H n CHURCHES LUTHERAN PASTOR WILL CELEBRATE GOLDEN JUBILEE The Rev. Dr. Francis for Fifty Years in Charge of Trinity Church at Eigh teenth and Wolf Streets. Tn celebration of the COth anniversary of the pastorate of the Hev. Dr. S. A. K, Francis, at Trinity Lutheran Church, ISth and Wolf streets, exeiclses have been arranged for tomorrow, and tho celebration will continue through until Thursday evening, when a reception will be given the aged clergyman at a "home coming" assembly. Doctor Francis will preach an historical sermon tomorrow morning, and In the evening Prof. Jacob Fry, of the Phila delphia Seminary, will speak. There will also be special music, and Frank II. Bovell will play violin solos. Tuesday the golden Jubilee services will be continued, when there will bo a meet ing at S o'clock, with addresses and music by Trinity Choir, assisted by the quartet of the Central North Broad Street Presbyterian Church. Wednesday evening will be observed as "neighbor hood night," and clergymen from neigh boring churches of all denominations 'nil! speak. Doctor Francis has the distinction of being the only Lutheran minister to hold rr-. THE REV. S. A. K. FRANCIS He has served as pastor of Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, 18th and Wolf streets, for 50 years. a charge at the same church for 50 con secutive years, and has had a remarkably successful career In the ministry. Ho was born April 14, J837, in Amity Town ship, Berks County. After being a teacher and receiving a preparatory course at Freeland Seminary, now Ursl nus College, which he entered In 1859. he pursued a course of study at Union Theo logical Seminary, New York, and later was graduated from the Gettysburg Semi nary. On October 23. 1S54, Doctor Francis took charge of Trinity Church and has con tinued as Its pastor to the present time. During his pastorate 2227 members have been enrolled. Ho has baptized 3138 In fants, has performed 1237 marriage ri. monies and attended 2500 funerals, 1500 of the deceased being buried In tho ceme tery adjoining the church. Doctor Francis has preached 5000 ser mons In addition to those mado at funerals and lectures. He has made 10.000 visits to his parishioners, and in making them ho traveled afoot more than 65,000 miles. Contributions during his pastorate exceed $62,000, and the church today Is tree of debt. METHODIST WEEK OF FEASTS Will Commenmorate 70th Anniver sary of Seventh Street Church. In celebration of tli 78th anniversary of the Seventh Street Methodist Episco pal Church, 1th and Norrls streets, a "week of feasts" has been planned to be gin tomorrow and continue through Sun day, October 25. The pastor, the Rev. Dr. R. E. Johnson, has left no stone un turned to make the celebration a mem orable one for the members of the con gregation. The Rev. Dr. Wallace Macilullln. a professor In Drew Seminary. Is to preach tomorrow morning and evening, and the Sunday school will hold anniversary ex ercises In the afternoon. On Monday evenine there Is tn h. grand class meeting tally, Tuesday eve rung a motion picture entertainment will be the feature, Wednesday evening Sam uel Shaw, treasurer of the Board of Homo Missions and Church Extension, la to be the speaker; Thursday evening the anniversary supper Is to be given, and on Friday evening there will be an elaborate program of music under the direction of O. B. C. Thomas. It is designated as irrand concert night" and the entertain ment is to be provided by the combined forces of the choirs of the church and Sunday school. PILGRIMAGE TO FARM SCHOOL Annual Succoth Observance to be Held There Tomorrow, The annual Succoth Pilgrimage to the National Farm School, near Doylestown, will be held tomorrow In conjunction with the annual meeting of the school officers. A special train will leave the Tteadlng Terminal at 9:30 o'clock and will stop for passengers at all way stations as far as Jenklntown. In honor of Dr. Joseph Krauskopf, who has again taken charge of the work of the school, the board has asked Doctor Krauskopf to be the principal speaker. Harry B. Hlrsh, who had charge of the institution during Doctor Krauskopf's sujourn abroad, will make his report, and an exceptional display of the products of the school farm will be shown. BT. VINCENT DE PAUL OUTINGS Society's Worfe Last Summer Most Successful In Its History. During the last summer 18S3 children jeere given outings of a week each In the country by the St. Vincent de Paul society. The Summer Outing Commit tee's report, which haa just been an nounced, shows that the season haa been one of the most Hiirceasful the or- xn'lt,on has ever had. The number of children, given free outing wu 560 1 ter tfesa Jut ye, Hkhh -e- i IWblBI AND THEIR XKfjc Jf denbly $atfj There Is not a person In the world whose life Is not followed as an ex ample by other people. This Is a fact that professing- Christians should al ways keep before them. It Is so easy for all of us to step out of the straight and narrow path ns wo pass through tho hurrying world. Feeling strong In our belief of God, we are apt to stray a little when an enticing temptation comes along and seems to offer somo sinful pleasuro to us. We believe no harm can como to ourselves In taking just one sip from tho sparkling brooklet of sinful en joyment. When our pleasure Is ended we shall forget It, and tomorrow we shall do some great good that will make up many times for our short comings. Perhaps! Tes, It may be possible for us to do so and thereby save our selves. But how about those who are fol lowing us as examples? -Possibly they may begin to live on the morrow as they saw us living today. And they may And the wayward path so easy that they may never come our way again. By living good, honest, God-fearing lives every day wo can bo certain that the weaker brothers and sisters, who watch us as their guides, will never stumble nnd fall in the brambles and be ensnared by sin from which they can never find an escape. There Is joy In finding men and women active In church work. All who can should be busy. But even tho inactive church members should re member that, by living such lives that those who follow their pathway are kept from the wilderness, they are 'dally preachers for good. The church's greatest enemies are those peoplo who fall to practice every day the things they, as members of God's army, are supposed to preach. PHILLIPS. CITY MISSION SUNDAY IN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES Special Services Will Be Held To morrow for Advancement of Cause. Tomorrow Is to be observed by Presby terian elerymen In all parts of the city as "City Mission Sunday," In tho Inter ests of the winter's campaign of the city mission and church extension work. In almost all the churches the pastors will pteach sermons on the city problem and to encourage the congregations to co operate with the campaign that Is being waged by the Philadelphia Presbytery. To further Increase Interest In tho home missionary work, a special meeting of the Presbytery Is to be held In Cnlvary Church, loth and Locust streets, on No- ember 9. There will bo afternoon and evening sessions and prominent elerymen and laymen will speak on the plans. Tho churches of this city are expected to contribute $40,000 as their share of tho general missionary budget of tho home missionary course. Of this sum 60 per cent is to be used for local work. It Is also hoped to obtain $100 000 to pay off mortgages on all missions and churches desiring assistance. SOCIALIST LITERARY SOCIETY Winter Course Will Open Tomorrow in Broad Street Theatre. The Socialist Literary Society will open Its annual series of winter meetings in the Broad Street Theatre tomorrow after noon at 3 o'clock. The speaker at this service will be Morris Hilqulst, chairman of the Socialist party of America, and secretary of the International Socialist Bureau. His subject will be "The Mis sion and Prospects of Socialism." There will be 22 lectures In the series, each of which will begin at 3 o'clock on Sunday afternoon. The list of speakers includes Dr. S. Woods Hutchinson, Charles Edward Russell, Prof. Charles Zueblln, Marlon Craig Wentworth, Re ginald Wright Kauffman and other well known writers and thinkers, who are leaders In the Socialistic movement In this country. RELIGIOUS BREVITIES There will be a special musical service In the Church of the Holy Apostles, 21st and Christian streets, tomorrow evening at 7.30 o'clock. Fred Lyman Wheeler will preside at the organ. Florence A. Wight man will be the harpist, and Hazel Hart man will give selections on the violin. The rector, the Rev. Dr. George Herbert Toop, will preach both morning and evening. The Rev. Dr. Clarence E. Slacartney, pastor of the Arch Street Presbyterian Church, will preach tomorrow morning on "Man's Rage and Ood's Reign," a ser mon suggested by tho European war. In the evening he will speak especially for young men. Previous to the evening ser vice Laura W. Grebe will give a re cital on the Turner memorial organ and the chorus will sing. In the Fourth Presbyterian Church, 47th street and Klngsesalng avenue, the Rev. Dr. John T. Reeve will speak tomorrow morning on "The Problem of the City," and In the evening on "Lessons from the War." "Billy" Sunday gospel hymns will be used at the evening service. The Rev. James R. Swain will preach tomorrow morning for children In the Woodland Presbyterian Church on "Bible Bears," and a senior sermou on "Christ and the City Crowd." In the evening his topic Is to be "What Is Conversion?" This sermon Is an advance discussion for the "Billy" Sunday campaign. "Brumbaugh's Three Safety's" will be the subject of a sermon to be preached by the Rev. Dr. J- Gray Bolton, pastor of Hope Presbyterian Church. In that church tomorrow evening at 7:45 o'clock. Old Folks' Day will be observed In the 20th Street Methodist Episcopal Church, 20th and Jefferson Btreets, tomorrow. Spe cial services have been arranged to begin at 10.30 o'clock In the morning. The pas tor's choir and the senior choir will fur nish special music. All aged persons at tending the services will be presented with flowers, and those unable to walk to the church will be provided with convey ances. Tho Rev Dr. D. M. Steele, rector of the Protestant Episcopal Church of St. Luke and the Epiphany, 13th street below Srruce, will give an address at the i o'clock musical service tomorrow after noon. The services have been attracting large congregations. The anthem to morrow will be Schubert's "The Omnip otence," with Mrs. J. W- Cook as visit ing soprano soloist The cellist is Bertrand A. Austin and the harpist is Dorothy Johnston Baseler. The first anniversary of the Bethany Anchorage, 303 North 9th street, will end with an elaborate program tomorrow night. A feature of the service will be the singing of the John C. Sayre quintet. The quintet last night gave an enjoyable entertainment tn the Seoond Baptist Church, 7th street below Glrard avenue. Confirmation appointments In the Epis copal Diocese of Pennsylvania for tomor row are as follows Bishop Rhlnelander at St. Peter's Church. Weldon, In the .Mamnnn! Bfshon Q&rland at thm ph.Ty.1 at Valley Forge la the roornlagi and at Gute& VM& la tb vtaiaa, EVENING LEDaEK-PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, OCTOBEB WORKERS - L ?. ' . i.. 'r vVi uwnir. . j-s'M ww. 3".."r . " i .jmwv;'' 4w i.', i..t-Xv,.'WwiAsitlX;;AW- AXM.ww3vAvVXWM&if-.'AJl OUR LADY OF MERCY ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH AND THE REV. G. P. COGHLAN O OUR LADY OF MERCY CELEBRATION TO BE HELD TOMORROW Twenty-fifth Anniversary of the Rector's Pastorate and of the Building of the Church. A' triple celebration Is to take place In the Catholic Church of Our Lady of Mercy, Broad street and Susquehanna avenue, tomorrow. The Rev. Gerald P. Coghlan, rector of the church, will cele brate his loth anniversary as pastor and the -!2d anniversary of his ordination, and the 25th anniversary of tho church edifice will also bo observed. With Archbishop Prendergast In attend ance as the guest of honor, a Solemn High Mass will be celebrated by the Rev, Mr. Coehlan In the morning. He will be assisted by the Rev.. M. V. Rclnlg and the Rev. William F. Gaughan, and the Rev. Charles W. Lyons, president of Bos ton College, will preach the sermon. In anticipation of this event the Interior of the church has undergone extensive repairs and has been completely reno vated. It Is one of the most beautiful In the archdiocese, and Its front looks much like the famous cathedral at Rhclms, which wa3 destroyod by German bombs a few weeks aso. The Rev. Mr. C. Coghlan has had a most successful career. He was born in Ireland at Foxford on July 4, 1S43, and, after receiving his early education In his homo diocese he came to America In 1S66. His education was completed In St. Charles Seminary, ana on October IS, 1872, he was ordained to the priesthood. After serving as an assistant In the Church of the Immaculate Conception and St. Mary's Church, Philadelphia, he went to Pottstown In 167S for four years. In 1SS3 he was made rector of St. Peter's Church, Reading, where he remained for seven years until he came to take charge of the Church of Our Lady of Mercy, The handsome church was completed after he came here, and during his pas torate there has also been built a beauti ful rectory and a convent, adjoining the church edifice. The congregation has grown during the 25 years the Rev. Mr. Coghlan has served as Its leader from 500 to more than 5000. A.J. DREXELBIDDLE WILL LEAD BIBLE CLASS RALLY Chief Speaker at Big Cincinnati Meeting October SS. A. J. Drexel Blddle, founder of the Drexel Blddle Bible Classes, will be the chief speaker In Cincinnati, O., on Sunday, October 25, when a whirlwind campaign will be Inaugurated In that city and vicinity. It Is planned to make the mass meeting that evening the largest the Bible classes have eve hld. More than 100 clergymen are to occupy seats on the plat' form, and it Is hoped to have more than 5000 persons In attendance Miss Ollwi May Wilson, the "Santa Claus Girl, and E. J. Rankin are to be the speakers at the Drexel Blddle class meeting at Plymouth Meeting tomorrow afternoon. CHURCH 95 YEARS OLD Anniversary Will Be Observed To morrow by Mariners' Congregation. Elaborate plans have been made by the Rev. Dr. H. Preston McHenry, pastor of the Mariners' Church of Philadelphia. Front and De Lancey streets, for the celebration of the 95th anniversary to morrow. In the morning the anniversary sermon will be preached by Doctor Mc Henry, and In the evening William H Berry, Collector of the Port of Phlladel phla, U to be the speaker. At both services a special program of music will be given. Mlsa Florence Prasch will sing a solo In the forenoon, and In the evening the soloists will be Mrs. H R. Wl'-son. Mrs. EllMieta. Peterson and H, Scott ilcUtnra RELIGIOUS - M III , I it "--pwwwwww--. rt J, J i WORKER AMONG LEPERS HERE FOR MONTH'S STAY Miss Johnson Will Speak at Many Churches. Miss Bertha G. Johnson, field secretary of the Mission to tho Lepers, has ar rived in this city for a month's stay in tho interests of the work. Sho will speak before many churches, Sunday schools, missionary and religious organizations. The work Is undenominational, and thcre foru Miss Johnson will speak In churches of all kinds. Her first address will bo made on the evening of October 21 at the Bethlehem Baptist Church, ISth and York streets. On Sunday, October 25, she will be at the services In Christ Evangelical Church, 12th and Oxford Btreets, from 11:30 a. m. until 12:30 p. m , and In the afternoon at 3 o'clock she Is to speak to the Sunday ichool at the Church of the Redeemer, 16th and Oxford streets. 1000 TRAIL-HITTERS COMING AS SUNDAY'S ADVANCE GUARD Will Occupy Pulpits of City Churches on October 25. There Is great enthusiasm among the majority of the church people of Phila delphia and vicinity in tho preparations for tho coming of "Billy" Sunday, the baseball evangelist, on January 3. This Is Indicated by the ready response the Rov. George G. Dowoy, advance agent for the great revival campaign, has re ceived to his call for 50,000 men In Bible classes for the preliminary work of the crmpalgn and by the many calls for Scranton "trall-hltters" to occupy pulpits on the Sunday of October 25. Not only do the Philadelphia church people ap peal for the privilege of hearlnir tho testimony of the converts of the Sunday campaign up-State, but requests for speakers have been received by Mr. Dowey from churches In Downlngtown, Woodbury, N. J.; Devon and many other towns In eastern Pennsylvania and Now Jersey. Tomorrow olght Mr. Dowey Is to pre sent his appeal for the support of the men In Olney and vicinity In the advance work at a big meeting to be held in the First Presbyterian Church, 3d street and Tabor road. This service Is also to mark the tenth anniversary of the "pleasant hour" meeting and the fourth anniver sary of tho Brotherhood of the church. On Monday night he will address the men of Roxborough and vicinity In the Loverlnston Presbyterian Church. Last night he spoke to the men of Kensington in the East Baptist Church. Already Mr. Dowey has assurances that more than 1000 "trall-hltter3" will be will ing to come here to occupy local pulpits on October 25. The plan is to bring the army of 1000 men to Philadelphia on a special train, every member of the crew of which is a Sunday convert. Tho train la to arrive at the Reading Terminal Just before nightfall next Saturday evening, so that the men may parade through Broad street and urute In singing some of the inspiring revival hymns used In tho Sunday meetings on the north plaza of the City Hall before dark A banquet will follow the demonstration In the arm oiy of the State Fenclbles, Broad and Vino streets Mr. Dowey will leave for Scranton on Tuesday night and will devote the re mainder of the week to the work of or ganizing his teams THE REV. GEORGE G. DOWEY The new general secretary of the PhiladelDhia County Sunday School Association, who is also advance agent for. "BiUy" Sunday's camsaisn a n- , aaaB:& I ' '' ACTIVITIES SUMY SCHOOL ASSOCIATION PLANS GREATEST RALLY Program for Annual Conven tion, Which Opens Here October 26, Includes Many Interesting Features. Advance plans for the 22d annual con vention of the Philadelphia County Sun day School Association, which is to be held In tho Messiah Lutheran Church, 16th nnd Jefferson streets, on October US, 27, 23 and 30, Indicates that It Is going to be one of the biggest meetings the or ganization has ever held. Every effort has been made by the offlcers to make It a rousing success as a means of en couragement to the Rev. George G. Dowey, the new general secretary, who has come hero to take chargo of the work In addition to the advance work for tho evangelistic campaign of the Rev. W. A Sunday. Tho first day Is to be "officers' day," i the second Is to bo "elomentary day," the I third "secondary division daV" and the fourth and last will be "convention and udult department day." BIBLE STUDY SESSIONS. The convention will open with a Bible study period on the afternoon of Oc tober 2i5, with the Rev. William L. Pet tlnglll as teacher. ThlB will be followed at 4 o'clock by the regular afternoon session, when tho Rev. A. E. Harris vlll preside. Speakers will Include Allan Sutherland, Thomas R. Patton, Alfred C. Garrett and A. Lincoln Hall. In tho evening tho speakers are to be the Rev. C. A Hauscr, Mrs. M. J. Baldwin, Miss Memo Brockway, Mrs. S. W. Layten and tho Rev. Linn Bowman. Wesley H. Hoot will preside. On Tuesday morning, October 27, Dr. F. W. Lango will be the teacher of the preliminary Bible study period, and Charles E. Beury will preside In the after noon. The Instructors for tho latter serv ice are to be Miss Ko&e Russell, Mrs. John Loman, Mrs. Emilie F. Kearney, Miss Cora N. Coates, Miss Josephine Kossler, Mrs M. J. Baldwin and others. In the evening Mrs. Robert N. Warning, of Newark, N. J will be one of the leading speakers, and conferences will be conducted by the Rev. Frank S. Dobbins, of tho American Baptist Foreign Mis sionary Society; Mrs. Baldwin. Mrs. War ing and Mrs. Ermlna L. Cooper, of Lans downe, O. R. Palmer will be the teacher at the Bible study session on the third day, and the speakers In the afternoon will include the Rev. Mr. Dowey. Harry E. Bartow, the Rev. E. Morris Ferguson and tho Rev. H. A. Musser. At 5 o'clock there will be an open conference, with Mrs. Emilie F. Kearney as leader. Walter O. Smith will preside Charles Frankenberger will preside In the evening, and the speakers will In clude Prof. Calvin O. Althouse, of the Central High School. Following tho reg ular meeting the delegates will dlvldo into conferences for boys' workers and girls' workers. Speakers at the boys' workers' conference will be George H Streaker and William Ellenberger, and those at the girls' workers' conference are to be Miss Constance Du Bois and Miss Daisy Dean. John Walton, the president of the asso ciation, will preside at the closing ses slont on Friday afternoon and even- ln A . n-.. , n ... ,wte. i tun juijiiuj at'SSIQU OJUCerS "HI be elected and tho annual reports n 111 be heard. This will be followed by a con ference on adult department work, when the speakers are to be the Rev. Dr. John A. Blair, tho Rev. Charles A. Oliver, su perintendent of teacher training for the Pennsylvania State Sabbath School Asso ciation, and Dr. Frank W. Lange, gen eral secretary of the Philadelphia School of the Bible. In the evening there will be a grand rally for "Billy" Sunday's campaign, when the Rev. Mr. Dowey Is to speak of the part the adult Bible classes can play In tho proposed revival. SUNDAY SCHOOL CENTENARY Observance Will Open Teachers' In stitute in Old Christ Church. A celebration of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Sunday school In the United States, in old Christ Church, 2d and Market streets, will open the 47th annual meeting and Teachers' Institute of the Sundav School Association of the Diocese of Pennsylvania, on Monday forenoon. On account of this celebration there will be no meeting of the Clerical Brotherhood tn the Church House, anJ virtually all the clergy, Including Bishop itnincianuer ana Hlshop Garland, will at tend the exercises in Christ Church. Tho Rev. Dr. Louis C. Washburn, rector of the church, will give a historical address. Holy Communion will also be observed. The remaining sessions of the meeting will be held In the Church of the Holy Apostles, 2lst and Christian streets. The services at that place will be opened by an address by Bishop Garland. A busi ness meeting will follow, and at its close there are to be sectional conferences. Bishop Garland will preside at a gen eral conference to convene at 4:13 o'clock, when addresses will be made bv Dr. Frank W. Lange, the Rev. Charles H. Boynton. of the General Theological Sem. inary, New York, and Dr. Enoch XV, Pearson, director of muslo In the Phila delphia public schools. In the evening Bishop Rhlnelander will preside, and the Rev. George H. Toop, lector of the Church of the Holy Apostles, and the Rev. Charles S. Lewis, rector of St. Mars's Church, Burlington, N. J., will speak. NEW EPISCOPAL CHURCH Parish of St, Simon the Cyrenlan Will Be Dedicated Tomorrow, The beautiful new Protestant Episcopal Church of SL Simon the Cyrenlan. 22d and Reed streets, erected for the use of the Negroes of South Philadelphia, is to ba dedicated tomorrow by Bishon Rhine. lander. The dedicatory services wilj take place in the morning, and the Rev. John R. Logan, rector, hat, made elaborate preparations for them. The church cost about $25,000, and Is one of the finest Episcopal church for Negroes in the Diocese of Pennsylvania. Y. M. C. A. MEETINGS "The Optimist A Winning Point of View." will be the subject of an address to be made at the men's meeting In the Central Y. M. C. A. tomorrow afternoon at 4 o'clock by City Statistician Edward J Cattell Tha Drop-In Bible Study Class at 3 15, win discuss the subject "How and Whom Plan Will Enrich." under tha leadership of Thomas L. Lawton The Rev Forrest E. Dager, pastor of SL Paul s Reformed Episcopal Church, will be the speaker at tha West Branch meetiik at i o'clock. HU subject will b ' Ma-kiss th Most of Myself." 17, 1914, OF ALL DENOMINATIONS THE REV. CHRIS G. COPPEL Young Methodist clergyman who is causing an upbuilding revolution at Narberth, on the Main Line. "HUMANE SUNDAY" PLAN GAINS IN ITS SCOPE Two More Organizations Join Forces With Movement. With tho addition of two more organi zations to tho committee that Is plan ning for the observance In the church of Pennsylvania on Sunday of the first "Hu mane Sunday," on October 23, the pro moters of the movement are feeling greatly encouraged. Encouraging also are the assurances of support that have como to them from clergymen throughout this city and from many of the ministers up-State. Among the prominent denominational leaders who have given the observance their approval are Archbishop Prendor gast, of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Philadelphia; Bishop Suffragan Gar land, of the Protestant Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania, and the Rov. Dr. Rufus W. Miller, of the Reformed Church In America. In the appeal sent to clergymen the fol lowing is a striking paragraph whlcn points out the purpose of the observ ance: "Wo urge you to use now the full weight of your spiritual and Intellectual authority to help this effort to stem the tide of materialism and selfishness which Is characteristic of these times, and, by pointing out the virtue and blessing of doing and thinking and feeling for others, among them, 'even the least of these,' the dumb animals, to turn the hearts and minds of your hearers to the living spirit and practice of Christianity." Additional organizations taking part In the movement, besides those already pub lished, are the Pennsylvania S. P. C. A. and the Philadelphia Housing Commis sion. BENEFIT FOB FOOR MISSION A benefit entertainment is to be given on Sunday evening, October 23, for the assistance of the poor mission of Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament. Broad street, above Falrmount avenue. In Nix on's Grand Opera House. John W. Hart will provide a motion picture show and prominent soloists' and musicians will participate in the program. Admission will be flee and the offering will go for the aid of the mission RELIGIOUS NOTICES Baptist CHESTNUT STREET BAPTIST CHURCH Chtnut t. west of 40th. JDORGE r ADAMS D. D Pastor. t 4S Brotherhood of A and P 10 "!0 a m Worship and Sermon by Pastor. 2 "O p. m. Blblo School and M-n's Bible TTnlon. 7. 15 p. m. Worship and Sermon by Faatort FIFTH BAPTIST CHI'RCH Spring Garden and ISth sts. Ro. W Qua Rosselle Ph n . D. D. Pastor 10 SO a. m . "Spiritual Release " 7 4r p m . Presentation o; Amer ican FlaK Fen ice Frnnclavlllo Council, No. S7. of Independent Americans. SEi.TlND BAPTIST HELPING HAND fLASS Meets 2 .',0. 7th below Glrard ne John C Sayn, Leader Saturday Night. Bethany Anchorage Celebration continued at Galilee Mission Mrs. Arne and Mrs Hlnckler will sins. Sundav Night, at Galilee Mls'ion. D.irien nr,l Vine sti Fire Marshal Elliott and Mrs McCausland and John C. Sayre. Speakers. Quintet nil! sing BAPTIST-TEMPLE Broad and Berks. RUSSELL H CONWELL Pastor. Morning. 10 30 Bible School. 2 30. Evn'E.7'30 nntVIN EVANS And his cornet quartet will asslBt the Chorus at the Evening Services. Dr Convicll will preach morning and evg Organ Recital. Wm. Poncll Twaddell, Mu elcal Director and Organist. Congregational CENTRAL 18th and Green Rev. W. V. Berg, Pastor. Services 11 a. m. and 8 r m Blblo School 0 45 a m. "The Church with the Junior t.ongreganon Drexel Diddle ninle Clares DRFXEL BIDDLE BIBLE CLASSES Our Social. Athletic and Educational features are used as the means of presenting the op portunity for Christian service to those who cannot be reached by other methods of ap peal. General Offices, 1017 Mt. Vernon street. Frankll n Home FRANKLIN HOME FOR THE PREFORM A -TION OF INEBRIATES. 011-113 Locust st Sundays S Service conducted bv w. H Crown, tac'y. West Branrh. Y M. C A Lutheran MESSIAH LUTHERAN . "The Friendly Church," 16th and Jefferson sts. DANIEL F. WEIGLE. Pastor, will preach in "O a m , T 41 i. m. Bible School. 2 30 p. m. F. Nevln Wlest, cornet tololst. 7 IS p m -THE PHILADELPHIA CORNET QUARTET Sermon "THH POWER OF INTELLI GKNCE " TEMPLE, .2d and Pace Rev A. Pohlman, M D . 10 VI a m . 2 10 and 741. TABERNACLE. S'h and Spruce Wm. J. Mil ler. Jr.. 10 4S, 7 41 S S . 2 30 p m. Melhndlt Episcopal THE FIRST MH HODIST CHURCH IN OERMANTOWN CHARLES WESLEY" BURNS, Minister. DOCTOR BURNS PREACHES MORNING and EVENINO Music bv vested Boy Choir Welcome. PARK AVENUE CHURCH Paik ave. and Norrls st Re ROBERT BAGNELL, D D Minister. 10 30 "GOD'S CALL TO HEROISM " 7 45 "THE WINNING SPIRIT." 7 HO Orsan Recital. 2 'i DR. BAGNELIS BIBLE CLASS FOR MEN. MUSICAL FEATURES of the day Include ra lections by th Quartet, a VIOLIN SOLO by MRS NINA iRETTVMAN HOWELL and SOLOS AT BOTH SERVICES BY MISS JULIA B ROBINSON. The tolo In the even ing to bo with violin accompaniment This it Miss Robinson's last Sunday with Park Ave Church snvENTH ST . 7th and Nonis. R. E; Johnson. 78th annrverssry, October 18-23. 10 30 and T 4S Rev Wallace MacMullen. D P chair of borolletlcs. Drew Theological Seminary Specials all the week Orand spectacular con cert Friday. October 23. Soldlero' Chorus and other features. inmul suDDer Thursday nlfht- Speclals by combined choirs. Prof. George B C Thomas. Director TABERNACLE. 11th bel Oxford. A. E Crow ell. 10 0. "Th Mletery of the Changed rfatsa . i j. ine f irsi nignt From Home. New Jerusalem (Swedenborglanl INNER AND OUTER COMMUNION" la the subject of the sermon Sunday morning br the Pastor, the Rev. Charlca W Htrvoy, at tho Church of the New Jerusalem. 22d and Chestnut sts. Sen tee at 11 o'clock. Sunday School at 8 30. All seats are fre. Every body Is welcome. Communion after th morning atrvice Presbjterla.li THE FOURTH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ' ' Foutl 47th st and Klngseeslng ave Minister The Rev JOHN T REEVB, D D. 10 45 a in -Tho Problem of the . Ity " 7 45 p m 'Lessons from the War '" "PJft.SPSWISF?? "U'rch, Minister. Rev J. a"RAT BOLTON D D Kjv'JLtlAM TAYLOR tLDW ELC AT- VtX m mn"Ro CWU ul Preach. ..?.& ;B,vv9r..StM- 6ublt. 'Brum. 15 YOUNG PASTOR AT NARBERTH HAS REMARKABLE SUCCESS The Rev. Chris O. Koppel Praised by Methodist Episcopal Iieaders. The Rev. Chris G Koppel, a young pastor In charge of the Methodlei Epis copal Church In Narbeth, has had such remarkable nueeess since he took, charge of tho work on the Main Line that n4 has been pralspd by the leaders of his denomination in the Philadelphia confer ence. He assumed charge of the church earlj In July of this year, at the request of Bishop Berry, who wanted to send soma young man there who would build tip the work. For tho last 20 years the growth of the congregation had been painfully plow, to quote the official organ of Methodism In the East. But during tho last three months more members have been added than were ever received Into the church during the same length of time. Mr Koppel has added 21 adult members to the church roll, has Increased the en rollment of the Sunday school by 54 pupils and the voung people's society has doubled its membership Tho material prosperity has also been increasing, and several hundred dollars were spent dur ing the summer for Improvements to tho church and parsonagr. The Rov. Mr. Koppel went to Narberth from Morrlsvllle, Pn. nr.Lioiot's NOTICES rrohytprlan THE ARCH STREET PRESUYTERIAN CHURCH. 15th and Arch. Rev. CURENCE EDWARD MACARTNET ulll prrnch. 10 45 "MAN'S RAGE AND GOD'S REIGN" 8 00 p. m. "THE SWORD OF GOLIATH " A Sermon for Young Men 7 :4S Recital on the Turner Memorial Organ. (a.) Allegro, MondelHohn. (h) Fantasia, Sllaj. (c) Magniflcit In F, Slmpsin. NORTHMINSTER CHURCH 31th and DarlnE sts. W. COURTLAND ROBINSON, D. D , Paator. Music by a superior Quartet and Organ. 10:00 Brotherhood Meeting. All men Invited. ID '45 PUBLIC WORSHIP WITH SERMON. 2 30 Bible School (ulth graded classes). ,.15 Christian Endeaor Society. 5:00 Doctor Robinson continues series on "Things We Are Up Against." ORGAN RECITAL, 7:J5. "Shepherds' Song" Markel "Largo" Handel STRANGERS ARE CORDIALLY INVITED. ST PAUL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Baltimore ave . cor. fiOth st. Rev. J. BEVERIDGE LEE. D. D.. Minister. 10 45 a m Public Worship 2 30 p. m Graded Blbla School. 7 15 p. ra. Evening Worship Dr. Lea will preach morninir and evening-. Mu?lc by solo quartet choir. All seats tree. SCOTS CHURCH. Broad St. below Morris at. D. STUART MOORE. D D., Mlnlator. 10 30 "Buying Up the Opportunity." 7 45 "Onlv a Touch " TABERNACLE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Chestnut and 37th. Tha Minister, Rov. JOHN ALLAN BLAIR. D D . will preaen. 11 a m. "Christ and the City." S p. m. "Benars Lest You Forget God" A cordial welcome extended to all. WOODLAND PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. 4!d and Pine streets Re JAS RAMSAY SWAIN. Minister. 10 SO Brotherhood 11 00 Worship. Clii'dren's Sermon. "BIBL3 BEARS " Senior Sermon. "CHRIST AND THE CITY CROWD." 2 45 Bible School New scholars Inrlted. S 00 Worship Sermon. "WHAT IS CON VERSION'" If you nr looking for a church homa, "Come thou and all thy house." rrotestant Kplscopal PARISH OF ST. LUKE AND THE EPIPH- 13th street below Spruce. Rev. DAVID M. STEELE, Rector. s a m. Holy Communion. 10 a. m. Sundav School. 11 a. m. Morning Prajer and Sermon. 4 p. m -Evening Prayer. Anthem and Ad dress. Orian, harp and 'cello prelude, interlude. and rostludc. Mrs, J. W. cook. Soprano soloist. Tho Rector will preach at both services. EPIPHANY CHAPEL. l,th and Summer streets, s a. m. Holy Communion. o .ia-.,mMLrn'ne p"'er and Sermon. 2 45 p. m Sundav School VjJI TnT-vlS"1". ?.raAer and Sermon. Rev. IR ING A. McGREW win preach. oT. ANDREW'S Sth above Spruce. Men of the Ne Testament" : m ""'leoderous. the Midnight Seeker ' Old Testament Scenes" Sp m The Tower of Babel." ST. GEORGE'S 61st, and Hasel ae-Rev. O' La Tla Snijth1T30.ip3rt and 7:30 ST. JOHN S, Brown below 3d Dr. Richmond proacstororrovi- in 10. 7 is. ST. MARK'S CHURCH- loth and Locust streets. Tha Rev ELLIOT WHITE. Rector. ?A"Aa, '., ani A- Jioly Communion. 10 on. ilatlns. 11. Choral Eucharist, and 3 P. .m" Choral Evensong Dally. 7, , 13 and 0 a. m and 8 p. m. The Rector will ba the preacher on Sunday , 11 s. In ?!,,edJm'iV anA rtlday at 12 m the peace made intercessions for Reformed rHS5'.Ni.aA.UI5t.t!,';1 Dauphin. Pev. John D. Hlcks1Pator;jo30 and S. S. S.. 2 30. HEIDELBERG lUth and Oxford ti; " Dr. Zartman services, lo jo. a ao. 7 43 Refortni-d Episcopal 01 '"REDEEMER 10th and Oxford sts jtiit'sll'S E. HARNETT. D D.. Rector. Hare Festival. 10 30. 3 00. S.00 Sglff,TBffl,ft.,h Blbl9 a Da0rou, JwclaJULIterary Society SEVENTH SEASON OF PUBLlfTLECTUREB begins Sunday. October ISth. 3 p. m. at BroSri T,he;""- Speaker Morris HUqult. fn , The MlfSion. and Prospects of Social. li"J. Music b an den Beemt String Quar, ''; Propectus on request of JI1 K. Phelps. Secretary H3 N. 4th t. Spiritualist "?,:.i.,zol'y5n. LES "ILL CONDUCT meetings. Sunday evening S o'clock. 132S Columbia ave. German and English; Snedenborglan SEE NEW j"ERV SALEM. lullarlan FtR3T NiTA,RlA.N 2'2'i Chestnut street S?v c-eEC s,'- Jftn- Minister 10 a. mTT Sunday School It a. m . the Minister will preach on Our Noblest Wth." 7 30 p. m.. inrefa!la,rajianU A" "' w,li G1RARD AVE (1520) Rev K.E Bans. 10 43! "trnest Rjnan' 7 4-s Prof. Jaho liwdi Oen. D Bransun WHY Nations Flghtr" Tuea. ee ;'B,lglurnJIllut All wlcoma. United Brethren SfO'D CHURCH. 56th and Catliarijifc S C ENK. P. D . 11. S S. 3.. 2.30. United PresbTteriau -f THE NORRIS SQUARE U P CHURCH ' Hancock at and Susquehanna ate. Rev LEE E RIFE, ra.tor 10 45 k a. Sermon by Rov, CbarUs R, Watson. V. D 2 30 p. m Sabbath School 7 45 p m Theme T orld s. Llfo." InlversaJUt CHURCH OF THE RESTORATION, Waste bel 17th at John clarence Le. D D : 10.45 worship, sermon , 2 30. Sunday School. Young Men' Christian Association DR. EDWARD J CATTELL, tha OpUmUtl' a breeiy address by PhlUdslphla's great orator, Sunday, 4 p m. Central Branch. 1421 Arch st Drop-in tlui In the lobby 3 i a . Thomas L. Laton. leader AH men wefc come. WEST BRANCH. 52 and fcaaim tZ.p ro Address by Rev Forrest E Dr Busi t Malting to,' Most of Mlf Hewy W Lew, Eoa 'Ltader, BUJy BuaJiy Hyuanj I i I fa iy 4 m
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