fHT " vt - imtrmtmilKr -UMPsr a ijemnjf " w i4jAr i i i VOL. I NO. 13 rillLADELPIIIA, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, liHJ P1UOE ONE CENT MYSTERY SHROUDS METHODS OF MEN IN LAND GRAB DEAL DOMINION REFUGEES HERE WITH WAR TALES Visits to Property Owners in Vicinity of 21st and Race Streets and Vague Of fers to Buy Assume New Significance in Light of Municipal Court Project. Proposed Purchase of the Magdalen Home Admitted by Those in the Secret to Be Only the "Entering Wedge" in $2,000,000 Building Fund. Mvsterlous to" by rmatcrlous men on it bv those who want to build a new one property owners In the vicinity of 21st "0nc-,u,rt,lIas'" sho said, "the halls .' . . .. . ,- m nro. nre i row ded so that It Is almost lin. nd Kace streets, the site for the pro IIOIbIe t0 pa,.t AmJ the Jnage ,m9 on,y posed 2.0X,000 "matblc hall' srnb of om. small room lo himself. If people the Municipal Court, havo taken a new eome to see him he ling only that smad me.ni to those who entertu.ned the Jf", men since the plans of MeMcnol-i en- Wedf, ..coigc Q. Horwltz. T-oulse Jurist, rose forces have been revoaled. anil others are members, complnln be. For months before it was oven wills- ,au" , their meetings aie Interrupted, tlioy ....... ,-. . .t - ,,. , o.i,i ln"i y the nole of street c-irs pasjlng pered that the Detention House at d Mong Uch FtJVt nm turnnJ noth and Arch streets, built only six v ears ago, ;j,i stnet. Their meeting room is at wa-, to be abandoned persons who owned the side facing 2.M street, but thev have . ,..f.. in ,h ,,-th nf th.t Tab have t0 ffo ,ucr lnt0 tho Prol-otlon olllcers' property In the path of th.) rab navo roum tMr meotjn(, bccu,e the cm, been asked to tell what they would sen make so much noise, according to Mr. for. faometimca the "agents" have said Honvltis they rep. rented the cltv. but more often ni1pe"!r,"1ilnI"nlclpal Court iM "! they have come from "persons, who did othor organization men are con-iderably tucy nave come irom p llpt bv th(, pal)1t,lt ,ven the)r ,nn!, not want to figure in the transaction Thf.ro ,3 Jn lmprf.ss,0 thttt the plun3 until It was closed." I for buving the rest of the propertv may No one knows who these men are. But be submerged for .1 tim- in the hope that they have been unsuceessiul In most the .slyp nf the grab and the methods cases, as the nelghboihood is made up of , chosen to muke it may be forgotten, thilftj people wli.i saved until they had ZAV't FENCIBLES MUST SURRENDER cell. Xo one connected with the land crab will admit having thought of the Jisl i and Itace stieets propertj lWoie the end ' Dilatory Tactics of Councils Force ef last Mav Uut tin. visits of the m.vs- irj t, , ,.. ,. .. tcrious men began a long time befjra Vacation of Broad Street Site. that. I Owing to the dt'atoriness of Citv I'mm- Vri-V MI'THODS OF AGENTS. IUIS ,0 Ilct on un "'Unince irnvtdln,.- tor Mcst of the propeity owners along ( lYncbles Annorv building at Uioail .n l Winter street tell tho same story. They ' Catlo.. hill streets, that milltarv oieant.-i-have been upp.oaehed very warily and I!??.t;'!11belX""",1W Immedlate-lv t. . , ... . , .. ihi- ! , ate a,,J ''"'Her up possession to t . questioned vauuety us to wnat tney i ctJ. thought about selling and how much I The leaso of the armory building epir d thev would wnnt for their lots. They j on March 1 last, and the clt.v decllnM f Knew nothing o" tl'i' Muni'lp.il Court's i renew it, lor the leason, according t plans, and thn-e who suspeited there Kmanuel Furth who represents the r. n v.as anv thing pf'uliar in the vUlts fiom "; '""' that tlu establishment of tl -agents "put it down to the Parkway con- .Munklp.il Touit made it necessary for t'u demnatlons. ?, ,1 nml r'unnLrs outside of the i'lt Some propertv owners "topped talking , "'l r'- some nf Its d.-partments in oid r cry riukHy when asked if any one na.J i " iiw room ior tno new court. ARMORY TO THE CITY ft it- tried to bay option on their land. Op tions, lilk do id nvn. tell no tales, it J has been pointed out Records at City Hall are Innm ent rnough. There is one exception, however. It Is 'tnown that one of the properties , owned by Mr? Jnmcs V McNkhol. a i four-stoiv brick house at S2 Hare -.treet, dlrectlv unoss th street fiom the ' Mar ble. Ila'l' j.nrtt.ity site, would be en hanced in Miliu- in the even; of the grab being perfre.Ud. It is valued now at Astonishment t the land gra Is being , followed b- sharpest criticism among . thoio fdmili.ir with thu scheme of the j Municipal Court. I It was pn'nteel out tndiy that the gang '"wr juuirment had been entered f.-i the has.., Mi fnrtn gtaveel Imtnedia. ' ejection bv taking a rule to show eau- whj the Judgment bhould not be opene l Meantime- a bill was Introduced in th J- int Committee of Councils on Ot Prop. rr. -.rovldlng for an extension .f I the oriK'iHl Wane to the Stat Krm il, H I f.i Hi i. i-s Imge- This was fan-.i!,!v ' ir t 1 fium I'immlttee. hut no action ' tiK'n n e-oiinciis as d body on th prop jm d ml n. iH-o. SQUIRREL PLAYS'PART OF ''BULL IN CHINA SHOP" J4k Hill W REFUGEES ABOARD P Ifl 11111 LINER DOMINION Jiflil til Bill TELL TROUBLES &jbgf&t& '' im-ww Jl iMmr'W I ROTTEN HOSE BALKS . FIREMEN IN FIGHT ' AT $50,000 BLAZE Could Not Carry High Pressure Streams to Burn ing Plant of E. J. Spangler & Co. Prediction Upheld. REFORM MEMBER OF COUNCILS RESIGNS TO BALK MACHINE Simmington Retires in Order to Permit Election of Suc cessor in November Who Will Uphold Mayor's Hands. Steamship Docks at Wash ington Avenue Wharf Af ter Uneventful Voyage From Liverpool. B ' !!:: if'.i ! , majority In enunells was willlnB enounh . Huine-i Tnimly Preserves, Serjeant ,vtL ' to spend mll'lons to house .i Munlelpnl -vinllrm Tln1. AfQ- e- i? if Court less tnun a year old. but that plans , -Million Finds After a Search. wmen uouio ne or invn:cuuui. ui v " ,r";" i-i.uh-is jiaiirn, or the persons In ivny part of Philadelphia in . F!,,1,t 'lrti '-"tmoreiand streets station, the new subAay and other tram, t im- ' mourn. n the loss of a S'lulnel todie provements were being held up nd , ' a'"50 "ev. ral dollars' worth of pn -blocked at every turn I''nv" B,", tup his wife had prepared. Councils pranied Jieo.OOO of the loan bill ' Tho Ffiuirrel ran into the elar of the money for tlu Municipal ourt plans, but I sergeant's houso, 3,3 West Leii'jfh ave reluctantlv allovved $".oft,"W for preliminary J nue- W escape a Bane of boys. worl: to Improve transit only under the , Aiier me sorneant chased the boys he Passengerswho a.' rived in port on the American liner Dominion touay. Nearly all had some .var experience to tell, eager to make it known and glad to be home again. Reading from left to right are Miss Elizabeth Doerr, of this city, who left Brussels a day after the German occupation of the city; John Vroorr.-.n, an American Boy Scout, who lived in England for three years and had a change to see what war activity is like: Captain Frank V. Avery, U. S. A. retired, who spoke highly of the German army and mobiliza tion; De Forrest Hart, of Chicago, who arrived from South Africa and spoke of the sentiment among England's erstwhile enemies and present loyal sub jects, the Boers, and in the lower picture Mrs. K. Gabel and her son, Milton, who were in Berlin at the height of the warlike enthusiasm. I .' m heaviest pressure of public opinion, It vvus pointed out. After the revelation Saturday of ths plans to buy nearly an entiia city square at.d put up buildings worth tson.cttt, of lulals connected with the Municipal Court admitted the truth of toe idea as set forth after investigations. njy THK "BXTBRIVO WEPQE " Executive lerlt Fred C Simon, of thf Municipal I'omt, admitted that the tVto.W) item In the loan bill and the ordinance Tusked over the Mavor's veto to acquire a small plot at 21st and Itace street were only tho "entering wdses" in the scheme t.i hour i hi- Munt-ipal fnitrt In miR nitt.wnt builditiKs on nn expTsslv tract, "We preipi se-d 'o add ffirn time to time to the SlaKdiilen nome pro rty." s.ild Simon, "The H0f(i In t'm oin bill was tn he the b is .a ruiiwins runa, .vrter BettlnS thf (list projjf rty e nitenelnl eiosoel all th Windows to the MUnr oh decided to malto a pet out of the animal fcarly this mornintr he was aroused from sleep by the noho of breaking Blass in the cellar. SeUIni? his revolver, the ser geant went to Inv. stieatu, thinklne he had bren viMted bv bur'ars, Jnntt-ad he found about half h' winter's !uiiuy os ipinfs SM.eum-el a'lout the !oor The euinW was jimnins about from jar to jar. and vuy ti ne the am T.il meivvd he wrou,'i,i niori1 havoc Be. for. On ..ru-tnt eould '.,ge the Cf-JUr Unor tn- biuii.tl s t Into the upper Hours and tsi-.iped throuh a uiidow. POLICE SEER BODY NEWS-POST QUITS: OF MAN WHOSE WIFE RADICAL PAPER HAD SCOUTS SUICIDE IDEA EXCITING CAREER CART CRUSHES MAN TO DEATH I William Tltjney instantly Killed ns Wheels Go Oyer uim, , The ului-U of a ',rick t irt he was driv. Jnjf ludaj end-rt the lif.- of Wfllllm urPxxt Ulin Iililt Vtitt hol,in. . ,. " Carr's Coat Found on Bridge, Scripps-McRae Publication, But Mrs. Carr Savs He Says President Clark, Was Didn't Have Enough ( ay v- a4h sva '&&& MwSzki w J ' ' rc-v MH IM "aSJ1 "&rW 'A llilki Mmi.mi4 M sisasv .J-V- -'l!?rn'i ,&&t S!l "Nerve" to End His Life. Not a Paying Proposition. Two Years Old. kcmrlni mme b m-w ordinance, unti. , J-- ThT han WraneU tenei t ?& au4W hTVrled 'to kill V nUh "seom the plans m i-W out Vihele 41 .'!th rt and IWn ttenrt theory. NlnK hr hubM The House of riote-nflon at Sf I and av,.!ll((.. "HJ '"ssiunk , d , mi have ,wrvB onQXiah.- to taWt. fc Aieh sti-ei-l would ne ft' laoneei u tn land erab plans went throush. ThU was admitted by piomotcia of the grab Echenu . lie-fore the liofses enulrt he stonn.,i ... had drawn this lieavy brick.iart.n .. iosd the chest of Its driver. Mf,u, h.! ri.lv six ve-nrs airo, anu w is still in fcood eonilitloti. aecord'ne to Mrs Henry V nlchtrdon, ifp " tlie (Hipefintenrt. cat and aststant to him. j "The Ualls are very crowded duiHn h , court eJuys " '"id Mrs. Rli-hardson, "an I tlm rtoUo nf pilns street e-rs mkes Jt ' hard to h"r 'n ,hB courtroom If It wero ni t for the i urt tor, wo would ho ai-te . . manase ver w ' j When the Juv-tiie fourt wi moved t" Hue H"e n' Petentlon many of the nfn s on the 'Irs n0"' ? the buildh wi-ie turned over to probation ifnri-s and other offtelals and pla rooms snd other miarters for the children had to be tatn j to the second Hoar. j 'e use-el to be prsiMMl fo MOID to , ii commodate tlw children," said Urn. WchareUon. but situs? Juet.-e (iormao Jias been holdlni,' cewrt even day instead of one each vveek tlur is not so uiuclj conuestlon " IItU81JNT Ql'ARTKnS AVPUn. A trip through the houe fjjls to show am sl.ns of erovvdiii' or serious defects in the lUn of eont ruction Chlldrtn mt lu'lint tlieii le-Ksuiis in c-lafcn room and cverthltie avmeit In eseeltent order. There ar divlsons for first offender and seoud e.n mli is. mid the sanitary parransjeim-'ies and iPtitllation vt,inii U.ro faultle-!5!. smntilin, to Mrs i.Uheid uon But joa are rmt )iere on a i irt d , ' . ii Ht'tr e -v rr f na" insr, - rut t tl- II- - nrptorJ I , t th- the hla Whfthet Harry C4rr 5io North Te-nth utree t, Camde-n, Is a iutclde. or not Is f x pel tell to be dett-rmlued by u etevy from tl.e- irfiliee boat He) burn today. Th" man's teiat wax found m thi Jlaikit sirttt bridne ov--p ih- tMiuylklll Hiver early toeUy, out hit vlfe, whom It 18 scouts and hla life. Thin theoo l also shared by John Levin, a ("anieie-ii il-teotlve, veho le to- The News-Post has suspended. Tho Lett Ivsue appe-nred Saturday, but tho mmi uti -finpiit that the newspaper hael teuned publication was wltliliohl until this inornlns. The .'( w.-l'ost. a mcm btr of the Sci iiins-Mi Itao leacuo of new.4i'eri. was publikhea at Tenth and I r,''orm measuies, iianuitoii streets, in the heart of tho old Ti-miei-iuln with two aftornoon editions 'Ihr tlrt IsfcUt appcureil Apiil 10, VJVi Since ttin It appealed without Interrup tion until this morning I'or u tiinu dur- i fr.pe&iiril unit r,.;il- u-h.felu .,...... . .. : rho House of Detention was completed rnan n.a ctiest W4s cruahtd anrt V ,Z b'i d ' wa, "" '""' for him. I a Sunday edition was publisheej. lay "arr w- wanted In Cumele-n for rob- 1 ln the outbreak of the Uuropean ar tlA.ilr KmitldH roltecman Prowert. of the Seventh and f'an-entrr streets polli e .Utieen. took the man to the Howard Hospital in ft patroi HHKejn, lt physicians aid death had be-e-n HiitantaneOus The body Wtta tauZ7. Ivi tho Mureue B,M Spanish Course to Aid Business I'rompteil b th suggestion of export in firm m8seel in the Stouth American tiiidn a couiw in Spanish aud Sjwnlsh. Aiiiciiin buin3s laws and custoirm opfjis tonight in the West Hi aaeh ?7 it A (n.altniri man tee-ntly met on tho nivnuav an aed darkey of his acouainu nee with his aim In 4 sling. " MIs your aim broken" asked the Chat tan ijtfu mn -oln tously, The old Ml"w rfiuuifd- "No, boss it ain't brokwi mil- un sor." "Ah, oen hunting?" "Xo, suh. a'n't been tlujotin' at tea " Target practice, phf" "So, suit ain't target shuotla' at tree " "I don t ui derstand " " 1 11 -uh it , jest like dls I goes out I it 1 0. v.j. d un i sile'ts m tiees an" I shoot, bult inn era In a littl- whila .i.1ia tin, fAPt neruons teitilipil tn ua. iuj the man Jump from lha bridge today. I I.i-vlilS s-ajs he bellev the eat left on th bridge was put there for a "bluff." I Can was out on probation under a 'suspended sentence for pievijus theft when a new wairant was sworn out for I his ariest. cli.en.lne him tt.th laiceny , frorp II M. Uolilnsshcad, it soap roafcer of Camden. . m Ace-oidltig to the police of tho d street aril V.o41and avenue- preiimt. 4 small The ladical tone whieh predominated In the Ncws.ot made- it a suurco of curl oslty and wonder to the man In the htreet. Its publishers dtnieu an.i connection with any party, but the- paper Bonerallj was regarded as dominated t Soel.ilisls. Tho Ni-s-lost had an oxcitlmr e-areer. At one time the staff was arrested op a t-harae of eilminal libel niofeirrd hv j JJagis-trate Thomas W, Jte-Fdrland, and I last Hay the publishers were reprimanded I W-- tf-4Mw ,,.., ui mi- 1 uiifinon i'leas buatla; been prgctlce; Jest Vuy came to Hum this morning, -lailni; 1 r1i for their tominent 1111 u damage p4 had en a maa jump nra me Maritet ur uuhtokmh inu oerore mm. Street bridge and that his toat was left . The suspeiiKion this 11101 nln(; ua a cum on the ledge The cent was found and Plet surpilse to those In touch with tho the poa-e boat lle mm sent to grapple, newspaper Maid in I'lillad-Iphia Three tor the supposed bfidy. ' months ago the eis of t, vaptr waa Id the pockeits of the coat found on . inereased from four to eifc-nt pages und Market street bridge was a tettesr ad a moi ambitious tone ptrvadsd Us ac drewird to Hurry i utt, IM fjraen street, , Uvlties- Tliie wjs muh wonder as to Ezrzr&. sss ui aThZS rrr zz r;:0,r .. iUh? fner? : ?. th Dmoctin party n.a nv. from IiTJ. .t... n, f ih ,. u ih. r.I I .. ,, i.. .,.,.. 7 , " ."" vunuca , the Washington party jAMbb SIJV1M1HGTON James Slmmlni-ton. f'ommoii ."'oiineil man fium the 2sth Waul, and i-.iudld'ito for tho I.egislutuio from the lyth District on the Uemociullp and Wkisliliib'ton ticK-c-t.s, resigned, from Councils at noon to day. Mr. Slmmlir.ton e-umo to t'lty Hall with Alexia J. J.imi-buniei, also Count II man from tho iith Wind, mid handed nls formal jesignatlon to I'lomdont JUCmdy. Back of .Mr. riiinmliigion'a leslgnation Is the llfht of tho adimni-'tiatlon UaduiH III Coiiralls to iiiiistei i-iioukIi ots to citanel behind .Maor lilanUeuburg in his Legally, Ml. nimmlng- ' ton, ovun If elected to the Logisilatuiu. might have remained in Count ils until ' January 1, 1915. U luslgning then, how- ever, the ttnt of one reform Councilman ' would have been vat-ant until tho No vember elee tlon neM jtar. ' Tho resignation of Mr Simmington at j this time gives an oppoitunit) fur his sutetsor to he elected on November i, this year, Mr. rjlmmlngtou intomls to co operate with tho 1 "lot in leaders in his ward to hnvo olerted a man who will ' stind by the Maor in ordir that tho 1 numerical ratio of administration anil or. giuiUatiun Couneilmen will remain as It now is. Several men have been considered by the adminlstiation leaelrrs to (111 the Count-ilmanlc vacancy. Amony theto Jaco'j Uothkuglo. who Uvea at the south east corner of ;;M and Dauphin stiitt.i, is the most favored Mr. ilothkuglu rt signul as nominee for the I.etrls'ature 011 the Washington party ticket in order to ptifect fusion in the 1'Jtli District. His sacrifice In icsignlng, his friends say, makes htm the logical candidate tq take tho place made vacant by Mr. Him minston, that thu owner of the e-oat was the same Carr wante.d in I iaid-n for larceny. Other poiwrs found In tho coat pockets strengthened this idea. a- vlesme all the r-arj-1 ,iBs sclH of ( md de. 1 illets Den I il tr, pr -j.nl ifff - " 'i b-mi-- ot L' vit pns iiat-s. V. J, McGABVEY RE-ELEPTED Y Patrick J Meiiarvey was ie-etecteel countv president of the Ane lent Order of Ilibcrnlaiifc Jt tli- tlutlng sti-si in ot their convention held list night in Apollo Hull Thomas r. ti. ill was elt. trd vi t pith ident John t Hji-hi, retv ,im- ne re tary Brysn J Tansey finam lal ot re nrv Patn- k J I I'zgerald -t,i r-mjipg r"T J'e'i M' Uinpr'!"i ,-po na- (q iit leant tuo yeai& longer. -lite n tision to suspend h.eame known here att-r the- leturn of II. U. Clark, tho president of the eompuuy, from I 03 An.' lea last Friday. "Philadelphia Im a good town .' m.i vr. Clark this morning, "but we didn't nut up the paper in the way to make people ou It This was not a failure All 0111 tuve. m-t quit, that a 'ill Pfi-.Me llao n.ir.er lt.i' r"-" t"' MiMiifrr'n,- i tivnal w '!""!. attended the r" ting. hills art paid 1 all When i sn't pa it ju.t si- 01 vvlthout anv fuss Wo came here withu it any preliminary .innouif ment. and v . are. going out tba r - fii It H r- 1 ir.3 fccrlpps-McKae pvlKy to sell Us papers,"- will meet tonight to determine upon tt- candidate Pro vided they agree upon a name the Wali. iugUm paity Ward Cornmitteu -vs III meet tomorrow night to indorse theii choice. The JJcmocratlc Ward Committee will mitt on Thuisday nlyht to takv similar action. Mr. Simmington was elected to Com mon Council In 19U at tht timo Itudolplt lilankenburg was dee ted Mayor Last r.tr ho was re-elected with little oppo sition Two othi-r C'c nown Couneilmen teprcsent the Twenty-eighth Ward. Alexis J I.nnpburncr and Charles J McKlnney In Hlect Council willlarn j, quigley rei resents mo vraru. With hundreds of passengers from nil parts of tho Kuinpcan war yone on board the American Line fcteampshlp Dominion landed at the Washington avenue wharf from Liverpool, this nioinlng. Tho liner ii rived after an uneventful voyage, on which no obstacles were encountered, "not even a On man cruiser," as Captain W n. Ingham put It. Uut If the voyage of the ship was un eventful th" experiences enc&untcrcd by many of the passengers on tho continent were different. Many or tho passengers, nnd pai Ocularly the women, havo ex periences of nil sorts to relate. A graphic story of the occupation ot Iirusbels by the German foices was told by Mliis Ull.tboth Doorr, of this city, who luft Ilrusscls a day after the aniva! of tho German army there. "I shall never forget tho sight," said MIs Doo-r. "One million men, like a great lolling cloud, pafesed through tho city. It took them three days and three nights to do it, and when they got through Urust-els wuh foraged. Thcro vviia hardly a bit of food In tho city. Not a drop of milk could bo gotten. All tho food atorcs and warehouses were emptied by tho Germans and tho palaco and public houses wero occupied by U- now Ger imu gauison left behind by the main army. "It was on Augii't 20 cnily In the morn ing when wo lecc-Iv-t-d oid!fi that all Hags but tho Ocimnn nnd the Ameilcan Hags imifct bo lomovcd fiom sight. A short time nftcr the receipt of this older tho 111 st German olllcer, riding on a blcjcle, entered tho city. Wo saw him, for, en couraged by the report from tho American legation that tho city would bo sur icndered without resistance, wo took a chance and went out for a promenade. Behind tho olllcer came 40 cavalry men with llflcs ready to shoot If any sign of sniping should nppar. And then camo the renl sight. Ono million men, one huge, endless oloiid of humanity entered tho city. It .seems strange, but all of them loo't.-d tiled Munv of thorn seemed to he d'-zlm; on their hordes, nnd every now nnd then, miibcd by some nolso und sound, would lmriiedly open their eyes and look fibrin them. pAisi: fop. nit.sND wntTi.ocic. 'Gient credit is duo to Hrund Whitlnck, tho Amoilt'in Minister to Belgium. I don't know what tho Americans in Brussels would havo dono without his valuable nld. Hut thnt is not all. Tho fact that Brussels was baved from tho fate of I.ouvaln is duo dlroctly to tho e fruits of Mr. Whitlnck. On tho ovo of tho anlval of tho German army n meeting, at which tho city authorities and Mr. Whlllock wero present, was hold In tho city Hall, It was at first suggested that tho Bel gians elufe-nd the city to the Miry lust man, but Mr Whitlnck piovaited upon tho civil nnd military nutlioiltie-s to iirieu dcr the- lly, saying that it would bo uso los to 101 i.i- any rcislatico. since It would bo overcame and would only re sult In great loss of life nnd property. "I am glad to tay," contlnue-il Miss Doerr, "that nil the art treasures of Hrusj-C'ls have lesn saved from seUuro by tho Germans, because they had all been previously lemoved to Kngland." Miss Doerr said that after leaving llrus- ti-ls It took her 13 hours to got to Ostein), whereas tho trip should not take more than two hours She left Philadelphia In 1 July and unit to Hrussc-U to complete ft CQUrso in music. POAISKS flRRMAN METHODS Great admiration for tho, elllclonoy of pOermsn mobilization was expressed i,y Captain Fi-tnlt P. A very, V S. A. re tired, who. arrived from VIchikv and Munich. Captain Avery, who resldts In Wash ington, and Is a veteran of the Spanish- American war, utild that the speed, effi ciency and marvelous precision of the German mobilUatinn was the admiration of eve-ty man who knew anything about milltarv science "The people m Vienna and In Munich and oil Austrian and !e-r-tnan towns we pissed are simplv crazy for war The 1 atrotlc frenzj that has been aroused arn'-ng the population is nothing sort of religious enthusiasm, in' Vienna hundreds of women wero clamor ing to to wur and wanted to Join thy Itottcn hose, which burst when attached to the hlgh-prcssuro flro main, a thing rredlucd lecently by Dlicctor of Tublia Safety Torter, held tip firemen early thl. morning at a. $"0,000 flro in tho envelop and paper plant of 13. J. Spangler & Co., 1207 to 12 North Howard street. A girl who dlscoveted tho blnzo fainted after rousing neighbors, and n, policeman, whoi-s homo Is ncross tho street from tho burned building, ran eight blocks in his bare feet to turn In two alarms. Tho bursting hoso this morning Is the second experience of that kind llrcmcn have had in less than 43 hours. Lato Saturday nftcrnoon three scparnto lines .... 1 1 . ....... .... . . .. i iiusu utirsi vviiiic iircmcn vvcroMlgluliig a big blnzo at tho Itoosch packing plant, Second and Brown streets, and In one Instance spectators were drenched. The ilro this morning was discovered a few minutes after 4 o'clock by Miss Irene Yale, 12T1 Howard sttoct, two doors from tho burning building. Sho was aroused by tho crackling of llnmes and when she saw tho blaze sho screamed "lire" an; then foil back In her r6om In a fnlnt. Her mother, Mis. May Yale, aroused neighbors, including Policeman Bender, of tho Front nnd Master streets station. Huirylng out to send In an alarm, Ben der fell down stairs, but was not hurt. The bluecoat, In his pajamas nnd without shoos or stockings, ran two blocks to Glrard nvenue nnd sent In an nlarm. When he returned tho envelope plant was blazing so fiorccly that he ran back again and turned In a second nlarm. By tho time policemen nnd firemen arrived the tluee floois of the plant were abl.izo and the flames wero thient enlng adjoining dwellings. The family of James Schreincr, 1233 Howard street, had pcislstently iefuied to heed tho' culls of neighbors to flco to tho street. Policemen Cooper and Casper finally ran into tho house and carried out three children, after which tho parents fol lowed. Several firemen wero pattlally over come by the thick smoke, but after being treated by ambulance surgeons from three hospitals who camo to the scene they returned to work. No ono was ln-Juied. FIREMAN OVERCOME Dense Smoke at Blaze Causes Him to Fnlnt. One fireman was oveicomo early today nnd .several mado III liy smoko at a Ilro which paitlally destrojed tho home ot P. J. Bonnhan, C0.'3 Market street. Tho loss was JIOcO. Tho Injuied man is William MncNeal, hotemnn, of Hnglne Company No. 41, .l.st street and Haverford avenue. Ho was takou to the Picsbyterlan Hospital, Heated nnd sent home. Ciackling flames awakened Mrs. Bona han early todav. KI10 aroused her hus band, who found tho lower part of their n!.T ''e'.",',C- Mv- ll0,1!l,'n and his wife m.ido their cscupo to the street. Tho husband then turned in un alarm. I h- lire proved stubborn. Hoseman Mnc iscul was oveicome in the hallway. His " E?oMtEwo fu"' a,,d Dcnbo clouds of smoko which penetrated nnmenPll n the hou" 5! r!3 h.nm.n " Thoy "treated from tho surjeons.a WCr trCated b' aml!anc! GIRL, 7 YEARS, HIT BY AUTO Steps in Front of Machine and Has Hibs Broken. Mnrgnre't Nohow, 7 years old, SS2 North at 10th ind Parish streets shortlv after noon today. She Is l st Josep 'a uoZ I'ltal with two broken ribs. THE WEATHER Ollieia! Forecast WASHINGTON. Kept. 21. I-or eastern Ptmiisjhnnla and New J. r n 1 ,l"' ,0"lK,,t "'" 'i'lie-sdaj. with nmthwisr;;inds.pmc(aton,KI,t:ma,,u'-'i,i l,lB' ""ornttjlc pressure has continued s ineo Satin day nve-r the east.-m half of tho country attended by generally fair weather uml tempt-i attires somewhat be. ow normal The cicst of the high area is noun of iAke l:iie thlB IIlorilI nn,J light to lie-avv frosts are- icpoit.-el from in. lowei I.uko region, New York, New i.iigland and noitlic-ni and central Peon bjlvnula. A disturbance, of slight Int. 11. sitv covers the Itocky Mont ilu slopo, but It has caused but little precipitation thus far. Ihoie are indications that a trophal storm Is developing off the I.oulsiant coast, and utonn warnings ato ellsplavcd along the inlddlu Gulf toast. U. S. AVtMlher Huiean Hullcliu OUcrvattons madei rjt t u. ,n , Eastern tlrasr laat JUIn. Veloe Ra.m. n t. full inU iij Wruikec Siatloa H , wraijr. AI'Hliic. Texas. 1 m Atlantic city -HI 12 .01 MUuuires N U. .'.I SJ 0." liutun. Mats . -tit ,ts ., riuffulo. N v . 4I nt ,, ChttBS'i. Ill . .. lit Ml .. Cleveland. O J I n) ' iKnver e'ol . .. Sil TO ,. Ium Moines. la. 51 51 .. IiotroU, Jlkh . W) 4'1 .. Duluth, Mlnu . M 111 ,. lulvtou. Texas 3 fiij ,. Ilatteras K f . ' UI ,. Ililena, Mont . II Jl ,. Huron ft" 1). M .'.'I . , Jakkonvlll .11 W ,; Kn e-ity. Mo WJ 11 ,, I ouUvllle. Ky . 31 .V ., MiuU'li': Ttnn " tit .. Ne't. Cirlean? ... 1S iVS .. New Vork .. in . ,, N I'litte N'eb ul M ,. r,iilahtima. Ok la. M SI ,. l'tilUleliliU ... 1H II ,, 1-hoenlx. Aris . el r.l .. l'ltubursli Pa. -IS 40 .. V rilunl Me .41 IS .ft! I' rUeni. Ore K! "S- Qu tec e-on .'IS II .22 HI U u U Ma CI ns . St Paul Minn M "2 Kilt I .uke I Uh Vi ii .01 Fan FranrUco f -" ., bcranton. Pa ,. 41 an ,, Tamil Tl 70 ,, VVaslnuitvu .... 60 41 ., Wlnalpea ,iUM CQ S.I. N XIV SH' faK S SK !W K H KE NK S H ni: ri N i: Nil N hlJ hU N B N W N a K 1: 1: 8 NE N 4 1.' n 4 u s t 4 4 1 II 20 Clear t'kur Cloudy CluuJy Clear Clear Ck.tr t luul Clear Clear riou'l l le-ar t leur 8 Cle.ir 4 C'loa ty s t luu.ly a tlnar U e-lt-jr U Clc;n G 1 tluuJ 1U Char 1 i- uotur t leur Clear Clear 1 Clear e'louiy Clear Clear nut ,. P.cIiuJ Clear Clear I-,. I -J J a r-l. r W .1"'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers