They also recommend the erection of a new barn on the Poor House property, and the placing of blinds in the windows of the new Hospital building. They recommend the erection of steps on the west side of the Court House, leading to Court Avenue. They re turn their sincere thanks to, and express their " high appreciation" of the Court and the District Attorney, for the many acts of cour tesy received at their hands, anti to Sheriff Frey, who they describe as a " very gentle wanly, most able and efficient officer, who has filled the office with so much credit to the county!" THE following editorial notice appe trs in " The Adroeute," which is the organ of the Methodist E. Church in Buffalo : "CATARRH REMEDY.- We think we do the public a favor, by calling the attention of those afflicted with catarrh, to the remedy ad vertised in our columns, as " Dr. Sage's Ca tarrh Remedy." A son of ours has been se riously afflicted with catarrh for several years, and having tried various remedies without success, we began to fear that in his case there was no cure. But a few months' use of the above medicine has entirely removed all traces of the disease. " We write the above not for pay, bat for the information of those afflicted. and as an act of justice to those by whom we have been benefited." It is sold by druggists for fifty cents PERIODICALS. "TIM LADY' , FRIENTY , for September, has handsome steel engraving of Portia. the hero ine of the "Merchant of Venice ;" this is follow ed by the usual large and bi illiant fishier' plat', and by engravings of fashions for dres.cs, &c. The literary matter Is highly interest lug, and the magazine deserves au extensive circu lation. Published st If 2 55 a year, by neacon Peterson, 319 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. Stir "Prirrasos , s MAciAz Wis," for September, is on our table, It containsa very beautiful en gray in, entitlial "At the Falls," which is fol lowed by a colored fashion plate of great beau ty —There are many other engravings, as de signs for fancy work, &e. The reading matter is quite interesting. Terms, +2 a year in advance. Published b./Charles J. Peterson, 806 UheStnrit Street, Philadelphia. POLITICAL Legislature. As there is a popular feeling throughout the county to send none but honest men to the Legislature, permit me to recommend for that otlice Or. it. H it, of indianlown district a.s a num of I hat class. Elect him and all who know him will assure you there will be no rea son to regret the choice you made. HONESTY. 4~F•Vote fir HENRY B BUNCH f r Register For Register—Jeremiah Rohrer. The most prominent amongst the many can didates for Register of Wins, is Mai. Jeremiah Rohrer, of Lancaster city. He is deserving the suffrages of every man In the county. lie was a true and faithful soldier of the Union army, who left family, friends and home to f•ce the rebel cannon. - . Martin S. Fry is the Thug candidate, and supported by the ring with all their power, in fluence and money. 7f you wish to beat Fry, don't scatter the vote. but go solid for Major Rohrer, as the contest Is now narrowed down to these two eandidates.—Gkiumbia spy. /iiirVot.) for HENRY E 3 SHENCK for Regliter. Register of Wills—Henry Bechtold Mr Elilor: I noticed a communication in our county papers, a •port time since, in regard to Mr Henry Bechtold, 4)1 . Mount Joy. a candidate for Begister of Wills. All contained in that communication I fully agree with. There is one feature, however, which was omi'ted, and which should be known by all voters, viz : "Mr. Bechtold is not a memb,,r of any clique, or connect edwithany combination He eaters the politi cal arena depending upon his character as a man, for the support of the pdblic. Ills moral character and bUsiness habits, with his know ledge of the Fnglish and tlerman languages, merit the support of the public. JUSTIUE. 44 - Vote for HENRY S. SHENCK for Register --- For Register—(co. W. Compton. Messrs. Editors: It seems to have become a I fact that the most of the Republican party of this comity have resolved to oppose at the coining primary election anything and every thing in the shape of "cliques," " rings" or " factions." In order to do this effectually, they should unite their forces, and in solid phalanx go for the strongest candidate outside of he '• cliques" and rings " Having traveled through a majority of the dist, icts in the ooun ty ,though not politically) during the past f w weeks. we find the sentiment of the people to be in favor of Goo. W. COM p . roiv for Register. While some of the other candidates may have strength in certain sections, he being the oldest candid tte, has a general strength throughont the enti, e county in favor of his nomination. This b ing the case, he is therefore the strong est candidate, and the party , should fir upon him as he candidate for Register, to break up the factlerns that have heretofore controlled our primary clections. S. Z. Tltit'PLE. August 26, 1869. - - -- shy- Vote for HENRY SHENCK f)r Etkieter. The Prison Keeper. We observe with great pleasure, that the per severing young gentleman, who for several years past has run the Lancaster County PEIPon so profitably to himself, is getting things "set tie" so us to insure the re-election of his frienth, Messrs. 'weigart and Sheaffer, whose terms as inspectors expire with the present year. Being able to build six houses, and offer *30,000 for a f wow) to be paid crush, out of the profits of three years prison keeping. would satisfy some people, but Levi's ambition is made of sterner stuff. Former keepers got twenty cents per day for boarding prisoners when provisions were quite as Mph as now—Levi barely contents himself wi lr thirty cents, which an obliging Board of Inspectors very kindly allows him. true mole thing o-ly is needed to secure his peace and comfort : he experiences some trou be every year in electing Inspectors whom he owns. We trust to see this remedied soon by some kind of legislation which will insurehim the °lnce for life. He would then hire out the co v:cts to harvest for the neighbors without any of the trouble heretofore experienced in such operations. ts , trlously, we ask the tax-payers whether they are willing to go on year after year, struggling under our enormous load of 'ounty tax, that this miserable tool of a corrupt clique may feed and grow fat, build houses and buy farms out of their hard earulugtsi If not, come out to toe polls on the :Bth inst., and let him and his lwts feel your power. PATIENCE. Air Vote for HENRY 8. k R..1101t !or Register H. K. Stour for County Treasurer. To the Voters qf Lancaster County. Ohs rtkissis : It is known to the voters of this county that lAM a candidate for County Treasurer. It is also known to I hose who are acquainted with my political course, that I never identified myself with any political clique, but have acted according to th e best of my Judgment and voted for such men as I con sisiered honest and best qualified for the posi tions. t! ome of my competitors, and some of the political wire-pullers, fearing that I would receive the nomination—the popular feeling being in opposition to " rings" and " set-ups " about four weeks ago reported a tleti dons "set up " or " ring ticket," which was never intended to be voted for; and among the candidates named was myself for County 'I reasurer. My name was used in this connection to poison the minds of my friends, scatter my vete, and give hitt ongth to the real ring" candidate. I was in hopes that all the Republican voters would see the trick prior to the primary election ; but I find that, some of my friends are not yet aware And it gives us the tot& saving of last of the fact that it war but one of their political ttr two years over the ate predeing....s 8,097 80 tricks to defeittme. as it was not intended for The above statements I hope will dissipate , me to be voted for in that "set up." any apprehensions my friends may have feirfor I hereby pledge my word and honor that I be- my rept' alio& dud to the geintlemen who have long to no clique or rlng,and.that thaws never been instrumen g t i l raldwyeiring in t o a, attended a secret political meeting , and that I hue and O. cry a list Me; I'Worild ressectftilly have not approacheti orbeet appreaolied.either refer fo , their consideration and meditation verbally br - 13.y u rlting, in rogagtl to being con- the statement of Ihe year which t have selected netted with the reported ." or " ring." as a comparison and ,tiertug which. they them- Thi, report that lam cottnected With ft in any selves had t lie honor to he members of the shape or Corm a wish/ five falsehood.. Ido ups Board of Prism inspeoloris.i ! tionclusattn, pea l °Jim posTuil torucaineroounty for their Messra. Editors, permit me to state that ever suilrage; and, oleo ed, . endeavor to die : .bevelled olkorge._of Prbieh Sm prisoner charge llke del 00 14,p Agee to the heat tutor, has ever camped eattaos be'saill of any eats of tub citizens of l..aitster count's._ ! of my predecesscits. . lours , kt.. s'ft NAL „ would further reqhqserhe liOpbrizbie girt°. !t et amp who tiro so. sorely grbeittetv beemassi am --incS 3I hb itiroViS • tpo,l46ushansingii-I, , psia I irty cents per del fcWarolling prison th yt short Beep imprinted and 'rut I ers t to p oat me and rlr4 p't JO 16 Hoy po4er in ctroubotion. naig my name. t heroin(, I ,o4trisoa neeper to the StaltuhttlitOts st itc that, inyqui e was printed on said tickets Very respectfully, wit bout authority or countenance from me. LEVI SENsENIG, K. sToN heept...r of Lancaster County l'rt•tott. Attention Voters Now that rings seem to be the order of the day and nearly every et edidate claims to be long to one or the other of the cliques, it behoves voters to examine closely the tickets they vote. I as one voter who ant and always have been opposed to all such arrangements, got up to in directly rob the tax payers of the county, wish to call the attention of the people to the fact, that Henry S. Haufman.candidate for Treasurer is not and has never been connected with any ring or clique. 'the course he has pursued dur ing the past week of political turmoil is a strong assurance, that he depends on his own merits alone for success, and that he intends to be nominated honestly and fairly or not at all. If so nominated his neighbors have no doubt but that lie will discharge the duties of the office fairly and honestly to all. Having been always a strong, working Republica-, and a strong, staunch old arry clay Whig, we think his claims so strong on our party that the honest yeomanry of the Old Ouard can de naught else Hum nominate hint for the oftice, that we the old voters of East }iempileld twp ask for him. AN 01,I) VOTER. *V- Vote for HENRY S. SHENSI for Ilegi.ter. Clerk of Orphans' Court. We, the undersigned Judges of the Courts and Members of the liar of Lancaster county, bike pleasure In certifying that Captain JOHN Q. MERCER, the present Clerk of the Orphans' Court of Lancaster county, has been a faithful, able and efficient clerk; and in consideration of his prcmptness in the discharge of the duties of his office, as well as of his inability to earn a livelihood by manual labor, and, having lost his right leg near Atlanta,. Ga., after three years' active service in the Union Army, w e most cheerfully recommend his re-election: Henry G Long, n. J. 1 dckey, A. G. Mayes Win. ti. Amweg, John J. Libhart, Benjamin F. Baer, Thomas E. tranklin, Isaac E. Mester, Samuel 11. Reynolds, li. M. North, J. It. Amwake, D. P. Ilosenmiller, jr., slaymaker, W. R. Wilson, N. Ellmaker, ileor_oe E. Brenemau, Reuben IL Long, Kready, D. G. Eshleman, N. E. -laymaker, jr., John M. Amwake, George M. Kline, D. W. Patterson, Simon P. Eby, H. C. Brubaker, A. E. Carpenter, Charles Dermas, A. 11. Smith, J. li. Livingston, John K. Rutter, James Black, Abraham Sbank, M. M. Butt. John P. Bea, W. A. Wilson, Y.dvar C. Reed, George Nauman, A. J. Kauffman, J. W. r•wift, M. 13rosius, Andrew M. Frantz, '.uric] swope, Newt on Lightner, IV. Leaman, W. W. Brown, J. B. Good, A. H. Hood, J. W. Johnson. E. H. Yundt, Amos H. Mylin, H. li. nwurr, simnel li. Price. Wm. Aug. Atlee, A. J. Sanderson, Fred. s. Pyfer, W. K. seltzer, J. Yocum, Edward Uhurnpneys. U. S. Clark, [a ugti-it* Vote HENRY 8. BHENCK for Register A Curd from Mr. Seuseuig. LANCAWII.3I, COUNTY PRIOOII, August 23rd, lstis. Messrs. Editors : o)lmm:ideation's have ap peared at different times in several of the Repub.. Bean papers of this city charging that the 'man agement of the Prison during the last two years has been conducted extravagantly and even im puting dishonesty to myself. Knowing foil well that my political enemies would seize upon any and every pretrinee to effect disastrously my political standing iu lbw coma - lenity, ( as always has been and always; wilt he the fate of those who servo in an official capacity,) I was prepared for it. and bad matte up my mind to take no no tice of their tit; arks. I was not prepared, how ever,to have my reputation for honesty assailed. I thank Clod that I have teen reasonably well blessed with this world's goods anti have in many of my ventures met. with some pecuniary success, but I do not think that I should, on that account, be held up before the community as a dishonest oBlcial. W hat my financial transac tions, outside of the trust committed to me, are and have been is no one's business but my own. 1 freely admit that us a public servant I am re sponsible, and the only charge made against me which I feel under any obligations to notice is that of having extravagantly managed the affairs of the prison during the last two years; and here let me state that if any of those self cons( fluted guardians of the people's (1) inter est who have assailed me—not as they alleged in the interests of the tux payers, but to gratify their own selfish ends—wbuld have procured copies of the Prison reports for any number of years back (which they easily could have done) their mouths would have been stopped. For upon a comparison of the receipta and expend itures of the last two years with those of the one immediately preceeding they would have seen, as I shall below show, that I have during the list two years saved the county the sum of $1,844,05 per year, making f,ir both years a sav ing to the county of 0,897 39 over that of the year immediately preceeding. For how are we to ascertain whether Or not, I am guilty of the charge imputed to me" Simply by a com parison of the receipts and expenditures of pre vious years with the receipts and expenditures of the years of my management. More money has been expended during the last two years than during some of the preceeding ones, for the following reasons : First, the cells througlyout the building had proved 'themselves immune and were becoming more and more so every day. It was necessary to fix new improved doors to every cell; to ;shad some of them with iron and make many other necessary repairs. 'rids was in part necessary for the purpose of safely holding long term con victs who had hitherto been kept in the peni tentiary in Philadelphia, at a cost of forty cents per day, awl whom the Inspectors desired to have retained her, which authority was given them by an Act of Assemblrpassed last winter. These usual expenses we shall designate in our statementbelow as extraordinary expessies. n'econdly, theatre:l4er *teams:ids committed to Jail was much larger the last two years than for previous years. For these two reasons—the increase in the eXtraortirnary expenses and the Increase in the number of vagrants—the amount Of money expended; during either or the two last years Will be larger than the one immediate preceedir g, but by deducting these increases in tile extraordinary expenses and the number of vagrants from the increased amount expend ed, it will appear as plain as a nose upon a man's face that in each year I saved the County the sum $1848.65, over Out actual cost of the prison the year immediately preceeding. UPENI4IIB ran litult Cash paid out $27,466 85 Manufactured goods and raw materials On hand......,..... -- 5,996 78 --r -. Total . . '5920363 63 Deduct goods sold 116,018 57 " extraorditary exPenSes 791 59 " mainten , ce of wagrants 1 ,729 OS Amount of the actual coat of the prlaon . for the year 18,41 4112,730 42 Excuses.* Pelt 1887SNU 1889. Cash paid out for two years y 62,861 48 Manufactured goods aim talk , material on hand • , . Deduct goods sold, ‘to . 4.90,270 82 $70,079 54 Ex t ruordinary expenses....... '1.697 19 Maintenance of vagrants 7,40895 Amount of the ttutual.cost ofthe prison Clot* the pears 0 61 and '(is $ 23,763 54 The half of which will make the actual cost of each year, viz We see above that the actual cost fo r the ye , r 0366 was . •413,730 42 FrOm this deduct actual cost for th e year 1337 --- This gives us the average saving for IRS $ 1,848 65 Multiply ibis difference by 2 /air Annonneements of candidates for °Mee MUST DK PAID IN ADYANON. This rule f I (taper alive. We are authorized to announce candidates for nomination at the Republican primary elec t lon, to be held on SATURDAY. lrorar 914th, as follows : W K are authorized to announce ABRAHAM F. BA lit. formerly machinist, of Lancaster city, as a candidate for Coroner, subject to the deci sion of the Republican voters at the primary elections. ai , "We are authorized to announce CHRIS TIAN GAST, us a candidate for PRISON INSPEC TOR, in favor of a change in Prison Keeper and a reform in Prison Management. nirWe are authorized to announce HENEY S. MI'SSEH, as a candidate for Parson arse- Ton, in favor of a change of Prison Keeper. SENATE. EsATAK BELLING/ELT, AdalliStOWn. CHARLES DENVits, It. W. SHENK, City. JOHN M. STEMMA S,.Penn. JOHN WARFEL, City. ASSEMBLY. PETER FaAtzv, Cohmibia. THOMAS A. CLARK, Drumore. CA ABRAHAM tODSHALIE, East. Coealieo. Da. E. B. HERB, Manor. JAC,)B G. PKTIMS, Conestoga. MAJ. A. C. REINORLIL, Manneim. UAPT, WM. D. Es:may, East Hempfield. AARON 11. Smalley East Hemiatield. 'olrmisstiortEn. JoHN AcmsTvoNa maim. sm.omos In li.en. Earl. PETER JOHNS, East Lampeter. :AI ERI Fl. Amos GROS'S% Martie. Jon N lI n.DERRANr r Mount Joy. JOHN M. JAcosp, Clay. ISAAC MrSIELER City. PROTII ()NOTARY. CAPT. WM. B. STAUFFER, formerly of Earl t late of the lst'Penn , a Reserves, and of the 195th P. V., present Clerk for Prothonotary. CLERK OF QrTARTER SESSIONS. BENJAMIN F. ROWE, PIT/Videllee, CLERK OF oRPH ANS) COURT. - - Amos F. sWEIGART, formerly of Salisbury twp., now of Earl, and late Sergeant 47th Regiment P. V. intantry. CArT. JOHN Q. MiturEn, City (late of Sadsbury.) REGISTER. JACOB W. BRAn, East Donegal. HENRY BECHTOLD, Mount Joy. GEO. W. COM rTON. Churchtown. MARTIN S. Fay, Ephrata. JACOB D. CrOlartr, City. LIEUT. A. C. IlEen, W est Lampeter. JEREMIAH 110HHER, City, lute Major 127th Itegi• men t Pene , a Volunteers, 2d Division, 2d Corps, Army of the Potomac. DR. W. M. WHITESIDE, City, late Lieutenant of Company Eloth Regiment first three months' service, anti Captain of Company I, 79th Reg iment P. V. COUNTY TREASURER. W r. Ronmirs, West Ilemptield. H. l. tiros Ea, West Lampeter. (Manufacturer of Agricultural Implements.) JESSE PAINN A BE, li ER, Clay. PRISON( IN -PECTOR. 11. S. Mr'. rat, East Donegal. I 11. SHEAFFR. Earl township. JARED SWBICAICT, Ephrata. T,Atke STOOL, phru'a. DI RECToIt oF"rim POOR. JACOB I , 2OIIREIt, East LUDTCWT. CORONER. ROBERT DYE ART, Mount Joy ',l:trough. SCROFF—RAMSAN. Aug. l9Lh, by Itev. A. 11. Kremer, Marrts Sehoff to Mary Ramsey, both of Conestogadwp. Dvartiol— rus. Aug. 22d, by the dame. John Derder to Catharine Bubb, both of Lancaster. h ITH PM . A ng. 17111, by Jacob Rein hold, George S. Heller to Leah Withers, both of Ephratmtwp. NOMIZIVROLD—GRKIN Kat Aug. 17th, by Rev. J. T. urine, Henry S. Nohreuhold to Mary G. Gt elner. both of Rapho. C RK—( iILGOItE. Aug. 19th, at the residence of the bride's mother. by the same, Uriah S. 'lark, Esq., of I )anville, Peguca-twp., to Sarah E. Gllgore; t f this city. DIED. MARBHBANK. Aug. 19th. at the residence of his father J. 1). Marshbank, in Harrisburg, \Vin. T. Marshbank, In the 31st year of his age. BAWL Aug 11th, in last Hemptleld-twp., Mary Baker, WitIOW, aged 73 years, 11 months and 15 days. FAH Nssrocir. Aug. 18th, at the residence of her son, A. T. Fahuestock, at East Lthertv, Allegheny co., Barab,wite of Burins Fuhnestock, In the 7Zd year of her age. THE MARKETS. Lancaster Household Markets. LANcesrza, Aug. 25. Butter, *126 28 6 80 Lard,* 1 22 Eggs, Itt doz. 20 i 22 Dressed Chic kens by the piece.... 40 60 New potatoes, * bitlfpk 8 10 Apples IR 1 4 peek 7 15 Tomatoes* 1 4 peeks 6 Poaches VI ! , 4 peck ........ ..... ... 20 80 Pears VI 1,4 peck 15 @ 20 Onions 15 ft 20 Blackberries Vqt 4 i 5 Lawton Blackberries V qt 8 10 Huckleberries 10 13 Green Corn V do: ... 8 0 12 Squasbes 1 i 3 Cantaloups per piers 5 13 Jersey Sw let Potatoes 12 11 ,4 peck 26 40 Watermelons (fi It. R.) . 2.t 40 Cucumber Plekels per 100. 40 50 Veal bi quarts,* lb 10 0 12 II 15 a 20 Egg ßeef laity 5 0 10 Elderberries 1 11 qt 3 t 4 4 Oats, $ll bag oil bus. (new arop).. 1.00 ®l. 81 Philadelphia Produce Market. PIHILADZI.PHIA, Aug. 24.—There is no move ment in Cloverseed or Timothy. There is a good demand for Flaxseed anti it ix taken on arrival by the crushers at $2 50@2.53 lle bus. The flour market continues very flat, as the inquiry is confined entirely to the wants of the home trade, but prices are unchanged ; small s ties superfine, at 0.250.50 bbl ; extras, at 0.300632 , 4 : Northwestern extra family, at ed.- 7607.75; 400 hbls. of Penn'a do. do., at 114 50@7.25; 300 bbls. Ohio, do. do., at $7.2540, and. fancy lota at 443010. Rye flour is in small supply and 11c. bbl. higher; sales of 100 bbls. at $.3.87 1 4. Irices of Cornmeal are nominal. The wheat market is very quiet at the late decline, and the only sales reported are 2500 bus. choice Indiana red •.t $1 58; MOO bus. western do on secret terms 11500 bus. Penn'a and Delaware do. at $1.55@1.57; 700 bus. old Penn'a at $1.54; 900 bus. fair Indiana white at 41 55. .11.- - e is dull and lower; sales at 1.18. Corn is less active, and prices hardly main tained ;small sales of yellow at 41 1841 20, and 6420 bus. west ern mixed at 41.1901.18, oats are dull at 55@d00, for new, and 67670 c. for old. $ 12,133 21 Whisky is held firmly and may be quoted at $1.23@1.27 for wood and iron bound packages. Philadelphia Cattle Market. 2,218 02 MONDAY, A ug. 23.—Beef Onttlo were dull I his week, and prices were rather lower; 2101 head arrive.l and sold at Btiele. for extra Penn'a and western steers; 7880. fair to good, arid 4'4 WO. 19 3. gross, for common as to quality. The following are the particulars 01 the sales : 65 head, Owen Smith, Western 8 f 9 NI " A. Christy & Bro., do. 8 @ 9 r7O " P. Mention, do 7 @ 8 1 4 65 " P. llathawnV, do 7 8 1,4 126 " James Merßlen do 8 9 $ 46,815 96 - U hlm a n va• B achman, u. 8 „../ 9 115 " & Bachman, do 134 " Martin, Fuller & Co., do 5,, 184 " Mooney ab Smith, do 6' , 9 150 " J. Smith. Co 7 9 /19 " Hope & Co., do 6 8 1 4 20 " M. Dryfooa & C0.,d0. 6 1 4 7 1 4 50 " Fakon & Co., do 6 7 104 " J. McArdle, 00 .. 5 Sig 32 " James null. do 4 1 .$ 5 1 4 34 " Dangler & MeCleese, 7 8 75 " James S. Kirk do 6 1 ,$ 7 1 j lei 30 " 14. Mclleti, d o 5 i 7 29 " Chandler &Alexander, d 0... . 6 26 " A. herniae, do 7 85:9 6 34 " 1... FL Young, do 5i 7 65 " Prtslon & Saunders, do 7 7 1 4 12 " Jesse Miller, do 8 13 1 4 'Bl " H. Chain, western Penn'a.... 5 6 1 4 tht " C. W illie, ' do. do 5 1 4 0 1 ,i PO " Thoo.lll43olicy & B Virginia 4 1 4 814 70 " J. &L. Fratilt, do 6 1 40 8 1 4, 100 " Frank & Schamberg, do (Otis 8' 3$ " Blum & Co., do 8, 21 " A. Frank, Ohio I o ‘ l llls '53 " G. Ellengei, do ' GIA LA Cows were unchanged ; 150 head Sold at 0 60 for spriuipers, and. 5911175 toll head tor cow and calf, as to quality . Sheep were rather dull •; 9500 head sold at the Pai k and ¥tas Drove Yards, as 44166. la Th., gross, as to condition. ' ... me ' • Hogs were in fair demand ; 2700'110mi sold at the different yard ,, , at 51::(413 75 for slop, and I 514014 53 Wi 100 lt.s net, for corn ie.', includfmr a Lew choice at $14.75. 11,881 77 11,581 77 CANDIDATES. MARRIED. New Advertisements. lIEAI)QUARTERS FOR SCHOOL BOOKS, -AT RIDDLE & COCHRAN'S, No. 40 NORTH QUEEN STREET, (Two Doors North of Inquirer Building,) LANCASTER, PA We welild respectfully call the attention of sCHOOL DIRECTORS, I'Aiflsn'l:~, TEACHERS AND SCHOLARS To our new and complete stock of School Books & School Stationery OF EVERY DE,;CRIPTION, I=l L 0 - VT S I--'RICF'S. Ilaving purchased for r Isll, we can afford to offer inducement R. Ahr GIVE Us A CALL. 114 - I. DRY GOODS PAT,f, lg(;” HAGER & BROTHERS Are receiving daily from the New York and Philadelphia Markets, goods for Fall Sales, and invite inspection. FLANNELS—WhiIe, Red and they, from low est to finest qtutlities. I ERA FLANNELS in nll color:, cOTTON FLANNELS from low priced to extra quality. 10'000 yard. , : New Styli. DARE PUINTS ut 12 1 ,4c1 s. Iso n full lISSOrt frOf STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODs CLUTII , , CASSIMERES, IND READY-MADE currniNu, C ARPETS, WALL PAPER AT LOWEST MARKET RATES A tig27-tfil Mriscellaneous. A SSIGNED ESTATE OF A. D. ROcKAFELLOW and WM S. BOCK AF ELWIN, doing business under the name of A. D. ROCK AFELLOW & BRO., of the city of Lancaster, Lancaster county. A D. ROCK A FELLOW & BROTHER •hav ing by deed of voluntary assignment, dated July 21st, 1869, assigned and transferred all their estate and effects to the undersigned for the benefit of the creditors of the said A. D. ROCK A FELLOW .L .1111.0., they therefore give notice to all persons indebted to said as signors to make payment to the undersigned without delay, and those having claims to pre vent the same, C. B. KERN, Millersville, Pa., , Lancaster, Pr . mita.rat, , _ Jy3o-11t1 ASSIGNED ESTATE OF A. 9. HOCK AFELLOW AND WIFE, of the city of Lancaster, Lancaster county. A. D. ROCA A FELLOW AND WIFE, of the city of Lancaster, having by deed or volun tur,y assignment, dated July 21st, 1869, Resigned and transferred all their estate and effects to the undersigned for the benefit, of the creditors of tha said A. D. HOOKA FELLOW, tha under signed therefore give notice to all persons in debted to said assignor, to make payment with out delay, and those having claims to present the same. ' C. B. HEUR, 31111eravilte, D. P. ROSENMILLER, Ja.,Laneaster,Pa., dy80.11t) Assignees. ASSIGNED ESTATE OF WILLIAM S. not 3( A F ELLOW, of the city of Lan caster, 'Ancestor county. W. 8. 1t04..K A FELL° W ,of the city of Lancaster, having by deed of voluntary assignment, dated July ilst, 18tikassigned and transferred all his estate and effects to the undersigned for the benefit of his creditors, the undersigned there fore give notice to all persons indebted to said assignor to make payment without delay, and those having claims to present the same. C. B. HE KR, Millersville, D. P. ROSES MILLER, Ja., Lancaster city, Jy3o-6t] Assignees. SEVEN PER CENT. GOLD BONDS of the LAKE SUPERIOR AND MISSIS SIPPI RAILROAD COMPANY. First Mortgage :linking Fund Bonds, Free of United states faxes. secured by 1,682,000 ACRIN OF CHOICE LAN and by the Railroad, its rolling stock, and franchises; and yielding in currency near ly Ten per cent. ppe• annum. Holders of 540 Bonds can exchange them for these desirable securities, at a profit of nearly 20 per cent. A limited amount for sale upon favorable terms, and full particulars furnished by DAVID G. sWAUTZ, No. 73 North Duke-at., my7•taug2B*) Lancaster, Yu. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an appli cation will be made at the next session of the state Legislature of Pommylrani& for the crea tion of a corporate body with banking privi. letes, to be located in the village of New Hol land, in Lancaster county, to be named and styled the "NEW HOLLAND EXCHANGE, DiS(IOIINT AND DEPOSIT COMPANY," the specific object of which shall be to receive moneys on deposit, and to do a general banking business. and the amount of capital of which shall not exceed the sum of .40,01E.02. By the Committee. D. P. ROSE NMI LLER, JR., jy2- ,k Homey. Volksfremillaneaster, and Harrisburg Weekly Targraph copy. PRIVATE SALE. The subscriber offers at Private Sale his Farm, situated in West Fallow:104 township, Chester county, two miles south of Penning t onville. The Furor contains 114 acres of highly im proved land, fenced car into convenient fields. There is about ten acres of woodland, and the rest is under a high state of cultivation. • The buildings consist of a large convenient FRAME HOC sE, with ICITtIIiEN attached, good STONE BA RN S 5 by 60 feet, with straw house attached, War4on-house, Corncrib, Cider press lee-house and Hog - house , and other out buildings, such as are Usually connected with a first class farm. There is a well of excellent water near the door with a pump therein and a Vault connected. There is a good Apple and Peach Orchard on the farm, Just coming into profit. The Oroands around the Rouge are nicely laid out, and planted with a choice variety of Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Shrubbery, &c., which conspire to make it one of the most de sirable dwelling places in the country. Persons wishing to purchase a good farm, in a good neighboth oil, would do well to view the faint before purchasing el sewhere. For further particulars call on or address IsAAE L A NTZ, Penninglonvillc, Pa. [augli-ltw• A t' ST c, 1869 AND qUEEN.SWARE, aster, Pa., Assignees, Clothing. FREE EXHIBITION! Everybody Buys their Clothing MYERS & RATIIPON, AND SAVES MONEY MYERS Sc RATHFON keep the largest assortment of READY-MADE CLOTHING, FOIL MEN, YOUTHS AND BOYS:;, All our own manufacture. We guarantee the goods us represented or money refunded. We liave just ret tinted from the cast with a full and complete stock of CLOTIIS, TRICoTs, rIQUI , I9 AND COATINGS, in all colors CASSIMERES in great varieties, which we are prepared to make up to order in the best style and the shortest notice, and at the very lowest Cash Price. Our stock of GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODSiS Thankful for past patronage we hope by selling goods low to merit a continuance of public patronage. MYERS & RA TIIFON, Southeast Corner of Centre Square, Lancaster, Penn,a .. - 11)16-1 ] 1869. NEW SPRING GOODS GEO. B. COLEM AN, No. II NORTH QUEEN STREET, (Late Wiley's Shoe Store,) Has in store a Fine Assortment of French, English and American CLOTHS, COATINGS ANT) CASSIMERES, which he is prepared to mako up to order in the latest styles for SPRING AND SUMMER WEAR, (IN TILE MOST REASONABLE TERMS -AGED GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS OF' EVERY DESCRIPTION ON HAND jyh RENIOVAL BEAU MONDE HALL! PORTICO ROW, 531 PENN SQUARE, 531 READING, PENNA., A LARGE LOT OF BEAVERS. CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VESTINGS, &C., &C., FOR SPRING 2ND SUMMER, WEAR ALSO, BOY'S CLOTHING, AND GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS 1 LEVI G. COLEMAN, Cutter. BUCH it BRO., jet-tf] Boots and Shoes. MARSHALL & SON'S BOOT AND SHOE STORE, CENTRE SQUARE, LANCASTER, PA. ANOTHER FRESH ARRIVAL—GIyn Us A CALL. Theigmly place for good and substantial work s at MARSHALL'S, Where can be seen the largest and best assort went of Men's and Boys' BOOTS AND SHOES ever brought to this city. Ladies', Misses' and Children's plain and fancy Shoes, Ba!morale and Buttoned Gaiters. sir Also, RUBBERS OF EVERY KIND, which we invite you to call and examine; feeling con tident that we can warrant all to WEAR WELL no 20-Iy] REINHOLD & STUBBS, No. 104 North Queen St., Square above the R. R. Depot. BOOT AND SHOE DEALERS. Have just arrived from the city with &large and elegant stock of boots and Shoes, Gaiters, etc, superior to any ever before brought to this market, which are offered at the fol lowing astonishing low prices : Men s Calf Boots $3.00 to $7.00 Box-toe Congress Gaiters._ 3.00 to 4.00 " Congress Gaiters 2.50 to 3.00 " Balmoral.: 2.00 to 8.00 " Lasting Congress Gaiters 3.00 to 375 " Oxford - Tie 2.75 to 3.50 Boys' Gaiters 2.00 to 8.00 ' Calf Bolmorals 1.50 to 2.00 Youtns Calf lialmorals 1.25 to 1.75 Ladies high-polish Lasting Gaiters. 2.5010 3.25 " Lasting Balmorals 1.25 to 1.75 " Lasting Congress Gaiters-- 1.50 to 2.00 fine Glove Kid Hutton Hoot.. IA to 4.00 " " Glove Kid Polish 800 t... 2.20 to 3.25 " " Morocco Buttou 2.25 to 3.00 " " Goat Balmoral 2.00 to 2.50 " " Turkey Morocco Button. 3.00 to 3.75 " " Kid Heel 51ipper5......... 1.25 to 1.75 " " Goat Slippers 1.00 to 1.25 Misses Goat high-polish 1.75 to 2.20 " Lasting high-polish 2.00 to 7.25 Children's shoes of 'all kinds 50 to 150 .41d-An inspection of the stock is solicited. u-Our work is all warranted. sip All klocls of custom work manufactured in the very best s4yle at short notice, at the lowest each prices. inity7-,an II FIINUOLD & STUBBS Groceries, FRUIT JARS! IRUIT JARS! The beet Fruit Jar te the MASON JAN SAFE, RELIABLE AND SIMPLE EVERY JAR WARRANTED 50 GROSS FOR SALE, IVUO,LESAI 4 E A,ND RETAIL Also, other good /almond tile iThoicost selceti on of GROCERIES in'tlio 010* AT No. 18 EAST . KING STREET jy 10-tf THOS. J. WENTZ, SIGN OF THE BEE HIVE, Now offers a fall assortment of DRESS GOODS, SILKS, SIIAW LS, WHITE GOODS, , GLOVES and HOSIERY, CARPETS, Floor & Table Oil Cloths, GLASS AND QUEENS WARE AT THE LOWEST INDUCING „PRICES. Kind attention paid to all. Special cure taken to show our stock. WENTZ BEE nn} 28-tf] No. 5 East King Street. JOHN D. SKILES, 1869. SPRING AND SUMMER DRY GOODS 500 pa. CA LICOEs from 9 to 12%0. per yard.. A line assortment of squAra, SHAWLS of every description. BLEACHED MUSLIMS! All the Best and Popular Makes FRENCII, ENGLISH & AMERICAN Which we will make up to order at short notice, best style, low prices. A large assortment of our own Manufacture for 50 ps. BRUSSET,S THREE-PLY, OIL CLOTHS, MATTINGS, RUGS, .Lc A tine asaorttuent of Window Shades at vet, Low Prices. tray7-1y JACOB HARNISII, M. B. HARNIBH, JOKE L. AIII.LSYL. HARNISH & CO'S CHEAP STORE, No. 27 WEST KING-ST., LANCASTER, PA., PROPRIZTOBS Cloths, Cassimeres, SattinettS, Jeans, Tweeds Liudseys, Flannels, Tiekings, Checks, Plaids, Alpsoess, Drees Goods, ,l=inglianis, Calicoes, Muslin and Drills, White Goods, Notions, &No. 1 Feathers, MEN AND BOYS' WEAR, Made up at astonishing Low Prices. Slit-• Call and examine our stock before pur chasing elsewhere. [febl2,l3o-ly Photographs, GOLDEN GIFTS. Parents to Fanatics, When the light has lett the house, metuoria such as these compound their interest. Miniature or Opal Pictures, admitted to be the best in the city and no superior in the,Stalis Constantly increasing demand and great expe rience in this style or miniature give ub greater facilities and better results than any establish ment outside of largo cities. STEREOGRAPIIS 01r ROME VIEWS for the Centre Table. Also, prismatic instrument& Large Colored Work by some of the best Ar• Lists in Philadelphia and elsewhere In the hig.b, est style of the art. India Ink, Pastille, Crayon and colors, at GILL'S CITY GALLERY, No. 20 East King-sL jan 1-Iyr) HEADQUARTERS ?OR UNDERCLOTHING, STOCKINGS, GLOVES, COLLARS, CUFFS, SLEEVE.EUTTONS, nintiVb ware generally, at ERISMAN'S, NORTH QUEEN ST., Lancaster. Ant veer ous grosser shtook goods—suttabk ler 14 Ha:logs, ei-Y ohm uu onuory Frugal:do— s° we sclinup-Dicker, Collars, Huta sermel K'nep, g'shtiekte ilemmer-fronta, Pocket. Richer, Perfumery, liolir.CElll, Cigar Casa, na onnery fancy articles one L. J. ERISMAN'S, 41 North Queen Street., Lancaster. (Om sign turn gross tilitsestich item.) [ RAUCH & COCHRAN, PLAIN AND FANCY PRINTING FRUIT JARS! From the largest POSTE It to the smallest CARD or CIRCULAR, executed In Use best style, and at reasonable prices. -Orders from a dietance promptly attend ed to. eIEFICE.—No, 13, SOITTII QUEEN STIttIET LANCASTER, PENNA. CON ESTOG A sEMINAIIY FOR YOUNG LADIES. THE FIFTII ANNT.a.. SESSION BEGINS E Pry: t VF: I 1.809. 'For TFIRMS;ko.; see CII2CANRS; to be had at he Rooms, No. 32 ill Pit INCE Street. Ltwea , itur, Pa D. S. BUItSli. I augls-tti Dry Goods. No. EAST KING STREET, AT HIS NE\ STORE, NO. 21 EAST KING STREET, Has just opeued THE MUST ELEGANT STOCK -OF Ever offered to the CITIZENS ()F LANCASTER LADIES , DRESS GOODS Of every ileseription SIIAWLS GENTLEMEN'S WEAR 1 flue assortment of CLOTH ,, , CASSIMERES AND VESTINGS, READY-MADE CLOTHING. MEN AND BOY'S WEAR, AT LOW PRICES CARPETS I:1 CARPETS 1I! INGRAIN, RAG AND liEDfP CARPETS, -A LSO WINDOW SHADES! Dealers in Foreign and Domestic. DRY GOODS, GLASS AND QUEENSWAEE, Father to Daughter, Mother to Sou. OENTLEMZN TO LADIES GILL'S SUPERB PHOTO lilurnishlng Goods, sec. Book and Job Printivg. BOOK AND JOB PRINTERS OF ALL KINDS COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE, =I I,' 1:V U. li. P.ItrNING, Principal
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers