m M hl byl tcr call op tho son covl Dlr cits! Ion wltfl be' beci exle ass- H'i nod Wi I.- city 2r J ii a whaf Jfc f Ail the KV tit: 1H i I bSHb P bBSKl. Hi Brags : &dm p Hit ipmi r Nil Kawff' fifcHR lBaHr ".3imiW ' i in i h i t 'V At CBICEOFDEMOGRAT mi XS JUDGE AROUSING POLITICAL INTEREST qvernor's Actioh in Ap pointing of Brodhe&d in Northampton Causes Hints of Alleged Deal. Governor Tenor's netlOn in appointing In, Democrat as a Common Plena JitdAe of 'Northampton Couhty woa discussed with greet In political clrclfrs today. J. Davis head, of South Bethlehem, a former reSontativo. In the Democrat whose 1 appointment to succeed the loto Henry CWi Scott was announced by Governor Tetter In Harrisburg last night. At the 'same time Governor Tener announced the appointment of John Faber Miller, a Nor rlatown lawyer, to flit the vacancy In tho Common Pleas Court -of Montgomery County, caused by Uio death 'of Judge Henry It Woand. Gossip about tho Northampton appoint Vnent hinted that It was the result of a deal whereby the Democrats would sup port President Judgo RUsscll C. Stewart, of tho Common Picas Court of North ampton County, for ro-eloetlbn In 1617, It was said. Judge Brodhead succeeds n Democrat, but political tenders here said today that many Republican leaders of Northampton County had made' different plarfs Iron! thono carried qut by tho Gov rnon ' Judge Brodhead was a member of the GOth 'Congress. Ills father, Richard Brod JinJ, was elected to Congress In 1343 and ,to tho United States Senate in 1551. The now 'Jndgo was" District Attorney of Northampton COunty frdm 1.&S9 to 193, and for 19 years was Solicitor of ttio old .borough of South Bethlehem. Ho nun educated at Gnnrffptnwn CnUntrn. Rtnn tUall and Tale University, and was ad mitted to the bar In "1SS0 at the ago of 21. He was a delegate to the Democratic National Convention which nominated Cleveland for a second term In 1892, nnd tvas delcgato-at-largo to tho convention 'of 1901. A. Mitchell Palmer succeeded him In Congress. Ills commission oa Jndgo .'wilt run until the first Monday of Jan uary, 1918. Judga Mlllor Is 49 years old nnd Is a graduate of tho University of Pennsyl vania. His appointment has been well received by Montgomery- County teaders. Judgo Miller has been a member of tho Montgomery County bar for nearly 23 years and for several years was County Solicitor. Ho Is n member of tho law firm of Miller & High, nnd for years has been chairman of tho Montgomery County Republican executlvo committee. Judgo XMIller was admitted to tho Philadelphia bar In 1SSC, and tho Montgomery County 'bar In 1S92. His commission as Judgo wilt expire on tho first Monday of Janu ary. 1919. Representative William S. Varc, In an ,itildrcss. at tho dinner of tho "Old Guard" of tho Young Republicans, nt tho club, house, 221 South Brood street, last night pledged the Legislature to fulfill tho party promises made during tho campaign. "Our duty Is clear." sold Mr. Vare. "Wo were given power by an .overwhelming Vote, and tho party should act speedily upon; tho plhtform pledges. Ily ihfluenco will be extended to Governor Brumbaugh ar.d I will do nil I can to bring about the enforcement of his pre-election pledges." Representative J. Hampton Moore, In a short address, asserted that this country should learn a lesson from the European war, and bo more prepared for war If It .should come. More fortifications aro needed, he said. Among tho other speak ers were Henry M. Du Bols, Charles II. Edmunds and II. S. Phillips. More than K of the ''Old Guard" attended. Charles H. Sayre presided. l The Speakership fight Is now up to Senator Penrose, nccordlng to political leaders. When William H. Wilson an nounces bis randidacy within a few days, every possible means will bo used to get the Senator to Indorse him. The Vnrcs, It was said by politicians today, would 'seek the aid of Senator McNIchol, and ask McNIchol to use his influence with Henator Tonroso for Wilson's candidacy. Senator Penrose, according to Republican leaders, would favor the selection of any man who would suit tho other Organiza tion leaders. In tho meantime, friends of 'Richard J. Baldwin, of Delaware County, are urging Senator Penrose to support him for the Speakership, on the plea that Baldwin Is the leading candidate from outside of Philadelphia. The Wilson ad herents, on the other hand, are pointing out that Baldwin cannot seriously bo considered as a country member, since he lives within the shadow of Philadelphia. The dinner given to Michael J, Ryan In Scranton last night was In the nature cf a house cleanlm? within tho Demo cratic iarty, wttli Mr. Ryan's friends' wielding the broom, according to political leaders here today. Tho City Solicitor was the chief speaker at the dedication of St. Thomas' Hall, In Archbold. After the dedication, Mr, Ryan was the guest of prominent Democrats who supported him for the Democratic nomination for Gov ernor. One hundred Democrats sat at the dinner, but the assemblage was notable for the absence of the leaders of the Democratic organisation In Lack awanna County. WW' mM W luBnEH WtP JUDGE ROBBED IN COURT Overcoat Stolen 37rom Looker ns He Dispenses Justice From Bench. NEW YORK. Nov. 24. While Judge Frank U. Rudkln, of Seattle, Wash., who ' by special designation is sitting on the , bench of the Federal District Court, was trying a criminal case yesterday after noon a sneakthlef pillaged his locker and 'stole his overcoat. Judge Clarence W. Sessions' overcoat, which was In the same looker, was not disturbed. Overcoat thieves who during the winter months make periodical raids In the Fed eral' courthouse a year ago carried off Judge Julius N. Mayans overcoat. It was recovered In a New Chambers street IKtwmshop. DBAG BTJBNINO AUTO .yfrc) In Garage of It. J. Keppel, In . Qermantown. tfm of unknown ori? n was discovered th garage of R. J- Keppel, a furniture jHtuUiMiturer, in toe rear or nig nome, qft tjreene street, Gertnantown, this wiBMug, and damage Uia building and r turlag ear which was stoa In the i4kiy.- The loss will eroowiU tV ttQU. A, milkman who was pMlg the haute firtly bore f o'cloek saw names faoot- Jfg Jf9m (e wirMiuws u- in wiiwims.. e in an siarm ana men sroiuss tne . With the aastetauce of Mr Kepr h 4rat7ed tl burolng automobile M$l narage. Stee 'BaiOAN8 AilXIOUS TO BUMST ,- , OTTAWA, Nov 24 One hundred thou- wot nt wym men ui me umns euioa . oi- nSwr pfi- tU V1MUN. IH iMUWNB i -rlc .u l&mcap. 8-ixoratng to Hajor uenerat ItetftlM. Car.adlttn Mlnlat.r of MUtUa. itr) ilughfS said he was In favor of oBillac the ui.n hu b4 offered ham- ssftei. Uuuaruls ut A,mei ltsau. h aa MTted are lidj wttb tfe &rt aad ac- '.w xml wm emtvmmm r.AST MtNVTB RUSH TO AID BBLGIANS Continued from Pmte On tern Checks addressed to the Philadel phia National Bank will be used to pur chase food For whleh starting babies are I crying In far-oit Belgium. OUN SAILS TOMORROW. Pinal arrangements Are being made for th departure of the Orn tomorrow promptly at noon. The ceremonies will be more Impressive than those altchdlng the tfepnrtuto of the Thelma. Philadelphia's factory whistles for noon will be the signal for the sailing of the City's second ship of mercy. Every steam craft alpng the river will salute the Orn ns she slowly backs out Into the middle of the Delaware and points her nose toward the ocean. She will be greeted alt along tho river In the same manner. Tho public Is Invited to attend, and when the ship weighs an chor the throngs will sing the "Star-Spangled Banner," Tho following contributions wtre received today : IJudilv" .20 Crewon 0.00 "Ht, Anthony" . Thomas Mann (12 .years) Jsg. E. Clcavsr. In memoir of ha bob), rather and mothsr.... MeGca'a Mill M. 1& tiundnv z.uui;aia Henderson .'j H. w. F... 2.K)CAh a.OOCaah Uuakortown a.on 1.00 1.00 M. ti. B. H... 1100 1.00 1.00 2.00(1 B. N o. r. , Mill Illllln (-.! School .... 1S.2.V nadian) ,. l.in ainiif r vnas, wm. Cash a.uu o." Anderson i Wd en, timmrv Pins (irovn Untnn ij. koss urcgory ;na urovo union Dmif Ilnv Humlav dclinnl. BOO .r uoy 20 1.00 J. U. Horning and M"-. ?' c- Iten- family n w n Xatherme John- Mg jK-knlfM 1J. D. Stunner . B'.ub'j e.' n? Therein Ileadln. 1 w R- '' ?, Jltllof Fund... moo BympathUer ..... 1.00 B.UO 1.00 0.40 2.00 6.00 1.00 O. E. P., Lam- llclglum (rrench bartvllle, N. J., l.oo .woman) 2.00 O. W. Jamesln.. J.00 "eln Chany.... 2.00 Mary A. Maula. . 2.00 B. C. Baker 2.00 A friend i ooll. N. I.......... 1.00 Mr. K. l'lnaclit 1.00 From a eootcli- O. II. II., Atlantic man 1.00 City 1.00 J. M. Kirk 10.00 A. M. Stadeltnnn 100 B. 8. Hret l'rca. II. V. Hanford. n.OO Church, Chea- J. J. Nixon Sou tor, Pn 20 00 Cath 2.00 J. J. N l.W A Widow's Mite .20 Caih 1.00 M, M. B B.U0 1:. J. W 2.00 J. J. McCloakey 23.00 Mlfs B. Baker, l'uplla of the Chester 2.0" uncnennam High Hchool .. k. ji. n M. O. H N. V. I) Wycombe Bap tlnt H 8 The Hev. B. T. Hampton .... Newtown Bap tist Church . . Mm. William II. Jones W. 1. W Dorothy A. Chapprlle . . . Claaa 7-l, til rard College. j. a m. ii Anna O. Boyd... From Cellala ... A. Ml R Chnmbersburg. I'a Dr. and Mrs. W. Q. Jones B. It C A Header of tho North Amerl can Mr, and Mre. . CxaIT oung 10 00 People's Soc .. 1.00 Chas. V. Mac- 1.00 Manns BOO Austin 'Bojd . . Jcraol Wagner. . . 8 f llrs. Kdltaboth M. Ceni-ar (Ilor- den'a Condensed nnn milk) 0 Cash n, T., cash B.OO 29.0C 10.00 .50 4.00 1 00 .80 2.00 ,u . '' .v ' First Prosbyte- - rlan 8. 8., Oer- mantown. No. 6.T3 .60 1,00 2.00 1.00 2.00 32 Cash 15 00 mm .Mrs. rt. .. ...vo 2 00 Cnsh iiinj. A. II. ....... 1 rn ward Dearden . 10 00 n. C. Crcor . . B.OO .1 oo Geo. C. Davles, i do Jr. 1,uw lU0Mr. and Mr. aeo C. Davles 10.00 2.00 V. Y. 'OO Mrs. M. Crces. .. 1.00 fash 3.?o (Jeorge llaze- lotto COO Cash .BO C.i ft h 4e a.K.. TronvtA- .Syrian s: B"r...22no Caali ,vrJ 1.00 s. A. Bulsaon 1.00 p, M. Clamblo jO Baptist B. 8., of Httddonfleld, N. Cash 8. H. Nleld, Urldesburg Junior Club of St. Paul's Church of Doylcstown, Pa Ralph C. Endl cott Tho Bev. Her man B. Duhr Ing. D. D Edna Hart "Irishman" Cash Yeadon School . . Cash H. C. II J. K. H. (milk).. C. N Cash . , Cash M. S. (good luck) Cash N. II. C H. II Cash Cash J. II 7.10 No Nnmo . Wayne Presbyte- 2.00 rlJn S. S C. II. 8 . P. V. A. C 000 Cnsh 10.00 famh 1-00 . AnaW. P. .30 jj. 8 8 T Princeton Presby. 1.00 fl. fl additional 2.00 cash " 50 Msster Kdgar Geo, 2.B0 Brown -. 1.00 Master W. Bot- 2.00 ten ...'. .73 II. A. M B.OO Old Soldier 10.00 Mary .1 . Nice . . 1.03 Nlta W. Thom- 1.00 son 1.00 r!. J B.OO ooo 2.50 2.00 BOO 7.00 0.40 1.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 8.00, B.OO 5.00 B.OO 40,00 1.03 .50 100 1.00 O. ra. D 3,00 Cash C. .00 Miss E. D. Wlll- 1.00 lams . 2.00 'Mrs. I. Norw ood M. P. ' E. T. and M. T. Mary fiweency... J. A. II cash Cash Cash E. J. a Cardel Cash Cash Thompson M. F. Culhane, Lanadowno ... Cash M. C. Qulgley... I.lttlo D's Sympathlrer C. Lona Weiss. .50 Lnsn l n r o u k ji 1.00 Wnnamaker's 00 storo 10.10 i 00 F. W. Bevan. . 2.00 S3 Acnes Foggs ... 10.00 1 m Bertha Harrison 10.00 ion Mechanical De- IXJ ... ...tc., .... amaker'a .... n.r.o l.oo n.oo 2.00 l.oo 2T.25 8.00 2.00 D. P. AA '-1 Cnsh Vr fi.ri rS. Penn'a Manor ?-S Orange 1530. . ,n'2iMr. W. A. Col- In As Much.. Two well-wisher. B.OO ,, r'"ii"'KiA'. ""YY linn 00 rtr 20 0 A r rienu D. J. Kecm A. Bonxella Cash Itecord Reader. Cash Mrs. B American A Bread-winner. J. P. Donnelly.. Bowl Bowl Agne. 'U. M A. Hots. B Bessie 11. Work.. Florence Work.. Cash lion I s . . . J. U. BeU . M I , V - --- "J" Mrs. Croft 1.00 fOO John J. Weber. - 00 J-00 s, k. C 5.00 l.w Bristol Commn- i-52 nlty Committee in oo 2.00 p. d, Pratt 5.00 1.00 Miss Seftcn's 1.00 class, St. Paul 2.l Pres. 8. B H.25 1.02 Clash 1.00 i..'i Additional (II. v. .50 D.) 3.75 .50 Primary Depart .50 ment, the City .50 Mission ary 2.00 (laid 15.21 Mary II. M. ... i na Cash .50 1.00 1.00 1.00 .1.00 5.00 8.00 .60 0.00 5.00 .2.1 .30(1 1.00 1.00 e.oo 1.00 1.00 1.00 8.00 5.00 .20 1.00 1.00 s.00 1.00 oo 2.00 1.00 M. C. F. Mabel Macferran 10.00 Cash Cash k nn ?ash W. H, N., P. Marian........ s. c n. d....: o. w. a S. U. Koch C. P. McKlnley. A Friend E. E. D... Mrs. W. J- N... Cash Irwin If. Frees.. D. P. MeManus. Hurry, Pleas.. . W. II. Harding. C. P. nalland... 8. U. C Daniel CM. Ins... Mrs. Parka,,.,.. Mlia Frear Mrs. Uuchanan.. Bowl ... Cash Lubln Players... Howl ,..,,....,. Cash, St. Andrew's P. E. 8. 8 :., Princeton Presby. 8. 8., additional Cash Mastsr Edgar Ceo, Brown... Master W. Botten H. A. M. ...,..,, Old Soldier Mary J. Nlcs... . Nlta W. Thom son C. J ....... O. H. D Cash Miss '&"D." Will lama Mrs. I. Norwood Cash throuth Waaamaker. tons K. W. Bavan . . . 25.0011. B. ff. "i'oo Hiss Delk j 00 Mrs. V. a. Nick. nn I" T'oo Mrs. Francis M. 1 00 Cresson lioo S3""'" Henderson .affi :::::.:::: l'.OO 3ul"rtown M. E. ?'52a.'af'N.":L::;:: 1.00 Q p 1-pO MlssDlilln((in; i-5JJadtan) a-00cash 1-OOd. Koss Oregory. 5.oo rxsf jjoy ...... B.0O cash . '. . . l.oo Mrs. II. c. Ban- 7.BJJ croft .2BO. W. 8 3.0Oj.nueseU Knight o.Jo j. n. n , , , . 7.00D. u w M E. II. H 500 1.00 2.00 2.00 0.10-RymDathlstr . Df'ltlura (French 1.00 Woman) 2.00 Helen Chaney .! K. C". Baker 1.00 n N. P ".. 2.00 From a Scotch 1.00 man 2.00 1.00 1 00 10.00 1.00 J M. Kirk 8.O0S a, First Pras. 6.00 ter. Pa 20.00 BOO J. J. N 1.00 5.(0 Cash 1.00 40.COM. J. W J00 1.03 MI11 8. Baker, ius(r ........ 2,uo Calvary Young 18 c 1.00 I'eoDle'a so- eieiy Cbarlea V. Mae 18.30 llanus 5.00 23.00 10.00 .SO 10 00 Israel Wainer .. i Aiuun iwya " "": ;xui. uertaa. jtarris-M. au.w ""if irm. fiusann M.Ceaaar (llor- SleefeMlcat ,J partBient, wan anuker's D. P ..... Oash Cash Ouh den's con- U.MI deiul Milk)., 4.00 l.OrtCash 1.00 B.OO I- Ch ..50 aoog. n. V. . . . 200 1.00 r" JWMUirtsr- Ian a 8, 0r- 27.88 atown. No. . - D.70 S(r?u 50 f A. T. Prie 1 00 jo,poyh s-o KS-iruVad'Bal ,co fsAB's Ml rente 11 Mrs. W, 'A. Cot- IMS Mr.. L. H. ilf ...... ttu nmft. "kw- Jho J. Wtr. .DanwV "-aroeo. iu.lt) gs c Uu, U . 1.00 l a nl'viu iaai r w" a arx; fgun. M CrM . lod Cash . . 9IWI .B, .SO Jra.yttr- s. & k S5 ftMtw a, of Mannoaaaia. N J- ..... No Kama ? J.-6:::.:: Catk V ty OanMH-s esus, St. Paul Prlmarr Dwatt- iK umOU U,s City MUsicuar SaU W Mary H. 41 . 1.00 M C. F M Cask . CMi iM urn. a tvfi HtM Delk. ujtttk. M Sirs, jfeiiaa'sc EVENING LEDGES-PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER J9TK I O b K "J ZO m ST. yu.iau.J.1 yl I, III. .I.j l Ml ilOl f WjUlfjHI.- , 8 rJMMTC zoom- : I M t te i m I l. an , i I! i PROGRESS ON "BILLY" SUNDAY'S TABERNACLE AND FLOOR PLAN Although the carpenters and other artisans have been at work less than two weeks, the heavy timbers and planks are fast being shaped into the form of the mammoth citadel at Logan square, 19th and Vine streets. The building and vestibules will accommodate almost 20,000 persons. Bev. Francis A. cr Brady, Media . 10.00 Eleanor Warner Mrs. Illsdon 25 00 Cope, Trcas. M. U Nicholas. 1W.00 Young Friends' First Presby. Asso., Wrights Church, west down Plttston C.10.C3vVm. S. Hunder- St. James' P. E. wood Church Sunday James D. Wenz. School, Heston- n. C. Gray . . . 2.00 10.00 3.00 .'1.00 2.00 2.50 5.00 1.00 VlllO o Wm. B. INOUl.. Mrs. A. E. Wea J tkrr I TV TVit.l- sels C. U. U Chas. C Coopor. Cash Mrat Presby terian Buuday Bchool, iJins- S'JfiJohn L. Carson. "S Hugh C. Forbes. 5 00 5.00 ida Hursh Sharp 20.00 Ollbcrt T. Iten- lnger LOO .. Marv E. Itenlna downe. Pa. .. i.uu ..- , nil . - .iirt nn w ............. .ww labile School Chll- JaJ .."..... BOO dren and People .,. c cort... 5,oo of Iionesia, Nancv J. OrLiwell 5 00 ' -- "'-Lnuri II. En.t ... 0.tOr- .. Vnmt- ftr , alat-iocow?H.aohr;::::: Im Uinrt V'n'lai: Howard Clark.... 2.00 ASSS" .": .?.'": 10.00 U A. Adam. 6 00 U Itomaln. Olat- V,f- "H 7' Mr and"-Mr's". North 10 00 a tv Hheafer Proceeds of organ oY rotuvm-y' "ct,al lv" b J. Urlnton White 25.00 byterlan Church 50.23 simrtnv School of F. C. I. ... ...... 25.00 McCabe uJe- A baby a mother. inSrial M. B. A. Phlladolphlan. Church. Wll- J. Watwn Phll- mlngton, Del... 20.00 lips Citizens ot R- Anna William. novo, Pa 25.00 C. A. Llttlo n. K. Dougherty 25.00 Mary Appleby . . B. K. Dougherty Wm. It. Snyder. (Hour) 23.00 M. J W A. Fulton... 5.00 H. 11. II Mr and Mrs. J. .Helen K W Foster.!... 25.00 F. E. Kennedy.. Miss E. Keynolds, A Friend . . . . . . Washington, D. Frank B.l'lsher. C 50.00 A. and M. Q Primary Dpt. St. J. -M.. Paul'B Presby. Mra n Ileger. . Church, Laurel P. N. Brum- frma.''FuNnd,J: 10.00 Ml..;: Ill 1 1 2.X) 1.00 100 1.00 1.00 20.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 .23 200 1.00 1.00 200 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 is. J., oH-i.wi-j tzV. Vr' . niommton and E. U. ford. 23.00 vicinity 100,00 J. H, Morning- and R. em at the itar 10.00 2.00 2.00 2JK) 1.00 0.50 200 1.00 2.00 .50 .28 15.00 400 S.00 B.OO 1.7J ,50 .60 B.OO 21,23 8,00 1.00 BOO 8.40 ploye. Frank Savery. . Uriug sine l.lirvnnrt Kn Mr. and Airs. -"t. -.. ., .... no ixouse. .. rt natty .Yru .. M..mFt. Pa. 46.00 Hash Drl( Q. K. Johnson... 50.00 Mrs. B. W. citizens o. 0UI.1 . .i-iivt Grove. Pa...... 50.0015. It. II. (Flour) People of Lewis- Oscar Harknees. burg, Pa ?,J'JX' P""1 L. MT A 23.00Cash Ladles' Study From an Invalid. Club of Seltna' M Mr. and Mrs J. Orove .100.00 F Kelly Eckley B. Coxo, S. Lester Mes. jr, 50i).00 trogat W. 3. Hood .,.. 6.00 A Widow and Frank B. Davis 00 Little Son .... J. KV Shirk 5.00 I. F. Molester.. Wm. M P. Sher- p. L K wood 13.00 M Is. Anna II, C. Kehter.,.. l.oo Dunne Geo. Davidson . . 1--0O Miss Mary Mc Htolli Hhody. ... 1.00 Donnsll Jolw T. Van Der- Mlaa Mary .w canion .,.. Tha Rev A. C. Thompson. Slary A. and Harrison Woith lnEton w 'imaqua .... 1.00 Blf BprlnK 6.40 (Jiviq club .. . 5.00 o. W William. 5.30 and family .... B.0OA; Friend . .. . -f.,(iJ O. R. Anderson. Jos. II. Blchols, Mrs. B. Lurler.. Itobt, O, Porch, J. O. Pari...... Helena, W. Ellis HUen- Walker . P. B. Wlldman., bv.w u, u. F. Barrett Live- II. A. Fillmore s.y B,MiiBsd at Mov- Daniel L. Krausa 8.00 mg Pictures In Florence Camp- .. Muncy, Pa. ... bell . 2.60 w. A, Bill. Atwatcr Kent II. B? Christian.. 13.63 100 1.00 Mia, worn... .y pr. w. t. U 41. Groves..., 3.00 Ktstlsr 1000 Mary C Wlra. .. 10.00 f. c. Stroh..,., 6.00 W. Loula yan.. B.OOtwo Bablaa. Jan F, C. Semar 6,00 and Susans Alfred Lehman. . 1.00 Hannum ,.,., 10.00 B. Sym. ., 5.00 John C. SUndt.. 8.00 Kdna. U. Iau jam uasn ,.., Frank McGlnnls. 2.00 T. F. II , Francs. S. Paul. 3.60 K. C. Brown..., Geo. W. Jasoby. 26.00 Miss a M.Wood Dessle D. Snyder 1.00 Additional from Tbss. W. Ellason 26.00 Ashmun Pres. Florn M .., ..Church .... , Wolv.rton .... 10.00 M. C- Benedict. Henry K. Beyer. 6.00 Mr. and Mrs. Ida Donnelly 2.00 ..Geo. B. Snunk. Octavta Lorrala M Mr and Mr. Sahuyar .. . . 10.00 Wm. B. etXJT y nHinn ntii Maaksv BOO 2.00 5.00 8.00 8.00 6.00 B.OO 8.00 moo Ullie B. Algt. 8.00 Walter Oltey. . , l&ht f. LilVltt 8 00 Th Bev. A. R. .... t. .. 9U uawiii aaa -M2r JT7 .T. a m fiAMtthv nAttiitt T. YSitV"4 ""a.rtrl.'Rrkorl. UwU 10.CO Walter DUek. Robert OiaJs" saSffiV' Margam UakKu fimiiy )fFMo r ......... H J. Warlaw Res S. fiUheurer Lswll B. WlUon 2,00 Tbl4 Orada Pu 8.00 P" Sledfsrd SCO While School. !'H MaJferd. N J. y II. I. Xilman.. . 4.00 Frank L Smith 8.00 B. LF . v r e. 1.00 Was blugteo, 2.00 D. 0 50.00 2 00 Hro4d aaa Ansa -...& .. Albert . iU- Powell 100 vmjr ...... s.w Laura, Hl'Uley.. is.oo y:.ra knA a-w ST. s 13 s9 S N V VSSTBCfLS W. II. Ives 10.00 Alice Chadnlck.. Dora Moses, K. H. Orser Treas. for Oroen A Family, . Em- .50 2.00 Hill Bunshlno porlum. Pa. . 3.50 .i-ai- r An FVank Wells Fav. Sarah II." QUbert 1.00 nicbard. Doug- J. 1 Qenscmtr las Keck, Max H. Johnson, Jas. Fay and John Packard nu Family.... Mra. Mary P. Ilagley E. Elizabeth La- throp Edith Rohrmsn. Richard Graham M n a t 0 r II. 2.00 1.00 1.03 2.50 Mildred Held , , lyyland Sunday i-r: sci fiVinnl Twin nA. 2.oo pa. .:........: B.OO Geo. D. Einstein 4.00 COO 600 1.00 B. II. Crowther. 1.00 Presby. Church 50.00 of Llanerch . . Union National Qraham J. SI. Fox J a. m a a W. Gardner Ceo. W. Lott.... J. Leslie White. M. L. McLough- ltn Kensington Post 1.00 uank, Lewis 3.00 'mr',-ra R nn F. A. C 31.50 10.00 Chas. L. Itemy - Co 5.00 w Jenklnlown 10.00 O k,l.nlnH A, al Station 10.50 R, Ann. l-nls- Mary C. Death. From Ivt o Sister. Cash A. and 13. Ji. Qermantown , Walnut Street 8.00 codoJ ChaDel. . Wllow Orove 12.73 .23 o.uu cash 1.00 phlla. Class, St John's M. E. 6.00 8. S Geo. W. Maeee. 5.00 25.00 5.0O 1.00 Patriotic Asso. 10.00 Mrs G. Magee. Cash W n ...i. aa Newton Hauare chas. E."skn: eioo B.Ptlet Church 10.50 II, n. Stevenson 8.00 V'?nlrt.i.2m" 3 John O'Connor, Mr. and Mra. F, Wilbur Smith. .23 .25 .23 1.00 1.00 B- neri Po"rkV Con- 11. ana 11. ,..-,.- WInstow ..... 10.00 Ed.ar Sleloy. Mrs. Laura W. Man clerk... Bossier 5.00 Thomas James Geo. W, Adklns 8.00 Johnston . ... Amos II. Helsey 10.00 Cash Sirs. Geo. Beck A.C0 Woman's Bible Cash 10.03 Class of Bethel Walter E. Mas- M. V . S land 10,00 Camden, N. J. Miss Anna C. vvC,a, i EmploVea" 'of II " Wrmn .0. Dunmlro Co. 13.60 "-', 6.00 1.00 a.ou 5.00 1.00 10.00 20.00 4.00 1.00 .50 1.00 0.50 LOO 1.00 BOO Menomng " Overbrook Pres. 1. o. o. r . as Hemdon. Pa. . 2.00 A yYiina- . . ; . Chas. II, Young. 3.00 cash .......... Holmesburg Im- cash prov.iment As- cash soclatlon 200.00 Cash B. Rldgway a.-H Cash Son 10.00 A Friend Employees Phlla. Cash Office Swift Anna. Chilian. . . . and Co 7.23 Slother , and W. Armstrong Mr llnftn.r " " Oiaves B.OO Mr. Itottner .. . Miss Rodney.... 12 BO A- I. K It. S. Weaver.. 6 00 y" w.'cfi, i; B.OO 2.00 l.UU 1.00 .23 ur.ai vouoy Shirley M. Crale 23 Prea. unurcn.. c E.- society of i: .-" tS'SS ha Fr- Paoll Geo. H. nun .. J-y.v" cnurcn COO 2.00 6.00 M. W. II. 100 a Friend . K. MacDonald.. Idlsa Jennie Hyde, aged 0 year. .,,,,.... Fox Chase Saml. D. Blanch L e o. R. Bur- Ungam. II. P, Fries Mrs. Mary J. Fall Mr. and Mrs. A', u.uu cajn .... E. C II., rlstown 2.00 Cash .... 2.00 Cash ,.,., 2 00 Cash ..... ' II. Q. C.,., nn Caah . . , , , moo ";" Nor. 3.50 l.W 1.00 5.00 6.00 5.00 .. ..100.00 Heott 1 (Vt 5.00 cy;h X.UCUB,,.. 1.UO ,t V, T r 1,1.1, X J, County moo ji.vhi". :.::: 5S C. M. B. Hur- J. 11. T 10.00 lock a.w 1; a. II..,,,.,. Too S.40 Windsor St.. Francis P. Crow- Reading 10.00 ley 200 Mis W. ElUa- Mm. A. C. Miller LOO both Evans. ., 2.00 Jeter Kupf. , 200 Seaside Park ?L P I'leber loo Klshsry 16.00 Fred F. Miller. E. 8. Rhoads.... 2.00 y"- Lewi. Elsie P. Haine. 5.00 ..W. P. .... . St. Margarefa R. "g"1" C. Parochial Kca 't'Z' School Chll. Mra."!! alVaV: dren. Narberth B.OO ca.h " IVani """SVMft cS """"' Rev R,F, Cow. . .. bSS.1..,.: " 1.23 3.00 1,00 1.50 .50 .50 100 8.00 100 1.2s 8.00 .50 20,00 ley, Nartiertn.. Isoo-rifoVri " Wm. B. .uycra. . "."u tr n H. N. Smlt th.... l.Bu i"ii HE. W. Rlege! . casn ..:::: 1 m "." f- Klrk A mlt from Nor- rlstown P. A O. 11. Whit .. Frank P. Lar Marg. M. Martin BUle M Llvlng- ?:0O tSK' r-'.i. ir. &T; 1.00 jw s. s. .-": s M i09r. Pa . la 80 i:ca:hrmp,i,,,u"' "00 . mu lanual Pres- ri".T'.H" "a- bxterlaa Sunday casJi " 10.00 8.00 MiStsF. Iliimii- !!.1 t! if fe steal, ueaaurw stt"'.?. i IB Trleden. .siSle 1:88 1.00 8.00 LOO SrVSSSBS ? jr .: Slr & wcosrAw;- LaeUaman fl.00CtraiJ) ... Preabxterlaa Sua- BuU6 A. Dun day tjabool of dor. Wmols. Bristol. Pa. . 14.50 ort . . Sent members of f ill First Kp.- Tbea. J. Btoia. . tM Cbwsh. Juler c Ml 1 oOTnntnriTlll .to jjfformed en. LOOCajth ....... 23.06 .23 p. n. noare 8 id F. T. Dare. Mrs. M. M. F z.c OOniverton rot- Snwtng Circla (p little girls, Had- 4.00 ernes Mrs. If, T. Vlnn S.OO edge, son nd daughter .Cash B.13o. Planitlne ..... . Fannie M. Hunt- 3 M er . . 2.00 Class 10, Tioga is 00 Pretbyterlan B. 1000 e 1.00 Cash Seven Dirts ,from eon Hel; ghts) . Junlor 8.S0 ue nart-:hard- ment nie1 .10 B.OO 1.00 son Mam. a. R. Rebert Me!en- hall flavin W. W. T II. Kent Day... fl. V, Fawner. . Hi C. I), Jr.. . Mr. Tutta Mil lers Estate of Jane Hutchinson .... I T fl.W .10 !. Sffiel" .... C9-00 . tJIMtHM'sl lOOOneT. Francis A. x w nraay, wwmi 10 00 1.00 1.00 B. O. D, " i'a. Cash 0 83 f chaa. BhenR I.TO htlh .... .... iO.OO kf.il. Trfinr .i Miss Snyder ... 1.00.T m. and C. H Cash l.W Wolfe ...... i. 2.00 Cnsh ........... "' rtes. S. B., or- uneie Jann .... i.wi dentown, N. J. iyx Cash B.W Cah Proceeds .from ca.f, 3.00 1.00 a.oo 1.00 1.00 cr Baie, vsk .,., Cash ,...... Iwine ......... W.W gish Training School Friend ..,.. Hulscopal Hos- Rossloyd Mission pltal ,., 1.00 g s. ,, Mr. Itlchsrd Kll- t Bash .... dey . LOO a Friend Miss M. W Mor- MrB. Dye .....v rls J jxi jonn nna Sarah 2.05 3.00 5.00 2.60 4 nn 5.."" -.'. .?. Krier I? 00 Elisabeth Moore 1.00 Buburgh J.JH 1.00 Cash ...- 'B0 .50 Trinity Church, 100 'oiford, Phils.. 20.00 Xf 111 AH11 Cnsh Cash Cash Mrs. n. Itolman. C. It Alburger. . Cash "" Trinity cnuicn , .03 -i.tlvll1e. Mrs. c v. i-. 2 00 Phlla 55-20 C. A. 8 II. ... 10 00 Mrs. .Ins. Rowle 10.00 loulse BurDoli' Mrs, nsvM win 1.. ..... l.nu ters. OlenoKien 1.00 I.I ............ I.I., ...W..W.'-. r-nah ..... .U3 t In. D Avll Isabel J.00 oienolden .... l.J Joseph 1.00 For the Belgian 2.00 Creshelm, Arms.. cash . nuaevllle show 158 M rrrnest Messm-r. B.OO A. v Polls .... i.w Merchantvllie Mra. Chas. Holt- Field Club ... B7.00 ner ........... 3.10 Mahlon D, Hech- Mrs. O N. Sler- ler ,. B.OO ry weather .... 8.00 prank D. Black, Frank Stewart North Wales.. 1.00 Iyinit -, Ira J. Williams. 1000 A little boy .13 cash 100 Ells. F. Stewart 6.00 church S. 8. St. A (hankful moth- Johns In the r 1.00 wildnfnee. Tho. Conlon.... L.00 oibbstown, N. Cash Cash T, A. Conway... Class No. 10, Wlrsa. M. E. S. 8 Florence I. Dav- 1.00 Henry Hcliaefer. 6.00 1.00 A. P. r. ....... 10.00 Primary Schools of the Church 2.1S Good Shepherd . B.00 uasn l... s.w I 1.00 In memory Of J. fi.00 1,X) COO 1.00 Cash " ..---. T . wn. a a.'n.:::: 8.00 Donnell K, Wol- 1.23 vereon 1 00 Ruth and Dor I oo othy Glassman j.l,l Cosh j nn Cnsh Pcnnn. Grove W. Helen. Doris anil Joyce Cash Mary Slemler. . . . M. II. 8 Cash Cash ,. Katlierlno II. Hoi 1.00 .10 1.00 0.40 r :' nn t C T. u. vr -: .';.. nsrrel flour m r.. N.. 1 Cnsh cnsh , J. 0. II Cnsh , J. V 1 Mrs II. II. Stew I art ViVi iJirtle-,' lilhle Clas ,', Trinity I.uth-ran 1 ,V Church. Ocr- .23 2.00 .50 3.00 5.00 1 (SI mnntnn n The Epnorlh league of .the llnllfnx Metlio rtlst Dplscopnl Cnsh . .. Cash Sympathy.. . .. Sirs. McKlnley. 5.23 .-fj; Pitman. N. J., SI. J-"0 B. S. 8 S3 00 S-OO Cash .C5 .5(1 cnurcn M W I.. ;.(kj ---,. n. P Tnvlor ?22 Cliss A Hucy I'00 Schnnl, West , m Philadelphia . . Her Lucky Piece Katharine Eggles- ton Cnsh 1.80 4.00 - j nmi r r . . . . i'nV, Charles and Al- .i'S2 hert 1 "j .1 nnfi .. r . Mrs oilmer . . Phlla. Paving Co SI. C. Caah Miss Josephine r)hnm .... no ,.i." Cash Cash ' Cash 10.00 1.00 2.50 2.00 1.00 , Off Ico Slachlnery ?-2X Division. Phlla. aiC :'TrKNavy Yard 11.00 0.40 l.oo 0.00 0.11 1.00 B.OO 1.00 .50 B.OO 1 00 .50 3.00 .23 Cnsh BOfj vv- B Richmond M. R Mech." P. il ' ii r8'-.;;' JV'nn Drawing. Room w to Minns...' am (collection) James Ilostwlck west i'niia. jtign A nn nP (hA TrlX0' u'n!,V B-4''rf srut.'.r'PaT: 20.85 Wr Sutton A C. llenslnaer 1.00 Stokes An Admirer of New Bloomfleld .00 ,J "elslans' i' !i.r.?A' i'nn Irishman SUn" .v:.v.: 23:Ho Von-SchooV.:: B. H. Smith. . nn casn A.W -,,. .. T- rB-. From the Children of tho Forty ninth Street Sta tion Day Nurs ery Cash Cosh Cash Eleanora Horln stein Cash Cash A Citizen of Phil adelphla ...... Cash (Gold) SI. SI rih son 1 00 11. F. P 3.00 Cash 1 00 1 o Defenders of tho ,on Cross 7.00 ,'on SI. Martin 1.00 J'!,5 Virginia Hankln- son 1.00 1 nn Cash 1.00 1BO O. E. Bell 1.00 i'nn Oeorge D. Baker luu Miss Rocletv. 1.00 son First Pres. S 8 , 050 Philadelphia .. 2 75 10 50 Cash through i'nn Wanamakor's Slisa Loverlng... 'Sirs. B. L. Roche SI. A SI. S. C. n c. c. Cash Friends' Central School, addi tional Caah W. M ones Sadie Ma hood L. S. O Slarlo D. Potter. F. Williams .... T. J. Callahan.. J. I Bennle Leach ... W. W. R. . . . Miss Mabel S. Graham For Slllk Miss tamberton'to Class, St Mary's B. S Just SI Cash St. 11. Valentine. Cash Sympathy, milk. A. R. B air and Mrs Jas. McConaughy . . Redeemer and Andalusia .... Cash B. F. nnn Store 11.1(1 10-noCag 200 no F. s. 8 1000 -1 nnCaBh i'ngc. si. o BOO " T. R DW T. D I.. Jr. . . . School Children, 22 40 Slapls Shade, 2' CO N' J a'nn Cash .100 2.00 100 .50 5.00 1.00 2 00 Mafy Bethell. 100.00 1.00 Cash 75 25 00 Employes 3,uo Stephen Greena l.ou Company .... in fio 1 00 Cash 1,00 .20 5- W. SI 100 1.00 F. 8. C. B.OO pirs. a. J. wu- 2.00 "On l.OU g. J. P. Rose and Wm. Williamson ... 1 to P. SI. ill. and 1.00 2.0!) !.00 l.ou others, Slana- .i yunk 2 25 8.10 Bhworth Ieague, X.Uu Lnnsdowne M. i'.oo Hi Church .... 14 55 8.00 M. R 2.00 From Three 4.UO Lansdowne Friends 7.00 1.25 Cash 11 1 mi Anna Walton, or 5,00 Larobertvllifc, Oak Park United 4.00 Prrshy. Church 11R.MI R. SI. StOCker. A.asn Box Starconl ... Ernie and Betty Haines Cash W. A. B 03 oy Scouts (Olenoiden No. 1 Class 7. St, An drew'. 8. 6. .. Cash A Little airl . . Friends Mrs. V. A. G. . Sllss Mary Berg. Sirs. A. D. Moore Miss L. E. Moore. 2.00 of llonesdale, 1.24 ra ..., Sirs. W. 'JI, Ew- 1.00 Ing, Weatherly, l.oo Ia 2.00 Rev. Wm Bul lock, of Honey brook, Pa. 1,00 A Friend, of Sler chantvllle. N. J. 1.23 II. R, Maglnley, J.Kl Norrlitown ... .10 Magnolia M. V. 0.50 8. B a.oo J. k. 11 1,00 Cash l.Oo Employes Thos, 1.00 Henry Sons ... J. F. M 10.00 2.00 1.00 5.00 1.10 10.00 21.00 1.00 l'H.1,3 SOU .no Pupils 01 Catho lic uirir Cash .... High 23.K1 Cash 10 Kenderton Public cash 5.00 ncnooi 31. Hi 2.00 .50 60 l.OU QwyneOd First- W. W. 8. ... aay Hchool .... Frankford Aaron Packer . . Cash Slyrtle Read. Tex SI. E. Mission .. Sllsa Paddock .. Mis Kirk Cash ..,,..,,,., J. E. C M. P, , .(, S Geo. Ferguson.. Frances Ferguson ledger Central . Alexander Mac. Klnnon C. B. Wlngard.. Mr. and Mr. C. F. Sleeper Two Cheater boya Rev. II. E. Will lama Chas. If, Bollck, Sympathisers ... Ladles' Twelve Club, Water ford, Pa. W till, Qeorg 1,1.00 Sllss M, Klster 1.00 Cash lo.wj Fover Junior. 1,00 Mr. Rlsdon.. . 21,00 1 (in M. I. Nicholas.. 20.00 1.5U First Presbyterian 1.00 .Church. West 1.00 Plttston 6-10,0.1 2.00 St. James P. 13. ,&u Church Sunday 1,00 School, Heston- 6.00 vlll 18.23 1.00 Mr.. A. E-, Wes- 1.00 sets 2.00 Oi.Xj C. B. L. ..... , 0.00 Charlas Craig 4.00 Cooper , 1.00 S.OOCash 5.00 First Presbyterian 0.40. Sunday School 1 no Lansdowne, Pa. 74 on ' November ..... .300.00 2 00 Publto School 0 ou Children and 1 OO rniu ui ttuu ,w esta. Pa B. E. Y oT.MeU!e I. rjlat "" felter Amanda E. Qlat- 57.78 50.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 arm jjauy Aiaf- caret 2.00. feiter John W, iU Romanle Giat- Camp. .. ' - -aaa niter ......... oh AliZUi'" Ana r- ni1 Mr. Ar. "itiUvJsn;: thur W. Shaef- Mo! Qransj ,, , pottavllla. No. 11 82 25.0J) 100.00 Raloh IllDDle.. r- JS J Brlnton White 25.00 LW Sunday 8chool of - , SloCabe Memo 100 rial M. E. -0o chureh, Wll Rm "jwiten. Del .. 26.00 vo. Pa ., 28.00 , Blancha B. 16.25 Dougherty .. . 28.60 f W Mary C. Gordon 25.00 is nn X(- Iit" V 0 12.00 Mr. and Mr.. J. 5.00 Primary dspart'-' ' 1.00 ment St. Paul' E. N. HtrlUln. . . Mia Slam Spang. lr .... . J. A. Bogar .. .. A Muslefan Robert U Park. C. 0. Marrow. . . . Twelfth St. U. E. Church . ' W. K. T Gomery-Schwartj ornery Co. casn Isabel Smith 8. K. Chamtxr. Eugenia, and Hel ena LotU. .... A Friend .. . Mrs. Anna May Dlshl A. II Thomas A. Dudd wsuvifffian 2.00 Cburcl rcn. Laurel 1 AA Sn.4n.. t'M C&istm'a. luai 10.00 N. J., Rev. B. I. Luekwblll. one psokar oietblog. Mrs. J. M. Blllott, I paskag aendxwad milk. No saro, on paekag HorllcVi milk. Voting People's Guild. 1 bag- cette. Mrs. S. Kati. on paakag eiothlng. iHlxII Attdsrson. two bag bans. Mrs. 8- HU(lalHl, oo paclui cletWag. Aahs Ctwitsfat Company, oo Boskage choo ewat. 8i Ajliaaj, oa packag rte. oa ptk. AdelAld Klftf .. TrftehiBB Jos. Martin a ea of con densed milk 24, 1914. W,.r4 A Thetnn. t0 " "' denied mc.k'i linn, mx t e,'5;5t3,a"n;iik. bs.Sn?ndTorerh joeea F. Lencowlts, on box ,',!," Mm Lentre, ene bo A"?fIiSn milk. W C Bprnanee. one cj" v. besTns. Mrs. J. 1. rolaehete, two bat t1"' D. C. Price, en barrel nM1'--. flour. Mr. nnd Mrs. Bansbortie, on barrel nour. Mrs. Runk. on ease eondensM miiK. rf Haltxsn, Oreen ft Co., three cases canneu Mrs' McNally, two barrel flour. W. Lang, two barrels rckery. k Mr. Vatielaln, two boxes condensed mil. r. C. Grets. on box pess. i-iMnr Mr. Chirles Habner, on psckar; elolhlng. W. A Collins, three bags cernmcai. II. Fraslcr, one barrel flour. . ,.k Doctor Saioune, oil ens condensed m k. Turner Steel, ono case condensed milk. K. L. Prowattan. one package elelhlntr. Mrs, Kuyck and friends, two bundle clotn Inc. ono pickaxe goods, Mr. Margaret Trullt. one evercoat. Belgian relief committee, West Chester, two barrels tlothtng, two boxes canned goods. Mra. Lentr, on box canned goods, Mrs Hover, ono rnckago groceries; nriahton Casino. Atlantta City, end barrel flour, one box groceries .M,a.a lwis jvi. jonnson, xviiuvinr, w..w - C. V. Robert, one package clothing". W. C. Power ft Co., ten-pound package Kreltner's salve. ... William Wilson Sensemnn, Allantlo City, on casa groceries. . Miss Lillian B. Lysle, four cases canned goods. Miss Mary R. Lysle, two cases groceries, Mrs. J B. Counselman, on case peas. Lloyd Smith, one taso milk. GREArTOScFOAST - OPENS OPERA SEASON AT METROPOLITAN Farrar, Scotti and Martinelli in Puccini's Opera Make Notable Artistic Event of the Winter. In spite of tho European conflict, Phil adelphia's opera senson begins tonight nt tho Metropolitan. Puccini's "Toscn," sunt; by one of the best casts that could bo nsscmbled anywhere, In war or pcaco. will bo heard hero as the first In the series of nine operas to be given In Phil adelphia this winter by Mc. Oattt's com pany. Although the I'hllndelphla-Chlcngo Com pany nnd tho Uoston Institution felt com pelled to Rive up their seneons this year on nccount of tho war, the director of tho Metropolitan Opera IIouso went nhend with the plans that ho had outlined before enllliiR for Europe In tho pprlnr. With the exception of two singers, dctnincd, temporarily at lenst, for service In the opposing armies, tho company has been nblo to assemble, rohearne and nppenr In public performance exactly on schedule. In view of the situation in Chicago nnd Boston, Philadelphia may count herself lucky. As a consetiucnco, tonight will seo per haps a larger, certainly a more eager, ns semblnge of Phlladclphlnn music lovers nt tho Metropolitan .an In any previous year. Opera as n social Institution must depend on the series of performances be gun tonight. Tho cast rhqacn for tho opening bill Indicates ns illllnnt a sea son nn usual, so far as tho artistic sldo Is concerned. CUPID WINGS A RECORD LIST OF HAPPY COUPLES Tlianksgivlng Bush for Marriage Licenses Hay Break Becords. Foot and mouth disease and consequent quarantine regulations' may do their best to lecop the turkey from family tables this Thanksgiving, wnrs abroad and busi ness dcpresslonns nt home conspire to banish the .fovlal spirit of the season, Jack Frost muV 'do" his worst to tho cranberry crop, but the crop of Thanks giving brides and grooms will be a bumper ono. Cupid, nlways busy nt this senson, m excelling all past performances, and U Marriage Llcenso Bureau promises to make a new record If tho rush continue." at the present rote until next Thursday More than 100 per sons sought Clorlt Ferguson's aid yesterday In their ques. for marltlal bliss, and today more tlittii 125 licenses were issued. The list today Includes: Charles P. Fretz. 2211 N. 2nd St., and Mabel It. Staltor. 8754 N. Bth at. Charles 0. Gory, Ml 2 N. inth St.. and Ade laide C. Stewart. 2110 N. Oth at. Max Bonksen. 020 N. Franklin St., nnd Pet- rlne Peterson, New York city. Charles E. Rtaub, 1731 Bristol st and Rose F. Barels, 0118 J ft. Harry D. Bitting, 8027 D t.. nnd Anna SI Cooney, Keystono and Cottman sts. Franklin J. Cox, 20.10 E. Clcarflolrt St., and Bertha Slorrls, 2108 E. Clearfield at. Walter W. Roth, 17.11 Foulkrort at., and Slart- alene. R. Coats, 2113 Wakellng st. Dr. John F. Mcdonough, 1707 8. 22d St.. and Kntherlne -A. Slulllgnn. im.1 8. 22d St. Harry A. Clothier, 241S Trenton ave., anil Louisa Sf. Breunlngcr. 2131 Ii Norrls st. Nathan Fall, 523 Cross at., and Polly Smo',1. 623 Cross st. Samuel E. Ulman, Wllllamsport, Pa., nnd Laura SI, Schneider, Wllllamsport. Pa. Joseph E. dish, Newark, N. J., and Teresa McCort, 1537 E. Palmer at. Edward II. Wilson. 15M N. GOth at., and Annlo R. Jacobs, 853 N. 12th st. Harry Watt, 524 P.. Penn at., and Ada R. Bouret, 8410 N. 22d at. Charles D. Dunhnur, 3023 Wallace at., and Phoeho B. Smedley.-lOO Union t. John B. Powers, 5520 Lancaster ave and Sarah M. Gallagher, 1703 Walnut St. Walter P. Smith, Rochester, N. Y and Eliz abeth V. SfcCabe, 712.1 Keystone st. Samuel J. Glover. Camden. N. J., and Uu- belle Cathcart. LTI2 8. 20th t. . Edward Robmson, 1333 Brown st., and Pauline Hackenburg. 1400 Ridge ave. Louis Schwarts. 330 Leaguo at., and Annie Blackman, 1521 N. Marshall st. Charles O, Thatcher, Swarthmore, Pa. and Angelina J. Power. 4100 Glrard ave. John J, Jakob, Jr.. 2502 N. IKth at., and ejan- nette 1). Chambers. IA1R Walnut st. Edwin Jocohson, Tuckerton. N, J., and Sadie M. Seay, Tuckerton, N. J, Louis Brod. 870 N. Oth st., and Fannl ZIon, 5143 Parrlsh st. Nathan Werllnskv IR2R Wharton t., an! Nettle Dolgln, 1R2R Wharton t. ' Thomas Lukey, RL1 N. 20th st and Isabello Hart. RW N. 20th st. Raymond Danlev, 2,112 Emerald at,, and Mary E. Crockett, 2512 Emerald st. ' CARLISLE GIVES ?1000 Quick and Generous Response to Ap peal for Belgians. CATtLISLE. Pa., Nov. 21. The news- pnper appeals for supplies and money with which to succor the Btarvlnsr Bel. gians have met with remarkable response In Carlisle. Some days ago the local Min isterial Association pledged a carload of supplies from the town and county. DIt rectlons -were given several days ago to gather a cash subscription as qulokly as possible. In 88 hours, with no large subscriptions, Dr. William A. Hutchinson, chairman of the Belief Committee, announced at noon today that JlOOO had been raised In Car lisle. GBrrraoH. musicals tonight A muslcale will be held at the Wayne Avenue Bapttat Chureh, Wayn avenue and Queen lane, this evening, jn addl t ton to selections ly the ohurob. choir there will be readings, reoltatlons and solo numbers. The soloists will include Miss Florence Hall, sonrann? nn.. cm! O. Burkett, contralto: Harvev Mart.. basso; Mum AUee Zahm. ninni.,. "J Dr. Frank O. Nagle, vlelJulst HOSPITAL'S DONATION DAY TEA Tho board of trustees and the Ladiaa' ,,-, "" - "" "" """won irom 4 to b ocjoek on the occasion of the annual donation day. The hospital wU be Z for inspection. Donations of mojiW touting and, gtocoffea in y r22?Tv ANHOISE LAW AIM OF CIVIC CLUB; DEMAND ORDI Experts Address Meeting on Evils of Unnecessary Sounds in Streets Doctor Harte Has Remedy A system of petty fines as tho solution of the nolso problem In Philadelphia was advocated by Director Harte, of tho De partment of Public Health and Charities, at a meeting of the Clvlo Club's Commit tee on Unnecessary Noises, nt the Acorn Club, today, "I wish wo would Inaugurate BUch n. system," said Director Harte, "whereby a policeman coula. on proper complaint, collect a small flno on tho spot nnd glvo the offender n receipt. In this manner we could bo rid of a great number of nuisances." Director Hnrte urged the Clvlo Club to work for nntl-nolso ordinances In Ita campaign to' suppress useless noises in the city. Ho admitted the Impossibility of eliminating many noises, but expressed himself ns Btrongly in favor of reducing them to a minimum, because of tho nervous disorders and denfness they cause. The meeting wns attended by over 1U0 persons, city oindnls, hospital superin tendents, cdttcntlonnl leaders, represen tatives of companies and women Inter ested In tho work. Under tho present cumbcrsomo system the complainant must go to a magistrate, Bwcar out nn am ilavlt, furnish witnesses nnd take tho case to a pollco court. John P. Onrbor, Assoclato Director or Publlo Schools, advocated tho posting of warning signs, reading. "Public School: Careful nnd Qulot." In tho Immediate vicinity of publlo schools. Death takes Its nnnunl toll from nmong tho school children because of tlio lack of adequate warning facilities, he said. "Teachers, who nre the most anient advocates of nulet, school children and vehlclo drivers would benellt from tho placing of such signs," Bald Mr. Oarbor. Tho pollco nro helpless until a proper ordinance Is passed, said Lieutenant '.Mills, representing Director of Publlo Snfcty Porter, who was unablo to attend the meeting, "A confusion of authorities often .re sults," he said. "For Instance, If, for the sake of quiet, we order chickens to bo placed on low porches or In cellars, the Society for tho Prevention of Cruelty to Animals takes a hand. Complnlnts by property owners on account of unneces sary noises aro numerous. Until nn ordinance is passed, wo nro unablo to act oWcIcntly In quelling useless sounds." Ofllccr Pease, of Baltimore, "the only nntl-nolso olllccr In the world," also de livered nn nddress. He reviewed tho work done In Pnltlmcre, from tho regulation of the tint-wheel trolley car to the beating of blpcults In tho cnily morning hours. "Moral suasion backed by adequate nntl-nolse laws has worked wonders In Baltimore," said Mr. Pease. "The .city Is quieter than It wns before the nntl nolso cnmpnlgn begun. Philadelphia would oc much more pleasant to Uvo In with tho passing of nn anti-noise ordi nance nnd the appointment of an official to take chnrge of tho work." So noisy Is Philadelphia that when Leo pold Stowkowskl, leader of the Philadel phia Orchestra first cumo to the city ho thought seriously of resigning and leaving Philadelphia, according to Mrs. , Imogen Onklcy, chalrmun of tho committee, who presided. The concert leader's work, sh said, was so disturbed that he was unable to distinguish tho liner tones until he. be came accustomed to the noises, Mrs. Oakley outlined tho plan of tho Civic Club to obtain laws for the regula tion of street vending, uoal dumping, tho rrowing of roosters, nnd all other ndlses which come under the category of useless. Tho Philadelphia Itapld Transit Company announced that It would co-operate with any efforts to suppress unnecessary noises. GOVERNMENT WILL TEST RAILROAD SAFETY.LAW Attempt to Ascertain Scope of Statue Before Court. WASHINGTON, Nov. 2I.-In a test case, filed with the Supreme Court today, the Department of Justice seeks to discover whether tho new safety appliance law is applicable to all classes of trains run on railroad main lines. Tho case, brought by tho Government against tho Brio Rail road Company, Is of great Importance. Tho ruling of the court will affect cases of personal injuries running Into hundreds of thousands of dollars. Tho question Involved Is whether the provisions of the new law, making it unlowful for nn Interstate carrier to op erate any trains or cars not equipped as required by law, are applicable to trans fer trains moving on the carriers' main lines or freight tracks between switching yards several miles apart. The Government will ask tho court to advance the case for on early opinion, ACCUSED OF POINTING PISTOL Attorneys in Real Estate Trust Building Threatened by Man. Anthony Antella, 26 years old, 6118 Cat lowhlll street, was brought before Magis trate Renshaw In the Central station this morning aqcuBed of pointing a, revolver at Harry and Joseph Goodman, lawyers, with offices In the Real Estate Trust Building. According to the testimony, Antella'a father was struck by an automobile yes terday. The son retained the Goodmans as. lawyers, and, It Is said, signed a paper to that effect. This morning he went to their office and demanded tho paper. Upon their refusal, the police say, he snatched It from a nearby desk, tore It to shreds and pointed an unloaded re volver at the two men. Harry Goodman called the police. Al the hearing he refused to prosecute An tella, who was dismissed with a repri mand. PRIZES FOR MOTHERS Winners of Hospital Clinic Contest Given Thanksgiving Baskets, Thanksgiving baskets Btocked t0 the r?hClVn today M Pritea a the close of the clean-UD carnr,!,, i,.i.i . SrSUn!!!"1 ""iter SlWc at ia --... -.. ouiueuiKtmic Hospital. Franklin and Thomjwon streets, oday Mrs. Margaret B. Rimn h.j i.?" .. Lh'j'f t had bwn annoiincd prttes ? l bK wartd to the mothers show ing the best result in th. imnj ,.' .7, of their babiM and Improvements to their ?iS.Mi'1, Hortna. W Worth Amtr- nbMl"U wer B'1' Wore than whf" e?tw'"1 th catt- nd those wh 4ld not get baskets received gar meats fox their cjtfWrea. BRITISH WARSHIPAT RIO BIO JAMK1RO. Braai. Nov iu British oruiMr BjfctoL whien haa h. eantoj Ut nu (or r,,,,. mid... :tf tiMttm, f , S v. J th tfetfau ui aa toy, 4 slhikH - -73C J& : m r . jflBadfeaS - -l'!ia&wfi.fifWH &M ?? iT
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