""W! 'pwiWWwiu.j-.JiMWil''li'IiiWii nil' ..iUMjJliw tunHjB'.M KVKNING LEDGER rmiiAPELPHIA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1914. i. X5 ?S??WpWI PLEA FOR CfirhSREN OF THE POOR MADE BY AID COMMITTEE Shoes and Clothing Needed as Well as Money to Pur chase Food for Young Suf ferers. Contributions to the Emergency Aid Committee' home relief anil HeUlan re lief funds rAntlnUfc to crtna ,ln. but slowly, and It was announced this moruluH more money, clothing and food must bo given at once If conditions nre to be bettered motiR the stricken of riilladilplila and Kurope. Numerous canen of chlldicn walklnc tho streets nlthout shoes or stockliifts woro found, nnd many of these cases have been attended to. Now, however, thn shoe supply Is low and tliete Is not ehrfiiBh money left to purchase Wore It In ono houso thero uns a family of foui U children, rnngltiR In npe from 4 ymra to II years. Tho little Bin, it yearn om, nnn to remain In tho house and cannot ru to work bccailso she 1ms no shoes Another mooting mas held at tho lirVme of i Mrs. E. T fitoteBbury jesleiday for the purpose of devising means of raising money with nhlch lo buy clothing iiul food for PhilnriUphla'B poor Various subcommittees were appointed to make a canvass In on effort to obtuln money and clothing. An soon as the organization of tho home relief department on a larger scale has been completed, the tunus now on hand will be used to relievo tho moro ument cases that aro under advisement. Mr. and Mrs Blotesbutj were In con ference with Maoi nnd Mr JtUnlien burs In the Minor' office jesterrlnj. No announcement was made aftei the ion ference, but the fact that It M. Utile, secretary of tho Soclct for Organizing Charity, was present, gave foundation for the belief that new pioposals for tho city's participation In relief work wero under consideration. - The cry for food for the stricken Bel im rnntlniies to come Into the Belgian rellof end of the Emergency Aid Com mittee's work. Hlr Gilbert Parker sent a letter to tho commltteo yesterday, tell ing of the dire need of food In Bejglum Conditions there have become worse In the last month, he said, because of the cold weather. Thn ionnmhln llntlecnn will be rr-udv to sail from Philadelphia thin wick with a cargo of :S0,O0O btiahclH or wheat Steve dores aro working day and night stowing tho cargo In the ship's hold The ship was chartered by. tho American Kolluf Commission organised In London. THE KID'S CHRONICLE ' y-tlVILlS!AT10N Is wat makes tho world J jiff rent frum the olden dajc wen men ust to go out and nocl: rotch ulhlr down with stone hammlra awn akkount of gtina not beelng Invented yet. Befoar the werld got civilized the mon ust tp get married liy going nut and hunt ing errountl till they saw a wife and then dragging her throo tho woods by the hare till she promised to marry them. Tho ladya that wunted to get mnrrled ust to Varo thare hnre down for that perplss. But no gentleman wood try to get married that way now, bekause It woodent be clvllUed, and hoslileH, tho ladys wood proborly objeckt to It, nnd liesldea that, so meny f them have false hnre nowcr ,aays, It mlto not be awn tlto onuft to drag them by Tho ony way to got married nower 1 days Is to get awl dressed up and go .and ask sum gerl. and If alio nes. No, tyou cood drag her by the hare for a weak and It woodent do you any good. (This Is known na wlmlns rltos. Befoar tho werld was civilized peepll lust to havo moar hare nwn them than f cloze, nnd they ust to live in caea wlth lout eny books to roeil bekuuso tharo fwasent eny llbrarys to keep hooka In, 'and If they wuntetl to rlto a lettlr they 'had to rlto It awn a cotible stone with a chisel, and the peepll proberly dldeut ust to say the way thoy ilo no)w, O, I luv to get lettlrs, boKausa If you hap- ' pened to drop n lettlr awn yure toz In thaso uays, goott ntie. apu u suin 1 boddy got raafl and throo n lettlr at you. good nlte, to, espeshllly If It was a lawng lettlr and had about 5 pages, "Wun of tho sintest thlnga civilization evvlr did was to make war shoart by the invenshln of cnnnlns wlch kill 1000 mvn a mlnlt, vllo If tha uncivilized peepll billed a man a mlnlt they ust tl think they was doing grate. In the olden days the dlffrent kuutrles was awlways fltetngr, wlch wb uncivilized, but nower . day they ony rlto wunts In a wile, awn akkount of ewry time they flte awl tho soldiers awn both aides get killed and they haft to wate till the chlldrln grow up to get moar soldlera. This Is a good tning, neicause war is a grate Horse. Pop bob In tho days of stone hatchlta ' mlta made rite nnd evvryboddy wunted i to be. a bonehed awn akkount of safety feret. CLASSIFIED RATES DAILY ANP 8UNPAY THIS STTUi TYPE (or like thia) One Inaertlon ., , loa per Una Three tniertlona in a week ... z!e per Una Bjven coneccutive InaertloaJ.. , 10o per line J0OO Una contract (dally ad vertising) .... .,.,..,... go per line Bltuatlcns wanted, three Inser tions In a week JOo per line THIS SIZE TYPE (or like this) Permitted In all claeiineatlona except Help and Situations Wanted. Loat and Vound, Per sonals. Boarding and Itoorus, tjnm inaeriiaii. . .... ,. ,c :uo per line Three laaertlona in a week,,,, ljic iier fine fto" eonaecutlve (naertlcas. , . iBa per lino 1C0O Una . contract (dally ad- vtrtlttng) .. .. .. .,, lSUeparumj All rates a.ra baaad on ml. tnai,rR.n i 14 agate lines to the Incb. ; UPATH NOTICE-lther pgpr 11 "ne one, time ,,... ,....,..,,. so. 5or lowrtlons ....;,.,..lt75 DAILY ONLY I H8f0t Dctmbir J, i COMBINATION RATE for taatrtion lo both tha momfnr aaj vtnlni PUBLIC LEDGER fMORNINO,) EVENING LEDGER 'fEVENINd.l A.$i taar "a' p,lr ln' "' to t Uvea BOOT KB1P AND BITUATIONa WANTED AUVBRTMINa IN TH5 PU8UQ LBDOKB ' SfAT BS JNBBRTBD EJ THE Hvenrvn HfiDgBR "withovt! ADDITIONAL i OHABrm LOST. AND POUND OJT-Ob B. BJd at, or vlelalty. Pal SUam HBW wt NTED-FEHALB QOdk WtiTMmmidS rrtUDt" WUIi Ptft niDtuwn. must nana Aaarsj u-a oouw. prieacad, MU mrdQa aak. good ciaaner evy wssi m put. apt wfc a feu"1- rOHK--WSE. girl uTSSSSriiZi Bwya, n.. JBttM.eoolt. a Aa&te SkI t &-ta ' Tfob or Traaok siii3 ,oc4 atamtt'a Viniliia. fili,2 atttckara ILiljif uuk. tiind attar aud sajul ugttmtwn ta -,rL 8. f(fNTEa iil fcr i.Juilnjart aa t t- SaV-B- A irl Mr &S.ai J!i teiniaubi IIBLP WANTED MALE AiwKtvnsiNa solicitor llo )ri can make a good connection on a. tty liberal tiasla. M 450, Ledger Centrel. JJOCKKt'tSrBn Hup. B R. stale refe.. age and iwlnryeiperted P nuS. I-edgcr Otnce, IttlltUIT voung man, with good rererencca, for real eMnto otflee. L M. Ledger Office .t.vNtmn ron school wasted A tmnll boarding achool located In tho coun trs, I mllr-i from illy of I.aneaiter. needs a Miwr rellibl,. man to not as laultnri immt hive experience In handling boiler flrea and know aometMnr of out- of mar hlnerv ; a MiHy man, willing In make hlmeelf ueeful and mit nrratd or work. mi i-wnro per manent position: muet lire nt eehool. state wage iwlrp,i where good living la Imtuded. 3TBVTL8 HCllOOU Hoi .V-'4, Laneaetcr. Pa. OrPirK JIOY. not orr 14. lawyer Call renn wnuare nuumng, -u. BALBSMAN Klectrlc. exp i ret, and com. Apply P m tail Chew at.. Oermantown. MIOP8 Lining and trimming cuttrit and ilnodveni rhaniieler in leave tonn, good payi tradv work, trantportiitleii free, mil ho In ,en l andJ.Fee M U'eVlcrjlllnghain llnune. YVANTi:i- Help In cabinet department, all liranhefi of vvnodirnrkiiia; in connection with liianufaoiurlng of high-grade raulnete. apply In writing, siting age. rcra ami namo of laat employer, Inveatlgatlon of ret muit prove aat lfrlir and applicant P phrelcnl exam Ariilr l'natoflfce Hox .IVXI. Blatlon O Ornrral 1 MADK VO00 In (He yeara with a arnall mjll order bualnena. bsnn with IS Hend for fre,. boolilol Telia how Ilearock, t"v, Lock pnM N" V ll 11 VJ B N K W A I. t) ' H hx, iitlxp j.rflro poalUnna teih und ale loicttlona hlahilaan cmplomrnt exclualrely; S2?!;"tnd. t'lalM J-IMU S.TI B. 11th at. SITUATIONS WANTMHFALE IlOOKKEKPErt and atenographer, rapid, com retuiit!ri'fa modern la ry A 21 Led. Offlie IiOOKICBt:rKU; exp., refa. as to characti-r jajutjaunit; C J.M), Ledger Centrel flltl.UNl'ltSB. Noilh Herman, mhldle-aged. yeara' referenre preaent place I. nri, L'!!!ff''r!l?l"r?' ni.niu.n Wt i.MAN wlihcs da a work, Mon day and Tueailay, c lt nr auhurban. nlau bun dle wath lukon noma or family uaah 1"14T Naeaau at Call all week COOK, coinpctont Kngllth ProleUnt. dealrea posltlon. good refeience 1810 Wallace COOK, colored, neat, dealrea poiltlnn, refa.: city or country, l'hono t'reaton 41.11. COOKIN'O or housework wanted! exp. girl; it years' reference Telephone Walnut 1113. DAY'S WOrtlC Oerman, experienced cleaner and laundreaa, reference, teg Market at. DltKHHllAKhlt wanta engagenTenti, home or . out, good fitter 1HTO Monlroae. Dick 2J41W. GinLwIahea chflmberwork or chambcrwork and waiting Call 4! Wnne ae Oermantown .-iiune uernianiown & I. IIOl,Hi:iitic-oman' for general houaewprk In gmnll fomlly. tef JMii H Cleeland ave. LNTANT N'fltet:, titer capable, full Oiarge N 13 cor. 12th at and (Sttli ave Oak lane. rktl'liril'H IllfLl'HTt-riTmp worn would like entlro ihnre of child. ! A 1? Id. Off NIIItHK wlihen engaaenienta by hour or day, ternia rcabouahlo. l'lwne llermantown UIJY MtOl'f'Klt Young woman, experienced, will HVp for'tiuaj mnthera nnd Ihone wllh limited time. Phone Tioga 4.1H1 V. or write K fitO. Tdver Central. HIlINiXiitAI'linit-Youiig lady, wed educated ox;. In eecretarlal work. Iinowl of German; excellent referencon f: 447,LedBer Central SIliS'OOfiAI'lIKrr rfxiierlenced', references; can aaalst bookkeeping 1? ,M3. Ledger Cen- Iral HTKNOCinAIMIHrt-noOKKLEPi:!!, xp.: refH mod l. Mlta Mldilleton, 16.IS N, J.1that. YOUKO colored girl for gcnernl hnuaework; willing to Icarn.Call toilay, 402H Cheatnutit, SITUATIONS WANTED MALE 'ACCOUNTANT, credit man offko manager, experienced, dealrea pos. K 457. Led Cent. ATt'HITUCT. oung rran. 27, 10 leara' prac tical experience In patterning and carpenter ing. atudlng architectural engineering, would like to locate in Philadelphia with architect or builder, opportunity wanted, eatary sec ondary Uox E SW, Ledger Central. AUD1TOH, office manager and aeeretary; thoroughly otperlenced In all depaltments of off,c detail nnd accounting, hlghext recom n enddtions U 44'), ledger Central. nctiKKUUri:!!, atenographer. neat writer, lompetent bill clerk, toulrt lake charge; mod irate aalarj to atari n 4.M l.edgerCentral. EOOKKEtJPKlt Man 43 jtura of age, thor oughly experienced in bookkeeping and gon eral offlin work I! 611, Ledger Central, cilAl'i'KKric. rndlali, now employed" wlahea ti make change; eara' experience; ueed to taking care of car, country pref. . tmart, teat nferenco A.T . 11(11 N Newklrk at. CHAUl'rKtJri who (an do own repairing, good reference from prhate family 021 8. Sith atrret CHAUrVKUR, ilngle, white, -I yeara' exper. prly. fam ; prominent ref. K 43a, Led. Cent. CLi:HK Knergetlc young man, l.i!. fl yeara" axperlenco In office detail, nasi bookkeeping. typewriting, time payroll. recellng work, etc :A1 refeiencea K -I4il Ledger Central. DltlTnS Flretclaaa relief" cleik wanta enrage- -menta; exp'il. active refa. Weat 470fl A. OYBTBR OPRNKW Underatanda bualneaa thoroughly. Hell phone, Kcnalngton 6(M8 3021 N. fith at lli:AL KSTATt: Young man. 53. high achoel and tollege education. In real tatate and con- vcsnnclnr. aollclllng and aelllng experience, dealrea reaponilhle poaltlon A 33, Led Off. SALESMAN, experienced, dealrea poaltlon with a reputable houae aa taleaman or collector; JL" t ot reterencea. A SO. Ledger Offlce hKCHErrARY, atenographer, bookkeeper, office manager, exper., dealrea poa B 533, Ld. Cent. WATCHMAN fomp. man, good ref. Francle Pqilllard. Highland Park Pa . Upper Darby, EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES COMPETENT cook. pUln cooka, trained wait'a, ehamb'di, gltls for chamberwork and waiting, laund'a, puraea. parlor nida. houacwork Ilrla butlera and itouaemen, Proteitant and Oath otic; refa M McCarthy, Z020 Hanaom at. MALH and female help aupplled, Mlaa Roae Dougherty. 1013 Olrard ave. AUTOMOBILES Vor Sale 8IX-OJL1NDEK car, electrlo llghta. aaif atartar; tMa yaar'a model; fully equipped! perfect condition; aacrlflce at one-half rami. lar price; car has been In ui two niopilja) demonatiate It anywhere and any time. Ridge Auto, 1414-la Hldge ave., 1417 Palr- inount. ttace ji'ii. AiriOMOUll.K OPLN1NU-I have tho Phlla delphla agency for d new t423 light delivery car: doalre a reliable partner with flOov; will atand itrlctrat tnveatlgation; referencea exenan nged. It 4WLedger Central. OVLRLAND ROADSTER Must aacrlflce bualneaa takes owner avay from town: new ly painted; exeellant condition, demonetratlon at MARION GARAGIS. noth and Ludlow, or Bl'.'l Ludlow, v 4 ia rieur. ueimom win. AUTOMOniLH OPKNING-I liave the Phlla. Hgeney for a new 1123 light delivery rt deatra a reliable partner with ItOOOi will atand atrlctatt Inveotlgation; reference ex- eangeo. ji -oo. Leager v-emrai. FORD TOUJIINO. nerfeet order, fully equipped. Ridge Auto, lill.m Ridge ave. PACKARD, 30. IBtlj B-paaaanger, two bodlaa. ?ACUCARD, 80. J011, B-paaaanger Brlng Oarage, v3o' W.r40tb. AUTO LIVERY AND GARAGES .AUTOMOBILE taken on dud atorage. Eoula- era uaraav. iw duuib Broad at. riRST-CLASa TOORINort7Sll. I LCD par hour. ,u ata.n ygett ron Hli-Paok"rd touring cara by hour, aajr, week or month. Banaom oarage. Bpruce M83. SMsSStMSKSSS i i i , i 1 1 i in ii .T mm in mi . ,i. AUTO PAINTING BPOLTON. the Auto Painter, can alao tnVa your old nwhalr top leek like new. 6013 Cambridge at. Phone Preaton WX AUTO BaiBtlng. lat-alaaa workoianaEln. U UnT Berat'a tefrtage XVorka. 800 N 8h 'Pop. IT to BUSINESS NOTICES Ladle " bv your fura altered and ra- BAtred rupa ' avoid deUy later on. work guaranteed, fo"cHroATTB' .Trchl m. gnemle eoadltloaa. flaah reduolog and illdiag MacbiDO and HfKoj-o.Totrapeu- lAllei. M Pulaa. t? N Bro3. Pep. VS. t li-- '.....t.".ii' ' jue!r- ' r-.i. BUBINES3 OPPORTUNITIES AtftOKOBltV oJiKNIN-O wstettpws: WAm-Av fe4 i i wHtt HMO uah fcab ha. K , Ledger Cfiual. KJly fiiH yM ftuirffgl paasff, rr tie? pajil.jular, ate . 8 lit, tki daateal rvr a iwi iMt ' ewer uaaii you i-eatrai. Bllvar, KS Saplre Bldg ' K & car llYbAWal't. UfTfaMr innovate. It; gr. aaiul q p - ii i" !' '- i .. , i in -.,.. , ..in...!!. - -.., , . .1 n m i in i ... i , ii,M .M,,,.,.,,,,, ,.. i lt .fci, SCRARRLE - - - - l- n 1 1 -1 T. BcTM LOMG UM6 . . VMeM TbU RUM OUT OP 3eV5 AJr.y Fou Ajy U'tt) - v, -- y" -v . ,TS AtvVS A (,o4 LOM4 IM twe 'i'tr Llrs" I J fy C (Jftitfraer w WAT "tb A lMe ty dll2lps MILL TLiRM tb VOUR .JWk' t? T" V MCKlS - . SS? J LEPT w Vou'i-1- S&agfek. J&i ir S. r, Keep GolH& sSaT'A. Sl house crnf HMiBl JK fFCBT) - aSS wrJfil M ml "MiJ ;n3-w14 (f,v , w$M M Kp M MerA6E the - T&r(&j' J)v) '& HP Wm IW Wt LOrJ(S " ,T rtidSASsi lYss I .-s, twgw U. J "Cvin v. - MC t'?W$ "'--. , England's Modern "Ingo" Hlr Cdward Grey, Secretary of State for Foreign AfTalrs, la portrayed In a German nowapapci cattoon as "tho villain of the piece" nstrldo a goose. CLEANING AND DYEING OftTHICH KEATHKR9 AND TANCIKS CLLANI11). UYKD, LUULBU AND MAUK INTO I.ATESP SPYLUS. MAILHOT 1M0 CHESTNUT DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY DIAMONDS IJOUOHT Hank Tteferencea Appraisement, le; HAHItY W. SSliril, 717 SANSOll ST FOB SALE EILLIAHD, pool, combination, 2d hand, boiii it. aold. rented, ax'd. Keafer. 320 tllrard ne. CANVAS COVKrtS. any nlzc, for building -un-tractora. YOT. ,15 N Delaware ac C'AnPLTS. aold, atorage, Wilton, Axminster: aultable boarding & apt, houeea. Idli) Poplar. FOR SALU Tuxedo, with fancy . veat extra, L, 30Vi Inchea, W. 21) Inchca Made bi Hob ert Stowart. Call 5017 A, Carpenter at , Weat Philadelphia during thn day only. HEA'tKltS Novelty and other makes reinoed for water heating, rebuilt and guaranteed, Inataljed cheop MAK1N 2220 Urldge at M-NfJTE PLAYER-PIANO and tnuslc at eac rlflcc. 1817 Montgomery ave. rUBNITUBE vuh n iTtJi7iALi71 kilTOs wi tXTi u y WIUTH Ln (TIOOA 4250 W). 41524 N 10TH LAUNDRIES MANAYUNK L4.UNDRY "FOR THOSB WHO CARE" 108 LKVKHINO ST. BKLL, MNYK IB. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS STEINWAY uPrlht ,7; T OlCinVVrtl olher rnrEhta (85. Playera 32S up. HUtlllES UROS , K PAINTING AND PAPERHANOING PAPHRHANUINQ and palnttng.low price, good work Alf. B248 Otn. ave Uell Tioga 6CM PERSONALS HENRY 8TRUNTZ. NOTICE Collateral on note due December let, 1014. will be aold for nonpayment on Friday. December 4th, tOU, at 10 a m., at 303 Penn Mutual LI to 131dg. William Flick. . STORE AND OEEICE EIXTURES Wil MAKB all klnda of atora flxturea and re frlgeratora SOHAD'8. M2J Paaayunk ave. TYPEWRITERS AND SUPPLIES TYPEWRITERS, all makea, 15 and upward. Penn Houae Wrecking Co,, 716-17 Jamea at., nar 8th and Walnut ) WANTED BROKEN Jewelry, gold, allver. platinum, falaa teeihranilauea Vbught. 138 Walnut, gat, 1M6. ROOMS EOR RENT ARCH. J033An opportunity for a lev de alrable people to obtain warm rooma, with liotjninnlng water; ratea reaeonabU. UROAD, S., 33l-Slng room, running water; aulte, with private oath. Filbert MS6 W. OLDAH AVE., 4MJ.Large, nevvly furnlehed room, phone. Woodland 7B7 w. CEDAR AVE.. 4a.'f-Nlcely furniabtd 4 foynia and bath, ought to to aoen to be appreciated! convenient to eara. Woodland Mil. CHESTNUT.' 1027 Large double front room; running water; electrlo llghta, prof, otflcea. CjIESTNUT. 2013 Exceptionally iarga front rooroi beautifully furnlahed, private bath, miLat m. aaail tn Ka nnreaftAtalil . ntlOIia. CHESTNUT. lOJ&-Nlcely furnlihed roomt, aln. Ki ar en bum convenient; Dbone ClIEaTNUT. ISlS-Proht ball bedroom; large double room, with bath. D2SIIKABLB fumlahed roomt board optional; eonvenlent to Cheater ave. cara. Wood. 102d. iBKOMB ST.. 1326-Buutttul, furnlahed joom, aa). oatn Ptar riqnting; rora. p. .wi j. LOCUST. 123-Dealrable"and reaa., doubla and alngle rooma, private bathai good aarvlce. LOCUST,' 4408 Oantlemen can have atngle room, oain, tn renuaa pnvavo uomo, .u OOUDIO rUPt'lj KWHW ... J.i.B w .. UT. VERNONTAND 18T" aT- S- ? clrT Roora, aoutnera expoaure; hot-water heat: private tamny. PARK AVE., N.. 1113 JJcommunlcatlng rooma, flrat floor, private bath. Diamond 3531 P. PKllKIOMEN, SIT Large, furnlahed aaloon Parlor. UBIimaw puuugj pritp ..m.j. PINE, IWo-ajeerful acancjaa. flrat and nffoora. ateam heat. Walnut 7124 W. kXtigUU ST.: eSSJ-One or two adjoining, rooma. will turn.. In refined family, all eonva . iiiww. ifr m,!.!.! uw iwva.ww. ft" BPRUCE. " UJT Dlrlle furalahod or partly fuinUhcd rooma. aoutnera exa . run, water. fFRtlCr 1J0-Large furnlahed iront room, hatn. running wq(er, private family ffPRUCE, i03T Dealrable rooma. with bath; breaktaat It daatred. Phone Loauet 1S50. WALNUT. J18S Rooma. large, aioall, private Mtn. auiie. cava, qncneoaite. nttea moaerata. WALNUT USl-Dwlrable room,ngl gad e auite aain. aiao tor ouia eaa pttrpoaea. HfUra iiii-Doetor'a office", alio oiwIyYur rdah'd apartmenU, otodern conta. . phflae iWir-iBbY? eUSQUBIUNNA-Thlrd-atory front, f urnlxbtd , board If delired ref ereoet, all conva. Owner, M 4W. Ledger Centra 1, UTH 8T, K,ii-ulte. with bath.'eligU Hunu. ataatn neat. iWM ST.. B. jjl-AtTraAively tumia$m; pfhate taxally. bmkfqjit ootloail phone edeie rt 13 mlo- ulaa I IVAfl3 fASjlLt will rent line room to rgoae gmq at gne4 tarty w Pblla- refa Belmont 1f D Prufeatloaal Ottteea. I grPTl. lH4-4tee eH, private hath ftinaH ad or uatunitehed prl family Wood 1S08 W OWtTIyiiTKr-bo gpprecleie tiring la a bouttfal bMM la Belvate adult WiiUy can real weU-furaiaaed roeaa In treat nmoa or Weat FwUdelpht, medente rata 12 rolo- & catv Mall miaaa laaruiar xvt wilt reoi larse rooai to r, lfM i"eraiie pas lar f pbyaicUn. ru&aSflg wafeg; aacfUani tomea !" llta5W rat ftear'olftet a. at? f&x dc tf wf ostit- Uvr&4. One op HOAB.DEBS WANTED CHUSTNUT, 40OIJ-Two dealrnble second floor front lommuntratlng rooma alnglc or on aulti1. hot ami cold water, board CHUSTNUT. jnri'i gunny houae; elnglo room, excel, table Mlax Henley, form, of Newport. SPHl'CK, 120Dealrabla roomsalnglo or aulto. private bath, excellent table board. WALNUT, 104-4 Dealrable ccond-tory front room; exceptional tablo board, llarlng 747. 13TH, N 3110 Communicating rooma on 2d floor, excellent table. Phono Tioga titHP W. 3ST1I. 8. 21S (co-ner lyicuat) Ideal rooma, southern expoaure; excellent table Kuhtirhan PULSKI" AVE., 4Ron (Cermantown) Attrnct. cor, room. 4 wlndowa, excellent meala, refa Atlantlo City. N. J. IMVATE COTTAOE. beautiful front rooma; thotco table near Doardwalk 147 R Pa. ave. APARTMENTS PINE. 170S 2d floor apta., It rooma; bath and Kitchenette, all modern oonvenlencea SPRING OARDKN. 1711-2 largo handeomely fjrnlalied 2d front rooma. bath, aouthern ex po iro; hardwood floora: hot water. SPRING 'JA11DI3N. 2101 fcornarl-Unfurn : 3 rma. . elec IlgH ateam heat, phone. re&. WALNUT ST. 1420-31 Furnlahed and unfur nUhed ap.irtmenta of 1. 2, 3 nnd 4 rooma with baths.JIrat claea, J30 up Apply Janitor. WALNUT ST.. 4103 2d floor, unfurn.; lovely rma , prtv tiath, South xp. ITcBtnn 2VMD 17TII ST., 8, 252 Darhelor apartment, fur nrvhed or unfurnlahed. alngle and en auite. FOUR LIGHT. AIRY KOOM8, kitchenette and bath, aecond floor, for rent, reaaonabte, heat furnlahed; near tralna and trolleye Apply Kepner'e. Llndley and Wlndrtm ave.. Logan . THE ESMOND B E COR 12TII AND SPRUCE STS HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS HAMILTON COURT . CHKBTNUT AND S0TII STREETS Ore Housekeeping Apt., 8 Itoomt and Bath One Housekeeping Apt . S Rooma and Rath. R. H THATCHER, Manager KT.NMAR APAItTJIBNTS, N W corner 10th and Pine, modern, up-to-date 6-room houae keeping apartment; elevator and Janitor aervlce, day and night, rent, ISO per month; open for Inapectlon day and plgbt. Sunday Included SPRING OARDEN. IBIO-Excellent apartmenta In eight different houeea; some furnished kltchenettea 210 N 17TH BT. a rooma every convenience, high claaa; 130. IBI2 N. 1BTH BT Ttrlght apta. 4 rooma and all mod, conva , 830 and g32.B0, Janitor. HOUSEKESPING apartment, two rooma and bath, central; low rent. P R. Company, 1817 Penneylvar.nla. Dldg BEAL ESTATE EOR SALE wry PLOT of ground. Includ. building N. W. cor. Hancock and Columbia. Pane. 2411 8. lath WEST PHILADELPHIA ilfi.OOU HOUSE. WB6T PHILA., 8ACIUFICED for tSQOO. 014 Commonwealth Blag OKUMANTOWN CHOICE properties In all aectlona of Gtn.. Mt. Airy. Cheat, ILt all prlcea, W'rite for epeclal Hat. J. II. Cbadwlck & Co., 6018 Uermantown Lagan, REAL ESTATE, mortgagee and conveyancing. WM, D, CUAM1IBR8, 4603 N. Broad at. eUBUBBAN B. AND L. bargain, 8 rooma t lot JSglBOi 2fifM near city. fl.M. AMA.N, iM Cheatnut at. BEaTPRpP0BITION8 la Delaware Countn iSa. forTlat, 8WOPJ3 A BON8. Darby. Pa." MAIN LINK. PA. B. B. MAIN LINB R1UL ESTATB A 8PECIALTT. NORMAN P. 81NCLAIR, R.l. Truat BUg. FLORIDA l'ARMS 200 ACRES, near De Juiiak epringa. Fa. (oaa of the meat delightful aecttooa la that State): excellent productive anil, 80 acrea under euU tlvatlon: the Itnaat garden truck and fruit Und la Florida, peean. flg and peach treat bearing, amell bouae and outbulldlnga, val uable plaa limber on the place, beat live atock range, in the tte, nir,the national highway and railroad, tula O. K., poueatTeo can be arranged to eult purcbaaer; a aplcn dld winter heme and a good Income-producing proper"' tWe property la offered for an int. mediate ailj at tha low figure of only 120 par acre. Any oae deelrlng to purcbaee. wire or rt,W. i MULLWrT Laekport, N, T. REAL ESTATE FOB, RENT OAK IANH TIB TfORK BOAD-a.ttery tuHiee: all eoava.l nvbar etaiwa. aoBgner. ttaa ti. Btoaa. Vaatoxlea, M'arehouea, Nfg. Jfloora f'affe RAL. ttenajd f. of iw rr .4Lggyr&r M0BTOA0ES "AMiSii" isioeKsmreJi'T 8T rmsr aaORTGAqaa (of aale mw proeertlej. Aoeburi ai at m t Nortaaul BoulavaM. T C SsVCANDLSBt 510 Mi The reasons vrMHr ThC CiEEMS Trie UON&fST 15 BECAU3H IT IZ SO CL05EUV PoU-OvjSI? 3Y ThG 9Th TIPPERARY ISN'T THE ONLY DISTANT PLACE OH, HAVE HURRY BNDHRE5iT0HN, tuc vt uinlt ILUtrXI T MINUTE5? j- : 0H-TOHN-COrE HERE fm HELP ME FIX MY HAIR!! Klfuffildiii vW W(ll(l'l rORHEftUEN'5 5RKE" iTOHN-ARENTYOUREBBY YET?! H0U1 SLOW OU Hrt !!Jkx Queer, Isn't ItP Mamma My dear, don't you think you are getting too old to play with boy a J MUly Why, no. mammal The older I set tho better I lilts them. jgrx tt !-! A &U&t Mlx-up I "We've got aoro audlroas up i 0-r J houae hand red old ' 1 "Qtx, wo to&t hie to kv 4MB W 4 iu4 our wuUb out." i8Tm octt &''?? y - , A HEART! 0H-T0HN-UJ1LLYOU COME HERE RND PUT ON MYPUMP5F0RME?! K0LU-?OHN-YOU CRN ConERND HOOKUP OH-HRUE F HERRI." THEY ARE GIANTS 1 ll H Hi 0jKW rUlEfejpW llfllh yMHHIMIH ?"& TiiwTiriflW,wimmr.iiiriini:iTiiiiiliii.iiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiTi,inniiiiiiiiiiitiiiiininlr jipmipii wi jiithjiijii wmmj&QtiiL njfflinHiflnffinnt Suited Elm ' Vou arc the woiat boy In my Sunday school class. I'm coins to aik otir par enta not to send ou any more." "Gee, I xvloh you wouldl I've asked 'em that, but It didn't do any good!' A Regular Thins She t undet atand men'a Jlvetcoata ar to bo unusually short hls inter. He It's not unusual with me, I'm ftl ways Bhort one. No Complaint Inauranco Agent Of whit complaint did your father diet Bon Well, It waen't exactly a complaint. The fact Is, the Jury found him EUflty. IN THESE DAYBI . i, if i i " CB SUOQO tor fun aikuiii. h .-.;'. erokera B 43 Wder (ntra' itiw - J9
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers