? niii iipmm fjfVonK BEST TIP TOWN; pHirjAiMsijriiiA ib i,tunu . . tho Verdict of Hotol and Itail ; road Employos. hANTir rtTY, N. J., Juno M.-New I"1. . t ! Inwn" In file, rnmi- 'wth rhllftdclplila. a close second, WU' .. .iJ.HalAi .BtllArlna. liarA fnw ? :s .at nnnvAnlnn nf ttiei f!nria u!i and Protective Order of Hotel ilea " . , wii ;nroaa ". "-"-,"'" ".'"" firteTS 01 INurwi hici itra. mnniung ...ni-row nt L-lpscomb'a Hotel In . . .. t., iiiatrtet. Shorn Pnlnrel SJwllI Blv the cr.nra of the. dining "A.. r,rth deck an elaborate tccen- fNdnlght York owes Its pro-emlnenco In tho . . I.. ItiA nlilt nmt Hnw it llCROry V" .,. ... ...... ...,,. v.. la rnneo of travel, according" to " ...,.l., .1 Tn.flnnnnnlU MVilln. iJns and Ih'o peoplo who live In tho lnd ClUDS llltiu iiiu iiaiMiiiii ..i taa.1a hnvn minll n Vilili . c ihemsiplvpn In Hostnu that tot what they want by ahoor forco &.nnntlty. rhole lo' o( 'nny " illslrlbuted In m l'lllBUUIBII, all-ij III UIIU Ul .!. Loulsvlllo la "flat." JKe wait"" are building all of tho t ... ImiiBAd nut nf Una In nitlnnvrv neoplo thcro refuse any longer to 1 r .I.,-.. ....I In It... lin Wa nU anyiniMS U"- iu mu nm uujr. i uu ...... la antl In ImVn linen n. rAtftilnt it" out on tho Pacific coast. fnle In diners no longer bIvo up llko Wu a dollar Used to to lots of tho fled Kcnuemen who nrrnnso mo ,g and wieiu uie tviusn on i-uu- 561." PJJBLIC LEDGER CLASSIFIED RATES DAILY AND SUNDAY JftsTYLETYPH (or llko this) BK.inMri.on,.. 15 per ne iThre insertion m "fl i.tiw ijti Lvrn consecutive Insertions 100 per lln fltintlons wani-q, mrce uincr- !,; i wotk 10a rerlln. ffbic CI7P TYPE for like this Firnltted ln " clmnincBtlonn except Help Eud simntloni Wanted. Lost and round, l'er IT:..t. ttnarrilnir nnrl nontnB. Kw, o -n I, Inrtu Insertions In a week 17We per line Fivn ccn.fcutlvo Insertions ISO per Una IaII ntes are bused on arate measurement, guilt lines t6 tho Inch. Mkm KOTICES-clther pnper IIOIITH., one time Jltiet ln.ertlorA . .. ........... COO J1.W1 DAILY ONLY In Effect December 1, 101 . COMBINATION RATE fcr.trjirtion In both tho morning and eventnf tiKn of same day: PUBLIC LEDGER (MOHNINO) pvPNNr, i pnr.PR (EVBNINQ) Old four centa per lino net to rates slven bxiti HELP AND 8ITXIATI07S WANTEU iDVSnTISINO IN THE PU11LIC LKDOKlt :at ur. iHSEKTcu in .tiii; uveninu JMK3EII WITHOUT AMITIONAL W1AK0E. 'here is a ilrtitr store neat vntir mie that will accent Letlcer want ad j at office rates. PERSONALS 'nan BUOTIIEH A. ricaso wrlto to ma at HB. C. Kit Jl. HELP WANTED PEMALE COMPETENT chlldnurae; refcrenco required. IUMT N. Broad at. wbK. flret-claas, colored: largo boardlns mat; couia employ Husband; reierenco; letpln. 131 W. Tulpehockcn St.. Otn. WIRL for general hou'bwork; In Ardmoro: 1! iwjii. in lamuy; uerman preierreu: reier fVt required. Apply at Ledger Central. Mill' for Mrs. H Wednesday, a p. m. OUBEKEEPEn, working, capablo whito uV6man. not over CO. or mother and hnir. porn daughter; must ba nble to nnswer tmtte: good homo nnil wages to right parson; Mat. age. experience and salary wanted. A, mer iirancn, Jim ana icust sis. .WORD of ArlvtitA in HTRVrtnit ATTn?TTQ IBOOKKEEPERS AND CLERKS. Call to w. Ml.s Dean nt Ledger Central If you Bra llooung for it good position she 1U assist iwi m writing an attractive mnertlsement, JInMour Hnnrl.nrA In rh. rntIK'lirf .1 ?. IDEPAIITMENT and help you to locate a i.ifj iKioiuon. -ion is a iree, connacntiai Innc to Ledger Advertisers. Dear MM Deant ftiForglva mo for not writing sooner, but II certainly upprcclato all you hnva dona 11?. "?... ' wc"t o tha yesterday land I llko It very much. There la a lot fi . . nJ ' "O busy, but that It -". line. jra inev uro verv nice ZI"V t .DrK tor. fc-U-15. llisa M. E. K. IIS? ML 'HELP WAJTTED MAIiE Kffifi..AND TCK DnOKEIt, established jr' "vm, ucouca servicra or a uaieflman Flu) Can llr.Aa....ll.. ..II M..I..-I.... ...Antii. r , . - M..Ha,uJif noil IIICIIIVIIUUB M.vbna QU DOnilR imhI.I !..... -.. I.. ...n.1.- ."l Mo' favorabla opportunity for iJ;?:10 ,th9 r'1n' man- Answer with rofor. i!aa!to Ledger Central. L asi. iLSIS?.h.c?M- PA- J riv.? V 7:-MIVa,l or nisn-gmaa car, com A 117. Ledger Offlca. LSviJSIlwan,"d for paper box wagon- ateady -hi ' 1rerernce. A 110. Ledger Off IpISTRICT MAVAfiRna AMn inciiTii IK.eJnln't '! aa sis per day. K.y couaowlfo wants one now. Sells at bSbJi ?n b0 carried In tha pocket. Ex- .. . v"" ana county runts ires it you Er it?1?.' i'rotook Mfg. Co., Btatfon II, g.W W. Cleveland, O. jWANT a youna- man over 23. actlta In ii ? wof"-. . possessing leadership and . vu4Mcr, wiin gooa noma ana 11 CaiinH,ina narmanAnl n ,1 n rAr. I S? My,niiH "p,y v- "-. 8 SUNISTS. two; plpafltters, three; plpaflt- W uelDers. threat hlaolr.mllh KtnnlrBniltha T.5' Pnl'l examination required. Apply Rt" o "person, at 0 a. m Harrison Drotli T Co.. 35th and dray's Ferry road. JEW .... -...w -L -., ii ' ai, vim auniiy m vuvigjr. S'! a new SDeilallv. nulclc ullar: literal MMtgn. Acjjlybetw urn 10 and 11 a. ro. ry" , tci nwa uuiiqing. f-Qenteel lad for July and August In t J 1)12. Ledger Central. HavA VrTlT Bii.uHl log. a poaltlon or battarlng your trM- 7 If not. call or wrlia Ir. Hunt. 8S Central, for frso booklet "OPPOR x and ask about the suscsMful co- i sixn an L.ur. r mtuation wantaa TB thrntlirh tha Ammaiv.lal tltt.lll.V a, than ' ? moat apt to succeed, General bSM'TED daily to operate moving ple- sSnTTi . r you quick mmauu, "HJJ. lUloni secured, paying $Jf to Xf!tt, Is atarta you; open dally and aSi'a v"dneda and Friday evenings. oiioui. ib'u Arcn. t. RATIONS WANTED FEMALE Kilw'SHOU8EKB'-'-R or ooiopanlos) to H"ali4Mp r, P,U0.LMer Off. -". muHjiajfc-, exper. iiaea or sun. , Maahore hotal nraf. T A . xuM Race. .f-UtK Thoroughly exp 1'nderwoodep- ctVM?- ngurea. j gpi, i-aq v KaiAIU or waitress warns jjosliion. Iten ave Phons armntuwu 1J31VV. JUiAID SwsdTTProt.. high illy rei --SSyujitaUjiL P Vi3. 1 tidger Offlce HWORK and walling, uo wash, la,"- LUr . bast r,i. 1 I -adger S nuraa P 124 to iiuailJ, aj ldg. Orflca ex par., Im or math.,1, hlnar cauabla. got . axpar . rt pn f loga xaiT D. ABalfetuns k.i,i ... l),.ialiiil LrJ,e'd office or hoUJ.' j-ns' ex- - .-.u- iyuu j ro, ijeagar cauira-i Tl m. . . ,-r . .ii" .;' wisnee bus. (.nauiovruiiA, , w lltht hous-work J7 N lttth at. V Hi) I U.I.K... w.- .....r. ...I.l. h.iliaj... J(ty ur luaniry f)WU Overbrouk v 1 fc ti-uiiocruiaid 4nd waltlug wants por lrlvua .mily, vtunlrf. iwsjilior XiJA CtrlalLui t FfctUiri;opirVr5t"lilra tosl ' Vw tafaiwiai, um ralra-uutu eve. SITUATI0NSWANTED-FEMALE 33TJ'''. .ubwh. er.oun" COOK, first ci,. , ... ."r- r. gjgB!go!g VprtSa r nwnteirti. aH1 " w 8oheol )e, ar: f Jf. L F V .(, .. ' i ..-."'""-"V"'. "i I'rftt miM mj- orH wte: tood .? n m . I. '. -T'rP aau- LaKrr (Jinn. -"', 'rni .wrnitm j ' w.A. Vnnr,rTASrK?n-wi. t.; . . jj r l:ii' ' g npnic oiou Tjracirii-s5t-2L,U!?s' reference, v 117, tavi otr piyiioomjioMMiejd5arib.,Wat1, n & ,..t .ji'SyaSS &i! """""reTpnsitiT over 3jBuor,hor;8712 Kalrmount aie. fo?.Sn,.?'.d.dl.le",B3 -1naTViluTTesTlTon lfr wy-fc'irnBAA0UMSDr "retaker or aim. Ulna i!hS.cili.,.iub?! ""ho or moun iain. phone Daring 7T0I. 8 Rolne H55?8' TWi'ii te7erenrejTebTeeu5n-lo Ruing away. J ,sa, ledger Central, SITUATION WANTED by girl for chamber. w ind walling, willing to' go to wumryi ,, uu,,n .'r jrnm ILMOil O'CIOCK, 8Ir5rNS711ArhentMSS.S'nl5?ii -?! "hstmUrh.one Bprucn B8S2. : l --", wijr;i, j .,, L.M. UCIll "ccuntte on detail wk.; oxp. J B, I-d. Crnt U'rovrifiir utttiTi vrrmr.-i -r r-r sTs'n?h,rAI'Ilnl-inowdKTo7oo1uiK; 1) months' exp J 8S1. Ijiirer rem..! v "' Si1l,AK;UI:"n.i.jL0.?Fpih-neg1nn-,r: - .-..a. ...i. im.!, wwiary. j ta, ieo. cenr, STLNOOItAPHnn, knowledge of j"kre;rcxtir- famlllarjylUi ""' Prts. J 81, LeilCeniV WANTED by cnpable woman charge of store; i;.;1 a:..v,u;a.s".';-is1'. ?.'vcn- " " -;"o-' .'.auvii, ium AmrKeiHi, WANTED Uy 'an experienced girl, general wiifw " A,ll,n,' Cl,y- fll1 Marlng WOMAN, cnTored, reliable, wants nnjJs work . .. m-.. nuiium a iiu. irvt, AUUiaon BC WOMAN withes day's work or wash to take home. gt)0.i Onkford WOMAN, colored, "wishes day's work, laundry or cleaning, reference, lii'.l Catharine. vtiutKlNCl houokeeper, exper. cnpihla woman, no laundry work Ph. Pel. 2u7 x. WOFlRiNO HOL'SEKEEPnil for male"a37iiT fam.,Mp,lrelaj'rot.jrcs.Mli,Led.Ort. YOtlNH LAD"Y, knowTetlgo of bookkeeping-! stenography, willing to work hard for ad. ancement. J 317. Ledger Central. AI,NIt3t'E a'rvlce Is rendered through the COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT nt LEDCIER CENTRAL to employers who aro In need nf bookkeepers, stenographers, clerks or olflco help of nny kind. Telephone "Miss Dean," Walnut 3000. and tell your nceda-sho will put you In touch with applicants who can meet your requirements. This Is a free serv ice to Ledger advertisers, and eaves tlmo and worry. SITUATIONS WANTED MALI: ACCOUNTANT and business assistant; 10 yrs,' Hrst-clasH pnrt'p and Corp. exp.; best ret.; bond; married; age 30. J 1S3, Ledger Cent ACCOUNTS AUDITED, systematized, and small sets kept nt reduced rates during sum mer months. Roberts 3.1 S. 61st st. IlKLtllAN, 35, good education, neat appoar once, French and English, wlshoa position; references. J Sll, Ledger Central. HOOKKEEPER, 22. with two years' cxpcrl enco Iron and steel buslnera. anxious to study nt Wharton School, U. of Pa , at night; willing and ambitious. J 818, Ledger Central. BOOKKEEPER, student Pclrco School, desires position, with chor.co for advancement; not afraid of work. Uox lgfl, Clllton Heights, Pa. 130V IS, high school, desires office position. u 10, Ledger Ilronch, luth and Diamond. IIUTLER or houseman, experienced young man, 23 years old. 18.11 East Lehigh ave. CHAUKrEUR, white, wishes position with private family; 0 years' experience, 2 years In Ei, rope; good Ignltionlst and mechanician; strictly sober and steady: willing to go any where. A 107. Lodger Office CIlAUKFEUlt. first-class man, desires perma nent position, whero efficient service is re quired with high-grade motors; New Jersey preferred. Harry Jollcy. 1815 Addison St., l'hlla., I"n. CHAUFFEUR, 22, mochinlc, formerly race driver; speaks Spanish, German and French, will go anywhere. Ilomedes, IPO-'l tip. Pardon. CHAUFFEUR, single, experienced; 8 years' tlrst-class reference, last employer can be seen. J 831, Imager central. CHAUFFEUR, single, reliable, Protestant, with nrlvate family who will appreciate good service & respectability. Pox 111. Bryn Mavvr CHAUFFEUR, married. 0 years' experience; references from present and former employ- ... Y f 1 1 I...4... a..n,! Ul U 11,, aiu.tl vcn...i CHAUFFEUR, French, open for position, July 1 to Sep t. 1; refs. U S.12. Ledger Olllce. rr!A(!IIMAN. E-arder.er. English, single, colli petent, all around: best ref. A 121, Led. Off. UARDENER. Japanese, experienced, wants position, with recommendation. A 12, Led. OIT UENTLE.MA.M who owns automobile, offers services with car for afternoons, dally, either to transact business for others, or for pleas uro rides for Invalids; highest refcrcni.es. A 15, Ledger Oftlce GRADUATE OF Pclrco School. 4 years' busl neaa experience: Inside and cutaldo; excellent recommendations, j ihj. i.user ,cmmi. JAPANESE wlshea position ns cook and walt er; prlvato family, good references, logl. 221 N. 5th st JAPANESE, Industrious, waiter, general housework, wants position In family; beat reference. Iso. 1031 Vine st. . MAN, colored, light complexion, position as valet or attendant or cook for party of gen. tlemen; unquestionable reference. L 1)5.', Imager central, MECHANIC otectrlclan. pipefitter; repair ma chinery, autos, licensed engineer: 8 leare present poa., des. change. J BJ0. Led. Lent. MECHANICAL ENGINEER, graduate of Le high, aiso, member A. 8. M. E., age 30. married, 7 years' exp. In designing, erecting, selling and superintending, exp. In steam turbines, iron and steel castings, pumps, waterworks spec, and hydraulics, desires re aponslblo rosl. where good charT, pera lty, abll'y and appllc. are Beasts. A 31. Led. Off. REAL ESTATE Married min, 28, desires to learn business; salary secondary. J 141, Ledger Central. r SALESMAN, a inn' traveling experience with specialties, desires local position where my ability, energy and reaults will warrant a, pqi.il. -". v.a.. .... .- SALESMAN having over 0 years' good experi ence, mainly along drug line, desires po.l tlon, J 018. Ledger Central. SCHOOL TEACHER, young, desires ' iiploy- ... .a .ha .Kmm.r .T J 1-1 LaVlKSr C.nt V. saiarj, ! piw. -w." "''u'" YOUNO MAN. 10. U. of P. f "d . ka aecre larlal poa.: law er;soffj)ref. J 8M. Led.Cent. ' Ability to Sell SALES MANSHIP. .... a - 1- uaapa nltlnff' .tBDls and apeclalty Unas will prove my ability, j UK), Imager Central. AUTOMOBILES l'or Sale 8.CYUNDBR CADILIAO FOR SALE; ALL NKW TIRSSi MAKB OFFJBK. I.1S.V -I5,DoKB OFFICE, M 7K. TnTT? P sVaKLSY, with condsnsw. $; ltL ". tin SiiuTorrone fllllng of water. Dob. ." " .i rlfa.tnnnMlanil Din, .toy "- '. -" - ; rrtAVFOnD. B-pasa. touring. Ist-claM ruaolng CKA .ivruiiif ? 7iina.v nurnAse. no reasooabU bins, lieu iiui"" - - offer 'ref! oied. MlUbournjeJimsjadiSlarket. ATJT0 LIVEBYAND 0ABAQH8 5gIS nnSINBSSOPrOBTPNITIHa ITITTaTHNINO nearly ai per cent ,t yrs. . KM-Tnaia' PbilA. fg- ooocexo; ffl.aSSIi ss.1- visnsbr&xarz - "urW k-l5Sft6liLer'ofce. yeare. For iSW-ierTSsSia-0?? .i.jJlKlBu,,L?e- OABgJlX UUaVft"1 -uftttAaunff 81011' 1 1 rim SVY gantvraTHCAjTi ;B AYK. -a-crrTlfr AND DYBINO 'gli DBBSBMAKINOJuNiJ J.l &mi&i2!&d&!-En j..-; - h , -. CO. taUxlML ""-" EVENING LEPaEB-PHILADELPHIA. TUESDAY. JUNE 22, FOR SALE BlI.UAnr) pipl imhlnatton. Sd-hand tiouahL sold rentei exh A Kefer ,ji airard ave. BT0RAQE iiiBt. ,Mo'irh Steraje Co, Auto and paek- - ".aA. ms nan anippTng. agio Ltnqsster ave, ROOMS POR RENT AjClli 1809-Newly furnished eeeend-story U.A..' " "i"igw. niwrtys not mini ASCII, 170D-Unfurnlsned parlofrinrnlshed er nALTraoBE and iTTfl-rTewfy 1Tirn".""roems: ejBtlfulurroun.rgs Ph. Woodland goal P. nAI!FtJ'.4S&rN,c' rTnlrr-l 2d front; con--Ji?!l,hLjirJ,irhone. i.nSFN,"r' iW-AtlretlvHy furn. rooms; south, ep cont'oua hot water, gpfuce MBS., C.VI'.MB,A AVE.. 1921" Two nicely furnished n i romfor light housekeeping, phone. "'J-nrohD. naJ8-Nlcly furnUhed" IJ-story -S5?lv5'r h,h' Private family; phone. L55rT S0T'ATlfc-SorNriSlh)-fi.llgntfui SiieVf.i!I"'.?1 or m ,u"e; a home for the -JNscrinvlnailng references exchanged. SPriivn .a.T;.a..az.T-j . . - rrrtrt iw.aV "'MiLuvn, aiia ntceiy turn, ironi -SSJSiiJ".''' housekeeping; porch; phene. Kw.l. ..""''. lurninnea Bingie room; breakfattor dinner In desired. Si.'.,t,."?P2-DMI,l furnlihed rooms: -JUv.igJlhJi..'"r.mer rates Locust lo8 J. WA!'NyTi ,M08 Newly furnished rooms; prl vtofamlly;convenlent othreecar llnee ll5,U'-.B".M0-1"lrilM rm"" 'urn- lnl" or rormnunicat . running water; gentlemen prof, nEAnoAJU)OPTIONAL; PHONE. .'.', TF-'.4-.I'u"'lhed tooms."wllh or wlth . out hoard: Phone, wm.i thi board. B4Z1.,. 8". 10-eeond-atory front "communl CflMng;furn. housekeeping; adult; phone. erCCOND-STOtlY front room,furn ;" running water; convenjent to new belh; 1208 Spruce. Ittd and Senaom Furnished "- . ..... """"i "" only; menu, "IMTprjANOIl shower baths; near I.; all the , al. L. A. comforts or home. Phone Pel . mont 46SI. Key. West 3Sd. finhtirlinn Iii5Jt'.NT'?iVN-Jun M-September 1, room with breakfast for bu.lnees woman: W.W Jeweek Address II 017, Ledger Central. BOARDING nJ?Ap, ft., 770 (The Oraham)-Cool and at tractive furnished rooms, all modern conven- .n-n, pcn. i-nie ooara' notel serv. ; r up. V.1IU3TER AVE., 5021, 2d noor, communlcat log rooms, ex. car service, table board; ph SPRUCE, 1221-20 (nrlsmonde)-Furn. rooms, JnIe, ejijiejpfivnio bathsjjablo board. HPItrcU. lii!S-3o-Deslrabie s"ulta w:llh private bath; choice table board. Walnut 72SS W, KPRUCE. 1020-Ilsehelor npts.. 2 large." airy rooms, prjvato bath.lectrlcjlghls. phone. WALNUT, 4122 I.irge 2d floor room: southern lxr,o'ureJmodern houseboardoptlonal. WALNUT. V11-2d-noor rooms, with board; near L; southern expos., rela exchanged. 4TH AND WALNUT-Fiirnlihed room, with board for rnuple. Phone Preston 32M. Suburban OERMANTOWN. 23.1 W. nittenbouse st. (be tween Wnne and Orecne) Des. vac, sing, or . com.; good table. Otn. 1S73X. OAK LANE," "al Desirable rooms: congenTal Burrounu gs: goon nome tame onK i.ano .i-tvv OVKlimtnOK onnn Dreiel road: boarding, tennis, swlm'g pool. Phono Preston 5353 W. YORK ROAD. G.1nr,-Ijirge. airy room," fur nished orunfurnlsheds excellent board. APARTMENTS SPRING GARDEN, 1010-Excellent apts. In different jtouses; some furn :kltchonettes. WALNUT, C203 Unfurnlsnert npts: S large rooms, private nam nna nnu. Appiy jannor. THE KENNINOTON. Pino below Jlroad-New fireproof npnrtmento. Just completed: open for Inspection. YARROW & VAN rELT. 17th und Chcatmit sts. WEST PHILADEI.PIIIA CHESTER AVE., -tSOO-Deslrable sulto: 2 largo rooms and bath, 2d door, furnished or unfurnished. Phono Preston 5330. FURNISHED APARTMENTS LOCUST. 131S Elegant apartments, 2 rooms, a..... i ,,. .-. .,..!. .. tt'.l Tno fr lVaia lllllll llieu PtllAI" , ,,'Q. ...... ,wv , HPItUCE, lMH-Sublet: 2 beiutlfully furnished npts.; 2 rmi, nnil tmth; reasonable. Janitor. West Philadelphia, TO SUliLET I-irchwood Apts., 45th st. and Larchwood ave.; furn., perfectly appotntnl, 8-room apt.; cheerful, cool, 4 bedrooms, sleep ing porch, suitable for family or a bachelor; near 3 car lines, reas. Phone Earing Sill. 1RTJI AND WALNUT Attractively furn , 3-room. porch opt ; near excel table board, suit covplo or bachelor, 2 blocka frorn "L'rhone Preston 4370 D HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS 23D AND PINE STS.-DB LANCEY, AJ-TSe rieiV, USUI, t VI' w iwjnia, a "'", " . - ,. kltrher.etls. central location Apply janitor. DIAMOND, 2112-3 rms . both, kitchen,7hol water heat: ref.; 2d door. 23. 4 rms.. bath, kitchen, all cor, rim., j3. Diamond 1813 W POPLAR. 1522 Attractive housekeeping apts : 2 and 3 rms.. bath, kltchtnetto. modern con venlences.ArnlyiOl Empire Uldg. . 1215 N. 10TH ST. Second floor', low rent. Waldman. 1110 Olrard ave. West Millndelphtn ' GOING West Thursday; no reasonable offer "w. : . ,. . ,minuT v t.rTTiviaiir!n n rv reiusou, iijv.'ij3v..i.... v'v. . . . ..i: porch npartm't: Imme. poss.. Ideal loca.. suit 2 bachelors or family. Phone Preston 4570 D. APTS., 4 rooms: heat supplied, near ICth st. I.; ejln; rercrencf. i. -.ma --"nti wt.i-.-j. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CITY RENTS COLLECTED. ALnREOHTS. 873 nrexel Illdg . 2114 W. Lehigh ave. BuHtmnAN West Grove, Ta. WEST anOVE. Pa. Country home. 10 acres, IVEST ailOvr:, l'a. uounirjr iiuiiir. w , fS.a!S. "?"R WiR.' iKE5,?fi:,.J?,K! small trulls ,. ', '- , v.---. . . . NEW JERSEY Haililonllelil. N. J, HAVE SEVERAL FINE PROPERTIES at bargalS prices WM. CARE MARSHALL, r.31 Federsl st.. Camden. PENNSYLVANIA FARMS MnriF.L 31JACRB TARMtW mile to ststtoni xyx). J. H. Thompson. We. Ve.t Che.ter, Pa. REAL ESTATE SALE OR RENT OWN YOUR HOME by monthly payments of from 117 to 50; houses ooaterl N. l'hlla. and Otn?. worth from J'10'1 ! Merchants' i'n"nn Trust Co.. 718-710 Che.tnut tU REAL ESTATE FOR RENT CITY to 00-1410 N. ALDER (10th and. Masler)-a "'Vr'. ...iu Ann. tin. Kov at 1MT Olrard rooms.. uoa. --"j - -"- ,...(. f. Dnwl,, ave. iaai. 'w-" , , , ii 5 00-1437 N. WARNOCK (11th and Mttr) 'roTmtral. conv. : tonet 2d floor. Key at a a; 'Narglem2 gnyd.r:"l20Tdrrard ave7 .1.1-1MT TRENTON A"b7. Front and Norrls; l T"-i..h aa rann: nawlv don. Ul) ln- !..,r"'i-n,AoUt T Key at 2080 N. Fr Front, l.Aaiur., as-. . - ITnTiii'HTCLIFl'ON (llth and Loeu.O 1 'WZtZiZJZ. Key next door. Nealls.OlO 8.1-th. LAMONagent. oyyinBSyngSiyKS.S 1.QOMB. F.T0, ffilnsuUis. S to 10 rms,. ifeO to fl7. HI.I.IM 1. niiaji" i - --T. rTeuivc ROOM for two, welWumUlnd out.ld. '"S. ''ind Title AulUlng ; atenograph.rt JCe: fffi? exchanged. T III. Ledger Seat. r. :. . r. wn.T.riuu an jjraxai rjuc. Df fc Iteom nSK: ROOU, Parry Building: Ktyatene phone "trahaTl aWuce 18. Lk Ledger Cent. V-.Aaali.nnl ttf&6M. XrKKt desirable denfal olllee at I6 Wa4 nut a. WBST I'HILADHLrHIA STaal IvOCUBT err. ie wvmum, iw-i uwu. wyi fVgKy at 87M 1,AW Awtu B 1 ite.rh Havea Crest. N. J. EACll ."VBNCRFWT wsrm&e "- V-f" TVL. fOBVRBNT rURW.BHBD j i - SBAS1IOKK atwr, N. J. . .a. -. -- enuvaMflMTtT located; modarn IM eean- WUdvwd. N qBti82VS& (Xc-Jl ria. .-- T7 Axrc..:i.a..,",m-' Alio wudwooa UU1. a-niliiii-Si.n KaWuri 1W3 vy M0RTGAGBS UONB. FOR MOHTUAQ88 J500 $1000 $ 1200 1500 $1600 $5000 . W M isjOO. U NOKK1S . nnBXKL HLDO. OFFICES. Annual Rentals. D8rBound"'flSor. 1M; '"A" .. W. JgS;' Bultes 2 rms., ?1?. tiSS- UU- !?8' JfKt".??A' QeiUgee room le BIBIa-ili Dfexel b. Reading the Paper Logicnl Parson How is It I haven't seen you at church lately? HodRO I ain't been. New York Sun. fe TERRORS OF TESSIE EPISODE. 730 TESS IKVEHTSj. SELF- FMSIHS SUBMARiUE Tha Paaslog Show. Applicant That, sir. la a recommen dation from my mlnltter. Employer Yea, that's all right, but we don't want you to work on Bun days. Can't you get a reference from somebody who knows you the other six days of the weekT AND THE WORST Z& 7 S0NG3 WITHOUT WORDS TT "if n "ii n 1 -if Jl JLtiuYa-UimeW rWl rJfe1" A lit kOWttOHA ISS s A$7P ' - . ' ' ' ' " ' --. Two Views l . W -? m SCRAPPLE on a Windy Day Prefer a Financier Most modern women would rAther In spire a financier than a poet any day. The Tntlcr. AMATEUR NIGIIT TE3S' SHUSHES -THATS THE. BEST THIRG XOU6.VtK.Tl KOI t, TE5S. Doctor Not feellnr yry well, hey! I'm afraid Ifa a case of dipsomania, Smith. Village Toper Tha dipsomania I never 'eard on" It afore. "Av ya ever 'ad It. sir! IS YET TO COME 1915. TnB PADDED CB..L f TH rlTcTHEAJ RAAJ6& aaJDTHE PlANoiy' I tbu DEC.DE To Go away for A "rest I AMD TAKE 0.MLY A 'COUPLE 3p I SHIRTS OLD TROUSERS, ElC. aeW-aro Page Mrs. Adam The sailor had been showlnr the lady visitor over tho ihlp. In thank Ins him aha (aid; "I see that by the rutei of your ship tips are forbidden," "Lor btesi yer 'eart, ma'am," re plied Jack, "so were tho apples ln tha Garden of Eden."-Tlt-BIU. One Every Minute DUtrest Damsel Oh, sir, catch that man) He wanted to kiss me. Pensive Pedestrian That's all right There'll be another one along In a minute. "Williams Purple Cow. AT THE M0YIES "TB55TAS.nrSP ' London Oplaloa. irt3Mr,Ia't, p to ' to m wi -,-, ! w h i j m mivirra r imp vhiim i . i a -aa- 7Brt-a. J ATssT fTL ss. TvB!.xiRBB ill fit i v '1I5 "" " "" " " "" i''.i.ii i i ' 1 i 1 , IS To Ilia Taste Mother "Now, Freddie, j you're, disagreeable to, Cousin Ethel ah won't come and play with you again." Freddie "Is that a proralset" Life. Asked Too Much Fond, Mothtr-iDo you detect any signs of genius. Protetsor? The Protestor Madam, I am not a detective. Puck. The Wandering 8heep Parson I was clad to see you at prayer meeting last night, brother. Village Soute Wsa that whera X wast Wal, ril-be Jleseredl Kenpeck-Well. how do you Ilka married lit? Newlywed (cladly)-Oh. bllia la no name for It, Henpsck (iadly)-Teu're right: bliss Is no- nam for It! wV -'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers