-JUUUU.,-.... n...-. mirwm a EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1914. PSaHBJrpMPw M .J. )l if iiu 5 I 1 Ml PUBLIC LEDGER COMPANY emus it k crrvns. r-srstoisT. Oto. TV. Oclis, Secretary, John C. Martin, Trcsqrr: Charles If. Ludlngton. Philip S Collins, John D. Wil liams, Director!. " i EDlTOniALBOAItD; Cues H. K. Otitis. Chairman. P. II. WltALET Executes Editor JOHN C. MAP.TIN. .General ltutlncs Manager Published dally at Pestle Ltroeji Building-, Independence Square. Philadelphia. Ltnota Cisnu Broad and Chestnut Streets ArtASTIC ClTt PrMS-l'nfcm Building Ntw Toix 170-A. Metropolitan Toner Ciucauo SIT Home Insurance Building- LonMK S Waterloo Pluoe. Tall Mall, S. W. NEWS bUIIBAt'Si Harmsbcko Dt beat The ratriot Rulldlnr WASMlNatox nrwsAtr The Tost Building Xbw YonK ntsnic The Tiniri Building tteat.ljf nrnrr m Frllrlolistra?e Inpon nnr,rAt 2 Pall MaII Kat, S W. I'abis Hemic 32 nue Louis le Grand SUBSCRIPTION TEP.MS By carrier. Pamt Os.t. K ient ttr mull, postpaid outside nf Philadelphia except where foreign postage Is required, Daiit omt one month, tncnty.flve cents; Dailt Oxt.T, one ar. three dollars. All mall sutv serlptlons pajable In adianee BELL, 3000 WAI.NIT KnsiOE.M.L 3000 W Addnst nil rommunfrallons to Evening Ledger, Indtptndtvce Squarr, Philadelphia. NTtacn ATins pint APRtrntA rosTorrtcs as second rt.s Mitt. U4TTr.ll. PHIUDF.I.PIIIA. m.r.smv. OCllint.H 2(1, lot I Let Them Beware THERE have been campaigns before this In Pennsyhnnla in which huge "slush" funds were raised and spent. There have been campaigns before this the expense of which came In largo part out of rum bottles. Hut there has never been it campaign In Pennsylvania In which so many determined men wore engaged, personally and otherwise, in watching the sources of funds and the use made of them. If Mr. Penrose is elected on the face of the returns, he will find awaiting him at Wash ington complete evidence, duly authenticated, of the means by which he managed to secure an apparent plurality. That testimony would be so complete and convincing that not a dozen Senators from the whole United Statei would dare vote In favor of seating Mr. Penrose. There are men working hard for Mr. Pen rose who can well afford to pray for Ills de feat. They would not cut very pretty figures on the witness stand In Washington. Protection of What? AN INQUISITIVE citizen asked a Penrose supporter, who was talking nothing but protection, thli question: "If Penrose's campaign is financed by an assessment on every barrel of beer and bot tle of whisky, who aro likely to be tho bene ficiaries of the Penrose brand of protection?" No answer was attempted. Excesses in War TT7AR is a vestige of barbarity. It is the V T Irruption of the brute instincts normally held In check by the constraints of civiliza- , tion. When armies crow so Inrirp that tho unit of a million is in almost every dispatch, and when the battle line covers a frontage of many hundreds of miles, it is inevitable thnt snm. nnrto nf .. vo. rn.mi.in.. -..m occasionally get out of hand and sag down or nark back to primitive savagery. Probably the reports of both sides have ! been exaggerated. Nerves are unstrung In tho midst of such a terrific struczlo. and even the most temperate of observers will overestimate and misreport. When tho war is over we are likely to find that on the whole, measured by the opportunity and the provocation, there was a truly laudable re straint on each side. Roosevelt's Crusade Against Penrose THE tremendous enthusiasm that Is greet ing ex-President Roosevelt is not simply a tribute to the redoubtable Colonel, but It is an Indication that the people are with him in his main contention. It is pretty certain that If Dimmtck had been nominated by the Republicans at the primaries Roosevelt would not have come Into the Commonwealth during this campaign. Time after time, and with unabated em phasis, Roosevelt has charged Penrose with being the chief cause of the revolt In the Re publican party. And as long as Penrose stays In the party Roosevelt and his lnrge following will stay out. The two are abso. lutely Irreconcilable. The Colonel's sledge hammer blows at Penrose will be effective. Many thousands of those who followed his leadership in 1012 will show their allegiance by splitting their ticket this year. No won der tho Penrose dynasty is quaking on its throne. Jails, the Dentist's Paradise HOW the mad wag doth ever travel by the side of .Mr. Earnest Good' Take, for instance. Councils' tardy decision that there must be money for dental as well as medical, sen-ice in the county jails. Nothing could be sounder social policy or more earnestly to be commended And yet in pops the motley fool with the piquant questions Why add a cruel and unusual punishment to the poor prisoners' unhappy lot? Why create a den tist's paradise filled with compulsory patients who can't put off the. day of reckon ins? Or perhaps social satire raises Its head, with the acrid observation that the law breaker of the submerged tenth will now en Joy physical health that is bcond the means of many of his "free" fellows All of which only proves this dental re form the better policy, daughter makes laws human Angel or Devil, Which THE United States Steel Corporation a fair competitor, a philanthropist toward its employes, a good Samaritan in the realm of finance, an immaculate example of law enforcing business! The United States Steel Corporation a monopolist, a feudal tyrant within Us own plants, an Ishmael in the commercial world, a clever trickster In its relationships with the Government' Who can tell which characterization Is cor rect? No one Is ever so good as his friends aver or so bad aa his enemies charge. Thts I likewise true of corporations. But It Is the business of the courts to decide In the case, and the decision should be clear and final, not only for the sake of the United States Steel Corporation but on behalf of tha pub lic mind, which craves certainty in these in dustrial controversies. Every Man His Wife's Voting Machine ONE piece of topsy-turvy logic plus a doce of devil's advocacy equals an anti-suffrage sermon in Atlantic City First the lr ".Look at the horrible things done In rngiand Tr-e gentleman speaks of window arpashlrg- rtr fnrr!M. feeding- Tea. Erfci h w m- v. , r ' U -"-r.- "; desperate acts to win the, vote. The deduc tion Is surely obvloua: "They would do them here If they had the vote." As for Mephlato 11. Devil, nttorney-at-law, he turns up In that oldest and vilest of argu ments, the "indirect Influence" atrocity. For It i an atrocity, a vile atrocity. It Is not necessary to ask tho reverend gentleman to arrange tho world so that every woman has a human voting machine in her house. It Is only necessary to picture such a world of plendlng, cajoling, dickering wives hent on improving their neighbors by demeaning themselves and depriving their husbands of their franchises. Why not supply enough votes to go around? j Fraud Will Out THE EVknintj Lkdcjkr Is performing a pub lic service In outlining the case which has been nnd Is being prepared against Mr. Pon rose for presentation to the Senate. Tho evidence already presented to the committee was so convincing that a majority of tho members entertained no doubt whatover of tho necessity for a thorough Inquiry. It seemed wise to them, however, not to hold It until after election. Citizens of Pennsylvania who are about to cast their ballots are entitled to know, nev ertheless, what the facts are. Tho enormous sums being raised to elect Mr. Penrose nro presumptive evldenco of fatal Irregularity. The technical devices used to conceal the amount of these sums and to escape account ing for them raise grave doubts. Tho con spiracy of bipartisanship which has brought Into tho Penrose camp the whole army of whisky Democrats Is a notice to Independent voters of the menace to American Institu tions Involved In this election. The wanton padding of the icglstratlon books Indicates a purpose to overthrow tho will of the peoplo by fraud. If such a campaign should succeed In this State, the Senate waits. It will get the evi dence, hide not one bit of it, care not what names are tarnished or what reputations de stroyed. It Is a good time for good men to beware of their associations. Business Outlaws Booze IN INDUSTRY and in politics liquor plays tho same part. It cripples one Just as It debauches the other. It makes a bad workman as surely as It makes n bad voter. That and nothing else Is the koy to the progress of antI-"booze" sentiment through the country. The latest commercial convert to tompcr ence Is tho Illinois Steel Company, an organi zation employing 10.000 men. It has placed in electric signs over the entrances to Its plant three pertinent questions: Did booze wer do you any good? Did booze over get you a better Job? Did booze ever contribute anything to the happiness of your family? The company's campaign doe3 not stop rith such warnings or with lectures and moving pictures along the same lines. It has installed milk stations to supply a substitute. Misrepresenting Brumbaugh THE opponents of Doctor Rrumbaugh know that they haven't the slightest chance of beating him on the ground of personal char acter, olflclal record or effective administra tion. Their only hope lies In confusing tho Issues nnd befogging the voter?. In spite of Brumbaugh's reiterated nnd doubly em phasized advocacy of local option, they nro trvlng by dovlous ways to link him with tho liquor interests. Although Brumbaugh has stated that he is drawing no money from the Penroso "slush" fund, thoy are endeavoring to tie him up with tho underground financiering of the Organization. And well known as it is that PenroBe did not want Brumbaugh to head tho State ticket because he is unbossed, unboss able and amply capable of making his own platform, nevertheless they are Juggling a connection that does not exist. Brumbaugh Is as different from Penrose as day is from night. He belongs to tho new order of pub lic servants free. Independent, constructive, humanitarian and moral. If IF REPUBLICANS who abhor Penrose on moral grounds elect him by their pro-tariff votes, they will only send a man to the Sen ate who, if by a miracle he kept his seat, would bo bound and gagged for the next six years. If Penrose is re-elected there will be a divided Republican vote In Pennsylvania In 1916, and the country will have a Democratic Administration for another four years. If Penrose does not take criminal action against those who have charged him with political crimes, nil men who love honor will behove him to be guilty. If the Vares do nothing more than make a protest In Congress, Philadelphia will con clude that they haven't either the courage or tho ability to save their own necks. If Penrose Is elected on tho face of the re turns, he will fill the boots of Lorlmer, and the Democrats will get political credit for Investigating him. If I'enroso could betray the men who were said to bo working with him in a guilty con spiracy, then he certainly will not hesitate to betray the respectable Republicans who are blindly trusting blm for economic rea sons. If Penrose had about a million dollars available for campaign purposes, contributed by the whisky ring ami the scared protec tionists, why is the money not reported in his campaign expenses? Good Roads HIGHWAYS are the arteries of social Intercourse and economical distribution of products. Although Pennsylvania has spent vast sums of money through its High way Department the roads of this Common wealth are notoriously bad. This means not only Inconvenience to the residents of rural districts, but a high cost of food products for city dwellers. Doctor Brumbaugh has pledged himself to reorganize the State Highway Department In the Interest of every one and for the credit of tha Commonwealth. Penrose hag been mum on the subject because Blgelow has been an Important and useful wheel In the Organization machine. Needless ta say, the postmaster who has tried unsuccessfully to lose his Job for 11 months is not located In the Sunny South. Today Doctor Brumbaugh exemplifies per sonal liberty. In the finest possible way by his repudiation of act unsought nomination. "Allies Hold Own In France" calLs up the thought that Germany is holding a little of that "Own," too According to present advices, England seems to have taken on South Africa, to make up f"r los'ng Ireland as a r"t of threatened re. 1 '-i THE HANDS OF ESAU Councils Sets Itself Against Better Living Conditions for Tenants A Remedial Law Nullified Scornful Disregard of Those "Who Live in Rented Homes Typical Case Showing How the People Arc Betrayed. "The voice is Jacob's voice, bnt tho hands arc the hands ofEsatu" FOREWORD "For there are eight evils connected with the use of a house. The great tabor involved in. searching for materials and in the putting of them together is ono evil. The constant care necessary to replace the grass, leaves and bits of clay that fall down is a, second. Liability to interruption in meditation is a third. The protection afforded against heat and cold renders the body deli cate; this is a fourth. The cover it affords for disgraceful practices is a fifth. The taking possession, saying, 'This it mine,' is a sixth. To have a'house is like having a companion; this is the seventh. And the sharing of it with many others, as for instance, with lice, bugs and lizards; this is an eighth. Buddha. Better government in Philadelphia is being slowly strangled. The Blankcnburg Administration of a few city offices expresses better government just as completely as an anti-Tammany Administration does in New York. The cold fingers of "The Organ ization," Philadelphia's Tammany, twisting dexterously through a pliable majority in Councils and officials under control are pressing hard upon its windpipe. Unless pried off by the people themselves, strangulation of better government must ensue. In the modest palaces behind the myriad two-story red-brick fronts of working Philadel phia dwell the real beneficiaries of better government. They pay the taxes. It is for them to say how the public funds shalt be expended. Their support alone means better government. The worst that can be said of people who toil is that they are sometimes too tired to study a public subject SOMETIMES, NOT ALWAYS. NO. XI-HOUSING A MAN owns a horse, a poor old horse, that has to work all day. His neighbor sees this tired horse stabled each night In a leaky barn. Insldo tho building there Is filth, no light, and little nlr. The animal becomes so emaciated the kind-hearted neighbor reports tho case to the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. We heartily rejoice when tho cruel owner Is arrested and yanked Into court, for wc say tho animal has a right to live, and a right to get proper housing. ' Ah, but that was a horse. It 1b different with human beings, according to Councils. "Why bother about tenants, nnywny?" say the members. Tho interests of tenants are of no importance compared with tho Inter ests of "Tho Organization." Besides, tho wholo housing program was under the wing of tho Blankcnburg administration, and tho "orders" from higher up were to smash it. Thereupon, Councils bbldly defied the hous ing law passed by the Legislature In 1913 to protect tho tenants of Philadelphia from landlords who failed to keep their properties in such repair as to make them healthy places to live in. By rofuslng to appropriate funds necessary to put the law Into effect the majority members completely nullified it. It is now as good as dead, killed by Councils, and waiting resurrection by the Ufe-glvlng power of public opinion. Astounding? Not at all. For remark! Councils Is the fighting face of Jim McNlchol and tho Vares. Hero aro tho health-giving rights that rnn to tenants had Councils not Interfered: (1). To have a sink with running water In every house, and In every apartment of two or more rooms In a tenement house, if there is a water main in the street. (2). To have the houso directly connected with the street sewer, and other independent and unhealthy arrangements discontinued. (3). To have broken plumbing repaired at once. (4). To have unsafe stairs, lenky roofs and similar defects repaired and kept in repair. (6). To havo the cellar protected from be ing flooded by ground water, and the rooms protected from dampness due to defects In tho walls. (6). To have in a tenement houso the pub lic halls nnd other spacts outside the apart ments kept in a clean condition. (7). To insist that no part of the building he used as a sweatshop; and where manu facturing is done, it must be under permit of the Board of Health. (S). To Insist that no material of easily ln fiammablo character be stored In the building so as to make a Are risk. (5). To insist that every room shall havo n window of ample size, opening to the outside air. (10). To live with privacy and without the promiscuous herding that Is recognized as a prolific breeder of vice and crime. The wnrds most affected by the housing law are the 2d to 13th, inclusive, nnd the 16th, 17th, 18th and 30th. Their population, according to the census of 1910, waa 3H.403. They contain 64,489 houses. The total num her rented Is 54,427. Summed up, there are about 265,000 people in these wards living in rented houses, all of whom would have been benefited by the operation of the hous ing law. There are about 40,000 houses In Philadel phia that are for rent. This oversupply of dwellings Insures the certainty that any Im provements forced by law would not have raised tho rents. But Councils, acting for the contractor overlords, pulled tho teeth of the law by falling to provide funds for the machinery to enforce the law. Select Councilman Eduard Buchholz and Common Councilman John P. Connolly took special pride in helping smother the housing law on personal grounds. The law combined the three divisions of sanitation, house drain age and tenement in tho Department of Health and Charities Into tho single division of housing and sanitation. At the head of tho old sanitation division was Connelly's relative by marriage, James F. McCrudden, at $3000 a year, and at the head of the old tene ment division was Buchholz's son, Arthur E. Buchholz, at J2600 a year both were liable to lose their jobs if the divisions were merged; also the head of the old houBe drain age division, Winfleld S. Reed, a protege of David H. Lane, who had been enjoying $2400 a year. Entrusted with the enforcement of the new housing law for the Blankcnburg admin istration waa John C. Moliter, at a salary of $3500. He ought not to have been surprised at opposition from the Councilmanlo Finance Committee, with Connelly as chairman and Buchholz as a member. But it will be Just as well to set down the whole proceeding In chronological order. Read this record: 1913. July 22 Housing law approved by the Gov ernor. September 18 Former Health and Charities Director Neff sent a letter to Councils asking that the Division of Housing and Sanitation be organized In accordance with the law. December 20 Philadelphia Housing Com mission sent a letter to each Councilman, calling attention to the mandatory character of the law, and asking for action. December SO Petitions presented to Coun oils from the Ootavla Hill Association, Lib eral Club, a group of clergymen and from a meeting attended by delegates from 36 organ izations affiliated with the Housing Commis sion requesting action 1914. January 1 Acting Health and Charities P're'-'nr wllson treating the tnree neaas or --i t n " -v- l-g'-sHtnl out of ofTlce, nppolntcd Mr. Moliter head of tho new division. January IB Mayor Blankcnburg sent a message to Councils asking for an appropria tion to carry forward tho work under the now housing law. February 4 A mysterious taxpayer's suit Is begun to onjoln the payment of salaries under the new housing law for the ascribed reason that no appropriations had been made, by Councils for thnt purpose; also prohibiting tho use of the funds provided for the old threo divisions for that purpose. February 5 An ordinance to appropriate funds In accordance with tho law is read In Common Councils and referred to tho Finance Committee. February 27 John C. Moliter, the appointed head of the new division of housing and sani tation, brought a court proceeding to man damus Councils to provide for his salary and tho salary of the force under him. February 27 District Attorney Rotan is asked to permit the use of the Common wealth's name In the mandamus proceedings against Councils. March B Common Council reported an ordinance to crcato u division of housing and sanitation by transferring the appropria tion mado for tho threo former divisions, de signating the Inspectors by their former titles, but not providing for tho 100 inspec tors required by tho law. March IS The Mayor forwarded to Coun cils a message pointing out tho nttempted evasion of the law in tho proposed ordinance, and submitting an amendment to It. April 2 Tho Finance Committee reported to Councils without recommendation an nmended form of the ordinance creating tho division. A letter was presented to Councils ftom the College of Physicians requesting action. April 16 Twenty-five civic betterment or ganizations ask Councils to take action on the housing law; the Mayor asked that tho ordtnanco be amended, and thereupon Coun cils recommitted tho ordinance to tho Finance Committee. May 7 Finance Committee reported a bill to abolish tho threo old divisions and create the new one provided for by law. May 22 Tho Supreme Court handed down an opinion that until Councils appropriated the money to finance the enforcement of the law it was not operative. June 11 The Mayor again asked Councils to appropriate the money; ordinance was given a second roadlng and referred to the Finance Committee. June 25 Councils adjourned without ap propriating the moneys or creating the new division as required by legislative act of July 22, 1913. July 16 District Attorney Rotan consented to allow the use of the name of the Common wealth In tho institution of mandamus pro ceedings for salary. Seo with what ardor tho Councilmen look after the welfare of the renting occupants of tho two-story houses! See how they seize the opportunity of working for the tenants' in the crowded sections of tho city! They represent tho people, do these Councilmen. Tonight, they will bo telling It, unblushlngly telling It. Oh! they are Immense, our Coun cilmen If thoy were only out in Chicago, or St. Louis, or somewhero else, we could well laugh at their supremo assurance. Each epoch Is summed up in a phrase tho cry from the people in this, the ago of the greatest density of population, is; "GIvo us more light, more nlr, nnd better living con ditions." We have no copyright on the "housing question." It is the same in Eng land, In Germany and In France, or was be fore the present mad slaughter of men began. MIS3 Octavla Hlir great fight In London to bring beauty Into the homes of the poor, to preserve open breathing spaces and enforce sanitary reform, found early Imitators In all large cities where bad housing conditions existed. European conditions have been found to reproduce themselves in American cities, par ticularly among the Hebrews from Russia. It Is unfortunate that our centres of porAi- latlon have so little to teach the aliens In the way of reform. Thero have been no serious attempts made In the United States to deal with Insanitary areas as they havo been dealt with In England, or to prevent the creation of new ones by regulation and planning of extensions as In Germany. Even when we do get started In the right direc tion as In the case of the new housing law in Philadelphia there Is always politics, business politics, blocking the way. Why Interfere In the conduct of private property? Because many of the future In mates of blind asylums, tubercular hospitals and prisons arc made from a childhood spent amid defective living conditions. Darkness, Impure air, dampness, dirt and dilapidation are public enemies. They can be avoided with proper drainage, adequate refuse re moval, habitable dwellings and a reasonably good water supply. Poor people live In poor houses often for the good reason they cannot afford to move out. They are caught on the treadwheel of life. Home begins and ends in the suffoca tion of circumstances. It was to give such victims an outlet- to fresh air, sunlight and plenty of pure water that tho housing law was fought for and won In the Legislature. The contractor overlords who are opposed to Mayor Blankenburg are not willing to have the law made effective because It will endanger some of their appointees, and give W administration power to make some ,. n . .-.i nir ti,--s. xb?y are sure he ! appointments would bo mado on merit Thoy do not want meritorious appointments. Thoy want men In office they can use, men who will writo a lying report about it bulldlnd owned by aorno powerful friend of tho po litical machine. So, not being able to nama tho sort of men they want to do tho Inspect ing, they lock tho door and keep the good that Is In this law from spreading through tho city. Perhaps, too, tho owners of so called "slum" or rear proportles, realizing now 15 or 20 per cent, on their "Invest ments," have applied prcssuro or proaentod Inducements to Councilmen, lost tho neces sity for making improvements might reduce their return to 10 or 12 per cent. Lot thoso contractor overlords and these cynical landlords stand forth before tho pub lic In their truo colors. They dare not, Thoy hide behind Councils. They plead that own ers of property do not want tho housing law mado operative. They try to unload tho re sponsibility upon nbscntco landlords, ownora with a small equity in 'tholr property and real estate dealers. Absurd I But wo can see through tho thin trans parency of tholr trickery, Tho political bosses aro only trafficking again traffick ing thts tlmo with tho llfo blood of tho poor. Tammany Hall would pausd beforo attempt ing such cruel politics. No wonder wo hang our heads when we explain to our friends from afar of the difficulties now besetting our good Mayor In tho City Hall. Fortu nately he Is a patient man a Job standing In tho shadow of William Penn. VIEWS OF READERS ON TIMELY TOPICS Contributions That Reflect Public Opin ion on Subjects Important to City, State and Nation. To the Hdtlor of tht Evening Ltdgtr: Sir I was Interested to read today the excel lent account given of tho liquor trafflo In "The Hands o Esau," and I was moro Interested to note that It ended with a plea, not for prohibi tion, but for what amounts to a regulated mo nopoly of the liquor business, I have always thought audi an arrangement far tho best. It means that no personal liberty Is violated, while at the same time the traffic and the manufac ture of Intoxicants aro far better controlled than Is possible by merely prohibitive law. But f think you will admit that for tho United States It would bo hotter If tho element of "dis interested" citizens, who administer the Swedish system, were dropped. Lot tho Government do the business directly. HENRT ROOSE. Philadelphia, October 26. SPIRITUAL UPLIFT IN RUSSIA To the Editor o the Evening f,edgtr: Sir Tho hope of Russia Is not In the prom ises of tho Romanoffs, but In tho work and self sacrifice of Its people, togethor with that of all the other peoples of tho earth who aro today fighting against monarchlsm and military par venus. Tho Romanoffs and all that they rep resent will bo relegated to the scrap heap, to gether with tho Hohcnzollerns and the Haps nurgs. And just as upon the ruins of tho latter will rise a nobler system of democratic government, so will upon tho ruins of tho Ro manoffs rise a new, a free, a bettor Russia. Philadelphia, October 23. S. TALKED OF IN CHICAGO To the Editor of the Evening Ledger: Sir I have Just returned from Chicago, where I havo been for several days, and where I mot a number of men inteneely Interested In politics. T found that the Evening Ledobu Is a frequent topic of con creation among them. It was plain to mo that your paper Is making a good many people alt up and take notice. SANFORD J. WALLACE. Philadelphia. October 27. RUM A DUSINESS ISSUE To the Editor of the Evening Ledger: Sir f have read with great interest your edi torials on rum as sn issue In the political cam paigns of many of the States. As you say, it Is a business Issue as well as a moral one. Ah a business man I know this to be the case, not only because I cannot have drinking men In my employ, but because the alliance of the liquor Interests with crooked politics helps make gang controlled government expensive. T. W. QUIGLET. Philadelphia, October X. YET TO COME To the Editor of the Evening Ledger: Sir The Innocent Bystander will please not that although the brewers' big horses failed to make a dent on a number of persons gathered together yesterday ln Philadelphia, Bergdoll's black auto ran down an apparently equally un offending citizen at llavcrford; also that while yesterday was Humane Sunday the worst Is yet to come. EDWARD PORTER. Philadelphia. October 26. ADMIRES EVENING LEDGER To the Editor of fh Evening Ledger: Sir I beg to inform you I am a reader of the Evenino Ledger, nnd admire the paper very much, and find other evening papers have nothing on the Evening Lbdckh, SERGEANT HUNTING PARK. Philadelphia, October 24. Politics or Business? Ftom th Mllaukeo Journal. Dr. Martin G. Brumbaugh, who is running for Governor of Pennsylvania, shows that he has learned one great weakness in the administra tion of the publlc'.s ljtiijlncsfl, when he says: "U you want a political administration of your public affairs, by which I mean nn administra tion In which men shall be appointed to office because they have tho Influence of one or two or nix or ten men back of them, and tho only sup port they have to th office Is tho friendship of a group like that If that is the kind of an ad ministration vou uant In Ponnsvlvunl,, i-m. dbn't want to vote for mo for your Governor." ! It Is Eood to learn that candidates are ac tually finding It worth wlillo to express such principles. Of course, when a man Is appointed to o 111 oo not because of special Illness, but be cause of political Influence, It Is unfair to ex-' pect that the work of the office will be as well or as economically carried on as when a man Is chosen for ability. At the same time, a higher alary i likely to be asked. Regular work tends to have a stundard of compensation. The reward for political service Is what you can get. We dtn't know uhetlier Doctor Brumbaugh ought to bo elected, but If this were the Issue there could certainly bo no doubt. He doesn't howl "economy and efficiency"; he declares for u policy that cannot help furthering economy ona emciency. 'Ware Tartars Prom the New Torlt Telegraph. It Is reported that "when the Allies have con quered Germany" they will compel tha Kaiser to abdicate. It sounds easy; but first catch the Kaiser. CURIOSITY SHOP In former days Madeira was known as the Isle de Dabney. Coffin, tho nautical writer, explains: "Becauso evor since the world waa created the American Consul thero has been named Dabney and has been kind o' been king pin there, ownln' pretty nearly nil the water front and beln" Consul and ship chandler and merchant all cdmblned to gether." Pig iron, or rather the name, Is derived from the "sow" or channel into which tho molten iron runs, the lateral branches being called "pigs" The word "sow" has nothing whatever to do with a pig. being derived from the Saxon "sawan." to scatter. "Burning your candle at both ends.'' This saying arose out of the custom of burning the rush light at both ends in order to give a greater light. While a more brilliant Ilsht was obtained, yet the rush itself lasted but half the time. The rush plant was used as a. wick and dipped in oil. It was twisted up into a l'-shape and placed on a holder, both ends being then lighted. The people were very economical with light and It was con sidered extravagant to burn the l'ght at both ends. SCRAPPLE Folklore "Ones upon n time thero was a place namM 1 ffltoson1?6 "VCd- SS 4 "Why don't you read something of con temporaneous Interest?" interjected th" event01"' WftB WCH P0BlcI on curren" Tito Way Out Ono way of getting Great Britain to re lease our ships Is to tako John Bull by the Tho King of the Pesta The pest nnd tho boro are not hindered hv season, ' ThandPfali "" '" W'nlcr' 8PrIn8"' mnX ' To strike at the balance of most people's rea son And foitie even patient peace lovers to brawl. Their plans are uncounted, their number In legion, They movo around singly, In groups they debouch; They run round nt largo nnd Invnde every region, And they may bo followed by marls'! of th grouch, , Just now the chief peat who Is blatantly brnylng And making us "Wish ho had never been born, Is that ono who spends nil his leisure tlm saying He takes n, cold bath every bleak winter morn. Outside Stuff The novelty was "L,e Fcstln de rAralgnce." " an Impressionistic melodic painting after the i manner of Vincent d'lndy nnd his modern French school. Without possessing any ntartllng value, It, still, lent to tho prior anil subsequent proceedings a spice of dlffercnne that was grateful. Morning Paper Rovlew. Tho point In this pnrtlcnlur caso being that Emesco's "Rumanian Rhapsody" nnd not "Lo Kcstln de 1'Arnlgnee" was played. Moro Race Suicide Tho stork died at tho zoo Sttndnv evening. Cincinnati Enquirer. Proving an Alibi Landlady (to cntomologist-who liar, biought a great collection of beetles to his room) Professor Jinks, I want you to understand' right now, that you can't convince me that you found all them in your bed. The Second Crop Timothy Hay, Jr., Is a pupil In a Grand' Rapids public school, according to ndvlces from that city. Being in good health, he never had the hny fover, and so far as we know, his mother Is not a grass widow. To End It All Ho know the river Styx was deep and wide, And so he hesitated to decide. Although his heart and brain were fagged nnd sad, Thero was ahead of him that crossing bad. Ho wished to end his tenure of this life, To get away from turmoil nnd from strife. But with tho feat of dark his heart war fraught. Until one day he had a brilliant thought. It mado of him a moro determined man; Though 'twas an old and rather simple plan. To light his way. and also get tho pass, He Just inhaled Illuminating gas. More Language John Bull to France J'offre French. Whereupon France accepted the offer of General French. Political Distinctions Somo candidates In proffering their serv ices to an expectant constituency used the honeyed words; others candled dates. Famous Last Linci 1 (Almost any magazine). "But I found out after all that it wasn't Jenny, because Jenny had been downtown that afternoon why, good heavens, boy, what Is the matter with you?" Mortimer had fallen in a dead faint on the floor. 2 (R- W. C- -) "But you," ho cronked hoarsclv. ".No, " sho dimpiea. He seized her hand nnd 'mid the passionate paleness of the purplo potferns, he pi rased a lingering and languorous, luxurious, lissom kiss upon her strangled lips. 3 (Henry James). And there, for all that, in Hie connection, became, at tho last moment, and with thn last Item of clarity, to his mind, clear, there, in tho end, for all his scrutiny and despair, he most assuredly was. Thing They Missed 1 Guinevere and Lancelot Never danced tho turkey-trot. o John Paul Jones and Zoroaster Never wore a porous piaster. 3 Socrates and Arlstotln Never used a baby's bottle Inside Stun" Margaret Dclaml's "Thn Hnnds of Esau." Just published, may bo nn Interesting novel, but "Thn Hands of TSfcaii." nppearlng thrice weekly In tho Kvenino Lkpoeh Is, ns Potash and Pcrlmuttcr say, nnothcr thing again No More Excuse for Living III order to popularize tho Corporation Crematorium, nt Crematorium Road, '. Corporation have decided as an experimental measuro to abolish the fees now charged fiii the uso of the Crematorium for one year Calcutta (India) Capital. THE BABBLING FOOL Tho American, tlm good American, knows that he lives In a free country, Is aa good as, or better than, any ono else, and Is not afraid of anything. He Is open-minded and ho isn't likely to fall for anything. His only superstitions aro: That ho Is Infinitely better than all for eigners. That kid gloves are womanish. That a captain of industry shouldn t d over four foot six, a "llttlo Napoleon." That the Declaration of Independence not only assured, but created liberty and tlia equality of man. That Now York is "a man's town, That Philadelphia Is "slow." That for a long, thin man to poke the eyes out of a bhort, fat man, on the stage, is the height of humor. That the city Is vicious and the country pure. . That George M. Cohan Is a greater dra matist than Shakespeare. That morality and cheerfulness are incom patlble. flr That going to college makes a man unnt for business success. ... That all for the best in this best of an possible worlds. That "society" doesn't talk the same lan guage he talks. That Bostonlans say "descending" when they mean "going down." . That refined people eay "limbs" Insteaa of "legs." That all Parisians are immoral That what ho reads in tha magazines ' bound to be true . That the Englishman's pronunciation ol "can't" is an affectation with Win A That it is wrong for a married ma " enjoy tha company of any woman cJfrJ" his wife. That he is armvtpiv and eternally r" from fi1lr-tl, t u iy lond .ii .. if tm nai-friiwl"!"
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers