- -- 2je l&m ate - -3 . '. 1 H - ---.w. i Felate XYI-Na 298. LANCASTER, PA TUESDAY, AUGUST 17, 1880. Price Tw Cests. -. mm?FWfflimA' nf i H tf " '-s -s SSnrciuqciHTr. f f Jt CLOTWSO. Spring Opening 24 CENTRE SQUARE. We have lei sale for the coining seasons an Immense Stock or Bealy-Me Clothing, if enr own manufacture, which comprises the tAtcst and Most STYHSI DESIGES. Come and see enr SEW GOODS ren- KHANT WM, tvlilcb la larger Mill composed or tlic l)C3t styles te Ih; found iu the clljv D. B. HesMer & Sen, 24 CENTRE SQUARE. Myd LANCASTER. TA 6 H. GERHART'S Tailoring Establishment, MONDAY, APRIL 5. Having fust returned fiem the New Yerk JVoelcn Market, I am new prepared te exhibit jnoef the Kent Selected Stocks of WOOLENS FOB THE Sums ana Slier H, ver brought te this city. Nene but the very estef ENGLISH, FRENCH AMD AMERICAN FABRICS, all the Leading Styles. Trices as low as the ewest, and all goods warranted as l-eprescnt-,at H. GERHART'S, Ne. 51 North Queen Street. SMALING, THE ARTIST TAILOR. Closing out our stock of Light Weights at cost te make room for Fall and Winter Stock. A Large Line of English Ifeveltics. TROPIC AL SUITINGS, SERGES AND REPS, UANNOCKBURNS ANI CELTICS, UAMBROOX PARAMATA AND BATISTE SUITINGS. SEERSUCKERS, VALENCIAS, PAROLE AND MOIIAIR COATINGS. A Splendid Assortment or Wilferd' Padded Ducks in Plain and Fancy Styles. A Full Line of 1 All the latest neveities. An examination of our stock is respectfully solicited. I. K. SMALING, ARTIST TAILOR, 121 NORTH OUEEN STREET. CllUfJ. AND OLASHU'AltlS. f-aiHA, GLASS AND QCEEKSWAItK. CHINA HALL. While and Decorated Stene China, Tea, Din ner and Chamber Sets, White, Geld Rand and Fancy French China Tea and Dinner Sets, Glass Sets, Tumblers, Goblets, Fruit Bowls, Pitchers, Ac. Fruit Jars! Jelly Cups!! AT THE LOWEST PRICES, AT HIGH & MARTIN'S, Ne. 15 EAST KING STREET. OKOVEUIMS. XTTHOLKSALE AND RETAIL. LEVAN'S FLOUR SPRII OPE NIN and DacK vestmes NVWe. 227 NORTH PRINCE STREET. AT u&epu, dlT-lyd DR. S. B. FOREMAN, v. CPIirsiriAV vnHRnEnvi Removed from Ne. 18 Seuth Prince street te Ke. 211 West Ring street, Laficaster, Pa. .- lUlZt-AUlU" DKT BARGAINS IN CALICOES AT THE NEW YORK STORE. 5,000 YDS. m DAI CALICOES AT 5 GTS. A TAED. Just opened an clegant assortment of cholee style fat Calieeee, Cretonnes, and CblnUes. MUSLINS! MUSLINS! st.niinrrt xrniranrniAii.iirt anil TfnlilMuthMl Mnnlfna ft-nm 10 te ID ner cent, below June pri ces. INDIA LIKENS. VICTORIA LAWNS. TOM PRICKS. Watt, Shand 8 AND 1 0 EAST KING STREET. DRY GOODS! H AGER & BROTHER, NO. 25 W. KING STREET, LANCASTER, Aic receiving New Goods in all Dcpartmenta. OUR STOCK OF CARPETS, - AND - PAPEE HANGINGS Fer the lull Season will comprise all the fcalest Deals and Coloring. an4 b Larger and mere complete than cvor,lcfer. HAGER -A ,.- vzexHura. CLOSING. OUT OF SPRING AND SNOB STOCK. In order te close out our stock of Sprlnjr and Summer Qoeds te makp room for a heavy Fall Trade, we arc offering great inducements in Men'a, Youths' and Children's Clethiug. In our Custom Department vre hara a large let of PIoeo Qoeds, which must be closed out before September 1, regardless of profit. In our Ready-made Department we have an unusually flue stock of Summer Clothing, all of which cau be purchased at rery lowest bottom figures. Gentlemen, our facilities are net equaled in the city. It will cost you nothing te cxainine our stock. MYERS & Xe. 12 EAST K1NU STREET, VTATCUBS, SPECIAL -10- edw. j. zahm:, JETELER, ZAHMS CORNER, LANCASTER, PA :e: Our largely ine -Aaed business makes It necesaary for na te.enlarge our store room. Te make room for the alterations we contemplate, we will lese et as much of our stock as pos sible, betwecn thb date ami the Mill of AUGUST, at GKEATLY REDUCED PRICES. Tills offer applies te any hi tide in our cxtensive stock EXCEPT SPECTACLES, and wU atterd nil who desire goods in our line a rare opportunity te feay from ftraelasa stock at un usually low prices. ZAHM'S CORNER. 3LEMCAZ., DR. BROWNING'S TOHC AND ALTERATIVE! Tha Celebrated Prescription or W. CUAMPION BROWNING, M. D. FOR GENERAL DEBILITY AND PURIFllNU THE BLOOD. Pcrfcctlv Purities the Bleed, Enriches the Bleed, Reddens the Bleed, makes New Bleed, Wendci fully "Improves the Appetite, and Changes the Constitution Suffering from General Debility into one of Vigorous Health. The best proof of its wonderful efficacy is te be obtained by a trial, and that simple trial strongly establishes It reputation with all. 5-It is most scientifically and elegantly compounded by Its author and sole proprietor, W. CHAMPION BROWNING, M. D., 117 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. A regular graduate of Jeffersen Medical College, of Philadelphia, a thorough Chemist amd Skillful Pharmacist. Price, 50e and Sl.OO. Fer sale by the Proprietor and all Druggists and Dealers in Medicine. dMydcewAw cAairAiux a oevs. TfYKVL DAI SOMKTHINU NRW IN CAMPAIGN GOODS! AND PRICES LOWER AT BURSK'S. Capss, Caps, flats, Belmets, Torches, Fire works, Flags, Burgees, Political Lanterns, Badges, &e., &e. BEST BUNTING FLAGS OF ALL SIZES AND AT BOTTOM PRICES. We Invite Committees, Club3 and all te give as a sail and get prices before purchasing. D. S. BURSK, 17 Bast King1 Street, Lancaster. CONGRESS HALL, CAPE MAY, N. J. OPEN FOB THE SEASON. II. J. A G. R. CRUMP, ) Of theColennadeHoteL E.A.UILLETT, TMladelphleT JylH0h4 OOOJtB. -40C- WHITE PIQUES AND CAMBRICS AT BOT- & Company, -IO- OIL CLOTHS & BROTHER. RATHFON, LANCASTER, PENN'A. JEWEIMT, e. NOTICE. LANCASTER, PA. MAXBL. WQRK8. W1L P. FBATTiEY'S MONUMENTAL MARBT.E WORKS 758 Nena yueen Street, Lancaster, Pa. MONUMENTS, HEAD AND FOOT STONES, GARDEN STATUARY, CEMETERY LOTS ENCLOSED, Ac. All work guaranteed and satisfaction given In every particular. N. B. Remember, works at the extreme end of North Queen street. m30 J.TTOKNXT8-J.T-LAW UENRY A.BTXKT Attorney and Connseller-at-Law Si Park Rew. New Yerk. Collectlonsmadeln all parts of the United States, and a general legal business transacted. Refers by permission te Stelnman A Hensel. M ABCTJS O. SEHNER, HOU8K OABPBNTjKB, NaUO North Prince street. Prompt ana parOenlar aUeatlea paid te al satlen antl repairs. sIMyd A K. McCAIfir, AUCTIONEER OF REAL JX Estate and Personal Property. Orders left at Na 35 Charlette street, or at the Black Herse Hetel, 44 and 4S North Queen street, will receive prompt attention. Bills made entand tisaaMtowltbealGtadttloBalcost. eSMr GBA1K SPECULATION In large or mall amounts. tXer $90,000. Write W. T. BOULE CO-Cemmisslcm Mer enaatt, IK La Sail start, foleaffo, HL, for elr Hra Lancaster fntelligeneer. TUBSDAT EVENING, AUG. 17, 1880. COUNTY NEWS. INTELL1UENCE FROM TBICTS. RURAL DIS- Saylngs and Doings In County and Borough. Washington B. O. Items. Isaae Shnltz, jr., up te August 14, had caught 741 bass; William Ceover, 374. Next? Ne hail here ; tobacco couldn't be better. These who depreciate the Maner crop hare net been in these parts. They stuck tee close te the river hills. James B. Douglass has opened his gro cery store and is doing a fair share of the local trade Blrd-ln-Hand Items. A. M. Ranck& Bre., sold at public sale en Saturday, 14th inst, at the public house of L. R. Rhoads, Bird-in-Hand, 15 head of Alderney cows and heifers, at an average pnee ei f 48.00, and 3 neau of short horns at private sale for $150. They propose te have another sale in a couple of weeks. The second quarterly meeting of the Bird-in-Hand circuit of the M. E. church, was held in Bird-in-Hand, en Saturday and Sunday. Leve feast and preaching in the morning by the presiding elder. Sunday school meeting in the afternoon and preach ing in the evening by the regular pastor, Rev. Rink. The services were of an inter esting character and well attended. The publiafkEchoeL of East Lampeter opened yestcrtHynieining. Children are happy once mere. ELIZABEXUTOWN. Tobacco, Cern and Other Interests. Among the tobacco growers in this sec tion whose crops are notably geed are Simen A. Rutt, who has three acres of very fine tobacco; Jeseph Urich, two acres; ii. frank wermiey, two acres; Jacob G. Oldwcilcr, four acres; 'Levi Engle, four acres, the greater part of it averaging in length from 35 te 45 inches, in width from 18 te 25 inches. The tebac co throughout the township leeks very, fine. The acreage in this section will ex ceed any raised here heretofore. The farmers are new all busy cutting it, and in a few weeks will have housed the best crop they have raised for the past five years. The corn crop is looking better this year than heretofore, and bids fair te be better than we have had for a geed many years. In fact everything leeks fine around this section, and in Elizabethtown except the tarnal old beard walk from the depot te the town, which is in a very bad condition. Travelers from abroad think it leeks ill for a town like Elizabethtown te have such a peer walk from the depot. It is seen time that is fixed or some one will break an arm or leg, which would be worth mere than a hundred such beard walks. SALISBURY. The News FremThat Big Township. The Democracy of Salisbury met at White Herse hotel en Friday evening, August 13, in response te a call issued by our county committee for the purpose of organizing a central Hancock and English club, and effected the following erganiza. tien: President L Diller Worst; Vice Presidents David F. Kurtz, Jehn Masen and Jehn Nerthamer; Recording Secre taryIsaac H. Masen; Corresponding Secretary Henry Skiles; Treasurer Treasurer Geerge G. Worst. Meeting night, every Friday evening at the White Herse hotel at 8 o'clock. All the Democratic voters of Salisbury ai-e requested te be present at next meeting as important business will be transacted. After the organization was completed quite a number signed the club roll. The club starts under very favor able auspices and premises te de geed work during the campaign. Our young men are all energetic and active workers, and are thoroughly aroused for active duty. Miscellaneous. Mrs. Margaret Diem, an aged lady, re siding at Mount Jey, fell in her yard a few days age and fractured her hip. She is suffering a great deal of pain and her re covery is very doubtful. Mr. W. C. Hendersen, (well-knewnjas the Colonel) of White Herse, has been seriously indisposed for several days, but present indications are geed for his speedy recovery. Typhoid fever has made its appearance at Spring Garden, and quite a number of the young folks areafflieted with it. Miss Emma Brubaker, daughter of Isaac Bru baker, proprietor of Spring Garden hotel, is net expected te recover. The rest ap pear te be getting along very well. All are attended by our skillful and energetic physician, Dr. M. H. Diller, and as he has lest but one case from typhoid fever in a very extensive practice of 15 years, all place confidence in him during the fever epidemic. MT. JOY NEWS. Live Items Frem a (Progressive Town. Our public schools will open Monday, August 30th. The corn crop is unusually large ; wag ons laden with roasting ears are en our streets every day. Four of our citizens went a-fishing at Collin's station en the Susquehdnna. They returned with 12 bass. It isjsaid that Bland dollars are an excellent bit. Springville has a Hancock and English club. Henry Shaffncr, of this place, ad dressed them last Monday evening. A writer in the Columbia Spy has Capt. L. D. Gallagher down as a candidate for coroner. Capt. is popular in the northern end and will make a big run. , Harry ilergelretn, confectioner, has one of the prettiest stores round in town, loca tion excellent, a large stock of goods en hand and his business is flourishing. The A. M. E. congregation, of Spring ville, will held a camp meeting in Detweil cr's grove, commencing August 20th, te continue until the 29th. Seme of their "big guns " are billed for the occasion. The Tobacco. What the tobacco farmers of this vicinity new want is a geed soaking rain. It would benefit the late tobacco which will be topped during the present week. The lets of early tobacco are "few and far between." and but a very small portion has thus far beenpieused. This work, however, will be commenced in earnest this week, and con tinue until the latter part of September. The hail storm of Thursday .has had the effect of causing a big rush for hail insur ance policies. Malarial FeTer. There are many cases of malarial fever in the borough, in some families as many as two and three being afflicted. There are few, if any, new cases reported re ccntly ; some are able te be out again and are slowly recovering. There has been but 'one fatal ease. The M. D., and ethers, tee, are in a state of uncertainty as te whether the well water', hydrant water or what, is the cause, Tie Bltj Beaten. A MAX WHO SAYS HE HELPED TO XYNCH THJSM. Parraed by Oa Hundred Armed Mea, Cap tured, Tied t3 Trees, and Shet te peam Pytas; with Canes ea Their Lips The Wexaaa Kate the Worst or the Let The Would Chaplain Spat Upeaby the Levely Yeung Weman. The Chicago Timet publishes the follow ing letter from Oswego, Kansas, describ ing the alleged killing of the Benders and written by one who claims te have assisted at the work of vengeance: "There is no doubt that the Benders are dead. They are awfully dead, and their bones are whitened by the processes of nature ere this. I speak thus decisively because I knew whereof I speak. It is net customary for one te beast of acts of lawlessness, and it is net in that spirit that I enter upon the recital of the last chapter of the bloody career of the brutish Ben ders. I am prudent enough, tee, te wish te hedge myself against possible annoy ance, ana naa I net received your, solemn assurance that you would net divulge my name, it is net unlikely I should leave the writing of this scrap of history te ether hands. When search was instituted for the body of Dr. Yerk, in April, 1873, suspi cion was directed against the Benders, and contrary te general belief a close watch was kept en them for awhile. They were aware of the surveillance, for at the first opportunity they decamped. The re port that they took the train at Thayer, a station a lew miles north of Cherryvaie, and went te Humboldt, from which place tney toen passage ler Texas, is a mistake. They simply bundled their goods into two wagons and started for Indian Territory. They did net proceed at once te their des tination, if, indeed, they had any destina tion marked out, but crossed ever te Mont gomery county and squatted near Verdi gris river te await developments. The distance from their farm was something like twenty miles. Jehn, jr., or Jehn, sr., made daily trips back te the vicinity of iuerryvaie ana toek: observations. It was their intention te return if the excitement should blew ever, but if it continued warm they would go en as originally planned. They knew of the discovery of their crime within an heurafterthe bodies were dugout their shallow graves, and they lest no time in striking their tents. They struck out for the west bank of the river and started southward pest haste. Their flight seen became a panic, and te add te their discom fiture one of their wagons broke down. Packing what they could of the lead en their horses they piled up what was left, set fire te it and hurried en. Having cap tured the assassins the question new arose, "What are we te de with them?" Seme were for taking them back and letting the law take its course. The advocates of this line of policy were lanrelv in the mineritv. There were these among us whose relatives had fallen victims te the deadly hammers and knives of the wretches, and they would net listen te the suggestions of the con servative element. They threatened te de some killing then and there if their de mands for instant vengeance were net re garded. Ne one would have offered a very strenuous opposition if they had carried out their threats, but it was thought best te de the job up after the most approved form obtaining in the courts presided ever by Judge Lynch. In the meantime a vigi lance committee had been formed. This move was taken with the greatest secresy, and nene but trusty men were admitted te the organization. The utmost circumspec tion was used, for the reason that in anew community like this the doubtful assist ance of suspicious characters was a thing te be dreaded. The vigilantes did net number mere than one hundred men all told, but they meant business, as the se quel proved. It was my geed or bad for tune te be one of the elect. Scouts were sent out in all directions and within forty eight hours of the departure of the Benders from their camp in the next county the fact was duly reported te us. About forty of us organized into a pursuing party ana started after the butchers. Once en their trail we had no difficulty in following it. The murderous quartet had taken te the open country west of the river, but were keeping within convenient distance of the thick timber that grows in the valley wat ered by this stream. They were expecting pursuit and hoped te escape by losing themselves in this timber, if it came te the worst. As we proceeded the trail freshened and ere long we came across the half-consumed ruins of the wagon left by the Ben ders in their flight. Frem the direction they were taking it became evident te the mind of these acquainted with the country that they were pointing for that paradise of cut threats located near the mouth of the Red fork of the Arkansas. The country hereabouts is a bleak and desolate region, infested by herse thieves, half-breed Creeks, Pawnees and Chcrekces. Once there they knew they would be safe from pursuit. Even the United States troops have never been able te penetrate that terra incognita. It is (a safe retreat for the! border ruffians and is known te be such all through this section of the country. This haven for the wicked is distant about 140 miles from the point where the Verdigris river enters In dian Territory. The murderers had about forty miles te travel before reaching the boundary of the territory and they were probably twenty miles beyond the line when our scouts caught sight of them. Burdened as they were with much cum brous baggage, they had net been able te make very great speed, but they had used every possible effort te put space behind them. It was about 3 o'clock en a het, sultry May afternoon that we came insight of the party. They saw us as seen as we came from cover, and abandoning every thing they broke for the forest. They plunged into the weeds and scattered. We were close upon their heels, however, and they did net succeed in eluding us long. The old man and his wife and Kate were under arrest in less than an hour. Jehn, jr., was mere fortunate than the ether members of the tribe, for he contrived te evade us for an hour longer, but he was at length run te cover and forced te surren der. Every one of them showed fight, but with the exception of Kate they all weak ened when it came te the scratch. This charming border beauty emptied every chamber of her revolver into our faces, but her aim was bad and she did no serious damage beyond-maiming one of our horses and clipping a lock of hair from my tem ple. The bullet raisea a ridge along the skin, the mark of which shows te this day. She finally succumbed te superior strength, but te the last maintained the same dare devil, reckless demeanor. The priso ners were accordingly arraigned and asked what they had te say in their de fense. The old woman was sullen and ugly, but the two men showed signs of faltering, uad they been left te them selves they would have made full cenfes siens beyond a doubt. The amiable Kate perceived this,and thinking it would please the vigilantes tee much te hear confes sions, she fell te cursing her brother and father for their cowardice. Feuler lan guage was never uttered than came from the lips of this fiend. Ne term was tee vile te apply te her relatives. They took it sullenly at first, hut seen something of her reckless spirit r infused them and they tee joined in the tirade. The chorus of blasphemy that went up from thatfhardened let caused a shudder te run through our party. With death star, ing them in the face they united in curs ing us and lamenting their inability te de us harm. Such malismitr I never saw equaled. Even the old woman chipped in occasionally, ana ner appearance indicated that she wholly approved of the family de- 11 l"l llll I II ! I f II .1 IAJ 1. k 1a .3 A. uiuueuauvu. TTIIOU UUUgDU Wlul UlO murders laid at their doers the answerwas a curse, followed by mere curses and then a volley, a fusillade of curses and ribald abuse. Our court went through with the form prescribed and then announced a sen tence of death. The announcement was received with jeers from the hardened criminals, who had determined te brave it out te the last. It was decided that the murderers should be shot, as it would take te much time te hang them. The sun was already nearly down and the shadows of approaching night were deepen ing. There en the borders of the forest the cruel killers were tied te saplings and told te prepare for death. One of our number, who had net quite forgotten his early education, undertook te offer a prayer, but the lovely Kate spit in his face while he was addressing the throne of grace, and he quit right in the middle of a sentence and drew off in disgust. The four died with curses en their lips, har dened and unrepentant te the last. There in that lonely, dismal spot, away beyond the confines .of civilization, they met a righteous retribution and their souls, black with crime, were sent te meet the great Judge. Their executioners treated them better than they treated theiifinnecent victims. They were killed quickly and painlessly, net butchered brutally. Te be sure, net much time was wasted in burial, but it was growing late and the vigilantes had a long ride before them. A hole, made by the displacement of the roots efa fallen cottonweed, was made a little larger and deeper and the bodies thrown in and hastily covered with loose earth, rocks and brushwood. This was all there was of the funeral. On reaching the level again the effects of the Benders were stacked and burned as a sort of an offering te heaven. We then proceeded northward, separating before reaching the settlements, each seeking his home quietly. There was no blew made about our achievement, each man keeping his own counsel. The secret was well kept, and it was weeks before outsiders stepped prowling around in search of the Benders. These immediately concerned very speedily lest interest in the chase, however, and, though nothing was said en the subject, it came te be tacitly under stood through Labette and Montgomery counties that it would be a waste of time te prosecute inquiry further. This is the true history of the fate of the Benders, and when, in future, you hear of the annrehen- sien of any of the tribe, you can put it down as a canard. BOOKS AKD STATJBNXKT. TffEW STATIONERY t New, Plain and Faney STATIONERY. Alse, Velvet and Eastlak PICTURE FRAMES AND TaACTiiTJi, AT I.. M. FLYNN'S BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE, Ne. 48 WEST KINO STREET. JOM SAEB'S SOUS, 15 and 17 NORTH QUEEN STREET, - LANCASTER, PA., have in stock a large assortment of; B00ES AND STATIONERY. Attention la invited te their FAMILY AND PULPIT BIBLES Teachers Ribles, Sunday Hymnals, Prayer Beeks, Beheel Libraries, HYMN BOOKS AND MUSICcBOOKS Fer Sunday Scheel. FINE JtEWASD CARDS. SUNDAY SCHOOL REQUISITES of all kinds JfUJCNITUMJS. HEINITSH, FIX:E FURNITURE AD Cabinet Manufacturer. All In want of Fine or Fancy Cabinet Werk wonldde welltn call anil ffYfimlnn auMmna of our work. OFFICE FURMTURE A SPECIALTY. HEINITSH, 15 East King Street. CARPETS. TM.RGAINU FOB EVERYBODY. BABE CHANCE IN CARPETS, Positive sale te Reduce Stock el 6,000 Yams Brals Carpels, AT AND BELOW COST. Call and satisfy yourself. Alse, Ingrain, Rag and Chain Carpets in almost endless variety, at H. S. SHIRK'S CARPET HAIL, 903 WMT KOTO STBKIT, ANCAtrHR, PA. VESTS' BOODB. b LINEN COLLARS OOtO BKISMAK'S. F OR FAJICY STOCKING OTO ERISMAN'S. OB SUSPENDERS -ee ERISMAN'S. JOR KRW 8TYLB LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS, GO TO E. J. ERISMAN'S, MHOBTJIQvXKKRJ JMWXtttY. TOTJI81 J W1TCHHAKIB. NalSeXXOKTH QUEEN STREET. near P. K. R. Depot, Lancaster, Pa. Geld, stiver and Nickel-cased Watches, Chains, Clocks, Ac. Agent for the celebrated Pantoscepic Specta- -clesaadEye-Glaseea. Kepalrlag a specialty, aprl-lyd Lancaster Watches. We have Just received a second invoice of the Nit LaasKr lewii!. te which we call special attention of anyone wanting a Reliable Watch at a LOW PRICE. B.P.BOWMAN, 106 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA. Ne. 20 NO USE TRYING Ne. 20 Te get a better WATCH for the money than the "WEST END, Manufactured by the Lancaster Watch Ceipf. OR BALE AT Ne. 20 East Klag St., Lancaster, Pa. AUGUSTUS RHOADS. JEWELER. COAIj. B. B. MARTIN, Wholesale and Retail Dealer In all kinds of LUMBER AND COAL. A9Yard: Ne. 430 North Water and Prince streets, above Lemen. Lancaster. n3-lyd COAL! GOAL! GOAL! GOAL Ceal of the Best Quality put up expressly for family use, and at the low est market prices. TRY A SAMPLE TON. 47-YARD I5e SOUTH WATER ST. ne29-lyd PHILIP SCHUM, SON ft CO. COAL! COAL! Fer geed, clean Family and all ether kinds Of COAL go te RUSSEL 8s SHULMYER'S. Quality and Weight guaranteed. Orders re spectfully solicited. OFFICE: 22 East Kiss; Street. YARD: 618 North Frlace Street. augU-taprlSR 10AH COAL! COAL! It We nave constantly en hand all the best grades of COAL that are In market, which we are selling as low as any yard in the city. Call antl get our prices before buying else where. M. F. STEIGERWALT & SON, s27-lyd 034 NORTH WATER STREET. C0H0 & WILEY, SBO IfOBTir W.4T.ER ST., Zanemtfer, Ptu, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in LUMBER AND GOAL. Conaectlea Wltb tbe Telepbeale Exchange. Branch Office : Ne. 3 NORTH DUKE ST. feb28-lyd WAIS. rAXXMS, C. WIRE SCREENS Made for windows and put up in such a man ner that you need net remove when you close the window. We nave It In Landscape, Figur ed and Plain Celers, which will be made up as above or sold by the feet in any quantity de sired. PAPER HANGINGS In large variety. Seme Odd Lets will be sold very cheap te close out. PLAIN WINDOW SHADES, all colors and widths. HeUands, Paper Curtains, Fringes, Leeps, Fixtures, Tassels, Cords, Ac. Patent Extension Cornice, the cheapest, simplest and best ever made. Will fit any window up te five feet in width. Poles In Ebony and Walnut. ORDERS TAKEN FOR FINE PIER AND MANTEL MIRRORS.' PHARES W. FRY, Ne. 57 NORTH QUEEN ST. rOVKDXXSAlfD MACHINISTS. T ANCASTER BOILER MANUFACTORY, SHOP ON PLUM 8TBIBT, Orresm ths Loeoxotivb Wean. The subscriber continues te manufactura BOILERS AND STEAM ENGINES, Fer Tanning and ether purposes ; Furnace Twlers, Bellows Pipes, Sheet-Iren Werk, and Blacksmlthlng generally. AV Jobbing promptly attended te. auglMydJ JOHN BEST. MOBMBt BZAKKXTS, JtC OiqX OF THE BUFFALO HEAD. ROBES! ROBES!! BLANKETS! BLANKETS!! I have new ea hand the LAaeavr.BssTASD CArm rA eaiMasT of Lined and Unlined BUFFALO ROBES In the city. Alse LAP AND HORSE BLANKETS of every descrip tion. A famine of Trunks and Stohl, HanMBB, Whips, OeUars,&c. avRepatrlBg neatly and promptly deae.-a A. MILEY. eJHydMWAS xnrwAMB,jtc- IFTXaVJI DOIXABB ROTS A FIBST-CLASS BIPIICIIIATOB, With KaaateMt Water Tank, at 8HKRTZXR, HUMPHKXVILLE XXEFFKaVS, , r & , '4 'Uv:! y .. .-i - j t'ii ii ;
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers