.ABSENCE OF STOCKS ROSE OH LIGHT SELLING IN LONDON MARKET j&all Street Had Expected Liquidation of American Issues New York Cen tral Led Advance. NEW TORK. Jan. 4. Tho fact that American stocks were not sold In London, Hi tho opening or, tno excnaneo tncro in nny BUch amountn an had been (cared, i nd the fact that prices did not fall to """" -m nvlnnt. nltHntlcrli AfrnniH.n..c. any niBk .-... , o ......., were lowor In that market, caused a vlBoroua rally In prices during tho last part of tho noon hour tnrougnout tho wholo Hat with fow exceptions. Oalns .in much an 3 points wero made, and tna market became fairly active when compared with previous days. Tho stocks (?, which aro largely hold abroad led tho i New York Central roso 3 points to 87445 New uaven tunw iy iu vvi. union Paclflo VA to ""W! Canadian Pacinc 3 to 1B7- Atchison 1 to 81V4i Great Northern forrcd tti to 113. Reading crossed f Jij compared with 143K at tho close on Saturday. Bethlehem Steel common and preferred mado now high records over tho high & ooened at 46$i, advanced to 49, while tho I ""-" .iJ XL tn Of .Most of tho buying of theso stocks came from Philadelphia sources, and tho -J-...,,... tun tinned on predictions of tin li tacreaso In tho dividend on tho preferred t a ih. nltirlnir nf common Block on th dividend list Theso reports ore In view of tho good earnings on tho commoi. stock In the fiscal year ending December 8lnd to tho fact that tho company Is far. Ing well as regards European war orders. Based on the rlso of 15 shillings In the price of copper In London and tho fact that tho production of copper In tho United States lost year fell oft markedly from tho provlous year, ac- 7- cording to reports of tho Geological Sur vey, Amalgamate! uoppcr gamed l at 63. Western Maryland mado anothor now low at 9i, but later advanced 10, the closing on Saturday. A hardening ten dency washown in Missouri Pacific, tho stock selling at & up from tho last on Saturday. There appeared to bo a de mand for tho stock for covorlng of shorts. Despite reports current In the street that the Baltimore and Ohio directors, at their meeting for action on tho dividend tomorrow, will declare 2 per cent, semi annual instead of 3 per cent, as hereto fore, tho stock was strong, gaining 1 t m. Sterling exchange rules at 4.85 for de mand and Montreal exchango Is 1 por 'cent In favor of Now York. In splto of k these rates banking houses do not look .1 for gold Imports, becauso of tho knowl- &, edge that the British banks aro unwlll- Inv tn. rtflW with thn mfltfi!. T In liarA $' ma& liniKAWttn t.nir 4Iia hnlnniu a av f! DCB) tlKllHIVH ..,. V..U MM.U..VU V.. W chango can bo maintained with heavy exports of commodities In progress and ; no corresponding. Inflow of either mer- ' chandlse or securities. Si TAirrwft A R.rfRTT'nT'KrT". unTT.cj Offering of $15,000,000 Issue "Well Becelved Here. E. F. Shanbacker. president of the Fourth Street National Bnnk, which, with Its associates, Is offering $15,000,000 6 per cent gold notes of tho Argentine Gov ernment, said today that the notes are i going rapidly. What proportion of the -.'notes -will be placed in this city has not own aenmieiy acciaea upon. The notes mature $5,000,000 annually for three years, beginning December 15, 1915. They are exempt from nil Argentlno taxes. The notes are offered by the Na tional City Bank of New Vork. nunrantv liJ.""' Cor"Pany of Pittsburgh. Union iruai company or .Pittsburgh, Contlnen- M ir " -'""'"iHrujai ".trust ana savings i K,nV t niiln.n Till l WT. i . n -j.v . biuuaau, tiiiiiuia iruai unu oav ingg Bank of CHIcago and tho First Na- uonai uanic or Boston. W NEW YORK. Jnn. 4 All nf tVm it - P cent ylqld notes of tho J15.000.00d Issue P'Of the Argentine Government which were goffered by the National City Bank, have ucen sola. U HININO STOCK QUOTATIONS TONOPAH'' STOCKS bteXtmara '.,. ... of 'Midway '""' -nA ?MiitiKa ,.::::::::;::: s ( wiuitiii our .... in pTcnopah Extension ::: ::::.: p-'onopan Mcrscr al M ITonopali Mlnfts .. ."I":! ... .... i id te,ES,V..::::::::::: : ::: 1 $ i. OOLturinT.Ti fiTnnvo &'::::::::::::::::::::: M I6olan.ia ii'lmont ' m B Ifitiad.M rVFom i iQl .02 CfliM.i" r,""".i ,..,.,.. in jh Kimbo Extenalon' " v .::::V:::::: :!? ill , JcW Atuo ...., ,.., ,oa oi fKer Win1 i ,-5X Ai " "w ,,,,,.,, ,,,..,,,, 1.80 1.84 -?- 3LAT"RH TfrtTf. wnwuv -w., BSfiSft" asJ? blSf "iSu'i" ' "'' " '' nwnths: PbllaaaN W". HNJ4 Br cant. r Kserve Banks DIacount Hates -Daya SO or HO to 60 to a. tuu. uu t" rtw York " ii S gS'iMS",.;;::;;;;;;;:;,';;: 5 gH v 'Atlaat?", "''t. ........ 0 6)4 KaiBiiiPc, ? 5a 3 Mft Frawuco ...'.I;.. i o o I J I l-i I f I I HI I YQEK BUTTER AND EGGS iKtfi J8?'?'' lftTl .paoka-ea (S daya). tnjt'. t aoo-i nignar aooring. ra wSi5f "'K 4G06oi Imitation cream- 3.vAurtrft flm.. ..lnta fliAA fiasAfl fS a'- Ftih aitrn flrl. ki. i rreah flreta. SSUi'.arty whiUa. 4T&19o.i warty 4, 3T12o,i specul roarVa, 2TH9. ITOBEION EXCHANGE YORK. Jan. 4 Tha (onlrn axchani t ouqc4 qult, with demand aterllo;. 1. taljUi, b 18; thaeka, .1H; nrk. S& i afternoon axchans u aaalar with ' s,y.t "J,'i!.rf"'s,".iiy. . st. ' '",' """- -- - I II..I W ! IH p SANK OlSAMNQS t!1 ncaxinse todav oatacaja with wr- Jitg iia two ): TflTkn?.1vrT'Km Y-mrkimTy r.-mfv tN-rtv v,. . . . . -- v ."ww-x-xLiuviuurui MONDAY. JAKUARY 4. 1D1K. ggljJNG OF AMERICAN STOCKSlaaD(WrAT NEW YORK STOCK SALES tast8l nigh .4W,W' iiw ?V 103K ioajf U7H tan 48 P4H 20X .80 AhiMm.in"J .- AA,chSn,,.T:::M Atrerlcsnl'MtSuitsr... m American rn. ' i?n telE!': Am.t'nVod 27 ass 53'"".' co m :!Laitu?r.f....ii3 SSSSaJTlS Annconrtjcopper!.'.".;'.', oH Atchison.., ,. n BdUmon , Ohio pre.. So r,; m.?. h?"1?' icon ids Pi hSiSSK ""." W - .v.u, oivei jirpj, 101 1P4 114 78 SOX fOU (19H 'Jfl'4 62H 48 33H 2SM 80 44K 30 AM 7f 23) 67H 00)1 104 27f 48 34!f 20 80 45 PO 4) ?1W 7M 24 67K 00K 101 m! 114 110K 221 78 2( 5 COM 10S 40 78 20 5 P4f BOlf 00H 108 mi ion 154 37K 40)4 inu in im 167H 151 157 gasas SS h a, Canadian Pacific... Canada Southom ... Central Leather Che? & Ohio ,., i.iiinn TnKnA . Chlcopo Great Western, lok Chlca(ro,Mll.st.Paul 87 Con.Can , Co Fuel & iron 20u Hrle 2i Krleistpref 3v rcrtolOaj 114 Corn Products s t'ci a Hudson uiu W5 l-in lao L'tnTcr nd rilo Grand. 5 Hi an r: 5 37 41 33W 10 B0 40)f 22 21 a 84K 1I4H 113( lM!j 8H 8K 8H 5 37f 41 34H inw 875f 41f 2? 22H 34 5 37X 41 34J, 10W 87H 41( 22 22l 34Jf Den A nio Grand prof.. "rncraii'icctnc Octicral Motor Gen Motor prof Goodrich Co Great Northern prcf... Great North Ore. Cent Gupcenhelm HI Central Irtcrloro-Mpimrniiinn nw IntcrboroMctpref.....' coh inspiration.. m( m J. Kayscr Co on 130 8 00 00J 24 25 112 114 25f 27 4 45 107 m 5K m m m 7H HOH 140H 14014 W K2 8' 00 005, 25 25 112U 114 20 -27 45 45 107X 107J4 107H vm nx i2 61 60 51 10H Ifljf til) 80 ijT-i' xxzull- issi 1 m mn r.. , Hi . '"" W'M VU8 208 1ZO8 lit iJ m rror" 43J 4fl 44M 44M MBtP8BM...,r:i8r Mcilcan rctrollum.... 63 Missouri, Kansas &Teiaj 8 Mo Kan & Tex pref. ... 20 Missouri Taclflc 8 jviontana rower Co .... 41 10W 18H 100H 100 s-m 54w 8 20 854 42 National Biscuit pref... 120J4 121 OH 43W . 56 84Jf 21Jf . no .100 70 Nat. Enameling, nat onal Lead National Lead prcf.... Nevada Consolidated. . N.Y..N.H.&II New York Central N.Y..P. West Norfolk & Western.... Northern Pacific Pacific T & T pref. . . . Pennsylvania rittsburch Coal PittsOC&StL Pressed Bteel Car 33J4 Hay Consolidated S5( Meadln? uau Republic I. &8. prcf... 76 Rock Island if linmely Co 4 Quicksilver l Peal oard Air Line 11 Sears Roebuck 184 Southern Pacific yi Eouthem Railway 14 Etudcbakcr SOW TfrreffrpCnnrer.' R2H Tcias Company 128 Third Avenue 3514 Tv.lnCItyRT Unl9n Bag & Paper .... 6V4 Union Pacific. no Un Pacific prcf 70JJ USRubber 61K TJ,B. Rubber 1st pref... 102 United States Steel 40H ttH riper 40J4 VaCarChem 15H Wabash prcf 2 Wesltn. Lnlon... H7U Wheellnc & L E 2d pref. 3J4 Utn.LLi ulm:i it. . L7H Western Maryland OH 0)4 41 7 20 S 41!f 121 0J4 4 10M 100W 64H 8 20 8M 42 121 0M 44 107J4 101W 101W 10f iz yj)i 12W 12K !W 54K 60 8754 84W 8fi 22H 22W 22W 00W O0W 00H 100W lOnjf 10".tf BUU XM S0 10454 10H 10 IK 100W ton ian ibyi iqw 70 34!f 10 143 75 H 3 1 llJf 70 34!f 10H 140 75 4 1 UK 182K 184 81H 82K It Z0H 32 70 34W 10H 140 75 J4 4)4 1 UK 184 83 14 30Jf .'(3 134J4 132 SOW 30 07 J7 45f 4)4 117;4 110)f 117H 70)4 7 X 70 53 .13 63 102)4 102H 102W SOW 40 0)4 OWf iU)i 0 15 1)4 5754 3 to 0W 14 SOW 2)4 132 3HH 07 4)4 15 U4 58 3 0 10)4 15 1)4 58 3 t-0 ion NEW YORK BOND SALES ,,m . . Ulth. Low. Cloaa, 14000 Adams Express it 70 T014 7011 1000 Amur Ira dib lb SO tn S! 070UO Amer Tel cvt 4H 0T 00 00' 6000 Amer Tobacco now 68.120 120 120l iw armour co y' uih 'n ul 14CO0 Atchison 4 U1I 01 01 6000 do cv 4s 1060 04 V. 94 1000 Halt & Ohio 8V4s SOW 8uli 80 4000 Ilalt & Ohio 4a SOU, 83 u 80M .ir,00 Bait it Oh cv 4Ua.,.. W &' 'S hoik Gait & o awn 3&.... mil am tiik BO00 Beth Stpol .'is. ........ U8V, U8(4 18W 4S0u0 Beth Bteel rfd 3A,,... 83i MU MU 10U0 Brooklyn n T 3a:.,..10OJ, 100b 100b 1000 Brooklyn II T 6s 1018. 00 Oil 0! VOuO Buf N Y & B 1st &I.10SK 102U 1024 1000 Bur ItOCtl A P 4HI..10O 100 100 200O Cal Gas &Eleo 6s,.., 1)2 W 02W OJ 400(1 Cent Leather 8s 07 07 07 SOOOCcnt 1'ao 1st 4s...... SOW SOU 86ii 3000 Cent n It N J reit 6s.U2i! 112,, U2 1WHI Ches & Ohio 5s looff 100H iWli liiOO Chi & Alton 314a 3l 80 80 SO0O Chi 3t West 4s 68J4 6SW 0SH 27000 Chi II & Q 4s Oi 04U OS 8000 Chi 11 & Q gen 4 l)W 8J 60 V, 1000 5hl B & O re-4s 0K H WH iWO Chi Mll>P Dlv 4s. 80 K) , 80 , 1000 Chi Mil & 8t V is.... 8M4 83t WW 4000 Chi Mil & St P cv 4V4s. 06 04)4 0J KXIOO Chi Mll&Stl' fen 4H8. 0U 0O4 l0 100UO Chi Mil '?5 6a 08 0S yjli 13000 Cht Jl I & P col 4s... 23 J3 23VS SllOOO do 4s 21 23 34 10000 Clev Cln C & Bt J. O 4s 78 73 73 1000 Col & South 4 83 83tt 83U 110300 Con aas cv Us lOotf 1OTH lopti 1000 Del llud 4a IMS.,.. 00 M 00 i'OOO Detroit United 4Ha.... gji OM 8J 8W0 Erie, sen 4s ......... 75i fl7 flT'i NiOO Erie conv 4a Ser A.... 01 02 63 17000 Brio conv 4s Ser U.. 04U M WW 1000 Oeor Pao 1st 5a ,108 100 1M 20000 Hud Man rtd 4s 78 7S 78 liO Hock Val 4a........ 6M4. SSft 63 3000 Hock Val 1st 4H.. WW KM OVA 2000 111 Bteel deb 4H.... ipd SOU 80VJ 1000 Hud Man In 4s.. 2614 2.1H MA 4000 Insp Copper cv 6a..,, 074 07?i J7W 7000 Interb Met 4s. TJH T4 74 8000 Interb R T ryf 8.... OTH 07 07 1000 Ind Alcohol Ba ...... OOil OOii OOU Ludo-io28:::oi og n 1000 dq7a tff ? ligH 4000 lorlllard 6s S2fe fiStf Ws 100O do 7a .............. UJW. 1"U 114 18000 Iuls A Nash 4a ..... pa Bl4 JM 8000 Lou & N Tt Kn 4s ... (UVi M BJVS 1000 Minn S A8S, Ml m so 8'J 800 Mo Pao 4... ......... J JJ ioi S r c i'S?..4.??;; B li? K iSmMTCIlfiflMIl M os BSf SM : !:::: a If B gSStSiu;::: 'ST. lSorIfiwtt.vt4H.-40iH 101 ig, 1BOH0 Nor rac p i .-. -j w g,, 3(X)o or .""" y. arti 87W llOrBiri u ,'T niu 0.H w 16000 pacinc .,. .oeij fK eo; l? J?fSS VSTi i Si 8714 87M 87' 1000 l-uuiio ... ? -- imu 1Mii roi lOOORayCT," - -Qpi tlu w nooo Itea4ln 4s f SiTJ bs" oa UOOrt Ijeadln . obvj OOW OOW looo nepub Sf,9io .boh oo2 coll 1000 KWk la'and . oi 3 63a 7000 noen I""' a?, il- m3 w3 B43 1000 Seaboard AtlM SAjJ goM 80H SOW Bouth Pao ov s oaa Sf SSJ Sooo do rt 4a . .... esS ezQ i&ico Tea r adj sa. j Mj. 60y. 'ISO Texac Co ev 6 ,9g 7? jaB TOiro ' .V 76 76H TOj w:?yK.ri3et ia.. t i lf S"'ir4:. M., 22 NEW YEAR BRIMS UPWARD TENDENCY IN LOCAL STOGKS Steel Shares Scarce on Pre dictions of Heavy Increase in Unfilled Tonnage. Bond Business Better. ... After a dull morning the Philadelphia market gradually developed strength to day. It was worthy of noto that Im proving prices brought Increasing activ ity, which was taken as a very favorable Blgn by the traders. Changes In quota tions wore not particularly wide. Tho tractions led tho local list, Rapid Tran sit rallying to 12. tiond dcallngB re flected tho Improvement In stocks. It was Intereatlng to noto Hint Philadelphia City 4s sold up to lOOtt, which augurs well for the chances of selling tho pro posed new loan on a 4 per cvnt. basis. Tho local banking house which shared In tho now Argentine loan reported that It was selling rapidly, and bond dealers spoko of some Improvement In their busi ness duo to reinvestment of January dis bursement. They stated, howevor, that tho movement was by no means so largo as is usual at this time In normal yearn. Philadelphia Klcctrlc, Pennsylvania and United Oas Improvement, Ixihlgh Vnllcy, Union Traction and West Jersey chnngert hands in small lots. Reading was steady desplto tho estimates of $500,000 dam ages Incurred through tho flro at tho company's Camden terminal. Bids for Cambria Bteel found tho mar ket supply of the stock restricted, and little was obtalnnblo at going quotations. United States Steel wns also very In active, only 100 Bhares appearing on the tape during tho first two hours. It was learned from good authority that the Bteel Corporation's unfilled tonnngo figures, which will be given out at tho end of tho week, will be at least twlco and possibly three times as largo as have recently been predicted. The Pennsyl vania Railroad last week set the ex ample In tho way of starting In to pur chase structural steel and tho other lnrge companies aro following suit. A spirit of optimism provalls In steel circles Just now, which Is only natural In view of tho long period of Industrial depression, and It Is gonerally predicted that the turn for tho better noted recently will con tinue for some tlmo to come. LOCAi STOCK AND BOND Saturday SALES 2:40 close High. I)W. p.m. 00 Alliance Ins... 1BW 10 16 in 0 Am Hwys prof,.100v5 100M, 100V4 100W 10 Am Car 4. Fily. .. 4tf 44 44 31 Am Ons 100M 100 100 100 0 Bald I-oo pref... 103 1BI 10.1 103 23 Camb Iron .... 42 42 43 42 30 Cam Steel ....41 44 41 44 82 i:icc Stor 47 47J4 47H 47T4 410 Gen Asphalt.... 32 32 32 32 200 Oen Asp Jf . . . . 08 08 08 08 46 Ins Co N Am.. 22 200 Key Tel 13 no Key Tel t c pref 61 iiu lenign Ji'1 77 88 Nuv t c 77 77 77 77 8 loh Val 06V1 003.10 6R 003-1.8 12 North Cent 8? 83 83 si 64.S l'ennn. It 11.52 B-10 C2U 52 8-16 62 13-lB 20 I'h Co cum pi of. 40 80 311 80 73 Phlla Elee 23H 24 231i 24 030 V R T ctfs liaf 12 1H? lift 7 Itead ne 71T4 71T 71"u T1"H 475 Tono Bel .... 4 7-19 4 7-10 4 7-10 4 7-18 7ft ctlon. 38 39U sis my, 60 B8K I 7-10 4 7 7-10 ffi o-v 250 Tonopah Mtn.. ' loo un iimi, ' .V.I tJn on 2.'S U a I.... linn IT Steel I w J 4 Beasnoro oo 20 AVestmora Coal. 68 BONDS. Prev. sale. Hlch. Low. Cloae S81 40ft 60 0SJ1 s?fc 80 00 Am O & El 8s.. 85V4 00O Am Itwy Bs 1017 1000 llcth St 6s.. AS Cam Steel scp. 800 city 4S 11HO. 116K ui 3000 Con Tr N J 6S.101K 7000 El 1000 Int Peo TT 4a. 78 Hwy 4s...,. 68 14000 li Nav cons 4Wa 07 200O Penn & Md S da OS 3000 Thlla IS 6a 101 1000 P W A B t o 4a .. 1000 rteadins sen e. M 6000 fipan-Am I 6a.,lCH; bOV. H3M non 04H 04H 04U 116H "3H 11S?V 07i 07W m 100 100 loow 101H 101i lOIJi 78 77H 77 58U 57ft B7Jf 07H 07 07 OS 08 08 101 101 101 07 07 07 03 D3U OSW ioo ioo5 looil LOCAL BID AND ASKED Baldwin pref . rnmhrk Rt.el Pleetrio doraae 47 uenerai Aspih ao nrez .. Key Telephona do rref Lake Rup Corp hl An l jhlirh Vallev Lehlih Val Tr, do pref .. Ponna T4illa Co 03 Phlla Hap Tran ; do t o J. Keadln ,; i Tonopoh Mlnlnar 1U TJn on Traction StJ? Unit Oaa Imp flji II a Bteel 40U Tork atwjra do pref . . Baturday'a Today's Bid. Asked. Bid. Asked. 102U 103 101H 102 4214 41 43 44 47H 47J4 48 o xn ' ' ' .tr tvtv. mil RS I,'.' 13W isf 13S 14 '!!!"". ami ill 61 62 ......... ..10 .. 10 snB"v .::::::::::: H M -m v.. ? ii T 278 -M 27,27 ,. 82 8-10 &7-16 53 63JI 23i 2IIH 23M 23!i 8 31 ! UK 11J4 UK ii um ml 7lg 72H 72fr 7 T 7-16 7W 38 89 SOU 8lff 80J4 81 404 60S 60' 8g 7ft 8 32 31 32 BANK MERGER APPROVED TOENTON. Jan. 4. Commissioner Lamonte, of the New isrsey Banking and Insurance Dj nartmsnt. has approved the merger of the City Bin o" Sayonne with tha Union Trust Com oanv of Jersey City. The Bayonna bank will Company. WE will be glad to mall upon request circular descriptive of a 6 Cumu lative Guaranteed Pre ferred Stock of a Public Utility Company operatlne in the State of Pennayl vania. This Stock can be pur chased to net 6 2-3, with out considering the fact of its guaranteed maturity at 105 of par on May 1st, 1929. Free of Pennsylvania State Tax and Normal Income Tax. As officially reported, net income applicable to div idends is over three times tho annual requirements. Seldom can so strong a security be purchased to net such a satisfactory re turn. WilH8fflP.BoDh!gIit&Co.,Inc. MORRIS vy. STROUD, it, Manager 4S7 OHE9TNVT aJTUBBT FhlUdclphta New York Boston Detroit Londosi WHUata P. BonbrilM Co, EIIUEOTOUX QV ACPOPNTAJiTS Vublte AceaoatssU imm-s-mensKW HALF HOURLY SALES .rvM..y'.:; W 10 to 10.30 A, M. 10 phlla Elee.,. 23 H 80 Fenna 60 . do .., S3 2 iinpx n union -rrae.. nji a p,na ..;,,. rc I r,"l?ft, ' Kff 2J 9m Steel..., 43 21 U a I....... 81i 1 Weil J A 8 6 80 BONDS. 1ood Con Trne N J 6i.i..t..i.,......101U Tlooo Phlla. Wlirn & l1sUteU.lt! 07 800 Am Oas A Eleo Os. .,,..,, .....!., MU 4TO0 Spanish Am Iron C,,.,.,,.,,,..,,looii jono Penna & Md Bteel Cs oV 1000 Eleo & Teop Tr 4s .,, 78 10.G0 to 11 A. M. M Penn. ....... C2U rwi IX Rleo i HenOln CO Ton Hlorsie. 47U Intr .,. T1W Mln.... .7 7-19 OS 0 do......... 82U 10 do .,.623-10 O Penna ,, MU 00 Alliance Ins,, 10 10 U Q 1 81H BOND8 1000 Spanish Am Iron On.. .,...,, ,,,,.100 100 Am Una A Eleo 6s S31 It 18 P 100 60 Ton 2 Leh 000 Gen 11 to 11.30 A. K. n T t o. 11H 250 0n do llij lo nen it liel, ... .4 7-(6 40 Pent Valley... Asp Wit QZ Asp pfj, Asd enna ....... 3 Ina rn M A. tOUS Bteel.... 11.30 A. M. to 12 M. & teel.... 4l( loo p n t t o. loo u B Bteel. 10 1'enim BONDS 2000 Con True N J M.. 8000 Am Hwys 5s 1017. 80 Penna ., 0 Beading ,71 11-10 K 12 to 12.30 P. M. 10 Am (las.. 12 do 20 Penna .... 10 U H Bteel la r n T BONDS. 1000 Spanish Am Iron Ca..,...., 1000 lloatllnc nen 4s... iooo Ih Nav cons 4Hs .vio city is luio 1000 Interstate Ilwys 4a 20 Union Trao... nsH 2i ins wo " a. ii I'rnna 16 Klec Storage uo Ton uei .n a. s :2V, :oroe. 471 1 47-lfi ....100 .... Mi l 0. . 1- 100H M.S .....07ft loot; ..... 67 5 12.30 to T t 1 P. M. 0.. IMP tl 100 do n.- Elec Slorngc lr U" S Steel... 100 do lo Phlla lt'i 2 Penna 11. 10 Union Trao. 47(i II Penna hi iw union itao. .10. 60 Key Tel pfd. 1 iat, .12 60 SO U U Btoel en union Trnc. 12 it n I .. 11 Ji Mil H Steel.... ,. 11 100 U 8 Steel 20 Penna ... 100 U S Steel mi u II 1 1:1 PC. 100 Ocn JVsp... 100 U B Steel.. 100 p It T t c 100 Union Trac 100 P It T t c 240 Union Trnc 12 I! a I 20 Penn 62 0-10 loo Keystone To). 1.1'i 200 Un Ilwy 7H 20 Weatmor Coal .w 100 Keystone Tel. IM 20 Ins Co N A. 22 BONDS. lt 8I1 60 lh 601 ,.62 :Sfc ni 10 A Car A Fdy 44H l7i 0 Cam Steel sarlp.... 6000 Klec A Peop Tr 4s. 78 1 to 1.30 P. M. 00 u a 1 20 Ih Valley., 8 u a 1 2 Penna , 1 do o: 0 Baldwin 20 Ph Co cm 0 Am liny p 8 North Cent 28 Union Trac, 10 Ton Bel.... M. pf. an td. 152V4 . &I . 80 17-10 s$ 81 , no , 81 11-10 pfd. 103 BONDS. 11000 Txh Nav cons 4Us.. 3000 Lh Nav cons 4Hs.. I 1.30 to 2 V, a Union Trac. 0i; 10 Ih Nar t c. 77 in Ponna tuU, 60 Penna ....8213-tO !00 Tonopah Mln. 7H 2 Wee Storage. 47U 2 I.eh S'alley... 00 10 U Q 1 80J 10 Key) Tel pfd. Mi 20 Leh Nav t 0. 77 BONDS. 2000 Phlla i:ioo 5 101 1000 Leh Nav cons iV, 07H 2 to 2.30 P. III. 52 1.1-10 ... 81 ... 81 BONDS. tC Cam Steel scrip. ... 1000 Elec A Peop Tr 4a. 00 Penna 2(1 U O I 10 do.. 8 Penna .. 10 Leh Val. 62 16-10 .003-10 2.30 to 3 P. M. SO Ton Bel 4 7-10 2 Phlla Klec... SO Penna ....5211-10 7 North Cent... 100 Ton Bel 4 7-10 17 Penna 25 Cam Iron.... 42 10 nen Aap pfd, 20 Penna . ...C2 15-10 20) U 8 Steel... 10 U S Steel.... 6ti 5 Cam Steel..., 200 do 50)t BONDS. 1000 Spin Islt Am Iron Os 6000 I.eh Nav cons 4Wa 100 Am Can A Clec 6a 10CO Phlla Elec 5s 1000 Beth Steul Oa 07i 7TK 24 81 M 08 on iSf- 115H COTTON TRADING ACTIVE NEW YOBK. Jan. 4,-There was a lively Interest displayed in the cotton market this morning, trading; active. Opening- prtcee -were 6 to 10 points higher In sympathy with Im proved Liverpool cables, but after the call profit taking by local longs brought about a reaction of 2 to 8 .points. A rally to the opening leels quickly followed under tho stimulus of commission house buying clileny for Western accounts. RalllFilAV'B close. Open. Illgh. January T.75 i.OO 7.00 March T.04 8.00 81.1 May 8.1.1 8.00 8.X2 julJ B.M 8.4t 8.60 October 8-51 8.B2 8.74 Decemhef ""I... 8.C0 8.74 8 87 Spot w BAB SILVER NEW YOnK, Jan. 4. Commercial bar stiver was quoted U cent higher at 4M4 centa per ounce? In London It was 1-1M. lower at 22tf pence. , Low. Close. i.wi 7,00 1.1.1 8,00 8.18 8 88 8.60 aoo 8. 8.81 8 60 8.74 8.87 PRICES OF WHEAT BOUND TO HIGHEST POINT OF THE CROP Also Makes Market Record for Number of Years. Good Commission Buying. Offerings Limited. CHICAGO, Jnn. 4.-Whcnt prices tOucliod the highest point of tho crop year this mornlnr, ns well as roachlng the highest market In a number of yenrs. There was good commission buying nnd offerings were limited. Supplies on ocean passage dcorcased nearly e.OOO.COO bushels laBt week, nnd this now was reflected In an ndvanco of 1H to 2d. In spot wheat at Liverpool. Fu tures there nlso wero strong. Corn advanced sharply. Oitcrlngs wore light nnd tho commission demand wns general. Thero Is too much moisture In Argentina for the new crop. Tho ntnount of corn being shipped out of that coum try Is very disappointing because of tho lack of ships. Spot corn at Liverpool moved up 2d. Stocks there are decreas ing nnd plate offers wore up M. Cash houses wero among the early buyers here. World's, shipments for tho week were 1,141,000 bushels. Oats also scored a sharp advance, fol lowing bulges at Liverpool nnd London. There was buying here which wns be lieved to be for exporters. The demand from commission houses was general, but offerings were light. New oats In Ar gentina havo been dnmnged extensively by wet weather. World's shipments for tho week wore 735,000 bushels. Provisions declined everywhoro on enormous receipts of hogs. Leading futures ranged as follows: ... .. . .Saturday's Open. High. Low. clone, closo. 1.8M1 1.81V 1.32 T1.34W 1.11 11.22 tt.lOU Wheat- y 1.82J4 l.SlH J"' l,20- 1.22 Corn fnew d.llo. W 74 7.1U 73 70i July ... Oata May .., July .., Lard January May . . , nibs January May . Pork January May . . Bid. 64W 62 55W 3 53 ti ...10.50 ...10.78 ..10.12 .. 10.45 ...18.00 ... .10.17 tAsked. 10.00 10.05 10.15 10.55 18.00 10.27 Low. 1.32 1.20U 8g 10 60 10.72 10.12 10 43 i8.45 10.12 78V, 68 163H 10.00 10.02 Bit 10.52 10.80 Pliiladelpliia Markets GRAIN AND FLOUR WHEAT.rteetlpts, 188,293 buili, Bpeeu latlon wKs strongly bullish and ptlcee ad vanced 3Mt., with a good Mil try for export, quotations: Car lots, In export elevator Ho. 2 red, spot and January, !1.3201.84i No. 2 rtd Western, $1.8091.88; No. 1 Northern Dutulh, 1 4001.4.1. COHN, rtecelpts, 12.85T bush. Offerings werei light and the market waa lc. higher, with a fair Oemand, Quotations! Car lots for local trade, as to location No. 2 yellow, new, 770 7JHc. steamer yellow, new, 70C70!ic. No. 3 yellow, now, 76973t4c.i sample yellow, nw, 7072o.i new cob. per 70 lbs., 510iHlc. OAT8. neceljts, 4tP0 bush. Demand was fair and prices ruled Ann. (Quotations; No. 3 while MOSfl'ie.j atandard white, 65J8J.I No. A white, MK065C. ,,IIVK was scarce and firm. We nuola at l lOyl 18 per bush., as to quality, In eipott elevator, and at $101.10 for small Iota of nrarby grain. In bags. ,. 1'I.ODIt Receipts, 800 bbls.. and 8,782.858 lbs. In sacks. Mill limits wern well main tained In sympathy with the strength of wheat . but trade was oulet. Quota- luo lbs. In wood! wintsr, Clear, do.. stratahL 3 25C5.B0! do., pat enL 15 05-80! Kansas, straight. Jut sacks. J3.WIf5.75; do., patent, jute wtcks, $5.7600.10; sprlne. flrat. rJftar. sjt4otKfyit dn. stralsht. S.l5j3.W): do., patent, 0tI0tfl do., favorite branda sn.3Mii.n.t! citv mills, choice and fancy patent, $0.35510.05: city mills, regular grades-winter, clear, $I.WMW 10; do., etralght, s.i vrwi ft rji, rfn h.,..i' 1, Mart tlons, per luo lbs. .wij.i.ici ')..iini'i.l"j city 15 2OI0 50i tin., nnlrmt: t.t nACTO ,Vi: rr.OUU ruled nrm undir small aup piles, but thero was little trading. We quote nearby nnd Western In wood at $080,50. PROVISIONS The market was quiet and without Important change. Quotations: City beef, in sets, smoked and alr-drled, 2S?2t)c; Western beef,, In eets. smoked, 2.1G20C,; do., city beef, knucklot and tenders, smoked and alr-drled. 20a30c.! do,, iJ"Mrn b'eft knuckles and tenders, smoked. ? If 10c i beef hams. JMC.H: pork, family, Kaeonil! hams, . i. cured, loose. l3W14c.i uo. skinned. Innie. tnnlnur.t An . Ao.. smoked. 1J)(fl4c.t oth-r hams, nmoked, ell to nranu and average. l4Mfi; smoked, Western cured, 14UC15C.S lop-e. bellies, miMii'ic.i icKie, cured, as ! do., boll tv o 5c,; hams, lea, boneless. .200216.: plcnlo shoulders. 8. V. cured, n ntlMioc; breakfast oncon, in .In., smokeri. 12UH12t4c.: according to average, loose, nt nnrnn. hi In hrand and average, cltv cured, lsaiOc; do.. Western cured. 18iiiPc: lard, Western, rertned, tierces, 1191114c.; do. do., do., tuba, ll(rllUc; do.j pure city kettle rendered. In tierces, 11W 1101llc, pure city, kettle rendered. In tubs, 10.18 110.15 10.50 10.M 18.00 tl8.05 10.22 '10.23 LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS CI1ICAOO, Jan. 4.--I!OaS.-rtecclpts C2, 000. llsrket 6 to 10c, lower. Mixed and butch ers, J0.75ii7.30; good heavy, 17.051? 7.30; rough havy, I8.76O0.05; lljht, $0.76"7 25. piss, $5 .10 00.60! bulk, $7.Cfltrf.25. CATTI.l.. Ilccelpts, 2.1,000 .Market 10c. lower. Ilcevcs, (u80.73: cows nnd heifers, $3 30S8.40; stockers anil feeders $4.3010.50; Tcxans. $ftK7 28; calves, 7O0.75. BHKEP. llecelpts, 30.000. Market lOo. lower. Native and Western, J3.6OS0.76; lambs, $S.75U8.8S. BANK RESERVES GROW Philadelphia Institutions Report Gain of ?5,003,000 in Surplus. A Wg; gain In surplus reserves was re ported by the local banks for the week just ended, tho amount being no less thnn $5,003,000. Loans decreased $2,477,000, while Individual deposits jumped $8,290,000. There was an Increase, of ovor six mill ion in reserves held. Tho dotalls follow; New form Jan. 4, 'IB. Increase LOCUS $.11)3,452,000 J2.477.U0O Deposits (Ind) 310,241,000 8 200,000 Circulation i2.178,0uO '240,000 Due from banks 52,:.13,000 1,200,000 tDepotlt of banks 114,790,000 is.l.QOO Exchange Clear. House 17,702,000 3,ffl!,0l'O ltsservo held 75,010,000 0,402,00 Iteserve required 54,m,oo 4l.i,OOo gurplu 20,871,000 5,V03,(0 Surplus under old form: January 5, 1014, $12, 410.000! Janunry 7, 1013, J13.008,000: January S. 1012. J12.112.000i January 2, 1011, J8.0S0 600! January 3, 1010. J3,774,00d. Japan's Foreign Trade Smaller rOKIO, Jan. 4. Foreign trade returns for 1014 show that exports amounted In value to more than OJiO.000,000 yen (J3I0.0OO0OO) and Imports to nearly 025.000.000 jen ($.112,500. 000) Tho total Is more thnn 170.000. 000 yen ($83,000,000) less than In 1018. There waa n decrease of nearly 1JO.000.000 yon ($05,000,000) In Imports, most of which Is attributed to the European war. REFINED SUGARS The market ruled firm, but thero was little tradinir. Itcnners' list prices: standard eran '"n'ed, 5c; flno granulated, 4.V0t..: rowecred, 5iK:! .confectioners A. 4.8Jc.t soft grades, 4.1034.70c. DAIRY PRODUCTS nuTTIIIt. Tho market ruled nrm under light oRerlngs and a fair demand. Quotations: estcrn, fresh, solld.packed creamery, fancy specials, 37c; exceptional lots higher: extra. pnds 2a2tic.i ladle-packed. 22S2ic. as to quality; nearby prints, fancy. 3Dc.; do,, aver ago extra, irrftaic; do., flrats, .13014c: do., seconds, 28ff30c. Special fancy branda of prima jouDing at 44UMU0, litiUB." Choice fresh ergs were scarce and firm with demand fair. Quotations: In free cases, nvarby, extras, 44c per doxen nrsis. scz.iiu per ninnasra nearby rase; einnuaiu iiign nearby goed current receipts. $12 per standard rase; mixed held and fresh and ordinary stock, fin.mwil.10 per case! Western extra firsts, J12RO per rase; do., nrsts, $12 per case,' South ern, J11.40R12 rr caso Refrigerator egge, spring packed, choice, 20327c. per riot.; do., ordlnnry to fair, 22624c. per dot, Fancy se lected candled fresh eggs wero Jobbed out at 47fl4")c. per dox. CIII5KSR. The market was quiet, but steady under moderate offerings. Quotations: if "IS herE tiW YrVr-V ntt.lMa-rt. AAss.tA. ----- . - iflc , do., do.-,"eyrreiif rniVs, hS ictTnsT J POULTRY IS. Thn 1 erate tlons: spring 1 tutkera. IRC; guineas, young-weighing 2 lb. :SIS 5 B 5&i.y,f AKf ri tSffiSiDgigKSr !. W?4 :' mYktt SSfTSJjyjr '",vvu 7at wuouiiions: l.lVK.-rTh irtftfWt f-nUst rtl. j. ...,. '; lfefflLf frjSrC2fiK ;, Ch!6fcin. .mlin m 'ZnltlUXSm' Zv llM117rt.f klitrikh tiAin. . -1 wwS:if mr .:-ti.!..: J""? , -i"r;i or"I h'inrv tacskaa H...l.a. tx. T" Tl i' aw fwv AW' m&EF Ri?r&.!an.-5i. . 'do"' V"X& u.-i '? .15 .!? "-w, .unci no.. u hs. 17o. ?H. lbs. aMece. l4rti ana under. 1911., irAjri- a'i.ta i.-rT:..'. ."."'-i ."11". "WPicaea, wra -., .,o., -i ids., aoc! do., do., al 1.7.. n5i.ISi-"n. ..". JsewA NiiVkfviiss'iTi. ":?j. i"""" inn ,bl.. Wrv.AOt,if. bs. apteee. "ietio . iH.lt.. e ciin mu. ,ehlekna mh liU -f.-:. yl" CIUCKtn Mr , Vt...vT.V.'i4r"! "oo., rair to fair to ih:ueiMrvniXS,itS,tSS',SL' SOOd 00.. ..... r.:." v n"vv. ..ui', inni tn"..""o,.V,-'r",r.,a''J-?j ;S,b 24 lt dot.: TdaiTrSV-Sal,ff'.i,0.Mt A-. il .". "" fc" uoi.1 Awwarino.. fVirri.t-sa,4j 10 1 weights. I4l Western, milk-fed, em. 3V4 lbs mixed ' We-tern. weat; "Mif:izr'-&itrz.n'Pb. i! --"' - anuit !. imc-i iaaren mllk.fM. dry-plckd. lTI1IKain1 VUT3 lttsl tia.. pnrn.TkH si - - Ji ' z-i ;:;"."?.' !" over, joe,: western. roii Sii.!. '-'. W w'ttarn. corn-fed. dfyplckeS, WJ&!2&'TP9m, h. .. s.. -gr.i'."iv? -'!?."". w., , UUh, IO IDS, A lbs.. per dot $1.2531 t 1? dot. TVTi la. ..""S!l wnue,,wegh n tfit eignir NEW YORK COF1TEE ICABKET NF.W YORK. Jnn. 4. Tha rnrr mart... L.i. eirong at ine opening, futures advanced S tr J. . ".w ,, JilUIBUBf B GlOtingj ary, OOBo. bid! March. (i.280(L35c.: May, ii.SRao.45c, 7 Beptember, 7.35c. bid, No 1 F,'bcS! HiC! AprlT, August, T.230T.23cl sales. ANNPAL MEETINfiS as TUB CENTItAL NATIONAL BANM! USB OF riULADRLrUIA. The Annual Election for Directors of tkl. BanK ana tor mi purpose or action ttponf: Bminumcii, .u a, L,vii .a ui Article of as soctatlon so that tha same a atneiidael wilt read "Tha Board of Directors shall cOn.Ui ,et not lets than 7 nor more than 15 Stockholm ers, as shall ba determined by the Board of Directors prior to any regular Annual Keat . Ing of tha Stockholders ot this .Association, ths number so provided for being continued, from year to year until changed by rt.olu tlon of the said Hoard." will ba held at tha banking house, Lafayette Building, Chestnut and Fifth sts., Philadel phia, on Tuesday, January 12, 1013,, between lU 3. and 1 p. tn. , WILLIAM POST. Cashlsf FIIANKHN NATIONAL BANK. Broad A Clirstnnt Streets. Philadelphia, December 80, mil. The annual election for Directors will bt held at the banking house, on Tuesday, Jan uary 12, 1015, between tha hours of 13 noes and 1 o'clock p. tn. - B. r. FASSMOnB. Cashier. , US' The Guaranteed Mortgage The Ideal Investment That Costs Par Is Always Worth Par The guaranteed mortgage is the one security that stands the test of time, unaffected by adverse con ditions, sure of prompt income, non-spec-ulativ? and unchanging in value. Send for January Circular Philadelphia Company for Guaranteeing Mortgage Land Titla Building, Philadelphia William B, Nicholson, President Henry I. Brown, Vlce-I'res. Samuel 0. Edmonds, Secy", and Treat. Capital $2,000,000 Surplus and Profits $500,000 I "1 AvJjkHS, lwUlIMi! sMIaMtV I $15,000,000 Government of the Argentine Nation Six Per Cent. Gold Notes Issued and Outstanding $15,000,000 DATED DECEMBER IS, 1914 Duo-Series "A" $5,000,000 Dec. IB, 1915 . Series "B" 5,000,000 Dec. 15, 1016 Series "C" 5,000,000 Dec. 15, 1917 Coupon Notes In denomi ttion of $1,000 Interest payable June 15 and December 13 '. Principal and i teres payable in U. S. gold dollars at Tho National City Bank of New York EXEMPT FROM ALL ARGENTINE TAXES Redeemable at 101 and interest on any interest date on ninety days published notice Theso Notes are issued under authority of Law No. 9,468 of January 16, 1914, and are tht. direct generarotjli&atic' of the Argentine Government, whose faith and credit are pledged for the prompt payment of the principal and semi-annua. interest as they severally fall due. There will be embodied in the text of each Note the following agreement: 'The Government of the Argentine Nation covenants that during the life of this loan no more favorable conditions as to security will be given any other loan of the Government of the Argentine Nation without equally securing this loan both as to principal and Interest." Only one issue of Argentine Government Bonds has a specific lien upon import duties. The total interest and sinking fund charges on thi issue amounted to only $2,453,230 in 1 9 1 3. or less than 3 per cent, of the total ($84,540.3 1 6) import The total external and internal funded debt of the Argentine on December 3 1. 1 9 1 3, was $525s493 137. The rlxSSmf' the interC3t to $24,640,515, a total of $34,433,686 for the sTceffXPS A the national revenLsi; tha ye $148,266,329. the interest charge, consumed but 1 6 per cent! and the total debt service only 23.3 per cent, of the total revenues. Tr. ovulation of the AreenUne on December 31, J 9 1. '..according to offical estimate, amounted to 7,704,396, The ... r-r --r - - .. . i nu -. .!, tl,;a ..timnt. wns inn inw and that tne nreseni nonuinuou I y ... .m ... .. - . .. i a ti if f the Republic with a population, as shown by the v It n8"9' America. The area of the Argentine comprises 738,090.00,0 kw- T-.r -- - . .. . r .1 . nirr-i x ii... Hi tK tat . . , QffMi. Would cover the entire region east, or me m.ss.ss.pp. jvs. f'w "v ,."" acres, Dupetunposta uuuu wo w-u m - , r FT" 'J A circular gMng additional data may be had upon request Subject to prior salo and chance in price, we offer Series "A" Notes 100 an4 Interest to Yield 6 Series WB" Notes 99H and Interest to Yield 6W?S Series "C" Notes 99W and Interest to Yield 6lA .i:n.;n.rv inriirntinna irom tne census (BKCn in June, of Argentine is over 9,000.000. Buenos Aires, the capita o r i c.t ii :. u rMvk UrrrBf ritv in North and couth tnr i. inn. iuj. is Liic luutati mc ft"- The Fourlli Street National Bank of Philadelphia . hti,ai rn nank nf Wp.w York Continental and Cofflmerelal Trust ait IIM? liaUUHO V4SJ wu. "y- " JL Gnarantv Trust Company of New York Mellon National Bank of Hiisfmrfl!. The Union Trust Company of Pitlshurah Savings Bank, CWeaflO fllinols Trust and Sivbifli Bank, CMftPUl The First National Bok of Bit js sisayj' iWr" PSiMiMSJW i&. z-s&t. Sj-. awuniiKSfjBMi. YSHBseSv- -; 'jh9K3BSWB8MBBSG 9 BaHgBaggHi 8 -x, ' r . -raiasjMilaSsiaEisga nuV KSLfflLSt il wS sM " , -
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