MMMl VENI NIGHT lai I If ft VOL. I NO. 38 PIirLADJSLPIIIA, SATUItDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1914. PRICE ONE OJDNTj NIHT TP EXTRA A-J T JT'TIT'TI LAST WILD EFFORT TODAY TO LINE UP PENROSE-RUM VOTE Every Liquor Dealer in City Ordered to Get His Friends to Register to "Protect His Income." "Near Throats" From Broworics for Rank and File in McNichoI's Tenderloin, Where Saloon IVion Have Not Been Working Hard. The allied liquor Interests and Pen-rose-McNIchol-Vnre machine nro making today their last attempt to bolster up the tottering machine thnt will flsht against antl-llquor legislation In Penn sylvania. With liquor dealers anil brew ers, and with Republican Oi sanitation henchmen at the hejm, the organization that has fattened under the spoils sys tem Is making a tremendous effort to bring out n large registration. The Retail Liquor Dealers' Association yesterday made Its last prcllmlnaiy ar rangements for today. It srnt letters to every liquor dealer In Philadelphia, uig Infr them to get tholr fi lends to register. "Do not overlook that this Saturday Is the last day for icglstratlon." tho Pen rose literature said. "Inquire of your friends if they are alieady leglstcrcd. If not, line them up to register Satur daj " No details were given as to how to "line up" the saloon oto for Penrose. The lctteY, which was one of a series that has been sent out by the Mquor Dcnleis' Association since Senator Pen rose announced his candidacy, called upon nil saloonkeepers and bottlers In Phlla de'phla to attend a meeting tomorrow af ternoon, at which the liquor Interests are evpei ted to "i-iko stock" and deter mine their assets In tho way of prob able pio-llquor otos. Ine most important stage of the bitter figh that has been waged by the liquor lute fts will end tonight, when tho pulls will r'nte and the registration books will not be opened again this fall. SEW. THRKATS" PROM BREWIIRICS. Si nv "f the llteratuie that has ben UFtI In till campaign bears "near thir ts' to Induce every saloonkccrer, ci i ill' . to Juln In tho tight to assist l'un.lUte P'tfi-'os'. Tif- oiange ticket," which admitted the mi Titiers of tho Inner circle of tho lliiu r irm's council to tho meeting held In th I'agles' Temple, at Broad and Snrli fi iisrdm stnets. last Tuesday af tein." n hud one rf the "near throat" at t'i. t ip and another at tho bottom. At the tup of the ticket appeared this quiiv u Miittn 'All those that are not wi h us are against us.' Will you bo with us I nif" Thp hrewerlos that control many of the col 'lis in Philadelphia and that control fit f 'rtunes of most of tho saloon-kef-pi used thir influence by signing this ite .i the bottom of tho tickets: We pn.ltlv-lv insist that you attend this n eeiiug. (Flgned) Brcwt-n ' TbK v ir! wna sent out by Frederick I.. Glohser.'lal secretary of the Liquor Dealers' Association of the Third Sena torla D'strlct, Stnto Senator James P. JlrVich.'l s bailiwick. It was sent to ever h .'.o'lnkt-cper In the 6th, 6th, 10th, 11th :th. 12th, Hth. lftb and IKth wards, whir-h imprlse tin- former "Tenderloin" and tl surrounding districts, where Mc Klehu, hns his strength RRBUKUD OV CIRCULAR. All of the liquor dealers In the Mc Ntchol stronghold, however, have ap pal ently not been working hard enough In tho Interest of Candidate Penrose. This was evidenced by a circular letter ncnt by Gloseer to every brewer, dis tiller, wholesaler, buttl'r and retail dealer Jn the district on September 15. The let ter notified them of the meeting hold last Tuesday, and rebuki'd them for not hnv- Jng attended previous meetings. After calling upon the liquor dealers to rally and "piotcct their Incomes," the letter said "If ou fall to attend the above meet ing we shall consider that you are nt,alnst us In this cause, and your name will be placed upon the uonactlve list. pon't fall to be present." The words "against us" and "non t.tive list wire printed in capital let ters (ilosser explained that the associa tion meant by these threats that uny liquor dealers who did not attend tint meetings would be dropptd from mem bership In tho association. None wa" dropped at the meeting last Tuesday, he said But If they align themselves 'against' Sou. will the association light ihem?" he was asked. We will have to fight every one who Is against us." he said. No open war -would be waged among the liquor deal ers, he said, through the lefusal of some to Join In the support of Penrose. "Hut tome of tnem might run for the I.eglo Jature. or want our support In some cither way some time," he added. EXTERMINATION OF FRENCH ANTICIPATION IN BERLIN Newspaper Aleady Sees Destruction of Foe's Army. IinitLlN. Oct 3 (ispaU'hes from the western battle fl id seem very encouraging." sajs the I.jKut vnelger. "Aliead It's possible to aritb ipnte the entire destruction of the Kicmh army. The German soldiers are flhnos with the grandest bravery." ssw; FA I Fv. WEATHER FORECAST -For I'lnfailetpi-ta and vicinity- rfi'j c'oudy tovjht andS'tnd'ty, t'h rrj"e"s, to eo'it $4 j uy It' PROOF Do not registration. registered': if Do not O FORCED TO QUIT U. 8, SAYS A. RUSTEM BEY, FIRING PARTING SHOT Turkish Ambassador, in Dis favor With Administration, Claims Moral Right for Adverse Interviews. WASHINGTON", Oct. 3. As n. "parting shot" at tho Administration before leav ing Washington, A. Rustem Bey. Turk ish Ambassador, Issued another state ment, madf public today, virtually de claring he was forced out of Washing ton besnuse of tho view tnken by Ad ministration officials of his reeont state mnt calling attention to American lyuch iiiga. The Ambassador was In New York to day on "leave of absence." lie Is not expected to return. "I am quitting tho United States on leave of absence," was tho statement nt tiibuted to the Ambassador as published hete today upon tho eve of hi depar ture. "I am taking this step on my own Initiative bb a result of tho view taken by the Government of tho United States of the statement made by me Septem ber 18. "Sly Government, with which I have been unable to communicate, has yet to formulate Its own view of my action. "What Is the point? It Is whether a foreign representative may refer In print to excesses of a serious nature taking place occasionally In the country to widen, he Is accredited. "My reply Is that In principle he may not, but that If the local press Is con stantly reminding the public It serves, not Infrequently In the most unneces sary language, of excesses of a some what similar nature with which his coun try has had to reproach itsilf; when the authorities aie powerless or do nut cam to put a stop to these attacks; when they continue In a time of unparalleled crisis, when tight natlonB aro at wnr and the others, In a state of dangerous excitement, then I say that representative has doubly the right to direct attention of those fallings of the nation In whose midst he lives, fallings which place It, in one re spect, on a par with hU own, since by doing so he Is defending the latter, which Is ids oltlclal duty, and is also making an effort to prevent Berious mischief, which Is his moral duty. "I cannot admit that such a comparison undertaken In such a spirit that Is, en tirely devoid of malice Is an offense to a nation, "I have received close upon 100 loiters from Americans, mostly natives, women as well as men, among the latter profes sors of universities, law) era. publicists and Journalists, commending my attltudo In strong and flattering terms " The World's Series FROM THE INSIDE Basebal. enthusiasts want to know the "inside stuff." Only the "insider" can tell it with authority. Eddie Collins WILL TELL IT to all readers of 1HE EVENING LEDGER Send your order to your news dealer early for copjfs of The Eve nine Ledger thrcugajjrt the world's rharoplonthip seri jr P I OK RUM'S FIGHT FOR " in union innnii ib sTnnNcm.' aiiunMM ' Inlaticlpljta detail Htquor dealers' tooctatton AI'OM.O ll.vnt,, 1730 NOUTII DROAD BIIIBBT oPFion of tun hbcohdiko mtcntrrAnv gkokob soni)i:n.BNu walnut BTitEETrt" pbltauclpbfa, Sept. 29, '14 Fellow Liquor Dealer: The regular mooting of this Association will be hold at Apollo Hall, 1726 N. Broad St., Sunday, Oct. 4th, 2.30 p.m. As the vacation season is now over, wo would urge each retailer in the county to awaken, and roalizo the serious situation that our business is in at this time. Possibly your continuance in businoss will bo in Jeop ardy afte"r this fall olootion, unless all tho individuals interested in our businoss tako an active part. Our opposition has boon successful in having tho two political bodies, whoso platforms are positively against U3, to unite in an offort to oloct oandldatos opposed to us so wo hopo that you will do your share of tho missionary work to offset the efforts Aof our fanatical opposition. overlook that THIS SATURDAY is Inquiro of your rrionas n cnoy navo airoaayv not, line thorn up for registration Saturday I forgot tho meeting Sunday. Yours respectfully, JHO. B. LOGAN, GEO. SOBDER, President Roc. Secretary p. s. We have a representative on the street in tho person of Thos. J. Nestor, whose duties are to solicit mom-, borship and collect duos.' If you cannot attend the coming meeting and dosiro representative to call, drop a card to tho Secretary. MOTTO: "ALL those that are not with us are against us." WILL YOU BE WITH LIS OR NOT? This card will admit bearer to a Special Meeting on Tuesday, September 29th, 1914, at 2:30 P. M at Eagles' Temple, 1336 Spring Garden Street. Name . Address . .-. .. ... Basimss-RETAIL Representative We positively insist lhat you attend this meeting. Don't Fail to Register! Today Your Last Chance! Be a good citizcnl Register today 1 Half of the last opportunity to register for the November election pasbcd when the polls closed at 10 o'clock tins morning. You must be registered if you are to vote against Penrose on No vember 3. Your last chance to qualify to vote tilts fall will be this afternoon and tonight. The polls will reopen at 4 o'clock and remain open until 10 o'clock tonight, in order to giie every citizen an opportunity to qualify to vote. Nearly 200,000 electors did not register on the first two registra tion days. This is more than one half of the citizens vvhosc names are on the assessors' lisjs. Poll tax receipts can be pur chased at the polls today. Party enrolment is not neces sary. Register this afternoon or to night. Failure to do so is failure to ob serve the most important of all civic duties. CANCER IS CURABLE, DOCTOR MAYO SAYS, IF TREATED IN TIME Famous Surgeon Tells Min nesota Medical Association Disease May Be Arrested in Early Stages, 51INNEAPOLIB. Oct. 3. Membeis of the Minnesota State Medical Association manifested today a great deal of Inter est In the paper read before the asso ciation by Dr. W. J. Mao, of the, famous Mayor brothers, of Rochester, Minn., Jn whtch he asserted that cancer Is curable if treutcd in Us early stages, lie de clared the dlseabo Is not hereditary, so fur as medical science knows. "The Cancer Problem" waa the kub Ject of his paper. Any person having symptoms that might indicate cancer, any persisting ab normal swelling, whether painful or not, should consult a physician early und thus give opportunity for treatment that might be efficacious In case cancer were pres ent, said Doctor Mayo, ik held that ef fective treatment of cancer at present was distinctly surgical, and thtt cour ageous treatment early would result in effecting cures in man) cases, whereas delay caused that treatment to fail, lie said surgkal s lence bad borne unjust jr'ponsib) Jty for many fatal tlci because PiBktivo treatment had teen git en when tiidiaeae waa beyond, cure PENROSE the last day fori w Ward- TH Brewery. FRANKLIN FIELD SCENE OF MERRY GRIDIRON TEST Penn and Franklin and Mar shall Elevens Primed for the Hardest Sort of Play This Afternoon. By EDWAItD R. BUSHNELL FRANKMN FIEI,D. Oct. 3. With Us forward line weakened by Injuries, where two substitutes roplaced two Injured veterani, and with three new men In tho back field tho University of Pennsylvania football team went forth to battle this afternoon against Franklin nnd Marshall College, a team which last year held the Tied and Bluo to a score of 13-6. It was rather warm weather for good football, tho thermometer registering many degrees higher than when the Quakers opened tho season a week ago. These facts, together with tho known strength of the Lancaster collegians, mnilo up almost entirely of veteran ma terial from last year, gave the Quaker coaches bomo concern in advance of tho same. Although tho coaches made an un usually big shift In their line-up it v,aa rjufstionablo whether or not they had weakened their team, if the Hue was weakened by the loss of Itu&bell at guard through an Injury to his elbow and the substitution there of Popper, and the further necessity of using Hopkins at end in place of Matthews, tho strength ening of the back field gave the team moro power In Its attack. The coaches looked forward to the work of the backs with great Interest, particularly the work of llalluu at quarterback. They gave this post to Ifdllou because he is a good Individual player and likewise because he Is always cool under lire. Avery has always been a logical choleo at one halfback. Ho didn't start here against Gettysburg (Imply because ha had not been out for tho team long enough to become hirdened. Nuw that lie Is In shape tho conches expect him to hold his position securely Tucker at the other halfback Is an experiment, but one the coaches think will be suc cessful. The visiting team reached the city during the forenoon and went to their hotel fur a light lunch. Coach Mayser belittled the chances of his team to Mn oi either to score. The Franklin and Marshall warriors reached Franklin Field nn hour before the game and hastened to the training quarters to dress for the game. SEARCH FOR BRITISH AIRMEN Fears for Lieutenants On North Sea Expedition. LONDON, Oct 3 -Flie hjdroplanes a"d aeroplanes today set cut en a. 8ariH for ueuunanis vercon ana 'Asi. of tho naval flying corps, who left fir a flight ot er the North Hta. en Tuesday and pave not oeca seen or aeara irem4gm POWDER EXPLOSION TAKES THREE LIVES; 37 PERSONS INJURED Magazine of Fireworks Com pany in Jersey City Blows Up Buildings Five Miles Away Rocked. All Fire, Police and Hospital Ap paratus in City Rushed to Scene Gross Negligence Blamed for Mishap. JEKSIJY CITY, Oct. 3. Three men wcro blown to pieces, seven wcro severely Injured nnd 30 persona suffered minor Injuries when the magazine adjoining the plnnt of tho Dctwiller & Street Fire woiks Manufacturing Company, at West Third avenue and the Morris canal, this city, exploded a few minutes before 11 o'clock today. Windows within nn nrcn of ten blocks nnd buildings five miles away wero rocked by the force of tho explosion. The known dead arc: CHRISTIAN PKKirFEIt. Jersey City. JIAX ZIMMint.MAN, Jersey City. AUTIIUR KINN. Jersey City. Seven of the Injured uro In hospltnls, 30 turret cd minor lnjuilcs and one Pole Is missing. Tho explosion originated In a powder magazine a few feet distant from tho main factory and was due, the police said, to gross negligence. John Andrlos, manager of tho plant, Is held pending nn Investigation. Tho nolso was heard throughout Jersey City, Bayonnc, Hobo ken nnd New York. People rushed Into the street fearing an earthquake. Tho Hubert Giiflln Novelty Manufactur ing Company, a block away, suffered only second In extent to the fireworks plant Itself. The walls of tho novelty factory rocked and settled several Inches from the fearful concusslun. Fire, police nnd hospital apparatus from all parts of tho city came quickly to tho scone, nnd the rapid work of the city cmplojcs did much to forestall a panic nmong tho excited relatives of tho workmen. Spectators from nearby towns hurried to tho scone, and the police had their hands full keeping back curiosity Beckers. Tho firemen did good work in prevent ing tho sprend of tho flames and aided In rescuing the Injured from tho ruins. Ambulances- from ovcry hospital In Jer sey City and Hoboken wcro pressed Into service to carrj'vaway tho Injured. Tho Detwlllcr & street Fltcworks Manu facturing Company Is a New York cor poration, capitalized at $100,000, with their main offices in the Woolworth Huildlng. Edward 13. C.indce Is president nnd Chniles a. Street secretary. The other directors aro Edward Packard and John O. Stanton. PENROSE'S PORTRAIT GETS FREE BATH IN WHISKY Bottle Explodes and Drenches Candi date's Picture in Polling Place. A photograph of Senator Fenroso was bathed with whisky this morning In tho polling place of tho 12th Division of the Hth Wnrd. The bath was nn accidental one. The picture of tho Senator wns supported by bottles of various lliuors. A bottle of whisky blew out tho cork, as whisky will sometimes do when over heated. When the cork blew from the bottle's neck a stream of whisky shot upward over the picture of the Senator. Election ofllcers heard the cork pop, but thought little of It. They also hmelled tho perfume of whisky, but they paid little attention to It also, for the odor Is not unfamiliar about n polling place. Men standing at Olive nnd Twelfth Streots weiu quick to see tho liquor going to waste. They made n complaint to the election clerks. Tho whisky was mopped up and a new picture of Senator Penrose was substituted for the marred ono. The polling plnco Is in tho wholesale liquor store of George Ulngcle, 715 North Twelfth Btreet. There were bottles all about the election ofllcers. They were backed by whisky, wine and beer. Some of the officers had a bottle for their own use. Those who had a bottle stated that It contained ginger ale. BANK'S DOORS ARE CLOSED WHEN PRESIDENT ENDS LIFE West Pullman Institution Executive Found in Gas-filled Boom. CHICAGO, Oct 3.-Following the finding of the body of Charles D. Rounds, presi dent of the AVest Pullman State Hank, In a gas-flllcd room In the rear of the Insti tution, early today. State Examiner Dan iel Harklns closed the bank. Tho Institution had W.COO deposits at tho time of Its last statement. Cashier Henry Paul said that the bank was sol. vent and that Mr. Hounds ended his life bemuse of III health. SPURS SERVICE COMMISSION Cooke Asks for Haste in Authorizing Richmond Improvements, The Public Service Commission will hold a hearing on the opening of Tulip and Emerald streets under the Itlchmond bianch of the Philadelphia and Reading Rallwa, next Thursday morning, at Hnrrlsburg. Director Cooke, In discussing the street openings and elimination of grade cross ings in the Richmond section, today said there was a gieut public demand for the improvement, and that ho Knew of no rtuscm why it should further be held up. Work will be started as soon as the un dertaking is authorized by the Commis sion. WAR HELPS EXPORTERS HERE Philadelphia Firms Start Campaign in South America and Far East, As a lesult of the European war Phila delphia manufacturers of horse-drawn vehicles hate started a business cam paign In South America. lirazll alone last year Imported nearly $100,000 worth of axles, wheels, tires, etc, and of this tho i nlted States sold less than $30,000 worth, allowing Europe to get the bulk of the trade Ffffrts are a'so b'ing made to get Far Ki-tern trad" On rtt'ad'-'p'i'a manu-U'itoA'-is reclv-il a- erd-r fr J0W :d wneelj GERMANS IN FIERCE ON ALLIES' CENTRE Crown Prince Makes Futile Attempt to Penetrate Enemy's Battle Front in Argonne Region Paris Reports Suc cesses on Left Wing. Von Kluk's Army Heavily Reinforced and German General Staff States French Have Been Dislodged From Positions South of Roye. The War Today Forces under command of tho Ger man Crown Prlnco today wore re pulsed after a sharp onslaught In tho Argonno region, near Vnrennes. A desperate struggle Is raging on the west near Royo and Doual. German night attacks here wero repulsed. German olllclals announco tho French forts from Verdun to Tcul nro being reduced, while attacks by the Allies on the eastern and western ends of the lino havo been repulsed. The German centre Is mm, while tho right wing is making progress. Antwerp's first line of defense on tho south has boon made the target of heavy Gorman fire. The Kaiser's troops have been repulbcd In several Infantry assaults on forts. Fighting continued at Tcrmonde. The hattlo of Cracow has entered tho Initial stages. Tho Russian ad vance gurd has engaged the Austro German forces In fierce skirmishes west of Tarnow. The battle lino runs from tho Carpathians to tho German border. Germans have continued their retreat in Northern Poland, pursued by Ren ncnUampf's victorious forces. Tho Rus sians extended the field of battle to Vlclce province, In Western Folnnd. Another Italian ship was sunk by an Austrian mlno near Trieste. The crow of GO aie reported killed. Japan demanded removal of Chinese soldiers guarding the railway line to Tslng-Tno. A threat accompanied the demand. A Japanese mlno sweeper was sunk In Klo-Chau Bay. Russia has offered Rumania tho Austrian provinces of Bukovlna and Transylvania as an Incentive for par ticipation in the war. Tho Cabinet will decide Rumania's policy nt a meet ing summoned, for next week. GERMAN CRUISER RAZE FRENCH PROVINCE TOWN Small Gunboat Sunk in Friendly Island Bombardment. BORDEAUX .Oct. 3. Two German cruisers, the Scharn horst and Gnotsonau, arrived at Papeete, Tahiti, in the Society Islands, which are under French control, on September 22, and sank the small French gunboat Zelee, whtch had been disarmed since September H, says an announcement of the War Olllce. The cruisers bombarded the town and destroyed part of It, and then disap peared. AMERICAN SHIP CAPURED BY BRITISH CRUISER The Lorenzo Was Accused of Fur nishinp; Coal to German Warships. NEW YORK. Oct, S. The capture of four merchant Bhlps In the West Indies by the French cruiser Conde and tho British cruiser Berwick was reported by the steamship Korona on its arrival here today The Conde took the Norwegian steam ship Helna, while the Berwick captured the American steamship borenzo, tho Norwegian steamship Thor and the Ger man liner Sprowald The Lorenzo was charged with furnishing coal to German cruisers. CHOLERA REACHES GERMANY Disease In North, But Well in Hand, is Announcement, LONDON. Oct. 3 A Reuter dispatch from Home sas that the North German Gazette, oftlclal organ of the German Government, admits that cholera has de veloped In Germany oa well as in Austria, but declaies that the situation is well in hand. ANOTHER ITALIAN SHIP SUNK BY AUSTRIAN MINE Crew of Fifty Reported Killed Near Trieste, PARIS, Oct 3. A news agenej dtspati h from Rome states that another It Ulan ship has been sviuk In the Ydrlai' by an Austrian mlno an4 all rt her crew of 50 were k lied. .The dl-asttr is reported to oavo oo xrirear. Trieste, X REPULSE ASSAULT PARIS, Oct. 3. ' Repulse of the army of tho Gcrmad Crown Prlnco is announced in an ofTb clal statement Issued 1iero at 3 o'clock this afternoon. It states also that all tho German attacks In tho vicinity of , Royo havo been repulsed and that tha French forces aro making slow but steady progress In tho Woovrc regions The olllclal announcement follows: On our left wing tho violent en- . KUBuiiieui. i-uging since yesieruay continues particularly in tho re gion of Roye, where wo have re pulsed all attacks, although on that part of tho front tho enemy has been reinforced by new troops I drawn from the centre of tho line. At tho centro there Is nothing to report from Rhelms to tho Ar- j gonno. In the Argonne the lGth German Corps, army of tho Crown Prince, who had tried to slip by i the forest of Grurlc, has beon re- I pulsed at the north of the road of A'arenncs-La-Harazee-Vclnno - le Ville. In tho Woevre region and on tho heights of the Meuso our advance always Is slight but I steady. In Belgium the Germans aro . bombarding tho southeast front of the fortress of Antwerp succooning in making an; iuurauie eucct upon tho w' xjiuy navo maao so-erai mrai attacks which havo bceli repul It wns learned today that tho man General Staff. Issued orders last Friday for attacks all along tl line, declaring the front of tho Anglo French army must bo pierced. Varcnnes 3 about 17 miles northwest of Verdun on tho cast side of the Ar gonno forest and 12 miles south of Montraucon. where the Crown Prince is supposed to havo his headquarters. (An ofTlcIal statement issued In Ber lln nearly two weeks ngo asserted thi) Germans had occupied Varennes). Tho attack by the Crown Prince, wltH probably his entire army and the flower of the German forces, Is rcardSi ed as a desperate attempt to bjr'da through the Allies' line where It la be Ilevcd to be weak, or else an attemp1 to force tho Franco-British leaders to; withdraw troops from their left winsv where they aro pressing so heavil; upon the army of General von Kluk, Further necessity for strengthening tho German western battle front hai caused another redistribution of tho Invaders' forces. Von Kluk's original1 command now doubtless Is the strong est part of the entire German line, en tailing corresponding weakness else where. The length of this line, from Ha southern extremity between the Alsne and Olse Rivers to the Belgian fron tier, Is 75 miles. Properly to defend heavily intrenched positions and to at tempt offensive diversions as Von KIulc has been doing requires about 10,000 men per mile. The German western front, therefore, comprises 760,000 men, according to standard methods of estimating. The number may, In fact, be nearer a minion, depending on tha strength of the Allies have been nbla to muster for their advance toward Belgium, An opportunity for breaking through the German weakened centre undoubt edly now exists, but to take advantag of It seems to be beyond the possibility of modern warfare. If the Allies cou detach secretly a considerable part their western army and launoh against the German centre, an ovi whelming disaster to the Qermu would result. Such a display of stt tcgio genius of the kind that w many victories for Napoleon wo earn for General Joffre the marsh: baton, just revived by the French ernment. The difficulties in the way are superiority of the German esplft system and the persistent use b Germans of local offensive tactlci The failure o( the Allies to cru '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers