EVENING- LEDttER-PttlLADTCLPTTTA. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 191.3. 9 Soca )ance? and iPer& on a and I- . a U-."'1 V WWil najjfc TfA A A Tft J3y r imi it m0 Jn iCTJQHXv-Sly Ilia m. rKfl.'EDWAnD B. DUNN and Mr. William Jyi o, Qrlfflth have organized a dancing class to meet on Wednesdays during Lent nttho ilnplelawn Inn, Bethlehem pike nnd Main Street. Borne among, the members aro Mr. and ifrs. Bruce Ford, Mr. and Mrs. John Hcynolds, jir. tammot and Mlas Lammot. jtlss Alleen Molyneus, of London, will be tho guest of Mr. and Mrs. Marrjr Thayer nt their home In HaveMord for several days. Miss Jlolyneux and' Mrs. Thayer, who was MIbs Mollle Sldebotham, wore schoolmates In Paris. There will bo dansants In the Hobo Gardens i at the Bellevuo-Stratford on Wednesday nftcr hoons now,, as well ns Saturdays, beginning to morrow. ," Mrs. May Templo will chapcrone these af fairs also. They will continue throughout tho 'spring season. Invitations liavo been Issued by Mr. ana .Mrs. James Mandcrson Castle, of Chestnut Jllll, for a danco at the Philadelphia Cricket Club on Tuesday evonlng. April 6, to meet their daughters. Miss Margaret, Nowhold Castle and Miss Mary Butler Cflstle. Only tho members of tho younger and school sot have been Invited, ' m the Mioses Castle havo not made their debut as yet. Miss Margaret Castle will be presented next year. Mrs. Franklin McCrca Wlrgman, of 2003 Pino iroit. will receive Informally today from 4 It until 6 o'clock. She will bo assisted by Miss B Ada M. Crozer and Mrs. Bnltzar B. L. do ' . Hr TaUh T Caa. .I11 n.A.M n, ,1... 11 tin tnhlfv Miss Jean C. Bullitt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Logan M. Bullitt, of 126 -South 23d street, will leave today for Detroit, Mich., where sho wilt be the guest of her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Logan M. Bullitt, Jr., for Jhree weeks. Miss Bullitt made her debut this winter and i. has been one of the most popular debutantes. Miss Kathcrlno Rogars, of 2201 St. James ;. place, Is upending some time as the guest of her f sunt, Mrs. Dcsbarat, of Montreal, Can. Miss Rogers will return about March 1. Mr. and Mrs. Fisher L. Boyd, Miss Marlon Sharpless, Miss Helen Boyd, Howard Holton, Charles Weiss, Jr., and James Monroe formed & party that spent the week-end In Atlantic City. ' Mr. and Mrs. William Paul O'Neill have Ibpught the house owned by Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert Shaclcelton at Rydal, which they will occu- py next fall. Mrs. O'Neill will bo remembored as Miss Marlanna Llpplncott. Captain Alfred Hinds, U. S. N., of the receiv ing ship Ohio, and Mrs. Hinds are at present entertaining Mrs. Carlton Chase, of Syracuse, Lieutenant Samuel W. Bogan, U. S. M. C, WS land, Mrs. Bogon spent the week-end and Wash r'fitton's Birthday nt Atlantic City. Mrs. Bogan h?8l'll entertain at tea this afternoon nt her b$4'"apartments In tho Colonial. Sho will be as sisted In receiving by Mrs. A. S. Williams, wlfo jSf: of Captain Williams, U. S. M. C. Mrs. ralmcr Tennant. of Hagerstown. Md., Bite at present tho guest of Mrs. William W. Bmyth at the Lincoln. . 'The sewing class, consisting of 25 members, .organized by Mrs. Walter Langdon Kustls, of fsoio Pine street, -will meet today for tho first ' time in her home. The class will sew for a fair to be held for the Children's Seashore Home In Atlantic City during Easter week. ' Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wood Wagner, of Whto Lodge.- Chestnut Hill, have been spending sev- ' eral days at Lake Placid, N. Y. .-' Miss Anna Florence) Woodruff, daughter of illr, and Mrs. Clinton Rogers Woodruff, of 2219 Bpruce street, Is spending a short time' at At lantic, City. t Mr: and Mrs. D. A.Newhall spent the week- , end in Lakewood. r Miss Acnes Hutchinson and Miss M. Eulalle K Wlllcox left Saturday -for Lakewood. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar B. Howard are spending evcral weeks in Virginia Hot Springs. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Earle White, of 2036 Spruce street, spent the holidays at Brown's llllla In the Pines. Thomas P. Lunny has left for Palm Beach, Where he will spend the month of March with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Hare, of Ovcrbrook., , ' ALONG THE MAIN LINE BALA Mrs. J, Charles Parry, Bryn Mawr ave IfciBue and Edgehlll road, entertained at cards yes- - nrday afternoon. The guests were Mrs. Martin ; t, Glynn, Mrs. Stephen B. Tlly, Mrs. Calvin Q. y Child, Mrs, J. Samuel Stephenson, Mrs. Frank . Seeburger, Mrs. Herbert Tlly. Mrs. Frederick -C, Newbourg, Jr., Mrs, J. V. E. Titus, Mrs. Philip Baker, Mrs, John B. Eberbach, Mrs. Al bert W, Flckford, Mrs. J, Clarke. Rawlins, Mrs. i,Frederick W. Fleck, Mrs. Albert McChesney, t.SJra. William M, Allen, Mrs. Joseph V, Little, i'ilrs. Hartley, Mrs. John Q, Fleck. Mrs. Joseph ' Sullivan, Mrs, Walton and Miss Apna McCalvey. . Mr. and Mrs. Edward Legge expect to return to Boston tomorrow after a week's visit with if Mrs. Legge's parents, Mr, and Mrs. J. Samuel rEUphenson, Pt City avenue. Miss Anna Mo- Calvey, who has been out In California since iMt July as the guest of Mr, and Mrs. Henry I Kuhn Ke,lly, Jr the latter formerly Mlsa neba pBUphenson, has returned to Bala. VYNNEwnnn .Mr. nnil Mrs. John Joyce. Jr., ntertainer) nt rilnner vesterdav. Their guests K re Mrs, Joyce's mother, Mrs. John Relnhard, Bsf New York,- Judge and Mrs. Wheeler, Mr. grand Mrs. Benjamin Baseler, Mr. and Mrs. Jonn bCwanave. Klmer J. Relnhard. John Doherty g td Jqhn Qarry, all of New York. Mrs. Reln- I. pwd and her son, Elmer Relnhard; John uo- . certy end John Qarry spent the week-end with fpr- and Mrs. Joyce, and on Sunday motored "with thm Hrtwn tn Atlnntlft Pitv. Vr n4 Mrs. Paul Monaghan are receiving . Soaeratulittinna nn htt hirth at a. daughter. Mar. KSueJlte Monaghan. Mrs. Monaghan will be re- BMtobered as Mlas Marguerite Harrity, aaugn "Hr Bf si, William r. Harrity. qf Overbrcxjk, GERMANTOWN j. , Jnstph MeCaddon, of Prtneeton TjRlvarslty, w Hrry Ugrtsttrtt aiiwrd, of W &a i . Jtlw TthattaiaCJE-Cr4 U tt preeent visiting her cousin, Miss Blgna, For narls, of New Orleans, and attending tho Mardl Oras festivities. Dr. and Mrs. Carl Williams gave an Informal dinner last night In honor of Dr. deorgo Fahy, of New Haven, who will be remembered ns n football star, of some years ago. Amontf tho guests were Mr. and Mrs. John Blakletey, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Fitch and Senator Connelly. Doctor Fahy Is In tho city for only a few days, and Is registered At tho Beilevue'-Strnt-ford. Mrs. William H. Maxwell, Jr., of IS West Tulpehocken street, entertained at luncheon yesterday In honor of Miss Lucy Harrington, of Indianapolis. Miss Mary Rcardon, of 113 East Duval street, entertained nt dinner last evening, followed by a small dance. Mrs. Oswald J. Do Rousse, of 615 West Hortter street, will give tho third of a scries of informal bridge luncheons tomorrow. Mrs. Jamea Tattcrneld, who, with her chil dren, has been visiting friends In Chicago, hns returned to .Qermantown and for the present will make her homo nt tho Delmar. Mrs. William Sldebottom and her daughter, Mrs. Qeorgo Lewis Smith, aro spending some time at Atlantic City, N. J. Daniel Moore Davis, of the Delmar, has re turned to his home from a trip to Baltimore. The marrlago of Miss Dorothy Blackburn and Mr. Davis will take placo In the spring. Mrs. Edwin A. Frlcke and Miss Emllle Frlckc, of 134 West Upsal street, will spend a portion of tho Lenten season at Atlantic City. WEST PHILADELPHIA Miss Edith Fales, of 4407 Spruce street, has organized a sewing class, which meeta on Fri day afternoons during Lent nt her homo to sew for home relief. Mrs. Emmanuel Brown McCowen, of 4101 Spruce street, nccompanted by her daughter. Miss Mary D. McCowen, and Mrs. John Young, will leave tomorrow for Atlantic City, to spend n part of the Lenten eeason. Mrs. Marshall Earl Reld, accompanied by her daughter, Miss Grace Reld, nnd her son, Mar shall Earl Reld, Jr.. spent the week-end In Atlnntlc City, N. J. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Lewis will give a miscel laneous shower tonight nt their home, 4612 Wal nut street. In honor of MIsb Florence A. Tide man, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs, R. H. Tldeman, of 003 South 46th street. Mlsa Tldeman's mar riage to Francis S. Cnrr will take place Monday, April B. Tho decorations will bo pink roses nnd sweet peas, nnd the guests will Include Mr. and Mrs. Chnrles McCusker, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. John F. Lewis, Mrs. Harry Vernier, Mrs. R. H. Tldeman, Miss Sarah Lynch, Mies Isabel Rod gers, Mlsa Gertrude Carr, Miss Anna Farrell, Miss Mary Carr. Miss Etta Tldeman, Miss Ellz nbot' Eby, Dr. John F. Lewis, James C. Klely, Stephen Carr, John Carr, Magnua Lakler, Joseph Williams and Frank Cnrr. SOUTH PHILADELPHIA Paymaster Parsons, U. S. N., entertained-the Monday evening bridge club last night on tho U. S. S. Illinois. His guests were Lieu tenant Ralph L. Shepard, U. S. M. C, and Mrs. Shepard; Lieutenant Arthur T. Barney, U. S. N.( and Mrs. Barney; Lieutenant Com mnnder Raymond S. Keyes, U. S. N and Mrs. Keyes; Paymaster Manning H. Phllbrlck, U. S. N., and Mrs. Phllbrlck; Miss Blanche Lane and Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Davis. A delightful Martha AVashlngton tea was given last evening In Mount Hermon Methodist Episcopal Church, 19th and Porter streets, In the Qirard cstato, of which the Rev. F. C. Thomas Is pastor. The patronesses of the affair were; Mrs. W.tf. Tomllneon, chairwoman; Mrs. Lalng, Mrs. Anderson, Mrs. Glover, Mrs. Babcock, Mrs. Postale, Mrs. Harvey, Mrs. Searle, Mrs. Campbell, Mrs. Richardson, Mrs. Wnrren, Mrs. Floyd, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Lank, Mrs. Pettyjohn, Mrs. Schaefer, Mrs. Wiley and Mrs. Beck. Miss Margaret Mary Wilson, Miss Gertrude Wilson and Miss Catherine Wilson, 6f 1537 South 15th street, are at present visiting Mrs. William Gouckler, of Atlantic City. Miss Helen Brooks will entertain at cards this evening at her home, 1712 Porter street. The decorations will be appropriate, to Wash ington's Birthday. The guests will be Miss Muriel James, Miss Augusta James, Mlsa Anna DJorup, Miss Reglna Hughes, Miss Elizabeth Leramerhlrt, Mlsa Blanche Dove, Miss Estelle Dove, Miss May Lynch, Mlsa Gladys Monsal vatage, Miss Gertrude Lone, Miss Irene Jamea, Mla Marie James, Miss Evelyn James and Mrs. Denny. Mra. J. Conaty. Miss Nell Conaty. Miss Frances Conaty and Mlas Adele Conaty, of 2533 South Cleveland avenue. In the Glrard Estate, have as their guests Ernest Schoonmaker, Jose Vlllapool. and Jack Stack, of Niw York city. K. Russell Johnston of 2307 Christian street, wll entertain the members of the Maneta Club tomorrow evening at cardc, followed by supper, at his home, Among the guests will be Ml9 Ethel Doherty, Mlsa Edna Johnstone, Miss Jule Rellley, Miss Margaret Devlin. Miss Mary John stone, Miss Mary Junkln, Mr, and Mrs. Frank Wark, Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Roche, Cbarlea Hall. J. Ruesell Mecouch, John Doherty, Edwin IL KlrUpatrick and Robert grey, LANSDOWNE Among those from Lansdowno who spent the week-end In Atlantic City were Mr, and Mrs. John Brackln, Mrs, Joseph Crawford, Mlsa Anna Crawford, Mrs. Culver Boyd and Foster Damon. Mr- end Mrs. Thomas Fitzgerald, pf West Baltimore ayenue. will leave shortly for a trip West, where they will attend the Exposition. Dr. Q. Victor Janvier, of Windermere avenue, will entertain the members of the Neighbors' Club at his home this evening. The "Tuesday meeting pf th Twentieth Cen tury Club will be In charge of Mra. K, P. Grif fith Mrs. Frank BoaekraM M tfva "veral vocat selection. d Mra. Dorothea, Aohard. of Gerwantowa. wl give n Interpretation of wj-jie Soal of the Viello." T will be tn charge of Mrs. Robert Jrwla Mm Roberta Brewatar, MRS. JOHN KEARSLEY MITCHELL, 3D Mrs. Mitchell, who was Miss Frances Stotcsbury, is ono of tho most popular matrons in tho younger sot of this city. NORTH PHILADELPHIA Mr, nnd Mra. M. I. Fox, of 2113 North 21st Btrcet, announce tho engagement of their daughter, Miss Jewel Fox, and John Thomas Wenzoll, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Wen zell, of 1219 North GOth street. Owing to tho death of Ralph Blum. Mrs. Ga briel Blum nnd Mrs. William M. Hlrsh wore unable to participate In tho "Dickens Play" that was given last night In Mercantile Hall. Their parts wcro nssumed by Miss Marguerite Greon wnld nnd Miss Gllberson, who took similar parta when the play was produced by tho Girls' High School last fall. Tho "Washington" met In the salon de luxo of tho Majestic last night to celobrato the 183d anniversary of -the birth of Georgo Washington. Mrs. Joseph Coyle, 2239 North 19th street, en tertained a numbor of friends at her homo on Saturday evening nt a muslcnlo. Among the guests were Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Hamlltbn Brooke, Mr. nnd Mrs. J, Howard.,,HendrckBon, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Rhlnohelmcr,.Mr;.,mid Mrs. Thomas Small, Mr. and 'Mrs. Georgo Burton. Edward Baldwin and Dr. James Lindsay Gnl bralth. Mrs. Harry G. Querns, of 1214 West Lehigh avenue, entertnlncel nt cards yesterday nfter noon. "Five hundred" was played, and was fol lowed by a buffet luncheon. The guests were Mrs. Jnmes Hunter, Mrs. John Warner, Mrs. Doyle, Mrs. Clarence R. -.rooks, Mrs. Harry Beerhalter, Mrs. M. E. Wallace, Mrs. Harry Markley, Mrs. AVIUlnm Mllnes, Mrs. H. Calvin Trumbower, Mrs. E. E. Johnson, Mrs. Charles Maxwell, Mrs. Walter Scott, Mrs. James Geycr, Mrs. Louis Huston, MIbs Freas and Miss C. C, Freaa. Last evening Mr. and Mrs. Querns gave a dinner for Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry Markley, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Scott and Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Trumbower, The decorations wero patriotic In color and In keeping with the birthday anni versary which was celebrated by the nation. NORTHEAST PHILADELPHIA The second anniversary of the organization of the Darby Pleasure Club was celebrated at the home of Miss Katherlne Bllmsky, Ull Carl street. The house was elaborately decorated In lavender and white, the organization's colors. Those present wero Joseph Oault, Caaper Well, Clnrence Haggns, John Sullivan, Ralph Hlnch, Harry Pnrendler, Thomoa Feeney, Albert Crlgen, Georgo Wolfe, Jamea Bayer, Mr. Bllm sky, Miss Lilian Hani, Miss Mary Flaherty, Mlsa Margaret Flnley, Mlas Anna Cappler, Miss Nellie Danay, MIbs Roselda O'Farrel, Miss Mar garet O'Fnrrelf, MIbs Minnie Pallia, Miss Anna Bllmsky, Miss Katherlne McDownlng, Mlsa Mamie White, Miss Katherlne Gorragheyand Mrs. Bllmsky. Michael Lawler. of Seattle, Waah, who has Just returned from a visit to Italy, la vlaltlng Phillip Donohue, l2710 Richmond etreet. The Ascension School Alumni will produce "The College Widow" on March 17. aHHKajajsjpjVjPjBHnen7RF $ MR AND MRS. SIMON BRONB Mr ni Mrs. Brone, who were; married last Tuesday, have goae to Waihingteji on their vreading trip Mrs, Krone was Misa I'aonie Uablu, N. G. P. MILITARY BALL Two Balls nnd n Reception Make Up tho Day's Festivities. Washington's Birthday was colebrnted with great gusto yesterday. To begin with, It wns a legal holiday, and many people spent tho day out of town. Then, too, many parties wcro given for the young and for tho old. In the ovcnlng two balls were hold. The annunl re- .gw and military ball of the First Regiment In fantry, National Guard of Pennsylvania, was held In tho Armory, Broad and Callowhlll stroets. It was qulto an unusual affair, as all military guests wore full-dress uniforms and tho Armory was wonderfully decorated with national colors, flags nnd greens. Major Joseph Klapp Nlcholls was chairman of tho committee. The Honorary Committee Included Brigadier General A. C. Markloy, U. S. A.; Captain James D. Hclslnger, U.- S. A.; Captain Paul McCook, U. S. A.; Cap tain Harry Cooper, U. S. A.; Captain Charles C. Allen, U. S. A.; Captain Francis H. Strong. U. S.' A,; Lieutenant Edward G. Elliott, U. S. A.; Lieutenant Townaend Whelen, U. S. A.; Major General Jnmes W. Latta, Major General Wondell P. Bowman, Brigadier General R. Dale Benson, Brigadier General Theodore E. Wlcder shelm, Brigadier General Chambers MoKlbbln, Brigadier General Sylvester Bonaffon, Brlgndler General J. Lowls Good, Boles Penrose, D, Now lln Fell, Robert von Moschzlsker, F. Amedeo Bregy, Edwnrd A. Anderson, John OI. Patter son, Bernard Gilpin, C. Stuart Patterson and Colonel Alexnnder P. Colesborry. The pntronesacs of tho nffalr were Mrs. Daniel B. Bower, Mrs. Richard M. Cadwalader, Mrs. C. Howard Clark, Jr., Mrs. Percy H. Clark, Mrs. J. Lesllo Davis, Mrs. Wolter Langdon Eustls, Mrs. T. Charlton Honry. Mrs. Philander C. Knox, Sirs. Howard W. Lewis, Mrs. J. Kearsley Mitchell, Mrs. Alexander Patton, Mrs. Georgo Reynolds, Mrs. J. Perclval Roberts, Mrs. Henry B. Thompson, Mrs. William D. Wlnsor nnd Mrs. Rolln Wilbur. Beside the festivities of the evening, the Sons of the Revolution, of which Richard M. Cad walader Is president, gave their annual tea In the Historical Society, 13th and Locust streets, tn tho afternoon, from 4 until 6. Unlike most teas, the men did tho receiving and presided at the tea tables. The musical selections were quite delightful, rendered by members of the Philadelphia Orchestra, under the direction or Harry Meyer. Tho Junger Maennerchor held Its annual ball In Turner Hall, Broad street and Columbia ave nue. It was tho 64th affair of that Institute, and waa a great success, as usual. Beside the dancing, the Junger Maennerchor rendered two prize songs, under the direction of Oscar Goer Ing. ' Louis Elsenhaua was chairman of the committee. TIOGA The fifth annual banquet of the Brotherhood of the Tioga Methodist Church waa held last night In tho hall' on 18th street aboye Tfoga. The program Included addresses by William B. QIargerum, W, Earl Craig, the Rev. Dr. Forrest E. Dager, Luther Marlon and De Forrest Volgtsberger. Several excellent vocal solos were rendered by Mlsa Ethel M, Kern, with Miss Helen E. Rockafeller as accompanist. Mlsa Margaret Robinson, of, 2323 West Ve .nango etreet, entertained her Tioga friends at a Washington party and "500 yesterday. Those Invited were Mlas Margaret Calne, Mlsa porqthy Calne, Mlsa Elizabeth McMurry, Miss Betty Brown, Mlas Grace Henderson, Mies Katharine Snlveley, Mlas Charlotta Kunzlg, Mlsa Margaret Blckley, Miss Margaret Part, Mss Edmond Norman, Mlsa Llna Wlckerley, Miss Emily Reed, Miss Ethel Hunter, Mlsa Ethel 3chwick, Mlsa Maud Wilson, Miss Nan netta Meldel and Mlsa Christine Straub, pr. A, Befton Meyers, of 1214 West Erie ave nue, la entertaining Pr. Jerpme A, Boley and Pr, Milton J. Bermaa, of Brooklyn, oyer the week. The visitors came to observe the cere monies attending the dedication of tha new Thomas W- Evans Dental Institute. Misa Kathryn EnnU will entertain at cards on Friday afternoon at her home, J718 North 15th street, when her guesta will Include Mra. Anthony Callanan, Mlas Helen Carton, Mlas Carrie Ualllnger, Mlsa Helene Murphy, Mis Beatrice Bottner. Mlas Katharine Halre and Mlsa Florence MacMorrls. Mr. and Mrs. Harry De Haan and their sea. JuHu O Da ?Ian, formerly of 5M0 North 8md tr4t, are occupying their new bom la Mia KftftdWtoa Aparjuaenu, JUt Nortb JWSi MfMfc , THE marriage of Miss Fannie Gable, of 17S0 South 0th strcot, and Simon S. Drone, a merchant of Reading, Pa., took placo on Feb' ruary 16 nt tho Synagogue, 6th and Green streets, this city. A largo reception followed the ceremony nt tho New Auditorium llnll, 7th street nnd Hnydei avenue, after whloh tho young couple left for Washington. On their return they will live In Rending! The final dance of tho Wednesday Night Danc ing Class, composed of nbout 14 couples, meeting this winter nt the Uordon School, 42d nnd Spruce streets, will bo held tomorrow at tho Phllomu elan Clubhouse. Each member and her husband are privileged to Invite six guests, so that the affair, under the direction of Miss Elizabeth Maullo, promises to be quite a largo and en joyable one. The patroncssea are Mrs. S. Mer rill Weeks, Mrs. Elmer Troth, Mrs. Walter Scott Detwller, Mrs. Henry Hickman, Mrs. Wil liam C. Johnson, Mrs. John McPherson, Mrs. George Fleming, Mra. Edwnrd Scarlett, Mrs. C P. Landreth, Mrs, Mason Baker, Mrs, Robert McCreery, Mrs. Charles McKeown, Mrs, Davis, Mrs. B. J. Maynes and Mra. E. L. Tinker Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Griggs entertained last evening at n dlnner-danco at their homo, 147 Mimin street, In honor of tho birthday of Mra. Griggs. Their guests wero Mr. and Mrs. Hanley ' Bowen, Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Gouhlburn, Mr. ALONG THE READING Mrs. Lewia Akin, who has been the guest 'of her mother, Mrs. Maurlco J. Hoover, of' Wyn cote, ,for several weeks, will return to Tho Potomac, nt Brooke, on tho banks of the Po tomac River, early this wcok. Miss Helen Scull, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Eugene S. Scull, of Woodland avenue, Wyn cote, has gone to West Point, where ehe will visit friends for a fortnight. Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. Fogcl. of 4914 North 11th street, Logan, entertained at a dinner of eight covers Sunday evening, when their guests' wore Miss Edith Hansen, Miss Emily Hansen, Mrs. L. Pollock, John Loe, William Salbey and Leon Ollvlt. Mrs. John Boardman, of 1C8 West Tabor road, Olney, will entertain at "500" Thursday after noon, when her guests will bo Mrs. R. Leddlg, Mrs. Henry H. Wloand, Mrs. Arthur' Bowers, Mrs. Frank W. Ashbrook, Mrs. William Smith. Mrs. George Ashton Bardaley and Mrs. Wil liam Rowbottom. Mr. and Mrs. Wlllard Fltler, Miss Dorothy Filler nnd Miss Ethel Fltler, of Oak Lane, will go to Baltimore tomorrow to bo preaent at the wedding of Miss Claribel Ashmore and Jnmes Perry Gardner, which will take placo at noon on that day. Miss Dorothy Little and Miss Ethel Fltler will remain a week as the guests of Miss Clara K. Kempls. Mrs. Albert Gee, of Oak Lane, will 'entertain tomorrow. Her guests will Include Mrs. An thoncy. Mrs. E. B. D. Nuehauser, Mrs: B. Hitch ner. Mra. Albert Dudley, Miss Lilly Marion nnd Mrs. Jnmes F. Hall. FRANKFORD Tho ladles of tho Hqlmesburg Baptist Church gave a Martha Washington aupper lost night In the lecture room of the church. This Is nn annual event in Holmesburg, and Is al ways patronized by the residents of tho suburb. While the supper was In progress there was an entertainment provided by tho young ladles of tho Baptist Institute for Christian Workers of Philadelphia. The Rev. George II. Swift, pastor of the HolmeBburg Baptist Church, l.i professor of history and pedagogy In the Baptist Institute. Miss Rose Hcrshfeltl, Mls3 Lois Davis, Miss Beth Humphrey, Miss Eva Nelson and Miss Jessie Johnston took part In the enter tainment, which was directed by Mrs. George H. Swift. A mnglc lantern entertainment was another fenture of the supper, and was under the personal direction of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Y. Montnnye, of Crispin street. AMUSEMENTS POPULAR OPEUA MU8ICALES wmiEnsrooNFauikner.oberndQrfer ' IN P.ECITAL KOHM WITH. PIANO AND STEHEOPTICON ILLUBTRATION rJb.lTT.tsuis The Nibelungen RinrjH' Monday Evening-. Pnvci-fnl March l.nt 8:15 JTcUbUdl Pr,,u IV'i The Nibelungen Ring (Special for Children) SEATS 35o TO II, NOW, AT LEDGER CENTRAL BROAD Last 5 Evgs. 32T&., Mrs. PATRICK CAMPBELL shSJ?. 22S& PYGMALION Ij.t Pc-DUlar Matinee Tomorrow. Beit Seata fl.BQ. NEXT WEEK 8EATS THUH8DAV THE MISLEADING LADY With PAUL DICKEY GLOBE MAnKHT BTREET AND JUNIPER Continuous Vaudeville 11:30 A. M. to 11:30 P. M. Tim McMahon and Edythe Chapelle; Others iim iv-i4B,c0MINONxT WEEfc ' ADVENTURES ON THE HOOK Of THE EARTH PHOTOGRAPHED IN THE ALPS DY FREDERICK UURLWQHAM SPECIAL MUSIO ACADEMY OP MUSIC Monday Evg., March 1, 8:16. The War Who Made It? A DEBATE BETWEEN Cecil Chesterton Englancl Harms Heinz Ewers Germany BEAT8 NOW AT HEPPgB , BOo to 1.60 METROPOLITAN OPERA HOUSE Metropolitan Opera. Co., Ntw York. FIRST PERFORMANCE JN THIS QITV MADAME SANS-GENE Mmea Farrar, Komi. Hparkes, BraaJau; Mil. Martluelll. Amato, Sesuroia, Althouaa. Tesanl, Peon r.,.. cond.. Mr. Toacanml. Bei'ts 1109 'Chestnut Bt, Walnut T0vi Rac, 8T. 0 A M. TO U P- PALACE 1214 Market 10c and 20c VAUDEVILLE SEVEN MALVERN COM1QUB3; OTHERS PHOTO-PLAY MARY PICKFORD In "M18TRB3S NELL" PARTNO THEATRE SAM HOWE'S Burlesque A Tf" TTJt WlUe INTRODUCE HER QRIENTAI. M.LJVT I '7 OANUi DUKUUUflUiSt UX JN MAN-EATINQ UQKB CROSS Harry Jolson SrftLSoN TTTPVG "jUOHT IN ALPS;" OtbnX KPilu PreeraDi h&nad Monday & Thursday. niUB ATT?tf. PA'tv KVIBr"?? J tttwmMmn:i) "i m. in 15. Me EMPIRE 5SJi1Slv3,. and Mrs. George Goehrlng, Mr. and Mra. Joalnh Daniels, Mrs. Emma Adams, Mlsa Ella Fisher, Mrs. Louise Thomley, Miss Marie C Thornier, Mr. and Mts. Mark Fisher, Mr. and Mra. J Applegate, Mrs. Florence De Costa, Mrs. George Gregory, Mlas Carrie Smltli, Miss Mary Apple gate, Miss Caroline Applegate, Mr, and Mra. Thomas Lloyd and Mr. nnd Mrs. Thomaa tiin Uls. Tho decorations were In pink and white. Miss Anna Braman entertained at a Washing ton party at her home, 1847 North SM street, last night. There were many innovations In decorating effects, red, white and blue being the main color scheme, while the orchestra, waa attired to represent "Uncle Bam.' Mlts Braman, Mias Fay Groseman and Mlas Rosa Oroasman acted as hostesses. Among pioso present were Mlsa Edythe Rabls, Miss Gertrude Leonard, Miss Leonora Smotln, Miss Fay Qrosamauij Ml Frances Becker, Miss Cello. Welsan, Mlta Rose Grossman, iMles Anna Lubln, Miss Barn Steer man, -Miss Miriam Flnglls, Jack Grossman, Henri Clyde, Harry Grossman, Abraham Cohen, Maurice Axilrod, Albert Kardon, -George Roth man, William Bahoff, David Grossman, Herman Sherman. Henri Clyde and Abraham, Cohen entertained with on exhibition of Uier tango and a, mono logue. Mr. Axilrod waa toastmaater of the evening. ROXBOROUGH Tho Wednesday Night Sewlns Circle, om posed of ladles prominent In tho social life of Roxborough, ylll meet tomorrow night At o'clock at tho home of Mrs. John C. SmtUv-lSJo Mitchell street. Tho members of the circle are Mrs. Lou In Hallman, Mrs. Joseph Andrews. Mrs, Charles Homutler, Mrs. Walter aine, Mrs. James Hennessey, Mrs. John C. Smith and Mra. James Coulden. Mrs. Pnxeon James, of 5020 RIcIro avenuo, will be hostess to the members of her card, club on Thursday afternoon, when .her (?uoats will be Mrs. William n..,Haggart, .Miss Edith Ulshter, Mrs. William Ames, Mrs. A. L, Adam;,- Mrs. Harry H. Thompson, Mrs. Mary Mott Mrs. Oeorgo Holland, Mrs. John A. Struee, Mrs. Wil liam W. Wilson nnd Mrs, Benjamin F. Hendren, . Tho Daughters of Elizabeth of , the .Roxbor ough Presbyterian Church gave a muslcalo, last night In the church. Ridge and Port Royal ave nues. AMUSEMENTS CHESTNUT STREET OPERA HOUSE uomt o woria-t urtautt I'iarooiava A rni., TVr.?l-. AFTS.. 1 and'n 100 and 18 t J-HllCb UHliy EVOS.. T and 0 10c. 10c; 23o ANNETTE KELLERMANN "THE PERFECT WOMAN," In "NEPTUNE'S DAUGHTER" BEGINNING MON. AFT., MAR. 1 THE WONDER OF THE WORLD HALL CAINE'8 "THE ETERNAL CITY" Produced by Famoua Flayers' Film Co. SEAT SALE or,fT8 m AY " PPTPTTQ AFTERNOONS, JOc, lSc. S5c JrXVHiHlO EVENINGS ,..,10c, '28c. BOo flAT?"RTr,Tf "' We' 0n'y- EvBa. at 820. , VTAIIVlVilV Matinees Wed. & Sat. at 2: CHARLES FROHMAN Presenta ANN MURDOCK IN THE NEW AMERICAN COMEDY A GIRL OP TODAY Topular Price Wednesday Matinee. Best Seata II. BO. Next Week. Evenlnaa 8 llB. Matlneea Wed. and SaU SPECIAL UIIAND OPERA EVENT carloGRAND OPEHAffi 100 PEOPLE SUPERB CHORUS AND BALLET Fine Scenic Effects COMPLETE GRAND OPERA ORCHESTRA TWENTY CELEBRATED OPERA STARS Monday, Aida: Tuesday. Lucta: Wednesday Mat., Faust; Eva:.. Covallerio-Ppollacci; Thursday, Ripo tttto; Friday, Olocortda; Saturday Mar., Martha j Eve,, Trouatora. SEATS THURSDAY, ACADEMY OF MUSIC PHILADELPHIA ORCHESTRA LEOPOLD STOKOWSKI. Conductor Two Concerts for the Benefit of tha PENSION FUND THURSDAY MENDELSSOHN'S CHORAL EVO.. MAIL 4, Symphony, "LOUaEaANO' at 8:15. 100 Musicians, Chorus of 600. FRIDAY WAQNER PROQRAM AFT,. MAR. B, MME. JOHANNA QADaKI, nt a;00. Soloist. Reserved Beats, 30a to 12; Box Seata. 12 and I2.B0. Tickets NOW at Heppe'a, 1110 Chestnut St. B. P. KEITH'S THEATRE Show Showered With Praise! Mrs. LESLIE GARTER ' With HAMILTON fcEVELLE In Her Most Famous Success, "ZAZA" Surrounded by a Oreat BUI, Dickie & WaUon; Waa Oeorila Wood; Okatw Japaj Lyons & Yoaca) Ed Morton, and Otbara. VICTORIA "TrK? CONTINUOUS 10 A. M. TO 11 P. M. SfT "THREE WEEKS" In Addition to Special Vaudeville FsMufaa NEXT WEEK ""."M "" LUUIN-S MASTERPIECE Edwin Arden and Romatn FUldlnx In "EAGLE'S NE8T "-ONE. WEEK ONLY ACADEMY, THURSDAY EVO, FEB, SO NEW YORK SMYPHONY SOLOIST JOSEF Hofmann UillfXlcia un WALTER DAMROSCH Tickets. 76c to 12. at Heppa'e amphitheatre. 60c uonqueior LV.T) Tf MATINEE-TOMORROW 318 I It 1 J TONIOHT. 8tlB DANCING AROUND wmi AL JOLSON ONLY MUSICAL SHOWJN TOWN DELPHI WH,uU:',0MaT OLIVER MOROSCO PrwiwU PEG 0' MY HEART yh,, PJaJYouuavaun witjajjajor. NIXON'S GRAND Tcdar 2 ilS. T H "Tha Lawn. Party," McMahon. Diamond 4 Cispio-a Nororoas & .i w T -. n.M M!1'! lavsrtk Mme.HjaltaaiCo. ykfearWMjM &$& " THB Stanley 11 A- M-TH Jill p. it FORREST-NBXTWKEK "Si? MAIUB RlCrfAl la tU Ka " CAHILL gARLff te. DUMONT'S WMZti TxAMfiXo wSmT OmBfeUl
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