Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, August 30, 1915, Night Extra, Page 6, Image 6

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fBuemttrt gfe ffgftncr
CinUS It. K. CUnTIB, Pimcut.
Crl H I.udtntton,Vlc4f,reiildent, Jahn f Martin,
wrMfttr ani) Trfnreri rhlllp 8 Collin. John U.
yty, pifwion ...
Cues It. K. Cctrii. Chairman.
. K. WHALKt... .EiecutlYa Editor
JOHN a MArtTIN Qrneral I1ulni Mnf
Ml I ll - 1 ' - -
PuMlthrt dally at J-ofLio I.trota Bulldlnc.
Independence Square, Philadelphia.
KMs CiiTiut. Broad and Chenniil Streets
AmfcTlO Cm... ....... ,rrre.tnlm Building
'Sir Yea. ........170-A, Metropolitan Tower
DfttolT 3 Ford ltulldlni
T. LOCH .., 40 aleht Democrat Rulldlnc
CRloao 1202 Tribune nulldtnc
LoKhos t Waterloo riaee, rail Mall. S. W.
WiimxoTn ncaiuii Th rtl Bulldlnc
New Te nriw. ,.., The rimj nulldlni
iu Brawn BO F-rledrlchitraeea
I.OSOOS lltur.AU 2 Ball Mall KaM, fl w.
rna Uttitt! .' 32 Bue Louie le Grand
nrnscnirrioN tebms
Br e arrlr, Diar ONtt, ell cente. Br mall peatpald
unlit l Philadelphia. erept where forelen poatete
l required. DtLT Onlt, one month, tweM-nre cente f
Ditt-i Oiit, one year, three dollara, All mall sub
scriptions parable In adtance.
Nortel Siiheerlners within add.-eee chanted mutt
(It old aa rell at ntw addreee.
CT Ai&rr nil rpmmunlcnrlone to frfntnn
Lttotr, Indtptndinct Square, rhtladtlphia
EST::. . .-.., . .. rrs
umiii at Tits miMnrtriiti roarorrici a coit-
rttlLADEU-lttA, MONDAY, AUGUST 30. 1915.
Thrift the maple talisman that turns dross
into gold.
Where Are the " SmartlnR Millions"?
ACCORDINCJ to Frank V. Walsh, the
. Chairman of the Federal Commission
on Industrial Relations, who seems to bo
the best-known agitator In the country Just
rfow, "tho basic catiso of Industrial dissatis
faction Is low wages." Ho also finds that
"citizens numbering millions smart under a
ense of lnjuntlco and oppression."
Do they? It does not take many millions
to cleict a President and a Congress. A whole
people cannot be "smarting" vcr much or
they would rlso In their wrath nnd terminate
the conditions of which they complain. It
is a fact, of course, that wages in America
arc the highest In the world. They drop
sometimes when economic experimentalists
get control In Washington and lnsUt that
American products shall be put Into compe
tition with a cheap foreign output. That is
why the "smarting millions," as a general
thing, stand for protection.
Mr. Walsh seems to Htnnd for low prices
and high wages. That is a popular plat
form. A more popular one would be a de
mand for a law to compel every citizen to
be a millionaire.
For the Honor of France
NOTHING finer has happened In this war
than tho action of France In Bending
back to Switzerland Kugeno Gilbert, the avi
ator who was forced to land on Swiss soil in
July because of an accident to his motor.
He was Interned by the Swiss Government,
and was allowed to go about on his promise
that he would not attempt to escape. He
broke his word a few days ago, crossed the
frontier and reported for duty at tho War
Office In Paris.
" The honor of France as well as the honor
,1 of a soldier were Involved in hla actions, and
France, In order that her honor may bo un--sullied,
has repudiated the action of Gilbert.
The word of a French soldier must be as
J igood as his bond, lest tho word of France,
when given on a "scrap of paper," bo re
garded as an empty promise.
i Myth of the Minute Men
THE last argument of those who disbe
lieve in the necessity for the United States
, to prepare ltBelf against war Is usually, "but
think of tho minute men!"
The trouble with that argument is that if
one does think, seriously and without Illu
sions, about the minute men, there Is only
one result, and that Is a cry for preparedness.
That at Concord and Bunker Hill the
minute men did a proud and noble work Is
, a fact. S.lnce that time the myth of the
minute mcni tho idea that at any moment
the American farmer, or bank clerk, or mer-
F .chant prince, can be trusted to reach for his
gun and go on the still hunt for enemies,
, has done tremendous harm. Even during
I the Revolution Washington was quoted as
saying that the militia was worse than use.
less and had been the origin of all our mis
! fortunes. Washington, it is to be noted, did
t his best work at tho head of some 2500
Since that time the tradition of the minute
(man has held all our Congressmen in a
Vise. At tho outbreak of the War of 1812
t there were but 6700 men In the army. More
than half a million men enlisted and were
disgracefully routed time and again by vastly
inferior English forces. In the Mexican and
Clvli Wars the same myth prevailed. Ab a
result thousands of lives were snuffed out,
not by war, but by unpreparedness. All the
H devotion, all the fine military achievements
developed on both sides of the Civil War
( were almost entirely nullified by the lack of a
.minimum number of trained men.
That is what the minute, man Idea has
done. Today there are no minute mertj there
aw no guns hanging on the wall. Unless
Hhe country is willing to face conscription
when war comes, It must train a few hands
for ita defense.
The Hamlet of Oyster Bay
" rpHE time is out of Joint," cries Theodore
X Roosevelt, the Hamlet of Oyster Bay,
And continues with a slight modification of
phrase, "Oh cursed spite! that never waa
I ehose to Bet it right!"
Until the Plattaburg Incident Mr. Rooae
y4t waa constrained to take out hla "cursed
pHt)" in rebuking the pacifists, the China
Hem. the Germans and the German-Amer!-cam.
"We are desperately unprepared for
wr," he would cry out. and in th n
fL. trali would amert that we must go to war
v mm id reaeem our oougatlon to Iielglum.
Th erftary of War very properly refuses
' to, borrow Mr. Roosevelt's idea that "our
Ktwwrt atate of unpreparedness makes Jt de
atmbke to engage in war with four or flva
oMar Rations." He aaya "Tut! Tutl" to the
Celotwl apd declares the Incident cloaed.
'- Tbt the Administration should be drawn
Into a controversy so childish nnd so ill.
natal ?i the part of a former President
wHI deplorable enough. Rut neither the
Ateinlartrtion' loss of, dignity nor Mr.
AoaMveU's loss of temper can ploud over the
aooal which has come of )t. Mr. Rooaevelt'a
pataU about our unpreparednes are good
batata so good that the country had tnkon
o neart monma before sir Rooaevelt
tm wrtlOB that there has k a
aiaija-jppajaajajatpfj-j-ajj- -....t-tt-tt- r"
"criminal d'terioratlon" in tho efficiency of
the navy needs proof, and will undoubtedly
lead to it desirable Investigation. That end
Mr. Roosevclt'a case.
Peeved at His Own Failure
IF HENRY JAMES renounced Ills Amer
ican citizenship becauso he did not like
the way this Government was managed, it
Is n pity that ho did not como homo to vote
once in a while. Tho trouble with ao many
citizens who aro "disgusted with the way
things are going" is that they neglected
their own duty first. Philadelphia nnd every
other city Is filled with this sort of "un
desirables." No Free Sugar
to succeed Mr. Underwood ns chairman
of the Ways and Means Committee of the
House, hints that the duty on sugar may bo
retolned. A loss of 50,000,000 tho year in rev
enue during a period of special war taxes
Is considerably moro of a pill than tho De
mocracy can expect the nation to swallow.
Mr. Underwood himself, It is well known,
was opposed to free sugar. So was practi
cally everybody else In tho party except tho
President. Congress ' yielded, but not with
very good grace. Cheapening tho morning
cup of coffee Is all right in theory, but the
unfortunato part nbout It Is that the con
sumer finds that somebody else hns taken
the saving before he has a chanco.
Sugar, of course, has always been consid
ered a splendid rovenuo producer. The tariff
on It Is easily collected and the tax Is so
widely distributed that no class suffers on
unequal burden. Hut political reasons for the
retention of the duty arc more urgent than
tho economic ones, from tho Democratic
viewpoint. Tho beet sugar industry has be
come enormously Important In a dozon
States. Penalizing Louisiana planters Is one
thing nnd penalizing thousands of voters In
doubtful Commonwealths Is another. Free
sugar Is now scheduled for May 1, 1916, on
tho very eve of tho Presidential campaign.
Sound reason would prompt the Democracy
to get out of a bad hole by using the war
as an excuse for a revision of Its program,
so far aa sugar Is concerned.
But protection Is no more Important for
sugar than It Is for dozens of other things.
Mr. Kltchln plans to go a few steps on the
way; the electorate Is likely to Insist that
protection In Its entirety be re-cstobllshcd
as the definite policy of the nation.
Patriotism Is a Quality as Well as a Word
THE reason for Frank L. Polk's accept
ance of tho appointment as Counsellor of
the State Department will not bo found In
the salary. Mr. Polk is receiving $15,000 a
year as Corporation Counsel of New York
city, or twice as much hb the pay that goes
with his new place.
Patriotism Is evidently a quality as well
as a word. This has been demonstrated many
times in the past. The salaries paid in Wash
ington are not large enough to attract tho
money seekers. They never should be made
large enough to excite the cupidity of men
who think moro of their own prosperity than
ot doing their share in the government of
their own country. There are few lawyers
who would decline appointment to the Su
preme Court, even though the salary of a
Justice Is only a small part of the 'sum they
could win In private practice.
Mr. Polk Is a capable lawyer with experi
ence in large affairs, and under the guldanco
of Secretary Lansing he can do good servlco
in the State Department. If the Secretary
of State himself wcro not thoroughly
grounded in international law tho appoint
ment of a man with more technical knowl
edge would have been advisable, but tho na
tion can look upon the promotion of Mr.
Polk with equanimity.
Women Smokers of High and Low Degree
MEMBERS of tho houso committees of
tho women's clubs whoso buildings con
tain all tho modern conveniences will be
interested to learn that the new women's'
building on the poonfarm in Ramsey County,
Minnesota, Is to have n smoking room.
Smoking has never been either a novelty or
a fad with women. So ipng ago as the early
days of the last century Horace Greeley was
In the habit of lighting his mother's pipe
and getting It well started for Jier every day.
Ills mother's delight in her pipe was not
exceptional among the women of tho New
England neighborhood where she lived. We
aro not informed, however, whether the
other women were of such luxurious habits
that they had to have some one get tho pipe
well going for them. Tho sociological Inves
tigator who would explore this Ilttb known
region of social custom would find most in
teresting spoil.
The two extremes of female society mpet
today on the common plane of tobacco. At
one extreme, represented by those living on
the Minnesota poor farm, It Is used In a
pipe, and at the other extreme there Is a
group of women who think It "smart" to
toy with a cigarette. Now and then thcro
is one who will smoke a cigar, but fashion
has not yet sanctioned tho pipe. There
Is no telling when tho clgaretto case dan
gling from tho belt will not be displaced by
a tobacco pouch, embroidered in silk and
adorned with a gold monogram, with a spe
cial attachment for carrying a small meer
schaum pipe, for history repeats itself in to
bacco as well as in the atrocities of war.
General Wood, being a good Boldler, obeys.
A lesson to his friends.
Von Tlrpltz. it seems, Is soon to be hoist
with his own petard. Or sunk with his own
Marietta, Ga is driving out all strangers.
Afraid they may find out something unpleas.
ant? , '
Lehigh Republicans, with a fine sense of
humor, have nominated Penrose for Presi
dent. It must feel like the good old days for
Colonel Roosevelt to be back in the first-page
Mr. Roosevelt feels that he la going to run
for President In I916,.and Gosh, how he does
dread it!
"Gold buried in North Carolina." Head
line. Not Captain Kldd'thls time, but Cap
tain Kidder.
If the posters issued by.the suffragists are
an indication of their spirit, they ought to
have the vote, at onci.
It is admitted that women make good
mothers, although there are aome extremleta
who will dgubtlesa deny it before the cam
palgn im over.
Their Ilnnd-Out of Language Is
Nothing Now, Having Been Per
fected in Form and Substanco
Many Centuries Ago
HOW ancient is tho fnmlllnr art of tho
curbstone salesmen! The men who stand
on boxes near flickering gasoline torches and
sell 10-cent diamonds, fountain pens nnd
divers other commodities, but especially euro
nils of human Ills, 'have not by any means
discovered n new profession far from ltl
They practice nn art perfected centuries ago.
Who has not paused Just for a moment to
listen to one of their number? The streets
of all tho largo cities contnln many such,
vending their wares. Youthful spectators
may think them original, nnd, with some
Justification, clever; but their fathers, from
tho time whereof memory runneth not to tho
contrary, have often heard the same strnlnH,
nlmost the identical words, used always by
tho fakers. These buccaneer princes of tho
gasoline torch, who browse on the small
change of tho public, never seem to vary
their lino of talk:
IjidlcH and gentlemen I am not hero to
night to soil you anything. I am merely go
ing to Introduce to on a wonderful remedy
for cold, coughs, grip, blood disorders
and nervous diseases. This medicine has
cured sickness of ft years' standing, and
when all other remedies have failed.
They tell about tho various testimonials
and elaborate on tho wonderful properties
of their remedy.
Just to Introduce It
Now Just to Introduce this article, tho mer
chant continues:
I have a few small bottles which I shall
pass out to you tonight, nnd I am not go
ing to ask you $5. nor $4. nor J3, nor $2, no,
nor $1, nor oven $3 cents, nor 60 cents. But
I tell you what I am going to do, ladles nnd
gentlemen. Listen: I am going to glvo to you
this wonderful little remedy, to each lady or
gentleman In the audience who passes me up
the small sum of 25 cents, two bits, one
quarter. Never until tonight hB this won
derful medicine been sold for less than $5."
Such Is the usual hand-out of English
slung by a New York East Sldcr or a Western-looking
individual In a wldo-brlmmed
slouch hat, who fairly spills the words from
his mouth.
These peoplo seem to have been always
with us. If Time can honor a profession,
tho street faker deserves Father Time's
greenest laurels. No one knows who first
began curbstone oratory to sell one's goods,
but It probably commenced shortly after
curbstones were first laid. In Ben Jonson's
and Shakespeare's time, tho "up-to-dato"
faker flourished.
In one of Jonson's plays, produced in the
year 1605, wo see Volpone, disguised as Sroto
Mantuano, a mountebank doctor, selling a
medicine on a platform erected on a street
corner, whero ho might catch a glimpse of
a coveted married woman from a nearby
Window. As tho present-day faker usually
has a lackey to catch and entertain the
audience, Volpone had such an assistant.
Volpone's Model Speech
Volpone addressed tho throng In this ool
Ishcd manner:
Most noble gentlemen, and my worthy
patrons: I have nothing to sell, little or noth
. Ing to sell I protest. I and my six
uervants are not able to make of this prec
ious liquor so fast as it Is fetched away
from my lodging by gentlemen of your city.
O health, health! the blessing of the
rich, tho riches of the poor! who can buy
thee at too dear a rate, Blnco thero Is no
enjoying the world without thee! He not then
so sparing of your purses, honorable gentle
men, as to abridge the natural course of life.
'TIs this rare extraction that hath
only power to disperse all malignant
humours; a most sovereign and approved
remedy; cramps, convulsions, paralyslcs,
epilepsies, retired nerves, stopping of the
liver; and cures melancholia, hypondrlaca,
being taken and applied according to my
printed recipes. 'Twill cost you eight crowns.
And Zan Frltada, prithee sing a verse ex
tempore In honor of it.
You all know, honorablo gentlemen, I never
valued this vial at less than eight crowns;
but for this time, I am content to bo de
prived of It for six; six crowns is tho price,
and less In courtesy I know you cannot of
fer me. I ask you not as to the value of the
thing, for then I should demand of you a
thousand crowns.
Well, I am In a humour nt this time to
make a present of tho small quantity my
coffer contains, to the rich In courtesy, and
to the poor for God's sake, Wherefore now
mark: I asked you six crowns; and bIx
crowns at other times you have paid me.
You shall not give mo six crowns, nor five,
nor four, nor three, nor two, nor one; nor
half a ducat, no, nor a mocclnlgo. Sixpence
It will cOBt you, or 600, expect no lower
price for by the banner of my front, I will
not bate a bagatine that I will have
only a pledge of your love to carry some
thing from amongst you to show I am not
contemned by you. Therefore, now, toss
your handkerchiefs cheerfully; nnd be ad
vertised that the first heroic spirit that
deigns to grace me with a handkerchief, I
will glvo a little remembrance of something,
beside, shall please It better than If I had
presented It with a double plstolet,"
Such was the fnker's flow of language then
and such It is now.
To the Editor of the Evening Ledger:
Sir Announcement was made recently that
tho Limited Equal Suffrage League and the
Woman Suffrage party of Philadelphia have
asked Governor Brumbaugh to declare himself
In favor of the adoption of the amendment to
tho State Constitution proposing unrestricted
woman suffrage in this Commonwealth, and in
return for his espousal of the "cause" promise
their aupport, the offer holding an Implied
The office for which the representatives of
woman suffrage are offering to barter support
for votes Is that of Chief Magistrate of tho na
tlon, the highest ofllce In our gift. The choice of
the people for this high ofllce is the representa
tive, in his administration of the Internal pol
icies of the Government, of the Interests or
80,000,000 people. In the councils of the great
powers of the world he stands as the measure
of our greatness as a nation, the political stature
to which wo have attained.
Thoeo advocates of a cause whose political
horizon Is so limited by their obsession with tho
especial propaganda they desire to further that
they offer to barter with a possible candidate
for that office reveal a lack of political astute
ness; for In the eyes of all who estimate Justly
the dignity, the large responsibility of that high
office, a candidate who would consider a prop
osition to give his support to a propaganda In
exchange for votes, would be "weighed and
found wanting."
These women reveal In themselves a low
standard of political morality and a failure to
appreciate political values, important qualifica
tions for the Intelligent, the conscientious use
of the ballot. I, w.
Philadelphia, August 29,
One evidence of hard times that the shoe trade
has not overlooked Is the tremendous increase
In the repairing of worn shoes since the Demo
crats came Into power It is said there never
has been so much cobbling in this country as in
the past eighteen months. And in that period
the domestic shoe trade has shrunk W per cent,
according to a high official of the New England
Shoe and Leather Association. Of course back
of th bad domestic business Is the lack of em
ployment and the oeaaeauent necessity Imr
I greater thrlft.-Brooklyn Standard-Untoa.
California Expects Him to Achieve Great Influence in the Politi
cal Life of the State The Remarkable Drama Which
Followed His Conviction An Intimate Story
Special Correspondent Eventng Ledger.
THE first timo I saw Abo Rouf I wnlted
an hour for my turn to bo ushered Into
his room. How different from the time
when I saw him In prison stripes! The
first time, politicians, Job seekers, working
men nnd women, young men, millionaires,
lawyers and clients composed tho line of
callers which moved unbroken to tho law
offices of "Abo Reuf, attorney-nt-law." Tlicn
tho gllmpso bf Rcuf ns a man In stripes en
tering a cell; tho gate bangs hard and loud,
and the lock-up at San Quentln Is followed
by a pathetic silence. For about four years
Abo Rouf was behind tho bars, but a few
days ago ho was released on parole and is
now on his ranch In Mendocino County,
Reuf was a student in tho University of
California -d brilliant student, q'uick in
manner, clean in his life and with that pe-. .
cullar gift of leadership which later on en
snared him. Ho becamo Interested In San
Francisco politics and almost by accident
gained control of ono of tho wards. Gradu
ally this influence was extended until ho
became tho acknowledged master of the city.
He never held office.
The Sale of a City
Following tho great labor strikes in San
Francisco, Reuf saw his opportunity to lead.
Tho worklngmen wanted tho administration
and Reuf would deliver it Into their hands.
A violinist In the Columbia Theatre was
selected a suave, handsome, capable man,
whoso namo was Kugeno Schmltz. lie was
elected Mayor, and Reuf was carried through
tho streets as the popular hero of the hour.
Then began tho sale of tho city. Privileges
and franchises were sold to tho highest bid
der. Tho labor unions no longer talked
from soap boxes on the street corners. They
were tho government. When tho city was
smoking in her ruins, Reuf negotiated the
sale of a $250,000 franchise for tho recon
struction of tho city railways, and Patrick
Calhoun was tho party of the second part.
The Mayor built a splendid house and hid
away the money, and tho Board of Super
visors wero happy under the shower of gold
that rained upon them.
Then came Francis Ileney and Detcctlvo
Burns and a courageous newspaper, and in
vestigations and courts nnd years of con
flict and controversy. Rudolph Spreckels
and Senator James D. Phclan put up the
money and the war was waged until Reuf
was put In prison. SchmlU escaped be
cause a word was omitted in one of the In
dictments, and Calhoun's Jury was divided,
by reasons which nobody could deny. Dyna
mite, intrigue, kidnapping, coercion and
"gumshoo" tactics defeated tho prosecution,
and in the laBt State election Ileney was
handed a defeat for the United States Sen
ate for what he did to the grafters, and the
people turned and opened the prison gate
for Reuf. Such is the fickleness and Ingrat
itude of the public mind.
The Overturn of California
One day Ileney was shot by a man who
was trying to get on the Reuf Jury. Hiram
Johnson, a rising young lawyer, took his
place and put Reuf in the penitentiary for
J 4 years. For this, in the das before tho
heat of the public conscience began to cool,
Johnson was elected Governor of California.
When Reuf went to his ranch last "week ha
enacted the last ecene In a drama which in
volved all the passions of a city. It resulted
in woman's suffrage In the State, the recon
struction of the Judiciary, the elimination of
, labor dictation in Ban Francisco politics, the
revolution or mate politics, the destruction of
party lines and the ovorthrow of the South
ern Pacific in the political life of California.
It has had indirectly much to do with the
Progressive movement in the West, and sent
James D. Phelan to the United States Ben
ate, It Insures the candidacy of Hiram John
son. Of tho Progressive party, for President
of the United States. Nobody Is being pun
ished for graft except a Greek, who dyna.
mited tho house pf a witness, None of the
Supervisors has been convicted.
Reuf must spend 90 days In the country to
insure the moral safety of the political cam-
palgn now beginning In San Francisco. I
predict that ho will reach a high place In
the political life of the State.
Tho relcaso of Rouf furnishes a study In
psychology. It Is a picture In black and
whlto of friendship and hate. Tho mon who
secured his release put him In prison. They
who hunted htm freed him. Once he was
convicted, efforts were made to give him his
liberty. The Governor was tho last to ac
cede to this demand. Fremont Older, the
powerful editor of the San Francisco Bulle
tin, spent five of the best years of his life
in hunting down tho grafters, and having
landed the arch-conspirator began at once
a campaign of mercy. Little wonder that
some of his friends thought him insane or
Insincere! But Older was both sane and sin
cere. Rcuf receives his liberty and the penal
' system of California is purged of much of its
barbarism. A crusade began against exist
ing conditions In State prisons and capital
punishment, and this wave of reform has
rolled across tho continent from San Quen
tln to Sing Sing. Tho editor of tho Bulletin
changed from an almost vicious prosecutor
of grafters to an angel of reform and mercy.
He Is now giving his lifo for the redemption,
not tho destruction, of unfortunato men who
have fallen Into trouble. He has been chiefly
Instrumental In securing a parolo for .Reuf
and In helping hundreds of ex-convicts.
The Future of Abe Reuf
Tho case against tho grafters Is tho most
celebrated since tho days of Boss Tweed. It
involved so many tragedies and dramatic in
cidents that It will go down In history as
ono of tho greatest plays ever staged In tho
American courts, for It was a play.
It illustrates tho vagaries and strength of
the popular mind, tho insincerity of courts,
as well as their power, the vacillation ot
Jurors, tho influence of money and the cor
ruption of politics. Thcro was no raco preju
dice manifested many of the leading Jews
of California turned against Reuf. Public
opinion had become exhausted In tho long
drawn trial of Pat Calhoun, nnd there was
an apparent sympathy for tho under dog.
Reuf is still a prisoner on parolo, and his
career will bo watched with Interest. Ho tells
mo that he Is without means; but he never
offered to pay back his Ill-gotten gains. In
this ho resembles Lorenzo tho Magnificent,
who died clutching tho graft ho wrung from
tho peoplo of Florence. Ho Is a man of
power, shrewd, a natural leader, and a hun
dred thousand people in California begged
for his release. That he will come back,
probably with credit to himself, is freely
predicted by those who know him best.
Mr. Daniels, new-hearted for the Job. ought
to be able to accomplish some fine UpbuiWlnc
work and thus do his full stint In the work ot
proparedness.-Brooklyn Eagle. r
If our cities played their due part, the States
-as one or two have already donef-mlgh be!
gin to appoint State Commissioners o? Market.
BventaW.1 ,nterCUy tutlon.-New&Vk
Official announcement that the Unit nt..
will establish a submarine base ? TNew Lon
iM0W" 5S "'a"1"" confidence in giving ai
&S212U our naval S3LS1
If Congress shall refuse to approve th ...
which must be avolded.ilinmanapoiu nV
How much longer will our Government h.
ftruDd the bush In MexleoT Shall It be lift
of the United States that weare ,.!
force a protectorate upon poo MI M wh. 2
we bandy words with the bandit. ?ii ""
laid waste the vast territory of mSLt
not the big fellow as much entitled ?o5Li!
T8rai;.cgCU0n a" thB UiiU Wtew&tt
This year marks the tooth annlveraar. ..
accession of the HohenlUrn tZllFu ?f .ov
Men 5aS.k f1"? th0 nnlverlarV Itthl
birth of Frederick I, the first otthf filu
rollerns to rule over Prussia Lkln, V.ohn
In IU5 that FredericK I of Nuremberg f
house of irohenolefn. was made yfM0i,th?
Brandenberg by the EmpX theIoly'no
man Kmplre. The dynasty continued to ru?e
u Margrave, or Klepters & little BrandVnberg
until 1618, when John Slgtsmund assumed lio,
the title or jjuko or l-rusaia.
Frederick III, Elector of Brandenbere anil
Duke of Prussia, who was crowned king In
1701, was born In Konlgsberg on Julv 22. 16ST
The Hohenzollerns Bad long coveted the fitls
of king, and this elector achieved this ambi
tion, assuming tho .title of Frederick I, Kin
of Prussia, In 1701, when he placed the crown
upon his head with his own hands. Ho wm
thrice married. His third spouse became In
sane, but Frederick was kept In ignorance of
the fact until one day she escaped and niehed
Into hie apartment, so terrifying the King Kjr '
her wild actions that ho never recovered from
the shock. Tho present Kaiser of Germany li
the 21st Hohcnzollern sovereign, and the ninth
King of Prussia, and the third Emperor ot
Germany, umcago Journal.
Have you a garden where you walk and sea
The golden flowers of spring
Crown tho new greonery
With newer blossoming?
A garden all green growth and wltcnery.
And does tho pOrple evening come for you
Slow star by slow white star,
Trailing Its robe of dew
With not a sound to mar
The peace, save bird-calls falling faint andfewf J
Ah well, I have no garden for my feet
To tread! The walls of stone
Whnra T Hrift Sv. nlnno . .,
Dreading the wolf's glare In the eyes I roeej.;
V i
And yet, have you not sometimes turntd yowj
Just bending to a rose.
Thinking you heard the tread
And stir of one who goes
Down old remembered paths but now is deal?
imacKarue jiuwinurne in narper s luuguiuic. y i
FORREST XiS Mats. 2:15-1
Bog. Next Sat. Evg. ; Evgs.8:15
18,000 People 3000 Horsesj
World's Mightiest Spectacle
WALNUT T"EATn?hone. W..nut Til.
flunnnrtprl hv thn Wnlnnt PI a vera
Matinees, 16c to 60c. Evenings, SSo to T6e.
Victor Morley & Co.
In "A Ileiular Army Man"i Mal!
Klne A Tyler Brooks: Delroj Lydiaj
Harry; Qulnn & Mitchell: Othtr
tr -rr -ran AfTTT i-r' "".- W
xi. xi. vijejiu presents
Beats on Bale Wednesday, 0 A, M
PEOPLE'S tZv'oy Sat- Eve- Sept4l
Matinees Mon., Tues., Thurs. and Bat
The Winning of Barbara Worth
Nights, 10c, 25c, 85c, 60c. Mats..' 10c and SSO.
Bale of Beats Opens Thursday, Sept. 2, 0 A M.
Fourth of Julv Association
cert & firework! In the EvenlnipFUEB Fox ChaMJ
cars to the ground. All unused tickets are sooa.
iucn.picuea ana itemarkauie I'hoto-i'iar
Blanch Sweet, C&rlyle Blackwell & Theodore nobery ,
11 A. M. to 11:10 r M,
oympoony urcneiira ana doioih.
i 1 FINAL, Twlr n.llv .2. IS and tltt.
VmlTlCii WEEK Mats. 26c. SBe. Children, l-
Nl.ht. IK. Kilt
California Expo.liloni lOTHE
"Broadway Bevue" "Twwi
NIXON'S Croaaman's Entertainers; 'B r
jrXvAJND Iieeman 4 Andoreont Stanley
J , .7 ,T ' M'tai qibbons A aifcboaall
Today 2 UB. T A 8 Fun Foto Films. ,m
Trocadero Ta1A"0d Ora-EnUl