EVENING LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, lOldV HISTOEYlHlJ PUNS EORPASSENGERS ON SIGM-SEEING AUTO -t Lecturer Gives Interesting Account of City's Past Without Its Accuracy Be ing Challenged. 1 Did you ever view Philadelphia from a sightseeing nuto? If you didn't you havo lots to learn. You will rind In sonjo In stances thnt fnmous historians have greatly erred, that statisticians have not been within gunshot distance of facts, and that you'll feel at the end of tho trip that you should hrush up on things concerning your own city. A trip o ono ot these "rubber-neck" tors was taken today by an Kvenlng Ledger reporter. Ho Btnrted from Fif teenth and Market streets In receptlvo mood, but before riding a mile was con vinced that he knew very little, Indeed, about places and events In his own city. The llrst surprise came when tho car teacher! the main postofllcc. There tho jnarathen lecturer pointed to the statue of Benjamin Franklin nnrl announced In authoritative tones. "There l tho statuo of Benjamin Franklin. Tt was upon this very plot of ground that Franklin flew Ms kite nnd got electricity from tho clouds," Somo of tho other riders also nerc amazed. They made quiet com ment, but as most of the passengers ap peared to bo contented the statcmont passed unquestioned. Ono could half close his eyes and pic ture the guldo enlightening nn audience in a vaudeville house. Glowing trlbuto was paid by the lecturer to prominent business establishments on Chestnut street. On reaching Fifth street, ho nn jiounccd that the Dclawnro Itlver was jive squares cast; also that tho Atlantic Ocean, which washed the shores of Now Jersey and several other States, was 63?; jnllcs east of that. CO.NSCICNCnt.ESS ENCFCLOPEDiA. Endowed with n vocabulary which would have donu ciedlt to a high school giadu.itp, thf spenker then went on like n human cncyrlopedla without a con science. The block from Fifth to Sixth on iMnrket htrect was referred to as "great men's row." Luckily there were no mem bers of the Pennsylvania i!ltorlcal So ciety on board, for the guide pointed out tho early homes of several Presidents, half a dozen famous statesmen and resi dences of others who helped make history In the days of tho city's early struggled. At Seventh street he was obliged to drop history for commerce. All tho de portment stores got the fullest praise and the prices of hats nnd gowns were not forgotten. In describing one, ' thu lecturer remarked: "There Is a store so large that If a woman bought a hat at the Market street entrance and carried It over every tloor the hat would be out of style beforo she loft the building." Just then a building hove In sight In which n white coated cook was turning acrobatic cakes. "Thnt," shouted the guide, "Is n restnurant where a hungry man may get anything from a roast din ner to a piece of bread If ho has a roll." This brought a smile, nnd, encouraged, he went on. "There Is the world's largest Tenn holder, City Hall, and It cost ?3,W.00O to hold nilly In place. Kvon at that ho becomes impatient on account of tho deeds which go on under him." Tp Broad street the car then wabbled. When the suburbanites on board woio turroundod by a batch of beautiful biiilcl Inss tho megaphoned speaker lot his ora tory on nt full speed. No stenographer could have followed him. A Hood of su perlatives was applied to tho surround ing architecture. The facetious talker could not resist the statement that "Venus do JIllo on tho Academy of Fine Arts lost her head on account of praise." "imOTHKRIA' LOVE" EXPLAINED. According to tho guide, this Is called the City of Brotherly Lovo because tho Girls' Commercial School Is opposite tho BoyB' Hlch School, at Broad and Green streets. None of Philadelphia's financiers nnd the amount of their fortunes was forgot ten on the rcmulnder of tho trip up Broad "'"' vvnen iiskcu nnmit n pnitlcular ornament which protruded from the sec ond story or nearly every house on nn- sircoi, mo guide looked wise, GERMANS IN LOKRAINE BLOCK FRENCH ADVANCE Strong Fortifications Erected Where Invasion Was Planned. LONUONt Sept. 21. All reports ,recelved from the battle fields of Franco Indicate that tho blood iest contllct of the vr maybo In progress today. The War Ortlco refuses nil com ment except to say that the British and nuiem lines are holding, and thnt the sit uation Is unchanged. Unablo to shell the Allies from their position!! on the left centre, the Germans ImVn icsorted to the bayonet. Tho Kienoh nnd British troops have mut them, steel to steel, and It Is certain that enor mous losses have been sustained. The German nttacka have been re pulsed, It Is declnrcd, nnd though the casunltlcs of tho Allies may bo stagger Itig, the losses of the troops of the Kaiser endeavoring to pierce tho allied lines must havo been even heavier. Tho advance of the Ft ouch lines to Las slgny has revived the belief here that tho determined movement to envelop tho army of General von Kluk may yet bo successful. In spite of n countcr-attnek, which reports Indicate tho Germans In stituted, the French lines wcro extended eight miles west of Noyon .evidently as a part of n movement toward tloyc, bringing the Allies nearer a position for n successful movement upon the German renr. The original line of tho French offen sive Into Lorraine Is now blockod by the Germans. This Is Indicated by tho Information which has reached tho French War Oluco that fortifications nre being erected around Delme nnd south of Chateau Salltis. This wns the lino of tho French ndvnncc In tho Ini tial movements, and tho German forces nro reported as being 'strongly en trenched there. $50,000 FLAGLER BROOCH MYSTERIOUSLY RETURNED Messenger Brings It Back After Vain Search by Owner. ASHEVILL13, N. C, Sept. 22,-The $50,000 pearl brooch which Mrs. Henry M. Flagler wore when' she entered the dining room ot Grove Park Inn Satur day evening was missing when sho left tho room and diligent senrch by hotel employes at the lime nnd two detectives since then failed to locate It until last night, when It was returned mysteri ously by a messenger of whom no ques tions were asked, In the brooch Is a black pearl of largo size, surrounded by dlnmonds. IV wns given to Mrs. Flagler yenrs ngo by her husband, the Into Standard Oil and East Coast magnate. IiMXtiib CENTURY-OLD LOG HOUSE STANDS AS YEAR IT WAS BUILT Structure Frequently Shel tered Gen. William Henry Harrison When He Was Governor of Indiana. other mey are busy-bodies." hn snl.l. "mi on account of present financial conditions they nre placed thoro so that the resi dents nwy learn if thero's a bill collector at the door." Later tho passengers learned thnt a large plot of ground containing tomb stones was n cemetery, and more cnllght rn ng Information nlong this line wns l ?ut ."nU1 Fnlrmount Park was reached. He showed the plnygrounds for S"d,rc ,t0 tn rlKht. and tho playgrounds or policemen and nurses" to tho left. i ointlng to the statue of nn Indlnn which vnL.'th !Va.c'es' hc nl,,: "Kvpn h iMiant medicine man cannot devise a fine tor this condition." By way of educational Instruction, tho guide nnnnunrf'ri v fM.t, .. finfl ni' '? th? pilrk' yot tne unrds oe find poaches In pairs on the benches." As vVu ST Wls. tne" ver' nc- t'" Schuyl Jous speaker again becamo scr- "ti,?U.i,?".rcad,lj' sce'" 1,e exclaimed,, nft.rL ..,s a ,,ver' Ever' Saturday ?.?? t,,eros a boat c ere be- "",,h! ,cw "f the Unlverslay of "U'!yl.,:anl" nnd 0lrnl,1 College. n.iiV that n"B on ,he weBt bank?" l?i a Winger. whBM '.'.' flaBr abovo Fort Helmont. aft?? Oi Rshlnston nnd Ids aimy rested after leaving Valley Forge." WHERE PENN MET ENGINEERS. tau,u!.ye i ."'otlsm swept over tho I?im J ""J1 J1 was '"creased when the Thl vi?lP,a lh. sU,U0 ot General Grant. th.fn .Jc.hlstorlan Callc'l attention to home of ,tl",Sew"1 was facln,r tno nn? ,f,WJ",am Pcnn " thn west bank. iw 2 LG.rnm. was ren(ly to Protcct ll flxty-onp 33 Proteeted the North In tt3J!P..rlnfr .Ganlcn street was reached 'he ku Me nn n.s .. , th i-i,.i.. ,. ut " un?o mount, to met m , 7hat s whero William Penn them iT '"slneers." he said, "and told wount nV ila' out th0 nIana of F-a,r-dehn?J Lary Jhla WR rollowel by a on lvgh. 8,atlstlcs' w'"e' was cut short ton monument.,PCaranC ' th Wart,n"' rlrti.1,-83 a,l1 Snrlng Garden streets the building -rhl,?a""P?lntcd, tliree-y "! i, . "" Birneu me gume. exclaimed the guide, iron bulldli bte L,.iMir":f:..."?w or copied Its lo. pSZ..".?' ' rv ,,,; - i "" '" """-T mings. vll Vay f Rroad street, the tra .." laKen to tho startlne noint. admitted the bride and rhVni'.M ? 'reet: th.e ro "W ,,.,:." "lu "'ariing point. Slladelnhl, rta nl,y learned n ,ot about iiaueiphla," adm tted thn hrM nn.i foom. -- . -...- liJif- 3ftUrr sald tnat he was formerly o'nVprtwo31 bUSlnC3S and coul ' S 1NT0 ARMY STRIFE Into th, flghtlnll,S ?. ,ersoal '"lu'ry ' the B7va'larCe,ntiy betw" so'dle" U Qb""1 force, in OWENSVILLE, Ind., Sept. 22.-On the farm of Miller Montgomery, ono mile south of this city, stands nn abandoned two-story framo house 100 years old, a building that sheltered General William Henry Harrison on many occasions when ho was Governor of Indiana. Although only a short distance from the road, the house Is almost hidden from view by trees. The century's wear and tear have had little effect on tho house because It Is kept In good repair. It contains a good Might of stairs by which visitors ascend to the two large rooms above, where many articles of furniture in use 100 years ngo can be seen standing about in cureless disorder. The house was built by Mr. Montgom ery's father, Walter Crockett Montgom ery, nnd the present owner was born In It. Directly In front of tho houso is tho family cemetery. In which are buried members of the Montgomery family who left the borders of civilization In Virginia to begin life anew In what was then a dense forest and wilderness. "PURTV OLD TOM" HIS FATHER. "Walter Crockett Montgomery was born in Roanoke Springs, Va In 1784. Ho was the last of flvo sons. Ho had threo sisters. His father, Purty Old Tom Montgomery, wns tho seventh son of Hugh Montgomery, Sr., and took part In the Revolutionary Wnr. Walter Crock ett Montgomery came with his father to Gibson County in 1S06. The father had mado a visit tho previous year and marked an oak tree on the farm now owned by C. B. Smith. When ho r. turned tho following year, accompanied by his son, a man was living In a rail pen on tho quarter section of land whero Purty Old Tom had previously marked tho tree. They moved n short dlstanco north and mado a settlement, but wore not satisfied and moved again, perma nently settling on the land which later descended to his son, Walter Crockett Montgomery. Tho farm then passed Into tho hands of Miller Montgomery, the present owner. Tho Montgomery's wero among the first whlto settlers to arrive and settle pcr mnncntly In Montgomery township, for whom tho township was named. Tho llrst homo of tho Montgomery."? was hullt In 1S07. This was their homo until 1E03. After his marrlago Walter Crockett Montgomery set about to build a home a houso that still stands. Timbers were cut, and when ready to be placed In posi tion ho Invited every white man between PntokaNand Mount A'ernon to the llrst "nouso raising" in Montgomery township nnd probably the first of the kind in Gib son County. METHOD OF CONSTRUCTION. First, long logs were cut and placed as sills; sleepers wcro placed on these and on tho sleepers rough puncheons, which were to serve as lloors, weio laid. The logs were then built to tho height of tho enves; then poles wero placed at me enas ot tne ouiiding. Theso poles wero longer than tho other logs and projected nbout IS Inches over tho sides and wero called butting polo sleepers. On the pro jecting ends of these were placed tho but ting poles, which served to give lino to the llrst row of clapboards. These wero split and as the gables wero built up were laid to lap a third of their length. They wcro often kept in place by the weight of n heavy pole laid across the roof parallel to the rldgo pole. Tho Bpaces bttween the logs were then chinked with a coarse mortar. A fireplace was built at one end of the house which served for heating and cooking purposes. Greased paper was used In tho windows. A log was left out along one side and sheets of stiong pa per, well greased with coon gicase or bear oil. were tacked in. The house was hullt principally as a rendezvous for the settlers In the event of an attack from the Indians. Mr. Montgomery and General William Henry Harrison wore close friends In Virginia, nnd when the genera was ap- poimcu uovernor ot Indiana Territory the friendship was renewed. The Gov ernor stopped overnight with Mr. Mont gomery many times during his voyages from Vincennes to Mount Vernon. Mr. Montgomery was a soldier during the War of 1811-12. Walter Crockett Mont gomery died In 155S and was buried in the old family graveyard where his father was burled In ISIS. Miller Montgomery is tho 19th and last of the children of Walter Crockett Montgomery. STEAMSHIPS SIGHT BERGS Nleuw Amsterdam Reports Seeing Floe 200 Peet Long. NEW YORK, Sept. 22. An Iceberg !00 feet long nnd CO feet high wns reported east of Cape Race by the stf amshlp Nlctiw Amsterdam when It arrived here. The Nleuw Amsterdam nlso relayed from tho Whlto Star liner Arabic Information to mariners of Icebergs In grcnt numbers between tho 15th nnd th meridians nlong tho Mth parallel. Tho Hydrographlc Oltlce also sent out a notice yesterday that tho Danish steam ship Russ passed 31 berss. COLLEGE HEAD HONORED SOUTH ORANGE, N. J., Sept. 22,-The Very Rov. Mons. James F. Mooney, D, D., president of Scton Hnll College, wns tendered a surprise dinner at noon yesterday In honor of tho 23th anni versary of his ordination to tho priest hood. The faculty nnd Boveral hundred students of tho Institution presented the priest with an elb following the dinner. DEATHS OF A DAY WILLIAM A. HOEVELER Appointed Councilman by Governor Tener, Carnegie Institute Trustee. PITTSHURGH, Sept. 21. - Councilman William A. Hoeveler wns j-lrlcken by painlysls ns he finished addressing a Council meeting tonight nnd died within a few minutes. He wns one ot tho orlg Innl nppointeos of Governor J. K. Tener when the orlglnnl Council of nlno was named after the passing of the now city charter. Councilman Hoeveler was tho founder of tho W. A. Hoeveler Storage Company nnd wns Interested extensively In rcnl estate here. He was n trustee of the Cnrncglo Institute and member ot tho advisory board of tho Duqucsne Uni versity of the Holy Ghost. MERRILL A. TEAGUE Editor o Copper Curb and Mining Outlook. NEW YORK, Sept. 22. Merrill A. Teague, ono of the ablest nnd best-known financial Journalists of the country, died rather suddenly yesterday morning nt his home at Chatham, N, J., after a long Ill ness. A wife nnd daughter, Mildred, 12 yenra of nge, survive. At the time of his demise Mr. Tengue was editor of Copper Curb and Mining Outlook, a position he had tilled for sev eral years. BELATED FRENCH VOLUNTEER S.VN FRANCISCO. Sept. 21.-The French baik LaFontalns. 172 days out from Emden, Prussia, for this port. In command of Captain Pierr Rathouls, ar rived here today and learned for the first time of the European war. He and his crew at once offered their services to the French. A?J?.vPn Septembor 10. 1011, MAnOUEP. ITB, dauBliter of Ferdinand and Kuiharln. Aiinn (neo Incenbrandt). aged Hi years and li months. Relatives anil fripnds nro Invited to attend the runcral EcrvlceH, on Tuesday. V ?. ''v. "'. ,0' her parent' residence. 11D7 -North Randolph st. AltltOTT. On September 20, 1014. ISAAC AIIUCTT. liustand of tho latu t-'ar'ili A Arrott, In Ids 7sth year. Funeral penlcei at his late residence .-1.I20 North 1'ark nve nucl!." Wednesday morning September 2.1. at 10MO o clock. Interment nrhatu. ANIlKKWb. ;pn September 10. 10H. WIL LIAM b. ..M)l(Cttii. Relatives and friends are Invited to nttcnr me luniral, on Vieilncsday. at 2:10 p. m., nt his Into resl deiiceTuckerton, N. J. Interment at Tuck ertown. AVW.I5Us0.n September 12. 1014. MART AtLMRII. Due notice of tho funeral will bo elven. from her late residence, 4015 Wa.'rta iViPWif-Suddenly, nn September 20.1914. A U.I.1AM, son of .Mary and the lato lieorsu Ralbeck. Funeral Wednesday at 2 p. m. ti?i".i ,n ...' "'.'Ience ,of ,lla cousin. David Tldstln, 24111 Federal street. Intel ment at Pernwood Cemetery. n'iflH?,"n September 21. 1011. MAP.IE. uirj of Franc Ualklo, In her irtd sinr. Funer al services Thursday, ut s p. m.. from her n1,","; ""'''. 1024 North Orlanna st. i inA i AS"!??Pv ';.J- on September -1, 1014. JAJIKS 1IAI.I.AM. son of the late Jlervyn and harnh Ilallnm. Relatives and ..rV&L a ,l.n.v',ted ,'" attend the funeral sen Ices, on eilnesda. at 1 p in., ,u tin. resilience of his nephew, Thomas Leach I'l.vi Memphis st. HAHNK.S.- September 21, 101!M II.Mtnv. son of SI. Harry and the late Slary L. ""t"" """ Kruimson or Anna and tho lata OeorKe II. llarnes. Funeral sendees mi Thursday at 2:80 p m.. ut the apartments T.?f.9,!',ver,H- ,,n,r- ,8-" f hestnut st. III..t'K. On September IH. 1014. IIAN.S'A. ltlov of Thomas Black. Funeral on Tues day, at 8:30 a. m from 0 Clymer st. Solemn Mass of Requiem at Ht. I'hlllp's Church, at ..1.n,.?.'..,.n' Interment Holy, Cross Cemetery. BHOMN. On Heptember'18, ion. RACHAHL P., widow of John P. Drown, aged "u years. uneral services on Tuesday, at 2:30 n. m.. BURNS. On September IT. 1014. ANNA A., w dow ot Thomas F. Burns. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend tho funeral, on Tuesday at 2 p. m.. from her lato residence. 2iri7 Hraddock st. Interment private, at Last Cedar HIM Cemetery. CAltl.KV. SlAllOARET CAR LBV. 2 years. 2S12 Reese st. CAItli. On September 21, 1014. IlHRNARn -". t'ARR, husband of Annie Carr. Funeral JS5Hrft? ay' at h a- "' from his late rcsldenio. 213S heileral bl Solemn Requiem .Mass at t Anthony's Church, ut !i:ao a. in. Interim nt Holy Cross Cemetery. CH.Mlli:RN. On September 20, 1011, VIA'.. AUUTll. wife of the late Stephen It. Cham bers. Relatives and friends are Invited ti at tend the funeral servUes, on Tuesdaj after noon, ut 1 o'clock, at her late residence. 1141 ?lh .n:1J Ht' Interment private. COLLINS. On September 21. 1014.THO.MAS, husband of the late fcara A. Collins Uue notice of tho funeral will be given, from til laie residence. s2 Federal st t'ONOVKjt. OnSeptember 20. 1014. CLAR KNCK 1'ATTO.V. son of Clarence W. and Martha F.Coiiuver, aged 0 eara 7 months, luneral Wednesday, at 2 p. m. from tha 'pa,?enn.:Vr.n!"!.gJ.:,n,1Parem W11Ua,n C' Cw-NW!i'.',TrT,n September 14. 1014. DAVID t .. t Ft" " f.n": "" residence, 224 League st. Due notice of funeral wilt be CONWAY, On September 21. 1014. 5IARY. widow of SHchael Conway, of County Ty rone, Ireland Funeral from the residence 2j,,,"r.on"1,!:1?w' Thomas Hrowp. Itnq Stiles st.. on Friday, at 3(1 a m. Solemn Requiem Slass ut the Church of the Ucsu at 10 a. m. COOl.INO. At her home. 1108 Washlntrtnn St., Wilmington. Del, nn Saturdiv aflrrnY. u September 10. 1014, Mrs. ANNA F.LIZV IIBTH COOLING, widow of Samuel Cooling: and mother of S. 11 Cooling, proprietor or the Carriage Faitory, 1th and Frcmh sts. iunerat services on Tuesdaj afternoon ut S.30 o'clock, from residence. CtnnO.S. On September 10. 1014, FRED ERICK J. COTTON. In his UOth Year. Fu neral services on Wednesday, at 2 p. m. pre cisely, at Schuler's. 11 road and Diamond sts. Interment tlreenwood Cemetery. CI II KAN. On September 10. 1014. JOHN. husband of the lato Ellen I'urran Funeml ..u Wednesday, at S.30 a m. from 214 Sumac St.. Vtlssahkkon. Solemn High Slass at St. John the ilaptist's I'hurih. at 10 a. in. In- .S....C... , e,,i,,iiier eiueiery. CIII.I.INS. -On September 21.1014. THOMAS. husband of Sarah A. Collins Hue notKe of io lunriu. nui ue Kcn. irum ms late resi dence. 2425 Federal st TURKISH OFFICIAL ARRESTED LONDON, Sept 2I.-The Reuter News Agency Btates that Sallh Bey Oourju managing director or the Ottoman tele graph comrany, hag been arrested at the request of Germany because he made publiq authentic war sews. nK WAELK. On September 20. 19H.MARIH U: DK JVAEUJ, wife of Oeorgo L. Do Waele. Interment private UK;N. On September 14, 1614. CATII. AHINB A. DEAN, widow of Charles W Dean, residence, E00 Union st. Funeral serv ices and Interment strictly private DK.SSKR On September 20, 1014, KRED BIIICK DBNNHIl In his 0th ear; FunTral on Tliursday afternoon. September 24 at I o'clock, from Odd Fellows' Home, southeast corner Severth uud Tioga streets. Interment Qreenmount Ccmoter) US!;?!S'tT0i' September 10. 1014. JOSEPH DBVLIN. husband of Ellen Devlin tnee llvatll lllnrtl nn l'.na, . ., ... C tix .. from 051 Sliackamason st. faulmin Requiem Slass at the Church of the Immaculate Con veptlon, at 10 a m. Interment New Ca thedral Cerueten DIXKY On September 10, 1014, ALFRED, son of William and Charlotte Dlxey in his 1Mb ear. Funeral services on Thursday at 2 p. ro. at 3J7S ja,co st Interment prl ,wl!f; Ji.V' p- reeuwood Cemetery I - " K fei Suddenly, on September 19 1VU, ALiTtED G husband ot Id" Doerffei; , used 30 year". Funeral on Wednesday, at P. m from 3713 N, 17th st. Interment at Nnrthwood Cemetery. IHinniNH. At.Long nraneh. N. J Beptm ber 10. WILLIAM 15. DOIlllNS. Relatives nnd friends are Invited to attend tho funeral cervlic, at his late residence, on Ashbourne iratii i.iKins rnrK, iiiosiay, nt a p. m. in terment In tho family mausoleum, Central . Laurel Hill, DOTV. At Ilalllmore. Md on September, 1, 1011 JOHN II 1K1TI' Funeral on Tuesday, "tap. m. fiom 1710 S, 7th st. Interment Sit. I'm Cemetery. noilOIIKUTV. On September IS, 1914. EL L1I3 T widow of John J. Dougherty (nee Donohuc). Due notice of the funeral will be given, from her late residence, 1214 Cath arine st, null'. At her residence, 4312 Chestnut t., on September 10. 101 1. LAURA ANTON- i.iii, vviii.i.K. wire ot a. uan'pnea uni. Funeini nnd Interment at the onvenlonco if Iho famllj l'l.ANKIIAN. Suddenly, on September 18, 1014, t'ATllARINn, wife of James Flam Ran, nued fj'i vears. Funeral services on Wednes da-, nt 2 p in . nt (.21 W. Cumberland st. Interment ilerman Liuhernti Cemetery OLUNN. On September 21. 1014, JOSHI'H C husband of Mary 12. tJienn. Fiinernl on Tliursday. nt S p m . strictly private, from the resident- of his filth r-ln-inw. William O'llrlen. 321 West Wharton st. Interment nt Fermi'tnd Cemelerv Item tins may be virw ed Wednesday evenlnc. UOI,lir;Y on Heptoniber 21, 1014, CATII AltlNi: I'FMtl., wlie of lltnrj Uolilej. Funernl Tliursdnv. nt S.:.o it. ni., frum her lain itslilenre, 3110 Sit. Vernon St., West I'hllvlolphhi. Hc'iulcm Mass nt St. Agatha's Church nt 10 n. ni. OHAIIAM. On September 2". 1014. FRANK SI., son of the Ute Robinson T. nnd Slary W. Drahani. Duo notli e of the funernl will be given, from his late resilience, 0727 Cath arine street IIAt'KBI'T. On September IS, 1011, CATII AltlNi:, wife nf the Inte I'hlllp llackett. aged 33 years I"nner.il on Tuesday, at S:30 A. .vl., from III." Susquehanna nve Solemn Requiem High Mars at St. Kdwnrd's ( litireh. nt 10 a. in interment noiy ros t emetery, llAI.DI'.MAN. - On September 1R. 1011. HL1Z AHCTH, widow of Thomas Hnldeman, nged fill years. Funeral services nt 2011 North 21th st. on Tuesday, at 2 p. m. Interment prlvnte. HALL. On Seotomber 10. 10I4.VAN CMIVU. son of Annie J. nnd the late Walter V. Hall. Relatives nnd friends of the family nre In vited In attend the fiinernl servlres, on Tues day mornlnc precisely nt II o'clock, nt his lato residence, SIMS North 21st st. Interment prlvnte. Remains may bo viewed on Monday evenlnfr. between the hours of 7 and 0 o'clock, HALL SRIIUNU HALL, 33 years, 000 North Hllh si. IIAI.I.OWKLT,. On September 12. 10I4.WIL LIASI, husband of Iho late Catharine N. Hnllnwcll, aged 71 yenrs. Due notice of the funeral will be Riven, trim the residence of his daughter. 184S Van Pelt st. IIARTKN. On September 10, 1014. SIlss SfSAN IIAIITRN. nacd S7 jearw. Funeral on Tuesday, nt 2 p In., from I'enn Widow s Asvlum, Hot I'. Susquehanna ave. Inter ment nt Palmer Durlnl Urnunds. llr.MII'.ltSON. At his late residence. 0338 SlrCnllum St., flermantown, JAMES I HEN DERSON, nged ."8 years. Funeral services nnd Interment private. linil'IER. On September 13. 1914, MAODA LENA, wdfe nf Louis Ilerter tformerly Eck nrd), aged 48 years. Due notice of the fu nerai will be given, fiom her late residence, 1027 Shunk st. IIOIIE On September 10. 1014, SIAP.TIN I'., husband of Ellen Hore. Fumral on Wednesday, nt N.lii a. m.. from .1111 N. 4th st. Solemn Requiem Mass at St. Augustine's Chtireh nt 10 n. m. Interment nt Holy Cross Cemetery. HOI HUMAN On September 20, 1014, SD- LII'NA, wife of Itnrry II Houseman. Funeral Wtdncsilay, at 8 a. m., from the resilience of l). P. Cot. 4211 Tackiwnnna street. Fiankfnnl. Slnss bt Ht. Joarhim's Church at 0 o'clock. Interment private. JOHNSON On September 17. 1014. HARRY YOST, husbnnd or Kllmbeth Johnson (nee Wnrtman). Relatives and friends are Invite! to attend tho funeral, on Tuesday, nt 2 p. m., from his late residence, 135 Louden St., Olnov. Interment at Sit Vernon Cemetery JONES. On September 21, 1014, LEON AL- T TV ..... ... a.--.!..!!.. .....I ..... ,n.. ,..1... ..!..!, -till .1, 1 DKIL'lllt lllMI IliU KIIC .,,,111, .. Jones, aged 21 rnrs. Funeral services on Wcihiesdiv. at S p. m., at 123d Falrmount ave. Intermnt Thurwlay. at Wllmlngton Hmndvwlne Cemetcrv Wilmington, Del. IONH-5 On September 21. 1014, LEON AL LEN, hnn nf Cordelia and tho late John U Jones, aged 21 eari. Funeral services on Wednesday, nt S p. in , nt 1 Is lato residence, 123H rnlrmnunt nve. Interment nn Thurs day, nt Wilmington nnd Ilrandywino Ceme lerv, Wilmington. Del. JONES,--On September 17, 1014. LUCY, widow of Caleb W Jones, aged 74 years. Duo notice of the funeral will bo given, from her lato residence, 2010 South 8th st. KEANE. At Alisecon, N. J., on September is, li'll. MARC1ARBT KEANE, sister of Slnr tln Keane, aged S7 yenrs. Fiinernl on Tues day, at 7 30 a m , from Absecon. N J. High Slass at theCathnllc Church in PIcasantvllle. nt 0 n. m. Interment at Now Cathedral Cemetery. KEI.I.EV On September 18. 1014. ROBERT J. KEI.I.EV, beloved husband of Lizzie E. Kcllcy (neo Smith). Funeral on Tuesday, at 2 p. m., from 2140 North 10th st. Interment nt Slount Peace Cemetery. KINO On September IS, 1011. WILLIAM F., husband of Lottlo King (neo Jcnnor). Duo notice of funeral will bo given from his late lesldenco. .V,24 Market st. KIENTNEIC LAZER KLENTNER.OO years. 27U0 Fletcher st. LAl'CK. On September 10, 1014. OUY D. LAI'CK. Relatives and friends are Invited tn ntiend tho funeral services. m Tuesday after noon, at the apartments of Oliver II. I3alr, lti Chestnut st. Interment private. I.EATIIHHMAN At his residence. 437 itnavvn ti , i o unase. on sepiemuer 10, 1014, JOSEPH, husband nf Amanda Leather man. Due notlco of tho funeral will be 5lvcn. LEE. On September 10. 101 1. CLARA A. LEE (nee Hon), nged 7il vonrs. Funeral scivlces o-i Wetlnet-tlay, at 2 p. m., at 427 N. Edgewood st. Interment private, nt Ar lington Cemetery. l.lliliKLL. HARRY LIDDELL. B years. 2353 E. Sergeant st Lirr. LOUISA Lirr. 87 years. 2612 North Siobchec st I.OOl'i:. On September 21. 1011, JOHN J., husband of the bite ( ti henne Lnuue at.d son vf .ho lato lomliifk and Sarah Logue. Due notlco ot the funiul will be given fiom his Intu resilience. 'S-Xt Cairerter st I.OIL On September 21, 1011. SIAROARET SI., wife of Frank Lnh and ilauglitir of th' late Michael nml Slnrj Fleming. Funeral on Thursday, at 7.30 a. m.. trom her late resi dence, rear 320 New Slarket st. High Slass at St. Augustine's Church nt O a. m. I.UHATTY. SIARY LUI1ATTY. 22 months. 1H2S N. Hilton st. I.f'IZ On September 21. 1014, ALPHONSE ...i,.. ... , ... (uc'.i ,i, mi ..in, i.uia iiiea I'ovvnes) nnd hon of Ellen T. nnd the lato l'lsses S. I.utz. .so.ni Frankford nve , Holmes burir. SIARION. On September 18. 1014. ANNA C. SIARION. widow of John Malum nnd daugh ter of the lato .Michael nnd Slaigarct ltoddy. Due notice cf funeral from her lato residence. 1734 Christian st. MARTIN. On September 20. 1014, JOHN, husband of the lato ElU.ibetli Martin, In ids .Vail ar. Funeral sei vices Wednesday at !i a, in., at the parlors of Sirs. Otto Hur belt, U)41 North Fourth street. Interment private. Slount Slorlah Cemetery. MARTIN. On September 20, 1014, JOHN husband nf the Into Elizabeth Slnrtln, In his 5.Mli ear. Funeral services on Wednesday at 0 a. in., at the lurlors of Sirs. Otto Ilur-be-k, 1041 N. 4th st. Interment private Slount Slnrlah Cemetery. MrCONAOHY. September 10. 1014. JASIES P., son ot tho late James and Katherlne Slc Conaihy, aged so years. Funeral on Tues day. September 22. at S n. m , from resi dence or Thomas WIIon, Slantua, N. J. Sol enm Requiem Slass at St. Slary's Churrh llloucestrr, nt It) n ni. Interment at St. Slary's t'emeter, (llnucester, N J. SI i TO 1.0 AN. On September 10.1011, ELIZA. 1IET1I SIcCOI.HAN. wife nf Janiel I.' 'V Colgan and diughter of Slary A. and the late 1'atrlyk J. Sluidoon, aged 21 yeirs Funeral on Wednewlav, at s a m . from 2:13.1 Ellsworth st. High SIuss of Requiem at St Anthony's churUi nt u 30 'a. ni. Interment ut Holy Cross t'enieter. SleOE'lTKiAN. On September 31. 1014 JOHN J , husband of Margaret K. StcOet tlgan. Duo notlt'u ot funeral will bo given from his lat" te.sl.leiice, MX) North 23th st' MelillATII ELEANOR McOUATH. 3 years 2.I2U N. Reese st SIcKKON. On September 20, 1011. TERESA SIAROARET. daughter oi James and Eliza, belli SIcKeon. In her isth ear. Funeral nlncsilav. at S in a in., from the residence of her. parents, 302 Hillside avenue. Jcnkln. town, I'a. " SlrSIAhTKIt. On September 10. GEORGE HINNS. e,ungest son or J. William and Ethel M. SIcSIuster. in his 3d year. Funeral service nn Tuesday, nt 2 n. ni. at ,... ..-, dence of his paicnts, 730 South 23d st. In terment Mount Morlah Cemetery. SIII.I.EII. SARAH SIILLER, 33 years, 1103 Ftuwater st JIIN'KIH A. On September 20, 1014. HAN. NUI wlro of Charles Slli.erva. Funeral scrvl es on Wednesday afternoon, at o'Uock ut tho residence of her son. Elmer wi vats' SUth ,SHh strcet' Interment MSd!''l'i,'ir.tDA M0'N"rlETH. 38 years, MOUESCIU. VICTORIA MORESCni. Si years. SJ2 E. HlttcnhoiiM st. Siri.HOLI.ANI) CATHARINE MULIIOL- LANI). 45 years. 2.12U N Howard st. ''.HS!'1.1. i'lCHAEL MURPHY. 70 years; lull Helen st. MVItrilY. On September 10, 1014. NELLIE wlfo ot Edward Murphy. Funerai on Tues. dai. at S.30 a. m from 1U"., Winter st. Solemn Mass or Requiem at St. John's Church at 10 a. m. Interment at Holy Cross t enictery. MU.U'f'-U".("-TP? September 10.1014, MARK, husband jif Helen 11 Slurtaugli. Funeraf kins st. High Slusa ut St. Edmond'a S'lnidery81 10 a ,n,ct "ol Cwa5 oriKV. On September 20. "H-i", . J IllliMAS WARRINOTON irrJ DEATHS nernl services on Wednesday, at 2:30 p. m., at the residence of his parents, qulnton, N, J. roTTH. EDWARD POTTS, 18 years, 201J Turner st. rOWDKItSIAKKR. At Atlantlo City. N. J.. September 17, 1014, ABRAHAM, husband of wnire I'owoermaKer, agen .z .vears. inier ment private. Norfolk, mltlmor and Wash- .'Pf.t.W PP" please copr, . "tiVj'T-On September 20, 1014, JOHN O. KAU1I. . Resldenie, 240 N. nth St. Due no tice nt the funeral wilt be given. RKCCAIUA. DOMENICO nECCARIA. 1 ,,? M North Woodstock St. HEDninv. At .Magnolia, N. J., on Septem ber In. 1014. .MARTHA P., wife of William ..l?..ll"'row' RKP,I "7 ears. RK'N. SARAH REIN, TO years, C19 South ItHJKAlill. On September 20. 10H,.ANaE LINE RICKARI) fnee Wlllnucr), wife of W. S. Rlrknrd. Residence, 2I0S ration street. ..Ey.JK.118 ot fnrAl will be given. . . MOflKIIR. .On.Mondoy, September 14, 1914, ltACHKL WIBTER. daughter. of . the late William Wynne and Hannah Lewis Wlster nd widow of William n. Rogers. Interment private ItOTII. At Nevvtnwn Square, Pa., on Sep tember 21, 1014, LAt'RA J., widow nf Dr, Amos A Roth, aged bit sears. I'unernl ser vices nnd Interment private, at Frederick, Sid. "'IfiKFV; Suddenly. September 18. 1914. FnANK A., husband of Mary J. Banker and on olUnTry W. nnd lato Etln i s.nk aged 32 sears, nelntlves and friends, also police of 20th District, Invited tn nttend fu neral. Tuesday, 8:30 n. m., from his late residence, .110 N. Vodges et West rhlla. Solemn Slass nf Requiem, Churrh nf Our I.ndy of Victory, 10 a. m. Interment Holy rioss Cemetery, HCI.AT.I.IOLL On September 20. 1014, RA CHEL JANE, wife of Ferdinand Schalllnll, ORfd oS .vears. Funeral services on Wednes day, at 2 p m., at her late residence. 31 .lnuth.Thlrd street. Colwjn. Delaware County, 11 Interment prlvnte, Fernnood Cemetery. HIIAMIIOCdlL Huddsnly, at Phnenlxvllle. I'm , September 21, mil. CHARLIE T hus band of Anna J. HImiiiIiourIi, ngeil ,7 sears Duo notice of the funeral will bo given, from his Into residence, iftir, Courtland st , I'lilln delphln. SILI.I.MAN. On September 10. 1014. at his DEATHS late residence, 02.1 West Dps! at., German town, ALFRED DAY SILI.lStAN. eged 40 years. Funeral services at his late residence, on Tuesday afternoon, at 3 o'clock. Inter ment private. .... ...... STETIIENH. On Beptember 20, 10H, ANJTA E., wife of the Into John Stephens, nged 72 years. Funeral on Wednesday, September 23, at I o'clock, from the residence of her son, John Stephens. .US Davis nvenue, Audu bon, N. J. Interment at Esctgreen Cemetery, Camden, N. J. STOCKTON. At Dlxvlllo Notch. New Hamp shire, on Patnrdny, September in, 1014, ANNA K. STOCKTON. Servli en at the house of Sir. Frederick Sylvester. Hnverfnrd. I'a., on Wednesday. September 23d.at .1:30 o'clorl:. Interment private. HTITEI.ER. In Dnwnlnglown, Tn., nn Sep lemlier 2(1. 1011. DAVID H HTITEI.EII. nge 1 7il vears. Funeral services on Tnesdny. at s .. m. ut 227 Highland ave Further servlc a at West Laurel Hill Cliai el on Wednesday, at 11. 'in n m SULLIVAN. A I his residence. S2S Cherry St., Camden, N. J., Sept. 1.1, 1014. JOHN L. husband of .Mary Sullivan, aged 27 years. Due notice of tho 'uneral will be given SVMINHTON. On September 20,1014, SIAItY HYM1NOTON. wife of James SymlitRton nnd da-igliter of the late John .1. nnd SInry Ilnv Funeral Wednesday morning at 1 Hi o'clock front the residence of her grandmother. Sirs. James Ray 2I1R Pine street. Interment nt Cntherlrnl Cemetery TANDLER. On September 10, 1014. at the ltrantwoud. AHIIAIIAM, husbnnd of Tlllle, aged 04. Relatives nnd friends nro Invlt" 1 to attend the- funeral on Tuesoay nt 10 a. m , at Mie parlors nf Emanuel Aslicr Snn 1(12 Diamond st. Interment at Stt. Blmil Cerr etcrv THO.MI'SON. Of rtlphlherls. on September 10. 1014. MA ItCt A ALICE, onlv child of Earl .1. and Malvlna Thompson, nged 3 yeirs nnd 7 months. Interment prlvnto. at West minster No funeral. THOMPNON. On September 20, 1014. MAR THA, wife of Robert Thnmp'on. Due potlie n' the funeral will be given TIEIINKV. On September 10, lOll.THOSLvB .1 . husband nf Mnrv J 'Ilernev 'nee Hut lerworthl. nged 3d venrs Funeral on Wed hoeilflv nt K .in n m . frvmi 2"17 North Lee st. (Front nnd Somerset sts ) Requiem Slass nt Hie Churrh nf the Vlsltntlnn nf I! fBATnf4 '' " V. St. at 10 n. m. lnt irment st Holy Cre Cemetery. VKASKYr On September. 10. 1014, JAMES, son of James nnd Itrldget Veasey. (nee (Iriftln), nged 2 years nnd 2 days. Funeral on Tuesday, at 1 p. m , from 1MI Welt York st interment at Holy Cross Cemetery. tVALKBR in revrtsmnuth, Vn., onfteptem ber 111. 1014. WILLIAM. I). WALK Ell In' tcrment private In Laurel IIIII Cemetery. AVALTI. On September 21, 1014, GODFREY WALT!. Relatives nnd friends, also Win leelreld neneflelnl Assn., nre Invited to at tend funeral services, on Thursday, pr ilsely at 2 p. in., ut his late residence, 2440 Aspen st. Interment Fernvvood Cemetery. WlllTL. On September 10, 1014. MARCUS CVRl'S, husband of Slargaret White (nea Hrhooi.j. Funeral on Wednesday, at 2 p, m . from 210 Zernlda st , Wayne, Junction. !! mains may bo viewed Tuesday evening. In tcrment strictly prlvnte. nt Ivy Hill Cem eterv. WII.MIN.On September 22d. JOHN t. WILSON, formerly of I'htladelphla. at hln home nn the Hudson. iVIN'HI.OW. On September 21, 1014. EStMA V.. nlfo of John Wlnslnw. aged nfl yearn Relatives nnd Mends nre Invited to attend funeral servlres. Thursdny. precisely nt H p. m . nt the Chapel nf Andrew J Hair & Son, 101 h nnd Arrh sts. UOLFIMIER. nn September 10, 1014, ED WARD, son nf Elizabeth nnd the late Henry Wolflnser (nee Olndhnrt), nged .11 .venrs. Funeral service on Wednrfdaj-. at 2 p. in., ni ma Enst Flora, M Interment nt calmer i em-tnrv WOOD. Suddenly, nn September 10, 1014, IIAltltY it. husband of Mnr E Wood. Fu neral on Wednesday nt s "Ml a m from 2420 Nlehnli st Requiem Mnss nt St Eliza beth's chiireii. ni In n m Interment nt . . . CnmeteTV W'HlinVAltD On September .20. 1014, IDA MAY. "Ifc "f Oeorgo K Woodward and daughter nf Samuel nnd Jennie Harfelflnger, ayed 4." vears I'tineml services Thursday at 2 p. m nt her late residence 1210 Slantun avenue. Interment nt Fernwood Cemetery. Writ'llL- en Sentemlier 18, 1014, CHARLES ! , husbnnd nf Elizabeth Wurth nged 31 yenrs. formerly of 121" Stanton st. Fiinernl services on 1 unsfiny, rtPrlcrnncr - inn m 2 p m , nr ,.i vv fines si interment a Hillside emet, ry, via funeral trolley. at 1011. at Wild. TEY. formerly of West Chester, i'a . husband mniVJi II Vv'-'V ,nre -N-a'- "Bed 65 e?rs Wi CheteWp'.ll8v " alil-"'J v-'emctcry; ,,!iir,,:,iT1'AN"J,l! Pen. 3 r.. rfriNfllT. 3CdA.ND"A WSBWNO. M i n ' . ' TTfc,RbON. Funeral services. UZ?Z: ?.' - " m- a.1 h ,ate resldenie ;.laf ,f' V." i'onr l Interment orivate. 1 a1k."'7)." September 20. 1014. MARY A. wife of the ate Joseph Pucrwui and duugbt.r of Marv and tne Utt ratrlck g0S.lnff. ""! TJid, morning. s'cpiVin. id;,','..." 4?? P.'J' '.S'." h. mother". tiiim,. ii,.V-'. r.'. nurieenin street. fcoletnn Slas of Rsquk-m at the Vhurch or the Epiphany at lu oMoek flnli In I'I'Tfc1 " l'y.'W Cemete"' '"' Zo" liclf.i &v, .September IB. 1014. or dloh. Pri nf sfsSa t-,V,uv "' i-iuiip am Anna J.:aiL.or 35-8 t" t., agad a ssars. No LUMMBJl, agod 33'sears.' tSI Store Opens 8.30 A. M. WANAMAKER'S Store Closes S.30 P. M. The Grand Organ Plays Tomorrow at 9,2 and 5:15 Fashion Posings in Egyptian Hall at 11 and 2:30, RTANT ADVANG IMP A NNOUJNQ of PhiBadleSplhiSa aurad The Wanamakeir Stores New York have acquired more than! $ worth off ffamomis BflGELOW RUGS. Ooehalff off this g"reat quantity is now beiaig offff the freight cars in this city; some off the rogs are already opened imp in oior stock room. The purchase iociofldgs ail BIGELOW brands in all sizes. the Jramougs The rings will be put on sal THURSDAY morning, September 24th, m the Rung Store, on the Fourth Floor, Market. The prices throoaghonat the si EXACTLY 25 PER GENT, LESS standard prices off BIGELOW RUQS over America. !e will b& than the known aj is year's great evept in rimgs and it is the year's great opportunity for a!! householders off Philadelphia and vicinity JOHN WANAMAKE l I M BBMsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss 'J, .n-liT. J rlB!'t Jn"
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers