1 5Danfa$te$ .T J "i Velame XVI-Ne. 110. LANCASTER PA. THURSDAY, JAXUARY 8, 1880. Price Twe Cents. PBKfateUxaenfie I TERMS. THE DAILY INTELLIGENCER, PUBLISHED JTVEUT KVENINO, BY STEINMAN & HENSEL, Intelligencer Jtiiilding, Southwest Cerner of Centre square. The Daily Im-km-iebig-kb Is furnished te Mibscribcrs in the City of Lancaster ami sur rounding towns, accessible by Hailreul ami Daily Mage Line- at Ten Cents I'm: Week, payable te tlie Can ierh, eekly. 15y Mail, ." a year in art vanee ; otherwise, $0. l.ntcrcd at tlie pest ellleeat Lancaster, Pa., as Mffiml class mail mailer. a-Tlic.TKAM JOl! I'UIXTIXG DKI'AUT DKI'AUT Mi;XTel tliU e-,talilislimeiit pexM-mfmniMir-;:i-el lacilitie-, ler tlie execution of all LiwU ii( I'luln uixl Kancv I'lilitiiiL'. COAL. ! It. MAKT1.N, I). Wlieli-iulcaml Uetail Dealer in all kim!.-.et LL'MISKIt AXD COAL. VVunl: Xe. JJ) Xertli Water ami I'rince -tieet.-, alievi- Lemen, Lanca-ter. n:i-lytl cealT - - OOAL !l GORREOHT & CO., Fer (.neil ami Clieap Ceal. Yunl Haril-lnirjj i'ike. Jl)icc il i;:L-t ClicMiuit stieet. I". V. COUKKCHT, Agt. j. it. i:ili:v. e!)-lyl W. A. KKLLKU. " c oho" &W1ley7 :;.- SOUTH WATlZll ST., lAUiranter, J'e., Wholesale ami Ketall Dealers in LUMBER AND COAL. A1m, C)iitrai'ters:iniI Itiiilders. K-tiniates mailc ami contract undertaken en all kinds of buildings. Jtrancli Oflicc : Xe.SNOUTH DUKLT. lulilJ-lyl COAL! COAL! COAL! COAL! Ceal of the Ilest Oualily jnit uj expressly ler lainily use, and at llu: low est niai ket j)i ices. TUY A SAMPLE TON. 3-YAKI ISO SOUTH WATER ST. .ic'Jll-lyd riULIl' SCIIL'M.SOX A CO. Just i:i:ci:ivki a i'ini; lotef isai.i:i TIMOTHY DAY, at M. F. STEIGERVALT & SON'S, DEALEI1S IS COAL ! FLOUR ! ! GRAIN ! ! ! FAMILY COAL rXDi:K COVLR. Minnesota I'atentl'rece.ss Family and Milker's Fleur. IJ.drd Day ami Feeil el all kinds. AVaieliem-e ami Yard : 2:!1 North Water St .s'J7-lyd JOl'ICKTOTIIKrUIILIC. G. SENEK & SOXS. Will continue te sell only UKyi'IXK J. YKKNS VALLEY ami WILKESBAltniu COALS which are !lii" best in the market, ami sell as LOW as the LOW lT. and net only CCAK AXTLi: FCLLWKICIIT, but allow te WLUjII OX AXY .scale in geed elder. Alse Ueuh and Dicsscrt Lumber, ash Deers, Iiliuds, Ac., at Lewest Market Prices. Olliee ami yard northeast corner I'rince and Walnut streets, Lancaster, l'a. janl-lfd hooks ash statjesj:i:v. I IOI.IDAY VAXCY GOODS. t HOLIDAY BOOKS. Autograph and I'hoteuniiih Albuins, Writ ing Desks and Werk Docs, Christmas and New ear Cards. PAPETERIES, AT L. M. FLYHN'S, s.-i2 wiyT Kisis sti:i:i:t. NEW YEAR CARDS. An i:iej;.iiit Asseitnient at the BOOK STORE JOM BMR'S SOIS, 15 and 17 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, FA. hoots ash shoes. T KLIA1I li: BOOTS AND SHOES. We Ktianmtce every pair nc ell. We keep the most perfect fitting, best style and well wearing hliees. and sell them at the very LOWEST PRICES. Our stock was purchased last summer bcfeie the late advance in leather and material, and we eiler te give te our customers the advan tage of our successful speculation by selling our present stock at lower prices, than we could te-day buy again. We also continue te make Custom Werk at short notice, stylish and durable, and at lower prices than anyolherslieemaker here or cKew here. i?-Mcmling done promptly and ne.itly.'aSi Give lis a call. A. ADLER, 43 WEST KING STREET. HA Ut HJiVSSISU. Mrs. O. LILLER, LADIES' HAIRDRESSER, Manufacturer ami Dealer in Hair Werk, (Jents' Wigs. Combings straightened and made te order. Hair Jewelry of all kinds made up. Alse Kid Gloves ami Feathers cleaned and dyed at Xes. 2T. & 227 XOltTH QUKEX ST., nl-Umrt 4 ioers .ahevu I'. R. II. Depot. JirivCATIOXAL. rpilK ACADEJ1V CONNECTED WITH L Franklin and Marshall College otters su perier advantages te young men and boys who desire either teprepare for college or te obtain a thorough academic education. Students re ceived at any time during the school year Send ler circulars. Addrivs KEY. JAMES CRAWFORD, eclll-lyd Lancaster. Fa. CLOTJITXO. TyjN'T FOIUiE-l That the place te get cheap and appropriate CHRISTMAS GIFTS IS AT RATHVON & FISHER'S, Ne. 101 NOKTH OL'EKN STKKl-.T. Fiem new until the 1st et JANUARY ne.M we will sell READY-MADE CLOTHING and FURNISHING GOODS at COST. Clothing made te order also LOW. deel"-2w deed H . GERH ARlV TAILOR, llavingjiist leturned lrein New Yerk with a lari'u and CIIOiCR STOCK Eilisl ai Beistic Wefc FOR WEN'S WEAR, Would respeetfullyanneunec tehis customers and the public that he will have his legular FALL OPENING OK MONDAY, StiPTOBEK 2lli. L ARG EST ASSORTjIKNT, LATEST STYLES AND PRICKS Ah LOW As ANY HOUSE IX Tills CITY AT H. GERHART'S, Ne. 51 North Queen Street. Ol'lIClAI. NOTICK. 66. 68. Mansmaii&Bre. l u OF OVERCOATS AND HEAVY SUITINGS. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS te buyers of Clothing in order te make room ler a large SPUING STOCK new being manu taetuied. and we aie needing room. We eiler well-made and stylish Clothing for Men and Beys LOWER PRICES than ever heard ofbetere, although Goods arc going up c cry day. We will sell, ler w e must hae the loom. Loek at Our AstenisIiinrIv Lew Price List : " OVERCOATS! OVERCOATS: OVERCOATS: for$2.!K), JerfLSS, for$"..:i"i, for $(1.75. OVERCOATS . OVERCOATS I OVERCOATS ! ler $7.7.". ler $'J.7.", for $10.7.". OVERCOATS ! OVERCOATS ! OVERCOATS ! ler .f 12, $14, $1(5 and $20. These arc heavy-lined Overcoats, carefully made and splendidly trimmed. OVERCOATS ! OVERCOATS ! OVERCOATS ! ler $7.."0, ler $3.50, for $!)..-(), for $12. OVERCOATS ! OVERCOATS OVERCOATS .' ler $13, for $18, fer$2t). These are Plaid-Rack Overcoats, equal te custom work. HEAVY, MEN'S SUITS ! ler $.1..V), $I.(K), $5.00, $7.00. $0.00, $10.00. MEN'S SUITS FOR. FIXE DRESS for $12.00, $11.00, $15.00, $10.00, $18.00 ami $20,00. ROYS' SUITS AXD OVERCOATS ! ROYS' SUITS trein $2.2.1 te $10.00. ROYS' OVERCOATS VERY LOW. We sell only em own make and guarantee satislaetien. Meney returned en all goods net leundas represented. flyi'Icuse call, w Iiethcr you wish te purchase or net. I Is stocked with the latest styles, which we make te measure at the low est "cash prices and guarantee a perfect lit. SUITS TO ORDER from $12 upwards. PAXTs TO ORDER from $3.50 upwards. D. GANSMAN & BRO., MERCHANT TAILORS AND CLOTHIERS, 66 & 68 NORTH QUEEX ST., S. W. Cerner et Orange, Lancaster, Pa. (Rausmau's Cerner.) OUSTS' GOODS. CHEISTMAS PRESENTS. CLATJDENT SCARFS, SILK HANDKERCHIEFS, LADIES' "WORK BOXES, SILK SUSPENDERS, E. J. ERISMATSTS, SG NOKT11 OUEKN ST1CEET. CLOTHIXG. NEW-GOODS FOR FALL & WINTER. Wc are new prepared te show the public one of the largest stocks of READYjLU)E clothing everexhibitedinthecitv et I ancaster. Geed Working Suits ter men $0.ei(. Geed Stvlcs Cassimere Suits for men $7.50. Our All Weel Men's Suit) that we are selling ter $'.'.00 arc as geed as you can buy elsewhere for $12.00. Our stock of Overcoats" are immense. All grades ami every variety of styles and colors, for men, bevnand youths, all our own manufac ture. Full line of Men's, Youths' and Heys' Suits. Full line of Men's, Youths' and JJejV Overcoats. CUSTOM DEPARTMENT ! We are prepared te show one et the best stocks of Piece Goods te 'elect tiem and have made te order ever shown in the city. They are all arranged en tables litted up expressly se that every piece can be examined betere making a selection. All our goods have been purchased before tlie rise in w oelens. We ai c piepared te make up in geed style and at short notice and at bottom prices. We make te or der an All Weel Suit ler $12.00. Ry buying your goods at CENTRE HALL you save one profit, as we manulacture all our own Clothing ami give employment te about one hundred hands. Call and examine our stock and beeenlnccdas tethetruth et which we alllrm. MYEKS fc RATIIFOX, Centre Hall, Ne. 12 East King Street. 1SS0 1SS0 01 JA1AEY PICE LIST. Great reduction in price te elesu out a large invoice of PA5TAL00S" STUFFS, Consisting of ever 500 PATTERNS. ENGLISH AND FRENCH NOVELTIES Reduced te $3.00 PER PAIR. Large Let el SCOTCH, ENGLISH AXD FINE AMERI CAN CASSDIERES, Fer Genteel Wear, of the Late-t and Rest styles, at $7.00. Demestic Goods of tl.c leading Standard Krauds, at $1 te $5 per pair. A Large Line of Imported Suitings at a sacrifice Do De mestic Suitings at all prices. Persons in want et a Geed OVERCOAT Will de well te call and examine the stock. Plain as well as the most Ultra Styles at less than Cost Price. We want te elb-e them te make room for our SPRING STOCK. Call early and secure bargains. J. K. SMALING, ARTIST TAILOR, 121 North Queen Street. marS-lydS.xAV CENTRE HALL 1 21 CMTRE SQUARE. Closing out our "WINTER STOCK In order te make room for the Large Spring Stock, Which weaie new manufacturing. Overcoats, Suits and Suitings, Te be sold at the Lew est Prices. D. B. Hosteller 24 CENTRE SQUARE, 23-lyd LANCASTER, PA. J-'O USDEHS ASH MA CHISIS TS. T ANCASTER U BOILER MANUFACTORY, SHOP ON PLUM STREET, OpresiTKiHE Locomotive Wekks. The subscriber continues te manufacture BOILERS AND STEAM ENGINES, Fer Tanning and ether purposes ; Furnace Twiers, Bellows Pipes, Sheet-iron Werk, and Illacksinithing generally. 5 Jobbing promptly attended te. auglS-lyd JOHN 11EST. JTAJWLJ1 ireniis. WE P. FRATT.EY'S MONUMENTAL MARBLE WORKS 758 Nerm (fUecii Street, Lancaster, l'a. MONUMENTS. HEAD AND FOOT STONES, GARDEN STATUARY, CEMETERV LOTS ENCLOSED, &c. All work guaranteed and satisfaction given In every particular. N. 11. Remember, works at the extreme end et North Queen street. nieOl u:y leciieu's cough syuup. Mly RelCBB Prices Hen, 2Laiuastrt I-ntriltgrnrrr. THUESDAY EVENING, JAN. 8, 1880. Jeseph Cook's Monday Lectures. Rev. T. G. Apple, D. D., in the Messenger. They arc .still ,'oinjjen, and se far as xve can see. they may continue te e en indefi nitely. Our inteicst in them has long since begun te weaken and flag. They brinjj forward very little new after the first com se! It has become very evident that he has nothing original te present as a system of thought. He is indeed apt and forcible in culling and compiling. Hu has used with liberal hand especially the best results or" German thought. He has a vivid imagina tion and generally lestshisaiijumenten a striking simile. But one grows tired of this method when continually repeated. His dramatic attitude in summoning characters before him and questioning them begins te grew insipid. There is tee much of it. A considerable portion of his last lecture con sists in picturing a reef of solid laud, such as that en which New Yuik is built, and insisting, ever and ever again, that he is planted en an immovable foundation not withstanding that the deep waters lash it en either side. Then wc grew weary of his eiveular paragraphs numbered en almost indefinitely, as theunli each was se pro found that it must stand as a the.sh bv it self. One or two geed thoughts ought te be enough te lleat a lecture. Wc long for some one idea which, in its development, might gather thoughts around it in some organic l elation. But heie we have pi opp osition after preposition going en until we reach the thirtieth, and we wonder why they did net step at the twenty-ninth, or go en te the thirty-first. Wc s'ee no rea son why they should step just at the thir tieth, and we wonder most of all, if they aie se strong and far-reaching as he claims for each one, why three or four, or at most a half dozen, would net be better than Unity. It seems te show a spread ing and thinning out of thought without much depth. Se the external form of these lectures strikes us. The language is se intense that one is tempted te think this is designed te compensate for the lack of intensity of thought. We feel Air. Cook has long since emptied himself of his lead ing thoughts, and that he is new marshal ing out the old soldiers in new lines. His courses el lectures de net stand in a sys tem, and we, therefore, can see no verging towards a final end. They may go en in definitely. This worries the mind. We would like te see his Apology for Christian ity round itself oil" into some systematic outline, and we are disappointed." lie has certainly done a geed work in showing that the supernatural truths of Christianity de net contradict the latest and best researches of science, nor the deepest intuitions el reason. Se far the argument certainly has been valid. Hut we see no progress in solving the great preb lem et the relation and harmony between reason and revelation in any positive way. This is, after all, only a negative work, te show that i evolution does net contradict science. Se far wc are in the plane of the natural, and argument here may rest en the conclusions of the natural reason. Hut when Mr. Cook gees en te lake held of the positive truths of supernatural rev elation and attempt te make them rational, that is, te authenticate them at the bar of the natural understanding, wc think he only makes light darkness. The incarna tion and the person of Christ, the new birth and the atonement, for instance, he brings leiwaid, and attempts te make them clear te reason. And one gets the impression that he imagines he is making them clearer by bringing them into the light of the natural undeistanding. It is just at this point wc feel ourselves repelled rather than attracted, and we feel that he has undertaken tee much. The intel ligence of Bosten cannot add light te the Werd of Ged. The thought is profane. The greatest apologists in all the ages, the greatest theologians from Augustine te Themas Aquinas, from St. Themas te the present, all unite in saying that the ineff able things of purely supernatural revela tion must be apiuehended by faith. Tiieie are postulates of natural theology that ' may he in the sphere of natural icasen, I but the greatest fathers of the church ' in all aires have alwavs distimmshed between these matters of pure revelation. ' Would we then have a dualism between ' reason and faith? Must the things of faith forever stand by themselves, and the things of reason by themselves, with no possibility of their ever coming together ? Xe, we de net think that is the solution of the question. But the way they are te come together cannot' be by bringing the light of reason te illuminate the things of revelation. The process must be the ether way. The light of revelation must illu mine up net only the supernatural, but it must shine down, or out, into the realm of the natural also. This means that the reconciliation be tween the two orders for human thought must come from the higher, net from the lower. There is a difficulty here we knew because these who de net accept revelation by faith cannot be reached in this way, simply because they will allow no umpire but reason, and therefore we must meet thcin en their own ground. But unbelief cannot be conquered in that way.and when such concession is made, viz: that super natural truth should be demonstrated by natural reason before it is accepted, the whole interest falls into the hands of rationalism. The only help must come, we repeat, from the revelation in the Werd of Ged itseif. But there is room hoc for progress in solving the problem. Just as new and deeper views of the spiritual revelation in the Werd of Ged arc opened up through the faith of the church, in that degree will difficulties raised by reason and science be overcome and made te disap pear for all who honestly receive the light. Just new it needs te be especially under stood that the Bible docs net deal diiect ly or primarily, nor at all. in its revelation, with the natural, but the supernatural. As the supernatural, comes te be seen and received in its own light, the meaning of the natural will become plain, net before. Natural reason and natural science cannot go before with its light te eil'ect this re conciliation. Hence we de net believe that Mr. Cook can succeed in proving the supernatural truths of revelation in the light of icasen, and with the Bible closed. Our space prevents dwelling further en this point new. We will try te return te it at another time. Answered Well Enough. In a vacant let en Pcterbore street is a strip of ice about a feet wide and thirty feet long, and yesterdaj' a lone boy with a pair of big skates was making himself be lieve that he was having heaps of fun. A passing pedestrian couldn't see it in that light, and he leaned ever the fence and called out : " Senny, what you doing?' " Skating," was the reply as the young ster cut a pigeon wing and get his breath again. "Isn't that a pretty small spot te skate en ?" queried the man. " Oh, it's plenty big enough te fall down en was the cheerful answer. Over seven boys bumped their noses here till they had te stay out of school, and ene fel low struck en the back of his head this morning and hollowed se loud that we had we had te sit en his stomach ! Watch me glide !' Detroit Free Press. U. S. Supreme Court. A Preposition te Facilitate its Business. There is a gicat delay in getting business dispatched in the United States supreme court and Senater David David, an cx cx justice,whe knows hew it is himself, has In tieduced a bill which provides, in the first place, that a circuit court should be held in each judicial district of the United States at the same time and iilacc as the I district courts, and the total number of the circuit courts shall be increased ac ac ceidingly: and when ineie than one judge competent te held a circuit court is pres ent, each judge may held a separate session thereof, in which case the presiding justice or judge shall, from time te time, designate the eauses te be heard before the ether judge or judges. It is also provided that every circuit or district judge may held a district court in any district within the ciicuit whenever assigned te that duty by the senior circuit judge, and that two or mete judges may held separate sessions thereof. The bill then provides that the appellate jurisdiction of the ciicuit courts shall be lepealed from and after the first day of next September, exeept in re gard te bankruptcy proceedings ; and it is next provided that theie shall be estab lished in each of the ciicuit of the United States -a court of appeals," which shall have appellate jurisdiction (subject te the previsions of this act) of all cases arising in the several circuit and distiict cjurts with in said circuits lespcctively. This court of appeals is te consist of the supieinc ceuit justice assigned te the circuit and of the circuit judges theieef, and two of the dis trict judges te be designated for each teim of the court by the senior circuit judge, Any three of these members of the court (including at least one judge competent te preside) sh ill constitute a quorum. The decision of the court of appeals upon ques tions of fact shall in all cases (except as herein provided) be final ; but a leview upon the law may be had te the United States supreme court when the matter in controversy exceeds the value of $10,000, exclusive of interest and costs, or where the adjudication involves a question upon the consliuctien of the constitution, or a tieaty or law el the tinted States, or wheie the court shall ccitify that a legal question is involved of sufficient impor tance te require a final decision by the su preme ceuit, but in the two last-mentioned eases nothing else than the specific, consti tutional or legal question shall be certified te the supreme court. It is also excepted in patent or copyright cases in equity a re view by the supreme court may be had, without regaid, te the amount in dispute, uren questions both of law and fact all'ect- nig the validity or the inirinircincnt et the i patent or copyright, provided that the court et appeals snail certny that a ques tion is involved et sullicient impeitance te render it proper that the final decisii n should be made by the supreme court. Othersectionsef the bill prescribe withgieat ' minuteness the methods of procedure !a 1 legaid te suing out writs of en or, etc.. I etc. ; and in conclusion it is provided that the president by and with tlie consent of ! the Senate slnll appoint for each circuit I two additional circuit judges : that the j terms of the ceuit of appeals, .shall be held . at the cities of Bosten, Xew Yerk, Phila ! delphia, Uichniend, Xew Orleans, Cincin nati, Chicago, St. Leuis and San Francis- I co (the first term at each of said places te be held en tlie first 1 ucsday el November, 1SS0). and that, "When, from the accu mulation of business in the court of ap peals in any court, the administration of justice therein is unduly delayed, it shall lie the duty of such ceuit te certify the facts te the United States supreme court, which may thereupon make an order trans ferring a portion of the causes pending in such ceuit of appeals te one or meie of the ceuits of appeals of ether circuits v.iicie such accumulation of business does net exist."' Iv.liicatien of the Souses. nether important branch of physical manual education is the discipline and or cultivation of each of the senses ; a branch of education which is scarcely attended te at all, except in the case of persons who aKJ 'i ought up te particular occupations, ln tl,e pursuit el which the highest per- leetien el certain el the senses i.-s lnilispcn- sable. The extent te which each of the senses is improvable by education, both natural and artificial, affeids absolute i proof of their capacity for cultivation, and I hew much wc lese by our neglect in this re spect. In the case of animals generally their senses attain a higher degree of perfection, which is the case w ith savages also. The rea son is because in both instances the senses arc both disciplined and cultivated te the full by natural, net by artilicial, educa tion, and which is the only kind of edu cation, of which such beings are capable, that is, by constantly exercising them, and depending mainly en them for guidance ; instead of, as in the case of civilized man, being guided mainly and primarily by the reason and only depending collaterally and occasionally en the senses. Anether branch of physical or manual education which is much neglected, and indeed hardly attended te at all, except in the cakc of persons whose professional occupation compels them te pay some regard te the subject, is the cultivation of the voice, whether in public speaking, cenvcrsr tien. reading or singing, a branch of ednT catien te the utility of which atten tion has been of late years meie diiectcd in the study that has been devoted te elo cution at some Of our universities and public schools. Xet only, however, aie the senses and also the voice, in common with the intellectual faculties, fully capa ble of education, but also the memory, the emotions, the appetites, the passions and the affections arc adapted for receiving both discipline and cultivation, and for being te a great extent ameliorated by this means. Se, also, of disposition and char acter in each person, and the desires by which he is actuated, and mere espccially se as regards the cens'ciencc. which re quires both cultivation and discipline for its complete development. Modern Theuiiht. The TorteKe and the Twe Crons. Vanity and idle curiosity are qualities which generally prove destructive te these who sufler themselves te be governed by them. A tortoise, weary of passing her days in the same obscure corner, conceived a won derful inclination te visit foreign coun tries. Twe crews, whom the simple tor toise acquainted with her intention, under took te oblige her upon the occasion. Ac cordingly, they told her, that if she would fasten her mouth te the middle of a pole, they would take the two ends and trans port her whit'icrseevcr she chose te be conveyed. The tortoise approved of the experiment ; and everything being pre paid! the ciews began their flight with her. They had net traveled long in tlie air, when they were met by a magpie, who inquiring what they were bearing along, they replied the queen of the tortoises. The tortoise, vain of the new and unmerit ed appellation, was going te confirm the title, when, opening her month for that purpose, she let go her held, and was dashed te pieces by her fall. Beickk"a Se lect Fables. IT IS SAID THAT 500,000 Witnessed the Grant "WE "WOULD MM AID BOYS TO CALL AT OAK HALL Immediately and Equip Themselves for the COLD WAVES OF 1880. The Singularly Small Prices we started the Annual "Winter Sales with have stirred all the stores te de their best. But we eclipsed them all, and they knew it, and the People see it, tee. These are the Prices for Our Own Carefully Manufactured Goods, net bought in the New Yerk Wholesale Stores : A feu-left ut thefi) Fine Overcoats, reduced te $20.00 Royal Reversihle Plaid Racks sold everywhere at $i" (Full Indigo I nlers and Woven Racks) Our Price Next tirade I.tiiiMzes in Klucand ISruwn Wormnhe Reaver Overcoats Xext tirade A Geed Mrengcrviceahle Cleth-Round Overcoat F.wryday Working Overcoat -Men's All Weel MUts The Auburn " I. P. Suits, ter Rusiness and Dress Ktra Quality "Sawyer" Millings The Finest of Cassimere iMiits In ..suits of Rest Imported Cleths reduced te .Men's Kveryday Pants All-uoel ISiisiuessaud Dress Pants F.tra Fine Dress Pantaloons, formerly $111, new (ienuine Harris Cassimere Pants The Very Latest Mylcs in Children's Uerceats Hie D.nil'le-Miiiuldercd Cape Royal 1 1 ne .Mcesi i.itue i; t luldien s Milts as low as. Higher drades and .Mere F.Iaberately Trimmed Suits. A Great specialty in Reys' and Youths' Pants WANAMAKER & BROWN, OAK HAUL, S. E. CORNER SIXTH A1STD MARKET STREETS, PHILADELPHIA. jan 1 tfd JI'ATCHi:S, SOLID SILVERWARE, GORHAM PLATED "WARE, And the Best Grades of American Electro-Plate en White Metal. FRENCH CLOCKS WITH SILVER BELL, FRENCH CLOCKS WITH CATHEDRAL BELL. Complete Mantel Sets of Centre and Side Pieces in Marble or Bronze. MUSICAL BOXES WITH HARP, MUSICAL BOXES WITH BELLS, DRUM AND CASTAGNETTE, Musical Boses with Accompaniments and Mounted en Fine Library Writing Cabinet. A fine general assortment of Jewelry, cemprising: all the Newest Designs. Designs and estimate of cost given for mounting Diamonds and ether j Gems. Special care taken in the execution Engraving. Alse, in complicated and H. AN ELEGANT SELECTION OP HOLIDAY GIFTS ! GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, DIAMONDS, Cameo Sets, Rings, Bracelets, Solid Silver and Silver-Plated Ware, COI.I) .SPKCTACI-KS, and everything found in a tlrst-class establishment, at the LOWEST CASH PRICES. Make your selections early and have the advantage of a larger selection or goods. We manulacture all special articles in geld, silver and hair, in our own liuildidg, ;narantee Ihst-chiss work and low prices. Special attention given te iltting glasses for deicctive sight. The Arundel Tinted Spectacles Are the llest in tin: World. 2-Kirst-ehiss Watch and Jewelry Uenairint'. showgeodsiit BDW. J. ZAHM'S, ZAHM'S CORNER, LANCASTER, PA. CAHKTAOES, SLEIGHS ! SLEIGHS ! SLEIGHS ! We have new in stock a larj FOUR-PASSENGER SLEIGHS, ISySTUKITA LOCK WOOD, of 'Penghkecpsie, X. Y. One Fine Four-Passenger IOKTI.ANI SjLEIUIl. TKIM.AIEDAXDUXTICrMMtDj PORTLAND CUTTERS. ALBAM CUTTERS, Finished in thc highest style and sold at one-half the usual price. Alse, a line let of ISuggics and Carriages of our own make and celebrated city makers. One Fine Second-hand EXTENSION PHAETON, Ilyllrcwster. one by Gregg Howe, and a variety of ethers, second-hand. All te be aeiil at half their value. S. E: BAILY & Ce., 4:J0 A: 432 North Queen and 45J1 & 433 Market Streets, Lancaster, Pa. ccKMyd JtEHICAL, BROWNING'S C. Fer COUGHS, COLDS, BRONCHITIS, HOARSENESS, TICKLING or DRYNESS of the THROAT, SORE THROAT, COLD in the HEAD, CROUP, INFLU ENZA, WHOOPING COUGH, COLD in the BOWELS, ASTHMATIC COUGHS, and RELIEF OF CONSUMPTIVES. Dr. IWJOWXIXG i, a regular graduate of medicine, a skillful pharmacist, and a thorough chemist His "C. & C." (Cough and Celd) Cordial Is net the result of mere chance, but or long scientific research in chemistry and medicine, as is plainly seen by the rapidity of its nctien and Its unparalleled elncacy. The expense in its manufacture is at least live times as great us that of any ether medicine upon the market, and yet it is sold ut the exceedingly low price of uOc. -sample bottles (for a short time only) 85c. W. CHAMPION BROWNING, M. D., Proprietor, 117 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. tfl-lyrteew&w 49 FOK SALE BY CLOTUISO.' PERSONS Reception in Philadelphia. LIKE ALL THE 1S.00 it;.:e line 10.110 8.50 S.(H) KMW li(X) 1.-..IX) 31.00 S3.WI !. 5.IX) :.oe :;.ik 5.00 :;..'je 5.110 '2.50 Reversible Raek Overcoats. Heys' Overcoats Oak Hall ever produced.) THE LAlltiEST CLOTIIIXU HOUSE IX AMERICA. JEWELRY, AC. of Fine MoneGrrams and Inscrintlen ordinary watch and jewelry repairing. Z. RHOADS & BRO., Jewelers, Ne. 4 West King Street. and can All watch work guaranteed. Xe trouble te rilAETOSS. S.r. u let ei Sleighs, consisting et POXY, PORTLAND AXD AI.I1AXY&. TWO FIXE & C. CORDIAL, THE PKOPBIETOK AXD ALL DRUGGISTS. I 'J - 1
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