EVOKING LEDGER PHILAIBLPHIA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1015. . n Ilr I Ilr - -t"TTVT?T LjYIIjII JfUIMKAWiOuiH ft bV WIFE FOR BACK f. ALIMONY IN LONDON -1 nrtnirq Ar.f.inii fn .un " :r-;7rrn. Enforce nuviow"" - v... tract Made at Separation IRVING NEAR HUSBAND , 'Uihony J Di-mcI. who hns been scpa. iTfrom lils wife for fcvcmI years, H fcaefendnt In nn notion bn.usht by Crenel, who seeks tlic enforcement "8, ran tract entered Into pome ,",, nccorillnir to dispatcher from I !i,n The nctlon Is scheduled for n frrtM ' Jus"C0 NCVl"e " Mon I Mrs. Drcxcl Is also sceklnR to es- fill ' . . f.. f .. .In., fn. II. n i.bltsh ft refiuenco m u..uu .. ... rMM f prosecntliiR the nctlon, nc rtrilns to the dispatches. She Is living . ..nr,H Place. May fair, which Is only L few blocks anny from her husband's s'whtn the Presets separated, It will bo Witd In the suit, an agreement for all iuta '" . ,,,,...,. tlintti. While 'If France some months ago. It Is said ihit Mr. vre.M.i uit'"i " ..,, ... waratun suit nKnlnst nls wife, but this il. understood to have failed, ns both SrtlM were non-residents. ':. . ...wiiiii mi Mnndiv will be nrp. ...".... nm-ilirie to tho illsnntches. to uklng the court to llx n date for u hear-to- on ,er double application. Whether Mr Drcxcl will ko to London to defend fii,' nctlon is not stated, llu Is at pros- V . .- . VnrXr The name of Drevel Is rcprcscnlntlvo : . .. it.., fa Itnof 111 flirt cnnlnl llfn na 'well as the financial life of this city. Anthony J. i"1"1 " ,,VJ w"""""" ' Francis M Uroxcl, who founded the tonkins house of Drcxet Co., or which Edward T Stotesbury la now the nctlvo . . trf tit-nvnt U'na ftaa Mnritni Itn 1 BC1C1. .m"' .-..-... ...., ...... n... .... ArmstroiiR. of llaltlmore, and Is an cx- f i I.. Lnnitllfnl ti'nmnn , For several jenrs nftcr their marrlnRo the Drexcls Jived at an cxtcnslvo placo it Lansdowno, inter, when their house ws ilestrened by lire, they resided at ISth 1 . (.!.... .trnnt. n0 HHIIUti. n..-.. ' Mrs. Urcxel wis very popular nnil her jtoclat ambitions led her to tendon In iXi, wlisrc they took posscxslon of Wy .i , Ul.A. In fWfVlt'.1 tnlftlirr limit. fliin.. man tuvj in w.-.."i n. ....... ...... i n,.u children, Antlioii), Jr., Mnrgnrilla nml i Hie Sarah, with them. Jlrs. Diexcl's social conquests were tho Ulk of London and rjillailclphln, nnd - nl im nniilltt-v nHitmlr.1 tin. nrrnlpt Plan; wi tut .."... .j ....t.,.n,, ...., fiiiuu held In London. In 1001 Mr. nnd Mr3. Drexcl brought over a p.irty of Ruests lav their yacht to witness the Americnn cup races and extensively rntcrtnlned h while In thH city. Later In the rnr ilr. Drexel bouaht tho Hod Hose Inn I property it Vlllnnovn. JIlss Marsaretn Dicxcl shared with her mother social distinction In I.on--don, and on June 0, 1907, was presented , it the third court of KlnR LMward nnd "Queen Alexandra, which wus held In . n.i.l.lnnl.nm Dnlnnt. ' JJUlftlUKIIiilll lllill-V. IBecentlj Colonel Drexcl caused consid erable comment by scrvInR ns n stretcher-bearer with n Ilrltlsh Ambulance Corps : during the cnmpalRii In France. Ills .sou, f I. Armstions Drcxel, Is servInR nt tho J front "somewhere In Franco" ns a chauf ' feur, SAYS TRUST CONTROLS THE WORLD'S POWDER Congressman Kent Wants Al leged International Mo nopoly Curbed j .WASHINGTON, Dec. 10, - Declaring (that an International powder trust con sols tho world-wide manufacture of ex plosives, Representative Kent, of Cali fornia, plans Government action to corn bat It. Ho asserts, In a resolution ho will presi In Congress, that territory Is : divided by agreement; that each part of the trust limits Its operations to Its own country and refuses to competo nRalnst Mother, and that only monopolization of manufacture by the united States Gov ernment will proven. its being further touged. After reciting his belief In the agre nent and declaring thru prices chnrgm the Government by the American scctioi CI the 'trust" inn ntiti.'itrfinnu l.-ntii ,ii. erts that nil vim tu ,ian...jnni .. u ".. ..... ,., l,t.icUL.-lk Ull HIU use of explosives, nnd declares that If the United Rtntnu 11.111 inn.i n.A .. n.i ''ftait .......... ..in ...-.in liiu way uiucr inations will tnlio over tho manufacture u iwr win no ciiecKed materially. I", MIDDIES' DISMISSAL PENDING pate of Three Naval Academy Stu I dents in President's Hands r,h"'?"- ".-Three mid- "oil. T, ."" ,,ilv'11 cnuemy at Annnp ; '.,, aJ,e bcc" recommended for dls- no n,. i , 'earned today. Their cases i All , Ml ore the President. fta ... i . ere concerned In the haz-"KhS1-? J?"1 TW and were put on Hhev u," , "B,wun 50 others. Recently ."uracuons of the rules. E. J- I Ilr I I Hi! I III1 111' Ilr II ' I It III ANTHONY J. DREXEL MAHON MEETS CAR OFFICIAL Carmen's Leader nnd Company Man ager Discuss Strike Issues WIMvns-HAmti:, Vn., Dec. lO.-l-'or more than two hours V. D. Mahon, In ternational president of the Carmen, nnd Thomas A. Wright, manager of tho AVllltcs-Ilarro Itnllwny, discussed ntrlko Issues In the traction ofllcos today. AVhllo progress was made In the peaco plnn, nothing definite, wns accomplished nnd another meeting will bo held to morrow. AURAHAM GRUEHER Noted New York Criminal Lawyer and Politician NUW YOItK, Dec. lO.-Abrnham Grue bcr, well-known Republican nnd crim inal lawyer, died todny at hit homo on AVest KM street nftcr a long Illness of kidney tioublc. lie was 01 yenrs old. b'lvo years uro ho ran against Stlm son nnd Job Hedges for the Republican gubernatorial nomination. ArccI Man Falls From Haymow H1CNTON, I'n., Dec. 10. Clinton Hart innn, aped 70, fell from a huymow In IiIm barn, landlnc on his back. Ho sus tained serious Injuries that may termmnto i fntnlly. i Clocks For Christmas Gifts Our Clock Department offers a complete variety of foreign and domestic hall, mantel, automo bile, traveling and alarm clocks. When a clock is purchased here, we first adjust it very care fully and then send a clock ex pert to install it properly in the room or hall where it is to be placed. We are not content merely with the sale, but want to feel certain that the clock gives "tisfactory service. Hall Clocks $70.00 to $300.00 Mantel Clocks 4.50 to 65.00 Traveling Clocks 6.00 to 35.00 Alarm Clocks l.OOto 17.50 Automobile Clocks 15.00 to 25.00 A copy of our catalogue, which contains accurate descriptions and prices of the newest in Dia monds, Watches, Jewelry and Sil verware, is yours for the asking. S.KindSons Diamond Merchants Jeweler s Silver smiths IllO Chestnut Street C(oi(ti0 Hour Six o'clock Until Chriitmai Caldwell & 902 Chestnut Street TRAVEL BAGS AND BOXES of the Plain or Finer With Fittings Leathers of Ivory, Ebony, Exclusively r Silver, or Gold REPUBLICANS ACCEPT TARIFF AS ISSUE Leaders at Banquet Gladly Take Up Challenge of the President Uu n Slnff Corrtaronttent WASHINGTON, Dee. 10.-"As Jlr. Wil son Interprets It, the Underwood bill nnd tho Kuropenn war spell prosperity. As tho ttcpubllcans Interpret it, tho Under wood bill, minus tho Kuropcan war, spells disaster " That Is tho sloRan to bo used by the Hepubllcnns In their campalpn on tli" tariff tt wns given them last nlKht by Hcprcscntatlvo J. Hampton Moore, who acted ns toastmastcr nt n banauct of tho United States Totters' Association. Tho banquet wns In effect n meeting of lie publican leaders of both branches 'if CoriRress, n number of them members of tho House Wnys nnd Means Committee nnd the Senate Finance Committee, the two committees charged with framing tariff measures. According to statements made today by those who were present, '1'rcsldcnt Wil son's suggestion thnt tho tnrllt Is the only lsuo tho Itcpublleans have has been nccepted is a challenge." They propose to innke a fight with tho tarllT ns tho Issue. Tho Itcpublleans who pirtlclpated In tho plans for the tight were Senators Smoot, Oliver, Curtis, Hnrdlng, and Ilcprcsentntlvcs Cnnnon, Il linois; Mnnn, Illinois; Kordney, .Michigan; Gardner, Massachusetts; Hill, Connecti cut; Miller, Minnesota; Austin, Tennes see; Green, Iown; Hloane, Nebraska; Harchfcld, Ponnsjlvanla; Holllngsworth, Ohio. Ride Across Continent for Dinner Snmuol Bell. Jr., nnd Colonel Clinton A. Hlgbco Rave n dinner Inst night to Phllndclphlans and Cnllfornlans In pay ment of a bet they mado concerning de velopments In sorno Nevada mines. Colo nel net enme all the way from s?nn 1'ranclsco nnd Colonel Cutter enmo from Tonopah, Nov , to bo present nt the din ner. Some of tho rhllndclphlnni thcro were former Governor Stuart, Governor Charles II. Miller, of Delaware; Attorney General Francli Shrink Drown, Colonel John (1. Grlbbel, president of the Union I.nnuc: K. M. lllnklstone, William P. I'otts, James Austen, Ilarton II. Hoopes, John Hunckcr, S. A. Daniels nnd A. G Hcthcrlngton. Child ScAldcd When Kettle Upscta A large kettle filled with boiling water may -nuse tho death of 4-e.ir-old John Kcnnv, of 1625 South Molo street, who upset' the kettle on himself this morning while his mother was out of the kitchen. Tho child was taken to St. Agnes' Hos M wns said his Injuries were dangerous. Co, ii 5 1 I H 11 Mmtmrnmnm MANIAC FLAYS HIS VICTIM AFTER BINDINH HIM TO A TREE With Knifo in Each Hand, Ho Slashes Man to Death DINOHAMTON, N. Y. Dec. 10 -All the horrors that lunacy could dcvlso were exercised nt Choconut Ccntro today In the murder of nn unidentified man by Jnmcs Hrown, a former Inmato of tho IilnRhamton Hospital for tho Insnne. Drown firmly secured his victim nnd then strung him up to a tree with a sssss uotti?!Mtta 2a2 J ""' I I " II !! Jij&E rXma8 SuffErestions at jtonnitATi: thicks Hats, Canes, Umbrellas, w :m IMI'OttTHtl Top Coats, Silk Hats H. M. LAW 137 South 13lh Street :; Open Evenings. Electric Light Outfits for Christmas Trees, with large bulb'j & long cords. rieotrlo TTftln Bttl . (3.00 Up Sleotrlo Motors S1.00 np Electrlo Dynamo 13.50 np Elect rio Dtorafft Satttrlas, 84.SOnp Electrlo Eniflnei 7So nj Toltirrapli Instrument . SI. SO np Zleotrlo Mtatcal Battrll (4.00 up tLUCTIUC GOODS AND ATTACH MENTS OP ALL KINDS DilworthJ&MarketSt. JTrankliiiMfflers 1626 Chestnut St. GIFT SUGGESTIONS GLASS PERCOLATORS, $5 AND $7.50 Chafing Dithcs $3 up Trny of all Kindt, 50c to $20.00 Nut Crackers, with Mahogany Bowl. S4.00 "Tho HoutcfurnUhing Store" I You Can't ( Hmin' If ton ilti lllm "AS YOU LIKE IT" PERFECTOS Tlir (iu-nr lie Would Iluy for IllimrK $5.00 per box of 50 Kjcry Uox a Metal Ilumlilor Ilth .V Cliratnut St". -.'I .V Clirstnnt M. l:illi .V flimtnut Mi. pAINT BOXES DRAWING Outfits for FYROGRAPHY Brass Craft Work FimNCII I'HN'-l'.UNTIXn T.Vrr.STUV-I'AI.NTlNfJ ,t .STnXCJMXO F. WEBER & CO., 1125 cX"ut Open Eirnlnes. Dec 1S-S3. Inclualvs New Candy Store Six Feel Below Broad SI. In the Lincoln Builtlins, Broad Street, between Chest nut and South Pcnu Square. Stop in on your way home and you will come again. Here's one reason Strawberry Ctf ii Wafers . . OUC lb. Regular price 40c Made of pure sugar and fresh strawberries. 30 cents this week to nt3ke your acquaintance. Chocolates at OUC !" taste like the 80-cent kind, not only this week, but every other week. Hot Chocolate Ice Cream Soda Sundaes Sis Feet Ilelovr Ilroad Street, LINCOLN BUILDING. '$1.50 I "aS I 1 1 BOOKS i I PICTURES j I SESSLER'S bronzes BOOK SHOP r.HUTSTMAS K strap buckled about hlg neck. With ft knlfo In each hand the maniac then slashed nt the victim until he wns dead. Autoist Whose Machine Hit Man Held C. It. Howcr, who lives at the Hotel Vendlg, was held under J600 bnll for a. further hearing on December 20, by Mag istrate Tennock, In the llranchtown police station today, pending the outcome of tho Injuries of Dominie Drain, of McKlnley, Pa., who wns struck by Hower's nutomo bllo on Old York road, near Haines, street, last night. P. A. Shanor, of Pittsburgh, who was In tho machine nt the time, was - i " XMAS CARDS t TMOUCHTFwt LITTLE GIFTS In choice variety MRS. n. REICHARD II13CHE5THUT STREET Hemstitching Smocking Get this straight from one who knows you'll get loo per cent, smoke-satisfaction if you choose from our stock of fine imported cigars. Other things smok ers want. M.J.DaltonCo. Imnortrri it Wlinlenlcrn 111 S. 13th Street N. W. Cor. 5th and Chestnut Street Niw. 57th Christmas G. A. Schwarz 1006 Chestnut St. SEND FOR CATALOGUE CHOCOLATES and BONBONS Handsome 5 lb. Xmas Boxes, $3 Ilrat duality t'uuillra 30c to COc Hi. Sk j m j iui reNhor 10 kWfVV' Werott 110 Market St. Violins Guitars, Banjos, Mandolins and general musical instru ments. Violin Bows and Cases. E. J. Albert 9TH AND SANSOM STS. COFFEE PERCOLATOR i our wiie may mane pood coffee, but here's a gift that will improve u a nunarea ways, I. p 1 iU aae tit o, 7 and u cup sues, sa.uu up. Complete Una of all Electric Jleatinn Av plianees. uenirm iiuctric a: lock ld. 13 No. Thirteenth St. I Estey v f Upright Fiano Hundreds T jOS "?&. gn S7S up mMm MBm JF f Vl SenJ for Cntnloc II Howard Vincent Jf j. 836-838-840 N. TOYS ram 1 crw-i&r i WE3) il discharged. According to the poflec. Drain was walking along Old York road, and In nttemptlng to avoid another auto mobile ran In front of Hower's cnr. Ho was picked up by Howcr nnd rushed to the Jewish Hospital, where It wns found he had sustained a. fractured hip nnd shoulder-blade nnd slight lacerations. It Is said his condition Is serious. Job for 14th Wnrd Worker Wllllnm Tlartman, of the 14th Wnrd, a oolltlcol lieutenant ot Congressman .tohn It. K. Scott, hns been nppolnlrd Mnrshnl of the Public Service Commission. The salary Is $2000 n year. f) Vyr- lyo-!? vu j-LW a Diamonds Watches Jewelry Our lmm-n8o utoclt m a k e n chooslnR a n t'niminl variety exccptlnnnlly low pr tes Helirt nnw nmt settle unon our KAHV P.WMKNT PLAN FRED G. SUTOR 10G S. 12TH ST. l K13tttfci UW CrtuU. For Christmas Gifts A Useful Gift What would bo nicer or longer appreciated than a handsome and comfo.rtablo Chair, uphol stered seat and back, beautifully finished? Forest Green, silver, gray or nat ural shellac. Like Cut Joseph L. Shoemaker & Co. Llbrnrr, OMce and Hank Furniture 926 ARCH STREET Cut Glass for Xmas 'J&3 p iieciruiier . Vf MA M b m &. & I aa a New Style Cut ting. 13 Ina. $ 5 IiIkIi. Limited number for tomorrow only The Crystal Shop io2 n. ioth st. :Vr'rv Cut Glatt Exclutively everything for tho Fireplace CHARLES A. SUDDARDS HJ3 CIIIISTNLT NTItKKT Thomas A. Edison's Diamond Disc PHONOGRAPHS Exclusively KAHV TKHMH Blake & Burkart 1100 Walnut St. iim, "NOTIIINQ HUT KDISONS' Useful Christmas Gifts Umbrellas, $1 to $25. Walking Sticks, 50c to $15. Parasols, $1 to $10. Children's Umbrellas, Parasols and Canes, 25c to $3.50. Everything in Lamp, Candle and Electric Shades, at most reason able prices. Harman's, 115 S. 13th St. SEE OUR NEW UPRIGHT PIANOS 180 $5 Mluly. Othen Up to $1000 BELLhK Chestnut IRA D. GARMAN Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry Odd Tlilnn Not l'ouud KUenher 11th Street Below Chestnut yTu i y.i i l x ii n .- .r A $6.50 1f ' 3Sft b uKI You'll be satisfied with these Suits and Overcoats at $15 $18, $20, $25 long after you forget the price! Y M3T y i Jr ua 'Sr4i'7 1 t mTEf- Ml ' 11 V''i Perry's DOUIII.C-IIIIEASTCD ULSTEH The Storm Cnnt pnr excel lence, 4S Incheii lonttt onup at iv.ilat. ample skirt; stltchlnK at bottom. Ilrnnil collnr but tons around throat. Ileltetl bnck. C There's no use speculating from the printed word where you'd better buy your clothes. There's no use trying to guess what you'll find in the way of fit and style from what you read; for, if all clothes were what type claims for them, then Beau Brummell would be a backwoodsman along side of the average man on our streets. T,There's just one satisfactory criterion to go by, the criterion of your own five senses. And, of course, you have to make comparisons at that. Therefore, put it up to the clothes; look them all over; speak to the men who wear theirs with a differ ence; and don't neglect to have Perry's down on your itinerary. PERRY&CO. "N. B. T." 16th & Chestnut Sts. 1314 Walnut St. CARDS I Philadelphi'a j I At Lowest Prices E 111 J II E. Milton Dexter JWEET,S J JSjtmUMjt Caramth ana t?5!PWWwiBg Old-fashioned " g-j v Ytllow Jack xm WW. Spruce St.
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