EVENING T.BDGEB-PHILADKLPHIA, WBnyEgPAY, SEPTEMBER 23, lOI-t BUREAU OF MINES PLANS EXHIBIT AT PACIFIC EXPOSITION y im to Bring General Public to Realization of Mining Industry's Meaning and Magnitude. The t'nltcd States Uureatt of Mines Is planning a comprehcnslvo cxlilblt nt the I'anattia-l'ncWc Imposition. In nrrmiBlnB the exhibit the bureau haa lind In mlml not only tho vnluo ot In teresting thoso engaged In tho various mining and metallurgical Intluntrlcs, but also the education of tho general nubile in a better knowledge of tho magnttudo of these Industries nnd to the efforts which arc honestly being mndo by tuo miners nnd mine operators, with the as flstunce of the Utircati of Mines, looking toward a more safo conduct of mining and n nioro efllclent utilization ot tho products of tho mines after they nre won from the earth. The bureau's exhibit Is located In tho Tnlaco of Mines nnd Metallurgy. An au tomatic duplex projecting machine will continuously show lnntorn slides Illus trative of tho activities of tho bureau nnd simultaneously give descriptions of the lantern slides. Nearby will bo shown tho layout of a model hospital. Including n receiving room, wardroom nnd operating room, fully equipped for demonstrations by the I'nltcd States Marino Hospital Service! also a model of n change and washhotlsc, Another wolfaro feature whloh Is being Installed nt modern mining and metal lurgical operations. A plan of nn Ideal mining town will bo shown. Kirst-nld demonstrations will bo given frequently. An air of reality will be lent to tho demonstration by tho removal of apparently Injured men from tho exhibi tion mine beneath the building by helmet nnd rcBcuo craws. A complete display ot rescue appara tus and safety lamps will be given In a glass smoko room. Tests of safety lamps will bo made, showing their ten dency, under unfavorable conditions, to lKtille explosive gas, and nlso showing methods of testing for explosive gna by means of their enps. An exhibit of the physical and chemical characteristics nnd cnnitltucnts of explosives Is being ar ranged. Visitors going through the exhibition mine will regain tho surface through the radium booth, in which actual radium emanations will bo shown. Surround ing tills radium booth there will bo complcto exhibits of tho various radium ores and of radium products. Tho metal lurgy of various products will bo shown ny a comprencnsivo cxmmt. Tho opportunity for Increased efficiency In the use of fuels will bo demonstrated by a device showing the proportionate amounts of fuels which go to mako up the various losses Incident to consump tion In comparison with that which ulti mately goes to useful purposes. Typical nualjscs of coal from tho various fields will be shown by models find samples, as will also the yield of coko and by-products obtained by various coking processcB. It Is expected to show smoke-proventlnff nnd smoke-producing methods of stoking b means ot nn Ingenious motlon-plcturo device. An ofltcer of the bureau will give his whole attention to visitors. Copies of tho bureau's publications will be nvnllable for free distribution to visitors who may be partlculaily Intel ested. This exhibit, in connection with the ex hibition mine Immediately beneath the bureau's space, hhould be Interesting and Instructive to those engaged In the min ing Industry nnd to the general public. i ' z CRIPPLED ALLIES HAPPY OVER POSSESSION OF GERMAN TROPHY SPONSOR BY PROFESSION Nobleman's Son Makes livilihood Acting; as Goodfather. "Vou see that man I nodded to Just Jiow nt the tablo over there?" said a friend with whom I was lunching at a London restaurant one day. I glanced In the direction Indicated and aiv n man of mlddln age, neatly but rather shabbily dressed obviously n gentleman, but showing unmlstnknblo signs of a partiality for the "cup that cheers." "Well," continued my friend, "If you Rere to try n month I don't think you cmilil guess hon he cams his livelihood. He Is a younger sou nt l.orrt , an 'x-nrmv officer, nnd a few years ago .is one of tho smartest men In town, "Today he his godfather to moro chll oroii, I should say, than any other man in KiiRtand. That Is, In fact, his pro fusion, and from what he has told ma Jif makes quite a good Income out of it-most of which goes In drink." "But how does he manage it?" I ssked incredulously. "Well." answered my friend, "this is "' method, as he himself has described It to me: Kvory morning he goes to one of . the fr. libraries and copies all the birth announcements that peem promising. I hen he either willes to or interviews he proud parents, and offers hU services s godfather lor a suitable remuneration. "Of course, ho attends tho christening In person, and as 'our dear old friend, mJor tho honorable , sou of Lord . you know,' he proposes the Infant's health nt the subsequent celebration. In Mditiou to these services he volunteers to choose a suitable name for tho young hnpefu', and. for a further fee, will pre "lit a Mlver mug, beautiful engraved, "with his name and family crest. "The demand for hia set vices Is quite wonderful, and his clients range from small tradesmen to people who have thousand a year and who hanker after society with a capital S. In one year he told me ho made M0. The most re tnarkible thing is that he Is really proud f his profession." Stray Stories. N. E. HOLDS SCRIMMAGE Northeast High School held Its usual sUnal football drill and scilmmago jes lenlny. King, the new player fiom Howard College, Birmingham, Ala., Mioweil good form nt end and broke up eral of the varsity's plays single, handed. He has lots of spaed and will make the other candidates hustlo for the wing position. The week will wind up with a practice ranie against Mount Holly High School at Mount Holly. Saturday. All the nrst nnd second string men will be put in the tame, which will offer tho first chance f get a line on the Red ami Black's I'rospccts. The soccer men were out for their rond workout. Fulmors, of last year's thaniploiibhlp team, was on th field for he first time. INDIANS DEMONSTRATE ZEAL IN RAISING CROPS Chippowas Hold Fair Where They Refrain From Dancing-. BUMTD.Tr, Minn., Sept. 23. Two thou sand persons, BOO of whom were whites, attended tho big day of the Indian fair nt Bed Lake, which, according to Walter P. Dickens, superintendent of the agency, wns not only a bewildering surprise to visitors, but probnbly was the first Indian fair over held that was devoid of dances. "Thnt Is an achievement Hint must bo looked upon with a good deal of hope fulness," said Superintendent Dickens, "because It shows ns nothing else could the zeal of the Indlnns In demonstrating to their white brothers their ability to ralso farm products nnd hold a fair ex celling in exhibits from the soil as well as prize specimens ot stock nnd house hold displays. There was no Are water nor dancing nor any of those other ad juncts thought necessary for an Indian celebration." nxhlblts of grain grown by the Indians Included specimens of oats, barley and wheat that would average 25 bushels to the ncre, nnd yellow dent corn fully mntuicd. AVhat was perhaps next In Importance was the stock dsplay which Included blooded animals, tho registered Holsteln and Uurham cattle being most numerous. The Judging of the stock was dono by Superintendent C. G. Selvig, of the Crookston School. There also was a fine display of vege tables and fruits, all of which were raised by tho Indians. The exhibits included cantaloupes and sugar sweet watermelons. There were also crab apples and displays of other apples nnd fruits. The women and girls had exhibits ot bread, pies, cakes, Jellies, picserves, pickles. Jams and other dainties. But probably the most artistic and beautiful display even soon at a county fair was found in the display of beaded woiK. These exhibits not only were neatly done, but the beaded designs and colorings were gorgeous. The exhibit Included among other things headdress, sacques, moccasins, dresses, belts, hat bands, ban ners, buckskin leggings and Jackets. All wero new, naving noen maaa Dy uw Chlppewas the past year for display , the fair, Thero was no disorder or Intoxication. ROD AND GUN Mrs. Faith Leads Golfers NEWAHK, Sept. 23. The first of tho sutumn series of one-day tournaments ' tho Women's Metropolitan Ciolf As sociation was played yesterday at tho Forebt Hill l-'leld Club. Mrs. W. J. Faith, f WykagjI, won the gross priae with a ell-played 8T, and was the only one of the field to mako tho round in less loan so. McAndrews Leads All the Way NOimiSTOWN. Sept. M.-Eddle Mo Aodrews experienced but little trouble In HnJng the decision over Johnny Miller V V?e ten-rouud. wind Up at tbe PaJco A.C. Lai i Roped Arena Notes Jee Pair, of Oirarrtvllle, proed a poor substitute for Charlie Collins, of Columbia, at th Kalrmount A. C. last nlitht. Manager Williams wan unable to explain the non-ap-praranre of the Columbia boxer, Rml had to use the only jnallabla boxer In aJEht, The bout a a tame affair, and, although Tags was ullllng- to ml It at all llmee, Palter was loo Mrong for him. HaUer lacked bin famous knockout punch, and neither man waa In dang-er at any time, although Puts brought ltaker to his knees In the llfth whn ha landed a left hook lo the Jaw. Young Warnart, of thla city, had a. shade the belter of Voung Fletcher, of New York, In lx hard rounds In the aeml wlnd.up. nnd in tho preliminaries Toung Jack Toland bested Kid Gannon; Joe Smith, of the battleship Michigan, ion easily from Johnny Ilogan. and Willie Kline was knocked out by Fat Diddle In the tilth round. "Philadelphia Jatk" O'Brien may tak "Voung Jack" through the West on a boxing trip In the hopa of repeating his triumphant tour of several years ago. "young- Jack" has entirely recovered from the Injury to hla Jaw, which he received in a recent bout with "Freddy" Ktlly, Arthur Pelkey. who won a championship with ona blow, has announced hla retirement from the ring. He eaja that the accident to I.uthtr McCarthy has taken all the ag gressive out of him. "rat" Blddle. who defeated "Wlllla" Kline at the Falrmount A. C. last night, haa been matched to meet "Penny" Kline at Jlasleton the latter ra" ' nexl month. Tom" Andrews, the famous boxing writer and promotor, of Milwaukee, is In town looking for talent In the boxing line. He ahould find plenty of it here. Advance orders for seata at the Williams. Jlerman ahow at too Olimpli next Honday night are alread) far In advance of any preti. oua show this season. "Freddy" Ford, manager of "Tommy" role, man. figures that If his man nblps "Jaxk" iiuckburn on October ft he lll be In line for a lot ot money. He wants lo get "Sam" t.angford after the lilackburn match it It goes his wa, and he Is confident It will. "Al" McCoy, of Brooklyn, who meets 150.000 "lark" McCarron at the National A. C. Satut. day night, writes Manager McGulgan that he has trained as he never trained before, and that he Is sure that he will add McCarron'a scalp to his string when they meet. "Jimmy" Toland, the clever little South, wark boxer. Is out for any one his weight. Toland did most of his fighting cut of town last )ear, "Johnny" Delta, who looks after the Eastern Interests of "Jatk" Dillon, of Indianapolis, will bo at tha ringside Saturday night t challenge the winner of the "Al" McCoy.nJack" McCarron contest- Detu would also Ilka to arrange a match with "Joe" Borrell. "Billy" McCarney, the discoverer of Luther Mccarty. I headed toward the East with a string of boxera. Including "Al" Norton, "Vic" Hanson and "young" Alberts, of Hawaii. "Leo" Houck, of Lancaster, boxes '"K. O." Brown, of Chicago, at Akron, o., on Tuesday next. Tb match Is scheduled for 12 rounds. Tho handsome rewatds offered for skill In trapshootlug had, In a measure, an opposite effect to that Intended, ns op portunities to win big purses had created what, In effect, tvas a professional class of shooters, who attended trapshootlug events iot so mucli for tho enjoyment of tho sport as a matter of money mak ing. The Interstate Association, the central body for the encouragement of trnp shooting, long sought means to remedy this unsportsmanlike condition, and has solved the problem entirely by new rules which became effective this year. In a statement covering the case, the association has gone on record as fol lows: "The Intel state Association, nt Its nn niun meeting lit 1013, materially changed tho conditions governing leglstcrcd tour nnmunls. These changes wore deemed necessary for the best Utcicsts ot trap shooting, nnd It Is bcllcrtil that they will benefit all concerned. Tho new condi tions will ellmlnato certain undesirable features, while developing the sport on Ilncsuhnt arc broad, wholesome and per manent, Tho matter of good sportsman-' ship Is given full consideration. "For years past tlicro hns arl3eu In tho realm of all lecieatlons a disposition to effect a change In the system of rowaidlug the winners of competition eliminating tlip commercial sldo and establishing a liner and moie glorious setting for all sports by abolishing the professional type and favoilnz a class who participate In pastimes for sport's sake alone, and who covet emblems as rewards of merit. This Is the trend today In the civilized world and applies to nil hlgh-clnss sports. Tho members .of tho Intcrstato Association give recognition to this lino of thought some tlmo ago, and each year steps havo been taken calculated to accomplish grad ually and gracefully for trap-shooting tho Ideals of all ttuo lovers ot clean and wholesome sports. For 13H a larger step than usual has been essayed, but It Is confidently believed that the step Is not too abrupt and that the trnpshooting fraternity will approvo of the departure and accustom Ithelf to the altered methods without much, If any, hesita tion or confusion." Within the past few veais a new method has been emplojcd In the study of btid migration which promises ex cellent lesults. This is the marking, usually by metal bauds placed about tho legs, of young wild birds, tho purpose of such marking being to Identify tho birds by means of the record kept by tho man who put the band on the hlrd. Wherever the bird may be killed, the marked band which it wears will servo to trace it baclc to tho spot where It wns hatched. It Is piobable that nfter this has been In piactlce for a sufficient length of time and when people generally come to understand that It Is being done, much new Information will bo received about the migration and distribution of birds. There are about half a million quail In Spokane County, .Wash., according to a recent estimate of R. D. Wales, game warden, who adds that this condition Is tho result of propagation and protection by the authorities, co-operating with the public. "This number Is all the more remarkable when It Is noted that this is rthe onlv countv In tha KtntA whlM, al lows quail to bo killed," sajs Mr. Wales. "If tho season on Hungarian partridge Is kept closed until 1920, aa tho law now provides, thorc should be close to a million of these birds at that time. We plan to plant golden and Japanese pheasant." The State game commissioner of Georgia has Just turned Into the State Treasury $20,000, the accumulation resulting from tho sale of hunting licenses for the last two years. Tho law piovides that tho profits of the Game Department go Into the State's school fund. "Yl-Tl" Erne, the clever Southwirk bonKf telephone operator, 2723 trained, narscs U iimut duo to iftnter the. ,1 "w,r' jajj waitresses. 711,169 WORKERS HERE, SAYS CENSUS DIRECTOR They Form 45.0 Pet Cent, of Total Population of City, WASHINGTON. Sept. 23 -Philadelphia in 1910 had 711.160 persons engaged In gainful occupations, according to a report issued today by Census Plrector Harris. These workers formed U.9 per cent, of tilt total population of the city. In 1!W thero wera B6S,92a gainful workers In the city, forming U per cent, of the total pop ulation. Of the 711.169 workers In 1910, 610,871 were jnaleu and 200,M$ were fe males. Between tho ages of 10 and 15 jears 11,777 were males and W21 were females. According to the Census Dliector's fig ures, Philadelphia In 1910 had 3023 bakers; tt2 barbers; 3j24 bartenders; 13.091 car penters; 30,115 clerks,. 12,840 d-aynien and teamsters; 1606 chauffeurs, 3177 Insurance agents; 1K35 lawyers. Judges and justices; 19,645 machinists; 60C3 messenger and of fice boys, 3269 surgeons and ph)slc!aui; 30,007 retail dealers, 6132 servants, 2511 fehoemakers; 8108 tailors, 46S3 waiters, 372$ boarding and lodging house keepers, 154) charwomen; 12,803 dressmakers; 9214 .sales women In stores; 37 060 servants (female). 7fo3 stenographers and typewriters, 1976 NEW THEORY NOW AS TO1 ORIGIN OF LIFE Law of Molecular Complexity May Solve Riddle. That the gieen coloring matter ot plants, called chlorophyll, has mysterious power ot transforming light energy Into chemical energy and thus forming organic compounds fiom Inorganic is a well known fact. This has seemed to some scientists to indicate that life had Its very beginning In this action of sunlight upon Inorganic matter. At the Inst meet ing of the Biltlsh Association, Prof. Ben jamin Moore and Arthur Webster re ported the result of laboratory Investi gations Into this subject. The action ot clilorophvll Is understood, though hefw It works is a mystery; hut chlorophyll itself Is one of tho mo?t com plex of orgnnic substances, and its origin must he oxplnlnrd. The Scientific Ameri can savs the authors found that whrn dilute solutions of culloldnl forilc li droxldc, or Ihe conesponding compound of uranium, nie exposed to stiong sun light, or the light of a mercury arc, the same organic compounds are formed as nre found In the flrut stage In the process of tho organic synthesis by the green plant, viz., formaldehyde and formic acid. The deducton from tills would be that as a planet cools down first only ele ments aro present; theso combine, first Into binary compounds, then Into slmplo crystalloidal Kilts. Dy union of single molecules Into groups of llfty or sixty. colloids ore formed. As these Increase In complexity, they also lose their stability; they aro raolly destroyed by sudden changes and are peculiarly sensitive to energy changes. The colloids take up water and carbon dioxide and under the action of sunlight pioduce the simplest organic structuics. The latter continue to react with themselves and with Inor ganic matter, ever building up more com plex organic colloids, till thev ncqulre tile property ot transforming light energy Into chemical energy. Thus may life have originated, and may still he originating, by the law of molecular complexity. To thoso of us who believe that life had a divine origin there need bo noth ing disconcerting about this theory for, after all, it Is only a theory. The ortho dox believer does not need to know the details of the methods employed by the Almighty In creating life. Science tells us that matter had tho power td combine In theso beautifully and Intricately orderly ways, but does not suggest where It got that power, nor do the deepest thinkers imply that such power came by chance. CATS AS HOUNDS' PACK CREW BATTLES THREE WEEKS WITH SEA WHEN SHIP LEAKS Man-enHngvSharks Follow In Wake of-Sinking' Schooner. SAN FIlANcrsCO, Sept. 23.-Out of the South Pacific Ocean there came today a harrowing account of a grim battle against death nt sea, a strugglo that exhausted a crew of sturdy seamen and then brought victory Just as the last rays of hope were fading. Tho fight ngalnst death was waged aboard the little schooner Zampn, which sprung a leak during a terrific gale In tho South Pacific. For three full weeks tho crew tolled valiantly nt the pumps during long days and weary nights, strug gling against what seemed an Inevitable death. And Just as the exhausted sailors were resigning themselves to their grim fata Honolulu wns sighted nnd the water logged vessel limped Into port. Appalling hardships were endured by the sailors, and tha story of suffcrlnn; brought, to Satv Francisco today with tho arrlvat of the Kompa l replete with harrowlnc details. Loaded with phosphate rock, the lltths Knmpa. sailed from Papeete for this port tinder favorable conditions. When tho schooner was little more than a day out a terrific storm came up. The Zampa was buffeted In tho heavy seas, rolling like a barrel In the pecan. Tho galo raged for a day and a night. When It had nearly subsided the Zampa sprung a leak below her watcrllnc. "All hands to tho pumps!" was Cap tain Jnnson's order. And then there began one of tho moit fearful battles against death at sea nntl shipwreck ever waged In South Pacific waters. Through long, exhausting nlilrts they pumped awny, forcing wnlcr from their listing craft nt quick as It rusheil Into tho hold through a gaping hole lit her At times the schooner listed badly. Lifeboats wera lowered time ami again, And no these utruek the water lite gll tenlng fins of sharks above tho surface threw now terrors into the hearts ot th exhausted seamen. As tho end of tho third week drew near tho hole In tho Eampa's side be enmo larger and moro water was pour In? Into tho lltle craft than her pumpsj could throw out. It looked like Inevitable death nnd they had almost abandoned hope when. Honolulu was sighted. Thero repairs were made and the trip to San Francisco was resumed. Prentice Wins Title Again SRAUrUOHT, J ,T., Sept. 23.-Ucrnon P. Prentice, well known as n tennis play er, Is the winner ot a second leg on the golf challenge cup or the Iltimsort Coun try Club. In tho flnnl round for tho trophv he heat Albert H. Symington by 2 up nnd 1 to piny. A third victory will mako Prontlce tho owner of tho trophy. Mississippi Pets Can Trail and Re trieve Like Dogs. T. G. Nimmo. of Sturgts, Miss., prob ably has the "strangest pack of hounds" In tho Unlttd States, If not In the world. It consists of two huge domestic cats, whicli ho has been training for more than three years, until they can trail, point and retrieve small game as well as any dogs eer seen In Mississippi. The cats are named Tom and Jerry, and are used principally in hunting rabbits, tree squir rels and quail, though thoy havo tracked and helped kill opossums and raccoons, both of which aro plentiful In that part of the South According to their owner, who be. gan training the cats when thev were kittens, mi sight of a uibblt. squirrel or quail, they assume rigid positions, like that of a pointer, except that they movo their tails slightly, and wait for him to romp up and shoot tho game they have found. They havo never, since lie fin ished their training, rushed forward to kill the game themselves, or to attempt to stalk It. When the shot Is fired they retrieve the fallen animal or hlrd, and If It Is not qutto dead, give it a quietus by biting It In the neck. Mr. Nlmmo, who is 73 jears old, lives with an unmarried daughter, one mile from Sturgls Uo and the cats keep the family larder full of meat. The felines are never allowed to hunt alone, and are kept as carefully in the house as any petted Maltese or Angora cat of high uegree coulu De carea tor. The especial value of these cats, Mr. Nlmmo says, is their ability to trail, cap ture and kill wounded squlnels, which Uee to the tree tops after being shot. "Tom and Jerry," paid he, "will follow me like dogs for miles through the woods until they sco or scent a rabbit, bird or squirrel. Then they squat down close to the ground, wag their tails from side to side, and teinaln motionless until I &ee tho game aud shoot Then they dash forward, selalug the animal or bird, and holding It until I ariive." Logan to Fight Jack Dillon LANCASTER, Sept. JX-Frank Logan, of Philadelphia, and Jack Dillon, of Indianapolis, have been matched to meet at the Lancaster Athletic Club. Rocky Sarins!, on October 1st. (fr Handkerchiefs Women's all - pure linen with script and block initials; soma encircled liv wreath. Regular ?1 valuo; half dozon . .. CO FIRST FLOOR, SOUTH STORK OPKNS P..10 A. M. AMI CMISIJS AT fi-10 P. 31. HATS TRIMMED PRICE OF CHARGE Lit Bttltef Market Eighth Filbert Seventh IN Otlll Illfl IlllSTAOItANT niJhT OF nvnitVTIIINf! AT MIMIJVr PHICn VI You net n wider choice nnd Letter quality mer rhandlsn for Yellow Trading Stamps than for tiny other and oil run nrrtimulHlo them fsster by shopping here In the mornlnsc, as no Rite ilouhle Yellow Trad ing Stamps In the forenoon FT 1 1 Fr.OOIt . Women's & Misses' Suits Just a Suggestion in Exceptionally Smart Styles and Notably Good Values We Are Offering in Autumn Apparel $18.50 Values, $12.98 $25.00 Values, $18.50 These arc expertly tailored garments exceedingly good looking and of qualities that will give excellent wear. Illustration Shows One at Each Price Tlinco ni CIO QO are of medium weight navy blue and lIlOSc dt tPl.VO black serge; also in black, blue, green and brown cheviot. Coats arc of Red ingotc effect, with cloth or rich velvet collar one stylo also showing satin sleeves and braid trimming, and all lined with yarn dyed satin. The skirts arc in yoke styles prettily button trimmed. TlirtCP if C Q Cfj include six striking styles, in English 111 Use at fllO.dU cut.away and long skirted Russian fash ion, trimmed with silk braid or velvet and lined with guaranteed satin. Skirts have side plaits or yokes. Materials include serge, gabardine and cheviot, in Autumn's richest shades. WW r ii i n l rt v it ItC ' jr 8288, $11.50 Women's and Misses' $16.50 New Dresses Of navy blue and black scrjre, with velvet Jacket, satin sleeves and underskirt. Also rich satin mescalines of latest shades, with llowlnpr tunic and white bengallne collar. Women's and Misses' $4.50 S O QQ Autumn Skirts P&.i70 Several smart oke top and plaited solos, In navy blue and black serge. SKCOND FLOOR WlVtVWWVltMVlUVVUVWVUMVHV1 llre can fit uou perfectly, nivc you event shoe com fort and save you a dollar or tivo on Your FALL SHOES We have three special brands that are made to our particular 5 order, and we don't know i of any shoes anywhere else J that can touch them for jj less than $1 more than our 5 prices. i Women's I "Lit Brothers' I Special" at. . . . t Women's "Lenards" at $3; Stratfords at $1 $ The most fashionable leathers with dull calf, cloth ; a or combination tops; lace, buton and Blucher, with 5 hand-welted white oak soles; newest heel and toe shapes. Sizes" 2 to 8, widths A to E. 5 Misses' & Children's i $3.50 dtMSci i ttiifodffl .;;;!! SSBB&r LSI ? We are specializing tomorrow on some unusually attractive New UNDERMUSLINS For Such Little Prices $1.50 Nainsook Combinations 4k Women's S2.50 & 53 New Fall M QO Shoes ... px 7 I'roiu Thomson - Crnnkrr Mioe Co.. of Iloolon, Mil in, Pa.tent coltskin, nun inetal calf and plaited kld skln laee, button and niucher. Sires ''t3 to T. Men's $3.50 & $1 Fall tO fiC VM ex .fohnnon, Shoes . from Kndleott Hndlrntt, X. Y. Patnnt coltskin, jrun metal and tan Russia calf: lace, button and Hlucher, with hand-welted and stitched oak soles. .si?es 5 to 10, , $1.75 to $3 Shoes 5 Sire 8 ',4 MnVll'i S oil lo '2 o $1.29 $1.39 'i I I i i ;4.vivwvvwwvvvwvvv,rvv-.vxvv F1TIST FT.OOTt. XOUTU i' atom (oitsuin, sun inetal calf and dull kid skin, welted and flexible seweil oak soles. Children's $1.25 Tan Kidskin Shoes, 89c Hand-turned white oak soles; wedue heels; button styles. Sizes 4 to 7. Boys' $2.50 Shoes, $1.98 Patent coltskin, (tun metal and tan Hussia oalf welted and stitched white oak soles. Sizes 3 to C- 98c One Nketchcd. Covers trimmed w i t h Val. and shadow laces, em bioidery and lace medallions, ribbon run. D r a w o r s edged with lace. $1.00 Gowns 69c One IIIllNtriitril. cambric and nainsook. In lilsh. "V. ' square nerk and s,lip-ovrr models lace, embroidery and ill bon trimmed. One stsle with eye let embruider oke. 40c Cambric Drawers, 25c Cluster of olalts and hemstitched plaited ruffle. J s ) a If r.Jj .c uf ',' -v m ; -P'T i 98l Serond Floor 75c to $1.50 Flannelette Gowns, -19c, fi9c & 9Sc Neat stripe.":, with turn-over collar or collarleas, trimmed with braid, frops and stltchlnq-. 53 Silk Petticoats, $1.98 Mpssaline and taffeta, In black, chanseables and plain colors, with plaited ruffles $1.50 Crepe Kimonos, 9Sc Floral designs with round collar and sleees, finished with silk cord lllastic at waist Imported Fall Wool Dress Fabrics Every Yard is Priced at Substantial Savings $2.75 Imported All-Wool Gabardines $2.25 Fine close weave with clear cut cord effect; 50 inches wide. Colors taupe, Belgian blue, wistaria, Havana, Burgundy, ohe, midnight blue, navy and black, $2 Satin Prunella Cloth $1,50 Beautiful high, lustrous finish; 50 inches wide. Coloii include pea cock, porcelain, American Bcaut, Dcli't blue, taupe, Havana, sun metal wistaria, wine, Russian green, midnight blue, navy and black. FIRST PUn. SOITH 1 $2 All-Wool J? 1 Cf Polins tPJL.OU Fxccptionally tine ciualifv closely 'woven round clear vord; 150 inches I Ide t'olors -taupe. Delft blue. mahogany. ropenhuKen. wistaria, African brown, llurnundy. Russian i ?,','iL'Pi nJne' mldniBht ulue, navy $2 Chiffon 1 Cq Broadcloth vl.Oi7 0j!I'.'.1.'es .T'.'!e- ,." '!10 correct chiffon weight with luBi, Hal iustre hponsetl and shrunken Choice of Muwiiir shades taupe, friean blown, plum, IItirtiia, Itusslan preen, golf red. peacock, frun-rnetal. tango uiahoKanj. American Beauty. t opeiihag.-n. nmetlu&t. lelft hlue! nor, .Main, wis, tana. Belgian blue. bluebird. nav and black. Fashion's Latest Dictates Are Always Reflected m Madame Lyra Corsets i arli season thr anttcipato the mode and are ever faultless foundation for ihe best Runnf I hey ure made for eer tlsure and bear highest icpute for faultless fit. Prices, $3.50 to $10 $3 to $6 Corsets, $2 v.uietv of models, of cuutll. batiste and brocades Kit medium, low and tiirdle top Sizes 1 to 36; i iiti) aiio in 1.1,11 oijir, uut mi sizes lu lot. $6 to $10 Corsets, tQ tiuKen sizes of up-to-date goods. rJ Soe to $1.25 Model KiQDriaiarj q n H .ew& Bust Confiners. i mbroldery and lace-trimmed okes back and front extra large armshlelds. falzes 31 to 4S. nl xtra , SECOND FLOOR nop (SI B Jim .crsets 50c & 75c Victrola IX Outfit, $75 A GENUINE Pooley record cabinet in any finish you de sire to match the Victrola is part of this outfit. These $26 Pooley cabinets are special at $16 in this outfit. They, together with a Victrola IX at $50 and a dozen 10-inch double-faced records at 9, make the total only $75. $5 n Mnnth Pays for His Outfit On Our Club Plan at the Cash Price SO TK4DI0 STAUP3 W(TH Mwnoin ok REroitDS SECOND FLOOR : irr uuotueus : : MAIL Oil rilO.NU OUSGI! S 1'IXXKU II : lit imoTiiuns id)
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers