mgyffn Mftja. wxempmurirQIimw i,)"' im wmnw wmmw BnwET'-- Tfte Evening Ledger Amusement Section, Saturday, December 11, 1915 ? r zl 'G. J?. S."MAN OF LETTERS Continued from race Om you said. "I will "not call my own wire Britomart: It Is not good taste" (Instead of GOOD SENSE) su that your subse quent contemptuous reference to found llnps being drilled and disciplined into good taste which to you Is, of course,, im-reiy moral cowardice) made It Is es pecially disastrous. In the same -way, by sulnnittlng the word crime for poverty in the last scene, jou wiped out the -whole play with a single word. TJndcrshaft's whole political system Is founded on his conception of poverty as a crime. "If jou want to keep the foundry in the ramlly you had better find an eligible foundling and marry him to Barbara'1 sounds bad, because of the resemblanoe in sound between foundry and foundling. Better say "if you -want to keep the tor pedoes In the family," etc Then there can dc no mistake. You are frightfully reckless about the exact words In passages of rather deli cate comedy: for instance, the question ing of Stephen To my car there is a world of difference between saying "A philosopher, eh?" (your version) and "A philosopher, perhaps, eh?" (my version). And -the whole speech beginning "Come, come; don't be so devilishly sulky: it's boyish," sounds like emptying an awk ward sackful or words as fast as pos sible. Almost every sentence would bear a change of tone. And now for the main point, on which the rate of the play depends. If ou once weaken or soften after "Come, come, my danglltcr; don't make too much of your little Unpot tragedy," we are all lost. TJndershaft must go over everybody like Niagara trora that moment. There must be no sparing of Barbara no Quarter lor any one. Ills energy must be proof against everybody and everything. If you get confused for a moment you will soften on such turns to Barbara as "You talk of your hair-saved ruffian In "West Ham" or "You know he wilt Don't be a hypocrite. Barbara," There must be no check on the half-saved ruffian; on the contrary, you should keep a little In re serve lor letting yourself go there. You mnst sweep everything before you until Lady B. knocks you off your perch for & moment; and even then you come up buoyant the next moment with your conundrum. It will be a bit of a feat to keep up this game through about 12 speeches, but you can do irand I don't know any one else on the stage who could. Conviction and courage, that Is what he must be full of, and there is no Toom lor anything smaller or prettier. So put your last farthing on these few pages and good luck to you. GEORGE BERNARD SHAW. 10 Adelphl Terrace, W. C. My dear Ctlvert: I ace with disgust that the papers all say that your Undershaft was a magnifi cent piece of acting and "Major Barbara" a rottenly undramatic play. Instead of pointing out that "Major Barbara" Is a masterpiece and you the most infamous amateur that ever disgraced the boards. Do let me put Cremlin into it. A man who could let the seven deadly sins go for nothing could sit on a hat without making an audience laugh. I have taken a box for Friday and had a hundred weight of cabbages, dead cats, eggs and gingerbecr bottles slacked in it. Every word you fluff, every speech you nnnct. I will shy something at you. Beoro you go on the stage I will Insult you until your temper gets the better of your lines. You arc an Impostor, a sluggard, a block head, a shirk, a maligner. and the worst actor that ever lived or ever will live. I will apologize to the public for engaging you. I will tell your mother of jou Barker played you off the stage; Cremlin dwarfed you; Bill annihilated jou; Clare Greet took all ejes from you. If you do not recover yourself next time, a thunder bolt will end you. If j-ou are too lazy to study the lines, ril coach yon In them. That last act MOST be saved, or I'll withdraw the play and cut you off with a shilling. Yours ever. G. B. S. KT:31IErS!!:a7KBEXIX2X3Bl3B!ll;'Ka:BC3 ' 7 iHllHr t bW& tftBBVdli "vita4 '- jB Wl EMMA DUNN Coming to the- Broad in "Her Price." M i N 'I xnnimniiFBiKEm iMKaasKara aioirHzaoBTiriiiiiHffiPB rmm m 1 The Censors have given their decision against the great moral picture VIRTUE I 1 1 I a i H WITH MAY WARD i They have decreed in their arbitrary manner that two complete reels shall be eliminated, thus destroy ing the story and the moral influence which the pic ture in its entirety conveys. THE FRANKLIN FILM MANUFACTURING CORPORATION has appealed to the Common Pleas Court from the decision of the censors and is determined if necessary to carry the fight to the Supreme Court, so that the picture may be presented as intended by the author, or not at all. The public will be informed as to the future developments. i 1 i m irajffwi"cs sniaEgamiiMaTOMM 'rPMB. MflSUf-S (Sjjld tingrabberJ THE MISER, IS OBSERVED THE MOVIE NUT ! J Cll ,x JL IITCT 1 4 4 11 W Continued on neit paec VOUNG ARCHIMIDES ACORN. ATHRJLL WITH GOLDEN AMUTE-YCUflOVlH BURYING- A VISIONS. HASTENS SUSPICIOUS SACK. TO PROCURE A SPADE- iMflWafi1itfrT)tTffci& j JLalbMi
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