'M-u8M.WliiMMW wlimniiinij wwow Z5f&nSlSHmmJi :w&i1& ljy jtfimwi.JiDi0ijrr4"'Hmt WW ,)' EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1015. 0 1 IjsfANCY WYNNE'S DAILY GOSSIP ui' ixijii for. and Mrs. Charles Bingham Penrose Will Give ' Ball for Their Daughter at the Bellevue-Stratford ( This Evening Several Affairs Are Sched uled for the School Set i irt ball of tlio sonson will be j-.n tonlcht In the largo ballroom it the Bellevue-Stratford by Dr. and iJL charlcs B. Penroso for their daughter sarnn, wu . - - illrddeo9 oi mo ..... i There will bo a number of people 'from out of town. The uan.n-. ""-,""--"-" " .rlne will como over with their mother, IL'rjrcxel Dahlsren, who la n sis- ' of M". Penrose, you Know, ana , ,M Brlstcd girls, for whom the Alfred ' :.'.-. will clvo a dinner. It will be I tvery brilliant affair, and I am gettlnsr r ulte excited over the prospect. 1 Judge and Mrs. William Wllklns Carr re giving a dinner uciora inu uun mr Mir dnugliter, Heleno Martin, and their nloce, Catharlno noblnson. The Mhcr guests will be Sarah Franklin, tiMamondo Fisher, Helena Hoblnson, a 'lister of uainariiif, uiiauuuu, "urau. tanlam noblnson, Dicky Harte, Rod erick Towcr' Jnrrelt Ingcrsoll, Collect Caner and wiuiain Aiaciuc. nu, ion, Helen Marshall will bo Riven a dinner by Dr. and Mrs. Dcrcum. I Excitement has been very Intcnso L.i.ttf ahmit the story which has been Bclrculated about ono of our populnr iree 6uds, who, on being dared to ro Kfnovc her shoes and stockings and take Eihe part of an ancient goddess in the rntre of a fountain In the conserv atory of a private hotiso recently, took rihe dare, and with dire consequence, I for one of the perpetrators of that Uaro ? turned the fountain on run tut, nnu Ifrom all I hear the tableau was unique ;jn the extreme, and tne elc'i nmost lost to our fond view forever, no tnat ns It may, this same young person seems cJ an extremely venturesome disposi tion, and ono evening was seized with the desire to visit ono of her friends In Chestnut Hill nt tlio early hour of 11 p. m., when all good little children ro usually In "boddy bye," and so "our young hcrolno persuaded some of her numerous suitors to motor her ''over from her homo or. the Main Line to Chestnut Hill. Arrived at the point ot her desire, the said small girl, who ll evidently of u romnntlc disposition iiswellns a venturesome one, pro ceeded Willi U1U liuiu iiaai.iiuui-i; ui nc thoscn escorts to flro small pebbles it tho window of her friend. Alack tnd also alas, tho talo does not end .here. ''-Ititlio dark tho house did not seem so familiar as usual, but finally they de cided on the proper window and the at tack was on, with tho result that It wns not little friend's window, but Father's, ltd Father proceeded to appear In a frothy manner, with such evident In tent to make Inquiries It was very hard for tho small deb and her gay young friends to make a good get- illU J.I1I1IIK1I? 1IUI luwilliuiii:., jwii;i- dijr afternoon and evening were splen did. 1 think it is wonderful how well Ihoso men act and danco and sing, and the best part of the whole thing Is that it Is nil homo talent. Kven the scene shifters nrc members of tho cjub, and tho Inrgo orchestra Is made up also of I'rlnccton students. The words and music wero written by atudents, and tho only outside aid nt all was tho muster who taught tho dancing, 1 wns crazy about tho song "Nobody Home," with tho verso about the Ford fn tiiry being obliged to close, u Ford had taken M tho Nuts on tho Peace Expedition with him. Put the thing l like most of all was tho general singing at the end of the play of "Old Nassau." It is rather a jemarkable thing to boo tho men stnnd- iflff with hntu rnlanfl In tlio jilr. W1IV- Bogtlmo as they sing "In I'rnlse of Old Nassau, My Hoys, Hurrah, Hurrah, fHorrah!" with tho most earnest ex pression on their faces. Just as If it brought out the best that is in them. eaii over tho room na I looked about iere older men with gray hair, many lM and bewulskercd. as well us tho (lounger ones, singing lustily. It Is a beautiful tribute to their Alma Muter. R1 hear that Mrs. Jimmy Sullivan has tone, over to Now York to await the rrval of her ton and daughter from Enjland, where they have been for lOnie Hmn T?rn,.na tnlt.n.l linn lirntllPP IB London some months