3 1 .16 Many attractive ' 'J 1 "i StfSIXESS OPPORTUNITIES MtofEtiLT CAnKD-fon orchards pay eure and large returns. .Join local business man with mall month! payment In acqulr- llHtont, Harry Darlington, 1420 Chestnut at. KXl'EHIENCKO PROMOTER, with a Urge financial acquaintance. I bpn for engage ment with any reputable enterprise. C. o. 8.. .. 2$ jJkalfl.Vf - - . . CO'lXUai; MAN. with executive ability anil wmull taultnl to Invest, desires to become aa aoOatrd w'th legitimate enterprise. l SIS, 'ildKt Central Ji.l.KE OOOO LUCK MUTTHItlNK AND HKl.tCATKHSBN STOttfi. MARKOT S 'ii u.n ok w rim.A. II Bin, i .ho. caNT. A FULLY protected moving picture monopoly need Immediate worklru. capital, ground jjorproposltlon. Allan Turner l-hllaiieipma. IB-ROOM hoarding house, grocery .tore, cigars, tobacco and candy: good chance to max money. tO0 Tacony at. PICTCHK THEATRE, $18O0--Karn $V1-$140 weekly; guaranteed, trial, -erined patronage; daly matinee, sacrifice, r 113, Ledger Oft. CARPET CLEANING . Thirtieth Tear Tilt: JOHN HIIOADS CO. 788 N. Holly st.. West Phlla. CARPET UKATINO. -lr YARD . WKST PHII.X. ilONARCH STORAGE CO. WIMf PHILA. '1C I'KH TAll". WEST THILA. 370-72 I..x:st .TASTER AVE. DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY OLD GOLD and platinum Jewelry repaired and remodeled, apeilal dealgna mnde to order. Martin . Abiama. 711 Santom at, Phlla. DRESSMAKING AND MILLINERY i UEMSTITCHINO. It) centa a ard! all male- I Hale. A. ltmCHARD. ltt:l CHKHTNl'T ST. riCTOItlAI. ItEV'lKNV PATThRNS SRESSMAKINa taught! ahort, practical, Inex pensive endraeej pattern cut, "Oc, Mac Dowell, 307 Denckla Illdg., lllh and Market. . ' 1 " FOR SALE ANTIQUES-Solld ailver apoona, 7r:. each, ma l.orany tanda..t; other antique. 73.1 Walnut. UlLa.lAItU AND POCKET TAI1LUS - Also bowling allea; eaay paymenta. RR1 NH- VlqK-OALKE-eOLLENIlUH CO., 1002 Arch. DILLIARD and pocket tiblea, ahurfleboard. new and allghtty used: lUcral terma: natlnc. repilrtng tt auppllea. llncatto Co., Tii S. Mh. lillrf-IAHD, pocket.2d-hand tahlca. repairing. auppllea. Clark-Herd Mtg.Co.. 2421 N. Front. IHLI.IARI). pool, combination? 2d-liand hought. aold, rented, cuch'd. Keafer. 320 Olrard He. CA111 REOISTERS. new and aecond-hand; to tal addera aa low aa fin, on euny monthly payment: all rcgistera eoin ny ua tuny gunr auteed. The National Caah Reglater Co., - A unratnut tt. CAaTl RKOISTKR; National mike; altuhtly uard: mun rcll at once; will ucllver. P 114. Ledger Ornce. DESKS," flllng cabinets aafea, telephone"bootni and office furniture ond nvturra or every de aLrlptlon: used, but In tlno cundltlon, and xcry chenn: free delivery anywhere. IIITOHES, JITH AND I.OTTONWOOD DKSKS - lJirae aaanrtment ; alao household furniture. Central Becond-hand Furniture Company. 1104-00-14 Callnwhlll at. FIltr.SIDF. WILLOW CHAIR, S. Kl-UT7. FimNITl'Ri: CO. 711 Walnut at. . UKXTir FI'R-LINED OVERCOATS" I2 AND UP TtlEnElt'S LOAN OFFICE. lMnrket ft ilEA1i:RS and rangea, various ninkes, little uaed; tvh! condition: can bH bouaht cheap. SIAKIN-KELSEY HBAT1XO. NlSthet. EaUNDRY tubs. door, sash, lumber, mantels. rirr-ercapea. l'enna. Wrecking &Co., 2531 Dla- mond. OVERCOATS OVERCOATS OVCHCOATS $2 AND UP Ilnn'H JAN OFFICE. IVS Market ft. roNV. Shetland and Welsh; waison, elelgh. harness ami saddle; can lie seen at Ardmore Stable. Lancaster ave. Address Mrs. WM. LUKENS, 128 Edgewood road, Ardmore. Price MOO. Records Bniifht ah etchangci. :. sen rvCv-UIUi DUU.Ul VICTOR. Double-Face. 40c and r.0c. 2330 Ridge (above Columbia), tj ROOF and barn paint. 73c. per gallon; com- ' plete line of paints ond glass; lowest prpe: delivered anywhere. Dlsknn, lo'tui Poplar st. Keystone phone. Parh "34't A. Fireproof,' slightly t.srd, all sizes. 8A7EH ItarKSlns. KpecUl terms. Hcpnlrln, Oren'g, all makes' low prU'e. 1tl Franlcford ave. SAFES, flre'iroof; closing out (m.sllghtly used; titg t'arsaln ain NFourth st. SILVER TOTl.KT SETS Send 10c. for '4-ox. can U-KAN-PLATE sil ver polish (blue label), and make old set look new. A. IL JUSTICE CO.. 012 Chestnut, Phlla. V1CTOH RECORDS, biggest stotk, real seal, ltuder and Haw-Hllan. slightly used. Look In rrv window, be convinced. Paul. 2S1TJ Kensington jive. Open evening. g.-r-dOLO-FILLKD WATCH Illrlii or Wnltham movement. 20-veir guar. HIFlF.r"J l.OVN r'1t-- t rl-e LAitOE SAFE. SxH: In perfect condition: alo ff Ice furniture; will sacrifice. Call 711 Wal nut. Ilfxim 8. INSTRUCTION TOUNO LADY, visiting French teacher, de slrea pupil, literature translation: terms rea sonable. L. F., O 350. Ledger Central. Musical EXPERIENCED planlste will accompany Svt- ' urdaya for voice leons or mutual pleasuia , or strlngc-d Instrument. II 844. Led. Cent. ' MACHINERY AND TOOLS 8HAFTI NO SAFETY BPLIT COLLARS and YOCOM hangers and pillow blocks with fin ished ball and socket bearings are the best for all shafting purposes. SHAFTINO AND MACHINE WORKS. 143 North Second st. JAMES YOCOM & SON. POWER-PLANT EQUIPMENT Dynamos, motors, boilers, steam and oil en gines, pumps, air compressors. FRANK TOOMEY. INC.. 127 N. 3D 8T. DNAMOS. motors and machinery bought, sold and rented; armatures repaired. Call Main it, Market 3005. Tearalev Company, 22 N. 3d. OTDROP"PRE88ES, power preasea, punch prerres, foot presses, acrew presses, I, 2. 3. "PL1"!1? drill presses, NutUII. 1748 N. Mil. FTfiLADELPHIAT8 Principal Shafting. Hang er. Pulley and Halting- House Is at .',20 Arch at CHARLES ROND COMPANY. W-aNteD-12.1 to 1W gallon Jacket kettle! 141 N. 3d St.. 2d floor. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS LESTER PLAYER; very cheap; nearly new beautiful tone; 21 rolls; will consider small cash payments. F. A. North Co. Uranch. 3241 Kensington ave. Kensington 021, Other bargains; send for list. PIANO BARGAINS $90, Harrington piano, walnut case. $183, Player-Piano. 88 note. BELLAK, 1129 CHESTNUT 8Tj 85 CIIICKEniNa'UPniGHT TIANO. HOWARD VINCENT. 838 N. 6th. OLD GOLD OLD UOLD. silver, platinum, plated ware, old- siyis jeweirr. tram iiiaies uousne ror casn. Eat. 1870. J L. Clark, refiner. 807 Sansom, OLD UOLD-Cash tmld for old aold. silver. antlqua clocks; will call. Dell phone. Locust 121 1 RUlElta. 27 8.17th. 7lIOHK8TPIUCB8 In the city for old""g61d: silver, platinum, falsa teeth; old coins bought and sold. Jewelry Exchange. M 8 8th. CASJI PAlb FOR DIAsYoNDST PRECIOUb atones, gold, sliver, platinum, false teeth. Phlla. Smelling tc Ref. Co., 12a q, mh st. ROOEING AND IRON AWNINOS M U coat leaky more at smalt cost and guaran tee them 10 years: let ua estimate. American Roofing Co., 1W3 Itldge ave. ilOOFlSo CANVAS, guaranteed quality, R, A- HUMPHREY'S 80N8 1021 CaUowhlll St. STORAGE CONTISKNTJl I. HTOHAQE WAREHOUSE C 30TII 8T. AIIOVH CHESTNUT ..fAt-M-NQ. MOVJ-"0. HIUl'I'lKO , IW4, i.arpel Llcaued, scoured, stored. Hell, L'Jt luon- Phones- Jy Race 4180. -JD:LlTV FIREPROOF WAREHOUSES IWf-lSUI MARKET BT. tm North riroad storst Co.. Broad ab, 1.11 avs. New fireproof addition: rooms packing 1 or an points! auto vans. ireef iiaii pnonci ivoga 4(uu. . aw I'M 1 la wHr italic WlP-'! HM i .A. MONARCH rTORilll'. CO. I l-A Auto. pHcUug and shipping, n,,. ,rk yre , r.ev Al r. Att.Ar"lTORAtfK vVA'lEJiaUSK - Storage: ' fffH"". Pt''ng. sblniilnar. far 11 elrnnlnz. MbMarlnii 732 fur ellirst. Market and 37th. Cw4: MJRNK BTOHAqKCO.ri N.B2K I b2, tjvrpei (iraii'lig. west 421. uto vana any time. anywhre. .: fN'B HTOI1AOH ."IIOUSU. I74H N F 4 H'DmtlC C'e lug, snipping, auiv Order your . . - . EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, O0TOBEB4,10lo J offerings are printed in these columns every day. They make interesting and profitable reading WAmT. 1 :" r"7Z i ' -:izzrT ... m.mT, rtT, OAr f heat. ESTATE FOB SALE I REAL estate for rent WANTED AMETHY8TH, antique fumlturr, feather beds, broken Jewelry, falae teeth, gold.sllveri dlam, bought. 733 Walnut. Ph. Wal 70211. Bat 'Oil. fOtd gold, all .IWjtols, laUa t (BOJS il'cep liver, curios, coins, pie- teeth, furniture. J. II. ANT1QU I'cople'a Store), 200 S. 11th. ,,vCArlT-OKF" CLOTHING WANTED flENTl.KMEN, AND I.AUIHS. TOO. JVHAT I WAV IS MKANT FOR VOL'. ... ,&.voV iiavk any clothing to hull. 8KND To MR. I I.I. TREAT YOU WIJI.L. THK PRICK I PAY IS VERY IMOIL MORE THAN OTHERS. I.1.T MR TRY. ...... TH'-tWllONN .MARKKT Sll UlllTr; OR I'llONK AM) I WILL CALL 6t.V. MJCR OR TIMK AT Al.l.. . MKI.msOHN. TH AND HI'. OAHDHN STS. . CAST-OFF CLOTHING VV ft tniiat h... v.u.1. n flirnlah ftltf tW O storea MI nnd S4I North IMh at. We are , "pw In a position In y ou more for men a elolliing than other ilralera. l'hone Walnut ' tte-or.. scuiLTr. 27 .North inn at. t CA8T-OKK t 1.OTIIIN0--WIII wsltlvelv pay o'l per cent, more than otliei dealera tor ladlea' and getitlemen'a lait-oft clothlnK. hatt, ahoea, I etc.; aim full dreaa en, I tutedo aulta. Call, i Tiie, pnona l'oiar .1J7I, rrompt attention ifi in oi-nera. in ACKER ISTO 1'oplar at. i-lllh..t price, for! CART-orF CIJTH Senta' ack nulla, full rireaa. Tuxedo, ahoea, eto 1 prompt attention, Dinne 1'oplar 53BS, or rJlt. SEUdSON, MM Poplar at . t IINlTlltE HOt'lIIIT FOR CASH "111 iy hllieft pilien fnr houarhold furni ture, piano and office furniture. Ennla Furnl tmv i o.. i'U' s. Mli, Phone Walnut IV'". FfRNITL'RE, planoa, carpeta, antique; entire or part hnuae Imucht for caah, no matter how large. J. nHRNBTEIN, 1.1S4 Ridge ae NATIONAL CASH check-printing reglnter, .ecn' ttntc imt caah irlie anil where It ion be , P IPS, Ledger Office. Ira) ooo Victor, Columbia. Kdlaon rec, mach., Mctrolaa; buy. sell. exch. anthlnc alue. Koetone ih The Reliable Shop, N S. "a. ROOMS FOR RENT JLSi' THE ROOM YOU WANT Can ,ei llkel) be loiated In n lew minutes b ekaniliiiiig ihe phoiogrnpha and oes:rip ttona r iooi.is with and without board which i am on tile for our Inipctlon at lUger Central .vn Inttlor photograph and an sweis to every ijuestlon ou v.ould ask are neie jn ou can decide Intelligently: free ervbe Irst it HROAD. S., I mil -Second-floor aulle, private bath, tomriirinbly furnished, clevtrlc lights, hntwater heat CHESTNCT. lHOI-Dcsirable single or doublo rr-onis lor business gentlemen; private baths. CIinsTM T, 20113-Chcerful looms, single and n suite lnth, hot water, teference. CIll.STNl T, 2iKif Lcilrable elnglo and douole looms, permanent or transient. CHESTNUT. 202SsriTE OF ROOMS." RATH: ausii siyoi.n rooms. CHISTNUT. 201.-.-ncautlfully turn. foom.'adjT hath prof. nlT.j lit jlnor; unob. light. i lllilSINCT Si. 21144-SlnKlo nnd en suit": lulvate hatha; U latest Improvcmenls: , onner. l'hone Spruce r,2."s. LtihrsTNl'T ST.. iloiiNew iv "Furnished rooms single or en suite; use of bath ll.lNTON ST.. loio Central, quiet, exrep. sin., tn eiilu. tun exKs.. private hatha, hot-wntcr hi -em h"iit. fireplace; ref. environ.: owner. LOCI Kr. lVJlM.Morton'Apta.l Splenrtldl fur. rooms, excel, bath, nccniu. ; reflne.1 ; jihone. LOCI'sT. Ttov-Lnrpe room, cheerfully furn.; no-vr l.nth- gentlemen prcf. Walnut 4:0.' W. LOCUST. "i:siN Finely .furnished third-floor front: ulso 2 nlte fourth-Moor rooms; tlrst class house; stnrly tenants; references. ' Phone Walnut 71103. I UVUIIIIItOOK Tm)2 WjnnevCood road)-2 large I sunny icuins. single or cu suite; private bain: attractively fuir... prl ram.; 2 mln. to City Hall: ien onnitle. refs. Belmont 72p. OXFORD. Mill "(cor. Cnrllsie) LarEobrlght ' rcwms. with or without bath; unfurnished. PINE. 11120 Two com rooms, furnished, rult- I nMe for bachelor; running wnter.Locust USUI I PINE, lir.'l Desliablc bedroom und slttlns ' joom: aUo inglerom; modern. I'OWEI.ION AVE.. .1.1117 Wcll-rilrll..brls.lltr nlry loouiK, elngle or en suite; private biths, nil conveiileme-c ihirLh, near I. and aubwa). references exclinngcd. f'OW'ELTf'N. :nli;-2 nlcclv fum. rooms, sin- Sio or en suite, gents pref. liarlug, 12- 1., UITTKNIU.!Sr. .-MJUARi: (JK1 S. Ulth at.)- l.arge, nlry looms and apt. ; beautUully fur- nlshej; 1 or 2 nvma. private baths: hut-water heut; tlrst clnss In appointments nnd service, bPRUOKTlllS ntautlfull) furn. 2d"-fli.or mom. other hc : running water: electric lights. SI'ltUCE" I1I7-W KLL-FI-RNLSHED IUKIM9. 3INOLK OK U.N ai'lTE; NEAR RATH. Sl'ltl CU Tl:!(l- Well- limlai-nl rooms, hot- water lieat; gentlemen, reference. tiPltUCU." 1203-front rooms, furn.: running water; convenient to bath. Wnlnut 70H3 W. , SPRUCE 12nS Newly renovated front rooms. ngle or communicating; elegant serv.; phone. SPRUCE. I'U7 Rooms, single or.en suite; pri- hathv prof, o flees, steam cat, elcctrlcltj. , Sl'ltl CE, I4U1 Nlcef furnleheil moms, single ' or er. eulte l'hone Ixicmt lisil W. SPRUCE. liHI-Lnrse'lst and 2d floor apart- ' ments. with b,th; single r onis. SPRUCE, 17".'.' Finn, rooms adjolnliig Latir I steam hcHt: rcferenre exchanged: telephone. SPRUCE, 2i".T-' Attractively furn." bachelor apt 2 rooms and bath: fireplace; phone. I VENANOO, W., 1K38 (corner) Furnished or unfurnished rooms; 1 square from Tioga Station; electric light; hot-water heat i WALNUT. 12dS (Tho Strathmore) Running water all rooms: pop'r rates; tnvea'te; elev'r. ' VVAI.NUT. S003-Newl furnished 2d and 3d ' floor front rouma; near I.; all conv. T2TIL ri., 114 Single or double rooms for gen" tlemcn Apily 21 floor Thone Walnut 7036. 20TH. N.. 7IH-llandaomcly furnished 2d Poor suite, 2 rooms, private bath, electric lights; good transportation. Pcplnr H72 W. fTsTH, S.. ltl Two rooms, second floor front and back: running water: teasonable. 418T7 8., .103 Attractive furnished or unfur nished rooms, single or en suite; phone. RLACIC OAK PARK ll'lne near S2d Most de sirable location In West Philadelphia; gentle man anj wife will share comfort of attrac tive home with single gentleman: large room; sunlight: modern. Ilelmont 'tw)7. OPPORTUNITY to rent de-lmble 2,1-fl vor rooni en suite, or single, with or without private natn. xutn. or nnrurn., central rashionabie location. l'hone Filbert 311)0 W. J HNDSOMi:i.Y furnlshed'front room In large, j modern, private home electric lights; 10 nlnutcs to City Hall. Telephone Ilarlng 41.1. WELL furnished room, conveniences, exclu- 1 alve nelghliorhood. Phone Raring HO'J. I ROOMS WANTED GENTLEMAN desires room snd board; with private family preferred; If West Phlla. nour elevated itn.' state terms. J 2IH. Led, Cent, BOARDING HROAD. 8 770 (The Craliaml-Cool. attract- lvelyjfTjrjiiiaconvaotelaery.J7 up. 1 l.EHIOH AVE., 1313.13lleautirul roo"nis7good ' table, new manageitent. Phone Tioga h-'l. TARK, N 2121 Working men, room"""and buard, $1: home cooking; wash Included. T'OWKLTON. 4037--Attract, room, well'turn.. quiet, reflned home: near L. Uarlng 1027 u. Sl'RINO GARDEN, 1800 Hoarding, rooms; mod, house; baths; porch; table board: phone, 81'nUCE I22l.2Brlsmonde)-Furn7rooms. jlngle,eisutrTWatebari:jableboard. SPHUCE. 1220-AUractlve looms, single or en aulta; private bath: table board. BFItUCE, 1028-10 Deautjrul 2d-story aulie',' turn, or unfurn, to per, cbuplo; choice table, VALNUT 4044-Attrai-llve foomi refined aurn gent, or couple; goo.1 table. Ilelmont 3HI3 w 35TII. N., 302-Destr. rai good table: porch. shade; conv, to cars. Phone "reston 328 W. 4OT')I. N., it'.' Pleasant light re.oms: excentlon. al tablporch; near L. Ilarlng 2008 W. 46TH, 8 , 5J4-lleaiillfully turn., single and double rooma In -attract, mod. house. I'h. Woodland 1103 W Photos si Ledger Cent al. WEST PHI LA. most destrab location, beau tiful corner, private family, will accommo date lady or gentlemen. Ph. Ilelmont 2utni. PRIVATE FAMILY will take infant to board; refs. exchanged, L 125 Led erOff lc. oi-iiutjci.ir.. .ai.1 nouin sisi si. Aliss n. at. HANLEY. formerly of Cbestnut st DESIIlAnLE room, private family, gentlem lucar Queen Lane Station Ph. Onitn. 4I3J emxn. 13.1 Y. Suburban QERMANTOUN. 233 W, Illtteiihouse st. (be tween Wayne and Greene) Comfortable furn. rooma; gotd table, conv Phn, Gtn. 1373 X. APARTMENTS 1 WALNUT ST.. 220.1Attractit spartinents. 2 rooma. private bath and hall: electricity and gas plenty of hot water; well heated; large room. Jaultor. or phone Locust 3340. TlltOAUBT.. N..'1'hlU., apartments, lij to $13 per month, furnished or unfurnished. Apply olflce. 30B N. ilroad st. LOCL'BT bTT. iOUl- 2 rooms, bath, kitchenette, unfurnished: second ttoor' phone. BPniNG OARDUN, INITExcelleuf aptsTtn S dlfferantriouies, some furn,; kitchenettes. BprtlNG. OARDEN." 2101 (cortierPTiacnelor vapts.; well furnished; open fireplace; eec'y 1401 "l)XFi3iTD. cur. "Carlisle Two'iaTg rooms, private bath, unfurnlshedj attrartlve. 1 ftV H.StiTH 8T Heau." fur." apts. en "suite', a ijiiiate ImIPs, desirable locution: owner FOR furnished or unfurnished 'apartment. ' N W. PhlLsdelphla and Tioga, lee ua first. atchjvppy . Oi 1217 Montgomery ave. Want Ad 'nserted by 4ie week APARTMENTS V. ECOnNF.n 17TH AND WALNUT ST8. Thla n-atory concrete and ateel atructure rearhea tht hlgheat point of development aa yet attained In apartment conatructlon en; may be rroerly atyled a perfect place of aliide. An earneat effort In a been made to oner H mafhlcea home to thoae whoae firal con aileratlon la not to count the coat, but to iro(ure that which they dKlrei where there I oilv pirfertlon. the alie and character r hlh may Ik- aelected and ahaped areenllng I'.'tlia dlttlnctlve requlrementa of the Indl ldnal Nultia are arrangeil from lo moma and 0UJ!. & l aeeen rftoma and three batlia. The loeulon la excellent, belna ronenlent to the hualneea and ahopptng centrea and at not too rfcar. Iliilhllng will be formally opened NovemPer 1. . 1B1.1. , , lurther Information may be obtained and rcfervMlun mado through NORMAN S. PillKRWOOO 1411 Walnut atreet. TSu Uautlfiil rooma; bath, kltchenettei 58 --- -l!ifl"ir -?"!. at Philadelphia CIIKST.Vt'T ST., .1012 ftnui-Klegant apartment, entire I'd floor, conalntlng of 2 bedroom large lltlng room and porchi private baths fum. ir unfurn.i flueat residential aectlon; dining rofim. Phone Prolon itm IH'HKI.VOHAM. 4411 Walnut at.-Thlrd floor. eeeit rooma. 2 hatha; 7S: flrat claaa. Apply Janitor or Geo. Tlctk, SO N. 8th at. f-.PPV r.Ani CC 312-14 N. 33d s'- .-.nui-i-i .1 TO 7 ROOMS Some finnlihcd. All nutalde rooma. Reaa. APARTMENT HOTELS THEN YOU'LL COME RACK TO US" This first j ear we come with our message to on, the second and third and all the other years the lemembrance or this year will tiling on back ngaln and again. Once In a lifetime "MINE HOST' Is born, not mado, J, Wnrren eit.ir. lur 20 vears of the Hotel Walton and way hick before that of the Old Lafavette, has taken tho Lincoln a paw and glorllled l.lncvlu. retlnlnhed and refurnished throughout -and will welcomo ou for ay a day or so, ot for nil the winter season. With elevator service, tunning water In every ro.im uud the kind oi dining room you didn't think could be. You will flnd all jnur living trouble over nnd our problems solved If you will Just call ami talk things over and then make our reservations with Mr. Friar at THE LINCOLN. 1VTH AND I-OCUST 3TS. "The I'eltett Apartment Hotel." or NORMAN S. SHERWOOD 1411 WALNUT ST, "APARTMENTS A SPECIALTY" THE MORRIS 13TH STREET HELOW SPRUCE WEAI.I.V niiSlDEXTIAI. Situated In tl-e heart of Phlladelphla'a Hrlstocritl'' residential section. Within Whlklng distance of the shopping, the atrlral and business district, SUITES arranged according to jour needs, from 2 ROOMS and HATH to T ROOMS and :i HATHS. J. H. HAWKINS. Mgr. ALDINE HOTEL CHESTNUT AnOVE 10TH Permanent or Transient Guests COJIFORTAIII.E SUITES: One or more well-futnlshed rooms with bath. UNEXCELLED TAtll.K. WHITE SERVICE THE DEI.MAR-MOIIRIS OHIUIAN70IVN AT CHEI.TEN AVE. STATION PENNA. HAILROAD. 20 MINUTES FROM BROAD ST. TERMINAL. ATTIt ACTIVELY FURNISHED AND UN FURNISHED SUITFS AND HOUSEKEEP ING APARTMENTS THE CLINTON TENTH HELOW SPRUCE 200 ROOMS. nVERY CONVENIENCE. Uurnlshed or unfurnished: either bv' lease or transiently; suites of one to fourroom, with bath. , THE PARKSIDE 40TI,Pv,o"AnB OI'IOSITE FA1RMOUNT PARK Furnished and unfurnished apartments. Com plete hotel service. Phone Hiring 221. THE TRACY SOlli and Chestnut (Elevated Station). PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT OUESTS Appeals to families sjid seekers for QUIET SURROl'NDINOS THE COVINGTON CHESTNUT A THIRTY-SEVENTH 8TS. It. F. ENOI.E. Mgr. Also of the Engleslde. l!eahHuven N. J. THE GLADsfoNE 11th .end Pine sts. AUSOLUTELY FIREPROOF THE ESMOND S E. COR. I2TH AND SPRUCE STS. Desirable suites with private baths. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS , CORNER 18T1I AND WALNUT One suite 0 rooma, two baths. 15TII AND TINE Three aultes, 7 rooms and bath. One suits, first floor, suitable for phvslclan. McILVAlN & CO. 1518 Land Title Rulldlng, rhlla. WALNUT, 2012-VERY FIND HOUSE KEEl'LNO APARTMENT; SIX ROOMS. THREE HATHS; UP TO DATE. 1.112 OXFORD ST.-Reautlful apartment. Tr7o living rooma, two bedrooms, bath, dining room, kitchen, maid's bedroom and toilet, Inquire Janitor. PINE. 0003 AND 4 ROOM APTS.; EVERY COW.: ALL OUTSIDE ROOMS: FURN. OR UNFURN : MUST HE SEEN TO HE AP'hp. 53 D AND PINE BTS. De 1-anrey Apis.. A rooms 1 bath to 0 rooms 2 baths. Apply Janitor, or CUMMINS. 505 Chestnut. 1STH. N.. 10.18 Fully furnished first-floor apartment, with private bath and kitchen; 27: suit two persons: reference requlied. RITTENHOUSE SQUARE-Irfssee of apart! facing square will offer Inducements to satis fac. tenant for bal. ot term. Ph. Filbert 5241. 12T11 AND UIRARD AVEJ-1, 3 and 3 room apartments; bath and kitchenette, hot-water heat; low rent. Waldman, 1110 W. Glrard ave. It. E. COR. 10TII AND MASTER Two or three rooma, bath,' kitchenette. .N?- IJOOd,PHIVATEJJATIIL$5.(J0 ill N. Iirril Second floor apt,; two bed rooms, bath, llvlng-dlnlng room, kitchenette: corner, IIkIii 4 iildes. OLHAUUEN, 1SU5 Arh. 2010 DIAMOND ST. Third floor; (1 rooms hardwood floors; rent $33. Phone Wyoming 200. or ttt McDade. agent. " linOAD 8TT, "N.. 423-5-room spartmTnf. Iiorch, running hot water; phone service, l&TH, N., irii3-a choice unfurnlshedrms. wfth bath and kitchenette; quiet; refined, 4I8T, N., 1232-34-302 to" 5 room apartment! facing park. QrosMn 1824 Chestnut st. INFORMATION relative to and the renting of nearly every desirable apartment In I'hlladed- lihln mnv be rnndilrtMl thrrtu!. thl. ntAnm I CALL. PHONE OR WRITB ( Automobile service to Inspect apartments'. If -.-..., NORMAN 8. SHERWOOD Mil walnut st. "APARTMENTS A SPECIAITY" Irl WA t tvupati in im J " "IB APfl-B PtsT f 7i? m NrVVsIl"T Wow-'sf V A"t' xJ HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS THK MONTEVISTA BID AND OXFORD BTB. IN THE EXCLUSIVE OVEHUnOOK BECTIO.N an wr.M. sr.Mt-suinjnnAN location WITH KXTENSIVK OIIOI'NDS , HUItllOUNDINO , affordltig abundance of light and air, and .. within 2 minute of City Hall. ., THE MITII ST, CIIORSTOWN LINE RUNS umncT to ran and oxfoiid sts. and the bulldlnK can m reached Ma any ear running weat with tree iia to uotrr at. siitks or oNR,mnnouM and rath TO 8KVRN (71 HOOIIB AND HATH renting from ISA to $75 perinonth. Dining room located In building. Agent on premlaei, or phone OVERIIROOK 4703 13TII, N 2021 Second floor, S rooma and bath; complete with eery modern conven ience: rear porch; open for Inapecllon by appointment. Applv Frederick V. King Com- . pany. Itnt NorthJOth at. THE TIOGA 10T1I AND ., TIOOA STREETH Few deiliabla aranclea, 0 rooma and bath, porchca, electric llghlj all convenience!! ap- Ply to Janitor, on premlaea. PALMER & WETHER1LL APARTMENT SPECIALISTS .,. Real Eatate Truat llldg. Walnut143. TUP NAM K'27-20 SPRUCE STREET I nc Ii01 Hot'HEKEEPINO APART- MENTS nnd PROFEHSIONAI. OFFICW. HOURUKEEPINfl APTS., all part of city. Rent r.'.t to 70 per mo. call, phone or writ J. for Information. Samuel 8tern, 1201 Cheainut. CORONADO. . 22d nnd Cheitnut sis. A few desirable vacancies, large and small. est Phlladflplila UAI.TIMonn AVE.. 4103-Attrac. mod. apt., 6 fine outside r . op. Clsrk Pk. Raring 7(12.1 J. the MAnt.nonouaii 3ITH AND CHESTNUT HTH. Most cenven- lent locntlon obtainable; hot-water heat, elee- trie light; In fact, the character of service nnd comfort which makes a vacancy In any t one of these apartments a rare occurrence: i two or three desirable apartments are offered now where tenants are leaving the illy; rentals, ?27.30 to $1.1. j TUK PARKW00D . , 4.1TH at woiini-A.Mi AVE. (one bock south of Cheater ave.). failnx Cla k Pjrk T.i thoo who desire trees, grass and open air surroundings, thco apa-tmentJ will make a rartlculiir nppcal. Tennis court on the grounds. Two desirable apartment for rent, one vacant and one to be vacated. LE RLANC APARTMENTS .V.TH AND WALNUT FT?. Housekeeping apartments, with .1 toims nnd bath, with every modern convenience and with the sott of services which will make jou glad to live In an npartment this winter, ono flrt-floor at $'1.1, two recond floors at $37. THE PI.OEYDF.V 40TH AND LOCUST STS.-Two suites of S room and bath each may now be obtained In this particularly dcsliahlc l-slo y flrci root apartment houee, I also offer a largo variety of apartments at varied prlres and to meet almost any re quirement. Call or send for list. Automo bile service to Inspect apartments If desired. NORMAN S. SHERWOOD. 111! Walnut st 'APARTMENfs A SPECIALTY' DREXriL APARTMENTS V. OVERRROOK STATION After October 1. one first-floor suite. C rooma and hath: elevator; public dining room: --oof anrden; spacious lann. Phone Oterbrook (. HAMILTON COURT 3ft Til AND CHESTNUT STS. Verv desirable housekeeping apartments of 0 ri,oms nnd 2 baths: 2d Poor Chestnut st. front; j early lease: also housekeeping apart n rut v r, rooms nnil bath. Apply It. E. THATCHER Msmc-er. run Rutland "apts.. just'completed LOCUST ST.. 34TH TO RST11 ST. 0 nnd 7 room apartments, with nil the latest conveniences. $37.r.O to 115 per month. ROI1ERT A. PITTS, AOENT Rell phone, Relmont 41I.3I43 Locust st. PRIVATE PARTY desires to "sublet apart ment In the Walllngford. 3(Hh and Chestnut pallor, ilen. 2 bedrooms and bath, dining room. Kitchen, mnld'e room, toilet' nil modern eon vs. ; rent $00 Irn. pns.Ph.Preston 47.vi W. MrCAROLYN OATE APARTMENTS. 2tl9. 41t St.. second floor, corner, southern expo sure, 0 rooms and 2 baths, newly finished tlirnUKllOUt. TAYLOR SON. 24 ind 2d S. 40th st, I'VTtKt: APARTMENTS. 40th mid Sansom ats. I2..vi Heoutirul. (I- rooms and bath: hot wnter heat: elerttsc light; Janitor service. Ojen d-vv and evening. iiXKlN It KILPSTRICK. 10 S, 32d at. MANY DlHlAIIL'rf APARTMENTS $21 TO $.10 KERSHAW CRAWL. 321.1 CIIF.STNtJT LENOX"APARTMENTS. .1101 to .'.40S Chester ave. Turn, and unfurn housekeeping apart ments. See Janitor or ph. Woodland 20inJ. ESSEX. 34th and Chestnut: Monterey,"41d and Chester- Ilelmont. 34th and Srrlng Oardrn. Inquire Janitor, or Crease. 30S Hale Illdg Oermantown I.OCHSLEY HALL 4ii to 314 West Mtdvale ave.. Queen Lane Station, Oermantown, Ideal homes: large lawn and porch. Haverford, Pa. HAVERFORD. PA. near Station nnd Club: new apartments 7 rooms, 2 baths X0.1 to $0 per month. South ern exposure. Reautlful outlook, McILVAlN A CO. 1.118 Land Title Rulldlng, Phlla. REAL ESTATE FOR SALS CITY 1220 CAHOT (12th and Olrard ave.) 7 rooms, hath: rent $18: tax $27. water $8; Int. on mortgage $80.40; profit JOl.iW; pays 11 per .cent, on Investment of $800. Farrell.710 B.20th. 1300 LOCUST BT. Handsome, modern 4-story brownstone dwell ing. Especially fitted for professional office. Low price and easy terms for quick sale. 351s N. MARV1NU ST. Two-story porch-front dwelling. H rooms; good order; conveniences: possession. WM. CRAVEN'S SONS, 154B North 7th t. IF YOU WANT TO MORTGAGE, rent, buy sell, exchange or Insuie "SEE TAULANE ABOUT IT" 1100 Walnut st. LOT, lOOxtno fret, fronting on 2 streets (un improved), In the northesst section: price iooo. nnow'KR & schweitzer, 2313 East Cumberland st. INVEfcTMENT-2(K feet from Parkway; Mot 4i)xl?5 feet- 2 fronts; no restrictions. Owner, H 741, ledger Central. CENTRAL PROPERTIES tor saTe or rent. YARROW VAN PELT m N. E. cor. 17th and Chestnut. SACRIFICB-104'I N. 32d. I) rooms, 2 baths, roof garden, stone porch, electric and gas light: near lark; little caah required. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR RENT HARDER. HARTMAN & CO. 1201 Chestnut st. WARD'S PARK-FRONT HOUSES jivr. ivvJivjit irl'KCJTION OFFICEl2llN. OTJBTJEET SALE-105.10-12 Walnut at.: 01x47 feetT nnucK harrow. 130 n. 12th st. w, Stores and Dwelling 2712 W. LEHIUH AVK.-H rooms: d.slr.hl. business location; suitable for many kind of business. II. J. Miller. 2728 W. Lehigh. 1 130 VINE 8T. will be told cheap. If aold at ?"' ?X?'Z ',n? citr- Ap-3l'r A Weltxen feld. u3H N. 4th at. WEST 1'lllLADF.I.rHIA 4S31 DALTIMORE AVE. A fin home at a moderate price, containing many unique features; opposite Clark Park W. II. W. QUICK 4llllO Jnc!. ' - 8 8. 40th at. 33 8. FARRAOUT BT.-8 rooms, hot-water heat, all Improvement. JAB. N. MITCHELL. 48th andl larket ta. WALNUT 8T-Uest home In 8200 block7Jn-. estlgate at once. GROSS MI SOLE, 8218 Market at PETEY DINK He's Training to Be a Soldicr-iafSJ.S.l.St && By in both Ledgers REAL ESTATU FOR SALE WEST rillt.AMRt.riItA .. sEnTJ Korl1st, SAlfc-joirnBRf JOS. M. nAICER 4 524 nnd Baltimore ave. 6-ROOM, corner house at $2300: far can be put In basement. B. It. ArLEY. 8th and Springfield ave, WHELAN'S HOMES WITH AND PASCHALL AVE. Apply Iflll CHKSTNUT8T. CORNER-Only $4800; fl rooms on "cond floor every convenience; could be altered Into store . MB 8. Mth st. MUST 8IJI.U leaving city, two-story brick jH square from 03d St. elevated station. J . ledger Central. - - OEUMANTOWN 13 K UPSAI. KT. 3-story cor. dwg.,10 rooma, tVch. heft-water heat, lot 23x160; nutHfoHcr. North rhlla. Trust Co.. Hrnad and I.rle, 1S,000-New detached dwelling, on lot (H by ISO feet, only one minute's walk from sta Ion: 7 ct.aml.er. 3 hatha (one with mM ihoncr): Isrge double-deck twrch. hot-water heat, "ectrlc and gfta lighting, open lire. plilo. hardwood floors, etc.; aplendW 1 train service. Open da ly am Sundays. Trains to Stenton Htitlon. Chestnut lflll Division. FRANK Ma'ur'aN. 230 tnl Title Rulldlng. THREE STORY, porch front, 10 rooma and li "hi T steam heat! fas. electricity: aaaeased i4iiw:i.rlceJ4liOO, 11 144, Ledger Central. RESIDENCE SITES-Oround In beat section rt Oermantown and Chestnut Hill. n. V. Lt8Tnjsp.S,W112 Oermantown ave. WECAN assist ou to find that house sou are looking for. Orrmanlown Trust Co.. rheiien and Oermantown avea. il'"YOtr ARE LOOKINO for a home In Oer mantown, Mt Airy or Chestnut fill, consult " A- n Meehan. (1747 tlermnntownae. Chestnut Hill NEW SALE AND RENT LIST niJADY relham. Mt. Alrv and Chestnut " ,,. PELHAM TRUST CO.i7lo Oermantown ave. Tioga . VERY WELL IIUILT modern 3-story dwelling. 11 rooms ana Dam. inciumng "",". "f. every modern convenience; lot Hlxioo leet, rnst $VsHI. offered at a bargain and oil easy term to close an account. YOCUM POWERS CO., 20 8. 15th aL WE HAVE THE HOUSE YOII WANT IN TIOOA OR LOOAN KENNEDY A nAMIIO. 3710 OERMANTOWN TWO 3-STORY DWELL1NOS. 2101-2103 Tioga st.lnqulro at 2103. OUR FALL SALE LIST mailed upon appli cation, llohson. Erie and Oermantown ave I.ogaa 11FAI. U.-4TATE, mortgages and conv ey 4033 N. anclng. WM. D. Rroail sL CHAMllintS, I.OOAN REAL ESTATE SALE. RENT AND ENCHANOE M. Smith, Uroad St., opp. Iigan Station. HUHUHHAN RU U1LDING AND LOAN bargalnsiSt. David's 10 rma.: llrjn Mawr. 10 rms.; (.olllngdate. 0 . M-. . flt.nM.n in rmn ! lllenlMncl Park. II rms.';' muat sell.'o. M. Aman, 1201 Chestnut. CHOICE HUILDING SITES and acreage. ARTHUR P. TOWN8END, Langhorne. Pa. SELECT PROPERTIES Countrv reats. farms. List orders now. LEWIS T. RROOKE & SON. 1414 So. Penn sq. FOUNDED 1876. LARGE LIST OF SUBURBAN HOMES, sale 01 rent, on the Main Lino or Reading. It. 11. WM. II. W I LSON ft CO., Morrla Building homes for sale or rent Mccormick & Mccormick. 1011 Chestnut, and Elklna Park, SUHURRAN RESIDENCES for sale or rent, attractive locations; prices right. Maurice J. Hoover. Real Estate Trust Bldg. SUBURBAN REAL ESTATE Main Line, Oer mantown; farms: Reading R.R.Send for lists. CHARLES J. HOOD & CO . Morris Bldg. AjnbIerJ'. BEND FOR LIST of suburban homes, farms, country seats, building ground, etc. I have a large nnd varied list in Montgomery and Bucks Counties. If ou are looking for any thing in the way of country real estate, do not tall to get my list before jou buy. THOMAS ATKINSON Ambler. Pa. FARMS, countiy places and suburban homes on the Reading's Bethlehem and Doylestown branches. 11. J. Pager. Inc., Ambler, Pa, Colwyn, Pa. I'" S. 3D Modern brick dwelling, n rooms, heater, bath, mantel, 2 porches; 23x100 to street. BWOl'i: fc SONS. Darby. Elklna Park, I'a. BEAUTIFUL BUILDING SITE, high location, near train and trolley, at decided bargain; alljmproements. Box P 100. Ledger Office. Glenslde. I'a. HOUSES AND LOTS, every description. RENNINGER & RENNINGER Broad and Walnut sts. Lansdale. Pa. SUBURBAN real estate of all" descriptions; Oak Park bungalows. Ask Harry Richardson. MAIN LINK. I'A. II. II. BEST LIST OF MAIN LINE HOUSES Either for sale or rent, at all prices. HIRST & McMULUN, Weat End Truat Bldg, SUBURBAN HOMES, country f place ami building sites to suit all requirements; Main Line. H. C. HUNTER. Wsryne, ra. Havrrfnril SEVERAL DESIRABLE NEW IIOUSE3 8.Vs) to $30,000 WAHNOCK & EMI.EN Commeiclal Trust Building. Hervvyn 0 ACRES, $12,000, cheap. A. D. HEALD West Chester. Pa. NEW JERSEY lladdon Heights, N. J. L1PPINCOTT LOTS AND HOMES HA U DON HEIOHTH. N. J. . UB L L.1 1'1'IKOTlT Maple Miadr, N. J. THE GREATEST privilege of the 20th century Is to own u little one-acre farm close to Phlta.. nnd remember, $5 down buy one, $1 mnnthlv niya for It. For a square deal rali on or write BARLOW & CO., Maple Shade, N. J. Mt. Kphralm. N. J. ONE-ACnE FARMS Mt. Ephralm. N. J adj. lladdon Heights; only 8 miles from Camden; 2 station on tract; $300 to $u00 per acre; title InsureC; free deed: no taxes for IRIS. Camden County Gar de a.arnd en. N. J. ML Holly. N. J. AITRACTIVE 2-sty. 8-room cottage: porches: conveniences; garage: airing trolley; $2050. A. W. Dreiaer. Burlington. N J. National 1'ark. N. J. IIUNOALOWS, $100 caah, $10 monthly; jotTiS xlBO; near trolley; conv. to river; National I'ark. Get off Red Bank ave., see agent with badge. Greater New Jeraey Co., 33 8. 18th. Woodbury, N. J. $2200 For ahort time, I can build a stucco home, 8 room and bath; all conveniences: 1 acre ground; 'lose to trolley and electrlo train. John Xbramson. 21 N. Bread at Woodbury. N. J. ' SEASHORE Cape May. N. J. COTTAGE erected by a reliable builder Is a satisfaction: attractive plan submitted free. OTIB M. TOWNBEND. Ocean City. N. J, Ocean City. N. J. COTTAGE elected by a reliable builder la a satisfaction; attractive plana aubmltted free. OTIS M. TOWNBEND. Ocean City, N. J. rate is only 10c per line per TENNSYLVANIA FARMS 400 PENNA and N. J. farm for m w are our requiremint?., W have a farm for 5.011. Write or call. JACK'S FARM AOENCY 213 8tephen Olrard Bldg.. Phlla. . . IS ACRES, STOCK.CROPH. r ulWlni $2.ion: nair easn. iiiwooiuf""" AOENCY. Oreen Lane, Pa. lbefACRI-iS, between Lansdale and Norrl-Unwni stone nouse, new nsrn, ". "V. $10,000. A. II. TYSON. Lansdale. Pa. REAL ESTATE SALE OR RENT 6WN VCUR HOME by V,on;nArJf.Ml't 'and as?, 'wnr'th a.S'SS'i881 Union Trust Co.. 71-7IOCheanut ;t Riilinrban CITY AND SUBURBAN PraP"'1'".'0-" 1 or rent. Lower Merlon .Realty Co., ina Title Building, rniiaiicipnin. 1 Ilala-Cynwyd, t'. LARGE LIST houaea. sal. or rent. sal or rent. -a, .11 prices. Bamuei -' ,,eil -,''. r; 1. Bamuei -. vvagnei, .. - Trut Building, 15th and Maricei. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE WANTKD-Ilqulty in cottage. Stone Harror, for "y in house good. n. . REAL ESTATE WANTED " RENTS COLLECTED 373 Drexe. B.dlghJ- REN TB ANlTlNTEREST V.rckl'v"" gage, mid fire insurance placed quickly. Bte Kane for prompt results. 2328lasiisc. ! W'AN'T 0 ACRES; farge houses near city; good train service Mln Market st. WANT listing of country seaia ami .-. II. B llcCOLLUM. 1314 Walnut St. "JJon I orgei cne uinut REAL ESTATE FOR RENT CtTY 2115 OREEN ST.-llrlck dwelling, r"n0J baths: steam heat; price reasonable, gooa condition. .,, ,..t,t.nT H. V. Corner 18th and Arch st. w iwAfliv. "":-,.-v e-nrner 18th and Arch st. 5urs"PltU"cE8T. Deslrablerestdence. con 1 talna l" rSoma? Including 2 bathrwrna; .ult; able for doctor'a onice..nu '.""' Spartnient house: rent lx per ;""", WHITESIDE & McLANAUAN. lBth&.tine. riii . ., (.',) vn.r.Aiinii. first-class f-mAiJn"l order; Porcr"....u?... ..--...-. --- ., cats, schools, churches; l'arlsh, sSTTmoNTROSE ST.-Neat dwelling." raomsl ha. range, bath, gas. etc.; good condition. Key at 028 8. 23d st. $11.00 'nd"'0!-1"!0?!.! Walnut st. . . ; r'-T"M BOUVIER 12 pleasant, sunny room., roo.1 n?lhbornood: flhe condition; rent re- !iu?e.l Xlyeri & HirtlnidR,....".!. riTnTv ail VTA ST. (10th and Jefferson ats.), 'orneVlknonTs-Centennial aye.-12 room side vard; rent $d0. Bertolet.lulli Nll- COMMERCIAL BUILDING 2321-20-28 MARKET STREKT 11 !, wintg",-. t."nt. lt)0Arch8re 5toREs"aND DWELLINGS In all sections of city 'bee our list In One Ledger Saturday. " ' oimi:i. T. FOX & CO. S F. cor. Uth andCallowhlll. BARGAINS In up-to-date ,homes, no'thwejjt $Ts"pEPrMbNTH-Coxy,- 2-story. -? dwelling; nil conveniences; S.M0 -. J,SgTt' (near 2.1d and Cumberland sts.); keyj-iJJ. ilENTLlST-Wo .will gladly ndf you a list uron application. JI. G. OLLNN. .lOO-ui Ut.IHlrtl.Ut iwuan.j-" - tvnii line unlit., wh "i""'" - LAROE-HALL, 3x0: suitable for lodrer. dancing, club or business offices; reasonable rent. Armstrong. 42 Germnntown ave ' $30-DWEI.LINGS. 11 ROOMS Canel i-ir 1lt Continental-Equitable Trust o1.;J2st. TiTlfTANirTlTLE AND TRUST COMPANY. I road A ChctnutjJjciforour rqn' list. Business. Properties anil Store vririlfWT HTRKRT. 03t Kniire lmtldlne-. through to Commerce at. : suit retail or wholesale business: Immediate possession. Apply l'enna. Co., .117 Chestnut possession, street Stores anil Dwelling "STORE AND DWELLING. 813 POPLAR. SALE OR RENT: MAKE OFFER. A. II. WILLIAMS. r,22 WALNUT Factories, Warehouse. Mfg. Floor. MODERN FACTORY FLOORS 14,000 Square Feet. N. E. COR. ARCH AND 23D STS. Steam and electrjc power, 2 elevators, low Insurance, automatic sprinklers, watchman, R. R. sidings, extr.1 large windows and high ceilings. Owner management. Apply G. I', PILLING & SON CO. v on premises. RENT OR SALE FACTORIES TV. BRUCE HARROW 13(1 N. 12th at. Established 28 yeara. FLOOR 8PACE at northeast corner 11th and METROPOLITAN BUILDING, cor, Broad and Watltce: rooms 8000 to 40.0n0 square feet on a floor. Apply to G. F. Lasher. 147 N. 10th, MERCHANTS' BUILDING 44 NU1ITI1 4111 . DESIRABLE BOOMS. POWKRAND LIGHT HAVE PARTY" who will erect building, cen" tral or other location, for satisfactory tenant. DIETERICH. 737 Walnut at. FACTORY FLOORS and warerooms, large and small: centrally located. 11MIHY T. SAUNDERS. 31 3, IRth St. FACTORY ROOMS, from 3000 to 23,000 feet, with or without power; lots of help. 152 W, Columbia ave. OFFICES. I1UH1NESS BOOMS, ETC. Bright Attractive Offices 1118-20 CHESTNUT ST. MEARS & DROWN f" DREXEL IILUO. OFFICES, Annuel Rentals. Single rms., $100, $120 $150, $2oo, i'7.i $45(1. Suites 2 im $138. $150. $173, t-JM. 225,$24U. Suite 'J rms., $180, $275, $400 $410, .vro$.i5u. Corner suites, 2 to 8 rms., $500 to $1650. EI.L1B D. WILLIAMS. 500 Drexel Building. OFFICES for manufacturers' agent, sales men, etc., at attractive rents In Commer cial Bldg.. N. W. cor. 8th and Chestnut: freight and .passenger elevators. J. A. PATTEllSON CO.. 110 8. 15th. ilERCHANTS'DUILDiNd " " 41 North 4th st. Very desirable offices. Heat and light. . PLAZA BUILDING Offlcea Single and En Suite. 1805-07-00 ARCH ST. CENTRAL OFFICES. STUDIOS AND BU8INK8S PROPERTIES. J. C. FULLER. 10 8. 1BTH BT. Professional Office.. 2011 CHESTNUT ST.-I'byalclan'a office; Utest modern Improvements; owner. Phone Spruce 1ST II ST., S.. 3173 rooms, pnyslclan or dso tlst; electricity, hot water, hardwood floors: newly papered; good light. bPHUCE ST.. lB2o0fflcea for phy.lclan or" dentists; light, heat, service; running- water: I eferences. AtlCII, le2D-Offlcea for physician; heat, light CHESTNUT. 2020-2 large physician's offlcea; ateam heat! else; newly renova'd; long lease. CIIISSTXITT, 1732 Desirable offices for doc tor, dentists or studio; running water, elec. WALNUT, 2203-SuUe of 2 large rm.7"lsnrr": ,v. ... ...... ,M .. , .IWHIKIII. cold runnl 3M i'hya: 1BTH, 8., 314 Physician desire to share front office: well-furnished reception room. PROFESSIONAL BUILDING. 1831.33 Chestnut st, A few suites for physicians or dentists J. T. JACKSON CO.. Chestnut and I 13th FlItBT-CLABS nfflre locattoh dentist busli ness established. 5402 Chester ave. C. A. VOIGHT WK8T PHILADELPHIA t) WILLING 8 STORES AND i tn .... vl IS IV rvtltcte m. .i.0-,5E " SR?Vtyrrr"p-rt,"u'' 1N. .SSTyB. 0verlo.,n.; .rin"oy.NT pa AUT8,1 AWIT-V A OXYSSI,. iic-UMk.i 3io prklde ave, i'h. Bit S3 JOTTB ft TOWN8BND XiiST .PHttA. 1IOMB3 4903 BALTIMORE AVE ClKtlMANTOwI 232 w. CLAPIER 8T.-4J room, hath uU hardwnnrt floor. h;7...rr "iV-.D,Sn Ia r'm0;':ht:yxnnc. . - ...... ...... .....wr... ,.,.... wyne ateTel vir''"ra o. o-room twin dwelllnr n venlence; rent 2l; key at 0121. ' U . "y'-LL Broaeland Erie ttij , Chestnut Hill DETACHED DWEI.LlN(rini7.7..A ,.T- r'e,.Wnl!. hot-water heat; (fafderl. chieiS frt It; reduced tn ttn- lnt'iSTo"' e"lei pMiAM Tnt,8T co- 0T4n r;.n. . -- .n,i.. relham Trust Company. 0740 OertrT.'i.1 Tioga 1710 ONTAniO-Elegant corner; larr. . good condition; t.1R. -tj Tgi Oak Lane finvrnif. .,... -Line. HO tVVinVilii1.... BROWN ' n VrinT Ithand Osle 1... BununnAN MODEItN DWG.. 18 rms.. 2 bath. at.. t. "T large lot; old ejiade; neat r station :',r',an,.Jg! . G. M. AMAN. 1201 ChestHut . Secant-, r. fOIl RENT nrlek and f.m. a ,,, In perfect order, with all convenSfe?.0 "m.;J Pantry; bath and l"S f" $!"sS& MA1N LINE. TA. It. Tt. : ti N'arherlh Tlawa t BRAND-NEW HOUSES.-7 room., .n .7 h.n,,..il-..i r . ."'TZ' icoins, a .uii.rmciiceB. eiertri. iii.,. .. ..- month: othera at tilnn fei ka 'l..!! l Ights. etc., $1(2; I. S2R.no. sa si H wara. JIARRIS IfKAL EfiTATr ZJT ettlon. Narberth. pi. rjt,lATE- oPPotli rd. HARRIS IftSAL' KBTATE'L Wynnewood FOR THE MAN WHO HAS AN AUTOM0BIU HOUSE NO.' 40 MANOn HOAD WTNNEWOOD, TA. K.ra'S .? liberal' lot of gra'Jnd. 'wieMlC a TorSmac'?vWnrn,;,.;nc, th rent ' ffll Automobile storage, $3 per month. WALTER HASSETT SMITH WYNNEWOOD. PA. Hosemont M.?DMn!i5nd attractive, 22 rooms. 5 bathi.1 JiiBugg, mrbm & . Wayne t ij Wt?ol'levLOeC.lVTE,DVCOme?lent ,0 traln ' iSSlSki rtcslra,bIe house, 13 rooms and evsryf ""vn'n; large porches: old shade, acS garden: can he rented e ri.i,. n..'i"!'i possession. Charles M. Davis. IVayne. Pa. 4 NEW JERSEY AvaJon, N. J. VS. DUNGALOWS, cottage, and apart. ments for renf fnrnl.v,.. ... Alr!. all modern convenience.; Boardwalk. Casino,"' nrif,if'.a" Mna "ores; farmer. dJllTM bandn5port"r 6aTi:"phonV'or'VrIt.' fS I S.let,'.....9?"- ."."... 1110 Real Estatil '"" nuumng, i-niiaaeipnia. Pa. . Hlrerton, N. J. $25 TO g40 A MnTlTn .0 w .- ifff-SI AT a"Kie: 416Llpp.ncoU "av FOB RENT FURNISHED Chentnut Hill ATTRACTIVE French villa, garage: possession Nov. 10, C months. L 230. ledger Central. 4 Suburban WINTER SEASON OfTVKAn ',. r 2;R,0?.,S.!,.ou.'', -' ,0 ls" Per month.1 ALL SUHURHAN SKPTinva rii-n t.is- C. P. PETERS & SON, 60S CHESTNUT SlI MORTGAGES LARGE AMOUNT TRUST FUNDS FOR FIRST MnnTfUnn IMMEDIATE ATTENTION j HUUAUU H. FRITZ 713 WALNUT ST, FIRST MORTGAGE of $1000 for sale; Inters'tf 8 4.10: secured on 2100 N. 8th at.: 0-roomE uricn uweuing witn convs., occupied by! owner; value $3000: title insurance Included ; wsn iree. 11, j, MILLER, 2T28 W, . ..giumi nve MONEY FOR MORTGAGES $500 $1000 S1200 $1500 $1600 $io00 XV. 11. HOOD. 512 NORRIB ST j0 TO LOAN ON ItHAI. KKTATR seeuewl n i.. ,,. ,., --... .:.-... -. 133 SOUTH 12TH STREET. MORTtlAGES IN AMOUNTS OF $1800 and $2000 at 3Vs per cent. JAMES I). WINCtlKLL N. W. cor. 17tn nnd Sansom sts. $100,000 TO INVEST on mortgages In sumiM from $1000 up; also building natoclitloaUl money tur eecona morigagea. li, c DKluccjr ai ucj.. tn anq ennowmu sts. XARGE bulldlnc and loan association desire. 1 applications for good flrat and second morn I gages; no premium charges. Apply Becrs-1 cary. i- tu-.!. jeqger umce. 13TH AND GUEEN STS. i r.i.ox v.w )i.i.u,ii A1CJIV I li ACII.o 1IU1LDINQ ASSOCIATION FINDS ALL AMOUNTS. 1ST AND 2D MORTGAUEOd uuicK answer. MAURICE II. MATH! NO Hit Real Estate Trust Hide. FIRST AND SECOND MORTGAGE f"UNM JOHN G. WILLIAMS nuui.r.ooun iu l,vis 11. iiu.urji 727 Walnut st. W n R I? R I . T. '058 NORTH I7lIJ ., .,.. STREET FIRST AND SECOND MnnT(lA(lK3 $100, $200 TO $8000 TO LOAN.l $50 LEWIS & CO. 1227 W Qlrard Av. "FIRST AND SECOND. ANY AMOUNT" City or suburb.: autck aervlce. JAME8 C. BIMPBQN. 1420 Cheitnut st, LOANS ON INTEREST IN ESTATES nKAHriMATii.K rtirannKsi JOHN A. UARRY. 607 LAND TITLE BLDOj $100,000 FOR first, second or split mortgage! nee us nrst," AUbimisiiii, -i. pi, "'. 13J 8. 12th. i $BO"TO"$5000 TO LOAN ON REAL ESTAT' Also uuiiuing Hssociaiion runas. ARTHUR J. LF.UPOLD. 1218 Chestnut st BMLRGENCY FUNDS pfaced at once, J .urn'. Immediate anawer. lowest rates F. A Delany, 1112 Lincoln, Broad and Penn W llONHY for first and seeanft mnrttliu. bullitl Ing asa'n and. Instalment mortgagee. W'I11U vvincnester vimcjnv icsji cjnesinuc. sc LOANS Large or small sum. on real Mta'a Judgment notes or mortgage., loan on uosevn ueq escHies. uempsey ct CO., yi a. iuvu. WIlNnA for first and siMinil moriiiiiL aa amount: quick answer.. CHAB. W, MH- i.tu. ui-tui uommonweattn mar. ciWNFUB If vour mortrara has hssn ealM I will take It up; also 2d mortgage money. UUKBirJii u. ituTitvisK. 1420 cnestnui , FUNDS FOll 1ST AND 2D MORTGAOll ANY AMOUNT POTT8 tt. THOMSON, 2521 Frankfordav. HEADY FUNDS for good first morti ' hrlna ua vour anDlleatlon. . CHAB. L. BROWN at CO.. 217 B. Broad Lj FUNDS FOR 1ST AND 2D MOItTOAO HUltTUAUf.B .FOR BALIS THEO. IJ. NI0KLE8. 2.113 aEHMANTI TRUST funds ror first mortgage. HEUKNKS3 tt STETSON, land title building. privTtk and trust funds 1ST ilolnvlimrHvi unnTnitlKH JEDWARD LUTZ, 210 N 17TH BT... MORTGAGES. INVESTMENTS ,. COLI.KCTIONB. CAI.I. IvmTK OR P1I01 .Pi-iLJIi!fNIt',?J5niDsAyK-- f urtua run riivoi ana secona niui.e"ss rents and Interests collected In any part ' cuy. csmeron. mil Kensington areuu., i MORTGAGE money. Jow rate., quirk answl ' Jnlir. Ma,lt,lr t, C.n IttlCi c,..,.V,...ns aV4a wnna orsivn. si rnorlussss l nft. wanaee pi9 I.lnrol-i IiulM'n- llh pn day for both . ... utiiiicuisiB sciiieineni; paauie sFI J2UO0 desired. I t.rw se trt r ftli
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers