rr I l! i'l " a- ".. SPAYS $4000 $ Oft IDLE PALACE 1 i Forir1 Miss Henrietta Smith, With Austrian Home Ma rooned Here BAIONES r III lUroness Carl Czocrnle von Cj T Ji.useri, wealthy Main T.lne society C2oem- J,.,.mi. wealthy amin Jino society worn ?! -m hefore her mnxrlnire, wns Miss Henrietta Schmidt, Radnor, lo In a pecu liar predicament. By an Iron-bound len?e she Is compelled ,. i.y- wet rent each year In cplto of !?. hi.t the homo for which she Is I l.ln Is I" Vienna. Austria, and the I K.nM cannot Ret thcro to occupy It. ror months sho has been paying the rent there and for months sho expects to con .".' to do so, although thcro aro no rrospects of reaching her Austrian home until the war Is over. "li-V. Vnn Czocrnlff npartments are not i' mMiI or used by any ono else durlnR the sene ,f the nobis family. Tho hus- tond Is h captain in me jvuairmn nrray. while he Is flRhtlnB and tho Baroness It marooned on this side of tho ocean with J,. mother, whom she has been visiting for some time, dust la collecting rn tho isautlful statuary and tapestry, and no ne treads the soft Oriental rugs. Baroness voh Czoernlg Is at present at the Schmidt shore home, ISO Pacific ave nue,, Atlantic City. tjpf.Tr.tnilS HREVITIES V r(i hev. J. A llalner It eonductlnc ovnn c -itilc 'services In the Hlockloy Uaptljt church, trni : f hlHdelpn a. mo services wiii do nciu ' litu MMilnE. except Hatunlny. nt 7 4.1 o'clock, V , IsdOn SumfaysntlOiao o'clock In the forenoon !JVell. hi evenln'RS Prof. II. V. !fnlnyevangcllst, Is assisting. Btollt, tho Ths nev. Jullen K. Smyth villi deliver tho srit of a series or tnrro leciurea on 'cortnin iM'of Hellef" tomorrow ovenln nt o'clock li tho Church of tho New Jerusalem (Sweden Riilanl. The- nastor. tho Itov Charles K. lUrfej-. will preach, nt It a. m. "The Church's Dead T.lno of 2 rer Cent" will be tho subject of a sermon to bo nrenched Ir the v. Vr. J. "ray IJolton In Hope ITea bsterian Church at :4a o clock tomorrow eo ninf. A. special musical sen-lco m 111 bo riven In Xfpsslah Lutheran Church at 7:1" o'clock to morrow evenlnir. when tho, pastnr. the rtev. TMntel E. Wels-el, will Breach on. "Wntch Your steo" On Tuesday cvcnlnx tho players of fianey Miller's Illblo class nn.l tho Optimists wlllpresent a play, entitle.! "The l'nstlnir of tnS Tni.o limu jHun, .it tiiu -. "u Acu.piv. The Itev. Dr. John McDowell will nddrest the Presbyterian ministers In .Westminster Holj in Monday mornlnir nt 11 o'clock on "Social Xipeets of Christianity." The. nev. Oeorco Chalmers nichmond, rector f St. 'John's nplsconal Church, will preach on "Has tho Church Accented Christ"' tomorrow morning, and on "Christ Onnoilnir the Stand In Order" In tho evening. i The llev. Itatekln.1i i I I'vlo lll preach In ' me aieiiio'iii viiuuii . it.w .iui.iiie, uer ? mintann. the Ttev (lladstone Holm. Dnstnr. lo- morrow morning at 10:45 o'clock. EDWARD FULLER BROOKS Formerly Gonernl Superintendent of the P. B. & W. Edttnnl Fuller Ilrooks. until last April general superintendent of , the Philadel phia, Baltlmoro and Washington IXallrond, Is dead. He hml retired last spring on "account of HI health, but seemingly had recovered nnd tho end enmo Inst night, alter he had eaten dinner nnd taken a two-mile walk. Mr. Brooks spent his whole working life with the Pennsylvania tlnilrond. TVhen ho grnduated from Ilutgers College; In 1872, he went Into tho engineering corps ft' I and worked tip to tho superlhtendency of i 'the Philadelphia, Baltlmoro nnd 'Wash ington, lie wns 61 years old. Mr. nrooks lived In Lansdowne, though he spent a good deal of time In the city, socially ns w,oll as In his work. lie wns an active member of tho Union League. His widow nnd two daughters. Miss Cora Brooks nnd Mrs. Howard IJushnclI, of Bloomfleld, N. J., survive him. Dr. H. G. Taylor's Funeral Monday Funeral services for Dr. II. Genet Taylor will be held on Monday afternoon tat 3 o'clock ln his home, 30G Cooper ii street, Camden. Ho died yesterday at - the age of 79 from the grip. Doctor Taylor wns a descendant of "Citizen" Genet, French statesman, who repre sented tho Interests of that country ln America In tho time of Washington. He was a veteran of tho Civil War and Identified with several mllltnry and fra ternal organizations. Doctor Tnvlor en- Joyed an extcnslvo practice until ho re- .' urea several years ago. Funeral of William H. Beecher Funeral services for William II. Beecher, who whs president of tho Weaver Mailing Knvelope nnd Box Com pany, will be held on Tuesday morning, at 8:30 o'clock at his home, 3G32 North Uroad street. Mr. Beecher died yester day of the grip The service will be con ducted by the Itev. Oeorge J. Walenta, rector of St Simeon's Hplscopal Church. The Interment will be held ln tho Kdge liood Cemetery, Pottstown. Mr. Beecher lived there for several years when he was engaged In the mercantile business. Henry Heina to Be Buried Tomorrow Henry Ilclns. retired supervising plumber of the United Gas Improvement Company, who died yesteiday nt the nge of 75, will be burled on Sunday afternoon In Mount Morlah Cemetery, after funernl Y tHTrlces at 3 O'clock in hla homo. M17 IViil. ton avenue, Mr. Helns was employed by jt mo uas company lor 4 years. He was a t" 5e!nber of the Episcopal Church of the ""'f -aposties ana or several fraternal organizations. IN MEMOIIIAM BnPniVv,nt Iovlne memory of HAimT J. ffl,ru' who departed this 1Kb Jmiuary 15. Mu- A PltlESD. eatfjg Tlitte Notices Are Printed in the Evening Ledger Free of Charge rENP.KK- n January 13. 1010. WIW. i. ir:.A?3XANDI5H. Relatives und friends J Invited to attend funeral services. Mon ;?', P. ".. at lata residence, i'3J2 Hancock avn ,ntrment Private. OPnvS,,?'-P?L January 14. 1010. MAB 5iV iv .I"8. of Charles Anderson, and ilaugh-Jf-S' to lato John and Ellen Kelly. Tho H?if? and friends, also Kosary Society al Uague of the Sacred Heart, Invited to V II I THINK THAT THIS TYPe OF AEROPLANE. WILL DEMONSTRATE MV THEORV OF AERIAL CONCAVITY. THE. BREAST-BONE. IDEA WILL WRIGHT LOOK LIKE. -A PIKER - Eyg5iyQ GBBPHILADBLpHlAr SATlJJtDAY; JANUARY HEATHS Sft S.2""liv?nrir' 8-80 4 m , from Kmim!!m i?11 nnr,i.e t. .Solemn IfSSs!5.Vti. Crlv Church. 10 a m. interment Holy Cross Cemetery IfrnivvuS'te' N J, on January 13, ilftifrSiSJ'&.A!'. "u"r or the lata thn f!mr,,in'1Jrte.nd". "rs Invited to attend V.7.S i..ner,ifin Tuesday, at 2 p. m from f5 nftv r?lcla rtli.Churrh at. , itoJr? 1mm. f.i,Jr"n9Ut fn'fier notice. Trolley nK-ii'A,-i? January 12, irno, J5MZA teVVf X; 7Ji'i",;.of Amoe lialtley and tlauith. smi if J?.. Jftmfi nn'1 Catharine Thomn K?nt rAlL? nn'1. '"end nro invited to 5M..iJl,nrr1 rMeet, Mondny, 2 pm. Ri? rr l' S-,reI'jDcCT ' her eon-ln-law, "itilwTtM," ;?n,"n-r.tf " loio. cifAitLna II. iiAKKlt, ARcl 7 years, rteiat'.ves and friends also niack Hank Tribe. 'Vo.V I irt nitt JLorn.,nR alor-v cli'. re In y? 2rntl!J,,Jh"ifllncrB, aervlce. at rest ft?,rr..f,,,hi? 5rni?S3i Charles l. Riker. tery. ,n,ermcM " J' Fellows' Ceme- ltAltNIJs On January 14, loin. JAMRq a hu.hnml of MarvK llirn-' Itohuiv, nnd jnen.lt, also, members of Snv.lrr Aviiiii.. m ilfi.?" ".W-V'yet.M. H. Churches, are In" dSfT1 n Ol,rfn'mii,;,1 .'erWf-oSo ,,lh.XJ J: . m'i.f ' JJIA .'am. residence. 04 ii ...... """" "" '".mural printe. I.UNL.S.-j-On January 1.1. loin, Wlf.MAM !; to"2.0.f iAnn'1 XJ '""' WIIIHni I, HnrnVt. Jr . need 4 montht llelatlvet and friends ,1 'i,,vlAe? ""'".'l ,'" funeral on Alon" h?.'V,n,,".' ni.,Pr''flJ'nt. ho residence of prlioTer- th 2-'' "' miermcnt IjAI.L, son of Into John It nnd Mnrcarrt nie InCPied S,?T,' 'l. " "lend J indSu'nl ft ?,l,"LnJ ,h(' fnernl ser cet, on Sunday, at 12 10 p. m. tireclselv, at hit late lesldenec. Harrington, N. J. Interment Pri. ato nt West Laurel Hill Cemcto "'con'nne'ntaV'-irolVlfANisrcJ SftinS?!lftKrr Uuo n"' the VJS tt Ni:. On January 14, 1(118. ni.tZAnETH V. .." j. widow of Captain N'ATiiAvri-r. HAT.N1, of W llmlnrton. Iel. pulVril "rv. L will bo held ntJVIlmlngton and llrnndv. S, '?,.VeV!e,erv ln .cnanci. .Mondav, nt 11 a. m. Itomatns may bo viewed on t3unday.be ISi7nii-,,nd I p'..ni" nt her late residence, loir, Adamt at.. Wilmington, Dot. linKriIKIt. On .tnnttnet, 1J m.n .. m nr i .1.: ".","..,"' ."""-""i' hi his 73 1 Vint K S.fn.i..-"1 ",Heecher. i& rateno'tn'eVa"'. WrVlSt" TiiMiinv A .an. S' i'i-iff.'". rcty n .lencerMSB N l.road s" Inte'rment at rStta town. Tuesday, on nrrhnl of lo.Su h? in. train from Reading Terminal Philadelphia. IHONni.K On Jnnunrv 12. 101(1. nt Frank. llnUlle. .V. J CAKOMNH IlIONhl"l.. ",?ow of John It. Iilanell. aged 71 5ears. ltela lives and friends Invited to attend funeral "er VrS"r,.,ltW? rIJ,!,ec, Prankllnvllle. lv. J Mon.l.n. 2 .10 n. m Interment Clayton, . J Train leaves Vnrket St. Kerry I2'3i ' p m ltemnlnt may ho Mowed Sunday evening llltl'TMCIlIl. On January 13, lolo, TtAItnY huslmnd of Annlo 11 , Tlrutache, nged W yenrs llelatlvet ami friends, also Plve-Mllo lleach Aerie. .'o 1UIO. K. 6. i; . VncI em" P.1?!?8.0! ho Union lYnnafer Company, aro Invited to attend tho runer.il sen Ices on E,,t,aoS' f1,-; ".,m-i at his Into retldeneo, 171S West Huntingdon st. Interment at Northviood Crmeterv. llemalns may Co vlowo.1 on Mondny, from 7 to I) p. m. Idll.M.I, On January 13, 101(1, JOSEPH l.. husband of Kllzabeth Carnev. Ilelsmet nnd friends nro Invited to attend tho fu neral, on Mondny nt s .10 n. m.. from his Hto residence. loiR Molon st. HolemT Ito" nulom -Mast nt tho Church of tho Assumption. 12th and Spring Garden, at 10 a. in In tor- tnent nt Now Cathedral Cometerv CI.AHK. On Jnnunry 13, loin, MARY T. Mlrf.inforri,n,5"n. z Clark nnd daughter of Morris S. nnd Mnrv A. Turner. llelatlvet nnd friends nro Invited to nttend tho funeral services on Mondn. at 2 p. m . nt her lata residence, 4 OS Lyceum ave.. noiborouih? Interment nt Leverlngton Cemetery. COIIII.I,. On Janunry 14, mill, CIIIIISTO I'HKn COHir.U Ilelntlet and friends, also members of Holy Noma .Society of the Holy Namo Church, aro Invited to nttend tho funeral. Monday. 8 30 a. m , from the re"l denco of his. son. Patrick J. Cohlll. 202 1 i: Jorlc st Solemn Mass of llcnulem at Holy fnmo Chureh. 10 a. m Interment Immacu- ,u,w iirun viiivi.'i. nesicr. in. COOrillC At I.nko Helen. Fla., on January l, 1010. MARY L, widow of Simucl C. Cooper. Relatives and friends, also the 1 Irst Association of Splrltuallsls and the Vi omen's I'nlon, nro Invited to attend tho funernl services. Sunday, at 2 p. m.. at tho Temple. 12th nnd Thompson sts. Interment at Woodlands Cemetery. IMHJOI.ASS, At Xowtown, rn., on January 11. Win. ELIZABETH I.r.K DOtlOI.ASS, daughter ot Roberta nn.l tho late Harry R. rjouclass. nged 21 vonrt Relnthes nnd friends nro Invited to nttend tho funeral, from her mother's resident e. South Congress st.. Newtown, l'a., on Sunday, nt 1:30 p. ni. Interment at Newtown Cemetery, l'i:itlti;ZZI. At Atlantic City. N, J., on January 11. 1B1G, NKLIJC, wlfo of frank Ferruxal nnd daughter ot William Hough, aged 32 venrs. RehtHes nnd friends are in vited to nttend the funeral, on Mondnv. Jnn ur 17. nt 8 a ni. from her parents' resi dence. 12u0 South 1.1th et. Mass of Solemn Requiem nt the church of St. Rltn, nt n n. m. precisely. Interment nt New Cathedral Cem etery rniMil'SON. On January 13,101(1, CECELIA VIRGINIA, daughter or Hownrd nnd Anna 1 erguson. aged l.'t years Relatives nnd friends nro Invite I tn nttend tho funeral services, on Sunday, at 9 p. m.. nt hep par. ents' residence 41 North luth st. Interment nt Tcrnwood Cemetery. IIALSAIX. On January 13, 1010. KATE T.. wife of Charles n Hnls.tli. Relitlvea and friends nro Invited to uttend the funeral services, nn Mondny. nt 2 p. m precisely, nt her Into residence. 102 Park road. Llan erch. Interment strictly private. IIAKI.KY. Entered Into rest, on Jnnuary 13, 10111, JONAS MARKI.EV HARLBY. aged t ear. Relatlies and friends nro Invited to nttend tho funeral .services, on Monday, ut J:SO p. m.. nt his lato residence, 115 East tiorgna lano, MountAiry. Interment private. ,,., Ullllt ItUtVWIIV JIEIT. On Jnnuary II, lOlfl. EUGENE W.. husband of Catharine II. Heft, and son of I he Into John und Hannah Heft. Relatives nnd friends, also members of Colonel Fred Tailor Council. No. 72, Jr. O. U. A. M.. aro Invited to uttend tho funeral. Monday, nt 1 .3u p m . from his lato residence, lul 1 E. Cumberland st. Interment Northwood Ceme tery. Remains may bo viewed Sunday. 8 to 10 p m HEI.NS, On January 14, 101(1, HENRY HEINS. husband of tho late Mary W. Helns, In hla T.Hli c.ir. Helatlves and friends ultci Mellta Iidgo No. 2U.1. P. nnd A. M.. Mellta It. A Chanter No. 2SI. Olranl Mark Lodco No. 214. Mary t'omrnandery K. T. No. 3d; American Star I,odgo No. 401. I. O. O. P., Volunteer Firemen's Immoral Relief Asso ciation and survivors of Keystonu Uattery, Penna. Volunieers. are Invited to attend tho funeral services, on Sundav. at 3 p. m., at his lato resldenco. 6017 Walton ave. In terment Mount Morlah Cemetery. HENDRICKS, On January, 10. 1010. at Charlotte. X. C. Rov. CHATH.13S P. HEN DRICKS, husband of Mary H, Hendricks (neo Harbison). Tho members and ciergv of tho Reformed Episcopal Church an.! menus nro inviieu to uiien.i runeral services, at ht. Paur Herormed Episcopal Church, llroud and Venango sts . Saturday, at 2 p. m. precisely. Interment private, at North Cedar Hill Cemetery. Automobllo service. IIHiRINS. On Jnnunry 13. 1010. ELIZA. UETil, widow of Francis Hlgglns. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Sunday, at 2 p. in. precisely, at her lato residence, 3721 Norlh 0th st. Inter ment private, at North Cedar Hill Ceme tery. Automobile funeral HIIIST. On January 14. 1010, QEOROE, son of the lata John und Margaret Hirst The relatives and friends may view remains on Sunday, after 7 p. m.. at residence. 13i3 Christian st. Funeral at convenience of the family. IIIIIIIIS. On January 13. 101B. at East niv erton. N, J, IinULAH. widow of Samuel (1. HubDs, in her 70th vear. Relatives ami frlenda are invited to nttend the funeral, on Sunday, at 1 p. m., from the residence of hrr ton Frank 1', Hubbs. East Rlverton. N. J. Interment at Asbury M. E. Church Yard. HUDSON. On January 13, 1018, MAUY. widow of Henry Hudson. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funerul serv tee, at her Ht residence. 2201 W. Norrls St.; on Monday. 17th Inst,, at 2 p. m. Interment private JKSSl'IV-On January 14, 101(1. EDWARD l'ELR.VM. son of the late Rev. Edward Jessup, of UrooMyn. N Y.. In the S2d year of his age. Funeral private, Interment at Westlleld. Alas. MII.DUPl', On January 13. 1010, JAMES a., hustutnd uf Anna. B. Kllduff, aged M ABSENT-MINDED ABNER He Discovers HA' IT FLIES NOW" I GUESS THEY'LL. ADMIT THATSPOOFIC GAS ISA HIGH EXPLOSIVE ! I iL WRITE TO GARRISON ! CHICKEN MAKE ORWL-E, DEATHS from late residence" ssuh w nfll E,6?7' ment Har .Nebo Ce'meteVy. 'omU flo"er,sn.,er fhurch at 10 a. m. rreclselv InteSilfl'lK" UNIHi.- RuiMenly, on .Iftnunrv 11 iaia IfbKmSS IiN:-rn-Jfl"ua:5f. 13. loin. RAt.t.iR a. I.ynn. nelatlves and,frl?nds, alemp of of Piling ft Madeley Hoslrry Manufacturer, are invited to attend funefal. Tue.dav l 8 SO n. m.. from residence of lier nrother-lS' ?SJj, Ttt fciSffi" 1v,ffiS. 5fiH? S: nn''S gmetery" 10 '' ,nT?'" SI MeSOUl.r.V. On January 12. tnifi lirt.rv It. McSOHLnv. daughteof fate Michael and Mary McSorley (neo Dwyer). in her ' ICth sear, llelatlvet and friends Invited to attend funera , Monday, s-lo a. m. from residence of uncle. James J, Dwj-er, 202S Msmnhit m Solemn heqnlem Jtass St. Ann's Church li) a. m. tntennont Now Cathedral Cemetery MIM.i:it. On January 14, 1010. llEN'JAMt.M W., husband of Annie Mc6 Mil er. HeUiiVea nnd friends are lnyited to attend th" funeral services, on Monday, nt 2 n. m ni tiv Church of the Iledeemer. comer Venn and - Villi clSy0 In,"mnl ""v" NnT.SON. -StMdenlv, on Januarv II mm Mary Casey .Nelson. Dut notlcs will he nit"-:fud'3cn1'' n January 12, lniO, ?&' -,5'f.lof,Joh,n O'Neill llilatlvet and ir!fnc!l-0i,Mll,".f5.n,,!V nl!'' th" messed Vlr' f'i?ciS.0v!!l,ri8f ?' Myard'a Church. Wayne circle No. 42, lidv I'oreslers of America. " .,nv''eil to attend the funeral iervlcet: f.esldhcnj. 'to"WS-tff aniSB e?.'. SlTt n'd0 'AlQ.u1": .Ho'?m0 Hequlcm JIasa at tho rcn .sis. noiemn Hcqulem JIasa at th. -nurcn or our lyidy of the Ilosary at 10 ft CemeKry?ly- ,nUCnt " "'swrnlchn "n'r-'AiiEWT" Jnnuery IS. 1010, Huan P.rAlinnijr. nelntlves nnd friends nro In Utrnl to attend tho funeral, on Monday, at f 10 n. m from hla lato residence, 404 Jtoinl st,. Oermanto.wn. High ltuqulem Mast nt St. FYancIs Assist Church, at 10 a. m. Interment private. ntJJJ,I0N--On January IS. 1910. ISA ?pW nODINSON. daughter or the lots Alexander and . Isabella Ening. nelatlves and friends are Invited to attend tho funeral serv. in'A "3 l.nvL at 2 p. m nt late resilience. I?13 .N?r,th. ?"a 8t- Interment private, at Mount Morlah Cemetery. ItOOnilS. At Merchnntvllle, N. J on First Afnntl 1 Jil. linn 4 . . . . . .. ROiil.IlS. husband of Lily I. Rogers, in her .Sth ear. Relatives and frelnds nro Invited to attend tho funernl on 2d dnv. First '""" .. mm. iijjiij.u iiKrditv .yiontli.ITth, nt 2 p. m., from his Into resl- .Tmhi. iti- . .. ... : . .. - - . - ..lontii. 1 1 wi. hi - p. m., rrom nis lato resi lience. Hilt TTentrrt nt taiwhn.h Ilia K, t Interment prlvnte. Pen'sauken trolleys' leavii ...,,ind p.. lurry, .nmien, every in minutes. SCO IT. On Jnnuary II, 1010. EL1ZAHETH, widow of Jot-ph Scott, nged ,'IS vcars. Rela tives and friends nro invited to attend tho funeril, nn Mondny. nt a p. in, from the pnrlors of John S. Berkelbach, alio German. town nvo corner llroad at. Interment at Mt. Peaco Cemetery. SHERIDAN. On Janunrv 13, 1010. JAMES, husband of Mary Sheridan. Relatives and friends, also Holy Kama Sot-Iety ot St Stephen's Church nnd Donegal Society, nrs Invited to nttend tho funeral, on Monday, nt S 30 a. m from lato residence, 372(1 North llroad at. Solemn Requiem High Mass nt St. Stephen's Church nt 10 n. m. Interment nt Holy Sepulchre Cemetery. bHEItltirif. On January 13, loin. JOHN J. SIIERRICK Duo notice of tho funeral will be given, SOUTH. On Jnnuary 12. 101(1. EMMA A. widow of Charles R. Smith, nged DO veart, Relative and friends nro Invited to nttend tho funernl eervlcet. on Mondnv. nt 11 a. rn. .precisely, nt her lato residence 17 South 3ith nt. Intornicnt private. SPEIER. On January 12. 1010, ROSE, wlfo of Wolf Hpoler, In her Olth yoar Relatives and friends, also Ronoth Jeshurun Lodge and Rebcocu Lodgo aro Invited to ntlrnd the funeral, nn Sundiy, nt 2 p. m . from her lato residence, 2003 North Clevelnnd avo. Interment private, nt Adath Jeshurun STRODE!,. On Janunry 13. WIS, MARY C , daughter of Phllllpplna E. nnd the Lite Edward J. O, Strobel. Relatives and friends nro Invited to nttend the runeral servhes. on Monday, at 10.30 u. m , at her parents' resi dence, 20jd Slgel nt. Interment ut Fernvvood Vemetery. Friends may view remains be tween 7 and 0 o m. Sunday. TAYLOR. On Jnnunry 14. 1010. Dr. H. GENET TAYLOR. Funernl services nt his late resldenco. 305 Cooper St., Cnmden. N. J., on Monday, at 3 p. m. Interment private. 1IIOMAS. On Jnnunry 14, 101(1. CHARLES MONROE THOMAS. M. D., nt hit rest dence, near West Chester. I'a. WO LP. On January 13, 1010, PAULINE, wlfo of Morris Wolf (nee Dlntwanger). Rela tives and friends are invited to attend tho funeral, on Sunday, at 10 30 n. m.. from her late residence. 1733 Montgomery nve. Interment nt Mt. Slnal Cemetery. Posi tively no tiowcra. YOl'Mi.-On Jnnuary 12. 101(1, AHIOAIL. widow of Henry Young nnd daughter of the late John nnd l'nrmclla Simon. Funeral, to vvnich relatives and frlendH are Invited, on Sunday, at 1 p. m.. from her lato residence. IUj'i South 4th st. Interment at Trinity Lutheran Cemetery. Kindly omit flowers. RELIGIOUS NOTICES ORGANIST AND CHOIR IIUREAU Churches supplied. Frederick R. Davis, Mgr. Voleu Culture. 1714 Chestnut st. Tfapttst HAPTIST TE.MI'LE, llroad nnd Eerke ats. RUSSEL H. CONWELL will preath. Morning. 10.30; Dlblo School, 2:30: eve.. 7 30. biKictal music by the Chorus tu the Evening. Organ recital. 7:15. W. P. Twndoll. M. D. CHESTNUT STREET HAPTIST CHURCH Chestnut st. west of 40th. UEOHQE D. ADAMS. D. D.. Pastor. U.4S a.m. Ilrotherhood of A. and P. 1U:30 tt.ni. -Warship and bermou by Pastor. 2-30 p.m. Ulble School. ' 7 43 p.m. Worship and Sermon by Pastor. EAST HAPTIST CHURCH Glrard and E. Columbia, avo. Rev. C. II. WOOLSTON. D. D.. Pastor. Tho pastor's 20th anniversary day. (1 00 a. m. llrenklng of Ilread service. li 00 a. rn, Floml service. 7.3D p. in. Address by Hon. TV. Freeland Kendrlck. Music by ladles' Jr. Church String Hand. Solo Miss Mary Raphael. Coma and relolce with us. 211 UAPT1ST HELPING HANI) CLASH meats 2 30, 7th below Glrard ave. Memorial services of Rev Charles E. Gummere Friday night, everybody! meeting. Wm. James, leader. Ilretbren FIRST CHURCH OP THE IIRETHRUN (Dunker), cor. Carlisle and Dauphin sts. Preaching 10.80 a. rn. and 7;43 p. tn. Sunday School 2 30 Or m. Prayer Meeting each Wednesday evenlnr. Illsclplra of Christ THIltD CHRISTIAN CHURCH Lancaster ave.. Holly and Aspen sts. T. . WINTER. Pastor. 10 30. 2 SO. T. t. Ethical Culture CHARLES ZUEI1LIN will tecturo on "United states, i'acemaker or Peacemaker." liroad St. Theatre. Sunday 11 a. m. rubllo Invited. Franklin Home PItANKI.IN HOME l'Oli THE HEPORMA. TION ()P INEIIRIATES, 011.13 Locust at. Sunday, 8 p, m., uervlcea conducted by Mr. E. P. Tompkins. Jr. Lemon Hill Association "I1E.VUTY 1'OIt ASHES" GARRICK THEATRE bUNDAY NIGHT. 7 30 AIJ -TVELCOME ALL ONE MAKE fiPo nnuoinua yowcrfl 1,-otUeran jir.ssiAii i.tTiirnAN "The Friendly Chureh." 18th and Jefferson ats. DAN1EI, B. WKIOL.R. Taator, will preach 10 no a m. and T:4S p. m William A. Schmidt, 'cello, 1'hlladetphl.t Or- chestra, and Rolo Quartet nt the evening services. Sermon, "watch Tour Step." Mark, Tuesday evening, R o'clock. In I.u I.u Tern. rle, the Itarvey Miller Players and the Op Imlttt will give a play, "The Ialng of tho Third Floor Hack," under tho direction of Mrs, 15. Dlllman failada. The public IsMn Hed. Silver offering TAMKUNACI.n tflth and Spruce Wm. J," Miller, Jr, 10M, 7:45. 3 S...2:S0 p. rn. TKMI'LK, 62d and Usee nev. A. l'ohlman, M. 1). 10. 3U a, m 2.30 and 7:43 p, m. Methodist Kplscopnt onuncii op Titn advocatk Wayno ave. and Queen lane. OI.ADSTONP HOl.M, Minister. 10:43 nev. HeieMah U. Tylo 7:lSSfrmon bv Minister. Musla by nested choir and male chorus. Miscellaneous HArriXr.SS TALK, 111 Chestnut St.. Sun day evenings. Music 7:30. Talk 8:1S. MAIN OAni:T CUTTINO IVES. All Invited. New Jerusalem (Swedenborglnn) "Ct.OTlirD ANII IHT T.IKI2 THK SON Of .VIAN" Is tho subject of the sermon, Pun day morning by the Pastor, the Itev. Charles W. llnnev, but the fhnrch of tho Now Jerusalem, 22d and Chestnut sts. Serv lco. at It o'clock. Rundiy School at 0..V) t All scats are free. nscrbody Is welcome. ClTltTAINTins OP llKl.lHPt The'ChrlsH tho Puiniler of Prophecy, tho Perfect Ufe, Hit Itegcneratlng Power.'' A lecture by the Itov. Julian 1C bmth, of Now York, ln tho Church of tho New Jerusalem, 22J and Chest nut sis., Hunilay eenln. January 10, nt 8 o'clock. Special musle. No collection; rresbylerlan TA1IEIINACLE PIIESIIVTEIUAN CHURCH Chestnut and 37th sts. Itev. JOHN ALLAN DLAIlt, D. D., Minister. 11 n, m. "Christ or Mars?" 8 p. m. University service. Rev. John Doug las Adam, D. D, Hartford Theologlcnl Sem inary, will preach. Men's Class, 10 n, m. ; Sunday School. 2jtfn. HOPE, na.l & Whnrtn'n sts. Mlnlsterrnev J. GRAY noLTON. D. D., Rev. WILLIAM TAYLOR CALDWELL, Assistant, I0'4r., Rov. Mr. Caldwell will preach. 7 4.1, Dr, IJolton. Subject, "Tho Church'n Dead Lino of 2 Per Cent," WELSH, 21st below Palrmount Rev. n. E. . WILLIAMS. 10-30. Welsh; 7.30, English. Protestant Episcopal CHUnnt OP THE HOLY APOSTLES, 21st nnd Christian sts. Rov. George Herbert Toon. D. D.. Rector. I s. m , Holy Com munion. 10 .10 a m., Morning I'rajer, Lltnny nnd Sermon hv tho Rector. 2 30 p. m.. Sun day School nnd Illblo Classes. 7:43 p. m.. Evening service. CHURCH OP ST. LUKE ami -inn rrii'itANY Kith Street below Spruce. Rev. DAVID M. STEELE, Rector. R'OO a.m. liolv Communion. 10 oo a.m. Sunday School ll'Ot) n.m. Morning l'rajer nnd Sermon. 4 00 p.m. Evening Prnyer. Anthnm nnd Address Tho Rector will preach nt both services. ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH JOth st. nhovn Chestnut. Rov. PARI, E. ORAMMER, S. T. D , Rector. Rev. FREDERICK II. KEAULK, Assoclnte. II 4.. n. m. Sunday School. 10 10 a. m. Holy communion. 11 on a. m. Morning Prnyer nnd Sermon. 4 UOp. m. Excnlng Prayer nnd Merman. Special mush . OLD hT. JOHN'S, Drown st below 3d Dr. Richmond preaches tomorrow. 10:4.1 A 7:43. Reformed FIRST N. A., 15th ami Dauphin. Rev. John I) lllclts. Pastor. 10 30 nnd 8: S. S.. 2 HO. Swedenborclan SEE NEW JERUSALEM Sttrlnllst l.llernry Society JOHN M'AItmi, Author and Lecturer, will speak on "Illsmnrek nnd Karl Marx" tomor row, 3 n in., nt llroad Street Theatro. Mu sic by the Ilalin hiring yuartelL Unitarian FIRST UNITARIAN, 212.1 Chestnut st. Rev. C. E. 6T. JOHN. D. D., Minister. 10 n. ni., Sunday School: 11 n. in.. Dr. St. John will preach The choir Philip It. Gnopp. director, will sing "Let Not Your Heart Ho Trou bled," by Fanlng, nnd "Great Peace Havo Thev." by D. H. ftmith, 7 p. m , Italian scrv Ice by llev. F. A. Tjgllalatela. Young Men's Clirlstlnii Association KEYSTONE THEATRE .MEETING, 11th & I.o!irrth. auspices Men's Illblo Classes nnd North Rrviich Y. M. (', A. Kumliy nt 3 .10 p. ni. John Tyler, uf N Y. Subject: "Chas. Ing a Phantom " Chorus of 2uo, led by Prof. J, Lincoln Hall. Men und older boys In cited. CLAYTON MHNSVWCIC COOPER Sunday, 3:30 p. m. Central Y. M C. A. Talk to men Subject, "llellgions of Many l.ands," Muslcale. ii to 3 .IP U R Invited. . Vtiunc TVomen's Christian Association Wom STAPI MISS i:. STAI'IOIID MIl.LMt AUSTRALIAN EVANUELtST TUES. TO SAT.. JAN. 11 TO 15 7 30 P M Y W. C. A. OPEN TO EVERYBODY Silver offering. HENEVOLENT ASSOCIATIONS THE SALVATION AIIJIY. Inc. Philadelphia Headquarters. Colonial Trust Building, iSth and Market. Colonel It. E. Hon in commaai. Tolspbonss: lull. Walnut 3733-0. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES EVENING LEDGER This STYLE TYPE (or like this) One time , 13c per Una Three times on week 120 per Una Six times ona week 10o per line Situations Wanted, three times one week 10 cents per line per Insertion. Place your order for three or more times and it will be inserted in the daily Public Ledger at no additional cost. One or two time rate for Etini.no Liraii and Pdbuo Lxdqeb combined la 1U cents per Itne, with the exception of Help Wanted and Situations Wanted, which Is IS cents per line. FOR TYPE LIKE THIS (or like this) which Is permitted In all classifications ex cept Help and Situations Wanted. Lost and Found. Personals. Hoarding and Rooms, add ,'.S,KNTa 11SI f-lf'E 0 ANY OF ABOVE RATES. Tliera is a drug store near your home that will accept Ledger want ads at office rates. a New Element of Strength ONION WILL PRODUCE TWO GILLS OF SPOOFINE AND TWO BILLION BUSHELS OP ONIONS ARE RAISED ANNUALLY. THAT WOU.O FOUR MILLION CUBIC FEET OF ir- c.5. HELP WANTED-rBMAr.fi ts92SK'TJ-n- pertenced, flulelf, accurate' KSiJWU !t',, references and ralarj wanted, p ein. Ledger Office. CHAXMlKllMAmnd waitress, assist wash" CUAX.,12EnwonK J"1' walllng-French girl: rnustspeakeeme English. Te. Otaim". Cf.ETtK. lndet and file, etperlenceli stale el eerlenrs fully, salary wanted and references. - '- central C,2Hi rV'iAVB,!f' wanted." Apply John ft JnPs5l',cnur,kl,!hlankel f1 " COOK- Young woman for cooking and down stairs work. Phono Ardmere Son. 103 Hied- t1ynrondt Ardmore PINIS1IERS ep. wanted on silk tlretses: 5"TiiK.t,ii2rkfa "iS00 naV',.'J',r,v, Llchpetisleln Relchlln. N. E. cor 11th and Arch. Oint,. vvhlle, experienced, for tipstnlra work nnd wilting nnd helo with washing; refs leoulred Mrs. j. mtner. 1213 vv'est Le high ave ami. for general housework: two In fnmllv: R1 - W- 1'hono Oak Lnno 221 or call . JQI J itrh ave. lI09IEItV on atam! lEItV nperleiicel toppers nnd knitters standard P nnd PVott & Williams full an. tomatle knlttlnir mnrhlnAS. !,,,. ,.b.H 14 to 10 years of age. Wallace-Wilson Hosiery -JmjnPJLHiriLiieloPnlXynnkford. HOSIERY Experienced looners: steadv work nnd pay good nanny. W'nllnce-Wllfon Hosiery , company. Orchard below unity. Frankford IIOt'SEKEIJPEn - Middle-aged Protestant woman ns cook nnd housekeeper. . In amilt family; state wages desired and give refer ences. r.001 N. 4th st. ltOPsr.WORK-Small fnmllv requires girl or woman for general housowork: must bo nblo to do plain cooking. Interview Mist M. Dean, nt Ledger Central, llroad nn.l Chestnut sts., between 0 nnd 12 n. m., or between 2 nnd 3 P. m. HOUSnWOntf Reliable white woman, Prol estant, whero utility man Is kept: must bo good cook and have best references; family of 2, suburban. II Ml, Ijedger Ofllee. HOUREWORK Young girl: J.I n week; no washing: general housework. Apply In morn . Ing. before 11. 1OTI North Bf it. GIRL, experienced, white, for genoral houso- work;. family o f 2. 4 nn Ca thnrlne st. HOUSEWORK White Protestant girl, small . .mum, i tiunp wsuiuy, i, i., . LAUNDRESS .to nsslst with tablo work; small family, St. Martin s; references required. Tel ephone Chestnut Hill Bin. "'"'ten, -ei NUItSEIlY MAID. Phonn Cynwy d 744. OPERATORS. end nn hnttAM uwln. mm.i u... tonhollng machines. Roxford Knitting Co. Randolph nnd Jefferson. ' SILK WEAVERS, experienced, nnd learners, not under 10. ttauquolt Silk Mfg. Co., lstri and Hunting Park tnc. SOFT HAT TRIMMERS Experienced trim mers on men's soft hats, wnnted Immedlalo Iv. Apply l'nymnster'a Ofllee. John n. stet son Company. Sth nnd Montgomery ave. SOrTr. sit-' WJNDEItS. exp'd, nnd learner. t!?,T ,'.n.'!',r ln- Apply, beforo 10 n. m., Snquolt Silk .Mfg. Co.. 18th and Hunting Park ave. STENOGnAlllEit. first class, and visible Remington operator: familiar with tabulated work; orply giving experience, references nnd t-Uarvjirted.JJ.IJgerJJcjUral. V'M7',5!CSN.. llrst class: no others need arply. all filomliy morning, between to nnd 1, at liin Locust.,or phono 02.14 Rpruco st. w,A'TJlIp,sT,KPerleticed white girl for Wul llngforiL l'a.: reference . Meet employer IUkmii 230. Public ledger. Monday at 2-30 -tjllE11 TlrlKht young women, between 17 nnd 22 years old. to tnko up telephone work. jn experience necessary. Salary paid whllo ,.... k. , K-ueitiu worK: permanent posi tion. Apply In person. 0 a. in. to .1 p. J1ELT. TELEPHONE COMPANY 400 MARKET STRUln' -i.,1PtTstcI!0RraPher. flrtt-class; mutt he 2iki . '?. '.""wlnte French. Spanish and pos 5 ?,,finII?,"nn:. J!M,rt "alary; write, slnllng I,iSlJnc''!2n!, tally ""I "alary wanted. P .128. I.edgerOrflce. ,lS7.n!?rA.F1'lt0 'R,o.n1nn ,n small famllyto help with 2-year-old boy nnd housework: no cooking; reference neceesary. It KI0. Led. Off. 'i10 JVtTn OIRL to nsslst In housework. 5 "- 5J?1' In'?-Vp x iron '.nK- Cn" between 3 and -E 4lfl4Hnliy.., West I'hlla. YffltituiS?M'Ti,5rV-r"e''1IlSa- at vvTrker In lnatltuuJ?, Ledger Central. Genera? TV OMEN wanted ns Government rlerks: 70 7J.n,: ii"11! wxn,ms. eotnlng. sample questions free Franklin Inst. Dent 715 L, Rochester. HELP WANTED MALE ACCOUNTANT Wonted, n man having at -SJi.SeX'? . oraetlcal experience as a public SS?ntn7t' J? '5 rlnt man a permanent position Is offered stnto age. reference and ealnrv expected M 2.17. Ledger Central. ASSISTANT BOOKKEEPEE-A coal brokerage houso has nn opening for a competent young man. Apply In own handwriting, stating age. experience nnd salary expected. Excel ,rn.0,;B0j;tl,nl fop, ambitious young man. J2M. Ledger Central. UpOKKEEPEIl wanted for accounta payable ledger: must be accurate nnd have expert- ......... ,,, Btuury ill urglll. J .31, l.eil Cent BOV .wanted In Insurance oftlce. A 221, Ledger Office BOY for errands and office work; good chance for advancement. 12211 Race st. BOY 10. to 18. for office duties: Balary 3 per w-gy.J.A. 230 Ixidger Office. ClfAUPFEUR. 23 yeara old. take charge two cars, must understand care and running of locomobile: private reference requlrrd: state wnges. M 2.12. Ledger Central Ul'RNEHS First-class men wanted at once; big lob: prevailing rate of wagen paid. An ply Tenn. Conner Co.. Copper Hill. Tenn CLOTH TVEAVEIta wanted. ApolvJohn & James Dobson Inc.. Illonket Mills, Scott'a lane. Falls of Schuylkill. D U A U O H TB 11 B N Wnnted, competent draughtsman, preferably those with oil engine experience: good salary and opportunities. Apply with full particulars, to p Cl, Ledger Office. LEAD CASTER Wanted, experienced lead raster tu work out of town, give experience nnd present occupation and wages expected. It 41S Ledger Office OPTICIAN Wanted, a young man for laying oft and marking lenses, experienced. Apply J. E. Llmeburner Company. 1720 Chestnut. PATTERNMAKERS WANTED SET'. KRAI. WOOD-WORKING PATTERN MAKERS: GOOD. SODEH RELIAI1U3 MEN FOR STEADY POSITIONS: EX CELLENT. SHOP CONDITIONS: GOOD WAGES'- FACTORY LOCATED IN NEW JERSEY CALL AND INQUIRE FOR lilt. ALVAN, SATURDAY EVE NING, JAN. 15 I1ETWEEN VflO AND ti O'CLOCK. HANOVEK HOTEL. N. W. COH i2TH AND ARCH STS.. PHILADELPHIA. SALESMAN to work In and around Phlla., selling bulldln- materials: must be married Aiawerby letter, giving reference, experience and salary wanted. J 131, Ledger Central, SOLICITORS, experienced, wanted Immediately In big subscription campaign: direct leads and letters of introduction: liberal rommls, slon Apply tn person, from a to 4 o'clock, to D. Ii. O'Loughlln, Franklin Hank Illdg., Olestnut below llroad, first floor, right aide of entrance. in the Onion! By WALT 15, 1916; ' HELP WANTED KA1.1! TOOt.MARnns.. exper , n llga arid flxtarea. Autocar Co., Ardmore. Pa. TlTtnKT LATHE HANDS. Klrst-class toolmakers Apply 244S prankford ave . between 8 a. m. and 0 n m. .. .wANTEb. A RUSSIAN TTPIST ,. Need not know shorthand, must ho lamlllar with keyboard for Standard Russian Under wood mnihlnc. Mate religion in application and refecni.es. Adlresi I' O. Rot 207, Cape Slav, N J. . . WANTEb A first-class carriage and wagon blacksmith. Address lohn 11. Heaenrty, MS Oglethorpe ave. West. Savannah, On VvANTBT Representative to"sell "development securities. IJbernl commissions and aggres sive support. Great opportunlty.rlght man. Call or write, 74tl Drexel Hldg., Phlfa., IM. WOOhWOItrflNG machine hands, double hend upright .moldcr hands nnd double-end tenoner machine hands: 4S hours per week schedule: physical examination necessary. Apply Victor Talking Machine Co Applica tion office, Dolanare ave nnd Market St.. Camden. N. J. YOPNO MAN. about IS years, wanted In wholesale cloth house: ealirv to start, it per . week. P. O. Hot 3070. Falrhlll Station. TptTNo MAN wanted etp In loving up cloth. linVo4JlnlttlnCauRnndoXpJi&Jefrerson; . tlenernl Oil .V HllOAl) ST. . .Tlie Oldest Original At'TOMOIlILE SCHOOL Tenches you how to repair .. nnd how to drive outot. V. VBT7.. Iltl N. imOAD ST. , ..raisiNnw snnvicn (."ompany POSITIONS n)R IIIGH'Cl.iS MEN ONLY 1301 LAND TITLE HIUI.OIMl AGENTS AntlNTR TO 1IANI)LENEW CAHrK-SELL-LN.. TICKETS: . EXCELLENT PROPOSI TION TOR LIVE MEN AND WOMEN. EASTLAND STUDIOS, till CHESTNUT ST. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE CHAMKI.'RWORK Experienced voting woman; best references, ,27o7 N. lionsnll COMPANION, secretary or managing house keeper; experience and references ex- changed, J 210. Ledger Cemrah COMPANION Refined young foreign lady wishes petition In nlco home; nblo to trnvel, best references. J 344, Ledger Central. COOK, experienced, boarding school or prlv. hoard.houso jircf. H Bis, Ledger Offlce HOUSEKEEPER Managing nr working; enpn . Ms, best ref.: nuhs. pref. A IB, ledger Office. NURSE wishes engagement of nnv kind: con nnement preferred. 2012 Germnntown nve. STENOGRAPHER, knowledge of bookkeeping nnd high school education, accurate, rapid and rapnhlo nsslstnnt. A 1,11, Ledger Ofllee. YOUNG WOMAN wishes temporary position nt companion, mother's helper or secretary. Phono Poulnr 42.H TV. morning or evening. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE ACCOUNTANT. 40. qualified, audits, systems, general nccountlng. voucher, tests, books written up, balanced, closed permanent nr terr.potnry engagements. J 2.11. Ledger Cent ACCOUNTANT nnd bookkeeper. 3.1: 1.1 years' exp "fcroncos. J If.t, Ledger Central AUDITING, lite nnd little, dnno hy responsible man, bonded In i00t. M 212. ledger Office. llOOKKEEPER nnd office manager, with 14 years' exp., vvnnts position: mod. sal iry with chnnce for ndvancement. nge 32, alo exp. In auditing nnd systematizing, run go out of towjijf necessary:goodref.J 1lo lyi.l Cent. noOKKEEPER, 21 years nld. 4 yeara' buelnoss experience, dctlres position with ndvnnce metit. J IIP. Ledger Central UOOIvKEEPER, will keep set of 'books eve nings, or open nnd closo hooks. 12.1, Ledger Rrnnh, 2:(d nnd I.chlgh. IHTILDINO HITPT,, wide-awake, techultnllv trained, practical, experienced, wnnts ntwl tinn (Inside or outside) with nrrhltect or gen ernl contractor; refs. furn. J 21(1. I-.l. Cent CARPENTER desires position: S years expe rience. A 224. ledger Office. CHAUFFEUR A young man. threo years' ex t.erlenco; best references. Gennaiitovvn I2lt TV. A 213. T,crtger Office. (?IIAUrPEl'R vvlshei n position: cltv or co"un try: references the best: work all around houxc. Dox. 10fl Tlllanova. , ENGINEER, thor. exper , could supervise plant or estato In connection with present position very economically; mechanically trained: fn mlllnr with various: power plant equipment, repairs nnd purchasing sunnlles. refs. ns to character andablllty.A 221, Ledger Ofrtco. HOUSEMAN or porter: competent colored "man; cltyreference 1010 H.J7th Bt. PRINTER, practical In nil departments, tstl mntlng, buvlng nnd selling, wnnta position with good future; over eight years with pres ent house. J 444, Ledger Central. SALESMAN-ENGINEER V-merlcan, n2, shoo nnd draughting exn technical eJucatlon, gooil.reference8. J13(l. Ledger Central. YOUNG MAN desires position ns nttendant. private family or Institution, willing to travel; 3 vcars' experience, best nf refer ences. J 230. ledger Central YOUNG MAN, ngo 23. desires position whero ndvancement Is possible' (I years' experl ence. A 22.1. Ledger Office. YOUNG MAN, ambitious with selling nbllltv. wishes to assist traveling salesman. A 214 Ledger Office. YOUNG MAN. refined Italian, several years? exp. as bookkeeper nnd general office work wishes position: good refs. J 3.10. Led. Cent GENERAL EXECUTIVE. SALES OR OF FICE MANAGER or assistant to above: fourteen years auo cesstul experience both Inside and on the road. Sound reason for change: clean, efficient record and habits; will furnish bond and leave salary open If preferred until ability Is demonstrated: nge 34: married, Lo cated whero necessary: will mall business record upon request. L B3S, Ledger Central. YOUNG MAN. 21, speaks French. German and English, office experience, desires position. 11 Rethoret. 242 S. Cecil st. YOUNG MAN. colored, wishes pos. ; handy man., prlv. fam. or waiter. 2020 Carpenters!. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES COOKS Cooks for Catholic rectory, housework gins, uermnn cnRmoermaia ana cmidnurse want positions, aiiss itose uougnerty. 1.IIJ West Glrard. MISS MARY T. MCCARTHY. 2107 Christian (Loc. l!il!). supplies and wants lst.class Prot . Cath. male and female help: all nationalities. MRS. KANE. All S. inth. wants nrst.rnsa help, with reference, character nnd ability. for, first-class families. Phone Spruce .1401. AUTOMOBILES Por Sale BARGAINS IN USED CARS TAKEN IN EXCHANGh for NEW KINO CARS Can La aeen at OARAGE. 2823 N. 21st st. Inquire 511 N, Broad at., or KING CAR BOOTH NO. 40 AUTO SHOW FORD COUPELET (Inclosed runabout), newt must sell; Inspect and make offer. Ill) w. Seymour. Phono Otrmantown 1033 Y. AUTOCAR. 10l3-pen express, solid tires, nearly new, fully equipped; low price, part cash. R. O. Koon (Loc. 510). 2308 Chestnut it. McDOUGALL Ofl O I l.t i-UTOMOBI-W, Tar St -. UNUSUAL VALUES in .y USED CARS f ifll.l M. RCBIt Runabout, fully eobtppeell recently painted and overhauled) tit it-iii. -914 MERCER nunabout: In splendid oii.ft3 tiwiij iihv trewi win eacrince. 'i 1813 MERCrat Runabout; newly palnteti aMjlj3 overhauled; complete; bargain. ,,yJ 1912 MEnCER Roadster; In fine shape; riui -, trie lights, lop, windshield, apeedomete and electric horn. j 1011 PEERLK'S, '7-pastengr, (l-e tpadsri in perfect condition: electric starter ard Hots, , slip covers; finish like new; baraln. 1913 Pontl Sedan, like new; Used only twd " months; fully equipped; at a bargain, MERCER CO., C00 Nt BROAD HT. t BETTER VALUES usEDnCAns Among the ears recenllv taVsn la exchange for COLE and GRANT nro the following. All are of good ap pearanco nnd In good mechanical con dition, having been overhauled In our shops, and will bo sold at sacrifice, prices! 191.1 PAIGE big sir touring. 1IM.1 OVERLAND touring, 1014 JEFFEItY roadster. 1913 r-HALMlins six touring 1913 HAVERS six roadster. 1013 CADILLAC touring. ALSO DEMONSTRATING CARS 81lghtly Used. NOW IS THE TIME TO RUT L. 8. JIOWERS COMPANY 245 North llroad Street, DISTRHJUTORS cole t?RAyr WE HAVE 30 OP THE FINEST SMALL AUTOM011ILK3 that cnn.be seen ln Philadelphia, Each ear overhauled, painted and sold with n rensonnble guarantee. Racked by a responsible concern. It will pay you to Investigate. Good prices allowed on old cars. MAINE LINI1 SERVICE CO. ROSEMONT. PA. DRYN- MAWIt 837-SJ3-839 FltANKLIN cars, nil models, overhauled and 1 guaranteed.P J Paxonj410 Chestnut rt. IIUI'MOIIILE. 101432 touring, electric lights 4 and stnrter: bargain. S, s. IlODdKHS. UO 2 ... I,,.,i.., n,, .,CT ...,. . , JACKSON, fi-pnssenger ttmrlnir. slip covers. i One condition. 350 STOEV R-HANNOLD ? J MOTOR CO. 023 N. Ilrond St. , H LOCOMORILE 0-cyllnder, 4-pass.; a gentle- 5 mnu'n Torpedo: In Ono condition ln oVerjn re spect. tires Pno will demonstrate. H 043, la ledger Central. . JO OLDSMOIHLE. RACEAPOUT. SPEEDY AND U powerful. won. . HTOEVEE'HANNOLDS MOTOR CO . UJ3 N. llroad n. , - a PREMIER. 3-nnssenirer tnurlne. row! .n-n Hon. S.l.in STOEVER-HANNOLD MOTOR V..VJ., ..i .i. iiroau st. STANLEY steamers. $200 up. also llmonslna T boily; rail, make offer. 1l3o Westttior;landT g WANTED Old outnmobtle nnd old niotort or ' pnrtt; high prices paid, cash: also 101 ."u Plunders motor. In good shape, for sa,e eheanj f; parts for Steams, Autocar. Maxwell, Flanders. ;; Elmore, 2-c.vllndcr Ford nnd Crawford; new " and Becoud-hand tlren nnd tubes for sale. ! 11. SHORLEY Edge Hill, l'a. TlPr.tVnnY or ttlensnrn pnri. wltlinilt rat a. tato security, a aown ana ?. per week up- u wards. Can. wo tell you hew It Is dona? Ourf representatives will call by appointment, r day or evening. n L 0.11. ledger Central. y 02! NORTH OROAI) STREET C31 . Robertson's old original Auto School teaches you how to ro- 31 pair and how to drlvn autos. K ftlt NORTH UROAD STREET 029 il SPRINGS, WHEELS. TANKS, MUFt-ERS, ' TURER. St OO. 1 SCHOI IER. 3341-43-1.1 MAItKET ' STUDBUAKER, 1914, limousine; courpped with'"' electrla lights and stnrter: good condttloru.rr OOMERY-SC HWARTZ. 2.13 N. llroad at. SEND POU FREE BULLETIN 1 OP USED CARS iH OORSON AUTO EXCHANGE. 238 N. UROAPfa lull FORD, perfect condition; lot ot extras." (112 Carpenter st.. Philadelphia H Wonted STOPt LOOK) AND L1STEN1 , Wo buy old autos In any vvrecked condition: J get our price .before you sAl! them. Phone of ft write Southwestern JunkJo.1705-7 Carpenter. Ja .&) OLD ALTOMOIULEH WANTED r, 111 . wrotii L.t ut.ucB iai.u. .'iii.in -VV" llnih.ln u. Xtn ...... t 1, linns Xlut l-lf wanted"- a'utos for junk, get oun J nrfrw first. nU HkRinntl St. Phfln Pftrk 41ft. t EXCHANGE now $C0O niayer-plano for auto,-"1 Whltmoro.Plano Co.. 2033 Lehigh. Tioga T2S0, OLD "CAllt. Dought for pink: any condition. ' Relmont 400. Problnsky, SG01 Vine st. y AXJTO LIVEEY AND GARAGES if TO HIRE Plerce-Arrows. Packards, Ford Llm. Cars. A uf.tn. l,V',llK .c, ,.,n jict UUU1. lord town cars. Autos for Wedding nnd Funerals- PACKARD SERVICE COMPANY 1411 LOCUST ST. Race 243. Spruce 63. INDEPENDENT TAXICAB CO, 1IVH .. VVIL,I.irvtiTtJ."M HT. LIMOUSINES. TAXICAR3 AND TOURINO CARS Tf tlTIft- ! -1 1,1. f. 1Ir1, It.rt T POP. Kks,1-laS4. PARK 73, NEVER CLOSED. ta NEW QAHFORD One and one-tialf ton and s inree-ion irucaa; win lease Dotn irucxa with (( drivers on hourly basis, with contract guatvR anteelng continuous service. R. c. Koon. -I locust 210. nas Chestnut st. KERR'S NEW OARAGE 0110 Glrard ava. jnow open lor service who ins nnest up-toz date equipment. Storage. S up. Drop tn and li look It over or phone. Belmont C130. f QUAKER CITY GARAGE, open. 402-4'e40a"ii N. bth Thoroughly equipped, steam heatete. cc Room for 100 cars: repair, work; reasonable 1 rates; open nil night. Phone Market 4 665. J TO HIRE (open day and night) ifrand-new S 1-pass. touring ear. with robes. Sl.2.1 hour; 1 also brand-new 7-paas. limousine, all R0 hour: 1 weddings, funerals, etc. Poplar 1017 TV. 1 1 AUTO REPAIRING ? ua MAGNETOS COILS ALL MAKES. REPAIRED Lighting, starting. Ignition troubles -corrected. All types, new and second-hapd. Bosch Dual. Independent and two-Spark Magnetos for sale. MENKINS COUailLIN 4. t 'I t . f 141S Vine at. AUTOMOBILE REPAIRS. " - The best-equipped shop In TV. Phlla. TYa straighten irames and axles, maka parts, harden and grind, rebuild, overhaul and re pair all makes; prices fair; agency rorMaater ., Carburetors and Mechanical Surfers; special T starter for Fords: service station for dealtra. - IIIUUINB UROS.. 4212 chestnut. HAINES AND DETROIT SPECIALISTS. f I iviicuiair.,, w u m v r. t .1 1318 Ilrandywtne st. Poplar 1780. l T SPEEDOMETER TROUBLE I 6EB niLLY AT IH8 NEJV LOOATION, BIO N. HROAD ST. ' CYLINDERS. RBBOHED. new pistons and. f Expert battery repairing and repairing oa 4 starting and lighting systems. i rings furnished, weldings and hraamg, IL JL ; t Underwood & Co. 1025 Hamilton mV. PhlgT i FORD top enclosures. t.U; plate glass; aatta- ractian piine. ajuj mrara. jxra uoor (Jo. Other Clan tiled .Ida on Next Tago 'ft "t 8 !3 X ir la M n i J THAT THERE. BOMB YoU SETOFF 1 7, tt 1 J BROKE! A FELLER'S GLASS EYE; "'Jffi f 1 I AND THEN FLEW INTO THE BARBEtxf Wf 4 11 let, II SHOP AND MADE TONY CUTA f II Imll g,UY THROAT j ) Sir I FORGOT THAT THE 1 JwSM I i ( K Mm window was open ; I lSJj kyiy 1 ct t t-w rfc.im.h-0-Mw wr
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers