11 iitoiinliriiMftiitiliial.flftliiTi tnnimUttfSiv AimtUm GET-RiaU-QOICK-WALSINGFOBD ,- . ... , .- " ' (tyT f RpPE. YOU GONE HEAnjJ , Lemme SEE W4aR BiJJ H LAS BEE A PIECE, ofi "ftOpE.- H 6EUEIVE. 1 YR.Vj ,nsmtto '( i&V1 J MaJ 7 WW Ml J f&T Muj i m riiimri ' Bfc-rr . hi wiw jar vrsvjig m t tMuumif n vn&. - '"-.-wrrjift iB,'Vjij aih- r si -v itt rvjtsr.. vni -- iw -wp" J?jr jrsssr. i gmj&, u rfMLTWK'W ni.i ''vCis "-' rvs . x vur . NfciViw'i jL,ffu b. i yi f . " s jfKiwiuyniiw: tr&-ri sinrim ,& m u um i iv-v : WMiAwiinni iiiri9 &. i. b. s . t.iiiitiuMtiiMZAniw r. . r y, &rMntiJfff;jr rMiinvmit t .iimim. 'frri wjwrr yMM'-- W -'"V..-.V- Mmimv ? '?ms mOKwm mmm. -l LAZAR R E By MARY HARTWELL OATHERWOOD French nobltmen "S'ln,iut durlnK th Ilovolutian. r In nnlnJ In 1TO3. A PJ iibout to ! for America jJIMowrj lll'lj thlM. who U b l)uphln, heir to ith thron. iuppoMrdto b ded. Ills KUrf" Ukfa him wy (o America. h Ths nirraiu then, neslns Kn,w'in1 rsmlnlsecntes of a child's life smonr th Indians and rsauer memories of France. VlVlTlf, I1 chum uu - mr"' ;z::t Am rescued by n doctor, surgeon to Count de Chatimont. The Uj jruardlan. ,"".";;; rT Is his father, sn Imflan nn'i.T5l" DIln. tns cniia.ruca.... -."- Williams, comes for him but ths doctor TSfuses to away, and, give him up. Ths r "" meeting with a. Frenchwoman, Ths uoy runn Frenchwoman, tm Id him and speaVs to her. She corirteiles to mm in calls him "Sire, motion recalls Sinr thing. tS'h.m. pftlculsrly ths fam.ly ognlses ths .boy as the- dauphin. h ths throns bl rsnce. Thy bor goes '"' "" ". T". S"' .11. k,lr it heir to DSCK iritn ms Tainer, inp inuwi. CHAPTZin II (Continued). ifTTTHAT haye you got In your head? YV These white people hdVo been mak lnn a foot of. you." "I remember better today than I ever remembered )etote. I nm different. I was ft child; bul today manhood has como. Father, what Is a dauphin?" The chief made no answer. ' "What Is a temple? la It a church, like oura at St. Iteglsr" "Ask the priest." ,,, "Do you know what Bourbon Is, father particularly a Bourbon ear?" "Nothing that concerns you. "But how could I hayo n Bourbon ear If It didn't concern me?" "Who said you had such an ear? 'Madame dc Ferrlcr." The chief grunted. "At least she told De Chaumont," I repeated exactly, "1 was the boy she saw !n London, that her father said had all .the traits of the Bourbons, "Where Is 'London?" The chief paddled without replying. Finding him so lgnornpt on all points of conversation, or so determined to put mo down.. I gazed a while at our shadow gliding n the -water, and then began again. "Father, do jou happen to know who Bonaparte Is?" This time he answered. "Bonaparte Is a great soldier." "la he a white man or an Indian?" "lie Is a Frenchman." I meditated on the Frenchmen I dimly remembered about St. Regis. They were undersized fellows, very apt to weep when their emotions were etlrrcd. 1 could whip them, all. "Did ho over come to 8t, Ilegls?" The chief again grUntrd. "Does France como to St. negla?' retorted with an Impatient question. bo "What Is France, father?" "A country." "Shall we ever go there to hunt?" "Shall wn ever go the other side of the sunrise to hunt? Frnnce Is the other side of the sunrise. Talk to the squaws." Though rebuked, I determined to do It If any Information could be got out of them. The desire to know things waa consuming. I had the belated feeling of one whp waked to consciousness late In life and found the world had run away from him. The camp seemed strange, as if I had been gone many years, but every object was so wonderfully distinct. My mother Marianne fed me, nnd when I lay down dizzy In the bunk, covered me. The family must have thought It was natural sleep. But It was a faint ing collapse, which took me more than once, afterward as suddenly ns a blow on the head, when my faculties were most needed. Whether this was caused by the plunge upon the -rock qr the dim life from which I had emerged, I do not know. One moment I saw the children and mothers from the neighboring lodges, more Interested than my own mother; our smojty rafters, and the fire pit In the centra of unfiopred ground: my clothe hanging over the bunk, and even a dog With his nose in the kettle. And then, as It he4 been the night before, I waked after many hours. By that time the family breathing tawed the nlr within the walls, and a fine starlight, showed through the open do$r. for we had no window. Outside the oak trees were pattering their leaves like rain, reminding me of our cool spring In the Woods. My bandaged head was very hot. In that dark lair of animals where the log bunks stretched and deep ned shadow. If Skenedonk had been there I would havo asked him to brlqg ma water, with confidence) In his natural service. The chiefs family was a large one, but not one of my brothers and sisters seemed aa near to me as Skenedonk. The apathy of fraternal attachment never caused me any pain. The. whole tribe was held dear. I stripped off Doctor Chantry's unen durable bandages, and put on my clothes, for there were brambles along the path. The lodges and the dogs were still, and I crept like a. hunter after game, to avoid waking them. Our village was an Irregular camp, each home standing rire its owner had pleased to build It on the lake) hore. Behind if tho blaok oesa of wooded wilderness seemed to atretch to the end of the world Tho spring made a distinct tinkle in tha rush of Jow sound through the forest. A rank lht aweatnen pf mints arid ether lush plant mixed Its spirit with the body at leaf earth. I felt happy In being part of all tWe, and the wood were to me as wfe aa the Led chamber of a wether It was, floe ta wallow, damming, ths nwn of m!mr wtw witb my fevered haad. PbyMa relief arwt de, Uutmii shuddertqg ctfolrtwj ran through at From taut wet pillow I looked Uo and UMtUfffct again af what had happened that tfey. and particularly of ths girl wtpm De CtBt had called Mada roe de Fer rfeur aiwt gU. gvery word tfet t, tad WMfegin posted again Defer my mltyi. ttsjbJttrtii that I had nvr Imagined rajred o& trout my recumbent body aa from tlu Iwb of1 a vttsi wheel I was white I wila not ao Indian i had a. Si. .-4) ban rr dti believed 1 was a, dsut-htn What was a diuehtn, that she stuuld lU&kx in,li a dp utiau,t to u iy tiur iSf clf Mcemeaeuuit, u tu tr mttim tm4 Mrd to knew I u u ' . . w I .w f rf&:rrmmvcv fo t-i.&i (."nM V9$HMl ' ftEHIMD BE 3JO' I SPECIFY- JsV&g. ffiMtU- , iuE6oa T tfgSm?! f-ife $wr w ppc,u ftTOM7 sszMT IS? ) J'"iF& siMaur . ixMidi..s . . -miiiwi. &r'a i u v-jo.. V jT JB ...Mi nf ,. .-. VfcE7 . J .;,.... ' .. wi ''" '''' "" Mill lopjriRnt Dy ine iwDDa-aitrriii v,uiiiaM AH that sho believed De Chaumont denied. Tho rich book which stirred such torment in me "you know It was his mother'sl" she sald-Do Chaumont thought I merely coveted. I can see now that tho crude half.Mvnge boy wallowing In "the spring stream, set that woman as high ns tho highest star above his head, and made her the hopo nnd symbol of his possible best. A woman's long cry, like the appeal of that ono on whom he meditated, echoed through the woods nnd startled him out of his wnllow. v CHAPTER III I SAT up with the water trickling down my back. Tho cry was repeated, out of the west. I knew the woods, but night niters tho most familiar plnces. It was so dnrk In vaults and tunnels of trees and thickets that I might havo burrowed through tho ground almost ns easily ns thresh n path. Tho million scarcely nudlbla noises that fill n forest surrounded me. nnd twigs not broken by me crncked or shook, bull I made directly toward the woman's volco which guided me more plainly; but left off running ns my ear detected that she was only In perplexity. Sho called nt intervals. Imperatively but not In con tinuous screams. She wns n white woman, for no squaw would publish her discomfort. A squaw If lost would camp sensibly on a bed of leaves, and find her nny back to the village In tho morning. The wilderness was full of dnngors, but when you nro'eldcr brother to tho bear and the wildcat you lenrn their habits and avoid or outwit them. Climbing over rocks and windfalls I camo against a solid log wall nnd heard tho woman talking In a very pretty chat ter tho other side of It. She only left off talking to call for help, nnd left off calling for help to scold and laugh again. There was n man Imprisoned with her, and they wera speaking English, a lan guage I did not then understand. But what had happened to them was very plain. They had wandered Into a pen .built by hunters to trap bears and could not And the bUBh-maskcd and winding opening, but wero traveling around tho walls. It was lucky for them that n bear had not arrived first, though In that case their horses must havo smellcd him. I heard the beasts shaking their bridles. I found my way to the opening and whistled. At once tho woman ceased her chatter and drew In her breath, nnd they both asked me a question that needed no interpretation. I told them where they were, and tho woman began talking at once In my own tonguo and spoke It as well as I qould myself. "In a bear pen? George, he saja we arc In a bear penl Take us out, dear chief, before tho bear family arrive homo from their ball. I don't know whether you uro a chief or not, but most Indians are. My nurso was a chief's daughter. Where are you? I can't sco nnythlng but chunks of blackness." I took her horse by the bridle and led him, arid so got both the riders outside. They had no tinder, and neither had I; and all of us groped for the way by which they had come to tho bear pen. Tho young man spurred hla horse In every direction and turned back unable to get through. Though we could not see one another I knew that both the adventurers were young, and that they expected to bo called to severe account for the lawless act they were committing. Tho girl, talking English or French or Mohawk almost in ono breath, took the blame upon herself nnd made light of the boy's self-reproaches. She laughed and said; "My father thinks I nm with Miss Chantry, nnd Miss Chantry thinks I am with my father. He will blame her for letting me rldo with Qeprge Croghan to meet him, and lose tho way and so get Into the bear pen. And sha will blame my father, and your dearest Annabel will let tho Count de Chaumont and Miss Chantry fight It out. It Is not an affair for youth to meddle with, George " Having her for Interpreter the boy and I consulted. I might have led him back to our hunting camp, but It was a, hard road for a woman and an Impossible one for horses. There was no Inhabited house nearer than Do Chaumont's own. Ho de cided they must return to the road by which they had come Into the bear pen, nnd gladly acepted my offer to go with hlra; dismounting and leading Annabel de Chaumont's horse while I led his. We passed over rotten loga and through black tangles, the girl bending to her saddle bow, unwearied and full of laughter. It was plain that he could not find nny out let, and falling behind with the cumbered horse he let me guide the party. I do not know by what Instinct I felt my way, conscious of slipping between the wild citizens of that vast town of trees; but we finally reached a clearing and paw across the npen space ft lighted cabin. Its ashless windows and defec tive chinks were glided with the yellow light that comes from a glowing hearth. "I know this place!" exclaimed Anna bel. "It is -where the Salnt-Mlchals used tp live before they went to my father's settlement at Le Rayvllle. Lopk at the haijse.1 Nobody Uvea there. It must be full Qf witches." YtHn jmjsic testified that the witohea wero merry. We halted and the horses p.4ghed and were answered by others of their kind, "George Oroghan'a grandmother waa struefc by a witch ball. And here her qranason. giaoqs, too tired to run. But wrhapa there aren't any wltohes In the house. I don't believe wtoktd things would be allowed to enter It The Balnt Mlcjiata ware so pious, and ugly, and resigned to the poverty of refugee-. Their society was so good for me, ray mother, fS ws alive, made m venerate flMrn until I hated them. Hojy Sophie Aftd ai wnt to heaven. I shall never i J)4 again. She wa. Indeed, excellent. This aatrt b a Best of wltehea- Oeora e, why doa't ymt go and knock on tt duor?" It was not nt.HMD for the door unal and a ni aptisared holding a i tulin tne neck He HUBC,1 aa tn inik aruusd & cttew at tom aotn BVBinSO LVMUK-VmZAMT.VmWVSV- ATTGTTST " I HAY WUZ APIECE. 6out) I wns not sorry to be nllowcd to enter, for I was tired to exhaustion nnd sat down on the floor nwny from the fire. Tho man looked nt me auspiciously, though he was ruddy and good-natured. but he bent quite over before Da Chau mont's daughter, and made n nourish with his hand In receiving young Cro ghan. Thero were In tho cabin with him two women and two little girls, nnd a Canadian servunt, like a fat brown bear, enmo from tho rear of tho house to look at us, and then went back to tho horses. All tho women began to speak, but An nabel dc Chaumont could talk fusler than tho four othors combined, so they knew our plight before we learned that they were tho Grlgnon and Tank families, who were going Into the West to find settlement nnd had mndo tho houso their uunp for one night. Tho Dutch mold, dark and round-eyed, and tho llaxcn lit tle Grlgnon, had respect for their ciders nrld held their tongues whllo Madamo Tank and Madamo Grlgnon spoke, but Annabel de Chaumont was like a groo of spariows, Tho world seemed swarm ing with joung maids. The travelers wero mere children, while tho Count's daughter was startling as an angel. Her clothing iUtcd her body like an exquisite uhcath. I do not know what. It was, but It mudo her look as slim as u dragon fly Her white and roso pink facu had a hlgh arched nose, and wns proud and saucy. Sho wore her hair beaten out llko mist, with rich curly shreds hanging In front of her cars to her shoulders., Sho shook her head to set her hat straight, and turned her eyes In rapid smiling sweeps. I knew as well then as I ever did aftor ward that sha wns bound to befool every man that came near her. Thero wero only two benches In tho cabin, but It was Moored and better made than our hunting lodges. The temporary Inmates and their guests sat down In a long row before tho fire. I was glad to make, a pillow of a Baddlo near tho wall, and watch their backsi as an outsider. Mademoisello do Chaumont absorbed all eyes and all attention. She told about a ball, to which sho had ridden with her governess and servants, n three days' Journey, and from which all tho dancers wtro riding back a three dnys' Journey to join In another ball at her father's house. With tho hospitality which made Lo Hay de Chaumont's manor the palaco of tho wilderness as It existed then, sho Invited the hosts, who sheltered her for the night, to come to tho bull and stay all summer. And they lamented that they could not accept tho Invitation, be ing obliged to hurry on to Albany, where a larger party would give them escort on a long westward Journey. The head of the house took up his baw, ns If musing on tho ball, and Annabel de Chaumont wriggled her feet faster a.id faster. Tireless as thistledown that rolls hero and thero at tho will of the wind, up ahe sprang and began to dunce. The children watcher her, spellbound. None of us had ever seen the many llg utes through which she passed, or such wonderful dancing. The chimney was built of logs and clay, forming terraces. As It It was no longer possible for her to stay on tho ground slio darted from the bench-end to tho loweBt log, and stepped on up as fearlessly as a thing of air, until her head touched the roof. Monslour Grlgnon played llko mad, and tho others clapped their hands. While she poised so I sat up to watch her, and she noticed me for the first tlmo by firelight. "Look at that boy he has been hurt the blood Is running down his cheek!" she cried. "I thought he was an Indian and he Is white!" She came down as lightly as she had gone up, and caused me to be haled against my will to the middle of a bench. I wanted tho women to leave mo alone, and told them my head had been broken two days before, and was nearly well. The mothers, too keen to wash and bandage to let mo escape, opened a sad dle pack and tore good linen. George Croghan stood by the chimney, slim and tall and handsome. Ills head and face were long, his hair was of a sunny color, and hla mouth corners were shrewd and good natured. I liked him the moment I saw him. Younger In years than I, he was older In wit arid manly carriage. While he looked on It was hard to have Madame Tank seize my head in ner nanas ana examine my eyeorow, Bhe next took my wrists, and not satis fied, stripped up the right sleeve and ex posed a crescent-shaped scar, one of the rare vaccination marks of those days. I dI4 not know what It was. Her animated dark eyes drew the brows together so that a pucker came between them. I looked at Croghan. and wanted to ex claim "Help yourself! Anybody may handle met" "Ursula Grlgnonl" she said sharply, and Madame Grlgnon answered: "Eh. what, Katarlna?" "This ,1s the boy." "But what boy?" "The boy I saw on the ship." "Tho one who was sent to America' Madame Tank put up her hand, and the other stopped. "But that waj. child," Madame Grlg non then objected. "Nine years ago. He would be about 18 now." "Hcjw old are you?" they both put to me. Remembering what my father had told Doctor Chantry, I was obliged to own that I was about 13. Annabel de Chau mont sat on the lowest log of the chim ney with her feet on a bench, and her chin In her hand. Interest) to the point of silence. Something In her eyes made it very galling to he overhauled and have my blemishes enumerated before her and Crsghart- What had uplifted me to Madame de Farrier's recognition now mocked, and I found it hard to submit It would not go well with the next stranger who declared he knew me by my sears. "What do they call you in this coun try?" inquired Madame Tank. I said my nam was Idizarre Williams. 'It Is net"' she said In ao undertone, shaking Iter bead I mo bold to ak with some warmth oris? en, nurA memm thciu fini Afcjk By KEMBLE Copyright. IMS. tt W' KraM. qut Hvv MUCH RoP OlEEPS.HE. SPECIFY- It seemed that I was to be pitied In nny case. ..,..,. In dim sclf-knowledgo I saw that tho cere of my resentment wns her treating mo with commiseration. Madamo do Fer rlcr had not treated me so. "Vou llvo among tho Indians?" Madamo Tank resumed. Tho fact wns evident. "Havo they been kind to you?" I said they had Madamo Tank's young daughter edged near her and Inquired In a whisper. "Who Is he, mother?" "Hush!" answered Madame Tank. Tho head of tho party laid down his violin and bow nnd explained to us: "Madamo Tank was maid of honor to tho Queen of Holland before reverses overtook her. Sho knows court secrets." "But sho might at least tell us," coaxed Annabel, "If this Mohawk Is a Dutch man." Madamo Tank said nothing. "What could happen In tho court of Holland? Tho Dutch nro slow coaches. I saw tho Van Henssclacrs once, near Al bany, riding In n wagon with Btraw under their feet, on common chairs, tho old Tatroon himself driving. This boy Is somo off -scouring." "Ha outranks you, mademoiselle," re torted Madamo Tank. "Thnt's what I wanted to find out," said Annabel. I kept half nil oyo on Croghnn to see what ho thought of all this woman talk, l'or you cannot holp being moro dom inated by tho opinion of your contempor aries than by that of the forerunning or following generation. Ho held his coun tenanco In excellent command and did not meddlo even by a word. You could bo sure, however, that ho was no credulous person who ncceptod everything that was said to him. Madamo Tank looked Into the reddened fireplace and begun to speak, but hesi tated. The whole thing was weird, llko a dream resulting from the cut on my head; tho strango whlto faces; tho camp stufT nnd saddlebags unpacked from horses: the light on the coarsn flnnrr tho children listening as to a ghost story; iiiuuriiiuiseiio ue unaumont presiding qver It nil. Tho cabin had nn arched roof nnd no loft. Tho top wns full of shadows. "If you aro tho bov I toko vou to be." Madame Tank finally said sinking her voice, -you may nnd you havo enemies." "If I am tho boy you toko mo to be, mailamc, who am I?" Sho shook her head "I wleh I hntl it Bpokonnt hll. To tell you nnythlng more would only plunge you Into trouble. You nro better off as you nro than to know the trth and suffer from It. Besides, I may be mistaken. And I nm certnlnly too helpless myself to bo of nny use to you. This much I will say, when you nro older, If things occur that make It necessnrv for von in know what I know, send n letter to me nnd I will write It down." With delicacy Monsieur Grlgnon began to play n whisper of n tune on hla violin. I did not know what she mennt by a let ter, though I understood her. Madame Tank spoke tha language as well as any body. I thought then, as Idiom after Idiom rushed back on my memory, that It was an universal language, with the exception of Iroquois and English. "We are going to a place called Green Bay, in tho Northwest Territory. Re member the name: Green Bay. It Is In the Wisconsin country." CHAPTER IV DAWN found mo lying wide awake with my head on a saddle. I slipped out Into tho dewy half light. That was tho first time I over thought about the mountains. They seemed to bo newly created, standing up with streamers of mist torn and floating across their breasts. The winding cliff bound lake was llko a gorge of smoke. I felt as If I had reared upon my hind feet, lifting my face from the ground to discover there was a God. Somo of tho prayers our priest had Industriously beaten Into my head began to repeat themselves. In a twinkling I was a child lonely In tho universe, separated from my aim oia lire, instinct with growth, yet ignorant of my own needs. What Madame do Ferrler and Madame Tank had said Influenced me less than tho Intense life of my roused activities It was mid forenoon by tho sun when I reached our lodges and sat down fagged outside before my father's door, to think longer before I entered. Hunger was tho principal dentation, though we had eaten ."J"6 n.abl.n th0 nl8ht bore' and the Indian life Inures a man to fasting when he cannot come by food. I heard Skene donk talking to my father and mother In our cabin. The village was empty; children and women, hunters and fishermen having scattered to woods and waters "H,e ought to learn books." said Skepedonk. "Money Is sent you every year to be spent upon hlra; yet you spend nothing upon him." "What has he needed?" said my father. "He needs much now, He needs American clothes. He wept at the sight of a book, God has removed the touch since he plunged In the water" "You would make a fool him," said ray father. "lie was gone from the lodge this morning. You taught hlra an evil nath when you carried him off." v "It Is a natural path for htm: he will go to his own. I stayed and talked with Da Chaumont, and I bring you an offer Da Chaumont will take Lazarre Into his house, and have him taught all that a whlto boy should know. You will pay tha cost. If you don't. Do Chaumont wU look Into his. annuity of which you give no Recount" B,V9 "I have never been asked to giva account. Could Laxarro learn anything Tho priest has sat over blm. H.hfd food and clothlrur llko my own," That is true. But he is ohanged Marianne will let him go." ' "unea. "The strange boy may Vo." gald mv mother. "But none of my own children shall leave us to be educated." I got up and went Into the cabin ah three knew 1 had heard, and they waited In silence while I aprowhed my mother and put my hands on her shoulders There waa no tenderness between us. but she had fostered me. The small dark tya j her copper face, and? her shape less body, wero associated with winter and summers stretching to a vanishing point- "Metfeer." I said, "is It true that I aa not your ?" SM n4 no answer eptaBSisgeainep-W' n i am 1rPglnBeaA(9 is AH to K HoW DAT HMNK oO PAT J30AN 2 6paiB , '"rS ARTILLERYMEN LEAVE CAMP AFTER 10 DAYS SPENT STUDYING WAR National Guardsmen End Stay at Tobyhanna Battery C Leaves for Pottsville in Special Train MILITIAMEN ARE PRAISED TOBYHANNA, Pa., Aug. 1. The lost of tho batteries of field nrtlllcry, National Guard of Pennsylvania, nro leaving Toby hannn today, having completed their 10 day course of tactical Instruction nt the nrmy school. Battory C, of Phoenixvillc, left here nt 11 o'clock In a special train. Batteries D, of Wllllnmspoit, and B, of Pittsburgh, remained until this nttcrnoon. Tho two batteries traveled In one train until Northumberland was reached. Thero they separated. Battery A, of South Bethlehem, arrived homo today, nftcr n thrcn-day cross country march from Tobyhanna. In bidding farewell to ono of tho cap tains of another battery this morning Captain Charles H. Cox, of Battery C, remarked that this would be his last camp with tho Pennsylvania field artillery. Ho will resign from tho organization nnd make Now York city his residence. Cap tain Cox Is n civil engineer. He has been tho commanding officer of the Phoenlxvllle battery for flvo years. The members of Battory C will attend tho funeral of their comrade. Corporal Charles Esslck, which will be hold Thurs day afternoon in Phoenlxvllle. Corporal Esslck waB kicked to death by a horso Sunday nt South Sterling. Artillerymen, commenting on the praise accorded to tho citizen soldiery camp at Plattsburg, pointed out that credit should be given to tho ordinary militiaman who summer after summer gives up his vaca tion to participate in the program of drill arranged by tho adjutant general, and then drills In an armory one night each week. It Is not ro difficult a task to taka a man off the street and mako an Infantry man out of htm In six months, but to mako n good artilleryman Is frequently the work of years, they declared, adding that although good militia batteries ate scarce, Pennsylvania can boast with pride of four. Tho batteries which encamped hero aro made up of men who, out of a sense of patriotic duty to their State, enlist and m-enllst jenr after year until they havo become proficient In handling tho complex machinery which comprises the nrtlllcry equipment. Mllltla batteries aro hard to produce and tho Stato finds them of UMIe uao for police duty. Henco no motive for supporting them other than the patriotic ono of providing for national defense, which today Is a vital question. AVIth tho leave-taking todny, the mllltla encampments for the Stato are brought to an end. The men havo learned much from tho regulars. In work the 1915 camp has outdone previous camps and tho dally programs carried Into effect taught more vital and actual warfare tactics than were ever before attempted. Aside from this the Pennsylvania artillerymen are Imbued with a new military ardor founded upon practical knowledge of fighting. OBITUARIES Gen. John C. Black CHICAGO, Aug. 17.-General John C. Black. 75 years old, ex-Unltcd States Commissioner of Tensions, Civil War vet eran nnd ex-Congreseman, died hero to day a,t tho Palmer House, where he re Bided. General Black was commander-in. chief of the O. A. n. In 1903. Beatfjs AU8TIN. Suddenly, on August 18. IMS EDWAP.D C. AUSTIN. Funeral aervlcee i on Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, at hla lata residence. 38U Daring at. Interment private AKTON,-On August U. 1018, IlAnay; huaband of Sarah Ayrton. rtelatlvei iai friends, alao Loyal Order of Mooie. Mo. Bl and ateamfttters1 Union. No. 420. are tnWtad to atland tuueral aervlces. on Thuraday 'if tar S00' Si. c.locY' at u ' reeldenea I2J1 ? Bucknell at. Interment lit. Morlah 6rae tery, Remains may ba viewed on Wednes. dK evening, between 8 and 10 o'cIocL llACHAItACH. Suddenly, on August IB. 1018 AtVINE. wife of Carl 3achraSS: F& neral at tha convenience of tha family, on Wednesday, at tha parlors of Morrla ltoaen. bers'a Son. 2000 Noh Broad St. Interment rotate) ,lode'b- BiMoxa Cemetery (Uar- I1ILL. On August It, 1018. ClEOFiaB H.. hueoand of Amelia Bill. Relatives an3 friends are Invited to attend tha funeral serv. Ices, on Wednesday, at 2.30 jr.; m., at the Veil denco of Ms sen. Charles Iill. coVner o" Margaret and lUwthoroe ate., Frankford 1 In. term.nl North Cedar 11111 CerneterV, ' R." rnalne may be viewed Tuesday eventnr IIOKEI,. On Auguet 14, 1918. WlS!iif BOBBU beloved n ojVredeVlck ind BophS Bortl nj Thure). aged 2u yeara. 11,1 t yea and friends, also employee i of John Wanamaker, are invited to attend f uurai tervlcee. on Tuesday. 130 p. m.. at hli oi? ntt' rietdence. 628 k Johwoq st, a,"ri town Auto funeral. uuin- 1IHA8S. On August 10. 1018. JACOB. of the late John a. and Mary Brai. in hi2 BUt rear Lata residence, Sho Benner $? Wlailnorolng. Due notice of tha funeral wjij BHBNNAN On August 18, 1015. MAnv i daughter of Jame and Bridget Brannan aged 5 years. Uetstlvt and friaodf a?.n vlted to attend, funeral, from thTraJid.n0! of her parents. UQi Wayne ... WedSe? day. at 8i30 a. m. Hlla Mae.' of Bm?!u at St. Franca of Aaeiel's Ctareb, at If? a? iBUimant Holy Btsulcbre Cemeter? CtAUK.-On Aiwuat 10. 1916, at her l... requeue. 1BO0 h MwvUm il BRi'rjaSrr" widow of Patrick Clark HaUMvaa SS friend era UHted to attend fuherii rhuS2 day. at 8.80 a, m.. from the ri?lj2.ur: bar aoa-la-law Thomaa Clar.y. laW,?' at Solemn High Requiem Mais at&uVijiS o J Marey ChurtW at to a. nTlnteroSS && 8pilehr Caroatary. Automobile Tfi??rii,eir COLEMAN.-Oa Aurult a? lJi8S& BNCB M. wlf. of lW FCollSaa r5' tlvaa 1 friend are lovOed toatttnd tl neral from her late lealdaaa IS41S- Z 40b at oa WWJaj" tTa at ti.SS Rwwlapi Maaa at I'lu.n.h at oau at o tS COSfiKOYlS. On Au uiru"Ii. WIOSW uf Edward I -i 1" 17, 1915: why afflNt y' t7 Kope: when r notviE SEE. BAT AH HA.& HIM rJAt-ED ! ! r V DEATHS nt 8-30 n. m from her Into jeeldence, 3T0H Itale ot Tncony Itcqulem High Mam at St. Leo's Church, nt 10 n. m. Intormeilt at St. Uomlnlc'i Cemetery COTTMAN. On August 1(1, 101B, WIM.IAM C. COTTMAN, In Ms IXlth year. l'-iinernl ten Ices wilt be held at hie son's residence W. Watson Cottman. New Hope, I" on Wednesday, nt 2 p. m. precisely. Rclamcs nnd friends nre lnvljed to nttend. Inter ment nt South Cedar Hill Cemetery. Frank ford, Philadelphia, Remains may bo viewed at ths cemotery chapel at 4:30 p. m. CHAMP. On August 13, 1018, HMMA S ,wlfe of Dr. Joseph A, Cramp and daughter of the late James and Mary Hood, Relatives and friends nro Invited to nttend the funeral serv ices, on Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, nt her Into residence, Sharpless ae., Melrose Tark, Montgomery Co. lntermont private. BOM- On August IS, 1015, ELIZABETH, wtro of Frederick O. Doll nnd daughter of llcujamln and Mary Schak, In her 2ath year. Relatives and friends nro Invited to nttend ftinernl services, on Thursday, at 2 p. m., nt her late residence. t!127 Hegcrman St., Wlsslnomlng. Interment Magnolia Cemotery. rrlendh mny call Wednesday, from 7 to 0 p. m. DUITV. On August 14. 1015, JOHN J son of the late Mary and John Duffy. RolatUes nnd friends, ulso employes of tho Bell Tele phono Company of Ocrmantown district, aro Invited to attend funeral, on Wednesday, nt H 30 n. m., from his Into residence, 1850 North 11th st. Solemn High Requiem Mnss ,t St. Mtlnctiv's Church, nt 10 a. m. Inter ment at St. Charles'. Kelly, llle. Ta. EI.T.IS. On August 1(1, 1015. JOHN A. ELLIS, Br.. Relntlves nnd friends, alio Ne shamlny Tribe, No. 23. I. O. II. M ; Knst nnd Court. No. 03, F. of A., Qeorgo Washington, Reliance and Vigilant early Beneficial As sociations, are Invited to nttend ths funeral services, on Friday, nt 2 p. m . precisely, at his Into residence, 2101 South Percy st. In terment private. EMVKI.I.. On August 14, 101B. WILLIAM C. ELWI3LL, Sr., aged 04 years. Relntlves nnd friends are Invited to attend the funeral, on Wednesday, nt 2 o'clock, from hls'eon's residence, 2331 East Firth st. Interment at Oreen Mount Cemotery. Romalns may ba viewed on Tuesday nfter 0 p. m. EVANS. On August 14. 1015, JACOB ME 8EHTER EVANS (formerly of Garrcttford. Pa.), husband of Emma Evans nnd son of the late Andrew and Sarah Evans. Relatives nnd friends are Invited to attend tho funeral services, Thursday afternoon nt 1 o'clock, nt the apartments of Oliver H. Balr, 1820 Chestnut at. Interment private. n:ttIlV. In Norrlstown, on August IB, 1015, MAROARET, widow of Tatrlck Ferry. Rela tives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral, from tho residence of her son, John J Ferry, 571 East Main St.. on Wednesday, at 8 a. m. Solemn Requiem Mass at St. Pat rick's Church at 0:30 a. m. VF.TTF.RS. On August 15. 1015, REBECCA N., wife of Jacob V, Fetters and daughter of the lata Georgo W. and Elizabeth lClntey, In her 47th J ear. Relatives and friends of the family, alto tho members of tho Slloam M. E. Church and Sunday school, aro .In vited to attend funeral services Wednesday, at 2 p, m., at nor lata residence, 520 Bclgrauo at. Interment at Mt. Peace Cemetery. r0WLF.It. At Moorestown, N. J on Au gust 10. 1B15. MARY a., widow of Nathan li. Fowler. Relatives and friends, also Winona Lodge, No. 51, D. of R,, aro Invited to attend funeral, on Thursday, at 2 p. m., from her Into residence 3 E. Main at., Moorestown, N. J. Friends may call Wednes day from 7 to 0 p. m. Interment private, Colestown Cemetery. FRENCH. Suddenly, on .August 15, 1015. MAT1111EU 11.. son of Baker C. and Mar garet A. French. Relatives und friends are Invited to attond funeral, on FYldny. at I p. m , from hla parents' residence, 25 Beck at. Interment Fcrnwood Cemetery. aALLAOHEIt. On August 14. 1015. MART, daughter of tho lato William and Susan Uallasher. Relatives and friends, alto tho League of tho Sacred Heart and Altar Society of tl.e Annunciation Church, are Invited to attend tha funeral, on -Wednesday, at 8.30 a m., from ner late residence, 828 Cross at. (below Dickinson at.). Solemn High Re quiem Mass at Annunciation Church at 10 u. ir. Interment at Cathedral Cemetery. GALLAIIUE. On August 15, 1015, BRID ar.T, widow of Michael Qallahue. Relatives and friends are invited to attend tho funeral, on Wednesday morning ut half-past T o'clock, from tho residence of her son-ln-lavv, Harold J. Ellett, 230J North Woodstock st. Mass In St. Columba's Church at 0 o'clock. Inter ment at Cathedral Cemetery. OREEN. At Media, on tha 15th Instant SARAH SHARPLESS, widow of William l! Oreen, In her 06th year. Relatives ana friends of the family are Invited to attend the funeral, on Fourth-day, 18th Inst., et 11 o'clock, from Providence Friends' Meeting House. Interment at Providence Frlenda' Cemetery. HASTINGS. On August 15. 1015. ELLA B, wife of James M. Hastings. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral serv ices, on Wednesday, at 11;30 a. m., at her late residence, Forrest ave. above Washing ton lane. East Gtermantown. Interment strictly private. Remains may be viewed on Tuesday evening. HATCH. On August IB. 1015, EDWIN a D IlATtrl. aged 5T years. Due notice of tha ls2TVTlace st' ' b'" Ut "'"" ,IAUS:7,8-,Ulld.enl.y 5" August 14.1018. JOHN T. HAUQ. husband of Catharine H. Ha"? Relatlvea and friends of the family are irf: vlted to attend funeral services. Wednesday at J p. m.. at Ms lata residence. 705 Mlllef at.. Kensington. Remains may' be viewed Tuesday evening. Interment at Delmar Street Burial around. ' ueimar HAYES. On August 18, 1015. FRANK T husband of Roberto K. Hayo and .on nr the late J, Henry and Mary X Jlf yes! Du, SSL'S, . "LSSJ!"' . ViLlLXJSS . J?! Federal it. "'" . unew, iu.aj 1IEND1IICKH Jn Reading. Pa. on nth N&h I?SB "ENDRIC-Ss. I,o,m.ry"ot' vlted to attend the funeral at ths Luthnran Church. Trappe. Thuraday. at 1:30 5 ir? lIKNnltNUEIt, On AUstrumt 1R ioik UEOKGE W . husbSnd of Settle ifennlJai?' lis, 1 o. of R. M , enip oyea of the 11 o i Wednesday afteraconrat 3 o'clock at hla lat2 l'a.'.deniC,e' M27 hbVge it. Intsrment pri" ini'ktu'TiO.' aaY "" yi'vta WdayevVn. HOBAIIAN. On August IB. J013. FRANOin o iiar j auu sua u jsmeg and liarv irnmhH Relative and friend, of th" f7mur aU employe, of tha Pullman Co.. and tha?UaKua of tha Sacred Heart of St. Mlchael'm OhXV." ir. invito tn of-.,r;::r. "r0!. .v-nurch. ui l"o Ddcrm Heart or Bt. Mlchael'm rh.7J".T. invited to attend funeral, on ThursiS" at 8.30 a. m., from hi. nrant' JiSK"?' UTl urease st. Solemn lUduiim m. "": St. Michael's Church , jo I'm m.'S, at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery Interment HOUSTON. On August IB 1018 wn,. PAYNTBR HOUSTON, husband of MaSA1f Houston (nee Crawford) T?.iVnCilreari friend, also Lodgi No F LV! n1 JACOUKH. On August 14. uiiffii..,. wLlow of Joseph Jabob auM ii' B.BRTHA atTvi and frlind., ilio tK? IL1 . nt' Altar Beeltty ana Sacrid li J..W P' 'h. tr Church of Our Ladv tiiir"". Ma oi VMsrg& sud L5&r jj tun toiim."S.. .refMameo. aer son-in-law, RMUleila Ma, at tCoESni; :J"l st- HWP or cnnatlart at 10 . S.r -aay at Holy Redawuir Camttiry Wermeat JAIUIKN. On August H lois ,,. BELL JAROlitf dahtr of mLvlfc1 the Uto JoJw a JrardiS WatlvS id. 't1 are tavlted to attend th, I "ZVtLTilS Thursday morelag at 10 SOtfcJeek Stf lets ratfeenet, 188 Falrmouit k' r .h' mtnt .trlcily private """" ev Intr- AMCt5AN.T-Pn.Augu.t IS ,u, .... Tivte a, uurriUN .. ; to alLeua ' FAnTOSPSCWY Spctipv MAas SPECIFY-WlvS Yd REiot4 iAK IS- E WlZAKDVj DEATHS M HELL Y. On August, IB, 101B, OEnTRtlm A., daughter of Patrick J. and Sophia iciS tnoo Ward). Relatives and frlenS. ,riii vlted to attond funeral Thursday, u'gl n. m from her parent's residence, Sim ffi grade st. Solemn Requiem Mara itxfi Church of tha Nativity nt 10 a. m. I?t2 inent Holy Sepulcbro Cemetery, sg JtEItlt. On August 14. 101B, MAIIY E-.lS! of C. Parker Kerr. Relatives and frirvi, Mian T o,llo.' Anlllnrv r Ik. ..:,. 'i"'P ;.:. i .?--;:. vr.".',.ri v .""" n iwiinn? irfu , nerai, l'olk s 2 o'clock. Interment nt Odd Fellows' Cm. tcry, Burlington, N. J, Remains Diirn viewed on Tuesday evening. & KNOELL On August 14, 101B. WILUAI It, husband of Elizabeth Knoell and son!, tho lato Charles J. and Annlo Knoell. In it 32d year. Relatives and friends, also Pins' Trlbo, No. 72. I. O. R. M., sre Invited toTt tend tho funernl services, on Wodne4ar"rn 2 p. m at hi. late residence, 2915 w Arizona st Interment Northwood Cemttrrr Friends may view remains on TucidaysJ 8 p. m. k LAUnnNaAYEB. On August 18. iju CHARLOTTE, wlto of Georgo Laubenrlm Relatives and friends nro Invited to attn the funeral services, at her late resldcnrs 2115 North 20th St., on Thursday, at nl a. m. precisely. Interment private. "aa LEIGH. On August 10, 1015, nt WIIdtrMi N. J MISS MARY JANE LEIGH, tornwrf of Mnnayunk, aged C2 years. Relatlvefat: friends of tho family aro Invited to alto, the funeral service on Wednesday, at ij( o'clock, at tho residence of Isaiah T. Urn 100 Green lano. Manayunk. Interment prlvsii at I.everlngton Cemotery. .-jta, LOVE. On August 13, 1015. Mrs. RACHEI M. LOVE. Funeral services nt the .put ments of W. II. Battersby, 3310 North Erctt st on Wednesday, 18th Inst, at 11 &,1n precisely. Jm LOONEY. On August 10, 1015, MICIIAEl hUbband of Annie Looncy and son of tbeihvt Daniel nnd Ellen Looney, aged 42 yen Relatives nnd friends, nlso all socleueiii which he was a member, are Invited toit . tend tho funeral on Tuesday, at 8.30 niri from his late residence Ogontz, Pa. Solem High Requiem Mass at Immaculate Cooctl tlon Church, Jenklntawn, at 10 a. m. Intex rmtit at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery. os I.OYNB. On August 10 101B, WILLIAMiB on of Bernard T. and the lato Mary ten (neo McNulty). Relntlves nnd friends, sk floux Tribe, No. 23. 1, O. R. M.. are Inrtti to attend the funeral, on Thursday, fiC8Tt n., from his Into lealdenco, 314 CumberUs St., Gloucester City, N. J. Solemn Reqoler Mass at St. Marys Church, at 0 a. m,".Ic terment at St Mary's Cemetery. ja LYNCH. On August 14, 1016, at Mini Hurst, Newark. Ucl . ROBERT J. LT.NCH Sr., husband of Sarah C. Lynch, In hut Sl yonr. Relatives and friends, also Holy Nan Society of the Church of Our Lady of.Vlc tory, Postofflce Relief Association et Phils delphla, Postofflce Protective Associations Philadelphia and Philadelphia VolunteerjFlr Association, are Invited to attend the fuitrtl on Wednesday, nt 8 80 a. m , from hu Hh residence, 418 North B2d at. Solemn RwUs Mass at the Church of Our Lady of View at 10 a. m. Interment at Cathedral Cat MAHONEY. On August 14, 1015. TATRIC1 Bon of the Into Patrick and Catherine It horwy (nee Gray), of Darwen, Lancashl England. Relatives and friends aro Invlti to attend the funeral, on Wednesday, at 8 a m.. from tho residence of his brotber-li law. Patrick Flannery, i028 Master st lljj Mass at St. Elizabeth's Church at 10 4f Interment nt Holy Cross Cemetery. MAIER. On August 14. 1015, JOSEPHJI " son of Louis and Catharine Maler (nee Dai hue). Relatives and friends, also Bt, t. cilia's T. A. B. Society. Holy Name Soclet League of tho Racred Heart nnd B. YWl Sodality of the" Visitation Church, are Invlti to attend the funeral, on Wednesday, st SJ: a. m., from his parents' residence, 1910 Ei Somenet st. Solemn Mass of Hequlemft Our Lady of the Visitation Church. t"J a. m. Interment Holy Sepulchre Cemeteryl MARTIN. On August 10. 101B, MAUI daughter of Edward J. and Elizabeth Marttr Him notice of the funeral will bo given.. fro ber parents' residence. 1748 North 10th stsj McCLOSKEY. On August 15. 1015. JOT NARD, son of. the late Bernard and Mif McCloskcy. Relatives and friends ore InV Ite tn atttiid ths funeral, on Thursday, at 7U a. in., from tho residence of William lie trick, 2110 East Allegheny ave. Solemn It nutem Mass at the Church of tha Natlvltr&t Oam. Interment at St. Ann's Cemettry McGILL. On August 10, 1018, PATMC.' McUlLL. Relatives and frlenda are lnvltt to attend the funeral, on Thursday, st(7i3 a. m.. from the residence of James Haasor 201(1 Brandywlne st. Solemn High Mas.fi bt. Francis' Church, at 0 a. m. Interment! Holv Cross Cemetery. 9 McIIlIGH. On August 14, 1018, LOUia-o at tho late Edward and Ann Mdlugh, Rl? Uvea and friends, also the Rosary Socltt and the League of the Sacred Heart, ar Invited to attend funerat on WedoeiU morning, at 8 o'clock, from tha residence! his brother, Andrew McIIugb, 421 Rldgttn st.. Gloucester City, K. J. High Massls St Mary's Church, at 0 O'clock. Intenses Bt. Mary's Cemetery, Jt MKANEY. On August IB, 101B, JAMES, ss T of Michael and tha. late Nora Meaney, fro. Borrlsokane, County Tlpperary, Ireland. BeU ttves and friend, of the family are Infl'J to attend the funeral, on Thursday at 7 a, tn., from the residence of his brothertM law, Mr, William Qutgley. 3323 Mount'Vsr non St., West Philadelphia. Mass atrift Agatha's Church at 0 a. m. IntermtnOI Holy Cro.s Cemetery. .3f MOltHIN. On August 14. 1018. ANN1S daughter of the late George and Catnarb) Morrln. Relatlvea and friends, also M Joachim's B. V. Sodality, are Invited toJSJ tend funeral, on Wednesday, st 8 JO m from tho residence of her brother, MsurB Morrln. 1800 Church st. Frankford. 8ol rtfefluicm Maaa at St. Joachim's Church d m Intermtit Ht. Tlnmlnlc's Ctfmetei fnmtffl On Rtinrinv. Aliriint 1K.lfilfi.j6H, I0H1 THOMPSON MORRIS, at Bretton Wood,f It. after a brief Illness. Funeral from u late residence, Chestnut Hill, on Thursday Auaust 10. at 3 o'clock. Interment private! MOULTON. On August 10, 1018. ALBEB It MOULTON. M. D., aged 02 years, rnsijs services and interment strictly private. "Jj MUELLER. On. August 15, 1018, ADOLW K.. husband of Clara I. Mueller (nee Wlrti) In his 50th year. Relatives and friends. " Philadelphia' Chapter. O K II are larfl to attend the funeral services; on ThursgJX at 2 p. m, st his lata residence. M8 M1 Smedley st Interment private, at NorthWff Cemetery Friends may view remain! Wednesday, at 8 P. m ..f, NEELU-Buddenly on August 16, 1P DAVID It NEELD, aged Bf years, hu"!?" of Florence M Neejd. Due notice et tam will be given. 1 NEELY-On August 10. 3015, MART'K wife of Robert Neely and daughter of fl( W. and Busan Parker Relatlvea aiid frUA are Invited to attend ths funerat services?)" Tnursaay. ai i w p m . at ner ui cence. 273S Wharton st Services at rooiial Chapel of the Holy Communion.. ana wnarton ats , at g sq p. m, i" Interment at Mount Morlah Cemetery. m.lna maw ha vlaw..,? VB,1nMv veillQ O'DONNEiX. On August 16. 1018. Rj9 mm rrnnsHET.T. hiuhnnd Af tha late I O'Donnell Relatives and friends ars ITO to attend tha funeral, on Thursday, v , a. m.. from hla late residence. Mary L 1 view Delaware Co.. Pa High Mass sE Charles cnurco, at jo a. rn. mttrw De fiharlaa Pematarv O'lIAIlE. Suddenly, on August IS, )U CHARLES, husband of Mary CHar Flannagan). uue notice or tunerai given, from hl late residence. Lewi TtArmudA at.. Frankford. PATTERSON On August 16, IBIS, 3 Stuart pattbrsOlN . at c Patterson, and daughter of tha late li Rlawart. Funeral jutrvlraat will a at St Paul's Cburin Chcainut 1'U Wednesday. Auauat 18. at 3 d hi. miL Df-lvata. Please omit noWM. .ork and Boston paper (ilea t-evy- VI.KWH. Suddsnly, on August 13 WILLIAM U, huWad of Bitnb 1 ue Fojrreatl ajkd ai at fiueaxi and Jobs Flews. Relatives and friend. WsabiagtaB camp. Ko W, P o e I sre Invited to attend the funeral oa W aey, uiw p w iron ru ii JH rjuuiat at Roxboroueh 1di lavtrUiglQU eiuelery Rei-irflne mtlf sieved Tueaa fruit 7 I'HICE On Ju.uoi U U Kit tn hu Ulin eai KtUlLve a f H , 1, I , 111 ABM 1 lli i i ' t J i a" sir: I ., i. A too t eitlen I t w fuui. i - .. is ,t 2 f I" l o i l-le et lul.iiiitii ,. ",i Imi iunbler iwle i. - to 3Dsd-uf. iiuii. to m . m. . tn-im.-n-;! ibtv au afar iaa -" ' u. t "srsitunnnd; "JCnjj. "HIM SfK "JTV' !e taiSL """"iiir"'iiTiliiiijjll wtm !WsWaTitisT,Iiw " 4r- J Jaff.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers