EYByiHG EP0EB-PHi:LAPELPBIA, FBIDAY, MJB&TJABY 26 1915. '. F! 7tf m If , E&M 'TO BROTHER" ROLE TO HALT HUNGER WARFARE OF NATIONS Administration Reported to Have Dropped "Strict Accountability" Attitude to Gain Concessions FfOm Belligerents. England and Germany Still Silont on Proposals Trans atlantic Sailings From Brit ish Ports Held Up by Official Order. WASHINGTON, Feb. 26. SThla Government Is playing tho "ble brother" rolo toward Germany nnd Eng land, authorities said today. It was said the Administration has withdrawn the mailed fist of "strict ac countability" In IU negotiations with the two nations over their hunger warfare, and with the humanitarian Idea as a basis, 'nas offered Informal negotiations to halt the two. It was added that America's commerce hua been relegated to the background In the arguments, by reason of England's Veiled tuuits In her last note that this nation l following a dollar diplomacy. One or tno Government's chief concerns wa QUlnorltatlvely reported to be a fear that the two nations' retaliations may know no bounds. Safety of prisoners In Europe's pens way be Involved by the hunger war, offi cials held. Hence, latest negotiations have sought to prevent such n. wholesale tragedy, particularly In view of bitter criticisms from all sides concerning pris oners' treatment, and requests for Amor lean Intervention In the situation. Looming above this, the Government Is aid to be worried lest starvation of Ger many's civil population react by arousing among Americans anger against England and. Its Allies. It was explained at the Stato Depart ment today, that no effort has been made Trlth Germany to prevent mlne-scjwlng, In view of the fact that this Government has no proof that Germany has ever laid mines, although In her recent note she indicated her Intention of doing so In the death zone. No answers had c.tio early today to proposals that foodstuffs o direct to Ger many's civil population, under United States supervision, or to the proposal for cessation of the "untersee" warfare In Germany's death zone. BRITAIN SUSPENDS ATLANTIC SAILINGS, IS LONDON REPORT LONDON, Feb. M. Successful operations of German sub marines In British waters have resulted In the Issuance of secret orders for all transatlantic liners to remain in port until further notice, according to reliable information obtained here today. This news caused a sensation In maritime cir cles when It became known. Officials of the stca.ishlp lines refused to comment on the order, and tho Ad miralty maintained Its customary ret icence, but reports are In circulation that the British naval authorities have secured Information that a fleet of sub marines has succeeded in rjachlng the Irish Sea and is lying In wait for the big liners. NEW TORK, Feb. 26,-OfflclIaa of the International Mercantile Marine and the Cunard Line today denied they had re ceived any notification from the British Admiralty that New York sailings had been temporarily suspended from Liver pool, London or Glasgow. . S. RAISES INSURANCE TO ALL BRITISH PORTS WASHINGTON. Feb. 26.-A11 norts In the British Isles were made "soeclal ports" requiring special rates of war risk Insurance from the Government Bureau, by an order issued last night by Secretary of the Treasurer McAdoo. The only special ports in the United King dom under former orders were those on the North Sea, north of London. The order also extends the special port none on the Continent to Include Bor deaux, The -previous limit was Dunkirk. The bureau reserves the right to refuse Insurance to these ports. IHREE OP CAItfiTcREW LOST, ALL OF EVELYN SAVED WASHINGTON, Feb. 26. Three mem 1ersi of the crew of the American cotton ateamshlp Carlb were lost, when the ves sel struck a mine In the North Sea, Feb ruary 22, Consul General Soren LUtoe, at Rotterdam, today cabled tho State De partment. They were William Banell. assistant engineer, of pensacola, Fla.; Antonio Martinez, fireman, and Secunda Bias, a trimmer, both of Corruna, Spain. Captain Edgar Cole and 26 of the crew wero raved. American Minister Henry Van Dyke at The .Hague cabled the State Department tnst alt of the crew of the American steamshli Evelyn, which also sank In the Worth Sea, after Jtrlklnc a mine, were reported unofficially to be safe. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA Vessels Arriving Today Str. l!ckennm (Dr.), Crui Ornnd vl Btr. Pwn. Ntw York, nurciuwdln, Clyde BtMnwMti Company. jur, Netharby llaii (Br.), Cromarty, baiiMt. )pBh C OabrM. Steamships to Arrive ., FREIQHT. Jtwn,, . ,.,,, OMIICU. iiaii.iniro ..-.,,,,, ,.unlia .., pc. is KMljors , . . , .Copeahagea . , , . Ja, 11 kCgiS,!, -- 7-aItH Ian 1 s..yrr tuayioicr Jan. 22 QisUsttiee AJgtsrs Jan. iy Olsons Q..., lJalrmo , Jn. 30 4vid .Naplt Feb, 4 !!Myk RotteriJm Fb, 8 15ifcU .....ijbltld FjQ ! NMVlk Feb, 10 WgttPolBt London Feb.il amuum .usiaeuBBrc . ...fro. 11 fjtura Ilotter.Um )Vh 11 Slbltr . .. IMUbw Feb. la uwmroiaw gwey rb. 13 GtawiMim Bslbe Feb. 15 4.!jiuJri .SMeld ...... ...Ftb, 17 fWy ,ClutU ., Fb,lS MWM4l Ati, Amr...Fg; 18 JliMrt ..llMlva .,..:.,.. Feb. is gtlMB, il-vst'--ifW r6,20 lm -M:.-XsJHR.MttMA ...... Frt, SB iLjajMbKnw -ir) f"H ...,. ran. .. . . . .Fan aatwjte ,7;f5 n iitaawfcipL ts Leave rmmmrt r, toa.it. INCOME TAX PAYERS SWAMP COLLECTORS Last Minute Rush More Than Augmented Force Can Han dleMonday Last Day. INCOME TAX LAW AND ITS PENALTIES Heturna must be made on or before March 1, 1916. Failure means an In crease of BO per cent. In tnx nnd a (Inc. All persons whoso net Income Is $3000 n year" or moie, must file returns. Married persons whose hot Income Is $3000 nnd less than flOOO must die re turns, oven though they have tho privilege of claiming exemption of $1000. Tnx In payable on or before June 30 1915, and If not paid on that dato 6 per cent, will be added thereto. Cost of permanent Improvements to property cannot bo deducted from re turns of Income, Persons whose Income exceeds $3000 nnd Is less than $20,000 need not mnke returns If the Income received, after deducting Incomo derived from divi dends the tnx on which Is paid nt tho pource. Is less than $3000. Although tho regular foroo was nearly doubled, the clerks nt the Internal Revenue offices on the sixth floor of the Federal Building had their linnds full nil day waiting on hundreds of t'hllndcl phlans and residents of nearby points, whose Incomes bring them under the Federal Income tnx regulations. Re turns must bo mndo before March 1, and after the revenue ofllces wero thrown open crowds thronged tho space before tho windows, nnd for tho greater part of tho afternoon a long lino of prospective contributors extended nlong tho corri dor. Annnnnremanf thnf nttn- .vt ma.,i. .... ...,.v .t.t.., ti-1. .iiuimiij' n fine of 50 per cent, of tho nmount duo un der tho Income tax law would be charged ueiinquenut Drought ninth-hour seekers after Information to the Federal Build ing In droves. This line mingled with druggists, doctors, dentists, hospital rcp tescutatlvcs and veterinarians, who wero on the same floor waiting to take out special licenses for the salo of drugs under tho new Harrison act which goes into effect on March 1. During tho InBt few days many thousand persons hnvo besieged the revenue ofllces to not their returns In before tho time Is up, The army of clerks required to han dle tho Income tax business have been busily engaged In straightening out the kinks In the Intricate law. The subjects of depreciation and loss have caused more trouble and misunderstanding than any of the othor branches. In this connection Internal Ttivnii Collector Lederer cites a decision by tho Treasury Department nt Wnshlngton on tho subject. It is, In part, as follows: "Depreciation as an allowable deduction In ascertaining annual net Incomo for the incomo tnx 1b separately provided for and Is not to be confused with loss. Tho depreciation provided to be taken as a deduction In a return of incomo Is tho value assigned to the deterioration of physical Improvements or assets, such as are susceptible of having their value lessened through wear nnd tear, use or obsolescence. Any shrinkage In tho value of bonds, stocks and like securities due to fluctuations In their market value Is ndt deductible In a return of Income as depreciation or loss. "Losses may be sustained by indi viduals or corporations on personal or real property. Only those losses are de ductible which aro sustained during the uix year in iraue tnat is, tho business which engages the time, attention and labor of any one for the purpose of live lihood, profit or Improvement. Loss to be deductible must be an absolute loss, not a speculative i fluctuating valua tion of continuing Investment, but must bo an actual loss, actually sustained nnd ascertained during the tax year for which tho deduction Is sought to be made; It must bo Incurred in trade and be determined and ascertained upon an actual, a completed, a closed transaction. Loss Is the difference between selling price and cost, where the selling price Is less than cost." BRITIAN ASKS FOR $215,000,000 LONDON, Feb. 28. The Govern ent today requested 215. 000,000 additional for the war expenses of the year 1914-13, bringing tho total for the year to l,810,80O,00O.' The estimates for the year 1313-16 provide for an ex penditure of Jl,23O,0!,000. The total for the first two years of the war for England alone is 3,06O,O0O,O0O. The Wheelock Pianola 3 HE B'ri' f jPfPl ffifo FffiJ 1 8 JM$i$i&sSMP B The Steinway Pianola 1 iNili!iiSlH ;-' HBt B I rcHBLI I lis jg :S9njHHBIS ALLIES FORCING PASSAGE OF DARDANELLES Dispatches from Athena report that tho Allied fleet has entered tho Dardanelles, after hnvlng silenced tho puns of the outer forts. Tho naval experts agree that prent difficulties will bo encountered beforo tho passage of the Strait and the Sea of Mnrmora enn bo forced. The waters have been heavily mined, and there aro strong shoro defenses mounting heavy Krupp guns. Tho Turkish fleot, having tho advantage of lighting on tho defensive, is believed to bo stationed in Nngara Roads, 25 miles from tho entrance. Tho length of tho strait is about 40 miles and it is expected that tho Anglo-French warships will have to fight nearly every foot of the way. SUFFRAGISTS' BAZAAR AGAIN A BIG SUCCESS Several Hundred Dollars' Worth of Goods Sold in First Hour of Second Day. Several hundred dollars' worth of "suffrage-made" nrtlcles were sold In tho first hour today at the KeyBtono Ktnto Bazaar ut tho New Century Club, 121 South 12th st. Tho suffrnglsts declared with enthusiasm that today, the second and last day of the btzaar, would be oven more successful than yesterday. Many of the counters and booths wero filled this morning with now articles, hav ing been emptied on the first day of tho fair, and eager buyers pressed forward to get first chance at the latest suffrage offerings. Things of every description nro on hand, irom good things to eat to accessories for tho farm and garden. A palmist Is on hand nnd Is kept busy reading tho myBtcrles, while a "Garden of Eden," whero all trouble Is said to bo done away with, unllko most Edens, Is one of the greatest attractions of the bazaar. "Uncle and Aunt Sam" had many fi lends. "Miss Columbia," with her horn of plenty, was patronized by many who visited tho club rooms. Several talks and demonstrations on farming ind gardening will bo given by Mrs. George Foulke at the Farm and Onrden Booth of the Equal Franchise .Society, rroducts from tho farm of Mis. Horatio Gates Lloyd, a prominent suf fragist of this city, wero exhibited. Every farmer or gardener could bo "spotted" In a moment by his Interest in examining these. The Farm and Garden Booth is one of tho features of the bazaar and promised to take In a considerable amount In receipts Tho Plays and flavors Club will present 1 several one-act plays tonight. 12 Men Killed in Mine LONDON, Feb. 26. An explosion oc curred today In tho new Hemheath col liery at Chesterton, Staffordshire. Twelve men. Including one of the mine's owners, are believed to have perished Best Coai EgR $7, Stove $7.25, Chestnut $7.50 Large Round Pea Coal, $5.50 kaIP?!-C?l Yard in Philadelphia OWEN LETTER'S SONS Trenton Ave. & Westmoreland St. ine The All genuine Aeolian-made instruments, containing the famous Aeolian patents, which have made the Pianola the most widely known, the most widely used and the mcjst widely imitated instrument in the world. Player-pianos are not Pianolas. There is but one Pianola made only by the Aeolian Company in six pianos only. Four of these pianos containing the Pianola are on sale at "the House that Heppe built." Until you have seen and heard the Pianola, you have not witnessed the greatest achievements in player-piano construction. ' Steinway Pianola Weber Pianola Sfinijiat Piannla Steinway Pianola Weber Pianola Settlement may C "f HFPPF Rr OW 1117-1119 BERLIN INSISTS BRITISH TRANSPORT WAS TORPEDOED 1800 Troops Lost, Government Press Bureau Assorts. BERLIN, Feb. 20. Eighteen hundred British troops wero drowned In the Eng lish Channel when a German submarlno sent nn English transport to the bottom, according to reports received by the Gov-, crnmont Press Bureau today. The Press Bureau declared that this report was wired to Lloyds from Eastbourne, on tho south coast of England. Tho Cologne Gazette publishes a letter from Montevideo which says an Argentlno steamer has reported that seven British cruisers are lying severely damaged at tho Falkland Islands. WIRES FROM VERA CRUZ TO CAPITAL CUT BY ZAPATA Consul Canada Reports Action to State Department. WASHINGTON, Feb. 20.-Amorlcan Consul Canoda nt Vera Cruz today In formed the Stnto Department that Zapa tulsts had cut all telegraph lines between that port and Mexico City. Duval West and George C. Carothers, American spe cial agents, were reported us having left Torreon for Monterey. General Pablo Gonrnlcs, with a strong Carrnnzlsta force, began a general attack on Monterey today, according to the Con stitutionalist agency. BOER LEADER A PRISONER CAPETOWN, South Africa, Feb. 20. Lloutennnt Colonel Marlta, ringleader of tho Boer revolt In South Africa, Is re ported to have been nrrested and sent as a prisoner to Wcndhuk. !1J 'i if E HEIPpE otemway Wheelock NOL The Aeolian Family of the player-piano world Is on (grand) $2100 (grand) . , . , 1800 . 10Cn 1250 ,,.,.. , , . 1000 be in cash or charge account or our rentaUpayment planall rent applies Write for large illustrated catalogue. DEATH OR SILENCE CHOICE GIVEN WIFE IN PASSPORT CASE Mrs. R. P. Stengler Re ceives Threatening Let ters in Connection With German's Arrest for Ob taining Papers. NEW YORK, Feb. 26. Sealed lips or death was the choice given by anonymou letter writers today to Mrs. R. P. Steg ler, the American wife of Richard Peter Stegler, German reservist who confessed under the Influence of his wife's patriotic demands that he had been picked as a German spy to complete the work left un done by Carl Hans Lody, recently exe cuted In the Tower of London, and Im plicating Captain Boy-Ed, navat attache of the German Embassy, In a passport scandal. Undaunted by tho threats, Mrs. Stegler took tho letters to Charles Griffith, her husband's counsel. She said sho would continue her endenvors to have hor hus band tell nil details of tho plot whereby he waB to enter England by fraudulent passports from this country and betray war secrets of Great Britain Into the hands of Germany. The letters warned Mrs. Stegler that she was acting as a trouble-maker be THE WORK V.sfjfrr , ..' . , , , .,-rrrv.f.' J??.s . ' .:.-'. '''?f'"A..2?l2 Autocars are replacing horses and wagons wherever motor delivery is profitable and desirable. Have you the work for an Autocar and would you like to own one? If you own a team of horses and wagon, you have an asset of recognized value. The Autocar Sales & Service Company, 23d and Market Sts., Philadelphia, are prepared to dispose of your equipment at the best market price, which will enable you to purchase an Autocar. We have assisted1 many in this way. Warning ! Profit by Experience ! When considering the purchase of any moter vehicle, ask the salesman what other concerns are using the make of car he is trying to sell you. The Autocar does not confine you to a smaU number of references. Pick the references you choose from the names on Autocars you see everywhere in the streets. Or we will send you a complete list of more than 2000 owners. A few of them are named below: John Wnnamaker. Jordan Marsh Co. Carson, Firic, Scott & Co. John V. Farwcll & Co. Bell Telephone Co. Strawbridgo & Clothier The Weber The Stroud aale at Heppe'a and includes Wheelock Pianola Stroud Pianola T, tt T"i tm Francesca-Heppe Player-Pianos, .V, . , , 450 Aeolian Player-Pianos. ..,,,.,,..,., 395 tween the United States. nnd Germany and that her assassination would follow If she dared to continue her present course. Lody was sent to his death by Cap tain K. Boy-Ed, tho naval attache of the German Embassy, according to a statement made yesterday by Richard P. Stegler, the German reservist ar rested In this city on Wednesday. tn this statement, mado to his coun sel, Charles II. Griffiths, the former As sistant United States Attorney, Stegler Involved another man, whom he declared to bo a member of the German diplomatic corps, now living I n this city. This man, a Doctor Fuchr, was form erly attached to tho German Embassy In Toklo, nnd came here after thd outbreak of hostilities, according to Stegler. lie says that after getting this Information ho put the matter Up to the naval at tache, who only shrugged his shoulders. Boy-Ed denied emphatically and speci fically that he knew anything of Lody except what he read In the papers, that ho had offored Stegler $1C0 a month to work ns a spy In London and a like amount to his wife for life In the ovont of his meeting death. Ho did, 'however, admit giving Stegler a loiter to Doctor Fuohr. GALES DIMINISHING Probability of Heavy Storm Docroasod, Saya Weather Bureau. NEW YORK, Feb'. 28.-Tho Weather Bureau today Issued tho following storm warning: "Continuation of northwest storm warning; Delaware Breakwater to Bos ton; fresh westerly gales diminishing; signals to bo lowered at sunset." AUTOCAR DELIVERY VEHICLES Gimbel Brothers. Lit Brothers. N. Snollenburpr. Freihofer's Bakory. Adams Express Co. American Express Co. Theodore Gabrylewitz. Michell's Seeds. S. S. Pierce Co. Mitchell, Fletcher & Park & Tilford Kolb Bakery Co. Shultz Bread. Hood's Dairy. Sharpless Butter. Simmons Hardware Atlantic Reflninpr Co. Fairbanks Scales. The ;'..,. , :. . . .750 ,,.;... t , . , 550 ' c" to purcHase, The Chestnut Street m -J I I up B i - ' HllSI 111 DUTCH ENTRY W WAR EXPECTED BY ENGLAND: View Substantiated by Shnm - -j. ... wv:o .ngtunst Hol land's Participation. LONDON, Feb. 2.-Itatea of ln. against Holland's Participator ook a sudden Jump today. This wa, dot to Bomlomelal renorta h. ...... 7. : Dutch Government waa planning for war! with np.... .i .1... .. WBrai ..-. ....., lnnl lno acrmang making preparations for an aggres.l - """ jwiiuna as soon m H junto uiu Klines. npuiuiies irom Amsterdam recelyedM ... iuuujt anu) lnat aerman trcWS aro carrying soldiers to reinforce the' forces now guarding the frontier between' Belgium and Holland and that the (W mans are bulldlne hrlrtcroa .,. .i,i Scheldt nt Antwerp and Hoboken across i which heavy artillery can be traneplrteaH icr ncuon against the Dutch. SUBMARINE BELIEVED LOST Wrecknso on Welsh Coast Indicate j disaster to ucrman Graft. CARDIFF. WflJen. WH u ' A Germnn submarine Is believed to h&vea uucn uubuujuu on mo coast or North Wales. Wreckacrn in hMn? nn.li.ri ,.' today. Among tho debris there ver9 xuunu uuuris oi ucrman nnu JJngllslH ports. i ARE DOING il I M i Co. Co. Forrest Laundry. Armour & Co. Swift & Co. Cudahy Packing Co. Bureau of Health. Pennsylvania Railroad. Peter Dodger. Petry's Express. Weber Pianola -r4 Stroud Pianola , j "si ill 1 HEflflHHHHHBHHHi fll vv Mva vrww4 JtJCta .M KOiwi fib. n Wt- Si ft MIIIIIWWMMaMWMMii'iiiaiBWSBmT
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