EVENING LEDGERPHILADELPHIA, THIBSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1915. 16 B m "jtetr WANTED gEKAItE -TiT tra-.eJ"if flllnollon TVanfed LK.i.i ituerttd In tut uawji -fTaeiio .tbit DjSRoVl MIHiol ear.J wnilj IIOISEWORK a MILS are In con; PS j.m.nd. UOOd COOKS, cnjiiiuriu.iuj. eSUVMi can lo secure "V","onA '"'"" t,, emploitr. inro Iou,.hold Kegl.'ry USTil or writ th ttureyu today. Ml;. BKSaS?.i.er v"f. whanVchestnut ats. IMI' Vf?. . loiter Advertisers. rTO icvw w I ... . -- " mrfntjr rjimlly 6f 2, Aubt.rba; GfrmAfi Iipf!' " "w" "t-."' I,. : S.gt"V,l?t&trThA,g.' i .w,r,nt t r . opomnB samwpkopi.e on rART J$,ieBTOFXCELVKNT OPENINOfl FOR TIME, ft?,VK lAfATii.ra tyi nnvorn ' 1IU8INESB, BUT n.it tr not IN. SSSiJpBK V iTIiHOMB bUTIBS. APPLY ElrfRH&sWSyMPS OFFICE. N. 8NEL- tBRSUnu . -. vinAPiiKns. typist?. plnjwcTpw: . mrfcV.rrnM OPERATORS. I..ANUUAUIS mna' llV TToTs-Thorouthly efficient stenographers BJt UATOKS-"1;'" .,.; ... htiinmn that nul- rfVWrwMlc BtinorM.hlo Uuroau." J33 ee-wnnnAPIIERS, bookkeepers and clerks, SI?.N, b"tn. of Ledger Central. If you J" ,,,,nc a poiltlon. Through Ledger n.nrtraent a Urg number of young ladlea K? JScured rood positions. Mlrs Dean t&l hefrTyou writ on attractive ad.. list Jour application and aid you to secure the Ifad of petition you seek. This la a frea Krrtes to lAifr advertleer. I WoiiAN, ow 23. married or alngle, good ap I "....YiV. iMi or part tlmoi permanent JSSiTnn worth MO week y. Apply immaai. poattion.. worui mimtaf. n Tin I... 4 jer Central. i KrrruAli. mlddla-ased, for kitchen ana dining mm. work on ys country, Meet employer oei. Y. hiijiiv'i ... ..--.. -.--.- tt WoMAtFfor general housework, good plain li ""?!.,(. lrni.tant: ref.: no waah ng: t wataa 15- M Lawnton ae Oak Lane. two siSTEns "wanted, white: ono for gen- I"" ?'f'".i, ..I... ... nun .M llnatnlra JIJl ceuhtry. near Phlladolphlaj reference reVulre" A JO. Ledger Ofnca. flELP WANTED 'MALE (.TTt. rt.p.nif. eicarlenced: manufacturing alculator. Call rp ...- .! nilti.1. nlnlllM.A. o n'riock. Uronner Mfg. Co., loll ularaond. Pnncarn. uuuu ... ..-- fc.-.... FfiodlvktEl'EU, young man.exp.: double ehtryi ritata ate, aaK and ret. H iU0, Led. Cont. fidY. neat appearance and beat of reference required, ior Qwinu,v iw.iiun .1. imu Cbettnut at. store; muat bt It) ycara old be fore January 1. H 351, Ledger Central. CllAUFFEt'n8, coachmen, cooka, gardenera, butlrra, valeta and houaemen who aro reeklne positlona can reach the well-to-do employers through Ledger flant ada. Yoiir name, ad tm and experience will be Hated free by the Household Itegtslry Ilurcau, Ledger Building, nth and Cheatnut ata. Oood roiltlone are being filled every day. 1 TM terrlce la limited to Ledger advertlaera. tCLOTU viiAV.no wanwa, "PP'f Jonn & jamea uouion, inc., iimiiKci inua, ocoii a lane. Falia of Schuylkill, ELEVATOn OPDUATOnS WE REQUIRE SEVERAL THOROUGHLY EXPERIENCED FHEIOHT ELEVATOR. OPERATORS. APPLY 8UPKRINTEN. nrvrs OFFICE. N. SNELLKNMItma "CO y0 , If HAN AND WIFE, white, farmer and cook: Lreirr, Thuraday at VI o'clock, for inter- I W.U lUH Wlt.'-Gr n-lilta h.ar.n-il hi,tlA nnri cooa; oo enure wnrK lamny or J; uneatnuc t Hiu. L. h. jjTugcr uince. kf OliOANIZER, experienced, wanted: one fatnll- ur wun memicranip cnmiiaign. write, giv Icg eip.. rfa etc., to H 211), ledger Central. WE REQUIRE THOROUGHLY KXPEH1- ENCED CHIXA PACKERS. APPLY N. B.VELLENIH'RO i CO., SUPEIUNTENU ENT'S OFFICE. SALESMAN WANTED for city trade; a young niu. win. aeiunv experience; euner salary r drawing account; must become Intereated at a atockholder in the company; capital itock paya 15 per cent. II 410, Ledger !iUlB3MAN, experienced In elate and'wlndow kgiuiai. glasa, to travel In Btate of Pennaylanla; food referencea. Apply by letter to Joaeph Ella & Co., BIO Jackaon ave Long Ialand City. aTfxnif in., mxXiiU,.nJP.. A THOROUOHLY EXPE RIENCED HOUSE FURNISHING STOCK MAN. APPLY SUPERINTENDENTS OF riCE, N. 6NELLENBURO. & CO. TIME STUDT MAN Larga n,anuracturlng concern offera permanent position with excellent opportunity for advancement to man experienced In taking time atudles. wrltt full particulars regarding ex terience, referencea. education, etc. L 017, Ledger Office. Tl. . VlHUtn Ptla man to asaltt In taking charge of M..ZT.T JT" norsts; must do a narongh horaeman In riding and driving. BMentand breeding and have gool refcr Bf5S. Ap''l,r ,0 A" Vox L U15' LcJeer 'iViSS. MANi c 'R'STIAN. good education, Jlf0.?.4 '" hwK canvaaaing, good cor fjy?.?"11, cP?b' of organlxlns and direct ing cthcra, and for developing and enlarg ing an etbllahed buslneaa; must be will JJf.kJj u"f"Hy demonstrate his own E..2L' f"? hoorlei in competitive teat at Si.' niirU.1Lte proe n'neaa for poaltlon that ?J5 Ff.M f.20l,9 ,0 ma annually; honeaty ' mi.?. Ei1? ln(1'P',"blo; clgarettcra and .4 w.1,.1 v... ,vv ..ie posiage; aiaie in S3i5f.MwiPynF is,J Plnce and quail Beatlona. H 23i, Ledger Central. fe11? b.?ut ll- experienced on Un I; 5lST iilrVl"!' be,t " reference re v4SHiiLi?i2llKer Central. TpUNQ MEN. tWO. WlTheirn.rl.nr. . TII! jwith card punches. Call l.B B. Orlanna et. With m. ,?E ACQUAINTEDI - SeIMJUf, J,c,er,ctI- "wutlve or technical WntB' JSS!TXlyVt.i?n '" th BHuatlon ttrouah 8?ill"2! Ve al,yt "Cfr'ng openings BIWATIONS WANTEDT'P.TvrAT.T' SuM5fJ'v.e!;?;rl0. woman aa household aa- &$mL$&Wl&'niri clty OpKttKBPER and corremnnr1nt bnr.u. $$&!L eLid,Serc?nV.f. "n5 SEfi"-.K'ohTreli5.7t7aTi,lniriH tlon- eitvV, '"'. "aires inatltutlonal potl . Cim3TOr?-?try--0-i4B Lel5er Central. is CaW-S'A0 ufbi. M'fM 'Ui Off . mtmdjm saga K It AWP-aarman" woman w.nt. n,i. .! firgsaa mo iidpV. "" mSareiSkiB' ni1 JownataTrlWo7fci WWwjNa-'and downatalr. worVV-..!. !K SmffiaiaS?,- LkslEdS tisrvT:ftP. rrench woman. .,-,- 7.r"i""f larany or u -.-. "Y.v.". fc TJr; ""man. wants rSiiTf .- I...- .- JmSF-T' "orVV.d.'l.v.: . !.Wf.h'VW.n?a 'family, Ureas t. ." bvuhi pjq, P"Jr???r:'Mnl emolover nnM-nCTT- fel goodMm. r4 Particular.. "ii.TOil1 'Sul, ''"" Cw4r oSSS ' ,uburl' Prfrrd, aEPER aTTT'A' w I reler.ara t -?! " wiihea L 11 a. Ledger Office. i iTf-.K " , " . Iedatr Offlc SV,'.rlluK?D omau iTii , w t'HOUO puce 46 Llnmora ava. Vt Imanailrji). Prt TJ" 7V- RrtFtr-tilLWromci: u, Ilia, ha vln. (,?:- r uiai. - -."-i aiiupfiania nr . rig Msf SITTJATlOlfs WANTED FEMALE (All lp IVanted onf Situations ironled aifcrrll.Krip Inserted in tht Dally 1'ulHo Ltdotr J rfprated In tht Kvtnlnff Ltigtr tt tarn pay uunoHi aKHiiionoi civnrpr. j LAUNUIIK.S8 large fam. waah wanted by 1st claaa laundreas. Address L . Ardmora P. O. MOTHER'S HKLl'F.Il or rhlldnurfe, children oer 4 eara. experienced upstate Prot., hlgheetrefejence1 U 71(1, Ledger Office. rTt'ltSE, rrac, rxp . Protestant, ihlhl or adult, city or suburbs. Room 380, Pub, Id. SKAMSTI1ER8 In Institution, care of linen room, hotel, or housekeeper where servant la kMt, highest reference, L 710, Ledge- Oft. STENOGRAPHER, first class., fl years' exp., ffmltlar with engineering and technical work, oper:ate dictaphone. 11 314 Ledger Central STENOim.vPHER; expert: 7 ycara' excellent experience, knowledge of bookkeeping, well fltteil for secretarial pos. II '1.11, Led Cent. STENOORAPHEH-Rerent grmtuate, trained to do neat, accurate work l J47,I.edger Cent. STENOORAPiniR-Tliornugiily exp.reirntted . for secretarial work. A II. K.. 1W12 Oreen. STEyJoaRAPHKll-Kxperti can take rapid and difficult work. H 341. LedaerCentraL 8TENO0RAPHER. some experience, rapid typ . 1st, no clock watcher. II B.18, Ledger Central, STENOORAi'HF.R-asslstsnt bookkeeper; rapid; . good speller; g. 11 a.V), Ledger Central. RTENOfinAPHERS. IlOOKKEEPERS and CLERKS are furnished through the COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT at Ledger Central. When you are In need of a competent office naslstnnt, write or telephone MISS DEAN, Walnut 8000, and prompt attention will be given your request, Thla la a free service to Ledger advertisers. TELEPHONE OPERAT6R, clerk; capable ilid responsible; thoroughly experienced. Q 851, ""ci iinni' ENGLISH NURHE wishes entire charge of In fant: IS years' experience; good reference; would not object to travel. 6822 Master st. rhone Delmont 4703. WOMAN of" exceptional capabilities, Intel!!--gence and personality desires to connect with an exclusive shop as manager, sales or re ceptionist; accustomed to meeting the best rfplo- .O MO. Ledger Centre!. WOMAN, educated, would supervise mother, less home; understands every detail. M 720, Ledger Ofllcc. THE LEDGER'S Household Registry Dureau can put you In Immediate touch with experi enced housework girls, cooks, chambermaid., waitresses, laundresses, day's work, seam stresses, ladles' maids, governesses, child nurses, housekeeper-, both working and man aging, couples. Call, write or telephone Miss Reed, Walnut or Main 8000. Suite 230-230, Ledger Bids., Oth and Cheatnut ats. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE 'ASSISTANT tn xeeutle A clean-rut, welt educated, ambitious young man, with sound liUkiiHKj expcrHiHe, desires responsible posl tlon with small firm. A 111. Ledger Office. 'AUDl'POR-ACCOt'NTANT Audits, general ac counting and cost systems; booka adjusted; qualified scrvlco at nominal coat. L 020, Ledger Offlco. IIANKINO Position wanted by young man, SO years of age; graduate of Haver ford College; is a student of economics and banking; has had successful experience In a national bank of 1100,000 capital, located In a prosperous city in the Middle West, well qualified to take the posltlbn of cashier or assistant cashier In a similar bank or the country busi ness of a targe city bank; ample reasons for desiring to locate In the East. Address A 200, Ledger Office. BOOKKEnPHR, credit man. manager, wltli felling ability and corporation exp., open for position; can go anywhere; competent, rclla- .mc; nest rers. ana oona. 11 w. meager cent. BOOKKEEPER, thoroughly exp., desires pos, with reliable firm. A 127. Ledger Office. BOOKKEEPER des. change; be't ref.; t! year.i' ojintlngpractlce.AddrcsaB., 013 Oxford. BOY wanted lii stock broker's office; addrcta In own handwriting; reference required. A J08. Ledger Office. CHAUFFEUR, white, ago Si: flrst-clasman"; good, careful city and country driver, excel lent private references. Chauffeur, 112, 1. niitiiKiuru, 1 a. CHAUFFEUR desires position: familiar with Autocar. Mack and White trucks; good me- lionlc and refs. Hell phone Poplar 311)7. CHAUFFEUR, white; careful driver and me chnnlc; 3 ycara last position; good referencea, age 23. L715 Ledger Office. CHAUFFnUItT young English ProteatanT-"lO years exp., city ref. L 714. Ledger Office. FOOTMAN or houseman Position wanted by tall, slender young man. In or out of Phlla. ; prefer family livlnrr In: reference furnished aa to honcsjy. L 713iLedgjer Office; OAltDENER, single, wishes position, private plaic; take charge of greenhouse and veg- .nuica; tompeieni. i . mm SI. GARDEN ER, single, exp.. greenhouse, vege tables, all stock; competent, all-around man: references. A 202. Ledger Office. aipUSEiliAN or cook, Japanese wishes posl JJon!..mW lamlly In city; best reference. K., 10.il Vino st. MAN, American, desires employment, gas meter maker by trade. flrst-claM solderer; willing to work atanythlng. H., 31.1S Hoopes. MAN AND WIFE, cook, houseman; entire care house, No. a Parker a ave., Roxborough. OFFICE MAN, 32, experienced", pules Rnofex ocutlvo ability, deslrei responsible position with established firm. II HU. Ledger Central. SALESMAN fiuccersful record of 10 years; executive abil ity, pleasing personality. Rood address; at present employed, satisfactory reason for changing. II 118, Lvdgcr Central. SALESMAN,', 5 sears' experlcnco In lubber goods, llrst-class reference; can make change nt once. H 311, Ledger Central. SALESMAN Young, experienced; knowledge of rubber huslncss; willing to travel any where. A 207, I-cdgor Office. WANTED Position as preccnter or leader of music In church work; barltolie; experienced; bett reference. II 317. Ledger Central. YOUNQ MAN wanta poaltlon as porter or at tending to furnace, good reference; sober and hnnent. A 210, Ledger Office. YOUNO MAN wlehea pos., waiter or butler. Fritz Krnuter. (I.,u-. York rd. Ojk. La. 412 W. The Ledger's Household Registry Bureau can put you In Immediate touch with experienced gardeners, butlers, housemen, valets, cooks, chauffeurs, coachmen. Thla la a free service to Ledger Adertlsers. 'Call, write or telephone Mlsa Reed, Walnut or Main 3000. Suite 3J0-2o0 Ledger Bldg., 6th and Chestnut ats. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES BUTLERS, second men, French and German couplea and governeasca, waltreases, cham bermaids, chlldnurses, laundresses, house maids, want positions, Mrs. Nlcholli, UM Ralnbrldge st. Phone Locust 3130. IDEAL, 1684 Reed First-class ref, help sup plied, white or colered, Phone Dlcktnscei 1400. AUTOMODILES For Sale OWNER LEAVINO CITY muat dlspoae of his high-power roadster: Al condition; must bt seen to be appreciated) no reasonable offer refused' seen any time. Phone Poplar 720. Bee photo nt Ledger JntraNo.10. WILL HELL National race-about ;ln perrec! condition) Just .'ilnted; engine overhauled and la guaranteed for 70 miles per hour; Ins 0 new tires with quick demountable rlma; fully Inaured Call Dickinson 32S2. J6l3"LltAt-lpIt8 ROADSTER, Model 80. for sale: flrst.clasa condition. Larchwood Oarage, B. AOth and Larchwood ave, KEE PHOTO. LEDQER CENTRAL, No. 101). FLANDERS delivery auto, with panel body and rear doors. Call Keyatone. Main 17S3. I5TrBIMPLEX racing road"aier; fulf equip ment; mechanically perfect! for aal vary cheap. Call WoodlandSM; J7&lib touring car'for aaiaj flrst-claaa condH tlon. 1S10 Race at. KRIT roadster for rale. CaiTKeyaTone, Main J7B3. AUTO LIVEEY AND OARAGES TO HiT5 - LIMOUSINE AND" TOUIUNa PAl PHONE TIOGA SS06 W. BUSINESS OPPOItTUNITIES PATENTS Arthur E. Paige. 7l Walnut'sfT Phlla.. mechanical and tltctrlcat, engineer; registered patent attorney; established her BO years. Invantlone developed; patents, trade marks, copyrights secured and litigated any. where, rejected applications prosecutedj pre llmlnary advice free. WANTED Contracting engineer able to get and fill war contract desire financial guarantee. M Mo. L.at.r c.njtXNTJ!D DREBBMAKINQ AND MILLINERY HEM8TJTC1IINO, 10 cents, a yard, Al mat. rlala A- RKIcilARU. U18 CHESTNUT HT. PICTOIllAL REVIEW PATTERNS, WU EsiUAlciNG taught, short, orao. cours. scPowsll. SOT Dtnckla Bldf.,lllh A Market. FOR SALE BILLIARD, Pool, combination, Sd-hand bought. oldtntd, ih;d.Kfr. JI20 ujrard ay. KTtninrVf buyliihtlyaadTalklng Maohlnta VIClOr A ncrda, rUTERNIIC. 140 K. 8tb. OLD GOLD filii UOLl ''ah iwld for old golJ, sAver aiVtlqu"Tocka. will .-all, ilogers, 31 B. lTlh STORAGE lif iwont i3B Carpet Jleaflfi, West 12J, ROOMS E0R RENT Jtrsr tub nnrnf vntf mrxrtv Can ery likely b located In a few minutes by examining th phatogratth and descrip tions of rooms with and without board whleh ra on file for jour Inspection at Ledger Central. An Interior photograph and an rwers to verj- que. Ion you would aak la here, so you can decide Intelligently; frae acrviee; leat It. BROAD, h'.. POI-Attractively furnished and unfurnished rooms, beautiful corner house; private and semlprlval bath, ateam heat, electric light, southern exposure; excellent oinlng room; home cooking, meals optional. CHESTNUT, 4IJ2 - Well-furnished". ?I-atory rooms, souinern exposure) hot-water heat; electrlcjight; phone. CHfewrNUT, lPOI-Lgorand small, attractlveTy rum rooms, single or en suite. Locuat 731. CIIFSTNUT, lOlS-Sullo of room with bath. south, expos, also sing, rms : table board. PINK. 600 Ideal bachelor quarters, furnished tingle, double, prlvat bathe; alao suite, ac- Com. 4: redUC.d rat. a tn tarm.n.nl tannnt. SPRUCE, liis Very des. aeancles; beaTrtlfuTTy ;iHil-oi?iiigns; run. water. ijioert 4ii, 8PRUCE, 202 AttracuvMy furn, suite; two rooms and priv, bath: telephone: gentlemen. "tj. N.. 101 S Single room, "communicating ...i.iiiiu noor. I'nono i opiar igui. 10T1I. N7, i.lJ.I-Large" furnished 2d atory front . room: Rentlemen preferred; prlvat family. 210(i ClfBSTNUT ST.-Newly furnlahed rooms! . ""P' "r ensuue; use or Bath. HEAUTIFULLY "turn combination living ani "" "... r.tiui, section w. t'nua. i'rra.ifuijt BOARDING ARCH,' l?RSN"ewlyfufnr;-running water ail nam j meaia aerveq; pno BALTIMORE AV7441-ljealrable vacanelesi porch, facing Park; phone; excel, table; refs. PARK, N.t 2123 Newly furnlahedsTngle room for gentlemen, with board; rates very reason- bl. Phone DImondC218. SPRUCE7 102S-3U Beautiful front 2d-floor suite, furnished or unfurnished, choice table to permanent, desirable people. SPRUCE, 1224-20 (Brlsmondej-Furn." rooms; single, en suite: prltate bathsjtable board, WALNUT, 8118-Flne'" rooms;" hot-water" heati llrst-clacs board. 30TH AND CHESTNUT Vacancies, single, en suite: private baths, electricity, ateam heat: lat-clasn table board.tlljpji..eBtono3i. 88TII. a,, 108 Handsomely furnished rooms, private fam.; excellent table. I'reiton OIS'J W, 40TH, N .-Delightful "vacanclea. porch; iwn. ccm i mme. near it, iiaring zuvs w. 60TI1 ST.. N.. 131 Hoard for two gentlemen In prlv. fam.; all mod. conveniences; near ",L" 81,',H.tic.Ii,orN.-S5 ,s- 4,t x " snt: HANLEY, formerly of Chestnut St. Suburban OERMANTOWN-The Shlppen. Wayne A Hans brry flrat c'asa in appointments and service. Atlantic City. N. J. 2T H. CALIFORNIA AVE.. Chelsea-Desirable vacancies; large rooms; excellent table. APARTMENTS SPRING GARDEN. 1010-ExcelIent apts. In M . difforent houses, some furn 1 kitchenettes. Went rhllailclphla POWEI.TON AVE.. 4007 (corner)-3 and t) rooms, bath, porch, electric lights, hotwattr neui; open uay ana evening, Baring 1B0T u HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS POPLAR, 1322 Attractive housekeeping upta., 3 nnd 3 rooms, hath, kitchenette; modern conveniences. Apply 1001 LandJTitle BWg 1718 N. 1STII ST. Modern" fiat; second floor; 0 large light rooms, ldo-ard,'S43. I OFFER a large"" variety of apartments al varied prices and to meet almost any re qulremen. Call or send for list. Automo bile service to Inspect apartments If desired. NORMAN S. SHERWOOD, 1411 Walnut at. "APARTMENTS A SPECIALTY" West Philadelphia ANOOIIA TRHIiaiTi 53D TO B3TH STS. ONE BLOCK SOUTH OF ji.L,iiaiuiiu avu Built In pairs like side-yard houses, making every room an outside room, and with varied and beautiful architecture. If you are going to live In an apartment this fall, the eolectlon of THE particular apirtment out of the many, many you see on every hand Is naturally a matter of great moment 10 you. Rut there must be ONE BEST APART MENT for you where location, service and comfort everything that trocn to make a truly attractive apartment home is absolutely at Us best nnd this. too. for a reasonable rental. For $32 to $33 monthly you can secure on of these apartments, and this Includes most excellent -ana even neaxing, unlimited nor water, courteous and efficient Janitor service, vacuum cleaning service, ahades, screens and awnings In fact, everything to make apart ment housekeeping quite the perfect way o live. Apartments have five rooms and bath, and are finished In both natural wood and white epamel, with artistic papering and fixtures, cabinet gas ranges, private porches. The price Is. in truth, the only thing Inexpensive about them. We- have tastefully furnished a cample apartment (No. S440 Angora terrace), which la open for Inspection day and evening and will give you a definite Idea of how remark ably attractive theae apartments really are. WM. II. W. QUICK BRO.,Inc 8 S. loth at. NORMAN S. SHERWOOD, 1411 Walnut it. FOR RENT-Beit apartment In West Phila delphia for JIV. 4 rooms and bath: faces Clark Park excellent car service. Monterey Apartment, 10S D.. 41d and Chester aye. 2fl.r0 SfiTII, S.. 1320-38 (near Chester ave.): modern In every respect. Apply Janitor, on premises. Phono Filbert 4453. APARTMENT HOTELS ALDINE HOTEL CHESTNUT ABOVE 10TH PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT GUESTS COMFORTABLE SUITES; One or more well-furnished rooms with bath. UNEXCELLED TABLE. WHITE BERVICE. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Oak Lane OAK LANE Better aee that Colonial house, a05 Camas street, Wooo. Always open, SAMUEL II. HEAP, builder and owner. Ixigan LOGAN REAL ESTATE SALE. RENT AND EXCHANOE M. M. Smith, Broad at. oppo. Logan Station. NEW JERSEY National Park. N. J. BUNGALOWS. $100 -aeh. 110 monthly: lots 25 xlSOi near trolley: conv. to river; National fark. Get off Red Bank ave., see agent with badge. Greater New Jersey Co.. 33 B. 16th. Hadtlon Helghls. N, J. LIPPINCOTT LOTS AND HOMES iiauuuh iimuina, n. J. REAL ESTATE SALE OR RENT CITY OWN YOUR HOME by monthly payments of from 117 to $33; houses located N, Phlla, and otn.. worth from 1800 to J 8250. Merchants' Union Truit Co.. 710-710 Cheatnut at. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT CITY (Bfl EDOELBY ST.. B ROOMS.,, 13 2003 Randolph, cottage .. .,..,,. 12 HUB Mutter, Br., all conva 13 433 Norrls, 7r.( all ronM..t is 653 Norrls. 7r., all conv 15 3HS2 N. 4th. 7r-i very nlc ,..., in 2IWU N, 4th, Or., very nice , 20 MU w H. 'Uoqp. lis W Norri. .' " U jJxJ-nTiStH BT.-l Room porch-front jlwli; log, modern plumbing and Uijndryj electric lights, hot-water heat: rant, $40. ""ERTOLBT. 1010 N. 1UTH BT. jllirETcTJMllERLARD BT. - Store and 13 rooms, on aquaro from, alt of new girls' high school! bak oven In cellar; rent. $13. riEBTOLET, 1010 N. ltTH BT. HOUSE AND BTORB tor rent. aultabU for any kind of business. rnt $23 per month) 1033 Fedtral at. Call at 1824 Moors st. 5TJ-8KER.-8-ropm house) heater) Uthj ""rant. $23. OPn 10 to ' Factories, Warehouses, Mfg. Woora ME1ROPOIJTAN BUILpiNO tor. Broad and Wallace, ilooraa t000 to 40,000 so. it. on a noo" APEly to OPIahir. f NTiptH. Mlfc"HBUnT BT. a atorlsa; botUr, engine: MravrQ aa. ft. U. H. Fra, 713 Walnut st' r-orner Suites 3 to 10 Rooms $300 to $iljl DLL1B P. WILUAMB, 6U0 Drix.t liulidlng. erat r?t. II. ILjMta. TU Walnut t. ItijOMa suliablT fOp bustneaser studios wltU 1 light, heat. .Apply IW Chestnut at. ' "" MORTGAGES MONEY FOR UORTQAOES $500 StOOO 1200 SS1500 $1600 $$0OQ W H. HOOD. H KptlKIil 8T. OVFICE8, HUB1NKSM ROOMS. BTC. glngTj "Rborai 'ifaOllM. jiod. f 2f fl.'l Ift. JlM feu' f.s? Bun, f!83, tIM. 17S 2od 1228 IjiQ- SX tSi nm. isoo. his, J wo. iiso: Jsoo isso: L i-yaifl tfastn .1. ..... -. ?r9&r iP aw.i vaat m MS,. m if W'J , I AtWfmAVA MVftJ I W, i " " if rari ' i T&M1 i "D'you always tip the boy so handsomely when your wife wires Hetiirn ns tomorrow ?' "Always when he had orlBlniilly Intcndprl to roturn today." His Ardor She D-dnillng, d-do you Move mo7 IIo Love jou7 Why, prci.ious one, madly as I hug you now, the fervor ot my affection almost make .no long to bo an octopus with eight arms! Eligible fasslng Show. Lunatic What are you so pleased about? Crank I've thought of a way to end the war. Lunatic Oh, what's the Idea? Crank Sue for peace. Lunatic Come Inside. The Supremo Moment SJS "When do you work hardest in school?" "When th teacher's lookln'l" "See the (at lady with the collar box hat?" "Sure. Ain't It funny7" "That's my wife." "Of course. I was Just saying, ain't It funny I didn't recognize her?" Cleveland Flaln Dealer. AND THB WORST cr.:::'7 cMKmmf. Ilf -SrV W ) i M , m "v lsi c)fr,V)li-Ori-l i ., fW SCRAPPLE Pi fife I li . '.! 1 f f..'il ,f yiK-Jr1: 'W jatt " --m"" rixiEst;-." Half Educated "It1 wouldn't be n bad Idea," said tho boy's fnthcr, "it you did a little work during your summer vacation. You surely don't need Hireo whole months to rest up after tho little worlt you did at college, when 1 was your ago I earned enough during; the sum mer to pay my coltego expenses." "Yes," repilcd the boy, "and look at the result. You cant piny tennis at nil, your Rolt Is a Joke, and yourdon't know as much about Ty Cobb's bat tins avcraKc as the lowest -paid oIDco boy in your establishment." exchange. SONGS WITHOUT WORDS Love's Burglar Proof "If you say this service Is solid sil ver, I suppose I'll havo to take your word for It," said the man. who was selecting a wedding gift, "but It cer tainly doesn't look It." "That's Just the beauty of it," re plied the salesman. "You can leave that silver service' right out in plain sight 'on your sideboard, and burglars will never touch It." Exchange. Wife (sentimental) Egbert, what would you do If I were to die? Egbert (ditto) I should go mad, my dear, Wife Would you marry again? Egbert-Well, I don't think I should go as mad as thatl Sydney Bulletin. IS YET TO COME L THE PADDED &ELL PRME.R LESSONS - D W & tt VHAT IS "miS. EAR CHiLDREH? 1 S IT A MICE. LA-m SUMMER rGHT? RGVTl BliT IT IS ALSO A COF, DEAR CHILDREN. :S, THE COP, IS SLEEP1MG- OH A AllCE. SUMMER AWGHT TH4TS OWE REASOAl YOU CAMT StE THE. AlSVVT VERY clearlv. There is a auce Bamk Robbery- GOIM& OM AA4D A MUfcDER M THE AlE-T BLOCK. HUSH. DEAR CHILDREM -"lt?U MAY WAKE HM UP! ISAIT IT A SHAM& H& HAS o sle&poutdooRS ? Labor Lost NOT ACCORDING TO The Curate And what Is your son Mrs, Bmith-Oh. '' in chftrco of 'omo soon on le,v. "Jty wife and I have not quarreled once in the 10 years of our married life." "That's remarkable," "Oh, I don't Know. They gay It take two to rjusrrel, and h stvr gives toe a chance to y a word.' i r mill i i i liDuui ii if M fill 111 ' I Htjfc I "J&gm HI I i ' ,uHr LtfslL' 1 i WK$rvk ' WBuJn A - a S sib: Wise Willie "Wlllli. what dues that woid a pell that 1 am pointing lo?" "I don't know." "Well, what Is it your father kicks out of the parlor ovcry night before he goes to bed?" "Oh, I know, sister's beau." A Hint taJ-tMRN- 3S?" .Ma raWftata o? "You're about tho most leatlen girl I've ever met." "Yes. Do you know, even my bills aro unsettled." ARMY REGULATIONS MntuiK 4 Plnr at th front, Mrs. SrolthT ' "" spittoon o' liKers, lrj '' ttrMD , ,Vj nrrr ,t,- -,;:,,:; jg- ,.,TrTrffrWlljM "The printing prM t waarful Invention," "Indeed It In It HW iMWla K (t cpn conver, at vxKwrsYur worm iest piece of papf 'i iWt r , , llfte.tn that will 1 r II fur lh,iuu,.t,.: r.'JiiT. " ,jz. ': '- n V ,z JiJ Wl -ua,ip, --Hnaiii, )i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers