds, bringing tho total for the eight months ended January 81 last up to over 73,000,000 pounds. Tho averago cost of production for the eight months was 4.54 cents per pound. Tho production of the Braden Copper Company for January was 4.400,000 pounds, and tho averago cost of produc tion was approximately 771 cents per pound. Tho Kcnnecott is about to make application to tho New York Stock Exchange for the listing of Its stocks. Steel Corporation New Business 65,000 to 70,000 Tons a Day New business of tho United States Steel Corporation Is running between 65,000 nnd 70,000 tons n day, compared with shipments of approximately 46,000 tons. On account of congested conditions tho Steel Corporation has been compelled to decline a large amount of business, and there is no relief In sight. CANADIAN STOCKS SOFT ON N. Y. CURB General List Reacted in Sympa thy With Wall Street Aetna Explosives Active New York Bond Sales NEW YORK, Feb. 16. Speculation In the market for outsldo securities today was on a fair scale, with tho trading moro evenly distributed. After a gener ally firm opening', with substantial ad vances In the moro active Issues, a re actionary tendency developed In sympa thy with the stock market, which carried values materially, In many Instances, be low last nlghfa level. The proposed Ca nadian tax of 25 per cent, on numerous Canadian Issues also helped tho down ward move. Canadian Car and Foundry were offered at liberal concessions, although business "was limited. Nlplsslng developed heaVl- ness, while other Issues were affected. Mtdvalo Steel, after an Improvement, de clined, but Poole Engine and Machinery was qn exception, moving up about 2 paints, Aetna Explosives was rather heavily dealt In at a small recession. lNDUSTHIAUS, Mfc DM. Aakei, 8"ir:::::: Am.nrttllh Atl (Jul( ft 4 pr Am iUrconl AJax Hubbr Ine w t , Cnilln Cur &. Kdy Can Car Kdy pfd ... Charrolct Motor Oar Chandler Motors Cuban Cane Sue&r .... Curtlu Aerop , lr!is-8eubury KmerHOQ ..........' lU.kell & Barker Cur Inttr Mr Martiw HVi later uer uanno via "! Kellv-Hurlmneld ?. 23 W)V4 ..... 43 ::::: & ..... 83 130 (121, BO .... 1 1-J 4!) Vtt jattr Mcr Marino pld J(eily-aprinneii ...-. Kathodlon Urania pia ' Minbatun Trarult uaxim Munitions MIdvala Btetl .... OtU EUvator .... Otto uuenlobr w 1 do Pt a . . . . " Voolo En & Mach St Joseph Lead ... H S Krcas w 1 , . Standard Motors . , tJunmarlna Upat -TrUnsta Film V t United . SIK M U WOW 27 11.1 It -2W 0 IT ; fi ctfa ctfa . rmflt ftharlnr .... U3 u&t & neat . ;; dO PM . ,,M,...M t White Molar w t , 60 World Film 1 STAN0AUD Oik SUBSIDIARIES. IlUaola V I ,.,., ,.. ..?!' Ohio Oil 217 a O of California, ...,.,, ...,.-jl 8O11I New Jersey ....,.,,..... .517 ft Ooi Haw York ,...319 OTHER Oil STOCKS. Barnttt Oil H Coadcn Oil .,....,,,..,.,,.,...,. 5 gaalmera Oil ,.,,... ,,.,,...., o ouaton Oil , M Udwiet Refining- u Sapulpa lll.MUU nwuaa, AtUnU Cirro do Paaco ....... Butte OlZtt ctfa . Butte NT Klrat National Copper . - tioltJUiM Merger llccU MlcJne llswe Sound i . j OV, S3 305 40 4 73 70 IK) 133 Ml taw, 145 ViV, GO 30 1SH 111 7:1 sa 101 .Stt m id 10 38 S i of 183 HO 373 tzt SIS 8 SI tti 1JH so 40 1U Kt Jim Butter JVibo ISxterulon Kennecstt Copiwr WeK3Jay-DauaK .... UtiM of America MlpU IB UK T 7U PI 90 11-18 m OH 51K 111 i MaiiiBa ceppor Bliuinir- IflneM Ca 7 &Tov 1H Ft Bad Con. 77 t't fc.-d Exteala s BONoa . f,r Rtf P. Unit (JWu it to a ruw tM Vjim Kd U JliJ4ll m 4! 3 7U 111 Ml 3 nv, 4-ia , IS? High, .virjo Adams Kxpreaa 4s .... H.1 i'Ofni Amer Airr deb .'m HU 000 Amer rot Oil r.a 7'i SStooo Anslo-Krench lian 5s. 113 7(KH) Amer Illdo A: I. 3....104t4 10(0 Amer Tel clt 4s nam MOOD Amer Tel cvt 4tjs lOUVi (XXK) Armour Co 4i l3 400i Allan Co I.lnc lat 4s.. .'l HiH) Atlnn Co Line clt 4s.. WIT, rioo Unit & Ohio 3'js tfl'J Hull Halt fs Ohio 4s Ifl 17.VXI Halt K Ohio cv 4Hs-. Is .VKKI Hetli men rfd .'.s Wl-'i 4()( Hrookll II T 3s 1IIIS...10.1 MNJO Cal (ias & i:iuc r,s.... US', NK Cent leather iRt 3a..lOJ'4 11.00 Cent IMc 1st 4s Ii .iooO cent It H N J ri lis Siroo Chill Conner 7n W3H 0OOO Ches & Ohio His .2K .tviai Chi B & Q Joint 4s... O.S 1000 do Ken 4s PI looQ do ill :n sni W)O0 Chl Mil & St P cv ."is. .10714 M do CV 4H 100 1000 do gen 414s .,. 104 2COO Col Industrial 55 7!H1 10OO Cumberland Tol fls. . . PO'J 1000 Del & Hud rfd 4s HUH 100CO Den a Rio Or 4s 7Hi looo Detroit ISdlson 1st 3s..louI )0o Detroit United 4Us 7714 UOOO DIs ecur Corp Ss. . . . 73; MX Krlo conv 4s sor A 73 3000 at falls Pow 3s 100 3WOO Oen Eleo deb Cs 10t; looo o rent Nor nnl 3000 Hock Val 4Vj ai UK'O Indiana Steel ns....lo.'l SOIKKI Iowa Central ref 4s.. (in 1.1000 Interb Met 414s 74li noon Interb II T ref Ss.. !",; 13IOOO Inter Mer Mar ct 4Us, 07 Mono Japanese new -Is 731? 4000 ICan City Ho 1st 3s... 70LJ 1000 Kan City Ter 1st 4s.. RS'J 2io Uicka Steel 3a iiei...iooi 30 Iicka Steel 3s 11)50. . . 03 10OO I. Sh deb 4a 1B2S 03 SfillOO I.k Sh deb 4 1U31 03 lono U; & M T 3s inriti Wio Uk M T 7s U'7 3000 Manhattan 4s 11211 .UM Mex 1'et Co Hs Ser A. 110 3000 Mex I'et Co lis Ser B.UO 1300O Minn & St I. 4a 61 lsmi Minn 8 P H H M la.. ftl ;iu") Mo Kan & T lit a.... 771i a in -us nnr' 43" 7IH4 lon ...ioi; Low R3 tlSti 07 '4 nil 03H 101114 !S 03ti sH H'lli 1)3 ri7: io'ji; UK)'!, litis 103 i mi?; 11H 1.12 0314 04 Sd'l 107H I0O)i 101 731 PO'i Ortii 7S"1 lOHl 77(4 73J 73 1(10 Close. K3 lli'i 0114 104', 11314 10ll-, OS 03 IWU 113 1I71 lirjTj tl)0T ISI, 103 l 11R i:i2'i 03i III Srt'i KI7S i(x!i lot 73 no'S OH 78J.J 101 77 V, rty, ino l4't 10IT4 II!!1,!, tWni 10100 do iikki uo oa 1(X) Mo Pac 4s. . . 3001) ,io rt Sa... 3000 do Oa 400t) Nat Tube ns 1000 N V Air Brake cvt Oa.lOlC 30IO SYfitH 314s R1 hood n y a & Hud 4H-... MS 1233110 S Y Cent U..... 11S'4 100.) JT Y City 4s 1033 PS iion do 4Hs itxn 1074 jnooo NY Rwy ref 4 77V, . . I. 'V. 03 10.1 30 741? 1)1144 IM1V, 73 7014 100 (J OS ns Ut',4 loniJ 137 110 iin 01 4714 tWm 714 loot! 10 10IU Mil 31 ais OfvU 1"IH or, lfi roil, 74)1 OIK. 70 U SS'i ino)J iw 1)3 113 ln-'Hi 137 U31i 110 110 r.t ?? 4714 Wt, 70'4 100W lOHi 10t Kill 1)314 11R 1WH 107 ur. nut in 11KOOO do adl 3a... )0O N Y tate 4Wa... 130DO N Y Tel aen 4Ms. 33000 Norf & West 4 ttl'4 3000 do cv 414s... llflti ItrtM) North Pao prior 4s . . P41? 3.VM) do en ikii! lono Ore & fal Sa toa soon Paclllo Tel 3a tni 1000 do gen ct 4 lis 102i) iuu i-eopies uai os .... looo Public Serv N J . 3tai iteaoina; gen 4s & R 7714 7714 (I2t R2l( 114X4 111'5 101 . 00: . 113 . 00' . KOI . 7S .loss BU' ")!'. 72 3001) Iter, I 4 S Ss 3000 St T. I M & S 4s. ... , looo st I. Swn ut 4s .... 1) Seaboard A 1. ad Sa 10OCW1 South Beth 3s . . , . . loooo South l'ac cv 4a . . ,, , limoo do cv ret t p 5.., 2000 do rfd 4a 2tV.N) South Itwv een 4s.. lt0 Term Asan St U ref 4s 87ti nmju Texas li ua.. , SUA1 :) Tnira Are 1st 3s.,,..ini 2000 Third Ave adj & 84 lOflO Trl-Clty Ba OiMi 10000 II S Rubber 8a..,. .,.lai(i StioflO ir H Steel Ba 1 10ft aim Union Pao 1st 4a .... 07 2000 Union Pax cv 4a MK iSSS SftvnV".?. ' S5 IIWI ,VWBI, U UQ ,,.,.., 1KI vmu vviit aia 1st 4S 72 1001) Weat Bbora na 4s to 1000 Wheeling ec U E 4s. . ' 0314 K1V, m ni mi on 103 I'O'J 101 101 oo-ll win "TA lrTl Yi 101 101i R noiS not! i on no '4 M)t4 W'i K 7Sf 7K4? , i..r j.' WI'.m If)'., TttL .' K 87t? 872 A 10314 iaiu 107 107 HI 81 ooH i mi ion 104X4 104U 07g 01 i! o.ii mi WV, 084 08 08 14 7311 7214 u Ktiii tail i 0014 UIVj NEW YORK BUTTER AND EGGS NEW YORK. Keb. 1& - BUTTER -Market strong. Receipts, 3033 packages. Extra cream- creamery 2Xi2lc and tuuwttUd Rtwcinta 8ttSSK 2$t:Js& ."SS-3BfiJf.t " -ns-fc. m- ary. USUc . higher scoring. dairy. Use. touutlosx creame WJ08 Market lower and uu fiS! m,i 02 08! i 13 .'li! n.) 128U H 7tMi Can.nllan Poulhern-. Central Ix-alher Chosapeako & Ohio... Chlno topper Chllo Copper Chicago fit West Chlcaco fit W pr.... Chl Mil A. SI 1 Chl Mil A. SI V pf. , . Chl & Northwestern. . Chl It I & l'ac Cluett l'ca & Co Col Fuel & Iron Consolidated Gas Continental Can Corn Products Ilef. . . Corn Prod Itef pf Ofili V.UUUIU f?CCl Crucible- Stoet pf Cuban-Am Sucar Denver & Kb Gr Denver & Hlo Or pf. Detroit United Hys. . Diamond Match Distill fce Corpn Dome Mines Dul S S & All pf. . . . Klcc Storacc Hat Krlo Erie 1st pf Krlo 2d pf Fed Mln & Sm pf.... Gen Chemical Gen Chemical pf General Klcctrlc (icneral Motor. General Motors pf Goodrich II F Granby Consol Greenc-Cananca Great Northern pf. .. . (it Nor cfs for oro pr. Kit mi mi JMi ViH 35J-05H 128' 2H 2H IGMj 4001S W HV,i OCH !)(! MIX 88 .-10), III 100 J i 10015 fisn r,sn l'iO'S 120 10,U 10W (Ulj mi V2H ;ir.ji im-i 12S 128J KHH mi 01.14 r,7H 2.i'li 12!i 'MM 04 12 CHICAGO. Pel). 16. Wheat Miowed further Rtrennth toilny cIouIhr within He. of the hlfflient nt lW,i for Mny, ftKnlnst M-2SU at tho end yoatcrdny and within Uo. of tho best for July at jt.M'.i compnrod with $1.21 at tho close ycfltcr tlny. Adverse clop Iiowb from tho South west niiil a cotillniicd Ocmaiicl from abroad were tho liillueiices. Toclay'H export sales wero estimated lit 000,000 bushels. Gulf ports are Retting much of tho busi ness, because Canadian lines are too busy on Government orders to handle wheat west of the lakes. pendliiR n larccr supply of venuelM nt the seaboard. There was some strong speculative buylnp; locally ami not a groat deal of pressure on the market. Larger local shorts took May and spread ers purchased May anil sold .Inly. I'roOt taking was Indulged In at times. Tho Price Current's quotation report wob bullish. It said that cold and snowy weather over the winter wheat belt hud allayed speculation ns to the condition of tho new crop, hut that statements from all sections described tho plant ns looking brown and tied up In Ico so that heavy damage might ho expected. It Indicated Hint Government Investigators had re ported that tho grain aphis, the green bug, had survived tho winter, and that It hnd been found In Texas, Oklahoma, t"Tisas, Missouri, Tennessee and Ken tucky. I.ihiIIiir futures ranged ns follows Sales in Philadelphia II An Ran 12.1 100 Amer Milling.. 74 20 Am Rlwys ... .,2!) too Unldwln Uko..111 High, t.ow. Clow. 3.1 Drill i'o cum 312 Cum MS P.leo ion rcrie J o.. iron . . Steel... 8torwre. lt Clen Asphalt . tw ins uo N Am. . prer. II 40 Si 3.1 20 70 nn i- T.l 74W 1-k Sup Corp'. ...12 .13 l.cli!.n .Nnv ... ,7 102 lhlgh Vnl .... 7S'i Wi Leh Vnl Tran.. 31 .lis do rref 4'in loir." Pa It mi road flitt 40 l'a Knit Mrg...lnMl on rn steel ('i I2HI3 do I'M Oll.i i.io rniia .o -wy, ., no cum pin 430 Phlta Klcc .. IWZ I II T IP ..Ira :) riiiia Trno .. inyi t." Headlnir 78(4 lot Tonopah lie! .. 4'i iv.il Cnlon Trac .. 414 112 United (ins 1... Wi 2D-.I." I; S Steel tfllji 3D W Cramp ft S .7 N York Itwy pf.. n.l I30NDS. 44 28 lll'i ia.1 J? ui lll'S ."ill 40 81 11.1 a I ni 2311 i 78 21 4:iVj 3 1 03W 41 2?!4 '". 7014 78 I'l 4'f FS 8 77 ;iii in 2D 11IT4 .17 40 81 113 BT m 20 70 11 7 if 02W OO'l OSli 42 44 2S ,n. 7IU4 78 4-lf. Net chge. -"s - 4 '- "8 1614 i -J: PENNA. STEEL SHARES HIT NEW TrSI CONTROL MAY CHANGE HANDS T0d Heavy Trading in the Shares, as Well as in Lako 111 perior General List PirmLittlp tB Change in Money Rates i f M n V. 200 Am O A 11 Hi. lit Sooo All -City 1st ns.t02ii looo tteth Steel in ..IZOM 3000 tlleo d I Tr 4s. Nt'i Khssi Hey Tel 1st ft, in) M.v I.k H On Ine 4s .14 tj I no" Tit Co gen I6h.102M .'KiOO tlo COIIH 4l..10li'j CIIPOH I'H A Mil St lis. Illl 2(KK) I Mil III & 14 r fts.ioalj aKKI riil I Co cons fls l 21K10 iln 1st IW 10114 liK) Philn Klec Gn. 101 .'Iikki Itemllng Ken 4s l."!4 Imoii HttMKl tins as. Utlth tCiisn unle. i Incrensc. Dcercnse. High. Low. irrj'J irjuit no 1011H 101 iiii; ,.03 loili 113 tWfl Net Dose. chae. 0214 103'i U 120U 81 .13 10M 101. 10.114 1)3 10114 101 0.-.J4 t14 a Wheal Mny .lulv Corn (new ilrllyrry- Open. Illirh. 1.2814 l.fiMt 1.221J 1.2.11, 10 i;m SOJj 21Ji 05!.' k2ii 8,'i'i ii4ji ma 100 202 10; i 10 0 . H7H .100 A7U . 20h . 1 01 a . 00 . :)7)i . mi . 47 . r,m .200 .lvo.'i 185 .am . 72H . 07 . 47.X 4S.X .121H 121 40 10 10 71 H -15- 13H.X SO 21W or.js 80J4 112 10S 10 hS (iucKcn Eipln Illinois Central Int Acrlcultural Int Asrlcultural pf ... Int Con Cor v t c sh. Int Consol Corp pf . . . Insp Con Cop Int Paper Co pf Int Nickel v t cfs Int M M cfs of dp.... Int M M pf cfs of dp. Kan City Southern.... Kan City South pf.... Lack Steel Io Itubber & Tiro. . . . I.chlch Valley Lone Island I.ouls & Nash Mackay Cos JIackay Cos pf ll.nl.., t.'lm. ,.l ,n. y . .... ..laujiai. i-.iu, niu Ifcll.'S l.llji llaiucll Motors OOJj 00 Max Motors 1st pf.... 873$ 87' Max Motors 2d pf.... 51 511, 100 if Mi 20 10 03 :i7!,' ai 47 C4)i 280 11W,' 170)5 170 480 480 li: i li.') 73 72'f DO'S Vri 47! i 120' j 45W 21,', III 71i5 40 1.-14 . 80J4 21 M 80)ii 1I2H 108 10 10? a XN 105U 10014' 47 2.1! i 10 03 ta 47 (-.1 280 llfll,' JV,i 215S uxm loim 10.U5 lm.'i 47 20 10 os i)7a S2'j 47 61 280 115,'S 170 INI 113 72! ', 03 47 120.15 45! 5 215. Julv O.its Mnv .. July .. Uird May ... Julv ... ttlbs .Mnv ... July ... I'ork May . . . July Illr 4i, I'M, 10..17 10.37 11.17 lt.r,.-, . ... 20.7 . . . . 20.7 tAslil'd. rn't 7'i l!)l.) 10.43 in.i It. 112 11.73 20.07 21.00 Ivii. 1,28'i 1.32 48'-', 4llli 10. .10 lo.r.n Vpft'rlnv'fl Close, close. 1 ;i''. tl 1.2.Ti 711 id III'', 4IVV, 10.42 lll.l.l i.ai'4 178 list, 48'; lli',4 tin.20 io.:i7 11.02 Ml. 10 11.72 ni.M ro 20.03 ft 2D.II7 t:i).r.o 20.113 21 iuu 71' 40i 10 JJ25. IV, t GS15 .. 27 . 00' 5 .. 78 -. COW . 78!i .. 2115 ..KSH . Ki . 0715 3 t3'i in?; 72 4GJi 40 531; 15 osw 201J uo;; 77 mi 7H 2H5 124'; 8IK5 n; 23 lUli :ow 71?; 40 40 id 13?,' tin'; 2QH co?; 7n; mi 7755 21)5 124 N)Jj 07 130 OS? i 87 1!; I i3; ni); 71J U)H 40 48 M; 07? 20' i co?; 70?; 51 '3 77!. 21W 121 SO? i 07 130 GO 87) i MIS (.8 IIS . 5W . 51$ .113 . 70 OH 30!; an 14)5 5),' 015 30?; 5lj 1415 113 113 7fiW 7W Mexican Petroleum.... 103U 110!f I07W 107J4 illUHl Ou 3L 1.UUU )4 Miami Copper 37JJ Mo Kan & Texas 0 Mo Kan & Texas pf . . 14 -Missouri Pacific Missouri Pac tr cfs... Montana Power pf. . . Nat Cloak & Suit.... Nat Cloak & Suit pf . Nat Knam & S Co... National Lead Nat leys Mex 1st pf. Nev Con Copper New York Air llrako. N Y XII ill NYC41I ft X Y 0 & West Xorfolk & Western. . . Northern Pacific Ont Silver Mln Pacific Mall Pennsylvania It It... Peoples Has Chl Philadelphia Co Pitts Coal CoX J..., Pitts Coal X J pf- Pitts Kt W & C 157; 158 IBS Pressed S Car Co 58 as 5S Pressed S 0 Co pf...,102?; 103 103 rullman Co 10314 10 IW 10 IW Quicksilver 6 fiH 5W nySteelSp 4IW 42 40j Kay con Copper 25H 25W 25X "eaomc ,, Headlns 1st pf 43H Republic I & S rVHi Ilepubllc I & S pf 110 Hock Island if StLouls&SF 5 Seaboard Air Line 17W Seaboard Air Ltnu pf. . 37J5 Soars Koo 4 Co 180 Shat Arizona Copper- 38i south I'orto it sue-...lot Southern Pacific Southern Pac Ir cfj. Southern Ity Southern y pf Standard Milling..., Sludebaler Co Tenn Copper Texas Co Texas Pacific , Union Bag & Paper. United Clzar Stores. United Cigar S pf UJ united Clear Mfrs.... ROM 0)5 37)5 5)5 14)5 5!; 5!i 11315 70' i 112)5 11215 112)5 112)5 ii 10'; 20' 20); 70) 70)5 00)5 00)5 23)5 23)5 23'5 23'5 1015 10)5 KiW I0?i 148); 150 118 148 . 09 00 08!; 08K .10551 100'; 101M 10.S . 28 27 27 27 .117)5 117)5 HOW 116l .113W 113W 11251 112-; 7?; 715 7)5 7)5 . 10)5 15J5 15)5 1SJ.5 . 57! ( 57)5 57 57 .103)5 103)5 I03W 10315 . 42 41?; 4IW 41W . 32 32)5 31H 31H .100 100M 100JJ 100)5 158 58 103 iod; 5)5 40)5 25)5 77H 43 52?; 110 U W 17 3S 180 37); 102 00)5 117 20J5 50 to.'n 10.D j jou iouhi 59 50 58); 58?; 212H 213 200); 210W OW 7! 7 7); 7 7); 7H 7)5 u u un UJ in; n; ibs fi0)5 00)5 no5 SECURITIES AT AUCTION Tho follmvlnir sciirltlcs ucio oh at miction torlny by llariies H Lnllninl: llOXDS. 1.300 Columbia riuli. scrip 2." .300Chiiutnuiii.i Assembly, ft per cent.. Ilrst nitne., inupons Mi iincl Nmcmber, iluo Hay 1, 1020. 5 ftOOSiirlnvnelil Water (n,, 3 per rent. innsoiiii.upii miKe., rnupuns Mnn-li and 5icpt.. duo lli'JO a-,00 North Sprlnmiold Water Co.. 3 tier cent., Ilrnt mlpn.. coupons .Ian. ami July, due 11)28 2.000 Consolidated tins Co.. I'lttsbtlrRli, I'a.. 3 jut tent.. Hist mtni.. coupons I'VI), ami Auir.. duo 1DIS S.OOO United Tuicllon Co.. IMttsliurKb. I'.-i.. 3 per cent., general nitKc., coupons Jan. nnd July, ilun lull. 130 Camden Itepubllcnn Club, ft per cent.. Ilrst nitRc.. coupons April nml October, due tl)2il (October I, 1013, coupons attached). .. .Lot 'J UTOCKS. I shr.i. Pourtb Kt. Nut. Hank, pnr JlOO.fJOO 7 do 2110 Hi-Ins. (llr.ird Nat. Hank, pnr $100.... ."ill .10 anr. rnlla. anil cnmilen I-rrry to. nnr sr.o 3 shrs. Wnlllnitpr Water I'o., par $.VI. 100 tbrs. ('piilriil Trust nml SjvIuks Co. par J.M ll.'lsbrs. I'l-nples Nat. Klro Ins. Co. par $23 4 stirs. I'blla. llotirse. com., par $.")). 3 shrs. llelnmnt Drlvlnir Clul 10 shrs. Credit ClearliiK House, com.. 20 HhrH. Credit flearlmr Houiie, prer... 2 sbrs. Weht .Ipriievnnil Seni.hiirii It. It 111. iMipr l:il L'li.ir.mlppil) ."! hills. Ilnnk of North Amer., par JK'i) 23i) I sbrs. Hank ot North Amer.. par PHI 2311 2 i.hr. I-nurth St. Nat. Hank, par S100. 1 Olrnrel Nat. Hank, pnr $100 I shrs. I Vim National Hank, par stud.. 3 shrs. Fidelity Trust Co., par $100... 10 ill, 3 shrs. Franklin Tr. Co.. par $30.... II shrs. (Ilrnnl Tr. Co.. par $100 20slirs. ltliii.nboue Tr. Co.. nar $30. . . . 3 sbrs. rhlla. urchnusliiK and Cold Htorniro Co., par $100., Pli 8 sbrs. Flro Apso. of rhlla., par $.'i). . . . .llftVj ft shrs. 1-Vunklln I-'lie Ins. Co., par $23. r.0 .".oshrs. Kant 1'enn.i. It. It. Co., par $30. 11" lischrs. I'lillu. and Darby lly. Co 113 13 sbrs. Frnnktord and Soutlnvnrk (fttb and lltb .Sts.) Pass. Ity. Co. .'150 ft slirs. I'Vunkfurd and Siiutlnvnrk (3tli and Hill Sts.) I'iism. Ity. Co .130 10 sbrs. Citizens (loth and 11th Sts,) Pass. lly. Co 273?i 20 shrs. Hcktonvltle, Muiuun aul Fair mount I'.isa. Ity. Co., pref CO 1 shr. J. 11. Hti'tson Co.. com., par $101). 3.VI snri. iveysiono waten uaso co par $101) 101 shrs. Pratt Food Co., par $1 23 fchrs. Phlln. Hoursc. pref., par $23. .. 1 shr. P.t. Academy ot tho Flno Arts. Local Bid and Asked linn 211 m 30 . fti'l, lll'i am ii.to t .V.04 n:io 50 Todsy Yesterday Hid. Asked. Illrt. Asked. Ikildwln Ill 11114 113., 113.4 Hull ft Rua t a .'UiVj 41)15 .'lo'.S 4ul4 Huir sus t c pfd.... no 111 mi ill llrlll JO nil rai .'13. .'if Oilllbrl.l Hlrel Ml SI 80J4 8i Klnctrlc HtoniKo ill 03 "' Wl tlcneml Asphiilt .'VI l 2tS W (leu Asp pfd 70 71 TOW 71'i K'-rlmiP Tel U'i 1 1'i lllf HJ'j do I c Hii 1115 141i 114 1,11 iil-pf ,0 71 70 71 l-iike Hup Cnrii 1114 11'i Uli I'Di lhmh Nov 7irii -, 77 77'i Lehigh Vnlley 77'i "', 78 7S LehlKh Val Tr 21 21 i 2014 21 lln pref Ill"; 4:ll 42 42'j Penniylvnln ft" 3.1, ft"t; ft"!- I'blla Klpi-trlc 27'4 28 S7ts 2S I'hlluilolplila Co -li", 421,1 42 4:1 do 3 per cent, pr .... .'13 117 113 117 do 11 nor cent, pr 44 4114 4:1 44 I'hlla n T Ill 20 11114 20 im t c im; 3d iini 20 ltpndlni,' 77'4 78 T'.'f 70 TonnpHh llplmont .... 4S 414 4, 4', Tonnpali Mining '.'1 7 1P4 7 Union Trnctlon -I.H, 44 4:1 4 V (Ins Imp SSI jm; ssij 8sv I' H Steel SI K'llj N't, M Vork Itwy H pl.5 J?4 do pref .14 .13 .'II ."..-. Wm Crnmp t c 7:1 PO 72 CO Kx illvldend. Financial Briefs Tho Iron Trndo Review will say to morrow: "I'mctleally nil commcdltles, except plfr Iron nnd scrap, contlnuo tlielr mitrch townrd higher price levels, shat tering till previous records. The pljr Iron market nnd tho market for Conncllsvlllu coke oro quiet, although prices nre bo I11K hold fairly well. A rcmnrkablo spec tacle of railroads beKKliiB mills to tnko tonnuBo of steel plates and shapes for the manufacture of cars and not beliiB able to place orders, continues the strik Ins feature of tho present situation. Ship builders are In a similar position." A -16-polnt rlso In Glrard National Bank shares was a feature of today's local auc tion sales of securities. Hnnk of North America was up 11 nnd Citizens' Passon ser Hallway 1055. Fourth Street National Hank advanced TO. whllo Stetson fell 11. si 2iJ 21 7855 43 53H 110 H Vi 17 38 180 3SJf 105 oo'; 100 117?; 117 21 20J5 59 50 01 0015 7755 43 52H HO 55 4?; 17 37; 180 37) 162 0055 117 20J5 50 oo Union Pacific I33J5 13W 13215 133 union raciuo pi :j 83S &'! 8.155 V 8 lnd Alcohol IM 155)5 IS! 133 U B lnd Alcohol pf. . .106 106H 106H 100)5 United Hrult Co J48H 149 148)( I46H USCIP&K J8J5 19 10 10 U. 8 C I P A F pf -. . . 40); 49J5 497i 40!i unueu lly hit uo. . . uj ibj jo un nys inr co pi atl' 31 U 8 Itubber 5IJ5 521; U S Rubber 1st pf.... 10055 107 U S Steel Corpn 835; 84)5 u express 4a Utah Securities, Utah Copper Va-Caro Chem Va Iron Coal & 0.. Wabash Wabash pf A Wabash pf H Wells Fargo Exp West K&M ,. Western Marjland,., West Union Tel WUljs OTerlind.-.,. Wisconsin Central. ion . 84J5 . 47)5 . .5815 . 1451 -. 43)5 27H I251; 125 . 67J 67J, . 27Jf 27 . BO 88U .215 211)5 tH4 JO 45 10 85)5 47)5 5IJ5 14)5 44 27Jj Woolworth V W 122 122 30H 51)5 107 82? 45 10 83' i 46); 61J,' 14)5 4355 27JJ 125 ea)f 27 88 210 30 121 16 31 51)5 107 83 45 10 83J5 405; 64J5 14)5 4355 27H 125 60H 27 88H 210 36 121 per cent. Wootwwth V W pf,... 124)5 124); 124)5 121?-f DIVIDENDS DECLARED Uackay Companies, recular dividend on common and preferred at tho rata of 0 ser ,an, nav annum nn nz.mn.nn ...... 7 - " " w. .a w- V..HHU. WH VVMMU.WM W1.I4 ycr awiuui vn proerrra. reaerai atinin uiar. abla rt.., i.-.- a.. i-:. zz .r -. Liu,, ulbleb ainii 11uu1iM.nr. rwrumn nia.... 14 par nt on first preferred, payable ADrll 1 to atock of record Mard) 13. v" Cuban American Buiar Company raaular quarterly IK pr cent, pn preferred and 2L pac vast, oa fcomjnon. payablt AprU 1 t stock ot record March, IS. Raadlni; Comntny. reiular quarterly 1 par 'ft. mmctaA preferred, payatila April llTo- deral Mlnlnz and fimeltlna- Company, tte auarterly I par cot. on preferred. pay March & to stock ol record Februaryffl. FOREIGN EXCHANGE NEW YORK. Feb. l.-Tho feature of the forclBn oxclianeo market In tho Ilrst hour of Inisinoss todny was further strciiBtl) in Russian cxchaiiBc, duo to tho Impending loan nsrecments. Tho roily lias so far extended to about 3 points from tho extreme low llsuro sov ernl weeks nso. OpenlnB quotations were Sl?i anil 31Ts. Sterling- was quiet and not appreciably changed from yes terday's final tlsuies. French cxchaiiBe was fractionally hotter at B.S7 for cables and S.S"?. for checks. Demand stcrllns 4.73 15-1C, cables 4.7G',j, rciclismarks 73 C-1C and 73. This only a shado abovo the lowest llguro this week. Other quota tions wero: Llro cables, 6.70',!.; checks, C.7I; Swiss cables, 5.22'.i; checks, B.22?i; Vienna, 13.33 and 13.40; Stockholm, 23.30 nnd 23.33; guilders, 4211 and 42; pesetas, 10 nnd 19.03. Tho market wus only moderately active. RATES FOR MONEY , Call Time New York iliWS 2!4f::t Philadelphia .'HltM a(fl4 lioston :i 4 ej4li Chicago ;mif m Commercial paper, three to six months, rhlla. delphla, :i)5tfl per cent. LOCAL MINING STOCKS TONOPAH STOCKS. ., ., Did. Asked. Jim Uutler 113 .on MacNamara 02 .04 Midway , 14 to Mlzpah Extension 10 .21 Montana , ,.,. ,21 27 North Ktar , 14 ,(5 Tonopah Ilelmont , 414 4U Tonopah Extension 4i 41,. 'llonopah Mlnlne a u'J Jtcseue Kula ,07 .08 West End 77 ,70 COLDFIULD STOCKS. Atlanta 10 ,0 Hluo Hull 02 ,0.1 ioo;li an ail llulldos 02 .03 C O D 03 .01 Comb Frnj on .07 Dlamonneld n II 02 .01 Ralsy 01 .03 Florence 43 .414 tioldfleld Consolidated 01 .1)3 (ioldfleld Meriter is .16 Jumbo Extension 1,10 1.12 Kewanaa 17 .is gro 01 .03 Sand Ken 03 ,00 Silver I'lck 03 .01 MISCELLANEOUS. Fairy Aitoo 01 ,03 Klmberly ,. 01 ,03 Nevada IUU 17 .10 Arizona Un so .33 Nevada Wonder 1.75 ,.s.i Tho preferred stockholders' committee of the International Mercantile Marine Company held a meeting In Now York to day, after which It was stated nothing of Importance happened. Thcro appears to uu a growing feeling in VS'nll street that the preferred and common stock holders' committees will, como together between now nnd the date set by the court for a hearing In tho matter. Those in closo touch with the situation, how ever, maintain that there Is no present Indication of such a development. Owing to Inability to get a quorum, the regular monthly meeting of tho Lehigh Valley Itnllroad directors was not held today, being postponed until tomorrow nt 3 o'clock. Tho Standard Oil of California reports for the year ended December 31, 1915. net proOts after depreciation $9,520,016, against (10,053 333 In 1911. Tho Butto nnd Superior reports for quarter ended December 31, 1915, net earnings of ,3.093,793, ngainst J2.761.839 In previous quarter. Earnings per share wore J11.35, or at rate of 315,40 a year. DIVIDENDS KENNECOU COPPER CORPORATION 120 Broadway. New York, February 1, 1810. DllIDEM) NO, I, The Board of Dlrectora of the Kennecott Cop per Corporation has this day declared a dlvl dend ot One Dollar (f 1.00) per share, for the quarter endlns March 31, 1016, payable March 31, 1016, to stockholders ot record at the. close of business at 3 p. rn., March 10. 1010. Trans fer hooka will close at 3 p m., March 10, 1018, and reopen March 20, 1018. at 10 a. m. KENNECOTT COl'l'Elt (JOIU'Olt.lTION Dy C T. ULTUCH. Secreta ry. THE LEHIGH COAL 1 AND NAVIGATION Dividend No. 1JB Philadelphia, January 20. 1918. The Board of Managera this day declared a quarterly dividend of, two per cent. (II per share), on the Capital Stock of the Com pany, payable lebruary loie, to stock holders aa registered on the books of the company at 3 o clock p. m., Jauuary 31, 1910. Checks will be mailed to stockholder who have tiled permanent dividend orders. HK.NIU H- PEASE, Secretary. 'DllS AME1UCAN GAS COMPANY 104 Market Street, I'uutden, N. J. Philadelphia, Pa., February 13. 1010. A quarterly dividend of t, or 3.00 per hare, baa been declared on the rapital atock of thla company, payable March 1. 1914, to the stock holders of record at o'clock 1. M.. February 19, m. Check Will be mallea- 7. B. TOWNSSNO, B4, Tressiimi Tax Exempt in Pennsylvania Penna. R. R. Cons. 4s, AUGUST 1960 Lehigh Valley Coal 58, JANUARY 1033 Particulate on application. A. B. Leach & Co. 113 SOUTH FOUIITU STIIEET Bell Thone Lombard 237. New York Chlcaco Boston London Stocks Bonds Cotton Grain Approved Curb Securities Bought Sold Quoted HUGHES & DIER Hankers and Broker 1435 WALNUT STREET East I'ennn. II. It. Cslonlus It. It. Preferred I.ykrna Valley It. II. ana Coal Co, llurrlson Bros. & Co. CHARLES FEARON & CO. 333 Chestnut Street ANNUAL DIKKTINCS OKFICK OK rllll.ADlJIJ.'IllA TRUST COMPANY At the annual meellnr of the stockholders of this company, held February 8, 1916. the following dlrectora were elected to serve for the ensuing year, viz.: William U DuBola Samuel M. Vauclaln John Story Jenks J. Franklin McFaddin Samuel Y. Heebner Thomaj B. dates William W. Frailer Adolph O. noenrartert Edward T. Stotesbury Kdward Roberts Levi U Ru Ledjrard Ileclcicher W, W, Atterbury Benamln Hush Arthur 11. Lea At a meeting- of the Board of Directors held on Ihe Uth Inst., the following omcera were elected, vis.: s Chairman of the Board. WILLIAM L. Dubois President, THOMAS 8. GATES. """ Vice-President. JOHN 8TOBY JENK8. Vlce-Prea. and Treas.. HENHY G. BltENOLE Secretary. T. ELLWOOD FBAME. IjB- Trust Offlcer, NEIBON C. DENNEY. Beal Estate Orflcer, THOMAS B. 1'KOSSER Asst. to Vlce-Prea.. EDMUND D. SCHOLEY Asst. Ileal Estate Officer. HARRY STEWART Assistant Treasurer. HENRY I McCLOY. Assistant Treaaurer. ARTHUR HAINES. Assistant Trust Officer. LOUIS BUSCIIE. Assistant Secretary, JOHN c. WALLACE. T. E, FRAME. Seiretary Philadelphia. February 15, 1BJ8. ' DIUEOXOBY OsT ACCOUNTANTO CextlfUd Pub 11a AccsnwtaattT LAWRENCE JE. U8 REAL ES'fATg BROWM & CO. TRUST BUlLDma. The local (lnnndlnt district henrd thin inornlnir that tho Pennsylvania Steel Company deal would bo clinched today. Officially, nothliifT could bo obtained, but It was raid that Messrs. Schwab and Stotesbury had agreed on tho terms whereby tho Iteatllnir Coal nnd Iron, as well ns tho Pennsylvania Itallrond, hold lints would bo turned over. Tho report that Mr. Donner, ns nfrcnt for the Mid valo Steel Company, wns also ncfrotlatltic for theso blocks wns not credited In quarters usually well Informed, although tho fact that tho Mldvnle company plans to have $25,000,000 stock lit addition to that required to put through tho Cam bria deal lent somo basis to the rumor, ns this amount Is nbout what would bo required to tnko over the Pennsylvania Steel Company. Tho preferred shares mndo a further Rain this morning, go ing ncross OD, limiting n. new high record. Tho common rignln rose 1014 points, nlso to a new top. That the common should bo selling nt moro than double tho price snld to have been offered for It by Hethlchem puzzled the Strcot. Somo thought It might mean Hint nn nttempt would bo mndo by min ority holders to force tho controlllnp; In terests to buy them out nt n fnncy llguro. Lako Superior wns nnother active Is sue, but moved the other wny, ns did tho Incomo bonds. The remainder of tho list was quiet but steady, phono wns nnl n .... b..troU,o6percet.bond7,vWa in common with nti r. , t Lnkc Superior wns hi j"Sf.ta" 3 !!.ir...,.R8' h'ch would cut : hX ." ii.tiij u win- pronts. In the i.i. ":.. tho L-ehlnh Vnllev tI,M" ,Ut "oliJ buoynnt. '1 ,MU (srU Ah had bern ta1m,..n t... .. figures the nnnual iwinphle? r.Pi!n,i B-Idwln Locomotive WorkaiCAb.N pronts qeuni to 7.1 per cent ,7-T"P' common stock nftcr dedueil?rt'i rllvlflpnrla n ' "caulnir prtfJar. . - " ""i uiicu 10 onlv i. Vl cent, earned on tho nrnf.ri.JT'.W llt 10.1 per cent, on tho common In uii'Sff report points out that th- i " tlf Duslness nffectliig the railroad sTTM Iih ustrlcs continued throughout M half of 1915, nnd It wns not u ,1 "l? Hint domestic business began tl ' provement. Tho business outlook fTi. Is snld to be favorabte. AnlnlSii1''1 fW of the report waslhe ,& that tho board consldor, u i"'VPt to mnnufneturo complete ammunffiSI ..... ...vv 11.uo auinorizcd undett.iCM work to n consldernble nmouni -T" Dieted during 1016 Kiiblo-f ..""? tlons. In this conncctloli It wa, n.,.lnnhn 1 ,, ,. ' " ,.,.,,.. u luiumiui interest of nuil., I, on ,-nllln Im U n . . 7 '"Vl.Ml pnr vnluo loan. 1016 sublor) tr. ."."! 11,1. ,,r v " n3.i ..no miMKUMOIl 11 . . ,.1 t,.wr tho recent Xn-tZS!' -" nmi I TRADING IN COTTON LIGHT; LIMITED DEMAND FOR JULY Soiling Orders Increased After Call and Prices Fell NEW YOIIIC, Feb. 16. Another small market prevailed at tho opening on tho Cotton Kxchango this morning. Virtu ally the only featuro was n limited de mand for tho July option, which roso 2 points on the call, while Mnrch wns 4 points lower, nnd other positions showed declines of 1 point. Tho tone wns barely stendy. After tho cnll selling orders In creased mid resulted In declines of 3 points In May and 4 points In July. Temperatures were about unchanged In tho cotton belt, although killing frosts wero reported from the gulf coast. There was no precipitation. The early break cnrrled prices nbout 7 to D points under last night's closing fig ures, with Murch contracts selling oft to 11.70 cents, or bnck to low level reached on tho decllnf nt tho beginning of the month. At this level nnd below 12 cents for Mny thcro seemed to be n good demand, how ever, nnd the market appeared to bo at tracting some fresh buying for long nc cotints ns well ns covering of shorts nnd Liverpool buying hero to undo straddle accounts. This checked the decline nnd prices Inter rallied to about last night's c oslng llgures. The talk of easier spot -..uiketH seemed to have unsettled senti ment, but thcro wero no reports of gen s'nt weakness, and there wns hnrdly enough Southern selling here to suggest any Immediate pressure. New Philn. Bank Vice Prln..(' At n regular meeting of the boiM -directors of the Philadelphia NVil! Bank held today Charles P. blta. i vico president of tho National r,fc Hank of Boston, wns elected a i. Idcnt. and Mr. Georgo P. aentoj ,1J tnry of tho llroadwny Trust Com.?. New York city, wns appointed an ,Ii nn i casnier. tney win nssume their ill ties with the Philadelphia NallonatI on or nbout Mnrch 1. 1 BAR SILVER In Yn,!,,.-. t.nn .tl... .. ... .ajiiuui, .in, nil, VI HUB OUOlert At (! ,, oM pence, un ' Pence. " ,l Tho price In New York '.i cent. raa G6-X renu, J Yes. close. Open. IMkIi. Low. Close. March li.t.i 11. 7.-, 11.77 11,117 Il.OS Mny I'.'.lrj 1'J.OO l'.'.OO 11.1)0 11.02 July IS. ID 12.1R IB.'JO 12.0S 12.10 October 12.2.1 12.22 12.211 12.1.T 12.1(1 December I'.MIl 12.:m 12,2!) 12,:il Jnnuary 12.12 1S.S3 12.41 12.X1 12.:t dpot U.U5 ll.ijS Liverpool Cotton LIVERPOOL, Feb. 10. Spot cotton wat. dull and easier today nt a decline of 13 points on the basis of 7.02d. for mldup lands. Tho sales nggregated 7000 bnlcs, including -1000 bales American, The Im ports wero 1000 bnlcs, none American. Tho market for futures closed steady nt n net decline of liwi points. HOME STATE INVESTMENTS No. 1 Wo Offer and Recommend for Conservative Investment First Mortgage Bonds ol a Steam Railroad Opera ting in Pennsylvania Large property vnlues, good carninrj power and an actlti sinking fund, indicate the abso lute safety of these bonds. Tho investment yields about' 5 Tax Free in Pennsylvania Detailed circular on application Ebwar & Smith &Co bankers Established 1802 Jfembers Neto l'orfc and PAlloiililnt Slock ExchanoiM Bioid INO CnrsTNUT 8is PnaiH. SO Pins Stiiit Kiw tu i r i Union National Bank (t Third and Arch Sts. The Neighborhood Bank OFFICERS J. S. McCuIloch, Preatdent, Theodore II. Condrrmnn, Vice-President) Louis I. Splelhtrgfr, Vlee-Prrsidcnt and Cashier, Samuel Campbell, Assistant Cashier, Wm. Irnnllns J. Dohan Aaron t.ans Tlteo. II. Conderman Harlan I'skb Horace T. Tatta tharlts rJ. Walton DIItECTOns II. Carpenter, Chairman Henry F. MltcheU H. fl. 3fsrrln J. 8. McCullorh John O. starlln IxiaU N. Splelbergtr of Board. Wm. SIcAdeo, Jr. Kditsrd Wolf Henry II. Barton, Jr. Nathan T. Folnell Samuel 12. Ijindii Our experience i offer a lervice nable us to unsurpassed OIL OIL on Kxcrptlonal opportunity in Oil Company which has the Indorse ment of the foremost OH and Petroleum expert In the United Statei, whoso word Is beyond reproach, He Is Interested In the Company and the drilling Is under his personal direction. The Compmij- la financed and drilling atarted. It Is conceded br many of tho large Interests to be tie most Important lease or concession In the country. Standard9 Oil and Independent Com panies' pipe Hues cross properties, if you are Interested In oil this is your opportunity. Particulars upon request L T. Layton & Co. Members Philadelphia Stock Exchange Real Estalc Trusl Buildino. Philadelphia -9- Graham Be Co. BANKERS 435 Chestnut Street City of Philadelphia 4 Bonds, due January Ut, 191 Price 102 and Interest Leial -Investment for Truit Mi Free of Pennsylvania State Tax i4 United Statei Government Income Tax Brown Brothers & Co. Fouirni and Cmamvr Strhtm PHILADELPHIA Commercial Letters of Credit Issued in Pounds Sterling and Dollars, 11UJ3NU SFSAIUIAN Tl i.... Si ?S (ty
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers