,i ''; If) gwrr v: 73maas ' jT.i i.Mfl g3BK?a wJmLmmls:gmwi''rzrjssn2 WMm $SI&pD9F fea .j I?"- -t-lr j I iwplf EVENING LEDOKB-FHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1DU, Um U, .A fe lafll "aWS Botte turo tout h wag can Ui. Il".- : BUl 1 tha f for 1 3 ? MAY SOON PERMIT TRADING IN STOCKS ON N. Y. EXCHANGE Belief Expressed That Transactions at or Above July 30 Prices Will Be Allowed on Saturday or Monday. NEW YOItK, Dec. 2.-The flood of orders on both sides ot the market flled with the Clearing House Committee has proved too much for the Clearing House force, and n conference was held this morning following a special meeting last sight to arrange for the transfer of the work to the Stock Exchange floor under the same restrictions that govern the Clearing House trading. No announcement has ret been made, but there Is a general understanding among active Stock Exchange members that format notice will bo Issued very soon that transactions at or above July JO prices may be made on the Stock Exchange floor beginning either Saturday or Monday. Xt may be necessary to Include other rulings In this notice, particularly In reference to-loans on collateral and bor rowed stocks, but the step which has already been approved of Informally wilt go a long way toward the re-establish-ment ot normal trading conditions. Some) stocks liavo changed hands through tha Clearing llouso at substan tial advances. Today American Can pre ferred sold at 00. 9054 and 31 against a final sale at SO on July 30. Central Leather common sold at 32J4 against 28 on July 30, nd Corn Products preferred sold at 62VJ Against &S'4 on July 30. American Beet Sugar sold at HH, an advance of B'j points, and Tennessee Copper sold at 26 against 21K on tho last day the Stock Exchange was open. Interborough Metropolitan common this morning was ll' bid, against sales at 11 on July 30. In fact, tho list of stocks ranging abovo July 30 prices Is so long that It would be too much of a task to give even a fair proportion of tho sales made. Trading In bonds on the floor of the exchange this morning was active, more Jskues being dealt In than yesterday. There appeared to be some liquidation In Southern Pacific convertible 5s, the trans actions of tho first hour and a half totaling 1123,600. The bonds changed hands In blocks of 116,000 and $23,000. This Is the first sign of any liquidation since the exchange opened for restricted trading In bonds on last Saturday. It was said that the bonds were sold for German Account. The opening pflco was 315, and just before noon the price was brought dflwn to 91. y Other Issues were nulet and thern were few changes In prices from the closing prices of yesterday. Interborough Metro politan 4Ms, which were active In yes terday's trading, did not show the same activity in the early trading today, and the price sagged oft H to "t?i at the end ot the first two hours, $26,000 having changed hands.. Central Leather 6s were strong, selling at 97. Wabash first 5s re also strong, the price being 97. tell money rates continued to become wer, transactions being made at 4 per it., the lowest since the exchange ih- ,sedm July SO. ce-frk 'Phe foreign exchange market was whHt ,.dV"' Demand wa quoted at l.SOVi and LOCAL MARKET STEADY; INVESTORS IN EVIDENCE Odd-lot Bayers Picking TJp TJnited Qas and Union Traction. Notwithstanding the somewhat heavy aspect of the Xew York market, local .se curities displayed a firm tone In Phila delphia. Several bonds changed hands for the first time since tho resumption of fV5u.Iar trading. Including Baldwin Loco- - the latter losing a full point; Lehigh W, Valley general 4s sold at 83, a loss tit twei w points. On the other hand, Lehigh Ausi Valley stock showed nn advance of half a newt Dhit on the sale of an odd lot, etneS Transactions In small lots were a fea ture and brokers argued that this was ah Indication of a revival of public In terest In the market. United Qas Improve ment was in distinct demand at a slight fractional advance, and so were Union Traction and Pennsylvania, but Lehigh Navigation Buffered a slight setback, as did Tonopah Stlnlnr. Referring to the trading In mining shares of late, a large uptown house reported that they have been doing more business In this class of securities than In several years. They attribute the revival of activity to the fict that the regular markets were closed. Cambria Steel was again In supply this morning at the minimum price. The Bcrip gold, at 95. Reports from the steel trade In general are not par ticularly encouraging, except In certain special lines which are stimulated by war requirements. More definite talk was heard today of a probable ductlon in the call money rate In Jhls city. With the quotation down to i per cent in New York, the existing 6 per cent, rate here Is beginning to drive brokers to seek accommodation there. It is understood that the local reserve bank, members are endeavoring to have the rediscount rate reduced bv tj Federal bank. They argue that the high existing quotation precludes any Donalbllitv of DroYUs under oresonr condi tion. The market for commercial paper ;is. nominally 6 per cent, with choice "sra.a going quicmy at vfr per cent, Reading shares ruled firm despite the noor showing made by the companies in "their pctober report The railway lost jiKwm in zross ana iivz.uvi in net. gluts u HHti cumpany nguwq a ue crease Of S,Q4.5 in gross and 97,333 liL.iet. .The surplus for ail the corapa., pltfvta $81,032, against ?9.W5 in Oc loner, s. Tu-m. w Y &j 0f iMwN PWMW wmmf NEW YORK BOND SALES High. Low IpM Allegh Valier 4s. .my icon Araer Smelt Bee Ci. . HCOO Am Tel evt 44s. . 1000 Armour Co 4j . lot .6? "AW Atchison gen 4i 1O0O Allan Pa T.lnA ale Am Hi 84 BOOT Ilnlt tc Ohio cv 4s WJ) laalt g, Ohio cv 4Ha IfOOll Iteth Hfaal ,-M 3 troo Brooklyn Ran Tr Vi. zlOJO Brook rt t n mm. . .101 .w IOCO llmnlr ITn flrta 1.1 -la. Ill, COO Cent t.Mlcr in 5s. 117 ..J!s Ches & Oh cv 4is M't iroeo Chi D A Q Joint 4. . niH lono cm i? & q in aug. . no WOO Ch Mil A fit P Ren 4!4 SOU S5 Chi R I A 1 col 4,1.... 20M 1O0O Erie gn 4 . . , Dig pooo llns Man In Rs. ... so fVMtft ln.1.-lA, iWh.i k net' in 08i 01 74t no ro 120 H lPi "3 o!N lotl4 lOIW R9U lwioo lnn Cooper cv at...', nstf 2iror Interb Met 4M".- 744 Intern. ,R T ret 5a tM 71 IOO J IKK) lnternl Paper cvt 5a,. SO Jn I.K Bh deb 4 IDZS.t. im 1(100 1,1 A M T T 120. JiioO Lnrlllard ..,, n7$i wo Mo Pao cv f. , .10 1001) Ma Pao col lit. 1017,.. 9S 11WM Nnl Lead 4i, . . . , tir, 1000 N T City 4, 1087..,, I OH H0 V V HIv t-. 4Ma . . nils. . m rt v uiiy iy 4W, iom.,.io.m ty 4'fs.Nov BTjffiii as II A P 4a.. .11H a II A P 0..10lH flwj x uiiy 1O0U N V On .1000 N Y n toi4 ipja, 1000 N Y Ilwy rf 4...,. 70 ,n to biito N Y nwy nrtj 0 H) 40 lixni N Y 8late 44a.,..,..10 10 imp. RSlJ (A im' imt, .12 Mia ni Rl rn mw Kor J'ac (ten h won Nor Pao re 4 sotio Pcnna cv .14 4. im noon nay Oon Copper n..i.l0T ldXI Hep Ir A B bi, 10.14., 1H2H ICOO norlt Inland R R2 fit Rst4 10 10.1 ra R'J1. 27". PO'4 04 II PS OOli 04 10ll, 101 !! IJ7 'ml rnno st It A 8 F rM 4a. tnoo St I. & 8 F Ron Cj. iiioo iouth Pnc cv 4.... 1S001V) South Pac Sa. ... . icono South Pae rfd 4a. , tono South nwv nen 4. rnn 27a si ntS (1 OS 10-00 South P.wy con Sa. os 1f00 Tan t" A 1 tat Ulrm fts no: .. m. nil' OH 20(10 Tcin! Co ev iu 01 1000 ir H Oovcrn 4a.. . 4lfK V S nubbcr n Hhon v rt sk-ki n .. , . WW Union Paa lit 4s 2i( -vvnlinah lut 3a.. . 1(111' lilt Mi 101 ir ni' 04i 11 1 av.i ;ki wet mi lat 4 .M, TOGO IVhi K. A M cv Da.... SJ'5 DonJ BJlcs to r.o.-n, J301.O00. XOCAL STOCK AND BOND SALES Open High T,ow 12!. 4 Paldwln lco pr.lot lot 104 101 11 cam Slcol 40 40 40 40 J2B.1 ram Hterl acrp.. tint! D8H tint', DO'J 10.1 tra Co N Am ... ro5 21 W4 21 4 tl;lRh Nav . . 72 72 72 72 (X) do t e 72 72 72 72 r, LehlRh Vnllev . . 0214 rtfi,4 0214 02(5 22 Ih Vnl Trnn nr 20 20 2(1 2ft 12 Utile Schuylkill. B4 H4 IM M Mr, Panna Railroad... 112 r-2'S KIS B2! 11.21 Phlla Co acp no o 00 no 4 Phlli mcctrle .... 22t, 21 m 21 101 rtasrtlnsr ri rot; (ri ia, 000 Tonopah Mlnlni. 4',, 4H 4,i 4( Ifio Tnropah SllnlnR.. 1 7', 7 7"., lir. T'nlnn Traction ..rot, snu. am; r.DM 25 t'nltcd Gas Imp.. 0Vi SOH SOVJ soil BONDS. Illrh. !!. 12 m. J100O nalrtw I.oe 1t aa....in(V1 inn, intt, lOOi) Kleo A Pao Tr 4a t c. 7S 7 7R , inoo kbv Tel lt in 00 no on 1(M 1 Nav con 4 ',4a .... Ofl'i onia Il 1C00 L, Val gen con 4a cp.. 8S RS SS FINANCIAL BRIEFS For the third week of November 28 railroads report a decrease In jsross earn ings of $1,570,515, or 1G.51 per cent. In declaring a quarterly dividend of $3 per share the New York Transit Company reduced Us payment from J5 declared throe months ago and $S six months ago. All prior dividends were at the rate of $10 quarterly. So far this week the New York banks have lost $16,701,000 on Subtreasury opera tions. Both the St. Louis and Pittsburgh Stock Exchanges reopened this morning. The spot quotation for raw sugar dropped to 3.55 cents. Tho directors of the Ohio Oil Company called a special meeting of stockholders to be held December 21 to consider the Illinois Pipe Line Company's proposition for purchaso of all Ohio oil pipe lines and equipment in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana and Illinois. A distribution of the sale of the proceeds will bo made. EXPORT BUSINESS OF U. S. NOW GROWING RAPIDLY Department of Commerce Issues Figures for Twelve Ports. WASHINGTON, Dec. 2. Officials of the Department of Commerce today con gratulated the country on the rapidly growing exports that now are bcglnnlns to pour out of the nation's, ports to feed the warring world. The business done last week was nearly S16, 500,000 on the right sldo of the ledger. In 0. report de tailing the huslncss, exports and imports, done at tne 13 leading porta during last week, the following figures were mado public: Districts. Imports. Exports. Massachusetts (Uoaton). a2.32n.lR3 l.lfio,773 Now York 17.131.093 17.5fi7.M2 Philadelphia 770.4.v 1.471.HSI Maryland (Baltimore).. 23,:oo 2.8us.nSb Virginia (Norfolk) 114,700 l.OTOlVt New Orleans M)2.l 4.02S.470 Galveston 170.21)1 0,l!l,n22 Ban rronclsco r)7R,ii04 2.474.063 Washington (Seattle)... 2, l,M.f31 Ilurtalo , I.in7..123 1.1IS.2SO C-llcano 0X1.1140 2TU Michigan (Detroit) .... 340,020 2.U0.S09 Total ,,,.,20.0S3,Ki7 14.00S.att This Is tha nrst report to Include the ports of Chicago and Norfolk. The report also shows thut In the 22 working da) a ot November tbo favorable balance was S03,168,022. RAILROAD EARNINGS NEW HAVEN, 1014. October gross ,i 3,H30-,MO Net , ., .... 1.041,881 Four months' gross .. 22,l)B4.44l Net ,.,..,,.,. .8i5.:i30 HEADING COMPANY October; Kecelpts ,,. JS81.0"0. Surplus .. ..,....,,, 84.032 Fpur months) ... .,. Reciipta 2.24S.02T Surplus , 303.013 Decrease. S321.&02 74,224 1,371.543 111,001 12.285 12,012 S.783 ;u,u-l P, AND R. RAILWAY COMPANY October ; Kecelpts ..,...,,... Nat ' Surplus ...... .,.,.., Four months; Receipts ..,....... Net ..,,...,.. Surplus , 14,233,263 1,440.225 870,533 ftes.BOt 102.007 188, 34t 1,303,108 635.887 31 1,220 18,493,605 B2SS.842 2,175,173 P. AND R, COAL AND IRON COMPANY. Receipts S-?5i-SIJ Net ,f Ji?'2?? Surplus ..,.. 141.873 rimr months: ,, rn ?.. ::::::::::::: 10,S8:? Surplus 207.778 1318,045 111.332 07,332 242.008 328,302 330,093 MlNNEArUIJB AMU srr, jajujo, -..v.. 1051,100 I ID 007 K:""" " T..Ifi'ii -in-ioa Kit - zirrrxr ..j':z four momna" gross 3,ao3..o -iio.iiv Nt 1.Q24.887 '60,372 Increase. WHEAT MARKET FIRM; CONFIDENCE GROWS STRONGER Unfavorable Reports From , Abroad Place America in Lead for Exports of Grain. CHICAGO, Dec. 2.-The undertone of the wheat market this morning was Ilrmer. The steady absorption of cash offers by exporters and firm cables, as well as reports of unfavorable weather In Argentina, where harvesting is in progress, were the Influences, and gave Confidence to buyers. The sales for ex port In the past 24 hours exceeded 1,603,000 bilshels, nnd some authorities expressed the opinion that the business was welf over 2,000,000 bushels. The area of win ter wheat is estimated by a leading firm at 4I,3SS,O0O acres, against 3$,CO3,000 acres last J car. The average condition or the crop Is S0.1S. Offers at Liverpool were slight and the general demand there was broader with mlllcri and buyers. BUIjMSH FEELING ABROAD. Confirmation of a small yield In Aus tralia, and the scarcity of plate o'ffcrs of the new crop, with tho uncertainty of shipping from Argentina, caused a bullish feeling abroad. The yield of wheat of Australia Is officially placed nt 25,000,000 bushels, nnd the Commonwealth has an nounced that importation will be neces sary. France's Import requirements are expected to reach 80,000.000 bushels for the season, nnd already 24,000,000 bushels liavo been Imported. Holland will bo forced to Import on a larger scale, and It Is believed that upward of 23,000,000 bushels will be needed. Tho receipts of wheat at Minneapolis nnd Duluth today, were E6S cars against 52S cars a year ago; at "Winnipeg, 2SS cars against 776 cars; at Chicago, 232 cars against 106 cars. Coin was firmer and offers were not large. Trado was slow. Hedging sales were lacking. The market at Liverpool was strong, with oargoes 3 to 6d higher. Thcro Is a good demand for corn In Argentina with keen competition between the United Kingdom and the continent The receipts here to day were 602 cars. Oats were a little firmer with the other gialns on the recent evidences of a de mund for export. Trade was scattered. Tho receipts here today were 175 cars. i,eaaing futures ranged as follows Noon. Tea. Wheat. Open. December 1.14! May 1.20i Com (new delivery) December KIK May 03i HlKh Low. close. 1.1.1 ?8 l.lHtl.l4!s 1.20(4 :1.20k 1, 64 K 60?, 4S4, ".J. 18) mill December May Lard January May Itlbe January May Pork January Mnv Did. tAaked. 48U S2U 48 1K1M O.ro . o.tw .S3 n.02 D.87 0.87 10.00 18.05 '18 32 p.m 0.85 U.ll 0.55 083 IS 43 1S.22 0.67 000 0,85 0.00 ....10O1 ....18.23 17.S3 18.25 AUCTION SAXES The following stocka and bonds were sold at arciion toaay oy isnrncs ae XApianu; STOCKS. Shares. 180 Penna n R 52 17 Manufacturers' National Rank 121 1 Penna Academy of Flno Arts 25 in I'Mia warehousing and Cold stor.. 7S 4 Hamilton Truit . nn 2 John n Stctaon com 5 do n Keystone 'atch Case.... 500 Cofdneld nig iiornma Mlnlnr. ... noNDS. . ..aim; ..3.-J) .. S0i lc fOOOO City of Phlla 4 per cent.. 1012. .100 1000 Real Est T Ins and Tr 4 per cent. 03!1 NOTES OF THE RAIL A rate of 12'4 cents a hundred pounds on 'brick In carloads over the Chicago, Burlington and Qulncy Railroad from points in the Kansas gas belt to points in Iowa was held reasonable by the Inter state Commerce Commission today. An Increase In like rates between the same points over the Chicago, Hock Island and Pftclflc Hallway from 10 cents to 1IVJ cents a hundred pounds was allowed. The Interstate Commerce Commission today held, the present rates on window glass over the Baltimore and Ohio Hall rood from Weston.. Salem, West Union and Clarksburg, W. Va., to various points West were unreasonable. East-bound rates were held to be reasonable. The four West Virginia, cities were ordered placed In the same group, taking the same rate on this commodity as Clarksburg. NEW YOBK-COXTON MABKET NEW YORK, Dec. 2.-Only 400 bales of cotton changed hands on the call this morning, trading being confined entliely to the December and October contracts. At the opening prices were unchanged to two points higher. Trading continued narrow after the call and limited to July and October, prices reacting to a net loss of one (o three points. Liverpool cotton remained steady and quiet. DIVIDENDS DECLARED Calumet and Arllona Mining; Company. CO cents a soars, compared with I1.2S paid la Superior 'and Pittsburgh, tl, payable Decsra her 21 to stock of record December 4. New York Transit Company, quarterly. S3, fayable January 15 to stock ot record Dtccm er 24. James H. Dunhira (. Co , regular quarterly 1H rr cant, on first preferred, and 11 per ccut. on second preferred,- payable January 2 to stock ct record Leceimber 13. Continental Can Company, regular quarterly. li per cent on preferred, payable January 1 to stock of record December 10. Central States Klecm- Corporation, quarter ly. i per ccm. on prescrrea. payaoia uei per at to siock ot rtcoro iwcemosr lu. n.lHAn.al D atmwtm t, I1bb. ,.. . 3. payabjs December 30 to stock of record Norombar B0. SNOODLES' DIARY : PHILADELPHIA MARKETS GRAIN AJSD FLOUR WHEAT. Receipts, S0O.940 bush. Th market was firm ahd ie. higher, with a fair export Inquiry. Quotations Car lota, In ex port elevator No 2 red, spot and December, fl 14SJ1 17, No 2 red Weitero. 8t.1091.22i No. 1 Northern Duluth, tt.25'1.28Vi fcOItN. Itecelpts. 8700 bush. Trade was nulct. but prices ruled steady, quotations; Lar lota for local trade. a 10 location No 2 yellow, old, MflKIWc , Mtamtr jellow old, SOWflMo j new jellow, an to quality, 0Si2c.i new cob, per 70 lbs,, 07!!$ OATS Receipts. 12,223 bush. The mar ket luled Kteadv, but trade wn quiet. Quo tations: No 2 white, S44J34HC : sUndard white, .Uj53i4o.; No. .1 white. S2Vi033e M-Otm, necelnts. 2D30 Mils and a.ia..; MO pound In sacks. The market quiet hd urcnangtd, with moderate but ampie orfer- in?, uuoiniicns. per 11m ins., . in noort i inter cicnr, lenr, I4.75S4 00: no, straUht. '''.;l! nt, 15.304(3.78; Iianeaa. sttaleht Jute t.2W40. do., patent, Jute sacks, $3.40 00 . patent ii,lt,. s.y vt it,...-'. --; 1 .. -"". 1. H,qn. rfn. w..itai spring, nrsr cienr, . .vi'L'iyj,-;,v:i stralitht, 13 .tWn.no; do Viatcnt, WHty??0i do. favorite brands JdflfLfid: city mills, choice nnd.fnncy patent. 1flB So City mills, regular grade Winter, clear, 4.7M74.0 do., straight, J IGfI.l.23 do., patent, 33.508.-..73. 1 HVR rr.OUlt. 1 small supplv end steady, but trade quiet, quotations! Nearby and 'Western In wood at f."..10Ui). PROVISIONS Trade tB quiet and the market was with out Important change. Wo quote: Clty.beef, In sen, smoked and alr-drlcil, 2l)t30e.: West ern beef, Ir sets, smoked, 2l)fl80e,i city beef, khiickles nnd tenders, smoked and alr-drled, ufi'llc.i Western beef, knuckles and lenders, smoked, awctlc.i beef hams, 8.10O38I pork, family, 24ti2.'i: hams, S P. cured, loose. 14t 1414c.; t'o . skinned. looc, 13iil4e.; do. do, smoked, 14iDloc ; other hams, smoked, city curod, as to brand ami average, tr.eiSiAC.i hams, smoked, Western cured.. lMMotje.i do, boiled. Jioneloss, 2021c.i picnic shoulders, B. P. cured, . loose, llH12c: do, smoked, 13V 13tie. bellies, In pickle, according- to averace. loose, lfiin(4c.; breakfast bscon, as to brand and aerage, city cured. lOflV'Oc.l hrcaklast bacon, Western cured, 1MJ20C.; lard. Western, refined, tierces, 12frl21ir.; do. ,do. dp., tubs, 12B12H!.! lard, pure rlty. kettle rendeied. In tierces, 1212ilr.: Urd, pure city, kettle ren dered, In tubr. 12$12Kc. REFINED SUGARS Values were steadily held, but trade was nulet. limners' list of crlces: Standard gran ulated, 5 2Cc.: confectioners' A, Be; softgraoes, n,13e.: nne granulated. 5.10c.. powdereu, 4.23 4.M.-C. DAIRY PRODUCTS ntJTTKH. Uuj era were operating only for actual wants, but fancy stock sold steady under light offerings Quotations: Western, fresh, solid-packed creamery, fancy epeclals, r.0c. extra, :11c.; extra llrata, 2fl.'Uci firsts, BOtt.llc; seconds. 20Jf2Se., ladle-packed, 21M 23c, as 10 quality: nearby prints, fancy. 3.e.; do, aterage, extra. MtNMc. ; do., nraur, 32ft 34c; do. seconds, :wfl3lc. Special fancy brands ot prints Jobbing at 42T44c. EOCS. "Demand readily absorbed the lim ited offerings ot freih eggs at lull prices. Quo tations: In free ensea. nearby extras, Ufi42c. per tloz : nearby llrsts, 100 per standard case; nearby current receipts, M.uuBIO 20 per standard case; Western, extra firsts, 310.SO per case; do., llrsts, 8u.l)Ofli0 20 per case; do 1, tec onds $7.20t)7.0; Southern. SOOOJJIOW Mr case, ltofrigetator egga. as to quality, 2le2,c rcr dnr. tancy aelected candled fresh eggs were Jobber! out at 4SJ47C per d. CIIEESK-Trade fair nnd values well maintained under moderate offerings. Quota tions: New York, full cream, earlier receipts, choice, ISUJflOc; do., do., current make, choice, 13Hc; do., do., fair to good, HHty 15c; Jo., part skims, S13e. POULTRY PRESSED. Quiet with fairly liberal of ferings at revised fliures. Quotations: Tur keysFancy, Urge, spring. 21022a.; average rcceipta. spring. lSB20o.; Inferior, spring, law 13c; No 1. o'd, 'Oc; fowls. per lb., iclcctrd, heavy, 10c: weighing, 4ii tf.'i lbs, apiece, 18c; do . 4 lbi. apiece, 17c: do., 3H ids. uplc, lei do, 3 lbs. and n der. 13014c: old rotstir . drj-pltke 1. 13 ; fciolllng (hlckcna. nearby, weighing 1U2 lbs apiece. 2022c; bioll.ng chickens, nearby, fair to good. 1IV918C.; roasting chickens, silocted heavy, milk fed, litflJc ; chickens, Wcitcin, ftr.cy. fat. 4 lbs and over apiece In boxej, dry-packed, 17018'.; chickens Western. 4 lbs end over In bar., dry-paekod, 15010c. ichlckcni, Western. 303(4 lbs. apiece, 11014c. ; troll ng chickens, .Western, lii02 lbs aptcc 21c broiling chickens. Western, fair to good, ltfp lBci; spring ducks, 13016c; spring greso, 13ft 14c Squabs, per dozen White, .weighing 11 to 12 lbs. per doi , J3.O')04.5O, ithlle weighing 0 to 10 lbs. per doi., S3 105M.73' white, weigh ing 8 lbs. pei dm . S.,.5O02.7.'i. do., do, 7 lbs. per doz., S202 2."; do., do, O0r,( lbs. per doz Sl.250i.C3; dark and No. 2, :Oc.0l.lO. LIVE. Sunpllen were llher"! and the market ruled weak under a light demand. Fowls and chickens declined lc. Quotations. Fowls. 1157130.; old roo tcrr, 10c. spring chickens, acocrdlng to ni'allts. 11012a.: "lr keis, 13010c ; ducks, 12013c; geese. 11011c; guineas, young Welgh'ng 2 lhs. and over upleco, per pair, 0Oc.; xe'ghlng l'O0lnt lbs. apiece, per pair, S033S0. ; guineas old, per pair, 43000c; plteona, per pair, 13018c. FRESH FRUITS The market quiet at revised figures Quo tatlnns Apples, per hbt. Jonathan. flffil.CO; King, S2 5003.23; Ilaldwin, $1.7302.50! Green ing. S1.7.W2 50; Taor.ty-ounce, S2.iu01; rip Pin. Sl.75rf2.73: York Imnerlal $1.3002; other good entlng varieties, SI. 7502.50: medium. S10 1.50: apples. Western, per box. S101.5O; apples. DeUwaro and Pcnnsjlvanlo, per hamper, BOW f(K:, Lemons, pt box, SSirM. Granger rior lda, per box Si 7502.50. Tangerines, Florida, per strap. SI 6001. Grapofrult. Florida, per box. Sl.5o02.riO. Pineapples, per crate Porto nico. si.2S03.23i Florida. 102.6O. Cranberries, fancy late varieties, per bbl J404.5O; cran berries. Cape Cod. tarly lilack, per bbl., S304; cranberries. Cape Cod, Early Black, per crate. 75o.0l 50; cranberries. Jersev. per crate, 75c.0Sl.23. Pears. New York, per bbl Socket. 83.5003! neurre Dose. $405 30; Sheldon. S40 5: Deurrn Clalrgeau. S2.5O01.6O; iteurre d'An joil. S2.2501.23: Duchess, $203; Howell, 20 2.50; other varieties. S23, VEGETABLES Trade fair and values generally well main tained. Quotatlona: White potatoes, per bush. Pennsilvanla, 38062c; New York, 4532c; white potstoes, Jersey, ner basket, .""t(tOc. ; sweet notntoes. Eastern Shore, per bbl. No. 1. $202.73; No 2. Sl.5001.73; sweets Jersey, per bbl. No 1, $103.50: No. 2. $202.23; sweets. Jersey, per basket, COP75e.; onions, choice Per bush.. 60070c.; do., ordlnnry. Per bush . 50W 53c: do., choice, par lOO-lh. bag $1.2501,50; do., medium, per 100-lb bag. 85c.031: do , seconds, per 100-lb. bag. 00075c; cabbage, do mesilo. per ton. $0010; do.. Danish, per ton, $11013, cauliflower. New York, per crate. 75c 0$1.23: spinach. Norfolk, per bbl.. 730r,Oc.; kale. Norfolk, per bbl.. 40050c: lettuce. Flor ida, per basket. $101.50; dn. North Carolina, ner basket, 30075c; beans. Florida, per basket. $203 ft); eggplant, Florida, per box. S2A2 30; Jucumbers, Florida, per, basket. $1.7502.50; squash. Florida, per hail.et. 11.5002; celery. New York, per bunch, 23043c; mushrooms, per 4-lb. basket, $1.2002. LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS CHICAGO, Dec. 2. HOGS Receipts, 00, OOO: market 25c. lower: mixed and butchers, $8.3087: good heavy, $0.8107: rouali heavy. $658.S0: light, $8 0000.113; pigs, $3.256r.)i bulk, $a.50l)O. CATTLE Itecelpts. 22.000; market lO013e lower: beeves, $8010.13; rows and heifers $3.5008.731 stockera and feeders. $4 7S0H.M: Tans, 1701.10; calvw. JS01O5O. SHEEP Hscelpls. 20.000: market 10015c. loer: native and Western, $3.CO0O.25; lambs, $8.6300.10. BANK CLEAKINGS Bank rlearlrgs today compare with corre sponding day last-two year' v pgnuing u. JM4 J0JJ Ig3 New York,.$307,Ba..02 S3.T4 M.JS1 $36j.. .'7,001 Phlla ., ... . 31 233.A11 rd.007,430 36,137 65J Boston .".. 20.323,500 2,O01,743 38.363.893 BAE SILVEB The price of bar silver In New Tork today was 40'k. with Mexican dollars at 37Vi cents. Pittsburgh Stock Exchange Opens) FITTSBUilGH, Pa., Dec, 2. The Tltts burgh Stock Exchange reopened today with trading restricted. Several, Issues allowed gains over the July closing. The first bid was 63 for Pittsburgh Brewing bonds, which were of fered at 67. THAT CAT'S CLAW PORT OF PHILADELPHIA Sun and lidos Sun rises.... 7:04 a.m. I Sun sets. ,. 4:33p.m. FllH.ADBt.rHIA. High water. I'll a.m. I High water. l'35p.m Low water.i 8:23 a.m. Low water,, 0.02 p.m. rtEBDr ISLAND. High natcr.10.24 a.m. I High water.10 41 p.m. Low water.. -4:41 a m Low water.. 0.20 p.m. BrtBAKWATEtt. High alr. 7'10 a.m. I High water, S:12 p.m. Low water., 1.00 a.m. Low water,, 1.50 p.m. Vessels Arriving Today Dense fog ties up steamships, none arriving. Vessels Sailing Today Sir. Juan (Nor.), Jacobean, Port Antonio, United Krult Company. Str. Charlola (Dutch), Smlt, Itotterdam, Jo seph C. Gabriel. Str. Alderney (Nor.), GJtrtsen, Judaro, Mun son Steamship Line. Str, Clenmay (lir.), ttlchardi, Bordeaux, Charles M, Taylor's Sons. Str. Cricket, Moloney, Portland, Oregon, via Fortland, Maine, and San Francisco, L. Itubel It's Sons x Str. J. M. GufTey. Slgonl, Tort Arthur, Gulf Ileflnlng Company. Str. Mohican, O'Neill, Norfolk, etc., Clyde Steamship Company. Sir. Pawnee, Itlch, New York, Clyde Steam ship Company. Steamships to Arrive PASSENGEn. T?mm. Name Mongolian Anemia . Dominion. nailed. Nov.12 Nov, 20 Nov. 30 ......Liverpool . , .-.apics , Liverpool KnEIOHT. From. Hllo Port Natal . Hull Ornskoldavlk Shields .... Valparaiso Methtl ...... Bombay . . , London . . Name. Virginian ,,, Hespcros . . . T,avnnla .... William .... Porgland ... Karl ot Elgin, Beta ....... Waddon Mackinaw ., Alaekan ... Date. , . . .Oct. 22 ....Oct. 23 ...Oct. 31 ..Nov, R ...Nov. 10 ...Nov. 13 ...Nov. 14 ...Nov. HI ...Nov. 17 ...Nov. 17 ...Nov. 10 ...Nov. 10 . . . Nov. 20 ...Nov. 23 ...Nov. 24 Ban Pedro ., Crown Tolnt ....London Helena rtnttcrriam Casslonela . Shields .Shields Santa Rosalie Louisiana .. Terslana .... Hnrnld Currier Sloterdyk .... . Newcastle . i- owey , . . , Nov. 20 Nlma Nlma. .....Nov. 20 .Clenruegoa .Nov. 27 . ltoticraam ..Nov. 20 Steamships to Leave TASSENGEn. Name. For. Mongolian Glasgow .... Ancona Glasgow .... Date. .Dec. , ..Dec. FREIGHT. Manchester Mariner . . Manchester Dec. 4 Loutslnna Copenhagen ...Dec. 12 Croivn rolnt London Dec 13 Manchester Miller ....Manchester ...Dec 17 South rolnt London Dec 4 rotomac Lellh Dec. 10 PORT OF NEW YORK DUE TODAY. Name. From. ., Sailed. Frederlk VIII Chrlstlansand ..Nov.2l lteglna d'ltalla Genoa Nov. 10 Duca d'Abruzil Naples Nov. 20 Verona Genqa Nov. 10 DUE TOMOTmovV. Columbia Glaagow Nov. 23 'Europa Naples Nov. 21 Steamships to leave Name. For. Nanoll .Naples .... Hellg Olav Copenhagen 'Itotterdam Naples ..., Lusltanla Liverpool Minnehaha yndon ... Verona Genoa .... Date. ...Dec ...Dec ....Doc. ....Dec ....Dec ....Dec. Movements of Vessels Str. Mahn (Nor.), for Philadelphia, cleared Now Tork December 1. Str. . United States (Dan ). New York for Copenhagen, arrived at Chrlstlansand Novem ber so. Str. Auranla dial.), for New York anl Phil adelphia, steamed from Genoa November 18. Str. Sflra (Br.), from Philadelphia, arrived at London Devcmber 2. - . Str. Mlasourl (Br.), from Philadelphia, ar rlv ed at London December 2, Str. Tuscan, for Philadelphia, steamed from Boston Docember 1. Sir. Thyra Memer (Dr.). for Philadelphia, atoamed from Baltimore December 2. Str. Persian. ' Philadelphia for Jacksonville, steamed from Savannah December 2. Str. Paraguay, Philadelphia forVablne, was 23 miles southwest of Diamond Shoal light ship at 0 p. m. December 1, Sir. Currier, Havana for Philadelphia, waa 408 miles aouth of Overfalls lightship at 7 p. m. December 1 Str. Gulfstream, Port Arthur for Philadel phia, passed Sand Key at noon December 1. Str. Edgar If. Vance, Philadelphia for San Francisco, waa BOO miles from Colon at 8 p. m. December 1. Str, Toledo, towing schooner Delanre Sun, Sabine for Philadelphia, waa 10 miles north of Diamond Shoal lightship at 0 p. m. Decem ber 1. Schr. Governor Powers, Philadelphia for Ban gor, arrived at Vineyard Haven December 1. FREIGHTS AND CHARTERS Business In the steam market was restricted bv the scarcity of easels to meet Immediate demands. Rates are firm. Prohibitive rates In the steam market promise a brighter out look for the sail market. Paralos (Greek). Baltimore to Rotterdam, Sain. 20,000 quarters, at or about Os. 3d., ecember. Albergen (Dutch), 1118 tons. New Orleans to Maracalbo, sugar machinery, $8.50, prompt. Wolf (Dr.). 134N tons, transatlantic trade, trip home, basis 10s. delivery Gulf, redelivery United Kingdom, prompt, Auranla iltal.), 2180 tons, Philadelphia to the Mediterranean, private terms. December. SAILINO VESSELS. Bk. Juno (Nor.), 1001 tons, St. Johns, N. B., to .the L'nlted Kingdom with deals, private terma, December-January. Bk. Beatrice (Ital.). 1203 tons. Gulf to Gnoa, timber 120s.. December-January. Bk. Brls (Nor,), 072 tons, same, to the United Kingdom. Bk. Doon (Nor.), 7C0 tons, same, 110s De-cember-Ianuarv. Bk. Cerea (Nor.), 1123 tons, came, private terms. Behr. Flcrence M. Tenley, 027 tons, Phila delphia to Portland, coal, private terms. Schr, Laura C. Anderson, 7110 tons. South Amboy to Jacksonville, coal, 00c. Schr. Clara A. Donnell, 1177 tons, Philadel phia to Galveston, coal. $1.10, HELP WANTED PHILADELPHIA CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Notice of Examinations. Schedule No. 128. Full detailed In formation concerning the various positions for which examinations are to be held can ba secured at room 876, City Hall, either In eprsons or by writing for the same. NoteRS8O0-$U0O a jearmeans from $600 to $000. but not Including $000. Similar expressions are to be Interpreted, the same way, except where atarred. , r (All examinations begin at 0;B0 a, m., unless otherwise specified.) dateT POSITION AND SERVICE T FIRE SERVICE gee. 10 ec. 10 Hoseman Fireman (Promotion) (Laet day for physical examinations Dec. 14) MEDICAL SERVICE Resident Physician Resident Physician Resident Physician tFlrst Assistant Bacteriologist SPECIAL SERVICE (Fourth Assistant Bacteriologist TEACHING SERVICE Principal Teacher (Men) 20 years Assistant Teacher (Men) 18 iears Dec. 18 Dec. 21 Dec. 22 Dec 22 Doc. 18 Dec. 24 Dec 28 Dec 28 tLccal residence waived. bsed Nov. 23, 1011. WAS A REGULAR FUSE . je inmimi,mvwH j. iirnir- tti-TjirrmissKii,i CLASSIFIED RATES UAlLY AND SUNDAY THIS STYLB TYPE (or like this) On Insertion lSe perllne Three Insertions In a week.... 12tto per line Seven consecutive , Insertions... 10a perltne 1000 line contract (dally ad vertising) 8e per llns Sltuntlons wanted, three lnser- . tlona In a week, 100 berllne THIS SIZE TYPE (or like this) TermlUed In all classification except Help and situations wanted. Lost and Fotind, Per- aonats, One On Insertion ,, 20o per line jioarning ana uooms. Three insertions In a week Seven ennseeiitlvn Ineertlen; Lnrrn inieruons in a weeK.,,. ttn Seven consecutive Insertions. . . 15c Ue ner line - i; tiz KHl Una Mn)Mpl fHalltr ad per iinw vertising) 12Ucperltne All rates are baaed on agate measurement, 14 agate lines to the Inch, DEATH NOTICES-eltlier paper 10 lines one time ......,..... 50c, Three Insertions .......,................$1.1)0 DAILY" ONLY In Bfftci December 1, 1H COMBINATION RATE for Inseitlon In both the morning and evening papers of same day: PUBLIC LEDGER (MORNING,) EVENING LEDGER (EVENING.) Add four cents rer line net to rales given above. HELP AND SITUATIONS WANTED ADVERTISING IN THE PUBLIC LEDGER MAY 131; INSERTED IN THE EVENING LEDGER ' "WITHOUT ADDITIONAL CHARGE. LOST AND TOUND M,I'j. !,lxiaT AND FOUND" ARTICLES advertised in the Public Ledger or reported to the "Lost and Found Bureau", at Ledger Centrjl will be listed for SO dais. Thess lists can also be seen nt the Main Office, nth and Chentnut sts. "Lost and Found" advertise ments can be left at any ot the drug stores receiving Ledger ada. or can Imi telephoned directly to Ledger Central Call Walnut or Main SOW. lir.OOCII Lost, Monday round brooch dia mond surrounded by pearls, from Haverford to Broad St. station, then to Oalc Lane and Holy Sepulchre Cemetery. Reward. Mrs. Matthews. 227 8. 20th st. DOG-Lost, Boston bull terrier1, brlndio and white: had on etulded collar. Reward. 4OI0 . Spruce. HANDBAG Lost. Sunday morning. Broad st. nr?r South, gunmetal handbag. Reward. ta 8. Broad st. PIN Lost, Sunday afternoon, pearl heart-ihapa Pin, luby setting, between 30th and 38th, Market ard Chestnut. Reward. Tracey, 36th and Chestnut. PIN Lost, Saturday, crescent pin, 11 baroque pearls; S sapphires, lnth car from Gtn.. Broad .jit. Sta. to Adelphls. 18 vi'. Rocklatid. Reward roCKCTBOOK Lost, green pocketbook, con talnlng check, rosary and change, Erie ave., Wanamaker'a. 12th at. car. 3851 N. Broad. POLICY Lost. Mechanics' Insurance Company policy covering 1121 Kimball at. In.name of Giuseppe cinnpronl. Return to Johnson & llooney. 734 Passyunlt ave. PURSIi Lost, pulse, with change, also soci ety badge. Monday evening, Manhelm at. and tVane ave., Germantown. Reward. 5041 Greene st.. Germantown. WATCH Lost, silver oval wrist watch with gray strap. Liberal reward. A 4. Ledger Oft. STOLKN Collie dog, answers to the name of Hurt; Charles H. Donnley and register no. on collar: reward for Information leading to ro turn of dog. 5314 Chestnut at, . HELP WANTED FEMALE CANVASSERS wanted to sell Krema Kura; can make from $2.60 to $3 a day. Apply at Spear'e Drug Store. 52d and Parrlsh. CHAMUHKMAID, first class, with, best city reference Apply before noon. Sail Spruce. CHIt.DNURSE for one child, white girl; as sist with chamberwoik; no washing. M 711, Ledger Office. CLF.RK and writer; plain, legal penmanship: fn centra of wining 10 00 uaeiui in oince: cltv: rrf. reoutrad! atafa rnmnanaatlnn. re- llglous denomifatlon. E 355. Ledger Central. CCXJK "wanted to go to country; family of 3; awnif 1 vvuii waaning. A l. logger mnce. DrtKRSMAKER wanted, by party In West reaulred: i-miancipma; piaia. sewing only i: seamstress to work out. Apply by letter to ji. u.h. i.eugcr central. HOUSEKEEPER, working, or girl for gen eral housework; German preferred; 4 In lainiiy; country, rnone vva?ne 10,, IIOI-HKWOUIC (geneial)-Glrl wanted In email family or adults In suburb: must be good cok and laundress; for one with satlsfactoiy reference aa to character and ability wilt pay $7 per week; state If white or colored. Ad dress. with reference. A 15, Ledger Office. HOUS'cvVbnK Competent girl wanted In small adult family for general lousework: must be good cook, with good reference: Protestant preferred. Apply at 831 Old Lancaster road, nrvn .-uawr, ra. I'none jirn wawr iiuw. HOUSEWORK A refined girl for general housework In small family: go home nights. Call mornings. Mrs. Herbert Marrts, 5234 Schuyler St.. Germantown. Apt. B. HOUSEWORK Strong, tillable woman wanted by private family In West Philadelphia for general housework; atate wagea and refer ences. B 443, Ledger Central. HOUSEWORK White girl In family of two; unstalrs work: nn suourDs; must cook; no waning, .vi. ,1: Ledger Ofrice. AVOMAN Active, ambitious lady, not under 23, of pleasing personality and fair education, for fiosltlon with large concern where ability and net rather than business experience will bo considered, must have ery best refererce; permanent position; hours 0 to 4 dally; sal ary $2t weealy. D 507. Ledger Office. General GOVERNMENT positions open to women; $75 month: write Immediately for free list. Frank lln Institute, Dept. 715 T. Rochester. N. Y. HELP WANTEDMALE ACTIVE, cnirgotlc man can aecure oppor tunity to sell securities; liberal commissions; tut' work; attractive to Investors because ot absolute safety. M 450. Ledger Central. ADVERTISING SOLICITOR A live wire can make a good connection on a very liberal basis. M 450, Ledger Central. BOY, between 10 and 17, to learn to draw soda water. Apply, between 8 and !). George B. Evans. HOd Chestnut. CANVASSERS wanted to sell Krema Kura, Apply It Spear'a Drug Store, 52d and Parrlsh. Can make from $2.50 to $3 a day. HELP WANTED SALARY BUR. I DEPARTMENT" Publlo Safety Publlo Safety S00O.$110O $1100 a year Fire Fjro S1200-S130O l S000.$i200 a $60O-$90O a $2000 a year , year year year Health Health Health 4 Charities Health 4 Charities Bd, of Recreation Bd, of Recreation Dd. of Recreation $1000 a year $1200 a year 180 a month $63 & month FRANK JI.RITEJV PETER BOLGKK. LEWIS It, yA?T PUSEN. Commissioners. lajnwt ffjr-JBieg HELP WANTEl-MAIiB ... ... CAttTENTERS-Wanted (10). with hatohets and saws. Apply 7 o'clock, Wednesday, Pier 8, N. Delaware ave. r. CIGARMAKER Experienced, capable ef mak ing an extra good brand cigar, wanted to communicate with advertiser. Address M 817, Ledger Office. rAPER HOXE8 Salesman wanted at enee, high-grade man, not over SO. to sell "tiff boxes, both fine nnd cheap work; must thor oughly understand business; preference will be given to one who can command aome trade; will mako Interesting proposition to a man of high calibre. Address "B.," Foat efflc Dot 3484 REPRESENTATIVE reaulred by firm of patent advisers, commission basis; send details, age and experience. W. B. Kfthn Co., 03 Madison ave., New York. SALESMAN, previous outside selling experience not essential, but will only consider applicants, full of hard work and enthusiasm: will pay salary and commission, although our best men make most money on straight commis sion; line Is Fronts Premier Electric Cleaner, to be sold throughout city: bO.too sold last year: $23 each. For In terview addrcos H WW, Ledger Office. SALESMAN Experienced advertising novelty salesman to represent ua In city; must be live wlro; excellent opportunity tor live man, . 1'. B07, ledger Office. . SALESMAN (specialty) wanted for new arti cle selling to offices, stores, etc.; eommls. to start; rets, required. J 082, Ledger Central. SALESMAN, specialty, wanted for new article selling tn officer stores, etc; commission at start! reference required. J 1)52, Ledger Cent, SALESMAN, elcctrlo Burns Balea'Company, cleaner. Jtidson C. 1023 Walnut st SALESMAN Electric exp.i snl. andcom. Apply 8 p. m.. 0227 Chew st.. Germantown. TO SECURE permanent, efficient, truatworthv men for specially confidential positions In our factory (not office), highly lucrative profit sharing arrangement will be offered a few thrifty men able to Invest $1000 or more In our business; wages nnd profits will approxi mate $1200 to $1500 per year: state age. record, and give references. M 451, Ledger Central. WANTED Specialty salesman to Bell as aids line grocery advertising book, containing sev eral hundred ready mado advertisements nnd suggestion for the retailer: sells quickly nt $1.00 and we allow 40 per cent, commission. Send 25 cents In stnmps for sample. Com mercial Bulletin Company, Minneapolis, Minn, WANTED Help In cabinet department; all branchen of woodworking In connection with manufacturing of high-grade cabinets: opply In writing, giving rots, nnd name of last em ployer; Investigation of ref. must prove aatls factory and applicant pass pin ileal examlna tlon. Address Postofflce Box 3500. Station O. WANTED Two men, between tho ages of 23 nnd 33 years; used to hard work: who have had rnllrcad experience; must have fair edu cation. Addrcsn In own handwriting, Box E 340, Ledger Central. WANTED A bright bov for diamond ahop, with good reference. P 000 Ledger Office. flenernl ALL PROSPECTIVE CHAUFFEURS-Why pay $33 and lose 0 or 8 weeks' salary? We will teach you to repair and drive any make of car In our evening school In 4 to 0 weeks: road lessons given on up-tO'date care: cost will bo $15, complete: no llmo wasted; special attention given to magneto wiring, timing, carburetor troubles, road work: taught by experts; Individual driving lessons, 73c REYNOLDS O. 01LKES. 014-18 Brown at. AUTOMOBILE repairing nnd driving taught by experts; special attention given to carburetor and magneto details: a road lesson every day and license guaranteed: day nnd evening courses: easy terms Cnll. write or phone Kenvlngton 1034. Huntingdon Auto School, 241.1.13 E. Huntingdon. LEARN THE AUTOMOBILE BUSINESS Look where sou will find automobiles. They all need Varetakers. Wo teach you the business and. TEACH YOU RIGHT Cost sou but $5 to start. Shops open night and day. . AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERS Or AMERICA C2D NORTH BROAD. MOVING PICTURE OPERATING taught, $15; positions secured; open dally and Monday, Wed,. Ftl. evgs Mott School. 1503 Saneom. NEW INVENTION-Sharp-shod overshoes for horses: guaranteed to prevent slipping on let streets; buckled on hoof in n minute: every horeo owner wants them; Me money for ngerts; fastest seller out: write for prices. Herman Manufacturing Company, Pennsylvs nla ave., Washington, D. C. OREENEWALD'S Executlvo office positions, tech. and sales positions; high-class employment exclusively; books and blank itratla. 250 3. 11th st. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES MRS. IIARVnY.iniO Rlttenhouso Sq Ist-cliis Catli.-Prot. cooks, $11 to $13; working; house keepers; Prot.-Cath. chambermaids, several years' best refs.: exp. Prot. waitresses, vnuns: Blrls for chamberwork and waiting; Prot. Cath Murrea. governesses and laundresses; wcll.rccommcndcd.mcn for all capacities. COOKS, chumbermalds. chlldnursea, house work girls, middle-aged woman, womnlt with child, practical nurse. Inexperienced Klrls, German and Polish girls want positions, references. Wnnted. all kinds of llrst-clnsa help. MIsh Rose Dougherty. 1313 Olrard nva. HT. NOTMURGA'H HOME a the recognised HOME AND EMPLOYMENT BUREAU FOR GERMAN CATHOLIC FEMALE DOMES TICS OF PHILADELPHIA. 12111 N. Oth st. (near Glrard ave.) THE WELL-KNOWN HUTTON AGENCY IV n Smedtey st. Cooks, first class; laundresses, German couples; competent help for all capacltlea wanted Monday a. m. : first-class conks and walt'sses. ladles' maids. English chlldnursy AMERICAN. German, French. Irish lsfclas cooke, waitresses, laundresses, chlldnurses. governesses, mother's helpers, housework girls wish situations, city or country. Mrs Kane, 611 8. 10th. Phone. " FIRST-CLASS Protestant and Catholic cooks, trained waitresses, chambermaids, child nurses, laundresses, homework girls, with raferanees, wish situations, city or countrv. M rs. Kane. 511 S. lflth st.; phone locust .'UUP. NICIIOLLS. 11120 Ralnbrldso (ph Locust 21.K)) Comp. German, French Swedish. Irlsh.etc, help wanted and sup. Wanted, younjr cooks, chamberm'da, waitress's,'.: coup.Jiouaem'ds.etc. EDUCATIONAL of" Domestlo Employment Clubs (near 15th and Walnut) Wanted, cooks. $40; nurse, waitresses, butlers. MISS HARKINS 2002 Balnbrldge Wanted, conks, nurses, German couples, housemaids; refs. required, . SdVTHERN EMPLOYMENT DIRECTORY--Select colored cooks, housemaids; also male neip: rets. ij;ii fine, upneurch's. Bell. GUARANTEFD white help supplied without advance. Telephone Miss Plats. 253 S.Camae. MRH. ROGERS 313 H. 20TH ST., SUPPLIES RELIABLE DOMESTIC HELP. WILI.ETT, 1800 Mantonst.. R. Phlla Sefect col, help, city, country,' ref. Ph, DIcH'n 508J. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE A REFINED American Protestant lady de sires position a companion to a. lady, or housekeeper for a man with a grown-up fam llyi ref. given and required. A 18. Led, Off. BOOK,Ki:EiPER. with excellent exp.. In gen eral ofrice work; capable of taking charge ot Investlratlon, operate branch exchange and Interview people Intel. E 47. Ledger Central BOOKKEEPER Experienced oil cost works capable of taking entire charge D. E. books; High and Pelrca school graduate. B 53. 1 .at. ( Partial BfXKKEi PER and general clerical work: '4 years' exp.. Including dent, store: Al refa,; moderate salary B 331. Ledger Central. CHAMBERMAID and'Waltress. competent," ex. Dertenpftt. wants Dosltlon rlxht awav 1? fti. .auaef- vM. CHAM HWltM AID. light colored girl, will tax noiltlerTbi hotel pr private family. 1823 s" I'ASSED QO DoAtO op NoNS6N?ER5HtP mxiT IM CASS OF TIRE 11. " " .. ' " ' "SS;f mSXj, -r---1--in. Si l.W)alj..wBB-aJg
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers