Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, August 17, 1915, Night Extra, Page 4, Image 4

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...tfhijj Country's Deficiency
-apparent in comparison
witn u titer" nations
Eyes qf Army and Navy In Do-
tectinff Whereabouts of Foo
aii; Effective as Fighters
- - "
.....i .1. i. ,... if i n in ,.,,,, .i,. i , t. "'"j'j.":': v """ ' '. - .I''.-'-- ' ' " l
T, 10
' AIllCriAlT .IUI.Y, IOH,
Tttntt ...1100 neror-lanes dlrttlblea
ttettentif .1560 nrroplnnea 8.1 dirigible
ltul ... KM arrnnlane 1 itlrlalblm
Holy 00 aeroplane 1,4 dirigible
Kntlanil . . 4.10 nr roplanr 13 rilrlslblr
Atmtrla ... 100 at replant 10 ttlrlf IblM
rirtcltim . . 2S0 aeroplane i illrlslblt
Japan JlMI neroplanes 4 dlrUlblt
Spain .... 100 ntroplane 3 illi-lglhlea
V. H..... J3 aeroplane 0 illrlallilra
In ytnf tiittanl n reported In po
f iSOO niroplanr, and other countries
bad made proportionate addition!.
At'lIbftT It, 1911.
Rnlan aimy rnarrhc on Ori-many anil
Tlumlan are i)rll t liar rap
tured tinmblnhrn m IiMttrbnrr, l'l
Tnutla. ,
Wrrlah irheelt Antlrlan aiHanr?.
rrrnrti fnrees advance on HiraitbUT.
French raplnre fVhlrmlck, In the Vo--e,
taking 1000 prisoner and It Arid
Belgian tent nf aottrnmtnt mortd to
'' Krtnrh alnlc Auntrlan frnlwr In the
imir iiniiKii mtrenanimen rrporim
'nnl .hy Ofrnmii rrnlner Karlsruhe,
Anitrlcnn rtfuirtr In I-nndon reetlre
Cflid from ma I'nfled Stale trainer Ten
nessee. Itutsla notinra Turkey that Mack Sea
neet Hill an thramth Dardanelles, whether
or not permlsfcmn lrrn.
Tho need of an ttctlvo air squadron to
ncl In conjunction with the United States
Army and Nnvy In ovent ot nggrcrson
by an enemy was pointed out tpday by
Fhiladelphlans Interested In cfpclejit' na
tional defense measures ot preparation,
Tho value Of the netophnq.ns a, scout.
aimfrjilrllnir II, A MfllotllA,, nf rtiilnnilH
cavalry qml tho sentinel, and acting In
ft major capacity ns tho eyes of nn army
ftnd navv. was clearly dnncl nnd hinhn
ilied. Th pitiful itiadeciuncy of tho
present n'r' preparations for defense In
this country Man shown, and tho rr'iul
lte preparations which must bo mnde by
Ihe United States In till direction wero
stated by members of the Kitecutlvo Com
mittee ofth Leaguo of National DefentO
of this, city. Some of tho members of tho
committee wero recently appointed by
Colonel Theodore K. Wledersliclm, com
mander of tho Vetoran Corps of the isi
ItCfflmdml- in mni w(tl, thn Wa n,.
partmtnt on questions relative to proper
preparations against a potential armed:
It was pointed out. In the first place,
that the. ntroplane Is an Incompnrablo
scout, tYUh a trained observer and n
wireless' outfit, as on tho European planes,
It can communicate Information from
points .Within 50 miles bf Its base, it Is an
nlmott Invaluable nld to Kun-flrc. locating
th enemy batteries and signaling- their
position -when It would bo Imposslhlo to
locale them .In any other way.
In connection with battleships. It forma
a natural protection from submarines,
erhlnp them out as tho rtsh hawk finds
I,m niwi. T .... l.. 1 a. .. .
to cv. in uurnAivo luetics 11 nas
betn Obtarved In various European fields
that the aeroplane Is cnpablo of offering'
serious Interference to nn enemy's plans.
It can damage and sometimes sink smnll
croft, evon merchant vessels, and harass
all wor vessels. It can aid landing par
. ties. In, fuct, Its uses aro tonly begin
ning to be realized.
In (he face of tho showing made In tho
European war, It was pointed out, tho
United Stales Is hopelessly behindhand.
Kvcn little Sorvla was bettor prepared
jn aerial craft at the opening of the
war than lj the United States today. Not
only , this country short of air craft,
put the Aeroplanes possessed are not fitted'
to be of tho lilshcat possible use in case
vi Tmcrgencj-. xairopeun aeroplanes can
carry a many na 10 passengers. This
country has none that will carry moro
than twp.
Attention was called to u comparison of
the avallablo air crdft In possession of tho
principal countries nt tho beginning of
tho war, Jt wus stated that European
countries now nt war have increased their
suuadrdns by largo additions to nn ox
tent which cannot yet bo lodrned. Even
0, It wna shown, this country occupied
Inst place In tho list.
This lUt Includes only available, depend
able craft that could be used at a mo
ment's notice. The showing of this coun-
tfy. it Vila n(rt la ri,.. t.,lnn1 - k '.
Whole present system of national defense.
The United States Navy waa the first In
the world to possess nn aviation section.
'y" thri!! years nSo. At the present
tlrtio there aro only five aeroplanes In com.
mission .and' five more ordered. The hulf
down Jia,vy nvlntorx, it was asserted, have
never maneuvered with a fleet, and do not
Know wnitt hlps and submarines look like
few more' machines than the nnvy, but It
5ifttaa very ,,n,1,l, resources. The
-f5r..aer'"lTOme.u,,ed at s' Diego as nn
ftVlatlon centre Is privately owned.
Army nvlntnra i ,. , .. .
never haa practice InZcZSlni ?
corps. The country possesses no aerial
?.e?'e',t,ero f" never bee?, any Pr.
VZi .1" r"'"8 w,,,h nv'ao as spotters.
2i,h "Z maiy of omcers and men
never have had opportunity to familiarize
themselves rith th machinti: wn,""lrl"
very military and nnyal nuthorltv In
Europe " sold Alan It, Hawley" pre. ,$
2f.ib?Aw Club ot America, "now recSg
hilSl.Rt navy without aerial Jiiu
helples as a submarine without a ncrl.
ffe' "it on army wlthou aerial scouts
siaugntered like a herd of sheen: that a
tel'VS.'."'.. -very puny sub-
sew-?o r
German Ambassador Says
Piecemeal Consideration
Would Bo "Undignified"
f a -- i in linmii 'I I I. ; f'- i.ta-fa1iw1iajilii...pisi.. ni.s a.a.ai.m.i.. nai i. n-.. . .Mil n
teflMPJfcBtaBBsrf3afa iliaHiaaWr 'Ml
Raff IBaXm 1
i I K???ffismV. jE
V. 3. Officials Study Cnso for Fossiblo
Viblrttions of Neutrality
NEW, TOItK, AUg. 17. '
"Tho German Embassy will tako of
ficial cognlzanco of! tho chnrges Involving
Its officials which have been made In
the public press when the proper time
conies. It would bo indlgnlrted to nn
swer them piecemeal nt this time."
This was the statement mnde by Count
Johnnn von Dernstorff laBt night at the
llltz-Cnrlton Hotel. Ho refused to com
ment further.
That there Is uneasiness among Her
man dfllclnls, following tho alleged ex
posures of some of their methods of "un
neutral propaganda ' was evidenced by
tho unusual activities of the German In
teracts at the nltz-Cnrlton. which serves
ns summer, residence and dfllce of tho
Gorman Ambassador.
Cnlltlt vml Ilrrnntnrr? nrrfval ni 4I.A t,n-
tel shortly nftcr 8 o'clock from a week
end motor trip Into the Adirondack. Ap
parently tho whole staff of the German
Embassy was congregated at the hotel
to await tho Ambassador's arrival.
Von HcrnstorfTfl statement was atrongly
seconded by Georga Sylvester Vlcrcclt,
editor of tho Fatherland, whom the World
chnrges with having accepted German
money In the running of his publication. '
unuw positively inni me uocumenis
which wore reproduced In the New York
M urm wore stolen dj- a uriusn Bpy wnoso
Identity Is known," Mr. Vlereck said. "Wo
have proof that certain officials of tho
German Embassy have been shadowed for
weeks by British spies, who did not hesl
tnte to cdmmlt theft. In accordance with
tho unclean, dishonest methods which
have always characterized British diplo
macy." Mr. Vlereck Inttmntcd that stops were
being tnken now to nscertaln by what
legal process tho nlleged spies could bo
N. E. Clausen, director of tho German
Information Bureau, said:
"The hoiiflllneji nml fnnmtmnam nf is,a-
and documents are nrrnnged with a view
' JTUBicnaing inose who have neither tho
time nor tho Inclination to read nnd
digest tho whole voluminous story. The
German Information Durcau Is a per
fectly legitimate ir.oney-muking American
entemrlse. Wn am unnli.lm. ,1... r,-
mans with tho news which the American
people want. Furthermore, wo present It
In a way sultabio to Americans nnd not
to Germans."
Mr. CIflttflHn nln n.lmlfln tl.n, u.
president of tho Amorlcun Correspondent
v,,i,iij', wiiign was iounaea witn
the object of supplying tho American lllm
market with German wnr pictures.
Withholding of Consent to Cede
Macedonia to Bulgaria
Threatens Situation
Tho planter of this odd Held at East Potersburir, Pa., is unknown.
Rich Crop Springs on Veterans'
Graves in Lancaster County
uiuiu,r,it, huh. .i.limiu IW wim
man In Lancaster County to whom the
mention of n ghost brings no causa for
worry, in tact, no nns mcltlod n propo
sition tvtlAt-it,. If If la , l,nf bmI(I
return to haunt, ho must faco nn ng-,
f:ii'Kuuin oi spirits mat win represent
tho entire crop of on6 graveyard. Ho
lias planted tobacco upon the mounds,
and nlong tho paths of their graves
No one knows who he Is. In n llttto
hllrlfll Prnittlrt fl'Df n,Hal.tA Th. Tl.l.,..
bliri?. tllln nnillllv Innrr iinii., K.tt ,ltl
rich with memories and spiked with flags
mi mo Knives or voierans, no has begun
to rnlso tho weed. Today, the great
leaves ham? loosely, ono upon the other.
bo that only tho tops of the little marblo
spires tell that under the ground ore
heroes of tho past.
Tho discovery of the crop planting was
made by local members of the Grand
,l,,y J?f lho noP"bllc, who, on a visit to
plnco flowers on tho graves of their de
parted comrades, found tho futuro cut
Plug appearing In Its Infant stage
an invcsricntinti i!irm hhu nnu.
the Identity of the farmer, and so the
wnrriors aro silting back calmly to await
ho harvest when, they hope to appro
hcnil the "tobacco man."
aJL!8 ' ."""ipoi saying at the .Grand
h?7 ,0f J1,10 "cPullle hall that tho to
bacco la being raised for "coffin nails."
LONDON, Aug. 17.
. Bcrvla, for tvliosa protection ltussla
went to war 'with Germany, is balking
the efforts of the Entente P9wefs to gain
the support of the united Balkan nations.
At the critical hour In tho negotiations
that country Is withholding its consent
to the acquisition of Macedonian territory
by Dulgutla.
t7trlnnr1 tm tit-tncrlnnf t Vi n tltirui( riFnnaiifyi
Ullr,lUIIU ID Ul Iilbll5 lliu u itiLrvTw 'i ".iioui i
to bear upon Kervla, but tho final deci
sion Is not to bo reached for sovcral
Tho Servian Legation today authorized
nn official denial of the report that tho
.Servlnn Government had ceded Its por-
linn n? Alnnilnliln 1 1 Tlltlrrmftn I Pi l-Atltt-tl
for territorial gains on her western fron
tier, as pledged by tho Entente Powers.
M. Hoshkovltch, tho Servian mlnlitor
to England, called at tho foreign nftlce
last night und conferred with Sir Edwntd
fltA fnt. uaiiai-nlliniliiB fPhft altimrtnn ums
vjttj ivt fib;tat iiitKi i lib cm lit it kJ is 1 1 nt-i
gone over nt length, but It Is understood
cnte that Scrvln would Immediately yield
to the Allies' demands.
The situation nt Athens Is regarded as
highly favorabto to tho Allies and diplo
mats aro unablo to explain Scrvla's delay
In view of the fact that Greece through
tho return to power of Elouthcrlos Vcnl
zelos, is virtually numbered as a sup
porter of tho Entcnto.
Transport Royal Edward Sunk
by German Submarine in
Aegean Sea Admiralty
Admits Loss
LONDON. Aug. It.
Tne uritun transport uoyni nuoi
hat bn sunk- by r submarine In tho
Aegean Sen while conveying trodps to
the Dardanelles. It Is fnrd that Mil)'
1000 men abroad the vesitt perished.
The Admiralty announced the tkstrtic
lipn vi hid iranvport iuwbj. u.i.w....
statement snya that there were on board
the ship lWa men nnd (rives the number
savcu lis wu.
inai a xsriusn transpoit .iu .-r..
sunk became known at tho Admiralty
In tho forenoon, but It was not until
12:W o'clock this afternoon that official
announcement was made.
The submarine wiucn sank mo Jtoyni
Edward Is believed here to bo the Ger
man U-boat which had previously sunk
two British warships off Galllpoll Penin
sula. Since the loss of tho Warships'
greater precautions than ever have bee,t
taken, but the sinking of the Hoynl Ed
ward Indicates that the submarine has
succeeded In reaching tho routo followed
Dy iiriusn snips inning new iurces iu
Vile uru MtiiicilCH num.
The text of tho Admiralty announce
ment follows;
"Tho British transport Itoynl Edward
was sunk by nn enemy submarine In the
Aegean Sen Saturday. According to In
formation available, the transport had
nbonrd 32 military officers, 1SW troops
nnd the Bhlp's crew of ISO ofllcers nnd
50 VI
ing usv
Mnrfli. 1
ill dlrldfd'
'T, Ang. 17. Secretary
fi ent n stalemeni show
'crease In the naty since
Ml vessels, the Intfeas
inli. lots.
Tlnttleshlps '
Armored crnlsers ..,.. tt 0
Ctaltrm, first nans ....,., x
Criiliiers, second class . ,. 1 0
Cruiser, third class In . 8
llrstroyers ,......,.,.....' 31 2S
31onltor ........,.... fl , -l '
Submarines .,,.,.. 3ft - 1(1
Oilnboats 31 IS
Transports .....,, i .... . 2 4
Supply shlpi ....,.,,.,.. 4. 4 4
Converted rnchls ........ A 5
Tugs ,,.,,,..,..,.. ;....., -47 4it
Tenders ..... .,..,..... .i 7 7
Speelnl types .,,... ...,,'. 8 4
Totals .,,...,.,....,... !14 11)1
Austrian Deputies Demand Old
Kingdom Be Restored
German Press Hostile
Premier Gounaris Resigns Wfif
Chamber Elects Oppo3jJ
tion Leader to
- -.
TTrtrmnt T'lIrMn TtfttnA. tr.. i
...... .'.KiiDwi avorah
to . Sutmort 'of Entcnto m
Mine Explosion Destroys Trench
of Anglo - French Troops
Near Sedd-El-Bahr, Says
Attempt to Force French
Trench in Argonne, at Haute
Chevauchee, Fails
United Stutes Government officials, from
President Wilson to tho clerks in the
State Department, aro keenly Interested
In tho expose of tho German propaganda
President Wilson did nnt Himn.. ti.
matter.' with anybody outside of his oil!-
lumny, una secretary Lansing re
fused to dlscunH IF Ultl, thn .. ......... -
correspondents further than to say that
ho had read with Interest the stories nnd
to explain that no complaints charging;
the Germans with conducting nrn,.
ganda to Influence tho peoplo of this coun
try had as yet been mode in an official
wa,y to tho State Department.
Notwithstanding the silence of the pres
ident and Mr. Lansing, It can bo stated
that every detnjl of the stories Is being
carefully considered with n view to deal
Ing with tho situation brought about by
the activities of the German agents, If tho
facts developed seem to Justify It,
w.,. 0flicfal Fwecast
I. movCmto TexaTbut'lfJ" b,r
tancei from the centre of the sto iV
V. 8, Weather Iiinn n,,n.r
0btrVB,,M tak .. E...rn (kk
Canadian Pacific Viaduct at Sault Ste,
Mario, Mich., Across U. S. Ship
Canal, Is 42C Feet Long
Wtaiion. ja
v,,c. -ix
fctcaao. 111.
Jmw 441. ,-..!
WtMklad, Ofilo. HI
list Rata- Veloe.
i i v.. I C
Mmzir e is :: w li SssAi
-.s. .t, , i ez e. ,. jwrr-n
s), Maim. . . w to a tK y.oay
BiOUIO, N ... ah an ' i?a iS "io
Si doudv
dratua ... & M B SB 12 WSI?
Wife?1-1 1 - P $m&
fofe 8 1 S jgg
AltK. rto . 31 . t H , 'St ,11
The Canadian Pacldo nallroad has the
record of operating Its trains from Bault
Ste, Jlarle, Mich., over the longest bas
cule bridge In the worlo:. The bridge
crosses the United States shin canal at
that point. The bridge Is 331 feet lone
betwjn the centres of the biers, nnd has
two folding leaves, which open so as to
permit vessels to pass through and close
In such a. manner as to form one rigid
span from pier to pier.
Each leaf Is composed of two riveted
trusses. 1M feet long, and H feet deer"
spaced 0-feet apart, and counterbalanced
py heavy, overhead masses of concrete,
p.Tnufe Ii?in1.;9Untcj;,ve,ht trusses.
Each leaf, with Its machinery. Is can led
on a. lowir iim t.,ninn v.. -. .. .
tjaso of the framing which carries the
""" ur uiu cuumerweignt and the
accompanying mechanism,
AllOWflnea tnr rnntranllAn nK . ..
In the superstructure, W feet long over
11. IncludUns the towers. Is made by
placing one tower, with Us leaf and
counterweights, on rollers, making that
end of the span free to move longitudin
ally when the bridge is closed, while
povlslon Is made for holding the tower
In a fixed position during the operation
of the bascule leave.
Weetrlclty lit the operating power of the
bridge, it ean be oiji4and closed In one
and one-quarter minute. The wetehto!
th.tnitarl tl In y, entire bridge is
JU tons, nd ah 9 thti two bascule
Boarder Disappear With Gems
Mrs. Thweaa SeM, HJ6 Dakota atraar
I fi jpi -a v s iar cfdMlu wnn
. A t turn bewa for th. h,i;
WeWffiTwbodlMpftajirsdtoiay. bto
latMoqilr-Hh Wa diMpPMraneo m
i..isad Jwatey to the value of 30. sfce
a nnbl to give, the na' im aft
.! that be 3tmmUv& utn nS
WJw ttot rt h4 not eviTtniulSI
lwilvuui at Wos&ni rffc.
nONSTANTtNOPL.15. Auor. 17. Attacks
by the reinforced troops of tho Allies on
Galllpoll Peninsula have been successful
ly repulsed, the Turkish War Ofllco an
nounced today. A hostile torpedoboat
wps sunk by the Turkish artillery near
AvI Ilurnu.
The official statement follows:
"On Sunday wo repulsed an attack In
the neighborhood of Annfartn nnd cap
tured n captain, several men, two ma
chlno guns and rifles.
"Our artillery sunk a torpedo boat near
AvI Burnu.
"Near Sedd-El-Bahr wo exploded a
mine thrco metres before the enemy's
trenches. The enemy's position, n mine
thrower nnd wire entanglements were de
stroyed. Tho onemy replied with his nr.
tlllery, wasting ammunition without buc
ccss the entlro night.
"Tho slruntlon 1111 thn ntlinr fronts nn
Sunday was unchanged.
"Slnco (August 6 nnd 7, new enemy divi
sions on lnnd have commenced to attack
our noslttnnR. Thnnkn In thn hniva ,.,-
slstance nf nur trnnn nnri thlr mnnl.,.
attacks tho enemy gained no advantage."
Slavs Occupy Kcp Destroy Bridge
Over tho Tschoroch
PETnOGrtAD. Aug, 17.-Soveral suc
cesses over the Turks In tho trans-Cnu-caBlan
theatre ot hostilities are reported
In tho following official statement issued
by tho Itusslnn War Ofllco todav:
"In tho direction of tho Euphrates wo
occupied Kep. After five hours of fight
ing we compelled strong Turkish forces
to retreat toward Torol. in the same
district our scouts attacked the retreating
Turks, killing and capturing many.
"In the direction of the coast and near
Olty our patrols fought successful skir
mishes. The Turkish bridge over the
Tschoroch, near Bourgbez, was destroyed.
The road from Tutach to Mclazkot is re
ported to be strewn with Turkish dead,"
Three Testaments Admitted to Pro
bate Four Personal Estates
Josephine Falkenhoger, who died re
cently at 3804 North lSth street, left nn
estate of J3738 In private bequests. Her
will was admitted to probate today. Oth
er wills probated Include those of Ade
laide V. Douglas, who left U00O; Jacob
A-ueweniein, ?svuu.
versonaj property of Katharine B. Van.
dervoort hos been appraised at', 118.741.81:
James Bannister, IU.019.M; Susan It
Row. I3U1.67, nnd Bmma, Goodman,
, PAHIS, Aug. 17.
In an attempt to tako by surprise tho
French troops In the Argonne, tho Ger
mans made n fierce nttnek at Hauto
Chcvnuohco last night, but the War Of
fice nnnounced today that the assault was
t J.l'oL Gcrnlnns leaped from their
trenches and tried to take the advanco
ti?C vf'53.' but woro hurIel ".
..!! xt ot tho communique follows:
Thero was a rather violent cannonade
J".!,!!10 C0Jl.r80 of th0 nlBht nt different
points on tho front, notably at-BpfSingbe.
,,..",. -- u..u in uuiruinc in tno
direction nf Arrnrm.rl j T -l.
'n,71.10 wnB combat with grenndes In
and nt'nTt nFontaxl Aux Charmes
. at, ,iIau' Chevauchee. At tho latter
? , th0. ac.rm""a nortlcd .from their
flrn fJ? ""vnnw for an attack. Our
Are drove thorn back Into their lines."
Man Sent to Jail for Molesting Two
Two Bisters today told Magistrate
Beaton. In tho Central poTlco court, of
their predicament o u ferryboat while
coming from Camden last night and
thc,c5ou,?(v1,;! Wna, "'nS .ont to
the county Prison for 30 days. Tho mnn
had staggered Into tho cabin, where the?
sat , .put h,s arm around Miss Emma
A exunder, exclaiming, as ho did so:
"Oh, you -llttto doll!"
ihV) h0 I"1 hlB othor Mm about Miss
Ida Alexander nnd Bald:
"Oh, you two chickens 1"
Tho girls, who are 19 and 20 years old
respectively, cried as they told about It
"I s aimed him ...i. .', " . r"ul "
a chicken or n doll. The Misses Ale,
lor live at aw South 67th sTreet,
Mother Faints at Services Over Body
" ."-ycur-om uoy urowned
at Wildwood
fcpSonSrch' & P
Ardlelgh avenue, today. She wn? ..Snd
to tho rear of the cTurch and WW
Itobert WAfl drnwha e tin. ... . .
h bu VerseTwh
ofc jhuar8o?;oNar ur
present at tho services, and six
clasmates of Delaney, acted as naJU
bearera. They were' Edward Smfth
James Darkins. John Flnnegln. Jobh
Burns. Joseph Sullivan ana VI 'wt Ora f.
Interment was mads at the Holy Sepull
chre Cemetery, JJt. Airy. y pul
"The troops wort mainly reinforce
ments for the ath division.
1.-,,lf lnn,mnllnH la ,tn, ii.l nt,nl1ht.1
U,. .ll.w. .III.VIVI. 10 liu, J.. ..Tnouu.v,
but It Is known about 600 were saved."
1I,M T.,l Y.n.nM.I fAPm.,t,( Mn.
dlan Northern steamship, was ono of the
transports cnguged In carrying reinforce
ments tu the Allied forces near Suvlii
Bay, on Golllpoli Peninsula. Escorted
by destroyers, these transports have ben
making their way In safety through tha
Aegean Sea for more than n fortnight
without molestation by enemy sUbmors-
This Is the second transport lost by
Great Britnln slnco tho war began. In nn
engagement off the Turkish Asia Minor
coart, near the Gulf of Smyrna, a trans
port wn's sunk several weeks ago, hut
without heavy loss of life, according to
tho Admiralty statement.
Tho Itoynl Edwnrd wna n 11,117-ton steel,
trlple-ocrew steamship owned by the Ca
nadian Northern Steamship Company, nnd
Is understood to havo been com
mandeered by the British Government for
uso as a transport at tno beginning of tho
Royal Edward Went Down in Seven
announcement was mado today that a
German submnrlno had torpedoed and
sunk Mi" British transport Itoynl Edward
off tho Dardanelles.
The transport was destroyed by a sln
gln torpedo, sinking In seven minutes
nftor II. was struck. The loss of life Ib
believed to havo been heavy, though other
vessels helped to pick up the survivors.
BlankenburB Urges' GoAjperalivo 'Ac
tion Against uato Discrimination '
Concerted action Should be taken by
representatives of various ports along the
Atlantic coast to prevent unjust discrim
ination by railroads, and a standard
method of compiling port statistics should
bo adopted, Is the opinion of Mayor Blan
konburg, expressed n a letter to Edwnrd
F. McSivcenay, chairman of tho blrcctors
of tho Port of Boston. Tho Mayor also
includod in his letter statistics to provo
thnt tho port of Philadelphia Is the sec
ond port of Importance of tho United
States, which was questioned by Mr. Mc
Sweeney In a letter received. last week.
Mayor Blankcnburg suggests that tho
course of action to prevent railroad dis
crimination and nn arrangement for
adopting a standard method of collecting
stntlBtlca should be outlined nt the con
ference of American Port Authorities, to
be held In Los Angeles In a few weeks
ZUIttCir, Aug. 17.-Tho conquest of
Poland scorns likely to provo an npplo
of discord between Germany and Aus
tria. Grand Duke Nicholas's nroctamatton
when the war began, that after victory
tho three Polantls Itusslan, German and
Austrian would again form n united au
tonomous kingdom, wns solemnly promul
gated by the Czar nt tho opening of tho
Duma. When the Germans entered war
saw, the Kaiser made n vague proclama
tion, promising autonomy under German
Now tho Polish Union, formed of Polish
Deputies to tho Austrian Itelchs,rath, are
up In arms at tho Id6a of any Power
other thnn Austria taking over the Polish
heritage. Ah the Polish population In
A a,tn In b..... .. .. u. ....n. . .. .1..... . 1. ... . ,
Ing Gcrmn population, Its protest cori-
noi no ignored, inis is one reason wny
Bnron von Burlnn left post hnsto for
Berlin. Any Ill-considered or tactless
proclamation by Germany might have dis
astrous political consequences In Austria.
But there Is llttto Indication thnt Ger-
.,n, Inlnn.lu ,m t.nA m.ifll. ......., a
.mi.iij lll.v.llin tu IIUIV lliubll .C5U(ll .ul
Austrian or Polish sentiment, or to allow
any but German Interests to carry
Tho Frankfurter Zeltung, under Gov
ernment Inspiration, states tho cobo for
Germany today with brutal frankness.
"Ono must not forget," It writes, "that
Poland did not free herself, but that n
German army captured Warsaw, the city
flmenn 111 thn rn1no fnt HisIm nnnl.nt
Thero Is no doubt that tho Polos dcBlro
tho union of tho Polish kingdom with
Germnnv restirrectnrl. Hnw fnr iht aa.
slro is shared by German statesmen wo
do not know, but von Bcthmnnn-Holiweg
Is cortnlnly convinced that Just- lis we
cannot assure tho freedom of tho seas by
treaties und conventions, neither can wo
sottlo tho Polish problem by the reclpo
of Polish leaders In the Austrian Ilelchs
rath. Wo certainly d(d not make war and
the terrlblo sacrifices entailed for nothing,
and tho- Kosciusko sentiment Is finished
for good.
"Wo will In this matter bo guided ex-
clUslvfllv hv nur nnin tnt,A.l. ...... .
- ,.----' -" , ". ..l.c.coirj UU will
tako such guarantees as wilt assure our
national future."
King Cohtnntlne todnv nem... d
resignation of Premier Gounaris, ,ff
nenuca tno -neutrality" ministry,
Tho kins invited former PrtmiSI
Zenlzclos, lender of tho so-caltri .ii
party," to confer with him today. &
Btimnliiy to form A new ministry. Mi
Thin IndlcnlpR thnt thn nnrtt, ntf 4'.h
helos, the former Premier, will hereaftftl
govern the politics of Greece, -f
Tho entrance or tho Venlielos rsrfsB
Into power Is of tho greatest ImportuS!!
w iiic i..uau ui my jkinvB. VCniZelOfl
AVAhVWnnrn n'tn.tttnrl in h. .. ..
favor of tho Entente raim i JlXlSM
tvnrf IiIa finnnllanl nf ttita ,.,!.. u,ii
dplilf'A tn apmifA Tllilcrnflnn IbI.uj.l. ..
.......... ... uuv.. v. H.n...iu,, I.ICII.I5HID fnj.
the Allies nnd Bulgarian enmity (ob7I
Aumvy ,iu , .. .iiiinii j. uy xllo ceislon him
certain portions of Grfeok terfiink.. iM
Tl II I rrt l n llinl nnltnA.1 l.l . . . . fc
year. ".
Thn nverllirn. nf Mm nmin,,!.
ment wna mnde more compieto todav n
Mm ntnnllnn nf t nvlln.. j!,w "i al
ent of M. Vonlzelds, as president nf
ar.A?.D.cP,.,.l.,e.?.- T.h?. ."JArtv. 1
...o '.ciiKiuii puny wua inriicnten by nit
vote, which stood 182 votes for ZavlUanos?
as compared with 83 for the candidal for
me uovernment. an
The ntitnnmn nf thn rinii,nH ........ H
. w. .... uu,nu, Riiuauon
soems to be as much of a mystery t
.i,n..i uo cm, uuiKiirui nas railed fs
reveal any decided affection for oni'
elfin nt thn nfliAi. Tit.l. . 7
continuing her policy of "watchful wait.
iuki iiicHnwniio railing some extra tt
serves to tho enlnrn. Clremnn i eint . u
cllncr Within hmnf. nnA t3a..in - 5.
i- -Kti V .. -" -1. i., uvtora
iiik iu ijsn aispmcncs, is nimost con?
...... ... niuuuiiih iii i piunnis.
troops on tho frontier Is a political rathtf'
"" lllllllU.J' 111UVU,.
T MflPfl hnllfl l,A,it,.A. !... , .. I r
... .....i., ,,wu,vl, uti-,1 iwo neveiop
ments of Importance during the day. On
Is tho fact learned In n dispatch from
Ccttlnje, the Montenegrin capital, that
mo 'luainunB nuve snown increased ac
tivity nlong tho entlro frontier of Hr.'
ZeCOVlna. TIlO ntlinr la ll.nl VI a,';
stnntlno of Greece Is Insisting that thaj
;:,v..ri.,.. .. ..l."l"0.,no..poIcy
....... ,.w ou lur t-iuureca Dy mat ruler
uii .. iiuuino wno nnvo snown a strong de.
.... u jui.i .I. u iiuimiio. i-owers.
Head of Naval Academy Fears Ho Has
Lost Kespect of "Middies"
ANNAPOLIS, Md Aug. 17,-It Is re
rarded hrA n anifi. t. . j .
Fullam will ask the Secretary .of tho
Navy whether It Is advisable for him to
........... v ,..o ucau oi me iNnvni Acnrt-
..ij. .D mm uiucr omcers nave ex
pressed the opinion thnt his administra
tion has been on trial, and that It will
be useless for him to endeavor to main
tain discipline, since his action In rec
ommending tho punishment of the seven
midshipmen charged with cheating- at ex
aminations has not been upheld.
Those-In touch with Naval Academy nr.
fairs believe tho Institution Is to under
go further Investigation.
President of Peru Resigns
LIMA. Ausr. 17. Prnl,l..t tj. ......
presented his resignation to Congress this
afternoon, anticipating September 31, the
date set for trie Inauguration of Preai-dent-dect
Pardo. -Senor Don Jose Pardo
was elected President of Peru last May
Tin Busman are beginning- to evacuata
the fBi-UWiJ railway sinter of Blelostpk
om of tlw yltal joints on the Kovno
Breat Lltavsk line, before the onward
iiuh of Vmi HMwhurss armies.
WffatehM from Petr8era4 today sajd
IbrWg iaehlnry wrk flt Blejostolt
vsveJ-iyen -dtsftiatiHeo: ah reWved to
tfc tnrlw and the municipal palace
JJtlg of IU art treasuras, A large part
Qf the- civilian population has fled.
Military pea hare teday took lh,8 t)
ran that th UiMurtajia do not inte4 to
aWuo, mum 4mm ut lmm, Auie
Junction point Qf the great Warsaw
Petrograd Railway and in. ..
Utpvsic Railway, its retention is neces
sary If the Breat-Wtovsk. line la to be
held, consequently, the opinion WM eJC.
preyed here thaj; the Grand Duke has
fipd It nwssjiarjr to continue his retreat
warc.. -
On both Russian flanka the Auatro.
Germans are now attaeklny with eat2l
violence. Petregrad report the ruul
of all aUack In the north, but Is iilan?
ragartta the operation soufh and wt
Hrt-Ifavk. Iriln udvlce, rTporud
Bvarlp traops etortns In on Biija ;
mUaa wt of tfc. rb.e8s, wttnTSuo-
5ell Furnishings of Old Hotel
WILMINGTON, n.l A..- ,, ,,...
dreds ot persons attended the "auction
flat,. nnnm nf 41.. . ... - . "
.-.w ....J .. luniisnings or the p d
Clayton House, which la now being torn
OUt to hfl rUnnHpln.l lnn ,!, rt. .
nU n, '" 'J"1 W . b''"n? W
;C. t.M v " """ '" lna meant me.
the builders, aro working on sections
which are not affected by the sale. Most
of those In attendance were second-hand
dealers, who bought wagon loads eAooda
from the old hotel.
Troops-fJccupy Suvln Bay Position and
Join Other Army
ATHENS. Aug. 17.-Tho successful land
ing en Galllpoll Peninsula at Suvln Bay
and the manner In which it was effected
luiinui uii 10 exercise n moral effect on
tho enemy. The landing took -place on
tho shore In front of a salt lake. Onlv
n small observation force was on tho
epot. for tho Turks had been led by re
cent activities nml r.n.,1. - . ..
their forces on tho Asiatic side of tho
Dardanelles .and nt Smyrna.
Tho whole British landing force, with
lta ammunition, baggage and nrtlllcry,
reached the shoro practically without op
position, and with only a very few cas
un ties. It Immediately advanced nnd
quickly seized tho positions It had
planned to take. There the strong In
trenched positions wero organized, tho
right wing was thrown, out and a Junc
tion effected with the left wing of the
forces established before Sa-1 Balr
Ihe now nosltlnnn II, ,.... il. m.., .
communications with the extremity of
the pemnsula. The enemy eventually
ffilt.up forces t0 attat n nowly
landed troops, but was easily repulsed
with serious oss. This defeat enabled
he British forces ntlll further to consoN
Iclnte their position. The fleet has been
very active during the last few days
Washington, Aug. XI,- Highly In
?,a'?.m,at2r' posters directed against the
United States aro being, posted In Vera
Cruz, sighed "I. W. W" according to ad
Vices to tho State Department today. Tho
nosters wnr fli-of r.,; .. ".... "9
mss-2 Mto-r
In MMlen hv ,. T'rY'S i.,?""ral
ranza forhaS. X.n- .,,"B.""C0' r-
ers remained up. ' Ul ,ne poat-
Forts of Carnic Alps Strong-!
hold Bombarded for
Two Days
ROME, Aug. 17. By scaling .treacherous '.
heights and taking enemy positions at
thepolnt of the bayonet, Italian Alpinists
sireaystematl.cnlly closing Inmpbq Piezzo.
Dispatches today said tho bqmb'ardment
of tho Piezzo forts has continued for 43
hours without Interruption.
Tho AUstiians have made several de-
lermincu attacks on tho Carnla frontlefi
in uio inst nours, but have beeh throws
dock witn heavy losses. These nssaulw
Wern nnt rnnniv.l vat,tr,lni.
Arllllnrv ,1l,nlo nnn.ll.n lt nUn. IbSI
.......w.j u.,wo u.,i.4,(uu in, uiunij imi
Tyrolean frontier anil In tho Vnl Amelia
region. Austrian trenches along the Bd
donbach and Bncherbach valleys wr
taken by infantry assault and held In thy
ate ui uiu cuunicr-uimcKS, uenerai i-
uorna reported,
Progressive Leader Leaves Party
PITTSBURGH, Au-r. U.-Declarlng
that he "stands resolutely behind Gov
ernor Brumbaugh. Rs any decent man
must." Percy F. Smith, western Penn"
slvanla's "original Roosevelt man" '""a
SJfutSJilt'fi Wwhlngtori pa?ty fo?
Lieutenant Governor a year ago. todav
returned to the Republican party "SS
said- 'ri.f.i,rV;. "'"'r' '
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