Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 11, 1915, Night Extra, Page 12, Image 24

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Tit-"- -. i--c ""? ft;
"IT(T- tf " -rjfl- B
.ffif F
"Because, Birsky, Ven
You Say Dot Roose
velt unci Taft Are
Not Good Friends,
You're Meshuga."
Montague Glass, in His Inimit
able Way, Relates the Argu
ments of the Two Characters
Over Their -Lunch at Wasscr
baucr's Restaurant
Jn This, the First of the New Glass
Stories, Znpp and Ulrsky Are
Agitated Over Second-Term Mar
riages, us Applied 10 i-rcamum
Wilson, Votes for Women, and
"X7T.LL, why not?" Louis Ilirsky.
the rcal-cstater, exclaimed ns he
sat in Wnsscrbuticr's Restaurant with
Barnott Zapp, the waist manufacturer.
"When my Grosvatcr olav ha-diolom
jrot married for the fourth time he
was 85 years old."
"Sure, I know," Zapp commented,
"but some fellers Rots married be
cause they don't know whether they
need n wife or nn ambulance."
"You should need an ambulance
. like President Wilson needs one,"
Birsky retorted. "Mr. Wilson has
got his office light in his home, Zapp,
and before you arc through with
your coffee in the morning, this is
what Mr. Wilson does: He dictates to
the bookkeeper a rotten letter to
England that in case the shipments j
is delnyct any longer wc would posi
tively take such steps as we think
proper to protect our interests in the
mnttnr. .ind remain: ho nlavs eighteen
pockets golluf; he sees Bernstein, the j
manager from the Kaiser's Washing
ton brnnch, and tells him where he
belongs, and then sends out all the
. monthly statements between the first
time when his daughter says his
coffee is getting cold on him and the
tenth time, when she says that even
j though the girl would be a greenhorn
she ain't goin' to stand it day after
day that sho ain't through washing
the dishes from the breakfast before
it's time to put 'cm on the table again
for lunch; a busy man like Mr. Wilson
needs to have a wife looking after
him, otherwise he will soon get his
stomach in such shape that some
. morning when the country sausage
stays an hour on the table before he
eats it, instead of the regular form
letter ho is using for Germany, he is
apt to dictate one out of his head
saying just exactly what we think
about it."
"Even so," Zapp said, "he's going to
lose a bunch of votes out on the Pa-
HHOOMAI.L. On December 0. PJ1.1. ISAAC
K uiliiuMALI., In Ms with i'Hr. MelaU-.es
anc irleniis. alio tl.e Uoddard Lotlne. No. UNI.
1 ami A. M.. " Ciiiitesvllli, I'.l.. nrc Invited
to attend Ilia funeral services, .it the Hen
xlbali luiinwt i hui-i-h, inciter I'ounty, l'n..
on Sunday, nt 12. "0 p. m. Remains may le
viewed at Schuvler's. liroul and Diamond
la., on Saturday, from 7 to lu p. m.
BUO.MI.KY. On Den inner S. HIIS. EMMA
a., wire oc Jonn l.. tiromiey. iiciatiici
.l i.l.ml. .. .. In. I.A.I In nllnnil tliA fit. .
Will IVII" lilt lll.li.u ... ,........ ...v -
n-ral, on Mont'oy, at 1 a in., from the real
v dfnte of her husband. .112 (ireenwbh st
Services In St. Peter's Protestant Episcopal
X Our. h, Id nnd I l.iu 'If.. t II it m. pre
cise!). Intoiinent private. Klndl) nmlt tlornl
offerings. Friends mu call on Sunday, from
, b to 10 ,i. m Automobile Hon Ice.
BROWN. On December H, 101.1, MAItV A.
IIHOVV N. widow of Charles 11. Ilrown. former
ly or I.2S Knilb t.. Phllntvlphla. Relitlvea
and frlcuJs are Invited to niten.l the fuurral
on MnndH). nt s u. m , rrom the rcilif-ce
of her eon-tn-law. George W. Kne.itite. 2US
South ntth st., Camden. N. J. Solemn He
oulem Mais at the Church of the lmm.iciil.tto
Conception, nt 111 o'clock. Interment Calvary
Cemetery. Remains may bo Mewed Sunday
, BVRNi: On December 10. 101.'.. MAHY A.
llVlt.N'i:. Due notice or funeral will bo given,
from her lulo residence. HXl New Market st.
CARPENTER. On Dei ember in, 1111.1, nt
Media, Pa.. JOHN CARPENTER. Services
nt the convenience of the family, on Mondaj.
Interment at St. Peter's Cemetery. Philadel
phia. it 'I i m. Please omit flowers.
CASMDY. On December 10. WIS. MICHAEL
CASSIDY. husband of the late Mary t'assldy.
Relatives and friends of the family, iilso
the Holy Name Society of St. John the
Baptist Church, are Invited to attend the
luiierul. on Mondny, at S..I0 a. m., from his
late residence. 107 Harvey st., Wlssuhltkon.
Solemn Requiem Mass at St. John tho Ilaiitlst
Church, at 10 a. m. Interment at West
minster Cemetery.
CLARK. -On December 0, 191.1. THOMAS,
husluril of the late Catharine Clark. Rela
tives and friends .ire lntted to attend funer
al, )) Tuesday, at S :hi a. in., from the resi
dence at his son, Michael J, Clark. ,11.1 North
Orlann.1 st. Solemn Requiem Mars at St.
AUKUsttno'a church, at 10 o'clock. Interment
Holy Cross Cemetery.
CUMMINUS. On December 0. 191". JACOtl.
husband of Anna E. Cutnmlngs. Relatives
and friends aro Invited to attend funeral serv
ices, from the residence of lit daughter. Ml
Corinthian ave.. Sunday, nt 2 p. m. Inter
ment at Mount Muriah lemetery.
DEARIE. On Dei ember 10. 191.1. HARRY
C DEARIE. Htlullnn ami irlends. also
members of the Voluntary Relief Department
of fie Pennsylvania Railroad Company una
employes of Ihu Pennsvlvanlu Railroad, aro
lnvlt"d to alien! the fineral services, on
Hon lay. at 1 p m., at the apartments of
Oliver II, IMIr, ISM Chestnut st. Interment
ENN1S. Al Wllllamstown. N J., on Decem
ber lo, lul.1. NATHANIEL t BNN1S. HRod
OS years. IteUlHes and friends are Invited
to attend tho funeral, on Tuewlay, from his
late resldnce WlUUmstown. N. J. -Services
at Presbyterian Church. Wllllamstown. N. J.,
at 10"iO a. in. Interment M, K. Cemetery,
IWUHV. On December 8, 1015. MAROARET
1.. wlJovv of J. II. fairy and daughter of
WlllUni and Margaret Maltman. Relatives
and frlenls. Linden Star t-odge. No. HI, a.
of B.. Trlnll) Lodge, No. 1. I O. St.. of
Camden, are Invited to attend tho funeral,
on Sunday, at 12.30, from the residence of
her daughter, Anna Countlas lulu Broad
ay, Camden Services at Trinity SI. K,
Church, at 1 p. m. Interment private. Fern
wood. Remains may be viewed Saturday, 7
to u p. m.
aVKflKI.Yv On December 10, 1015, BL'SAN
HKl ENA. widow of Jurea Feaely. aged 74
years. Vunerat service on Sbmday at IS
p id , at her late residence 3MI Cillurlue
si tntertoect at Readlnz, Pa.. Tuesday.
FEU.-On Twelfth month Oth. 1013. MARY
8. FELL, in her 7.1th year. Relatives and
friends are Invited to attend the funeral,
on JHtst-day. Twelfth month l'.'th. st 3
p. in st the residence of her nephew.
Ueoree. J Watson, 412 North Chester road.
Swsrthmore. Pa Interment private.
rHEBMAN. On December 8, 1813; THOMAS
1 1. husband of the late l'rldiii freeaian.
HulaUit-a and friends of 'amll als the
Creole Pott. No. 10. O. A. K.. of I'hlladel
I'Uii. l-ott No. 3 and Post No. -17, O A. It .
of. Uuudei. N. j.. are united to ntiend iu-
ncrvl on Monday morulas. December 13, at
K o clo. k from the residence of hu ion-ln-1m
Ihonwa F r'liry " Uoerty st ,
Camden. Solemn HUh Reuuujm Mais
at ivs C' "' t of the Sjcre.l He urt at it 30
v " k lut-rmtqt at Ne CiihtJial feme
ttrr rv o'.nn ay be Ftt uei o humlay
t esuu
ir UiMlS n- IX nbe- 1911 M HY B,
, - Tpomjs St Garaon. RrUti.n m
i ! (i n st i tj attend .be tuuerai. i
SimOay, l : (. a. Iwni. $r Uti residence,
Iff ; Jfaf y I
CJ-- --? .'
"She ain't goin' to stand
cific Coast, whore ladies vote, because
pretty near every married woman
thinks it's a whole lot more bckovet
for n widower to drink himself to
death for sorrow than to get mnrried
"Sure I know," Birsky agreed, "but
most married women is the same as
them busted presidential probabilities
like Bryan and Whitman. So long as
they ain't got a show in the world at
it, they don't believe in no second
term. As for the women, if any one
of them knew a man who was going to
get the wedding presents that tho
President would get, they'd be willing
to take a chance on him, even if his
matrimonial experiences made King
Solomon look like a feller who would
really like to get married, but didn't
have the courage to go in for it to any
"I thought it was etiquette that you
shouldn't give the President a wedding
present," Zapp said, "on account of
afterwards if it comes up that he is to
appoint somebody for a judge or post
master he shouldn't have to hesitate to
turn the feller down because ho sent
him a coffee percolator or something."
"An idea!" Birsky exclaimed. "Pres
ident Wilson has such a white disposi
tion, y'understnnd, that if some one
sends him diamonds even he don't
210 S. Aldcn ft. Interment at Westminster
Cemetery. Automobile funeral.
OlIEi:. On December 9. lyin, MAR11ARET,
wile of Julm J. tlhee iind duuKhtcr of ElU.i
ii ml the lute William Malloy. Relatives and
IrlnidH nro Invited ! uttend the luncril, on
Stnndav at '2 p m., from her late reHldencc,
.IK! North Jilih at. Interment Sit. Pince
(ill.llCRT. At his residence. 1111 Arch st..
on Lviemter in. tlil.l. IANSIMi II.. hus
band of Martin C.llben. RcliitlvtH nnd
frlimli". nisi) .Meridian Sun Lodge No. l.v.
V. and A. M.: Asbury Park K. O. 1".., and
tho Grand rniternlty. No 1. are Invited to
attmd tho funeral services, ip Tueadny, nt -l
tr. nt the npartments of Oliver II. Hair.
lSIu Chestnut st Interment private.
GOHIIVK.Ml. -On Dceinher !), 191.1. CARO
LINE K, daughter of tho late llenlamln and
Annie E. Good) car. Due notice of the funeral
will be given, from her lato risldencc. lSld
Itrnwn at.
tiltAY. On December 10. 101.1. ELIZ
ABETH, widow of John Clrny. In her with
iar. llelatlvrB and friends aro luvltcd to
attend the funeral services, Monday, ut I
p. m,, nt thu ifsldeiico of her son. Oordou
Oray, 1040 bouth Frailer st. Interment pri
vate, at Beverly, N. J.
OltKKXKIV.VI.ll.-At Brldgelioro. N. J., on
December l. 1913. WILIIKLSHNA C. widow
of Jacob Orrenewald. In her S.M yrar. Rela
tives and friends are Invited to nttend the
funeral, from her lito residence, Ilrldgcboio,
N. J., on bundaj, at " p. m. Interment
llrldscton, N. J. Automobiles will meet
trims at Riverside. N. J.
IIAl'ICirrr. On December 10. 1913. SIAH
I1AHET, wife of the late James Ifackctt.
aged ll years. Relatives and friends nro
livlted 10 attend tho funeral. Tuesday, at
S-lo u m , frum her lnte resldeiwe. 2U West
Thomiisau tt ueinn nequieni jiass iu m.
Michael's church, at 10
m. Interment
Old Cathedral Cemetery.
llARllINU, On December 9,
homo In Overbrook. ALICE
H. Hardlns Services and
, 1913. at her
E.. wife of C.
Interment prl-
IIAShON. On December 10. 1913, AfiNES
IMUl.DA, daughter of James II. niul Ida SI.
Hasson. llelotlves nnd friends, also II. V.
SI. Sodality of the Church of Our I-ady of
Sit. Cirmel. are Invlied to attend funeral,
Tuesday, ut K u. m., from her iiarents- rcsi
drnu?, H7 Wolf at, Solemn High Mass of
Ieiulem ut lliurch of Our lanly of Sit. Car
mel, nt ii .30 precisely. Interment New Cathe
dral Cemetery
1IVVES. On December 10, 1913. SARAH,
wife of Patrick Hajis. Due notice of fu
neral wlli lo given, from her late residence.
lfi.1l Huffner St.. Nlcetown.
JIKNDERM1N. On December 10, 1015.
JAS1ES. husband of Slary Q. Henderson nee
Stevens) niul son of John and Sophie Hen
derson. Due notice of funernl will be given,
from his late residence, V.'OI South Carlisle st.
HKHtWU. On December S, 1013, HENRY
P. Ill.kWIU, aged ill jtars. Relatives and
frlemu. aim IT'srctili) Assembly, No. 4,
A O. M P., are Invited to attend the fu
neral sfrvlcr ot his late residence. Sol
North lMh it , on Sunlay. at 11:13 p. m. pre
clselv Interment at Potisvllle on arrival of
the X TV a. m. train on Monday.
HOI. DEN On December 10, 1013. ROBERT
IHll.DKN. Relatives and Irlends. also
Fernwood Lodge. No. 313. F. and A- M.; Unl
vrsitv Chapter. No. I'Jl. It. A. SI . Klngses
sliig Iydge. n'". dai. I, O.O. .'.. John
l.rur.v ixiac,
ana me employes ot
Straw-bridge & Clothier, are Invited to at'
tend the funeral, on Monday, ut 2 p. in..
from his lata residence, lnw. Woodland ale..
West Philadelphia. Remains may be viewed
on Minday, from 7 to 'J ft. m. Interment at
St. Jarres, Churchyard, Klnri.esslng.
IIOHNIIKKOKII. On December 8. 1913.
DAVID HOHNBEHG1-.H, husband of the late
Lucetta Hornberger, aged 73 yesra. Relatives
and friend ' luMted to attend funeral
services, on Saturday, at 8 p. in., ut the
residence ot his son. Curtis Hornberger, 2IU0
A uen St. Interment al Cresionn, BchuylkHI
Co.. P-. 00 Sunday afternoon. PottsvlUa
papers please copy,
lll'TTOS. On December 10, 1913, of 1lnh
tterU, WILLIAM JAMEi). son of William
and Jennie Hutton, aged 3 yeara. Residence.
Ovorbrook. Pa. lutctnunt at Paul Lutheran
Cemetery No fkneral.
IM.KKSULI. On December 10, 1013. Cap.
tain WILLIAM 1NCIERSOL! ,'ln the S7th
year ot his us: reLstlte-s and frlenu. Ves
sel Ounce and Captain Auoilatloua, ore In
vited to Mttciul tb funeral sen lies, on Hon
da, alternoon, at - o'clock, ut tho residence
of hi son, lUiUrt C. Ingersoll, S.XT1 Larvb
W'mM ne lntirmest prlvute
IE. On December 10. 1013, ANDREW
M husband of Asnes Ivey inee Sheridan).
llmWra. f. Ull Ncrth -13th f Due notice
tf ;bt Jnf il nlil be gt.T
KEltlllli.AN On December tv, 1011. MARY
KEitiUUAN in her KM year It-lath cs and
friei t ire t vlud to Attend the funeral,
Slonaay, at b g. m.. front residence of her
it day after day that she ain't through va.ililn the dishes."
stand show to get np pointed ash
man's helper unless he's got tho neces
sary ability. And as for it's not being
etiquette to send the President wedding
presents, I bet you if Tiffany or Gor
linni would got on their shelves the
silverware which the President would
get from the House of Congress alone,
for two years they would lay off their
operators and double their sales force.
Then there is tho ambassadors and nil
the foreign kings and queens. Take
for instance Bernstein alone. As much
as that feller feels like sending the
President for 25 soap wrappers a cut
glass olive dish, I bet ycr the least he
could got to loosen up for is a couple
of thousand dollars, reckoning the
regular ambassador's discount off and
"Say!" Zapp interrupted. "That's
all right, too, but don't you suppose all
them people which is sending presents
to the President also gets married
once in a while, too?"
"You mean the President would got
to reciprocate?" Birsky asked.
"Well, I wouldn't go so far as to say
that," Zapp replied; "what I menn is
that if a Congressman gives the Presi
dent a wedding present, naturally it's
up to the President to give a wedding
present when the Congressman gets
married, ain't it?"
niphew, John J Ktnliin, 2321 West llunt
liigilin bi. ?iii nt M. Co1uiii1j.i' Church,
at 1 n. ni. Interment Holy irosa Cemetery,
KREINEIt. At Delanco, N. J., on Decoinbcr
.. 1H13, 1'itA.SK, ,-uii in la-vlllia nil I the late
John Krelner oge.l .19 lears ICelatiVis nnd
irttnds, uIhi C.innlin ,iirly li.-nel.-l.it A
soilatlon. nnd emplo)es of A. Itlilgvin). on
A: Co., arc in.lted to uttcivl tho ruiiernl serv
lies, on Suiidi, at 2 p, m.. at hi late real
dtmc. Uuttnnvvood St., Deluiuo, N. J. In
terment private.
LArn.RTV. On December 10. 1913,
OEOIKlE V., husband of Amelia I-ifferty
(nee Horlnti). niul son of the late John, Sr ,
mid Margaret lotifittv. In his 37th ymr.
Duo nollcf of the ruprral will bo given, fiom
his late ri-lilcnn-, 2:111 South il',i st.
LANtii:. On December 10. 101.1. UlfHAltD
C LANIJE, ugrd .".ti years. Ilelaiiveu unit
fi lends aro Invited to attend the funeral scrv
ices, en Hauday. at :i p. 111, at Shu)lem,
Prnad mid lilnmond Ms- Interment private.
Norrlfctown papers please copy,
LEE On DiiemUr 0, 191.1. FLORENCE
MAY. daughter of M.-irj C. nnd tho lite
Afrinzo P Lie. aged 14 rars and 11 month.
Itilatlvea nnd friends, also tMml.iy School of
Keii4liiKtjn SI. E. Church, 1110 Invited to at
tend tho funeral seniles, Slonday, at 2:10
p. m., precisely, at Hie mother's resident o.
I'.'.'t Iticlimonil st. Interment private, North
Cedar Hill '-cmoter.
LEWI". On December !. 1913. SARAH.
daughter of tl.e late John B. and Eliza P.
Lewis, uud tter-lu-tavv of Colonel John W,
Crosbj. a'i-il Hi en. Relatives and filemla
are Invited to attend tho funeral services, on
Sunlay, at 2 p in, at the reldeiHc of Iter
nephew, Samuel II. Trlikitt, MIO Cedar ave.
Interment piiuite
I.I'rri.K. On December 8. 1913, HENRY
II.. husband of Katie SI. Little. Relatives
and friends, alto members of Bible Class of
R:thlilieni Baptist Church and SIu,lilans'
I'nloi. of Pennsylvania, hio invited to at
tend funeral services on faaturdav, nt S p.
m at his late residence. 2107 N. Bouvler
st. Interment Chamln rsburg, la.
JIuiCAl'I.I.KV. On Dee-ember I), 1913. CAR
RIE POLLACK SlaeC.vri.l.r.Y. daughter of
the l.ue Ellas nnd Frances Poll.uk. Relatives
and friends, also B'Notli Jrshurun l.oJse.
ure It.vtteil to attend ihu luneral servicer, on
Simd'i), nt 2.0 p. 111. picclsiely. nt the par
lors cf Slorrls Ron nbe rs's Son 2oni Noith
lironil st Iiuerment at Adaih Jcshuiun
MurlNTOMI. On December 0, 1915, ALICE
W., wldmv of Slavon Sl:u Intosh, aged Oi
years Relatives and frlimls are invited tr,
view tho remains. Ht her late residence, 20.11
North 7th st . on Sjnduy, between 7 and 10
p. 111. brrvues and Intel mt-nl private, at 111-)
convcidcuce of the famll..
MACI.Al'UIII.IN. On Derembir 10. IS.'i.
iho Rev. HEuROE W. SUCI.Araill.lN,
1'.. aged S:i vfars. RcLitlves and filends, i.lso
Solomon's Lndge, No. Ill, F. un.t A. M , 1 i
liniibla Chiller, No 91, It A. SI : Unl and
managers PrnnlvanU Seamen's rlenlte,
Soclty, and members of the Plilladeliitit.i
Conference of the Slethudlst i:plsotat
Chunh, are invited lo uttend lie funeral
services, on Slond'iy, at 2 p. m., at the
apartments cf Oliver II. Bnlr, iu Chestnut
st. Inirrment at Slount Slotlah Cemeler,.
Klndlv omit flowers.
M.WIISON On December 0. 1013. SUSAN
K. MADISON, wife ot Edward W. Sladlsou,
Sr . aged j7 years. Relatives und friends
are Invited to attend the funeral, 011 Monday,
nt 1 !' m., rrom the residence ot her hus
band, U Church st, Camden, N. J. Services
at Asbury SI. E. Chureh at 2 p. m Inter
ment Bethel Cemetery. Remains tniy be
viewed .Sunday evening.
JIAIIAl'l'Y. Ou December 8. 1913, JOSEPH
M son of Joseph W und Annie I Slahaffy
Itelatlvcs nnd Irlends are luvltcd to atten
the fuueral. on Slonday, al ! ''') a. m . from
his parents' residence. 2110 South 13th st.
l-olenin Slasa of Requiem at tho Chureh of
St. Minim's, ut 1 11. 111. precisely. Inter
ment at Holy Cron-v Cemetery.
3IATIKK. Al 0115 North 1.1ih at., on De
cember 10. t'-US. HARRIETT W. MATTBR.
Notice of f uncial litu,
JlcAI.KEIl. At Atlantic City. N. J . on De
cember U. r-"3- CATHARINE, daughter of
the late John and Elisabeth SlcAleer. Rela
tives and friends are Invited to attend
luneral Slonday morning. Solemn Ilcn'lUm
Slasa at Chureh of Our Lady Star of thS-a
Atlantic City). t S.3t) a. m. laterment
private. Cathedral Cemetery. Kindly ooilt
Sle-CAItTHV. On December 9. 1013. ANNA,
wli.ow of Hugh J. SlcCarthy. aged Ti years.
Relatives and Irlends, alio inenibcrs or the
He-icon 1 resbi lerUn Chureh, are Invited lu
uttend the Ivncral servtceii, or. Mondjy. at
2 p. ni., at the residence of her sou-ln law
Harrj Seaman 23oi East Yoilt st. Inter
ment private
I JleClSKKK. -On December 10. 1913, ELLEN
' A-. whiow of Fereus St" js. i I. iauvs
anu ruil-os rv uj.wi r.v .- u .iirci Mie.,
on Slon '" at 8 30 sl, m . irim her late teal
dene e tuuu North Caoiao at SLuea of Solemn
IUIuUoj. at Church of the liuiy itu.-i , lu
. --3s
j ''Admitting that he would," Birsky
I said, "If 120 per cent, of tho people
! which give the President wedding
prc-cnts gets married on him, and
that's a liberal estimate already, he
could schenk 'em the duplicates and
still be way ahead of the game. Take
such nn article ns a sugar sifter,
which every married couple is sure to
get two, and it's something which if
Mrs. Wilson should forget to put it
on the table nobody is going to say: 'I
always thought the Wilsons lived nice,
but when I was there for dinner the
other night they didn't have a sugar
sifter to use on the lettuce salad,' and
yet I bet ycr half the House of Repre
sentatives would got to get married
before Mr. Wilson is rid of the dupli
cate sugar sifters and starts giving
away the duplicate olive forks."
"Still, tho President must got to got
a whole lot of presents before he
comes out clear on the expense of
making the wedding," Zapp argued, i
"Not at all," Birsky said, "I see it
in the paper that the wedding would
be a small one and only tho close
friends of the bride and groom would
be present."
"Then my worst enemy should got
to buy the postage stamps for the in
vitations, mailing 'cm in unsealed en
a. ir. Interment at New Cathedral Ceme
tery. Midi KiAN. fill Dei ember 10, 191,1. CATH
ARINE SUCriCAN. llel.illii..s nnd Irleudx,
iiImi the League ol the S.u red Heart -Society
of the Annunelntlnu Cluiri-li, nre Invited to
nttend fuiii-1-iil, mi Tiles la, nt s..:i u. m.,
from the leMilenio of her brother, Pntrlik
Slcilulmin, li TaskiT t. Solemn HIkIi
Re-nulem Slass nt the Annum latlun Chuich.
at 10 n in. Interment Hul) eros e'etucteiy.
Ml 111(111.--On December II, 1013. TIIOSIAS
Sl'-!li IH, liuslMiid 01 How SI. Slcllugli (lice
Ciillllll). Relatives and lllends, also Poivit
l.coiu I'Iscih1 llenellelnl 1'nlon. ure Invited to
nlteml Hi" luiieinl. nn Sloinluy, nt s 11 m.,
fiom his lato rcNldmi". nil South 2llh st
High Sluss at St, Anthnn's iliunh, ut U.W
II in Inteiiiieiit ut Holy Crors Cemeter).
Mi-Kl.i: Ell. On Dfceillbcr h. 191,1, El.l,-
Alll-.TH SleKI.EVElt line FrrKUsoll). widow
of James SleKcever. Rel.-itlvri nnd frlrndf,
nUo Class No. 1, Hlmpon SI. E, Hund.iy
S.'honl, ure Invited to iiitcud luneral services,
S-llurd.', nt 2 11. m nt tho tesldence of her
shtrr Sirs. c. pleler. 21SI2 Nnrih nrlnnua st.
Interment strictly private, ut (iiecnmouiit
Mi'LAI'lillLIN. December 9, 191.1, CATH
ARINE .Mrl.AI'illll.lN. ngert 71 jc.irs. Jltla
ilves nnJ friends nto Invited to attend ruueial,
Stouday. ut : u in.. Iroui her late resi
dence. 'II I Dartmouth ave., Svrarthinore, Pa.
High Slats of Requiem nt Church of Lady of
Peipeluil Help, Morton, at lu o'clock. Inter
ment private.
JleNAIIEE. December 9. 191.1, TIIOSIAS
SIcNAMEt:. husband of the I.ile Mary Sle
Nainee. Rel.itivoH niul friends, ulfo tit.
Charles' T. A. II. Soipy. of Kellyvllle, and
bt, Sl.ir' Benellilal Society, aro Invited to
atten 1 the funeral, Simula), nt h :u ,1. m.,
fr-uii his lute icstdence, 2d Ogdcn t Cllrtoi
Heights, Delaware County, Pn. High Slasa
III Si, Chailes' Chuich. Kellyvllle. nt 10
o'eloek. Interment St. Charles' Cnnetrry.
MEHiHAN. Suddenly, on December S.
191.1. JOHN Sir.RIHAN. In hla Clth year, at
Into residence, till Upland live.. Noble. Due
notlco of the funeiul will be given,
SIEIIL. At llurlliigion. N J on December
ti. l'.il.i, EVA Slfc.ll!.. nge.l 73 jeirs. itela
tlvcs and irlends are Invite 1 to attend funeral
ia-ivti.es. Suudiy, at a p. 111.. ut her late isr
aelii c. :m lloiKsun t,, Iiurllngion, j;. ..
Intcrmeiit private.
SIII.I.EH. On riecember 0, 191.1 FHED
KIlli'K. husbai.d of Slary SI. Sll'ler inro
Hlldesliclin). Relatives uud friends, u!no Vttt,.
kcvr-ih Tribe, No. 220. Imp, i. it, jj , Bn,i
l-urlty Circle. No. 41. II. I', if. ) ot Pa.,
ure Invited to uttend funeral, on Monday, ui
10 n, in . from his late residence. S3iil Sep.
viva st iim-rioe-ne irt-ur 11111 e cnictcry, j:e
nvilns may b viewed Sunday, n'ter 7 p 111.
JII'llKAV. On Dei ember 10, 1013. JOHN c.
SU'LIIAY, aged 2 Mars. Ril.ltlves und
filends, tilvo emplnxs of Cutters Klcitrl"
Slanufacturlns i'oiniaiiy. and lodges of whlih
he wus a nicriLer. are Invited to uttend tl.e
fiiueiiil si'ivicei. Slaiulny. al 2 p. m.. nt Ills
daughiers realdruee. SS27 North Sinedley si
Automobile funerul
.Ill'KRAY. On De'e-ember 10. 1913, KATE
A. SHIHRAY. widow or Charles C. Slurry
.mi ilauahtcr of tho lato Charles O. and
Louisa R. Yi'ium Relailves uud friends are
tin lied to attend tjie funeral services. Tues
day, at 1 P n. ut her late residence, 3H
ljst Slnrtln St.. Rovliori.ugli. Inicrnient pri
vate. Sit. Pleasant Cemetery, Ambler. Friends
...i.y cull SlomJay, b p. in. Automobllo seiv
O'CIISNOR.--At her resilience, 1010 N. Bou
vler st.. on December 11 nils. SIARY J.,
widow of Timothy O'Connor. Notice of the
funeral later.
PARK. On December 10, 1015. at the Old
ladles' Home. Wlsslnomlng, MARTHA C.
PARK, aged 1)3 jeurs Relatives und friends
nro Invited to attend the funeral services.
Slonday. ut 2 p. ni. at the Home. Interment
Monument Cemetery.
l-l.NNl-.LVN. on December 7. 1913. WAL
TER W.. son of Dr. A Warren and Jane
W. Peniilmaii. cf Berkeley, lullfcrnu, aged
23 yea is.
PKIIRV. On December 8. 1013. SIAHY E..
daughter of John r. and Slargaret Perry
I nee Wlsmun). In bar SM ear. KeMUvea
oud friend), also thf l V. SI SIallty of
the ..burch of the Msltatloo, and Class of
1911, Aluiniwe o. the Ilolv Child Centre.
ure invite 1 to aHend tbe funeral, on Mon.
tay. at (.. ni- from her Parents resi
dence. 2620 Frunklord ave. Solemn Requiem
SI us ot tlic Churca of the Visitation, at 10
a. m. Iniermcr.t private, at Holy Sepulchre
Cemetery. Automcblle service
PlhllElt Oi Deeember 8. 1013. CATHA
RINH PFEIFER nee Kuhnlc). widow of
Ciuerlea P.eliei ll-tativui uu,i frlenu aie
hivlled u attmd ll.c funeral seril.es. on
Monday, ot 2 1 . ni . ot 'ver late residence
r.12 Katl Wilde-; 11 1 I'eioi'nt prl-aie.
North (-Ur Hill cn ft rv
I'll II IIP. Ol Dee-en i.t l, 1913. Sflsa
UI I I S l-HIL-l.IIo. ,-, 100 year. Re .
lives nel Tien la arc m-.ited to attend. Hie
funeral on Moi. in r 8 1 1 at. m. from the
letiJcrce at her .niece. Mlsa Hannah Me-
velopes nlonc," Zapp rejoined. "If I
would got ns many customers ns n
United States President has got close
friends, 1 would rent Madison Square
Garden for a showroom and use tho
first 22 floors of tho Singer Building
for manufacturing purposes. Tho only
thing for a President to do when ho
gets married is to limit tho affair to
blood relations; otherwise he would
spend tho rest of his life paying off
the caterer. Then, ngain, close friends
of the President ain't always close
friends of one nnothcr. Take, for ex
ample, Bernstein, tho German Ambas
sador, and you've got to admit that so
far ns appearances go he's just so
close a friend of the President ns tho
English Ambassador this hero
"You mean Spring-Rice," Birsky
"What's tho difference?" Zapp said.
"When them two Close Friends get
placed at table anywhere within a
dozen chairs of each other it's bound
to be unpleasant for the other Close
Friends. I don't enre if the caterer
stands his own breakage and usc3
hotel china, even. But ambassadors
ain't the only ones. I bet ycr there
would bo plenty other Close Friends
there which is going to suppress some
very insulting language to each other,
like Roosevelt nnd Taft."
"Roosevelt nnd Tnft ain't close
friends of Mr. Wilson," Birsky said.
"Yes, they arc," Zapp contradicted.
"Everybody expects it of them, just
to show that there ain't no hard feel
ings, even though for the last three
years them two ex-Presidents has
"They'd be willing to tako a
chance on him."
Tnmncy, 21.2.1 East Albert st. (ISth Ward).
Solemn Requiem SI.ish ut St. Ann'u Church,
ut 10 a. m. Intcriuenl at St. Ann's Ceme
tery. PRICE. On Dei ember 10. 1913. SIARY A..
widow of Daniel F. Price nnd daughter of
the lata Amoi A. and Anno 11. Uregg. Rela
tives and frl.'.i'ls riv Invited to atten 1 the
services, on Tuesday, at 2 p. m., ar her lito
residence. 3110 N. 22d tt. Interment prlvato.
I'llEl '!!. on December!!. 191.1, SIENA It.,
widow ol Christian Preuscli, aged ,2 seats.
Lthitlves .ml frlcmiH are Invited to iitteul
the funeial. on .Monday, at 2 p. m. pre iel,
from tin rcslJeuce of Iter i-on-ln-1 ivv, Charles
P. llui licrt. 11112 Deuiile st., Nlcetoun. In
terment nt Norihwood Cemeti'ty Remains
may be viewed on Sunday evening,
PROC'IOR. On December 10. lot.l, WILL
IA.M F.. husband of Lizzie Pioctor. nged 3(1
years. )u untlco of luneral will be given,
from his late residence, llil'l Cayuga st.
IJI'INN. At Arlington, Pa., on December 10,
191.1, .11 'I IN W., husband of Emilia J. l.nilnn
(neo Foi), In his Cll.lt yen-, lielattvcu ami
iruiids, .iiiu Juil.liilortii lxxlRC. No, 47.1, K.
of P.. are invited to attend the funeral, on
Slonday, ill 2 p. in., from his lata residence,
York roud mid Horace ave., Ablngton, Pa,
Interment nt llnlboro Cemetery.
REl'TKIL On December 5, 191.1. FRANCIS
CHARLES, son of Human uud Slnrle Renter
into Wanem.uhei), to his 2llh cur. Ilel i
lives und trtends, alsu ineinberH of the II,
V, SI. Kudalliy of St. Ilnnaventura's Church,
Archblshnii Wood Council. No. 412, C. 11. 1,.,
uro Hulled to uttrnd the funeral, on Slonday,
nt 7."o a in., from his pirents' resident .
1140 Rising Sun nve. Requiem Slasa nt St.
Riin.ivenluru'H Church, ut 0 a. m. Inter
ment ut Holy RoJeemir Cemeters,
HHHilN. On DceembiT in 191.1, Itl'.TTA,
nlie ii' Slitter SI. Rlggln. aged 2S ears.
Relatives und friends nf tho family are In
vited tu attend luneral services, on Sunday,
in U.'IO p. m., ut h'r late residence, 10d Enst
llavcnord ave., Audubu i, N. J. interment
SIoii.l.i), at St. lleorEe, Del., on urrlvat nf
the 10 ". in. train from Uro id Street Station.
RIMER On December S, 191.1. WILLIAM
11. RISIER, husband of Kale Rimer uii
Hassan) and son of the l..ie WILlam and
Slurgiiiet Rlimr. aged !0 ,... in lth,:..s
uud irlends. ulso Spu-iau waale. No. l'i.
K. (i. I."., liciiuo ll.iti : of l 'oiniili. No. 371,
O. I", of I. A I Pinplil-.nl lt lleiuy UIbSI"
.: Suns, mid inombels of Hie .Mc'ib'e H".
clifs. ur Invited to ntleim tlic fi tiejul. .'!
Sunday, ut 1'0 p. in., com hit lata real
ilei're. .Tin" Dls.-tmi n, Ta.my. Interment
at North Cedar 1 1 lit Ci-nieti"-v.
RYAN. uu Dei ember , I'J13, RtCltAUD
C. II IAN. liusbutid of lallaiilita Rvan in. I
son of the late John mid M.irv llvan. ,if
Klliravcut), oui.iy Calwuy, Irelaml. Rela
ilves and friends ure Untied to uttend the
funeral, or. Sluini.iv. ut S..".n a. in., fion his
late icsldeure, 2010 Montiosu st. Solemn
l;.-, inlt-.il Jl.is.i uc St. CI. n lies' Chuieii ut
10 a. in. Interment at Holy Ctoea Ccme.
ten .
trilHir. On December 9. 1913. ANNA
LANCASTER, w-lfo ot 1'iancls Schlmp. need
ni vcara. Ittlitlvcs uud friends of the
fundi) uro Invited to attend the funerul ser
vices on Slonday afternoon, precisely at 1:30
1,'clock, nt her lato res deuce, 2C.07 Brown st.
Interment Kulgliti nf I'xhlas Cemetery. Au
tomobile service. Remains may bn viewed
Sunda) evening between the hours of 7 and
0 o'clock.
bIJI-S.- On December 10, 1913, SIARY S ,
wife of Andrew Sims, Relatives and irlends
are Invited to uttend funeral services on
Tuesday, ut 10 a in,, at First Slelhodlit
Episcopal Church, Cnmden, IsT. J. Interment
private. Harlelgh Cemetery.
S'1'KWAHT. -Suddenly, on December 10. 191.1.
at her lute residence, 4M01 Westminster
ave. SIARY A. STEWART, widow of W.
II. Burroughs Stewart. Interment at con
venience of the family.
TONER. On December 10. 101.1. at his late
. -silence, IVtii Rltner St.. TIIOSIAS TONER,
yr. Due notice of thu funeral will bo tflvru.
UvI--H. On December 8, 1013. JASILd F..
hutbaud of lullu Walsh and sou of John
and Ami Wnlsh. Relatives unj (rends, also
1Mb Ward Republl.un Executive vouinmtcc,'
uru Invited to attend tho funeral, on Tues
day, ut 8.30 a in,, from hl late reslderce.
2710 East Huntingdon st -rolcmn Reuuiem
SIuss at St. Ann's Church, at 10 u. in. pre
eUelv Imermeut at Holy Cross Cemetery.
WALTON. At her residence, :i.'l .-.pruce
St.. on December II. 191.1. SIAHGAHKT II.
WALTON. Notice of funerul later.
IVII.TSEV. Sudtlenly, on December "9. 1913.
THOMAS WILTSEY, In hU Slut year. Rela
tives und friends ure luvltcd to uttend tho
luneral. ci Slonday. at It . ui float his
late residence, near Ilia kvv-o-. N. J, &rvl-es
ui iho bonne. Intcitnent el rdack-Youl. Car
rluges will meet l o'clcvk train fiuiu Chest
uut st. .wrrlos ut UUckwood. N. J.
WYI.I'C On December 0. 1915, STUART.
husband of Slary A. Wylle. Re sllves and
rilAtiQn ira Invited to ntesl Ilia f-:n-r3l
1 setttc9, tin Slcndav, at 2 p in., at his isto
. .deue 40IS I'-ir'uj at l3lrM-n( at Ml
Mrrls , , 'e ict i
WSNN ' D "-' T 311V ANNI'
) wit. ot ilo iu Jv.ji X "Wynn (nee Uc
LjUitiUo. : SleiOdrla Uurncraii., Cot-nty
11, 1915;
"Also he wishes tho groom
been getting lockjaw from not-wlsh-ing-the-fcltow-no-harm-nt-thnt."
"Well, if Roosevelt nnd Taft rings
in on this wedding," Birsky said,
"Bryan wilt bo there also."
"Certainly he'll be there," Zapp
agreed. "Him and Mr. Wilson parted
good friends, and even if they didn't
Bryan knows Mr. Wilson don't mean
nothing by nnything he might say.
Anyhow, didn't Mr. Wilson give him
tho desk as n farewell present? If it
would be me, I would of given him the
safe by swinging it out of a four
story window, and when he waves mo
good-by from the doorstep it is tho
signal that some one cuts the rope,"
"Well, anyhow, Mr. Bryan would
make a pretty good speech there at
the wedding," Birsky said. "I wouldn't
be a bit surprised if they already pick
ed him out ho should propose the
health of thebride and groom."
"So there would be speeches at tho
wedding!" Zapp said.
"Ain't there speeches at every wed
ding?" Birsky demanded. "Roose
velt will speak also. I bet he gets
up and says he hopes the bride and
groom will bo as happy as he has been
in his married lives, and that if a
hundred thousand men is landed on
Long Island nothing could prevent
them holding Now York until every
merchant rntcd higher than .1 to M,
credit fair, comes across with his
share of seven billion dollars. Also
ho wishes the bride and groom many
years full of health, wealth nnd pros
perity, and that without military
Donegal, Ireland). Ri Lillys nnd friends atu
Invlti'd tn ntliinl funiiiil, on Shmdit), ut
Mil) ii. ni., Honi lirr I, it 1 1 .-l.lt-m,-. jiil
Pint st. .Solemn High Muss oi Ruiiilem, ut
St. Patrick's Churth, .it 111 u. m. Interment
Hole Cross Cemetery.
YOCMi. On Dei ember 1". 101.1. AL'JS V..
husband of Estello Konulocrfer nu.l sun ui
J.iro'i 11. nnd Anna V. Young, ugod '.".i tuie.
Relailves nnd frltnds nro Hulled to atli-ud
funeral services, on Mnnilnv. ut 2 p. in., in
his lulu resident e. Prnsiirit load, belnw
Welili roid. Willow ilrnve. Pa. Interment
private, nt Wcit Laurel IIIU Cemetery.
This STYLE TYI-D (or like this)
One time J So per tins
Three times one week 12V5C per llns
Six times one irrek 103 per llns
Situations Wanted, three times one week 10
cents per line per Insertion.
Place your order for three or
more limes and it will be inserted
in the daily Public Ledger at no
additional cost.
One or two Hmi rate for nvrsiNn Lzooii
and Pcat.to I.Kiwit.1 combined Is in cents per
litis with the exception of Help Wanted and
Situations Wanted, which li 13 cents per llns.
TYPE LIKE THIS (or like this)
which Is penult! "I In all clnsslflcatlonn ex
cept Help and Situations Wanted. Lost and
i-'ourd, Perianal!, llo.-u dine. and Rooms, add
There is a drug store near your
home that will accept Ledger want
ads at ollice .-ates.
COOH wanted, while or colored; help with
laundry nun downstairs work; reftience re
quired. Apply IS Rldo ave.. Darby,
pcrlenced nnd canable can sccuro goad posl.
Rons, either In the city or suburbs, by con
sulting "Miss Reed," who t constantly In
touch with icrsoiis wishing this class o. helo.
Either call or phone WA1.NCT .'lOmi mil vein
will receive valuable Information width will
piomptl) secure you u most ilcsliablo position.
This tervlco is tendered through (he HOUSE
Dy'E'll'Tls'"1'- ""' " '"" t0 '-'"""'
U1RL. experienced, capable, la wrap packages
lis druu slore, Appl) HHu Walnut.
UI1U.3 wanted to feci automatic xlulnc ma
chines on folding paper botes; experienced
opetutors preferred. Drown & Haley Co..
yrankllnaudWlllowr stretts. --"er -".
HOUSEWORK, ueneruT; jstrl wanted for family
of 2; must know something ubout cooklns.
Apply In person, 22UJ Tioga tt. "
KNITTERS, experienced' on circular. aprtnitT
beurd ucedle machines, steady work. Hyyi
enlc Vleeced I'nUcrweur Co.. 211S N. Howarcl.
MATRON und assistant for Institution. 'chris
tian, capable and trained woman desired. :t0
. Ji J", "A ?'.' nimnn required.
M SjO. Le-dtcr Central.
Immedlaie positions for to-nietent sales
women lu
Apply at Uuicau of Soiploiweut. tjf. fleer,
before It a. m.
I ,vbilj Ixpeil. iitd reav-ra wanted -m
! Kuewlc looms, steady work, locd p ir As -
I ply John Mgt.seu Hair Cloth Comrany, Ken.
clnjioa ana Clenwcoa avtx. ana Venanio St.
E3hOBiK1 y JBSwattS0KKftm- r.Bf ..s.siR
i' x AwTH
many years full of health."
training n nation could got export!
of eighty billions annually, nnd what
is it am I right or wrong? Then Mr,
Taft gets up and says ho hopes Mr,
and Mrs. Wilson's life pathway will
be strewn with roses, and from what
the new Governor of the Philippines h
doing out there wc might just ns well
make Japan a present of them islands
and be done with it. Also ho never
saw a married couple who seomed'so
well suited to one another in every,
thing that made for tho beauty of the
homo, and that it's like putting chains
and padlocks on the Supreme Court'H
you recall n judge every timo he de.
cides that a workman should be al
lowed to crush his arm in machinery
without being obliged lo stand the ad
ditional horror of collecting damages
for it from the boss, especially when
tho boss promised to fix the machine
next week ever since January 1st,
"And what will Bryan say?" Zapp
"Looky here, Zapp," Birsky said,
"maybe you would like to sit here all
day and tomorrow listening to a lot
of nonsense, but me I got business to
attend to."
(CopytiaM. 191., Xew York Tribune'
Next Saturday Zapp and Bhikf
will discuss painting and colled'
ins over their Evening Ledgert
at Wasserbauer's Restaurant.
NOW IS THE TISIE for nung lullei k
Ing t-nmuierel.il positions to innsult "Mill
I'tnn" nt Ledger Central. Bin id und Ctwit
nut sis. A special ,ervltc Is rendcreJ t
.STHNlHIR.W'lintS HuliKKI.I'I'l.l.S .ISO
CLERKS thrmiBli tho Cummeiclul Depart
great number oi vming ladles have tl
bcnellteil by this servlti.
I'll ILA. Women Oovt. clerks exams, cemlfill
$70 mn. : snniple ques, free: write (miceil'telr.
rrnnhlln Inst., Dept. 71." K. Rocheslcr, N, T.
Cleveland auttim.itle machluo lian.l-i ifistel:
flrit-clurs nun unit, hlchcst v ikei ill
Apply Stan !urd lloller-.lcarlnz CempiW,
lutli aiul Merlon nve. .
HOY for olTico work, HI to IS; legible irUer.
Answer P. I), jtox 1.1,1
HOYS, HI and over, to work In vvalli-apei ttf
tory. Apply, at oiu-e, llecker, Smith & Pal".
Water st. nnd Snyder u.e. t
HIITI.ER ami houseman, while, with "ripirl-
enco lu piiiute work. clt. refnen e fir il
and tlnracter required. M Mil. Ledger l'"1'-
CAH1NETMAKERS vvt-nttil Anplf IJnfo-
rurnlture Company. 10th and I.ehl3'l'-
J.lntoln I-'urnlturo Co.. Mull st v- lo-hli it
CARPESTl'R-Mlll lurpenter vmnted. Ml
John nnd James Dob-on, In.-., lUanbet -ulU
bco(Cs lane. lulls of Schu)lklll. .
c"ASE 1'ITTEItS wanted Apply Lincoln" fnl
turo Company, III Ii and Lchbih a-e.
COM ECTOR nnd solid or to represent oIJ
established life Insurance tompanv, sjiuy
and commlrslon, nje 2a lo n slate ewpuf
ment last tlvo lears M SSI, ,xrjr Co
COOK (Oermon man) wanted for private rksfl
In the ebuniry, near Lancaster. 'i ' '
all tho ennltliis and wash his own ' eic.
wanes, $.1.1 ler month, rnom. etc APJ'T .,;,
day. tto 0 P. m., J. li. Schwacke, 117 J..-;'!:
COOIvr Japanrse. vvantetl. first clais. for out
oftown; reference. D 12. Ledirer ome& ,
DRAHOHTSMAN, mechanical with f S
perlence: state use, where formerly em)1"
and salary expected. Th Cox & Som -
IIr.lseton, J-T. J. .
GRINDERS. Sellers tool, wanted oritJ
men only. Apply standard ItollcfBeirl"
Corap.iny. 40th and Merlon ave.
Must hava factory experience fltlW -"
Fire ca'ainot or turnlture work.
4S hours per week schedule.
Physical examination neceiwrr.
Application Office,
Delaware ave. and Market st
New Jersey
JANITOR wanted (German). ' tnt -4
school in the country, ma ""'uJ , sf
expenenced In the firlnu "'',." ja te
fcr num. - "-.r month, warn - ,M,w,
Kor wife. Ihwi "'"."'V,, m 3- :
&!! xS?r"aA ,. PIUUUJ
;ITTW:tS. ryiverlenced '"'&' I'
beard needlo maclilne: steady "J1 ,!,
rod: I'leetel I luierwtur v w. -- -ontJ-
.. ofil
i,n ot ivt. j.ji
v-1.1' ' I " .et '
I' '
.it c I
; u.c an
oillte "f
moat int. I-', c nt and vlR MJ '.
(ca ui-'atjcoo-sui. rtv. -
Itai utility "--.- , i n.i no roti :
the, hullaliiR. H niarrletl an-l ',. , .
wife can Lc Blven If''" "u Msiii
e-eueial housework ailll Walt ' I" 1oj,b5,
lSSt .etVii ot trip A