i vI'-w-:. 7-s-v- ; 1 1 j ij. i m. -.-- . . jki tTj.;iisirvj ,r iO i :-; 2- xtt'v'jrfi '... - i fcl '. -.- IW.li.VT.' r i 4Ak i v svc- 1"; ;r- -v;"2l . 'H J . I.-. -I- - k. T- "ltK' '-- "'1 1 T " - ' S- J" , LANCASTER DAILY INTELLlGENCJElt, FRIDAY! JANUARY 2, 1880. ;-.7"'J THE l-ASli OF LOVK. Its FlameBnrnlnR Brightly Alter a Lapse of Forty-five Years. Last evening at tlic parsonage of the Presbyterian church by Rev. Jas. "i. Mitchell, Emmer C. Jeffries and Martha C. Hanway, both el Chester county, were united in the l.ely bends of matrimony. The happy bridegroom is C"i years of age and his blushing bride is 02. Besides the mature years of the high contracting par ties te the alliance there are ether features that give te the event an interest even gi cater than that which usually attaches te the tying of the nuptial knot. Forty Jive years age the present bride and groom were devoted levers in the full vigor of youth, burning with the ardent affection that is character istic of the period of adolescence, and the ceuitship gave every premise of a happy termination in the union of the two young lives. Peets sing, and philosophers teach, and stern experience frequently proves, that tlie course 01 true love runs iut with unrippled smoothness, and in this ease the old saw was verified. The young levers drifted apart, and the old story was re-enacted, the finis written, and the vol ume clasped forever te all appearances, lie married a wife in this city in 1&)9, and s"ie gave her hand te another suitor. Chil dren were born unto both of them and the past, though it may net have been entire ly blotted from the book e remembrance, was as a dream that is ever. Years rolled swiftly by, and our here's wife sickened .and died. Obeying the apostolic injunc tion that it is net well for man te be alone, he chose unto himself another helpmeet, and the years continued te glide smoothly by, and honors and reward came te crown a useful career. A second bereavement came te the husband, and he was again a widower. In the meantime our heroine, the girl sweetheart of the early part of this re'ii.iutic narrative, had, by a dispen sation of providence, been called upon te assume the widow's weeds, and late in years, when the golden sun set tints were beginning te streak the horizon of their lives, the levers of nearly half a century before found themselves alone and far apart, yet with the subtle power of p.isthappyassoeiatiens attracting each te the ether with a force that was irresistible. He it came te pass that after the lapse of forty-live years, during which period each had married and raised families, the old flame was fanned into new life anil found plenty of mutual love te feed upon ; and hew could our re mance have a nicer ending than in the quiet little ceremony performed in the par sonage parlor last evening, with the princi pal actors back te their first love, in the premise of many years of future happi ness '.' ZAXFKETTA. I'anteiiilinc anil Variety Slmw. The audience te sec Zanfrctta's panto mime and specialty company last evening was large in the upper part of the house, while down stairs it was small. The per formance was the same as that given in the afternoon. It opened with the old .sketch, "A Quiet Night's Best." Minnie Gough, a fair serio-cemic, pleased the gods .se well that she was iccallcd three times. The song and dance of Geyer and Mackie was very clever, although the young men sire new te the stage. Bernard McCreddie played skillfully en instruments of almost every kind and the tunes were the latest of the day. The brother act of the Three MiliK was very geed and all of them are expert fumbles. The Ski-Hi brass band man was very funny, as was the sketch entitled ''The Skeleton Witness." The performance concluded with the pan tomime of ''Santa Claus,"' with Alex. Zanfrctta as clown, Tem Vance as panta loon, Frank Zanfrctia as harlequin, and , Flera Zanfretta as Columbine. The tricks were geed and the performance of Alex. Zanfretta en the tight rope was jdinply wonderful. The troupe went back te Philadelphia this morning, as it was only organized for a trip through the Eastern towns during the holidays. They were under the management of AAr. Gil Gil mere, of the Grand Central, Philadelphia. The Colored Children Made Glad Yesterday afternoon tin colored child roil of the city were given a treat by the children of the Heekland Street Finleiiomi Finleiiemi Finleiiomi natienal Sunday school (white) in the col ored school building. The room in which the affair was held was decorated with evergreens, flowers and mottoes, and it was filled with people both white and col ored. There were a number of white ladies present, from the best families of the city, who took a great deal of interest in the little folks. A large tree and table in the room were filled with geed things. About 2 o'clock services began, which in cluded singing and addresses by A. C. Leenard and by Hev. Mr. Harris of A. M. E. church. After the services the con tents of the tree and table were distributed among the little folks who were greatly pleased. The occasion was plea sant te all and the parties who superin tended the affair are deserving of great credit. Iteavcr Street Cotten Mill. This mill, which lias been purchased and repaired by Messrs. Peters & Shirk, will be put in operation next week, and te fill the orders for goods which have been re ceived, will be run night and day. thus giving employment te two full sets of em ployees. Proposals Opened. The proposals for supplying the city water works with coal te April 1, 1880, opened last evening, were as fellows : Jas. Stewart & Sen, 2,000 pounds te the ten, $2.80 ; II. Baumgardncr it Ce., $n.09 ; Gerrccht & Ce., $2.85. The Soup Heuse. The soup house opened yesterday morn ing and the peer families of the city will new be supplied daily. It is in charge of Billy Shay and his wife and the soup is as -oed as ever. Yesterday 1598 persons were furnished with soup and this morning the number was 3G7. Fer Their "Engine Heuse. The Humane fire company have ap pointed a committee and have made ether arrangements for the holding efa ball, for their new engine house en February 9. The Scout Coming. Buffalo Bill and bis dramatic company were j-cstcrday booked te appear in the opera house en February 17. KICKED BY A HORSE. A Man Has His Skall Fractured. This morning L. Q. Landram, who re sides at Xe. 35e North Queen street, was badly injured by being kicked by a horse as it is supposed. Mr. Landram and his sons work at a blacksmith shop in Christian street, near Chestnut, and in the same building two horses are kept by them. This morning Mr. Landram went te the shop before his sons. Shortly afterward? one of the latter came te work, when he found his father lying in the shop in an unconscious condition and bleeding freely from a wound in the head. lie was quickly removed te his home and i)r. S. T. Davis was sent for, who examined the wound, which is above the left eye. The skull was found te be frac tured, and the mark left en the head indi cates that it was made by the cork of a horse shoe. Mr. Landram, although net altogether unconscious, is net able te give any account of the affair, but fiem what he has stated there is scarcely any doubt that one of the horses kicked him. It is very likely that in going through the deer from the shop into the stable he was struck by the animal. Olliccrs Llectcd. At a legular stated meeting of Mnuhcim council, Ne. 134, O. of U. A. M., the fol lowing officers were elected te serve for the ensuing term : C K. J. Pritz. V. C. A. liufienniyer. Kec. Sec'y. M. J. Kusminger. Ass't. I tee. Sec'y. AV. A. Ensininger. I in. Sec y II. M. husuunger. Treas. S. A. Ensmingcr. Ind. S. llamaker. Kx. J. C. Miller. I. P. Gee. II. Ulrieh. ). P. T. K'. IJresey. Trustee A. Huffenmyer. Hep. te S. ('. T. Iv. JJresey. At a regular stated meeting of Ameela circle, Xe. 42, 1). l (II. F.) of Pa., in Manheim, the following officers were elected : Chief Washington II. M. Ensininger. Chief Jeffersen W. Litzenbergcr. Chief Franklin S. E. Frank. Hen. Herald Samuel L. Maze. AV. of Day Samuel (. liresev. AV. of Night Aaren Fry. Tnistee S. E. Frank. Charitv Committee S. S. Yeung. Tliiiin!) Mashed. This morning shortly after 1 1 o'clock AVinfield Hoever, a brakeman en engine Ne. 237 of the Pensylvania railroad, had the thumb of his right hand se badly mashed while coupling cars at Lcaman Place that it will have te be amputated, lie went te his home at the Gap. Sl'i:CIAI. 'OTICE. Kcmeiul. Alter this date the undcr-igned will occupy I he new Tobacco Warehouse, Xe. SEI North shippen sfivet, adjoining the Pennsylvania Cailre.ul, removing from Xe. S Last Clic-luiif street. The gem-nil business el Packer. Com mission Met chant and Wholesale Dealer in Leal Tobacco" will he continued. A. TLLLLir, ilecJ'J-slil Lancaster, Pa., Dec. 3i, IsT'.t. Amusements. JTix Kiitc Clarien. On Monday evening next .Miss Kate Claxton and hcrdrauiaticeeie pany will piny A Deuble Marriage" in this city for the lir.-t time. Miss Claxton is tee well known here te need praise, mid her play is an excellent one. Week belere last sn? perlenucd it te crowded houses at the Wnluiil, tin best theatre in Philadelphia. Last week the llelliilay Miect theatre, I'.altiuierc, was tilled by her every night, and she is new la iugau equally successful engagement in Washington, D. C. Among her support i-Mr. Charles A. Mevcii Mevcii sen. the line young actor who assumes the character of J'irrrr in the "Twe Orphan-." ' Cncli" 'Jein's Ctibiii." To-nieriowaltei neon and evening " I nele Tem- Cabin," the old but ever popular play, will he given in the opera heu-c by Ki.tl and Drapei's troupe, which has been playing in the West. The pi ice- aie very low and should h:ie the . licet et drawing large houses. 1l'itten, JXUs A- Ixvrnellx.Un Tuesday even ing a company el variety star- will vi-it this city. It includes Wat-en and Kilis. Dutch comedian-: Harry and Jehn Kernell, Irish cemedians: Miyilam I'.rethers, gymnast-: Thatcher and Hume, song and dance men : Clara Moere, vecali-l; Alice l'atcmuu, clog dancer; 11. .. Allen, banjei-t, and Gus Hill. The above actors stand in flic front rank el the variety profession, and some of I hem are each season members of Teny Paster's troupe. There are no better comedians new appearing than the lour men who head the list. Their prices are low enough tocnaljleallte-eethein. Nkw Avi:ktisi:mi:nts. Watsen. i:ilis& Kernell'- Star Troupe. Xet ice of Ce-part nei ship. 101 I'.eys Wanted. safe Ter Sale. Public sale. Wanted. C3T"Fer further details see advertising column. "What a Pity that the otherwise beautiful girl should have such bad teeth. And all because she did net use SO.ODOXT. It costs se little te buy it considering the geed it does, and its benefits stretch out into her liiture Hie. Peer girl. sit.viai. seticj:s. Xe Mere Hard Times. If you will slop spending se much en line clothes, rich feed anil style, buy geed, healthy feed, cheap and better clothing : get mere real and substantial things el life every way, and especially step the loelish habit of employing expensive quack doctors or using se much el the X'ile humbug medicine that does you only harm, but put your trust in that simple, pure remedy, Hep JSitters, that cures always, at a trilling cost, and you will sec geed times nnd have geed health, see another column. jl-2wd Try Lecher's Cough "syrup. "'Sellers' Liver Pills' cured me of liver com plaint." D. II. Celeman, Sheit Creek, W. Va. '1 he tonic ellect of Kidney-Wert i- produced by ifscleanline ar.d purifying action en the bioed. Where there is a gravelly deposit in "e urine, or milky, ropy urine from disorder ed Kidneys, it cures without fail. Constipation and Piles readily yield te its cathartic and heal heal pew cr. L'se Lecher's Hersa and Cattle Powders. I take "Dr. Sellers' Cough Syrup," amine one In the city keeps clearer et coughs and colds than I. Druggisfssell it. Price A" cent-. .Sensible Canadian. Mr. Gadbois. of Ilreckvillc, Canada, alter be ing cured efa prostrating malarial di-ea-e con tracted in Texas, by means of Warner's Sate Pills and Safe Hitters, writes te us : " 1 shall never travel in that climate without your Safe Pills and Safe Hitters as part of my eutilt." jl-2wd Pure Spices at Lecher's Drug Stere. statistics prove that twenty-live per cent, of the deaths in our larger cities are caused by consumption, and w hen we reflect that this terrible di-ea-e in its wer-t stage will yield te a bottle of Lecher's ICcnewned Cough Syrup, shall we condemn Ihe sutletcrs ler their neg ligence, or pity them for their ignorance? Try Lecher's Cough Syrup. In Het Weather an immense number of "persons sutrcr fiem disordered Kidneys or deranged Liver. Kidney Kidney Wert is the great het weather medicine. It is prepared without the use of liquors, and there fore it does net heat the system, but aids each organ te keep up a healthy and vlgoreusactioii. Try.Lechcr's Cough Syrup. MLLZTXERY Aim OPENING OF QUNDAKER' ULLHERY &TRII11M STORE. LADIES, we will open te-day New Neveltle in Bennets Wing-', Velvet, Satin", &e. We will open te-day an elegant line et silk-anu .jet liutlens, ornaments, btripeu civet, samis, sc. We will open te-dav new and beautiful lines of Ladies' and Children's He-e in Cashmere and Cotten, Merine Vests for Ladies and Children in all sizes, Woolen Cap-, &c, geed and cheaper than ever. We will open te-day New Laces, Hitching, Ties, Scarfs Kid and Li-de Thread lilnves, Cor sets in all the best makes anil at lowest prices Ask te see enr Speen Kust Cor-et at M cts. Wc will open a lull line of Crape Veils Crape Bennets and Hats Crape by the yard, and evcryli.ing else that is new, desirable and cheap In Millinery and Trimmings. Cull and examine our stock at GUNDAKER'8, 142 and 144 SORTE QUM STREET. A Mether's Griei. The pride of a mother, the life anil joy efa henne. arc her children, hence her grief when siekne enters and takes them auay. Take warning then, that yen are running a terrible ri-k, if they have a Cough, Croup or Whooping Cough, wh'ich lead te Consumption, if you de net utlend te it at once. "Miiieh's CoiiMiinp CeiiMiinp CoiiMiinp tien Cure is guaranteed tecure them. 1'riee 10 i-i-nt-, .V) cents and 1. Fer laine I'uek, Hde. or Cht, u-e Shiloh's l'oreus I'laster. l'rice cents. Sold by I. Ileitshu, Lancaster, and Jl. J.. ll.lVls, .MUICl'aVllle. The IlestI Ever Knew Or. J. . Starkey, a prominent and inlluential Citizen of Iowa City, says: "I have had the Dyspepi;i, and Liver Complaint for several cars, and have used every Kemedy 1 could hear of, without any relief whatever, until I saw your sjiileli's Vitalize!" adverti-cd in our paper, and was persuaded te try it. I am happy te state that it lias entirely cured me. It is cer tainly the best Kemeilv I "ever knew of." Price 7"i cents. Sold bv I. Ileitshu, Lancaster, and M. L. Davis, Milleisvillc. Shiloh's Catarrh Kciuciiy. A marvelous Cure ler Catarrh, Diphtheria' Canker Meuth, and Head Ache. With, each bottle there is an ingenious na-al Injector for the mere successful treatment of tne com plaint, without extra charge, l'rice 30 cents, sold bv D. Ileitshu, Lancaster. and M. L. Davis, Millersville. sSJ-eodDAeewW aiAMtltIAtll.S. llccmat Styeb. January 1, 1SS0. at the Mei rimac lieuse, bv Itev. Dr. Grccnwald, Martin W. I.ucher, of i'liiladelphia, te Dera i". Styer, el" Lancaster. Aiir AiH'KJtTisLMKXT Laxcastku. Dec. 12, 1S7!'. INSUKK YOUK ritOI'JCKTVIXKKLIAIH.K COM PAXILS at BENJ. P. SHENK'S, Ollice : 10S West King Street. deel2-."mi!U Jnsukk veuit ii:tiii:iiTy ix tiik ui:st COMPAXIKSat BAUSMAX .V I'CKXS'. 2:-tlcedK Ollice : Xe. 10 West Orange St. 1.1I15K PKOOF SAFE FOK SALIC. 1 A Fire Proof safe (Me-ler, ISakmun Ce.. Cincinnati make). "U inches high, 2'H wide and 21 deep, weight 1,200 pound-, with Sargent's Patent Xiglit and Day Combination "Leck, for sale cheap. Applv at the janJ-tfd IN'TLLLIGKXCKi: OFFICE. lIKF, LIFE AXI) ACCIDENT. Insurance at lowest iates. Geed anil Iteli ablc Companies. HLltlt.V STAIFFKIt. Heat Estate & Ins. Agl-., . X. Duke St. dec.JO-SmilHeeil T MMLYCCO FOK SALE. One hundred acres of prime Pennsylvania Seed Leaf Tobacco for sale. Apply le 15. F. KOIILKH. Shrewsbury. Yerk county. Pa. jan 1-lweeiIH "J )IAXOS ! OKGNS ! Te close my stock of Xcw and Second-hand Pianos and Organs before the holidays. 1 invite the public te examine them ami ascertain low-price-. .Il'STl'S STrCKKXIIOLZ, 12-ImilH Stevens Heu-c, Lanca-ter, Pa. 1)UBLIC SALE OF THE ENTIIIE LOT OF Household and Kitchen r'uriiitnre, at Xe. Te."! Seuth Ouccn street, en te-morrow (SATU H DAY) afternoon, at 1 o'clock ; as the parties are going west everything must be sold. Alse, a geed Wheelbairew and a full set of Quarry ing Toels. J A CO It GL'XDAKEH. ltd Auctioneer. X' OTICE OF CO-PAIITNEKSHIP. Lancaster. Pa., Jan. 1, lsse. We have this dav admitted William II. Altickasa member of the llrm of 1). A. Altiek & Sen, Carriage Manufacturers. The business will be carried en under the llrm name of D. A. Altiek & -sons. Thanking our lnends and the public ler past favors, we ask a continuation el the same for the new llrm. Yours Truly, D. A. ALTICK, jan2-2td S. W. ALTICK. "I DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP. I!v mutual consent the partnership existing between Augustus Hiieads and Jelm F. Heed, trading as the linn of "Hheatls & Heed." Xe. l.-t Ea-t King street, has this day been dissolv ed. All persons having claims against said llrm will present them immediately ler pay ment, and all these indebted te -aid firm will make payment le said Augustus Hheads, who will continue the business at the same place. A. HIIOADS, J. F. HEKD. Jasuaky 1. 1S50. janl-P.td T ""O OUK COAL PATKONS I When the undersigned entered the Ceal bus iness we laid down the following rule, which we have strietlv followed : "We sell nothing but geed Ceal at the lowest market price." Weight and quality guaranteed. This -hull continue te be our rule as long as we are in the bu-inc-, no matter whether coal is SOLD at ME PRICE OF MIXIMJ OU XOT. Xewthe Ceal Trade is such'a pleasant and at tractive business that we have no idea of aban doning it. We will sell Ceal AS LOW AS THE LOWEST. Xet because wc think we ought te make resti tution (we have none te make), but because we will net be undersold. WEIGHT AXD QUALITY GUAHAXTEED. JAS. STEWAKT & SON. dcc31-4tucedIt DRY GOODS, tC. WE CANNOT ADVERTISE Reduction of Prices, As many kinds of goods are going up in price every week, but we held a large stock of desirable Dry Goods that are selling at rates proportionate te cost some time age. In the matter of MUSLIXSwc secured and MUSLINS stored (away an immense MUSLIXs quantity, se that our sales rooms and reserve stock rooms leek like wholesale stores. These standard goods are new retailing largely at less than future prices. MUSLINS MUSLlXs. MUSLINS MUSLINS MUSLINS MUSLINS MUSLINS Wc also bought freely of FLAXXELS, And can show the geed results of out eut bargaining en inquiry at the Flannel Counter. We are also selling CALICOES Cheaper than they can be bought at. The people will have te pay higher for many kinds of dry goods alter the pres ent stock arc sold out. Jehn Wanamaker, GRAND DEP0T-13TH ST., i'uii.adi:l,puia. TBIMMLSU GOODS. NEW GOODS -AT- Hats, Frames, Plumes, Fancy Hlack and Colored ilk Fringes Xew Style- et r.iXTizv. "l"7"ATEI. W Kverybedy teadverti-e, free of charge, in the IxikllieLncku, who wants something te de. ITrANTEU AT THIS OFFICE. y Copies of the lailv Intellioe.vekii of April 3, July l!t, andScpt. l(t, 1S79. jttii-2-tltl A WANTED. A girl te de general Housework. Applv THIS OFFICE.' ilec2!l-tfd at 100 J COYS WANTED TO SELL Apply under Schiller Heu-c, at 4 o'clock to morrow, J mi :!. ltd am vsi:mi:xts. pOULTKY SHOW. l e c n eh ' s n uil n in g (Centre Square). Open Daily from !) a. ui. te 10 p. in. Market morning liein 7a. in. CHICKENS HATCHED DAILY. Admission, 15 cents. Children, 10 cents, jaul-lwd TjlULTON OPEKA HOUSE. Ou MONDAY, JANUARY 5, 187J1, The Popular Artist, KATE CLAXTON, Supported by CHAS. A. STEVENSON, And her own Company, in Chas. Heade's Great Emotional Drama "THE DOUBLE MARRIAGE." HESEHVED SEATS ADMISSION, 7.1 C(s. :r, ic se cts. Seats ler sale at the Opera Heu-e Ollice. decil-ltd f .1ULTON OPEKA HOUSE. Watsen, Ellis k Kerncll's STAR TROUPE, Under the Management of J. D. MISHLEH, Tiii'sdey Evi'iiiiir January (Jth, 18S0. In an entirely New and Original Entertain ment, embracing the very best specialties in the world. THE GK.EAT COMPANY': The Funniest German Comedians in the pro fession. WATsON and ELLIS. The Original Irish Cemiqu-s IIaiip.v THE KEHXELLS. Jehn The American Seng I'.ird.MisS CLAH A MOOHE. The Emperors et Seng and Dance, Messrs. THATCIIKItund HUME. The Champien Ladv Cleg Dancer and Elegant Actress. Miss ALICE IIATKMAN. H. G. ALLEN. ISanjni-t Par Excellence. The I'rethers, Fiiaxk SUYDAM. Ei-ekm: Tlie Arenlc Meteors. The Modern Geliaii. Mr. GU. HILL, the King Clubs. All appearing in a Cnallenge Olie, concluding w itli the Funniest of Comedies, "A SPLENDID TIME." rOPULAK PRICES, - 25, 35 i: 50 Cts. Heserved Seats new for sale at Opera Heuse Ollice. jan2-:itd "IULTON OPEKA HOUSE. SATl'liDAY, JAXUAJIY, .5, JSS0. HOLIDAY MATINEE AND EVENING. Third Annual Tour of the Majestic Spectacu lar He ival of Mrs. llarrricl Kcccher-stewe's great moral, religious and pathetic story of Uncle Tem's Cabin, As eriginallv revived and performed ONE THOUSAND TIMES by RtAJj AXD DRAVmi. The public desire being se great te witness this remarkably natural play, and the interest it lias awakened being still unabated, and owing te the artistic manner in which it is ill list rated by this Excellent Company, who have played it ever one thousand limes, bave induced the management te present it again this season, which, with the magnilicent scenery, charming musical effects and touch ing incidents, have aroused t he greatest cut hu siasiu among all classes, and elicited the most favorable comments from the press, and the hearty endorsement or the leading clergy of tlie country. Admission, 25 and .15 cents. Matinee, 15 and 25 cents. Ne extra charge for reserved scats. Toe much importance cannot be attached te the fact that although we eiler the above scale et prices, our eempaiiv and performance is ab solutely the very bust'eu the read. janl-3td. I. AMI'S, &V. T IGHT. FLIJf S" & BRElf BMAS" AUK OFFERISO GREAT BARGAINS IN Ceal Oil Lamps, Chandeliers and Lanterns. These goods arc entirely new and handsomer than ever before offered and prices lower. FLINN & BRENEMAN 152 North Queen Street, LANCASTEH, PA. VOAL, TOriCE TO THE PUBLIC. G. SENEB & SOXS. Will continue te sell only GENUINE LYKENS VALLEY and WILKESBAIillE COALS which are the best in the market, and sell as LOW as the LOWEST, and net only GUAH ANTEE FULL WEIGHT, but allow te WEIGH ON ANY scale in geed order. AUe Heugh and Dressed Lumber, Sash Deers, Blinds, &c, at Lewest Market Prices. Office and yard northeast corner Prince and Walnut streets, Lancaster, Pa. janl-tfd IKY LOCIIEK'S COUGH SYKU1. THIRD EDIT1W. FRIDAY EATENTNG, JANr2,880. WEATHER INDICATIONS. Washington, Jan. 2. Fer the Middle Atlantic states and New England fallinsr barometer, southwest winds, threatening and rainy weather, followed in the western pmtiens by rising barometer, slightly cooler, partly cloudy and clearing weather. i:i:in GO 15KAGII. The Geed Time Coining for tlie Emerald Isle. New Yehk, Jan. 2. A large delegation of well known citizens bearded the steam ship Scythia this morning and heartily welcomed Mr. Parnell te America. Ad dresses were read te him eulogizing his un swerving devotion te the Irish cause and recognizing him as the representative of the Irish people in the unequal contest with landlord usurpation maintained by the armed forces of Great Britain. Mr. Parnell, replying briefly, reviewed his understanding of the Irish land ques tion, but hoped that better times arc close at hand and that Ireland may ultimately take rank amongst the nations of the earth. I'ATAL ACCIDENTS. A Cbajdcr of Casualties from Newfoundland. St. Jehn. X. F., Jan. 2. A number of fatal accidents have recently taken place in this colony. At Open Hall the Bena Vesta dwelling house was destroyed, by fire, and two men, Jehn Farrel, aged i:',, and Jeshua "Warren, aged 23, perished in the 1'ames. Twe young girls barely es caped vfith their lives. A fisherman named Ilause was drowned at Grecnbay. During the gale at Beele Bay a small beat was dashed te pieces and three men were drowned. Twe boys fell through the ice at Rurrin and were drowned. THE SOCIALISTS. Selecting their Presidential Ticket. Pittsul'Hcii, Jan.- 2. The Socialistic Congress adjourned nine die last night after selecting Caleb Prink, of New Yerk, A. E. Bishop, of Chicago and Osbein "Ward, as candidates for nomination for president. These names will be referred te the party at large, and the two names receiving the highest number of votes will be the candi dates. FAMINE AND I'EVEIL Hjing of Starvation and Disease in RiiHsia. St. Putkusuche, Jan. 2. The Gote aserts that the country between the rivers Velga and Dan is famine-stricken, and that many persons have already per ished. The prefect of Tsaritzin has ar rived in St. Petersburg te urge contribu tions for the relief of the people in that place, where famine and typhus fever have appeared. WOMAN DKOWNED. Her Drunken Husband iu Ne Hurry te Come te Her ICeseiie. Ef.iZAnnru. X. J., Jan. 2. Mrs. "Whit "Whit teniere, aged 27. living in this city, fell headforemost into a cistern yesterday af ternoon and was drowned before she could be pulled out. Her husband and ethers had been drinking and were in no hurry te get her out. IKKSXY JUSTICE. Ihlibt.y.ling Cetiuty Otlicial Sen- tenceit. Xi:w iJurNswicK. X. J., Jan. 2. Jo Je seph S. Letsen, ex-county collector, con victed of embezzling $!0,000 of the county funds, was te-day sentenced te two years in the state prison with hard labor and $.")0() fine. THE WASHINGTON SENSATION. etin Morgan Assailant Keleascd en nail. Washington. Jan. 2. Lucy llorten, who shot a son of Senater Morgan, yester day, was arraigned this nmmiug and re leased en a thousand dollars bail. Mr. Morgan was net able te appear. NOT (JU1LTV. Knd fit" a Celebrated Infanticide Case. Bosten, Jan. 2. In the case of Jehn X. Buzzell, en trial at East Cambridge, for the minder of an infant child, the jury this morning rendered a verdict of net guilty. SAI'i; nunc LAIC V. The Thietes Oct S25,000. Omi:mi:i:, Out., Jan. 2. The stoic of Themas Stephenson, in this place, was en tered by burglars last night. They blew open the safe and took therefrem mort gages valued at $2."5,000. MacTcar's Manufactured Drameuils. Londen, Jan. 2. James MacTear writes te the Thitct, allirming that he has pro duced carbon in the diamond modification. Cnm-iTIANlTY AND INPIJU1-.L.1TY. A Colored llishep's Iteply te Ingcrsell. Bishop A. AV. Wayinan, of the African Methodist Episcopal church, lectured last night at Bethel church, Baltimore, te a large audience, his remarks being a reply te the attacks of Cel. Rebert G. Ingcrsell en the Bible. Among these pre sent were a large number of white people, who listened te the remarks of the speaker with the closest at tention. The bishop commenced by referriiig te Cel. Ingersoll's famous lecture en " Hell,"' which, he said, was fallacious and sophistical and without reason or ar gument. The statement of Cel. Ingcrsell that his attack en the Bible was owing te the book being the enemy of womanhood, the bishop said was unreasonable, as whatever Christian women are te-day they ewe te the influence of the Bible. Ingersoll's statements te ihe country notwithstanding. All the world ever the effects of the Bible were te be seen. The Bible found Ireland iu the thirteenth century almost without an al phabet and in four hundred years there were men in Ireland famous ler their learning. Queen Victeria, when asked te what she attributed the prosperity of her country, replied that the Bible was the secret of it. Te count the men who ewe their greatness te Christ would be beyond the power of an archangel. Among these who have indorsed the Bi ble arc found General Washington, Walter Scott, Lord Bacen, Judge Storey, Andrew Jacksen, Jehn Quincy Adams, Daniel Webster, Henry Clay, J. It. Gib Gib eons, Tiiaddeus Stevens, Henry Winter Davis, Charles Sumner, Abraham Lincoln and a host of ethers, beside whom Ingcr Ingcr eoll sinks into utter insignificance from a moral and intellectual standpoint. Yet this book se indeised Mr. Ingersoll repre sents as being the chief enemy of culture, education and refinement. Lawyers are prone te say queer things, but I don't think any lawyer ever said anything half se ridiculous as this. It is true many things in the Bible can- net be explained, but Cel. Ingcrsell accepts J the reasoning of the astronomers who tell J nun that the constellations are full of mys teries. He feels and realizes the move ment of the wind, but cannot And the mo tive power yet he cannot accept the mys teries of the Bible. In conclusion he wished te say te old and young men and women, old maids and old bachelors laughter and every one else, elimr te the Bible and net te the savings of Cel. Injrer- sell or any of his class. The doctrine of the latter had never brought contentment te any, and the lives of all his followers were full of melancholy. As an instance of the universal faith in the Bible he would call attention te the fact that every court of law in the world would accept a dying dcclararatien en the Bible. en the presumption that the deponent, no matter Hew great a falsifier while living, would always tell the truth when dying. The bishop then quoted the dying decla rations of a number of well-known atheists, comparing them te the utterances of Christians and showing the great ad vantage of the latter. MCKDEK OX SHIPHOARD. Shocking Affair in the ltaltlini.it. Ua.-ber. Yesterday meniiii'r Jehn Allen, a cook en the English bark Jehn Patterson, lying at "Wells's wharf East Baltimore, was killed by one of his shipmates, named Mi chael McCarthy. McCarthy and Allen had been together at the theatre en Wednesday night, the former going en watch when he get en the vessel and Allen retiring te the galley, where he went te sleep. It was Mc Carthy's duty te awaken Allen at e o'clock in the morning, but yesterday morning he aiieweu him te sleep later, knowing that he had becu up late the night before. At 5:e0, however, he tried te arouse him. but he ditl net seem te wake very readily, wncii -ucuartny. according te ins own statement, pulled him by the legs oil" the bench. This made Allen angry and jumping up he began quar reling with McCarthy, finally striKiug mm m tlie licad. nillict ing a slight wound. McCarthy then, as is alleged, took a heavy iron lire-poker from Allen's hand, and striking Allen ever the head crushed in the skull and felled him te the deck senseless. McCarthy then ran aft and told the carpenter, Themas Rao Rae shire, that he had killed the cook ; and the carpenter in turn awakened Cape. Girvan, master of the bark, who at once set for Dr. Mansfield and also gave information te the police of the Eastern district of the the affair. Capt. Kenncy dispatched Sergts. Deague and I'iggs ami a squad et men te the vessel, where McCarthy was taken in custody and locked up at the Eastern station. Allen died before the arrival of Dr. Mans field and Coroners Ireland and Walker made an examination of the body, which resulted in showing that his death resulted from a compound comminuted fraturu of the skull. .".11 Ouict iu Maine. The armed guard at the state house is there only in the night time, and then net te keep away any one who has bus iness at the capitol. The au thorities explain that such a force is deemed prudent en account of threats made in public meetings and otherwise of forcible resistance te the regularly constituted au thority. It is very quiet here new, noth ing of public interest having eccured. The Fusionists and Republicans will be iu Au gusta in large numbers by Saturday. It is expected the decision of the court, at Ban Ban eor, en the question at issue will be ren dered by Saturday. A ripple of interest was caused yesterday at Portland by the commander of one of the militia compa nies receiving what purported te be a tel egraphic order from the adjutant general te report with his company at Augusta, Sat urday, but it proved te be a forgery. Grant's Progress. General Grant and party left Augusta, Georgia, yesterday .morning, for Beaufort, S. C, and Savannah. He was escorted te the depot by colored military, with a band of music. At Beaufort he was received by the citizens, irrespective of party. Twe colored military companies and the Beau fort artillery (white) turned out te receive him, and the artilicry fired a salute of 1:5 guns. The general and party were escort ed te the hotel, in front of which was an arch inscribed "Welcome, and here Gen eral Grant made a very brief speech. He was subsequntly presented with several "phosphate fossils," including the back bone and jaw of a megalenyx. The gen eral and party arrived iu Savannah last night, and the general was received by the mayor and alderman, and escorted by colored military te the Screven house. jxsvraxcj:. rpiiK eljj " " GIRARD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PIIILADKLPIUA. ASSETS : One Millien One Hundred and Thirty-one Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty-eight Dollars. 81,131,838. All invested in the best securities. Lesses promptly paid. Fer policies call en HIFK & KAUFMAN, Ne. m East King St.. Lancaster, Pa. S-MW&SCmdll GIFT DUA HIXGS. t UTHOICIZKO I5V T11K COMMON- ind Fairest iu the J. WEALTH OF KY., World 16th Popular Monthly Drawing OK THE COMMONWEALTH DISTRIBUTION CO., At Macauley's Theatre, in the City of Louis ville, en JANUARY 31st, 1880. These Drawings, authorized by act el the Legislature et lsia, and sustained by all the courts of Kentucky (all fraudulent advertise ments et ether lottery companies who claim tlie sole ownership et "all the grants in Ken tucky," te the contrary, notwithstanding), oc cur regularly en the last day of every month (Sundays excepted), and are supervised bv prominent citizens et the Slate. Every ticket-holder can he his own supervisor, call out Ids number and see it placed in the wheel. The management call at tentien te tlie grand opportunity presented of obtaining, ler only fj, any ef'thc following prizes : 1 prize $ 30,"0 1 prize lO.uw 1 prize ."i.oeo 10 prizes $1,001) each lO.WJO 'JO prizes jUUeuch 10,000 100 prizes, $100 each 10,000 JX prizes M each 10,000 000 prizes 20 each l-.!,000 1000 prizes lOeacli 10,000 !) prizes 300 each, approximation prizes 2,700 ! prizes 200 each, " " l,soe J prizes loe each, " " yoe !,!) prizes $112,100 Whole tickcls, $2; half tickets. $1; 27 tickets $."i0; .V tickets, $liw. All applications, for club rates should be made te the home ellice. Hcmit by bank draft or express. Orders of $." and upward, by express, can be sent at our expense. Full list of drawing published in Louisville Courier-Jeurnul and uvr Yerk Jlerald and mailed te all ticket-holders. Fer tickets and information address T. J. COMMEHFOHD, Courier-Journal lsuilding, Louisville, Ky., or Hi! Ureadway, New Yerk. dl-TuT&a&w "1 JAKCUS G. SEUNEH, HOUSE CARPENT.ER, Ne. 120 North Prince street. Prompt and particular attention paid te al terutien and repairs. sKS-lyrt T OCIIER'S COUGH STRUP IS THE UEST. MARKETS. Philadelphia Market. Pinr.ADKi.rniA. Jannary 21 Heur Armer:' superfine 3 50I i; extra 7333 25;" Ohie and Indiana fumilv $6 73g7 75: Penn'a. iamily$t5 7572j: St. Leuis family 70O773 70O773 Minneseta Family 757 75 ; patent anil" -hiirli grades $8gl. Kye flour unchanged. J Cernnieal Brandy wine unchanged, Wheat strong; Ne. 2 Western Keil HMVf: Penn'a red $1 5ii ; Amber 1 5 " ' mixed .isiie. " '. Oats duflund weak; Southern and Penn'a" white 4'.-0e ; Western white Iaj0e ; Western mixed 47J4Sc. Lye nominal ; Western $1 ; Pa. $1. . ia'tisiuu sicaiiv ; Dee! hau smoked mess nerlc S14 00 askeil as $1(150; India mess beef $21 50; bacon -Sll01llliisa Al ZTW't m t...t .In .!t'dC- smoked hams leHc; pickled hams S4(gkc. Lard dull ; city kettle Sc ; loose butchera' "iS'Jic; prime steam 74e. llutier llrm : creamery extra :K "lc; Uradferd county and X. T. extra 2Sg30e Western reserve extra at 2ra-iic ; de geed te choice isg-iOc : rolls llrm Penn'a extra 23 2:1c : western reserve extra 2223e. Eggs quiet; Choice Penn'a 23c; Western 21 (i 22s'. Petroleum llrm ; Refined S'c. Whiskey dull at $1 13. New Yerk Market. New Yerk, .Ian. 2.-KIeur State and Western statu 30(i Ohie Mlltii.rTf no ;- . .. "v ' ti"is-"iuiin.u uigiKHi extra letl. fej..".0; choice de de Si. a."iS 50; choice white wheat de $; 5t)7; Southern quiet and un changed: common te fair extra $G 25$6 S3; geed te choice de $C !XS 50. Wheat Spring quiet and nominal : winter iIc better; Hush Ne. 1 White Jan. by cental $25'.); Ne. 2 Hei I .Ian. by cental 2 (3 : de red Feb. by cental $2;i!.J. Cern dull and scarcelv se linn : Mixed West ern spot liItS!' .e ; de liiture U0K0lC. Oatsquietamf steady; statu tjji-jMi;! West ern -liy ,52.c. .ristuKi. J", -il?.?. . .- -. . ; -.- .- stock Market. PlULADRLl-lllA. Jan. 2. k:m r. si. Stocks dull and steady. Pennati's (third issue) lOSJ- Phlladelphia & Erie.. 17 Heading si'' Pennsylvania 5i7rt Lehigh Valley. r,2K United Ces. el N. J IXi Northern Pacific Si'i " Preferred 5757Jl" Northern Central 32-s Lehigh Navigation :jsi' Norristown le-.";, Central Transportation Ce. VlA Pitts., Titusville & Uuilale. 11;. Little Schuylkill s-j)" 3 l'. M. unen .inning New Yekk, Jan. 2. Q")i AM - I27i .1115 .J . S!f, . Vfii, . 'MM .107 .1111 Any, Stocks strong. X. Y. Centnil VrU '' ' Adams Express Michigan Central Michigan Southern Illinois Central Cleveland & Pittsburgh... Chicago Hecklslaud Pittsburgh .fc Fert Wayne. Western Union Tel. Ce I'KJfr Teledo A Wabash New Jcrscv Central. ...... 42! -- ''a JUMUVAL. A KAKi: OPPOKTUNITY. 1 offer ier sale the entlresleck. iroeil will -in.i fixtures of my ISHOCEISY. GLASS and QUEENSWAHK STOHK. Ne. Il.-iuml 117 North Ojiccii street. I.ancaster. i'a. It has been n well established business stand for mere than 10 years, having a large and geed custom or both city and country patrons, and is only one siuare lrem both the Northern ami Central Markets. 11" desired the urenertv will also ln sold. The reason for offering this chance is the ne cessity of devoting all my time te the manu facture of Knapp's Vegetable Pills, which have, iu the short time since their intro duction, grown te such great popularity its te demand my whole attention. OHAKLCS KSA1T. dcciMtd Brandy as a ledicine. The following article was voluntarily sent te Mr. II. K. blayiuaker. Agent for Heigart's Old Wine Stere, by a prominent practising physi cian et this county, who has extensively used the Hranily referred te in his regular practice. It is commended te the attention of these af llicteil with Indigestion and Dyspepsia. BRANDY AS A MEDICINE. This new mucli abused Alcoholic Stimulant, was never intended as a beverage, but te be used as a medicine of great potency in the cure of some of tlie destructive diseases which sweep away their annual thousandsef victims. With a purely philanthropic motive we fire sent te the favorable notice el invalids espe cially these atllietcd with that miserable dis ease Dyspepsia, a .specific remedy, which Is nothing mere or less than Brandy. The aged, with feeble appetite and mere or less debility, will timl this simple medicine, when used properly, A Sovereign Remedy erall their ills and aches. He It, however, strictly understood that we prescribe and use inn eiicai -iieie. ami him IS, REIGART'S OLD BRANDY, Sold by our enterprising young rieiiu, 11. k.si,ai JlAKl-.K. Tins ilruudy has steed the test for TltAiiu .MAMt. years, and has never failed, as far as our experience extends, and we therefore give it the preference ever all ether Brandies, no matter wit li hew many jaw-breaking French titles they are branded. One-fourth of the money that is yearly thrown away en various impotent dyspepsia, specifics would sulllce te buy all the Hranily te cure any such case or cases. In proof of the curative powers of Reigart's Old Brandy, In cases et Dyspepsia, we can summon nuie hers of witnesses one case in particular We cite: A hard-working farmer had been a ill lc ted with an exhaustive Dyspepsia ter a number of vcars; his stomach would reject almost every kind of feed; lie had sour eructatiens con stantly no appetite in fact, he was obliged te restrict his diet te crackers and stale bread, and as a beverage he used Mcllraun's Heet Heer. He is a Methodist, and then, as new, preached at times, and iu nis discourses elten declaimed earnestly against all kinds of strong, drink. When advised le try Reigart's Old Brandy, In his case, he looked up with astonishment, but after hearing of its wonderful elfectH in the cases of some of his near acquaintances, he at last consented te fellow our advice. He used the ISraiuly faithlully and steadily; the lirst bottle giving him an appetite, and before the second was taken he was a sound man.witli a stomach capable of digesting anything which he chose te eat. He still keeps it and uses u lit tle occasionally; and since he has this medi cine lie has been of very little pecuniary hene lit te tlie doctor. A Puacti.sike Physician. V- - . ,,,1,,ul iieciiicu ttnange ; supernne "i, ; exira no si. e..tv 25; choice de . e J.: jancy no :jr. -tt)7 7.; round been -JUre ..: choice de U S05i7 7S? fl.&65Kr-B VVk1R XsS II. E. SLAYMAKER, AOKNT FOIl Reigart's Old Wine Stere, Established in 1785, IMl'OKTEK AJiO 1JEALKR IN FINE OLD liHANDIES, SIIEHHIKS, SL'PE- HIOH OLD MADEIICA, (Imported in ISIS, 1827 and 1S2S,) CHAMPAGNES O EVEKY HHAND, SCOTCH ALE POHTEH, IJHOWN STOUT. Ne. 29 KAST KING ST.. LA.-sCASTKK. PA WARNER'S SAFE BITTERS ! This scientific remedy, prepared from choice vegetable extracts. Is tin; IScst Weed Purifier, and stimulates every function te mere health ful action, and is thus a benclit iu all diseases. In eliminating the impurities of the bleed, the natural and necessary result is the cure of Scrofulous and ether Skin Eruptions and Dis eases, including Cancers, Ulcers anil ether Seres. Nothing is better for clearing and beau tilying the complexion. Dyspepsia, Weakness et the Stomach, Consti pation, Dizziness, jen.ral Debility, etc., are cured by the Safe Hitters, and it is unequalled as an appetizer and for building up an en feebled system. It is a medicine which should be in every family, and which, wherever used, will save the payment of many doctor's bills. Convincing testimonials furnished en appli cation. Hettlcs of two sizes ; prices, 50 cts. and $1. Warner'H Safe Kidney and Liver Cure. Safe Diabetes Cure, Safe Tonic, Safe Pills and Safe Nervine arc also superior remedies, un equalled in their respective fields of disease. Warner' Safe Kemedles arc sold by Drug gists and Medicine Deulers generally through out the country. . . . Send for Pamphlet and Testimonials. II. H. WAKNER Ce., Rochester, N. 1 . S flec!-Tu,Th&Sd&'r a M -i "N J V.. -4.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers