'Ci EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, AUGUST 30, 1915: P. i t Hi NEWPORT HORSTC swnw wr PATRONIZED BY PHILADELPHIA A Large Ntimber of Boxes Have Already Been Engaged by Persons From This City Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Widener Will Entertain Personals THE official list of boVt holders for thb Newport Horse Show, which will bo held at the Newport Casino, September 4, ( and 7, contains the nomes of the fol lowing Phlladelphlans: Mr. and Mrs, Joseph 13. Wldcncr, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence W. Dolan, Mr. and Mrs, Edwnrd B. McLean and Mr. Ed ward J. llcrwlnd, Miss Julia Berwlnd and Miss Margaret Dunlap will bo guests In Mr. Bcrwlnd's box on Saturday, re turning to their homo In this city on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph K, Wldenor, who will entertain box parties followed by dinner parties each day of the Horse Show, will remain at Stoncacre, their Newport villa, until October. Mr. and Mrs. Powell Evans, who liavo been visiting In Newport, have returned to Errollton, their suburban place at Devon, for the rest of the season. Colonel and Mrs. Thcodoro E. Wlcder clm. of Hay Crest, St, Davids, will leave on Monday for San Francisco, where they will visit tho Panama-Pacific Expo sition and other points of interest. Mrs. George Dokor. who has been spending the summer at Richfield Springs, Is at present tho truest of her brother-in-law, Mr. Ernest Zantzlnger, at The Garth, his summer homo In Strafford. Mr. Illchard Hording Davis Is tho guest of Dr. William Henry Furness at his home in Walllngford. Miss L-. V. Welsgerber, of Cynwyd, Is at Griffon Corners, In tho Catsktlls, and on her return trip will visit her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. G. Austin Hauck, in Brook lyn, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Itylands entertained a number of relatives and friends Thurs day evening, in honor of their daughter, Marian Edna, whoso engagement was an nounced to Dr. James C. Henry. About 22 guests wero present. Miss Itylands wore a charming gown of peach-colored rccssallne, draped with peach-colored chif fon and trimmed with rosebuds. Along the Main Line HAVEItFOKD. Mr. and Mrs. Newlln McConnell, of Gray's lane, havo returned from Beach Haven, N. J., whero they have been visiting for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. James C. Newlln will re turn shortly from Eay Head to their home here. BP.YN MAWR. Dr. Walter Chrystle, of Morris avenue. Is spending Beveral weeks In Maine. Mr. Julian Barnard, of Morris avenue, was at Atlantic City for the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. William S. Godfrey, who are spending- the summer here, have been entertaining Miss Margaretta Fleming, of Harrlsburg. DEVON. Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon Hutch inson, of Ash wood Farm, are at Cape May for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. William T. Hunter and their family are traveling through the Jar West and will return in ucioDcr. WAYNE. Mr. and Mrs. William P. EhealTer, 229 Lenoro avenue, are receiv ing congratulations upon the birth of a son. Mrs. W. B. RUcy and her daughters have returned from Pocono Pines. Miss Antoinette C. Hearnc returned from London. O., last week, and Mr. Thomas W. Hearno from Polnte-au-Barll, Can. Chestnut Hill Mrs. Ellis Ames Ballard, who spent the summer at Chcbcaquo Island, Maine, will return to her homo on St. Martin's lane September 6. The Rev. Jacob LeRoy, of 6020 St. Mar tin's lane, will return home from Medo mark, Me., on September 10. Mrs. LeRoy and the family will remain until October. Mrs. William L. Barclay will return from Bay Head to her homo on Gravers lane September 6. i Mrs. Charles B. Wright, who spent the summer in Bar Harbor, will return to her home on St. Martin's lane in Sep tember, after a short stay in Capo May with Mr, and Mrs. Langhorne Bullitt Dick. Mrs. Gridon Fleu, of 131 West Dur ham street, has returned from Ocean Drove, where she spent several weeks. Mrs. James Tattersfleld, of 7203 Lincoln Drive, has as her guest for several weeks Mrs. Y. L. Sturels, of West Virginia, (who formerly resided in Germantown. Germantown The "Rev. Melville B. Gurloy, assistant pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, spent several days this week In Atlantic City, Mrs. Walter G. Kent returned to her - home, 403 West Price street, Saturday from Providence, R. I., where she spent the summer. Mr. and Mrs. L. Harry Richards, Jr., of 3110 west Penn street, who havo been ftt Lake Sunapee, N. II., for some time, returned to their home last week. Mrs. Walter D. Banes, of .401 West Price street, who has been visiting for the last three weeks In Rehoboth, Del., returned home last week. Mr. William Haines and Mr. William Wynne Wlster ore at Susquehannock Camp, Montrose, Pa. Mrs. C. B. Grace, of 313 Manhelm street, who spent the summer at Denmark Inn, Me., will return to her home tomorrow. Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Carlisle, of 6613 Giecne street, have returned, after spend ing the fast three weeks at Chelsea. Their daughters. Miss Elizabeth Carlisle and Miss Phoebe Carlisle, will return today from California, where they spent this month at the Panama Exposition. Mrs. Ellis Shoemaker, who spent the rnpnth of August at Cape May, returned to her home on Saturday, The Tuesday teas at the Germantown Cricket Club havo continued during the rummer to accommodate the large num ber of people who decided to remain at lionu. Mrs. William B, Kurtz is in charge, Mrs, Frederlo II. Strawbridge, who I Visiting friends in the Pocono Mountains, will return to her home, School House Lane and Wlssohlckon avenue, the early fart of September. Mr. Strawbridge and two sons, who spent the summer In Jamestown, R. I., will return to their Lome this week, , Mrs. J. Nejson Purvlance, of zlO School House Lane, and her two children, Mlsa Vleanor Purvlance and Master Nelson I'urvlane, will return home today, hav. 1ns spent the last six weeks with friends in Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice C Burton, who Me occupying thtlr cottage t Buck U m!Er wU return t0 thc,r ""me, SOU West Coulter street, early In September. rtn.." ":. Dnwn and her grand ?a"B.h.lcr' Miss Eleanor Haines, are spending seeral weeks In Chelsea. Miss Florence Prctsch, of 1S Green lane, and Mlts Dorothy Clemens have re turned from a two months' visit to Lake i ??r8e .nnd Schenectady, N. V. At the latter place they were the guests of Mrs. Harry Jtodearmcl, formerly of Philadelphia. Along the Reading Mrs. John J. Tlerncy, of Sharon, Newtown, Pa her daughter, Mrs. Alex ander Chambers, Miss Elizabeth Hill, of this city, and Mr. Edward M. Ticrney are now at Uramwell. V. Va visiting Mrs. J. D. Hewitt. They motored down, stopping at Gettysburg, Staunton and White Sulphur Springs. Miss Zcrllda H. Marks BAVe a lawn party Saturday afternoon, at her sum mer home In North Glcnsldo. Among iiio guests were .Miss Holen Bushnell, Miss Katherlno Scholder, Miss Clara Stork, Miss Mildred Gavin,. Mr. Edwin Slack, Mr. Frank Slack, Mr. Edward Jlcsscl. Mr. Thomas Noble and Mr. Clar enco Stallman. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Miller Watts, of Old York road, Ogontz, Pa have left for Gibraltar Island on Lake Erie, where they will bo tho guests of Mrs. Watts" parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Barnoy, at their Bumhier home. Mrs. M. P. Horner, of Elklns Park, Pa., has left for Atlantic City, N. J., whero she will spend several weeks at tho Brighton Hotel. Mr. George Cole, of 6416 North Sth street. Oak Lane, has returned from tho Thousand Islands, whero he has Jcen spending part of tho summer. He will leave for Asbury Park Saturday, Septem ber 4. Miss Elizabeth E. Dyson, of Oak Lane, Is spending some time with Miss Dorothy Whyto ,of Asbury Park, N. J. West Philadelphia Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rowan, of 5S26 Master street, gave a week-end party at their summer home, Cedarbrook, N. J., In honor of their daughter, Miss Cathrlno Rowan. Among the guests wero Miss Margaret Gallagher, Miss Helen Galla gher, Mr. Raymond Bohcn, Mr. Gcorgo Connor and Mr. Gcorgo McCaffrey. Mr. and Mrs. George Blnns Shubert, of 1501 Belmont avenue, were the guests this week of Mr. and Mrs. Mason P. Mlsh In Clemcnton, N. J, Miss Ethyl B. Taylor, of E91S Pino street. Is spending the week-end with her sis ter. Mrs. H. W. Schlcsser, of Wenonah. N. J. From there they will leave for Ocean City, where they will bo the guests of Mr. and Mrs. William W. Bell. Mrs. David Greenberg, of 21S South 62d street. Is being entertained for several days at Atlantic City by her friends, Mrs. Frank Lerner and Miss Jean Schlclfcr. Miss Gertrude Maglnnls. of 5931 Cath arine street, and Miss Sarah Suiter have returned home after a stay at Wlldwood. The wedding of Miss Dorothea M. Walker and Mr. J. Wilson Scott, Jr., on September 1, will be very quiet owing to a recent death in the family of Mr. Scott. Mr. Constantino B. Voynow, of 4158 Leldy avenue. Is spending a few days at his summer home on Boston avenue, Chelsea, whero he will be Joined by his Bon Lionel early this week and will motor to Lake George, N. Y. Mrs. B. Hafferty and her niece, Miss Elizabeth Neary, of 33C4 Haverford ave nue. West Philadelphia, who have been touring the Pacific coast for the last few months, will return early In September. During their stay In the West they are being entertained by Mrs. Hafferty's sls-ter-ln-law. Mrs. George Thresher, of Grldley, Cal. Some of the cities visited while on their trip are Sacramento, San Diego and San Francisco, In which city they visited tho Exposition. Upon returning to Philadelphia they will be met by Mr. Hafferty, who was un able to accompany his wife and niece, and his nephew, Mr. Stephen P. A. O'Shaugh nessy, who will entertain the party at his homo for dinner that evening. Mr. John L. Rnymond, of 66th street nnd Cedar avenue, and Mr. C. Meredith Johnson, of 63d street and Haverford avenue, have returned from an extended visit at Atlantic City and expect to spend the first two weeks of September In Maine before returning to Princeton Uni versity in the fall. Mrs. William Curran and family and Miss Katherlno Lyons, of 243 Grose street, will Bpend the September season bt Wlldwood. Miss Anna V. Hogan and Miss Helen Carroll, of Cardlngton, have gone to Wlldwood. The Rev. nnd Mrs. deorgo D. Adams, of 4126 Larchwood avenue, accompanied by Dr. and Mrs. W. J. Potter, of 3S03 Powelton avenue, who have been spend ing the month of August motoring ,i..v h tjow Tnclnnd states, will re turn the beginning of next month. Tioga Miss Marlon Hlght, of Ventnor, enter tained Miss Florence Cassln, of Tioga, over the week-end Mrs. Theodore Vogel. of 8320 North 16th street, has returned from a visit to her sister, Mrs. C. E. Brooks, at Allentown, Pa, and has gone to Lansdowne, where she -is the gueU of Mrs. W. II. Harman. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Calvin Trumbower, of 1829 West Venango street, are visit ing Mrs. Trumbower's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Freed, at their home in Rich landtown, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pomeroy and their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Urn. William Zlndel, of 3111 North 15th street, have gone to Wynoote to remain through the early autumn. Mrs. Aaron Blumenthal, who has been spending some time at Wriuhtsvllte Beach, N, C has returned to her home, 1918 West Erie avenue. Mr. Mann G. Berg, of 3115 North 16th street, has returned from Telford, Pa., and Is taking a fortnight's trip up the Hudson and through eastern New York. Mrs. Charles C. Van Riper, of 1931 Wing ohocktng street, and her nephew. Mr, Murray Btokes. are visiting Niagara Falls and Canada, Notices fur the Society ps will be cceutcd and printed In the Krealns: ledger, but sH such notices muet be written on d" o( th PPri mutt be slfocd to fuU. wltk full id dress, and when pooeHiIe tslcphoiie number nut be lea. Scud all such cosamuiienttoM t "HotlflJ KMtor," Krectoc Ledger, SOS Cbmtnut street. UbItm Hieee requirements nee carried out M that verlsVcatlou wr be pMUe, UM BotUe wlU not be piibHehoel. p L Oc H)lra&ti' i....aBBBBt. V! i EBm&$T , HR bHHHIH I Hiiiv - H i C fflPP!elvf M i A ' ' H if tiiHHlilpHI I: a nM'sm W stHstHsllllllllllllllllsBlllHllr' isHHIIIIIIK fl ' film v,H!f HW m n mm? B- ''UWKmTtr-- iMsf W H ' i E". W& isLllsSsM.lET ' - j-' &' j9j BHL... lar ' I SPJ:;, "Hsi-iLiiA tMjik- m i Photo by J. Mitchell Elliot. MRS. JOSEPH DARLINGTON WILKINSON Who is at present the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Burgess, at their cottage in Cape May. Mrs. Wilkinson was Miss Jane Burgess. South Philadelphia Miss Marlon Brennnn, of 2215 Fltzwnter street, and her sister. Miss Anne Brcn nan, will lonvo September 1 for Columbus, O., to spend several weeks with their grandparents. On returning they will visit their sister, Mrs. Herbert Decator, of Pittsburgh. Mr. Frank McDermott will accompany them to Lancaster. Mr. George Mooro and Mr. Lawrence Gcttlngs entertained last' Wednesday evening at an Informal reception given by the K. K. Klub, at the home of Mrs. John Moore, 1220 South 31st street. The guests present were Miss Blanche Chap man, Miss Emma Peterson, Miss Hclene O'Connor, Miss Natalie Craig, Mrs. George D. Craig. Mr. George D. Craig, Mr. Fred erick Schauffele and Mr. Calvin Craig. A farewell party was given to Miss Anna Dougat at the homo of her mother, 1929 South street, before her departure for a three months' visit in Colorado. Among the guests who attended wero Mr. Archibald Carl Miller, of Brooklyn, Mr. Caleb Joseph Heller, of New York; Miss Ada Schcctcr, Miss Hannah Schectcr, Miss Elslo Bllsky, Miss Sarah Bllsky, Miss Roso Berman, Miss Anna Goldberg, Miss Jeannette Dougal, Mr. A. Sherman, Mr. A. Redmond, Mr. S. Kahn, Mr. J. Raphael. Mr. "Jack" Horwltz. Miss Mildred J. Llckhalter, Mr. James Coren, Mr. Frnnk Seldenberg. Mr. George Greenberg, Mr. Ben Nathans, Mr. Wil liam Cooper, Miss Mae Levin, Mr. Adolf Adelson, Mr. "Jack" J. Gertzman. Mr. William Tecot, Mr. Louis Goldstein, Mr. and Mrs. GoIdBteln, Mr. Alexander Lar kln. Mr. Plerson Davla, Mr. Maurlco Sle gel, Mr. Alfred Goodman and Sir. A. Trackenburg. Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Griffin, of 2237 Fltz water street, gave a party from 1 to 5 o'clock last Tuesday In honor of their B-year-old daughter, Patricia. The little tot woro a beautiful white dress. Among the guests present were the Misses Olive Dooley, Maudo H. Edge. Agnes Feeley, Kathryn Johnson, Mary E. Nagel, Elinor O'Brien, Agnes. Mildred and Beatrice Sullivan, Martha Sterrett and Sarah E. Walsh, also Masters Thomas O'Brien, Joseph E. Hunter and Joseph Crulckshank O'Sulllvan. Mr. and Mrs. Griffin also entertained in the evening, when the hostess wore her wedding gown of white silk. Muslo and refreshments wero furnished throughout the evening. Miss Florence Shaffer sang several selections. Among the guests wero Miss Phoebe Baker, Mr. Robert Pollock. Miss Lillian G. Crulckshank, Mr. H. E. Prltchard, Mrs. O'Sulllvan, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Crulckshank and their son; Mr. F. Gordon A. Crjlckshank, Mr. and Sirs. Edward L. Hunter and Mr. Michael F. Orlflln. In honor of Miss Eva Kosson and Miss Ray Kosson, of 1609 South 6th street, nn all-day outing will take place at Bur holme Park. Tho following will attend: Miss Rose Rosenbluth, Miss Gussla Ro senbluth, Miss Ida Kaskey, Miss Lizzie Kaskey, Miss Lillian Rose, Miss Dorothy Rose, Sir. Jack Beyer, Jr., Mr. Nathaniel II. Berger, Jr., and Maxwell D. Barnett. Mr. and Mrs. John S. Herrlngton, 222S Jackson street, have returned home after a three weeks' stay at the Delaware Water Gap. Mr. Walter Beard, of 17th and Ellsworth streets, is spending his vacation at Wild wood. Miss Mae Thompson, 2M6 Moore street, Is spending her vacation at Wlldwood, N. J. Mrs, Martha H. Johnston and Mrs, Ross T. Williams are spending their vacation at Atlantic City, N. J. They will remain over Labor Day. Miss EdltlKCassldy. of 2224 South ttth street. Is speeding the week-end at the cottage of her friend, Miss Edith Ed wards, ot Ocean City. Mrs, William C. Raymond, of West Passyunk' avenue, who was taken 111 on a recent trip to California, has returned home and Is on the road to recovery. Miss Charlotte Richard, of 2226 South Rosewpod street, has Just returned from u ylstt with her aunt, Mrs. O. Hlrs'n, of Germantown. Mr. ond Mrs. II, Chllds Hodgcns. of 2138 West Passyunk avenue, with their little son Alexander, have taken on apart, ment ot Ocean City, where they will remain for the balance of tho summer months. . Mies Anna E. McGurk. of W03 South Garnet street, and Miss Laura Bean, ot Ferndale, Pa returned last week from a delightful motor trip through New York State and southern Ontario, vlsltlnc Niagara Falls, Buffalo, the picturesque i Wfetkln Glen and Toronto o route. North Philadelphia Dr. and Mrs. M. J. Stern, of 711 Frnnk lln street, havo gone to visit Mr. nnd Mrs. Samuel Lit nt Barker, their camp in tho Rungoley Lakes, for a fortnight. They will return by motor. Mrs. Margaret Hamilton Reed Is spend ing some time with her daughter, Mrs. Walter Sonncberg, of 1810 North Camac street, who Is now at her Ocean Gato bungalow. Miss Helen Schopp, of 1231 North 26th street, Is spending a fortnight at Ocean City. Last week Mlsa Schonn enter tained tho members of the Motorboat Club by singing at their meeting. An Interesting uptown event took placo at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William J. Grenner. 32U North 23th street, on Sun day afternoon, August 22. Their daughter. Miss Dorothy Smith Grenner, a popular llguro In the younger ct of tho north soction of the city, was married to Mr. Louis Kehr, a young business man of Chicago. The Informal ceremany was witnessed by the relatives and close friends of the young people. Tho mar riage servlco was performed by the Rev. Gcorgo Street. Tho only attendants were Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Leutwlnc, the young brldo's brother-in-law and sis ter. Tho bride, who Is but 19 years old, was gowned In a whlto crepe de chine dress, with long Norfolk coat. Her hat was pink silk Bhlrred. A beautiful white fur neckpiece added to the attractiveness of tho happy bride's costume. After a brief wedding trip to Niagara Falls the young couplo will rcsido In the Greeley apart ments, 1720 Master street. Tho marriage was the culmination of a romance which had Its Inception 11 weeks ago when Mr. Kehr was Introduced to the young lady nt a reception at tho homo of mutual friends. The wedding of Miss Ada Louise KobU mayer and Mr. Wilfred W. McClelland will tako place on Wednesday evening at S o'clock, at the home of tho bride's father. The ceremony will be performed by tho Rev. A. C. Schcnck. The bride will be attended by Mrs. R. Wallace Sproul, ns matron of honor, and the best man will bo Mr. Elmer Ott. After October 1, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. McClelland will be ati home at mi North 12th street, Logun. Southeast Philadelphia Mrs. Charles Dunn, of 100 Emily street, has Just returned from Edgewater Park, after o week's visit to her sister, Mrs. A, E. De Less. Mr. Louis Charlemagne FlBhman, of 769 South 4th street, and Mr. Louis Mar tin Jacobs, 710 South 3d street, graduates ot Southern High School, have finished their vacation, and are preparing for the coming school term. MRS. LOUIS KEHR Who, before her marriage last week, was Miss Dorothy Smith Grenner, of 3214 North 25th street, BSSSSSSSSBBLslBBSBr BBBBSSSSSSsTp ubsIbbsmbbsssssssV. Jt 5K IsVgs jSsSsWiiMBBSSSSST'f u VBSSSSSSSSSpSlB?'i '" , 4P sski isBBSsleCiss 9f i 1 KTi -rr-'-U-slllllllllB iJ" Girard Farms Cltef Boatswain John V. Brooks, U. 8. N.t of the U. S. S, Nebraska, who spent tho past few days with his family, nt 1713 Porter street, has returned to Newport, n. I. Miss Helen Brooks will motor to Hammondvllle tomorrow, where she will make a short visit. Miss Anne DJorud, of 2611 South Colorado street, Is nt present at Dela ware Water Gap, where she will remain Until after Labor Day. Mrs. John R. Greenhalgh, and her daughter, Miss Helen Greenhalgh, of 2509 South Cleveland avenue, have Just re turned from a fortnight's stay at Atlantic City. Mr. John R. Greenhalgh will leave tomorrow for Mahanoy City to transact some business for the Improved Order of Red Men. Northeast Philadelphia Mrs. Frank Adair, Miss Vera Adair and Mr, Francis Adair, of 3121 Salmon street, are spending two weeks at Easton, Pa., os the guests of Mrs. Harry Beck. Miss Helen Dougherty, 2365 East Hunt ingdon street, and Miss Rcglna Daley, of 2354 East Huntingdon street, spent the week-end nt Atlantic City. Miss Sara Cohen, of 192S East Mon mouth street, has as her guest Miss Fan nlo Sclnn, of Vlncland, N. J. Tho members of the Wouldbca Dra matic Club of Kensington will spend Labor Day at Wlldwood. They will be quartered at tho Arlington. One of tho features of their outing will be a water melon party on the bench nt midnight. Thoso who will go nre Miss Elslo V. Kyle, Miss Ethel M. Hoffman, Miss Esther Kammcrrr, Miss Ldna Johnson, Miss Hazel McKay, Miss Bessie L. Frlck, Miss Edith Haas, Mr. Harry H. Hoffman, Mr. William Connelly, Mr. George Anderson, Mr. Wesley Whltcfield Hoffman, Mr. Rob ert Clayton, Mr. Clifford Mecouch, Mr. Thomns Plntt, Mr. Albert Wilson, Mr. Andrew Given. A Knffee-klatch will be given on Fri day evcnlni;, September .1, at the East End Club. Lehigh avenue and Thompson street, for tho benefit of tho Rev. James H. Conlln, of Erie, Pa. Those on tho commltteo are: Miss Helen Convllle, Miss Anna Kane, Miss Elizabeth Fceney, Miss Catharine Con lln, Miss Margaret Sweeney and Miss Elizabeth Conlin. Frankford Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Hauck, the Utter known as Mrs. Katherlno Hauck, of tho W. C. T. U.. aro enjoying farm life near Potlstown, Pa. Mr. nnd Mrs. Thcodoro Bavlngton nnd daughter. Miss Ethel Bavlngton, of 4633 Frankford avenue, have returned from their recent visit to Atlantic City. Mrs. E. Wells, of 4615 Oakland street, nnd her daughter, Mrs. F. Sontgcn, are camping, with a party of friends, at Belvldere. Mr. Ernest Ronsdorf, of 4736 Mulberry street, has returned from Atlantic City, where he spent two weeks. Mr. nnd Mrs. C. II. Button and daugh ter, JIIss Dorothy Button, nre at Beach Haven Terrace. Mrs Walter Mansfield, of Academy road, entertained Saturday afternoon at luncheon In honor of her daughter, Mrs. James Belfleld, of Germantown. There were 18 guests and the decorations were yellow and blue. Mr. and Mrs. Bel fleld will leave tomorrow for Chicago, where they will make their home. Mr. and Mrs. James F. Felix, of Mul berry street, havo returned from New York and hao as their guests until Sep tember 11 Miss Jane Klautz. Miss Marion Feclln and Miss Leona Turn, of New York. Roxborough Mr. and Mrs. Georgo Whltworth, or 101- Stanton street. Falls of Schuylkill, celebrated tho 12th anniversary of their wedding last week. In the evening they gave a reception to their friends. Mr. Whltworth Is n special policeman at tached to the Ridge and Mldvale ave nues police station, and his fellow offi cers presented htm with a valuable grandfather's clock. Miss Rosalind Oettlnger, of 2810 Ger mantown avenue. Is spending a week as the guest of friends In Atlantic City. The Rev. Dwlght C. Hanna, pastor of tho Leverlngton Presbyterian Church, Roxborough, is spending his vacation at Winona Lake, Ind. Winona Lake is the home of "Billy" Sunday. Mr. William Brennan, of Manayunk, has returned from a visit to Newark and Brooklyn, where he was the guest of Mr. Gub Getz, the Brooklyn baseball player. Lansdowne Miss Helen V. Adlcr, of East Green wood avenue. Is entertaining Miss Emma and Miss Marie Love, of Ocean City, at her parents' cottago In Atlantic City. Miss Edith Boyd, who has been the guest of Mrs. Isaac II. Adler at her cot tage In Atlantic City, left Saturday for a three weeks' trip to the Great Lakes, the Canadian Rockies and the Panama Exposition. Miss Marie G, Loughney has gone for a three weeks' stay at Buckhlll Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Boyd, of Lincoln avenue, aro receiving congratulations on the birth ot a son. Mrs. Boyd will be remembered ns Miss Mary Ogden. Mr, and Mrs. Harry Young, of East Stewart avenue, left today for a short stay in New JTorlc. Miss Mary V, Cassldy, of 413 North Salford street, has Just returned from a visit of two weeks with her sister, Mrs. Charles Mellman, of Georgetown, Del, Miss Helen Garcia has returned to her home In Rutledge, Pa., after visiting her aunt and uncle Mr. and Mrs. Paul Garcia, of 6117 Westmont ovenue. Camden and Vicinity Mr. and, Mrs. James Clarke and Miss Helen Clarke are spending the balance of this month at Cape May, Mr, and Mrs. Clarke and Miss Clarke live at 27 Flthlan avenue, Merchantvllle. Mr. and Mrs. W. B, Burrell and son and Mrs. C. D. Van Duyn and daughter, return early In September from Ocean City. Mrs. William B. Wood, of 312 Penn street, has purchased tho residence she Is now occupying at Haddonfleld. and will have extensive alterations added to the place. Mr, and Mrs. John N. Ako, of 3d and Penn streets, have Joined their daughter at Glen Campbell, Pa., their former home. Mrs. E. G. Schellenger and her son and daughter, of Fifth and Cooper streets, are now with relatives at Ocean City, after enjoying an extended western trip, Suffrage Events Today EQUAL FRANCHISE! BOC1HTV. Koonda- meeting. Collins' Cardboard Fac tory. Uodlne stret and Columbia, avenutj sneuW MUs Anna UcCue. 'Noon meeting at plant of "William Wharton & Co., Inc., 85th street and Washington av nue; speaker, MOw Bertha, flapovlts. b:30 p. m. Meeting at Kensington avenua and Cumberland atreetj speaker, Was Anna W80'p. m. -Meeting at Sth and ChrlatUn streets, speakera, llUi Bertha Sapovlta ami Uorg Bmall, WOMAN BUFFIIAOB PAHTY 8:30 p, to. Meeting at beadiuarttrs of Slst L4ehvUvo District, 3M Hout- Md tU. TEA DANCE AND CARD PARTY HAVE QUOTA OF FOLLOWERS Largest Dansant of the Season Was Held at Yacht Club in Atlantic City on Saturday Wildwood -Has a Gay Week-end ATLANTIC CITY, Aug. 30. THE largest tea dance of the season was given on Saturday afternoon at tho Atlantic City Yacht Club by the club members for their friends. Yachts wero placed at the disposal of those who did not dance and there were also cartls for the entertainment of thoso who find bridge tho most pleasant diversion. It was a very Jolly Informal affair. Mrs. Allen IC White, wife of Commodore Whlto received, assisted by Miss Lulu H. Marvel, Mrs. James H. Hayes, and Mrs. John Newbold Wllklns. Jr. The club members who assisted at th various diversions were Mrs. Coulter Charlton. Miss Eleanor McNulty, Mrs. II. Kendall Read, Mrs. Jacob C. Myers, Mrs. L. Wahl Turner, Mrs. Henry Har vey, Mrs. Howard Wcstney, Mrs. Frank Smnthcrs, Mrs. Klmbcr McWIIllams, Mrs Allen Brown Endlcott, Jr., Mrs. 11. Starr Glddlngs, Miss Alice Marvel, Miss Martha Marvel, Miss Elizabeth Knlssell, Miss Mildred Smith, Miss Helen Mathtcu, Miss Ethel Mathleu, Miss Rachel Somets, Miss Helen E. Somers, Miss Helen Shlnn, Miss, Marlon Shlnn, Miss Ethel Bates, Miss Sophia Bew. Miss Katherlno Dempsey has returned to her home In Philadelphia after spend ing a week with friends. Miss Mary Latimer entertained In formally nt her cottago on Vermont ave nue. Present were Miss Nichols. Miss Florenco Robinson, Miss Mabel Latimer, Miss Annette Schilling, Miss Pearl Campbell, Miss Camtlle Stewart and Miss Margaret Mason. Mrs. Harry B. Leeds and Miss Emily Shlnn who have been spending tho greater part of the summer on the Pa cific coast, will return to tho seashore early In September. Delaware County Miss Sarah M. Dlehll and Miss Marlon E. Hartman, of Collngdalc, will leave September 23. for a three months' Btay at the San Francisco Exposition. a HAnu ...no h.U tmila. ttin ntmnlrtes of tho Knights of tho Golden Eagle, Upland Castle, In Crozer Park, Just out side Chester. Numerous Held sports were conducted and refreshments served In tho evening. Dr. W. Knowlea. of Chester, entertained a party of friends last week aboard his launch Hyacinth. They ran down tho ni....n- no tar no Delaware City ana on the return trip a tasty luncheon was served. Chester Mrs. J. Lewis Crozer, of Upland, the donor of the beautiful roof garden of the Young Women's Christian Association here, entertained the Junior department of tho association In the garden on Sat urday evening. Some time ago Mrs. Crozer was hostess to the senior girls at a very delightful entertainment held In the roof gaVden. Mrs. Leroy Carson Wilson, of Balti more, Md who before her marriage was Miss Dorothy Buckman, of Chester, Is visiting her parents, Mr. nnd Mrs, Edwin Buckman, who now reside In Trainer. asil'liSI . lil-M T ir9J I4.V-" . - ' "i?3. VMirtVV 1 iii r .M.. ?, e.ii-rwO 3lJSte ny-r-1 i..rrf7f!a ...;. Telegraphy taught in every practical and scientific detail by experienced in structors. Certificates issued to graduates. Full particulars in Catalog T-29. I'hone, Diamond C31. TEMPLE UNIVERSITY Ilroad St., below Berks rhU-delpbla, BANKS BUSINESS COLLEGE l'hlladelphla'a ltrftt and Largest NIGHT SCHOOL Give us three of your evenings each week and we will give you knowledga that will enable you to command. Positions I'onltlTely Guaranteed Telephone I Lombard lzSS-lZd? I.AFAYKTTK BUILDING Sth and Chestnut Streets After October 1, Penn Mutual Bldg. FRIENDS' CENTRAL And Its Elementary Schools, open oa NINTH MO. (Beptember) 2ist 15th and llaco Sts. 83th Bt. and Lancaster Ave. 17th Bt. and Olrard Ave. Greens Bt above School Lane, Oermantown. Principals In attendance after Ninth Mo. 1st. WM. E. DARP.ETT, lstn and Race Sts. STANDARD Y.M.C.A. COURSES Bave carfare. Evening School, Dormitory, Expert Instructors, Individual Method, Bwlm mlnr Pool. Gymnasium. North Ilranch V. 31. C. A.. 1013 W. Lehlsh. Camden Central Y. M. C A., tit Federal at. Went Ilraneu . i. v. A., ozu ana Hansom. Germantown Friends C-L-l OPEN8 B MO. 21ST OCllOOl AT 8 145 A. M. STANLEY R TARNALL. Principal The Phillips Brooks School Boys' school, opposite Clark Park. Athlstle Held adjoining bfdg. Large f unequipped gym nasium, isiperleneed teachers. Year Hook. Howard B. -ftael. Him. M Baltimore ave. THE 110LUAN SCHOOL. 230 WALNUT BT. From Montssaort through College Prepara tory. General course emphasised. Strong B mestlo Science course. Outdoor classroom. Special attention to small boys ana girls. PllEPABATlON FOR ANY COLLBQE. ANY COUR8B BROWN PREPARATORY BltOAD AND CHERRY STREETS PALMS BUSINESS COLLEGE Thirty sears at J7lh a4 Chat tout BtrtUt. Business. Shorthand and s-scretarlal Course. STRING OAKDKM INHTITUTK. PULLA. AKr MECHANIC XI.MCMCll Ntrtt NchooU Writ foe MU AMKK PRKI'. WlTHKHttroON JsuST College, Law, Med, Day KVg. Univ. Kef. Ml'MCAL LWwjt-HiUe Conservatory of Musk B.eouwia Sept. 30, UM Cbfaut f- :iCi?,T5jSi -msn . C S SI rSYroHbTilIni -j ci&i"yZ?: ftrffg? ry? WILDWOOD, Aug. 80. Four rhls4 phlans at Haddon Hall enjoyed th dance given for their benefit on Friday Ven Ing. The regular weekly 600 at tho Ed net on Inn was attended by 60 guests. Ten hand some prizes were presented to the wln ners. Among the many Phlladelphlans of, note nt the shore this week were recorded Mr. and Mrs. Thomns C. Poole, Mr and Mr. James Ranken, .Mrs. W. J Keltz and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. George C Titus, Mrs, Mary McKcnncy, John Dick-. MiM Minnie Engle and Alice Engle, all at whom are enjoying their stay at the Derbyshire. The winners of the weekly 600 nt the Adclphl WIttce were A. W. Mann. Mrs, Hlldrcth, Mrs. A. R, Ball, Mrs. C. Mn )i noon nnd sirs. A. Smlts. Noted nt the Grccnlelgh are Mr. ami" Mrs. T. A. Tompkins. Charles Wright and family. Dr. G. A. Rannvlllo and fam ily, Mrs. John C Hanna and daughter. At tho Wayne are Mr. ond Mrs. B. N. Sharer, Mr. and Mrs. H. Callahan, Mrs. Loxlcy and family and Mr. and Mrs. A W. Bremnger. Others from Quaker City here for a week In September or longer nre Mr. and Mrs. H W. Garner and family, Mr, and Mrs. 11. Y. McCurdy, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Benncr. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Bechner, Mr. and Mrs. E. II. Harris. Dr. E B. Sweeny, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Wlkoff, Mr and Mrs. E. A. Holbrooke, Mr. ond Mrs. J. W. Hutchinson, Mr and Mrs. Edwin Stevens, F. W. Keatly, Doctor Styberg nnd famjly, Miss Anna Thompson, Mr and Mrs. Ross B. Porter, Mr. and Mrs. John Callahan and children, the Misses Anna and Ma tilda, May Enrlght, Miss Nellie R Derr, Miss Nancy Cahlll, Mrs. Louis Seltz Mlsi) Gertrude S Seltz, Mr. and Mrs rtannU Brubaker and Mr. and Mrs. E. E Cox. Wilmington Miss Eugenia Jackson Is at Cohasset, Mass., and will stay until Wednesday of this week. Miss Louise Van Trump has returned from a ten weeks' trip to tho Paclflo coast. Mr. nnd Mrs. Warren Yedder have re turned from a fortnight's stay at Cape May, N. J. Mrs. Martha R Grant went to Eagle's Merc, Pa., last week, to stay soV?ral weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe C. Tlndall have returned from a fortnight's stay at As bury Park, N. J. Miss Amy E. du Pont returned tast wecK artet a fortnight's stay at Cape May, N. J What's Doing Tonight flancjuPt In honor of Leonardo Antonla Mliell, Palumbo's Hotel, 82t Catharine street: S o'clock. Fatrraount Park Band, George's Hltlt s o'clock. Fre3. Philadelphia Band, City Hall Plaza 8 o'clock. Free. Trolley protest meeting. Paoayunk BuslnaM Men, Paanyunk avenue and Mor. street, 8 o'clock. Free. Jitney mass-meeting. Parkway Building, S o'clock. nodnd Table Conference, Holy Trinity Pariah House: 8 o'clock. Free. liJ stnaumiQai .rrw.u mssxewsasi aM.feirisbiAi. &mrm .Hwww.v&rz'i miif STRAYER'S L BusinessCollege Is a real Business School, In addition to Shorthand. Typewrit ing. Bookkeeping and the other branches usually taught In busi ness schools, we also teach Sales manship. Standardized English. Accountancy. Advertising, Short hand Reporting and Real Estate and Conveyancing. About which course shall we sand you partlcn ulars7 A 101-307 Chestnut St Phils. How to Advance The great hope of advancement lies la bringing Into action certain Important powers ot mind and personality which have never been used. Use of these pow ers Is prevented In various ways. It may be checked by timidity and lack of aelf confidence, suppressed by fear, or para lyied by self-consciousness. Ignorance of the Importance of the powers, or the nat ural weakness of the powers themselves, may prevent their use. The NenT College courses give men and women fuU pos session of themselves. Bend for catalogue, copy of Dr, NePTs lecture, "Education and Success," and circular stating when Day and Evening Classea open, rates of tuition, etc. NEFF COLLEGE cbes.nu?., Httpful Talk By Butlnei Men at PEIRCE SCHOOL "W America's Foremost Business Scbol X , J? Fall Term will be opened , in New Building on ePine St., West of Broad J Ceilral Educational IiistitMt& Day and JSvetiUp Preparatory anil Kustucse. The Community has confidence In Central's Educational System. You should know about It unique work. 2000 Students last year. Bend for Illustrated Catalog A. Central Y M. C. A.. 1421 Arch st- Phtla. MISS HILLS' SCHOOL 1S0S Sprue Street. Opens Sept. 32. MAIN LINK BRANCH Ardmore. Opens September Vt ELIZABETH HILLS LYMAN, Principal. sss ' ' " 'i J ,iii. mi Palmer BtwineH School Shorthand, Typewriting, Bookkeeping, English, day and night sessions. Send for catalog. Mercantile library Bldg 10th above Chestnut.' Umveraky of FwuMylvsuua EVENINO COURSES Wharton School of Finance and Commero West Philadelphia Commercial Hehoel 00th and Olrard av, -Business courses that win busi ness approval Day t!2 00 Nlteht U.Ma PKNNetHCHG, PA. rENNSHUfta. PA. PERKIOMEN SEMINARY Ts ScAoof that IUm Us Mevri Located hi the beautiful Perfclosuea Vattsv. within easy sc iren r nuaaeii'iua New JorK. c-o.wuai. rrepr i colleges ana universalis. Mas w nnl sat aekalarakl MxoelWaC Huslnesa. AnatcvUaaa. Deaaaaitiu Muslo a.t.4 BlMHtlaa. Hfgtr wtn aonat Interest ti stud en U. Btsta I42D. HluatFU4 estag free, iI Key. O. . gafcl. jTSPrSc,,. JHf j J SWAWTMMUaty. PA- iilTfl'Wrz'-aujr. MrnuuNu fc-TATUttMlat awre u a Mo s -rffg L sums oeisijirl mSmSSlStt S5SSiHSj J ' " ' ! Par jBujial sk &-a
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