in- J MimmfmSSm BALTIMORE MNTON SWITCHED TO RAILROAD SHARES ilthnorc and Ohio Led on SWing to Hlgner novels ; .Leap t Lackawanna. bw YoniC. Juno . - WMte price l- ot the opening of the Stock Rx BaTthls morning were not Inrge. they W ',.,. fiv Kxcentlomi. higher nnil PL.Vket In the very early session Fl-inafv MltiM Imhrnvm .Jo.mrl The volume of business Vutta than yesterday titid the sup Ul stock seemed to be smnli. Kiltinff sales put in their nppoarnnco I in the dny and most of the enriy f. wre wiped out, nhd itilte a few ?" . ' .. iiMnw vcstcrdnv'8 final. SSiness becatno smaller nround mid demand not belntr ns largo as V "" -j.i... 1.n rninti ni wtllilln In. a neon aim c.v ,.v . - --..- ... ? .. .tin lncklnc and tho market Rl8tlnctly a professional one Trad- v5s pretty "' v.... ..,., ...... ...... u fwnre of an Inclination to take hold Mmuortant overnight news, and sen- nt geemeti cu uu uidiimonu, N.-inir rcnorts' that the Incoming 2?.,. of the Steel Corporation Is at Wito of between 40,000 nnd 43,000 tons Sly that BIOCK uecnniu guuiiy unci, Wt but selling pressure forced It r.... ntnHif twllli ftnpv!Jilntr fllHO. . tnTi:r. uiujik ...v.. ....,,-..-.. ..-.,..- u nisei business there has been a u, sxonnslon In mill operations, and Ms havo It that during the present .. ... ...Ill 1a ah n IfiMfnt srnln Tlinn rcK tney " - . n. -.- 7 I 11.. In.nknltnm n . ImnnH rafctlmA SinCQ lliu lllll'l V. untune ucFjiui. IKsi. Ymintrstown. O., come tho report f every open hearth steel plant In that rlct Is rushed with new buslntss. Pig Bfnn manufacturers are deluged with ln- Svjrlfi for basic Iron. IK.m .. ...Ll I, a., nt fiAtt.ii ...t.lfilt nntrtrt KAvtaTOrUUIW cn vtk iivtio "' "'"v Bp-ln tho morning was tho earnings rfjlfim"1 OI IIIO iiuicilliutu icitu yiuu iui g. It showed that gross ndvancod n'lj6 over tho samo month of last fSr. while tho net Was oven better, tho iJ' . , nltttct. !.- !.- 11 riStt' Being i,iii -."' " " -li.. tinwAVur. thn crnR.q wnfl Stt.OrtO.lifitl felffr! and 'the not was turned into an tonus by Judicious pnrlng down of Ifsratlnff exponses, that Item showing a cre,ase 0f $9,401,290, resulting In an In- Waio Of Jl,410,721 In net earnings. This hi first month miring tno company's IMient fiscal year that gross earnings ; Mrt ftbovo tho corresponding month of I'ftl'prevlous year. Tho stock rose over go points after the earning were, un Hokcd. Shares oX the big railroads followed tho BBiOf Baltlmoro and Ohio In tho after Kn itsslon, and all attention was turned jSShls group, whero gains running up tj Surly , threo points woro recorded. MBadten Pacific was depressed, at ono 1 Wi being off moro than threo points. m tocK was affected oy rumors emn iRtag In London that tho dividend may ilSredu'ced. The tradlc of tho road has iSown no Improvement, but sentiment 'if'Canada Is very much better. Trading Kaj.not heavy In the market as a whole. tollfoado closed strong, vhllo copner.3 jrjro a llttlo oft. New Haven wns a fea ture, being up 2. fiiuiounccmcnt from London of tho suc ik, of tho new British war loan ot 1:50,000,000 (J1,:jo,uw,wo) was a very ncip ajnfluence. Cables said tlicro was a Iffy heavy demand for the bonds, and tipeciauy irom nmau investors, ino new snfTlll bear Interest at tho rato or 4V4 Ig'.'cent. Tho loan made In November !fo oiuy i;2 yur cenu na.t largo interests arc not iiisturoen the decision against tho Lackawanna the Government suit was plainly lown by the action of tho stock today. Uvanccd eight points. Everything in market, with very few exceptions, iroved along with tho railroads. iconda was unaffected by tho increaso ihe dividend, announced In th'o after- tson, and held a fraction lower. I-PARK TRACTION SOLD itwrkount Transportation Company Brought $58,000.' the receiver's salo today, the Fnlr- goantPark Transportation Company was for ES.OOO, subject to $7E0,000 mort- ;o bonds, to P. K. Foederer, reprcsent- the reorganization committee. i property was sold In its entirety tiisolnc cencern. The terms are $23,000 Sa and the balance when confirmed Ithe court, Woodsldo Park, of courso. jwt.wlth th& rest ot tho nronerty. arnca and Lofland, auctioneers, con- dtA tlm isnln '1'tiov trlpit in ctnrt thn JInff nt $;00,C0O, but descended by big affM Until tho price of $33,000 was BBhed. The park was part of the aa litfof tho transnortatlon comnunv. Tho jjiyjr owner Is president of the Robert II. Pwer aiue Company In Dridesburg. property includes tho buildings and 22 acres of land comprising Wood Park; the lines of the Park trolley, Ming about ten miles of track with plnals, bridges, cars and franchise; Unares of stock ot the Woodsldo Ileal KHaS Company, a llrst mortgago ot fijwo held by the Park Transportation (jSPSMiy on Woodslde Park nnd now as- ;. io me uirara Trust company as .', an accounts due the, trolley com y oy tho real estate company nnd Other property of the company, In- js puwer npuse ana electrical equip- IFRANCE TO BORROW HERE Will Bo Secured by American Railway Bonds. ft' YORK. Juno 22. Tho following pncenient was Issued by J. P. Mor !' Co. this afternoon: "The Roths jw. of Paris, have arranged to bor a this market for a period of one r a conslderabln nmniint nf money. proceeds of which the Rothschltds Miiake available to the French Gov- wi nero for payment for Its com- oongatlons In this country. Tlia "111 bo securnrl hv lilsh.irrada Amer- ; railway bonds, to be lodged with "urean & Co., In New York, it is Hole at this time to state tho i- ot tne loan, understood that thn loan will be it $:.o,C00.(100 and possibly $T5,O0O,000. uuni win be governed largely by OUnt of Am.rlnon KAjnirltlaa uvall France, which are to h deixwlted lateral, n s belvd that the -ui oe 6 per cent. RAILROAD EAnNFNfiS -CHICAQO OttAT WK8TORK. I - ,.... .Ui . F7V".:::-:: 1S: 4fi ANN ARUOIt. Tw!' June . . . tllMl ll.S.15 y i S.9W.SU u.tiiU BALTIMORB AND OHIO. $.2T6.20U ISli.lKS 3.U3.10S l.T.asd '" u.r'-'.s-'i fc,oou,.viu iM.i!iT.T'J8 1.110.731 made Balance $999,310,565 fMlj'KJN jun ja Secrtlur) K.iB'J w tlia Ceblst tolay thai Ameil a - lnijt. h&ldtli A t..r l)iu ti Ati.lltlir Utll IltidD . .. ... . t .u. ... tilt, lt-t-i tiAllur .. ...L I',.. u uwL &VI t u. rut AA l l . ! . . . B'kiG.ll lwt I Tilt- fauiil.lf Iri.. Lalaiu ICONDA DIVIDEND RAISED kuiii u"e ' B dtcUrtn M""- f - s :.j tiii. ui, h did- EVENINO ItEDOEB-PHILADELPHTA. TTTESnAT. JTTNE 22. 1!1K. jDQHIOEARNINGS GOOD-ANACONDA COPPER CO. INCREASED DIVIDEND New York Stock Sales I Sfte: sj Z ; ASgK.r:.:: $ B T Am rmi i'mi,,;,. .if., ii':. . im Am lido and IthH..:!1 7H 7 1H Amlllde&Lpf ?'V, & J. ,. AmlceSecutltlM J ,u '. '.' 2 AmlMoiMtlra S), 5 U M 3,'if Pf. DO S7 "07 07 Am Malt cu fti .. ii AmSmelt&Ucf $ pS'.t X R Am Steel Foundrle,....: 43 aS) ?0 aST-m V-?e.fpf 115M 114 114i ") A S tw W 22n' a2CH 220H Arl,,UlV,:.lpecr'--- 7 7 7 7H Anaconda Coppor aaif a7 an sn Ai?hSlT3";-"-I0lV " ioi S J?',T4SV-1I,0! 101 " miM nadwInLocomotlre.... C8 6W( 07 (17't HaltlmoreA Ohio 7S 77J 7,1 rfu Ilalllmoto&Ohlopf.... cut 70JX 70 70'f nalopllM.MInln? Ui lit 1! ni BelhtehcmSleeL.. 17W 171H c,H 170 IrookljnltapldTran.. 8'JU M)!j 89 MJ ?ii,ifni?i.pc."0,' 92M 0W( 07 8 California l'ctroleuia... 15 15 15 15 Canadian Pacific 153 152U MOW lf,0!f Central Leather Co mt il 40 41U ChcsapeakoAOhlo.... 3SH 41) ;.8M 30H Chnotopoer .10 40 4CM 40 Chlcaco Great West.... lljf l u inc Chlcaso Oreat West pf . 20 20H WH 2UV4 Chicago Mil & St P.... toif 91! DOVf 0f chicaZoni&p na i8 i7 ism Colorado Fuel A Iron,.. 33 ;;i 82) 33 Comstock Tunnel 10 10 15 10 Continental Can 08 mivj 00 00M Continental Can pf 101 0!) 00 D'J Consolidated Oaj 125H 125W 125f las) J Corn Products Hal 15M 15VJ 15 15'i Com Products ltefpf... 70 785J 78tJ 7M( Crucible Mod 31 31)4 30M SOU Cuban-Am Suiar 87 87 80 87 Dlstlllcri" SecurltlM.... 27K 271 25!( 20M Ud Uck& West 410 418 415 418 Detroit Iidlson 115 115)f lll'f 115! trie ifflli 27)4 20 27f Krleltpf tl -IBS 40 41J Erlo2dpf 30 31 31 31 Federal Mln A Sm itiU 34W 32 Mii General Klcctrlc 1735i 174 171H 174 General Motors 163)i 1&1M 103 154SJ General Motors pf 102 102 102 102 Goodrich UK Co 62)5 53) 62U fl'Jjf Goodrich IIP Co pf.... 102 102 102 102 Great Northern pr ll$ 119 llbH 110 GtNcfs for ore prop... 37)i 37!f 30H 30)i Guncenhelm Kipla.... 04'i 04U 03)f 04 Illinois Central 108 108 108 108 IntllarvNJ 104 104 102H 101 Inter-Met vottc 23JJ K4) 235 23JS Inlcr-Motpf 70!t 77Jf 70Ji 77 Intl'apcrpf 385i 38 37 38 Inspiration Copper 32 32)( 32 32)( Kansas City Southern. 25)i 25U 25) 2.V Kayscr, Julius A Co.. SO 85 S5 81 Lack Steel 48 40)i 45!f 45K Lchlsh Valley 14JV5 145 143U 144!f LoulsANashvillo 117!i 117)5 117)5 117)5 Manhattan Elevated.. 125) 125)i 120)1 125)i Manhattan Shirt 02 51 54 01 Maxwell Motors 41)5 44 4,1 43)5 Mai Motors 1st nref . . 87)5 87)1 87 87 Max Motors 2d pref.. 37JI 38 37H- 37)5 May Dept Stores pr.. 07 OS OS 08 Mexican Petroleum.... 701f 77M 75)1 77 MStPASS M 115)5 HOW 115 110X MStP&SSMpref.. 123 123 123 123 Miami Copper 2(1 1'0) 20 20!i Mo Kan A Tox pref. . . 30 30 30 30 Missouri Pacific.. . 11 1 1S I0J 11H Montana Power prer.. 102 1025 102 102 Natl Cloak A Suit.... 72 71)5 71)i 7Ui Natl Enamel As 17 17J5 17)5 17 National Lead 05 05)1 05 05 National Lead pref.. 110 110J5 110)1 110U New Voile Air Uraice.. 01 03)5 93H KM Nevada Con Coppst.. 15)5 15)1 15 10 New York Central.... t8)j l)05 t8H 8031 NY.NH&II 04 (.011 03 ma NYO.AWest 20 30)5 28!1 30M Northern Pacific 1O0J5 107)4 100)1 107M Pacific Mail 32)1 35)5 325 34H Pcnnlllt imlil lt'7 H'055 107 rettlbono-Miillikcn... 30)5 41 35 41 Pittsburgh Coal 22)5 i3!l 22)5 22J5 I'lttsburuh Coal pref.. 02)4 K5 03 03K Pressed steel Car 4!h 00)1 40)5 50 rullmanCo 162 102 102 102 Qulcksllvei 3)1 3)1 3)1 3)1 Cluicksilver nref 4)5 4 35 3H Ity Steel Sprlns 34!1 33H 33H 33M Hay Con Copper 21J1 244 24)4 24) lleadlnB...... 144H HOK 14351 14o!i Hep Iron ASIeel 30 30H 20)1 30 HcpIronASteel pref. b73 t8 b'ii 8 Hock Island Co Ji i 34 55 lliimrlv. M. 10 0)4 5)i 6)5 OX Humely.M. Co pref.. .(13 12)4 12H 12)4 Seaboard Air Lino.... mu itn nil ii tcaboard Air Line pf. . 35)1 b7 30)5 37 Kt Louis A S F 2d DMf 0 0 0 0 Sears Hoe A Co 137 137)5 137)5 137)4 Sloss-ShefSAI Co... 3015 37)4 30)4 30)5 Southern Pacific Ml SOJj t-SJi SU)5 Rn PaHflB t 0011 101 101 104 bo Haiway 1014 10H 10)5 10)5 So Hallway pref 52!1 02 52 52 btudebaker uo 70)1 80)1 9)5 0?5 btudebakerCoprof.... 100j 101 1UU Jul 'ienneasee Copper .... : 8 38 38 38 Texas Co 123 l'-'8 128 128 Texas A Pacific 15 10 15 15 'lliird Avenue 04)5 04)1 3)5 04)1 Union Has A Paper... 0 0 0 0 UniouPacific 12811 120)5 128 128J5 Union Pacific pief.... 81)4 MH 80J4 80)4 U Kind Alcohol 07 60)1 02M 55 United Clsai Mfis.... 431J 41 44 44 United Hys Invest...- 17H 1711 17 17 United Hys lav prsf.. 32J5 31)1 31 31 Ubltubbcr 05H M) pdK MM USHubbcrlstpief... 107 107 107 107 U bStecl 01U 01!1 00)5 01)1 US Steel pref 100H lOWi 1WJM 0 Utah Copper OS b8H b31 t,8 Va.CarL'hem .'3 !'3)4 M 33 VaicarCbeSpref.... Wt WU i OOM Wabash ' $eJSfew ::: n o7!i ml v Seam mjtvmi 09 oo WheeUwALElstpf. 7 7M 7 7)4 w ill vs overland 13034 131h 131 131 WU& overland pref.. 103)1 105 105 05 WoolwoilhCo 1W w ""M JU1' t;nt per har. Tnial salts. 4I7.8C0 har, compared with Nil, 100 Bhar; m iwrloj last weK, a.ur, b(X) aliarix. MINING STOCK QUOTATIONS TQKOi'AU nvwva Jim Butler MacNaiuara ,........ lllipah Kitnln Montana " North Star . ' Tonoifttli Itolmout ,.... Tonopab Mluio ,, ..... ltecu Kul Win Bnd ,.... couji'mLi stooks. Atlanta "!'.".".'.' iuuu MUli ''" ,,,.,,..,. UuildOff COD : DM. Ak. .HI M .(8 .OI .IT .18 .iii .4 1 ?3s .'io : .si uiamwdaiBa b '"": vtin . Wfl)W,i, A..V..Il AaliJ aofiiuM Mrir ,...... H35boBM " v.'.'.'.'.. W1I ...IIIIIMI ;;.'.'.','.V.V.V,V.V...V. V(8CUANW)Utt. .31 .0.1 .Hi .at .11 .13 .at .is Sid Ks Silver Ptek Fulrv Ale KlnMnjr Nvd urn .vvta Wo4r J NEW YORK CURB ui, Ut Aru TBbatca oU Hi -Am in".'" -"- now Cg I liiah Val Col Nlpi'"0 ,11 9 I'M do uy Hlkw-H00 " ' i..t-lti..r lllJfli .... 1 uY PfOJu". tf ' ,lu I)V Bid. A; I'M . lau . Tl? . .'! . 1 . 3 . M .105 115 170 a ii it T z 0 10M 12." Ji ' I New York Bond Sales v . ,t Illgli. Low, bmi Anyi ?" !t'4.....Ml 48W4 iXKmr ,Ce a & sJW Amr Tel ct 4Ws. ...lwS uVh 'i'JZL. ?.'." .l.?D "" i".. lni 84 A IWw K 4K3J .riV?ur -', )" Will lVi iHS Alc!"l CV 4 1IIB...)W)S lWil .SHI' Atchigon U 08 W3 tiK ' l O ev ifr, 8T 81 ffJJJ ; 8il rW 8s U5 KSiJ 4 lroo5n,11 T '18. ...lwg 1UO i.V-t M..,..''M l" ll OB..IW IvvTk lww Hurt Itoch At' m..blK in- 1"W Lar,o houUi Ss.TT..lu8S ll' .ffl J"' Lwther 1st 6s... WIS W JtI ! !.fnl 1,C i w t8 luinti i ?,. ,tnt " " -N " tJIH'1! Elut in fi '.'. H'FAI C'iil at We.t 4a . . . . 8WJK-I,! H Join' 4 i. . .L'! !: vi gtn 4. vi ill :i' a lun Dim; I I2 ii & .11 & v 111 4a r Carp On 07J4 UU'4 t'owd 4'iJ . . Kit. HI i 4 7J 7( li Etr A .. trcU ta 10UW Chi H 171.1 Chi it ljWW c M & St 1' cv 5 're't'.lOlC WW c M ft St It Dlv U .. S S8SIIO C! xi a. n itli r.i; jh.tHi .. m r ::. r. ''i1?' ' .v'.i irL; r. Si "i 'ii R1"1 '' o low (j Mt P M O Ueb fin.ltpo now; toil Uaa cv 0 1PH4 V,!S Ul l,UJ con " 'lo.iwi. 4000 l)l & Hud tfd 4 va j,"?,Iu! i"1 .l'o I'r 44a .. 7 "J55K 1J'.n . U, Or ifd 6a .. 47J4 OUW do 4a , TM .tA 1,11 otiQur ugrp on ivw iu i iini atmo i:n n ".1M1I T!rU rttttv lauoo Krle ocnv 4a r 11 .. ft?', l Via l-Jaat Co ... U7J imv urn Kleo drb 6a IUI 4UOU Hock Vol lat 4'4a.... 112 20OO Iowa Central Ca 81 Cl0 Ind Stcol Bi ...lot WOO Ina cv ret 3d ltd 0a 10.132 04COO Intfrb Mel 4,Ha 77 juuu inifru ii T ref 6a... 1)7 470)10 Inter Mar Mnr cvt Ra. Ivrtl uuu ini iav os 62H Kimio Intnl stm rump S.. M i'DOU Jnp 1 H new 4!t... 74 31000 Icki. BlMl Ca 10W... 74 ;ihio i,k an deb u loss... uiw 1UUII do IM1 iili 1IKK) Lit ft M T 8 IUI Mm Lorlllard 6s VM 1000 Manhattan ta '4a KSi i.'ii(M Mlhvaukws lias 4a.... 1'1 3000 Mo Kan & V la 77 low do id 4 S7 KiDii Mo I'ucino 4s :m 11(ki do i-ona 0t 100 tMH) Mont l'ow 6a Iiltj fiOOO XYCI! 3Vls 7Uji lOT.'OU do lis ret. HXUI do 4s K.ooii do 4'ia .Maul do r.s HKil) N Y City U lll.MI 41KKI do 4'ta 1IHK) HKI do 4',i ItilCI.... .UK) do 4VjH llllil im. ;imni .000 N ..10li fct. sii .. n.-itS ..lirit. MS 10.14 M 81 101 Xi 77H U7. Bl 6'i 61) 74 73 s 11)1 tmji in 31) 10(1 ln.1 8ll1 tn W))k UN'S till i .IO IViH liiut lix, ll'.IVj do 4U May Ifi.tT. .MUlj 10.IJ4 N Y M II 11 Us.... 111)'.; 1I01S N Y O & Y 1st 4... 78Ji 78 Close .', iui Hu rvi U2i WW W! loow W4 7Vl 88! loo ioyr I1IMJ 88 ll71 ? IU 834 ll.lti S Ui J WOti 10O MllVj 10U14 w 7P p llt.)4 OS. 07 I.2J4 lul 132 77S Bfc 74 73 1)1 Hli 101 ll'JVi in 7l'l r.7 311 loo 7U Yi 103, si 88t; Wilt, o.i(i lHIIV 10.1'! I'll' 103 K'OiiO ,V Y ltwy icf la 71, r.WK) do ndj Ss !MK 1IO00.V Y Tel Ken IH-... M)i -IIUII .N V IV C Ai JI 4U.M tSl't lew Nort 'Vut ct lins.litlU 3!KX)ii Nor l'ao prior 4a uiti'uu ior i ac yen .is 1)00 Oro Short I. 4a. CIHH) Ont l'ower 3a .. KiOO Oro Cat 6s.... hw Pnc Tel 6h 7000 l'enna cv Mis 1(W I'cnna 4s litis HIS .. ui .. DlK ..KHIVi . .101 ..KHIVA . . 118 R20OO t'onna Kr. ct 4V4s.... U8i 81000 Vanna ct 4Hs lo:is 101KI ! C C&St 1. 4s Her 1).. H3$ ito J'uuno serv J t ntv. aioo nay Con Copper. lis. 17COO ltcadlne gen Is HCW ltep 1 . a 6s "000 ltlu (I A W clt 4h.. 6(KI0 Illo O & AV 4 16(4)0 Hock Island r . . . . 70000 Itork Island 6s 11X0 St I. 1 M ft So r.H.. MOO St I M A M 4V2B.. low Scnbd A I. nd 6s... 70W seabd A 1. rfd 4s... 11KKH) South Kelt Cs I.'.IIIMI Snllth 130 cv 4s Kfim tlo cv ret f p 6s ltKll.luoj; tliX"! do rid 4s th ."WOO Foutli l'ao Term fn.. M!i SUO0 soutli liwy gen in. .'IIWO do con 6s (i''0ni U .S Itubbcr Us ... 67000 U S Steel 6a 7111H) Union I'no 1st 4.i. . . 1(1000 do cv 4s I (if ii I do rM 4s 60(H) X'n Ilwya 8 V 4s. . 18(00 Va ns llrown Uroa. . r,0i() Va Itwy 6s 11000 Wabash 4s .123 : Si'' , ml . 47 . HO .101 . II."! It?4 M lOJVi IK)(i tl',4 43 IVIVi O.Vj !" IIIOO do lit 6a 10JU 74 Kllfl tin 'J 6s 01 1000 Wnb Kqu ct eta 4s... mh niHVt Wvst Klectrlo 6a lOH 02000 V N Y A I'll let 5s...llOtj 1(00 West Md lat 4s 07V5 1600(10 West H & M cv 6s.... 101 Total sales. fS.SSI.OOO. compared with : 000 yostiruuy: mus mr ims ween, j.,.t. oamu period lost week, 3,22.I.OO0. tU". Wift L'" 78 i mil; in icp, K8S 01 llKlU 101 loo'.f, nt I'Sl, 10J I'-U. 87 1161 Si! 60tJ Oils 4!a tm lul 06 U 81U I'll). MP 4 80(4 lUli llSH 102 USli 00 Mli 41 CI II.V.4 214 1111 U inI iujI loo'i 071$ 1C0H HI? 13(4 HSVi 7S?: mi . oi(. I1.W, 81H, 04 , 100(4 101 HKIlt US U8l4 ltciv (3). 87',a 123 03 6U) 71 un 47 till 1(11 0.1 0774 77 81i (I!)', MIV WHi lo2S l5'i IIOlt 8IM4 43 03 116(4 tin 101 (i 111' 101 1001, 7'.i 104 2,0(11.- 7,(10(1. uii 01. K'7i BANK CLEARINGS Hank clearlnss (oday compara with corre .pondMK day U-ttwo year. I'lilUdelplila S5,2WI,4 J27.77U.187 24,KU.1SS Poston .. .. 21) 413 721 24,140,541 New York... S0!I.:H!I,(I3:1 2U1.220.80II a.i.03l,43J! italtlmore .. 6.111.011 8.050,841 8.110,411.5 RATES FOR MONEY Call. Time. Philadelphia ). ','' New York I74U- r.iA' llcnion M 1174114 ClilcuEO 3WI 4 U4)i Comiiicn-lnl paper, threo to sit months. Hill Bdclphls, 3;4i)l per cent. Reserve Hanks' Discount Rates 30 or SO or 00 or Over loss, 00. iw. , Philadelphia . New York lloston Cleveland .... Hli'hmoiul Atlanta Chicago Bt. IaiiiIj Minneapolis .. Kansas City .. UalUs Kiin Francisco 4 4 4 4 .. 4 .. 4 .. 4 .. 4 .. 4 .. -1 .. 4 .. 3V4 4 4 4 4 4 J 4 4 4 4 4 4,4 IS 6 44 J'' 6 4Vl 4ti 6 0 6V4 6 6 6 J''4 Foreign Discount Rates Bank Hank Hank Hank llntik Hank Hank 'Hank Hank Hank Hank Dank of Knelarul ... of Kruncs .... of (lermany .. of Hetglum ... of Austria ... uf Italy ....... of Switzerland of Itusala .... of Kpaln uf Portugal ... nf Hwedon .... of Denmark .. of Norway .... of Netherlands Hank rate, ... 3 64 :::::8ii 6 & Eats of last change. Auk. 0. 1014 Auk. 8. 1UI4 A Dec. i, 1U1I 6 Auk. '. 1011 5(4 Oct. 31, 1014 5(4 Nov. 0. 11114 5 Sept. 10, 1011 July - ixit Sept. I, 1014 Jan. 12, 1014 Jan. A, lull Jan. 5. 1'Jll AUK. 12. 1U14 AUK. 20. 1U11 FOREIGN EXCHANGE NEW YORK. Juno 22. Tho forlm ejehanKS market opened Arm, with demand nlerllne up B"lU- Sterllnz 1'rancs Marks Llres Cables 4.773-1(1 5.46'i 8115-10 Mi Seniand .... 4.70H 8.4U,J 81U O.U6V4 GOVERNMENT BONDS 1)1.1. Asked. 2s of 190 registered U7 81 2s of 1W coupon M Panama 2a raflslsred OT PaSirSi: -U li reElslerod UT . . ranma nsw s reKto(re4 10OV4 . . .. naw !til OOUDOn lUOVi Ss'of 11 rMleuW ..-; IWjf i of 1W8 coupon. lOOii .. ,a of ll riwi 4s ot 1W8 coupon ).. 110(4 WAR SUPPLY STOCKS Aetna Hx plosives prf Aiiua Poardar cow Canadian gr & Foundry 8Sk CauadUan Explosives WW gu Post Podr torn., IIacuUs powder com 1 InlwnattoSal Jjlf' Wf WlMlMstei- Anus Co Uld. AHN .127 130 . fer 87 .ISO 1U4 BT 360 HO 410 OQO 010 400 .3 SCO 370 iiiiiStt 177s DIVIDENDS DECLARED . Era, wi waa wss& Jlreaxai CUy and COBiuotlac RUwy. alsa- JJStsvioiis nuartwly tUvMsnd was at the iiodas Mauufacturlna- Cauuwny, rsaular quae- Aiiwlcan Chemical Comsjany. r4JuUr quar. xJf lvTir vw.i on prefiroa. payatdt July Ito stolk of rw-ord Jus ft. DECLARES UlU STOCK DIVIDEND .. . ml nakA Wu. I....1, sT. 4 'SSSSuy h" ir uroductr of vpttW in OHJPW' '".,i, (.ia4r.n.i tfh IncshoMtn a la .'".-t?1" ."A ..Ir Jint Id id- form of a ,"i7di.Mui Th ai-ltal sto.-k.UI b Io i-rr T ., .1 110 (XX). QUO ie uo.uwu,uuu. rur , DUTO.J-. spaelsl. iBMUSf st Ua Mock- wht. PROFIT-TAKING Local Mtirket Wns Made Up Chiefly of Baldwin Locomo tive and U. S. Steel Shares. I Local Half '-hourly Sales 10 to' 10:30 A.M. BOO Ton Dei 4V4 ,80 V S gleet. ... C1U 11' il;R.,-,-jAL---.,i- W &.g"li--. Speculntlvo Interest on the PlillndeN pom Stook Uxclmnge continued to centra around Haldwln locomotive alinrea to ony. After nn Initial bulire to 69V4 tlie prlco reetxled below 68, nnd wmo snld tlio bull pool wlilclt hns been operating; 111 the stock wns taking- pronts.. How over, tho Volume nf snlcs was not sufficiently- larso to Indicate any Rreat nmouttt of liquidation. If Baldwin's ob tain tho Hew 1100.000.000 contract fnr wnr munitions, of which so much Iiob been rumored, it is understood that the com pany will mako an arrangement similar to tho ono with tho llcmlnnton Arms Company and build nn additional plnnt nt Kddystone for tho uso of another con cern, thereby maintaining Its own works clear for the customary business of build I iK locomotives. Tho recent excitement over Cramp Shipbuilding: stock appeared to have died out today nnd llttlo appeared on the tape. The quotation dropped more than a point on light sales, t'nltod States Steel, however, was quite active at In tervals nnd there wns good demand for Loko Superior and tho local traction stocks. JJond dealings wore quite brisk, especially In the various Pennsylvania Issues. Kqultablo Gas Ss were In demand at 1C5H. In the afternoon the volume of trading fell off nnd transactions lnckcd feature except for n drop In General Asphalt, which receded from 35M to 33',4. No par ticular news accompanied the decline other thnn the stock was tcmpurnrlly lacklng In support. On the other hand, Lehigh Navigation moved up nearly two points. Money conditions hereabouts remained exceedingly onay. The woeltlv statement of the local banks explained this. Reserves are accumulating nnd lonnt. continue to bo reduced pending tho ouluomo of the controversy with Clerninny. No ono v-lrlies to tnho any chnncen Just now' nnd this Is reflected In tho piling up of sur plus cash In tho banks. Only those firms InlureHtod In tho manufacture of war material aro going full speed ahead nnd most of their monetary requirements aro being taken enro of through special ar rangements. Official money quotations havo not nltcrcd In weeks, but should a satisfactory ngrcumetit be reached with Germany bankers say they look for quite a rush for funds for commercial pur poses. Good name paper wns offered to day down to 3 and 3'4 per cent. PHILADELPHIA MARKETS GRAIN AND FLOUR WIIKAT. rtecelpls, 0411 liuslt, The ninrket ruled vtendy hut thcru Has little deposition to tiude. tjuntntlona: Car Inls. In export elc vn tor. No 2 red. nominal, Jl.oril. '.':,; Nu ii ted Wrntrrn. nominal. tl.lWn 1 :I0; No. 1 Northern Dtiluth. l :S1M .1.1. (,'OltN. Ilecelpta, 7000 Itiisli. Demand was llKht and prices wcte 14c. lower. Quotations: Car lots for lorn! trade, iib to location. No. It lollow, Satifls-'lc. : Hleainer yellow, M-Mifc-.v.; No. :-. yellow, TUSiMh' : Nn. 4 etlow. 70Ii78c, OATS. Itecelpta, 11,007 liuili. Tho market wan 4c lowor, ttllli ttuyera Indlilerent. VJuotu ttona: No. 'J Vtliltc, ,11t,(itrHV.: ntundard white. Kl'i..1tc: No. 0 white. MttMc. l'UIUR. Itecelpta. 2470 tibia, nnd 1,700.740 lbs. In eni-ks. There nns llttlo trudliiK nnd values were largely noiuliml. We quoto ua ful Iohs per 10(1 lbs., in wood: Winter 4.1 TO SIB.7J: do., etralsht. .1.7r,ti; do., pntent, H'T O.-JA; Kuiisas. UraUht, lute sirks, ...10uM.-"': do., putnit. luto sucks, is S0JJ3 r,0; arrlnn. llrst ileur, J.I.HOflii.10: do., straight. Id.llHid.iOi do., pntent. M.-UUO.-lu; do., ravorlto brands. 1 11. :.', 0.75: cltv mills, choke nnd fancy patent, Atl.r.O 4J0.7.1: city mills, reitular Ktades Winter clear.'ttn.7.1; no., straight, .1.73a0; do., pntent. IOC II 23. ,-, -. KYK l'Mlt'K. .Tjto mafket wai ateaillly held, but trude wna quiet. Wp quoto nmrbv und (Veslern, In uood, nt CiU.SU per bhl., us to quality. PROVISIONS The market rilled atesdy with a fair Jobbing demand. Wo quote-City beef, In se(. smoked nnd alr-drled. vriW.'Oc.: Western beef. In sots; amoked, 2SHt2llc.: city beef, beer, In tdi, smoked, 23tf2Us.; city beef, knuckles and tenders, smoked anil alr-drled, 27U2SC. : Western beef, knuckles and tenders, smoked. 27ft'JSc; beef haraa, i3UIU2; pork, family, 22fi2-.,.WI; hunis. a. 1. cured, loose, i;iUI3'ic. ; do., skinned, luone, 12KUr-(c; do., do., smoked, lilWMHi'.; other hams, smoked, city cured, us to brniid and avernire, l.l'.iillc. ; hams, Weateru cured, 13')i'BHc. : do., bolliil. tKinoless, l-'JiiZic; plcnlo shoulders, S. I'. I'tired, louse. lil'iJtlli'.; do., smoked, 11W ll'i.i bellies, In pleklo, accordlnK to uveruKc, loose, llHUI-o.l breskruat buion, as to brund ui.U average, city cured. UIHil7c.; brenkiast rucon. Western curod, l(lit717c. lard. Western rrllnod. In tierces or tuba. luy.Wllc; jurd, itiira city, kettle rendered. In tierces, 10iltc.: lard, puro city, kettlo rendered, In tubs, lUVu REFINED SUGARS The market ruled steady, but trade was quiet. We uot refiners' list prices: Stand ard granulated, U.l.-ic.; extra Hits gmnuluted. I'.loc: powdered, 0.2Uc: loiifectlonera" A. be; soft grades, 8.2.1O0.t(3c. DAIRY PRODUCTS 1IUTTK1I. Demand waa fairly actlva and prices wcro well maintained: Quotation.: weaiern sonu-jtacseu creuiitery, isncy j .'ci.-iui., ao',:-;.; xtm, 28(io.l satia ilrata, IVMilta.; nrsta, 27c; seconds, zee: nearby prints, fancy. S2c: average extra, 20i31c; do., fair to good. IU-OU., JUUUlUt IUIC. V. uiu.'ic. ; ganicny. 41 fancy crlnta. atitrjua. I.UUo. cnotce aioc was wept won ci.miru . m.. ...I... 0 tttitiln nrf fnllntWMt III up at nrm prices, nee siock was pb wm cic.n.u lips. Wa ouuto aa follows: In free cases, nearby extras, 24o. per doisW flrsta. 10.1.1 per atundard caao: nearby current re ceipts. IS.M per coao; Weatorn extra Ilrata. ... . ' .1 r ...u .ft fi . iw rn-- Kmif hrn. u.lfi icr cure. iiibi, f,s" . -," r1 Tr r 4.t083.40 per case! fancy selected candled igKa "ore Jobbing at ittlfiSTc pt dozen. t'HKKHK. Demand wus fairly actlvu anil the morket ruled Arm and higher under light offering.? We quote: New York full cream, fane", new, lMjlSVic., do. do., fair o good. new. IS0'e-: do., part skims, btllJc POULTRY Ba . m i H.ilntl 4ttm unHal j.ivk. -ins ntotsoi iuiu. i'--" y-v. .man .nnnilea and a fair demand for deslrablo otock. Quotations: Fowls, lBSlSHc.s ex ceptional IOIS illfiliCii iiflii.i.ti ,-- lni? chlckena, fancy, not Leghorns, weighing lliea lbs. aplace, 244128c.; broiling chltkens, not TLesnorns. wolshlnr ll lbs. apiece. 21 Tie.: broiling chickens. leghorns, weighing lues Ilia, apiece. 21J2lc: broiling chickens. ?K1.0"lk.n"&Tr,du7k..-1ndlanu.r: 12m:ic; pigeons, old. .Pr Pflr, Biaiic, ilgeom. young, nor pair. 20t21c. I'v,i,i.i.ui'iit, market was aulat. with moderate but aropls orierliigsat.lecently rs vlied rrlcea. We u tei Freeh-klllec, poultry. fovfls.ri2 to box.Jry-plcked and dry-packed, fancy selected, lOc.i weighing 4(ja lbs. ap"e. isc.i ' weighing 5(41 lbs El, il,i i welshing 3 lbs apiece, IbHftHHo.; Jnfc 3 11. apiece. 14(i&13hc.l Ice-packed-IVastern. 44 lb. and over aplsce. 17(ic.i do., niller l.. l"le.: . oM roosterm dry- pUksd. ISC, , Drolling sni.... '.-,,;': iouabi. BerdeV-Wblti w.luto II to ft Itis. wniia. wmiiuiuk u tu " FbV Mr'dozTAis 60 whits. wlgliCig 8lbs. Sr doi.. 2.40iT); do. do.. 1 lbs. psr doi il 7it2.i0i do. do.. OfiflV, lbs. rte:, I1.V4 toiM dark. IL2HS150; small and ho. J, II. FRESH FRUITS ,m.. .n.rv.t was semrallv steady under mod- rite urlPf. hJ&X&Jig!'ll: ll?;n"LavlV'lK:Mroth.r"gooU Tn5 vsrlstlss, ll.B04K.30: app. WMtsrn. -.--- ... am, nartivsi flekO 2TuOa.0;. Ben I17tS.'26; TsnuiV Mr box, 2.&43; ojtanxss. inorfiivM box. hW.60; grapafrult. FlorUa. rif'zZL -ei uis?Kn: otttsaoufss. vor crato Ktsta THlco: ViwS.SO; Florida.' J24S.BO. cheirr. iwsit. par lb., oftiw.i do., sour, par is., aac.; iuaUrrl. per qt.-Ulaar uud Marjlanl. ISltr !jir5y " blackberries, North (Vro ffia: iw "il'seU-. da.. Delaware sud Mry CT, Sr qt 10ftc.; g)sejfrr(es. par tit., jSHb. "bucKleWrles. per qt.. !': osala- uelons. ! . -" t w VEGETABLES oKsrlnn were fairly liberal sod prices am fflSorJ buyers; with tr4e ajo. Sug. ??... nolatusM. ner buah. Maine. MS ""?;. "Jit'-.ooMaUiv. aoeHao : wkiu urrois. per . 1. Ilelkfpl; "8 "H?". tO 2. BtfsiWiaO- EST'tSTs. W cnluier-Vraie-FaBcyT Ot . "-- No. 1, Tic.. dfi . Norfolk, ir bb . 125o, do.. bk.Si I $i.filfi.ToT no. 1 mm !r?Ba2to 30 , cabbage, Nurfolk. Pr crate. iTiAaf do . Norfolk, pr hb . lzac . do. ifjkirn eiturv vvi '-."";'' -"-. ikZAFfoik ptr uiPtfr. suvic . vu. iwr Fn i' .... XT--sii I'er.ililu tfrOsftlt lillti ttfl.X KSSL . Noifolk. rce.i a.i.1 ' 20 Be . JaMlailti Florida I er box --a-li ? birZ JJorlo Caiolloa. Oef Wbbl basket. J14f JSf": oo . Soutli Carotins, per 1-3-ubl. baskef. iSj auh Nortolk. per VibW. baekjl. Sn.T Duooexs. rlolltts. per i.sirii. fieiwi. 7V ilt loiuatoes, Silsslssippl. per cd W oc : aspsragus. rsr tuitii "(" "- II lleld'l'sMo'pMOl! 11; coin i-oco. . .. i IW Bld Iioea.... m Al AM .S, nsi iion uei.. 1 10-1 ReJl" in it !oo 100 .. 1 r-Min 10 t; S Steel.'. "J Ton Ilel 4U 100 lw Sav 74)5 () BaM Loco. . .. OTlK ill r,nh Mi7, lg" Jo W I0OU H JM.. (I IS S? X"1 ! 4l 10 lit III I.OCO ... IHl'i 20(1 Tnn M.I inn tr m hi..i , Hald Ijco'.'. 100 do 1.1 W Cramn t c 2o 1, Sun 1? 2 IT 8 Sti-el.. . 2 Hold l.oco... ID Uh Nav 25 Ilsld Loco. ... lot U H steal.... .0 do 60 do 2o Union Trac. 20 fisld Loco... 2.1 Cam Hteel. . . . 2 do ,12 Pentia loo Ikild Loco..., 100 U H Uteal.... 0 Pennn. , Mo Union True, in do 10 JJsid Ixjco... in 00 B do ui ST4 HO OS, Ilfl at m 40 1 I'nll F.(v. JO U 8 8tMI.. .20 do loo do 100 llald lAxa.. 100 do inn in it f ..'. 100 IJtke ftip U. . Ilji ... itnt j i,orn... tut;. .20 I'enna M,i -in naia i.itco pr.ura lOO II ft Sle.l K-ii I In id I.oeo. . , Rn ijiitM nttti ,. 41X1 20(1 do MH 100 llald lo... CD CO do Ill, 10 do 1110 do III (1 K1V4 : 3.1 00 01) onu UONDS. 03 Cam Steel scp May 1017. Vial Kl (tl(k 'HI O0 (10 100 do m 10 w Cramp t c. 05 10O U H Steel.... ni(, 0 I'euna Sl?4 Ti7i 10:30 to 11 A. M. i(-o t; a steel.... oij; 10 do m M Until Loco.... I!4 40 II S1 I 0 pf 40 102 U H Bteel llC 2ti (I 8 Hteel.... fit 1-00 Iikp Sup C. US 100 llald I.0C0.... (IS 200 do lift 100 11 H Steel.... iH do H64 IO Uald Loco 175 a nld loco pf.102 R do C7t 10 Held Loco.... 08(4 SO do.. w 100 Ton Bel til 10 U 8 8ttl.... 0U 20 llald Loco.... 08W r.O do iVlt. 10 do tld 100 do H0;4i ion do fl 100 do OfU r. do C 100 do noli, 8 tr (I 1 KB no V J A 8 8.. 411', 2.1 Ilsld I -oro.... (.7 (', 10 11 S Steel int. to do n;, IS Heading 72. 100 do 07 Km W Crtunfi t c. lilts 1(10 Phlla IITIc 0J 10 II 8 Htei-I.... U 2 . do 0 20 Union Trac .. !KI an Am (las 10O5 80 U H Hteel co't 101 II A II Top.. It 1.1 l.eli Vol Tr.. 1414 ion tl 8 Steel.... 01 HI Diet Sec 211I4 100 do 01 100 U 8 Steel.... 0U14 75 do 01 HON OS. noOO llald Loco lit : ..102 0 U 8 Steel 10't -Jo otn Asp .11'-', II do 0014 100 Ton llel U. O nald Imco.... 11715 17 Con Tr N J. 72 40 U 100 7U U H Steel. 200 do 100 do .1 1-ennu 20 Hald Loco... 10 Ii 8 Steel... 1t tlo ion clt a l.alc Sup C. . .10 Ilnld !.oro... lit" t-oi I'UOI.. 2 7enna 141 North Cent 2 II 11 I 11 to 11:30 A.M. STOCKS. i llil-v. no; L'i l'.0J r. lo Am llwys. . to llald Ukik. B II o I 20 llald Loco.. W do 1 Phlla Cn... 10(1 U H Sleol.. Kki do :;i on 10 do "7Ji 1IHI Ilnld Loco.. . . D2'4 olt 11 U 1 .. n.1 vii rennii ?4M 85 IIONDS. lOOO I'hllnrielphla Electric 4a 11:30 A. M. to 12 M. M It II Top... .1 14 W .18 8. 100 l.akfl Sup V. 11 SO Phlla Klec. r. t; a 1 B.I IIONDS. 2.10 Cam Steel mi May 1017 250 do Feb 11117 2.10 do scrip 1017 IO1011 Knult 111 (las & Flee Ca 40.O do 12 M. to 12:30 P. M. 2.1 IV Cramp ( c. B( 1110 111 no ao Lake, Sup I 100 1I0 200 IT H Steel.. 10 I'enna I mi Ilnld Loco. . riim 1J1K0 sup 10(1 Nav m dn 200 Am Tr . . , sv INH 'I'd cot. mti; M . w , K(H .10 70 4S4 isitt . 07, pll .1(1.14 .10.1 (U Hill llald Loci).... 11H I" l'hlla Trim... ltKi inn tl h Steel.... (illi, 5 Klra Stnr. . . . r;i r.o Lcii nhv CN 100 do C. 11', s do ... 74j HKI dn , .. 7ti 200 like .Hup C. P.'tlC tiki IT M fctt.t . . . .-.1 -.-. w -...,..... ni ns 74 011'rt 7414 II'J t( .10514 . 04 UONDS. 5000 1'quH III (las & nito Cs.. :i.-ihi ctty atis loai 12:30 to 1 P. M. 2.1 I'enna M4 6.1 Leli Nav 7411 25 N Y Cent.... MH 4 do 7.1 1(111 iJlko Sup C. 1IH a:t do 75 200 Phllu llloo... -:M M l'ao .Mull :H"i 1() U 8 Steel.... fll'5 100 llald Loco.... OS 100 do 11(4 Hal l'hlla H T t c ui 100 Leli Nuv 75'it IS Uald Loco jif.102 1IOND8. l.'.riOO Penn.i rons 4(4s tv 1 4.-,uml I'ennu lien 4!(h t c 101X1 KciUlnit Lin Is 1 to 1:30 P. M. 1 l.eli Nov .... 71 10 I'ennu .'.!; 20O do 7514 I Phllu Co 01 GO (len A..)l. . . . Xl; 25 Ilnld I.1110.... ITi 200 II 8 Hteol II 5(1 lien Aaplt.... .'ui;; CO llald Loci (K 2oo U 8 Steel.... Ult. 10 do OS IIONDS. 25 Cambria Steel scrip I'ob 1017 07'4 2.1 do Muy 11117 117 2.1 du scilp Hi 10 U-i'-j ....HWj, . ... IIMli .... lia 1:30 to 2 P. M. 40 Phlla Klec... 21H loo flen Aap..., CO I.0I1 Nav 754 4 Ia-Ii Nuv..., 2(1 lluld Ilio 17",. 100 do 110 Leli Nav 7511 1U0 1J 8 Hteel... 10 Key Tel pfd. . 07$ 10 II & It T pf. 10 U B Steel ul 20 llalil ltco. . 10 Uald Loco 07I.J HKI tl 8 Steel... r,0 do 117(4 100 du 10 do 07K UONDS. IOuOO I'enna gen 4i t u 2 to 2:30 P. M. CO Phlla Co.. .1 I.i'li Nav . 10 Uald l.oco 10O do...... 100 V 8 Steel. 100 llald Iaico 100 do 100 do 10 Jh Nav. . 10 llald l.oco SO do MH) Lok. Hup 100 Loh Nav.. Cu Lake Sup 31 Til , l!Sl', his; 111 IIS 1 4 US 711 0711 2000 Am das SO 14 40 7 10(1 1(XI ii7I a U. UVj 1'HJ ... 70 lOO O. 11M UONDS. Ulec Ca... l.eli Nuv.... It IJ T tifd. tl 8 Hteel.., Ia)i Nhv. . . , (I 8 Steel... I'enna .... IV J A 8 8. . I'enna do........ U 8 Steel... do do Peuna : ?;p . 01(4 . 14 . II71 . US . 01 i OSH . 7(1 . II . 01 5. . oo r-Mir . 4SU. mYt m Mit . cm . t)f4 m 2:30 to 3 P. M. 40 ITn Trac 33 100 100 Bald Loco.... 0SV4 Jj; 1111 do IJ 1-0 HKi w cramp t c. jaj 100 II 8 Htel.... JUi 8 Leh Nav 7(1 2(SI do 7(l 1) tl 8 S-.el.... 14 12 Ins Co N A.. 21 20n lka Sun C. 1IJ4 10 II 8 Bteel.... 1H 100 Dald Loco.... OS 2.1 Iiake Sup C. 11 H 3110 Leh Nav 7 U UO - BONDS. 02 Cam Steel scp 1010. It! do May 1U17 62 do I'sb 1017....... 2000 Lehigh Vsl Coal 5s. COO11 Lh Val gen cons 4s tjooo do ..........". 100 rnlla lllectrlc 4s... 10 M 100 ino 20 100 ion 1(a) ino 73 loo Erie Us Id I.UCO.... U 8 Hteel.... Leli Nav loiko Sup C. llald 1.UCO. ... U H Hteel.... do do W Cramp t c. Ih Nav (len Asph ... W Cramp t c. 1-litlu Kloc... 27U m ni'l 7.1J OS ni 111: 111! .. .7 t.l.i ::lS :: foli LONDON STOCK MARKET Rush to Securo Prospectuses for New War Ltoan. LONDON. June St-Securltles were Ir regular today, Tha new wr loan was tho feature. There was a bis; rush tor prospeotusea. A spurt of 1V4 to Mti took place In the old loan, Int!uence4 by terms for the new Issue. It was believed on the Kchange that the whole deficit of 018.000,000 would be subscribed by hold ers of consols and the last war loan. Wuch will depend upon readme of banks to make advance on the loan. The Institution ve not yet wade elur tb4r position. The tone ( Wowlal and Home rail wa flat. Awerte sur,U later turned My. CaqajMsw. WkflUW was Arm. iwwithMltiiaT the bt a to the dividend- Buwmsubs auu uranuans aroppeu. I niMfta s. 1. Amal Cos Sy::::::::::::: Chee Oh) ibitlt eet... ! S'o.v .:.:-. JCrle . d,, 1st pref Illinois Cot - I oiila N-1'" Mti Ki" y t'ctiitsl N fulk St i N Y Cut West p.-nnslvt Ktadlnti Houlh tw. Souili Pa'l ''uloii Pacsfc U 8 Steel .,.'...'.. lociaaae. tiecrea. euuiv .. 100 l,w3 ' . . . :H 37? - 4 ... 12 IliJ 4 . . . 04 110 ' - 1 t'.'i i . 27U - J WIS 1074 - . l'.'l'T IHWf . .. )l, 10 tl'l kf 107 10.", 1- 14 ' '. MK4 li - VI 7J 144? 1 (I ta lfW - J Sales in Philadelphia Tm clos. Ill so Amer Os loon Amtr nsllwsya. ao Dttdieln Loco... 03H tlA ftre Ine 40 IHrt A 8 1 0 pf 40 foareT1.:::::49 IT Cw TVao NJW i umi ' iS" tint HsArni A RllWlltls taeasa IM 1011 isi .. :.""" r. 1?! ?ffl .Atphell. ... MH iw Hunt & u T... T HO do nief i 12 ln A, , Am... 9 IJ Ker f C t c pf i 23S iJiko Sup Cert) ll'f 1911 UMh .fav ... 74 j 1.1 Lehlsh Val Tr.. Iltt .2.1 N v Cent "ffl V.tnH W T-16 iwi :V. J,!?e msii ... ,. .14' S(U Phlla glee ...;; " 84 2JU p ) T Ir otfa.: v J), H) hlla Trac .... 74 74 lt itrndlnr ......72 3-10 rj ino sniaebnker ..... MS 80S ll.lll nn ll.lmnn A 1 k.lti j VTtrt .(7 t.,n .v ':. r-At- 'sr'v ".'-- ..'3' union iTn 07 OS 10S 102 40 40 40 f If 8s "0 ?S? 7 wit 1h 'H 27 5f(j 2T A ft IV 14 14 II w a 071 dltt 07J4 12 ll lift 7UH 7(2 7( 110 "8 M Hill mu mi; K1IU NOU 8UU 7) IMJS tm .4 i! si? at. 31 74 W 2ft tt Its iK 111 II (I I 011.70 u a steel nit tv J ft .1 411 Cramp & nt'..'.?1 ,' H'.aOS shares, compared nrltli Si'JJ'J !'' Jeaterdayi thus far thla wetk, 41,73l aharea: same period last week, 3S.826 Bliflft!!. eel ...... oij; ill", Oos; 8 8 4S 4SVi 49W it Sana. 0B( 03 03 111 s 74 Ti 01(4 4j.t ff1 GRAINS RALLIED EARLY DROP Foreign Buyers Displayed Lacl of Interest in the New Wheat Crop. BONDS. Isis! prev. saie. nun. iw. Close. S20W Am O a CI f.s. . nS .mm imm i, let Sa..102 .112 Cam St strip ! 08IA .M du Mar -17... . DTK .137 do Keb -17 07H 3500 City 3(4a Ml 1(1000 Eqult III O Bs, 108)4 11000 L. V en con 4a va 2O0V I. V Coal r,a lSOOO v cons 4Kb w l.lOtlU MC4K) do Rt-n 44a t c tm'J 1I0O Phlla El 4s 70 Hio Iteadlnr sen 4s.. U214 Total sales. 1U2.SOI. etitttmin.1 will. tRtl. .?.-. yesterday; thus far this wees, 171,C0BS aame period laat week, it.1n,'.'ttt. pii u pti HH 10S KB i9(4 vH4 t-N'4 0i 07 I.7-. UIK (7i 171k OI 04 04 loiiy. io.ia io.) (9 4 got; BOW lotlU liciU lira; loati lOBU lUlft imn n.slj tut? 70)4 7D 711 HI M 11.1 Local Bid and Asked lisUlwIn , dn pref Huff u Sus t o ttti prt'i Cam 8teel Kleo MtiiruKe lieu Aap . do prof Key Trl du t u do pri'f Lako Sup Corp...., I.t-li Nnv 1 oh Vnllev Leh Viil Tr do nref , Prnnavlvaiila I'M I In Ulec Phlla Co do Tt per cent, pro ihv u per tent pr Phlla It T du t 18 Heading .... Ton Hoi Ton Mln Un Trao 11 O 1 1! 8 Hteel IVm Cramp t c. ... Ex dividend. Today. Hid. Asked, UiMl t-1 ...103 HI . :w 4 . 48 , M . M :7.4W . 14 . 07 . 11. , 7U'4 . Illi IHOi . r.ik . -j-m . :i:it . run, . mi OH 0 1I-H1 730 : x? " . N4T4 . 01 . 0.1)4 ll iai4 411 4U 71 H'4 14. A ii II 1(4 4U ..Tea'dsy. Hid. Arked ), tKihi liri il5,; 14', 1U4 74 TM 144 2S(J MY, S3 KM 14 40 40 j in. 14 !?. U7I-J n 72 H, in4 7-10 m. M's mi 4(i DK 011-10 U'hi "i C1UCAQO. June .-At the openln of the uratn market todajr price wr bateti down Ktnerslly. AH grains were under the bottom prices of yesterday. ost night b closing, slipped lo 11.09, but men reoorered slightly. September dropped to H94 cents, 1 cent less then the .i.i-r ' t ':"" weniy, December. 1 Jc! clo5c?. ftt " "- ODtnta M W and ihen fe) ,0 j, 0L 1'rlces wera irreiiuUr nt the clone July showed a Iom of H from jeslerdsy, while September was up H and December tt. Tlierp was a rally lata In the sesslin Which carried prices up substantially Xrom the low of the day. Operators, tho most optimistic ones, are Inclined to believe that the end of the deciiiio i,ua i,Mri reached. Others feel mat It linn not. Low price orders were disclosed when the prices sagged and many sale nero made. On the whole, operatora declare, .the nrm lono has disappeared nnd admit that tho bears have tho upper hand. The out look nt present Is unpromising, but some Unexpected shift In world' affairs may inaico a tremendous change ovorniqht. ita.cot.,nt?r'il ln tha new wheat on .lull iV fotel.Bn buer ' cWn con slderablo anxiety. Hotter weather r Iiorts are being tecelved from the South wct and cuttings are being brought up to the average. .5!?..n wh" ""cctlng the weak wheat getting steady. Oat sold a llttlo off, but prospect nre brighter. The foreign market report were un fttvurable. jjolh Argentina and Liver pool rcllected tho general condition ot tho American murkct. Spot was unchanged. Leading futures rsnsed ns follows: Wheat- Open lh. U, cioir, close. Ueo l.iaH 1,03 .Corn (new delivery) July 72S 7.1 TV, 72(4 02(4 .0-1 l.uu my, '1.01i 1.02 T, close. 4 l.2(i lis l.U2g 8ept uec ,,, lists- July ,, Sept .. Lard- 1-. JU(V .. :4V4 Kept . , 111 1IIL iilWJ J IHV T2U SIS fig 4"i 4'h :i :i N.l' S4 111(4 (!l(i OI 0.1 72" i" a!i" M Financial Briefs A petition wns circulated on the floor of tho Now York l'roduvo Exchange to closo on July 3. Cotton rxportH fur the wi-ck ended Juna ID wcro M.SI1 bales, slnco August 1, 8,2041, 211 bale. WurtB, IJiiUoji Ai Co. bought Union Tiuctlon. It. 10. Mnttht-s was n buyer of Itupld Transit, while a. 8. Currlgun sold, In tho outside tnHrliut In Pll!tadtililn today Du Pont common was quoted ut COOittilO. The bid prlcu of COO Is up 5 ItolnlH ftom tho last previous high. The receipts of cotton at ports today worn vstlnintt-d at Good bales, utuliiijt, C393 hint vcur. " '''" .ShlpmcntH of cnal und coltp over the 1'ciilisylVHiila ltnllroiid lines east of Pittsburgh ati.l l-Irle for the month or May amounted to ft,238,MH tons, un In crcBsu of U0.b33 tons, compared with May last yeur. From Junuary 1 to Muy 31 tho Hhlpimuits totaled U.liS.931 tenn, u decreuso of i',227.749 tons In comparison wllh the corrvpoi)dlnK period In 1914. The total earnings of tho United States Cast Iron Pipe and Foundry Company for the yenr endliiK Muy III wem $211,2(17: Incrt-uMo, 8U,!(70; net, IITI.DIfj; Increase, J123.407. The net prollts of the Htandard Screw Compiiny for the year ending March 31, 1015, wem $277,230, ugulust- $10D,ICI tho previous year, Prices of corn oil have been reduced 10 cents to basis of $5.40 for tank delivery. The following stocks were ex dividend except for cash today: National fins. Electric Light & Power common and Pre ferred und Wclsbnch common, New Yorlc banks lost $1,302,000 to the SubtreuBiiry yesterday and havo lost $3, 1I2.0W slnco lust Filday. The California State Ilallrond Commis sion has authorized the Southern Pacific llatlroud and the Southern Paclflo Com pany lo Issue $510,000 t per cent, first re funding mortgage bonds nt not less than iS, Tho company contended that It was entitled to Issue these bonds because ot expenditures of $S00,MT m ii ror addi tions and betterments. Arthur I-lpper & Co. have opened a branch oltlce at Saratoga Springs. Bent, .. Pork- Juh- 8ept .. 0.32 .. V.M ..O.SO ..10.33 ..10.77 17.23 U. ...... .ll.d Hid. fAaked. 0.35 0.02 10.57 10.00 lft.SO 17.23 7H 0.30 U.30 10.2(1 10.SJ 10.0.1 17.10 73 IS 138U B.3.1 O.B2 10.27 10.00 1B.77 ' 17.22 ' liiv. tin 10.23 10.33 '10. 30 17.23 LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS CHICAOO. June 22.-IIOas7leeelpts, IR.oOOj nijrket woek: mlsed and butchers. I7.3fld I;?3 ..f "I'.' ."W' $7.3587.7.1; rough heavy, ?Z':!,22UIU. 7.40B7.uOi piss, $r.fl?.30: bulk. 7.4,1tf7.SO. CATTLE-Ilecelpta, 8000; market stronx: hooves, 7.234t0.eo; cows and helfera, ?,-n,i'.i,-,T07fn"', ",.): calves. ss,50 OKI. 8H13I.P-Itecelnla, 6000; market atesdyi native and intern. $1(30.30; lambs, $7.S0O4.B9. NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET NEW TOHK, June 22.Trsdlng nnv the Cofes Exchange today waa extremely quiet. Clot Inf. llRtirea showed Irregularity, but price Chun.. Uurtt llJrnluf I'slnn. 4T.ill..ut. Today Todajani April .. flsy ... June ... Uuly ,.. August Hepternher iictoher November Docemlior Jnnuary I-'etruary tunri-'ii openlnx. tl.liliri.iiu 0.0 107.03 ..t'O-KS ...(I.TII ... 0. 7000.70 ,..t.M ...'0.73 ... o.73gn.K! .7NU0.M . ..ami V.r.3U0.i!9 VlOhl O.'.ll'ti'l.U'I o.iion.o7 s,80O5.H3 tL.0lnJU.0t 6.7l'o'lt,'73 ll,7s(O.N0 u.nzfiu.Ki n.N3lUfl.8il (I.BSilll.S-J ..turtcred. .Illld. Tuts I sales, OtoO iue Yes'dsy close. 8.12UU.V3 o.oaao.iw 3.HMn.W 0,tl3t,n.U4 n.rjuo.74 o.r.-oB.7i ll.TitHI.7s U.Hitl.b2 (I.H.1tJll.Ml;.tiu NEW YORK UUTTEfi AND EGGS NBW yollK, June ttt.-llutter eaaler. re crlnte. 30.,'to:!: creamurr. extra. i-s.r. : sneclal mat kit, iMiS-.i'.e.; 8iute dairy, tubs 2.'l(i'.'Ni-. ; J llitlt' -rat inunl flp.lj ll'ltl'llll.. Ifwrn JS& tinner; rot'elpts, 25,70,1: uearhy white, faiicy, -.'3i2lic; ueurby mixed, rancy, lU((,U21'.ac; Iresh nrsts, liiViB-.'.'llic FOREIGN TRADE CJIANCES The olloutiao Hal o opportuslllsa or Amer ican monuocturerj lh orflgu trade Is olves sy C" tfurrau or Portion and Vomttllo Commerce, Jparlinssl s Vummiret. and ad ditional (norinalioit may be had III corre ifondtnct, bMiiu (is flit iiumoer,- No. 17,200, cloth for making (as mantles. A society In Italy writes an American roiisutar iitftcer thai It desires to communicate with .American inanufsitursrs and dealers In cloth for making gas mantlr similar to saniulse which way te examined at the liuruau ol For eign and Domestto Commerce and lis brsucli ortlcea. Correspondence sliould be In Italian or p-ronch. No. 17..100, ralvanlsed steel wire. A l'ortu sueae nrm wlikli Is tncagsd In rorelgn trade writes .an American consular ortker that It wishes to rroresent an AmerUau nunufaetunr of galvanised steel wire similar to the sample which may lie examined at the llurvau of Foreign aud Domestic Cumweree or It tiraneh urtloes. llirrespondsnce should be lu Hortu LUtse or yiencn. ..... ' n. 11,301, tiouser clips. An American con sulsr officer In Ireland repeita lust a nrui In Ida district desires to pur.-liaiM 1.10 grue pairs ot Iruuser lilpa similar to the wmples wblcU may be exaiuloed at the llureau or Us branca uAIIoes. Tlut company slates thai It lias Uveu bu.luic No. 1 slip rvr 11.2a per gross ami No. a for fl.O Pr !" w ... No. 17.308. machinery. The comoisnlsl aseait cf ih llureau of Foreign and Immesllc cwh uuK In bkago Is la reoelut ol a teller frem alUnt m that cll Mating that a in rule ouoi uany In New Zralainl deslPea to communkste with Awsritan insuufuciurers or marbls-sojk-toe machinery. Including saws and panehera; also dfcsuuegretors lor cruebtug llmeslwi for agrlcultuial purposts Nsi 17.:oa, oaper.-A Krtu In AustiaBa writer tho branch olflce ct the burtau el Funlau a id I'ltmr ' Ccuuniwi. In aaa Itraaclaou that u has ao truitiiry asklug to be placed la row mualcattoa wflb manufacturers or all klud uf pautr. II U .Uleti itm II utk factory prices aie oHered a good business wlu lesult. mpUs and full lulurmstkin suouic. lsasent at once. uoletlooe should be uiade un the good packed f. o. It. steamer. tteT 17,304, cjllnuer perls -Aj American cviuHllar offleer la KussU icort. t.-uti n sjrusxtst In Bks district desires to commuoli'sie i7l Asie'lcau nutaufscturere of parts of cyl lauIeVe tor oxygeu and Ikiuld carbonic acU fraSi CorresnoDdeoce ahould be la Russian or Seimeu. Prices, vtelcku rtc , staoulj b Jhould be mad. c. I f. VUdlyoetok So 17.80.'. ckwmlcaui. melals. stc -A aim In Ureec-e writes an Ameidrnjl coneuUr ofuttr that It dealrea tu cuauuuuLc-at utth Aiuertuaa uisnufeccurer ot carious rheink-als, wk as caustic spd sillcste of soda, light arosxwts alkali sulpusti' of cxippr uaphthatine. car-l,ltc- acid carbide or eel. luui hardware, such .. Iron bsia steel " clout di.nealed black ,l.ets i.uiiu end ccinuKit.d stclvaiiUed abcots t ,i t, n'ea. ic tic" liu tv. - ....... l.uu cue. COTTON NEW YOJtK. Juna 22. There was no activity ut the opening- of tho Cotton Kjc chnngo this morning. The tone was firm and prices were 3 to 5 higher, On the' call tho trailers attempted to bring about gen- t.Tul liquidation In operation In the July options,, but their efforts were not suc cessful. Southern spot houses bought, with Wull street Interesto selling. The market In Liverpool Was better than had been expected and private cables reported that the active demand for spot; In the last fen- days wus an Important Influence there. After the call prices here eaked oft fcecerab points, probably due to the fuvorablo weather map. In tho afternoon better support rip. jiea red and futures recovered Ihelr mid day losses, closing within a point or ao of last night's final figure. July ,, ilniober Decomber Jnnuary March , May .. Spot . . Yes. cloie. Opening. High. I.ow. U..T3 0.40 0.40 O.J4 0,711 B.K1 0.81 O.CO r ....10.O) lO.OI 10.04 O.Hl ,.,..iaoa 10.12 lo.ia noil ,.,.. 10.31 10.31 10.24 10.JU4 10.40 D.CO 033 1133 0.11 10.01 lO.lsl 10.21 LUZERNE COUNTY GAS & ELECTRIC CO. First Mortgage Refunding and Improvement 5 Gold BONDS Free of Penntylvania Statu Tax Company pay normal Ftdtrat ncome Tax A first mortgage subject to underlying liens of less than 2ft of the outstanding issue. Properties in Pennsylvania Franchises Perpetual Price" 95 and nfsrejf. Yielding about 4j54 Send for particulars William P. Bonbright & Co., Inc. MORRIS WISTAR STROUD, Jr. Manager J7 ClIKatTNt'T HTltKET l-b!hidrlpula nvw York lloston Detroit laMidoni WIIU P. wbrlht Co. ' rarlsi Bunbrlgbi Co. ucl carle and copper SutrUons for Investors may be had on request A. Be Leach & Co. 115 South Fourth (5W Ctd Bsa New York naiioswre Bmu lBDJi. fll-E ft rot J. i nan; muhiuius i 3lh.X 1ST. UJft. Koftce U JeM !"" arkw .1,. terms OS "e ".. , . H- '.... .1 .. 1 -Aid tu BOW" BSfik "lJl IVi.cKJO el te liawfli. n ii Hiliisffail Hll niu !- J. load Slid llStS U. ltli.r Missed kid aai uos UipauUsa. couwi .. spondeue ssavy b In glveu- d Kile, kOUitsr eopper astaeut te tit pis Irea. wl4ow lias od W'.t cat as, si&en. salucletii :. 1 en i on. Retweskce la belt ir l., .i ti uttoa ikBcUak. IMS, f zr.u.mL una aesiMtd Interest. at ".r... t ,..... ic. uc.u tm lb slaWlus Fund, 4M U lnrt tbaraaa JB eTeni 'bouds for Slooo each: J'm jiii olO S7S V4 tm -7 iH Mb S Ul 810 t,n SM 448 314 W 41 7a l.i, bond. I-' tu eaclt; av.7 er M Km HSi Ms loo tee im me assHu feswte. wit all tie wa 1.1.54 .uiu ettscb. siHtUW be vreswa im .1 IkS OMI. i,t IB- TISrtN B ui.I an JJt .'.; .,.. . , , GIJKAfll. rrcc I 1'.?-. ".-"-' ii below, have Ssiesi iiumi w reaeKww f r?.., i .. ...t .,'.ru.d Interest, as si Jkau aoeie h iii.irr m yei J-BJIadslotHi 4une i. : f I bolitffs w(U o tiaU Juue 4. J- Hj.t4fc Jutj Si to i.jt. vl Vuiya " ' " mm&zmfz
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