i. NT IT E fspoSfs JINAL EVENING LEDGER SPORTS FINAL VOL. I-NO. 9 PHILADELPHIA, -WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1914. PRICE ONE CENT Aisles! Savol Ielrv j age tj of Ja ' aonts. aragj, n an anl g out Hilars. Cap. corn 1 fed arasi lng' escus "A bf 'cbcki f the Ishtr, vuti car I lbs ex. night ed h :u la i few t out tint bum, e to Mint amci after mill ALLIES THREATEN GERMAN REAR BY GAINS ALONG OISE Turning Movement Against General von Kluk's Forces Gains Momentum, Ac cording to French War Office State ment St. Quentin Occupied. Invaders Declare Enemies' Centre Is Weakening and Report Repulse of Foe on Lorraine Border Kaiser's Battle Line Firm, Says Berlin. loti resl (U n 4 oamt by. igtni hed, the ,GE u en. ilr4 hlca 'dr nth wph 1MI lag. blnj urk. i i of ..Li one I la in -M IH all In ted has now succeeded In advancing moro than ten miles. The Germans are again attacking In force from the northeast of Verdun, but the French, by a series of brilliant counter attacks, finally repulsed them. The report says: The left wing of the allied army Is making steady progress agulnst the Germans commanded by Gen eral von Kluk. Our left, by de termined, and at times, hand to hand fighting, ha3 succeeded In gaining ten miles along tho right bank of tho River Olse. Tho move ment at this point (an enveloping one) Is progressing as planned by the commander-in-chief. The situation Is unchanged on the left bank of the Olse and at the north of the Alsne. In this angle, which Is formed by tho Rivers Alsne and lse, tho Gerrnans hold their most formidable position on our left. The Germans made a violent at tack on tho French position from the northeast of Verdun, but this was checked and finally repulsed In a series of brilliant counter attacks by the French armies centred there. No change of moment Is notice able from any other point along the line of battle. The Germans hold the south of the Woevre district from Riche- court through Seichieprey to Lerou- Vllle. In Lorraine and the Vosges the Germans have evacuated Nomlny and Arracourt. The enemy continues Inactive In the Domevre region. Fighting of the most desperate char acter Ih In progress In the district around Amiens, 70 miles north of Paris, lth the Allies claiming success along the 15. mile line from St. Quentin to Pwonne. Violent hostilities still continue at many points along the great battle llns from tho Olse to tho Meuse, but re Ports agree that the most furious fight ing Is now taking place along the left flank of the allied armies, where the British and French are putting forth superhuman exertions to swing back the German line, thus compelling the retirement of the entire German host from the strong positions It has occu Pied since the battles of the Alsne be gan u days ago. Unofficial advices which have reached this c'.ty since then show that the battle fronts have been pushed further and further toward the north west from Noyon. The nucleus of the Allies' attacklns 'rce along the German right is sup Posed to be General D'Amade'a French "my, which pushed northward from Paris to form the upper blade of the "scissors" Jn which the Allies are try ing to crush the Germans. On account of the flooded condition of streams and long ,tretch of marshlands on the " cn naa to take a. round- PARIS, Sept. 23. Q Sharp advances by tho Allies around tho German right wing have endan gered tho rear of the Kalser'a forces. The flank of Goncral von Kluk has been turned partly, according to offi cial announcement. The Allies have gained ten miles along tho right bank of the Olse. St. Quentin has boon occupied In the course of tho advance. The official resume of tho situation, made public at Bordeaux at 3 o'clock and wired to General GallienI, stated that by violent fighting the French left, on the right bank of the River OIso, TheWar Today about course- and push far to the north fore they could tako up a position from which they could deliver a blow W the Germans. Heavy siege guns, which had been Advance of ten miles by tho Alllc3 along tho River Olse wad officially announced by tho French War Of fice. General von Kluk has been partly flanked, tho statement adds. Tho English have occupied St. Quentin and the Allies' left again Is threatening tho rear of the German battlo lino In Franco. It Is admitted that the Germans have captured three towns along tho Lorraine fron tier. Russians continue to bombard Frzo mysl but tho investment of this heavily fortified position Is not per mitted to delay tho main Russian movement on Cracow, tho Austrian base of supplies. The storming of Jaroslaw was accomplished at small Russian loss, but the casualties wero heavy among the garrison. The Rus sians havo rebridged the San and aro passing troops across to rolnforco tho ' army advancing against Cracow. In Poland German operations proceed briskly, and tho Russians aro de moralized by tho rapid advance of Von Hlndenburg's army which de feated them in Bast Prussia with great loss. Tho Berlin War Office re ports a steady advance in the War saw campaign. Belgian troops are engaging in numor ous skirmishes in vicinity of Mech lin, Termonde and Ghent, to harass German reinforcements which are ad vancing westward into France. French official statements without qualification announce the success of the Allies' turning movement against tho German right wing. This will force a general withdrawal, It Is be lloved, as reinforcements rushed to Von Kluk's aid through Belgium will not bo able to niter the situation. For the first time authentic announce ment Is made ns to the identity of the generals In command of the armies of the Allies. Berlin official statement Insists the entire German lino Is holding firm with no Important change in the relative positions of the opposing armies. The forces operating from Metz have driven tho French far within their own frontier. It also Is added that tho Germans havo driven the French from the outlying trenches ot Rhelms. London has unofficial reports that Brit ish advance guard already is in the suburbs of St. Quentin, as a result of a series of charges yesterday. Nino miles of trenches filled with German dead wero taken after n terrific artil lery duel. These trenches are of great strategic Importance, as they command roads to Peronno, Gonzea court, Cambrai nnd Belllcourt. The main body of German troops are be lieved to have left St. Quentin. Japanese lose 3000 men when Germans explode two mines under troops ad vancing to attack Klao-Chuu. Vienna officially denies the reported oc cupation of Sarajevo, and claims tri umph for Its forces operating against the Man! Serb army, Petrograd War Office reports that many Austrlans are deserting in large numbers and that tho army of Gen erat Dank! Is almost completely sur rounded. It does not expect that i'rzemysi vcan De taken by assault, mwi - ?j!,"i,V' 0- t' - . i U 'J ,'--" v '..,'- A :"., "W? '.?.& ri- --j a ... .i., , , ;j . ,Aw aV.ss&wew 'A THRILLING FINISH IN FIRST HEAT OF THE NARBERTH SWEEPSTAKE RACE TODAY I High Born Lady, br. f., sire The Northern Man (2:06J4), driven by her owner, E. C. Quinn, Is pictured here winning the fir9t heat for 3-year-old trotters at the matinee held over a mile course) ! at Belmont Park. As it later developed, High Born Lady proved her sterling worth by winning the next two heats and the race. . Q MAX R. MARSTON GAINS VICTORY ON HOMEGREEN Baltusrol Golfer Finally De feats R. M. Lewis, of Ridgefield, After Stirring Match Ouimet Back in BASEBALL RESULTS AT A GLANCE NATIONAL LEAGUE Chicago o 0 0 2 0 1 0 1 0 Phi"'es. o 0202410 x - Batteries Alexander and Killcfer; Lavender and Archer. Umpires Rigler and Hart. R. H. E. 4 8 2 9 12 0 Form A gain. GREENWICH. Conn., Sept. 23.-Closo matches were the lule In the semi-final lound of tho Greenwich Country Club's Imitation golf tournament today. Max H. Marston, of Baltusrol, won from ReRlnnld M. Lewis, of nidgefleld, on the homo green, while Hamilton K. Kerr, of the local club, was forced to go to tho same extent before he emerged a win ner over W. P. Secloy, of Wceburn, tho Connecticut champion. Gardiner W. White, of Flushing, play ing In the beaten eight, which division also contained Francis Ouimet, the na tional , amateur champion, had to go. to the 90th hole before beating W. W. Hoff man, of the National links. Ouimet. however, playing good golf, easily won from R. H. White, of Oak land, by the comfortable margin of 6 to i. The gallery was divided between Ouimet and Marston and was not disappointed, foi the last named was also out In 37. Marston took an early lead, and al though Lewis played plucklly to reduce It, he did not succeed. The card: Marston. out... 434R4J43 ft 37 I.el. out I135&44R4 3-311 Miiraton. In 3 t 4 5 R 4 4 4 43774 Lew's. In 3 B 3 0 5 3 4 4 4-37-70 Ouimet lanaerl on the aevr-nth ntwi i.nth holei. In tho former making a poor econ1 ana In the latter gittlns trapped. He finished Ills card: Pt 434S4454 4-37 In 4 4 3 4 5 Tho summary folloua: Fir-it sixteen, semifinal rounl-Mnxwell R. Uoiiton. Uultusrol. belt UcMnilil M Lenin, K (IpetleM, I iim; Hamilton K Kerr, Greon ulch. beat V i'arker Seeley, Weeburn I ui. I.e-ten elcht. first sixteen. emlflniirround l,.irrllner V hlte. Flushing, beat W V. Hoifmun. National Links. 1 up, l! holes, I'rnn. els Ouimet, Woodland, beat It. H. While. Oakland. U up and 4 to pliy. Second Klxteen, semifinal round R F. Mind, Ardsle. Lett Henry Krjn. Apaiu. nils, 1 up. Jli holes; J H Ulllenple. Weeburn. beat C a. Cnmstock. Jr., Sleepy Hollow. 3 up and 1 to play. Ilenten rlKhl, second sixteen, semifinal round -Oilier I'errln, National Links, beat linlneH ilnathmey. Apanamls. I up in holes. e'ley J!-.,,M'i .Jr-. Apanamle. heat V. C. Lcngley. Notional Links, l up, in holes ". ..,rh!r'1 Jlxteen, remltlnal round-Reelnald Hncke tuxedo, beat Udivard 11 Filler Jierion i up, II) holed, A . Trails. i:njie. . 11 fi 1 i. r ,.. .' ".. -- FIRST GAME 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 Batteries Perritt and Wingo; Tesreau and Meyers, Umpires Klem and Emslie. St. Louis 1 New York Q 0 0 St. Louis 2 New York Q SECOND GAME 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 Batteries Sallee and Snyder; Marquard and McLean. Umpires Klem and Emslie. Cincinnati 0 1 Boston o 0 FIRST GAME 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 Batteries Ames and Clark; James and Gowdy. Umpires Quigley and Eason. Cincinnati 0 Boston 0 SECOND GAME 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 1 3 0 3. 0 2 6 12 8 TRIO OF CIRCUIT SMASHES ROUT CHICAGO CUBS Batteries Lear and Gonzales; Davis and Gowdy. Umpires Quigley and Eason. FIRST GAME, 0 0 0 0 0 12 0 2 0 Batteries Cooper and Schang; Pfeffer and McCarty. Umpires Byron and O'Connor. Pittsburgh 0 Brooklyn 0 0 0 0 0 1-x- hocki, beat if. (illllam, Greenwich, 1 up. SECOND GAME Pittsburgh 0 0000100 1 Brooklyn 2 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 X Batteries Conzelman and Clemens; Rucker and Miller. Umpires Byron and O'Connor. AMERICAN LEAGUE New York 0 10 St. Louis 0 0 0 Batteries McHale and Nunamaker; Weilman and Agnew. Umpires Sheridan and Evans. 1 5 5 4 5 9 5 10 Cravath and Becker Help Phillies to Win Out, 9-4; Magee, Fielding Star, Also Aids With Stick. 2b Leach, cf... Good, rf... Salcr. lb..., Zimmerman Schulto, If.. Hues, 3b.... Fisher, ss.. Archer, c... Lavender, p 2 Harirravo, c 1 fUnccrman, p 1 tKnlMjIy 1 CHICAGO. AB. R. 4 4 t 3 3 4 4 3 H. PO. 0 2 1 12 1 3 1 0 3 0 1 0 0 STRAIGHT HEAT VICTORY FOR HIGHBORN LADY Makes Runaway of Nar berth Sweepstake Event at Matinee Races of Belmont Driving Association a t Narberth. i Totals 31 4 8 24 10 PHILLIES. AB. R. H. Lobert, 3b 5 Byrne, 2b 4 M;iKe, sti 4 Cravath, rf. 3 Becker, If., cf 4 Luderus, lb 4 Hilly, If. o Paskert, cf 4 Klllefer, c 3 Alexander, p 3 TrrtnJn 34 Hargrave relieved . inning. tHagerman relieved seventh Innnliiar. IKinsely batted for seventh inning. Chicago 0 0 0 Phillies 0 0 2 1 1 1 3 1 1 0 0 0 1 PO. A. 0 0 9 12 rcher 27 11 0 in seventh Lavender in Lavender in the the R. H. E. ARMY-NAVY GAME PLANS AWAIT FINAL DECISION Kepresentatlve Lofrue Confident It Will be Played in Philadelphia. trnon ouit fcTirr coiintsroPhT 1 WASHINGTON, V. C. Sept. 23.-Flep. resentatlve J. Washington Loguo. of Philadelphia, was Informed at tho Saw Department today that Secretaries Daniels, and Garrison havo not as ct settled the controversy between Annapolis and West Point as to where the Army and Navy football game Is to be played this fall. Prom his talk with Secretary Daniels. Mi. Logtie nas conilnced, however, that the annual contest will be held In Philadelphia. Carlisle Lebanon Valley. Cornell . Ursinus. BALL RESULTS 0 0 0 77 0 0 0 00 14 7 7 0 28 0 0 0 00 CoacludM ca Vt9 1 but claims that tho capture of Jaros. law, controlling the railways west, obviates necessity of capturing I'rzeinysl as an obstacle in tho prog, ress to Cracow. Jaroslaw was taken by direct assault, according to late dispatches from the War Office. British losses in North Sea disaster when three cruisers, the Abouklr, Hogue and Cressy, were sunk by German submarines are now placed at 1651. Several hundred survivors have been landed at Harwich, Kng. lund, while others picked up by fish ing boats have been taken to the Hook, pi olland. VIRGINIA JOINS DRY STATES BY MAJORITY OF 40,000 State Will Lose 700,000 In Revenue After November, 1010 RICHMOND. Va , Sept. 23.-State.wlde prohibition won In VliBlnla esteiday by a majority in excriss of 10.000 otes carring all but four cities and sixteen counties. The four cities opposing prohibition wero Richmond. Norfolk. Alexandria and Williamsburg. Tho total vote ran to frum l530 to 150.C00. Tho election results m . !U IhVCVe.0f J!.1,0'0 tha" W.0OO annually ,i ,efata- f hf Sute "comes dry on and after November 1, 1916. i,R Vlctol' of PrlWtln In Virginia Mil have a most ,,,., effect upon the antJ-lluiior campaigns now going o in Ohio. Oregon, Washington and Cah forma," il the lUv Henrj M Chalfon editor of the Anuilcon issue, and at ofllclat of the Antl.Saloon League of thu city, today "Anti-saloon workers are in. deed very mui-h elated at the victory and at the prospect of still greater v'ctorie" In the four States, whre prohibition campaigns aro now In progress. con. tmued Doctor Chalfa i Empire City Results First race, 6 furlonga, felling, 2-jcar-oMj -MiiiUn.l (Jlil, pi;, I'ttrof. li lo 1, : 10 1, I tu 3, won. ilei-togrdph, 11-'. McTajKnrt, 4 to .1. I to 'J, out, ttioml, .Manelous, 111, Uran.l, 15 to I. 3 to 1, 2 to 1. third. Time. J Ol S-5. LtiU, Klla Jennings and Saxln also ran. second race for .1-5 tar-olds and up, selling, 5 furlongs Klla llrjuon, lis, rais, even, om. won; l.lly orme, IIS, Tk. 14 to fl. even, l to .', lecanil; Ml Hrush. US. MeTuKiMrt. 7 to 1. 2 to 1, T to 10, third. Time. l.oiL'.r. Culvert, otto Oloto. WhUper Ilelle, illm I'rlni lt al.o ran. Third race, for 3-ear-old an1 up, kelllntr. mlie Heethown, U. McTagsart. U to 1. " to 1, i to .1, M,n: Ta ra, luj, iiinn T to it), out eeiond, tars and atrirey. UiJ, ('hapielle, -' to I. ,1 to A, nut. third Time. 1 lo 1-5. Vup taln fc?wanfon anil Short Order aUo ran. 1'ourth rate, tor all asts. belling, 5'j fur longu Waltef Welles, 117. UjvU, 2 to 5, out, won: Allamahi, 11", l'oundere. R to 1, S to 1, out, second. Herinls, Jr., 117, Murraj, .' to 1, eton, out, third. Time, 1 07. Conopola also ran. Fifth race, for 3.i ear-olds and upward, se'l- InK. s furlongb-l'hcw, 1U7. Hammer 3 to 1, ' to 1. bkU. won. Aviator. 112, Mi-Tat-'mrt, 4 to I, even, 1 to '.', second, t'havcr. l7, 0 Nell 4 to i. .1 to 2, 2 to .1 Hut. I Time. 1 m 4-3 fcong of Vallev. rainless. L'ept Jacobs, Herman ImjIc and Dunchalg also ran Woodbine Entrtes for Tomorrow Flrit raie, for .l-vrnr-ulds, sellliig tUoi add ed 0 furloni DU 1,3 IM, 107, .iiipreme. IP.', '(Jra7elle, lim. Minda 102. 'fapt. Hen. 112. fiadorus. int. 'The tlovcrnor. W. Oorit.in, ln.1. Fort Monroe Iihi. AJai, l(ll, alngle. PH. Kenjo Jim, til 'Mendel, 1. Also eligible, Ho qulrani. 1U.1 Did Jordan, 01. Aprisa, U1. ilelle Ttrre. U2. Hirka. 101 eeiond race, for 2-ear-olds, foaled In Can ada. 1700 added "': furlongs I.adv Currun. 113, Hampton Dame. 113. splutter. 113. Pep per Sauce. II. I. Jled Post, lul. llarn Kaxett II, 10.1 liarllo. 101, Tartarean, lul, (a) Torn bilk. HO. la) i harou. 101. ) Ueairdlii riltl Third raie hunters' Hit handkap, for .1-ear-olds and up '. l',v miles- ai Hilton. 110. la) Queen ham 13.S. (b) I-iumlon. lit. tbl Irish Uuke, l.Vi. Hlberr. 130, High I'tuls. US HUek lllver. 147. Wllfmue, 11. la) liavica entrp ib iouple.1. Fourth rave, ste plech-se handicap, for 3-ytar-olda and up. y)0 added, about 2 miles -(a Cusvvlne. 112. (a) Chupadeio, 1 HI. liartei. 141 bhauugu lllver. 113. (a) Cos I entrv K'.f,u Hi'- 2-ear-old. 15ft), 6 furlongs -Utelus, 113, lai Anunt. H12, Venetla, Ion Coinmensm, lull, Uedland. us, lilmiti. 102 ittenan, ii.i; Anuromeua, io.', ahruve Cl Vd Vdl 1 dKir, 4i.. (a) Coupled. Sixth race, all sges foala.1 added 0 lurlongs-'Ondremda, Froiume 100. I'urltan Ijs, ford. lt: Uodondo. 107. nuty Thomas Hare, ion Stwln, 10. Apprentice allowania claimed threatening, tracl sIotv-. Coat. -)3. Weather Tomorrow's Havre tie Grace Entries First race. S-iTir-olds. tilllcs and geldings, felling. 3 furlong-'hanteue, HH, Ilncore, ion. Volant. lo7. 'Fair Helen. Km. Corstcan, 103. Mirgeon. lo3, Mlaveisack, ICQ; Kaster llov, 103. IHrKct. lot. Second race l- ear-olds and up, steeple ihase. veiling abctit 2 miles S-losset. JO'J, I roj. 112, Jljstlc Light, III nrlco 117, J O Tnalt no, Mn. 13o I'rtKllvlty. lilt Third rave, .I-s ear-olds and up se'llng, purse. .'.00, t: furlong -i:.trl Light. 1C(I. Hun. wav. Ins. Jlatit. In', iunklng 1'3 Ileait Heat. H'8, Avlatres 10U, Ort . In3 Hia tia. 1)1. l!l Mali. II. !.:, King Ho lo!. (red Levy. 101. u I Hiister, Hit. Vshctn tu. Aware. H'., Hen Quince, lu3, t'am lllrtch. Id' Kiurlh ra.e. all ages 0 furlongs selllnt; Working laid. 112 Mrlker 107 MilrKrie A . ion l.o.hk'l. li), Frank Hudson, lo:.. Hones Hee. 101, Manameh 10.1. Hard of Hope. 103. Fifth race 1 ear olds and up, selling J mile and 7U ard -'Napier, loti, Hlngbox, 10s, Haitery. Ifs -Mv Fellivv HO. Over Thi Sands lo. -nobert Oliver, 104. Heau Fere, tin lxtli race 2-ear-olds. maidens, conditions 3j turl'ings Knroule, inn. White Metal, lul. I nele Hrjn, lod. Xorus. 106, Captain Parr lit'., sentiment. 10.1, I'eg. lifl " pprentie ullovvumo lalnud Weather clear, truck fast. 2 0 10 10-4 0 2 4 10 9 Twn-hn hlr M,. trnm. ...-. n , r.-.u .. " . v' "y,IIB mils oc'ner, vii? rt - 5ruc,k out Uy I-avender. .'). by i;iiill. V. ' "sernian. i. cacrince nits Klllefer. l1l-(e. First bate on balls-'By Ales andor. 2. by Lavender, 3 Ptolpn bases Ma '"'" H!'1, M"1 I'itche Lavendir. 2. Hogor-SftendanTSSS- L'"'P"-"''ler and Hart. rHILADULPHIA HAI.I. PARK. 5ept. 21. Tno home-run drives by Cravath and onr by Decker with men on bases on efch occasion gave the Phillies a. lend In today's game which tho Pubs wie unnblo to ovnrcanv. The final scoro was 9 to 4. Thlr was Ale.ander's 2'3tli Wctory of the seayon. Lavender was knocked out of the bo. retiring after the sixth in favor of Hagoman. Tho game was featured by .Magee's brilliant Holding and the fierce hitting of Cravath, UecKer, Magee, Good and Zimmeiman. FIRST I.VXIXCJ. I.ench out, Mngeo to l.udenis. Byrne throw Good out. .Saler lifted a lly to Paskert. No runs, no hits, no .nors t.ootf took Lobert's fly Plsher tossed out uyrne score Doaril onls netted him oim hns .Magee stolo t-erond Cravath walked. Becker rolled out to Saier. No runs, on. hit, no errors. SECOND INNING Zimmerman walked Schulte hit a long fly to Ueeker. Hues hit Into a double play, Mageo to Byrne to Luderus. No runs, no hits. I.uderus was safe on Zimmerman's ...in. .li-. r.iani-H oral out a Slow nno Highborn Lady, driven by E. C. Quinn. experienced but little difficulty In win ning the Narberth Sweepstake ovent at tho matinee races this afternoon on tha Belmont Driving Park at Narberth. Quinn drove his entry to a straight heat victoiy and never at any time was tha result In doubt. The best tlmo of tho afternoon was made In the championship Donbro sweep stake when .Mary Warren flashed across the wire In the second and deciding heat in 2.0?i The second series of full driving racea held at tho Belmont Driving Park, Nar berth, this afternoon, was featured by some Hno performances by horses running aga nst time. This was particularly mio' of the running of Lachaco, driven by Huttenlock. who was rated to be good for approximately 2:2ot for the mile. Lachaco upset all calculations by golnff the distance in 2:l.ii.. Princess Cochaco. diiven by William Entwlsle. was another entry whoso ilm i.. - ceeded expectations, for she covered tho nine in uui iwo seconds Lachaco. more than Summaries: hea""11 S"fe'1s,ak"- ht three out of flv Highborn Lady, E. C. Quinn i i i L.1Z II I III t II I I II.I.. I i iT "-.., i Jr4v .. , .... Championship Uonbro Stakes. i,?ry.U.'JrrtMl' J Healv . ... 1 he Ladj Donhro, J Serrlll . 1 1 3 3 4 2 i FRENCH BOMBARD CATTAR0 FROM MOUNTAIN AND SEA Hnrbor Torts Reduced, Capture ot Adriatic City Is Imminent. BORDL'AI'X, Sept. 23. The heavy French artillery which has boon posted on .Mount Ixnoin is steadily reducing tho defenses of Cattaro. on thi Adriatic. Miunvvhllo, tho allied (loot, which ha been bombarding the forts at the en trance of the hnrbor, has succeeded In reducing all of them It Is helieved cer tain the city will he captured very soon. WOMAN ARRESTS WOMAN Alleged Shoplifter Captured After n Struggle. A peculiar arrest tnnk nii n.i.i J '1iic:i IUASKI1 ... - - " , - -,-, ,.3 t.t .Magee's drive against tho I "na1,.,,Ker.8 stor' lat" " afternoon. ...,.-ii aim. lean t'aneoiist. the stole de tmtlye, who weighs only no (ounds. took in rhnrge n woman o,i si feet In height, whose weight Is about .'V pounds. In splto of tholr difference in stature the plucky little detective marched her cap tive over to tho central polk- Nation and UUing aEa",st her c'."rso of shop- h . ...Tr'u"'" J'?r waiton, but hit resmence ua ohe was sine down the third-base line. Luderus stop. ' Eleventh street near F.H,.nount avtn,?.? ping at second Klllefer sacrWced. Lav. I The nce state.l ., " u"nt "-!nu th.o... ,.. ' stolen i,t tl. us .... "" '"'"' ....,. mi ------- ..u . aiidiiiuKer inrA uB .. Ktn alii. -- . -- . ..MO Empire City Entries for Tomorrow Flit race for 2-ear-olds r furlongj im lv Jlaniuette. 103. Cjclc l"''. He Will HV. I'artavero. k. 10 lle toruidi n.'. Uusemarl. 103 Vlllrlm. 103. l.oda, H3 Seiind raie. f..r -'l-ear-olds and up ll-iu rnlUs id-Ivan Oardner. Itt'i Perth Hotk 103 Utile Knglanl. 110 m.lir Cover, 07. rh r. Older hf,. Cogiui Hobln. 103. Third rave for 3-vcar-alds and up selling 1 mile iu-Mr Sniggs ma, m.t.. j I'ardei 112 Miss Sllervvwd IV He tlwven. Ill VTl' . ' -issi.m,,, in, jirruiis. jr . l'a. ij. fong or vane. o.s. ivguai HiUn. li" p-ounu raie fur 3-.ar-old and up. selling 0 lulling; imi I'ulvert. III. W alcr I ilj jot IlMras. Ill User Jim. Ill Sam Harbr. III. IU Ittvauash nil. Humnclir. 0. iium: uiftge. lt). Mr Snlgss. 101. Herman Dojle Fifth race fir S-veur-olds. furionti i.'n-i-bange. 107. lUlnsUir .uh. Hit Sab" io7 liar Maid 107. Manlaml illrl lciT ' '"' ' irues. lati uniy nve raves. tattler clear TOLL OUT FOR LAFAYETTE KASTON. Pa . Sept 2S. (Jmwnll d,ii. ttuuad todav nuttini? iciiv iiml Taylor at end Garwood. iiiumas. a rormer Lehich Sauce ll John I'eet. id Garish Sun !3 '..,,. ,, v ""K '"P regulars Kellv moenie. ioj. Arupnioii. ion tinuo ni ,v. . mi"m uui wire hichins- ks varrti, w.i.i,.- VvMh race. ,,. , !l!l""!,Ih! ' l h a ankle, but 3oO addd, 1 1 IB rone. . i ir iin,,.k, 7. .1 ""' '"" l"' uvt. l"i rim, 110 sherlo-'k Hoi es 113 f "t L'. shrovo lliJe. i KASTON. P. I the Lafayette In Canada. 'JV)'ftut fullback in . li5 Mald offfHrown und ' . Hi i4iertTplacr wire inn run --.. .... . . was iprreaicd to S5. and Wagouhurst. last I'fevf r'1 an' graduate, assMed in ender to Saler lavender Alexander. Lobert out, Fisher to Saler. -vu runs, one uu. TIUUD INNING. Fisher fouled to Klllifer. ivi,n,i.. throw out Aichor. Lavender died to Paskert. No iuns, no hits, no errors. (The game was delajed for a few mln. mes while the Phillies inspected Lavender's glov The bellevctl that he was using a piece of emery paper, but tho ball which he was about to pitch was thrown out of the game and a new one substituted ) Fisher tlnow out Brne Slagee drove .1 long one to Schulte Cravath singled io ien uecKer b "rive nit tlio ton of m HhiU iiviu ail lltl $20 silk sweater ,i nn.l n l... . .. ,.,. ut ki.,1 .c- :::..' '"' . "" at ;, .- " "c nomnn Had " """ at niieiienniirg a taken ring. HURT IN ELEVATOR'S FALL Youth of 10 Dying and Tel low Work mnn Seriously Injured. NORRISTOWN, p, t.vl 2, Frank Hatero. 10 years old, lb ,ving in the Nor riblovvn Hospital, atld UHluni Shoemaker, a ftlU.n.woikman, is in a ..nuus londi- " nuns iiome nue tin. nigh th u an elevator i ... t...i m I i a m I fall Coniiai-Jjr bouiHi.. a..x: t. v. Hmith .. ve,r;.... " ."",v"v,r rr v,m ... ...,..: "",""' ."'". i ..,......r''. ..""""" """ '" l - - .... .v,... v.q.k cv.-oriug nneail i - uviwii j a large i-om-i.t. oull.lln of him Luderus rolled a single aeuiust I " Lafett0 and uien uresis iL S M "n.'L Plehe" I'opped to f J"b had been inmost. i withou S-llnr. TiVfi runs throa Ut, ,, . nriiilum n j i ihvm Saler. Two runs, three hits, no errors, FOUUTH INNINO. Hyrne tosd out Leuuh liuoil singled to left Saler singed to right, tlood tak ing third. Kimmennan beat out a hit to Magco. Hood siorin. Saier taking wound Schulte walKeil. tilling the bases Pdtkert 'rav.itli and Hyrne. let Hue' ll iron .l tween ihem. Suler sioring. iiimmernian taking third, but Schulto w.ts forie.t at .cwond on tho play. Paskert to .Muu-ee Hues stole second Hrne threw out l'Uher. Two run. thre hits, ikj rror iviiivivi iuuu.nn me oaii aganit m....I..M. j .1. ' 1 - - " """"US -",-.,.., j.-it? ivyu niell ,le VVuikintf w feet in the air. taking down the ele vator. wh-n the pUtloim gave wa. Uutem fell off the il.vatm to the groand and recs-Ue,! a fianur. m the tkuil and volUr bone Shot maker Al.w- t n,, eie. yaloi. oing ,li,ii vnth it ids Ki Wa4 broken an. lu- buHeie.i i.thei lnjune CUTTER'S GREW SAVED the .umiuuru oa luge 1: Officers and Men Taken Safely From tlie Wrecked Tahoma. SBATTLB. Set. S -The revenue cut, ter Tahoma U a total oa nn a n-ef 3r) WEATHER FORECAST I ' -" '"- 4...';,i" ..'!,. .V.u For Philadelphia and vicimtuT ,v""i ';'"v ' hl" ' llr nttlcd and cooler tonight and Thu o "b ' '-rX ifay; moderate variable tuiiulj "'""' frr" attl- i., i,,r ' For detail?, see pajo lj ' ' a" Tahouw fct t t u-t Bui. I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers