1/iiA LOCAL AFFAIRS. Rev. Gwyun will deliver a lecture on temperance, in (Jruber Chapel, Gran ville township, on Friday evening next. I'nioX League A. —A meeting of the League will be held on Saturday F veil ing at 7 o'clock, at the Town Hall. ]>y order of the President. >l. ll inky, Secretary. gey 1 " The stock advertised by J. litvix W'.vllis will command the attention of housekeepers throughout the county, al most every needful and useful article will he found tit his establishment. Ritteiiliou.se & MeKimiey have favored us with a sample of their Colt'ee, just received among their new goods, which looks equal to the prime article they had some time ago. Their adver tisement of goods will appear next week. In the meantime give them a call. Theirs is the place for bargains, and no mistake. Itt'i- Dr. Hall's Journal of Health says nothing contains so much nourishment, considering price, as buckwheat cakes, drove lately received it extra quality ot buckwheat Hour. Try it. Rkh Men. —A Tribe of this order was j opened in Lewistown, on Wednesday j Evening, February 20th, ISO7, in the Odd ! Fellows' Hall, by Andrew J. Laker, F.sq., C. (I. of It., of Philadelphia, under the name and style of Oxopatoxgu Tribe, Xo. i>7, Improved Red men. Quite a number of brethren from Iroquois Tribe, No. 42, of Mitllintown, were present,and rendered good service in the interesting ceremonies on the occasion. The new order is expected to have a rapid increase in this place. X Tin: I M >IU'IINDKXTS. —Some weeks ago i a number of men determined to make an j effort towards forming an association for delivering those held in thraldom by the j whisky power, and accordingly met in ; the Town Hall for the purpose of carry ing out tiieir views. All at first engaged j in the movement had known and felt the j evils of intemperance. They met with en- j eouragement from others, and on Thurs- ; day evening last another meeting was j held —Geo. W. Woods presiding, when j the association was organized by the elec tion of Will. li. /loftman as President; Win. T. Slump, Vice President; L. J. Klberty, Secretary; and David Yingling, Treasurer. Jos. S. Waream, I. J. 11. Eisenbise and X. J. Rudisill were appoint- j td a committee to prepare a constitution \ and by-laws, Geo. W. Woods, L. J. Kl berty and Jas. Mollis, Kxecutive Commit- ; lee. Messrs. MeCluin, Ueiniensnvderand others addressed tlie meeting. The next meeting will be held in the Town Hall i to-morrow (Thursday) evening. X frj" The Mittiin County Musical Asso ciation was fully organized at the meeting held for that purpose, in the Apprentices' Hall, on Monday last. About fifty names are appended to the Constitution aseharter signatures. The afternoon session was a pleasant a flair, both for its musical fea tures and social intercourse. Quite a number of ladies and gentlemen from town and county were there, whose pres ume encouraged and strengthened the object. The Shawm and Jubilee were adopted for sacred, and the Song Messen ger for secular music. The next meeting will be bebl at MeVevtown, on the 19th of March, at one o'clock, p. iu., when an afternoon and evening session will be held. The following are the officers for the ensuing year : President—S. J. Rrisbin. Y. Presidents —K. Towusend, Walter L. Owens, Harry Rush, John Luwver, Martin Mulder, M. Richards. Secretary—A. T. Hamilton. < 'Uiiluetor —J. S. McEwcii. Asst. Con.—(t. R. Fry singer. Organist—A. T. Hamilton. Asst. Organist—M. K. Corey. (11 vnoes. —l). E. Robeson, Esq., fora number of years the efficient and gentle manly agent at the Pennsylvania Rail road Stiition, has resigned his position and will lie succeeded on the Ist Mareh i'.v Tims., Shell, formerly a clerk under -Mr. It. and latterly agent at Mill Creek, un appointment which we are certain, Mil meet with general approbation. Mr. j'Tkmi am, chief eleiik, we learn hasalsv : sailed, and his place tilled ny the ap i 'imment of P. .Spang leh, Esq., of this ilace. Mr. Robeson will shortly assume |t!it duties of Cashier of the MittiinC.uuu |t>' Hank, to which he was elected some ■line ago. I I HI: Sxvdeks in Pekil. —If our name | ;i> Snyder, or were we a "Schneider" by we would keep off* railr<ads this as Kate sees is to have a spite against wlmiv family, 110 less than three hav iiiet with accidents within a few F K "> two of whicii were fatal. Win. Ppl'T of Huntingdon was lately killed I'" novo, by an engine explosion, Henry lydt.-r, a brakesman, was killed in the '"'l at Callitzin, and Ellis Snyder hurt I-'I deal by a collision at Perrysville. I 'dmr Snyder seemed to be connected V : the gang of ineendiari.es at Hurris- K w ho lately burnt the Garnet League that all manner of evil appears Bk'Uat-c the name. A tt KILLED. —On Tuesday of last ■ -uys the Mt. Union Times, while B>< Grouse, Isaac Rorer and some otli- B w i'e ngaged near the top of lilaek- above the Rorer farm, I their dogs discovered a hole in which ; were the winter quarters of a she hear ami two cubs. After considerable lighting and hard work, tliey succeeded in killing the dam and capturing both the -cubs.— i ot the cubs has since died from inju ries received from the dogs. The mother dressed 120 pounds of meat, which was disposed of in Mount Union. It A XGK OK TJIK TJIKKMOMKTKK. rile following is the range of our ther mometer from the 19th inst. I morn'g noon, even'g i Feb. 20, go go -1, -7 21 29 ~, 61 3S 21 -5, 24 -M ; 24, 35 46 39 25, 31 So 33 26, 32 oO 47 A man lias bctsn arrested in Hun gary tor killing four children ami eating their hearts raw. He acted on the belief that lie would have the power to become | invisible when lie had eaten seven, but was not permitted to carry his experiment i to a conclusion. £peci*t Satires. OTI O E _ The beautiful Piano Fortes of Gkovistke.v A Cu. are i deemed by all good judges to be the Ultima Thulr of | instruments of the kind. We cannot suggest what is wanting to make a mu sical instrument more |>erlect. although we are slow to admit thai the limit of improvement can ever la attained. Before they had brought their Pianos to their pro sent excellence, they had submitted them to compe tition with instruments of the best makers of this j country and Europe, and received the reward of nu-r- I it, over all others, at the celebrated World's Fair. It j is but justiee to snv tnat the judgment tlitis pronounced has not been overruled by the musical world. Still, by the improvements lately applied by them to their l'ianos. it is admitted that a more perfect in strument has been made. They have accordingly achieved the paradox >f making excellence more excellent. Surely, after this, they are entitled to the motto "Excelsior." nov!4-ly Ayer's Cherry Pectoral FOK THE HAI'ID CVKE O •' Cough*, Cold*, Jnjtuenza, Jloarscness, Croup, Bronehi>'ti, Incipient Consump tion, and for the relief of Consumptive Calient* in advanced stage* of the dis ease. wMj n th^nft' 1 of Ha 7 by if fruni alarming vat ion, where its virtue longer hesitate what aiidldo e to employ tor the distres sing and dangerous uft'ection* of the puiiuuti.-trv organs incident to our climate. While iiihuv inferior rrineili*** thrust upon the community have failed and been discard ed, this has gained friends by cverv trial, conferred bcue £ii* on the atlltcted the}* ran never forget, and produced cures too numerous and too re mark aide to b- forgotten. We can assnre the public, that its quality is carefully kept lip to the be>t it ever liu* been, and that it loay be relied ou to do for their relict all that it has ever done. Ureal numbers of Clergvmen, I'lr.siciaiis, Statesmen, and oiher eminent personages, have lent their tmmes to certify the unparalleled space here will not permit the insertion of them. The Agents below named furnish gratis our American Alma nac in which they are given : with also full description*o, the c omplaints our remedies cure. Those who require an alterative medicine to purify the bl< od will tind Aver"- Cmiip. Kxf. Sai saparilla the one to u>c. Try it ami 3*oll will < orwde its value. I repare 1 by DK. .1. C. AVKjt A Co.. Lowell, Mass.. ami sold b>* Charles Ititz and ail Druggists and deal *rs in tued- IcUie everywhere. # Jaii.23-2iu. POCR HOUSE STATEMENT. Chas. 1!'. Gibbs, esq., Treasure r, in ace/. with John Tat/lor, Jas. C. Dysurt, and John 11'. Kearns, esq*., Directors of the Poor and of the House, of J-hnplogmen t for (he Count)/ of Mifflin, from Jan. S, ISG(>, to Jan. 10, 1-SO7. I)r. To cash from John Taylor 15 00 tin do tin 40 00 do Moses Miller 25 00 Amt. of County funds appropriated to pay orders of Direo ors of Pour 7400 05 74sG 05 Cr. By amt. of ardors if the Directors of the Poor lifted 7411 94 By Treas. corn mission 74 11 We the undersigned, Auditors of Mifflin County, elected and sworn according to law, having examined the accounts and vouchers of Clias. W. (jihbs, Tieasurer of the Direc tors t.f the Pour and of the House of Em ploy meat for the County of Mifflin, from January 8, 18GG. to January IG, 1867, do certify that we find the account balances, and that we have cancelled die orders paid by the said Treasurer. Given under our hands, at Levvistuwn, January IG, 1867. DAVID WEI HEII. | SAM'L. 11 MoCOY, Auditors G. A. BUT LEU. ) Attest: Jos. S Wareaji, Clerk. Ith-hurd (t'al/arjhcr, Steward, in account with John Taylor, ./. ('. JJysart and ./. IF. Kearns , TvV/s., Directors of the Poor f_tnd thu Jloiitfi of Employment for the county of Mifftin, from April W, 1866, to January lsf, 18G7. Dr. I To amount of orders ou Treasurer, $155 00 from Jack Baker, 22 00 44 William Hamilton. 35 00 • 4 F. Baker for bee I hides. 37 85 •' D. Madden for eight bushels touts 3 18 , 44 balance due, 247 80 $5Ol 33 Cr. By cash paid Moses Sample for pickle stands, 1 .'() fir use of kraut knife. :0 " 2 apple butter stands* hooping bbls, 5 65 44 one hundred lbs. buck wheat 5 00 44 lor bringing paupers toand sending from pour house, 39 93 44 freight on goods of M. J. Weiser, 550 44 harvest hands, 45 75 44 for altering stock, 4 95 44 pruning orchard, 5 00 44 tomato plants, 1 20 44 white washing, 4 95 44 lime. 90 44 cabbage plants, 3 60 44 bottom iu bucket, 25 44 potatoes. 4 44 blackberries. 1 85 4 " sharpening saws, __ "5 44 four hundred pickles, 3 00 44 ashes. 44 three cider barrels 3 TO 44 one bushel turnips, _ '0 44 sweeping chimneys, " u0 44 Jack Baker. 2 00 44 forty bushels rye, •"> 00 44 cutting 1. making clothing for poor, 18 "5 44 three nuurters salary as steward, 300 00 §5Ol 38 Balance due It. Gallaher, $247 SO j .Sftvard raised on farm— 426 bushels wheat. 200 bus. oats, 'AO6O bushels ears corn, and made *27 loads of hay. Steward raeialon trttek patch —32o bushels potatoes, 1000 heads cabbage, 11 bushels beans, 16 bushels to matoes and sufficient green corn for use. Stnatid killed —6 beeves weighing 3661 pounds, and 16 hogs weighing 3830 pounds. stock on tana —6 horses, 2 colts, 16 head horned cat tle. 1 breeding sow and 20 shouts. Far mini utensits—l four horse wngen and bed. 1 two horse wagon and bed. 1 truck wagon, 2 old sets hay ladders, 4 plows, 2 harrows, 2corn cultivators, 1 wheel barrow. 4 shaking forks, 3 dung forks. 4 pilch forks, 1 sled. 2 double sets plow gears, 1 double set tug har ness, 1 single set harness, 1 corn slieUer. 1 grain drill, 1 cutting b,,x. 1 hat- rake, 1 old threshing machine and 1 old windmill. II liotte at Pour House for fMupcis —ls haps quilt cd, 26 skirts made, 7 pair drawers, 5 sun bonnets, 9 tinder shirts. 19 pair stockings. 14 pair stockings foot ed, 42 shirts, 44 chemise. 29 aprous, 29 sheets, 21 pair pillow slips. ti7 dresses. 7 hedtieks, 13 caps, 36 pair pants. 4 night gowns. 12 barrels soap made, 3 barrels sotii kraut, 8 barrels cider made into apple butter and 4 barrels for vinegar. PAUPERS. Number in Poor House January 1.1866, 41 Admitted through the year on orders, 33 Born in house during year, 3 Whole number of inmates for 1860, 79 I>ied ill the house, 3 Ib-iind out o I'iseharged, 29 24 Number in Poor house January 1,15C7, 43 ' >ut door paupers through the year, 108 died " 4 discharged 44 taken to house 3 53 Out-door paupers Jan.l, 1867.supported in part by the county <ls W hole number of paupers Jan. 1.1867 100 V e Inn c also five insane persons in tlie Penna Lu natic Hospital, viz: A Ida Sellers Robert Stinks. Surah Gibboney. Susan Charters and Mary J. Mitchell. In atuition to the above there have been 250 tran sient paupers surporteii for a short tame i mostly over without order or entry on the register. We the undersigned Auditors of MitHin county, elected and sworn according to law. having examin ed the accounts of Richard Gallaher, Steward of the loor House, trom April 1, 1860, to January 1, lßt-7. do certify that w v tind a balance due to the said Rich ard Gallaher. from tbo Directors of the Poor on the books. of two hundred and fortv seven dollars and ••ighly cents (8247 sin. Given under our hands, at Lewistown. January 16,18:.7. PAVII) WEII.EB, j SAMUEL H. M'COY, V Auditors G. A. BUTLER, ) Atte.-t: Joseph S. Warkam, Clerk. List OJ Osthru issued from Jan. 8, 1866, till Jan. 1,1567, for the sujiport of Poor at the Poor J loose. J s. Savers, nied. k attend.on Rhodu Pearson 26 00 June I-i rgusoii. cooking 4 5,, John Harper. E.-q.. lees on orders of relief 1 oo .V C.mijort, Esq, <io 4 80 Jos. HatHv. Esq., do Oo Geo. V. Thomas, Esq, ,1„ B o X. J. Riidisill, Esq., do i hats 6 40 same ,i 0 y Aaron Elliott. Esq, do 4 40 Levi Glass. Esq.. do 4 4o J. S. Wareniu. Esq., do & 60 A. Felix, merchandize 3D 15 John I'avlor. Esq.. in full of service till X0v.26, lsi-e—g years 100 00 James C. lly-art, in full of services till Xov. 20, lsui , 50 (K) .Moses Miller. Esq.. on account of salary 75 00 John Taylor, expenses in removing ii. M. Lenahen to Illinois 91 00 J L. Griffith, in full for tarbering to Aug.l6, '66 3 oo Frank. Geise ii Co.. merchandize 152 31 John Kennedy do 28 18 Henry Zerhe do 33 51 Pratt. Law A Pratt do ' 46 18 H. M. A K. Pratt do 125 00 .Nathan Kennedy do 102 98 John B. Selheither do 86 46 W. H. Weber \ Son do 82 05 F. J. Holfinati do 65 96 Geo Blymyer A Son do 22 95 Kitteiiliousi- ic Mayes do 85 90 James Parker A Sous do 18 53 S.J liiisbm kCo do 10 53 Pr. G. W. Hoover, professional services in full 150 00 John Pavi< saddlery and repairs 48 48 James McCafferty. hliioksniitiiing S 113 William Willis, eos i 7 41 Geo. Miller, repairs s 60 l'owell Harvey, do 1 39 John Feeuey, do 875 John M. Udey, do 11 75 Reese. Single £ Foiist, repairs and plow points 535 Peter Ohwi, repairs 375 A brain Shnll. do 2 A Eiseubise. repairs and tinware* 16 05 William MeKee, repairs 1 50 Freebiirn It Sjiangh-r, meat 3 05 Alfred Hull. do 17 12 Matthew.'- A Griiiiinger, do 192 21 John Zigler, do 22 gs ILJ. Sills. do 22 15 Andrew 11. Treaster. fifty bundles straw 5 00 William M iucheurt, one barrel vinegar 11 00 Isaac St nil. wood 39 10 P. Madden, <lo 151 05 J. F. Haiiuiker. bid. on account for work 2 85 Lewistown P. O, box rent Ac 2 40 William R.Graham, Lumber 12 63 G. Beck, esq , fees on orders of relief 1 60 G. W. Me Gl ide " " I,- 355 Isaac Ward, bringing Cath. Bonn to House 1 25 I'. F. Loop, shoes 23 95 \V. C. Thorn burg, *• 23 25 Ricoaril Gallaber, freight paid on 31rs. Weiser's goods 5 5o E. Fry singer, tohaeeo and pipes 20 22 •bis. Swyers, curing itch in House 2 50 < harles Price, for coal 157 oy John Alexander, beef cat. 82 89 John Taylor, •• •• 56 22 W. It. McAtee. 2 bushels seed wheat 7 00 J .C. Blvmyer A (To., plaster 6 to Henry Comfort. lime 2 60 John Taylor, bringing poor to house, fare, Ac 150 Jauies C. Pysart, " s j C( j E. Criswcll, 4 pairs blankets 26 75 A Troxell, hats •> 50 Mary June Weiser, cooking ;j ;,o John W.Shavv, sulury as clerk SO 00 $2581 23 For Out Poor Poor. Casper Dull, boarding John Perris l years 97 50 Directors of Poor of Huntingdon Co, for sup port of Mary MesseriiiJtii 12 40 Directors of Pool* of t j regg ta p., for support of John Duck " 25 00 J Brcnneman, 1 mos. board E B. Brown 19 82 Alarg'i E. Giles, support of self and children 33 00 Joseph Jenkins, •• Ezra Jenkins 2-S 00 U in. Mabin. " ti. W. Ferguson 10 wks 15 00 Sarah Bnehauan, '• Maria lierryman 15 00 L. Buchanan, 44 - 44 10 00 J. W. Kobisou, 44 J. Holltbough's wife 7Ou Ell Price, •• his brother 7 50 Christian Peaehy, 44 T. .McLean and family o IKi Win. Brothers, tor boarding David Forester 12 00 Mary Larimer for.support of Wni. Lindsay 52 00 Anne Limes. •• Mary E. Limes 10 00 Casper Dull, " John Perris 53 02 J oil 11 Olden, * Sarah Olden 32 50 Lewis Owens, '• David Owens 2u 00 A. Felix, for coffins 15 00 Dr. S. F. Wehr. for professional services 5 00 K. S. Kohler, •' " 25 00 A. Harsh Larger, " 44 S4 00 U. Kothroek, 44 44 34 00 ti. V. Mitchell, " * 25 00 J. A. Sw irtz, •• '• 17 fo James .Mstioii, 44 44 25 00 John Taylor, expenses removing paupers 12 80 Dysart, •• •' •• 1 up John McXitt, rent of house for J. Ort lo 00 Jos. strode, liter. lor Mrs. t'assejl * children 81 03 D. Wuhrow A Co., wheat and iner. for Mrs. Movrry 14 52 Win. Hardy, clothing for John Perris 39 32 Joseph lihodes,mer. for MelindaOwens 29 37 McCoy A Kohrer •• 44 44 01 Oo Jos. J. Mills, grain, Ac., for John 11. Allison 13 90 A G. Uibboney, drugs for Mrs. Aley 5 26 John Snook, boarding, coffin. Ac., for 35 00 S. ti. Sands, prov's Ac., for G. Weaver's family 27 09 George Say lor. Hour. Ac., for Jacob Searer, 27 33 James Thompson, cash for Ann Stringfellow 3 50 Graff A Thompson, mer. 44 4 759 James Thompson A Sons. 44 44 000 1.. W. Mcßriae, meat for W. Thompson A mother 7 06 William Hardy, mechandise for Win. Lindsay 10 65 Jos. Hell, provisions fat*' Mrs. Cornelius A child'n 10 67 John Webb. " 44 25 00 John Filson, 44 G. Weaver A family 17 43 A. Knicy. " M. Messerman A fly 30 00 lvohler A Murphy, mer. for John Lovingood 7 "2 John B. Miller, exp's of Ann Ketnp, atconfine't 25 00 Mary Buyer, nursing '* 5 0o Henry Zerbe, mer. for O. D. P. 44 25 A Felix, " 44 9 50 J. C. Blymyer A Co., flourand coal forO. D. P. 279 58 Kittenhouse A Mayes, merchandise " 03 81 W. H. Weber A Son, 44 44 46 75 Frank, Geise A Co., 44 44 19 75 Goo. Blymyer A Son, " 44 14 00 Kohler AMurnhy, 44 44 7 87 Pratt, Law A Pratt, 44 44 4 00 W. It. McAtee, flour 44 91 P. M. Ort, vtr'd 44 3 5o J. L. Himes, " 44 89 25 Samuel Voeuin, * 14 44 2 25 William Slump, 44 44 24 75 W. U. 'fhornb'rg, shoes 44 3 00 Amount of orders for O. D. P, 1903 so 44 44 for poor at House, 2581 23 4485 12 Jos. Brower, for salary 254 59 Penn'a Lunatic Hospital 811 17 George White, fees in suit 10 00 John L. Brower. in full for labor 100 00 Cook sou Green, ou acc't of 44 , 107 00 Pant Uibboney, 44 "" 115 00 John Peachy, interest 60 00. Kichard Galinhcr, on acc't of salary 100 00 do do to pay h'v'st h'ds 50 00 John Taylor, taxes on Lohr's and Kennengy's property 9,85 M. K. Mose'r, for harrow 6 25 William Noble, for 2 pumps 20 00 Samuel Woriey, for tuaking corn plow 14 16 Gross amount orders issued $6145 12 Why Shiver With Cold, W hen you can Buy Knit Undershirts and Drawers so CHEAP J' nao At BItISBIN'S. B S IS B IN, [Near the Jail,] W 1 SE,^L ' frnm now till the Ist of ▼ T .March the following GOODS at Greatly Reduced Prices: j LADIKS' SHAWLS. BKEAK FA ST CAPES. L'D!'v/ur ond MISSES WOOLEN IIOODS. tKENCII MERINOS aud WOOL PLAIDS. j ffilAli STITMHT <>l Receipts ami Expenditures of* Mifflin County. j r _ , Charles 11. tjihlju. En}., Treasurer of Mifflin County,nt Account with said County from Janu ary S, 1866, to January 16, 1807. wi. To outstanding tax for IS6O sl9l 33 1862 13 27 1864 224 .13 fall Assessment •• fj 75 outstanding tax for 1565 5331 yo additional interest on outstanding tax for 1865 119 32 fall assessments 1805 90 03 State, County and Bounty tax for' 66 31,891 09 amount received on bonds and inte rest orders issued by County Com missioners 13,892 29 amount tax ree'd on unstated lands 56 7tl fall assessment for 1866 45 20 $51,862 27 t'r. By outstanding tax of 1800 191 33 percentage of-collectors 1562 12 73 " 1804 132 84 < utstanding tax of 1864 9 44 percentage of collectors 1865 1,792 92 exonerations of •' 1865 459 12 commissions for prompt payment to collectors 1865 17 00 exonerations of collectors 1866 110 89 percentage of " 1566 221 S9 commission for prompt payment to collectors 1866 1,117 54 outstanding tax of 1566 5,527 79 amount appropriated to Poor House 7,406 05 " paid for gas bills 13 B,"> " " road views 93 ol> " " fox soalps 173 15 " State tax paid for 1566 1,447 19 " of percentage on State tax 14 61 " County orders lilted 21,732 21 " relief " " 616 00 " paid East. State Penitentiary 14S 61 Treasurer's commissions 76S 63 amount County bonds lifted 7.070 S3 " cit : 7.ens' note lifted 1,178 17 By balance due County 1,30$ 48 51 862 27 Treasurer in Account with the Commonwealth. 13 r. To amount of State tax for 1866 $1,342 63 " J mill " •' 196 10 1,538 73 t'r. By amount allowed Collectors 76 93 j " of treasurer's commission 14 61 " paid State Treasurer 1,447 19 1,538 73 Tavern Licenses. Or. To amount of said licenses ' 345 00 t'r. By cash paid State treasurer 18S 84 treasurer's percentage 17 25 balance due Commonwealth. 138 91 $345 00 Eatimj Mouse Licenses. DR. To amount of said licenses 100 00 CR. By treasurer's percentage 5 CO balance due Commonwealth 95 00 SIOO 00 Distiller*' and Itreicers' License*. 1)R To amount of saitl licenses 10 00 CR. By treasurer's percentage 50 balance due Commonwealth 9 50 $lO 00 /.<yUltr Dealer*' I.ieente*. DR. To amount of said licenses 50 00 CR. By treasurer's percentage 2 50 Balance due Commonwealth 47 50 SSO 00 Jietailvr*' License*. DR. To amount of said licenses 927 50 CR. By cash paid State Treasurer 842 31 " " advertizing lisb 27 60 treasurer's percentage 40 37 Balance due Commonwealth 11 22 $927 50 Jlilliard and liatjaTrtle License*. DR. To amount of said licenses 90 00 CR. By amount of S. B. Marks' license, sued and judgment rendered against Com monwealth .10 00 treasurer's percentage, 3 00 Balance due Commonwealth, 57 00 S9O 00 Patent Medicine License*. DR. To amount of said licenses 5 00 CR. By treasurer's percentage 25 Balance due Commonwealth 4 75 $5 00 Mililia Taxes, To outstanding tax of 1861 14 1862 29 79 $43 87 CR. By outstanding tax 1861 14 08 4< J862 Is' exonerations of collectors of 1862 10 79 $43 87 - - We the undersigned Auditors of Mifflin county, having met at the Court llouse, in the borough of Lewistown, according to law, and carefully exam ined and settled the accounts of Charles W. Gibbs, Esq., Treasurer, with the Commonwealth and the County, do certify that said Charles Gibbs is in debted to the County oli Mifflin aforesaid, iu the sum of thirteen hundred and six dollars and forty - eigiit cents, [51306 481 and that said accounts as here stated are correct. In testimony whereof we have hereunto set our hands this 22d day of Jan - uary, A. D. 1867. DAVID WEILKR, ) SAMUEL H. McCOY, v Auditors. ii A. BUTLER, j Attest: JOSEPH S. WAIIEIS, Clerk. cd Amount ] . . - a & • a> Fall Gross Amount - o f £ ® a a "a i . COLLECTORS. of ! g § A 2 G J ,o Ass't, Amount. Paid. M S 3 "" ~_ _ O*S gS- O 2 A. G. Gibboney, Union township 4112 12 27 701 4139 82 3749 41 76 59 j 150 91 i62~9l 1 James B. Grove, McVeytown Bor. 694 73 694 73 533 50 ! 21 36 139 87 Samuel Browor, Decatur township 1525 83 1525 83 1004 81 40 67 480 35 •g Wm. Cunningham, Derry " 3688 65 3688 65! 2505 27 j 131 52 1051 86 g W m B. Lukens, Wayne " 1923 88 17 50 1941 38| 1769 74, 30 15 70 98 70 51 PQ Wm. J. Fleming, Menno " 3013 25 3013 25; 2376 12' 124 68' 512 45 John Hayes, jr., Brown " 3229 34 3229 34j 2517 32' 121 65 590 37 g J. K. Rhodes, N. Hamilton Bor. 306 96 306 96: 61 15| I j 3 20; 242 61 John McKee, Oliver township 2330 89 2330 89| 1802 03! 85 10 443 76 g James Wallis, Lewis town Bor. 3262 12 3262 12i 2221 27 j 4 15 106 56: 930 14 1 © Thomas Hoop, Bratton township 1305 19 1305 191 1079 89 43 26' 182 04 Joseph Burns, Granville " 2448 70 2448 70 1790 9l ! 80 89! 576 90 3 John M. Bell, Armngh " 4049 43 4049 43| 3246 76; 125 23 1 677 44 J Total 31,891 U9 46 SO' 81,936 29' 24.63$ 18> 410 89 221 89' 1117 541 5827 79! Wtn. Cunningham has paid since settle tlement, $843 45. Tax Statement for 1865. ®T 5- Ir 1 E~~ xS p mm x < CEcc~~ 2. £ = H^ r '3>gS : ~ d J - - 2J r "so 4 r - - 2.r f£s* 0 7~ ~ 3 3' ~'n3(:222 2 o 5 ts~~< Sc's s.i ? o - R z g = z *• ■<£■ Z Z? sc 3 S®s ®g " si SF * ® **2 < 5 - rrrrr^ ET UH > 5* _ H 3 C~ Jr" 5; " ttt; j-iTiji a-i 3 2 3 *-3 it 4-4-i-;c+ 3 X P C 3 iisinitMKi.se E. 3 i:eiise ii M u> tc to f E to <3 MM iC ** E 3 M* mm to co wt nM MI Cii *s_ cs ccmj-ixk ci oasi- 4. r*" ft it -14-sJ.m ic 3M5. x ' ► . X MM 3 M- te ti MM X -J O 3 3 Ci KOKMi. 3 £. o oc o tc oncoooi 3? """ 3 33 ii 333 3 3 •-- S" ►- s S? >4- tv Cc w' Cc> wi w' **-! wC 2? ® JJZ; M I J® c ® £2 gggfcfeSgggESS S- P c x -i to *- to *-1- 1 to to 2- "jx <? o ci;y'i ? en Cfl oi ciio p 2 o to !0 OLOO yi 4 I-04.-l 05 * g- CS il OOOOCOOSi S> ■- H P 5 15 4-4 IO;iOiH--'l oto £_ V cs • to —S -O KOC C C 000 c: o to tfy. 00 CC c; I- 1 O W tv 00 o> to oooocj-i oooomq Paid. -I 0 4-4-4-10 -t to to J- OS . Exonera -4l 00 to OO 30 -I toes GO Otto 00 4- -I -I w >— 55 cs to ►- -iqc coo co coojeo tions. to Oi 5H 00 ~ 3C C.I —t Ql Ot CO Com. on CJ prompt 2 3 payment. Outstanding Taxes for 1860. J. J. Cottle, collector, Armagh— Amount due sl9l 33 Outstanding Taxes for 1862. Geo. W. Mcßride, eoi. McVeytown— Amount due * sl3 27 " percentage 12 73 44 paid 54 13 27 Outstanding Taxes for 1864. Jos.-Stewart, col., Derry— Amount due 2 64 Reuben Hook, col. Decatur— Amount due 32 95 " paid 29 00 u outstanding . 3 95 John Glasgow, col. Wayne— Amount due 9 00 41 paid 9 00 Samuel H. Swigart, col. Oliver— Amount due 176 89 44 ten day list 6 75^—183 64 44 per centage 132 84 44 cash 50 80—183 64 D. F. Stevens, col. N. Hamilton — Amount due 2 85 List of orders issued by Commissioners' from January 1,1866, to January 1,1867. Davis Henry, amount overpaid treasurer,refunded 8 15 30 Henrv Zerbe, interest 106 32 John "Evans 44 59 82 do painting ConrtHouse Roof, glazing, &c. 46 20 Geo. w. Thomas,sessionsDocket a?id stationery 60 62 Constables' pay for returns 36 10 John Morrison, esq., fees hold'g in quest on body of J. Murphy 5 42 Jurors' fees, same cases 8 00 Tipstaves' pay 116 00 Jurors' pay 1735 92 D. Over, printing blanks 28 50 Jos. 11. Morrison, Assessor, lists,<fcc. 4 63 Elijah Morrison, in full as member of Relief Board 25 00 James Turner.in full as member of Relief Board 20 00 John Taylor, Comm'r, in full salary to Nov. 1865 59 69 Moses Miller, Com in'r,in full salary to Nov. 1865 * 114 37 ' J. B. Selhoiiner,repairs at C. H. and sundries 29 33 John Evans, in full for pniut'g C, H. 375 00 I>. W. Woods, •• services as att'y 25 00 : Assessors pay for 1860 * 535 42 j John Robo, Assessor,lists, Ac. 2 37 Jacob Stine, 44 " 6 59 Ira Th<>m|ison, " 14 579 Win. Morrison, cleaning snow at C.H. 300 David Snook, aint. refunded for error in duplicate 1862 26 12 Pay of Inspect' rstCi*kK Springelect'n 84 00 " JudgesAreturn Jud's " 39 87 David Ilostetler, adv g elect'n, dice. 440 Joseph ("linger, " " 200 Jacob Stine, serving notices, Arc. 3 90 (I. \V. Hoover, M. !>.,attendance at Jail and medicines 42 50 Robt. E. Wills, ain't refun'd overp'd Treasurer 78 50 Amos Hoot, am't refunded 103 41 Geo. Miller, Cor. fees inq't Jno. Carney 5 00 Jurors' fees, inq't on " " 6 00 Witness 4 * " " 44 75 Ceo. Miller, Cor.fees inq't color'd infant 5 12 Jurors' fees, inquest on 44 44 600 1). M. Contner, Jail expens.and repairs § 157 06 D M. Contner,Sheriffs fees, Ae. 552 24 D. M. Contner, Jail fees 1010 00 1719 30 Bess li oesAfoes collected 257 50 Sam'l W. llariv index'gdeed books 42 25 J. J. Da h len,]\rOfes' 1 ser. at jail 6 00 Joseph HafHy, interest 31 00 Jos. S- Waveam,'extra duplicate 25 00 John W. Sdmw, money on loan 1000 00 N. C. Wilson, Pro., in full for fees 384 84 I.ess verdict fees 32 00 A. lliden, labonat Court House 3 75 John Coke, repairs at Jail 5 00 Wni. Morrisson, repairs at jail 2 00 Ceo. W. Wiley, auditing State accts. 6 00 B. W. Harvey,hauling at Court House 230 Jacob Coon, hauling at CourtHouse and jail 3 50 Powell Harvey,labor at Court House 582 Jos. 11. Wagner,eertD of indebtedness 55 06 Amos Hoot,am't due him at settle ment 2342 77 Bess am't ree'd ofR. W.Piatton notcharges in act. 196 01 Bess anj't for Corn at Poor Houses 35 00 2111 76 Add percentage 3 11 Interest from Jan. 8,'66 45 82 H. J Walters for transcript, seals,a transcribing judgement docket 412 50 Richard Gallaher, money on loans 115 00 Wnv C. Vines, < 4 * 44 '• 500 00 Pay for scrub. & clean. Court House 18 50 Bewistown Water Company 25 00 Alex. Eiscnbise, paint, jaitroof 46 00 Wm. McKee, limes for Court House 2 50 Jurors' fees, 44 44 6 00 T. A. Worral, M. D., prof. serv. at jail 425 Chits. Price,for coal for Court HouseAjai 1161 13 Pay for clerksA inspect's at gen. elect'n 88 50 Pay for return Clerks 8 00 Pay for Judges A return Judges 86 80 Pay of Assessors for lists AC. 47 47 Sam'l Tiee, hauling brick Ac. I 25 llenrv Comfort, lime and gravel 1 80 Michael Hiney, for 2 dockets 39 50 Button Madden, road damages 75 00 John Morrison,lees inqusit'n body of X. B. Griffith 4 88 Jurors' fees, for same 6 00 Jos. S. \Vaream,on act.of sal'y asclerk2so 00 Enoch Swain, painting at CourtHouse 420 73 John Taylor, in full of sal'y as Com missioner to Nov. 1866 150 00 James C. Dysart, in full of salary its Comm'r to Nov. 1866 150 00 Moses Miller, on account of salary 35 00 James Wall is, tax refund.Aerror in percent 20 52 Weber A Bon, spittoons for jury rooms 3 30 Reese,SlagleAFoust,Stovea, Cylinders A Cellar Grates 11 60 Goo. Frysinger, Relief orders lifted 33 00 Geo. Miller,cor. fees inq. on Wesley McCoy 825 Jurors' fees do do 6 00 Geo. Miller, cor. fees inq, on Enoch Meyers 8 50 11. Frysinger, in full for adv'g f0r1866 200 00 G. Frysinger A Son, 44 44 200 00 Daniel Prints, brick at C. H. 4 80 Abram Kitting, repairing chairs 1 35 Henry Withoff, for pruning trees 2 00 Peter Chun, repairs at Jail 3 00 Geo. W. Kearns, houso for holding elections 9 00 W. W. Bratton, Prothonotary's fees, tte. 118 72 H. Frysinger, in full for printing blanks 38 50 Samuel Comfort, coal for Jail t C. H. 1865 103 44 Relief orders issued 641 00 F. J. Hoffman, medicine, stationery, *c. 29 75 Henry Farer, court crier and cleaning 109 97 N. Comfort Just. Peace fees 3 60 John Baiger, " " 3 35 John Morrison," 44 7 85 N. J. Rudisill, " " 3 55 G. W. Thomas, 44 44 22 85 D. G. Lantz, 44 " 450 J. 8. Wareara, 44 44 1 3 85 G. W. M'Bride, 44 44 5 50 Eli Price. Constable 44 10 82 J. M. Stevens 44 44 34 67. Alpheus Pincin, 44 44 7 6fc J. Hainbright, 44 44 7 40 Isaac Ward, 44 44 19 45 J, L. Porter, 44 44 1 3 5 6 J. F. McNear, " * 8 42 John Full/., " " 16- 69- Jacob Hook, " " 11 58 Jonat'n Price, " " 5 04 Geo. Miller, " - 8 71 Forest Swyers, " " 1 86 Henry Strunk, " " 2 22 A. Wagner, " it 2 46 11. M'l.aughlin !! it 2 94" Simon Gro ii ft 3 86 W. I. Vanzaodt 1. tf 5 88 John D. Taylor, interest 120 00 Robert Taylor do 180 00' W. S. Bell do 120 00 Johu Alexander do SO 00' John C. Sigler do 240 00' James Turner do 60 00 Jacob Peachy do * SO 00' W. C. Vines do 60 00 O. P. Smith, guard'n do 60 00 S. Maclay do 180 00 Joseph Hartzler do 60 00' John Peachy do 137 77 Eliza Butler do 60 00 Win. Creighton do 120 00 E. J. Jacob do 120 00 T. G. Bell do 60 00 Michael Ruble do 120 00 T. M. Uttley, dist. att'ys fees 114 00 Cashier Mifflin Co. B'k, money on loan 4000 06 Jos. S. Waream, Incidental expenses, re pairs at C. !£., postage, shor'g snow, cleaning, Ac. 21 88" Witness fees Commonwealth suits 118 36 Costs in contested election cases 70 04 Geo. Mijler, repzirs at Jail and C. H. 37 36 W. T. Burns, money on loan 830 06 1,. J. Elberty, assessor, making lists, AS, 10 66 James Burns, damages widening Grand St. 50 00 James Smithera 44 44 same 7 00 E. C. Hamilton 44 4 4 " same 1 Oft F. J. Hoffman 44 44 same 14 00 County Indebtedness. , Amount of bonds outstanding, January 1, 1867, 36,500 0& Orders on relief fund outstand ing, January 1, 1867, 2,025 34 Old indebtedness outstanding, January, 1, 1867, ' 91T 82 Interest orders, 1,445 00 40,888 16 Less am't in hands of Tress, 1,306 48 $39,.581 68
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