HaSl oamwmniaHimwnMinnMWMmMMi hmMfe&$t&$. FINANCIAL EDITION NIGHT EXTRA NIGHT EXTRA 3 VOL. tNO. SG PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1914. PBIOE CtfTE CENT CoriionT.1014,Br ma Pcnua Ltwra Coiimht. $ FRENCH TAKE TRENCHES OF I: FOE BY DRIVE I OF INFANTRY Bllies' Furious Bayo- .net Charge Wins Ad- vanced Positions in Argonne-- Counter ; Attacks Between Lys ', and Aisne Thrown ! Back After Terrific ; Battie. Fleets Bombard German Coast Defenses, as Land Forces Push Forward To ward Ostend P a r i.s Claims Gains Along En- tire Battle Front From Sea to Alsace. f Progress along virtually the entire battle frdnt, from the sea to Alsace, is claimed in the French official communique issued this afternoon. German trendies in the Argonne have been taken at the point of the bayonet, While between the Lys and the Aisne, where the invaders have made furious counter attacks, this offensive move ment has been repulsed. AlthoURh the official statement says that the battle near the coast is con fined largely to cannonading, unofficial reports indicate that the Allies are making progress in their advance to ward Ostend, Rumors of the evacua !l f(on of that port by the Germans lack confirmation, but it is known that the German shore positions are silf- '"fdrinff heavily from the fire of the Al lied fleet, which is co-operating with the land forces. French attacks near Albert, Com piegne, Soulin and Perthes and Brit , ish attacks at FestubcrfGwenchy have been repulsed, it is officially an nounced in Berlin. The Germans also claim the capture of French trenches in the Argonne. German forces, held at bay on the left bank of the Bsura River at their THE WEATHER Noe Noel! Christmas Is near, v Noell Koell - The weather Is clear. ' - "Twss the night before Christmas." , But wait! We must write These lines on the weather. 'Twill be colder tonight, Noel. , And you probably thought yesterday Was the shortest of the year. Well. It Wasn't, Feday is. ; J FORECAST f For Philadelphia and vicinity . Generally fair today. Clear and folder tonight. For details, see page S, Observations ot Philadelphia a a. u, Bsrcmcter , anna ....... " --" ' nww -..... U1 Northwest, u rallia fKqr sjtatton' 1 et'i" Vm?h " ,Car Buy ,.....7.'.r..VsQD.v-nr ... - r T td :"'ji Alfiftsae ofths Day ' ulx Jim (tomorrow) 3!p. m. -.t.f .. T4oa. n. i . ... ............. 48Tp,nj, : run J V ' VH , m. InbS J$,3 lighted and tbMtc&lli. ,.,.,. 4iS4p.iv. The Tldea rom Hioaotff. 1UATSU .-o ctMMm,);;:::::-..:: ?ss "w imwnwf jStsb; m stncov I8LANO. (buuir! ;..2a.ilt $ tbAK uttt fr 91 e- m. pr iwstfti 9im a wawiKi' .i SKATIMO TOD -. s firrnant Pfur. OFFICIAL WAR REPORTS FRENCH Between the sea and the Lys nothing happened during the day of December Zt except artillery conflicts. Between the Lys And the Aisne wo rolled back a German attack which tried to debouch from Cnrency and we took some house at BlanKy. An attack by tho enemy upon Mamets and neighboring trenches were not per mitted by our troops to make any- ap preciable progress from that side. In the region of Llhona three attacks by the enemy havo been repulsed. We have made a slight gain to tho cast and to the west of Tracy-le-Val. Our artillery successfully shelled the pla teau of Nouvron. In the sectors of tho Aisne and ot nhelms there were artillery conflicts. In the Champagne, region and In tho Argonne around Soualn there were violent bayonet combats. We have made appreciable progress In that re gion. We captured In the environs " of I'erthes-le, Hurlus three German wdrk representing a front of 1500 yards ot trenches. To the northeast of Beau scjour, we fortified the position taken on December 20. and occupied all tho trenches which border upon tho sum mit of Calvalrc. In the forest of Oniric our prtgress continues. At St. Hubert wo repulsed an attack. In the Bolanta forest, where some ground had been lost, wo retook the two tiers of trenches. Botween the Argonne and the Mcuso wo advance's slightly to tho environs of Vn.uo.uols. Td the north of the forest of Malaucourt our troops suc ceeded In crossing a wire entangle ment' and In capturing some trenches, where the enemy has hold Its position on the right bank of the Meuse. GEBMAN r At NIeuport and around Tpres It was generally quiet yesterday. In the region around Mchebourg tho Al lies succeeded In obtaining a Arm foot hold In their old position. Yester day's attacks by the French In the neighborhood ot Albert, northeast , of Cpmplegne, noa? Soulin and Perthes, were repulsed with heavy lass. Ordered to recapture positions lost Mondav at Festubert and Owenchy, the Englluh. reinforced by French territorial forces, made desperate at tacks yesterday and during the night, but all were repulsed. In the western part of the Argonne forest, we captured a few French trenches. In the eastern part, north west of Verdun. French attacks against our lines were repulsed with heavy losses to th French. In tho eastern theatre of war the situation Is unchanged In Cast Prus sia. In Poland our troops are en gaged In ti fierce battle for branches of the Bsura ond Bawka Rivers. In many places crossings over these brandies have already been won. On the right bank of the GllUa (Plllca) the battle continues. RUSSIAN In the region of Mlawa, north ot the Vistula, -the Gennaus have fallen back toward the ilne of Jjiutenburg-Nleden- burg. acrpas the frontier, Into East rrussia. -TriGaIieifr'tha ATUrtrifl.T.voffensrrttHa. Deins greauy ninuorcu uy uu ,wi, .and the operations In this tslort havo taken on a character Immediately fa vorabte to us: One of the Austrian divisions which was operating in the vicinity ofDukla Pass was easily de feated by a bayonet change made by our troops. The enemy left on 'the battlefield GOO killed and we captured 10 ofllcera and more than 1000 soldiers. most forward point in the Warsaw advance, are furiously but vainly striving to force an opening in the, Russian line of defense. The Czar's hosts again have straightened their lines and are moving forward slowly but definitely, repeating the 'history of the first German invasion by rolling the foe's legions back to his own borders. Furious battle rages for the possession of Sbchacrew, 30 miles west of Warsaw. In the far north of Poland the Germans have been forced across the East Prussian frontier, while in the. extreme south pressure has been increased at Przemys! and in the Cracow advance Russian and Austro-German armies, numbering more than 800,000 men, are arrayed, 'against each, other in Galicia along an east and west front of more than 100 miles. Austrian initiative for the relief of Przemyal has precipitated a sanguinary battle, in which infantry forces are mainly engaged as the ter ritory is too difficult for cavalry movements or artillery duels. Reports from London say a gigantic force of territorials is massed at the Pyramids, in Egypt, to meet the Turkish invasion. Turkish troops, it is reported, continue to be transported across the BJack Sea to ward. Batum, unmolested by the Rus- sian fleet. Russian successes in minor Armenian- engagements are reported front Petrograd. GERMAN TRENCHES CARRIED BY ALLIES' BAYONET CHARGE New Positions Gained as Adyanca la Pushed on Entire Pront. PARIS, Deo. ?t Driving the. Germans from, trenches In the Argonne at rfee point of the bayonet and taking up pew position In northern France and Belgium on tho western nd of the battle line, the, official commurAaue, Issued from the War Offloe today, reports new progress along virtually the entire battle line on which the Allies Otrelvi U being conducted. In Belgium the aetlon yesterday waj marked by heavy cannonading. The, G--miBs lUtempted au offensive myeeaest feetweaa the Iff and tfee. Atne, bfc wa refMibtd. About 0reay. JAusetge and I.Swpa, ;vher violent fljfitin ha, b la MOffM for ib last few daya, etm ware made by the French at svra paint jt It is reported that 04n44 beisg bora bjdd by the Aagta-Freaca atUIUry. but tbar o t ho cosArwattoM ot tba rumor tht Ot AlBaa hav ntr4 Ml ett? 0tod wu straay mrttaed by ibe OerAma, u4 tttey mtnid at sraat nuiLodty uf artll lrj to dataad tb !t 4- KoUetdiaw 4KHtti . Britltt wer fci hav IHwb kewntf us u, huaOjrtf 'MILLION HKHHESlBIKSHHflMfjsflAsSBBHffiBHf jts SEJSkSmCqmjz h BniKnMlSC7gU!l't .. ktfwBBBBBBB i Mrs. Keith (Donaldson, who was divorced three years ago, appeared before .Magistrate Beatontoday to press charges of assault against her mother-in-law, Mrs. William F, Donaldson, and her maid, Fannie Blanc. The younger Mrs. Donaldson asserts she was attached when she called to see her 7-year-old daughter. She is accompanied by her attorney, John R. K. Scott. PROHIBITION VOTE IN HOUSE TONIGHT IS KEENLY AWAITED Question of State Rights Ex pected to Defeat Hobson Measure After Spirited Debate, WASHINGTON. Dec. 22.-Nat!onal-pro-hlbltlon waa put squarely before the House this, afternoon. By a viva voce, voe and without a. demand foraroll call, tho House 'passed the rule permit ting" e)ght hqura' debate on the Hobaon resolution proposing submission to .the States ot a constitutional amendment for national prohibition. By. 9:50 'tonight , a, roll-call record voto will show whether the Home, by two tlilrds vote, wants the prohibition question Phased op to. the States- Defeat of the. resolution appeared foregone this after noon. For two hours tho. House had debated the passage of the-rule, but considering: Us success a foregone conclusion mem bers swept Into dlaoasslon of the merits of the resolution. Itself. Ssver&l speaker opened-an unexpected line of attack by polnttne out that the resolution doea not prevent manufacture for personal use, but merely for aale. Under such circumstances, they argued, the measure merely opens the liquor bus iness to a wider scope without taxation, In presenting the, rule, Representative Henry, of Texas, declared, he Intended to vote fpr the adoption of the rule, but that he was opposed o the Hobson resolution. He was followed by Representative Camp bell, of Kansas, who urged the passage of bqth the rule and the resolution. Rep resentatlye CantrUl, of Kentucky, op posed the resolution on the ground that prohibition was & State Instead of a. national question. KELLY'S SPpqH APPLAUDED. Representative Kelly, of Pwinsylvanla, urged the adoption of the Hobson amend ment. Ilia spJMtcli was so loudly ap plauded by tbe antb-calopn workers who orowded the gallwlM that Speaker dark warned too ssJa against making; denMastretteM tt ajrYl ot tba apaaphaa. "The ruten t tha ll&um forbid daman stratlons sitba t agMgvai w dtt," 4eelard, SpaatEW Clark, "aad tby mast . The 1Ihm la hr for the trans ftctiuM uf I u4uM HI d iut tor a. sluxy ' Ei,iaeiiLiln e Uuasun autliur of the r jUi.ii UJ8-JU a tM( iietv In up fm or the rut in wbich he 4t.lrHl tbat owu tbi. I.UW.U0O pfaoa and U.M i orgwulwitltnui bU iui!oua ti ifouM 1 Majvrtt Leader " - -v,Hjd DOLLAR BRIDE" ON WAY MRS. DONALDSON'S HEARING POSTPONED TO NEXT WEEK Attorneys Agree to Have Case Oo Over Until Neat Tuesday. The hearing' ot Mrs. 'William P. Don aldson, 2003 Chestnut street, and her French maid, Miss Fanny Blanc, on a charge ot assault and battery brought ,by Mrs. Evelyn Donaldson, was post poned today by Magistrate Beaton. Neither Mrs. W. F. Donaldson nor her mafd was preaent'at the hearing-. Mrs, Evelyn Donaldson arrived profnpTly at noon, attired In a becoming- blue broad cloth suit and fox, furs. David N. Smyth, attorney for Mrs. V. F. Donaldson, In asking for a postpone ment said he had only recently been enguged in the case with M. Hampton Todd, who accepted services of the war rant yesterday on behalf of Mrs. Don aldson and her maid. He said he had no time to confer with his client. In agreeing to a postponement John It. K. Scott, attorney for Mrs. Evelyn Donald son, said he would waive none of the rights of his client. Mr. Smyth said that when the case came -up next week It was not unlikely the defense would waive a hearing before, Magistrate Beaton and let the case go Immediately to Court. He said it would not be possible to settle It out of court. Mr. Scott said that Mr. Todfl, In ac cepting service of the writ oi habeas .corpus to show cause why 7-year-old Dorothy, Mrs, Evelyn Donaldson's daugh ter, should not be turned over to her mother, promised to produce the child within SO days, and said he would be responsible for the appearance of Mrs. W. F. Donaldson and her maid. Mr. Scott showed, today the decree of divorce from Keith Donaldson that wss granted Mrs. Donaldson several years ago at Reno. In it waa a claus provid ing that Dorothy Donaldson, the daugh ter, -should remain with her father six; months put of the iyesx, and with her mother six months. Theyi were to agree on some mode pf education. The child has been living at her grandmother's, and It waa there, pn Saturday, that her mother was arrested when she called for her daughter. "Billy" Sunday Page Page 6 in today's. Evening Led. ger is devoted to the whirlwind evangelist and his coming cam paign in Philadelphia. The life and work ot Mr. Sunday and the elab orate plans for the local revival are told in interesting articles. Pictures of Mr. and Mrs. Sunday and some of the leaders in the movement. Boy Scouts Activities Today's Evening Ledger inaugu rates) a new department to be de voted to the Interests of the Boy Scouts in PfcHadcJiiWa. AU ac tivities of the raaa-bufldlne organi sations in tnis section will be re patVad in tWa dfMtiaat, which will be printed on Tuesdays and Fridays of aach waaJc. Qet acquainted witn both these btj; itur in the Evening ijedger Today TO COURT .-tvr.-'Ufci REMOVAL OF STATE COMMISSION PDT UP TO GOVERNOR Commuters and Business Men Ask Executive to De- mand Answer From Body - to Eleven Specific Charges Governor Tener, up to 2 o'clock this afternoon, had not received any com munication from Edward M. Abbott, of Philadelphia, counsel for the commuters, atklno the Governor to Investigate the charges that the Public Service Commis sion conferred with railroad officials and agreed upon passenger rates prior to the Philadelphia hearings. Mr, Abbott nave the commission until midnight last night to answer a series of questions he asked, but as the com mission as a body has not been notified officially of the receipt of the questions and will not meet here until January B, no action was taken. Kleven distinct specifications, charging the members of the Pennsylvania Public Service Commission with "Inefficiency, neglect of duty; an,d mlcondust-ln odce" in the matter of the resent passenger rate In wr ease hearing, were sent to. Governor Tener this afternoon by counsel repre senting the combined committee of the United Business Men's Association and the Commuters' Association. The. petition calls upon Governor Tener tounyion the Commu-sinars Imme diately and x4Ulr them to show cause why they should net be removed from oitlee on tb basis of the charges pre fprd. The Conwiisjlonsra named in thq complaint ar Samuel W. Feeny paaker, Saury K. JLoiwson. MUfen J. BHwht, 8. lru Tone, Cfearlw Frederick Wright and Frank M. WaUaec. The com plaint was atgnad by Kdwln M. Abbott. WUa T. Coojper and Muttfcw BandaH. THst aPHCIFIOATIOXe. L That tba numbers of the PuWJ Sr vtc Cojcaptssion failed to eowpJy with tb rsnuiremenu of Section i. Artiste 6, of the act of Jul Sets, UU. watch re Siulres that ' all hearings before the com mission or befure auy commissioner sbaii be public, ' In that they did grant oUutr than imbllo htariug lo the Peniuytranla kajirufcd i jiiiiju iu MuiadatpUa, and KtiJmj Kall.u umtjij and too Jtol UUl itud utllu lvii, oU 'iaysiffy. Of ttvrtr rressqtsUves. lu re proBWSd la creas in paasas;er fr and cbne lu oaasensitr ixifl, uu)Wlui dovkat 415 i. That lOuuseJ lot i us mnlam., ,.u Wta tMKVM tieUSed oi , UUh ti:J SHORTEST DAY WITH US " Sun Farther South Than Any Other Tlmo in 1014. Tlie dividends nre loominr Urge In Arms sup plylns llsht. And tho o py the bills today brush oft Todsy the sun Is fr away, he will not come ,up north lo play, Thla Is the shortest little day of all the lire Ions year. Today Is the shortest ot tho 3G5 of 1914, and accordingly tho best for the electric, gas and oil companies. Light today is nt a premium. Tho sun will be farthest south than any other day In tho year. Householders who keep n dally account ot gas, electric or oil consumption may not bo nbto to note tho difference, but It Is there. From now on, however, Phila delphia may look for moro light on every thing, aa the sun started Its Journey back at 11127 o'clock this morning. Just because It la generally Bupposod that December 21 has first claim on tho short est day honors does not mako It so. The experts at tho Naval Observatory, at Washington, aro responsible for tho change in tho day. Those gentlemen are net moro respectors of dates than they aro of porsons. livery four years they explain tho year's shortest day falls a day late. 8o that means, In spite ot tho zero weather of a few days ngo and the Icy streets of yesterday morning. It did not become winter until this morning. Tho old. gontleman made his annual debut at 11:15 this morning to tho minute. EX-DIRECTOR CLAY AGAIN WILL FACE FRAUD CHARGE Once Convicted With Two Others of Conspiracy. Henry Clay, ex-Director of Fublla Safe ty, onco convicted of conspiracy to de fraud the city, but granted a now trlel by the Superior Court, will face a Jury for tho second time next March, accord ing to the plans of District Attorney Hotr.n. Tho second trial of Clay and his co defendants, John It. Wiggins and Wlllard II. Walls, of the contract firm of John It. Wiggins & Co., will begin Monday, March 1, 1915, In Room 653. It Is not yet known what Judge will preside at the trial, although a Judge from Common Pleas Court No. 4 Is scheduled to Bit In Itoom 053 of the Criminal Court dur ing tho March term. The members of No. 4 court are Judges Wlllson, Audcn ried and Corn On February 1, 1913, ex-Director Clay, Wiggins and Walls were convicted of conspiracy to defraud the city of thou sands of dollars on contracts for the erection of municipal buildings.) Carl Zllenzlger, city architect, was acquitted. Clay and the contractors each were sentenced by Judge Staples to an In definite term of not less than 18 months nor more than two years In the Eastern Penitentiary and a fine ot $500. An ap peal to the higher court for another trial succeeded. Assistant District Attorney Taulane, who conducted the first trial, also will baitejchqrc'j uf-the comfautstiroaedutloiiM Tio has been engaged several weeks In preparing' the Commonwealths case. BURGLAR KILLS RICH MAN AND WOUNDS HIS SON Daughter Comes to Rescue and Battle in Dark Ensues. LOS ANGELES, Dec. 22.-W. M. Alex ander, a wealthy retired attorney of this city, was shot and killed by a burglar early today In his palatial home In Wll shlre place, ' In the revolver duel in the dark be tween the burglar and the capitalist's son, William Alexander. Jr., Immediately after the murder ofthe father, the son received two bullet wounds, Mr. Alexander's youngest daughter, Penelope, went to her brother's assist ance and the two fought with the thug as he fled down the stairs and escaped, leaving a trail of Ijlood. NORSE STEAMSHIP STRIKES MINE OFF SCARBOROUGH Another Victim of German Bald. Eight of Crew Saved. FILET, Eng Dec 22. The Norwegian steamer Boston, bound from Oran to London, with a cargo of timber, struck a mine off Scarborough today. It was beached near Fley, where eight tntn of her crew were landed. EX-SENATOR WEST DIES Georgian, Who Succeeded Bacon, Victim of Heart Disease. VALDOSTA, as., Dec. ft Former United States Senator W. S. Wost died suddenly today of heart disease. Ex-Senator West was appointed by Gov ernor Slaton to fill the unexpired term of the late Senator A. O. Bacon, when the latter died last year. Ills term expired November 3. He was succeeded by Thomas W. Hardwlck, TRIAL OF COPE POSTPONED Slayer of Niece Will Face Charge in Court Next March. John Cope, of Buckingham. Bucks County, arrested In thla eity by dstec- tives on me enarge or murdering his niece, Florence Cope, will not be brought to trial until tbe Man term at the Buaks County Criminal Court, owing to eongesUon of the criminal csddr of the court, according to on announcement made by District Attorney Boyer. of Buoks County. Cose, Into In September, shot naA kMted his uiaca, a student in a business. OoXsge in this oity. Tbe shooung m aurd at tbe home of the girl. Cope, who bad bB drinking previous to tbe widr. is aUge4 to have leveled a ftsjUa at tbs gist's Bwthar and miinoMTW be was gout? to kill her. TdiSju to old bsr mother, it is 4NbV 55 in tbs scuffle., thai followed, was sfcot ao4 Pottanmin Bbnt by "Bad .Man ims sol isms SfS s ItMAWtt MM & WaA (! 'SSSHiiii, 1. iria snk M4art " snot thfJb d prob ably Fatally wound . ttroern as b ifki WWiAII vl 1&4 .!.-. zt STARVE ALBM, GERMANNAYAL CHIEF'S THREAT Admiral von Tirpitz De clares 'Kaiser Has Right to Wage Submarine War on Allies Shipping. American Navy Among Boat of Nations atd Fulfills Mission Ho Declares in Exclusive In terview Blamo3 Britain for War. (Copyright in Great Britain.) By XABL X. VON WIEOAND anAND antfEItAL IIEADQUAJtTBItS OP KAISER, in France, Dee. 2, by way of Tho Haguo to New Tork, Dec. 22 (delayed for ofllclai vlao by General Staff). ( "America has not raised: its voice in protest and lias taken llttlo or no action against England's closing of the Nortli Sea' to neutral shipping. What will America say if Germany declares sub marlno war on nil enemy merchant ships?" Grand Admiral on Tirpitz, Mlnlsterof Marine, regarded, tho strongest man in the German Government, ?nd possible next Imperial Chancellor, and whose marvelous organizing genius Is largely responsible for Germany's fleet, peered sharply at mo as he leaned forward and put tho question to roe In tho first inter view ho has ever granted an' American correspondent. "Why not?" he continued. "England wants to starve us I We can play tbe same game. We can bottle it Up and torpedo every English or Allies' ship which ncars any harbor In Great Britain, thereby cutting off largo food supplies." Admiral vopTlrpltz slowly repeated ths first question. , WHAT WOULD V. S. SAYT "What wouli-Amerlca say7 Would not such action be only meting out to Ens land what It is doing to us? Yes!" After several days at the Crown Prlnce-'s headquarters,, and In ths Ar B0un$sila4jnStpredto tho;Kalsw6l,r 'field capital in jrra.ncewher6au theTmln-Stt lstries anddepartments V the German . Government aro now located. (Note: Since this lntrevlew most of the General Staff returned to Berlin, owing to the. Kaiser's Illness.) For once departlngVfrom his rigid ruls not to talk with newspaper men, Admiral von Tirptts received me In a private house, the home of a French banker who fled beforo the German advance, and, on the door of which was a cardboard, sign, "Marina Department." Mentally and physically, von Tlrplti is a magnificent Teuton, He has a mind of steel trap order, Is a marvelous or ganizer and has more Bismarcktan fores and Iron in his nature than any other German ofllclai I have met He imme diately plunged into an analysis of his view ot the causes that led to the war, and traced the growth of sea and world power developed by England until, as he put It, "the domineering arrogance of the British culminated In the present war which England engineered In order to crush the natural growth and develop ment of the power of the German Eta plre." GEItMANY FOB, PEACE. "Britain's domination ot the sea," ha declared, "was originally founded on piracy, while its power on land was established by robbery In all parts ot the wprld. England and England alone Is responsible for this war. Did Germany want anything? Did Qermany make any demands on any oneT Did Germany have any quarrel with any one? Hoi it only wanted to be let alone to con-. Unue her peaceful growth of develop ment." "England's anti-Germany policy bask as far as IJJ0. after our victory over France," continued the illn "Always dictatorial and domineer)??, U uldjyt want Germany to expanay com merclatly or to take the plaeain the world to which Us pewer entltld it "Bngland Is Impartial. It wllr cut any one's thrdat wSB gets in Its yay Eng land has no white man's scruples. Its alliance with Japan shows that It will form an alliance with anyone, regard less of race or color ifit can croflt thereby. Germany was developing too fast, growing too Btrong and too power ful, and waa getting In England's way, so Its throat had to be cut that's it in a nutshell. King Edward laid plans far It years ago. He bad an Inexplicable antipathy to Germany. Ho. looked about and seised upon the giowlny pan&tatlsm i Concluded on Vase Tw LOST AN tf QU2q a4vertMc7B tbe nwestas Irsdiw or nswctsd t tu emjui ana reuse rrowtw - a tyrssr Cut! WlU t 1UU4 fer.Kt Saxs. Tb llta In fistic. SUt u4 'vomit' aStt4- (Aaawc l , ,! .!. S ' JIT-.- r. r -t .m zt: te2 G4M sssjsi n .. r Aft Mas- nAa or ran tus icily to ! CMWU. am w iia sew. riH I ,1... W, OT.-? -Hm . . .... lr,..i..-rt. ii f via. taiipUra ana S". on CKSi i" W JSXL. SSVSirtl If KWVHraASja. W WiaiS w ",-mizi: gyaifcgam H N UsUg-i w. w isbVJS oo. , mi laT &rti-e- .-. . k. nit .a t Ar muiU Ka-n.t ft a n - oaw mw " 75r JLa M Si i- ox brMJ t is C i ctliiLst 9 tsd- Ttisa Vl K-sr lu tl mlM- fc P3SStJ nri U i$Muad i T ' V .Ut K k'KiJrfM&O & as klTT Jafi rT r Ktwrti C4jsH -: Hi T. i.i .& tJW " Mt-Aft tomtsk ic I tferf 1 ks JdPtt IT ILulUX wi Xw u wyai, ua, ai ipu. CMl AsS
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers