EVENING "flw Daily Story fittm town m irr&sr IgMS TIE itlflS. rW kve SB s "Monkey" Drill isn't room for nil seven of rjfon box, ' nl Clement, when 4 had invuca mo pany to iv can ride on the front sent en, iiiouk" V.U.1...0 ...... ..id of niu ,JI '" ,wt .,,, JirtrSCS. Hit80 ." vuvmiy- w bo about horses, you- know." . thaw hurt left "te cmy roas Hard freeze 'following had Z. to smooth iron, nnd tho . iflijon on the linrd stirfnce tfttouBH the breathless, gilt , the moonlight. night of the Ornngera' party n& n Hall, five miles from a week before Bursess had 11 ju-n votins people of Bio- i riillne over In his nletsh. bafl heeessltaled Inn change (o wagon. hadn't come, I -wish I hadn't .t Incessantly In Gormloy'a he steady clon-etop of the l "i had no business to do 1 1 a boor, lie never forgets dor remembers his manners. .. .. f MnnArV AV.,4 muni. mm sort of self-deception, n nerfeftly why he was ninnlne cold and Burgess' ding but sudden death could m wnv. Sylvia Qcrrlsh was he Joy of being near her was i thought that Durgess was .t-alda her. In fact. To en. r coveted place Iholr host had ' . LI. .I,,i,l Im ttm t-nnl .. jfM l" ! " "" . l. mn with red blood In his veins l(Mljr blamo Burgees for his ino H" v u uuwucil- t. muffled In furs. a. conuct- n-O'-shanter setting off her nd mischievous oyes. $JMIe 'n0 swcct-tempcrcd Oorm SMiiturs almost too submissive, was afrw Bitterness of spirit. It had AKMen . Fa bad mado him tho Svilj f Hex Burgess, even In school Kflnrress was big and bravo and Sloe, while he was slight and pato SjrlW boys had nicknamed Oormley ikr1' because onco he had fainted at (Wot Mood. Burgess father was Jittlthk-it man in Slocum, and every J ; Ulo money wuuiu unc uay ueiong , jit Iff no woo mo ui" uiinu. nanliiii of the merry chatter and thn lit;b!i of song from tho others, Gorm- fiHBlfM aeepcr into ins moiancnoiy Ktlimi. He, puny clerk In a dry j&Kof, to aspire 10 ayivia ucrnsn's gjiltst one bo lavorcu or goas and i Bargees I itittit burned, too, when he thought lit othefs contemptuous referenco to SMrrmen." Frankly, ho ndmlltcd. It frffictiieui that he, "ilolly" Oormley, r.MliiTS martial aspirations. Yet when it Suits military board had offered Blo at tat equipment tor a troop or cavnlry f tartnsuvnai uuuiu, uuumcy nna oecn .)aMi,l. .hnian fnnfnln AnH ,n .,n. 'pas for the place. Ho could rldei It ihiTi been the sport in which ho ctJUA- He knew tho "monkey" drill of e'DnlUd States cavalry as he knew tho hHU trolk of Cossacks and Bedouin j'aU Indians, and tho way these ,tif ttadle a horse, but the man who ;ori w yciiow euiaon is a niuo tno 'I'htattnJih of them all. And Captain 'Mf Oormley, Troop A, First Cavalry, te.TrooM, rofie like a regular, whether ttaddle, barebacked over the hurdles ilinJInt. each foot Dlanted flrmK. on ijbtck of a galloping horse. Besides am quaimcAiion or a cavalryman, ho tie other rMulaltn for nn offlnr thn lof command, and even West Point it teach that Jiwi the posslbtlity thnt Burgess en A htm was bal.ni to Gormley's eoro ut. And If he could only plan It so to tit by Sylvia on tho homeward Jour if to. Ms cup of Joy would be full. $ s mighty bound from tho depths : JwJr almost to the pinnacle of bliss Stpuiort half hour, but Oormley was -"gU TOUth has hope for a heritage. CtjiWr the young man was attracted VjKJietttty of the night. The bur ;Sw1bob glistened on millions of tiny Wig pail crystals until they sparkled cUjffiond dust- To tho westward the ukfUiny unrolled berore them like JfJut ribbon. Beaver Creek crossed with It 100 yards away. From the m bordering the creek tho road had IFaed to a height of BO feet, and "gaUnkment was narrow, steen nnd lyeroas. A railing on each side hedged SM ro4way. Vwufilt nothing wnm vla!T,1. Kj,iah, v.n Rj A, mist, white and eoft as cotton rat irora tho swampy low ground 'irOlltd in nnlnaliiBa V,II1,U .. . iVk .. .".--v.oo uiuuna lu ilia ,Ul the road. Tho advance of the -" nason ana its occupants Into ijMaVlnr WbltO Sllenca Rpmrvl nlmnat S;??V x WM aa a aea which might l1-,0.Uler were similarly Impressed, .JKLi .""" or lno tail; was some- KhlcT Tb team- after U miles S?J maenent. was getting warmed r.u a BP'nteaiy. The driver art , r, iBiim, mr care- B.i- n8 neeJeJ especially at night. .uver ureek flats. Ha pulled 'i bring the hnrson tn ,oil, d backward suddenly. The right c. ".W,1? tor tno nrst" Paralyzed ,V A f " BCOne "om a horrid o Gormley. Thero was a con W ?.u.. nd brleks from the " Wnina. Tho hnn nEL WANTED-SEMAM J5LLAtoMl? wIf'wr M tarns -!MLaf8.l!!5!l&,ilSrllf.chrw from Oimi.iZ..'. -,,w "otth, half snuate g.LEDaBR-lniLADELPHIA, THURSDAY, AUGTTRT 5, 1 CAP! T.LAC. AUTOMOBILES Tot 8n)e lnin ml ftitlv Anillnni4 ttllrt rf.Yfrs. now ton ele. Call or lntfvfeV (Attu "", ' , nenon vint co cnestnat mi ONB LAtH XioDEL BUtClt In ttood running- y eonaiun, u. Wll JHL2rnntown" v. S V. r. 8,KnAT"f'.?amuel N. Msglll. mhnciitwhmn.fi. 1trtoMt . . - mrhin:."r,1Ytr..,I'Tr wsntnl on full f.h Artily W20 8 fflih houworlt wages o. xrrVi ttuit.n t.i .. rr prerewVdT cifrwiSir?. SSi?0,'1' Bnu"h bov su .. 3ut n 'ml')'! take care of -MyLlST.' otn, ."pcrlcnce n1 reference! i!wnlF!.n,ra,' .ht ence-siio will helo Wa,e,hUrr,u'lAnnd JSJ Wu inlnucn mv I? .B?5u,.6n' Ths.Mmo court. Vnf. ini i .1 ".'. lo "Peri'nceil book. Kits. TO LEDOKIl ADVEIlTia- SfctSrea&.sr1 " ANwS?lS".?'rta and down. VSIS.fSL', liTte" .? ft . Permanent . nam; salary ant tommUtlon TSUiilthiiD1L ln '""urance office. mut write " '", i-'mrr uihcp. M a WW Penr or Jitney nauiMi make offer McQrath's Oarage, 1720 imont ave. nelment retis. "'T touring tar gixM emtdltlsnt lnt orf- Jf. rawn at. 8-PAS3B.VflBn OVEHLANU, good condition, Jy'lfiWlfW. shk nbwrber nnd new tlr, CamVldge Qiinw. ldtro Carhbrldga at. CADILLAC louring, chea arric ataner and J01Q Aramlnao. n It bouant at once. lights Kens. 4393 W. FOnt) TOUniNO for ar! )ut otithaoladj new tftp, now tlrn. 208 Flandera Dldg. CAIta rALVTED. 10 up. Itoyal Chamtcal Company. rfninvineat CAnTEttcAn noAOSTHn tn perfect condU lion i ault doctnn IOT0 2Sltl Oermaniown ave. AUTO LIVERY AND OARAQE3 NEW T-fABsHNOKIl HUDSON CAn8 for hire Irln n AllAlff rit Hti. a u,, US' 9.a".ror 0,hpr tilP". M. Kelly'i Woodland "IT. II, Anna, Woodland 80X1 W. 915; h m i - T.., t ni li;'.""..""'r".'l','""l Hafriiiri.hft.M " "rirnnriiii i - - SCRAPPLE THERE'S A VAST DIFFERENCE BETWEEN 1 MY FAULT, MV FAULT? I SHotlU) BE MoRECARtiFULt tldPEStoU'tVL Not Hutvr ao PcYIsMall t OrtNE To A VOiPlTAL!r TO IimE-LtMOUBIMB ANI3 TOUIttNO M"-"-5i f'"' u 11UUA JMUB ffi NEW p-CVL. AUTO to hire) would Ilk to nvo long irip. otto. Tioga sits. SI.tiTPn.,rnltGK t h're. Interboro Garage, 1845 N 10th. Diamond 37MI. CLEANING AND DYEINQ OSTIUCIl . rBATHEIlS AND PANCIB8 ia.l.Af.ll,UlliU, A1A1L.HUT, 1510 ChtnuT, DRESSMAIUNO AND MILLINERY HEMSTITCHING, 10 ccnU ard. At materlali A. IlKICIIAnD. Ill I OHE8TNUT ST. PICTOUIAL ItEVIEW t'ATTBUNa DnESSMAItlNG taught! snort, frse. course. MacDowcIl, 307 Dcnckla I)ldg.,Uth A MaTkat. "nGESK 401" hurTU's Income: a largo HELP WANTED MALE AnCHITECTUttAL DIIAUOHT8MAN wan'ed: ISli'Lw.-K? ?Prlence, Southeast corner . md and Washington are. D2v 7SSH!R ?,2 w.r,k "'! is e. ...ni .hub., i a on. t, OAHDRNKn wantod for auburban proncrty: ...,....,. "." j'lDiciini, me reiercnre. Ad dress M 14S Lodger Ilranch. 8d nnd Cambria Jrt.riiun wanted, competent man aa Janitor or nrt jchool: 3 lodging, heat and light! wngea li applicant must have lat-clasa ret erenco. M r.28, Ixlger Offlce. "" M.N ,Y.n,r.d- fh'te. preferably Engllah na tionality, to act aa nrst whip to a pock of fox hounds; must he njrBoo.1 horseman, will Ing. eol)cr and olillgtng and have had ex perience. Anawer C 300, Ledger Office ata-t-ing age, weight, and giving reference. ItEAL ERl'ATn office. Oermnntown, wants 2 men for temporray positions, outside work. fcur or Ave hours dally. Call 10 o, m.. sni Gcrmantown nvc. SALE3MAN Not oer 30; mechanical experience desirable: courage and fletermtnatlon mors necessary than wide experience: a hard lob, but with real possibilities, with an established Phila delphia company: salary and expepacs, with bonua: territory, the Carolina nnd part of Virginia. .1 350, Ledger Central. EOH SALE Dlt LIAItD. pool, combination, !d-hand bought, aold. rented, oxcli'd. Keater. 320 Olmrd ava. MACHINERY AND TOOLS rtPE bOUKht and sold! all Ilea Becond.Iiand Pipe Supply, 1003 N Philadelphia i in. STORAGE MILLDOUnNn rTOnAQE CO. Uelmont 4S23. larpets cleaned. 22 N. 82d. Wast 421. ROOMS EOR RENT JUST THE ItOOM YOU WANT Can very llkely.be located In fow minutes by examining tho photographs and descrip tions of rooms with and without board which are on file for your inspection at Ledger Central. An Interior photograph and an swers to every question you would aak la bere. so you can decide Intelligently, frea service; test It. nrtOAD, N. electricity. 885 2d-noor front; steam neat, private bath; reasonable: phone. CARLISLE. N., 2010 Attractively furnished front room; refined private home; phone. OXKOllD. W 10iO-Cool furnished room. aouthern exposure. Phone Poplar 4727 P. SPRUCE, 1115 Front room! beautifully turn.; running water, electric light; other vacancies. SPRUCE, 1117 Two well-turn, front rms , sin glo or communicating. Wnlnut 7170 W. SPRUCE, 2022. private bathaj - Desirable furnished room; summer rates. Locust 1I.G3 J. WALNUT, 1120 New. two rooma nnd bath, second noor: moderate rent. Apply Harry llolihauer. 1120 Walnut si. BALtSMEN High-class ealeamen who am ca pable of approaching business gentlemen on nmt-clasa bualnesjt m-nnn-IMnn. ut!,.,!.. ....- iiiissiuu HiPi nam men can make ronrey. M 1S2, ledger Central. big TOOLMAKEnS Wanted, experienced, on Jig work. Apply Bremer A Co., 138 N. 7th at YOUNG MAN. bright, actlva. about Vt years old. In real estate office: state wagea ex pecteil. Address J 350. lodger Central. General MEN wanted dally to operate moving picture machines; we teach you oulek method, of operating the electrical Installation of a thea- machines; we teach you quick methods of tre and fit you for a position paying 11.1 tn I2S Per week: complete course 115, payable In S psymenta. Keystone School, 1310 Arch. SITUATIONS WANTED SEMALE ATTENDANT to Invalid: good aeamstress; will tupervlse household; Prot. M 823, Led. Off. COMPANION Lone young woman ; assist whh duties; good home preferred to high wages. M f.27. Ledger Office. 10T1I. 8.. 322 Two beautifully fum. rooma. 2d front, light housekeeping: other rooms Seo photo at Ledger Central. Walnut 7281 W. 1JTH. N., 2244 2d story, furnished or unfur- nisnea; aisoaa oacx; private xamiiy; pnono. 15TH. 8.. 314 Two attractive front rooms floor: single or communicating: phone. io nl N.. 34 Newly furnished housekeeping suite; large front room, water; central. 24TH, N 1718 Large comfortable rooms, furnished or unfurnished; convenient to cars. Phone Diamond 3077 A. 62d and Sansom I'urnlshed rooms; men only: meals: WEST nitANCH shower baths; near L; all tne T M. C. A. comforta of home. Phone Bel mont 40S1. Key. West 3S6. BOARDING DALTIMORE AVE ,4233 Large, cool bay-win. room op. Park; exc. board. Baring T739 J. See photo at Ledger Central BROAD, S, 770 (The Graham) Cool and at. tractive furnished rooms; all modern conven lencea; excel, table board; hotel eery.; $7 up, LElIIliH COOK and chambermaid, two girls; will go together or separately; best reference. M 82 1, Ledger Office. COOK, assist washing; elty or suburbs; ref. Sea Miss Reed. Room 230, Public Ledger. COOK and chambermaid, colored; places to gether; best references. B225 Arch st. board: W.. 1313.15 BMutlfuirooma. with nair nn fnnAn Phnna TtnlM t&Tl . )II1 IMBIlUrjl.MK.ill, t I'UMH AW V SPRUCE, 102S-3O-2d-floor room, southern ex posure; choice table board. Wnlnut 72 g. W. 2123 N. PARK AVE. Newly furnished si Igls rooma for gentlemen, with board; rates very reasonable. Bell. 02-41 Diamond. COOK, Pennsylvania Dutch girl, first class; shore or mountains. Apply 1005 Sprsce. COOK. exp. shore. 017 Crelghton it best references ; country or- aea- taza ana oirnrd). GIRL wlahea position In bakery: has expert, ence. E. M., 4233 Haverford ava. HOUSEWORK Reliable girl wanta place for general housework, no laundry; country pre ferred; good recommendation from last place. Phono Bryn Mawr 020. IIOUBEWORK, general ; plain cooking; city or suburbs; best ref. M S22, Ledger Office. HOUSEWORK, no washing, young Scotch girl, experienced; reference. M "759. Ledger Office. HOUSEWORK or cooking and downstairs workLa.ssIstjiv;ash ; ref erence B2 N. 37th at. LADY'S VAID or chlldnurw: German Proles" tant; best reference. M 823, Ledger Office, SPRUCE. lt-2C tllrlsmonde) Fum. rooms; single, en suite; private batha;tab!e board, SPRUCELYN. 30S "touth41st st.-Mlss S." M. It AN LEY, formerly of cnestnut st; WALNUT, 43.11 2d-noor rooma. with board; near L; southern exposure: refs. exchangta. Suburban OVERBROOK-4i003 Drexel road; boarding, tennis, awlm'g pool. Phone Overbrook 5P03. APARTMENTS SPRING GARDEN, 1010 Excellent apt. In 8 different houses; some furn.; kitchenettes. West Philadelphia BALTIMORE AVE., 5211 Attractive 3 rooms, porch nd bathroom, ur.furn.; light and heat Included. SIT a montn. I'noto. at ieu. v-tni. NURSE with hosplUI training; wlahea noa. with Invalid or chlldnurae : ref. M B21.Led.Off. It!0 th(s te" of tho road by tho ffi? V 80Und reln. which the UII clung atunl.liv ti, i ! rUllnr. V1J'"1-L'""." aBn-n..;.."."":0'" u" KBVO Be&th their nr.mt 'n,. ii-i.uu iM I S? ,sld? pf tha embankment, flSS. eUntless rein, drninrlnr ut WtLy' m"' "iPe them " Mormiey aRW- the only course ittI tiem- tb Kl ved jWtrB. Thero WOft no tl t0 i and reach th hi... .. .-. intk. ?y JUlnPlntT. but Sylvia, r tn ,7 W0UI t roiling over 1 D plteoua illTv.,n..i IT ''". h shouted Hercely at . arui the ln(t tiii.i grSBD on tha tin. scrambled over tho' tpotboard - wusuB or the wagon. He STENOGRAPHERS, BOOKKEEPERS and CLERKS are furnlihed thrqugh the COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT at Ledger Central. When you are In need of a competent office assistant write or telephone MISS DHAN, Walnut ,1000. and prompt attention will be given your request. This Is a free service to Ledger advertisers. Tioga 22D. N.. 3004 Two up-to-date alrllght apart ments of 7 outside rooma. facing 3 streets: located near Tioga; suitable for doctor's or dentist's office, uonnem, S2d and Somerset. FURNISHED APARTMENTS LOCUST, 131S Elegant apartment. 2 rooms, private bath; also single rooms. Wil 7S03 W. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS TYPIST AND CLERIC desire office position; knowledge of stenography. J 48, Ledger Cent. YOUNO LADY, knowledge of bookkeeping and stenography, soma experience, desires clerical position. J 251, Ledger Central, SITUATIONS "WANTED MALE rteSd VtrlJ tho off horae, A KJteL1!!"!! h right hand tat -fc. t "" Bno tfts wme && lb " JUUmal's head M ., -"v Keaaing tar oui, I. Ul Other atntfnlln .nlm.l ai,lif ha,ld. anl P""11 ikOrw iiZSt ''! hoofg ot the fft It"?cfc "re from the em- MhS LIS l"ta"1 .0U a'Mnger was over. you iiii.i, ..,.. Bob v.iLii :r" A"" m . -" i8 ino emetic- down r little and the rein -mueg. -Vsi.""L,,sff5.'v: fc - -- w ,! turn u hw bareback wl guiding -4 ii years age, wen was . W Cfcwnea, B Wtter hatred ml . i wa Wt Who ,.7T" " WHh 0rm- i7tit Gtwiler into a Ml GarrtofV The engage wouiteed u ,i- .ii .. . ride hflftlff AVta i, JUMn. w. 3vu when the waa amatbeu-si bv . daud gWeet to Qfirmw. tr Unr. ieri.e a yard w.v ' ACOl'NTANT. competent, experienced book keeper, desire position with reliable account ing or intg. concern. 1 441, Ledger Central. ACCOUNTANT, C P. A., expert, wanta poaf- ln auditor. J 247. Ledrer Pentrml. ARCHITECfuilAL dniuglitaman. grad, of U. of Pa., regular course In architecture, desire position, 3 yra.' prac. exp. J 337, Led. Cent. BOOKKRKPEil, thoroughly exp., will audit aceouuta, open, don and write up books, day cr evntngmod. term. B 407, Ledger Office. 55nKKEKFKR. experienced j also knowledge rlrrleel wcrk. deetre position; commission or brokerage house prf. J in, Ledger Central, BSbSKBIPKR nT secretary Six yiara" ex perience, unquestionable reference; bond If required. CMt, Ledger Office. .retTtWer' fSSfreV HOOKKKKI'BH, i. r;r expenepce; saury. Kg. referenees. It MS, Ledger Central. CAllPelNTER FOUbSHaN BiK In soperln tsndlng large brlok, atone and frame bldaa.; ref. from last employer. C SOfi, Ledger onice. CH iUFKEl'R. rnechanlc marrTO, wlsbe atHtdy pes It n' xp.l honest, sobar and careful driver, good ref. J 44a Id Cent. RiAUFEt'H. SI. white. narBefjrlMi or truck, willing, reference. J 44,Ld. Cent OAltDBNKIt, single, undrretand care of autoj fiireflee. WT ld Branch, leth and DMPhla.' MCinKlBT, iPribe4h fFS?? teewerer, -. "ITlW't ,T.r7ZZt -- - w, . -. FOI'LAn, 1322 Attracthe housekeepln: SPti., S and U rooms, bath, kitchenette; modern conveniences. Apply 1004 LandJTItle Bldg. S4D AND PINE STS. DE LANCET APW. New, light, 4 to 0 rooms, 1 and 3 baths, kitchenette: central location. Apply Janitor. DIAMOND. 2112 S rmi, bath, kitchen, kot water heat; ref,; 2d floor. 2; 4 rm. bath, kitchen, all cor. rms., g.13. Diamond IBIS W. RE AI.' ESTATE SAIiE OR RENT OWN YOUR HOME by-monthly payments of from J 17 to 50; houses located N, I'hlla. and tltn., worth from fisuo to 82.W. Mercbanu' Unton Truat Co., 115-713 Chestnut at. REAL ESTATE FOR SAIiE CITY lfMU N. 6TH ST.-A real bargain to quick purchaser: three story, eight rooma, good order: large yard. WH. HOOD. 812 Nprrtg at, 4 UKItKa ST. 8 rooms, alf conveniences; Anl XiML W. H. HOOP. 312 NorrU at. KBALtV and insurance broker. Atbrccht, STS UreiaJ Htdg.: Ml' W. Lehigh ave. 'i ' ' " , ?.! 1 - THE PADDED CPAA. iSJrrl HAM UAH! Ha IM PrrAc 1 rTZT JJA ' w " -ii 1 ' A FIDDLE ' (TbTAKferVioeli 7" """ ' 71 I - f5V A LITTli RUMP UVtR "nUT i I 3i2y L im atktrt a! iint tja 1 I rA DA AAV VAAV-PP &(!. 1 I HAT E o7mmT' ( ""7 u bum OA' -r (-"JfiJ I 5MESIMS4 C f I UDLE FOOL CANT LCOKWHtM. IDIOTS UKE-nATOU6KTNrTo0E. L. T -IT lff -"M KNOCKED HIM COW ' -mM ,Mi. ir- ' "&aj&HT( ( BoTMNrA . Tf .ZZ- TDCAMtN'l V Ep3 r ,... o.'l YZ -. - v -C ? A 1 XX - yV 1 ) SONGS WITHOUT WORDS 7 ) lUJ SUllll' 1 fJfF r ( I Y s0"My Rg.Sort"hoteu - I isBJn Weatherproof I A Hcro VIaTOrtJf? t$5k!s- Sydney DuUftln. st '"'fitfWe.i" t? "Thero'a nn enst wind blowing; mIibH Hrel don't you think you'd better put Mr. Henpeck Arc you the man who jgRp" $kr Bomethlnp; on your chcatt" Bave mr wire a lot of impudence? Sup' jB&r "It,s o11 r'slit. Charlie. I've pow- Mr. Scrapper I am. 7r s" JW J dered it three times." Mr. Henpeck Shake! You're a herol O k H v, SfHiiifSr wS"5Stcrf(.v ayl ?fm!j &tf . ePHri??i, WSr yX fc-C t! SA tSf "SKallSSS Mr. T. L Midd Dives nllriHilM! 'WtMM& We Love This Mnn I n ii fti--'!?' lY WtiwM mmZr&&zZA v 1 1 jW t ulit "W llBlSr MmS?! CANT EEAH TX) HAVE J( 'ARg.-,?6tf; JrVmL Hf Vllilw rHHP SmS RRnv INAILS.I; SURfiSttj' rjpfeVirN' B Mil ItP IP V-n "rOUHTESV ,k2 EM4:i' iH -London Oplnlon. -v l arrTTal HOCT? tf"Hrarrpil iiar 01d Ld': "Jobn, John.1 Jet look 'are at thlg young lad; blest If 'e ain't JS& !Wn P IrQJjiBtf&Zr U vHP?aai. tna Ivin Image of our Bert." r PilHR Ttt SfkY - , 'lf v I V1 ----. vr i? aa vt&. nc twcinH. sj. xz natidnaii skkvii;k in tiik huliimls -SruV w W iM f'-SS r 2d "It's harder to attract attention than it used to be," remarked the town clown, "VYliat makea you think o 'I remember when I could set all kind of a laugh simply by wearing a straw hat before the first of May." Washington Star. . AND THE WORST IS YET TO COME Logan 7T!Ti-- tmrr. J 244. Ledter ' MtrvATlS BKCIlerfAhiTef hotel rvj. i. Mraphr. typut, bookkeeper, telegrapher wahUeSAdd. E.M Burette, QoBeerd. jtaas. fiTfjaS-THrVltbTVeera' tP-J gn. eler, unlirteg aw" J ledger Atret SITUATIONS WAHTEP MA-OB Mil Help VmJ m4 tf4lta Wot4 day wllawf mMItte! arp.l BALMUJAN Mceae-fctad i LOOAN IIBAL BBTATS BALK. RENT AND SXCHANai M. M. Bmllh. Broad at., oyp. Logan I lUtloa. NEW JKHSEY Cemdcfl. N. J, 118 MONTIILT I1UYS brand new 7-room home in rinulMi H mln from Fhlla ferrri bath. tp&ssst tax4triisWrisrt: DBA IM Market at., Qgmden, N. J. National rrk. W, J. BUNOALOWB, IJW essh, 10 flit); near trolley; conv. to irk Qt off Be.) Hank ave. badge. ICO essh, 110 monthly; tot 23 (iverj m Greater New atlonal nk ave., e agent with Jersey Co.. 38 18th. REAt ESTATE FOR RENT ledger W--.Jff -ar (h -p----"" 11 m mi nr STfNJWRAPHKR AND CLKR. tft' rot NO MAN. M ect-el, gta,, Jgfc'. tfjfe ann, ten. . .. -r.,." ci. is "r5Sr-ni"wn iLa BUSUNB88 OPgORTUNITISa ornqsa, ijdsinbbj boom9,bto. SrJSfCSl.,r5i! wtt ? liS !i ! 2- !!S Hune. a tbm.. . .a jcCTA-srt ttterlf Varehomtaj Mf g, Floor WO, Kf 1RY l aaiure mbwtea .Heat ndUd Ml i,ateHe. well, w II ptteai TmSmsm. e-Bra WORTQAQE3 momcy rpR NOSTaAoae' 500 $tooo Jlaoo J51SOO S1500 $SOO0 W H. HOOW. WO-RiB ST. t o. "it- i vK mil . x:.-.ivxmu.nuiiinw.iiminiiyiiiir.u,M, iiMUh Pium MHK wwwm wjmm && 3?F':' ST"""5 IV. ) '3r..,.ll Ir j vv i t, c25Mjt "l -". - IcuAvfeKi --- ( BlJ We asked a nice-looking; sentry if he had any shells ne could All for him. But a horrid sergeant rushed up and told Us we mustn't speak to a sentry. The creature! We only wanted to be useful. i lfe We saw a whole lot of carrier pigeons flying about So we took all the trouble to climb up and warn the coastguard. He said they were eea culla, and wasn't at all nice about 1L On our way back e distinctly saw signaling ffolng on behind a cottage. There could be no mistake this time, ao we called a constable and went to Investlnate I BHBMfc-" HHVSjlSHKib.1l- Eta3-c;Z43lFSaKJ?"MBl'l7 BBPjSy .T rw iiitlBKI .vBLa 4JEkBK?"'3ziMj, aB We had almost despaired of betag really useful, when we beard shis- ttielous tlBkHug-. obviously a m&saage hy Mersa ooae. Bo with iBflaHe care w ort over to tha sound. We are golu? paddlias tooterrow the VrDHe-Paw, are all f iMT Maw wys they are. Paw N not a" t tnern my son 9asa aitbia ' bavhetois T Nwtyw4-Oe't it aw M- tjiuletonlly di felloe na eaan ei tLooka aeriuutf) ebou' iiu.'rt jjWMa te tmwt-i watte.-- M ty ths Manure Newiaiie oflaa. BBL a B fc '- "'f f -faPlL-Sif' joLyTVr-J": VF i- - --tsA WPHBBjBraiMBHlB ie 8B-Hi- - -i-W- 1- c" ak.V":
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers