IAN AGAIN FLOWS ED WITH BLOOD; REM VICTORIOUS jrmahs. Lured Upon lined Bridge, Cut Off md Mowed Down in fFearful Carnage. LONDON, Oct. 1. low the Germans were mowed down by lefriflc tnln of Ftench shells on the win bnltlctleld, whero tho Germans won li a glorious victory 44 years ngo, was today hi a dispatch received by tho "ly Mall from Its Paris correspondent. tcrrlblo carnage was Inflicted by the i;rtch during tho strategical retreat of tho. Allies southwnul from Belgium, u few e,cks ago. 8-,"In this second buttle of Sedan, the French led tho QeimunH Into n trap nnd M'cn killed thousands of them," says the respondent. "With the pursuing Gcr- iniiB following closely, the Fiench com- rtio rider ordered his men to cioss the nv )i' and to tako up positions on the op- tor Itc heights. &" I'lie bridges wcie mined hurriedly, but left standing to deceive the Ger . Unsuspecting the trap, the Gei- Is rushed along and started to oioss t bridges in close formation. Suddenly brldgea were blown up and hundreds tcrmans wero killed. Ijvcinl regiments of Germans had i permitted to cross the river before bridges weio blown ud. and tho ich Infantry, using rnpld-flrcrs, rush- own upon these Germans, while the ifih artillery on the heights noured s Into tho ranks of the Germans on other side of the river with deadly :t., 'he merciless slaying of the Germans hnd crossed the ilver continued well tho darkness. Wlien the French no I;cr could sec because night had Ion they lighted torches and continued Br work of carnage. Many Germans tainted to swim tho river. Some were Ivhcd, while others wero picked off French sharpshooters. rnd French artillery sot lire to the Ids on the other side of the river. ire the main body of Germans had Into hiding when the bombardment Phed. The fire, which soon lit up tho re- front for a distance of 15 miles. Brt drove tho Germans out into tlm win, and tho artillery continued its brK of killing. I'An armistice of two hours was grant- to the Germans In the morning and bey burled their dead. Their loss ran Ito the thousands, while the French was only a handful. RMANS BLAME BELGIANS FOR MECHLIN ART LOSSES iflcials Declare Cathedral Is Not Irreparably Damaged. ItEBLIN Oct. l.-IUsponslbllity for igo suffered bv the cathedral at Win was placed upon tho Belgians Ian olllcial statement Issued here to- No important works of art at Mechlin fc,red. severely from the German nom- ses destroyed were devoid of artistic Re. ho cathedral was hit by several Is, this being attributed to bombard- t by tho Belgians after the German tpation. The damagu can easily be Hrcd. rAll tho windows. Including those of ilned glass. of the cathedral were iktn. but valuable pictures, so far an be ascertained, wero put In a pe of safetj before the German bom- Jent The German mllltnry com- r ordered that all works of art ibo given strict protection." IISH COOKS WIN FAVOR EPICURES IN LONDON mdinavian Dishes "Discovered" is Good Substitute for Gex-man. LONDON, Oct. 1. lie war Irmes the epleuie still an iure, One result of it Ins been to cx- tho linow ledge of a gouimet who nans iwrs has t.ploted the gastrn. rTCsbJrces of London, lie Hurts Eacaudlnav mn cooks can produce ex- Sit substitutes for the German Wis which he used to enjoy oc- onally, but which hae now lost their or. So. when tired of French or illan cooking, ho Journeys to a restau- Bt near tho "West India docks and Js in a Swedish dinner cooked to nan ne r of Stockholm or Upsala. Lthls connection it Is Interesting to f-ve that, from all accounts, the Ger- havo been showing their old en- asm of 1S70 for tho wine of the while passing between the Marno lie Jleuse There Is a flavor of jagno about many of Husch's pages stung mat part or his journey with firck, At Ilheiina champagne saved Jcnto proprietor, "Count Bohlen," Jiuscli, "leporteil to tho chief the ft of his Inquiries respecting the cafe which our cavalry were fired at. ling to tho entreaties of the pro- jr. who Is believed to he Innocent, house has not been destroyed. leover, tho treacherous shot failed of feffect. The proprietor has been let vth a fine of i'00 or 250 bottles of epagne to bo presented to the Iron, and ihis ho gladly paid." lice, Bismarck, on one occasion at rate, set an example In 1570 to his -Invaders of France. He paid for wine he drank. The Prince was Id In a. house In Versailles, where as visited by an enterprising French Inallst illsgiilsed as a Spanish Count. Count congratulated Bismarck tng command of tlm cellar in so housa. "Not so," protested the "I do not wish to ilisuraco my I niiy for whatever 1 consume. wine comes from the Hotel ties JrVolrs. That will also explain to I why I must content mself with bottles for candlesticks." S SHOW WAR'S HORROR iTaken by Belgian Operator Censored But Graphic, EW YOBK. Oct. J.-More than WO It of moving; picture film showing al 4 German brutalities In Belgium and fures of dead In trenches will not be lotted In this country as the result faction taken by the National Board Censors, which ordered the objec- Eiable sienes cut out. he fllm'J. as approved, will be shown o fo the first time next Monday. lay were taken by an operator who ,A commission from the Belgian Gov- eat ard reached here last Sunday e siear-smp rnnaaeipnia. one of s m fM feet nng It shows views .rv s 'r Termondo and Malines. fa't r'';s It Belgium, but there t'-'a-f ct actual flshtlng. How " i "i e -s a panTawl'". view of e i- -, tower rf the Hotel ENGLISH ENV0Y"FIRED' COOK: BEHOLD NEW CASUS BELLI! Ousting, Proof Britain Opposed Peace, Says Berlin Papers. LONDON, Oct. l. The Standard's correspondent of Am sterdam say that tho Berlin Lokal-An-zclger lias published an editorial on tho enures of the war, In which It offers as proof of Great Britain's culpability the discharge of Sir Kdward Goschcn's cook. The Lokal-Anstelger says: "As Incontestable proof that England wnnted war nil tho time and was se cretly preparing for It long before the crisis occurred, may be cited the fact that tho English Ambassador dismissed his female German cook July SO, five days before war was declared. "While telephonic and other negotia tions were being conducted between Sir 1M ward Grey and Ambassador Llchnow- sky nnd while England pretended to the oiltslde world that she was Interested In the preservation of peace, tho English Ambassador hi Berlin evidently was qulto clear about It ending In hostilities, as Is evMenierl by the fact In connection with the dlcclmrglng of his cook above men tioned. "We only regret that five valuable il'iys I. c.. from the moment tho cook was dismissed until the moment of the declaration of war wero lost In futile pourparlers. "The famous cook has now become a Brent hlsluilc personality, constituting, as she doetv the most Important landmark in the history of the world." BRITISH OFFICER PRAISES BRAVE FRENCH GENERAL Commander Refused to Withdraw in Face of Terrific Fire. PAHIS, Oct. 1. The following warm tribute was paid to n French general by one of the British ofllcers who took part In the hard fight ing around Peronne last week. "The French advance was subjected to a tei rifle lire, and It seemed Impossible for the troops to hold their ground In the face of the concentrated cannonade nnd rllle blasts. The French nrtlllery had to abandon position after position heforo the deadly accuracy of tho German gun ners. "Finally the shells began to fall around the crossroads where tho French com mander ?nd hid staff were located, and the general In command was urged to quit. " 'No,' said he, 'we cannot retreat. We hae just got to hold on.' "Three furnihouscs close by were soon In flames, and the rain of shrapnel was becoming hotter every minute. His bravery saved the day. Later the Ger man lire slackened and the German In fantry pushed forward with llxed bayo nets. Their attack was rcpulsed, and duikne!K fcund the French guns occu pying th positions which the German artillery hnd held all day. The grit of that French commander was sublime." HOPE OF BELGIUM FOR FINAL STAND IN ANTWERP FORTS Government Has Nowhere to Flee if Old Fortifications Yield to Heavy Siege Now Under Way. By WILLIAM G. SHEPHERD PARIS, Oct. 1. If the Germans take the city of Antwerp.guodneas only knows where the Belgian Gocrnment will move to. I have just come from the city to which the Guveinment moved, bag and baggage that Is. as much baggage as could be moved In n hurry out of the vni-t Government buildings In Brussels In" the old high school buildings of Ant werp. , .. Secretary of State now carries on his work in a schoolroom; the Secretary of War has the old Arithmetic room, and other officials who are accustomed to all tho luxurious surroundings of European court are doing tho best they can In humble quarters. No one left Brussels with greater alac rity and wlllingniss than the Ministers of foreign Governments. The Ministers, including the Russian and lingllsh, de cided that they were accredited not to the city of Brussels, but to the Belgian Government, and when the Belgian Gov ernment moved they moved with it. At this timo tho Ministers, their families and suites are conducting their affairs In the Hotel St. Antolne. That is, all but Brand Whltlock. who used to be the fighting Mayor of Toledo, O. Tho puzzle of the diplomats here In tholr temporary quarters in Antwerp Is as great as Whillock's problem of how to get out of Brussels, for they cannot plan where to fly to If Antwerp falls. "Will Antwerp fall? Can the Germans take the city?" Is their dally query. I have seen their fortifications. Half a century ago the great earthen walls which surround the city and tho water nioat outside the walls would have held off an army. But siege guns, were then unknown. At various distances In the walls are gateways, through which the street car and other traffic pass. Just now the street cars do not run outside the walla and. though the great gates are open in the daytime, they are slamnwd shut by the soldiers at 8 o'clock ever evening and the city Is locked up like a house. Not even a cat could get Into it. Woe betide the citizen who is out side at 3 o'clock; all the knocking he can do on tho great steel gates will not open them. I cannot tell nf all the preparations I saw in Antwerp, for reporters are not allowed In wartimes to tell everything they know. But I can say that Antwerp will not fall without a struggle. GERMAN TROOPS REPORTED IN JEKYLL AND HYDE ROLE Courteous In One Town and Brutal In Another, According to Writers, LONDON, Oct. 1 Conflicting reports concerning the atti tude of the German troops toward tho people in th French towns that they occupy are contained In two dispatches received from France to the Timet. One correspondent says that during the occupation of Peronne the German sol diers looted the town, with the consent of the commanding officer, after the French population had failed to provide the requisitions demanded. The Ger mans, according to the correspondent, took everything of value from the homes and shops and the material which they could not use, such as ancient and mod rn bronza and silver pl&Mi, furniture, picture, etc., wr loaded ento tralna and shipped -VAY Mtlm.x Another .C3F"' wSA wiring from Amiens, 'ojuu ?.," Wufcnan have been very cjMioo "ifjnelr treatment of the popuUc, Tjlanted the requi EVENING LEDGER PHIEADEIPHIA', THURSDAY, OCTOBER Diagrammatic bird's-eye view of the Adriatic -and adjacent waters which may become a. livelier scene of action if Italy casts in its lot with the Allies, which is suggested by the protest to Austria against its reckless placing of floating mines in the Adriatic which has caused Italy to close the sea to Italian navigation. In the Adriatic the French and British headquarters are at the Island of L'ssa, which they have occupied. INCIDENTS OF THE AS The Berlin Tageblatt tays a German reglmont Is especially delighted with ono trophy capluied from the Hoyal Scots. It's the regiment's football, and two officers and three men of the Scots prisoners of war have ocen pressed Into service to teach the Germans the game. The London papers publish an extract from a letter written by an officer of ono of the Indian divisions going to the front In F.urope. It Is to the following effect: "I heard today, to my utter consterna tion, that our Government is putting us on Kngllsh rates of pay from the day of leaving India. In , other words, I shall lore more than JEW per month. Can you Imagine anything more cruel and mean? Coming at a time when married officers uie put to exceptional expenses In pro viding for the maintenance of their fam ilies In this expensive country dtlrlng their nuience, this order spells blank tragedy tn mnny a man who la about to risk his life for his country. To me the blow Is shocking enough." A cable tccclved by a London news agency from Its Montreal correspondent rend nn follows when It camo from tho centor's office: "Government anticipates early loosening of censorship ." There It stopped, for, with tho exception of the signature, the censor had eliminated the rest. Convicts In nearly every prison in Eng land are voluntarilv working three hours' overtime to provide army requisites. Most fiit offenders arc begging to go to the front. A burglar spokesman pleaded to -be permitted to 'work out the rest of our time on the Hrlns line, if it Is only dig ging trenches." An American, who has sent his diary home, gives a plotuie of the relations between the Germans and the people of an unoccupied town. It is In interest ing contrast to some others In its story of almost friendly intercourse: "At Valenciennes the German soldiers were most friendly with the natives. They wandered about the streets day and night with the utmost freedom, and seemed to bo visitors rather than con querors. In many of the little sldo Inns on back streets they were to be seen sit ting In the soml-darkness of a poor lamp till well Into the night, laughing and doing their best to speak French. The people received them politely, and even pleasantly, individually. One reason, per haps, why the Germans got along so well was that they paid for everything they took. Xo stores were broken into; In fact, trade lan much as usual. Ger man money passed as French, and no notes good after the war were given, at least in ordinary dealings." A picture of the human suffering which everywhere underlies the facts of the war Is given by a correspondent describ ing the trip toward Lille: "Our own carriage, even, was full with the tragedy. Eighteen Belgians, lctlms of pitiless conquerors, were being driven from their homo land, they knew not whither. Only two days before they had been awakened In the blackness of night by the screeching of German shells at Charlerol. The had time only to gather their children before fleeing Into the darkness. Hopeless, without food, rennl less, they were fleeing to that land of France which their bravery had undoubt edly saved. Among them were half a dozen youngsters, three girls, and an old woman of seared face and white ruf fled bonnet, who must have been well over 0. For a whole day not ono of these helpless Belgians had had food. At last, at 4 o'clock, we came to a sta tion where French soldiers rushed glad ly down the platform with bread. It did one's heart good to see its ef(ect." "My chief need is matches," says Corporal G, W. Cooper, of the 16th Lancers, in a letter home. "We have about three matches left in my squadron and when one Is stiuck everybody crowds around. This makes a target for the German artillery and they dropped a hell on us the other day. "Wo have had a terrible shelling, but It has averaged about 100 shells to kill three Englishmen. W are. In the saddle till H p, m., and we don't have to mount again until S a- m. After that you don't feel like playing billiards at the cluby" Describing a bayonet charge of tho Wiltshire regiment. Private. A. N. Hop kins, of London, In a letter from the front said: "We got right In among them and many of our fellows lost their rifles in the hand-to-hand scrap which followed. It reminded me of a riot. Those of us who had lost our rins tackle the Ger mans with our flats, while those who had fired all their ammunition used thetr rifle butts. The Germans didn't like our fists any more than our bayonets. I think I must have caught hold of halt a doten Germans and nuns' them to trim ground and passed on when I fell wounded In the r'Kht foot by one, of our own bayonets which was lying on the ground." Here Is a picture by a French soldier now in hospital in Nancy. Writing to a friend two days after the battle of SaaUs I'asa (Vogues), close to a spot where tha first German flag wu captured, he says; "Do you know why 1 feel strangely moved Just now? I wea thinking of the service at church Sunday. The whole company went Inside In the early morn ing and we found tha priest there. Tht church contain a beautiful organ, and Lieutenant S . who knows I am fond of music, asked the priest permission for me to try the Instrument. So I sat down, while all my comrades ranged themselves in the pw. "X began with tha 'Marseillaise.' then the Russian and British national anthems. After that I played a move ment from Musenet, one of Mendels sohn's songs without wordi, a romance MODERN DANC1KO Tea bd tetter the Beautiful New Ballroom &g$hffi WAR TOLD IN DISPATCHES by Schumann, the Largo In G, by Hnndl, which profoundly touched tho audience: Gounod's "Avo Maria,' and, finally, my own inimitable 'Chant du Depart.' After that the priest offered a prayer for our armies, and as we left the church the hearts of all of us wero very full. That night we entered Alsace, and our ono thought was 'Wo must give them a lick ing.' If I am spared (for I hope to bo back to the front before long), I want to give a concert in the Strassburg Ca thedral." When the British made their gallant atand against the German advance at Mons tho Middlesex Regiment was once again heroically unfortunate. Tho regi ment, which was originally composed of Londoners from the Middlesex mtlltla, once carried the unflattering name of tho "Steelbacks," because tho men were accustomed to being flogged Into order. It was at tho 'fight at Atbuera during the Peninsular War that they displayed their extraordinary bulldog fighting ca pacity. Out of 23 officers, no fewer than 21 were killed and wounded. Of rank and file 670 wero put out of action. It was when tho struggle was most sanguinary that tho coloncj veiled out In encourage ment "Dlo hard, men; die hard!" Since then the Middlesex men have been known admiringly as the "Die hards." A traveler nskcil a Rod Cross nurse whether heavy harvest work by tho French women would not break them down In a short time, and she said. No; that they were hardened to work in the fields, and that their mighty will-power would carry them along. Then tho con tinued: "I stopped along the roadside at a cot tage. Father nnd sons had gone. The mother came up the garden path from the field, carrying one Infant and with two tots clinging. She had been picking fruit. In dispassionate tone, she ex plained that tho fruit was all thoy had left. Was It not necessary for the sol diers to tako the shortest way which led through our wheat fields, and had not tho horses and cows been taken? If they had only left ono cow so that there might bo fresh milk. "The estate of Emperor William la magnificently equipped and we have everything at our disposal that wo could wish for," Bays a letter received here to day from one of tho army of Russian soldiers that Is camping on tho estate of the ICalser In Rornlnten, East Prussia. "Wb are particularly enjoying delicious dinners, which are prepared by William's fine cooks. The parka here aro filled with many rare bird and animals. William has some parrots here and we are teach ing them tho Russian language. They are learning to address tholr imperial piaster with compliments that I should blush to repeat In company." German artillerymen have named their huge siege giins which work such havoc with fortifications "Busy Berthas." In honor of Bertha Krupp, now the real head of the Krupp Gun Works. Astrologers agree that the stars are bad for Germany. The predictions of one published in nn Indian paper state that the stars tell much the same story as they did when England gained her vic tories at Trafalgar and Waterloo. "REAL LIFE" FATHER SEES IN VIEWING THE MOVIES Sons Took His Razors Just as the Screen Shows. There Is an elderly Phlladelphlan whoso particular hobby lies In keeping his ra zor sharpened so that It will literally "split hairs." Ho spends hours whetting and honing the blade. The man has three sons who also shave, and, of course, they appreciate a good razor, but they do not find time to keep their own blades in condition. Tho result is obvious father's is "the family razor." The other night the three went to a moving picture theatre. A picture was shown wherein a young man received an Invitation tn dinner. In dressing for the event he paused, rubbed his chin reflect ively and then walked quickly from the room. As he did so the young men In tho audience heard their father mutter savagely: "I'll bet that young scoundrel is going to borrow my razor." Washburn Betneves Former Defeat FOREST HILLS. L. I., Oct. l.-Wat-son II. Washburn won the singles lawn tennis championship of the West Side Tennis Club here yesterday by defeating Walter Merrill Hall in the final round of tha class X division, 3 sets to 3, at 8-1, 7-8, S-T, 2-6, 6-2. Hail am Washburn played for the title last year also, the former winning in straight sets. Hotel ADELPHIA Service Cuisine 'Entertainment' Environment Absolutely Correct 'fVW ENEMIES' VOLLEYS PLAY GRIM BOILS ON MECHLIN RUINS Town, Reoccupied by Bel gians, Is Badly Shattered. Strong Opposition to Ger man Advance. By CHARLES HODSON ANTWERP, Oct. l.-I started on a motor trip yesterday with tho object of penetrating tho shell-shattorcd area of Mechlin. The visit did not materialize, but I reached Brouw en Vllet, a stream u thousand metres from the outskirts of the town, whero wc found the brldgo held by entrenched mitrailleuses. Strong Bel gian forces aro holding positions which I am not permitted to detail. Our car had crossed the bridge when a eoldlcr shouted In English: "Tho Germans hold the town." Wo accordingly returned nnd were In formed that Belgians entering Malines early yesterday morning had found the Germans In possession. Brisk street fight ing ensued and the Belgians retired. I gathered from the Belgian soldiers the information that the town Ij badly shattered. Tho convent of the Little Sisters of tho Poor had been fired and the railway station had been partially destroyed. The barracks had been burned The bodies of four mutilated citizens were seen before Hanswyck Church. Iff the ruins of his shop were Barber Loo sen and a client with dried lather on his face, both dead. The total damage iind the number of dead nnd wounded is not ascertainable as yet. LIKE GAME OF BOWLS. While the Belgian soldiers were de tailing these facts to mo, tho game of longbowls was proceeding between Fort Waelhem and tho German howitzers. Tho Germans sent shrapnel into the woods at our right, but eventually they tired. We went to a little village behind Waelhem for luncheon. The small cafo frequently trembled with tho violence of the explosions of the shells. Once tho landlady, laughing heartily, declared that the wind of one explosion nearly knocked her over. As we were motoring away three shells dropped at oUr right. Typical little red country-side houses were there one mo ment; the next they were not. That Is tha whole story. Tho fourth shell simply dissolved in a greasy black smoko. We rail the gauntlet and wero re-ener-ing Waelhem as a volley of shrapnel struck. Tho fort replied at stated In tervals. The men on the parapets were apparently amused by the efforts of the German gunners. The disengaged Bel gian gunners stood with their hands In their pockets, smoking cigarettes, watch ing as the German shells fell in the flooded area, sending ftp geysers to a heleht of 60 feet The Germans apparently used the tower of the Mechlin Cathedral as an observa tion post, but the Belgians, in their Are, scrupulously avoided the Cathedral. I learned that HO volunteers yorterday blew up the railway behind I (name stricken out by the censor) of whom only ) returned, although others may reappear later. BRITISH SINK SUNK BY MINE Steamship With Coal Cargo Wrecked in North Sea. LONDON, Oct. I. The British steam ship Selby struck a mine In the North Sea early today and sank. Her crew of 20 was rescued. When the Selby struck the crew took to the boats and were picked up by a trawler and landed at Lowestoft. The Selby was bound for Antwerp with a cargo of coal. &gs 2 $1Q7 Carats In nt of our rtctnt Urge purcbaita at diamonds wt counted mor than &0 odd tonrt that were not perfect, although they were pure wblte. Thl offering of V ciwt kite l (1ST will give you an Idea of the phenomenally low prlcee at which we are wlllin to eell theee brilliant diamond. On the (Inter they pruent a danllnr appear ance, and unleea handled cloaelr and exam ined tney will not reveal their blemlehee. If you are Interfiled la eecurlng a diamond of unuauatly large elt and can overlook the fact that they are not abalutely perfect, you will b carried away by the extraordi nary brilliancy ana beauty or ineae seme. a KfflillpS I, lfjlf. WAR ADDS 9230,000,000 TO ENGLAND'S EXPENDITURES LONDON, Oct. 1, Owing to the war, England's national expenditures have Increased nearly (230,(00,000, ris shown by tho statement Issued today cover Ing tho first half of the fiscal year, which ended Wednesday. Tho revenues approximate $380,000,000, a decrease of 13,CO0,000 as compared with tho same period last year, while the expenditures aggregated $570,000,000. FOE'S LINE SWELLS LIKE WAVES IN GALE UPON BELGIAN POSTS Albert's Army Grimly With stands German Tide and C o n t i ngent Reoccupies Mechlin Despite Heavy Shelling. By CHARLES HODSON ANTWKHP, Oct. 1. Yesterday from tho slopo nbove Fort Waelhem I watched an invisible but thunderous sea break In huge black waves on tho Belgian positions. The huge shells of the hidden German howit zers, hurtling along with a horrible, whining scream, came rushing to tho earth and sent up Inky fountains to the heavens. At oho moment this morning the whole Belgian line, extending In a great semi clrclo from Notre Dame, appeared to b2 heaving and tossing like waves during a westorly gale, while overhead flyine shrapnel shells screamed. Tho Belgian army stood sturdily against tho enemy. Lost night the Belgians held their positions ns stolidly as they had all day. Tho appearance of tho corporeal enemy was nnnounccd when the Belgians reoc cupied Mechlin. An armored train had dropped seven great shells In the bar racks during the night. Tho German Infantry, sleeping there, suffered terribly. Termondo has been flooded, bombarded and burned. Tuesday tho Belgian artil lery chattered the ruins, the explosions of the shells causing many tottering walls to fall, prematurely burying many. Yesterday's battle near Mechlin began early In the morning when the Belgian regiments marched out past Fort Wael hem. They wero heavily shrapnclcd from tho direction of Mcorbcck, but took up positions which they held grimly all day. The Germans flew two observation bal loons under cover of a terrific artillery tire, and pushed their infantry forward. The infantry was extremely deliberate, so much so that no effort was madn to dlslodgo tho Belgians before, nightfall. I am Informed now that 'the Germans have again evacuated Malines, possibly In fear of a repetition of Tuesdny night's punishment, but an Intermittent cannon ade continued all night under the glare of the burning villages. At 3 o'clock this morning a small red flnro nppcared at the pinnacle of the church of Xotro Dame In Wuvre like a candle (lame. In a few minutes tho whole splro was blaz ing like a torch, until it fell. In Antwerp every ono remains calm and contltlent. Tho news of the repulse of tho Germans near Brlcndonck has kept the peoplo In oxcollcnt heart. The local press assures tho people that tho attack by tho Germans is but a demonstration for strategic purposes. CANAL SITE INVESTIGATION Officials Will Follow Course of Pro posed Cross-State Ditch. TRENTON, Oct. 1. In order to formu late recommendations to the Legislature In 1315, members of tho Legislative Ap propriations Committee and the Harbor Commission will Inspect the course of the proposed ship canal across the Htate from Bordentown to New York Bay. The matter wai placed in the hands of the Harbor Commission by an act of tho last Legislature. It Is oxpected Gov ernor Fielder, State Treasurer Orosscup. State Comptroller Kdward and Senators Slocum, of Monmouth; White, of Bur lington, and Hutchinson, of Mercer, will accompany tho Investigators. O'Neale to Lead Columbia Nine NEW YOHK, Oct. l.-Before baseball practice yesterday afternoon James S. O'Neale was elected to lead the Colum bia varsity nine next year. O'Neale played first base In 1913, but last year, when Georgo Smith fractured his knee, Jim performed on tho mound and was one of the best pitchers In college base ball. H. Laird, tho former Princeton outfielder, appeared yesterday as a can didate for tho team. He will be eligible to represent Columbia next spring. FOR city and suburban work; for the business and professional man; for the woman when calling, shopping, or going to the theatre the Electric Motor Car is better than any other type, Nq dirt, noise or trouble much lower cost of operation than a gas car in combination with ample speed and mileage. Booklet containing interesting information sent upon request ,TiVT., ?,q .m...ilti,A,m.twAi BRITAIN PLEDGES U. S. NOT TO SEIZE CARGOES OF FOOD Shipments in Neutral Bot toms May Go Unmolested. Copper "Conditional" Con traband for Admiralty Court. WASHINGTON, Oct l.-The British Government today notified the United Slates that it would not Interfero with the shipments of foodstuffs from tnli country In neutral bottoms to Holland, according to an official announcement by tho State department Admiralty courts probably will be the) tribunal of ndjustment following dlplo matlc changes. Tho flrwt caso now beforo the Depart" ment was the seizure of American copper consigned to Germany. Great Britain seized It, contending It was designed for use In manufacturing torpedoes, and was, therefore, "conditional" contraband. It 1b also announced that the American ship pers will be fully paid for the copper. In this connoctlon Secretary Bryan had .before him a formal opinion by Solicitor Cono Johnson, that "conditional contra band conslstrt of artlclea susceptible- of use In war ns well as for purposes of peace: In consequence their destination determines whether they are contraband or non-contraband." Ofllclnls were Inclined to believe that this opinion sustained the seizure of the copper shipment although prohlbltinsr outright confiscation, which was not at tempted by Great Britain. NEW TOniC, Oct. l.-"WelI, this Is war," was the only comment of Count Von Bcrnstorff, German Ambassador, when told that a committee of New York Importers had protested to Secretary Bryan against the destruction of cargoes shipped to this port by neutrals. The Importers say that In mnny Instances tho value of tha cargoes exceeded that of the ships sent to tho bottom by the German cruisers. Tho German Ambassador said he had received no official advices from Berlin this week regarding the progress of the war. GERMAN ATROCITY REPORTS HORRIFY MOORS' EX-RULER Wanton Barbarians, Compared to Moroccans, Says Deposed Sultan. BORDEAUX, Oct 1. To the list of those protesting against reported German atrocities In Franco and Belgium has been added Abdul Aziz, the deposed Sultan of Morocco. "I am horrified," said tho exiled ruler, "at tho accounts given In the press of German practices. If. as has been stated, they murder, rob and pillage merely for the sake of striking terror and satisfying brutal lust, this Is not warfare but bar barity. "Much has been said about the tra ditional cruel treatment of their enemies by tho Moors, but we have acted from necessity, whereas Germany seems to be actuated by pure love of cruelty and destruction." Abdul Aziz drives dally, and his car riage H followed always by a curious crowd. Ho Is accompanied by a private secretary and a delegate of the French Foreign Mli.Istry. Tho ono time ruler Is clad In mnsnlflcent native apparel, with a white turban, adorned with brilliant gems. He Is one of the most conspicuous figures in Bordeaux. Ho has made several official visits. When ho called on the President of the republic ho received full honors. Abdul Aj.Iz received a few correspond ents this morning and gava them, through an Interpreter, his Impressions of the war. "f learn," he said, "from tho papers, tho progress of events. Above all, I ad mire French patriotism and tho glorious conduct of tho French troops. I am particularly glad to know that tha Mo roccan troops serving under the French flag nre doing their duty. "The Foreign Minister, JL Delcasse, ) a very fine man. I am happy to har had a long talk with him." FLOOR SPACE 14,000 Sq. Feet As wo are removing our Print ing: Department to the . Curtis Building, we have this space for rent, ready October 1. Robert Morris Blder., 910 Walnut St., 2d floor, light four sides, steam heat, 2 passenger and 2 freight elevators, low insurance rate. Apply to The Beck Engraving Co. 620 Sansom St. Phone, Walnut 1973 ? LUIII! TW m r SJSSK' 5v- ru ' .- nmr '.T-i3 53SS k-'WrW m sari a" " ""piMrrT" -' itiSSS sition demn4LdlHLInv"lr- No 1 - -V 5 in the Keith Theatre, Baths bi imjw or tei.a
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