" ""T" -) EVENPOt LEDGEK PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1915: d m x TWO CHARITY AFFAIRS WILL BE HELD NEXT WEEK AT THE BELLEVUE The French Relief Committee Will Have a Recital by David Bispham on Wednesday, and Nov 6 There Will Be a Bazaar for Southern Industrial Association HENRI SCOTT IS SOLOIST IN ORCHESTRA CONCERT WITCHES AND GOBLINS TO WANDER FORTH TONIGHT Wee Tot and Debutante and Matron to Celebrate Halloween Various Affairs to Be Held at Country Clubs House Party1 to Be Given in Moylan Philndelphinn Sings and Or chestra Plays a Varied Program iiiHgX'Ml?rJtliiiif i ,,11)1,! miiMiifyt.! ANOTHER busy week for the debu . tnntes and older folk nlso will open on Monday with a ten which Dr. and Mrs. John Marshall will rIvo for their daughter, Mlaa Helen Marshall, a lunch eon to be given by Mrs. I. ltazloton Mir kll for her daughter, Miss Mary Mlrkll, and ft rabbit party which Mr. and Mrs. Edward Krumbhaar will give for Miss Mary Dixon Thayer. On Tuesday Miss Charlotte Eleanor Pepper, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Qeorgo Wharton Pepper, will make her formal bow to society, and In the evening Mr. and Mrs. GUBtavus Itemak will give n. danco for their daughter, Miss Mnrgaret Ondordonk Itemak, which will bo pre ceded by several dinners, among which will be one which Mr. nnd Mrs. Iloland It. Taylor will glvo for Miss Mllllccnt McCarthy, of Syracuse, who Is visiting Miss A. Marjory Taylor. A luncheon will be given that day by Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wayne, Jr., for Miss Taylor. Out side tho debutante affairs will be tho largo hunt breakfast, which Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carter Walbrldge will glvo at the Huntingdon Valley Club after, the annual run. An Important event for AVcdncsday will be tho wedding of Miss Hope Truxtun Bealo and Mr. Oliver Eaton. Cromwell, which will take place nt noon In St. James' Episcopal Church, 22d and Wal nut streets. Tho debutanto to be Intro duced that Bay will bo Miss Elizabeth Wllmor Orlftlths, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Egglosfleld Grllllths. Then In tho evening, Mr and Mrs. Charles Winter llally will give a small dlnncr danco for Miss Frances W. Scott, and tho French Itollef Committee will hold ji recital by David Rlspham nt tho Rollovuo-Stratford. Mrs. Thomas Cahall will entertain at luncheon for Miss Dcnlso Itonorc Mcrcur on Wednesday nlso. Two debutantes will bo Introduced on Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Walter Hen derson Rryant will present her daughter. Miss Eleanor Drynnt, nt her homo, 110 South 22d street, nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. James Mandorson Cnstlo will glvo a tea for their dnughtor. Miss Margaret Ncwbold CaBtle, nt their homo In Chestnut Hill. Miss Louise Gray, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Norman Gray, will bo Introduced on Friday nfternoon, nt n . tea nt tho Acorn Club, nnd thnjt evening Mr. nnd Mrs. Thomas Do Witt Cuyler will glvo a dlnnor-dnnco for their daughter, Miss Eleanor do Grncff Cuyler. On Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cus tls Harrison will glvo their nnnual hunt breakfast before tho first formal meet t tint Radnor Hunt Club. Mr. nnd Mrs. Walter Jackson Freemnn will lntroduco their daughter. Miss Corlnno Freemnn, at a tea that afternoon, and Mrs. Earl B. Putnam will glvo a theatre pnrty and luncheon for Miss Frances A. Randall. In tho evening Mr. and Mrs. James W. Cooke will glvo a dinner-dance. In honor of Miss G. Rosamondo Fisher, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. S. Wilson Fisher. There will bo tho nnnual reception nt tho Academy of Fine Arts, nnd nt tho Bcllcvuc-Str.itford tho Philadelphia Aux iliary of tho Southern Industrlnl Educa tional Association will hold n bazaar and dance. A series of dnnces under tho manage ment of Dr. James A. Babbitt, Dr. Isaac II. Jones, Dr. John II. Jopson. Dr. Jnmes A. Kelly, Dr. Henry F. Page, Dr. Georgo 0. Ross, Dr. William T. Shoemaker, has been arranged to tako placo on tho following dates, at tho Rlttenhouso, Tuesday, November 16. December 14, Janunry IS. February 17 and March 16. Mrs. Joseph Boun, who has tnken an apartment nt 17th nnd Pino streets, will bo nt home Informally on Monday after noons during tho winter months. No cards have been sent out. A muslcalo of rare merit was given at the homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles G. Helm, Dnylesford. Pa., last evening, on the occasion of tho graduation In music of their daughter, Miss Lilian Ireno Helm. A largo number of friends were present. . Miss Holm has unusunl talent and promises to becomo n musician of high order. Tho following program made a most Interesting evening: TAUT ONE. "Old Black Joe" (variations), ,,,..... Louis A. Drumheller (Elections from 11 Trovatore. Chopin Waltz In B flat. PART TWO. Prelude. "The Raindrop" Chopin Chopin Waltz In D Hat. Pasquinade -L. M. Ciottschalk "Home, Sweet Home" (variations).. J. II. Slack Mrs. Laurence Boylard has oponed her apartment at tho Gladstone1 'for the winter, Mrs. Charles Decker, who was formerly Miss Charlotte Franklin Bush, will bo t home on Wednesday afternoons nf ter November 15, at her home In the Glrard Farms, 2036 Wolf street. On Wednesday, November 10, tho "Sign of the nose" flower shop, under tho man agement of Mr. Charles Henry Fox, has offered to give the entire receipts of the day to the Rush Hospital for Consump tives. A number of prominent matrons and a few of the season's debutantes will assist In tho selling of the flowers on that day. On Monday the Providence General Hos pital, at Wlssahlckon nvenuo and Lincoln drive, will hold its first donation day. Dr. Mary Davis RIdgway. Miss Maude E. Haines and Miss Minnie Coates are greatly Interested In making tho affair a auccess. Word was received yesterday from Paris of the birth of a son to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Clews, Jr., on Thursday, October 28. Mrs. Clews, It will be remem bered, was Mrs. Robert Goelet, of New Tork, formerly Miss Elsie Whelen, of this city, a sister of Mrs. Craig Biddle nd Mr. William Baker Whelen. Along the Main Line 1 WYNNEWOOD-Dr. and Mrs. E. L. Kanaga, of Narberth, have moved to their new home at 217 Kent road. HAVERFORD There will be a mas querade dance this evening: at the Merlon .Cricket Club. BRYN MAWR-Mlss Lulu C. Brown. of Morris avenue, is spending several ; weeks Jn Germantown. 8T. DAVID'S Mrs. Thomas E. Walton ' rave a children's party on Wednesday : la honor of her little daughters. Miss nviolfred and Miss Clarissa. There were Itwenty-four little guests present and the party was given In the log cabin on the ?aie of Walmarthon, Mr. Charles wai: ton's place. . WAYNE Mr Thomas Learning will ttive a luncheon today to meet Miss Lin 'e. of Boston, who Is spending a few IJayi with Mrs. Learning at Brentwood, Lf " home in Wayne. I 'r. and Mrs. George Aman and family Ifcave returned from their farm near RoenUvllle. to their home on Wayna Wvenue, feV . nVincfrinf. Hi 1 f aance will be given tnis evemns ui " White Murtfi Country Club when the !?uownE L-uesta will be Dresent Mr and L 1 - ... . . . , - fn. Frederick Hurlburt Mr and Mrs. :M'I Chue, Mr and Mrs. George Mor- JYIlIinm Gilpin, Mr. nnd Mrs. Thomas Itftlton, Mr. and Mrs, Charles McBrlde, Mr. nnd Mrs. William Marshall, Mr. and Mrs. Charles, Miss Constance Taylor Asam. Mr. nnd Mrs. William Oglcsby Grimtli,' of Iverton, will glvo a masquerado Hal loween party In honor of their daughter, Miss Florcnco O. Grimth nnd their son, Mr. Iloyt S. Grimth. Miss II, E, Knecdlcr nnd her daughter, Miss Edna Kncedler, nnd Mrs. II. Hlg glns, of Hex nvenue, will spend several weeks nt Yonkcrs, N. Y. Germantown A reception In honor of Dr. W. Bcatty Jennings nnd Mrs. Jennings was given last evening In tho church parlors. Palms nnd jellow nnd white clujsan themums wero used ns decorations, and those receiving wero the elders nnd trus tees, including Mr William M. Long streth. Mr. Franklin L. ShcppnrU, Mr. Charles H. Scott, Mr. M. Henry Kerr, Mr. Ashbcl Welch, Mr. Fred Perry Pow ers, Mr. Edward C. Cutler, Mr. E. Nnu daln Simons and Mr. Walter Leo Shcp pnrd. Mr. nnd Mrs. Wnrrcn Shchlc. of .1103 est Pcnn street, aro being congrntu !nlc,d. "I the birth of n daughter. Mrs. bhcblo was Miss Miriam Brown before her mnrriago. Miss Kntherine Bushnell, of 3010 Mid valo avenue, Is visiting friends In Roch ester for a fortnight. A dancing class hns been formed nf the younger set In Germantown. It will meet once i a month on Frldny evenings dur ing the winter. Among the members nro M ss Mnrgaret Lnw, Mis Elsie Mvers, M ss Anna Law, Miss Catharine Perry, Miss Theodora Jellotte, Miss Kathcrlno Bushnell. Dr. nnd Mrs. M. J. Knrpelles, of the est Chelten Apartments, have closed their cottago at Wildwood Crest and havo returned homo. Mlsi Eleanor Clmsc, who Is tho daugh ter of Mrs. I,. W. Chase, of 0700 Creshclm road, is taking a leading part in tho gavotto to bo danced nt tho Bellevue Strntford on November C, nt tho bazaar to bo given under tho mi-mlmi nf Mm Southern Industrial Educational Associa tion. Along the Reading A masquerade and dance will he given by Mr. nnd Mrs. Georgo W. Wllenx nt I their homo on Oak Lane road tonight in Honor of their guests. Miss Virginia Bates nnd Miss Sarah Moore, of Ne braska. Their guests will include Miss Helen Fctrlrtrc. Mlm Cecil Browster, Miss Harriet Hooper, Miss Grncp Kcssler, Miss Leonn Franklin, Miss Winifred Schaefcr, Miss Grace Bland, Miss Helen Hnug, Miss Phylls Dnro, Miss Caroline Davis, Miss Mary Pntton, Miss Murgaret Stew art, Miss Bertha Yerkes, Miss Nan Brooks, Miss Elsio Frederick, Mr. nnd Mrs. Georgo Klrpntrlck, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fllnn, Mr. Georgo Donahue, Mr. Frank Cnllahnn, Mr. John Frederick, Mr. George Eckert, Mr. Walter Raymond, Mr. John Toomey, Mr. Frnnk Mcrzbnchor, Mr. Georgo Splckor, Mr. Frnnk Salt man, Mr. Alfred Moore, Mr. Harry Penr non, Mr. Harry Whiteside, Mr. John II. Somers and Mr. Charles W. Welsh. Mr. nnd Mrs. Thomas Simpson, of 1012 Hnworth streot, havo returned to their homo nfter spending 10 dnys visiting Washington, Fredericksburg and Rich mond, Vn. West Philadelphia Mr. and Mrs. Georgo DInsmore Gideon nnnounce tho ongngonieut of their daughter. Miss Mnrjorlo Gideon, to Mr. John Grimth Magulre, of Wayne. No date has been sot for tho wedding. Sir. nnd Mrs. J. Elmer Dlttrlch will en tertain their bridge club this evening nt their home. 930 North 42d street. Their guests will Includo Mr. nnd Mrs. Addi son A. Christian, Mr. nnd Mrs. Joseph Gllllllan, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Stockton. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph It. Lees. Mr. and Mrs. Cross. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. Vogdes, Mr. nnd Mrs. Penrose Jones, Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank R. Nelms and Mr. and Mrs. How ard Park. This will bo the first meeting of tho season, tho club meeting once each month. Miss Robin Crawford, of Pittsburgh, Is spending several weeks as tho guest of her sister, Mrs. Herbert N. Bailey, of C051 Cobb's Creek Parkway. Mrs. William M. Wilson, of 3211 Powol ton nvenue, with her mother, Mrs. Paul Bolinn, nnd sister, Mrs. Edwnrd Barrett, of Plttston, Pa., returned this week, nfter spending a week at Atlantic City. Mrs. Rohan and Mrs. Barrett returned to their homo yesterday. Millbourne A mask and costume dance will be given tonight by Miss Clalro Thlel at her home, 21 Burd nvenue. Prizes will be awarded to the most comic and fancy costumes. The decorations will bo autumn leaves and yellow chrysan themums. There will bo covers laid for 20. Those present will be Miss Ethel Goldsmith, Miss Sadie LIcberman, Miss Goldsmith, Miss Sadie Lleberman, Miss Anna Wclnsteln, Miss Beth Sllberman, Miss Minerva Blller, Miss Bertha Hlrsh berg, Mr. Maurice Garflnkel, Mr. Harris, Mr. Benjamin Rosenberg, Mr. Georgo Bloch, Mr. Morris Krlscher, Mr. John Illrshberg. Mr. Philip Illrshberg, Mr. Jack Garber and Mr. Michael Garber, South Philadelphia Mr. and Mrs. Morris O'Leary, of 1625 South ISth street, are receiving- congratu lations on the birth of a son on Sunday, October 23. Mrs. O'Leary will bo remem bered as Miss Margaret Reagan. Miss Helen M, Carr recently entertained a number of guests In honor of her 21st birthday at her residence, 18U South Front street. The house was beautifully decorated with ferns and autumn leaves. Miss Carr received a number of beautiful gifts. Philadelphlans Sail for Europe Many Philadelphlans sailed today for Liverpool on the American Line steam ship St. Paul 'rom New York. Among the saloon passengers were MIs3 Amy Fletcher, Mrs. Kate C. Dunn, Mrs. Michael Coleman, Mrs. Mary Entwlstle, Miss Marie Needham, Mrs. Florence Murphy, Miss Mary Barrett, Mrs. Charles im, rn-.inn Thnmns Powell. John G. Anderson, Miss Anna Fisher, William Griftlths, Sltss Aiaggie r6us, "j Teresa Murphy, Miss Hannah Martin, Miss Sarah Michael and William D. Gash. Notices for tho Society pot will be accepted and printed in tho ETentn Ltd.-cr, but all such notices must be written on one side of the paper, must bo lisned lu Ml. ltu full address, und nUeu posslblo telephone number must bo given. Send all such communications to "Society Editor," Eienlng- Ledger. SO JKftstnut street. Unless these requirements aro carried out that rUh:atloa may be possible, the notlto U1 not be pobUshed. At tho third concert of tho Philadelphia i Orchestra, given yesterday afternoon nt i the- Academy of Music, Mr. Henri Scott, me nuimlolphla basso, was tho assisting artist. Mr. Scott hns sung in opera be fore, nnd is this year under contract to sing with tho Metropolitan Opera Com pany, As good bassos nre by no means common, It Is certain that Mr. Scott will ho heard here oftn this year. It is nono the less fitting that his first appearance of the season should bo with a local or ganization. The program, which ranged from tho 18th century, with Oluck, to modern times, with Strauss, will bo re pento'l tonight. Mr Scott's voice, except In its very lowest ranges, is deep nnd cxprcslvo and richly colored. At one or two times It tended to bo Hat nnd In the register which Monrt emplovcd for Impressive sobriety ("In dtescn holltgcn Hallen") It was moro than n llltlo dull. In his carefully cnun clnted Gernmn Mr Scott did not quite convey the august serenity of Snrastro's Invocation But his phrasing was well curved, nnd there was no fault to bo found with his glowing periods. Ills sec ond excerpt, "The Legend of the Sago Brush," was happier In the lyric narra tive than In the dramatic, nnd his reclta talve wns without any high Inspiration Jt remnlncd for the beautiful legend of tno sage brush, which opened to receive the Infant Jesus when tho proud roso hnd refused to move him, nnd so movo his hearers tn lyric ecstney. Tho bass Is hardly n chosen metier for this feeling, and Mr. Scott's trlumphnnt nchlovoment or it is wholly nnd splemllly to his credit. There wns a little slurring of sounds, ns when ho made "m'ouvrlr" sound "mou rlr," but the feeling of tho nrtlst wns Irreproachable nnd his volco a rich pleas ure. Tho orchestra plnved with n closer ap proach to Its normal excellence than In cither of the two previous concerts. It hnd not tho sudden swinging Inspiration of n week ago, but It had a lino stcadl nefs of good execution nnd a smooth tono which promises mightily for tho fu ture. In the Oluck overture ("Iphlgcnle en Aulldo") the stilng.s played with nil their best sonority nnd with a sweep of gesture which were gratifying to scnsl tlvo eyes and onrs. In the Brahms sym phony (No 2 In D Mnjor) all tho choirs wero mellow, and on occasions tho tonal coloring was Inexpressibly beautiful. How Mr. Stokowskl and his men engaged to bring to tho "Don Juan" overture of Strauss such fresh energies ns they did Is a puzzle. The audience ns much of It as stnyed wns Incapable of taking In all that was offered In tho tempestuous nnd swiftly changing moods of this piece. A French critic, obviously Wagnerian, snld of Brahms that ho works wonder fully well with tho Ideas ho lacks. That, In tho words of tho street, scorned rather thick yesterday afternoon. Tho second symphony is nlmost too full of Ideas. Some of them are trivial, but all of tin in liavo some beauty, and tho depth of feel ing of tho first nnd llnnl movements ate not surfaces mlrroied In deep technicali ties, but real emotions. Tho adagio Is divided between sentiment what one called German sentiment before ho wns nfrald to hurt people's feelings nnd a gny thoughtfulness. The allegretto Is spiritual nnd charming. The symphony Is confessedly one of slmplo humors but they aro all very human humors, and as such thoy wero played. Tho syncopation of certain passages wn3 beautifully han dled by tho orchestra without a trace of monotony or of dullness. On tho whole. It was a flno concert. Northeast Philadelphia Miss Campbell, of 1133 Marlborough street, will glvo a dinner tomorrow eve ning In honor of Lieutenant nnd Mrs. Shuler, who nro on their way homo from their honeymoon, spent nt Atlnntic City. Mrs. Shuler, before her marriage, was Miss Louise Einstein, of Washington, D. C. Lieutenant Shuler wns formerly of this city, but Is now stationed nt Wln throp, Md where they will make their home. Mr. nnd Mrs. Chancs Kurtz, of 2332 North 7th street, have left for a trip to California. Delaware County Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Le Roy Green, of Medln, are receiving congratulations on the birth of n son. Mr. and Mrs. Marcus E. Hcllner, of Moylan, nnnounce the birth of a eon. Mr. nnd Mrs. Arthur Bunnell, of 32 West Sellers nvenue, Ridley Park, an nounce tho marriage of their daughter, Miss OIlvo Bunnell, to Mr. Harry S. Kllmour, of Chester, on October 13. Tho members of tho Norwood Country Club will hold a bazaar and supper In their clubhouse on November 10 and 20. Mrs. John D. Allison, of Prospect Park, Is entertaining her sister, Mrs. Louis A. Lynch, of Coatesvllle. Suffrage Events Today EQUAL FRANCHISE HOCIKTY. 1 nnnn Mnntffomerv Countv. Pa. : Bneakfr. Miss Ilcrth.i Kapovlts. 12 noon PoatofflCB Plaza,; speaker, Bliss Elizabeth Hall. 2- p. in. Ml Elizabeth McShane will dlstrlbyco Hti'raturs and Halloween novelties. 8 p. m. Quikertown, Pa.; speaker, Miss Anna MqCue. 8 p. m. Coatesvllle, ra.; speaker. Mrs, Harry Lowenburg. 7:43 p, in. Meeting at Germantonn avenuo and Cayuga street; speakers. Was Jane Mycr and Mrs. Ella Iteeve Illoor. 7:43 p. m. Meeting at 20.10 Columbia ave nue; speakers. Miss Gratia Erlcson and Fer dinand Graicr. 8 p. m. Meeting nt 20I7 South street; speak er. Mis Eatelle Itussel. 8 p. m. Meeting at Germantown and Chelten aenues; speakers, Mrs, Marlon Holmes and J. c. Small. S.13 p. m. Open-aid meeting at 17th street and Sutquehanna aenuo; speakers, Mrs, Will iam Albert Wood and Graham Woodward. 8.S0 p. m. Meeting at Broad and Rockland Streets: speakers. Miss Elizabeth U. Yates and A. H. Olmsted. 8.30 p. m. Meeting at 21st street and Point llreezo uvf"iie; speskers. Miss May Macken and Mies Anna MacFarland, u p. m. Open-air meeting at Germantown avenue and Tlo&ra street! speakers. Miss Jane Myer and Mrs. E1I& Reeve Illoor. A RECENT BRIDAL COUPLE Mr. and Mrs. William Frank Boyer, whose marriage took place last week. Mrs. Boyer will be rempmbered as Miss Martha Everley Appleton, 4 SQ23 Emerald tieet. ' , spa m ' Sf, '! . rnoto by Murtcuu MISS D0KOTIIY DINSMORE Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Archibald A. Dinsmorc, who will bo pre sented at a large tea this aftcrnon at tho house of her parents, 412 West Chelten avenue, Germantown. Debutante Doings Thero will be several nttractlvo teas today nt which tho young society maid will make her formal bow. Miss Dcnlso II. Mercur will be presented at n tea to bo given by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Watts Mcrcur, nt Netherworth, their home in Wnllingford. Mrs. Mcrcur will be assisted In receiving by Mrs. Ed- unid Wurts. Mrs. L. Caspar Istcr, Mrs. B. Frank Eshleman. of Lancaster; Mrs. Louis K. Lodge, Mis. Henry ABhton Little, Mrs. J. Edwnrd Woodcrldgc. Among tho debutantes who will nsslst In receiving will be Miss Margaret M. Perot, Miss Hannah C. Wilght. Miss Eleanor S. Vogels, Miss Mary L. Scull, Miss Esthor Jenn Bochmnn, Miss .Mar garet Mcrwln, of Pittsburgh; Miss Eliza beth Llnoa weaver, of Lebanon; Miss L. Grnco Brewster, Miss Lois L. Jackson, Miss Louise S. Grey, Miss Elizabeth Broull, Miss Ellen Laird, of AVIlllams port, nnd Miss Beatrice Molt Panott, of Altoona. Miss Mercur will wenr nn at tractive frock of white satin, covered with tullo nnd trimmed with silver lace. A dlnner-danco will follow for the re ceiving party and n few nddltionul guests. At the Acorn Club todny Miss Frances Clyde Montgomery Brodhend will be in troduced at a tea to bo given by her mother. Mrs. Robert Sayro Biodhcad. Mrs. Charles Orr Steel and Mrs. Archi bald Brndshaw, of South Bethlehem, will preside at the tea table. Tho debutantes who will assist Miss Brodhcad In receiving will bo Miss Sarah II. B. Penrose, Miss Olivia M. do Beclen Gazzam, Miss Mnrguretta Dixon Myers, Miss Sarah Sergeant Myers, Miss Corlnne B. Freeman, Miss Edith It, Ellison nnd Miss M. Clnlre Spenser, Tho dansant IU bo followed by a supper at the Bellovue-Stratford and the theatre for the receiving party. Ono of the Interesting teas will bo given this afternoon by Mr. nnd Mrs. Archibald A. DInsmore, of 412 West Chel ten avenue, to Introduce their daughter, Miss Dorothy DInsmore. Tho debutante will wear a girlish frock of whlto tulle over whlto satin and encrusted with silver trimming. Among those who will assist in iccelvlng aro Mrs. Robert S. I'crry, Mrs Paul E. Suter, Mrs. William T. Barba, Mrs. Paul Spencer, Miss Alico E. Lerch, Mlaa Sophy Rlspham, Miss Mar tha Shoemaker, Miss Eleanor Baker, Miss Margaretta Bispham, Miss Eloiso Ormo, of Washington, D. C, who will bo MUi Dlnsmore's guest for several days; Mls.1 Sidney Sear. Miss Marjorle Thomas, Miss Elizabeth DInsmore. A dinner nnd thea tre pnrty, followed by supper, will fol low for tho receiving party and the fol lowing guests Miss Dorothy Hallowell, Mr. Archibald A. DInsmore, Jr., Mr. Wal ter Mellor, Mr. Howard Dunn, Mr. Ar thur Emlen, Mr. Morris Douglass, Mr. James Do Wolf Perry, Mr. Paul Sutro, Mr. Charles Barba. Mr. Lo Barre Will iams, Mr. Jacob RIegol, Jr.. Mr. Calvin Satterfleld, Mr. and Mrs. Archibald A. DInsmore. E. J. PENNYPACKEK TO WED Millionaire Inventor to Marry Chicago Girl Tonight Edward J. Pennypnckcr, millionaire In ventor, who Is a nephew of ex-Governor Pennypacker and a former resident of Philadelphia, will be married tonight In Chicago. Ills brldo Is Irmii lluysee, n graduate of the Lewis Instltuto in Chi cago. The romance Is the result of an automobile ride taken by Mr- Pennypacker along Michigan avenue several months ago, Mr. Pennypacker was In a touring car with several friends. Ho saw Miss Buy see in a passing automobile. It was lovo at first sight. Mr, Pennypacker succeeded In getting nn Introduction. Several weeks later a proposal followed. Weddings JOHNSON-WARNER Tho mnrriago of Miss Edith Warner, daughter of Mrs. William Y. Wnrnor, 153 West Penn street, and Mr. Walter Jnmes Johnson, will tako place today at noon. In tho FiIoiiiIh' Mooting House on Coulter street, In Germantown. Miss Warner will ' wonr n gnwn of lusliuiis white "ntln made with a train. She will nlso wear n tulle veil in ranged with ornng- 'jlot-oms. Miss Rebecca Carter will .o nuild of honor, nnd Mill wear orchid-color chif fon over satin of the mime shade Her hat will bo of black lace. Two llltlo Mower girls will bo Miss Margaret Woods nnd Miss Clara Lukens Clark, who will wenr dainty whlto frocks. Mr. Johnson will have ns ushers Mr. Edwin James Johnson, Mr. George Clarenco Johnson, Mr. Bainard J. Cranston. Mr. Leonard II. Schoff. A small lcccptlon will follow Immediately after tho rereniony nt the homo of tho bride's mother. After a wedding Journey Mr. nnd Mrs. Johnson will bo at homo nt 213 Winona nvenuo, Germantown. MARSHALL-DOBBINS A very Interesting but quiet wedding wil tako place this afternoon, when Miss Lllllnn Dobbins, daughter of tho lato Mr. and Mrs. William Dobbins, on Ashbourno road. Ashbourno, will becomo tho lirldo of Mr. Robert Marshall, of Noblo, Pa. The ceremony will be performed by tho rector, the Rev. Thompson J. Cole, and will tako placo in St. Paul's Church, Ogontz, nt 5 o'clock. The bride will wear a most becoming mouse-colored broad cloth stilt. Her hat will bo a small black velvet of tho new .shape. Only tho fnml- lies nnd n row intimate friends will nt tend tho ceremony. Immediately after- waru jir. ami .Mrs. Marshall will leavo for nn extended wedding trip, nnd on their return will bo nt homo In their new icsldenco nt Glenslde, P.i. EVOY PETERS Tho marrlago of Miss Lulu E. Peters, dnughtor ot Mr. nnd Mrs. Claus Peters, of 4 IIS North Sth street, to Mr. Thomas II. Evoy, of 2S0!) Diamond street, took plnce on Thursday nfternoon nt 1:30 o'clock, at the home of the brldo's pa rents. Tho Rev. II. Brnuns, of St. Matthew's Lutheran Church, 7th and Lu zerne streets, performed tho ceremony. Tho brlilo was attended by her sister, Miss Luetta Peters, ns mnld of honor. Mr. Charles Peters, the brldo's brother, wns Mr. Evoy's best man. Upon their return from their honeymoon trip the bridegroom nnd bride will llvo nt 5000 North 13th street, whero they will recelvo after November 15. J. L. JONES FOR SUFFRAGE Prominent Lawyer Tells Why ITo Fa vors Votes for Women J. Levering Jones, trustee of tho Uni versity of Pennsylvania and a prominent corporation lawyer, today announced himself in favor of woman suffrage. "Tho world today Is nn industrial world," said Mr. Jones. "The active cn tranco of woman Into It, Instead of caus. Ing degrading conditions, has Improved everywhere the condition of tho toller. "All tho men of the world in civilized communities are trained physically, men tally nnd morally by women until II years of age, and from then until death women still exercise the greatest of all forces on their lives nnd careers." AUTUMN RESORTS AUTOMOBILES take Gloucester Ferry -,- . uhen going to Atlantic City, Cape May, Atllduood and bouth Jersey Points. Shortest Quickest Route. Bouts on the Eren Hour & Half Hour, ATLANTIC CITV. K. J. Atlantic ary. Superior location with an unobstructed view of beach and boardwalk A recognized standard of excellence C.cnv60d. KALTERJ.IW2Sy. tilt iCADING RtSOXT llOIfl 07 Tilt WORLD siDarifioroinRnwim ATLANTIC CITY. N. J, OHmniHir umaiMiT JOOIAH WHITES SOUS COMPANY TDAVMfsUi? Letln Atlantic City Westminster J g&rZJ? Jt IO up dbr SS up sly Cua. Uur. PHILLIPS HOUSK HaMachrattta Ave, Busk. IV ? FfelUlsai fyTiJt Masquerade parties and dances, which hnve been looked forward to for tho Inst month, nro nigh nt hand, and maid nnd rrnlron, beau nnd belle will venture forth In weird, grotesque nnd fancy cos tumes tonight to carry out the old super stition of Halloween, The children will be In their element, nnd many pnrtles hnve been nrrnngod for them. Mr. and Mrs. T. Henry Dixon, of Chestnut Hill, will entertain for their daughter, Miss Kathcrlno Welsh. Their llttlo guests will Include Miss Snrnh Inrge, Miss Julia Ross, Miss Elizabeth Madeira. Miss Emma Norrls, Miss Eliza beth Logan nnd Miss Caroline Graham. Mr. nnd Mrs. Herbert J. Wotherlll, of 6455 Gcrmnntown nvenue, will gl o a masquerade party In honor of their dnughtor. Miss Anne Wotherlll. Mrs. Vooiheo.s Dinytnn, of tflkins Park, will entertain in honor of her children, Miss Phoebe Drayton, Miss Nancy Dray ton nnd Mr. Henry Drnyton Mrs. Charles Rogers, Jr., of 41." West Stafford street, nnd Mrs. J. Nelson Purvlnnco, of 2(0 School House lano, will glvo a party for about 40 children nt the Cnslno, on Pulaski avenue. Miss Elslo Mnclny Mlrkll will bo guest of honor at a parly to be given by her parents, Mr nnd Mrs J. Hnzloton Mlrkll. nt their home, 315 South 2M street. Tho guests will bo Miss Hetty Battles, Miss Louise Unttcrworth, Miss Aline Carter, Miss Knthailne Coffin, Miss Doll Dunne, .Miss Virginia Enrlo, Miss Hannah El liott, Miss Banning Grange. Miss Norma Grey, Miss Elcnnor Guminoy, Miss francos Hnmmond. Miss Helen Hill. Miss Kitty Knight. Miss Hetty Laird, Miss Ell7nbcth i,avrencc. Miss Dorothy Lltch Held, Miss Nancy Little, Miss Elcnnor Lucas, Miss Helen Michel!, Miss Mnry Miller, Miss Beatrice Mockrldgo, .Miss Lucy Morse, Miss Constance Rogers. Miss Elizabeth Stetson. Miss Sylvia Stning, Miss Lily Stewart, Miss Rtisoll Tucker, Miss Eugenia Its an, Miss Ellen Whltmcr, Miss Mnzlo Stewart, Miss Eloiso Warrl ner and Miss Frances Cnssclbcrry. There will bo Bcvcrnl affairs given by tho debutante set. Mrs. William Logan Fox will give a small dance nt her homo In West Graver's lane, Chestnut Hill, In honor of Miss Carollno H. Pomborton, debutante daughter of Mrs. Henty Pom berton, Jr. Mr. and .Mrs. William W. Fitter will cm tertnln nt Gulphmouth, their home in Vlllnnova In honor of their daughter, Miss Rachel Fitlcr Mrs. Henry Darwin Rogers, of 231 West Chelten avenue, Germantown, will glvo a masquerade dance, when her guests will bo Miss Chrlstlno Rchn, Miss Elulne T. English, Miss Bentrlco English, Miss Helen Daniel, Miss Dorothy Daniel, Miss Audrey Knno, Miss Miriam Kane, Miss Betty McCucn Smith, Mr. Allen Smith, Mr. Lewis Smith, Mr. Clarenco Fioemnn, Mr. Edwnrd Klnlcy, Mr. Thomns Firth, Mr. Richard Brown, Mr. John Heyl. Among tho guests who will nttend the Halloween masquerado party to bo given bv Mr. nnd Mrs. Robert E. Glendlnnlng, in honor of their daughter. Miss Mnry Olcndlnnlng, nt their home. The Squlr lols, Chestnut Hill, will bo Miss Mar garet T. McAllister, Miss Mnry E. Boh lcn. Miss Elizabeth C. Norrls, Miss Char lotto M. Cheston, Miss Mnrgaret Ross, Miss Elizabeth McMlchael, Miss Agnes Itiocklo, Miss Margaret Thayer, Miss Mnry Law, Miss S. Uytendnlo Balrd. Miss Galnor O. Balrd, Miss Marian W. Laird. Miss Margaretta Jenncs, Mr. Mark Freeman, Mr. James S. Mcrrltt, Jr., Mr. George Harrison Frazler, Jr.. Mr. Phlller Lee, Mr. Evan Dunn, Mr. Brlce Blynn, Mr. Russell Thayer, Jr., Mr. Percy Glcn dlnnlng. At tho country clubs thero will bo vari ous kinds of celebrations. At the Hunt ingdon Vnlloy Country Club a costumo danco for the members will bo held. Several dinners will precede the dance, Tho hosts and hostesses will Include Mr. and Mrs. Thomns E. Dunn, of Allen lnno. Chestnut Hill; Mr. nnd Mrs. John Henry Coleman. 2d, Mr. nnd Mrs. Churchill Wil liams, Mr. and Mrs. Walter M. Schwartz, Mr. and Mrs. Abel F. Wetherlll. Mr. Jnmes A. Bell, Charles Lcedom and C. Shlllard Smith. Mr. nnd Mrs. Daniel B. Wcntz, ot the Orchard, Wyncote. will entertnln nt din ner In honor of Mrs. S. Crozer Robin son nnd Sir. Edward B. Roblnctte. The other guests will be Mr.nnd Mrs. Charles West Churchmnn, Mr. and Mrs. J. RIdg way Bally nnd Mr. and Sirs. Charles R. Wood. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel A. Boyle, Jr., of Kcnwlck House, Rydal, will also enter tain nt dinner nt tho Huntingdon Valley Country Club, when the guests will In cludo Mr. nnd Mrs. Jnmes Potter, Mr. trid Mrs. Snmuel K. Reeves, Mr. nnd Mr J. Walton Steel and Mrs. Edmund II. McCullough. At Rosemont Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dlss ton will entertain nt their home, when their guests will Include Mr. nnd Mrs. George Dallas Dixon, Jr., Mr. nnd Mrs. Victor C. Mather. Mr. and Sirs. Edward Crozer, Mr. and Mrs. P. Williamson Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wain Har rison, Sir. and Sirs. J. R. Evans Roberts, Sir. and Sirs. C. Leland Thompson, Troy, N. Y.; Sirs. Chailcs Randolph Snowden. Sir. and Sirs. SI. Roy Jackson, of Roy-len-Croft, Rose Vnlley-Moylnn, will give a house party and large Halloween dance. Tho affair will bo held In the large stone cilice building on the estate of Charles II. Schoen, father of Sirs. Jackson. About 100 guests nre expected, Including a number from out of town. Sirs. Paul Sorg, of New York, will be a guest. The overflow of home guests will stay at Schoen Haus, the home of Sir. and Mrs. Schoen. Sir. nnd Sirs. Henry W. Slende, of US West Hortter street, gave a masquerade last night ot the Student Chapter, Park and Subquehanna avenues. Among their guests wero Sir. and Sirs. Andrew Otto, Sir. and Sirs. Horace P. Reeves, Mr. Stild, Sir. Frederick Tyler, Mr. James Telsar, ATJTTfittN RESORTS For recreation, go to Ashcville, The Land -the most beautiful snot 31l A superb new train service inaugurated October 34th. via Southern Railway leaves West Philadelphia daily at 3.15 P. M. Every luxury of modern travel, and only 20 hours to a perfect life out of doors. The resorts in The Land of the Sky, its climate, its sports, its scenery, are famous. ' B. E. BDKQESS. Division Passencer Agent. 99 vuesiuui di., fcSSsK??? Mr. Robert Lewis. Mr. nnd Sirs. Arthur II. Blackburn. Sir. nnd Sirs. Ardley Bhlpakcr, Sir. Thomns L. Jones, Mr. nhd Sirs. E. L. Hllyard, Sir. nnd Mrs. William Kugler, Mr. nnd Sirs. Charles Eaton, Sir. nnd Mrs. II. W. Borgcnskl, Mr, nnd Mrs. Perklhs, Sir nnd Sirs. A. B. Slnthews, Sir. Philip Buckley, Sir, Clauds Rottner, Mr. Albert Brnhnen, Sir. nnd Mrs. J. Beerwntd, Sirs. Jean Mill, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brown, Sir. nnd Mrs. J. Hnlse, Sir. Thomas Nnylor, Mr. nnd Mrs. John Lnughrnh, Sir. oml Mrs. C. Carr, Doctor and Sirs. Itldpnth. Mr. Clifford Goldberg, Miss Eleanor Slende, Mr. M. ' Sllcklebnch, Str. nnd Mrs. William Kcr ford, Doctor nnd Mrs. Payne and Mr. and Sirs. John Lorlmer. A masquerade party will be given this evening nt the home of Stlss SnVflgeaU, 136 Stooro street. Tho decorations will be yellow and black Slusle will bo fur nished by a string band. Dancing will be the main feature ot tho evening. Among those who will bo there nro Miss Cody, Sllss Butler, SIlss Thomas, Miss X. Logan. Miss Mary SfcFndden, SIlss Cntafcster, Miss Stnrle Sloran, Miss Annn Sloran. Sllss Porter, SIlss Rlttcr, Miss McLaughlin, Sir. John Cox. Mr. Thomns Kelly, Mr. William Tumclty. Mr. John Curry, Sir. FrnnCls Hughes, Mr. John King. Sir. Theodore Wllhelm, Mr. John Lynch, Sir. John Doyle, Mr. !...iy,nri1 "''"man, Sir. Robert Daly. Str. .! ! nin Kcc&an. Mr. John Curie, Sir. William Kelly, Sir. Richard Gideon. Sllss Anna Getz Eberbach will bo tho guost of honor nt n delightful maBqua dunce to be given tonight by her parents, Mr and SUs. John Storey Ebctbneh, nt their homo on Colwyn soad. The largo drawing room and hnll will bo npproprl ately decorated with autumn leaves, while the e ectrlc bulbs will be covered with pumpkin shades nnd many size pumpkin ami black rat livntcns. A full orchestra hidden under tho stnlrwny will play fa vorite airs. Pumpkins, lanterns, black " i , ".'"J . wl"hM will form part pf in i lo "'orations nnd tho favors Z . ,c,Uilly Bhostly. SIlsA Eberbach Mil bo dressed ns u whttcFolly with gilt bells nnd her Identity will not bo known r ii cIose of tho venlng's fun. The following- young pcoplo will bo present: SIlss rglnla Lloyd. SIlss Slnrtha Andor' Hon Miss Henrietta Cox, SIlss Josephlno Doorr, Sllss Sfnrgnrct Fischer, SIlss m? c,MnP .,lolfo- Jt""' Margaret Lownes, SIlss Llizabeth Todd. SIlss Frances Ray mond Miss Dorothy Chestnut. Sllss Mil-V-TiJi Ba.er' Mlsa MnrKA-ot Pntton, SIlss V ' 'r''?' M1SB Sarnh Fisher. SIlss Edith -Woodrow. SIlss Slargarot Storey Lberbach Mr. A. Bowen Garwood, Sir. I )C,", 11 .FHe.5'' Mr- Harvey Caloy, Sir. Paul Nell Sir. Alexander Slovens Sir. Georgo Cnnueld. Among tho older peo ple present will be Sir. nnd Sirs. J. D. if.,.'!!"' S. Eberbach, ;," :'""" v";l nnu -"iss iiua uetz. Mr. aa Sirs Stephen B. Tlly, of Edge Hill road, will nlBO entertain tonight, when they will glvo n dinner, followed by cards and dancing. Tho guests, who will number about 50, will bo dressed In cos tumq. 1 Sir. nnd Sirs. Harry Campbell,' of i 1-rankford nvenue. will ontortnln tontirht at n masquerade party in honor ot their daughter, Stlss Dorothy Campbell. Their guests will Include Stlss Helen Campbell. SIlss Slnrtha Allowny. SIlss Jane Cully, Sllss Florence Beason, Sllss Carollno Clark, SIlss Edith Wells, Miss Gertrude Dempsey, Miss Alice Grimth, SIlss Sarah Dunlnp, SIlss Emily Froncfleld, SIlss Arlce Betts. SIlss Bernlce Cully, Miss., Many Slice. SIlss Slarguarctt Sillier, SIls. 7r Blanche Wile, SIlss Ilnttle Cane, SIlss i Eleanor SIcCnfferty. SIlss Elizabeth Me- ' Kill, Stlss Paula Prlmui, Bliss Slarlon Duer, Sir. Harry Slullln, Sir, Chester SIul llnger. Sir. Frank Clark, Sir. Ralph Tal ley, Sir. Hugh SIcCafferty, Sir. Horace Dunlap, Sir. Jack Smith, Str. Slathow Slnnott, Sir. Thomns Lenry, ( Sir. Paul Pilmm, Sir. John Graham, Sir. Alfred ' Maxwell, Sir. Arthur Jimenez, Sir. Wrnlter Bates, Sir. Dlmar Wutts. Sir. E most Garrett. Sir. Rolahd Sillier, Sir. "T - ftk. KaHI r cup, .Mr. ijiumaa ixau, Air. Jfonert! t I w.., ..... .......... .wv.w UIIU .,,, W-1 Slullln. Stokowski Leases Mcrion Home Leopold Stokowskl, conductor of the Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra, has leased the country residence of Gran ville II. Le Slalstre, located at the cor ner of Linden lane and Sycamore ave nue, Sferlon-on-the-SIaln-Llne. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES lladelphln's Hot and Largest Nliht hrhool COLLEGE l'osltlons Positively (luaranteed. Lafayette llldi., Philadelphia. NOVEMBER 1st registration date for special evening courses In the Bookkeeping and the Shorthand departments. Individual Instruction for nine hours per week. Tuition reasonable. Write now for de tails, or phone Diamond 1131, TEMPLE UNIVERSITY UltOAU ST. BELOW IIEIIK3 "Country Day School for Boy" lVnncioot! Pa. Rev. Gibson Bell, Head Master. Phono Ardmore 132.1. Classes for Teachers The National School Elocution and Oratory D. A. SHOEMAKER, Parkway Bulldlnff. CHILDREN'S CLASSES The National School of Elocution and Oratory DORA A. SHOEMAKEH. Parkway Building. Miss Noyes 1T20 CHESTNUT ST. Dramatic Art. elocution. English. Special class for children. ITALIAN SCHOOL. 1011 Chestnut, FoiitleoU'a easy, original method classes personally cou UucteU by blgnor luntlcoll. Trial lesson free. STRAYER'S To9 Dest Business School JlimmVJ SQl-hOT Chestnut Street Instruction for Adults Stenography. Book's, Enc, bches., Spanish. French. 321 Halo Bids, ATJTParjT RESORTS health and rest, North Carolina, of the Sky in America. j-miaaeipiua. V V ti lf f v , ir. aaa ra, e, jwowb pu ,.-aaAriJE.-iw. ..,
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