ugo and, wing from tho letters she hus been Jntlng home, has had a most Inter ring experience, visiting tho numcr- jlOuj hospitals In end uround London nd dodging Zeppelins "between whiles." Their home-coming at tills HJson Is particularly fortunate. IpHrs. Sullivan's second daughter. fe'ta, la having her Christmas trco Party again this year for the children $t those Jesa fortunato than them- tClVBC Tl l ... .. . .1 II. '" i iul-h in near 01 incau in m kindly acta being performed when S.fU are us busy as they are just at Pfent, particularly Leta, who Is en- I LEjm in prei-arlng for tho Gambol of Mje Qods, on January 13, when she will "ie a aoo dunce. NANCY WYNNE. Personals elDfi HUHtI'I tn n It r., Tl1.n Y)n nenff ! ;W3 city, n Assistant Paymaster Svu1 on 8atm day afternoon at the home p at Mgntclalr, N J. tlf anil Mro TnV. ..... rnlln. ...Ill nllTA kmUy dlnner on Christmas Day at their !r; on Evprcr i.a riiAniit "lull. wim" suests W,IU lnf'ude Mr- and MrJ- ti " i:a rurues, air. anu iiirn. juiui : torbes, Miss S. Innes Forbes and , ,,ames Fitigerald Forbes. K" Christmas Cotillon of Mrs. Charles BSSlltuWurt8' Dancing Class will take liv.i T-, """ evening at AsUefs. Mr. lf.'4Wck JIuHpr Mr Hnrrv fjrnhmn. I&,iChatl,:s Stewart Wurts, Jr., Mr. IS? v Us0I. Mr Palmer Townsend, ife-. ""n ache and air. Tnomas fc-jrrtt Will lln,l tho nntlllnn A num. it? dI"ners wll be given before the SCtf" among them a dinner of 10 covers, !if..att' and Mia. ITnumrrt W T.urt. who Witertaia Ui honor of their niece, SCU r. it b.h, .-Mt Ornvera George 1Uwti Firrtrt TflU jsuax SUUIAL WORLD lioii" , 1forma,ly iM evening at her "le. 3l3 South 10th street, for her Brandon, Mr. Hush Itoberts l'nrrlsh, Prior to tho meeting of the clas3. Mrs. Alfred K. Norrls and Miss Norrls will receive this afternoon at their home. tr'1 De, wincey place, and the succeeding Thursdays In December nnd January, rhey will be assisted by Miss Susan Lynnh Bruce. Thcro will be dancing every afternoon. Mrs, Samuel nichnrds Shipley will shortly Issue cards for a series of at homes on Saturday afternoons In Fcbru ary at 1031 Spruce street. Mr. William 11. Darbyshlrc, Jr., who Is a student at Hnrvard, will arrive today to spend tho Christmas holidays with his mother, Mrs. William It Darbyshlrc, at tho Bellovuc-Stratford He will have Mr George Cobb, of New York, as his guest Lieutenant Edwin Hungary HalliiiRcr has moved Into his new bungalow at Wenonah, N. J., and In planning an ex tensive house warming for Now Year's Eve. Mrs. George Preston Simmer will enter tain at bridge this afternoon at her home, 252S South Lambert street, In honor of Mrs. J'atil It. Htnlnnkcr. Mr nnd Mrs Stalnaker have taken n houso nt 2301 South Garnet Mrcot. Miss Mary II. .Merrick, daughter of Mr, and Sirs. .1. Vnughan Merrick, of Den bigh, ltoxborougli, who Is attending school at Diookllne, .Masi., Is expected to return homo today for the holidays, Mr. Edwin Gicble Drcer. of Annnmliilc. Malvctn, has roiic to Los Angeles, C'al . ' for tho remainder nf the winter At the dlnucr-dauce !o bo given nt the Geimantown Cricket Club on New Years Eve, ono of the dinner parties being nr ' ranged will Include Mr and Mrs. llarrj ' M. Collin. Mr. and Air. Ilurtnn Ethorlug- ton, Mr. and Mrs. William J. Constable, Mr. and Mis. Osunld J. Dc Houssc. Mr nnd Mrs. It II. Newborn Mr. nnd Mrs Henry It. Coclicu, Mr. and Mrs. A. Mahle, Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Yoimgman, Mr. and Mrs. Charlcs A. Peal son Invitations have Deen received from Mrs. Florence Huhn Wnlsh for n dance to be given on tho evening of Wednes day, January 6, at ! o'clock, at the llltz Cnrltou In honor of her daughter, Miss Phyllis Hnhn Wnlsh. The c-.rds of .Mr. nnd Mrs. Snmucl I'arhnm Huhn and of Mr. and Mrs. William H. Tevls Huhn are Inclosed. Mr. Charles Graham Hcrwlud will re turn to the Naval Academy at Aininpolls tomorrow after a visit to hlu patent Mr. and Mrs. Henry Augustus Urrwlnd, of 2112 Walnut street. Master Henry Augus tus llcrwlnd. Jr.. who is n student nt St. Paul's School, will return home for tho holidays today. There will be no meeting of the Women's Auxiliary of the National Hed Cross at the homo of Mrs. Charlemaguo Tower tomorrow morning, but the meet ings will be resumed next Friday, De cember 3t. Bala-Cynwyd Mr. nnd Mrs. Arnold D. Ilrown, of State road, gave a theatre party last night, followed by a dinner. In honor nt their son, .Mr. Arnold O. Brown. Jr. Tim guests were Mr. Willis Brown, Mr. CrAlg Gallna, Mr. George Harper, Miss Mary 1 Schrollcr. Miss Minnie F. Schrollcr, Miss Eleanor Kennedy, Miss Grace Paulls and Miss Evelyn Vanholt. Chestnut Hill Mrs. Edward Ten Brocck will leave on Friday, December 31, for Atlantic City, where she will spend several weeks. The ofllcers and board of governors of the Philadelphia Cricket Club have sent out cards announcing open house on the afternoon of New Year's Day, from 1 un til 3 o'clock. Buffet luncheon and danc ing will bo Intel cstlng features. Perhaps at no other suburban clubs arc there as many of the younger married set. They come from tieur and far for the tennis tournaments, and not less attrac tive are tho winter dinner-dances. Spe cial featuies arc to be provided on the third Satuiday of each month, and Chestnut Hill maids and matrons are looking forward to those evenings. Germantown Mr. and Mrs. Harry M. Coffln, of 507 Hansberry street, will entertain at dinner on New Year's night nt the Germantown Cricket Club In honor of their daughter. Miss Hazel Collin, and Mr. Hoy Collin. The gucsta will afterward attend the Leap Year dance, chnperoned by Mrs. George A. Brooke. Among the guests will be Mr. Emlyn Shipley, Miss Nnncy Smyth, Miss Marguerite Barton. Miss Eleanor Wunder, Miss Jot'eph Beeves, Miss D. Frnncc3 Gllkcy, Miss Kidney Bel vllle. Miss Alice Tatnall, Miss Judith Jen nings. MU-J Edith Kingsley, Miss Dorris Hubbard. Mi. Gordon Smyth, Mr. Will lam Clothier. Mr. William K. Beard, 3d, Mr. Cnnrnd Clothier. Mr. Richard Taus sig. Mr. Arnold Jennings, Mr. Edward Ketcham, Mr. Arthur Jopson, Mr. John Beard, Mr Frank B, Deacon and Mr. J. M, West. :d. Photo by fUstlud. MRS. IEON J. TUNITZKY Formerly Miss Rose Blumenthal, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Blumenthal, of 2210 West Tioga street, whose marriage to Doctor Tunitzky took place on December 7, The bridgroom and bride, who spent their honeymoon in the South, will be at home after Janu ary I at SSS0 West Girard avenue. I - - -- --. -:-i " - . MISS SARAH Tho charming daughter of Dr. nnd who will be guest of honor at a ball North Philadelphia The Philadelphia Section of the Coun cil ot Jewish Women will give a chil dren's entertainment nnd dnnco on Wed nesday afternoon. December 29, In Mer cantile Ilnll In nld of the philanthropic work of the council. "Pandora's Box nnd tho Treasure" wilt bo produced, under the stage management of Mis. Harry J. Blsslnger, with tho following cast: Mrs. Jesse Jay Schamberg, Miss Edith Katzen berg, Miss Ituth Klrsehbnum, Miss Caro line Lowmnn, Miss Klorlno Elkln, Miss Juliet Kind. Miss Helen Welnland. Miss Cecelia Flelchmnii. Miss Carolyn Baiim, Misa Charlotte Feuslmnnn. Miss May Newman, Miss Dorothy Stlefel. Miss Florence Bncharach, Miss Dorothy .1. Moos, Messrs. Stanley Snmter, Edwin Goodman, lllrhnid Glmbel. Harry Frank, George Jacobs. Julian Bamberger, Girard Blsslnger nnd Henry Allman. Tho olll ccrs of the association arc Mrs. A. A. Eshner, piesldent. Mm. Morris Getz, Mrs. Joseph Slmsohn, vlco presidents; Mrs. Emnnuel Rubel, treasurer; Mrs. J. B. Fclgnl, conespondlng secretary, nnd Miss Gertrude Berg, recording secretary. Miss Sarah Elnfeld. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William J. Elnfeld. of 1520 Dia mond street, has Issued Invitations for a danco on Tuesday evening, December 2S, at her home. Miss Alma Bycr, of Mil North 12th street, gave a shower on Friday night for Miss Gertrude Kershaw, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Keishaw, whoso marriage to Mr. Nathaniel Alexander will take placo In tho spring. Camden and Vicinity Mr. and Mrs. Frank Scull and daugh ter. Miss Floience Scull, will spend Christ mas with Mrs. Scull's brother nnd slster-In-law. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Smith, of Gth and Penn streets. Mr. nnd Mrs. Smith will entertain 18 guests nt dinner on Christmas Day. Mrs. William M. Mnttern nnd children, of Foiest Hills, L. I Is visiting her mother, Mrs. Charles Hogan, of 210 Cooper street. Mr. William J. Bradley and his brother, Mr. George Brndley. have returned from Montreal, Can. Mrs. Llnwood A. Miller, of Toledo, O., will spend the holidays with her parents. Sir. nnd Mrs. Elijah Jerterles, of North 6th street. Mrs. Edwin F. Miller, formerly of Pearl street, but now residing In Merchantvllle, Is entertnlnlng her sister, Miss Ada Dau mun, o' New York city. Mrs. Miller's sons are home from Rutgers College to spend the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Culin, of Moores town, wilt spend the winter In the West. Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Holman. of Mer chantvllle, have returned from a fort night's stay at tho shore. Lansdowne Tho Wednesday Evening Dancing Class Held a ueiignuui i.nusiinua uii iui evening, Barker Hall was beautifully decorated with evergreens and polntettlas. Supper was served about U o'clock, Among those present were Miss Heien Moon. Miss Virginia Walton, Miss Doro thea Prendergast, Miss Ceclle Ityan. Miss Helen Middcmore, 3IIss Agnes Ityan, Ml&c Lillian ityan, ansa r.ieunur jumioun. Miss Lillian Smalley, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Love, Mr. and Mrs. Lee J. East man, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac II, Adler, Mr. and Mrs Joseph Blgham, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fitzgerald. Mr. and Mrs. Fred erick Leopard, Mr. Cecil Wilson, Mr. Fiank ityan, Mr, Thomas Prendergast, Mr, and Mrs, Thomas Culllnan, Mr, Na than Longmeyer. Mr. Stafford Prender gast, Mr. Joh" Doyle, Mr. Albert E. Peterson. Mr. George llcoper and Mr, A. Jores. Miss Ella Young, of Berkley avenue, will give a luncheon of 12 covers on De cember 30. Wilmington Mrs. T. Coleman du Pout, Miss Beneo du Pont and the latter'a guest. Miss Georgia Bonner, of Texas, who spent pait of last week In New York, havo returned home. Notice far (be Society pace rIU b accepted and printed la tho Kvmlni Ledger, but all such uotlccn muat be u HI ten on oae tide ot tlio ppprr, mut lie tlcncd la full, with full iddreM, and uhen powlbU tclelbou uumlicr must bo elien. Seud all eoch communlcitlont to "Society Kdltar," Kicala Ltdccr, 60S 'liMttiut street UoUm tbe requirement are rortleil rut " that lerllU-utl-u loir i puulW 'h Bolt '( l t Imp iMt'b-lr.l II. U. PENROSE 1 hulo b Mai' c.iU Mrs. Charlcs Bingham Penrose, tonight nt tho Bellevue-Stratford. West Philadelphia Miss Marian Blanchard Smith, who Is a student at Mount Holyokc, Mass., will spend tho Christmas holidays at her home, C33 South IGth street. Miss Emlllo B. Harris will spend tho holidays In New York. A family reunion for tho Christmas holi days Is being held at the home of Major and Mrs. E. N. McCnskoy, of 6PGI Vine street. Among tho guests aie Captain i nnd .Mrs. W . II. McCaskcy and Miss Fisher's Island. N. Y.; Lieutenant and Mrs. J. P. McCaskcy and their daughter, Miss Mary Ann McCaskcy, of Fortress Monroe, Vn., and Miss Catherine A. Mc Cnskey, who Is home for the holidays from Trinity College, Washington, D. C ; Miss Anastnsla McGeehan. of Lancaster: Mr. Maurlco Long and his son, Mr. Joseph Long, of Moorcutoun, N. J. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Davles, of ISM South Cecil street, havi announced the engareincnt of their daughter. Miss Mary Davles, to Mr. Itaymond Ilrown, of 5611 Appletree street. . Mrs. C. D. Mnskoll, of Gin Cnllowhlll slieet. and Mr. mid Mrs. Edward Tay lor, of W27 Washington avenue, havo left for Bildgcton, to be the Christmas gucsta of Mrs. Maskcll's mother, Mrs. A. Dare. Tioga Miss Emma Campbell, of 1727 West Erie avenue, ga o a luncheon and miscel laneous shower yesterday for Miss Mary Morula Knufman. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Kaufman, of Tioga, whose mnrrlago to Mr. Albert Itaymond Evans, of Lawrencevllle, Pa., III take plnce on December 20. The guests wero Miss Mar garet Ncwlands, Miss Edna Lindner. Miss Violet Wllllnms, Miss Margaret Staple ford. Miss Knthryn Halburt. Miss Edith Clarke. Miss Beryl itead, -Miss Allison Hank, Miss Ircno Blake, Miss Virginia Hume, Mrs. Charlcs H. Campbell and .Miss Mildred Haag. At the Christmas entertainment of the combined Blblo classes of St. Paul's He formed Church, Broad and Venango streets, .vhlch whl bo held on Tuesday night. December 23, In the pr.Ish house, tho young people will present, "The Christmas Houso Party." Delaware County Miss Mary McCarthy, ot Ridley Park, hns returned to her homo from Trinity College for tho holidays. Sir. and Sirs. Henry' J. Boyle, of Drexel Hill, will entertain a houte party over the holidays. Their guests wilt be Sir. and Mrs. Edward J. Boyle, Mr. and Mrs. Archlo Loby, Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Bader and Mrs. Bertha Grace. Miss Alice Brown, of Highland Park, entertained at 500 last evening. Her guests Included Miss Alice Walter, Miss Grace Heart, Miss Ella Bobb, Mr. Frank Lytton, Mr. John Keene, Mr. Lawrence Smith and Sir. Alfred Boone. Sir. and Sirs. C. Conrad, of Ridley Park, announce the birth of a son. WINTER ItESOBTg ATL?'ll' CITY. N. J. &S Atlantic an ATLANTIC CITY. I Sunarior location with an j unobstructed view of beach and boardwalk A recognized I stanaardof excellence THE LEADING RESORT MOTEL Of "ME WORLD DDatiDoioni'lBRnMim ATL.A.NTIO CITY. N, J, OWNIMHIP UHNkSIUCMT JOBIAH WHITE A SONS COMPANY TRAYMORE Ijiri eat lu Atlantic Cltr UUOWNS MlLLS-lX-TUK-riNES. N. J. TUG I MM Climate mild, dry, InvUorUuf. 111L. IIM1 ma-, drtv-, , motor's. Favorite werk-eni resort. I. L. fc li. B. 11UDDEH3. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES STRAYER'S The Beet Bulae SchooU JHU1H.UJ 80 -80T Chestnut StreeU DANCING Waimer 1"13 UroaJ ' Pbon Dla- MS " Vroctlee Uiu Mob Tue. Thurs. schoury H,ppj,nd Tonight u,: VJOil. r rr 25 Weddings NEFF-nOELLIO. The wedding of Miss Irene K. Itoelllg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert F. Itoel Ilg, to Mr". George W. Neff, of Dayton, O., took place on Wednesday at the home of the bride's parents, 123 North 60th street, Tho ceremony was performed by the Itev, Phillips E. Osgood, vicar of the Chapel of the Xlcdlator, 51st and Spruco streets, at 7 o'clock. The bride's gown wns of white eatlh, trimmed with pearls and tulle, with sprays of orange blossoms arranged on tho skirt. Her veil was ot tulle, held In place with orange blossoms, and she knelt on a white satin em broidered cushion that was bound with gold cord. Tho bride wns nttended by Mrs. John Crist, ns matron of honor, who wore n gonn of green taffeta drnped over a lace skirt. Mlsi Lillian Itoelllg, u sister of the bride, and Miss Anna Burnett, the brldcsmnlds, wore gowns of pink talTcta trimmed with tulle. Mr. Heibcrt J. Ilrudcr acted ns best man. After a trip to Atlantic City and New York Mr. and .Mrs. Neff will live hi Dayton. PlEftCE-LYNCH. Tho marriage of Mrs. Mary E. Lynch, daughter of Mis. Emellne Chambers', of Tioga, to Mr. Luther E. Pierce, of Low Bridge. S 1).. took place last lilsht at 8 o'rlock nt the home of the bride's son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Kminett J Welch, HOI West Idle avonue. Tho ceremony was pel formed by the Itev. Dr. Forrest K. Dagcr, of St. Paul's lteformed Episcopal Chuicli, Broad and Venango streets, and was followed by n dinner and reception. The bride, who wote n gown of whitu crepe do chine and duchess lace, wns unattended The inntrlagc Is tho culmination of a rumnnco thnt began In Florida tour yeais ago. The bride groom l In the rcnl cstntc business In South Dakota. Mr. and Mrs. Plerco I1I spend the winter In Tioga. Frankford SIHs Mary Anderson, of Keystone street, spent the week-end In Wil mington, Del., ns the guest ot Mr. and .Mrs. David H. Moglll, of 1.1) Market street. SIlss Elizabeth Moglll will re turn with her nnd remain until after the holidays. .Mrs. Hlchnrd Gasklll, ot 4521 Haw thorne street, was given a surprise party last xcok by her friends and relatives. Mrs. Harry Kbbcrt, of Walker street, Ilolmcsburg, has left for Savannah, Ga., where she will Join her husband, for an Indellnlto stay. Roxborough Mrs. Stargarct Protsch, of 1SG Greci lane, has announced the engagement of her daughter, SIlss Florenco Louise Pretsch, to Sir. Howard S. Schweitzer, of Philadelphia. Sir. and Sirs. Howard Rleker, or Hcr mltago street, will visit friends in Ox ford, Sid., over the holidays. Sir. and Sirs. Oliver F. Keely, of Hast Levcrlngton avenue, entertained the Box borough .Melody Club last night nt their home. Tho annual muslcalo of tho club, which was to havo been given on De cember 13 nnd was postponed on nccount of tho Illness of the director. Sir. George Wcntllng, will tako place on Monday night, January 21, In Odd Fellows' Hall, on Itldgc avenue. Tho program will In clude tho oratorio "Narcissus" and tho soloists will bo Sirs. Harry Cay wood, SIlss Florenco Cornman and Sir. Lester Illnn kin. Tho Instrumental soloists will he Slastcr Gurncy Slattox, violinist, nnd Slls Florence Adclo Wlghtman, harpist. Mr. and Sirs. Franklin Endcrleln, of 325 Fountain street, will glvo a dinner on Saturday evening nnd entertain their guests nt a house pirty over tho week end. Those who will participate aro Sir. and Sirs. Ralph Goettman, of College ville, Pa.; Sir. and Sirs. William J. But ler and their llttlo daughter Flsa, Sir. and Sirs. Harry ICndcrlcln, Sir. and Sirs. Harry T. Jones and Slastcr Robert Jones. At the Falls of Schuylkill Toung SIcn's Improvement Association banquet, given to the members nnd the Ladles' Auxil iary, who assisted at the recent bazaar, a gold watch was presented to Sirs. John Stinson, of Queen Lane, who secured mole than K00 for the Improvement fund. The entertainment was In chargo of Sir. John Porter, president: Sir. William Ferguson, Sir. John Roy, Jr., vice-presidents; Sir. Harry Tregca, secretary; Sir. John Trcgca, financial secretary and Sir. Wit lard Hess, treasurer. SIlss Beatrice Slorgan, of Kalos street, Wlssahlckon, Is visiting friends In Salem. Books Tom Daly's Little Polly's Pomes with really beautiful pictures in four colors by Gordon Ross, will teach the children nnd you how to spell ' and punctuate how to improve their English and yonrsin a humorous, novel, but eiTective way. Polly is a delightful Home-maker. She tells you how to fall in love how to get married howevor limited your in come. Beat of all, she tell you how to stay married in this "one in eleven" divorce age. Any judge or clergyman will attest our assurance that there will never be any troublo in the home or out of it, provided all differences aro submitted to Polly's wisdom on piges 40 and 47. Price, $1,00. Postpaid, $1.15, Mrs. Delia T. Lutes in Americ" n Motherhood "It is a charming book and one which I hope will find a plact wherever children and lovers of children are to be found." "Th moil difficult of all fee Jtr i fo think," niersow and the moil neceitary to tucceit, "Keystones of Thought" By AUSTIN O'MALLEY, M.D., Ph.D., LL.D. The only book of original and genuine aphorisms in English. Written by the World's master of aphoristic thought and expression. If you are easily discouraged, a victim of worry ot fear, "Keystones'" is your prescription. Every employer that reads "Keystones" will commend it to his employes surely to his stenoaraphers. Do you fail in clearness of thought and of expression especially in conversation? Do you as host, hostess or guest want a spur to clever ness" of thought, wit and repartee? Do you teach or preach or lecture? Do you want to give straight-to-the-point advice to your children, your friends, your employes and YOURSELF? Is Christianity a Failure? Have you an active or passive grouch against the clergy (a now fashionable disease usually confined to the middle aisle) because of "what they say and do and because of the way they live"? Then Read Keystones of Thought "STACCATO WISDOM" "The successful aphoriit i( about ten thousand times scarcer than the successful essayist, or story teller, or AssyrlolofUt. Humor without effort, wit without bitterness, philosophy without pretension! Dr. O'Malley has printed m. book that is worth possessing," From th pat of notable books in th N. Y, Sun' day Sun. Special gift book edition, suede, gold edges, in box a very useful ornament for Drawing room, Den or Social Correspondence desk. ?1.75 net, postpaid ?X.90. Cloth, gold letters and design, ?1.00 net, postpaid 11.15. THE DEVIN-ADAIR PROGRESSIVE DINNER IS STARTED AT HOME OF MISS HAZEL COFFIN Class of 1914 Friends' School) Numbering 16, Holds En tertainment at Four Different Houses Ends Up With Informal Dancing Other Entertainments Till! class of 1914 of the Friends School entertained at a progressive dinner last night. The first course wns served daintily to 16 guests at the home of SIlss Hazel ColHn, S07 Hansberry street. Then motorcars conveyed the boys and girls to the home of SIlss Dorothy Shane, from there to SIlss Stargarct Stntlack's home, then to SIlss I'dlth Stllncs' and finally Ice cream and coffee tasted pietty good at tho home of SIlss Sidney Belvllle, where nti Informal d.inco was another feature of tho evening. Those who at tended the dinner wero SIlss Martha Shoemaker. SIlss Kllzabeth Xesbltt, Miss I'dlth Stllnes. Miss Mnrlon Flower, SIlss Kmlyn Shipley, SIlss F.dlth Kingsley. SIlss Mnrlon Robinson, Stlss Sidney Bel vllle, SIlss .Margaret Slatlack, SIlss Dorothy Klllough, Mr. Joseph Haymaii, Sir. Russel Robinson, Sir. Kenneth W. Webb, Sir. Howard Jcnsenlu. Sir. Frank Deacon. Sir. Henry Belvllle Mr. Richard Bradbury, Mr. Itenves .Morgan, Sir. Har vey Price, Sir. 12. Buttcrworth. On Sunday night, December 20. tho Friends of the Mount Slnal Hospital will glvo their usual Christmas dance nt tho Iloyal Ilnll. "th and Morris streets. This danco promises to bo an unusually bril liant nrfalr. An orchestra of 12 men has been engaged, and nil who dance will hardly be able to resist such an Induce ment A special concert has also been been nrrntigrd. In which not only pro fessional talent but nlso some ot the Friends will participate. And this la3t hi a surprise: A beautiful silver lining cup will be given tu the person holding tho lucky number. Bach person entering tho Royal Hall Sunday night will bo I given n muiinercu ucuvi. mu rin-uun ! nviAH.I .it, Ittfltnil,.,, ,,, nil ntnl wlqli Mint jou will como and help mnko this affair a grand success. Sir. and Slis. Harry Daroff gave a re ception on Sunday evening at Students' Chapter, ll. honor of the continuation of their son. Sir. Michael DnrntT. They also announced the betrothal of their son. Sir. Louis Dnt-orr, to Miss Clnlrn Kakln. Among those picsent weio Sir. nnd Sirs. Jack Voice, Sir. Albert Voice, Sir. Henry olcc, of New York city; Rabbi and Sirs. Leventhnl, Sir. and Sirs. A. Davidson, Sir. nnd .,irs. K. Ostrnff, Sir. nnd Mrs. n. Davidson, Sir. and Mrs. 11 Glttle mnrhcr. Sir. nnd Sirs. H. Sillier, Sir. and Slrtt. H. Grecnbaum, Sir. and Sirs. Gold tunn, Sir. nnd Sirs. S. J. Sussklnd, Sir. and Mrs. Joseph Fishci, Sir. and Sirs. Louis Frnnkcl. Sir. nnd Slis. S. Kskin, Sir. nnd Sirs. George Albert, Sir. and Sirs. 8. Braman, Sir. and Sirs. . Rlchlecn, Sir. nnd Sirs. i. Sokoloff, Sir. and Slis. Llchtcnsteln. Sir. and Sirs. Ailclmnn, Sir. and Sirs. N. Fcldnum, Sir. and Sits. S. Hendler, Sir. and Sirs. A. Rablnovltz, Sir. nnd Sir. Slax Slarkowltz, Sir. and Sirs B. Goodman, Dr. and Slis. S. J. Sollsman, Sir. nnd Sirs. I. Roomberg, Sir. nnd Sirs. Slcpen, Sir. nnd Sirs. Newman, Sir. and Sirs. Strauss, Sir. and Sirs. II. Frecdman, Sir. and Sirs. Shulman, Sir. and Sirs. Lossy. Sir. and Sirs. Rosen hnum, Sir. and Sirs. A. Dai off, Sir. nnd Sirs. A. Shore. SIlss Claire I'sltln. SIlss Iteba Talnc. SIlsi Kllzabeth U.irorr, SIlss Rosallo DaiotT. Rev. and Sirs. Adclman, Sir. Louls'Dnroff, Sir. Charles Dai off, Sir. Joseph Daroff, Sir. Samuel Dai off, and Sir. Sllchnel Daroff. The L. G. Club, of West Philadelphia, held a meeting nt the homo of Sir. Har vey Kurea, .13 Noith 31th street, on Slon day evening to appoint new olllcers. as follows: President. Sir. Sydney Rice; vlco president, Sir. Jack Haas; treasurer. Sir. Harvey Weed, and secretary, Sir. Gcorgo Glazier. A solreo dansant will bo given by the West Philadelphia Country Club this eve ning nt tho Knights of Columbu. Ilnll, 3Sth and Slarket streets. There will be exhibition dancing and singing nnd a con test for which loving cups will bo given. Sir. William Lnccy Is halrm.iu of the committee, which Includes Sir. Kugeno Nugent. Sir. John L. Lacey, Sir. James B. Sturpby, Sir. Joseph Slulhern. Sir. William J. Ward. Sir. Francis P. Murphy, Sir. George L. SlcClaln. Sir. Thomas F. Flnncgan. Jr.. Sir. Statthew J. O'Brien, Sir. William O'Biien nnd Sir. James I'. Leonard. Among the guests will be Sirs. SI. Fln negan. Sirs. J. Campbell. Miss l Nneton. Sirs. Charles Armstrong, SIlss Grace Dal rymple. Sir. G. SIcGowon. SIlss SI. Dal rymple, Sir. Jenks Smith. Sir. and Sirs. Foster, Sir. and Sirs. Murphy. SIlss SI By Philadelphia!! JUST STORIES By GERTRUDE M. O'REILLY MISS O'REILLY'S book wins straight to your heart. These are charming stories, told marvelously well. They are fresh with perennial childlike fragrance of Irish character and gay with the irrepressible Irish humor that smiles and weeps and smiles again. They are sweet with breath of the fields of home. A splendid book, written by a native Irish woman who understands her people as truly as she loves them tenderly. In humor, in del icate pathos, in naturalness of situation and dialogue, in story-telling power, "Just Stories" is one of the notable books of the year. It raises the soul in you like a bright Irish morning, Agnes Repplier, world-famous essayist '"I have read 'Just Stories' with keen pleasure, They suggest bits of real life. The book is charming." Tom Daly "Mis3 O'Reilly is a natural story teller. She couldn't be dull if she wished. In 'Just Stories' each tale has a charm of its own." Newark News "No one who likes a good Irish story can afford not to read the 'Just Stories' of Gertrude O'Reilly, and that means no ong who likes ft good story. For these tales are lively and, amusing com binations of humor and pathos." America " 'Just Stories' is a gale of merry laughter, shot through, now and then, with a fine spray of tears, The greatest fault of this book is its length. It is entirely too short." Beautifully bound in authentic Irish blu , Price $1.00 Postpaid $1.1S AT BOOKSTORES, OR CO., PutMisrs, 437 Fifth Ave 4 ." ' Slurphy, Mr, George Hanecn, Sir. nnd Sirs. Albert Slurphy, Stlss Alice Murphy Sir. F, Conway, Miss Anna Brown, Mr Sir. P Vnughan, Mis Dorothy Morgan L Clnrk. Stlss Frances Hey, Mr. Peter Davis, SIlss SI. Stnrks, Strs. Kugeno Horgan, .Mlsi Ella Collins, .Mr. Felix SIcGullndy, Miss Hattlc Jones, Sir. Jo scph Hoyan, SIlss Lillian SInney, Sir Webster Smith, SIlss Slary McCaffertl, Sir. Thomas Larktns, Sir. nnd Mrs. MC Cafferty, Stlss Nan Pompert, Mr. T Lynch, Silas C. Lconnrd, Sir. Francis Doyle, SIlss SI. Leonnrd, Mr. William Down, SIlss K SIcFadden, Mr. William Brognn, Stlss SI. McCIaln, Sir. John Rooney, Miss E. SlcClnln, Sir, William Carroll, SIlss P. SlcClaln and Sir. Slnc-Llroy. Northeast Philadelphia SIlss Florence Rosenblum, of 292S Frank ford avenue, Is on a visit to Hartford Conn., for several weeks. Before return Ing home sho will spend several, days In New York n the guest of Stlss Sperr, of 1S5 West llSth street. Sir. nnd Sirs. Samuel Sloffatt, of HM Allcngrove street, will entertain nt "Mo' this evening, when their guests will bo Dr. and Sirs. Borzcll, Sir. and Sirs. Wil liam Kerr, Sir. and Sirs. J, Ltudlg, Sirs. Clara Snyder nnd Sir, Harvey Ackerman. A buffet luncheon will be served. Ye Fifteen Club' will give n banquet and dance on Christmas nlsht nt Sloscbach's Casino, 13th streot .uul Girard nvenuc. Stlss Beatrice Dyson will entertain the members of her sewing circle tomorrow nt her home, 7th street and Allegheny; avenue. Sirs. J. B. SIcCnndless, of 2013 East Cnmbrla street, will entertain the mem bers of the System Sewing Clrclo nt a luncheon tomorrow nt her home, when tho guests will bo SIlss Anna Sillier, SIlss Slargaret Slacracken. SIlss Rne Gotwalls, Stlss Isabella Gotwalls, Sirs. Harold Smith, Sirs. Russel Griffith and Sirs. Ed watd Gotwalls. Sir. and Sirs. Lou's Rlngold and. Miss ltebn Rlngold, of 2030 Frankford avenue, Bpcnt the week-end nt North Wales, Pa. SIlss Anna Stathew, of Atlantic City, will spend the Christmas holidays as the guest of SIlss Nan Smith, of 7th and Ox ford streets. SIlss Slirlam Klein, of S38 North 5lh street has returned from n trip to New York, whero sho has been visiting rela tives and friends. A dinner wns given by SIlss Esther Horowitz at her home, 2U9 North 6th sttect. on Sunday evening. Thoeo present were SIlss Ida Silverman, SIlss Florence Frecdman, SIlss Klngsdorf, Miss Frances Klcbanoff, SIlss Sadye Barsky, Miss Freda Horowitz. SIlss Rae Gold. SlIsS Hurevltz. SIlss Esther Kadansky, Miss Paulino Vlnlkom, SIlss Esther Horonltz, Sir. Dnvld Sherman, Sir. Slax W. Sillier,, Sir. Abe Slorrlson, Sir. David Shormnh', Sir. Frank Schecter, Sir. Frank Green, Sir. Joseph Goodrich, Sir. Abo Bogdanon. Sir. Iwuloro Silver, Sir. Slaurlco Woodell, Sir. .vibcrt Goldman. Sir. Sleyer Hure vltz, Sir. Mitchell Davis and Mr. and Sirs. Horowitz. Sir. John J. Hart, of 23JS East Dauphin street, has 'returned from a three months' trip through the south. SIlss SInry Felton. of 6319 North Front sti-pet. hnn hnd SIlss Slnrcarct Scott, of . Coatesvllle, as her guest for Bomo tlma past. cSsocLa. oworgram For Christmas Delivered any- t ff where for tpO,UU (S'harteslslJemylFax ttSe tSVgff of&a 221 S. SrooJ Si. fo tSeJCiddle of fie Mock JUw Ywk, U, S. A. m&svi II .1 Km
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