v- - "sgu ?" ;$"T; 4 ? rir 'V-wmmiK 'fCWJwaMP EVENING LEDGER-PHirADEKPHIff, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 2 T9T2.' mjjf j. CT l,H 'T'W' '" " " 'FjKraiSW,H"VWmSSi!!TSSISPWWlSBlBSpWSJ i Lti SOCIAL LIFE IN AND ABOUT PHILADELPHIA SOMIS rnthcr unique parties hnve been start tl here lately which bid fait to become quite the me mitltiK the winter. The quests nre Invited to attend private first views of hlthnrto uiiflhovvn Hints of moving pictures at tilt virlous movie houses. Sutulny night ft larje number of socially prominent persons in tended one of these Informal nffnlis at the Owl Theatre. 23d nnd South Bticcts. mon the guests were .Mrs. Jnmei Ucnton Thompson Mrs Wllllnm Colemnn Freeman, Mli.s AtmeU Fnrney, Miss Ullzubcth Thomp Hon. Miss Alva Sergeant, OeorRa llovvlnnd Beifro.uit. Alnstnlr MacLeod, Charles 1 Dnvls, Allien i:dvvnrtl Kennedy, Jr., Wooilvlllo Cross innn. J nines A. Uons'tck, Jr., Herbert K. Klt soi tl Morris Adorns, I,, Hrool: LMwitrds, M ill'Pin Dnvli, LAlrtultf C. Lewis, noilmnli Lurr. t'ovv-nn Rain, Thomas Msgctt, I). O. IJruiton Thompson, Joseph Moulton and Dr. Frnnl. DloUson. Judre nnd Mrs. J. Willis Mnrtln entertained on Saturday In honor of Miss Mnrjrnrct It. Burton nt nn old-fashioned country supper, which was served In tho spnclous Btnbtc of 12ds(!combc, the Martins' attractive country place on Hethlehom pllie. Chestnut Hill, nnd was followed by dancliur. AmonR the guests, who were all attired In farmers' costumes, wtro Miss Gertrude S. Heckschcr, Miss Louise B Brock. Miss (iertrude Tower, Miss Mary Evelyn Chow, MHi Jean N. Thompson, Miss Mnry Stownrt Wurts. Miss Elsa Tleath, Miss Almee Hutchinson, Miss Hope T. Benle, Miss Etmenla It. Cassatt, Miss Helen Struthers Ellis, Miss Hilda Tunis, Miss E. Given Martin, Miss Susan IS. Inrjcrsoll. Miss Marrrot Ellis Scull, Miss Mary Tyson Dcncltln, Miss Mary V. Morris, Jtlss Mary Drown AVarburton, Miss Ruth Coxe, Miss Violet Wduowny, Joseph II. Oplcsby, James V. Smith, John n. Thayer, Jr., John Cromwell Bell, Jr., C. S. Stokes, Edward Louis Ducr, 2d, Osgood Welsh. Frederick ft. Drayton, Henry lngcrsoll, John C. Drnyton, Francis F. Blair, Andrew Vnn Felt, Howard Grnhnin, Thomas Hart, Fcnno Hoffman, Joeph K. T. Van Felt, 2d. Albert Hawlcy Lucas, Charles C Savnue, John B Shober, 2d, Ben jamin Brannan Ileath, Hamilton Cheston, Jr., James Smith Mcirltt, Jr., S. O. Coates. Bar clay McFndden, Morris Hill Mcrrltt. Henry Nellson, L. Brooke Edwards, It. II. It. Toland, Henry C Drayton, William Lawrence Saun ders, ThomaB McKcon Downs nnd rembcrton H Shober. The marriage of Miss Mary Louise Otrden, daiiBhter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Herbert Osden, and Austin Boyd will tnko place on Wednes day, In St. John's Episcopal Church. Miss Osden will hnve ns maid of honor her cousin, Miss Edith Oirden, of rialnfkld, and the ma tron of honor will be Mrs. H. C. Hoys. Tho bridesmaids will bo Mis? Elizabeth Tyson. Miss Elcanoro Conway, Miss Ellanor LoiiRstrcth and Miss Florence YounR. Sir. Boyd will have as best man W. H. Macurda. of New nochellc, N. V , and the ushers will be II. C. Hnys, llnrold Ordcn. Raymond Osden, Donald Soulier, R. F. Irwin, Jr., and Roy Bumsted, of Jersey City. Tho reicmony will be performed by tho Rev. Crosswcll MacBee, rector of tho church. ALONG THE MAIN LINE HOSHMONT Captain John C. Groome and family have closed their country place and returned to their house In I'hlladclphla. Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Daniels aro the Buests of Mr. nnd Mm. E. Warlni; Wilson. HADon-C. W. Dolan hns returned to his home after a huntlnR trip In Canada. Mr. and Mrs. James Francis Sullivan will move Into their town house the middle of next ST. DAVID'S-Hnrold A. Sttlwcll has returned month, from a visit to Pittsburgh. Mrs H. A. Poth has icturncd to her homt, from Atlantic City. Mr. and Mrs. Parka Schoch, who have been In Washington, D. C, have returned to their home on Midland avenue. TANn-John W. Wntson, who has been In ChUaso, 111., hns returned to his home on Pembroke avenue. William Townsend WriRht bus left hero for Virginia with a party of friends to do somo hunting. Miss Jean Davy, who has been on a motor trip In the western part of the State, has re turned to her home. Mrs. Earl E. Trout nnd her children arc visit ing her father, George Bally, of Unlontown, Ta. CHESTNUT HILL Mr. nnd Mrs. Robert E. Glendlnnlng. of the Squirrels. Chestnut Hill, entertained on Satur day night, in honor of their two daughters, Miss Mary nnd Miss Helen Glendlnnlng, at a Halloween party, followed by dancing. The guest:?, who wero of tho younger set. Included Miss Mary O. Thayer, Miss Mnrgaret Ross, Miss Elizabeth Cushlng Norrls, Miss Martha T. McAllister, Miss Elizabeth Wright. Miss E. Paulina Denckla, Miss Dorothy E. Newbold. Miss Rebecca G. Thomson. T. H. Butler Smythe. Henry Bower, Geoffrey Taylure Hawley, Stan ley Welsh, Charles Stewart Wurts, Jr., Rodney P. Cookman. Clayton McElroy. Jr., Robert Pearsoll Frailer, Edward Mitchell Edwards, Henry It. Houston, 2d, Edward Galllard. Sid ney Longstreth Wright. Jr., Morris Da Camp Freeman, Norrls Stanley Barrett. Jr., and Chandler Ross. A quiet wedding will take place today when illos Marjorla Borden wJU become the bride of Dr. Paul Qrethouae, 0f Dayton, O. The ceremony wilt .take place at the home of the Rev, William Beatty Jennings. Miss Borden In the niece of Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Borden, of 8825 Creshelm road1, nnd Is a graduate of the Montessorlte international College of Rome nnd has been promlne.it In educational circles In this city. Mis? BoVden wa one of the first (o start a Montessorl school In Philadelphia. Mr. and Mrs. Grethouse will bo at home after December 1 at Franklin, O. Mr, and Mrs. Edward T. Flood will give a dinner Wednesday, November 11, at the Phila delphia Cricket Club In honor of their debu tante daughter, Miss Elinor A. Flood. Miss Virginia Stockton Harris, who Is spending the . week-end with her family at Chestnut Hill, will return to school at St. Mary's, Peeksklll-on-Hudson, Monday, GERMANTOWN A bridge club madj up of several young women lu Qermantown will meet alternate Tuesdays during the winter. The first meet fag will take place Tuesday, November H, at th home of Miss Dorothy David, 5341 Magnoli Avenue. The mwnbere are Mrs, Perry B. Hurd, Mrs. Ffederlck A. Myers, MM Stole Myers, Mia Julia, W. DavW. W Dorothy and MU HnlJy David, Mta BU Knlpe. Mrs. B. C Tilling bast save a lURohwm and bridge at her beta last wk for Ue beaejlt of the Samariua HftsjiHat. Mrs. Charlea A MarUo. of MM Owmim street, wUl give a tea to tumor t Br. d Mm. Qur- i Pliolagriph l,jf Matreiu MISS ELIZABETH WISTEII Miss WiMcr ii the daughter of Mr. and Mrs Charles Jones Wisler, of Ccrmantown. She is a debutante of the season. Her engagement to Alfred S. Ilccvcs was announced la it spring. ney Williams, of Chelsea, today. Dr. and Mrs. Williams arc nt present gutsts of Mr. nnd Mrs. Francis Howard Williams. Tho sophomore class of tho Steons School pave n costume dunco Inst Friday nlsht nt tho Clcrmnntown Automobile Club The chaperons nt tho nff.ilr were Miss Maiy Bcnllcy, Mrs. John McCown, Mis. nilz.ud. Mrs. Frank Mao Grath. Those present were Miss Cnrollno Os borne, Miss Dorothy McBrlde. Miss Marguerlto Graham, Miss Edith Ayres. Miss Louise Doa con, Miss Trances Wclser. Jllai Mai Ion Harper, Miss Anna Goddatd, Miss Eleanor I'rosser, Miss Dorothy Nelms, Miss Elsie Tlllhuhnst, Jllss Grace Harrlgnn, of Xew York; Miss Alice Dlt-I'-nbeck. Miss Nntnllc Illlzard. Miss JIary I.rulso MrCown. Miss Jcmi Specse, Miss Gen evieve Dlllenbcck. Miss Hnrrlet Smith, Miss Anncttn MncGrath, Mls3 3Iarg.uet Shoemaker, Miss Mildred Haven, Miss Marsnret Rich, Miss Elslo Emorick, Miss Marlon Harper, Miss Elldit Buchler, Miss Charlotte Cherry, Edward Cas sanl, Frank Trimble, William Beard, Hornco Barba, Warthman New kirk, Lewis Cutler, Gcorgo Proctor, Ralph Umpstcid, Francis Hick man, Frank Dodds, Gordon Smith, Dudley Camm, Albert Law son, Gordon Duff us, Philip Darby, Thomas Mooiehead, M. Kcndt, F. Houston. William Wrlgh.t. Another Hnlloween party was that given for Miss Mary R. Williamson. Among the guests wero Miss Mnry Collins, Miss Mnrgaret Gnfncy, Miss Catharine Grlflln. SIlss Isabel Mollenkor, Miss Anna Tomen, Miss Mnrla Nolen, Miss Helen Williamson, Francis Huber, Rnymond Walker. George Curtis. Hnrold Walker, Harold Landcs, George Osden, Daniel Jncoby, Georgo Gnrhnm, John Fisher, Louis Huttlln. Wllmer Cnnnnn. AVllllnm Gerhardt. Henry Williamson. Friends of Mrs. It. H. Patton. of M10 Wlngo hocklnsr terrace, will be gla'd to hear she has recovered from her sorlous nccldent. Mrs. Pat ton, before her man Inge, was Miss Lucy Chap man. Dr. and Mrs. Carl Williams, of Schoolhouse lano nnd Greene street, entertained nt dinner last night. Doctor William? spent Saturday In New Haven, returning Sunday morning. Mrs. Thomas B. H. Stcnhouse, 03(M Knox street, gnvo n children's Halloween maiked party Saturday night hi honor of their two sons, John Stcnhouse nnd William Stenhouse. Dr. and Mrs. Robert Noiton Downs will en tertain at dinner next Saturday night In their honor. ALONC THE HEADING The Huntingdon Valley Country Club, at Noble, gave a very pretty affair on Saturduy night, when u number of the members and their friends attended the club dinner dance In gay Halloween costume. The decorations were In keeping with the season, cornstalks and autumn leaves covering the walls and Jack o' lanterns hanging In strings over the dancers and also tucked away among tho corn stalks, with different colored lights peeping out at Intervals when the brighter lights were extinguished. One of the largest dinners given before the dance was that of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Miller Watts and Mr. and Mrs. Samuel K. Reeves, whose guests included Mr. and Mrs. Charles West Churchman, Mr. and Mrs. John H. Wit taker. Mr. and Mrs. Corblt Loverlng, Mr. and Mrs. Frederic Jordan, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Bunting, Percy C, Maderia, Alexander M. Bright, Miss Pauline Harte, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Dunn. Mr. and Mrs. George Gordon Meade Large, Dr. nnd Mrs. Albert P. Franclne, Miss French, Samuel Chew, Mr. and Mrs. Cameron B. Buxton, Doctor Crulce, H. Dale and Mr. and Mrs. Dlsston. Walter M. Jeffords entertained at dinner In honor of his (lance, Miss Sarah Dobson Flske, when covers, were laid for eight. Among the guests were Mr. and Sirs. Samuel A. Boyle, Jr., and Miss Anne Dobjon. Sir. and Mrs. J. Rtdgeway Rellly also gave a dinner, and among their guests were Mr. and Mrs. Wirt L. Thompson, Mr. and Sirs. Sidney Emlen Hutchinson, Mrs. Robinson and Edward B Roblnette. Others who entertained at dinner before the dqCe were Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Patterson. Mr. and Mrs. G. Henry Stetson, Mr. and Mrs. M. I. Smith, Mr and Mrs. Frank Buck and Mr. plaUlston. Among those notlwd, In the ballroom were Mr. and Mrs. Harlow C. Voorhee, Mr. and: Sirs. Sidney B. HuUhlnson, Mr. and Sir. Harold Seymour Cros, Mr, and Sirs. Charlea it. Weed. Mr. and SIra. Bugeoe W. Fry, Mr. Veerheea Dfayten. Sir. and Mr, p. Rittwheuse Silkier. Sir. and Mr. Moctea If. Feiterelf. Sir. and Mr. Praaesi 4e St Phalto. Mr. and Mr. HalieweU Vauyhan Morgan. Mr. and Mr. Harold Moon. Miss Belly Smith. Mr and Mr Archibald 9. Hubbard, AlUn Better, Samuel Chew. Cameron B. Buxton nnd Mr Thompson. Mr and Mrs. If. Walter Forsler, who hnve been spending several weeks in Chicago, re- L turned to their home nt 111 Walnut street, Jcnklntown, on Friday. Mr. nnd Mrs. Ralph Morgan, of Flushing, I I., nro receiving congratulations on the birth of n daughter, Mnry Alice Morgan, on Thursday, October 20. Mrs. Morgan, It will bo remembered, was Mls Josephine Silt, tlnURh ter of Mr. ntiit Mrs. Jnmcs Sill, of Wyncote. Miss Ethel J'lgeoit Lester gave n largo Itnt loween party nt her homo ill Glcnslde Sal urdny night. Miss Emma l)ats lifts felurned to tier home on Chelteu n venue, Onl; Lane, nftcr ti month's Mslt to New Vol It. Sir. nnd Mrs. Clinrles Soolt litivc Issued In vitations for a tango supper nt their homo In Melrose l'ntk tho night of November 25. About 60 guests hao been Invited. Mr. nnd Mrs. Jnmcs It. Snowilen nnd their (laughter. Miss Mary Loulso ' Snowden. will spend the winter In California. Tlicy havo rented their liouso In Logan for tho season. WEsFlMIILADELPIUA Mr and Mis David Porter LcnH have re tumid to their home, nt 40th and t'lno streets, after spending tho summer at their cottage, at lio Head. The Idleis' Club will hnve their first mooting at Miss Agues Bel gen's home, Mth and Walnut streets (the Wnillngton Apartments), on Wed nesday, nt I o'clock. The members Miss Olivia Hardy, Miss Madelelno Murrny. Miss Mnrlo 8. qulnn. Miss .Margaret Luges, Bcrnndctto fiul lunn. Miss Jnno Ewlng, Miss Helen Patterson, Miss Vera Berry. Miss Ardls Tanguny, Miss Mario Homier, nnd Miss Catherine Loughrnn will be entertained at luncheon. Mr and Mrs. W. V. A. Keclcr, of 4331 Locust street, gnvo a costume Halloween party on Saturday, In honor of their week-end guests, who nro Mr. and Mrs. Chnrles Stuckert, of Trenton, N. J., Charles V. Hilncktrhoff, Jr., and Charles Van Klccck, of New York. Among thrso Invited for tho evening wero Doctor nnd Mrs. Yclser. Mr. and Mrs. Normnn S. Sherwood, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Richardson, and tho Misses Richardson Sirs. George W. Wagner, ehnlrmnn of tho Adm.sslon Committee of the Mattnva Musical Club, was hostess yesterday at her lesldence, 401S Pine street, at a luncheon for her fellow incmbcrs, Ilnndsomc corsago bouquets wero presented. The guests .ncluded Mia Flora O. Cannon, Mrs. Wllllnm II. Chr'sty, Mrs. ,1. Ivcr son ltoswcll. Miss Laura Dickson, Miss Alico Hall nnd Miss Edna riorenco Smith. Tho members of the Hospitality Committee of tho Club will be entertained at luncheon net Tues day, before tho opening concert, by Mis. Hnl bert Gillette, chairman of the committee. TIOGA Mr. nnd Sirs. William Vincent Aubrey will give n masquerade parly In their Tioga homo, at 2720 North l'Jth street, In honor of their daughter. Miss Margaret Isabella, tomorrow night. Dr. and Mrs. Frank E. Buch announce tho msrrlngo of their daughter, MIsh Slabcl I. Buch. nnd H. Palmer Sllltard, of Tioy, N. Y., Wednesday evening, October 2S, nt 7 p. m., nt their home, 431& North lGth street. Tho cere mony was performed by the Rev. Charles C. 1'lerce. After the reception which followed the ceremony the bridal couple left for n wedding trip. Upon their return they will reside nt 331S North 16th street, and will bo at home Novem ber IS. NORTH PHILADELPHIA Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Goodman, of 2107 North 17th street, have Issued Invitations for the mar rlngo of their daughter, SIlss Leah Goodman, to David Cohen, of 321S North Broad street, on Sunday, November S, in the .Metropolitan Draw Ins Room, 007 North Brood street. The bride has selected her sister. Sirs. Samuel Gorson, for matron of honor and these bridesmaids Miss Kathryn Goodman, another sister; SIlss Yzctto Cohen, sister of the bridegroom; SIlss Normnn Katz, SIlss Dorothy Rappnport nnd SIlss Jane Cherry. Samuel Gorson will bu tho bildgegroom's best man, nnd his ushers will be his brothers, Joseph nnd Herbert Cohen, Samuel Solomon, Louis Schiller nnd Louis Goodman, the bride's brother. ' The ceremony will be followed by o. reception. SIlss Ethel I". Kneass ontertnlned a man querado party at her home, 22G3 North 16th street, on Halloween. Grotesque ghosts, pump kin heads, witches, etc , wero used in tho decorations. Her guests were Sir. nnd Sirs. George. Nicholas Nicholson, Miss Regina Lcutz, SIlss Jane Ciirrnn. SIlss Lillian B. Nagcl. SIlss Sllnnesota Craig, Harold Farls, E. Forest Meglll. Charles ntmun Baker. William nil letter, William Drucker and Irdell Wyckoff. CHESTER AND VICINITY Mrs. Juanitn Llftner, Sirs. Snrnh Whlto nnd Sirs. Howard Ebrlght. nil of Altoomi, nre spend ing n week as the guests of Sirs. J. S. Corbln, of Morton avenue. SIlss Stella Slason has returned to her home on East 14th street, nftcr spending several weeks with friends nt Lycoming, Pa. SIlss Grace Wlbon, of East 19th street, la visiting friends in Cecil County, Sid. Sir. nnd Sirs. Thomas Rallett. of Washing ton, D. C, are being entertained by Sirs. Ral lctt's. parents, Sir. and Sirs. William Kerry, of Sladlson street. ' SIlss Slary Josephlno Comerford, of Ridley Park, Is entertaining SIlss Margery MacDon ald, of New York. Sirs. Walter Lowry, of Ogden, Del., Is the guest of Sirs. James Pendleton, of Upland. ' CAMDEN AND VICINITY Joseph Pennypacker, of Haddonneld, will en tertaln his friends tonight with a Halloween party at hl3 home on King's Highway, east. Sir. and Sirs. Fessenden Hall and SIlss Hall, of 300 East Maple avenue, Slerchantvllle, have been enjojlng a horseback trip In South Jersey Sirs. Frederick A. Rex, of West ColPngawood, is visiting her daughter, Sirs. Carl MIsh, of Wllllamsport, Pa. Sirs. Charles Gullck will entertain at a sur prise shower and bridge Thursday afternoon, in honor of SIlss Marie Hexamer, whose mar riage to Sir. Louis H. Schwartz takes place on Wednesday, November 11. Sir. Lily Stulford, of 24 Broadway, has gone to California to spend the winter. SIra. William Bonstedt nnd SIlss Sue Bonstedt, of 37 State street, are entertaining Sirs. Henry Mangold, of Akron, O. SOUTH PHILADELPHIA SHm Catherine SIcKenna, of Baltimore, who has been the giieat of Mr, and Sir. SIcKenna, of 1MB Moore street, for the past week, has resumed to her home. Mrs. 31. A. McAIroy, of HU South th atreet, la entertaining this evening In honor of her daughter Helen. The affair I a lurprlse mas querade tupper and 'lance, and the house has been artistically decorated with fall leave and (lower and Halloween emblem. Her gunts are the following: Miu Margaret QttUgan. MIm Margaret O'Hara, MU Cathwia Kan. M Beatrice Ttuwnai, Mia Hetee Alter, Ml Vio let Rred. SHm MatWlda Of. MiM Uarle Darl ing. Mis Helen Kelde, Ulna Helen Bentz, SIU Ena rorapkln. Millard tWmore, William Diet rich, Chnrles Persley. Bernard Gray, Daniel Murphy, Joseph SIcCann, Howard Bradford, Francis Loncy, George Fields, Frank Crowley, George Rettle SIlss Edith R. Stllley will entertiln nt cards this evening nt her apartment, 206 South 12th street, In honor of her sister, Sirs. I Ornven stlne, of Atlantic City, N. J. There will be nboitt 32 guests, nnd among those present will bo Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry L. NilRciit, Sir nnd Sirs. G. Harry Swanfcld, SIlss Stitbel Stoone, L. Grnvetistcln nnd Thomns Scars. ROXnOROUGH Sir and Mis. Curtis E. ltlln-Slnger, or 7lu niihre nvi'tiue, hnve announced the marriage ft Mrs. hlm-Slnger's daughter. Miss It Heulnh LIpeetl, and James C. Duntop. of North S1J slicet. on Thtirsdnv, October 22. Sir. Dunlop 1' tt well-known athlete nnd n member of the First Regiment, N o. V. SII Knihrvii Ellwell. SIlss Eleanor Deal v. SIlss Gertrude Bottoms nhd Miss Helen lllg gln were the guests of Mrs. Harry T. Jones, oi 123 Fountain street, over the week end. .Mr and Mrs, John C. Mlltcnberger left . Friday to celebrate their 25th wedding nnm vorcnr.v In Washington, I). C. Chnrles J. Scheukel and Thomns S. limine, i have returned from n two months' tour thioiu Canada, tho Otcnt Lakes and the West. Mr. nnd Sirs. Edward Hultmnii, son-ln-la i and daughter of Sir. and Sirs. John Young o 1S2 Suninc street, Wlsnhlckon, who have beei spending several monllis In Wilmington, lie! hnvo returned to ther home In Ocean Cltv, Vn Sir. nnd Mrs Wllllnm II. Linton hnve tc turned from their wedding Journey to theii home, 13U liochelle nvenuo, Wlssahlckon Mr Union will bo letnembered ns Miss Ellibeih 1). Ktartctt, daughter of Str. and .Mrs, Janus Stairctt, of Quern lane. DEBUTANTE AFFAIRS Miss Christine Spencer Will Be Introduced at a Tea nt the Acorn Club. With November weather the debutantes have transferred their entertainments to town, nnd this afternoon thero will bo n tea nt the Arorn Club, when Sirs. Graham Hpcnccr will Introduce her daughter, SIlss Christine Spencer. The largo bnll room of tho club will bo tilled with Mowers nnd decorated with palms nnd autumn leaves. Mrs. Spencer will bo nsslsted In re ceiving by Sirs. Austin Stevens Hecksher, Mrs. Wllllnm J. TnvMor, Sirs. Chnrles A. Potter, SIis. Charles A. Potter, Jr., SIra. AVllllnm G Cochran, Sirs. Thomas Smith Nelly nnd Sirs. T. Hudson Rich. The debutantes, who will receive with Mrs. Hpcnccr, will he SIlss Cordelia niddle, SIlss Slary Stuart Wurts, SIlss Anni SInsscy Hecksher, SIlss Slarle Louise Wnna mnker, SIlss Aria Limbcrt Wethcrlll, SIlss Elizabeth Thompson, SIlss Slnrjoiio II. Slann, SIlss Ruth Slann, SIlss Slary S. Slontgomery and SIlss Elizabeth Yardley. At the Bcllovuc-Rtrntfnrd, Mrs. George Reyn olds will give n luncheon In honor of SIlss Anna St. Wnlthour. Among the debutantes who attended were SIlss SInry Stuart Wuits, SIlss Lllllo Crlsflcld, SIlss Katherlno 7. Ogden. SIlss Hnnsell French Earlo, Silas Slargnrot II. Bur ton, SIlss Slary Arre.in Sillier, Miss Lucia A. Wnrden and SIlss Emma Ashton Dorr. Tho evening will bo tnken up by a dlnner dancc. which Mr. and Sirs. Paul Clayton will give for SIlss Slary E. Clayton at tho Slerlon Golf Club. CHRYSANTHEMUM SHOW Annual Chrysanthemum Show to he Held in St. Martin's Tonipht. Tho 15lh nnnunl chrysnnthemum show and exhibition of tho Chestnut Hill Horticultural Society will open tonight In tho theatre build ing of tho Philadelphia Cricket Club, St. Martin's, to continue through tomorrow. Much Interest has centered around the exhibition nnd tho exhibits this jear will be more bcnutlful than ever before. With oveiy thing In prcpaiedncss, tho big halt presents a veritable garden of beauty. Slany unlquo exhibits hnvo been arranged by tho rrlzc competitors. Tho contestants hnvo been arranged In 01 classes and tho prizes rango from 51 to n gold watch and loving cui3. Of tho 94 prizes, 30 nre offered by the society, the remaining 61 being offered by prlvato Indivi duals. Tho exhibit will bo open from 6 to 10 tonight nnd from 10 to 10 tomorrow. Ono of tho most unUiuo exhlhUs will be a hugo bumii of chrysanthemums, measuring 10 feet In diameter, by Stephen Agcr. gardlncr for Henry Slcl.aughlan. IIo will also hnvo a miuature garden In tho show. Tho patronesses mo SIra. J. Wllmer Ulddle, Sirs. Andrew Blair, SIis. It II. B Bowie, Sirs. James Cheston, Sirs. RudcUfTe Cheston, Sirs. Joseph S. Clark, Sirs. J. Cooke, 3d, Sirs. Henry B Coo, Sirs. Wllllnm A. Dick. Sirs. T. Henry Dion, Sirs. W. W. Frazlcr, Sirs. J. Andrews Harper. Sirs, II Frnzer Harris, Sirs. T. Andrews Harris, Jr., Sirs. Gcorgo L. Harrison, Sirs. Charles W. Henry, Mra. Samuel F. Hous ton, Sirs. John 8. Jenks, Jr , Sirs. Arthur II Lea, Sirs. Henry Lnughlln, Sirs Edward B. Laughlln, Mrs. J. Willis Mm tin, Sirs. Francis I. Gowen, Sirs. John White Geary, Sirs Charles A. Potter, Sirs. Robert E. Glendlnnlng, Sirs. W. Frazler Harrison. Mrs. Wilson Potter, Sirs. Ell K. Price, Sirs. .Marshall S. Morgan, Sirs. Randal Storgnn, Sirs. B. Franklin Pepper, Sirs. George C. Thomas, Jr., Sirs. A. O. Thomson. Sirs. Ed ward D. Toland, Sirs. C Stuart Patterson, Sirs. Alexander Van Rensselaer. Sirs. Norrls W. Vaux, Sirs. George Willing, Jr. SIlss Marlon Diddle, SIlss Goodman, Sirs. Walter S. Wyatt, Sirs. Charles N. Welsh, Sirs George Woodward, Sirs. Clarence C. Kantzlnger, and SIlss Lydla T. Slonls. CHARITY AFFAIRS Flays and Players to Act for Benefit of St Luke's Hospital, Slembera of the Plays and Players' Club will present "The Paper Chase" for the benellt of St. Luke's Hospital, Broad and AVtugohncklng streets, on Thursday night, November 5, at the Bellevue-Stratford, with the following In the cast: Henry Sheppard, Joseph Anthon) Deerlng, Jr.; H. Lloyd Weir. Walter G. Halkett. S. Arthur Love, Jr.; Sirs. Sophia Fair Geddes, Miss Florence It. Sheetz, SIlss Eleanor Crane Beetem and SIlss Isabella Wiser. Henry L. Fox I the stage director and coach. The entertainment, which is being given under the direction of SlUa K. L. Love, of 3T4S Walnut street, has the following patrons: Sirs. J. F. Leltenberger, Sirs. A. W. Grlgg, Sir. H. K. Mansfield, SHm SI. B. Lewars, Mlsa C. D. Speeae, Sirs. D. Roman, Colonel M. Richard SluekU), John M. Strong, Mrs. Rudolph Blank enburg, SIra. Charlea E. Baeder, Mrs. Charles H. Boeklus, Sirs. Samuel Cramp, Mra. J, W, Dorlu. Mra. R. W. Davl. MIm SI. Delk, Mlsa Clara Denneler, SIra. William Grange, Sir. and Sirs. J. T. Hall, Sir. Charles T. JefferiM, Mr. J. 8 Jackson, Mis Isaac KmWe. G. A. Kuemmerle. Mrs. K. T. Long. stretli. Sir. & Ueadoworoft. Mra. 6. P. Snowden MltcheU, Mr. H. H MilUgan, Mrs. K. K. Morgan, Mr. K Newport. Mrs. Thomas B. Price. Mr. J M. RMlir. Mrs, BUuoeth Freed, Mr. Roberto aHeveaaen, Jr.; Mr. K. B. Smith, Mr. M. E. Scott, MIm Helen Shel leaUrger, MIm SMIth abellenbwrger. Sir W. C. SebMfer and Mr u4 Mr. Harry L Vaadea. THE DRAMA WBatyBawBSypsgag " " .Kir ' - x. f &A I1AZ1SL DAWN In 'The Debutante," at the Oarrick Theatre. THE PINK LADY OFF THE STAGE Hazel Dawn, Rosiest and Loveliest of Operetta Prima Donnns, Tells Her Secret of Health, Beauty and Happi ness A Singer Who Never "Acts". When Ivan Carjll was wilting the music of "Tho link Lady." somo ilvo years ago, ho was mutually anxious about getting n prima donna adequately to interpict tho bewitching bllthe somo butterfly who should whig her way nlrlly thtuugh the part to his engaging music. Then ho happened to sco Hazel Dawn, playing In conplcuously nt the Gaiety, In London, nnd ho brought her to America. Of her success ono of the most sudden and striking on the stage cvciy ono knows. Hnzel Dawn came Into Philadelphia last eve ning, tiding on n train, and will tonight nppear nt tho Garrick Theatre In a new musical comedy ca'led "Tho Debutante," the muslo of which whs written by Victor Herbert, among musical remedy composers Incomparable. Hazel Dawn, having had dinner with her mother, gilded Into tho foyer of the Hotel Adelphla, all heads tinning In the leather-cushioned chairs as she radiantly passed, for, oven as on the sngc, she was no less tho "pink Indv" In rcnl life. .Most people hnvo their "vocations women, those ranging from all varieties of (lowers to felines, nnd men. others running from owls to bcirs, silver-headed canes to creme d'yvette. Hnzol Dawn brings thoughts of spring with her spring with pink hyacinths nblpom and pink roscn fluttering in breezes after nhowcrs, spring with crystallite, dnnclng Hiinllght, gush ing brooks, robins nnd thrushes singing nnd larks spearing tho air; spring In all its sur charged optimism, promiso nnd vltnl fresh ness. Slight, almost fragile, but tingling with llfo nnd health; boundlngly happy, laughing, vlvncinus; rosy-cheeked, blue-cyed nnd golden- hatred, Hnzel Dawn's charm exists right within herself In her naturalness, her lack of nit nrtlllce, hor sincerity, her harmony with life. "Why, do you know I never net on tho stage," she declared, smiling. "I Just go through my parts as I go through llfo as I feel, you know. Jn 'Tho Pink Lady" I wns just n coquette, a buttertly, darting liore and there. In 'The Dchutnnto' I'm just a schoolgirl In the first part nnd I feel that way. Later, after I get to Paris, I becomo moio worldly nnd well I nm, No, I don't study out nny arti ficial conception, or cultivate any mannerisms. "An a girl I wanted to bo a violinist. I had no thought of the stage. I wns born In Utah, nnd was quite youn; when my father sent me to Slunlch. I had nn nccldent to my arm and had to give up studying. Sly sister's teacher said to me ono day, 'I think you'd look well on ,the stage.' 'Do you really think so?' I snld. I was quite surprised. 'Yes, Indeed,' said she, "Well, I went to London and called on Georga AMUSEMENTS GT ATp MARKET STREET Jj KJ XJ XJ Opposite Wanamaker's Continuous Vaudeville 11:30 to 11:30 ED STANLEY & MAUDE MULLER "THE FASHION SHOP" FRANK BUSH OTHERS CHESTNUT STREET" 8S3 Home of World's orratut rhoto-Pluyii" AFTBtlNOONS. I to 6 pPTf!r3 1010 BVBN1NUS. 1 to 11 J.V1V-UO 10 i5&Mo S "The Littlest Rebel" SKt ''The Spoilers" ?!$ WRHK Iiwto-Draraa With William .Farnumaa4 Kalhlyn Wllllami CONVICT SHIP AT 1UIIKBT i WIIAR1 rRKJST Open D A. II. to 10 p. It SAUS NOOK RO.VT MrStf SBWNV. II Ut CAN HE VlBITWn nv iAft ttjs vmr SUCCESS fif iiai'Tio it .'kiUftI- AS IYV1.Xj jTrcTaD TonighTn" QJIAULW PBOHMASJ PnMwtt fe""B THE SONG 0F SONGS at TSyMwarj 8bel4eA, Author of "Rihitthh" I.oauUrPriui WwliwJay Stetiajj. fUtj Mu I.IW ADELPHI sS1iKa Tomoriw "A DeJWu'uHy Fuaw Frc rr. "A Pair of Sixes" "TKftyjk. DUMONT'S SUSKSSWWfi MATIKB18 TOP4.Y. 10c AnS Se EMPIRE davenkmTkion pssw ' ' i W . vv4- hlfm, MX m I m WmmL HI awf srMllIilla it mm m I mm m 8 If , v.iiH I SI MrMH m 1 SaWi 1 THEATRICAL BAEDEKER OPENING. FitlOAD "The Four of Sours," new piny by Edward Sheldon, hnsed On Herman Ruder- malm's novel. rnnili:.ST-"Sflrl." dimming operetta, with Mlzzl Jlnjo nnd lreno Povvlowska. 'iMlHirK "Tho Debutante," new musical omedv, ullh honk by II. 11 nnd It. B. Smith md music by Victor Herbert. Starring Maacl l invvn 'xKlTII'S nianchc Itlngr In a musical sketch, oh, Papn," and Adele mtchle. l.lTTLi: TlIEATItn-Ilevlval of Sheridan's Tho ltlvalfl." w LNUT-Itcturn of "Within the Law." CONTINUING. l.vni('-"The Whirl of tho World." the New rk Winter Garden spectacle, Willie Hownrd tiikles the funny convolution of your brain; I'ujrene, his brother, catches with songs. wl.t,l'III-"A Pair of Sixes," farce by Kdward I .'pie Two bushiest partners shoot a cold mil, the Winner to ictnln the business, the i"er to become his body servant for a year, vi nude nbtirne Inimitably funny ns n slavey. . tlwnrdes. I knew that In Knglnnd Americans have a reputation for nerve. So I Just went .nto Mr. Kdwnrdes' office and said I wanted a position. 'Havo you n voice?' he asked, skep tically. 'I havo a wonderful voice,' I replied llh assurance. ' When I snnff In 'Tho l'lnlc Lndy' my voice won absolutely untrained. 1 had never studied voice culture at nil. In fact, I did not begin trnlnlns my voice until I undertook to go Into The Debutante.' Hut one must study to sing Mr Herbert's music. Life Is a Joyous thlnR to me. I love my work I Just revel In It. Hut ono cannot really lo ood work unless ono loves It. Any person l foolish to do work, or live under conditions in which they arc not happy. Do you know what I believe? I believe thnt If you Ilvo ab solutely In harmony with the laws of nature, ii you sleep well, live well, think well, never dissipate, never cive youisclf to unhealthy paB slons, such as rniro nnd discontent, thnt you are hound to succeed that you simply can't fall. "When I'm not plnylm; and working I take ecrclse You nee I'm a very, very athletic person. I ildo horseback, play tennis and walk walk nil tho time. I've never tasted wine In mv life. Sometimes, when people Insist at dinner, I Just say, 'Now please, please don't It's nprnlnst my principles. Don't ask me.' I've never smoked a clftaretto. I've never taken a drop of medicine. And the result? I feel well ' oh, so well. "IllKht llvlnp; nnd exercise that would cure a Brcat deal of the troubles of the world, andt, women's troubles, too. So many women are Klven to melancholy nnd all sorts of com plaints. There's one medlclno for all that air nnd nunllRht. If ti womnn walked one hour cviry day she'd retnln her health and beauty, "If there Is ono thlmr I hate It Is Insincerity and affectation. Of course, the staKo "does tend to harden one, nnd ono must really de liberately keep the sordid thlnss outside one's self. However, the same is true of life. Isn't It?" AMUSEMENTS ACADEMY OF MUSIC This (Monday) Evening at 8:15 BOSTON SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA (100 Muilclnns) Dr. KARL MUCK, Conductor SOLOIST PASOUALE AMATOL (Trln. Ttarltone, Met. Openi House, N. Y.) Tickets nt Ileppe'n IMnno Hoom. 1110 Cheat nut Street Amphlthentre, 3 cents. GARRICK Tonight KA75 VSrVS SPECIAL MATINEE TOSIOIIKOW (Election Day) JOHN C. riSIIEIt Tresents HAZEL DAWN in THE DEBUTANTE AN OI'EHETTA IN TWO ACTS MusIl liy VICTon IIEnnCRT Honk nnd I.jrlcn by Ilurrj II ami It I) Bm h ElH-tlon Day Mut nn,l Weil .Mala. net Seals 11 .' ACADEVIV OK ML'MIC PHILADELPHIA ORCHESTRA LEOPOLD srOKOVVSKl. Conductor Symphony Friday Aftern'n, Nov. 0, at 3;00 Concerts Saturday Ev'np, Nov. 7, at 8:15 SololM: EPHE.M ZlMHALIbT. Violinist Program Oxerture. "Iihtngiln" Wagner Hjmphon) No. 4 (Italian) Mandelawhn Coneertn No I for Violin Brui.li Overture. "Dl Vcrlinuflo llrnut " Smetaim Krnts im on Hulo ut llrppe's. 111U Chestnut FORREST Tonight e" WiS," SPECIAL MATINEE TOMOIIIIOW (Elrctlon Eayi "Not nlthln ten yearn has oprrttta n roused uch pofi"in'ou" enlhmlasm." N. . TiUgraph. HENRY W. SAVAGE opFRS The International Oixrelta Snatlon, SARI "Heglsterol n more m rihatlc Impremlon than any In rari" N. Y. Tribune "Mast dellchtful musi cal piece In u long-. lem time " N Y Sun Election Day ant WwlnesJay Mats. nt Saata 11.10 LYRICerf Mat Tomorrow rOSlTIVKLY THE LAST WEEK! THE WHIRL OF THE WORLD "A Huperlor Musical Itevie " Record Ijtst Mats. Tomorrow Wednssilay lriday & Saturday GIGANTIC WAR PLAY THE Story of the Rosary OPENS at the LYRIC, Nov. 9th VICTORIA "THEATRE NINTH AND MARKET STREETS VARIED VAUDEVILLE THE "CHOO-CHOO" GIRLS KKNOi MAHEBN'A NEVARA AUQEK TALLV WAONBR MAUEENA 4. TOit " A M A K D A UILBERT Continue! rm 11 A II to 11 l M fpgeTgcrpss'the Pacific" Soi I Within the Law Positively Oulr WMtMlt 5jnt TONIoHT w,;- ?!t Jl " B. F. KETTH'S THEATRE WHOCa SHOW OfyfilOMYILLh HTAMB1 "The Little Theatre" DK lltbr, "The RivateH "rJ2FS?jr& ". V pMNtarj II Matin TtiuriKly u l:o w&i TUB un i i en vt, tsu. STANLEY TUtUTHII THi. I YPiiuOX" Tki MtMtAi t '- ti i- aaJ staJtushur rHN 1 . 'vRVMOftB la vn si)M Milipixr wusow-a !e4JnL.0i(g; K DEW SEA 'lakd. itotrrnm nmi d tM. fiH A NlLAa(D. BOCrTSBY IfiVKhriii s ...... !BQW, t v.AT . kii; ih. TO04JT. 2 11. U rJLOWJ aEUAZO CvX. i'v.-.-UL, v 1 II 11 Wk ii ifi" t- - t"- jL'i'm H
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