Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, December 15, 1914, Sports Final, Page 8, Image 8

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Stnmittg jjlglSs Hger
CtRtJfl . K. CCRTI8. rslM!T.
ae, W. Och. Seeretam John O, Martin. Treasurer!
afit It tttdlattm, Philip (J, Collins, John B. WIN
tUnu, tolHtfow.
Cr0 tt. K. Ccith, Chairman.
k It, WHALE . Etecutlta fedltor
i i i P i i i i -i . . .in i i i i
fOUM C. MArttlM. . . r, .. .Ocnsral Business Mnrf
rnbtUtied Tall? at Pttuo Mnn llutialns,
tn1tliSIeoc Square, Philadelphia.
tnrara Cstftaa,. ........ BroW iM Chtitnut Street
ATHfrtlc Oil ......... ...Prei. Union Building;
JJitfYosa.. , .lTO-. Metropolitan Tbwer
Cnioloo. ......... i. .,..au nme Insurance Building
Lo!toK......,..,,8 Waterlee ne, rail Mall. S. W.
KBW6 PtmjUltSI
&WIMUH Bessie. ,.,., , Th rafrfat Building;
wainiM0T4ii tittup rh Pott Building
J.HW YoK lUKlltl. ........ The Timet llulldlng
Bnil Bcso ...,.,. j.,,. .80 FrlclrlehitraMi
Loxdom iiumo. .......... ...J Vmi Mall East, 8. W,
Ml Beas D 82 Hue Louis U Grand
utrBscmmow TERMS
Br eatfftr.t)
mia ar -p!
reentred, D.
JJiiLT OirLr. ent m
Scrlptloni pajeMe In advance,
I W Xddrett oil eommtnleittom la JTventftfli
' htlett, Iniiptnitnce Swart, ThtladttpMa.
t Swtass if eats ratUbaUuU rolWrr 10 II Stcoxs
) , cmi mn. mno,
milADtUIIU. TttUDtY. UECEMllEn IB, 1914.
A New Architect and a INcw Blocklcy
TIlEHfe is no need of n now Blocklcy un
less It will bo better than the old. The
Erection of buildings entirely unsulted to
their purpose Is a form of graft tho people
are thoroughly tWcd of by this time. They
are Trillins to spend tho money, but they
Want to ret something for It. Juat a lot of
bricks piled together doca not mean a modern
hospital building. Philip II. Johnson, archi
tect in perpetuity, may bo perfectly com
petent to hire men who will draw for him
modern hospital plans. There Is no Indica
tion that he has dono to. It will bo tlmo
enough to build when thero Is some reason
to believe tho designs submitted are at least
plausible enough not to be ridiculous.
Let It Alono
port will be famous for tho amount of
dissent It will call forth. Many of his state
ments are open to doubt, and most of his
conclusions are capable of contradiction.
Can an enterprise bo called Belf-supportlng
that earns no Interest on the amount of capi
tal Invested and pays no taxes upon Its prop
rty7 Is a department of government worthy
of congratulation that derives a largo part
of lta Income by compelling tho railroads to
carry parcels at a rate below the actual cost
of transportation T Can a department of
government bo sanely officered that coolly
proposes to acquire the telephone and tele
graph lines of tho country under conditions
that prohibit the Government from operating
thtm successfully?
But of all the recommendations advanced
by Mr. Burleson the. most disastrous Is that
of the return to tho contract system for
rural delivery. When tha star-routo system
was In vogue it gavo occasion for a crop of
tho most disgraceful scandals that over dis
figured our Government. To return to It
Bow Is simply to Invite the old species of
corruption In almost every congressional dis
trict. If tho Administration wishes to create
a new and Irresistible political machine. If
It wishes to multiply tho temptations to
graft. If It wishes to make mall delivery in
efficient and uncertain, If It wishes to en
trench political contractors In tho Federal
as In municipal government, then reintro
duce tha star-routo system.
On almost every point he makes Postmas
ter Burleson will find the thoughtful and ex
perienced pepple of the country against him.
' If tha department Is really doing well for tho
first time since the days of Benjamin Frank
lin, then for goodness' sake let It alone and
gtrtt It a chance to do better.
The Light That FailB
MEDICAL EXAMINERS of public schools
attribute a largo share of tho back
wardness of pupils to bad eyesight Multi
tudes of poor women are Incapable of earn
ing a livelihood by sewing on account of de
fective vision. Eyesight Is one of the eco
nomic assets of the community.
Doctors agree that trachoma, various
forms of Inflammation and other external
diseases of the eyes are caused by dark, un
ventlated, insanitary and dirty tenements.
Tha prevalence of eye disease among the
poor la alarming. If we want to run down
the Industrial capacity of tha race and raise
a crop of blind dependents upon charity, one
of tho surest ways of achieving our end Is to
permit the tenement conditions to remain as
they are.
Fully one-half of the social Ills from which
people now suffer might be avoided If tt were
mada,compulsory upon all men to live up to
tha enlightened laws already uponthe statute
book. But selfishness and greed invent a
thousand excuses for evasion, and tho ver
dict of science and humanltartanlsm Is nul
lified whonever It threatens to reduce the real
estate returns even by a fraction,
No Pomp and Glitter of War
fitHU primary objection to the Boy Scout
X movement In America haa been that It
tends to Increase the inherent fighting ln
(rtlnot, Baden-Powell, founder of the organ
isation, had no such thought, nor has Ernest
Thompson Baton or "Ben" Lindsey, two of
the raost ardent supporters of the organiza
tion In this country, Intimated such a desire.
That all three have been accurate in their
estimate of the advantages of the Boy Scout
Idea, and have carefully counted the disad
vantages has been proved the -past few
Bionths In the lack of warlike attitude on the
part of any Scout camp In the country at
-iare. Notwithstanding tha war In Europe,
the excitement In Mexico and the perturbed
, aondltloas hers at home, the Boy Scouts have
Saiiy yonaaneaa, aomg tne amy closest to
v Such reserve force Indicates that the aver.
T American boy who becomes a Scout pos
mml) an ability not nly to keep out of im
spidiate trouble, but to maintain organiza
tion. It la more than probable that should
tfce eecasien arise for defense of tha home
wuntry tha Bay Scouts; would prove a ftotor
ft while, wt as for "mill tarlsm"" per se,
tfcy refuse te beegiae eiUhualaatla.
Conservation of Humanity in Alaska
elTlLBCAyipfT does set wean immediate
sakt to every ess, There was a time
tine tke njtttees af Alaska aotiiu subsist
upaa the Aesh a -far-bearing aaJaaalf and
fteae ia th FH. &M tfc,e UftHad States
MPutnii? tfca fc of developing Aks the
nlqiU bavw tMwa ruth (! bJaJk tor UM
(r narks. ad toe lsft art ow Ktets4
ye taw the tteater. Wa Alaaktn aatives ar
Inatr&aw toad a4 teHMw batter
wj WW veja pwtutpineii t,pW j
they havo ho weans of obtaining It. Tuber
culosle and other doMca of elvlllfcattrn aM
spreading rapidly atuong them. Conditions
are so bad that Judge Brown, in champion
ing their cause, pleads for tho Federal Gov
ernment to do something for tho desolate
poople In the name of Justice and humanity.
Real conservation does not consist In sac
rificing human life while preserving mineral
deposits Overanxlety for the natural physi
cal resources of Alaska has led our Govern
ment to neglect tho human resources. If
Judge Brown's suggestions are carried out
the Alaskans wilt not bo pauperized, but will
be provided with tho means of obtaining
their own livelihood. Co.operntlvo stores,
the establishment of Hah eolterles and can
neries, tho opening of farms for the breeding
of fur-bearing animals, and tho rounding
Up of all the natives in communities or reser
vatlona, will meot tho situation and dis
charge the debt we owo to the people whoso
means of livelihood we have destroyed.
Not Ono Cont for Junk
ajTlLLIONB for Bhlps and not one cent for
' American workmen! That, It seams, Is
.the Intention of Washington at a time when
unemployment has deluged tho charltablo
agencies of the country for months, and the
onrush of prosperity is still moro prophetic
than real.
Thero come from Washington a flood of
proposals, all designed to throw tho Govern
ment Into private business and correspond
ingly circumscribe the opportunities for pri
vate venturo. No business is conspicuously
successful that Government ownorshlp Is not
urged, and no Industry has been practically
legislated out of existence that It la not pro
posed to buttress tt with national dollars,
without In any way softening tho statutes
which have caused the ruin.
Tho President admits that our merchant
marine has been strangled by Congross. Ho
suggests no remodlaJ measures, but proposes,
on the contrary, that millions bo taken from
tho Treasury for tho purchase of ships. Ho
is going to put tho Amorlcan flng back on
tho ocean If every dollar In the Treasury has
to bo squandered In the attempt.
Where will tho ships be got? In Amorlcan
shipyards? No, the plan is to buy tho dere
licts of other nations, to spend vast sums In
tho acquisition of tubs. No wonder there
are powerful Influences at work In favor of
the ship-purchase moasure. There arc steam
ship companies that would profit from It
vastly. Thoy want to unload; they see a
chanco to put their Angers Into the public till
and extract therefrom great quantities of
gold. Tho Junk dealers are out In forco.
There should be no Government merchant
marine. But If hysteria Is not yet ended, and
this latest blundering program is adopted,
not one dollar should be spent except In
American shipyards. The need is not so exi
gent as the publla Is asked to believe. There
are plenty of carriers available for Imme
diate use. Put the taxpayers' money back
Into tho Industries of the nation, underwrite
with It tho prosperity of our own establish
ments, revive the marine "by revitalizing tho
builders of a marine, glvo American labor a
chance. No money for dilapidated and worn
out junk. Not one cent unless it goes into
the pockets of American workmen. .
A Nugget for Ambitious Youths
IN THE latter part of this month a ship
will leave Philadelphia ladon with an ex
hibit of Philadelphia-made wares. It will
contain also wares made 'In Now York and
Baltimore, and will be supported financially
on Its voyage by manufacturers of the cities
The voyage Is to be 'round the Horn, or, In
other words, the encircling of South America.
Nothing Is to be sold; resident dealers at
ports touched aro to be Invited aboard to see
"what the neighbor to the north" can do. In
short, the sole object of the enterprise Is to
Introduce and popularize In South America
goods made In the United States.
Ultimately, to sell Amerlcan-mado goods
will require the services of American agents
of American Arms In South America towns
and cities. The languago most spoken In
Central and South America, aside from
Brazil, where Portuguese Is In tho ascendant,
Is Spanish. There Is ample opportunity,
therefore, for tho live, active, ambitious
young American to learn Spanish If ho would
partake of the trade about to be realized.
For years to come Europe will present
small opportunity to the aspiring youth of.
America, but South America presents a fer
tile field. Learn Spanish and go South prom
ises to supplant Horace Greeley's advice,
"Go West, young man, go Westl"
The Wilson tango: One step forward, one
step backward, hesitate and reverse.
Qlve Mr. Burleson the wires of the country
and he will take care of the news.
If the Government got the telegraph maybe
the messages would be delivered almost as
soon as special delivery letters are now,
The Kaiser's temperature Is reported nor
mal again, but his physicians do not refer to
his fighting fever-
The estimate that it costs tlS.OQQ to kill one
man In the war Is Just about as reasonable
as the estimates of the number of men killed.
Washington Is thinking too much about the
prosperity of the Government and too little
about the prosperity of the people who make
the Government.
"The country Itself Is all right," says James
J, Hill. Considering his usual pessimism the
head of the Great Northern must be optimis
tic indeed.
How very seriously Schwab takes Bryan's
peace program Is indicated by his purchase
of a proving ground near Cape May on which
to test biff guns.
" i i ii j
The usual pretense of cutting congres
sional mileage from 16 to 5 cents the mile
appears In the latest appropriation bill pre
sented. The members are always In favor
of the reduction except when they aro voting
against It
ii jWP fill p
The Mint officials are dlssrtlefled with the
eoaages made la cta design. When it
aosaea te "matching it is. useable that
tJere Is ottes dispute as to which ta the
"Head" ef the sew alokela.
' " V " aa1am1n.i.ip
Colorado's new geld strike gives oppo
luuHy far seiewtWe ecflaamfcna to wv their
assartloas that overeuply of yellow caeAal
ka tmami tie taereaw la tie oet of MvtAeT.
i i
Foe of American Home Will Soon Do
Counted Out The Brewers Prophesy
Their Own DownfallA Look Fivo
Years Ahead.
Aotbr of "In till Sltpi," Ele.
TUB end of the American saloon 1 in
sight. Tho Issuo Is tho sharpest and
plainest of all the issues in the country to
day. American has moro great problems to
tho squaro foot than nny .other country In
the world. There aro times when the Pro
fession of, reformer feels very much like say
ing, "Tho world Is out of Joint. Oh, cursed
spite that ever I was born to set It rleht."
But the fact remains that wo aro In this
world to face Its problems and work them
Among the problems facing tho American
people are, first, THE BIG CITT and all that
goes with It. Men and women aro giving
themselves to tho big city to make It livable.
Becond, the problom of tho FEDERATION
OF THE CHURCHES. That will bo worked
out by a ncrles of evolutionary steps. Third,
the problem of the Commercial Trust, which
requires a whole government to enact laws
preventing tnon from being too solflsh.
Fourth, tho problem of Child Labor. Fifth,
tho problem of settling tho difficulties be
tween tho men of musclo and tho men of
money. Sixth, the problem of Race Preju
dice, which will bo the next great question
tho American pcoplo might settle after tho
saloon has gone. Sovcnth, tho Drink Prob
Among all these problems, that of tho
American saloon Is In somo respcctB tho
greatest at tho present tlmo. It Is a simple
problem and not complex, as most of the
others ore. There Is only one Issue, and that
Is tho American home, tho best thing wo
have, over against tho American saloon, tho
worBt thing we havo. Both of them cannot
live together on tho soil of a freo pcoplo. Tho
American saloon Is going out, and the Ameri
can home Ib coming In. Tho beginning of tho
end Is In sight.
Perhaps tho most striking proof of this
prophecy Id the changing attitude of business.
Men In big cities who, flvo years ago, thought
the saloon was necessary for business, now
repudlato it because they havo learned tho
facts concerning its economic waste. Thero
has novcr been any rovenuo from a saloon,
and In tho nature of tho caso thero never will
bo. Business Intorcsts aro fast finding this
out. Five years from now no business man
in nny city In America will defend tho Ameri
can saloon for economic reasons.
Chased by Warships
As a little Illustration may I give this per
sonal Incident? On tho 6th of October I loft
Auckland, N. Z., on a British liner bound for
Honolulu. Two of tho German cruisers that
have recently been sunk chased our steam
ship up through the Pacific and wo landed In
British Columbia. Not an officer or a mem
ber of tho crew on that boat touched a drop
of liquor during the entire trip of-19 days.
They sailed under Btrlct ordors from tho
owner of that boat,, who would not risk a
two-mllllon-dollar Investment and a million
dollars' worth of goods In the hold In charge
of any man, from tho captain down, who put
alcohol Into his body. What that steamship
company put down as an Impcratlvo rule for
Its employes will be the recognized rule of
all business In a few short years.
Another Indication of the passing of the
saloon and'of tho cntiro liquor traffic is seen
In the changed attitude toward liquor as a
medtclno or as a beverage. Tho other day,
In tho city of Philadelphia, between 41 and
12:30 noon,. I counted an avorage of IB men In
ten different saloons. In one hotel's bar I
counted 79 men a few minutes after 12. Most
of these men appeared to be well dressed.
They looked like averago business men. I
venturo to predict that If tho American
saloon lasts five years moro, no business man
will be found drinking In a hotel or saloon,
because the great majority of them will ac
cept tho authoritative statements of science
that alcohol Is a poisonous drug, and no
human being can put It Into his body with
out great danger.
Hundreds of people who have been keeping
liquor in their houses for emergency aro
throwing It away or discontinuing Its use.
Sentiment along this lino Is growing with
great rapidity.
Rising Tide of Opposition
It Is time the American people understood,
In general, the rising tide of feeling over the
country for national prohibition. Liquor
States, where It seems impossible for a State
prohibitory law to be enforced, are willing
to turn over tho matter to the National Gov
ernment. Thousands of men who will not
vote for State prohibition are ready at any
time to vote for national prohibition.
It Is time Uncle Sam went out of business
as a partner of John Barleycorn. The so
called revenue he gets from this partnership
Is lost ten times over In the expenses caused
In the American saloon through crime, in
sanity, pauperism and the actual loss to
labor of years In a man's life. Russia reck
ons that she will save 600.000 men to the
State In four years' time, now that she has
banished vodka. .
The American saloon haa proved Itself to
bo the enemy of the home, the school and'
the business welfare of the people. The brew
ers themselves prophesy their own downfall.
John Barleycorn Is on his last legs and will
soon be counted out.
To the Editor of tha Bvmtng Ltigtrt
Blr-I note in your paper different articles on
"Billy" Sunday, In your cty, as there was In
ours, there Is much speculation as to what
"Billy" may do. I have heard him possibly
aome SO times end can sey that his Influence
will be felt further than the most sanctimony
lous dreamer ever dreamed of and thousands
out of curiosity or otherwise, will leave the tab
ernacle and In reality lead better lives. One
man here told me that he had net been In a
church for 40 years, had condemned Sunday as
a erafttr. had even written him a letter to that
effect, and now not only has "hit the sawdust
trail," but has Joined a church In this city and
is making hie experience and Influence ooUnt
for something. Another has repented and
U making good, whom I have known to 'be
under the Influence of rum for days at a time,
and these are only two of the many. K,
Des Moines, la.. Pecember .
Te th4 Sditor ef JI Hvmlna Ztdgtrt
Sir How tad Is the condition that Is prevail
lag la the United States! Here it ia: We are
sending millions of dollars, a lot of food and
clothing to starring Belgian, but what are
we doing to help our own poor, starving peo
ple? Nothing. Butlaeee Is dot), many thou-
aaaas ei psowe are out or work in thte coun
try, a a result ef thU war, deefiltUe, and it
(s said, "eaa't even bay a Job." &MMe we
W jf la the same peettiea as that of BeTgium.
weAW the fian ceaatriee help as ot as
m&sfe as we an astsiag then out today The
chance ase the would oat. It U all right
to help BeJsJaw, feat our out? is to help oar
m paogte Smc Do yuu woader way ertnua
Is committed, wtua a naa a&a't get a Job sad
ssteet raceyt U mlawfui saeaii la order to
l. i ---l sue - -- "' - .eWii '
gnln an exletenco for himself and family? Then
lot us start a nation-wide relief movement for
tho poor people and let the spirit of "good
will townrd men" provall.
Indianapolis, Inil,, December 8.
To Iht Jlditor of thi Evening Ledger:
Sir Your editorial In answer to doubts of
Jewish association, after the presont war, on
a "common bnsle," Is proof of the security 'of
Jewish reliance on American public opinion for
Judgment of claims or right by merit. Tho pub
lication of "my beloved Jews" In cartoon and
editorial by American periodicals and other me
diums, also Increases the confidence of the race
In the Justice of Uncle Sam.
Philadelphia, December 1.
Mann, Whitman and Willis as Rivals The Per
feet "Lame Duck."
THE recent return of Mr. Herrlclc from
Paris and its attendant Presidential boom
give added Interest to the activities and
demeanor, and, so far as thoy can be dis
covered, tho views of Jamos R. Mann, Re
publican floor leader in the House of Rep
resentatives. With a hope of starting some
thing 1 greeted Mr. Mann the other day as
"Mr. President." He laughed, then shook
his head and said: "All very pretty, very
sweot, but thore's nothing to it." In a moro
serious vein he expressed this aa his vlows
in relation to this interesting subject: "I
think today the two men who should be most
considered by Presidential slate makers are
Governor-elect Whitman, of New York, and
Governor-elect Willis, of Ohio. Each la frorri
a State whose electoral voto Is highly Im
portant; each corner from a State that has
sent men from the Governor'! chair to tho
White House, and each combs from a State
in which political conditions aro keeping na
tional politicians guessing."
Unless my recollection Is at fault thero
was once a Governor of Ohio known as "Fog
Horn Allen," of whom It was said that ho
could make a speech to Cleveland or to Cin
cinnati quite as well from Columbus or from
any other place. This, It may be guessed, waa
a delicate allusion to the volume and carry
ing power of his volco. In ono respect, at
least, Congressman Willis, now Governor
elect of Ohio, can fill the place left vacant
by "Fog Horn Allen." He has a voice of
singular resonance and carrying power. But
that Is not his only possession of merit. Like
so many politicians from Ohio, like Garfield
hlmBelf, Willis was a schoolmaster before he
became a Congressman. He taught, I think,
some branch of English, although he Is an
advanced scholar In mathematics, and also
may have taught In that branch of learning.
He can use that big voice of his readily and
effectively In debate. He Is one of the biggest ,
men physically In the House since the trans
lation of OUIe James to the Senate, He Is a
very good miser and a genial chap withal.
So that these qualities, added to the circum
stances" of his recent slambang success In
Ohio and the circumstances regarding politi
cal conditions in Ohio, seem to Justify Mr.
Mann's opinion that Governor Willis must
be taken seriously Into consideration by those
who are making' up Presidential slates.
Lame-duck stories have been rather over,
done, and for that reason I will venture Just
this one. Congressman Burke, of South Da
kota, a Republican, unexpectedly met defeat.
We all remembered him as an alert, vigorous,
upstanding, quick-stepping man, so when he
returned on Monday and entered the House
chamber so lame frojn rheumatism? that ho
wad aiding his progress with two crutches,
the situation threw all sympathy to the dogs
and there was a howl -of laughter. Poqr
Burkel Ho bore the chaffing good naturedly,
although 200 or 300 men said to him, "Well,
old chap, I have heard of lame ducks, but T
never thought I would sea one who required
crutches to walk wtth,"
These afe the sorcerers, who In one song's
Can bring the ancient wliardry of the earth
Dim, savage, primal, passionate to rebirth
la alnuous, thronging shapes of violent grace.
Old war orles waken aa the mareh goes by;
New paths are riven by those storming feet;
And through the thunders, mounting- high
and sweat,
Love sends the magic of IU tender cry.
Their soul is of a people neree and !owed,
A great dumb spirit struggling Into seag.
With astsouth Joys, "with www of aV-o!d
And bopeo-a wild star ftamhig frosn a stood.
These ore the eerotre, who with lifted band
Can iw M " rth' proMte. (a sie
The torsfftl lvlaar and the oaalceniag
Ta ted dwo staattac oa "',tN'JK&
Cities in Which Real Estate Owners Have Found It Financially Profitable
to Give Their Tenement Dwellers a Scjuare Deal.
1 Superintendent Octitlt Hill AiitclatUn.
WHEN any community, be it a largo city
or a small town, says that it has no
housing problem It admits Ignorance or ln
dlffercnco to this all Important question. For
sometimes tho term, "housing problem," has
been used as synonymous with the tenement
problem, and has called to the mind of the
average person a row of dismal-looking four
or flvc-story buildings In thoXneglccted or
slum sections of a large city, and In the
neighborhood of which ono would expect to
find tho dirty, ill-fed and worse-clothed chil
dren of the very poor; or porhaps It has sug
gested the sections of-the city where the so
called foreign element lives.
But to those who glvo any thought to this
vital matter the housing problom means
more than this. It means not only the In
vestigation of tho districts where the very
poor live, with tho view of correcting by
legislation or otherwise tho conditions found,
but It Includes tho making over or rebuilding
of slum areas and tho erection of dwelling
places where the unskilled laborer, or ' tho
lower rate wage-earner, may live with his
family and enjoy decency, privacy and tho
simpler conveniences and comforts that all
persons aro entitled to and ought to have.
It Is with this broad viewpoint of the hous
ing question In mind that I wish to present
the following review of what other cities and
towns are doing to relieve their present con
ditions through correction where possible,
and to provide, by the erection of now dwell
ings or tenoments, sanitary accommodations
for the low-rate wage-earning class.
Where Reform Pays in Dollars
Within the last few months great publicity
has been given to the Interest of Mrs. Wood
row Wilson In the problem of the slum In tho
nation's capital city, and because of this
great Interest Congress took action looking
toward the final abolishment of such notori
ous places as Willow Tree, Goat, Ragland
and other Infamous alleys or slums In Wash
ington. Behind the well-paved and well-lighted,
fine, spacious avenues are to be found many
Interior alleys and small streets. Many of
these are Intersected by still other and
smaller dead-end alleys which form blind
pockets, and whero are found the dwellings
of the very poor In all their filth and squalor.
It Is these foul, disease-breading places
that Washington Is going to wipe out, and
Instead will be found parks, Bmall open
spaces, rearrangement of streets, so as to
have all streets of proper width and continu
ing between two main streets, thus prevent
ing dead-end alleys or forgotten pockets In
which vice and filth run rampant It addU
tlon to this, It is proposed that new tene
ments and dwellings be erected and financed
by the Government where sanitary living
quarters will be provided with good sur
roundings and at low rates of rental.
In addition to this, the work of the Wash
ington Sanitary Improvement Company must
not be overlooked. The company began
operation in 1896, and has built and success
fully managed a large number of twofstory
two-family houses with apartments of two,
three and four rooms, with bath and other
conveniences, and rented at 19 a month and
upward for a flat. This company finds Its
work so successful that it Is enabled not only
to pay a dividend of E per cent., but has ao-
cumulated a large surplus out of earnings,
and never wants for additional capital to ex
tend the work,
One naturalfy turns to New York city, and
here we find the housing problem most com
plex and dlffloult. With the great conges
tion of population, dwelling for the most part
in large tenement or apartment houses, a
well-developed system of inspection Is re
quired and carried out. New York has long
since put away the outside privy vault or
toilet, and while It U estimated that Phila
delphia has K,m vaults or privy weUs that
are not underdralned, New -fork has none.
The underdralned water-flushing toilet now
being installed in the yards of many small
houses in Philadelphia, and considered a great
improvement, i not permitted in New York
A Successful Experiment
Basement dwellings, manufaeturiag In
dwelllago and similar abuses are forbidden,
and are pevated by a, weUrdevelooed asd
adeiate system ef tesemeat house taspeo
tlon aad laws. Aside from lpeeUej and
cupervtitO. New York bas asty suaastsful
CQMpanlM furnisfal&x good booalag aoeom
latwle lions at reasonable rejss4s.
M eMty aa MM Alfrd T. WWU. a pblie.
spirited resident of Brooklyn, whllo working
out plans for an Improved type of tenement
house, woa attracted by tho reported suc
cess of the "butsldo staircase buildings-'
erected In London In 1863 for working people.
Tho plans were obtained and, after altera
tions to suit tho-c'llmato and other conditions
here, were adopted by him, and ho con
structed the six-story "homo tenements!'
'opened Jn Brooklyn In 1877. Tho 10 apart
ments wero fully let the first week, and their
success was such as to command an Immedi
ate and unexpected Interest through the
State and country, visitors coming from far
and near. This modest experiment was
largely responsible for the agitation through
out New York which led to the adoption of
the tenement house act of 1879.
Tho venturo of. Mr. Whito turned out so
well financially that a couple of years lator
additional land and buildings were procured,
and soon mSre than 170 new model apart
ments wero thrown open ,to the. worklngmen.
Subsequently a still larger tract was secured,
and In 1890 tho "Riverside Buildings" were)
completed, with 2S0 apartments. Altogether,
the White buildings accommodate about 2CKJ0
Fireproof and Airy
Tho features distinguishing these struc
tures from other tenement houses are (1)
fireproof staircases sunk In the front or rear
of tho buildings, open to the air and extend
ing In a semicircular tower from the cellar
to the roof; (2) entire absence of any Interior
communication from floor to floor by stair
ways or Bhafts, and (3) buildings only two
rooms deep, so that each has abundant sun
shine and air.
The City and Suburban Homes Company
has many modern tenements In various loca
tions In New York city, and they are valued,
at more than 18,000,000. This company pays an
annual dividend of i per Cent, and has ia
largo surplus, Doctor Gould, who Is presi
dent of tho company, stated recently that-the
company's actual losses on acount of unpaid
rentals were less than 18-100 per cent., and the
experience of this company proves that good
housing not only pays financially, but pays
In the health and happiness of the tenants
and occupants of the houses.
Toronto, Canada, after a campaign of in
vestigation n,nd education, secured an en
abling act which permits the municipal au
thorities to loan funds to the Toronto Hous
ing Company, which about two years ago
began the erection of a large group of dwell
ings of the cottage or two-family type. These
apartments rent for 112 and $13 upward for
three rooms and hath. The company fur
nished hot water and heat to Us tenants. Th
cost of these services is included in tha rent'.
Tha latest report of the Health, Depart
ment of Cincinnati, p., etates that as a result
of Its work in 1913, 3000 privy vaults were
condemned and filled In, which was an In
crease of CO per cent over 1912 and 100, per
cent over 1911. An ordinance was eVmctpd
giving the Health Department power to va
cate any structure or part thereof occupied
by human beings If it Is In an unclean or In
sanitary condition. This power Is being use4
wtth results that are being reported' aa ex.
tremely good,
Anotlier Object Lesson ,
As an experiment and an object lesson, Mr,
J. S. Schmldlapp erected 48 houses, each con
taining two apartments, and each apartment
having a bath and porch. The rentals aver
age tit to 111 per month for four rooms and
bath, and the venture is so successful that 'fr
company Is being planned with, a capital of
11,000.000 to carry out the vroxk on a large
We might continue to cite example after
example where communities are facing tl?i
truth of the housing situation and making
earnest efforts to meet the need. The. nwVe
ment has become national in its scope.
Philadelphia haa as a result of the good,
work Of the Philadelphia Housing Commi.
Hon a bousing code or law which is consid
ered one of the best ever onaeted. But Phila
delphia needs more than a law; it needs a
liroad-mlndad, public-spirited. Intelligent
statesmanship on th; part of those in author
ity, who will fee that funds are provided aoi
the Division ef Sanitation, established so that
the great work aa be pushed, and then
Phlladalhla will become a "City of Hon,-,
not only for the wealthy, the fairly w-to-do,
the man who earns HOW pr year, but tot
tfce ay laborer and unsauu mochaoic who
am tt! or h per wk , ww
jjjgli.T, -