THE LANCASTER INTELLIGENCEIL PUBLISHED EVERY WEDIOD3DAY BY H. G. SMITH de CO A. J. STEINMAN H. U. SMITH TERMS—Two Dollars per annum payable In advance. When the date on the direction la bel pasted on the paper has elapsed, the sub scriber will renew his subscription at once, or he will render himself liable to an additional charge of fifty cents per annum. THE LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER IS published every evening, Sunday excepted, at 85 per annum In advance. The iNTELLIGENCER Jon OFFICE 10 One of the molt complete in the State and is vele. orated for the superior elegance of its work. OFFICE—SouTawaaT 0011.1M13 Or CENTRE ROSY A RE. Voettp. ART AND NATTRI I entered n (Intent palace— A palace etately and old Ile east salt, ins were glowing With marble, and rielt with gold On the tables, In.tendl, MOSILM, Were marvellous frults and flowers: On the walls were Poussln's ninth:cams, With their sormlllne and shadvd bowers And in the va , ,e before m.• Were tune , While and 1,1: xtooped to welcome their iraglanc But 'mind theta wa_xen and dead. Then forth from the lofty window, stepped Into the Ilmng greet; Where the loompl nes 14tood around no With flowery slombs between. Anti I said, Take the eostly npleatior Take the wonderful triumpim or art ; Hut give ine loving Nature, Which npealcy In my /VIM and heart. "Thee, worl, of torn MeMi.. In each lair Italian form; BM God's are where the atm go. , m Or the sloohni or light volov Let vt ISI. llLeh I in the 111,11 , Of ',holy, truth: Hut rt•Ht.tiort is .111 It, each 1,111,1h1e With Its ttge cud P. , h. (1.1 etanes In silent hlf•sslngs, Llkedew and nil 1(1,11.1111,1.0. In whatever piael• II pure heart 11,.4 goodm.m and 1114111 and 1t... faiscellancous. The Outside Passenger. Pierre Raymond Was engaged to Janie Martin, and sleep was trou bled by dreams about his idol. lie dreamed they were in a dark wood of close-grouped funeral hemlocks and spruce—Janie was struggling in the ever-tightening folds of a huge boa-eon strietor with a huinati face, like that of Lindh.). lirey, a discarded lover of :Janie's, while he, striving vainly to try out—to hasten to her assistance, seemed paralyzed in every limb. help less and, motionless as a enable statue. Ile woke, bathed in rill perspiration, with a paiiirol sCllne of the vividness and reality ul thi• horrible vision ‘kdiiidi had iiptinissisi his &saws. happeiird to .11thie—surely some dark peril hung threatening i/Ver her future. It W 11.9 S(11111 4 liter 110 . 01 V reason and (mouton sense value to his aid sulli eiently to enable 10111 111 laugh lit the unreal (Minim:ls, yet he hardly felt safe the next day until he had talien Janie :‘tttrtin's twill, in his way to the ofilee, learning from the gtiolli 11011 Se beeper )11 , - , Mal 1111 wan quite " --I.think I will s-e her fora min ute, if she will reeeive me?' he said. Mrs. 11., yes ,"tutu. ly - - " Would :\ Ir. Raymond wall: to Vise i\fastin's sitting-rmmis."' Janie sat on the floor, hurriedly turn ing things into her trunk, in the inhlst of a chaos of feminine belongings. "Jamie, surely you are null going away " I must, l'itirrt i ! I have just received a telegram wy Ntep-timtb,r, who in very ill, and \yams llne to e,mte to her :It once. I 11111! , t travel night iuid tiny, or it linty he too late." Let itto see the telegram Janie gavo hint the ....up pawn . , and Ile road : " Your stop-inoilier is veyy ill - tun expected Collie to her al ant,. A. :\lovr.‘i'i , .." And who is tills A. Nlontaguet"' l'ierreturnod the p.ipor over and over in his hinids. "Janie," he said, "are you not act ing a. little.rashly ' \Vail until you hear Ilion. definite tidings." " Until iny steieinother is dead': 1)1i, Nerve, she was so kind to we whoa poor papa wits taken away, and the little ehildroniw ill need illy cat, sorely." " But Junk-- " There is nu Ilse in wo.,iiiig• words, Pierre-1 mint g'' Ily lh& i it train " " Where iH it . " In Dartiellsditle, twelve miles from Igo 11.-I,flir 1't,111 . 1 field Iry train, and there take the stage." " When will you reach there ••• " At midnight, if we with no delays." "Janie," said Pierre I;2iyniond, de terminedly, " I shall go with you." " Indeed you 0112111 not, Pierre," said the little ‘Littisel, resolutely, and flush ing up to the roots of her hair. " I will go alone." " I do not 1111111. it safe, Janie" " What 111,:itit'lltiV, Pierre!" she cried, laughing. " But listen to me, my dearest," and, urged by some strong, irresistible pow er, Pierre told Janie , the story of his dream. She laughed more merrily than ever. " Now 1 11.111 determined you shall not accompany me, Pierre. A 2222121 to al low a funlich dream to influence his conduct! Never?" " But, Janie, 1 insist upon it !" "And 1 utterly refuse. There !" " Janie !" he said, almost sternly. " If you 110 not abandon the 2wiliject once for all," she said, resolutely, " I shall consider it as a sign and token that you desire 4.11 r engagement to be at an end." " But you will let 1111. - " She put her hand playfully yet im peratively over his lips. " What did I tell you: Come, your business awaits you, mid I ani in IL des perate hurry to get :ill these things packed." " 1 am to coi,iiler myself dismissed then?" he said, half-laughing, half vexed. Janie jumped up, rail to him, and rave him a coaxing little kiss, as he-rood on the threshold. " I shall Writ , : Its 1,0111 . 111,1 :IS ,0011 110 1 get there—and w, shall separated but a brief time, alter all." " I muy see you otr at the depot?" "Not even that!" Janie was begin ning to be annoyed again. "Let me have my own way for onee—it is a wo man's privilege until she is married, at least." Pierre Raymond was llk , illieth . ll still. The dream liatinted him every hour; it would neither be laid nor exorcised, let 111111 strive as lie would " If I were at all inclined to be a su perstitions man," said Pierre liay mot id, •• I should believe this to be a warning --1 should regard iny-ell as mad if I gave no heed to it !" It was a brillimit stai light night, when the trim little figure in the sober gray traveling dress and veiled face, took her seat in the stage-coach which stood at the Courtilidd Depot, awaiting the, advent of all I >amid ',dale passen gers—starlight Mil void, with a frosty clearness in the atmosphere, 0 hieli made closed windows by no mean.; un comfortable. " Not. but hi 22 foces besides the out side passenger," muttered the driver, discontentedly', as lie slainnied-to the door and mounted to his place behind the horses, where a tall dad: figure already sat : " I ain't goin' to make my lortin' oil the Dartielisibile road, that's clear !" . . . . Janie Martin glanced curiously to wards theother passenger--a masculine looking old Welllllll, ill a beaver bonnet, a green barege veil, and a huge old fashioned bombazine cloak with double capes, who sat nodding with her elbows Oh the lid of theillipare wicker-basket she carried in her laTi. Janie felt strange ly lonely—even the companionship of the uncouth old creature, she fancied would be better than utter isolation ; so she timidly attempted to begin an ac quaintance " It is very cold to-night," she re marked in a conciliatory tone. " Eh ?" demanded the old woman, putting her hand inquiringly to her ear. " A cold night," cried Janie, at the top of her sweet little voice. " Eh ? " it was plain drat the old woman would not be much company for Janie, and she abandoned her soviet essays in despair. Still, a deaf old woman was better than notaidy at all. J aide felt that, all alone iu — trie coach, she should have, been very lonely' in spite of the nervous thrills, the experiences once or twice, when, happening to look up, as the coach rat tled through the gas-lighted suburbs of Coastileld, she caug,ht the quick vigi lance of the old woman's furtive, side way glance, instantly withdrawn. It was not pleasant, and Janie almost wished that she had consented to Pierre Raymond's wish to accompany her, as an escortom the imiely journey. Pierre's dream, laughed at and forgotten at the time, came back to her now with strange distinctness, oddly blended with un pleasant-reeollections of Lindley Grey. "I am a goose," mentally protested Janie, "and Pil go to sleep," But she could not sleep. Onward rolJed the lumbering coach,past the sub urbs; beyond the few scattering habi tations that clung to the outskirts of the little town into the open country woods, where the solitary farm-houses that they et)e 744/41ttiOtet VOLUME 72 occasionally had passed were already closed and darkened for the night— woods where the rustling, dead leaves, eddying downward, sounded like weird whispers; valleys where the moaning sound of lovely streams kept up Weir' monotone; dreary hill-sides where blackened stumps and crooked lines of tumbled-down stone-walls :presented a dreary prospect; past them all the stage coach lumbered and jolted, until sudden ly they plunged into the dark fragrant recesses of an evergreen wood ; where the tall hemlocks and clusters of spruce trees, seemed almost to arch the inter , lacing boughs over the narrow roadway. Janie gave a quick start—it was the very wood that Pierre had desCribed to her as so vividly outlined in his dream. In an instant the warm blood seemed to congeal icly in her veins. "Nonsense!" she murmured; "it is a mere coincidence; but I wish we were safely out of this dismal pla(!e! We have outlived the age of highway robbers and midnight brigands--yet--," The roach came suddenly to a stand still. With a sick sensation of terror Janie leaned out of the window. Through the frosty freshness of the night-air came perceptibly to her senses that peculiar odor of chloroform. The coachman had fallen from his box, and lay like one dead on the roadside, the reins trailing beneath the hoofs of the docile horses; while the outside passen ger hail descended, and hurrying round to the coach-door, Clung it open, with a hoarse, exultant sound like a laugh.— The lantern that he carried displayed his evil, triumphant face; iii fact, he made no attempt to hide it any longer. " Lindley Grey !" shrieked Janie, re coiling to the further end of the vehicle. "Yes, Lindley :rey !" he answered jeeringly ; "don't fancy me Mr a travel ing companion, very haughty, spirited young lady '.' It's my turn to dictate tern, now ; yl,O are in my imwer at last. t nit with you, old lady y' lie I :tell savagely towards the' otherpassenger, giving her area as Inlll bi peihte her descent. The Old woman, tottering uneertainly to her feet, hesitated all the step of the roach. The next instant a blow -- , t ort, sharp sod sudden between Lind ley irey's eyes, and he fell like a log , on the roadside c•arpot of fallen hem lock leaves and pine-needles. The homlitaine cloak fell Mt', the simare wicker-basket rail!. d close to the ground. " Here, coachman, lip With you' " cried a clear. manly voiee to the bewild ered Jelin, who was just raising hineielf on one ellaiw,and staring vaguely round, like one wakened from a deep slumber; "help me to tie the rascal hand anti fool. lie won't get up again in a hurry unless my right halal has liirgotten,its cunning; but as well tO make sure of the villain." " \\There UM ha , happens 1 - 2" CI i 4.11 the man. "You've been il.ruggeil With chloro form, but you're all right now. Come, up with you, 1 say, anti be:ll' :I hand here!" "\V hal ace you going to .1,, with him demanded t h e wan, a, he ..1,ey .1, Lot without thilleulty. ".Leave hint here by the roadside ; he won't, take cold, I'll venture to say' There he's safe'enotigh niwv. Jump on your 'There, and drive • " Can't 1 thrash him lint, your hon or's"' demanded the Jeliu, growing irate as lie recovered his dau d SVIISeS. " NO; lie's sufficiently punished ; drive on, I say." "Hut, your honor. whore's the old NVOI111:111? Slit` lIILIII't goo, on a broom-stieli"' .\ud ‘vhere‘lid pal come from'." The tall stranger laughed ; "I am the old woman." The watt mounted his box, not quite certain whether he eras in a land of ai eliamlnient or not, and Janie, Mill sob bing hysterivally, found in a tender hold. "Janie, tny precious 011 e, don't cry si) bitterly. Von are sale now." " ), Pierre, what would have happei,- ea to 1110 ii' you had not. 'well wiser than For the deal old woman in the bom bazine cloak :old the square wicker basket was Pierre Raymond, who,driveu on by the irresistible impulse of his warning dream, had taken the express train, and, contrary to .lanie's wishes, became her guardian genius. „ " I t nothing had happened to, you, Janie," he said, "you would never have known wno was your fellow-traveller. As matters have transpired, I can but thank the merciful Providence that through the medium of a troubled at ream was so clearly pointed out to me toy path of duty." As Raymond had expeeted,when they reached Darnellsdale, J aide's stepmoth er was found in the most perfect health; and surprised enough she was to see her husband's daughter so pale and travel wearied. The telegram had been mere falsiticatirin to aid the working Lind ! ley Urey's matitinations. Janie Martin returns to the city once again to be married:to Pierre dtaymond, and front that and henceforward neith er of them ever again saw or heard of Lindley t grey. Rut although they stoutlydeelare that they are in 2 believers in old time super stition,sthey are both slightly inclined to put faith in the fauttkitic prophech-s of dreams, Napoleon's First 3leetitig Willi .141 Bonaparte has himself related how hit made the acquaintance of Mine. de Beauharnais. A few days after the dis arming of the sections, ten and twelveyears old, CalUt, to l',l,lla parte to claim the sword of his Wilier once alleneral of the Rep.Mlic, who hail perished on the seallithl. T w This child as ugene de Beauharnais. The ( leneral, tOUCII4,I by his tears, ordered the sword to be given him, and the next day he received a visit from Mine. de Beauhar 'lids, whom he only knew by name, al though she was the intimate friend of his proctor, Barras. The silence wh-ich Bonaparte hail kept with regard to this connection, and the share which Barra; had in the ultimate resolution of Mme. I o Beau harnais areeasier to ex plaiMt Ids lorgetfulness of the servive done him the night before the lftth Vendemaire. But the fact is none the less ineuntesti ble ; it is certified by all trustworthy authority, and confirmed by Josephine herself, who, with her Creole apathy, would perhaps never have made up her mind to the marriage, if Barras had not added to her marriage settlement the promise that Bonaparte should be made Commander-in-Chief of the Army of I taly. " Barras assures me," she wrote, a short time previous to her marriage, " that if I marry the General he will obtain for him the appointment of Commander-iu-Chief of the Army of Italy. Yesterday, I louaparte, speak in g to me of this favor, which has already caused sonic jealousy among his corn paniiins in arms, although it is not yet granted, said : ' lb, they think I need patronage to insure my success " day they will be only too happy ii grant them mine. My sword is at lily side, and that will carry tura long way." in the marriage register Bonaparte puts himself dowd as one year older than he really was, which has given rise to doubts as to the exact date of his birth ; and Josephine made herself four years younger, a double fiction, suggest ed probably by a little feminine vanity on one hand, and acquiesced in ou the other, from a wish to restore some pari ty of age between them iu the eyes of the public by means of an obliging falsehood. What lit Would Do A southern Oregon paper thus .criti rises Joaquin Miller's "Kit Carson's Ride "Now Kit Carson would never have attempted to run a race of forty miles with a prairie fire, even if ' Old Revels' was fool enough to advise him to do so Why, the young squaw would have had more sense than that! Kit Carson, Instead of throwing away his weapons and stripping himself naked, would have quietly kindled a lire in the grass, which would, have made a sate track for his advance to the Brazos over the burnt, territory— the herd of wild animals behind, would have obliterated the trail,"and the pur suing Indians would have ,been thrown of the pursuit. Carson's fame rests on his skill and experience in all the vicis situdes and exigencies of a border life ; and a poem, avowedly intended to per petuate it, should have some incidents tending to illustrate that skill under try ing circumstances. Instead of this, Mr. Miller has sacrificed all that was natural and reasonable in the incident to a de sire to burn 'Revels' and the squaw to death, and let Kit Carson plunge naked into the Brazos, with no companion but a blind and singed horse and a million or so of half-roasted bill:Woes." A California Adventure BY CLARENCE RIX, Toward the late afternoon, trotting down a gentle forest slope, I came in sight of a number of ranche buildings, grouped about a central open epaee. A small stream flowed by the outbuildings and wound among ehapparal-covered spurs below. Considerable crops of grain had been gathered into a corral, and a Dumber of horses were quietly straying about. Yet with all the evi• deuces of considerable possessions, the whole place had an air of suspicious, mock repose. Riding into the open square I saw that one of the buildings was a store, and to this I rode, tying Kaweah to the piazza-post. I thought the whole world slumbered when I beheld the only occupant of the place, a red-faced man in' pantaloons and shirt, who lay on his hack upon the counter, fast asleep, with the handle of a revolver grasped in his right hand.— It seemed to me if I were to wake him up a little too suddenly he might mis understand my presence, and do some accidental damage; so I stepped back and poked Kaweah, making him jump and clatter his hoofs, and; at once the proprietor sprang to the door, lookincr flustered and uneasy. I asked him if he could accommodate me for the afternoon and night, and take care of my horse, to which he replied in a very leisurely manner, that there was a bed, and something to eat, and hay, and that if I was inclined to take my chances, I might stay. Being iu mind to take the chances, 1 did stay, and my host walked - out with i me to the corral, and showed where to get Kaweah's hay and grain. 1 loafed about for an hour or two, ilnding that a Chinese cook was the Only other human being in sight, and then concluded to pump the landlord. A half-hour's trial thoroughly disgusted me, and I gave it up as a bad job. I did, however, learn that he was a man of :-.zoutlierli birth, of con , iderable educa tion, which a brutal life and depraved mind had not sufficed fully to obliter ate. He seemed to care very little for his which indeed was small enough, for during the time 1 spent there not a single customer made his ap pearance. The stock of goods I observed, on examination, to be chiefly fire-arins, every manner of gambling apparatus, and liquors; the few pieces of stuff, bar rels and boxes of groceries, appeared to be disposed rather for ornament than fur actual sale. From each of the man's trous”rs' pockets prot oiled the handle of a Der ringer, and behind his cm/liter were ar ranged, in convenient positions, two or three double-barreled shot -guns. I remarked to him that he seemed to have a handily-arranged arsenal, at which he regarded me with a cool, quiet stare, polished the handle of one of his Derringers upon his trousers, examined the percussion cap with greet delibera tion, and then, with a 'loci of the head, intended to convey great three, said, . - "You don't live in these parts" , for which I felt not ungrateful. The man drank brandy freely and ten, and at intervals of about half an hour called to his side a plethoric old cat named "Gospel," stroked her with nervous rapidity, swearing at the same time in so distrait and unconscious a manner that he seemed mechanically talking to himself. Whoever has travelled on the West Coast has not failed to notice the fearful volleys of oaths which the oxen-drivers hurl at their teams, hut for ingenious flights of fancy profanity, I have never met the equal of my host. With the most perfect good nature and unmoved countenance lie uttered horrid blasphe mies which, I think, must have taken hours to invent. I was glad when bed time eatne, to be relieved of his pres elm?, and especially pleased when he took me to the little separate building, in which was a narrow single bed.— Next to this building, on the left, was the cook-house and dining,-room, and upou the right lay his own sleeping apartment. Directly across the square, and not more than sixty feet it; was tho gate of the corral, which, when moved, creaked on its hinges in, the most dis mal instiller. . As I lay upon my bed I could hear Kaweah occasionally stamping ; the snoring of the Chinaman on one side, and the loss;, mumbled conversation of my host and his squaw on the other.- 1 felt no inclination to sleep, but lay there in half a doze, quite conscious, but withdrawn from the present. I think It must have been about eleven o'clock when I heard the clatter of a couple of, horsemen, who galloped up to my host's building, and sprang to the ground, their Spanish spurs ringing on the stones. I sat up in my bed, grasp ed my pistol, and listened. The peach tree next my window rustled. The horses moved about so restlessly that I heard but little of the conversation, but that little 1 found of personal interest to myself. • I give, as nearly as I can remember, the fragmenhi of dialogue between my host and the man whom I recognized as the elder of my two robbers. " When did he come?" " Wahrthe sun might have been lour "Has his horse give tett?" I failed to hear the answer, but was tempted to shout out " No." linty coat, buckskin breeches." My dress.) " Going to Mariposa at seven in the morning." I guess I wouldn't round here." A low muttered soliloquy in Spanish we qind 111 , With a growl. No, Antone, not within alone •'t the place." '. Kta buen." Out of the compressed jumble, of the final sentence I got but the one word, " buckshot." The Spaniards mounted, and the sound of their spurs and horses' hoof soon died away in the north, and I lay for half an hour revolving all sorts of plans. The safest course seemed to be to slip out in the darkness, and tly on foot bi the mountains, abandoning my good Kaweah, but I thought of his no ble run, and it seemed to me so wrong to turn my back on him,that I re solved to unite our fate. I rose cau tiously, and holding my watch up to the moon, found that twelve o'clock had just passed, then taking from my pocket a five•dotlar gold-piece, I laid it upon the stand by my bed, and in my stocking feet, with my clothes in my hands, started noiselessly for the corral. A tierce bull-dog who hail shown no disposition to make friends with me, bounded from the open door of the pro prietor to my side. Instead of tearing nie, as 1 had expected, lie licked my hands and fawned about my feet. Reaching the corral gate, I dreaded opening it at once, remembering the rusty hinges, so 1 hung my clothes on an upper bar of the fence, and, cautious ly lifting the latch, began to push back the gate, inch by inch, an operation which required eight or ten minutes ; then I walked up to Kaweah and putted shim. Ills manger was empty; he had picked up the last kernel of barley. The creature's manner was full of curiosity, as if lie had never been approached iu the night before. Suppressing his ordi nary whinnying, he preserved a mo tionless, istatuedike silence. 1 was in terror lest by a neigh, or some nervous movement, he should awaken the sleep ing proprietor and expose my plan. The corral and the open square were half-covered with loose stones,and when 1 thought of the clatter of Kaweab's shoes I experienced a feeling of trouble and again meditated running oft' on foot, until the idea struck me of muf fling the iron feet. Ordinarily, Kaweah would not allow me to lift his forefeet at all. The two blacksmiths who shod him had done so at the peril of their lives, and whenever I had attempted to pick up his hind feet he had warned me away by dangerous stamps; so I ap proached him very timidly, and was surprised to find that he allowed me to lift his feet without the slightest objec tion. As I stooped down he nosed me over, and nibbled playfully at my hat. In constant dread lest he should make some noise, I hurried to muffle his fore feet with my trousers and shirt, and then, with *rather more care, to tie upon his hind feet my coat and drawers. Knowing nothing of the country ahead of me, and fearing that I might again have to run for it, I determined at all cost to water him. Groping about the corral and barn, and at last finding a bucket, and descending through the darkness to:the-stream, 1 brought him a full draught, which he swallowed eagerly when I tied my shoes on the saddle-pommel, and led the horse slowly out of the corral gate, holding him firm ly by the bit, and feeling his nervous breath pour out upon my hand. When we had walked perhaps a quer- LANCASTER, PA., WEDNESDAY ter of a mile, I stopped and listened. All was quiet,the landscape lying bright and distinct in full moonlight. I un bound the wrappings, shook from them as much dust as possible, dressed myself and then mounted, started northward on the Mariposa trail with cocked pis- 1 tol. In the soft dust we traveled noiselessly fur a mile or so, passing from open coun try into groves of oak and thickets of chapparal. Without warning I suddenly came upon a smoldering fire close by the trail, and in the shadow descried two Sleeping forms—one stretched' on his back snoring heavily, the other lying upon his face, pillowing his head upon folded arms. I held my pistol aimed at one of the wretches, and rode by withou' waken ing them, guiding Kaweali in the thick est dust. It keyed up to a high pitch. I turned around in the saddle, leaving ! lilaweali to follow the trail, and kept my eyes riveted on the sleeping forms until they were lost in the distance, and then I felt safe. We galloped over many miles . of trail, enjoying a sunrise, and came at last to Mariposa, where I deposited toy gold, and then wept to bed : and made up lily Ilost sleep. Hough Humor to Calfornia Not far from San Jose, says the San Francisco Chronicle, lived an old lady whose frugality , has verged so closely upon parsimony that she had actually the reputation of being miserly. She has a son, whose wild habits, dissolute ways, and propensity for playing prac tical jokes will, sonic day, lead to the gallows or to editing a daily paper in San Jose. Next, but by no means least in the trio, whose names will be passed down to history through this receipt, is a worthy representative of the flowery kingdom named Ali Skoot - the latter very fond of experiments. Now to the filets. Not long since aparty, consist ing of a baker's down of Sail Jose la dies, visited the ranch, where the old lady, by raising chickens, keeps the wolf from the door, and drops an ocea sional tive•cent piece into the deacon's hat as he takes up the weekly contribu tion on Sunday. The ladies belonged to the "sewing circle," and the old lady determined, in the fulness of her heart, to decapitate a chicken, upon which these thirteen hungry Christians were to dine. A h Skoot received his orders to that slyest, and immediately repaired to the poultry yard to carry them into execution t the orders, not the poultry.) How to catch a chicken iu the day time was now the difficult problem which exercised the Main of the Chines. About this time Jim, the old lady's son, hove in sight, and to Ah Shoot's interrogations answered in this wise : Now, look here, Skoot, you jest git some corn, and I'll go and git the gun, and I'll tell you what to do them" The necessary articles were duly pm cured. The hopeful James had loaded the gun plum to the muzzle, and telling Skoot to throw down some corn, about ix) chickens put in an appearance. Now the Chinaman, as before stated, was quite fond of experiments, and reaching for the gun, lie took aim at a noble roos ter, who, towering above the others in the pride of his youth and roosteihood, was entirely unsuspicious of the coin ing storm. It is, perhaps, needless to state that James immediately esconced himself behind a large tree, out of harm's way. About this time a report which would have done credit to a '4 -pounder, aroused tithe folks in the house, who en nuts,e, rushed out to the scene of the slatigh ter. At first nothing was visible but smoke and dust, next about two score of chickens were rising and falling,ll oppingand squawking. The ground was strewn with the mangled remains of about forty more, while the remainder of this once interesting dock 'were making for neighboring liranehes, to avoid another earthquake. But what of Ali Shoot? Did that mass of turn and dishevelled rags resemble the once festive youth whose delight had none been to experiment? It was he. The kind ladies approached him, and ten derly, oh, so tenderly, raised his head. They essayed to administer spiritual consolatiou from an old black bottle which the old lady had produced. By and-by the distorted features showed signs of animation, seeing which the old lady said: "Speak to me, Skooty, oh, speak to me !" John raised his head and gave vent to the following : " Speakee ! Wassy matter, speakee More brandy, more brandy ! t; —d d—n, too much shouty !" It is, perhaps, un necessary to add that John is now in quest of another situation. '—a fact A Theory' of the Deln;.ye The author of a work entitled "Cycli cal Deluge," recently published by Appleton & Co., argues that the ocean has grand secular tides or deluges,which I occurs every ten thousand five hundred years, two in each cycle of the equinoc tial expression. The lasttlelm,.,re .-- WV 1 that to which the...44.asiTlions of ninny languale - g — rc-fef - - - the "'great deluge," and occurred four thousand two hundred years ago ; when the sun's heat having sufficiently softened the vast accumula tion of ice around the North Pole, the fragments of the ice-mountains rushed in a body to the South, causing a sudden displacement in the earth's centre of gravity and carrying, with them the gigantic erratic boulders, whose pres ence in Northern latitudes still puzzles geologists. According to Mr. Walker, the author of the NI ark, the next grand break-up will occur about six thousand years hence, when a counter oscillation ! of the South seas will occur ; the Ant arctic glacier will be shattered ; " the Southern waters will be rushed down 1 upon the Northern hemisphere, which will once more he submerged, while in the South unknown continents will ap pear." Admiral Wilkes, of our navy, will look forward with interest to that day, for then the Antarctic continent I which he claims to have discovered in h 5-10, but which has since been invisi ble, and over which Captain Itoss and other voyagers have repeatedly sailed, may then come to the surface of the water; and his memory cease to be a source of amusement to geographers and nautical men. The theory of the peri odicity of great deluges was propounded by Alphonse Joseph Adhemar, in his work entitled " Revolutions de la Mer," where he argues that the waters are I now rising in the seas of the Northern hemisphere, and that the Antarctic ice is already piled up to a height of sixty miles. lie invites attention to the con tour of the earth's shadow upon the moon during lunar eclipses, with a view of verifying his calculations. The re sults of these are accepted by the pres ent author, who seeks to sustain them by various arguments drawn from geology. The volume is reported by those who have read it, to have much scientific merit. The probability of its conclu sions, however, is a point that only mathematicians can settle. Meanwhile it is re-assuring to be told that the next cyclical deluge will not occur until the year 7382 of our era, even though upon that occasion " vegetable and animal life en the North of the equator will, in a great measure, be destroyed; while the same must happen to the human race on this hemisphere, excepting, per haps, a few tribes or families, who, es caping to the highest table-lands and mountain ranges of the earth, may sur vive, only to fall back almost immedi ately into a state of torpid barbarism." The Landmark of Jerusalem The "Dome of the Rock" which marks Jerusalem, as that of the Capitol marks Washington, has no rival for beauty, hardly for sanctity. Believers in three great religions revere the spot where Solomon's Temple once stood : the Mohammedan, who only exalts Mecca a little higher; the Jew, who has no actual sanctuary, and who expects to meet a reconciled Jehovah at that accept ed shrine; and the Chrietian,who held it awhile through the Crusader's valor, and is quietly coming into possession of it again. The blue-and-white temple seems a cloud resting fora moment over the altar of so many years' sacrifice, by , and by to melt away in the serene heavens. No structure that ever stood there could have been more graceful, none more sublime. It is strange that so charming a model has never been fol lowed. Far inferior patterns have been servilely copied, but none has been at tempted of this, whose perfection is said to have cost the artist his head, the sultan being determined the ex periment should not be repeated.— The recent explorations of English engineers, besides mapping out the whole area belonging to the ancient Court of the Gentiles—an area of 1000 by 1500 feet—have proved all that was con jectured about the antiquity of the bev- MORNING DECEMBER 27, 1871 eled stones forming theouter wall. They I Four cranes, each capable of bearing ! certainly go back to Solomon, :and are 200 tons, at the four corners of the ham- , remarkable stonework for that early mer, serve it,with the red-hot masses. day, though far inferior to the Egyptian Krupp intends to build another of 101 l masterpieces, where thousands of arti- I tons! At these works are made the Un- • zans spent their lives in decorating a • mense cannon of the Prussian army. single tomb lion. Judah P. Benjamin An interesting article in the Louis ville Ledger says : "As Senator in the old United States ! Senate, afterwards Confederate Secre- Lary of State, his r9mantic escape from Florida in the Spring of 18G5, upon the downfall of the Sodthern Confederacy, all these things conspired to enlist the kindest feelings of our people for Mr. Ben jamin, and to bring.out their sympathy, and to wish him every success when he landed in Europe, au exile at the age of 45. His spirit was not in the least crushed, nor his energies abated; and by industry and talent he today occu pies a proud position in England. Though he stood in the first rank of the Louisiana bar, and was confessedly the most brilliant advocate before the United States Supreme Court, still he I had to go through a formal probation in England before allowed to plead in his profession. It was about one year be ' fore he appeared at the bar, eking a ' support by writing for the British press and magazines. At last he had a case, one growing out of the late civil war. The result was a forensic triumph which elicited tbe:rare distinction of a very ,warm encomium upon his argu ment from the bench. While strug gling for his footing, Mr. Benjamin de ' voted himself to preparing a special treatise on sales. The bar of both countries united in' praise of the I book. This publication assured Mr. Benjamin's standing in his profession. I At last lie was made Queen's Counsel. This placed him fairly ou the road to distinction and a professional reward. His income has risen to -1,000 pounds sterling per annum, and in another year will doubtless be double that amount. Mr. Benjamin has been offered an op , portunity to go into Parliament, but he continues to decline to turn aside from the brilliant professional career which awaits hint. He now stands second at the bar only to Sir Roundell Palmer, and on any special occasion uttering a scope for his great powers of eloquence, would undoubtedly eclipse that distin guished jurist. Married Without Knowing It A Mr. Thomas Cooper, an English man, has published an account of travels tt Thibet, which he visited disguised as it Chinaman. Among his stories is the following : He was just halting for breakfast, after leaving the Thibetan town of Bathing, when a group of girls, gayly dressed, and decked with garlands of flowers, came out of a grove and surrounded him, some of them holding,his mule, while others assisted him to alight. He was then led into the grove, where he found a feast being pre pared; anti, after he hail eaten and smoked his pipe, the girls came up to hint again, pulling along, in their midst, a pretty girl of sixteen, attired in a silk dress .and adorned with gar lands of flowers. 1 had already noticed," Mr. C. continues, "this girl sitting apart front the others during the meal, and was very much astonished when she was reluctantly dragged up to me and made to seat herself ay my side; and my astonishment was considera bly heightened when the rest of the girls began to dance around us iu circle, singing and throwing their garlands over myself and my compan ion. The meaning of this performance was, however, soon made clear to Mr. Cooper. He had been married without knowing it' At first he tried to escape liability entailed upon him; but such an outcry was made by the people around that he was forced to carry ofr his bride. lie managed to get rid of her before very long by transferring her to one of her relations ; but even that was not treated us a dissolution of the mar -1 riage. (in his way back he was joined line day by a Thibetan dame of about thirty years old, who announced her self as his wife's mother, and said she had conic, with the consent of her hus band to supply her daughter's place.— We can well imagine Mr. Cooper's cur -1 prise at meeting with this novel propo sal on the part of his mother-in law. The Ardennes Dog The dog of the Ardennes accompanies the flock when it leaves the pen fold Lt pring, only to return when the Win ter's snow drives the sheep home again for shelter. Each shepherd possesses one or two of these dogs, according to the size of his flock, to act as sentinels. Their °Wee is not ito run about and bark, and to keep the sheep in or der, but to protect them from out side foes. When the herdsman has gathered his flock in some rich valley, these white, shaggy monster crouch on the ground, apparently half-asleep ; but now zunilhen_tlie great z dagacious eye 1 7.177 - Ten, and, PM , tig . ,Over the whole of their charge, remain for awhile fixed on the distant horizon, as though they followed a train of thought which led them away from earth—so sadly do they gaze into the infinite. But let mountain breeze bear to his ever moving nostril the scene of the hated wolf, or his quick ear detect an unknown noise ; then is the time to see one these dogs in their glory. His eyes be come black with fierceness ; his hair stands erect; Isis upper lip becomes wrinkled, showing a range of white, formidable teeth, while a low growl Mono escapes his throat. When his keen faculties have detected the where ! abouts of his foe, he rushes forward ! with a bound that overleaps all obsta cles, and a bark that echoes from all the surrounding hills. Every dog of the like breed that may be near takes up the note and rushes gleaming through the brushwood to join in the attack,— Tender as the childhood lie protects, woe to him who dare lift a hand on One of the little ones with whom he has been brought up. It is lust he who buys him who is his master it is he who fed him when a puppy, who petted and shared his pittance with him—he it is ! who has his love. A Nice Little Story As pleasant a little story as was ever told is this regarding an Albany physi cian, by a correspondent of the Port Jefrerson Inthprnden( writing from New Haven : An aged widow in Massachusetts re ceived a telegram that her only son was I dying at Lawrence, Kands.- Notwith standing her extreme age and feeble health site Must see her son. She un dertook the journey. The train was de layed. When it arrived at Utica she was taken violently ill. A young phy sician assisted her to a hotel, and pro vided ever3qhing, he could for her com fort. Her detention by sickness and moderate means would not have allow ed her to pursue her journey, but for the kindness of the attending stranger. He paid her bills, assisted tier to the cars, and accompanied her to Buffalo. At parting she requested his address. Two months later the stranger was seat ed in his office at Albany. A stranger entered, and after some conversation presented the doctor with a Govern ment bond of $5OO, as a reward for his kindness to that old lady, saying: "She was my: mother. She died a few days after reaching me, and I recovered. Had it not been for your kindness she would have died ou the road. I ant her son who was sick. lam a banker; but money can never repay the debt I owe to you for your generous kindness to my dear, good mother. God bless you! ' May God bless and the world applaud such noble acts of benevolence Dr. D. Crothers, of Albany bestowed on this occasion, and which the old lady's son so richly rewarded. Immense Steel Works A writer in the Engineering and _Win ;nu Journal gives some figures in con nection with the immense steelworks belonging to the Messrs. Krupp, at Es sen, Germany. They cover about one square mile, one-fourth of which space is under cover. Mr. Krupp em ploys 10,000 workmen, 8,000 in the steel-works, and the rest in mines and blast-furnaces. Nothing but steel is made at Essen. The product in 1866 was 61,500 tons of cast-steel. The works contain over 50 steam-hammers, from 120-pounds weight up to 50 tons ; there are several of and 15 tons. The great fifty-ton hammer is the largest in the world ; it cost $580,006. The foun dations for it are 100 feet deep, in three parts, of masonry, large oak trunks and iron cylinders, bolted to gether. The anvil and frame rest on these, the rest of the hammer having separate foundations, to save the jar. slttetti4ertecr. Deep-Sea Dredging. M. Louis Agassiz,s letter to Professor Pierce on the eve of his embarkation to explore the unknown sea-depths, in which he prophesies what new mysteries Nature will hold for him there, reminds us of a story we once heard, of a poor Swiss lad, who, refus ing to learn how to turn a penny by his father's trade, began alone and unaided to spell out the alphabet of Nature in rocks, and birds, and beasts. The knowledge did not promise to help him ; on one whit among his neighbors ; did ! not put shoes on his feet, or salt in his porridge ; a comfortable home and sue cessful business waited for him, but he chose to go wandering through the Alps, hatchet in hand, and often but a sou In pocket, " a sum so little,'' he said, " when my hunger was so big :" So, hungry and half-clothed, he follow ed for years the half-effaced signs a this unknown language, which he fan cied God had spoken and not men, as a child might trace the foot-steps of a lost mother. At last lie made his way to London, to Sir Roderick Murchison, who, he thought could help him. " Well, Sir, what do "you know '2" de manded the great naturalist, noting his beardless chin and ruddy cheeks. " 1 think—" hesitated the lad, "a little about fishes." That night, at a meet ing of the Royal Society, Sir Roderick held up a covered package. " I have here," he said, "a fish which existed in such an era"—some time long before Adam was born, and proceeded to state the exact condition and position in which it was found. Can our young friend, who knows "something about fishes, tell us anything about ir."' Whereupon the Swiss boy promptly drew upon the black-board a skeleton monster, of which the real one, when uncovered, proved to be the exact du plicate, and then the old gray-beards present recognized him as one of them selves, and gave him place, very much as the kings in Hades rose to receive Napoleon. The little story bears upon one signifi cant fact ; that the unworldly, simple hearted man, who went out last week to prove for the second time that lie " knew something about fishes," has . conquered 'tights in life, and a certain place in the world's esteem which no accident of birth, no money, no warlike victory, could have given hint. Our reason for telling the story is that it seems to us a most needed and whole some tonic for young men and the fathers of young men to atop short some times and remember that there are ca reers and victories iu the world with which money or power has absolutely nothing to do. It is a truth almost in credible to us, so little does it enter into the daily routine of any of our lives.— How most effectively to get money, power, or social rank, is the basis of all plans for boys, front their birth to their starting in life. Even the man who devotes himself to save his fellow men by preaching Christ's gospel, aims at a certain standing in his peel, a better salary, approximate repu tation to that of a Beecher or a l:rooks. Self-development, self-aggrandizement, is the mainspring of most human ma chines. To the ordinary citizen, Smith, whose brain is full of his shop or briefs and the place in society he means to achieve for his wife and the little Smiths, this talk of amphipods and dysasters to be found in the bottom of the sea is so much childish gibberish. What have dysasters to do with the world or its real business? The . higher educa tion must begin in the cradle, which will teach a boy to despise money, and the good it commands to find in coming close to Nature's face, and reading there the messages which age after age has left for hint, clues to the yet unread secrets of Creation or Death, a nobler use for life than in the rise of muslins or fall in pork, or even in:buying a house with modern conve niences for himself and fatuity. Money getting and the strife for social rank are in no country in the world so absorbing and universal a passion as here. There are signs of a hopeful change, it is true: a growing taste for and delight in beau tiful or curious objects. We buy pic tures and found museums, but the men who sacrifice their lives and all pecuni ary advantage to science or art among us are rare. No Mutters or Humboluts as yet, have been born in the United States. • But before long, we believe, clear-sighted men will covet for their children studies and careers which ~n-move move them out of the groove of--15rd,y nary ambitions, and the chicanery .5f trade. A man brought daily face to face with the beautiful shapes or the awful mysteries of Nature, grows in sensibly unworldly, single-minded, no ble in his relations to other men. Search ing for infinite truth, the vulgar tricks of money-making seem as far off to him as the washed debris on the beach; io Agassiz in his deep sea-soundings. There is a story of a shrewd agent who tried vainly to buy the great naturalist for a Winter's lectures. "Why sir, you will make " more money than by ten years of this work," he reasoned. " But I have not the time to "make money," said Agassi A. When will that generation of Americans be born who will not have time to " make money," said Agassiz. When will that genera tion of Americans be born who will not have time to make money, and who will prefer deep sea dredging to building houses of sand on the shore '2 A Profitable Day's Work Not long since, says the Linn /ittporl et, there was employed in oue ut the large shoe manufactories in that city a young lady whose duty it was to fasten the taps of ladies' boots together, pre paratory to lasting. This is done after the taps and soles are (linked out, by first pasting and then securing them by two nails. One day a gentleman was in the manufactory where she was employ ed, and observing her celerity of move ment, raised a question as to how many she could prepare in one day. One of those having the management of aflkirs expressed the opinion that she could do twenty cases in ten hours. The ,gentleman first mentioned could i not credit this, and offered to stake $l,OOO against $.500 that the feat could not be accomplished. The wager was accepted, the young lady was acquaint ed with the facts and asked if she could I do it. She replied that she was willing to try, provided she could have a share of the money, should she win. This was agreed to and the task was com menced. At 12 o'clock on the next day she had eleven of the twenty cases fin ished and packed ready for the ]aster, and at ten minutes inside the ten hours the task was completed. The incredulous gentleman paid the wager of $l,lOO, and the winner handed the young lady $5OO of it. This, together with the sum earned by doing the work, made pretty fair wages fur the day, and any one can see by a little calculation that she had to keep pretty busy. There were in each ease 60 pairs, four pieces to a pair, making' 4U pieces of leather to handle, and as many nails to be driven. In tla 20 cases there would be 4,010 pieces to takecareof in ten hours, which was done, thus averaging 480 per hour or Sin one minute. This is an actual fact, and the smart girl is at present do ing a snug little business of her own in the central portion of our city. If this can be beaten, bring along the one who can do it. The Wickedest Man In Washington—Re formed by the Woman's Club---Shut Up Shop and Going to Marry. "Reddy" Welch, the "John Allen" of Washington, keeper of the heretofore notorious rendezvous of all sorts of la- I characters, male and female, on the cor ner of Thirteenth and ll streets, has closed his "den," and purposes to lead a better life in future. He gives the credit for his reformation to Mrs. Sara J. Spen cer, of the Woman's Club, who finding "the den" one of the greatest obstacles to her success in reclaiming fallen wo men in the neighborhood, waited on "Reddy," and after several interviews succeeded in inducing him to close his "ranche." He says that Mrs. Spencer, instead of upbraiding him, appealed to his better feelings as "a man and a brother," showed him the mischiet he was working in helping to drag down innocent girls and degraded young men, and make him anxious to enter upon a new life. He is to be married in a day or two, and if he will be as active in good as he was in evil, will be a valuable aux- Mary to the Woman's Club, and all others who are engaged in the work of social reform.—Star. Washington Gossip. A Capital correspondent of the New York Sun, furnishes the following spicy gossip with regard to fashionable life: The great social subject of the hour is the wedding of Senator Chandler's daughter, Minnie, with Representative Eugene Hale, of Maine. Hale is a child of good. luck. He is only thirtrllve years old, and was admitted to the bar feurteen years ago. He went to the Legislature of Maine only four years ago, and now he has the inexpressible good luck to marry the only daughter of one of the richest, if not the very richest, Senators in Congress. Miss Minnie Chandler is a blonde—large, good-natured and good-humored—but not generally ranked among the lead ing beauties of the Capital. She dresses in exquisite taste, and is the pride of Zachariah, her father, and of her good mother, who have made it a part of the marriage agreement that the groom shall come with his wife to live under . . their own roof, and not be setting up a lodge of his own. Hale has always been the protc,v of r 4 peaker Blaine, and it has been said that Blaine loves him like a son. He is a thoughtful, modest, student-like young wan, with light hair and dark eyes, square head, relined fea tures anti in stature he is not above live feet four or five inches. He belongs in Congress to the class of Republican Conservatives, and is as much unlike his future father-iu-law in temper and opinion as it is possible for a well-edu cated, discreet, logical young man of modern-training to be -unlike a tall, queer, positive, hale-fellow-well-met Western politician, who got his educa tion in a Detroit dry goods store, and learned all he knows about politics sit ting on the back counter, uenouncing the English on the other side of the De- twit river. Already hud we a wedding in the Su preme Court circle. The Supreme Court circle is distributed between Capitol Hill and the National Hotel. The Na tional Hotel—that celebrated 01a inn where Buchanan got the hotel disease —the biggest, most robust and collosal Judges of the Supreme c ourt keep their abode. There is old Justice Clif ford, of Maine, who weighs above three hundred pounds ; there is Justice Davis, of Illinois, a man worth his million, who weighs hard upon three hundred pounds; there also abides Justice Nel son, of New York, the Nestor of the bench, who cannot weigh much less than two hundred pounds, and is a re markably handsome specimen of a fine old Irish-American jurist, covered over with white hair like a wise goat. Chief .lustiee Chase bought a country box out side of Washington last year, but his' paralysis has again compelled him to return to the home of his daughter, Mrs. Sprague, where he is kindly cared for, and already looks like his former self, With the exception of his hair, which is entirely gone. Two of the Justices-- iller and Field—occupy roomy and agreeable houses in the lost waste of Cap itol Hill. There also lives the voluptu ary, Middleton, Clerk of the Court, who is said to be quite rich, and who can tell you plenty of stories about Wirt, Pin k ney, Rufus Choate and Chancellor Kent. Justice house is said to have been presented to him by his brother, Cyrus W. Field. Next door to him William M. Evart}, of New York, owns a house, which is now occupied by a Nevada lawyer. These two houses form a part of what used to be the Old Capitol Prison, where Mrs. Surratt and Belle Boyd were confined and Capt. WI rz was hanged. Justice Swayne oc cupies a quiet house near the West End, and Justice Strong boards at the Ebbitt House, while Justice Bradley is the im mediate neighbor of Gen. Sherman, in the old I:rant-Douglas mansion. Rich , and Parsons, the Marshal of the Court, who is one of the wealthiest men iu Cleveland, Ohio, boards at the Arling ton Hotel. The richest man on the Su preme I is Davis, sometimes spoken of as all anti-Grant candidate for the Presidency ; he owns most of the valuable property in Bloomington, Ill.; ' I well off are Itradley, Strong and Miller.. The following Justices of the Supreme Court have never been elected to Con gress:—Bradley, Davis, Nelson, Field, Miller and Swayne. Chase, Clifford, and Strong have been in Congress. Of these men the poorest is Clifford—not worth above fifteen thousand dollars, yet as happy as a wood-sawyer. lie is sixty-eight years old, was Polk's Attor ney-General and Minister to Mexico, and was put on the Supreme Bench by Buchanan. Field is also indifferently well off—worth perhaps, Strong, although nominally from Pennsylvania, is a native of Connecticut, and a repre sentative Yankee iu sagacity and force. He left Yale College and took to school teaching, like Chief-Justice Chasse, and this brought him to Philadelphia, where he entered the bar in and he took =M!=MM= Berks. He served many years as a Judge of the State Supreme Court. He is married to a second wile and hasa crop of young children. Justice Samuel T. Miller is a native of Kentucky, and many think the ablest man on the bench. Ile has been twice married, and the daughter just wedded to Col. Stocking, is the offspring of his first wife. He began life a physician, expressed himself too freely on slavery, and in I 5 I 1 he settled in lowa. Ile was counsel to a rich widow there, his pres- ent wife, and they have several chi'. dren. She is a spirited, able woman, and Miller ranks with Chase as a man of original thought, bold mind, large learning and candid, charitable spirit. If Chase should die now Miller would get his place and thiserve it. The daugh ter, just wedded, is a tine, robust woman, dark ii. complexion and slightly burn ed or scarred upon the face. Mrs. Mil ler's father is said to have been au inn keeper in Ohio. Judge Swayne is rich, made so by ju dicious investments in Western real es tate. :He put $111,111 ,, in Toledo property, which yielded him, after several years, ..'.. , :300,000. He has several capable sons. Justice Nelson has gone home to New York State, and some think he will never return here, being now very old— on the verge of eighty. He is very well off and is married to a second wife, bleached and beautiful in well-preserved years as himself. These Justices are now a harmonious, concordant body, having got over their tierce quarrels about the greenback-gold contracts. They have just jrendered a new decision on this subject, and no body knows what it means, so that they are all writing individual opinions up on it. The Judges feel that they occupy a relation of unpopularity with the poli ticians, and yet one of inexpungeable co ordinate power, so they are equitably indifferent and absolutely happy. Four men on the bench would make good Presidents—Chase, Miller, Davis and Strong. All the Justices speak highly of Lyman Trumbull. Judge Chase said, some time ago, that Trumbull's opinion in the case of the impeachment of An drew Johnson was worthy of the best exemplifications of the Roman Senate. There was a lofty scorn in his opening paragraph : To do impartial justice in all things appertaining to the present trial, ac cording to the Constitution and laws, is the duty imposed on each Senator by the position he holds and the oath he has taken, and he who falters in the discharge of that duty, either from per sonal or party considerations, is un worthy of his position and merits the scorn and contempt of all just men. ' ' Till calmer times shall do justice to my motives, no alternative is left me but the inflexible discharge of duty." Justice Miller's daughter married one of the best looking and most prosperous young men in political office, a propri etor of the general-order bonded ware house in New York. Stocking served in the war handsomely and became a protege of Senator Morton, of Indiana, through whose good offices be was transplanted to New York, and with Colonel Leet of Chicago, formerly on Grant's staff, he received the big thing of the general-order bonded warehouse on the North River side. It is supposed that the profits of this warehouse have to be divided up among a great many persons who do not appear on the sur face. The store ought not to produce less than $OO,OOO, and it may yield 0100,- 000 a year. To turn from these topics of life to the matter of death, I may tell you the great question of the hour is cundurango. At the commencement of the war a tall, dark-complexioned and dashing physi cian appeared in Washington with the volunteer army, and he was put in charge of the largest hospital in the city. During the whole time of the war he thus served as surgeon, making plenty of friends as well as some enemies by NUMBER 52 his miscellaneous style of dashing now into surgery and now into politics. • Buss, THE sPLENDIti. This was Dr. Bliss, the introducer, through the assistance of the State De part men t,of cuudurango, which is claim ed to be the only ewe extant for cancer, but which one of your South American correspondents pronounces a grand humbug. A society sketch at the pres ent time would not be complete without some record of Bliss and nis nostrum. He is fully six feet high, with black eyes, jet black hair and a goatee worn in the fashion of Edwin Forrest. He drives a pair of stylish, lightning horses down the wood-pavement of the avenue every afternoon, and he is treating for cancer —that baffling and terrible disease, the scourge of female human nature—the wives or relatives of many persons in the iovermuent. Among these are old Mrs. Mathews, the aged mother of the Vice President. She is a large-statured, white-haired old lady. Her first hus band, father to young Schuyler, was the son of the commander of Washington's body-guard, while in New Jersey.— After Colfax's birth iu the city of New York, she married a mechanic named Mathews, who is at present a clerk of the Printing Department of the House of Representatives. Old Mathews is a dull, non-communicative,uninterfering old man, and he has had several chil dren, stepsisters to the Vice President. Several days ago his wife developed cancer, and she has suffered much agony ever since, although she managed, for ! her son's sake, to stand up hours at a I time during his receptions. It was to re -1 lieve the old lady from this burden that I Colfax married. Mrs. Mathews' cancer is aggravated by erysipelas. lilies' ene- I mies rely upon her extreme age to insure her decease, in which case they will all riseup and exclaimthat cunduraugo kills instead of curing. Colfax himself. however, thinks it the greatest blood purifier of the time, and the See : retary of the Senate, George Our ! ham, alleges that his wife, who has had a cancer for more than two years, is in a fair way of recovery through this means. P , i• contra, the widow of Com modore Ahoy has just died of cancer . after using cundurango for some time. Washington society may, therefore, be said to be in a state of civil war over the question of cundurango. When any patient of*Bliss' dies lir. Garnett and the rebel so-called) doctors—who some time ago turned him out of their so ciety—lift up their hands and give joy. Bliss, who has a good deal of nerve, al though somewhat of an adventurer, relies upon the State Department to fur nish him the root, and he claims that before long he will get the thanks and the sympathy of civilization, while the chaps who are now trying to ruin hits will he on their marrow-bones. Mount Chimborazo I n bczazo, almost from under the equator, sends its serene top to nearly four miles and a half into the tropical heavens, and even in this burning re gion is covered with perpetual snow nearly three thousand feet from the sum mit. And yet so genial is the climate, that inhabited cuhiVated farms ire found at au elevation equal to that of most of the Alpine peaks. Only a little over a - thousand feet low er than the top of the Jungfrau, men start with mules fo make the ascent. lu Humboldt and Bouplan at tempted to reach the top, but when they attained an altitude of 19,3151, the highest point ever trodden by man, they were met by a fearful chasm, five hundred feet wide. Though the extreme rarity of the atmosphere at this great eleva tion was such that the blood oozed from , their eyes, lips, and gums, it was with deepest disappointment that they were compelled to turn back without reach ing the summit that rose so mockingly near. In ls::1 Boussingauls made a similar attempt. He carried his mules to an elevation equal to the summit of Mont Blanc. But the hurried, panting breath of the animals, and the constant wistful turning of their heads toward the plains below, admonished him to abandon them, and he continued on foot. But mighty precipices barring his progress, around or over which he was compelled to climb, while the treacherous snow slipped beneath at almost every step, increased the danger at each advance, until at last. environed with precipices, he was compelled reluctantly to abandon the enterprise, having reached a point only about three hundred feet higher than that attained by Humboldt. Even after nearly an hour's rest his pulse was over a hundred. It is impossible to describe the wonderful view that is presented at this height. A Large Fish Story Captain John Evitt, of the fishing schooner Charles H. Price, of Salem, Mass., which arrived home from a cruise yesterday, reports the following strange story : "The schooner was anchored off Grand Bank, ten days ago, with about two hundred fathoms of hemp cable out, and about ready to start for home, having taken about fifteen thousand pounds of halibut. The cook threw over a line to catch a fish for din ner, and having caught one, threw the line over again and found it tended aftat a remarkable rate. Thinking it strange, he called from the cabin for the captain, who came on deck, went forward, and found the vessel going ahead at about five knots' speed, but could not account for it. Ile ordered all hands called, and they hove in the cable to .within about thirty fathoms, when they discovered that their anchor had got hooked to a large whale, which they had before seen at some distance. The whale ran with the schooner some little time longer. The crew weatherbitted the cable. and in a short time the whale sounded, broke the anchor, and carried away with him a good part of it. The black skin is to be seen on the cable where it chafed on the whale. The ring and a small piece of the anchor were all that was left attached to the cable; the flukes arc gone, and are supposed to have somehow become at tached to the body of the whale. ton Ile talet. A Hyena Loone•--Great EzcLLowcua It is only a few days ago that wo record ed the visit of Mr. -Bergh to Bar-' IMM'S show, in Third Avenue, New York, where he demanded that a hyena, whose viciousness, he was told, was beyond a doubt, should be unchained and allowed to roan> MS den. The agent ordered this demand to be carried out, although in his own mind, he was confident that the bare of the cage would not keep the hyena a prisoner. Friday evening his ideas were verified, for the "death prowler" by some means escaped from its den, and immedi ately commenced to ravage everything that came in its way. A leopard was in the ad joining cage, and with one desperate effort, the hyena tore down the partition and was soon engaged in a deadly conflict with the queen of the felines. After cowing and seriously injuring the poor animal, he next attacked an elephant, but was beaten off before any harm was done. Nothing daunted, however, it next visited its chur lish nature on an inoffensive camel, which animal is left in such a deplorable state that it has since had to be killed. The affair caused great consternation among Bar num's employees, but the beast was finally captured with a lasso by a Digger Indian, and Is now once again chained down to his den. The leopard is valued at s43,ooo.—Sun. Intrigue,* for the French Throne The intrigues for the French. throne are continued with as much vigor as ever, and probably will be carried on till some one of the numerous claimants succeeds in se curing, even if only temporarily, the cov eted treasure. There is the Republic and its supporters ; there are the Orleans princes coquetting with Thiers and the Assembly; there is Napoleon peering out from his re treat at Chiselhurat for a safe opportunity to repeat the exneriment of Elba; and there is that faithful, hard-hearted, obstinate creature, the Count of Chambord, clinging to the rock of legitimacy, and fondly ex pecting that France will some day call him to repair her waste places by reviving the exploded theory of the divine right of kings, and the old system of feudalism as tar as it can be restored in this age. This latter agitator has just been holding at the lively Swiss town of Lucerne, a gathering of his adherents, among whom, it is said, are two hundred members of the National Assembly. Tweed Parting with His Plunder. An Albany dispatch, of yesterdy, says, there wore tiled in the County . Clerk's of fice to-day the affidavits of Wheeler H. Peckham and John A. Stoughtenburgh, setting forth that William H. Tweed is and has been disposing of his property in New York, to wit: A house near Fort Wash ington, his stables on Thirty-ninth street, his yacht, and his residence corner of Fifth avenue and Forty-third street, dm., for prices much below theirvalue for the pur pose of evading the judgment to be ren dered in the action brought againsthim by the people. No new action, however, is proposed. An Actor-Clers7man- - Deaill of Bel. C. B. Parsons at Louisville. The announcement on Saturdavnorning of the death. of Bev. Dr. 0. B. rarsuus, a minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church was received with a feeling of sorrow. No man In the folds, of the . Methodist Church over wielded a greater power or had a wit' or reputation than Dr. Parsons. A splendid elocutionist, a natural orator, and gifted with an unusual share of mag netism, he swayed his audience with an irresistible power. Charles Booth Parsons was born in En field, Connecticut, July 3, 1803. At the early age of eighteen years he went to Providence, Rhode Island, and engaged in business. Shortly afterwards his business house was destroyed by tiro, and he was thrown upon the world penniless. He then turned his attention to the stage, and made his debut in the old Bowery Theatre' iu Sow York city. Shortly afterwards he came West, en., played a number of engagements in this and Southern cities. In 1838 he abandoned the stage,and Joining the Methodist Church , under the ministrations of Rev. John Mal lit, a famous revivalist, in March, 1'839, was licensed to preach. His success as an actor was great, but his true field was in the ministry, and his labors were rewarded with a rich harvest of souls.—Loidsioill. Ledge, A Chonee to Sell Out ! The New York Times says that Presi dent Grant is desirous of getting rid or his stock in the Seneca Sandstone . Company.— In that Company he holds t 25,000 ; 811000 of which he paid for at par, while 1t5,000 W 11.9 given him as a present. A capitalist In Utica proposes to take it MT his hands. ppayi❑gg for it the whole price which the President paid, together with interest at seven percent. on the President's money since the investment was made, the pur chaser to have any dividend which the President may have recelved. Here is a chance if Grant really wants to sell. Lot him speak quickly, or the general belief that in this case as in others the Times dont. not toll the truth will be confirmed. LEGAL NOTICES LISTATH OF WILLIAM' W 'TWA I . LA of Czernarvon township, deceased.— Letters of Administration on said estate has lug been granted to the undersigned, all per sons Indebted to said decedent aro requested to 150t h immediate settlement, and those har ing claims or demands against the estate lit said decedent, to matos known the MUM" to him without deli) nov22-am WM. WITM A N LISTATE OF ISA AC KUHNS. LATE OF 11i Manor township, ileeu•eil.--I.etters testamentary 1 said estate having been granted to 101 ei undersigned, all persons Indebl vti thereto are requested to tuake immidlatti payment. and those having Matins or demands agalnst the so rue will present them for settlement to the undersigned, re - ' ,tiling In sn t township. 1141N.1.kN1 IN tf FUNS, it w IT Exoeutoe. ENTATE J Of• IEI.II IMEI A Eli, LATE 01 Po•nit towuhlop decll. hollers of Ad ministration OP said estate, havitht oil to the undersiktnod, all persons Indebted to said are requested to wake into:n.ol - settleno•ni, and those havlng chit fIIS Intatost the vstate of sant devellent. to Ina Ice 111,1111 t h.. 0111110 141 the nuttersi;turd Wit )11,111 residlng iu said township. EM A N (JILEIN Eli, Adtainistrator. IS'FATE OF JOHN KETI.OK, LATE Ole Letters of udtnin t,trai ion on said ..stair having been granted to t undersigned, all perm.. Indebted I horeto, are leyuenlud to make Immediate sottlemeill, and those hay log claims or demands ugultrit I he snow, will present them Without delay for set 1i0n...10 to the undersigned, ruslkling tu said town,l,l MILTON I: EYLOIL Clown°ll P. UEORGE M. KIKYLOIL linaville P. 0. OF NOV A. KRYLOIL Nine Pointe, P. 0 w r Aditnistrolors. ASSIGNED ESTATE 41V AIIIO/4 GROFF, Jr., of Mart le township, Lancaster coin, ty.—Amos Omit, Jr., of Startle township, hav ing by deed of V. , ltinfary assignment, dated the 15th day of No% ember, Is7l, assigned and franKferred all his e.tate and 1.11 . .1.8 to ilia un dersigned h r Ow benefit of the creditors at the said Amos i iron*, Jr., thee therefore give ladle, to all per,ons indebted to said assignor, In male , T.1) . 1110111 to the multtothouttl without do tt y, and lii,,-, having elanns to present 1 Le-in 1., .1011 ti 1111,DEllitAN FitAisiclS ii. 1/1201 0 1", will:2.lls 17 Assignee,. 4 N94IONED ESTATE OF JAMES W. AN- Olt E\V, of Coleralu • lownahlp. Llmuan ter vounty.—Janat4 W. A ndrew“, of Coleritio towrdtip. havtut: try deedot voluntary 111111 L, 'all, 1 , 71, :o•slifetql and transferred !ill emtate and effect!. to the un tho,ittrieti, for the benellt of the vredllore 0! the salt! James M.'. Andrews, lie therefore giver. notice to all person!! !wielded tonald tosiguor, to !oak , pat lucid 1.. I he tiudernigued without delay, and t ho , o having claims to Memel!! them to WM. N. I iAl.lll{Arrli. Amignee. ASSIGNED ESTATE OF CHARLES D. Tripple, of Mastic twp., Lancaster coun ty, having by deed of voluntary ussigUnieut doted Novemhe.r_l6.l. , ,Is7l, assigned and trims (erred all bin estate and eireete to the under signed for the benefit of the creditors of the 001,1 Charles D. Trlpple, Notice Is hereby given to all persons ludebted to itald misignor to make Immediate payment to the undersigned without delay. and those having Halms to pre sent them to W. W. TIIIPPLE, fe Harbor, Assignee. dtbetw 1,1 LISTATE OF JOHN (iTGEK, LATE OF EA ElVit Lampeter township, Lomita/der e 0 y, detteased.—The imder.ign , •.l Auditors ap pointed to distribute the balance remaining in the hands or Elizabeth 11. Eshleman, Ad ittinlstratrtx of the estate of said deeeneted, to ud amone, those legally entitled to the s •, will attend for that purpose on THURSDAY, THE 4TH DAY OP JANUARY, A. D., 1572, el o'do,k, P. M., In Iho I,ll.rary Room of IM Court Honor in Ihr City of Lanenat,, when all p,r , ons tIl•T ribut lon may attend A. H. HOOD, W. LEAMAN. H. YUN DT, till Andltor, MOTICE.—IN THE COURT OF COR• IN Titan Pleas of Lancaster county. y I Allan Stihruenn for Do 88. Dustman r October Term, Mo. No. :In Jules Bohn. JULI.I4 BOHN Take notice that deposltionaof witnesses for petitioner In this cane will be taken before the undersigaed Commissioner appointed by said court for that purpose, at the Mike of the un dersigned, No. 27 North Duke street, In the city of Lancaster, on Tuesday, the 9th day Of January, 1872, between the bourn of 10 o'clock A. AL and II o'clock P. M., when and where yon may attend If yeoll think proper. 11. I'. ItOMENMILLER, JR., Commissioner, TN THE COVET OF PLEAS OF LAN en,ter roll!, y Auglfst Term, No 7s. C. E. liummtier, el al. I • Purchase money °treat John Host et ter, et al, • estate s", y I I Sheriff' under the artier I of the Court. The undersigned Auditor, appointed by the Court to ascertain the several amounts con, Ing to each of the parties out of the purchase money aforesaid, and nut ke report of the saline to the Court for their Information, hereby gives notice I hat Ito will attend for the pur• pose of his appointment• Lll° Library Ttoorn in the Court. Rouse at Lanea.ter on FRIDAY, 11., 12th of JANUARY. 1072, al 10 o'clock In the forenoon, where and when all persons inter ested may an Nlll \l'. CA RPENTER. AuolLor MED ICA L R OSA II A I. I M 1-1 E INUREDIENTH THAT COMPOBE ROSA] /ALlii are pulA Imbed on every pack age, t hereto, It lm no/ a merry, preparation, 0 r,,,wineutly. PHYSICIANS PIIHSCHIHH IT It is it eertal u'icti re for •lierofuln, Hy ph Ills 111 all M. forma, Rheumathan, Skit) M11e.., e.., Liver 'sin phi Int and till liken/les 01 1 the Blood. ONI•: BOTTLE OF ROSADALIS will do more good than ten bottlem of the Syrup! of Barsaparilla. A THE UNDEILSIGNED PHYSICIANS have used Rosadalls In their practice for the past three years and freely endorse It an a reliable Alterative and Blood Purl der. DEL T. C. PUGH. of Baltimore. DR. T. J. BOYKIN, F. R. W. CARR, DR. F. O. DANNELLY, " DR,. J. H. SPARK!". M Nlcholuavllle Ky UDR. J. L. McCARTHA, Columbia, 14. C. K. A. B. NOBLES, Edgecomb, N. C. USED AND ENDORSED BY A J. 11. FRENCH & SONS, Fall River, MII.F• F. W. SMITH, Jaekaon, Mich. A. F. WHEELER, Lima, Ohio. B. HALL, Lima, Ohio. CRAVEN & CO., Gordonville Va. SAMUEL U. McFA.DDEN, Murfreesboro Tenn LOur apace will not allow of any extend, 4 , Led remarks In relation to the'.virtues of • Rosadalls. To the Medical Profession we guarantee a Fluid Extract superior to any they have ever ;used In the treatment 01 diseases of the Blood; and to the atiticted T we nay try Roeadalls, and you will ,be re -1 stored to health. Rosadalis Is sold by all Druggists. Price SI.-M per bottle. Address DR. CLEMENTS 6. CO. S Manufacturing Chemists, sal-lydeoddw Baltimore, Md; RAILROAD LANDS pMILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE CENTRAI, RAILROAD. CHANGE OF HOURS. On and after - .MON DAlt ; , OLTUBERpI, trains will run as follows: Leave Philadelphia, from Depot of P. W. a B. R. R., corner Broad street and Washington avenue. . • • • • -. For Port Deposit, at 7 A. M. and 4:30 P. M. For Oxford, at 7 A. M., 4:30 P. M., and 7 P. M., Wednesdays and Saturdays only, at 230 P. M. For Chadd's Ford and Chester Creek It. it. at 7 ;and 10 A. M., 4:311 P. M., and 7 P. 01. Wednesday and Saturday only at 230 P. M Train leaving Philadelphia at 7 A. M. °pu nnets at Port Deposit with train for Baltimore. Trains leaving Philadelphia at 10 A. AL and 4:30 P. M., Oxford at 010 A. M., Port Deposit at 9:25 A. M. connect at Chadd's Ford Junction with the Wilmington and Reading Railroad. Trains for Philadelphia leave,Port Deposit at 225 A. M., and 4:25 P. M., on arrival of trains from Baltimore. Oxford at 0:10 A. M., 1030 .M. and 5:30 P. ht. Chadd's Ford at 7:23 A. ht. A , 11:63 A. M., 4:30 P. M. and 6:46 P. M. On Sundays, trflan leaves Oxford for Philadel phia at 0:30 P. M.,ldopping at ail intermodiate stations. Philadelphia at 240 P. M. Passengers are allowed to takea wearing ap. parel only as baggage, an tony will not In any case be reeponsible for an amount exceeding one hundred dollars, unless a special contract is made for the same. IHENRY WOOD, a2B-lywl7 General Superintendent.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers