i EYENIK& liEPGEEPHIL'APELPHIA:, MONDAY, JANUARY 10, 191G. It a M WANOY WYNNE IS INTERESTED IN VAK1UUS Kjunior League Will Give Ballet Performance on Febru I ary 2 in Ballroom of Bellevue-Stratford Mat- ; inee and Evening Affair Also (3 . VlVEtir day Borne new nffalr for . In New York were M. nnd Mm. Jay B. Hi...riiv r.rons ud. and now the Llpplncott, Mr. and Mrs. John Slnnott, ff-V" ,:,i ). hard at work on n , junior uvo 1 ii,frmfincd to bo given on the after- Eon and evening of February 2 In the iwilreorrt at the BtUevuo-Btratford. It HfilH be called I'Tnc uaiici or. urinnoo, Ji 111 be Slven for the benefit of Iho- Allied MCIIW 01 inu ijiiviNcuv;y Aid. sAbo"1 40 Persona "1 taUe part sl it.. rtlrrta nmeni. mtio wilt be Vf . A. ..j 1rt trlrla t SLn ballets Oi iv Bi cuuh, una I ftrougliout the whole performance not word wilt be spoken Rid suns. Pan- . tomlmo and dancing Ull bo the only features. Oeorgeitnna Brown will lead the ballet, and those of us who have ,een'lier can expect a treat, for she certainly can dance. The costumes and effects nro being carefully planned, nnd will bo more elaborate than anything seen here In tn. amateur line for some time. Tho cents, which will bo painted especially for the occasion, will represent Floron tins gardens; soft Italian Bkles nnd subtle music will bcgullo tho beholder nd entrance htm almost to tho point of returning In tho ovonlng should ho have ventured out for thq afternoon. Quito a number of tho younger girls hiio undertaken tho affair, and It Is f about sure to bo a success. Roso Dolan Is busy as n bee over tho pub- llclty, and somo of tho others Inter tsled'are Eugenia Cassatt, Mrs. Arthur fe. New bold. Jr., Mrs. Francis V. Lloyd, llrs. B. Gilpin Ervln, Bylvla. Barnes, (nve'n Martlrl, Emily Fox. Adeline Pep per, Katharine Chambers, Nancy Scott, Sydney Ellis, Gertrude Henry and Miss Henrietta Ely. A number of very good-looking ' costers for tho show nro being pre- ' pared by a numoer at uh.hi uiunm, m- cludlnff Allco Blddle, Chrlstlno Cham ' iers, Mrs. Frank Lloyd nnd various Mhcrs. Do ou know, In spite of nil that has been said thh year about tho man ners of tho malo creature, awful nnd " horrible are tho talcs which como to ray cars of tho rudeness of tho younger members of that kind in answering Ihelr Invitations, nnd not only that, for some of them have mothers and alsters who look after such things, but when tho dance docs come to pass they do not appear on tho scene of action and never wend a word of ex planation for excuse? If only the various hosts nnd hostesses would give them a lesson such as I heard wns given by tho father of ono of our charming debs not long since. Ho waited until within 10 days of the danco ho was giving, tho Invitations having been sent out two months bo foro the party, and then he sent to soma dozen young men who hail not answered, a note which road, "In view of tho fact that i ou have not nnswercd my Invitation for a dinner-dance on such a date.' your place has been filled " This note was signed by tho gentleman In question, and I feel sure the young men (In fact, they should bo 1 relegated to tho boy class, oven it tney do co out with older people) were f taught a good lesson. Still, only tho Pother day I heard of a ball given at a i hotel where no fewer than 140 guests . failed to answer their Invitations nnd 1 here woro not enough men for pnrt- tiers, and tho ball was a fearful frost. However, In thnt last caso I believe the Invitations themselves were mixed up In, tho shuffle. ' Of courso, Mrs. Scott's Supper Club at the Bcllovue-Strntford was its usual great success. Miss Fontaine, who I dances much nt various Now York nf 1 fairs, gave four specialty dances nnd was greatly applauded. There were more than 300 guests Saturday night. ine ueorgo D. nosengartens gavo a party or 32 for Sarah Neilson nnd Mrs. Edmund McCullough entertained as did the Sam Beeves and tho Alfred E. .'orrises. The Craig Biddies who aro topping with the CI. TV. Chllds Drexels came to tho club, and Beth Scott gave party of 25 guests. The Plunkctt 8tewarts were there, nnd the Richard Parkes also entertained. Mrs. Scott tells m she will start her second Berles of nances on January 29. I understand there Is quite a largo waiting list, for these dances are verv exclusive and k Wly a favored few may Join. ISAJSUY WYNNE. Personals B E Tha mirrtavA n rf- rh .. -1 . . .. mj.iln JV ams, daughter of Mrs. Charles JVIUlams, to Mr. Herbert I Fenncr. will Place quietly on Saturday at the ?"", f Miss Williams' brother-in-law nu sister, Mr. and Mrs. Randal Morgan, F tn, iM'TOr v-nestnut Hill. The bride 'S,..J ""ended by Miss Nancy Scott as !!:?' honor antl by jh8 cecio Finer I .. H.M,M Qretchen Clay, Mrs. Law 5 E2n. ''Wilbur and Mrs, Morgan as S. l?,r,n!4ld!l- Mr, Louis C. Madeira. 3d. kij " M best wan. As the prospective 1' ivSJP00"1' family Is In mourning the t juddlnj will be qulto small. t Mr and Mrs. Anthony J. Drexel Biddlo th.Jcal,ed thelr Invitations for the ittH vmY whlch was to have been fiver, on January 20 for Miss Sarah H. " t'enrnaa n,.,i. . ... j ... .. w Biddla' tlster, Mrs, Frederia W. Miller, : Wttaburgh, ? . rS. EdW&rri V TTnWn.n m If tlnroWlrd,.F' man, Jr., will receive &i"2Ily tomorrow afternoon after 3 FJannaL. the fIlowlng Tuesdays In Shiv. i' l -cusi street, no cams tMoL. n sent out M1s Phoebe, White R "Q!v wh the hosjesses. V'.e,1di ? llr and Mrs. G. Jason ftbat i? !hl cby wl" ba 8lad to know tillrik "ae. Yvno has beea seriously Pr.hil.iPwndlc"i- 1 recovering In the p'"""" nopal. New York. lfi'rJ-W Du"can Thomas, of the Batter ifatnr .,ments- announces the engage EGrax. Si her daughter, Miss Elizabeth lt fii.5 V tq Mr- JamM ' McCarey, Jr.. f - VJT Vr. John ti r u x i Kpdhur05 Morton, Jr.. of Pevon, are m v-w.Tr,. w. '" "arry tnapman xnayer, Eon.. J Houe. Haverford, wUl give a WiruLJ ,hl evening at the' Bit Kto h. T'r u' obout w ffuest'i rrotnP,?ereeuttl '" sWar " P nr thiw, who pent th wek-en? CHARITIES PLANNED H"T-?'"' Stanley qrwol(l Flasir. 3d, ; ana .urs. lenac ji, clothier. Jr. il '" Mr. E Durftesi Warren, of SMS Rnruee Mrect, has gone to Miami, Fla., for the remainder of tho winter. Mrs Cart K. Grnmmcr and the Misses Grnmmer will receive Informally this afternoon at their home, 1021 Bpruce street. No cards have been sent out. Mrs. Joseph H. Brazier and Miss Bra zier, of 1903 Pine street, will be at home this afternoon after 4 o'clock. No cards have been sent out. Mrs Iv Webster Fox nnd Miss Fox tv 111 receive Informally this afternoon at their home, nt nth and Spruce streets, so cards have been sent out. Mrs. Jnmes Watts Mercurnnd her debu tante tlnuRltter, Mlas Dcnlsc H. Mercur. 3M South 24th street, will be at home this afternoon after t o'clock. Card havo been Issued by the Ablnpr ton Society of Frlcndi for n ten to be held In the Coulter Street Meeting Houso tomorrow afternoon Mr. William Wlslar Ccmfort will deliver an address on "Friends In Ihigland and the War" Mr. Btchard C Kerens, of St. Louis, who wan Ambassador to Austria-Hungary from tho United States during the Administration of Mr Taft. Is n visitor at tho Trajmore. Atlantic City. Mr. Ho ratio C. New comb, tho Spanish Vice Con sul, hni returned home after a short star at Atlantic City. Chestnut Hill Tho first of a scries of club dinner dances nt tho Philadelphia Cricket Club took place on Saturday night. Mr. John H. Whlttakcr and other members of tho club ore making every effort to have theso affairs a marked success They will take place on the second Saturday of each month. Among those who dined on Satur day were Mr and Mrs John II. Whlt takcr, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Smith Kelly, Mr. and Mrs Arthur C. Colnhan. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cloodnll. Mr. nnd Mrs Wll. Ilnm W Watson, Mr. and Mr. John Brown, Miss Alice Schocttle. Mr and Sin. J. Harris Warthman. Mr. and Mrs. I'enroso Perkins. Mr. nnd Mrs. E. Deacon. Mr. and Sirs William M Davison. Mr. and Mrs. Howard M. Phillips, Mrs. 8. C Eckfeldt, Mr. Crawford Allison, Mies Homer, Mr. W. I Phelps, Mr Harry Cnrtrlght, Mr. nnd Mrs. John K. Stru blng nnd Mrs. Goorgo D. Lewis, Miss Ethel Chapman Elklns, of 7S01 Crcshclm road, left a few davs ago for Norfolk. Va. Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Both, of Bast Graver's lane, entertained at cards on Saturday evening. Germantown Miss BIcnnor Mcndc, daughter of Mr. Henry W. Mende, of 4193 Weit Horttcr street, and Mr nnd Mrs. Blddle Frlsh muth. of Illverton, .V J., have gone to Florida, where they will be the guests for several nooks of Mr Frlshmuth's par ents at Cas.i Blancn, MontlcMlo. Miss Monde will also visit in Palm Bench be fore returning homo Mrs Thomas Barton, of the Fairfax Aparmcnts, hai gone to Cincinnati for a fortnight's staj. Mr. and Mrs. Harris Urannni, of CI33 Morton street, are being congratulated upon the birth of n son on Tucsdoy, Jan uary 4 Miss Trancls Courtney, of Chew street, has returned from n trip to Norfolk, Va. Cards have been Issued announcing nn old-fnshtoned Southern dinner, to bo fol lowed by a dnnce, nt the Gcrmantonn Au tomobile Club on Thursday evening, Jan uary 20. On February 22 also a special feature will be provided, namely, a Martha Washington dinner. Mr William J Gallagher, of West Itlt tenhouse street, has gone to Texns for the remainder of tho winter Mr. and Mrs Bdnnrd W. Hacker, of Pastorlus street, have gone to the shore for a short stay West Philadelphia Mrs Henry H. Horrocks. of 60" South 48th street, will entertain at bridge on Wednesday, January 19. Mr. and Mrs D Webster Hell save a theatre party followed by a Bupper at the Bellevue-Stratford Satuidny evening in honor of Miss Alyse Matthews and Dr. W. I. Hnnneman, Jr., of Urookllne. whose engagement was recently an nounced. Friends of Mrs Edward Stackhouse will be sorry to learn that she has been confined to her home, 1617 Cedar nvenue, with an attack of grip. Miss Alice Bugart entertained her card club Saturday afternoon at her home, 5142 Hazel avenue. The members Include Mrs. George Heebler, Mrs. Joseph Gravey, Miss Helen G Mullaney, Miss Geneva Farrell, Miss Marie Mullaney, lilss Anna Byan, Miss Marie Hull, Miss Rosalind Murphy, Miss Margaret Ryan, Miss Blta Connor, Miss Mabel Boype and Miss Mary Rementer. Mr. John F, McGoldrlck, of 453 North loth street, has left for Uuantanamo Bay, Cuba, where ha will remain until May. Mr, John Young, Jr., has returned to State College, Pa., after a short visit to his parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Young, of 1424 North COth street. Miss Kathryn McCaskey, of 6M4 Tine street, Is spending a few days with her grandmother, Mrs. J. P. McCaskey, at her home In Lancaster. Along the Reading Mr, and Mrs. Herman Blrnbrauer, of Oak Lane, announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Elizabeth Blrn brauer, to Mr. Harry Hesselbacher, alio of Oak'Lane, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Waters, Jr., of Washington lane, accompanied by their daughter, Mrs. Elizabeth Waters, haye returned home from Baltimore, where they have been spending the holidays as the guests or. Air, ana jars. r. x, cms, at Walbrook. Mrs. Harper Gibson, of Frazler street, entertained at 600 Friday afternoon. Tho guests were Mrs. Alfred Blake, Mrs. James Erwln. Mrs. E. A. Wright, Mrs. Edmond Brlckley, Mrs. Edward Homlller, Airs. Frank Huckle, Airs. Munwarlng, Mrs. George iseuer, urn Montgomery. Mrs. Edward Weber and Mrs. Joseph F, Donnelly. Mrs. George Hauser will entertain the club at her homo In Germantown, on Tuesday afternoon, January 19. Notices for tbs BoclttT pace will bo accepted and printed la tho Efcoln Lfdicr, but mU oacb. notices, mail bo writ ten on ono oldo of the paper, moot bo ilfned la full, with fvdl addrcM, and uben poulbl teltphoo number must b gtntl all oncb, communication to ftoclcly fdltor." Etalng Lcder, CO CUmlnut ttrcct, L'nltM tbcto rcqalrcmcnti ro carried ,nt 'hot icrlflcatloo mr P poulblo, 1U notlco ulU not bo pnbltokM. MISS IRENE A. HUNTER Miss Hunter, who is tho debutante daURhtcr of Mr. nnd Mrs. William T. Hunter, of Devon, will be formally introduced by her parents nt their home, 220 Madison nvenue, New York, on Saturday afternoon, when n the dnnsnnt will be given for her. Along the Main Line OVKIIBROOK Tho Misses Durong gave a shower on Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the homo of their sister, Mrs Thomas J Hare, of Wynnewood avenue. In honor of Miss Florenco Loughlln and Miss Marie Moore, whose engagements to Mr. William Stanton and Mr Harry Wng ncr. respectively, were announced this winter Mrs Hare entertained nt luncheon Thursday. Tho guests were Mrs. Thomns H. Bowes, Mrs. David Wilson, Mrs Louis Trocniner. Mrs. Wllllnm HcnderBon, Mrs. John McDcrmott, Mrs Charles Hcnkcln, Mrs. Edwnrd Fleming, Mrs Vernon Hns broucke, Mlsi Itcglna Gorman, Miss Helen Loughlln nnd Miss May Campbell. MBBION'-Mr nnd (Mrs Gustavo A. Brown, of Beacon lahc, entertained the members of the Neighborhood Club Fri day night nt bridge. ARDMORK-Mrs. Llllle L .Tarrrtt. of School Inno: Mr. Reginald B Jarrett. Mr Louis Clayton Jarrett and Mr. Richard Brooko Jarrett, have returned home after spending tho holldava with Mrs Jarrctt's mothor, Mrs. Ocorge Brooko Lesslg, of Pottstown, Pa Mr Brooke S. Jarrett, who was also the guest of his grand mother, Mrs Lesslg, has returned to Cornell University. North Philadelphia A luncheon nnd miscellaneous shower was given on Saturday nt Wlmley's, In honor of Miss Sadie Apfclbaum, of 2109 Dauphin street, whose engagement to Mr. David Haas has been nnnounced. Lunch eon was served at small tables decorated w Ith pink Mowers nnd pink shaded cnndles. Tho entertainment was given by the G A. Club, of which Miss Apfelbnum Is a member The other monikers Include Miss Rcna Sllvorman, Mlts Dora Sher man, Mini Anita Lang, Mlsi Beatrice Stechert, Mlsi Nettle Weiss. Mlsi Flor ence rterknwltz, Mlsi Adelnldn Borko vvltz, Miss Frances Katz, Miss Jcannette Kutz, .Mlas Derail c lllock, Miss Violet Cohen, Miss May Vcndlg. Tioga Mr. and Mrs Louis M. Walters, of 3S37 Smedley street, gave a dinner In honor of the announcement of the engagements of Mrs. Walters' brothers, Mr. Harry Somen nnd Mr. Lawrence Somers. the former to Miss Alma Snyder, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Snyder, of North 10th street, nnd tho latter to Miss Frances Bothman, daughter of Mr. E M. Rothman, of 70S West Glrard avenue. , Mr. and Mrs William Gross, of 1630 West Venango street, will sail for Tan nma tomorrow. WINTER ItESOIlTS ATIVAN TIC C1TV. X. J. Superior location with an I unobstructed view of beach! fltanaawTof excellence Cc.iv60d. mLTJtJ.BV2Bf. han n viu jtranHnr 4i.M fljBfs nini4r niiir XARQE3T TiaifROOF DCSORT HOTEL MWHmVi.1. "I IUE WOBI,JWHCTT,Cd4t IMC ItADING KtSOhT HOItl Of THE VYJR10 JiDarworoiifiii'isienneim ATLANTIC CITY. N. J DWNCIISHIP MNalMINT JQ8IAH WHITE A 8QN3 COMPANY 1 CO up dly. to 112 00 up wkly. Cbn. liuhf. oi.n roiNT coauoitT. va. HOTEL CHAMBERLIN Xeio rOINT COMFORT Slmmlnirol.CoJf.S.ifood UaUia. turopeftJi UUu and Trittmeau. Fortcniu.wriu OtO. F. ADAMS, U.Oma.r rartiata Muuat. v.. "Atk Ur. Foster' 12th and Chtitnut Sis : Cooki' Touri, 1ST 8 Broad 8t. ruu. ft. R. Cc. 1133 Che.tnut St. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES LEARN LANGUAGES at the Berlitz SchooJ 16th & Chcttnut fit. (Orcr Itlker fbarmacjr) Tolopbon Bpruco 4604. Kow i latoeo Conotmntly Formlnt; Temple Univeiraity OKOAU AND 11KHH8 STKKETd Collcio count (A. B. B. a). Toachors' Collet (U. B. In Ed.). Com mercial Kducatton (Normal). Commarclal court. 8crtarlal couru. and short, practical buaintt courus. Vinhamn claae tormlm Vebruary 1. BPKCHt-5 WEEKS COURSE J 10 SrAMbU, 1KENCU. ITALIAN. OxkuAX ' tEseoNS a week; Technical Tcacbrra & Traiubtter' Alio. 030 JParry 11.1 df. Sprue 4238. ailWmJ SQIOOT Chotnut 8tr. DANOIKQ EIXWOOU CARPENTER. Studio 11M tHtnut t Open dar and vmlcx (or rt lottructlea Is BaU Kooat 4acU. CbHtnut fc" 01 " ATI. ANTIC CITY. I has set anew .standard of 911 Frankford Mrs Bruco Murphy, of 6300 Water street, Olnoy, cntrrtnlned tho Camp Tiro Girls and their friends nt her homo last week. AmotiR those present wero Miss Mnrlon Yocum, MIbb Helen VnndeKrlft, Mini Mnrirarct Coleman, Miss Gladys Sundcl, Miss Dorothy Hcdmllc, Miss Bor nlce Sundcl, Mlns Jcnnetta Riders, Miss Virginia Krldcr, Miss Holen Short, Miss Beatrice Hawkins, Miss Allco Godlcr, Mr John Glace, Mr Wnltor LnMock, Mr. GeorKe Blppj, Mr. Charles Waters. Mr. Ilnymond Cornclltis, Mr. GcorRo lilckloy, Mr. rrnnk Wesner, Mr Georcc Dowey, Mr Pnul Vass. Mr. Wllllnm Johns and Mr. Benjamin Perry. Wilmington .Mr. and Mrs J Montclth Jackson havo returned from Atlantic L'.tj, X. J, where the) spent the week-end. Mls Ldla Chichester hai returned from Sandy Sprlntr, Md whero she spent Chrlitmns with her parents. Mr nnd Mrs. Washlntiton Uowle Chichester GERRY 4H v44ft4' KjflBSfcC3ke'l h" 1! IPM W iwM k Wi m WmSrW Weddings McAFBEi-LESLIE. An Interesting wedding took place at 7 o'clock fltturday eronlnsr, when Mlsi Irene Leslie became the brldo of Mr. Bobert Brunswick McAfee, nt tho Oxford Pres byterian Church, Broad nnd Oxford streets. The pastor, Dr. Wiley W. Francis, performed the ceremony. Tho bride, who was given In marriage by her uncle, Mr. Thomas J. Blanck, of Kow York, was attended by Mrs. Frank Stoneback, of East Orange, as matron of honor, nnd tho bridesmaids wero Mlsi Kathryn J. Blnnck nnd Miss Margnret Travis, of N'ew York, nnd the rtower girls, Miss Helen Ah In McAfee and Miss Elizabeth Thornton. Mr. Wllllnm Har rison McAfee, of Pocnntlco Hills, acted as best man, nnd the ushers wero Mr. William W Wanamnkcr, Mr. Howard I!. Brchmcr, Mr. Wllllnm II. Supplce, Mr. Dunbar Shcwell, Kenntor Frank P. Clnrk and Mr. Walter B. Bailey. Tho brldo was attired in a gown of whlto satin with a coring of rose point lace. Her ell of tulle was wreathed with orango btosioma A reception from 8 until 10 o'clock followed nt tho home of tho bride's mother, 1011 North Brood street. After n wedding Journey tho joung couple will reside nt 1W3 Master street. HUSTON-MAHSEY Tho wedding of Miss Margaret Vlrgllla Massey, daughter of Mrs. Alberta Mm. scy, of the IMgeton, Ud nnd Pnrksldo ave nue, and Mr. Cecil Bend Huiton, of Sharon Hill, was solemnized on Satur day evening at the Methodist Episcopal parsonage 252 North nth street The flev Dr. S. W, Purvis performed tho ceremony. Only the Immediate members of both families nttended the dinner which followed the ceremony at tho home of the bride's mother. The young couplo left Immediately after for Nassau, and upon their return will livo In West Philadel phia. WHITEMAN-NIVIN Mill Echn Stono INTItln. nt ri.i.. County. Pa, nnd Mr. J Hnncy Whlte mnn. of Wilmington, Del, wero rutin led Saturday morning In tho Lady Chnpel of 8t. Mnrks Church by tho Bev. Hamilton B. Phelps, of Thomnston, Conn. Tho bride wns unattended, and Immediately nfter tho ceremony they left for Florida and other Southern points. Upon their return Mr. nnd Mrs Whltcmnn will llvo at 1301 Franklin street. Wilmington, Del. PETCnS-DONOHUn. Tho wedding of Miss Virginia Dono hue, daughter of Mr and Mrs James Donahue, of nil Worth allien street, and Mr. William Peters, of 1CM North Front street, took place In St. Grcgorj'n Church, Kd nnd Warren strceti, on Wcilnesdn afternoon, January S. Tho Jtov, Dr Frnneli Hots performed the ceremony Mlsi Agnes Donohuo, wns tho maid of honor, nnd tho bridesmaids wero MIhh Leona Donohue nnd Mlsi Mnrio Howard. Mr James Donohuo ncted ns best man Tho usdieis were Mr Henry Delno nnd Mr. John Donohue A rcccpth wns held ul the home of the bride, following tho ccrcmoiij Mr nnd Mrs Peters aro tour ing the Southern States. aOLDBEBG-rtOStt.V. The marrlngo of Miss Txrinlc Rosen, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Frnnk Itoien of Mil North 6th street, to Mr. David Goldberg wns solemnized lust night at Two boys, Gerry Lansing and Alan Wayne, are brought up together at Red Hill, the summer home of their people. Gerry, who has wealth, becomes a con ventional repetition of the man of his class, and falls into a lethargy of effort less living. Alan plays fast and loose with his guar dian's money (which he supposes is his own), and wins the affections of many women. When he learns that the money is not his own he takes a bridge-building job in Africa and is known as "Ten Percent Wayne." MANY ACTIVITIES AMONG CLUBS " FEATURE THE INCOMlNffYffMfr Alumni of Bryant School Holds Regular Meeting B,el vor Club and Other Organizations Also Gonveiie Twelfth-Night Party Given in Tioga THE 'William Cullen Bryant School Alumni held a meeting at tho school building on Thursday of last week. The school was beautifully decorated In tho school colors. Tho Entertainment Committee prepared an elaborate pro gram. Mr. Kline, of the Weit Philadelphia High School, gave Kipling's "Gungn. Din" In masterful style, Miss Evelyn Craft gavo a loltn solo and Miss Isabel Young and Miss Huth Halte furnished music for tho dancing. After the usual business transactions tho Befreshment Committee served refreshments. Mlsi Pennypaoker and Jtlss Roberts ncted as chaperons. These nlumnl meet ings nro held tho first Thursday In each month nnd any graduate of tho Bryant School la eligible. On Saturday evening, January I, the Belvor Club gavo a mnsked party. Piano soloi by Mr. D. Medoff nnd singing by Miss Steinberg and the Belvor duct were the fcnlurcs of tho evening. Among those present were Mr. J. Golden. Mr A. Segal. Mr. L. L. Binder. Miss B Segal, Miss J. Brown, Miss M. S o'clock at the future homo of the couple, 032 North Franklin street. Tho ceremony wai performed by Bnbbl Schultx and wns followed by a reception The brldo wns nttlred In white satin trimmed with net embroidered with pearls, and a veil of tullo, caught with sprajs of orango blossoms Miss Qoldle Goldberg, the bridegroom's sister, who was maid of honor, woro a gown of palo green crcpo do chine trimmed with gold lace. Mrs Nnthnn Goldberg wns matron of honor and Mlsi Ida Miller mas bridesmaid. Tho former woro a robe of black satin and rich lace, nnd tho latter n pink taffeta frock trimmed with princess lnce Mr Nathan Goldberg was his brother's best man Upon their return from their wedding trip Mr. nnd Mrs. Goldberg will bo nt homo otter January 18. McCARTNirr-KELLtrr. Announcement Is made of the marrlago of Miss Gertrudo C. Kellcy, daughter of Mrs. Mary Kelley, of 2403 Nicholas street, to Mr. Louts V McCartney, of 2213 West Montgomery nvenue, on Thurs day, January 6, nt noon, In St. Eliza beth's Roman Catholic Church, 23d and Berks streets Tho ceremony wns per formed by the nsslstnnt rector, tho Rev. John Moore. Miss Elizabeth McCartney, tho bridegroom's sister, wns tho bride's only nttendant. nnd Mr. Robert McCart ney, Jr, was his brother's best man Mr. nnd Mrs McCartney, nfter a short wed ding Journey, will llo In New Havm, Conn. STAUB-LEVIN. Mr. nnd Mrs Joseph Mclnlck nnnounco the marrlngo of their niece. Miss Rcba Lovln, to Mr. Abraham Stnuh, at their homo 327 South 6th street, on Sunday ocnlng. January 2. Somo of the guests present wero Mrs 8. Applcbco and Mr. Harpld Applebce, of Washington, D. C. ; MedolT, Miss P Steinberg, Miss S. Gold man, Mr. S. Salkow, Miss J, Eatkow, Miss C. Salkow, Mr. D, Medoff, Mr W. Elf man, Mr, Brown, Mr. G. Hetfand, Mr. N. Helfand, Mr M. Blumenthal, Mlsi Davis, Miss Mogel, Miss S. Kline and Mr. NeVr enberg. A recitation was given by Mr-S. Neherenbcrg. Tho affair took place at -tho clubrooms, 323 Washington avenue, sup per being served nt midnight , Mr. William Johnson Monkhoviie, of 3339 North 19th street, entertained with a "Twelfth - Night" party, followedtbjr dinner on Thursday evening. Tho rfUeVts were Miss Augustlno Morgan Johnson, Miss Olla Dudbrldge. Miss Emma Lelner, Miss Sauermnnn, Mlsi Buth Sauerm4nn, the itev. Daniel Ingnlls Odell, Mr, Louis P. Schaefer, Mr. Maurice Van Hart, Mr Theodoro Earlo Jennings nnd Mr. Ernest Stclber. T Miss Estclla Kntlln, of 2419 South itUt street, entertained tho "Grandls ArnlcA" nt her home on Thursday evening. Among thoio present wero Miss Bcba Zager, Miss Mollyo Gclbcr, Miss Rose Shaplnv Miss Fanno Osmon, Miss Estclla Kntlln and Mr. Thomas Morris. -j i Mr nnd Mrs. R. Bcrkowltr, of Wilming ton, Del. ; Dr Theodore Melnlck, Mr, ahd Mrs Burnsteln, Miss Minnie StnUb,'"Mr, Samuel Mclnlck, Mr tftnld Melnlck, Mr. Jack Snyder, Mr. Benjamin Friedman, Mr Thomas Levin, Miss Mlnhto BUfn stein, Mlsi Dorothy Bernstein, Miss Olga, B. Smith. Mr. nnd Mrs. Staub will tnak their homo at 4th and Lombard streets. Lansdowne Tho second of a scries of talks on "Woman In Buslnem " which are prov ing popular with tho Twentieth Century Club, will bo given tomorrow a'hornoon by Dr. Lucy Longdon Wllllami Wilson, principal of tho Southern High SchooJ for Girls. Doctor "Wllion will Bpenk on "Women In Education." Mrs. FranHO. Burrows, chairman, and Mrs. HenrjiI,T. Kent will preside What's Doing Tonighfo Automoblln ithow. Contention 1111. , I'ennslanla Historical Society. WOO Loeurt trort. S o clock. . ,Flft-Mrnth Street Improvement Associa tion. 00th street anil Cllrinl avenuos 8 o clock. Inc. I'nltrrsltv of Prnnylnnla Trustees. Unt rrltv or IVnnsvlMinhi Library: 8 n'rtock.t rhllndelpliln c'hnptrr American Instltutff'of Architects K'rn Chancellor street: 1 o clock. Oik jma Improement Axorlstlon. Chcllen nml Park nxrnties: H o clock. Tree Houth I'hllailrlphln Huslnes Men's Associa tion llrond and Federal streets; 8 ocMtk. Free I'cmujlvanta Library Club. Locust nnd Jtml prr Mlietat oilock r- lituro. "MlKratlnn (if Illnls." Dr. Wltrticr Htono. Academy ot Natural bcltncrs: 8 o'clock, free. I rcttire "Hlrth Control," by Kmms Gold man. Itojal Hall, i til nnd Morris streets, . New tnik iiiinhony Orchestra, Academ7'ot Muilr; 8 o'clock. K.iinrr. i uautlprle of rhlUdclnhla ttnd rhjladelphla North ami llnnrd of MlnlstcMlil Itrllef and HuMcntatlon, Hotel Walton. (1:10 o'clock. llanquet "llllh" Sunday t'shers' Associa tion. Central Y. M. C A il 10 o'clock. Choral Union 17-1 Chestnut street. . I.eiture "Mnrv Ouern of Scots," by tho'lwv, Joseph McMulmn, Catholic curls'' High ScUool. n ALAN r' " m'm ' "" " 1 ' ""' '" ' " - --, -ii-ih mwm,., i i i - J
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers