Wwwyi!wwijiai tp i i'T'i i'. i i ' I i'mhi 'jIimW. i 'CLASSIFIED KATES haiLV AND BUNDAf j .- s. dTTLB TrinB (or iiko mis l&ti Insertions ,n.ft weK.... jaUc pet line f 21 consecutive Insertions., loo pet lln LwwSni Tlnn week... 10o pcrllne pIS SIZE TYPE (or like tills) fkmiUerl In ftll cUMlflctIon except Help Kiff -"n ardlng and RoSlna ' "- SSS Insertion. . L V U.i' : ! I ?tL CI " VejVen conaccutlta Insertion, .llic per line sflp in rates nre bused on agate measurement, R 'nM lo ,h0 ,nch B 10 lines one time i....i.i....i fii B jorte Insertions ........ . .... . .... . I l.i r DAtiiY oNi.r noa Ml In nBtet December i, iU iff COMBINAT1UN KATIS PL (naorilon In both the morning una evening thereof " d" PUbLlU LfcUUbK (MOHNINO) EVENING LEDGER (KVENINU) dl four cente per line net to rates given '.ir-t.P AND SITUATIONS. WANTED iiivTnTiRiNO IN Tin: pfhi.ic i.ruut:it L..T ill.: nnni.i ur ... ..... ............ rAToETl WITHOUT ADDITIONAL frlAlKIU. E ri!....,. tm .Iritrr etnri nr.ir vnllf fiime that will accept Lcdfjcr want ids at office rates. HELP WANTED FEMALE tttAMllERMAtD competent to Bantu! with goh! small family. 2110 Spring GarUoust. 7vV)K. first clans, wanted Tor lioanllns houso, i geod wages. P 3UL Ledger Ofllce. rooKINU imrt homework Whllo woman, tin- Si good wages, must bo experienced conk; elty reference required: sleep In Call today, between 2 and I o'clock only, 8. U curncr fcM nnd Columbia ao. IwilISSMAlvKIt Wanted trimmer and crrnnil It) ,lrl JM bouth lGth, Room .IIS loeNCRAt. JIOl'BpwoUK girl, white, must B.Mi ., rxrmXr Itmlu TTtUltm Purl rhnrrh ?roaaand Ogonlis hag. I Ave, MtCorkctnlalc Gtrtlj for Ecnoral ImUf-ewoilt. Writ, giving Ljef, and wns P0.nx.m. Crtpo MaN J llIOUPCWOllK ounir while girt for npnrt I went; no wafcli, Bleep out. 1 3UI. Ledger Off. iliuucuiv'" ! (.... -- .,.,; j " i i T . p'prfM 8le P ; yggeg exp. T IJ41, letl. Cent. INr.fl NT Wii ttaij j-kdci icnceti, tniama I womnn to tnho chnrgo oC Infant, rcfctcncca. m F OW. Ledger Cential. IwANTKD Two experlcnceil inaMii. one for f chamberwork nn1 wnllinf,', other for rook. ... Imin rnfnrnrna . (lornlfi tin nrfif . Iintfftn t In Chestnut Hill M 4Snt I-clger Ccntml iW'ANTIjtJ, by colored family, resppitnblo r colored ttomnn for hnupovorlt 2 In fumil) , $3 week. Cannlter 8 jJm , 8.'til N 13th :&0METTn demonatralo nnd titko orders tor '" t.m.tA . rtnttr arlli In num. IL'nrlr lid riiin rnlBslon 51 454 leil gcr Ccntrnl UltvilU-i i" "' ."-" "11 -, u.n . HELP WANTED MALE '1DVBWTISIVO eollrltors, hlRhoat typo, con- trolny buBlnesa. 2 p m.. J 10 Ind Title flUlir. JUrOMATIC' turret nine hi no o)eritors"(ClPp- liinrl). first rlas able to pot un nnd adjust (their ortn machlnfs and ue ihn inlcromfttr, minimum ray $.1 i4 per day of 8 hotirn work, pay for holidays Saturd.tj afternoona froin June to to epiemcier n nnu i.i ona inp ' alter ono veara Berxlut, ctttzpnn. L'O to l"i jpara of apf pply In person lo Frank ford Arpcnal, between 8 and U a. ni pnSKJNKR for eitalos and gnnerat cnmninr elal work hlgh-clasH, experienced man only conBldtred poiltlon Bte.tdj , write, with " Mmples Klvlns cxperlenre, referento and rtlarr Tlio Cincinnati I'roccsa Kngraxinff P Co , rlnelnnatt. O POCTOH wanted for an Institution, imiit bo a slnslc man and a rrotrsttint, pity, ?."o per month hoard room and laundiy. Address Hixjfl MUbrook, N" RJW wTde-awnke ndlubln. Intelligent tren, exprrieiue unnc escary nignect srnufl com modity for I.nmcs oiflcpp rtutonblle, tt , etc.t exrlush flty territory, permanent 14.$ In diillv mlckl iifnulrrd Rlrktlv- tmn- r tnlMlon M I "ST Ledger Central, HOSIERY FINISIIim Uuntcd a man lmlnv 4 had yood exneriener In th- picklns room ot . a honleri mill capable or toklnv euro of Vi I dozen a day, utate whetn ou liae had ex- fci it'll eti uiiii hh rcit rii u. iuurtBi i' -", dgcr Office. UWCmUHS V ANTUD AT OyCII J" CrSTH : CAMORtA ST VAVtni TKXWH Finn wl'h cstahlMhed Dusi- uc8, dPfirliiK to epjnu, wunt hlgh-i,rauo n.an, thoroughly romlllar with mauurni.tuie of.fet up boxes, ond with rome knowledge o celling end gool talar with oxccllpnt t,hnieo for adancement Add P O llnz .141. Phlla. Fill N run all-around man for country shop. one who underanmis Simplex or linitypo pre ferred, cannot nne clgnrelte fiend or drink Ins ttinn Trnn&erlnt Nklnnark P.i felOnfltS WANT1ED"-Ar ONCrij Wl CHNTS I1UPH 10-11QUU OAV. APl'I nJOT 1 CAMUKIA bT STEN'OOUAPUKU l knowledge of book keeping must liao Miitmi education unu eomi ability for mttaldo FCilesmanshlp, be tweeii agert of Jo and 3" gooil appearance nnd good wfert-m oh net-eswiry, ft gooti jalmy for an all-around man. O 14 1 Icduer Cenir.il. $TaU TKD- Oarpet iipholstorer. relfablo man t to cut. row and lav mrnots. etc.. should hits wjabUlt lo Fell carpets, must hae good luibltH Ik and character pcrmnucnt position, state sal ary; inrnisn roterfnee rrinco rurmiure nnu CarTMt fn . TrnlPlnn. Ta. ffANTCr Slnglo man about --' carj old to go to mine in Mexico na imokkecpcr. Menog rarther ami ctncml nsslstnnt. ttiitf full iar- 1 tlcutara and refeicntes. A "u7, ledger A"ANrFI-Mnn to attend heaters, uliltnor roioren rnuBi pave tity reicrenee .Mrs. Bonclll, 311 H BmcdlPj at. Vm ARE TWlAnHANOINC our sales aittilrt. for 1I15 to tako tare of the In creased business. We need more men who can work Into executive positions, only requirement natural ability and willingness to put In time (2 weeks) to learn our eal&s Biethods, remuneration on praflt-nharlng basis. You will bo backed by $tUO,0(X ndler tUInK campalsii. 'Jll only between 8 no ami 10 HI n. in., tfrsntx Tremler Pllertrlo fi.t. or I p. Derircr, Kaitern putrlbutur "' North id it., l'hlladtlphta I0UN0 MAIN wanted to sell goods In city and make hlmeelf useful Inside, Rood opportunity Efor right nartv. P. IIOHN i CO , (SI Cherry t,t.. V.i floor. JOUNO JW5N7nea"t, reliables r'iulre yeveral more inr personal soliciting worK; aiso irew nianaBtrs. 2HQ ljind "llllo nulldlna;. iBITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE ti- ItBriNISD youns woman desires position p. Kuuipunion Q an eiaerir Ittgyi ,mw tvi' ereorp.. n Kl t..., r?nfral. 5CoKKEEPI.m.' IliorouKtily experienced In pu,imiai-iunng Business, uiso uouersiuiiu. nu uiL a.nq exparr uusiness. oesires permanent Oaltt n, pannhla nf taklnir snltrA rlmrsa of jhe olflce. V B12, ledger Central. CHAMDRRMAID'vihlte, xp.tlstlais reM tr preierreq. ,'none nrya aiawr i . ICoTlP.D woman nanTa work ftlon. A Tues'.: Eood washer and Iron. Oall 2211 Hedner st SSKf-First class In airbranchesi neat! Bod Li(erences p 300 Ledger Ofnce. IC00K comoetent. desires losMTom tst-class IMerence IS Prospect ae Pryn tlawr. Pa. fV)K. whit. w.nl. nla. a ' " .tX lTiirlf rttn rf. Itfaverford. Pa. EyK. first class, wishes position In prltate Emlly or club, p 31 1. Idger0 !; lEyCK, eiperlemeiTfartilly. bread and pastryi Rvears referen e. I'honn Itro 230. Pub Ied. IpJUlBSMAKiMt IJxpert tutter and fitter . ad' '!, "i etyles- designing remodeling, mono ipjtEasjfji,Kial, experienced, wants fow mor pKIHrfMAKEIt. of New York desires wngeTts; Ltienlng gowns spelatty Phone WaLJj(KttV. pLC8sifKF.n pei-fscnHtir. lts remodaled: (" a urate 6te N. 4ltli St. Beluwnt 8MTI. PRE-i-MAKIflR experlencsd. JaJIe1 tailoring, yklris a spc, Ulty 1513 N 18th. Pop TM D. Sfl'FKItNCED wblts girl desire ebauMr- or gen per rets, pnone t'rtonflj. ?!."" WOMAN wlshM Washing at home. ? N Jlo st SIM. Oernan stroni; wishes poeltloq as Bnunuise 122a caioot st. JERNrsBijdv desires bosltlon tor much' jslued 'leiniaji ggvarness, Wlwai she parts I&wi Willi ncret Answer bvtweeu U .nd U to 1732 l'lno st 'VfcJ a WAan in run VOUF Can ODSH iar ramBt tftec ysbruary 15. V US, KNifr ' cairai SRlCEBBpirR (0uing for reBpsd widower wiy coupie can 13 opresg PRANfE clers. bookkeeper b5T itflio: c 0 iesrs experience, Uflinipsaooftow Srea r ..x.u. .r.. maMn for u.avluif g . 1 i-i o 011.U1 liaUluiuri.n a B L4 fALJ, I iujiig lady tea lie Italian 1 tutu ia tH vilua ia.tut.il 181S Llreeo t 9 At, H . .it. in&je a-. a.,ata. nLima seeks eagaas- je seeks mj. Tir ,-'.k'L tJiMlllg 8 J. "S5S. M" ap; - , iv t-nmO-llflil. rOPiS JrfB, EVEN1NO situations wanted i-emale ,.'!Ii,inn'S ""ff (rcflmd) fond of children. lln sewer rfeeires noeliion. morning hovtit only, near 40th and spruto ii ,"0lIyd Off, NUIlSi: practlcnf mil take care of Imaild" or nerious perrona; doctors' references. 4.US Market st lirct.I.Vnt.R colored nomnn wants housework L?JlmJle.rmiLd reference. UH N. Percy KTDNoartAI'ltRn. t7rcw"rlter. Reneraf offlcs ,..';. T yw' Mperlencei best of references. 1 HO. IcilRcr Central. BTnNOdtlAI'llr.tt comp and conwfenilotin. des ti nKhl l : rcf A I1!i. larger Off. STKNOflRAPUtm ftrlst'l lookkeepr. rantC indjul,wllllngi mod. wil A W., Id Off. HIFNOGItAPtinn-cnn nsslst nfnee: lilcli chonl ftlu'tii. J0t P. 'drJOlhIMiltyiu BTrNOfirtAPItBTtJli Tfrn' exp " comp . nc cnratei frt K, ledger Hr ir.th and Dauphin. WOMAN would like sewing or any kind ot day work. r,B S Itlh st. YOtiNtl nursery na1ertiM. exp . rnme horrl lal training, rof.: no oh, trniellng M 4H, . ledger Ccntinl SITUATIONS WANTED-MALE AhtAttOl'M) young man employed pinilngs snl few hours day work telephone ot elintir bnokpR , clerical A esshlerln enp i -A-0 LlSf' 110 celling prop 11 117 l.cd Off AMltllH'AN t'hlneso wi'hes polllon ns 'conk or butlor In prlvntn fatnllv nnd houcKMcr for clennrtniont Liub ft 121 Ledger trnce ASSISTANT rTOHY MANAtll'.lt voung man, A cnr exntrlenrn as forrmnn In n large cnniem rnn furnish llist-claa lefiroiico psto loiuetv nbllitv and aggriss lichees r "I lsiltrcr ccntnl llOOKKEni'llll rxrerleiiced mmt'oletit. rel . IndLMrlius. mod enl start A 21!. I.ul Off IlOOKKRnriiR-llxri bookkeeper nnd flcnog- mphcr, him worker, best re' O !" Lcl Cerii. fifiOKKIir.t'nit KTICNOdltAI'lIfitt SI- 1 irs' ip cood refcreni cs (I IS ledger Cenlrnl Ill'TI.ntl -I'roteetnht !:ncllti good inlet nnd rnok sneaks Ocriimn and l'rcn'li 12 veirs ot tnod roleirnco. nsr 'U d feci V pounds, clean faio no glasses; gnoil caterer at present emtilpipd mil II Peb lu snlari to Hurt 110 iPil found I' 2U1 ledccrotllce HIITI.l'.tl doircn position In tlrst-ciam fiiinlly. Iieil of le'crcmrs II IE. I.cdgcl (Uflco l HAl rriJUIt Practical nirchiinlr nnd drlicf" 11 loirs' emcTlPiite on fi reign nnd Amerl tin rnri good, clean inful pnber drlior; good rcfcrrncci Iti Loilcor ("cntril (. IIAllT ri:illt. "colored knniiB nil makes of enrs gond U'tommendntlon 2 onrs' experi ence nj1! ledger orrice CJTvl'l PEt'lt exp f. sre with trli. ftim.: VI rof , atrlotlv temn Hox:nn Oicrbrook. CIIAl'I'PKfall-mx jenrn exp honest ailior, iar,.fiil ilrher Al rcr 11 Qordon '.'Mil) Arch. liltrtKILS I in I Inn good habits beat of ref erences M 4."W l.cdcrr Ccntnl OAItUCNHIt n latin poiltlon. trucker, rlilckens. Ian, prlinte plnco cood retorenco. Hell phone, llelinnnt .1711 X i,r.7 I'nllon st. INTi:itVIi:V sollellcd hv competent salesnmn nnd enlei mnuager, 13. with 1," ycitrs' experi ence in the eftlo of mpch inlcal nnd tlictrlcal nppnintus, snlar nominal. P ill Ledger Ceitrnl. JAPANi:si: wljhs poFltlon ns cool, and down stnlre worl. would tnko pltito after Poll. 1 Wnkntsu 120 s. tilth. JAPANl.Ht: wants position, cook, ecu, houso woik, ref , oxp. Wrllo .Inianrre, 1512 ." Uith JIN, married, n icnri with clubs In "It . wishes posltlo.i with club or prlinto fnmll P Ml, I.edRei Central 5lAN and wlfo for houacwork man aa chniif fmr. colored, refs P 1)1. l.edgir Central. MILLllll nnd storo oreser wants position, roll or hulirfl speaks I nellJ.li nnd (lermuii I.uderon, s Mill at , Phllllpiburg, N. .1 T"ltl.sri:it sucresfullv ensnged as suier Intcndcnt for past I cnrs dcolres chango high grndo exccutlie 1H jenm practical ex icrlenre in nil departments. A 1 rcfctera.es. Addrcts P 2nl, Leilgcr Office PltltCH VStS'O M1IJNT and business niamger dilrcs clmngc pnsltlirly uui produce re sultM, has good clean record A 208. led ger Off lie. ItllAI. PSTATH-A jnmis man 2" years old. rnpnblo ol taking rharco of offlco or nni sepnrato I art of buslncSR. O 12, I,edgir (Vntral VIIINNA ItKCIt. "Ji de-lrcn t'ltlon, table or men woik. Henry Illrhler, 7111 N d st yorvrj JIAN. total abstainer willing worker, rnn drli" and icpnlr nutomohlles, able to c!o all reinlre around bourc, good gardener ite slies to ctinng,1 pier,ent occurntlon for &lcad work In private houo or houpemnn or In small Institution best rots. A 201, I ed. Off. YOUNil 51 IN" wlih 10 jtnrs' general busiuei experience deslris 10 connect with n reputa ble louicrn where n future Is more the object thin enlnry lo btnrt P 011, Lolger Ccn tral TOt NCI MN 21 jenrs cdurntcd, with nbll tty to tat.0 charge of rrsponslblo position, ns bookkcejer nnd correiponilcnt deslies to let ter himself P Oil), 