im XMW&mmmi EVENING LEBGEE PHILABELPHIA, TUESDAY. MAY 4, 1915. W I feRCLUB TENNIS MATCHES POSTPOWKU UNTIL TOMORROW ijnehing of Tournament for R. K-. A Mnn Was i Women emu . .. M Scheduled xoaay at ou artin's ana ai man- jheim. $M. opcnltiK matches of the Intercluh WiU championships for women were KxMd to bo PtnNJ tl,lB afternoon nt If Martin's and Manhelm. but have been Ltponed until tomorrow. $T Merlon Cricket Club team, cap- Uert by Ml9 Ak'1" c,nrk0 Kcnne,,y' iffbe-repreeitted l.y Ills Edwlna Hen , , ili. Alberta Hensel, Mrs. Valentino R'niw Mta Knne.1- and Miss Jncnue i 0?n T'mv will oppo-.otho Ger rni,il.n rrlckct Club, whose tenm con Uwldwn Crichci i Melck. Miss l',l8t?1t.nrftdl.ury. Mw. William T. Now ?s Mcvvn Orohnm and Miss Phlll. ""..l.rrt.i.i Tl. itintch will be WPhinlSSphla' Crickrt Club, rcpre ' -TJ, wo VIm i Eliza t'ox, Miss Dorothy aWt' ... nnl Mrs. Clement Reeves S&iniitahU wl II Piny tho Philadelphia IWdlnvfrlglil. ' 'Atnl.iin.s. Country f Sw. loam I ic hides Mrs. Gilbert A. llnr Vt M ft rhvl is Walsh. Miss Sophie tj. terifMISral, A. Baker nnd Mrs. 3. .fefewTK Club, which hns ?..i.r,d the tournament, will play "" ".' I T.-u ... with Ihn Ptilln- M" Cricket Club as opponents. Tho rlw ,5ns not et been dollnltely selected. 1m iHW Williams. Miss Co. alio i Pealo, II, Walter Fox, Mrs. Chnrles J. loV. fe Mrs. J. ivcrson Boswoll, Miss Iflfen Fleck. Miss Doris Shoemaker Miss IS Baker and Miss Louise Keefo. Kf-Ii ..kithlA Rchedulo for tomorrow A'8i MnN First DIUslon. M.rlon vs. Huntingdon Valley nt Havcrford. <W " Qernmntown nt WIstcr. Bfintiu .-. Stcon(, million. ,. , ' Oerronton s. Uelftcld at Manhelm. 1 WOMEN. Flrnt Division. ? EbllAdelphJa Cricket Club vs. Country Club tSt. Martin's, w.nh.irrf. POSTPONEMENT OF TUT FOR PITCHING SHIFT 'Mayer to be Used in Opener Against Brooklyn mc- Graw Goes to New York to Settle Kauff and Braves Dispute. After waiting until 1 o'clock In hopes that tho sun would conic out and dry up Jtho field sufficiently to permit playing, Managers Moran and McGraw wcro forced to call off the third game of tho series between the Phillies and Giants. The. postponement was welcomed by tho Giants who are In no shape to battlo the ' fait flying Phllly band, but Manager M'lloran was greatly disappointed. l A game won means moro to the Phllly management now that tho largo double- header crowd later on in tho season. The management Is after tho pennnnt 0f as good a position as tho Phillies '.in nneatlilt. rA. In f 1m rn it nml ll n ? reallie that, while the crowd would not have been large after the morning rains, thj Phils would have a much better chance of winning now than they will have from tho Giants lnted In tho year. I, .The postponement is In one way an ' Iflv.ntficra tn tnn T?nM!lACi nu If IL'III n,, able Moran to uso Alexander and savo Xiyer for the first camo- In Brooklyn. iMayer has always been more effective vi against tho Dodgers than any other club, tand thls-should enable tho Phillies to get ;mi tp a fine start In tho "Church City." Alter tho gamo had been called oil .' Manager Moran called n meetlnir of tho players to go over tho mistakes mndo In t yesterday's enntpst. nirrl It In nnTn In rv i that many serious ones were pointed out f"ln terms-that were anything but mild. Manager Alcuraw went to New YorK n.s soon as ho could get a train. He wants to havo the. Kauff Incident settled for gOOd and he Is nlsn anxious tn find nut whether the Giants eventually nro going tntcelv the Boston game by forfeit. Tha jiams- manager contends that President Tener has no voice In the matter and Is Weeding his authority In changing Urn !r Qulgley's ruling. Tho latter forfeited to game to Now York when Boston re fused tO t&kft tha flair! nrlth Vnxff In Ihn J Hnes-up and McOraw declares tho wieii must stand, unless changed by tho Wdr of tho Board of Directors of tho National Xeagu. JirL,.omo oC "3 cripples. Rubo Mar warfl is in wew rnr.- snerovino- fm,,i n FIJI'S Rtta6k ot tonsllltlB. thus further Cvwuig JUCGraw's badly weakened picmng- staff; fplD BENNY" SAYERS, GOLFER, pt ' rmiMUKLl'itlA I'lUUAl Bctor of Royalty Will Play on I' Local Courses. RJJta Bayers, of North Berwick, Scot- 'J-.nA PtrhaDS thn miul InlOrootlnr tiPT- lllty Cflnnnilj .i.u nni, i.& in --- ....,vu mm fawn, will mo ... GpJelphla on Friday. Sayers left p lrP on April 58 and will arrive In ir tork on Thursday. While hers ho gillie visiting hla son, Georea Sayers, TK'j proresslonal at the Merlon Cricket iflab. IM1 Benny" Sayers, as ho Is affection- KB nown to the golf world, has been Ll3.Initruptnp n ...... m. S- -w vjaiijr iur eaB. 4110 W&'Al North Berwick, now ono of the SthitJ , 1,1 e worl1 devoted exclusively .. '"B ol B01t clubs, is the growth Ttry small l..ii., J here a year ago Sayers played a KE? t matches at ilerlon. Whlte- SttaJr.0,her cIub? an w,u without . SUi. SaM i.l.dl. SaXl9W's English pro- IktobirKt . ers opponent on ffuL,,?.0Ccttsl0M ,n tho Scotch-Eng- 1MtK.,;",w?".i,w ?ays i to vJi ,erestlns t0 heaF wat each f uiiiieciion with old times, r , ANN OPT OP PENN LINE-UP g4 Baseman Suffers Injury to wit Arm. 'r Mann, tho dlmlnntlv Kocnnrl tQ.o1 K.nn varsity, who was day hS tho Inceton game on hid In v "' "wurr to bis uit Sw tfcX"ray PhotogrpU t that M'nTl"1"'5' that he thought Mu T .IT DIJU1 "on 01 the elbow JSXy "WPW n? the sharp spikes. tS lJpt t0 " Wm out ol the .iu nefss. PENN TItACK MEET OFF Weather Conditions Prevent Events With High Schools. .1.. V"Ack nA nelJ mcel scheduled for this afternoon between tho t'nlverslty of Pennsylvania freshmen nnd the combined lllRll Schools Of tlin rill. I. no ho. .. Jioned until Thutsday nflernont. m .1 o clock. The reason for the postponement was the poor condition of the track. Tomor row ntlernoon the second-string men ot the Perm varsity team will hold a dual meet with the Hnverford College tenm. PENN sfiirowiLL INVADE PRINCETON Red and Blue Elnted Over Base ball Victory Nickalls Makes Change in Fresh Eight. So plenRcd are the University of Penn.ylvntila students with the victory their baseball tenm scored over Prince ton on Snturdny that they will take a big delegation of undergraduates to Princeton for tho return game on May 15. A commlttco 1ms been nppolntcd to round up tho students, nnd If enough can no amninecl tlioy will go to Tiger town In a Rpcclnl train. The sumo cotn mltteo Is working to get up n big dele gation for the triangular rogntt.1 with Princeton nnd Columbia 911 Saturday. Coach Vivian NlcUnlls, of the Pennsyl vania ere?. b, has mado a chango in tho freshman elRht ns a result of the race with tho Navy Plcbes on Saturday. Glanz has been placed at 4, Wlckam at li and ReuknufC nt 6. Thcso changes were made to better hnlnnce tho boat. As n result of his condition nt the close of yesterday's trial Kosler will continue to net ns coxswain for the varsity eight. Foster was stricken with nil attnek of appendicitis Jlint before leaving for Annapolis last week, but plucklly rowed tho rncc. It Is now bo lleved that tho ice treatment will make It unnecessary for him to undergo an operation. AL BRITT BOOKED TO BOX DAN MURPHY Meet in Fairmount Final To night Nelson and Brown Meet at Norristown Club. Al Brltt, dt Baltimore, and Danny Mur phy, of this city, will meet tonight In the final fray ot n six-bout progrnm nt the I'nlrinount A. C. The Oriole City lighter is n hard-hitting flstlculllan. In his last bout hero ho knocked out Joe Murphy. Tho program follows; First bout Emll Scram, Kensington, vs. Tommy Dennis. Southwnrk. socona Doui joe l'-uuon, nth Ward. vs. ATHLETICS-YANREES GAME OFF; PITCHERS Wildness of Hurlers Gave Con test Away Yesterday Mack at Wits' End. NEW YORK, May 4.-Fourteon bases on ball, nnd four costly errors tell tho story of tho Yankees' victory over tho Athletics yestetday, nnd Manager Mack Is nt his wits' end. Just when Connie thinks his pitchers have gotten over tho generosity habit nnd the team has started to Held a. It should thu pitchers get tho habit ngnln. , Italn today provented a gnmo, aim Mock with his youngsters will have n, chance to "think it over." It Is probable Pennock will bo Used tomorrow. Joo Bush essaNcd to twirl after two weeks' absence owing to nn Injury, and while Joo had all kinds of speed nnd curvs he seldom got them near the plate dtubo Uresslcr. who followed Bullet Joe. also had everything, but he, too, was wild, ll'ish pnased olght men In four in ning!, while Bresslcr handed out six free tickets In a tiko number of InnliiKs It Is an umiMinl thing for ft pitcher to be chased to tho mound so soon after an Injury, but Joe looked better than Herb Pennock In wnrmlng up, o Connie took the ohance. He did not get awny Willi It, but expects to win today with Pennock on the mound. nunc Ilehlt. Oormnntown. 'inira doui r ranK t reaeriCKs, Kensington, vs. Jnck Hrftdloy. Fourtn oout lounu JncK Toland, 10th word Richmond, inn .Inek ' .... ,.. IKHA .9.1. 11.u, :,. .tin, Ky ixtuv, iiiii tt(u. SomliUnd-up Ty Cobb, Southwsrk, vi. Harry Kulllwin, Houthwark. Johnry Burns hns arranged for a spe cial train to carry Johnny Nelson's Kcu Himtan looters to Norilstonn, where ho will oncountor Preston Brown In Die Palaco Club's 10-round bout tonight. Johnny McAvoy nnd Johnny Kelly nsfl clash In the semifinal encounter ot eight rounds. Griffiths Outpoints Matt Brock AKHON O.. Jlay 4. Johnny Griffiths, tho AVron llRhtwclght, outjolnlod Mntt llrock, or t'l.'velaiin. In a K'-round ftftht here last nlKht. CJiimths hnd the tetter ot eight rounds, llrock to nnd two wero even. JIARSAN8 CASE UP AfiAIN IN MISSOURI COURTS Herzog and Miller Hugglns Give Sides of Controversy. ST. LOUIS, Mny 4. Protest against tho tnklng of depositions In tho suit brought by the Cincinnati Nationals ngnlnst Ar mando Mnrsans to prevent him playing with the St. Louis Federals was died be foro a notary here yesterday by George It. Wllllnms, attorney for the Cincinnati club. Tho protest was overruled and tho taking of depositions continued. The protest was bnBed on the ground that tho Federal District Court In Chicago has under consideration nn application for an Injunction icstralnlng tho Cincinnati club from prorctdlng with Its suit against Mai sans. Tho deposition of Manager Herzog, of tho Cincinnati Nationals, sold that ho went to Catcher Wlngo's home In Georgia last winter to sign Wlngo for tho St. Inils Nationals. Wlngo had then gone over to tho St. Louis Federals. Wlngo signed with tho St. Louis Nation als, Herzog said, but It was not definitely decided that Wlngo would becomo a. mem ber of the Cincinnati team. Tho under standing was that a trndo would bo mado If an ngrcement satisfactory to nil rould be leached, Herzog said. Miller Hugglngs, manager of tho St. Loud Nationals, testified that ho went to Cuba to get Mnrsans back In organized baseball. Ho testified that ho told Mar sati'j he would like to get him for the St. Louis Nntlonnls anil that a satisfactory trade could be arranged. Diggs Retires From 'Racing Game WILMINGTON, Del.. Mny 1 -rirliern and tinners on the vnrlniis horso-rai'liiR ilivuits will tills er mlsH William P. IIIbss. n ho h.iK decided to quit the rnclnft game In order 10 look niter Hie numerous line Inrnm which ho owns In the vicinity or Middleman Ho has turned Ills rnclng ofToeta oer to H, p. ror.cock, his former partner. Camden County League Formed LlNlir.NWOLD. N. J.. May 4. At u meet ItiK held at Harrington, a basebntl lengm was oiganlzed under the n.imo nr Camden County llaselnll League of I'll.-. The league ilimlt la ns follows, fllbbsboro. Magnolia Harring ton. Oaklvn, Woodlyn. Won tnlllnsvion. Tho HChcdule has been completed, and the season win open .nay n. AMATEUR BASEBALL NOTES St. Patrick's baseball team has organized for the season and Is seeking to book games with all first-class teams paying a good guarantee. Some of the best play era in South Philadelphia have signed. Including Jimmy Byrne of Catholic High fame, Armstrong nnd Monaghan of the Gibbons, Hackett of tho all-stars, Mc Cuo of tho 36th Ward, Flanagan of Uni versity House. Teams wishing to book this Urst-clnss attraction should address Edward Flnnngan, 2600 Pine street. Fol croft. Holy Name, Melroso, Clifton Heights or any team of this calibre pre ferred. Tho Samson B. C. has been reorganized ns a fully uniformed team. It hns Satur days nnd holidays open for any 15-17 year-old team. Address William Land, &9S3 Arch street, for games away or home. The Burno F. C. would like to arrange games with flrst-clnss uniformed teams In Pennsylvania, New Jersey or Delaware. Address G. Charlton, 161 Richmond street. The Cramp A. A. has May 8 open and would like to fill same with a first-class home team offering a fair guarantee. Cramp has booked Mr. Morlah, Melrose, Atlantic City, Rockdale and Glen Rid dle. Teams of this calibre desiring games address Rad M. Simons, 2625 East In dlana avenue. Bell phone Kensington 1831 D after E:30 p. m., or call Wm. Cramp it Sons, both phones, between 9 a. m. and The Albro A. A, Is repaldly filling Its schedule for the season, but still haB May 30, a. m. and p. m open. Albro Is anxious to arrange a double-header with any of the following teams: Merchant vllte, Bellmnr, Woodbury, Westvllle, Mc Klnlry A. A. and La Molt Giants. Clubs desirous of booking this attraction com municate with P. J. nonaghy. 627 West Clearfield street, or call Bell KenBlngton 7S0 all day, or Tioga 6626 from 6 to 8 p. m. Tho Borelli A. C. Is scheduled to play such teams as Spangler A. C, Philadel phia Greys, Horsham, of Horsham, Pa., and other teams of this calibre. It has a few moro open dates and would like to hear from first-class amateuf home teams giving a guarantee. Address A. Eben terlo, B09 Gerrltt street. The Cambria B. B. C. would like to arrange games with all 16-18-year-old home teams offering fair Inducements. Would like to arrange games with such teams as Cain F. C. and Laurel Springs Y M C. A. or other teams of that cali bre, Address E. Law, 433 North Cambria Btreet. or phone Kensington 3403-M. The Chllds A. C. Is booking gamesjwlth teams playing on homo grounds offer Ing a guarantee. Address C. Chllds, 21 North Hth street, or Bell phone, Walnut 8355 The Floods B. B. C, a fast 17-18-year-oid traveling team would like to arrange games with teams of this calibre offering a fair guarantee. Floods has played such teams as St. Donate C. C.. Chesmar B. n Brvn Mawr Browns and San Salvador ac. Address Terry Francisco. 1231 South UA flrsHj'lass uniform team Is In need of a good third baseman. Address J. II, Datley, 2615 Coral street. Tulpehocken, Germantown's favorite nine, besides playing their regular Satur day and holiday games, Is booking Sun flay games. Managers of all semlpro tesslonal teams wishing to place on their schedule a good attraction wilt make no mistake in booking1 this team. During the last three seasons this bunch has met most of the best teams In this sec tion, such as Potter, Keasby & Mattlson. of Ambler; Norwood, Stenton. Iogan. Germantown, Mt. Airy. Chestnut Hill and Colllpgswood. The management would, Ilka to hear from L C. B, U., of Ardmore; Gnrrett Hill, St. Marys, of rhoenlxvllle; Shenandonh Professionals or npy other Sunday playing club offering: good Induce ments. For Raines nddress Bill Kal backer, 4414 North Cleveland avenue. Northwest Boys' Club, which hnK been making good In the tunning nnd soccer game for several years, will bo represent ed on the diamond this year with a llrst clnss traveling team. Tho Boys' Club manager hos signed Pitcher Joo Mc Laughlin, recently with Holmcsbiirg, to do the mound work. Tho mnnngcr would like to hear from all first-class teams of fering good Inducements. May S mid 15 nnd July 4 nro open. Address William Slehold, 1518 North 27th street, or 1227 Market street The Shamrock F. C, of Smith Phila delphia, hns secured homo grounds for the season. On Mny S Shamrock will lino up against tho Fralllnger A. C of South Philadelphia. The grounds are located nt Blnck'R Pcnroso Ferry Inn. Tho Loretta Chnmps havo May 8 nnd li open for flrst-clnss teams offering ron Eonablo Inducements. Tho management nlso would like to state that the original Jxiretta B. B. C. of 1914 Is entirely dis banded, the players going to different teams throughout the city, MnAagers wishing to book the Loretta Champs, ad dress C. R. Wognn, 3012 North 21at street, or phono Tioga 6121. The Glrard Reserves, a first class, fully uniformed traveling team, would llko to arrange gamen with all first class homo teams In Pennsylvania, New Jersey or Delaware paying a fair guarantee. For games wilto Manager II. Oetlnger, 1UX) North Randolph street. Tho Oakford Boys' Club would like to arrange n schedule of games with nil 13-14-year-old traveling and home teams In Philadelphia and vicinity. Address Edward McGenry, 2634 Ilanton street. The Alpha F. C, of Frankford lost to the Cheltenham A. A , champions of the Philadelphia Suburban League, by a eeoro of 4 to 3. Alpha !iiih Decoration Day (2 games) open and would like tu hear from any first-class semlprofes slonal club having grounds and offering a icasonable guarantee. Address Harry C. Fox, 4526 Grlscom street, Frankford. Phone Frankford 1269 between 6 and S p. m. NATIONAL LEAflUK PABK miri Two va new Ynnir Gima at 8:30 1. U AdTOl.alon. 23c, S0o 1 i4 TsS Bei SMt. II- On sal. at QlmUUf J and f paliUms-, If you use ordinary grease and oil in your car and forget to look after them -Good Night! DIXON'S Graphite Grease No. 677 For Transmissions and Differentials' you put in at rare in tervals and forget it altogether, It stays put and the longerit's used the better it becomes. A$k your dtaUr for the Dixon Lubricating Chart JOSEPH 01X0(4 CRUCIBLE CO. jjMhfi! ridUdlU Bnacbi '"S-N 1020 Areh Strut llENNY KAUFF 3I0VKS RACK; MAY REJOIN miOOKFRDS Little Jumper, Rejected by 0. B Mny Don Fed Uniform. NEW YORK, May 4 -Benny Knuft moved back to a Brookln hotel today, which was taken by his friends 'tn moan that Benny had decided to piny with the Brookfeds again. Benny used to live In a Brooklyn hotel, but when he Jumped to tho Glnnts ho packed hH grip nnd mov&l to n Biondwny hostelry. Owner Ward, of the Brookfeds, Is scheduled to talk to Benin- today, after which It Is thought tho "Ty Cobb" of the Federal Leaguo will don n Brookfed uniform. CUEISTS MEET AT WILMINGTON Willie Lewis Knocked Out i.-ps-IIAllHi:. !.. Mnv 4. Kid knocked out Soldier Willie l.enls of In tho llrst round Inst nlilit with n straight right tn tht Jaw. Ilflttllnc Schnppert, or Wllkcs-Hnrre. nnd Cyclone Hennell. or (leoige. town, rounni n Rirni t battle for seven lniiniiA. hut In the' eighth Schnpiert put licnnelt nwny Willi A rigl.l on me j. Columbia Track Captain Iinrrcd NBW VnltK, Ma 4 Captain Prank, of ih Columbia truck team, wns d .'lnred In eligible jeslerday by graduate manager of athletic. IIbti A KMher ThU bur Urrtdv from competition In the two remaining dual meets with llronn nnd Annapolis Harry P. Cline to Play Dr. UfTen heimer Tonight nt City Club. WILMINGTON, Del., May 4. -What promises) to bo tho most Interesting blU llnrd match ever played In Wlltnlngtiin will bo played this evening nt the City Club, tho occasion being "Club Night" for Ihn nrgnnlznllon. The contestants will bo Harry P. Cllnc, the former world's chnmplon nt 18.2 balk llne, nnd Dr. Wnlter li. Uftcnhelmcr, the nmntcur chnmplon of Philadelphia. The game will be for 300 points nnd tho tnbie will be plnced In tho big club auditorium. HARVARD HARD HIT AGAIN Frippe, Third linseninn, Out of Gntne With Scnrlet Fever. CAMBRIDGE, Mass, May 4.-Afler los ing Its cnptnln nnd third baseman, Rus sell Ayrcs, becaito of sickness, the Crim son's bnll nine yesterday received nnotlier setback when Frank Frlppe, who went to third for Ayres, developed scnrlet fever nnd will bo iinablo to play any moro baselmll He did not piny Snlurdav ogalnxt Am herst, hut nt that tlnio It wns thought ho wai a victim of grip. THIRD SERIES OF GOLF MATCHES SLATED FOR LOCAL CLUBS TODAY Suburban Team Competitions at Bala Philadelphia Cup Matthcs Also on Schedule Aronimink Country Club Assured of Successful Season, Today will mark the third series of golf matches In tho Philadelphia and Suburban team cup competitions, and the fourth In the Wnlllngford Cup. In the Philadelphia Cup the Merlon women, Inst year's winners, are nlmost suro to re pent, Tor they so far havo failed to loso 11 sliiglo match. The Phllmont women, who won the Suburban Cup Inst year, ore leading In that competition by a margin of five matches over Woodbury nnd Lnns downe. In tho new Wnlllngfoid Cup contest Moorestown hns made tho other teams toko notice, for the Jersey glrM have won 12 out of 15 mutches nnd are leading Wilmington by three points. The schedule for Ind.iy IMIILAURI.PIIIA PIP Merion n Oierbronk nt Merlon. Philadelphia Itintingaon niiey at m. .Mnrun hi. Is .UercbMiHIII at St Wands sfiicnUA.v rpp Phllmont i. West Chester nt 1'hllmont, Bain .is, Woodbury l Bala: Old Tork Road . Lansdowne at Old York nnad. WALLtNOPOnO CUP. ttnrth IIIII V fnn-lM a Xn4IU tllltrf Sfenton i. Rn-inghntcn at Stenton: Whttai marsh at Aronimink mington, bye. at Whltemarah) Wll IK If the foimnl opening of the AronlmlnJf Country Club last Saturday Is any !rU terlon, tho success of Philadelphia's new est and most up-to-date golfing organiza tion In assured. Tho fine weather brought out a vt throng of women and men and the first event of the club attracted tndre than 100 entries. liaild i Comstock Hack to Minors t PHOVinilNCK. II. t May 4.-Th Provl. donee Club o' the International Leabue, yt. icrdav obtained nalph Comstock, a pitcher, fiom the Hoston American tngu team, comstock was with Providence last vcasdn. !s 1111 Atlantic POLARINEis the 100-perccnt lubricant that flows freely at all tempera tures. It keeps upkeep DOWN. fSEOC).. ?.;fHf r TrtMiPa .,f,' iSfrAV. 2rfA'v,n.' itzarnrf v: &za&yz sS-i' r THIS is a truck of the tried-and-true motor fuel that abolished all tollgates on the road to Engine Efficiency; that showed motorists how to get more miles out of a gallon, and faster miles at that. Atlantic Gasoline and it is gasoline to the last drop has a uniform "boiling point," kept uniform by constant care and rigid testing. Every gallon of Atlantic "Gas" you buy is, therefore, exactly like the last, banishing the carburetor nuisance. Atlantic Gasoline is made from the finest crude oil that flows made to a definite standard by the oldest and largest refiners in the State. Wherever you live, park, drive, or "store," in any part of Pennsylvania or Delaware, you can get Atlantic Service. All good garages sell Atlantic Gasoline ; Atlantic trucks and tankers deliver any quantity, any place, any time. Whatever the kind of service you prefer, be pop-sure it's Atlantic Gasoline. THE ATLANTIC REFINING COMPANY
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