Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, February 09, 1889, Image 4

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    - a. " jTPaBna rri;T - - f 'rmcsiBM'miiwi'.iisKfaiBii m .. lt i-- vir Jr b ui . i r v ri"ii'
" '.f .... -, -. r. .an-rdBnBBBnur.' iw ;r . : m-na BBflnaBmswBBBBC r ;- r jj 1,.. t. ----') -,,
-" i ; ' "i. -t -n k . . j ! if- -
es-W?. .
i tMIt WM
l'hI mw have I felt
UgllWIaa, Mil of wrath aad W.
eMtjaeateadvery aaaeVai rhaaty of
taitattr,aa a the great UBtt
atWteaMMratHreec' aba boons
kaaVtet la eatar air, it very trying te the
l te whom twa complaining
teat M sky. had who woHti.'net toad
eim of Us oeuatrr, takii
r eWelr, tbest changes are very health
fr Mr the Meed, quicken circulat ten.
I IM M geed a Turkish bnih. "
r .
-i? . LI-.I.M LI- ..
wrerei CTcrjmius y uw uu
Like tba continent lie In-
vaat almost boundless. He ha dens
1 wafer that be fed equal te doing
r faa remit kthat America is the home of all
of eeeenmciUes, of all forms of daring.
aeeatidertthai everything U te be
l'H fa bet a Question, of will and money.
it Be much. Dene.
twmmber very wll the Anierl-
k'taJUieBalre wbe, en the occasion of hi
tBeaxater marriace, wrete te the town
frmfraet Pari te ask for the lean of the Are
EptjMeaipbe, which he was anxious te decor-
m honor of the wedding, and bare the
n of during theday. He was politely
FIbbMBUHiI that the Arch was net te let.
rfThea I wul buy It," he replied, "home
Hm offer was a royal one, and the Aracri-
, I doubt net, thought the town council
I te let slip cnchacbance of doing busi-
X 'Inaatlinn would ask the queen of England
5? MaMai him Windser castle for tbe season, If
!; fancy took him.
; i$fjk Boateolan ence conceive. 1 the Idea of en-
L evrtalntag his friends with tbe performance
S, -t an oratorio. Ills drawing room being
-'Men, tee small te held tbe party he wished
fc'afctlvfliA tuk ftimiirht nf lilrlnt- a concert
I or a theatre for the night.
i'j.Bat, be," said be te himself, "an oratorio
"VQMa n DIKO ueni uiijiruaeiw ui u miuui
y.'Andbeset about hiring tbe cathedral of
;tfae place.
fXwacb things as tlicse malte us Europeans
Sawe, ana we sayt "ine ieakccs nre
Certainly they are a little bit
a&T AruMfa IKa 'tiinef. rtnttvKtmii9 Mpah
M partisans and subscribers.
jM-',Tlwi, I taw In one of the most widely read
i itanrimn newspapcrt the announcement of
: a eWnpany recently founded, with a capital
600.000. caUedi
OTj HatrkBOaUl tnfldellty Insurance Company.
; The prospectus of this enterprlse states IU
' ajDjecs ana aarentages wiui categorical cioer-
Each sufrcrcr, upon presenting proofs,
ij i te reeelTe from the company e check as n
E'ilMMl til nenrl nliufAr in tin liU Innrnfxt
I would net advise you te put a
I into the concern. I bave no confidence
jnl the dlrldends of an cntcrprLse which might
l!rhaTOsce day te pay a fabulous sum te n
-aarasOB, whose twenty or thirty nives bad
Jtaketi it Inte their heads te desert in a hatch.
1, . ? the "Consoler" would be a geed name for
Jmm company of insurance against the risks
;af sjsarriage.
K-W?J also note the ollstcnce of a Harmony as-
k'-.-ll-Al - At -J-A .1.1-1. 1. 1 1--
aueOf un euject vi muuu u ivcjuuuiae
I and women about te marry, and te give
! Diinitlila BrWIn ... M . ll.A
..WiW Ski. IHUUifl UMfW,V IW aWUll 1UV
I warraniea te wear ana me women war-
: mated te wash. Ke mere frauds possible.
, IFerhaps the association may presently under-
,.,mv vw IIN H.SM .w w. ka.ivw.v w IIIV MWMtmj
,t,ta future mother-in-law,
r"".Aasiierunn of smnll nnd IiArmiwM pimi.
s-ir. . r : . . ... :
'tnatMs, i extract tbe lolievilng from an
f Abserican newspaperi
'm"Mix. JUrgaret H., of Kew Yerk, bad her
nac mu;ymaiai uie eiacr aay, anu msuieu
,fc 2 i-A. it. -.1 - J ....
IU having a Christian burial In bcr
finally let in Calvary cemetery. A death
i aartiflcate was made out by the doctor wt-
E-v.tlng forth that the leg had died by nniputa-
Ittea at the Chambers Btrect hospital, Govern-
fber 29; that it was CO years old, married, and
l&Vnart mother of a family. The leg "was burled
lwttK nil iIiia rMprnfflir."
f.iTb.e thine bcinz oulte natural, the uewa-
f:Irc'" tnakes no comment upon it. It only
zfeeuppl'es It with a geel beading, something
lj.-,8ke "A Leg Qone te Heaven in Advnnce of
Ot A certain Mr. Ambrose IL. of Pitttburc.
Ejartdcntly Intending te be a defaulter at tbe
&.! ludement. has urairn ui a will rrlvinir
jtlSe following directions for the disposal of
frjijs "I direct that my body be taken te SL
k& Michael's church and, after tbe proper re-
ligieus services are performed, that it be
EsK'venin cnarge ei ray lunuiy, wne wnu con cen
pKvey it fe Samson's crematory and tbere bave
fett burned te aslics, the eshca te be put in a
I bettle and given In charge of tbe Gcr-
consul in PitUburg. This gentleman
&HiU then ftrward my ashes te the consul in
fejlew Yerk, who will give them in chargoef
5.-5. the captain of the German steamer Elba, who
Hl place them securely In his ship for the
tan voyage, when at mid ocean I direct
2,nae captain 10 request ene ei tne passengers
ft! te dress in a seafaring suit and ascend with
arashct in his hand te the top of tbe top-
fcV.Yaest mast, and. after pronouncing a lest i
fi, benediction, te extract the cork from tbe
sMlr smnil tf Its ettirtie in f Iia smii titml.i
K of heaven. I direct also, whUe this ceremony
Phi being performed, that It be witnessed by
ft au passengers en beard. After tbe Elba lias
Ki AAltirilAf vl im tvln ami ml..mA.l i.hL 4
j ! j, !'.- -.V M.l UMX .k.UIUlM UkUUl IU
KKew Yerk, I want a full statement of my
gVkath and the scattering of mynkbes in mid
teeean published In tbe Pittsburg papers, 10
j, that my friends in this city shall knew my
"burial place."
jpp This reminds ene of Chateaubriand's ocean
ejpbsrlal, but the sprinkling adds a teucli of
g..vitmuur vi nuica jwer uiaicauDnanu was
girbelly destitute.
pji The Americans of today are se blase en
prjfee matter of advertisements that itlsdlili-
g:nlt te attract their attention without getting
Bjnp extravagant belts for their eyes.
tfij '.no most cuecuve belt u tue illustrated
&:4vertlsement Here, for Instance, Is the
sV tkhfllin.w wlilrli mn1rr4 flirt hn!p nri wlile-
fr'ftenETOwas If bymacla Yeu bave te te
? ?a careful In handling the stuff that If a dren
BtVj. 1.1 .11 - 1...L -. t ..
'jmm nm, -a, uu juur uueu, is iwt ei ueir
treuld almost Immediately grew thereon.
l-,rtv. i. . u- -j ..".".!
rrr V" w k v uu auverusuiuenb you soe a
Ituew, bald, whlslccrlcss, and wan. A
: Tenal lady Is turning her back en him with
took of disgust The illustration Is entitled,
S'-Zmem using ttpullne-ltefused." On tbe
-i tight, you see a superb mele beauty, adorned
,-,-;r a wxurunt growth of belr and beard.
i-y nmwiMKT, ana raises uer rapturous eyes te ms.
r!;Cadretb are the words; "After using
EVefaaflime Accepted." Uut the most marvel-
r . vw M v& rh u uw uw uw ut uju vujur UOS
. -.I'namBmwi rnn ntr nr Tnam.nv frmr kikt i.a
(.-,.v,v. h.- - .ua.uu
xwasaressed in a lanx. tnreoaeare, snapciess
2fatAr mtim ttcfnn tkA cniiA-ln cfiif tijk l.ia
J thloesned Inte the pink of 'tailoring perfection.
r'r, I eulled the following advertisement from
i M ac.ttw Hew Yerk PffPcrs:
. "At cclWeier ec talesman-Slim, sleck,
swaaer, tnarp, surewa, ccnnuie, sarcastle
' Yaak, tsekt a tkuatkm in tome stere (oetico
Mat aMraetive whining of the t's), hotel or
aflea,M oelltcter or talesman; has highest
ftltrtace, and push and' cbetk of au army
! eaa ae goods or ccuect bills with any
ea tha oeoUatat af North America
I county, FemuTlvauIa, Included)."
fheaextspeclBMnis anldyL Itlsentltlel
"sfcr Heart and a CetUigc,"
WtMwrtiuwMiOK in ecstasy, teag
iate her lern. eyes. 'Hew beaatifal yea
arer the said, 'and hew happy you leek I
Darling, say that it it I who am the cans of
your happiness' Tbe handsome young man
tenderly kUsed the llpt of his dear one 'Yea,
he' said, 'it is because yea love tne that I am
se happy, but I ewe my leek of resplendent
health te Dr. Smith1 tlrun. "
On a balrirtweriihepIrfadi "Tonserlal
Palace Professer Reger has your haircut
under his own supervision. Hew b it cut)-
As you like it (Shakespeare)."
President Cleveland, wishing one day te tee
a certain circus performance, tent te retain a
box. The circus proprietor Immediately
hired, and sent about the streets of the town,
a small army of sandwich men, carrying an
advertisement worded as fellows!
"The president of tbe United Btatet with hit
young and beautiful wife will honor the cir
cus with their presence this evening."
Thore was such a demand for scats that
hundreds of people were refused; but Mr. and
Mrs. Cleveland, having heard that their
names had served as an advertisement, did
net appear.
After tbe performance, a great part of the
audience demanded tboretum of half their
cntrance money en the ground that the pro pre
gramme had net been carried outlnltjufn eutlnltjufn
tlrety, since the president and his wiTcniad
net made their appearance as the spectators
had been led te expect.
The circus 'manager was obliged te retra retra
burse,inyi the pojicrfreni whlib 1 extract
Uie account. r
Kevcr layaslde nn American uowspepcr
without looking ever the advertisements.
Ten te ene you will be rewarded for your
There are traveling doctors In America
who go from tewu te town te heal the sick at
reduced prices.
Here Is the advertisement of one of these
gentlemen. It Is heeded with his portrait,
and appears in the papers of tbe towns he
operates upeni
"Dr. It has already remained In M
longer than he first Intended, but at tbe re
quest of numerous Individuals nnd friends he
will extend his stay ene week longer. Pa
tients In ether towns luive been disappointed
by hi long stay In M ; but they have his
assurance that this visit will net be oxtended
beyond tbe time stated above."
Tills stereotyped advertisement lias n flavor
of the dmm and cymbal of tbe mountebank.
Walk up, ladies and gentlemen, walk up and
show your tongues and hnve your pulses felt
Further down, this same medical gentle
man falls Inte tbe sty 16 of the cblmney sweep,
anxious te enlarge his connectien: "He thanks
hi many friend and patrons for the kind
ness and ntronage bestowed upon him, and
trusts, by pursuauce of the same honerablo
business and professional methods and efforts,
te fully merit n continuance of same."
In the smoking room of thoGcrmanteono
day an American, who sat near me, cnld, ad
dressing met
"I bcllove you nre ge'ns le America te
lecture, slrf
"Yes," I replied, "I am."
"Who I booming your show, may I nskP
he said in the most natural way In the world.
I must bave stared at him like a rustic,
being utterly at a less te understand what he
Upen getting this Americanism explalncd I
hail the satisfaction of finding that my inter
locutor's question simply meant in English:
"Who is your Imprcsariel"
"Well," thought I, '!J am going te have a
lively time in the States, that's evident: this
isaforctastethat U premising." I n cut te
my cabin thinking about tbe Yankee who
was te "boom my show."
The greatest "boomer" in America I the
great, tbe only, tbe unique Itanium. The
personality of this Mug of showmen U net
particularly Interesting, except for being
typically American, and one that could net
exist in any country but America.
Mr. PhincasT. Itanium, pursued by fate,
h evcry flve years the victim of a conflagra
tion. HI fires happen with tcrrible .regu
larity. Whilst 1 was in America bit tigers
mid elephants ncre burned out of house nnd
home. Scarcely bad the ilamc lccn extin
guished when tbere were paragraphs in the
papers te say that Mr. Itanium's agent was
buying fresh animals for the "biggest show
en earth," and nil ever the nolUef America's
cities were te be seen flaring pesters repre
senting Phincas lluruum rising from the
Dames like a modern pWulx. Appended
was a long literary tsuiy which liegan:
"HUIng phoenix lile from the ashes of my
fifth lire," and setting forth the wonderful
attractions of the new show which was te be
Mr. Itanium lieliU iu small esteem tlie man
who lets slip a chance of making money.
He would think It tjuite uatuiul te elTcr
't2,000 a week te Gen. Iteuluugur te show
lilmself In hi museum, and would think it
very unnntural that the guneral should ro re ro
fuSe such u haudsenTu offer. The rumor has
it that the enterprising Phincas ivrole te M.
Pasteur soma time elnce te try and engage
him. He guaranteed, it is said, JM.000 te
the illustrious savant if he would Inorulate
Iwfore the American publie twice a day. It
was net much te ask, and the $50,000 would
ba e been easily earned, llumuui, however,
lied te content himself n Ith ungughig a gen
tleman in spectacles, resembling mere or less
the famous professor, and he succeeded In
recuring four little Amci leans whom M. Pas
teur had just saved from hydrophobia. They
were Inoculated (with clear water prebablyl
for a mouth In all tbe jiriiicijial towns of the
States. Tbe society for the protection of
animals, which docs net Include man in its
circle of o(eratiens, made no objection, and
the ceQcrs of the enterprising Phincas over
flowed with dollars.
I" Mr. Itanium docs net understand hew n
geed offer can lw refused. He leeks upon
everything as being te nil or let, nnd the
almighty dollar ns the master of the wei Id.
One day he took It Inte bis head te make au
offer fcr tbe heuse In which Khakcspcare was
bem. The English fired up at the idea, and
he had te abauden hi project anil be satisfied
with Jumbo.
If every European nation were te beceme
arepublie the dethroned monerclis could go
and uiaku their fortunes in America, and the
greatest ambition of Mr. Itanium would be
Nothing astonishes un American. That
which makes hi conversations Immense)
piquant U, as I have already said, the calm,
natural tene in which he comes out with tbe
most astounding statements.
My impresario had just engaged mc for a
reiure season in tbe States and Canada.
"I shall have two Europeans en my list
next your," he said, "Mr. Charles f)ckciis
und j eurself. 1 w anted two ethers, but they
ure net te be had."
"That Is net very flattering," said I, "but
who are the two Europeans you raunet getl"
"Mr. UiaUstoueand Lord llaudelph Church
Ill," he replied, qulte calmly.
Then, suppressing the word "Mr." and
"Lord," according te the habit of his country
men, be added with a sighi
"Yes, Gladstone would have made n lump,
and Churchill would have been an elegant
The Americans have suppressed distances
by bringing railway trains te perfection.
Yeu take the cars after dinner te go a two
or three hundred miles journey. Yeu pass
an hour, or te in the smoking room, you go te
your berth, sleep the night through, and by
the time you awoke you are at your journey's
In point of comfort, the American trains
are te the French und English trains what
these latter are te the stage coach of bygene
days, s
Nothing can surpass the comfort and
luxury of the Pullman cars, unless it be the
perfected. Pullman.tbnt fc called. Ite.vertlbub
tram. Mx or terea carrUgea, ceaatctte;
cea with another, allow of year mevta
about freely ever a leecth of aeaM haneVH
yards. Dining room, sleeping car, drawtef
room car, smoking room, library, bath room,
lavatory, the whole fitted up in the most
luxurious style. What can ene desire morel
It It a hotel en wbeel.
There are windows and ventilators, but if
you open your window, you will tee your fel
low travelers turn up their coat cellars and
get down their shawls and furs, and you will
bear cuergetle grumblings, which will gire
you te understand that you are turning your
self into a publie calamity. The Americans
ere shivery people, stewing themselves in a
Here, as well as In the hotels and In oil con
ditions of American life, you are at the mercy
of servants. There Is no remedy at band, no
appeal ngalnst It.
In America you are supposed te knew every
thing, and no ene will help you unless you
should happen te address yourself te well
bred people.
If you ask a pnascr-by in the street the near
est way te the station, he walks as though he
understood you net The word "station" is
English, but here you must talk American,
and say depot, pronounced tlocpe. The inva
riable answer you get te the questions you
ask in the street Is, "I don't knew." They
nre all like Jee, "tbey don't knew nethlnk."
Whcnn rail wny servant has succeeded la
Insulting you, he Is qulte proud, and plumes
himself en bis smartness; he leeks at his
mates and seems te say: "Did you hear hew
I speke up te hlra!" He would be afraid of
lowering himself by being polite. In his eyes
politeness is a form of servility, and ha
imagines that, by being rude te well bred peo pee peo
ple, he puts himself en a footing with them.
Yeu go te a railway ticket offlce te book
for a certain placa Perhaps there are several
lines of railway running te your destination.
The clerk says, without looking at you, and
at the rate of a thousand words a mlnutet
"What line! ll.,and O., or a V. nnd W.
R Ik, or a I mid CI"
"I want n ticket for Chicago."
"I ask whether J ou wish te go by the"
Here he ence mero repeats various parts of
the alphabet, costing n leek of pity at jeu
thowhlle. De net Ix-llove he will translate
his A 11 C D's into Englisli. It is your place
te understand them.
De net leso your temcr, however; that
lievcr pays In America, The natives would
only enjoy it, Take the matter laughingly.
Tliis Is the ndvice the Americans gave me,
nnd I recommend It te you, if ever you nre
similarly placed.
I was having a sleata oue day In ene of the
comfortable arm chairs of a drawing room
car, when (he conductor came along and,
giving me a formldable thump, cried out in
the mostsavnge tone:
"Your ticket I"
I made haste te oblige htui nnd te offer
"1 trust 1 have net kept you waiting,"
said 1.
He went away qulte crestfallen.
Anether day, I was hi a New Yerk local
train. Tlicse trains have net drawing room
cars with smoking room attacked. Neither
first, second nor third class; nil the carriages
nre alike, I addressed the conductor, asking
hhuwhcrel should find the smoking com
partment. In reply he murmured a few un
intelligible words between his teeth. In my
humblest, sweetest accents, I said:
"Excuse me, I did net hear."
He shouted nt me at the top of hi veice:
"llo-hlnd-the-lo-co-mo-tlvoi de jeu bear
this tlmel"
My first liupulvi was te knock hhn down.
Hut I lietheuglil myself of the ndvice that
hed been given me, and uuswcrul wlthnsmllei
"Yes, 1 heard. I beg u thousand iirilens.
Yeu nre really tee polite."
A American actress was dining ene
evening In the dining" car of a train going
from IJosten te New Yerk. Being alene, slie
ate slowly, mid deliberately dawdled ever the
meal te kill time, The waiter, dUpleased at
the audacity of such conduct, steed about
within bearing, and began making t bonniest
remarks en her proceedings.
When shu had quite flnUhcd her dinner,
and he came te remove the dishes, tbe actress
w rete a few w erds upon ene of be.' cards, und,
handing It te him wlthusveetsmllo,shesald:
"Here is my card; if you hand It in nt the
Opera heuse te-morrow evening you w ill be
provided n ith n stall I regret exceedingly
that it is net In my power te offer you a box
it U such a treat te meet w 1th a ;olIte rail
way servant!"
The names of the stations nre hidden. I)u
net hope that the conductor will tlear up the
The train had just stepped a few leagues
from nichtueud ene day.
"What station U tblsl" asked traveler,
addi cssing tbe conductor.
Till.) Individual simply shrugged liU shotil shetil
"ilCrTaTiiTtilrned his bacE
I happened te le cloce te hhn.
"What Inquisitive rieople tbere me, te be
sural" I mid te him.
Te au irrltable iersen, the ludcncsaef the
retlnny nnd hotel servants would be enough
te spoil all thu pU-asure of u visit te America.
Hut tbe Americans themselves nre gcxd tem tem
iered and pay no attention te these tilings.
Iknowcemo who even get n certain amount
of amusement therefiem.
The negre who makes your lied U moie
jtollte; but his politeness is net disinterested.
A few moments before the arrival of tbe
train nt your destination, he brushes you
down and ruxlves the Invariable 2.1 cents
for his trouble. Tlicse negrees, indceudcntly
of the salary juiiil them by tbe company they
work for, make sometimes from f 10 te $13 a
day In this wny, say from $'V00 te 1,000 a
j car.
Hew innny n whlte would turn black for
IU'tuinln;! te Jacksonville from St. Augus
tine, I emitted te engage my pbce In a parlor
car, and was obliged te find a sent In the or
dinary cars. The evil was net great, seeing
that the journey takes but fifty minutes.
lletJilea the virler cars, the train comprised
tbree cars, two of which were almost full
I Installed myself In the third, which was
Up comes the conductor.
"Ceuie out, jeu can't travel in that car,"
he said.
"Why net!" 1 asked,
"Itecause it is the colored oeilo's car."
"Am I net as geed as they!"
"I tell you you cau't tra el in this car."
"I uin sorry, for ence, that I am uet col
ored," Iseld te him; "It is much the cleanest
of your carriages."
I went te tbe end of the last cer, and found
myself Just in front of ,the npple, banana,
jtijube, cap and book stere.
Frem my sent I was able te coutcmplate
the wondrous activity of the commercial
geutlcmau nt the bend of tills department.
During the whele fifty minutes' ride he kept
up nn unceasing going audcemhig.
When his last tour of the train lied been
made, be put by" nil the mcrchandtse which
he had net sold, took off hi uniform, put en
a black coat and hat, and fastened Inte his
cravat u huge diamond pin. I looked en at
the rapid metamorphosis with great Interest.
When hi toilet was completed, be turned
round, and, seeing that I was looking at him,
be threw me a patronizing glance, eyeing me
from head te feet. I thought he was about
te say:
'What is It you want!"
"Well, business is looking up, ehf I haz haz
trded. "Mind your own d business," he re
plied, nnd, turning en hUhucls, he departed.
Jonathan's servants all appear te me te be
roduced duchesses and noblemen In livery.
When you speak te a man servant, before
aatweiBH yoe e tcaat yea from htadts
feet and teems te say: "Who may you bet
Oe careful hew you talk te ma We are a
free nation, sir all equal here, and I am at
geed a you."
And you feel Inclined te say le him:
"I congraluBite you, young man, upon liv
ing In a free country; but ttnee we are all
equals here, and 1 am civil te you, why ea
cat lb cannot you be civil te mel"
Tbe fdlew is lacking in logic.
The manner of the mild servant is differ
ent; the wean a leek of contempt and pro
found dbgust; she teems te say with a sigh:
"Hew can men be such brutes at te allow
women te work I What detplcoble creature
they are, te be sural"
Te get an Idea of the prodigious labor un
dertaken by an American servant girl, ene
lias but te tee her at work doing a room,
feather broom in band.
A day or two after this remarkable man
ner of dusting had attracted my attention, I
came across tbe following in Puck:
Sarah Is doing the drawing room. Enters
the mistress of the beuse, evidently fearing
te be choked by tbe cloud of dust that fills
the room.
"Sarah, what are you doing P
"I'm dustin' the room."
"I sue. When yeu've finished, plcase te
undust It"
Servants' wages range from (300 te 1500 a
year I mean, of course, in geed ordinary
houses, and net In millionaire's mansions.
Mr. C. Vanderbilt payt bis chief cook ten
thousand dollars. I write the sum in letters
that the reader may net exclaim: "Surely
tbere Is a misprint here; the printer has put
ene neught tee many."
In splte of the enormously high wages they
pay, the Americans have se much treuble in
getting geed servants, that numbers of them
are, se te speak, driven from their homes and
obliged te take rcf uge in hotel and apart
ment houses.
Negro enes nre the only ones at all deferen
tial in manner, or who have a unlle en their
faces from time te time; but many poeplo
liave nn objection te them, mid charge them
'vith serious faults, such as finding things
which are net lest, and breaking the monot
ony of life by dressing up In their employers'
raiment when occasion offers.
An American of my acquaintance, upon
going te his room ene evening te dress for a
dinner iwrty, found his dre.9 coat and waist
coat missing from the wardrobe. Guessing
their whereabouts, he went upstnira, nud
there, in his negre bullcr'a room, were the
missing garments.
He rang for the culprit
"Pempey," he said, "I have found my
dress clothes In your room. What Is the
meaning of ltP
"I forget te put dam back, sab."
"Yeu have had them en, you rascal."
"Yes, sali."
"Hew dore you w car my clethcsP
"Plcase, massa, I get married yesterday,"
and the breed black face of Pempey was lit
up with a rather sheepish looking grin.
All the caricatures of the comle papers are
outdeno by realities in America.
1 knew a lady who, losing her patlonce
with her housemaid ene day, said te her:
"1 expect my servants te de se and se."
"Your whatP cried the indignant damsel.
"I'll just tell you what I think of you.
Yeu ain't no lady, that's certain."
Here are two advertisements which I ex
tract from an Indianapolis paper:
"Situation as dish washer required by a
lady. Apply Sentinel office"
"A lady (white) undertakes washing at'
home," (Address fellows.) ,
Democracy can no further go.
"I take euro nevcr te part en bed terms
with my servants when they lea ve tne." This
was said te me ene day by a clever Bosteu!
lady, who, te my thinking, lacks sufficient!
admiration for the democratic institutions of
1 guusscd that she intended a covert satlre'
en tbe greatest republic in the world. j
"Why!" I demanded.
"Itecause, when ene of thoseglrl leaves me,
it Is qulte within the range of possibility that
t he will marry scme western ranchman, and
ene day, when her husband becomes a leu
ter, she may be useful te me otWesWngton."
(Conclutlen next Saturday,)
The Chamber of Torture
Is the apartment te which the unhappy suf
ferer from Inflammatory rheumatism Is con
fined. If, ere the crisis of pain it reached,
that flne preventive, Hostetter's Btemach
Hitters, Is used by persons of a rhcumatla
tendency, much unnecessary suffering la
avoided. Nervines, anodynes and sedatives,
w hlle liavlnc none but a specific effect, are i et
very desirable at times. Vet can they preduce
no laitliiR effect upon rhfum&tlsm. because
they have tie power te eliminate from ttie
bleed the rheumatic vims. Hostetter's Htom Htem
acli Hitters does this, ami checks at the outset
n disease w hlch. K allowed te cam
ts next te Impossible te dls!edi:e or te tin mero
-than relieve. ltheumatlim, it should be-Te--intiiibcred,
is a disease with a fatal tendency
from Its prencness te attack the heart. A
resort te the Hitters should, therefore, be
prompt. Dyspepsia, kidney complaint, laa
lurla and nervousness arc relieved by IU
Kapinra ear guaranteed by Or. J. JJ. Mayer,
B31 Arch street, Philadelphia, Kate at once,
no operation or delay from business, attested
by thousands of cures after ethers fall, advice
tree, send for circular. marte-lydaw
Koke Seap.
PIUK, UNirOKMand DUUAllLC In qual
ity, economical In use. A vegetable oil soap
ler the LAUNDUr, TOILET and HATH.
Adapted te general household use, or In
MILL, MINK or HHOf. It your grocer does
net keep it, send us Scents for postage, and
wewUlmallr.raket'UKE. Address,
H. & Q. A. ROBVflR,
nev27-lyTll,Tb,S CINCINNATI, O-
Vermifuge, for Worms.
Andrew Downing;, of Cranliure township
Venango county, gave his child one teaspoon
tel or the genuine ir. C. Mel.ane's Coiebrutea
Vermifuge, and she passed 177 worms. Neil
mernlag in repetition et the dose the passed
113 mero.
Jeseph C. Allen, of Anibey, gave a dese of
the genulne Ur. e. McL&ne's Celebrated Ver
ultnge te a child et six years old, and It
bieughtaway 83 worms. Ue seen alter gavn
another dese te the same child, which brought
away te mere, making 133 worms In about 11
Mrs. Qulttby, Ne. 18-2 Ktiez street. New Yerk,
wrltes us that she had a child which had been
unwell ler better than two months, ehe pro
cured a bettle of the genulne Ur. c. Mc Lane's
Vorulfuge and adnuelstered It. The child
passed a large quantity of worms, and In a
lew days was as hearty as ever it had been,
l'arenta with such tendency before them
should net hesitate when there Is any reason
te suspect worms, and lese no time In admin
lstunng the genuine. Dr. C. MeLune's Vcrml
luge. It never falls aud Is perfectly safe.
Thlslstoeertlfy that I was troubled with a
tape worm for mero than six Months. 1 tried
all the known remedies ler this terrible aftllc aftllc
Den, but without being able te destroy It. 1
tel a bettle et the genulne Ur, U. UeLane's
Vermifuge, prepared; by riemlng Bres , ruts
burg, l'a, which l took according te aire o e o
Uens : and the result was 1 discharged oae
large tapeworm, measurlng mere than a yard,
beniaes a number of small ones.
l'rlce a cents a bottle. Insist en having the
genuine. (t)
WKSTKltN llAUD SWUOD8. Wboletale and
KeUll, at II. 11. M ABT1N A CO,
134 Water street, Lancaster, fa.
Omet: Ne. is north QaeenStreat, had Ne,
Mi North nince rtreeu
Tainoi-Nerth ranee street, BeutteMimg
Anetrewg te teetmt lareettiMieM M wi
by exetM of taetJe eeie Ms tba MaatVTMt
atl kt the abre llsnit, f ttHrty tm Mt
)etaie,aaeaeHtheleal aatwiMetMHMtjf
the tHate, peine til aehttlatkebttekaM
tbew-Mera, and tatlte Jotate a the tateee-
BVtttlfl p Mfts wlWIt YB0fMtWBtaW Oi (peMptV
hare lew ta BeetPe efeaiertna a leslHTt
aaa penaaaeat eare far iheataattaav Vats
neatrallsMtheaeMltyef the Meetlaaa alee
bauae ap ae etreagtheaa the whose bear
Hoed'ti sftwpfintt
" 1 wet laid ap ter tig tea tee with rleaaia
tltm,aasae4taaayktaae et ameeMetae wttt
catejeearteaittuieaaef sy neighbor tela
ttetotakeHeod'taanaperUl. When I hvd
niealiaU a bottle X felt better, aa after taking-
two bottle IihiaklwwaaUreljrearea,
at t hare net haft aa attach of rheaatetltai
ilnee." Knaatra H. Dtxesr, JtOMTlUe, Itatea
itiana, ar, t.
wttrat jwlatJeUStnaBtBa,
"I had attaeki M rheaataUna whteh In
creased la lerarity. X took three bottle ei
Heed' BartaparlUa and X eat pleated te tay
the rheumatic palaa aeaeed, my appetite and
digestion beeasae better, aad my general
health greatly improved. X am aTntiy aea
vinced that noed't ariaparUla eared ate, at
I bare felt no reoarreaeof this blood'dls bleod'dls bloed'dls
ette." " WaBcoew.'Geaefa, fOr.
Hoed'i vrsftpaMillft
Beld by all druggltte. i ttx for at. rreparea
only by O. X. HOOD OO Lewell, Mat.
100 DOM Om Doltar.
Drew bleed, modern doctor clean it s hence
tbe Increased demand for AlteratlTO. It It
new well known that meat diseases are due,
cot te erer-abandanee, but te Impurity of the
llloed i and It Is equally well attested that no
bleed medicine tt te efficacious as Ayer't Bar
tspitrllla. " One nt my children had a large sere brexk
ent en tbe lea;. We applied simple remedies,
for a while, thinking the tore would shortly
heal. Jlutlt grew worse. We sought medletl
rflvlce, and were told that an alterative moll,
clne was necessary. Ayer't Bartaparllla being
above all othere, we nsed It with marvelous
results. Tbe sere healed and health and
Mrenvth readily returned." J. J. Armstrong
VTelmer, Texas.
' 1 find Ayer't Bartaparllla te be an admira
ble remedy for the cure of bleed diseases. 1
prescribe It, andlt doe the work every time."
-K. L. rater, M. V., Manhattan, Kansas.
' We have told Ayer' Bartaparllla here for
ever thirty years, and always recommend I'
whan asked te name the beat bleed-purifier."
w. T. MoLeon, Druggist, Augusta, Ohie.
" Ayer's medicine continue te be the stand
srd remedies In splte et all competition." t.
W. Kichinend, Uear Lake, Mich.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
Dr. J. O. Ayer et Oe., Lewell, Maw,
Price n i six bottles, te. Werth as a botUe.
BWirra BPKCiric cured me of malignant
Bleed Folaen after I had beea treated In vain
with old se-called remedies et Mercury ana
Potash. S. S. 8. net only cured the Bleed Pot Pet
ion, bat relieved the Khenmatlsm which was
caused by the poisonous minerals.
UKO. BOVKLL, SI21 2d Avenue, K. T.
Bcrefula developed en my daughter swell
ing and lumps en her neck, t We gave her
'Wirr'SHPKuirie.andihe result was won wen
derf ul and the cum prompt.
a. A. dkaumend, Cleveland, Tenni
BWirT'3 si'KOiric It entirely a vegetable
remedy, and U the only remedy which psr
manently cares Scrofula, llloed uumers, 0n
ter and Contagious llloed I'olten. Bend for
books en HloeO and Bkln Disease, roatled
free. THK 8 WiKT 8P3C1FIC CO
JanlO-Tu,Th,8 Drawer 3, Atlanta, Oa.
Has noequal in nature as a toning and pntl
tying agent-
It helps the work of the Mandrake rills,
sustains systems weakened by dlieose,
Preserves the tone of stomach, liver and b)w-
1'urltles and enriches the bleed,
Vncoarages appetlte andhelps nutrition,
liracns the organs till they act naturally,
.llullds und strengthens the whele man.
De net fall te tend for Dr. Sehenck's new
and adinlrable treatise en the Lungs, the
Liver, and the stomach, with their diseases
and euro. It abounds In excellent Informa
tion, and will i;ve you Ideas about theso vital
organs and thu laws of health you never hid
belere. Sent free.
Dr. a?chenck's Medicines.
A re for sale by Druggists. Full printed direc
tions with each package. Address all commu
nications te Dr. i, li. Schenck A Ben, Phila
delphia, Pa. inayn-lydAw
DR.lIUMnrRETa' Braeinc are sclent! Deal I y
and carefully prepared prescriptions t used
for many years In private praotlee with sue
cess, and for ever thirty years used by tue
people Kvery single Hpecinc Is a special cure
icr the disease named.
These Specifics euro without druggln?,
purging or reducing the system, und are In
net and deed tbe Sevxnxuin Mmsdikevtus
List or Principal Nes. Cures. Prlca.
1. rxvxas, Congestion, Inflammation! 'X
i. WORice. Werm Fover, worm Celic 'a
8. Cbvims Colie. or Teething et Infant.. ..'A
I. Diaaxnoia.ef Children or AdnlU .."2A
5. Dtsmtsbt, Urtplng, Bilious Celic 75
6. CneLKSA M eases. Vomiting Vi
7. Coue us. Colds, Ilrenchltls ........a
h. NacBALaia, Toothache, Faoeache ii
9. llxanaeHa, siek Ileadache. Vertigo
10. 1)vhitsia. Bilious Btemach Vt
11. Surraassaoer PaimfulPbrieds... 'a
12. Wurras, tee Profuse Periods &
l Cseur, Cough, Dlincult Breathing tb
11, Salt Uhmum, Kryslpelaa, Kruptlens. .,..,.
15. UiisuUATian, ItheumaUc Pains 7A
it. ravaaAMD Aeea. Chills. Malaria ei
17. PiLs, Blind or Bleeding N
19. Catakkb, influents. Celd In the Uead....5)
ae. WuoeritioCocaH, Violent Coughs w
2. ebnbrai. DBBiLirr, Physical Weakness. .53
27. KlDNKT DlBBASB.... 60
23. Nbrvecs IUbilitv 1 0)
. U BINARY WBABHBBS, Wetting Bed 5)
Ti- Disbasbs or tub IIbabt. Palpitation. ...110)
Beld by druggists, or aunt postpaid en re
ceipt el price. Dr. iliTMriiBBYS' Mahcal, (ill
pages) richly bound In cloth and :geld, mailed
1 ' " - i -i
uyawAZ.. .
Three Bar..., 13 oe
reur Bar 13 M
rive Bar tiw
Anylafly canleirn te play a tune In flftfen
minute. Drep In the stere and take a leek at
We have at present the finest stock of UAH
MONICAS ever seen In Lancaster and at sur
prisingly low prices.
Ilavu several Second-Hand Pianos and
Organs In Perfect Condition, which we will
fell at Bargain Prices.
Pianos, organs, Sheet Music and Muilcat
Mdpe. In gunerat-In tact everything portaln pertaln
lug te a nrst'Clatt musle house,
Kirk Jehnsen & Ce.,
P. B. Piane and rurntture llevixJ. Get a
copy of Fred. T. Baker's New Waltz, H The
Devetlleturn." nS4-lydAw
tecead Fleer Bahlemaa Law Bttliaing. Me. tl
Menhvake street. aa-lyMw
Xfapv'; f.,u4tv55!if'c r h
r rr i r n-- ur an ei(, L,M,
ir VAMlIiY IMOU) rjm
OASBSAatB'a MILD attaittts Br a a
ilj i . X ' aaiatsBB
taVeMMhtBtaiBB atsBaa . bbbb taaft
a tsxpsBBBj BssBsye ttTTW fal
m ItntaH VlUUls WaatV WItUTi
.. ... talwaHIUatia
eaaaTVCHW WWirfm
Canned Goods. -W.
1. HEIST & CO,
BAKBftt COM, tee rKK OAK.
Keltt A Ce.' Keeaemr at tee per quarter,
orjeeper U quarter merit theatteaUeail!
,?OB1OB,,C hetittheeper. Better Brada la
tomejrow will be tte Ust dsy our Beat
Belting rewder will be given away 'fm,
W7 A. Reist ft Ce.,
We fftfeToe MaDjGtened Goods
And te meve tome of Ihem mere rapidly,
offer you " "
, At a Bpeelai Price-Four Cant for sse. Thi
I net soaked corn, bnt froth packed out et the
neld, and every can guaranteed.
Quart cana-three cans for 58c. Thl la lower
than thev ought te be told, bnt we are bound
te turn them.
Big Bargains
Fer the Next Six Days!
tl gallon Best Headlight OU (Water Whits)
ler 11.
ispeendt of Layer Ondara Balslnt (Stemleti)
ler tl.
25 pound of Boiled Avena ler tl.
IS pound of Ulce for II.
82 pounds et Best Laundry Starch for II:
11 pounds of rine Mixed Candy for 1,
28 pounds of ltlee for II.
tl pounds of Best Laundry Starch for II.
11 pounds et Fine Mixed Candy for L
is pounds of Kxtra Large Fine a um Dreps
for 1.
17 pound of Fresh Tea Cracker (J ust reeelved)
for u.
U pounds of Dried evaporated Cern for L
8 packs of Cox's Gelatine for II.
3 pound of Baker' Chocolate forth
17 pack of Niagara Cornstarch for 11.
10 Geed Breems for L
16 pound " Best " Mincemeat f or tl.
The King of all Tar Bcaps 1 Makes goea
Isther, heals the sktn. Made et Pnre Vogett Vegett
Me Oils, centalnlag T2H per cent Glycerine
snd Vaseline. Used by all Mechanic, Kngl
neers. Firemen, Feundrymen, Printers, Pain
ters, Farmers, and all desiring a Healthy Seap.
Nothing better In the world ler Chapped or
Brnlsed Hands.
NarthMil Carner
West KIb aad Prlaet Street!,
jar-Telephone and Free Delivery.
at Mji w-FsitjwviMaBtj3Cjiiw'wfcj'
Ne. 20 East Kins Btreet,
UUNNKKl. all persons are hereby for
bidden te trespass en any of the lands of the
Cornwall and speedwell estates In Lebanon or
Lancaster counties, whether Inclesed or unln.
dosed, either icr the purpose of sheeting or
Ashing, as the law will be rigidly enforced
against all trespassing en said lindsef the un
dersigned attr this notice
Attorney! for K. W, Celeman's Dcln,
Dw-Drej Caneed Cera, TessvUee, aeaaa.
fea. Pe'eaes. Aatleete, Seitaea, Loaeteranl
aoeetaah. Kethlas; better in Ite market:
LeokteeowrejpTayinwindew7 """
f 1
mi m
L- 1V, 'V1" f
.- t InrA'a. t- M J1-. -, Wf.J-
. J?"" UIAV QWAWtTTxiaar.
iStv. " M a,aa4aart
LBATS SIRa XKWrr tfnatT.)
fM BJaaadlamtw vaaask m lei .. ta a.
,' 2aaR'TluM "Jtatn.SAitViu
'utATBFaUireaSTaUn (Uatlttar.)
Ver Lancaster at a at, list aad 7.18 p m.
Fer (juarryvllle at 7.U am aa uV ik&TM
Jer Lancaster at 7.SB a m aad S.M p m.
Fer Quarryvllle at A10 p m.
. Z0T Aneatter, Lebanon and Beading at 7.10
Fer Beading aad Lebanon at Wa m and a at
Fer Quarryvllle at B JO p m.
' Beadlag and Lebanon at 8.Uamaa
Fer QnarryvUle at B.M p m.
?r Lancaster at 7.66 a m and Aet p m.
Fer Quarryvllle at .Up ra. "
..?r,con,IUen.0010Bl,,ta. htarlettanno htarlettanne htarlettanno
Uen, Incaster Junction, Manhelm, Beading
and Lebanon, see time table at all stations.
A. M. WILSON Superintendent,
BCHBDDLB-ln effect from Nev. w,
Tratni uava LABexarn aad leave aafl ar
rive at Philadelphia a follew:
i wm
faciae Kzpreett
new zpreasf ......
Way Paengert
Mafl train vtaMUJeyl
J0a. m.
J0a.m. at
l-Jta. m
8:10 p.m.
7A1 Bu BL
via Cel nm Ma
""WW m&prae.....
7:wa m.
via Columbia
sanever Aocem
Fait Unef
Frederick Accem...
Lan caster Accem...
HarrUburg Aoeom..
(Inltimtlta. AflAntn ..
lissua. m.
via Columbia
via at. Jey
Kie p.m.
1:40 p.m.
e.-ea. m.
B:iea- m.
55 m.
90 a. m.
U je a. m.
asp. m.
8:45 p. m.
Harrlsburg Kxpreat.
Weetem jExpreetr...
111:10 p. tn.
rhUa. KxnreMt.....
Fat Line.. ,.
UarrUberg Bxprea
taVa. a.
KtBa. .
tee a, m.
via hit Jey
Columbia Accem....
atianue express!..,
Seashore Bxpres....
Philadelphia Accem,
Innday ftalL. ....,
Day Kxpresst
Marrlsbnnr Aoeom..
60 p. na.
ITbe only trains which ran dally.
On snnday;the Mall train watt ran by wa
01 Columbia.
J. H. WOOD, General Passenger Agent.
CliAS. K. PUGU. General Manager.
(Sacctsser le HI. Mtrbash i Set.)
Wholesale Seduction.
Te enable u te lnakoreom foreurnew goods
we are offering special Bargains In
In fact, our Kntlre Winter Bleck.
Ne trouble le the w enr goods at
Chas, E. Eaberbush's
Ne. 30 Centre Square,
4VB!gn of the Q olden Heme Ueads.ta
Knglnet, ltellcrs. Pipe, Valve and Fitting i
Atbestesnndltubber Volve and Bed Packing,
Asbestos and Bubber Sheet and MUl-Beard
a toot and Bed Packings. The Pratt A Cady
Asbestos Packed ceckBand Asbestos Benowa.
bio Dlse Ulobe and Angle Valves.
Steam user can save money by buying their
supplies from us. 'ihe Largest assortment,
the lirst Goods and the Lewest Prices.
A full line of Machine. Cap and Pet Screw.
Kew and Secend-llaud Bnglnes and UeUers en
hand;andlurnlsbed promptly.
By special arrangements we are able toTfur teTfur
nlsh Light Urey Iren Casting of Superior
Quality and Finish at Lew Natts, In Qnantl.
tie. Alte, Brass castings of every deecrlp deecrlp
Uen. Geed Werk, Boasenablo Charges, Prompt
ness. Central Machine Works
LAaeAma, Pa.
sutycandie-Ligkti Beau them au.
AnouerLetol CHBAP OLOBK8 ter uas an
Beau them aiLnnhi (trip ent wean all ether,
Keep out the cold, step ratutati of window.
Mxclade the dust. Keep out Ww and rain.
AayeB can apply it no waste ar din made
ta applying it. Can be fltted anywhere no
baa ue siwa aorwixeru-uu
dv for tue. it will net split.
hole te bore, ready for use. it will net split,
warp or shrink a eoahlen strip tt the icesl
perfect. At the Steve, Heater ine I'snv
Jehn P. Sehanm & Sen
r- aatlliBaa,
rtCJtS: .'"'W.eUJSaffJ "
--- --w tww tataa ewaaaa
-- WMfMwS5T I -r-irr
aj4SRL:,, ..aua.a r.e,
afvssH.,,.. ejtji
HWmmum H.M amat $M
JgETP-M....;,; ijm tjLBg OKm 4M
WgBEm'H......tiM LM UMM
EgfiJX"" LM tJtJajT Ml
mfmWlHtttUt9L SM MtjaJi lat
itJSSf tat r. .(, rat.
1C3' m wa iSnja mm
BtaaaM..,..,..M ttf g. Bg fWS am
taaaaa.,,. ,,,.., ta A aBlfi
'......, wWf a tSJBBJLfB a.
tLiamai aja
; ii
i -'
4A J v-