1 edgcr Central. VOPNll M W. 17. desires pnsltinii in office of rellnblc dim icnl etatp exncrlente, best of icffrenccs it nil. ledger Ofibo TOPn irxvr Trench, wett crtumtrd, -nKhex pnnlllon with club or prlnto fnmlli good ror. II Ktilmk. I."2". Ueul st , Prunkfnrd YOI'xri w W dclrei eicnlng wfl,li clerical stenoBiaphlc or tjpewrlllng. r8l', Led Ccn EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES COOKS waitresses, kltchenmilds girls for chnmbciwork nnd waiting, all Swedish nlro Irish ccolts and laundresses goad referencts. nin south imoAD. AUTOMOBILES " Pur Halo CAHSTtought enld and oxchauged, fi ,1 month storage while ulllng, sold free of charge. (laragn S'ij ni Nrnili "tlt Itelmnni JS.II VLAN'DKHS electric automobllo, entlrelj oie'--' hauled and In good londltlnn, owner will allow deinoiiHTatlrii. M 411. Ledger Central. COLPMAN Model O Roadster. 1011 N. ,'tli street. Por Kxihnnge PX'H lnr -lizfi touring car for ciultv In real estate, or will nil! mining 1T() V. AUTO LIVERY AND GAEAGES TO HIRD Packard Llmo lelre and Touring Cms. Iiy hour, day, week or month, Ht reasonable rates ' PACKAltn SBftVICB COJIPANV 1411-Pt Ixicust et Phnnes-Bpruce 3140. llaco 215 AUTO PAINTING AUTO OWNGHS. , . . The right place to bnva vour car, painted rSrd tura ns low as IPS John lion ton, i.015 Cambrldga st. Phone Preston 6U7.'. AUTO TIRES Pltfti:i; ."Sx.-!!! straight fide tires must eohl: cheap. 41tS N 18th.I'hon0 BUSINESS NOTICES " PUI.L UKK33 AMI TUXllDOS'-rb iinti: Prlnco Alburts. Cutawaa and DUtk Suits Also Kvenlng llowna and Wraps o haie tlio finest selection In town. Phono Pop, S710, Wo can afford lo remodel or repair your furs much cheapor than tha large de- FUIlS partment stores. We 1I11 you expert workmanship Phone Ilelmont 2381 W. C1IA8 J HOOB8. 5137 Arch St. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES DDNTAL PltACTICB for Rile; doing n fish buelness of nearly l a year, established 14 years, In a gro.vlne suburb of Philadelphia, population about 10 000, one other dentist, boat locution In town, will sell prattleo and rent office, or sell both. 11 31-', Led. Gem. CHSTNUT ST. DUSINIS BALK My Interest In old-stablUhtd business Is of lered for sale, because of adyanclng ag and Illness; has for Jiura and is now paying V per cent, per annum; a safe, permanent and iiiofllalil luvcstn eut; amount required, 515.- oW. M U). siBftw JJffiyt OKLAHOMA OIL.LAN03-A solendld opuor tunlty Is offered to Investors, to purchasa whole or pan lntret III Oklahoma oil pro. dULtlons. Uhesa propertlea were purchasid by our agents at first baud and are now produo init oil. This U not a wildcat sala of oil itSuk. lut a bona tlda chanca to buy thssa oil-producing prpoertleji fc?n,l'1 Wt Mo. ruen. MT Ileal IJstate Trust llldg DO YOUtt books tell thQ truth and at the rltht timet It Is our business to arrange, atoounts so that the true stats ot your affairs will ho oulcaly apparwit II- O. Mag.ee. 1J0O atovhtu StrSd mt- UU pnoos Walnut UB. AN H6TADL1: BD voal laid property )n "!' wAP'..?i '"".. ? hISHi!l .Mlnv. , right, tha'nfsrest on tba lavtmnt will be eaulvsUnt to about $70 a month, would cult is 1 ..nn,snnini rip tlnnitrA ti nnnnpn MMfLI yuiiw !, -HH w - buysrf IntMWbaii Hcalty Co.. 4510 FrauP ii VNTKP. ati assoclats In niuruclpal develop' iatit work; I bavs aluabls contract with mulc4iitli lr K, P'All. attrulng. dastra EJSiat.rJ IKTVIXIOKNT '' vestor wlib cot lu than IftXM wantad to uuu.trn lnanufLtunmi Lulurs films !!" bualnavl U In good shsp snd paii eli " ai "tor Mill be ,. ,u'i M . I -dsir 1 witral UOILP Uk " tonwmotcata with ownsre f .oatrotlo Interests In gas sad ruKtil 0111 nanus. hii isfjllst tee cwu&lota wafaiiliia JtrWrt rts. ft J0 ort. JJ LEDGERPHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, JANUARY BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES TWO PUXIUP, ni StPndV tmnr 11 fft and tecond stofr, wlih J"',' JP'V . n uranpp Itradburv Urothrr", llrls 1 i Rqunre rept wen ngii. -" " "-" uermsninwn aie. Nlcetown K'iJtTr,D,.,n .I"rn with some- capital lo In Wiie MUm.br.r . .V.f,t' ,or fu" rartlruHn, I'.'-l ,IB"HN I'tMlllill CO., ll.'o Adams, manager, Mllfnrd, Del AfVpnTISF)Il personally gimranlees 10 per cent, on imratimnl of 1( or more, 20 per cent probable. P Pit, Ilger Office. MOM IN tartner In going I.UslneM, half In L l . ' ,r. "ma" intesthient to lncrnso present jiales xj 2,V.,LerUer Central l'ATONT ATTr wlfl exch. serVlew" tor any iiernl commodlly. M 2.-.1, Ledger Ccntrnl PXrTM.rjVV riewi rdute for enle cheap In nulro of J A Pckerl, Jern Shore. Pa CLEANING AND DYEING OSTMCII PlJATIIrUH AND PVNCIH P'tpANj:ii,In p. 11. MAIt.HOT, lfilO Chesinut. DRESSMAKING AND MILLINERY Mlt.t.IVIMtY copiiht: IN 20 t.rtPONB. DAT Oil KVnNINtl AMPIllCVN Pl'IIOOI, OP Mtl.l.lNI'.ttr, Dili A It.U'l.. llnLM. 2IX1S L. Ultl HRMAKINt! laiiRht short, rac course MlLMttclLlu.L!lr"cill "ldglllhA Market. AI)VNC11 slslcs In dressmakings J," nnl up- ward. iiiKW H llitli Bt Iiliklnson .1111 A lleinslltchlng dono ulilio )nu wnlt, A Pel h ard, lilt Chestnut PUtorlnl Iteilew pnttern, DOGS, BIRDS AND GOLD TISII Ni:W IMPORTATION tine singing Oermin canaries, It each, eierj bird guiirnnlecil pool slnget , ragen 11 iipwnrd. 'I ho lurgeat nnd best stock In the city to select rtoin lllrda tan satel be sent to all inrts by cxpicss, V. (' YAIILi:.JUIiMnrket. ft IT OH SAJSE A Nil (J II LH- Card table, 10, sofa, chest of dmwrre.bure.iua, Inlaid labto, $'. 715 Wnlmit Illl.l.tAltO, toot cmnb, 2d hind, bought, sold rrnted ex'd. Kentcr !I2 (llrord no INSTRUCTION KP.P.NC1I In thrc.0 months by rcllned joung Parisian lady, ens) cotuersiitlonal methaJi terms moderate Mile L. Uerthln, 15u .iron nun. jn -It) p jn ) DI1AMATK' AIIT, nijOCtTH N PXPItllSION Phone Ilelmont ItlinW 1720 chestnut rt. JL1" ''n nnl I rldn 1 jo(ii m .Musical OPIIItATlf tenor dcslriH pupllx, choir, orntono aud 01 era c tios-edgcr Office MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS PI IIKIKT PIANO, good condition, must bo suld cheap. Ills N IMh st. Phone OLD GOLD IIOLOII I', SOLO DIAMONDS IIXCHA.VILU WINIJULP11, AI'l'ltAlsnU. 2s N. I21'II HP. STORAGE r.o'ni st. sTotMon and waiikhuphi;. Moittig an.ihcic, any ttmo, siortige xeri rensorahle i.s,4 N :th st CnllFlel S.ii. Wlisr Monarch Storage Co Auto nnd tmck PIIILV. lue nnd shipping ,S70 Uincister nic. WANTED PUIIMU Itn, CAItPLT.-,. PIANOS PART Oil I.Nl'lItl, llOL.Ht,liUI,L.M bOUOlIT 11LSI' CASH PItlcLS PAID MIt.LLIt .- CO t; jj niDun avi:. piionp. poplar isss. hi rRNITI 1 1? r- Antiques, pianos, etc., port 1 uiimiuiii. ul enllre !,,,, bouglit Kens Putnituie Co. 1114.1 Kensington aia ROOMS TOR RENT t UAltlNO, ."218 Two ilrst llooi rooms, suit tiil,l!t or uoctor or uiaitmcuts '1 he (. litlluli, Nils llpjlo lc( lain Muuitger LIAtlINO, JS ID Rooms, furiilfhcd or lur- n.slied -M door, tpr liouscKitptug, phono flllOAD, N , bJu 1 urnlshcd rooms foi light hnuEck' plug stenni hcit hot water. liltOAU, S, 4-'d-Comfoi tnbly furnlehed rooms: p,tniyofheut, light and lint wuicr, fihutio IJItOAO, S, 521I Visit tlin ileunest furn rooms in town trumjicu ervreahonublo, . . IttJCKl.MjIIAM PI.. 2.7 115th and Walnut)- 2d floor front rm , con nr g'ent , board opt Ci:i)AHAVR WAV Inslnble furh 2iRlc.or louiu. ullncd nclghbnrh d lloodland 47.S7 W CHL-jiNUT, I8JI Upll-tiirnlsiicil slnglo and double looms, running water. CIIHSI'MJI. 1110 1 Rooms, single or"en "Julie" Phono 1 ch ust 7JI CHKoT.N'iT PI-'O II lies sullis nrlv bufh. pro chi.i nnl otflte runwatorl ocust ,111 I ClIr.hTNIl l', :oPl '(Lexington) -Ijirgo 2d-lloor frpiit with prliate t3th sinaleirooin UlinsrXU'l ".l-li Por rent. 2d-llonr titling rcKim, prtiJh.go of lUht houtckreping CIll'SPNUT, 4110 Ijneptlonal incancles, warm, cheorful rcoms conv. L. siufuio. I card opt Pros fl.-i I Pimm .lisp l.el Cent, ClIIlSTNlr 4'0d-It(.iutltiilli furn room 2d (loor hot-water heat, elcctlle light, phono CLINTON, (121) I nrge. comfortably furnished front room, retlncl surroundings, single r'ms COLUMltlA ASK, 21.11 uirislicd front room, Pil,ite teiullj; with or without bourd, phono, Plioio on dlsplai nl 1 odger Central. LIHi:.'H20 Single iconiT with halhT furTilsliidT tioaid optional icoionable Tioga S275 W. ilT PRNON loo'i Purn com rooms, liousc- heeplng bent i.as rnni.e allcnniciilenijrK OiAfli: AM'., 42111 Ibet Pine" and Hallo") bunnv 2d lloor front room modcrnly furn pXON N., 2.1 I'urn from rooms, nrlvato f.ni)t . one squaru trom 52d st L. phone PINK nil Ncnilv furn shed rooms, slnglo or en suite frliute bath roatonablo PINB. ITOft-Newly furnished double and aln- gle rooms, beat senkfl pnune. . PINU, 130S Neatlv furnltihed loom Inornate family. B windows, southern exposure, phone, PINK. 140& ( heerftu, ntngle loom; neatly rurnlshed. Dickinson .Veld D. bPIlUCl. UlV-Ijirgo room second Moor, beau tifully turn., other vacancies, runnlnBwater. SPRUCU. 2022 Desirable sullo " with prliito bath,open lire, phone, owner. BPRUOK. 40.0 Nowly opened, ery nttracilie furnished rooms, all conveniences Pres 2S:5. VlINANCiO, 1412-1'iliate family wilt lent neatly furnlshed sulle Tioga 4S11 w. V1N13, 1735 (Iisin Square) Cloin. warm com fortable, front, sunny, housekeeping, lodging rooniu running water: f-75, refined WALNPt" 1WI Neatlvfurnlshcd room, eke" (lie lights steam heat, locust ,'llPi V iol'll, B. 502 Prliate family will lent nowly furn front room Phone Hltert 12V V I2V1I, 8, US Central location, dbiinle front rooms, steam heat. single nnd rcaihinabl. 12TK. S, 20ii-Ilenutlful suite, with private bjth, light housekeeping; If desired Drif S.. 1)17 Noatlv furnished 2d nnd .ll story front 100ms In refined private famll) liril H, S-'O Nicely furnished rooms for gen tlemen al coins . pliono Pilbert 2725 V 13TH H, 217 Desirable furnished" single an! double roomsionicnlent, gentlemen 15TII, S, 311 Nicely furnished front loom, next to bath, also professional office, ism, 3, 411 Furnished sultn, next to bath. light housekeeping If dcehed. 1TTII, S., 253 Neatly (urn eulto 011 2d floor; runiidngjnater slnglo rooms reasonablo 17TII, N.. 3.133 Modern furn. rooms, single or en suite, prlvato family TIOKajW71 II IDTH.H.. .1.12 -Private famllv wllfront 2d-story front rooms single or enjjult 221). N.t 11 RIngle or communhatlng front rooms, prlvato, reasonable Diamond UeO Ulirs , 12 Itroms furiiHhod or unfurn , run- rlnr water kitchenettes, tight housekeeping. 6STII, N., 1115PrUato family will rent large 2d.noor front room., furn. or unfurn . use of dlnlig room and kitchen downstairs, pleasant. " Wd and Sansoin PunilsheJ WKflT DRENCH rooms, men only, mialst V, M. C, A. shower baths, near I., all the comfoits of home. Phone Ilelmont tpi. Key Woet 3SJ GKNTJ.EMl'N who will appreciate well-f ur nlshcd room In an apartment, steam heat, private family, test location or West Phlla . nelshborhM 44th ajd Walnut. Pj5.!larni? 23T. ONB or ii gentlemen can Ikiie fur front room nelBhlH'r .ISlh an 1 Puwellon llarlng 1M2 W Professional Offices. LOCUST. ISOd 2d lloor front orikei Urge, bright; suitable forjIentltor physlclanias. BPlllICK, 187 Professional offices, suits"vvlth hi, lln single ro m. Phone Walnut 7855 V BOARDING DALTIMOUB AVK.. 4110 A ery desirable sinjle room, light and warin: pleasant sur ixuSjdUuu,Dlioti tttJedgerjCenlrjI CdIKsTf WT, 4018 Nicely furnlehed rooms" with board-, ;, Wl1'"rd cPv'Ul!s?it i? eli"alcd end trolles Phono Preston mil D llAZBt. S1K Attractive 2d-Boor front. fiirB. or utpuro. feaoed nelghhorhcwd and cony BPRUCK, luasIIxchtlor s apartments, two rooms and bath, tlsarlo light: table board SPRUCE. l'W-Purnlehed suite, on 2d floor! -. . . k.l. aw. aIIu... l.M. nhnna privaie MQicM i-....- -w.M. m..v SPRUCE, 1221 20 illrUiooade) Furnished rms-, single, en suite, iirtvate baths, table board SPHUCa W30-Sd-sio-y suite, "with prl vate ba'li. beaird modarn refined Iota , good table Pres. 4811 WALNUT, S314 leirie double stid SUJll, reuoia, 91 73 up table board phone v.tSUT 4J0U- A few very dlrable vacan .tea furn or unfuru good tabic cbae HAINUT 4BM Sonny rooms Dienty heat . I) v jotr nous, table ooara Preston 67J ii'jtl a) di, lHHitjo ioqui, 21 Ajt pilvsie BOARDING liiTlf N ISIS Ideal, sunny, front room sin tie c corn" superior tnhle IHimond 6777 W 40T)f BT . !l pSO-Altractlte rooms for those who appreciate a good home, mod., prlv nnd .conv i good Uble'jnncMllplax!!ii,t''1 c"lt BOARD WANTED Huhurbnn WANTIlt) In suburbs In small nrltalo fanillv. two large, rurnlshed rooms baih, board for pan nts mil child ni vcars) noon nttt-rtctlio location etntmil state terms full pnrtlcu- . lirs 0 M l1gcr Central APARTMENTS BPIltNn OAttnnN llln-nxcpllptit nuts, In 8 .liffcrci.t houses, Home furn'd. kitchenettes WALNUT, 1222-24 (Kenwood)-Desirable incs, single! or 111 sulle; prlv. bnlhsi will clnnge tn ult tehAiil; moilprate rent. vValnut st (t I V MA'UT, 1111 Apis of 1 to 4 rooms, xVlth Intli", turn or unfurn, .." up; prof, office, .Anil j Janitor. 17TI1 "4 U(l-I1ni helor npts , 2d floor, prlv nie bath Apply Poo Land TUIellldg. CHILTON APAUT.Mr.NT8 .1218 11ARINO BT. Tno first-floor rooms! suit ilentlst or doetof nr npirtinnts Mrs llelle McCtaln. mansger LION'S HEAD Handsomely furnlshej npts 121.1.15 tcust HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS L!.n N If ri 1 1 ,1 ROOMS AND HATH HOT MA I Pit IIIJAT; 115. lAALIiMXN Hi" OIRAIIIJ AMI MASTIIlt ST. 10") Second floor modem houspkPPt Ing npnrttnpnta hot-water lunt DIV.MnND. 1511 (roihcrl-lloueekeprlng suite 1 12 till, tlio roomi, bilh porch, laundrv DIAMOND, 2010 Irt floor- 0 100ms hardnoil tloora. Inquire tlrst floor Phone tin II2H T II I. N AS II 1527-29 Spruce Street UANUSOMi:. PP-IO-DATi: II O U S E K li 1: P 1 N G A P A R T A ENTS PROFESSIONAL OFFICES ON FIRST FLOOR Apply on Premises KENT APARTMENTS ., . BT llnusekreplng onailtnents 4 looms nnd bath y! 10 month lnnllor 'crvl e NORFOLK APMITMHVTS Desii-nllp I nnd 5 room nnnnmcnls nei'r Pari.. Iml'or eprvlcc r-nrni vide icntals ItncilTIJI 12,2 ItblBP ave LKNOM. 5IT1I AND ClIHSTHR A l. pprn1riip.d or pnfpunihhf.d iiopsp.khiipi.sci apartmhnts Beo Janitor or phone Wnodlntid 2010 D REAL ESTATE FOR SALE CI irv SI lleil'SPI Jltst tepnlrel, etc i-ent f!2. price. II2UI undcrilrallied Mr 1 honus HIT rriiiiKrurii ave jtiUHMJVNUHVN TIIRRF-UrORV RRK'K, ship vaul hois mndprii nearly now pplect sc. Hon il'iraiin town f.'iPO Address Owner P "mi I edg. nrflre or reo photo nnd dts'ilptlon Nr. on die nt ledger Ceiitnl ""MOUNT AtllV AND FHPSrM'P 1I1IL pROPninins Pelllim Trust (o,(17lo tirrmniitnnn nvp 'HUlch pmrcrtles In nil sections of Otn . Mt "Airy Cheat Htnllprlies V ilte for -peels list J. II Clndwlek Co Hit" ierman-on Tn SrVPRAL largo tracts or Improved land en bluh around, wide streets nnd with unexcelled trolley ard train eerv Ico for silo on ground rpnt AddrPss M (115. I pdeT Offlcp I nnsdnle. Pn 1-0 P.PII.D1NO TOTS on Proid st snd Inter-se-tlnc streets lietwcen Rth nnd I'llh sts. high nrnund: wide stieets nnd ileslrnble sur roundings sulinblo for n I" IMIng oieratlon Address M (110, Ledger Office M'cst Clieste-r, Pn. COPN't!V 1IOM15 " acres 2 miles IVcst Cbes tcr. Kennelt trollev 7,V0 P 1IIJALI IVest Chester Pa. Nr.tv .innsr, lint LOW Til 12 IIWFLI I NO large rooms, all ccnVPniencs nrm imiu ,,,,, Hum-) ,,iu Phllidelphla on acre of ground, jnooo. casv U"n8- II. It. McCOlT.PM 1114 Walnut st Philadelphia Don't Forget th Number Atlantic Cltr. . KNAPS In choice cottages, hotels.lots eto ctnls Vent "XC Choicest cor. lot Ventnor. 11000 hoi rnst ltruckmnnn ,110 Ouarantee Rldg Haililnnflclil. N. J. J1AVK BlIvrRAL PINK PROPRRTIEI It lurgalP P-I e WM. CARUT MARSHALL Ml lemJst.J(5vniden. lAnndhury HelglHs. N. .. si; t.ltAI. desirable homes and Improved hlclg lots nt reasonable prices John Mavhew PHNNSVLVANl 1 AIIM1 H-'iCRi; CHRSrl'.R COUNTV I'ARM. Btone hiiuse frame addition, slono barn, wagon ihipken houses, cnrncrlhs stream, good wnler rrult nnd shade, convenient to trolley, near Imln-Wioo j., M,., lilt Walnut st Philadelphli "Iinrri 1 orgei cuiiiuri RUCKS COUNTV FARM. 75 acres, 12-roorn iinno hoiiMo, mono nnd. frame, barn for 21 head, lolling land, sliauc, .run, scream price. 17230., jijj, 111 I Walnut st . Philadelphia Inn't Forget the Number urn ACRi:S,lTclaware Count) bargain blr etoc-k aid dalrv firm) fine building sites i)!o00 I R. Thninpsqti. JVcstClicsler REAL JiSTATE SALE OR RENT r7tJMliIadelphhi Turn S 215-Ncw sldo-vard house 14 rooms n laihi" Tillllsrt, rwi" hot-water hen' hard w".LflVCi- !"" -' -,-,,"--n,-RtAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE Atlantic Cltr. Nr J liTii-ct s cottages, apartments, etc, to ex. "?liai ifo Plulaelelphta properties CIt3 I. I'lILL. M B. Penna. ave Atlantic Cltv """REAL ESTATE POR RENT City i-'d'VlAe.Ti'n-T rtolilH. tnllel bath and healer rent flu. "Pen AmpIv Ret" tun Master slrtet, Rental Lists fill-til N IIIIOAD. storo and upiwr floors 7U7-701 Arch t store and basemen 722 Chestnut el . "tore and lHisenie.il 11.11 C leslnut st store and basement 112 Walnut st ground floor o llces JHjjJWS '' t.'l'Are700 Fn.om .. Olllces, Iluslness Rooms, Kir. rail's-lOTII BT -DOURI.K .PARLOR. IIOT HSI'ATKR : IIBATLOW RENT West liilladelplila wpr PIIII.ADHLP1UA HOUBl, for rent. facfiiiK ileorio's Hill Folrmount Park. w. i anient traiii and trolle .rent reasonable. Apply niano'a Pharmacy, 5id and ParkalJe Oermanluwn 1x11 15 RlTTKNHOUSU-CIoee- to train and ii-ollevs two-story 8rooni dwelling; rent sll '.'..V iih two weeks' rent free. Keys ggrm&ism. i,iid K HAlNBB-8 rooms porch front, 114 wr tutuitU, two weeks' rent free, K' ey at 7T. ?n,i.nt.An,d tail si ini.pww" Atlantic City. N. J. TiurKLsTlwardlng houses, cottages. to , to 'Jneei every requltwrient, Uan etc Moors, 4u g yigitejvj! , MORTGAGES Tnvd by a foientoel arenitect, a nrst-ciass jpjjjum ,.rjr .asassi. -v .. v, ,-.is.aailVAlV 3Va and B per eeut. 1st mort. cigtBf on improved AtUatlo City and Ventnor vre...... intttiraa. ciiiau. aunccuai niiM.i ". ""lt:j "..:..j.vicA ;- ,.' Laymexus guaranisea, amouncs tiwu 10 sjv.. tyitfo, HU &. Co., Atlantic City. N. J ffi,Jua.ArU&tM rge private ouM Walnut aj lloor rear rTorJi, l"0 10AN uo rval estate s-turu Wp B Mci.lriiis. Di-U IhulM ai Phewe. Aoodlaul .00 10410 .B 1ST SvM(e,l H ' HI AND i siciRiilAllEii KSTNt T 110 Chesinut .t U1VN9 Krx WUIB 1, m ACltPS local on. lant. buildings, w-sjtf anci Vallroid facilities, all first class, ha .vVrvihlim Ilia' (' ' mak 11 nod far-n LtCernl stock farms chap. 150 2M) and 2J0 .!!.. His very best of snd and cheap, stat, four wants .ONATHAN C. IIARU. jourwunia lVe Che-ter )'i ..... ttnnsvi.cniAa nf tfnvl ..c tiuiUtos: assotlatloii r stjalglit deslreT on vAIG'5 DIARY JAH. 30 1911 (A TEJJC DlARV OF ft BOY) JACK" WltSON WENT TO ' Trie HIPPODROME fait 'R0AY AMD ME TOL-O US AIL BOOT IT IT MlJiT HAVE OC SM ivueuL 1 Came home iajith our to ma HO'iae. Ht: GOT OUT A PAIR OP Roller skatga mh USED Tt use. vuta MAoe no SKATlMcS AR0UMD HBBO SO I NEWER KMEbO HOUJ Tb nOLLCR. iKATSt AFTHIX DISNCR TUT CVMCJ OUBH AND WJtS T7JOK A VWAUK UP . IMTO MUTLGY PAP,AsJD xhen ouer ro ma rvcwd , THS GHICI-tErd MAr4 AlTTeR Coming Back I GAVE HIM MY Aeroplane No. 4. it WAS NO GOOD ANVHOtt. I AsA MeA,rsil.Y THriOUtSH THO rAJtSiTiut. FrtesHMAM': i Can't quit Tim the LAir ADUCMTUR?S OF IT W Bulletin, BjUnej Jessie Flense, Atmtle, the new lady next door on j a Iter compllmctiU, atitl won't von ptnv very low, liecnusc her luisbniiit Is cxtrmel nuiflcal. .-, 9 NOTHING IS EVER WHERE IT OUGHT TO BE parr I I 5Mit Ysaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaast fRVT) f sV-jf M JvTV'r "s jSsasasSak afAjPt?f'' You ciiu't open jour front door when ai juih u... icm .u juUl . . i 'Mll U WrWfiU1 xou'tn outside and the Itey Is Inside alwnjs nt the other end ot the table R'tW VxeBs-ljv MM fJ T BBSSBSsaW 0 Otailtl LlUl.o rsiclluiud, Ot 1,UM,MM "-'H-' Hie root or nil evil. ' i ' I x y I When It's raining-, coodncsa knows If jou're calling on a Rlrl, tlio Ust I a, Jkr-js 'I where your umbrella Is. enr home Is always n, block from ou ' i feasW l 'li" nnd Bolnrj strong- I ' flMg ( I It 'l J 6 i (jtwAt Wiv-unm When ott want to smoke, jour matches ate In the pocket of Jour othet ttousers. Ujltsnder. NO ONE ENVIES fljlll The flrt German salesman In Eng land after the war, Lampooa. Cither une Snail I Knit you a muf fler? Tatt OUr TfM, X ne4 ot tor my tw tor. 30, 1915. SORAPPLB '$ THE PADDED CELL TSRE.? MURDER? ACCIDENT? AtOpe. . JUST A MAAl LAYIAI& A FEW BRICKS, And its for money, that's ulwujb in the pocket of some other fellow's trousers. 'Ere now! None of "Well, I see the Germans have taken I,odz." "I'll bite. Loads of what?" Buffalo Ex press. IT MIGHT HAVE BEEN I. -Ni'S- y i--. 'y V ioM'THmoY I1 r gosh! i vl'x wiNTWanNo v. a I'M OLAU IT S "Vtmy tf ridih when J '., rsX, it f rrrl-n V THIi HAPPfiKCO 7rcVrS; W t&J 3 41. 5o$i$&T .He "" lt H UKItMAN I'OllTltAlT, She My poor mother begged ma not to marry joul lie Indeed! That's the only tlma she even was interested In my wel fare! thla Cossack stuff!" Punch, The Pessimist The best luck any rrtiR can have Is never to have been born, but thut seldom happens to any one. Uostoa Transcript. HIS VERY BEST GIRL! I A I .1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers