BHB9 ---T-w yy"pTBjj pHI yT'Bpr' RIGHT EXTRA NIGHT EXTRA VOI. I NO. 7G PmiADELPIIIA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1014. PBIOE ONE CENT CoptntoBr,lDH,r tn Fcslio httom CoMrlHT. TWO OF EQISON MAIN BUILDINGS THAT WERE WIPED OUT IN $5,000,000 BLAZE TWO GERMAN SHIPS CAUGHT AND SUNK, I -Irlfltlfttrt iPrjA 4 1 1 lTi It IT --- - - - --- - -,. s,ijw? v3mwanjii i r3-3fUJK earyiTi - eh f , ' ' ' ' ": f . i i iiiihmimiiwiwimbi, ! pHM,iwwwwiiwwiwiiwewiwwiwwieeniiOTeoeeiinilnrTiniiiiTniiiTmTTnnTTTnTTi ih,b KAISER TAKES PRZASMSZ IN LATEST DRIVE ON WARSAW r- u Stubborn Fighting Ends in Victory at Strategic Point, East of Mlawa. German Flank Protect ed by Occupation and Way Opened for Quick Advance. Flew Movement From East , Prussia Sweeping. Tpward ' Objective Berlin Re ' gards Lodz Capture as Turning Point in. Second , ' German . Invasion of Po land. ,s The German force driving toward Warsaw from East Prussia has cap tured Trzasmysz, a strategic town north of the Vistula and on the line of ' communication between Mlawa and .Warsaw. ' Gains of from 200 to 600 yards along the French centre are (reported today in the official communique is sued from the War Office. Along the Aisne and in the Champagne re gion artillery duels continue, with the advantage resting with the French, while in the Argonne continued prog ress is reported::. - Berlin declares' that' the French .AVAUMES!9iu .region 01 me. Argonne, Dut denies that, any rogresi has ben made. Unofficial reports in Paris announce the capture of a section of railway line aver which supplies for the army of the German Cr.own Prince have beeii transported. v Persistent German attacks within 40 miles of Warsaw are admitted by Petrograd, which avers, however, that the German battle line of 50 miles' ex tent was held back in its advance. The new battle opened in the vicinity of Mlawa, whence .the Kaiser is aim ing a new drive on Warsaw, continues, but not so vigorously. Berlin sets great store on the capture of Lodz, the importance of which is discounted by the Russians. From Petrograd reticence and Vienna declarations, it Is apparent that the 'investment of Cracow is not yet completed; in fact, the Czar is at a standstill vin this operation. German reinforcements in uancia and a renewed Austro-German offensive in southern Poland mark "a Concluded tax Face rour The extensive case of th blues that the elements seem to have been suffering ttnder for-the list Ave days refuses to re pond to treatment and the heavens to. day are still In & big black eulk. nam, hall, snow and general cloudiness deierva n Inning. It's true, after those days and days of sunlight and sood wathr nt h THE WEATfiER pist few month. "Nevertheless, there la u particular ncea lor getting spiteful about It Humanity, however, I optlrn!stio by na lure, and there Is no better evidence of this than when they have to undergo such a .dose of weather aa at present It's fcart,to. be pleaean whip onea feet are wet a4 one oan't apeak, above a wblsptr,. But enough la enough. ' FORSQAST For Philqdtlphus agd vicinity lfnM0ttld tonight and Friday tuftK frobifMy figkCipbemr nmt nokmuoh change- in imperature; gtntlt varU Hia ioinit. ' , OtNMrratiaaa at Philadelphia.' 8 A. U. '.v.'.v.v.,sr Oorttoswt; .'jiiij'iV'Lwni. iloimoBj timimun . . Haw atianimjeayrtyre ftfl 4tna Amm,9 t ttf Dy Wju., Hi, Man ijW MM ii 1 1 ' IIBiiiiHiMiiWlMinBUllhiW IIWLWMWMIrllMlili wl'i' i lii i ili lili 'il W Hli mli IfllexeMiwI i i ,-::h VaBnHBkS mmmSm-n Vimkmmw:: v ' - lmiHHH lBNsrm-ttiJdatmmmimimmmMbmmm .zT-imk. N UB9HsmeH - HHweBWHaBgBHaaaaaHePWe'ns i K t'1 T '.. Is aiisMtPilfff' TflaBSfiMaMKM laWmfiiti JHIlBilMiHrliBlllirlllWIraTWflilWl "' ' ' '-- i3lrMWffiBiBfcTriTitii iMBWPt rwlBHMmrrt'al m&SmBSBSBBBXKKKKKHSmaKKBKiisMUg' t- . ': "-" .aieneinng JessssseMHBWBMMeJSMSeiK- srsn MBpSCTpjiWjftmMHBHHM OFFICIAL WAR REPORTS FItENCH. The day of yesterday passed quietly In Belgium as well as In the region of Arras, where tho enemy made no attempt nt a resumption of offensive operations. Farther to tho south. In the region of Lo Quesnoy and around Sandechy, we made advances varying from 200 to 600'metres. Our Rains were maintained and strengthened. In tho region of, the Alsno and Champagne there has been no change. The Ger man artillery, over which we gained the advantage during tho last few days, yesterday evidenced.- Increased activity, but was again mastered by our heavy guns. Our artillery In the environs of niielms lias forced tho. Germans to evacuate several tranches;' This evac uation, took place under the fire of our infantry. In the region of Eerthes the enemy, by means of two counter attacks, at tempted to retake tho trenches which they hid lost on the Sth. TThey were repulsed. The ground .taken by us Is firmly strengthened. In all the Argonne our .progress con tinues. We haveitaken new .trenches, repulsed with complete success six counter attacks and have strengthened the positions gained from the enemy. In the heights of the Ueuse there have been artillery duels. In which wo have maintained, despite- the greater activity .of the enemy's batteries, a marked advantage. In the forest of Le Pretre .we have taken. new trenches. There la nothing" to report on the rest at the front as far as the Bwlsa fron tier. GERMAN. In the district of Houaln the French yesterday confined themselves to heavx artillery fire. There have been re4 newed French attacks In the eastern region of, the Argonne forest at Rocrol and at Coureuljles, but they have made no progress. East of the Masurian lakes only, ar tillery encounters, ate taking place. In northern Poland pur. columns, ad vancing on the iright. bank; of. the Vistula, took Prxasnys by storm- Six hundred prisoners and .-some machine guns, were captured. The attack along the. Vistula River Is being continued. In" Southern Poland all attacks made byUha Russians have, been repulsed. The failure of the French attacks In the Argonne' region was due- to the heavy fire of our artillery. The enemy sufferedsevere loss. Teaterday three of the enemy's avla tqr? dropped about ten bombs on the open tqwn of Freiburg, whleh is et situated within 'the range yf opera tion!. No damage, was done. The pomb-lb,row8g; Incident to tnen tloned in order to show again that the ejiemy's bwnbs ftava attaskSi ait, open tttwn not within ins range of opera ttw. RUSSIAN , On December 8 the fighting Iq the reglpn of tliawa was less energetic On the left bank of the Vistula, on the evening of December J, the Oer umnM eoBiuencsd an jergtlo ad vanes along the atire frost Rom llw to Olovno (near Lawtcs). Ttesy ' made reals4 praltt ttaJ la dtftu eohiM. TU ftusatau . tU4 by ssasaMfgbU wMttt swjt tha Oenuan Hair inllrtasl -mrrriimM leBne'i an fkk jay. Th, OetBtaiH wre rstfuUwd On tte juam day uhu $$utiBs betwesa Lorics sjm mm was without tMtttt for th anoaa. ytSSitlBg coaUttuas with tii situatioo uncluuiged la the tHotrkaw ;lou- ttoulh at Crsxow, with b.ttl UU In yioj'o.. the figjAtisg is fctiag prssfcl tth gikl pcsUtr.., Tnc .'itruiiuia ile,-i-i Uu- lia: to brmlt th Riuiiw. net, t-ut thus izkniitK-ji tw 1 " "'-,yCTr'J'tll,8'tjWjf'' jiJ''jIZSy V" . . . 7K.V -NJ'r 9 X& ,ST"-9 f'J rjEuZFT 3STT ' ' '. ' ' . .v ' i 1'hoto, by Underwood A Underwood, The upper picture shows the famous phonograph disk laboratories In flames. Below is the burning main office of the inventor and staff. Out of 22 buildings composing the West Orange plant only three were Jeft standing. The intense heat made the task of the firemen difficult and their efforts were further hampered by low water pressure. 'BUILDING ALREADY,' EDISON'S MESSAGE TO JOVIAN LEAGUE Electrical Wizard Undis mayed by . $5,000,000 Fire Loss, Sends Quick 'Reply. to Condolence. In response to a -telegram of con dolence, Thomas A. Edtsoh, the Inventor, : whose i5.000,COO plant at' 'East Orange, N. J., was swept by Are, addressed the fol lowing message to the -Jovian League here today: ' "Thanks. We-have 'started to rebuild already." Applause greeted the reading of thla telegram at tnt luncheon of the league In the Adelphla Iletel. ' This morning, , Washington Devsreux Offered the sympathy of the league to the noted Inventor for his loss. The answer from, Mr. Bdlaon was dated from the sosae of the Are. bmoJderlng.rulftS mark the spot where the gteat plant stood yesterday. Out of 3t separate bqlldlRga hut three are stand Ink, One of these Is the famous1 red brink, private Uixjratcfry ef the eleotrtcal wliard, where so many inventions have bssii perfected. - It escaped unscathed from the Are wh)h raged ell all sides from about -j;30 ywltnUy evening until midnight last jiigUt. The less ki estimated at M.9MJW Wtth iMUMBce of .we,6). There U a "Ue taoir" nwUs(i ut of the Gmpasy's Ttw bfiAl f mm Mag hJt bA fouad la the rsi of. 0 Aim Inyiatten btUa lu and oi aaa astd a girt are itftotlti. as Qitastug. WUUaitt Txlr iot his Ufa la jb at temp to save some of th vaiuahU troyriy la ths Uupctioa buitdiog. Us uuede4 fat gettiug eut a number of artMd and thea toads one last trio whtnh ytcvt to b his undoing Hi Sjody ws EmuhJ LUM wi-ruicg in ths VAGRANT DAZZLES GHINATOWN WITH WORTHLESS BONDS Splurge on $55,000 in Stolen Papers Would Have Been Real if They Had Been , Signed, The prido of John Smith In his meteorlo career through the restuarants of Chlna ,town as a prince of spendthrift took a -sudden drop today when he learned that the motive for his plunge was a mis take, Brolth, who is M, years old and lives' at 113 Bast Allegheny avenue, is being held for a further hearing at the 11th and Winter streets station. Tbe man was caught with a tin box containing bonds dt an apparent face -value of iop.000. When he was arraigned before Magistrate Tracy this morning, the official recalled that two days ago Smith .waa before hlta as a vagrant. No. one noticed that the bundle or suppoteaiy valuable papers carried by Smith were worth, exactly what it cost for the paper and the bsautlful engraving. It was not until 'tha firm that owns the bends refused to become excited over their loss and recovery that the pollse became suspicious. Then & further ex amination of the - documents was made And was discovered 'they were not signed. When Smith was told, -his satisfied smile disappeared. Tb prisoner, who will be known for years io ths Ce)MsJ quarter as "the M- spender." gave the plain nane of John Saalth. He said be. waa W yearn old and fits heM Is at US Bast Alle gheny avenue. The deeUfpsaU were stolen yesUfday from an Adams Express Company wagon lit Clever street sear Cbsstnut. between 1Kb fc4 13th Thsy are i ttr ueat xngetiable seWr rnpntruction boads of Lerne County aztd were tela abippsd by It U rreams Co.. bankers, to that covuniy. Smith lkf tuio a Race street restau rant lu !iJi ;i:ht vih a Ua box w- f '"INC tti bvnds tatdsr his aiiu o4 r ,ft9WU4. -'' PASSENGER INGOME UNDER 2 PER CENT, IS P. R. R. DEFENSE Railroads Plead First in Hearing by State Public Service Commission on Commuters' Protest, A mass of figures and statistics to show that the Pennsylvania Itallroad Is at present earing less than 3 per cent, on its total paaseriger Investment and argu ments intended to prove that the net operating Income of all the railroads had decreased far below normal during I9ti was the burden of the defense presented by the railroads before the Pennsylvania Public Service Commission today In their attempt to Justify the proposed Inesase In passenger tariffs. ,The entire morning session was oaetipied In taking tho testimony of P. J.' Fell, chime statistician of accounts far the Pennsylvania, who was examined by II. W. Blckley, assistant general cewnajl far the railroad. At 1:W o'oloek this after noon, after a recess of an hour, the com mission reconvened t hear the testimony of other f ehnsyivania a metals. Former Governor EamUel W. PeABy packer, who is presiding at the hearing in the absence of Pxuak M. WaWmee, acting chairman of the sjemmlsstss, re marked at tha cBBsittatew ef the warming sesslsaUat nothing had eeen nreseMed as yet ta eew why there should be an ia erease in rates. Mr- Blckley assured Mr. Pnnaypackar that this would b shosw, at Um ptonif Una. SAYS KABK1NOS njenRWAWeH- In accordance with tha sjnonnchsnt sand at tSM preUmlnary hearing two weeks axe that th railroads would have to betkf Ute b-srda of pfonf. the reprsr aacUv of the eUiam 'S COUNCILS PROVIDE $50,000 TO RELIEVE" SUFFERING OF POOR Measure Names Department of Health and Emergency Aid Committee as Distrib utors of Fund. The measure that will provide IW.000 for relief of, the city's unemployed was .passed by Councils today as an. amendment to a ponding transfer bill, The transfer bill, Including the amend ment, will go with the transfer bill to Mayor Blankenburg for his signature tomorrow morning, making the $50,000 available at once. The bill In which the relief fund was Incorporated as an amendment Is one transfering funds from the Departments of Public Works, Public Bafetyand City Transit It was called by Chairman Con nelly, of tho Finance Committee. The text of the amendment making the appropriation set forth: Toward the relief of the unemployed poor of the city of Philadelphia, 150,000, the said amount to be expended for such purpose by the Department of Public Health and Charities through the Emer gency Aid Committee and bo paid by the City Treasurer on warrants drawn by the Director of said department and countersigned by the City Controller." It Is also provided In the amendment that any balance remaining In the ap propriation at the end of the year shall not merge with the general fund, but shall continue as a relief appropriation. There was no opposition to the amend ment, which was Immediately adopted by Common Council and sent to the Select Chamber, where similar approving action was taken. Other Council Proceedings Page Two PASSENGERS FALL 20 FEET Seventeen Injured When Train Goes J Over Embankment, JOFUN, Mo., Dc 10. Seventeen per sons were injured, feur of them fatally, When a St Louis and Sjyi JFransUoo pas senger train was derailed four miles east of Joplln early -to4.y All the coaches went dawn a Shfeot embankmant. .'tip p.,.. ,i i m ' ' I-" ' w STATION PETS STOLEN .Thieves- Tl .Six ' gaxiarjsi', From Wlstar on Third YlsTt, ror the third time within a few weeks thieves visited the WUtar statiea oa the Rsadjiig. Harty this wornlng they foresd a rear wngwv. 4 wfcsa ttay left tmk with tfewa six canary btrds. the pets ef H. WeOHt. rbe Stella wU. The thisvw gaigftd tMrajMS U" station by rofciag a re wMww. They ratted the ca4y aad eir eowRfer; hut got o money. They then pfee tha six birds tn uae Urge cge aad cairt4 them FUuig W Sat& tn V. S. Trjttfy WtMUHIftVH, tktc ML-Jks F. Mo Cue. 16 yeJ old. ef Braokaia, D C, ill killed today when fe lopped ovr statr rsJUtte! Ul the 'f resur BulMtxg c.j JilSBgrl four mttm V tie tiiii .3- NEW REPO Nurnberg and Dresden, Fleeing From Fight oft Fafkland Islands Where Three Warships Were Sunk by British, Now Rumored Over hauled and Wrecked. 2000 Men and Officers Be lieved Lost in Greatest Sea Fight of War Admiral von Spee, Victor of Chili Battle, Reported Drowned With Crew of Flagship. BUENOS AIItES, Dec 10, A report has reached here that the German cruisers Dresden and Nurnberg, which escaped when the Scharnhorst, Gnelsenau and Leipzig were sunk oft the Falkland Islands, novo been overtaken and sent to the bottom. This follows the great .naval victory on Tuesday, when the three German warships were wrecked and probably S000 men and oN fleers lost. It was a miscalculation of the Ger mans as to tho route the British would tnke. coupled with rare- strategy by the English, that resulted In the battle. The Germans' tried to avoid a light with the British fleet. Admiral von Spee was endeavoring to get out Into the open Atlantic. When he misjudged the direc tion by which the British fleet would ap proach, however, lie was forced to give battle. In addition to sinking the three Ger man fcrulaers, the British fleet captured and sank live German merchant vessels In the same vicinity in which the battle occurred The latest statement Issued by the LUritlih-Admiralty. made . nomention -of the- British UeefH "reported success In overtaking and sinking the Nurnberg and Dresden. According to the last offi cial word, Vice Admiral Sturdee was pur suing the two German vessels. It Is reasonable to assume that Admiral Stur dee would report the sinking of the Nurnberg nnd Dresden to the Admiralty promptly and that the Admiralty would make the news public at once. . IONDON, Dec. 1 British warships, which sank three Ger man cruisers oft the Falkland Islands In Concluded on Face Four KAISER SUFFERS SEVERE ATTACK OF COUGHING .Emperor's Condition Believed to Be Serious. . LONDON. Dec 10,-Kalser Wllhelm was racked by a severe coughing spell early today and was relieved only after the court physicians and the Empress, who was summoned to his bedside, had administered to him for nearly an hour, according to reports reaching here by way of Amsterdam. It Is now accepted In London that the condition of the Kaiser Is serious. It Is evident that the strictest censorship Is being exercised by the German Govern ment. Reports of his Majesty's illness have coma from numerous points. His ailments are variously described as in fluenza, bronchitis, pneumonia and ner vous prostration, Another report of the Kaiser's condi tion says: "He is angry at his physician for keeping him in bed and vents his wrath upon the Empress, who is hla devoted nurse. A telephone wire leads from the pick room to .field headquarters, and he rages because he Is not allowed to use this as frequently as he wishes. "Special prayers are being offered for the complete recovery of the Kaiser." KAISER KEPOETEB DEAD LONDON. Pec 10. The rumor that the Kaiser is dead persists today, despite the dlspatehes from Berlin through The Hague and Amsterdam, purporting to b official bulletins, which state that hi condition Is unchanged. The order' of the Kaiser to ths Prus sian Guards to 'take Calais by Decem ber 10 or die In the attempt" is recalled in connection with the rumors. That many of the famous guards aetualty did perish In their efforts to push through ta the Channel coast Is pointed out I.OST AND JOUND ILL. "IjOBT AND FOUND" AKTtCUi adVWtlsM'in IM WW" Jas er I the PuWto Lsdsw er twurtett rial Wffi Ikdad fir SO dava. rlMS liftls l UttiSHt sa alw U ea at ;se Mto Oft, erfc to ehtstsut its. Xwt aa4 Faua4 adTrtU awols essT uft at y of tho dru )r igtn&rc$ acs a wmhhi imc w vim sawuers ewte-10-out aw. w-' . tlckMt e t rwmc uo. eoataishui tw mmi- 9 M laU Li 1.:' Kiif.'S'JSK .WUtii. m . . i ..- lvn, tag cue j.. -ism KM(rf jji. .v tmanaeinn. ViSW-'tVV s sw 9 -:- :- fc""- rJ w . -- -. " " litsrr fci.uiii iwjvisut t w4,i' 4 mitwrUr Rnwcli Sa'Jl JM Tt a-. ifisa: Pi; s-d i a-'j sv - t t TmtrK-wrmauiHr-iJui. i f!betat M. gst Sun store aw v MoM Maayww Mrarart f3SVi QNuA) a ' tMtftyif f mantra ear Vast Tr.d.r.lsSTi ess.siwsw4 teiosr.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers