TTMWJWilWI-jp ETENIffG UE3GEB-PKll3AIBEPHiA WTTOtfESTyAY, 'ATTGrTJBT 2, T9TB: M i i '!'. i ; ,.i COUNTRY PRODUCE NOW SO LOW YOU CAN BUY ALL THIS FOR A QUARTER LAW MAY.TAKE JOBS FROM MARRIED MEN Contractors Learn Compensa tion Act Makes It Expensive to Hire Them. 10 INCREASES 0 1200 Finest Suits this one week onlyl R)R WORKERS IN lG WAR PLANTS '4 Ihouncement of More Voluntary- Pay Ad- Ivances oy u a r S e ffrirms Is Expected. ftflux o Great Munition Orders From Auie vjuud. wiiB aponding Rise in Employes' Pay Two Companies Act. V More to Follow. working the manuftclur,n ,ndUB " . fcj".inut Philadelphia arc booii ioil the bencntB ot' the ProsPer,tr 14 thU eewntry by the Immense .Li i European war orders. The gen- Z tndncy toward an advance In ' whlch has been apparent for some " , . u.l..n1lA Inln Ann tlm.filslnnlng lo """"""" ";- m( action. Already two local urms Iutj gran'd an advance of 10 per con1, to their employes, and it Ib expected that hr larg plants will follow. -rh ureett Philadelphia firm to ad- 'twite the wage scale Is the machinery 'nliflt of William Sellers & Co. Several thousand men wm do aucurcu j " ... create, which went into effeef at the be glnnlr of this week. The other Arm Is tfc Autocar Company, of Ardmore. which "htt also granted an Increase of 10 per I'cent About 600 men will be Dencntea Dy fthla action. . if-It la pointed out that workmen In many plants will be benefited by the war orders without a formal advance In the pre 'TilUEg wage rate. In Bhopa like that of ftb Baldwin Locomotive Works, where :ach workman Is engaged In an unchang ing operation, and where specialization Is carried to the highest possible level, work ara will be able to produce much more (than under normal pressure. Since most '-'of these operations are paid for on a. jjlece-work basis, the men engaged In fthem will earn a substantial Increase over the normal wages. The Increase in wages," said a repre sentative of several large plants in this city today, "Is In line with the settled policy of local business men. Phila delphia has ben noted as a non-union city and also has been noted as a city where ability In workmen has been ap preciated. This Is not spoken of so often as It deserves, but it is, neverthe less, a fact, and the small influence of labor agitators in the city Is the best proof that It Is true. The manufacturers Who are granting.the present increase are giving It as avar bonus, and their object Seems to give the worker a share In the general prosperity which he Is helplns to create. "There was much ado some time ago at the prospects of a general strike of workmen for fl share in the profits aris ing from war Orders. This alleged spirit o'f agitation, which was said to have reached this city, existed only in the fertile Imaginations of- those who' made, the statements. There has been no spirit of dissatisfaction amoncr the workers In Philadelphia, and they have shown a willingness to co-operate with the man ufacturers in getting n maximum pro duction." The largest plant In which an Increase of wages has been awarded to' tho work ers' ts?i that of the Bethlehem Steel Works. Beginning this week, the'workers at the steel plant will receive Increases In ail departments amounting to about 10 per cent. This advance will Increase the payroll of the company about U.600.00O , annually. In a statement explaining the reason for the company s action President S. G. Grace said the advance has been i.granted "In recognition of the loyal and .minim service tne company has received irom its employes, and It Is made pos sible by the general Improvement In busl- s ness conditions." s Officials of the labor unions profess to ee In the Increased wages a scheme to Fprevent trouble. They assert that a strike 'for higher wages was certain unless i the f companies took some such action a'B that which has been done by the three con cerns mentioned. If the plants In Phila delphia grant their emnlovpH hatter . i and better working conditions,, they say. they Will feel that thn throat nf t trouble was justified. ,U.S. TO REJECT BRITAIN'S ". DEFENSE OF SEA POLICY Endorsement of Interference With Neutral Rights Unsatisfactory. t WASHINGTON. Aug. 4. , j The United States will decline to accept . Hie British indorsement of Us armed in terference with the freedom of the seas. F Afnitnlstration officials made this very piam today, in discussing the text of tha i wree notes from England given to the ., thU m""nn& Although it Tas aanmted that the documents were couched . w jnost adroit language, and .seemed to ; try to be conciliatory, officials pointed , OUt that th.r ..,,- . i ta : -ii I i..,, 7 .T "o u. pisumvaiu mini- L J"'' & the British reply and tho con- uuUn set up by Germany in defense w her submarine warfare. "We are sorry that neutral rights are jM violated, but war is war," Is the r"'grents In their communications with wiiolted states. As a result, officials 1 tfil nlnm.ll. A..U. ... ..... J-J I.W . ,Mf"",MMt UJUUO ) BIUUUCU Willi m rocks that will require the rtful navigation if disaster is not fwuntered. B ftd conditions pi warfare, the rv5frSB?u.dclare require a newappli W'on of thK principles of International Germany must be overcome, the British rf?r- "ln v'ew of her shocking vlolatlon W the recognUed rules and principles of JfKtaed warfare." and therefore tho ,uoas Drought into use are Justltied. rt f!'nd flatly rejects the American con MfiUon that where a belligerent la M riuuieit that his commerce can pass jviufn adjacent neutral ports as easily wouh hts own territory his opponent M no rijjht to Interfere. ?h t'nited Stataa. officials declare. not aicpt any such statement It msiated in all of its dealings with 'many that the belligerents cannot Wge the lules of the game B far as itralg are concerned. British btisKeation that where the rernment thinka Its rights have been 1 " Dy tht. BritUh Prie courts tne r hs retvrrvji tn nrhltratlnn will llid nje6d. at teit for the present. v nuea state will dlre mat unm great general prtjaaipl is settled all MMues miK d sKwnxua. 6vWal Hurt in trata Collision " ITl.AN fie. Mau.. A.U. i.-Svral ere fceriouaty injured In rmr- m'uiuu of leU uid neiiil express at ui, New York. New Uvr nd M-jj hiHiruad station iu aiortl nrmmmmmmmmn w iiiimiiiimwiiihiiiiihiii m minium iiiwwBiiiiwiiiwinM in i i ' --tt''''T jB 4l?9iKV-. JBaaBiaaaalaP E55' aaauAc w T ki'' wjfifliBK&iiiiiiiiB jjfikV JBj& calfi& 1 n. Hjn. w5 jd JfSf '4liHyBfe,??7?S!kllHVK J iHHKg 4 5 SjaflMLaPvtKlaaaaaaaHRpZtnP J8SMrTTl lifllflKilW0' PriUg; i HLBaKlai. it' lioio id enough tood to provide n low levels, due to tho great size and other cheap products are not INDEPENDENTS READY FOR FIRST MOVE IN MAYORALTY CAMPAIGN Executive Committee of "One Hundred" to Out line Plans for Fight To day Organization Split Appears Imminent. The first Important moves to be made by Independent forces In the mayoralty campaign will be plnnned today. Tho Executive Committee of the Public Serv ice Committee of One Hundred will out line plans bf campaign at a meeting this afternoon in the Bulletin Building, and tonight the Washington Party City Com mittee will meet to devise ways and means of battle With every prospect of a break in the Organization similar to that of four year's ago, the independent leaders are prepar ing to launch a vigorous campaign to glvo Philadelphia at least four more years of good, clean government, such as has been seen under Mayor Blankenburg. The Executive Committee of the Com mittee of One Hundred, which was named last week, follows: Alba B. Johnson, George V. Norrls, William It. Nicholson, Franklin Spencer Edmonds, Richard L. Austin, Cyrus H. K. Curtis, John C. Winston, Arthur H. Lea. James Mapes Dodge, Joseph M. Steele, John D. Mcllhenny. Samuel S. Fels, Percy H. Clark, Calvin M. Smyth, Walter F. Balllnger, Herbert D. Allman and Charles Z. Tryon. It Is not 'thought that any one candi date will be definitely agreed upon ' to day, although It Is believed that the name of Director Porter will be submitted to the committee. The presenr political situation will be carefully reviewed and plans will be discussed for getting out the full strength of the Independent vote at the primary election next month. T.nni. nrtA rtri?nni2ntlnn leaders .allko are anxiously -awaiting the next move of congressman vure. uratnij " action of the labor men's committee ln in viting Vavo to become their candidate and the reply of the South Philadelphia leader that he would consider their, request, Sen ator McNichol reiterated his belief of har mony when he returned to the city late yesterday. In one quarter it was rumored that the Vares were willing to support W. Free land Kendrick. Receiver of Taxes, pro vided he would be acceptable as the har mony candidate, but it is considered very doubtful whether Senator McNichol could be prevailed upon to accept Kendrick as the harmony choice. In other quarters it is said that a clear-cut contest between Congressman J. Hampton Moore and Con gressman William S. Vare is Inevitable. VIENNA REPORTS REPULSE OF FIVE ITALIAN ATTACKS Assaults on Monte Sei Bust and in Carnic Alps Fail. VIENNA. Aug. 4.-The following offi cial statement was issued from general headquarters today: t "The coastal district from Krn to the bridgehead at GorUIa is almost com pletely quiet. The border plateau of Pplazzo has been attacked by strong Italian forces five times.. The enemy attacked our Infantry who held posl. tlona east of the village and at Monte Bel Busl. On each occasion, after heavy lighting, the attack was repulsed. The Italians suffered great losses. Re inforcements brought up by the Italians were surprised by our artillery and dis persed. "While this battle was raging other sections of the plateau were kept under strong Are by the artillery of th.e enemy. "On the Carinthian frontier the enemy, under cover of a thick fog, attempted an attack against Gelion Kofel. east of Tloeken. which completely falledt other wise there is nothing newon this front. "In the district of Monte Crlstallo one of our patrols met a strong enemy de tachment, and In a short skirmish the enemy lost 39 men." Motion Pictures linf i --- ii Minimi milium Produce Results In Commercial usage. They will create a new Interest in your business, your product or your process of manu facturing and enable you to demonstrate to prospective wlw Citbarwis oouW not b reaehMl- For the maalfold ue at this profitable andnowerful "Agent of Modern Bunlneea" communicate with fitimew Exchange if Pfeila. S )1 C-r Bids:- Falls., Fa. 13 meal for n, dozen vegetarians, and it nil can bo had for 26 cents. Wholesale prices have sunk to remnrkably of the crops, but most retail dealorR are keeping their prices up, declaring that tho 5-cents-a-bnsket tomatoes edible. The above portrayed examples of the bargains which arc provided by a few retailers seem to be in first-class shnpo and by no means Impaired by their small cost. CAREFUL HOUSEWIFE CAN BUY VEGETABLES VERY CHEAPLY NOW This May Be Done, How ever, Only by a Close Study of the Prices Asked by Merchants in Each Locality. WHAT A QUARTER COULD BUY AT A VEGETABLE STAND peck .tomatoes OJ ii peck potatoes 03 2 squashes t 3 ears of corn "5 3 head cabbage 02 peck onions 03 3 cucumbers n3 Total 2S Tho oversupply of vegetables has brought' wholesale prices down so low that housewives, by purchasing carefully, can buy tomatoes, potatoes, onions, cab buge and' a few other vegetables at rates very much cheaper than isual. This can bo done, however, only by close study of the prices being asked by tho various merchants ln each locality, fnr tlr still are many sellers of vege tables who are taking ndvantage of 'the conspmer by asking prices out of all pro portion to the low wholesale rates. There Is no relief ln sight for the farmer and the commission merchants from the hardships Imposed by. the vego tublo glut. It is the general opinion that the rain of yesterday and today will make conditions even worse by stimulat ing the growth of tho crops, which are already too large, the farmers say. A representative of tho Evbnino Ledger bought as large a quantity of vegetables as he could for 23 cents. This Is what he purchased: A quarter peck of potatoes. A quarter peck of tomatoes. A quarter peck of onions. Three ears of corn. Three cucumbers.' , Two heads of cabbage. Two squashes. PRICES NOT OFTEN LOWERED. Before obtaining so much for his money he had to canvass many stores, however. He found that only about one store ln a dozen asked prices as low as seemed warranted by comparison with the prices being asked ln Dock street. Even In the sections of the city where the poorer classes live and where one would expect prices to be lower than elsewhere, bar gains could be obtained only with diffi culty. Prices were found to vary greatly often between stores but a block apart. One produce man was selling potatoes for 8 cents a quarter peck, while a competitor a short distance away was asking only 3 cents and making a profit at that. RAIN A NEW HARDSHIP. "The rain will make the farmers worse oft than before." said Samuel Daniels, secretary of th'e Produce Exchange, to day. "Ordinarily, . crops need rain In order to flourish, and dry spells waste the cropa. But now the farmers would be better off If the crops didn't flourish, MANN & DILKS 1102 CHESTNUT ST. "Wky We Have a Sale No commissions, "P M's" or premiums are paid our salesmen to push or sell anything. In consequence OUR PATRONS GET THE CHOICE OF OUR BEST. This method makes it imperative to dispose of our stocks. Many lines suffer for no other reason than from this established rule. ; Vfc Price Bath Gowns and Robes Less Than XA Price Silk Shirts 2.50 Golf Jackets and Vests Less Than Vi Price 4.00 Bathing Suits 2.00 1.00, 1,50 Neckwear 50c 50g, 75g Bow Ties 25c 1.50 SUjc Hosiery 75c 2,00 Bathing Pants 1.00 60 White Flannel Pants, 3.75 WhUe Jap Silk Shirts; 0 Overcoats, Knee Drawers, Norfolk Coats, Tennis Shirts, etc., etc. MANN & DILKS tW8 CHESTNUT ST. for the larger tho supply, tho lower prices will become. "We aro having good crops and tho farmer Is getting no benefit. There are moro poor farmers this year than ever. Prices aro bo ridiculously low that the farmer cannot afford to gather his vege tables, but will be Just as well off If he leaves them to rot ln the fields or turns them over for fertilizer." Mr. Daniels said he was of the opin ion that llttlo could be done by tho In vestigators from tho Department of Com merce who reached here this morning to look Into the situation. Ho saw no re lief through Government Interference. Tho Inspectors working in this city aro under tho direction of tho division of city marketing and rural organization, under tho direction of Q. P. Branch. One of the plans of Mr. Branch Is xto e'tabllsh a co-operative housewives' buy ing agency In West ' Philadelphia. He believes that tho co-operation of tho city Is necessary, and to this end consulted with Charles W. Baldwin, of the Bureaul or Uliy rropeny. rie earn inui. u uio housewives would buy as a unit rather than from the hucksters and vegetable stands they could get prices much more reasonable. He announced that one of the plans of tho United States GovcrrP ment calls for a canning week, during which all housewives In the EaBt will be urged to can quantities of peaches and other fruits and vegetables. Meadvillc Also Flooded MEADVILLE, Pa.. Aug. 4. Northwest ern Pennsylvania suffered heavily by heavy rains last night. Nearly every street In Meadvllle was swept by Hoods, and ( business houses In the centre of the city were Inundated. A 50-foot concrete wall around Allegheny College, high up on a hill, was torn away by the water. Cambridge Springs reports the heaviest rainfall ln Its history. All streets were flooded, and the business section suffered serious loss. All business was forced to suspend when the electric light plant was put out of commission, Tilusvllle reports heavy rains, and Cochranton 'Whs' 'flooded by Sugar Creek and suffered heavily. The damage throughout Crawford County was heavy. If it's up to you to de cide the heating question for any sort of building (home, apartment, fac tory, office or mill) Put it up to us before you decide finally! We know what's best for any particular purpose and, as we install all kinds, we'll give you fair advice. Our estimates will be as low as possible for high grade work. you'll flndv us prompt, careful, conscientious and alnraya lit your eervlce. M.J.Margulies&Co. Bothrhone 125 S. 6th St. DIXON The Dependable Tailor When we please men so well that they'll coma a hundred milts and mora (or Ulxon-Tallorlng, it's pretty convincing- evidence ot our ability. Attractive prlcea. 35, 110 and $15. 1111 Walnut St. or Lesg 15.00 Raincoats .,,. 4,.,f75p 4.50 Office Coats .2.25 6.00 Mohair Dusters 3.00 1.50, 2i00 Shirts 1.00 VATICAN NOTES L'EACE TONE REPLACING WAR CLAMOR Hopes for Discussion Lending to End of War. ROME, Aug. 4. Discussing the messages and statements Issued ln various countries on the first anniversary of the war, the Osservatore Romano, official organ of the Vatican, says: "Rcadlns these foreign messages we are pleased to note that the language adopted has been modified ln tone, so that ln a sense It Is moro pacific or more humane. In place of Inexorable war cries and proposals to annihilate the enemy, there begins to be substituted a moro humane accent. "Although circumscribed, wo see in this the possibility of 'a discussion leading to poace. It t& a most comforting sign, al though very weak bb yet." Delivery Trucki When buying any article that you want to last and give service, , the best is none too good and invari abl costs a little more. This is true when you buy a delivery truck. The STEWART costs a little more but it is the best, as shown by actual results in the hands of many users; furthermore, the STEW ART is being considered and bought by those who have grown motor-wise with other delivery trucks. Why not allow us to make a study of your delivery system? Our booklet "HOW MOTOR DELIVERY PAYS" is very interesting and instructive. 1500 lbs. 2SOO lbs. A Long Liver $1500. Winsor Eveland Motor Car Co. Broad Street and Ridge Avenue. , Distributors of The Distinctive STEWART SIX Stevens-Duryea Service. ymnvm v"i ;r' ':"h ffrmf-, i TV im iiniiiiiiniiwnra '".f. (r ' -. egU-Zi-J.:Y-. The Kensington Carpet Co. say they don't stop at anything when it comes to delivery with the Autocar Atlantic City, Reading and frequently New Yorlr, Chassis $1650. atsj Married men of this city, employed by companies belonging lo the Contractors' Association of Philadelphia, were alarmed today by the prospect of being thrown out of employment thlis winter, follow Ins n meeting of tho association, In the Commercial Trust Building, when Horace M. Schett, an attorney, made it clear that under the new workmen's compensation act it wilt be to the ndvantage of all companies to employ only single men. The act. which goes Into fttact January 1, 1M6, requires, among other things, thftt If a workman la killed tho employer must pay 25 per cent, of the deceased's wages to the widow until her children are It years old. For each child In excess of two the payment to the widow la In creased by 10 per cent, until 60 per cent, of the workman's wage is reached. It wag pointed out that companies would bo liable to the payment of such compensa tion for periods as high as 15 years. Mr. Shell asserted that the only pro tection offered the contractors was to Insure with tho State Workmen's Com pensation Fund, In a mutual Insurance company or In a stock Insurance com pany. Such protection, It was said, would he an exceedingly heavy expense, par ticularly If the men Insured were married. Low cost? high value in these food pmducts "A word to the wise." Glance through this list of good things at little cost, at Martindale's. Then think how convenient they would be on the home reserve shelf how greatly they will simplify the daily re curring problem of summer menus. Shad Roe in tins the new pack. A simply delicious break fast dish seem like Delaware roe in early Spring. 25c tin. Tuna Fish. Haven't learned about them yet? Flake like breast of chicken, similar in ap pearance. Recipes on request. 12c & 22c tin. Minced Clams. The true clam flavor splendid for chowder or other clam dishes. 15c tin. Shrimp, delicious for the salad. While this lot lasts, 10c tin. Swan's Down Flour a won-der-wQrkinp; cake flour that vou should know by use- 33c pkg. Potato Flour very useful in scores of ways, for instance, soup making. 15c pkff. Airline Strained " Honey, 15c, 25c & 50c jar. Fancy Spanish Olives, Giant size, 25c bottle. Crown Brand Butter, a saving of 4 cents on the pound. 36c lb. Longfellow Pretzels wonder ful how they are going.' Full v, size, but very delicate, 18c lb.; 3 lbs., 50c. Premier Salad Dressing, 10c & 25cbottle. Green Ginger for preserving, 15c lb. Pickling Spice properly blend ed and assorted in the package, ground or whole. 10c pkg. Bay Leaves, 5c pkg. Saludo Coffee, 29c lb.; 4 lbs. $1.12. Stanhope Blend Coffee, 22c lb.; 5 lbs., $1. " Caricol Tea, 34c lb.; 5 lbs., $1.60. Viv Grape Juice, full bodied and delicious in flavor. 25c & 45c hot.; $2.75 & $5 doz. Ross's Raspberry Vinegar, 75c bot. Our Family Kit of mackerel a very convenient size for the ordinary family. $1 the kit. Thos. Martindale 8c Co. t Oth 8c Market Gatabllahed In 1S00 Dell Phones Filbert 2S70, Filbert 2871 Keystone Race BOO. Hnce BOl THE AUTOCAR EHITuH i .'". ""1l "i' .-g :r . ;msjh t y ''r:"mmmm PHONE OR CALU AT THE AUTOCAR SAUSS A SERVICE COMPANY. 230 AND MARKET STREETS, PHILADELPHIA. FACTORY 1RAHCH OF THE AUTOCAR COMPANY. AJWl0, (p, $40, $35, $30 Sulk, $23 $30, $28, $25 Suits, $17 $20 and $18 Suits, $12 CT, This is the one week of the entire season when our finest Suits strike rock bottom in price-reductiorts. C Better hurry, if you want to get in on it to best advantage! It will be nip and tuck who'll get here in time for some of these choicest Suits in certain sizes ! T,Let no man beat you to it! Vacation Specials ! Palm Beach Suits, $7.50. $5 White flannel Trous ers, $3.75. Striped flannel and serge Trousers, $3.50. Bargains in Mohair Suits! Perry&Co. "N. B. T." 16th & Chestnut Sts. Try Resinol Soap for a week. You will be surprised to sea how 1 It clears and freshens your com g plexion, even In that short time. Used for the Bhampoo.itremoves dandruff, and keeps the hair live, rich and lustrous. The soothing, healing Influenco that makes this possible la the Resinol which Resinol Soap contains and which physicians jtavo prescribed for years In the csre of skin and Bcalp troubles. Sold by all ilrunltta, For lamDla (m, write to Healnol Chem. Co., Baltimore, r E1 i in ir- Iff" --- - -- i r j ARTIFICIAL LIMBS Orthopaedic Uracra for dttormltlta. Elaatlc Stocking!. Abdominal Bupporttr, ta. rllfCDH. Ml, "w. .wu. .v.v,. FLAVELL'S 1011. antiNG qajuien trr. , itntimi Sft"pia"f-'iy''y',y?l5Bg5aaTaMHaaMBflaMB Si?TKftj.if. i- ...isgieSaa'lMM .-i. t,t-C4,j(.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers