vFCwt; maehMmmmm.Mm wet...im. H& '. sat I AMONO THE CLOVER. 0r and ever the purple clever, Cuder the greenwood tree, Btveet Bm1 cams straying, for wild flowers Maying, Andrnnf laher maiden glee) "Obey, O be I There' a laddy t knew Who Jeys my lace te m. Fair blossoms, I pray, new what hall I my When HeblQ cornea woelni e' ins, Dear heart. When Rebin cornea woelni e ma r' Over and under the bought asunder. Through the weed came Rebin era loot ; In the olden fcublen he carelled al passion. And Ue hawthorn iwayed te hi song ; "O hey, Ohe I The way I knew She dropped me tali flower te tell ; But what ahe will say thU bloesemy day Would that I Knew It a Well. Dear heart, Would that I knew It m well." ever and ever the fragrant clever, Tha bee went humming till late. And where li the Uddy, and what luck bad lie A-woeIng tela blithesome mate ; Obey, Ohe! They walk no iiew. Drewn Rebin and blushing Bee ; llut what did be lay In the weed te-day ? talak I will leave you te guess, Dear heart, I think I will leave you te curse. Hamuel Mlntilrn Feck in Muln llle tuurfrr Jeumat. AVhere Are the Flahca t If there are any trout or bass lu Wliu Wliu lilcken creek, te-day, they are of the kind that leek uel upeu the hook when It Is baited, or that refuse the temptation of the well-east fly. Six years age Wlssahtckaea creek was stocked with big-mouthed black bass and With .small fry of the California trout. from that time until wea newsy, usuing lathe stream was forbidden and It was thought, and fully expected, that when the open season commenoed the ' catch " would positively be tbe best en record. With this ldea In their heads, fully 3,000 of Philadelphia's modern Isask Walten s turned out and went for the Wlssablclceu and its finny denizens. In the evenlng 3,000 weary, foet-soro and creek ,statned flshermen returned disappointed, almost heart-broken, and actually ashless. Saved by Poker Chips. A dispatch from St. Paul says: Beb I.vens. n trambler. known all ever the West as "Diamond Beb," shortly after midnight inertunK met rrann ecusi- Wedneadav rer, a uoaperate young criminal who had just flulshed burglarizing the Dawsen block, en the stairway In that building. Bchaffer Immediately whip ped ent a revelver and fired three shots, one of which crashed into Lyens' left pan pan pan taloeua pecket, became flattened out against two poker chips and remained in the pocket. But for the chips the bullet would have passed Inte the groin ana probably proved fatal. Scliafler was arrested. The Preventive or a Terrible Disease. Ne disorders, excepting the most deadly forms of lung-dlscase, Involve such a tremen dous destruction of organic tissue as these which fasten upon the kidneys. Buch maladies when they become chronic and none are se lia ble te assume that phrase completely wreck the system. Te prevent this terrible disease, recourse should be had, upon the llrst manifes tation of trouble, te Hastetter's Stomach Bit ters, which experience bes proved te be highly effective as a means of Imparting tone and reg Titans or urination, as wen asm the liver, stomach and bowel. Anether bene ficial result of this medicine, naturally conse quent upon 1U diuretic action. Is the elimina tion from the bleed of impurities which beget rheumatism, neuralgia, gout, dropsy, and ether maladies. By Increasing the activity or the kidneys, It augment the depuratlve efficiency of these organ., which are most Important out lets for the escape of such Impurities. JuJ-10 leek lTere, rrleuJ, Are Yeu Slek f De you suffer from Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heur Stomach, Liver Complaint, Nervous De bility, Lest Appetite, Biliousness, Tired Feel ing, Pains In the Chest, Night Sweats, Less et Power, or any form of Consumption T If se, go te your druggist and purchase a bottle of Flo Fle Flo rapltzten, which will quickly restore you te eund ph sleal health. Floraplexien Is a highly concentrated fluid extract of the most valuable medicinal roots and herbs known te science, and cures where all ether remedies fell. Valu able book. " 1 hlngs Werth Knewing," sent free. Address Prof. Franklin Hart, Warren street, N. Y. Fer sale by Gee. W. Hull, Lancaster Pa. aprl7-lydw Held It te the Light. The man who tells you confidentially Just what will cure your cold Is prescribing Kemp' lUNam this ear. In the preparation of this remurltable medicine for coughs and colds no expense Is spared tocemblno only the best and purest Ingredients. Held a bettle of Kemp' Balsam te the light and leek through It ; no tice the bright, clear leek ; then compare with ether remedies. Price SOe and fl. () Strcial $teticc0. Unukleu's Arnica Salve. Til BssTBALVainthewerld ferCuts.Brulses Beres, Ulcers, Bait Kbeum, Fever Heres, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Cerns, and all Hktn Eruption, and positively cure Piles, or rtc2 ,y required. It Is guaranteed te give per- or loueev p'luuucui rtii u Fer sale by W. T. Hech, Drug. feet satisfaction, or mene. Mnfi np heT. Fer sale. I gist. Ne. 1S7 and IV North Queen street, Lan caster, ra. iuuw.ru A Postal Card from Mrs. Dennis Hmlth, Louisville, Ky says : " Ter bleed Impurities Burtleek. Blned Bluer seem particularly auapieu. never uciureiwu complexion se cleai. Use all the time." Held lu Lancaster by W. T. Hech, 1J7 and lil) North Queen street. Epoch. The transition from long, lingering and pain ful sickness te robust heulifi marks an epoch In the life of the Individual. Buch a rcmarkahle event Is treasured In the memory and the aceucy whereby the geed health has been at tained Is gratefully blessed. Hence It Is that se much Is heard iu praise of Elect lie Bitter. He many feel they ewe their restoration te health, te the use or the Great Altera th e and Tonic. If rmi nr irnuhli-d with nnv disease of Kidney. ilvsr or Htemuch, of long or short standing, ou will surely find relief by uss of Electric Bit- Queen IL Hitch's Drue Htere. street, Lancaster. Pa. at We and 11 per bottle at 137 ana is) Hertu Pull for the Shere. Let us all pull out of this rft of slcUnrssand despeudency and Bel en te a rock foundation of aoed, strong health. Burtleek Bleed Vitteri are the only thing te pull ter. They are one of the meat renowned health restoratives ever inauu- That Tired Feeling Toe esMet always tell what nay be Ha rinse. Possibly K ssay be de te ehsace of season, climate, or lite; possibly te overwork r werstudy, te aunts suffering, or Mmms ailments. Bat tbere U no Mstaklag Rs effects. Ten knew you feel" ateeettht te death," without strength te de anything; ambttleu seems te be ell gene, and la t steee IndlBcrence te hew the world wags SB la- Heed's Sarsaparilla dcscribable laocner and weakness. Vouhive r.e appetite, de set eare about feed, and only tit Uciuse it It the hour for eating, er from force of tublt. This must be stepped. Tour condition must be chanted at enee, or like a ship drifting with the Inward tide, yen win bem be dashed upon the rocks et lecursble disease and death. Heuse the torpid kidneys and Ursr.teae the digestive organs, create a sew appetite, purify and vltallze the impure and naffiM twoe, Makes the Weak Streng run! the headache, and overcome all the pros pres tretlng eflects of That Tired Feeling, by taklrf. Heed's 8arsruirllla . 1 1 Is Just what you need, r.J te deby taking It Is unwise. "fi'.iica UJtlng flood's ParsapsrlUa, tint ixtieme tired feeling bas gene, my appetite t ttimeil, and It has toned me up generally." 7..vn v w. Thklps. Siilrley, ilass. " My wlla suCcrcd from slrk headache and titir.il I C After t Aklnj IToed's BarsapaHUa tiie was ritirli tflicvcd." W. It. Bab, "Wllinhigtui, O. V Every hitndseat sspleyrd In producing tToea BarssparUtt is strictly pate, nnd Is the best of Hs khst K Is ceIble te bay. Alt the reels sad kerbs are carefully selected, per per sensJly sxamhwd, aad eedy the best retained. Alt are (resad ear ewa drartslll, se that freest sum et pjrttM mtll the taedlclne I prepared, ettrythlBt i carefully watched wtUaTteVteassahttefthebestresalt. Heed's Sarsaparilla "Evtry spring I take from thaw te Ore bottles of Heed's SamparUU, because I knew It 'purifies the bleed and thoroughly cleanses the system et all hapuritlts. That tired feeling will never visit the system that has been properly eared for by Heed's Bars partus." W. H. Lawbkxcb, Editor Agricul tural Epttemlst, Indlanapeils, Ind. "It Is a pleasure tn sell such goods a Heed's Barsaparllla has proved te be." C. BBOWH, Milten, renn. Makes the Weak Streng " My daughter had an abscess en her neck for Ave or sis years, being all the time under care et physicians, without any perceptible relief. Heed's Barsaparllla was then recem mended te me for her, and It hat entirely cured her." 8. Tuoxmejt, Uaxelweed, Pittsburgh, renn. " I highly recommend Heed's Sarsaparilla as the best remedy for sick headache. I have been selling this medicine 0 years and net ene bottle proved unsatisfactory." F. J. Fhick, Fr.ck's, Backs Ce., Penn. W The mere tensMiW stun et ike femtls let readers women tone met smissistl tbaa men te these numerous IU wwe sprmf trern lack et harmony la the systsss. nerveataess, sick headache and ether ailments peculiar te omen cause great (Utertng. Mead's Bars. psrim U ailmwsssy -aasrssa r sac mTf i It 1vm Mat atrvssesWitwessywd . tire strength, cures headache, ladlgesHea, and creates aa appetite, T " Fer nlae yean f was m a seas at ceastaat uflerlng, scarcely able at any time te walk Heed's, Sarsaparilla ' about the heate, aad part et the time unaMe te be out et bed. By advice of leeal tti)sl elans I went te Philadelphia ter treatment, which gave me relief for a time, but I was toen'werse agsla aad gave tip asps et ever getting well. The physicians said I had a fibroid tumor. I began taking noed's Barsa parllla and Its geed elect was seen apparent. I began te Improve In health, and continued takui tba mealstaa till bow I feet perfectly well, aad can walk six or serea miles a day Makes the Weak Streng without feeling tired. I think Heed's Bam parllla is Just the medicine for women and an) one who has bad bleed." Jen nib E. Smith, East Bread Tep, Penn. "I must say Heed's Barsaparllla Is the best medietas I ever used, last spring 1 had no appetite, and the least work I did fatigued me ever se much. I began te take Heed's Barsa parllla, and seen 1 felt as It I could de as much In a day as I had formerly done in a week. My appetite Is veracious." Mas. M. V. IUyabd, Atlantic City, N. J. " f MsMllVaC " yy-ATcHaB, execsta. fac VaTatcli T CtOCKB, KTC. A ftill graduated OpthalmlrOptlelan will give earelul attention te Ue correction efbad vision. Beat reatatrlng . ' WEBER'S, UK Nafta QuM street, Near F. R. R. Depot, apM-lyd. JEWELER AND dRADUAT bpTICIAN. GILL! Graduation Presents ! QOLD WATCHES, SILVER WATCHES, DIAMONDS, JEWBLRY AND OANUS. Examination of Eyes Free ! Ne Dreps Used ! . QMAS,S.. GILL, CttlttHj. mi :.! 6; 10 WEST KINO STREET, LAROABTKR, hA. WA KUIJW AND JEWELRY. Take Heed's Sarsaparilla s FaMbyalldri'csUts. ft: s'xfer ja. Prepared only ly O. I. IHKJIf A t O . Aruthf carlei. Ixurcll, Mui, 100 Deses One Dellar I WIST SPECIFIC CO. Sold byslldrarglsts.fltstxferfS. Prepared only by C, I. ROOD a OO , ApethftcarHs, Lewall, Mass. IOO Deses. One Dellar SeldbysJIdniggUts. Ill six forts. Prspartdesly by C. I. lioeo ca, Apethses.l, UwU, Mats. IOO Desss One Dellar Lingered Betwssn Life aad Death. Mrs Gee. P. Bmoete, a highly cultivated and estimable lady of Proecett, Ark,, writes under date of April , 1889 s "During the summer of 1887 my eye became lnBamed, and my sto mach and liver almost hopelessly disordered. Nothing late agreed with me. I took chronic diarrheea, and for some time my Uni was de spaired of by my family. The leading physi cians of the country were consulted, and the permanent geed, and I lingered between lite and death, the later being preferable te the agonies t was enduring. In May, ltss, I be came disgusted with physicians and their medicine. I dropped them all, and depended solely enHwia'i Specific (S.H. H.), a few bottles of which mode me permanently well well from then until new." MADE HIS LIFE A BURDEN. I have hed scrofula until It made my life a burden. I was Inexpressibly miserable, sick, weak, sleepless, and unhappy; desiring that the snort time which seemed te bay beeu allotted te me en this earth would hasten te an end. I tried doctor' treatment and medicine, nnd travel, but nene of these did any geed, for thelscrefula gradually grew worse One physl clan, who I traveled far te ee, and te whom 1 paid (ISO, gave up the ease as hopeless. I turn Save 'up all ether medicine, and took only win Specific. (H. 8. 8.) Four bottle of that medicine cured me, and for the past four year I have had a excellent health and I am as free from disease as anybody living " Z. Nelsen, Fremont, Neb. Treatise en Bleed and Skin Disease mailed '(f) SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ga. "W 'iJNDEVELOPED PARTS Of the Human Bedy Enlarged, Developed, sruse- l On the contrerr. vertlser are very highly Indorsed. Interested Strengthened, etc.. Is an Interestlnc edvel tnent lone run In our naeer. In renlv te In quiries we will say that there Is no evidence of humbug snout tins, un we contrary, we act. person may get sealed circular giving all par-, Urular. by writing te the ERIE MEDICAL CO., 6 Swau St., Buffalo, N. Y. Daily Ibfede Bee. fll-lydAw ft RAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. GRAY'S SPEOinb MEDICINE. Thb erbat English Hembdy. Ah unfail ing cure for Seminal Weakness, Spermaterrhea, Impotency and all Diseases that fellow as a se quence ef Self-Abuse ; a Les of Memery, Uni versal Lassitude, l'aln In the Back, Dimness of Vision, Premature Old Are, and many ether diseases that lead te Insanity or Consumption ana a rremaiure urave. ar Fer particulars In our pamphlet, which we desire te send free by mall te every one. The Speclfle Medicine I sold by all drug gist at f 1 per packsg or six packages for 15, or will be sent free by mall en receipt of the money, by addressing THE GRAY MEDICINE CO.. Buffalo, N. Y. On account of counterfeits, we have adopted the Yellow Wrapper: the only genuine. Sold In Lancaster, Pa., by W. T. Hech. mar3-lyd fTtEETUlNU HYROr. TO MOTHERS. fPtri Voep, M ETZQER A IIAUOHMAN. Metzger & HaiagliiTian. WASH DRESS G00Ml OUTINQ STRIPES AND PLAIDS, DKESS GINOHAM-S, PLAIN CUAMDRAYS, SEERSUCKERS. WHITE DRESS GOODS! INDIA LAWNS, VICTORIA LAWNS, LACE STRIPES AND PLAIDS, HEMSTITCHED FLOUNCINOS, ALL AT THE LOWEST PRICES. Wok and Jewelry. Metzger&Haugh man's Cheap Stere. 3840 West King St;, Lancaster, Pa. (OPPOSITE THE COOPER HOUSE.) 1ST EXT DOOHTOTUE COURT IIOUBE. Warm Weatlier Goods T Nothing has been produced for seversl season equal In appearance and coat te the FAST BLACK PLAID and STRIPED OROANDIES we are showing at present, Msde or Fine Orad Cotten and Dyed with the Beat DRAGON BLACK, they combine shsera, durability and beauty with low cost; 12;c. 15c, 17c, 2Sa and 2Sc. IuWhluTergandles, Nainsoeks, Dotted and Figured Mulls, Inde Llnens and Embroidered Flouncing and Edging you will And the large as sertnient and low prices here. Every price 1 repreented from tc te tee, and everyone a geed value. ChallU In great variety at 8c, Oc, 100 and 20c. Our Dress Olngbasn and Chambray Stock Is the largest shown In the city. ainghamsate,c,8e, 10c, 12c. Chambrays, 12e, ice, 18c, 20e andltSc. All warranted fast colors. UAR0AINS IN PIURL BUTTONS AND RIBBONS. Rverv babe should have FAUHNEY'S TEUl'IUNU SYRUP. safe. bottle of DR. PersecUr we upturn or aierpniamixiures. wm: Ueve Celic, Griping tu the Bewsl and Promote averstewn. Md. Trust! Trial bottle sent by mall 10 cents. DtftlcnltTeethfng. Prepared by DRS.D.FAUH- i, na. Ni:Y80N, Uagerstewn, li; zartni. l'rugglsts sell ian4-lvdeedAw BARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS. GARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS FKHNESTOCK'S, 36 and 37 East King St., Lancaster, Pa. If you wish te a buy a Q00D GOLD WATOH We can show ynu Elegant Patterns In Ladles' and Qsnt's Rises at a Wonderfully Lew Price.) FULLY GUARANTEED. fJOUD AND SILVER BEAD NECKS AND BRACELETS, FOBS, Ac, Spwtaeles Properly Fitted. Walter C. Herr, 101 North Queen St., COR. OF ORANUE. ' ZAUM'S CORNER. piMK TAILORING v " 1890- SPRING.-1890 Fine Tailoring. The Largest and .Most Elegant Assortment SPRING NOVELTIES Mew Ready for Your Inspection. . We would also announce the purchase of a Jeb Let of English Suiting aud Trousurleg at a great saerlaee, whieta we wilt sell at JjtOstfilLligly Lew PrlcfA aaCsIl rarly te eeeure a bargain In goods. atsrsiBtalairai' tttatlha. ,'" ,-r r-w-rww - ,-- w wr TrainsxJuya V'TTr ' ' & lira ru iianeipBia as suuvws l rWasjnrARD. Paellle KinnM swsjtsjunsssf...., W.Vr aiaaara ssaprsas S27S rtSkMSAaMsaT these H. Gerhart, ONLY D1HKCT IMPORTING TAILOR IN THKCITY 43 NORTH QUEEN STREET. dn-tm VsTYKKS A HATUrON. ATTRA0TI0N8 IN OUR Will llrjarimriit. 1 LsMys. ?Lewrg Pai ,. .1 Sbbb a. am. aaa u sm J vlaeBBsai JSa. Mv ZrZQ-Jb.m.2: Laeswur ASMsaM. rassss 1 a. as. ssss p. nv ptJaasasaZ: fyUT B$a lAneasssf Aee.MtM. mmmimmm. JLfrftL. v MM4Awii JbpssAsia UsKTWAllD. TsTnTimi tSfi nnsssisiVSS!"'" Blk'llB''' JBiti aaswayfaiM.MfM.. tSSbV''' sS?s',j, HamssiSBsi MBfciaV.c BVabav. stsiTtaVars atnssa. saKssv Lisvuiui aaussisfc"!"!" 5H P ff sbsbj. v, Ridsftesi Aeeesa,,. wlkai. 'S-v : jssmi& I 002, Oaasral l)aaaif ,J sua), as. ruua. I amTttrr3Ki-JULi ARaagasaMt at wssasgasTiaiaji m aasreft aufiatT, nay u, use. W'v many attractions ln our Custom De- we partmenl. 1 are showing the Handsomest Line OF- Spectacle Department ! B ard a Mcelrey. bard sc Mcelrey, Neg. 33 and 35 Seuth Queen Street, Opposite Fenatala Iaa. Sick Headache and relieve all the troubles Inci dent te a bilious state of the system, such a Dlszlness, Nausea. Drowsiness, Distress after KAUnir, Pain lu the Side. da. While their most remarkable success ha beeu shown In curing factureil. held In Lancaster by V. T. Jlech, 137 and 139 North Queen street, MeiliertTi Motliersi I I Metben l t I Are yen disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying With the excruciating pain et cutting teeth T If se, goat once and get a bottle of MRS. WINS LOW'S BOOTIIINU SYRUP. It will relieve the peer little sufferer immediately depend npen It : there I no mistake about lu There 1 net a mother en earth who ha ever used It, who will net tell you at once that It will regu late the bowel, and give rest te the mother, and relief and health te the child, operating like maaic. It Is perfectly safe te use in all cases and !TT7r..ni tr.iVntn.Ki. nnd lithe DrescrlDtlen of en of the eldest and best female physicians and nurse In the United Mate. Sold everywhere, innczuvaaw Headache, yet CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS are equally valuable In Constipation, curing and precntliig this annoying com plaint, while they also correct all dlsordersef the stomach, stimulate the liver and regulate the bowels. Even if they only cured Ache they would be almost priceless te these who suffer from this dlstresstnr cemnlalnt : but fortunately their goodness does net end here, and these who one try them will find these little pills valuable In se many ways that they will net be willing te de without them. But after all sick head IS cents a bottle. Kvidonce of the Rent Kind. Richard T. Robinson Is n druggist living In Racine, Wis. Here Is what lie says i " Affllcfd with laryngitis t wus unable te articulate a word dlsiliKtly for fully two months. A liberal application of Tlutntar tkUctric Oil completely cured me. Am pleused te recommend It. Meld in I-ancaster by W. T. Hech, 1.17 and 139 North Queen street. Their Hunliie lloemnnr. Probably no one thing has caused such a gen. eral retltnlef trade at 11. II. Cochran's Drux Minre e their giving awuy te their customers of se many tree trial bottles or Dr. King's New DIs DIs cevery for Consumption. Their trade Is simply enormous In this ery uluableartlc e from the tt that It ulways cures and never disappoint Soughs. Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis. Croup, and 111 threat and lung diseases quickly cured. Yeu can i tt It before bu In byeettingatrlal bottle fS lnrs-e size II. Every bottle warranted at H h. Ceehru.r.. Drug Stere, 137 and 18 North Quern street, Lancaster, Pa. )3) Is the bane of e many lives that here is where we make our great beast. Our pill cure It while ethers de net.. CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS are ery mall and very easy te take. One or two pill BLACK GOODt-Extra value lu Black All-Wenl Henrietta Cashmere, 40 In. wld.at0c worth tt'K" ; 40 in. wide ut 7V, worth 87Kc ; 4 In. wide at II. worth I1.1B. Bargain In Black Man rlettaat2ecand.S6c hllk Warp Black Henrietta at II, I1.2S, I1.J0. Black All-Weel Albatre. Ma Bleck Australian crepe, double width, 15c. lllaek Mohair Brilllantlne, 1 Ne. at 60c, really worth OIXc; 1 Un. at 75c, really worth 7Ue;l Black Mohair, with pin (tripe, at60e, extra wide and Suallty. Black Nun's Veiling for Veils at II and 11.35 per yard. Special low price InBlack Thibet bawls, single and double. Black French Satlne at 22c and Sic, warranted net te crock or change color from perspiration or adds, and I net affected by waiblng or exposure te the light. Black Satlne with neat dot or figure. Plain Black Plaid Lawn. up. une- OINOHAMS Dress Olnghsms at c, worth le ; 10c Dress Olngbams at Se; UV.a quality at 10c. New Outing Cleths at 10c and 12Kc WINDOW SHADEH-Cloblngeut 1 let or shades, 8 feet long, spring fixtures, atittc j 1 let with fringe, asms site, at 8Jc. REMNANTS 1 let of COc Carpets In remnants at 23c per yard ; 1 let or 75c A 1 1-Weel Carpet In remuant, at 83c per yard. UNDERWEAR Ladles', Men's and Children's Underwear, summer welcht. cheap. Ladles' Ribbed Vest at te ; elsewhere 10c and up, Men's Ualbrlggau from SSc up. Children's at low price. BICYCLES AgeuU for the Premier and Coventry Rival Baf.ty Blcj rles. Owing te the number of case w have for treatrnentand adjustment, we have dsUrsatned MopsAibeeaiceon , i Monday & Wednesday Evenings v Fer the aoeeasModatlon of these who find It difficult and expensive te leave thlr work dur ing the day time. OFFICE-SECOND FLOOR OF ZAfeliyiCOPNER ENTRANCE: NO. 3 N0ETH QUEEN STREET. r-Offiee Heur from 7 te 10 p. m. Monday aud Wednesday of each week. ALL EXAMINATIONS FREE I Ne Fees Charged I All diseases of the Kya treated and operated en by a Graduated Oculist of Uaquestleaed Ability, and thorough satisfaction Guaranteed SUITING TOR Men's "Wear -FROM- AFULL LINK OF $10,00 te Almest Anj Price' , Bach style as these are net offered anywner In Lancaster for the price, Siieh an assortment you'll find nowhere Im. ELKO ANT HTLYKS IN Men's Treusering ! Mere than you'll ears te leek at. Vrlnes rang from H ui We'll fit yen, tee, Myers & Rathven, Leading Paalilenable Tauer; ' NO. 12EABTKINOSTWC1T TiAK0A8TRK.PA. -1LOTUlNU. " L Gansman & Bre. A BIO HARVKSrFORTUK BARUAIN HUNTERS. i Where a Dellar Qets the Farlbtrst and the Most Is dot for II, MEN'S, BOY'S AND CHILDREN'S . NORTHWARB... ,M, sflvs a. aw. w. m.. w, sane fit .iJA' ' '& Ring Street, Lancaster.... OsrawalL. ....., .-larnnM' ,Ts Lan 2t-jJsmt.llR. a Lsare a. ax. p.v. Maes l-JZLsD' AIT1Ta. 1 ssftrasMs) KIM OBtuabla. I'&W&ZMV0'?" .ii. -.am kVt&fir'fM Sl2 IslSls eiMNi S.iVl 1 ssaVtnB &l3 EMI I BBSS S'JO' : 41 .,. t. "PHILADELPHIA RsUIUMBAJZaOAp , autauwMU m wuummuk ass ( w Oa aad after steaaay. May U. sSaVYamiai leave LaneaaUf (Ala street), as ssMay Te Reading aad tntmedtatiati days,.T aTsVTuksssxaugsSi SSuSSBSISBSj . .t ! 1. i it li; -, H fcg" K"gaf; gy "i sane BV" r 'i "L " -fiTt- j rer Auswiewsu wswa sssvb, j.m ay sswbsb . 'TSS&l&hS:. -. -. tmAi. iwiws inesk) asu w, i Ktrar' -".-j LaaTe kttBvBB XiTO gims&& av,sBa. : .'.y:V-'T, ci . Leave wewTeta w rBiwiiiiiM.wasmi JLiStrwa. W,Wa;sT'J,e.;ki svsa, ' v !): Ufit $gm&8mt Xeav aftyTtna, alWK Mtfa, as 1 nGaiBb,cteri 4N -AT- latcbes, Clocks, Jew elry ud Silt erain, AswsllasthsJkovslUssefthaseaaon, at the A Specialty made or Intricate Watch and Jwelry,flpalrtng. Ernest Zahm, ZAHM-8 CORNER, aprt-lmd- LANCASTTKR, PA. BARD & IVTcEILROY, Nes. 33 aud 35 Seuth Queen Street. Opposite Fountain Ian SHltu'cutaec. XT '.. RHOADS SON. YOUR ATTENTION IS SPECIALLY INVITED -Paval: J30HE BROS. A UARTMAN. Parasols 1 Parasols ! -Parasols ! AT REDUCED PRICES. ' All Kind or Umbrellas and Parasols , MADE TO ORDER. AI.HO Net Parasols, Wagen Umbrellas. -TO- They are strictly vegetable aud ir Durze. but br their gentle ec tlen please all who use them, l.t vials at 25 ct make a dose, de net gripe or purge, but br their gentle ae- five ler 11. Sold everywhere or sent by mall. CARTER MEDICINE CO., NEW YORK. Small Dese. Small Price. Small Pill. auglZ-lydeed Tie Many New Styles of Jewelry for Ladies -AT- H. Z. Rhoads & Sen's, 4 West King St. r RZPAUINO BEOOVSaMHO MSATLY DONE, 'at the MAKERS ROSE BROS. & HARTMAN, 14 East King St. aprl2ilmd. flour. REDUCED PRI0ES. ItiChlldnn'sSulUatTSc.Ue.tMliU. W Children's Suits at II K, 11 00, it 75, K, Children's Suits at W , IS W, ;l, ti Xt. Msa's Hutu at M 76, W as, M. Men's Ail-Weel Suit at ti, 16, IT. Men's All-Weel Worsted SdlU it 17 W, , HO. Men Fine Cheviot lulu, M M, M, H. Msn's Ali-WoeiOaMlreertaulMat H. V, H. tv. m Uhlldm'i IWtU at De a pair. Bey's RulU at WW, Mis. WW. Bey's Woolen aulU at 8, 13 CO, M 74. Bey's SulU, All-Wael, at H 0. , 8. our assortment is still eempleu. New sty Im added Immediate) ; the only thing mining are lb pries. Old prlees are replaced by new, about ens-bslflu site, Yeu cannot match our value. t L Gansman & Bre., Tailors and ManUBteturera of Msn's, Bey! and Children's Clothing (Kscluslvs.1 MaaaUstOBTBQUttlttT., t B.W.0OsUnROr0sUOl, LAB0AiTl,rA. u aa Het eecaeetea with any ether Otethlag BUMktslashtsitr. rBseauUeas and make no nelstak se that you jut y a nm piaee. wnmmuHX rauaiMSMia.) iBssWaa sBMaiWl -KTcwsa. -aa'"-'i. aaa saw wl as.t swbssbbbbbbsbsi mi taa a. avtMnaW.'aWti Asseanssessnisa, sViBk, M0 a BSV Ms, am. i Mfi a. as., IsrsAt-W Bnarass 7tss aw as. sssa'a msa. foaaUea,Ms, m. aad . sv as.71 larsssTs p. as, fAeasssinlsMaa,l krublss.eaabealaii.t dmlHi.C? ffttnpaV X'ia$Uxf yKW UAMN AND ART KXBsVne? -i. ' ,? ws LBfffi '-53 ffi n ''it' J C&ll.zidS jrjOK. iitvtwr) FINE NEW Li 'AVO-r (iOB rttlj.'i1. V.t ftimmir $evtm. New, Medsrn, KlrstClsss, Cempli J. L'aranl.te. l'adde avsnue, between new Yerk ana ream avenue. Accommodate aw. J aprJI4md JOSKl'H R. DAViU. mil OSBORNE. , L 1 1 v ' .- Cor. Arkansas and Pacific Avs:,"ATINTlC Nw Heuse. Modern Improvement. RlevaJ ter, Electric Halls, lerin moderate. J uneil-Zmd , M HH. M . OHBORNK. rpUKMINNKOUA. " 1 Al LAN lie CITY, N.J... . Faelfle-Ave.i between Arkansss and Missouri Aves central location ; refurnished i under newraanagemsQt: everything Orst-clas. Write for circular. mylMrad C.A.BROWNE. TtlS' ART COO DS au mm mass -'" 4&1 v"yyv"fww n JohnLArneld's wv t Jt'tta NORTH QUBEK mm i CMBINO. OAB riTTINO, . - Jelin P. Schaum & As Lev .1 V' 3( fft' PLUISHStt . Willis bre.,jUi GAS FITTING AMD T EVAN'rt MAIUR. Tlteusnndu Ulen TheuaaniU of dollars hnve been spent In adertlslng the celebrated Burdefk Htewt BMeri, but this fuel Accounts only In pert for their enormous sale. T5ilr me.lt Fins made them what they are the best bluer! medicine ever devised by man. Held In Laimisttr by W. T. Hech, 137 aud 131 North Qnen tn-t. lcuttetru. tKhTn.V'IIIORST, DEN1IST. II S CENTRE SU.UARK. Ullltig Teeth and lalnless Kxtractleu Hi. clilUer. New Sets made, broken one hit-mftxl and remidelMl. Teeth Inserted without pi itcs and pivoted, etc. ic,ecrj thliu ertulnlni te Dentistry will receive prompt attention, ul rerr Moderate Terms. Remember that Dr. Naiherslls the ONLY Dentist In tbWceunty who Is a graduate of Medicine as well as of Don Den tlstry. un nt vantage that 1 obvious, mart-lid w TOR IIOItliteai-Aii B1AIIU.ABV EN S glne, from 8 te W bere-pjwer, and Vcrtl SH Euglnt from 'J te 40 borse-pewer, ou will flndtbia l JOUN BEHTS, Sa Easi rulten UMt. "TTACATION KXCURMONH. RAYMOND'S VACATION EXCURSIONS. All Traveling Expenses Included. A party will leave Philadelphia en TIIURS. DAY,Jl)l.Y17,fer the KIIWT ORAM) TltlF of the season te the Yellowstone National Park, With a complete round of all the points of lu. Wrest lu Amsrlca's Wonderland, and ample time for a thorough Inspection of It mtny marvels. Visits will be made te Mammoth Het Kprings, the Ixwer and Upper Geyser Ilaslns, Yellowstone Lake, Yellowstone Falls and Canen Eln addition te above, EIGHTEEN SUMMER TOUIUS in July und August te leading Eastern JULY IS Excursion te Alaska; the outward Journey being ever the Canadian foci He Rail way, ,.., Other VELUmaiunr. aiiu.iai rAtin. TRIPS July 31, August It and 21, aud gp- Mtnber 11. U-Send for descrlptlvecirculars, designating whether Yellowstone National fark Trip. Al ar RAYMOND A WHITCOMB, 111 Heutu Ninth HL (unner CeutlnenUl Uetel), rhlladelphla, fs, uaiHt4 A PARTICULARLY FfNKIJNEOP WATCHES. FULL LINE SILVER BRACE .Hib LETS AND BANGLES. DIPFirULT REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. 'l"f H. Z. -S-HOADS & SON, Ne. 4t(nCST KING ST., LANCASTER, PA. . i , . i'ttffiocvntera. F UNN URENEMAN. Is CHEAP ICE-!" LEVAN'S FLOUR Makes t GOOD Leaf of Bread. Makes a BIG Leaf et Bread. Makes a WHITE Leaf of Bread. rWHATMORE DO YOUWANT7 (AMBKl DOE-ATLANTIC CJ f V WM, Complete Hetel : 100 bed-room ; ocean front f BAM'L, H. LEWIS. Fronrlster. --..- .. ;.... . .. a. K. wuuiut.1, Manager. best bathing grounds ; bread ptastss : elegsnt buffet. rnyl-Zmd A '1LANTICCITY. T" HOTEL CHiTWOODE f oclfle Avtau. near Illinois, Atlantic City. NwandFlrsUClass. Mteamllsnt; Call bell, we minutes walk from beach. tXSOandWOU f'.'X ty -i3fi .A . X4, R0OP1W. ) 9 i . 26 SOUTH QUEEN ST.,, 4' 3 ,. hAMOABOSm WAJ'T: Cr)inattxfiv H IOtl MARTIN, China, Glass, iAND QUEENSWARE Ceal. Twe minutes per day. NOW OPEN day. l(Mrr mKMmd MRS. ANNIE URUBB. rpllE CUALFONTE, THE CHALFONTE, Atlantic CiTr, Ntw Jcitscr. HITUATED ON THE BEACH, NORTH CARO LINA AVENUE, --AT - reySrad E.ROBEHTHA80NH. THEN ANY REFRIOKRATOR WILL ANSWER. MUST HAVE THE HUT THIS HKCASON YOU ti HLHSKK." tlaska Tour or .r de.tred. Eighteen Hummer Tours" THE REST AND ONLY PERFECTLY DRYlAIR REFRIGERATOR IN THE MARKET. T UMBER AND OOAU Jj TOBACCO M1IOOKH AND CAHEU. WEST. AN HARD WOOD.B WholeeaUandUll, rJ-lyd 3I WaUr Btreet. Uncaster, ra. -s-SAUMOAKDNERHUOMl'ANY. y COAJL DEALERS. Orricica Ne. VM North Queen Htreet, aud fie. 6M North 1'rlnce street. Yahoo North frlnc Htreet, near Reading Depot. aaklUfd l,ANnAKTKH,PA. mUE MT. OHETNA Narrow Gauge .Railway will be opened for the eumtr season en MONDAYMAY 5th This read sxteuds from the entrance of the Park te the summit of the Houth Mountain FLINT & BRENElVIAiq: GREAT' REFRIGERATOR AND WATER COOLER STORE, NO. 152 NORTH QDEEM ST., LiNOiJJTIR, PA. TJACKINOB.AR FOLLOWS: DIRIQO.KOR 17 Hteam and lldntullc I'uckliig.AsbestRepe, Woven and Wick I'acktng, Uemp facklng, As bestes Mill Beard, Asbestos Cement, Asbestos Bbeathlmr, Oum Paeklng.Uum King for Water Uaugssv riumbage iackTng, Reed' latent As bestqTxiaed Bectlensl Hp Cuvr, at JOHN JWTa,sii-MtFulteBitrt. a.:-tM (Uoverner Dick), a dUtauce oibdeui lour uuic. noniiaijreaaairjvingavtii'.".--."-'' ,",?": ing from the suntmiiei inumeuuij,.., u u icennecs wiuj " " wTtii. iumlutature trains connect with all the regit. lar passenger trains ou the Cernwell A lba lba lba nonlUlUeod atrlv Ins at the Park, and . return- "KSSti.n,.. J5. p.nna. iC K. and Phlladel. Iteeuing it. .v., wiunu twut.ie, uv m. pbla A I cbo.accempl.hMmoueaav It is the most PEREECT IN ITS CONHTRUC. TION, It ha also the MOST COMPLETE flB.11, sis VlltUO ( Klin, .1,M .ea ui uj ursvsuass, an scenery along th Hue. steel Ralls, sitene Ballast. It Is en of tb feature or vnlllPME Tj.l. nf iha standard enulue and Its cars are especially adapted te aflerd unobstrueted view of tb magnlflesnt scans: along th line. Btsel Ralls. Nten Ballast. We are new epsnlng ear Bsrlng Imporutlen of Queenswar aad wM be prepared te supply our sMasafM with the TarrbessfiaaaafwBNM Lewest Prte-.-MessUr reeetvs epr cial alttatlea. . HIGH & MARTIN, 15 East King 8trWt.j e Vh0t0BVpkB Mt. Gretna Park, the finest day resort In Ceutral Pennsylvania. i anaacnoei. ainiiary auuuiviuerau Club aud Tourist Parties can secure Church au ration HUwIHi Swisuvat asaasa us, a sv minbiiis th.clu.lv. useef Mt. Ofvtek enpii. ilmA up'tC.AURsllrvWri-sWoe.Pa. EYKRY PERSON IS ANXIOUS TO HAY R tuun riv.ius.sv - p Among the Daisied Utbs Latest Htyle of PHOTOGRAPHS MADE.' CaUBvadtttthwa.at SOTX'S, 50K N. Qusm 8t ! LANCASTER, A., jaa74sa amtaAMffA-sv .M?BSJ i i J-M-JVT" fcv:
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