Striii£ FnOaioiis Kt'CPiVPil. >y c;. zouiiivfiFisrs innminiriiiii, Market street, Lewistown, adjoining Ken nedy <y Porter's Store. \ WR. Z. informs the citizens oi Mifflin 1? I and the adjoining counties, tha^^^as Kshions, and i* " <|VV repnred to furnih all in want o\&* uew fI.\TS or CAPS with an arti cle, neat, durable and well finished, comprising every style manufactured for this market. * , The care and attention he has ever given to the manufacture of the style of Hats preferred Ly Ins numerous Ornish customers, will be continued; arid he feels warranted in giving the assurance that they will not be dieap poicted. COUUTRY MERCHANTS will find it decidedly to their advantage to give ' him a call, for his arrangements are now such, j us to enrble him to furnish any quantity that j may be desired on the shortest notice. Grateful fir the encouragement he has thus j far received, he will continue to deserve it. by j continued assiduity to the wants of his friends, j and strict attention to his business. Lewistown, march 29,1"50 —tf HAT & CAPg~N IT. R *J DISIL X, At his (Jld Stand in ilurket street, HAS just received the Beebe it Co=tar and latest Philadelphia and New York Spring Fashion of Hats and Caps, and is now prepared to furnish both old and new customers with an article, which he will warrant good, and nothing shorter. He has now on hand a 'arge and general assortment of I EATS AND CAPS, /■ OR ME.\ AHOYS, which lie will dispose of, WHOLESALE or ! RETAIL, on as fair terms as can be obtained here or elsewhere. His Ornish friends will also find him pre pared to suit their tastes. His unrivalled BROAD-BRIMS will receive the same care and attention which he has always bestowed j upon them. Don't forget the old stand, where j vou may depend upon not being disappointed, j N. J. R. feels grateful for the generous pa- | tronage he has thus far received, and assures j all that he will spare no pains to give the gen- j era) satisfaction that he has hitherto succeed ed in affording ail who have dealt with him. Lew istown, march 29, 18f)0—tf. SOMETOKVG NEW. In the Diamond. Lewi*town. A DRUG 8L VARIETY STORE. VA. BANKS has just opened a genera! • assortment of Drugs, Medicines. Paints, Oils and Dye-stuffs, with SPICKS of all kinds, fresh and genuine. Also, a great variety of ("onfectionarics. Nuts, Crackers and Rabies. ALSO, Foolscap and Letter Paper, Uuills, Steel Pen?, Siates Pencils, Envelope?, Copy Book?, Blink Books, English Bibles and Testament?, with several kinds of SCHOOL BOOKS. Tobacco, Snuff ami Segar*, of the best quality, Segar Case?, Snuff Boxes, Pen Knives, Razor Strops, Shaving Cream, j 11ir Oil, Perfumery of different kinds, Tooth Powder.Motto Water?, Gold and Dutch Lenfi&c. All of the above articles will be sold at the LOWEST CASH PRICES, at the ARCADE, East side of the Diamond, ewistown, April 5, IRoO—tf DR. .l7 It .111 TC HE" I. L, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL *J2 £§[ DRUGGIST &. CHEMIST ]~n ESPECTFULLY inform? his friends and A, the public generally that he is now open ing in the new and splendid storeroom lately occupied by W. J. Sterrett, in Market street, Lewistown, south eide, a few doors above the Hardware 6tore of F. G. FranciscHs, the best selected, purest and cheapest assortment ever offered for sale in this place, of Trcsli Drugs and Medicines, French and English CHEMICALS; j Paints, Oils and I)ye Stuffs ; Varnishes, Patent Medicines, 'Fownsend's Sar tripartita. Concentrated Sarsaparilla, IVistaFs Balsam of Wild Cherry, Dr. Jayne's bnmily Medicines, dfC., dfc., <fc. Paint arid Varnish Brushes ; .Native and Foreign Herbs and Extracts; Surgical Instruments, warranted ; Sath Tools, Window Glass, Spices, &LC.; Rouseeli'a Perfumery, &c., &c. A great variety of ELEGANT FANCY GOOD?. Ilia drugs have been purchased from Lmn, Smith &. Co., Market street, Philadelphia, one of the most extensive and reputable estab lishments in that city, and every article is wur~ ranted to he pure and of the first quality. The profits on the sale of drugs are well j known to be very great—often exceeding 300 per cent, on the cost—so that the present exor bitant priced can be greatly reduced, and yet a | good profit bo realized. The adulteration of ' drugs the most valuable, (Opium, Calomel, <|uinine, &c.,) it, a roost dangerous and destruc tive, but very common, fraud, and cannot bo delected without a careful chemical analysis. ] My stock has been selected with great care, and I will sell drugs warranted free from all impurity, CHEAPER THAN IIIE ADILILUATED ARTICLE HAS BEEN SOLD. All prescriptions will be made up after the most approved method, and medical advice given to purchasers WITHOUT CHARGE. Physicians and druggists in the country or neighboring towns, will be supplied on the most liberal terms. All orders promptly filled, and boxes arid packages cf drugs, &,e , carefully put up and forwarded. J. B. MITCHELL, . lerket street, south side, three doors east of - . G. Francisco*, Lewistown, Pa, Lewi.-iUjwn, March 15, !**&(). "%XT ' BIIEAD S EMVMCS "T MTMI MID. ▼ * A safe and effectual remedy for Rheu matism, Gout, Lumbago, Palsy, Sprains, Bruises. I 'tiillbain?, Xumbne.-s, &c.; Judkin'a Specific Ointment, JfeweeN Celebrated Rheumatic Nerve and Bone I', or Pain Extractor; JleyJ.-N Embrocation tbr horse-; Indian llair j ,e 'm tor sale tiv I. R. .Mi l Cill.LL. j.fc ,vr . Tzirr h 2"'.' 1?50 Philadelphia Advertisements. i _ Mackerel, I SHAH, j CODFISH, Constantly on hand and SALMON, for c3ali by HERRINGS, J .1. PALMER &• Co., PORK, Market street Wharf, HAMS & SIDES, pnn.ADKi.rHiA. SHOULDERS, LARD &. CHEESE, j March 22. 1850-3 m. Philadelphia :ml Llverpwl LI\L OF PACKETS. SHIPS. BIRTIIB*. MASTER. Hbri in, TOO inns, Alfii.-il F. Smith Sukxanuoah, M) 0 " Jami-a West. Mary Pleasants, MX) 44 J Q Bnwne. j Ei roi'e, "HO " Henry F. Miercketi. i Ttie above sh:|>s w ill sail punctually, on their appointed j Jays, viz : From Philadelphia on the 10th of each month. From Liverpool on the Ist of each month. o> Taking Steam on the Delaware. For passupe, apply to SAMUEL PI.EASA.NTS, No. HT Walnut street, Philadelphia. s> Parties will find these superior first class SHIPS most desirable conveyances for bringing out their friends, the an i uii mod at ions in second cabin and steerage being of She most airy and capacious description. 5> Also Drafts for sale, payable in all parts of England, Ireland and Scotland, from one pound upwards. February 3, I^s0 —ly The threat China Store OF PHILADELPHIA. THANKFUL to the citizens of Lewistown and its vi cinity for their increased custom, vve again request their company to view our large and splendid assortment of China, Class and (Aueensware. Dinner sets, tea sets, toilet sets, and single pieces, either of Glass, China or Stone Ware, sold in quantities to suit purchasers, for less than they can be hud elsewhere —in fact at less than wholesale prices. American and English BHITTAA'IA MF.TAL GOODS, in greater variety than ever before offered in the city. Fancy China in great variety, very cheap. t>We would invite any person visiting the city to call and see us—they will at least be pleased to walk around our beautiful store, and to view the finest China m<i the cktapttt the world produces. Very respectfully, i TVN D ALE C MITCHELL, .Vo. 219 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. j September 23. |OM ly. ARfn STREET WALL PAPER WAREHOUSE. -W 112 Arch street,kttwttn Sixth and Seventh, south side, Philadelphia. 'PIIE proprietor of the above extensive establishment A has now opened his superb stock of WALL PAPERS, which are all of the I-atssit stv lss, and of the very best manufacture Purchasers from the country can rely on i being accommodated with patterns suitable for every purpose, without the inconvenience of looking further He is determined to sell at such prices as the advantage of a cash business affords. EDWARD BURTON. N B —Paper hung in the country at city prices. Philadelphia, March 6, IMV)—3in PAPER! PAPE It! No. 21 Bunk street, Between Market and Chesnu*, and 2 d and '.id streets, run. i d r. i. r in a TMIE subscribers beg leave to call the attention of conn a- try buyers to tbeir assortment of papers, embracing ■he different varieties of Printing, Hardware. Writing, Envelope, and Wrapping papers. Tissue papers white vnd assorted colors, also Bonnet and If x Boards, Ac. Being engaged in the manufacture of printing paper*, .hey solicit orders from printers for any given size, Inch will be furnished at short notice, and at fair price* Market prices either in cash or trade paid for Rags DUCKET T & KNIGHT, No. 21 Bunk street. Philadelphia. October 0, IrlO -ly. CARPETS ASD OILCLOTHS .It ELDRIDGE S CIIE.II' CARPET STORE. ""PilE RIBER being in a bye- street, is under alow -* rent and very light store expense*, which triable* him to sell gool, wholesale and retail, at the lowest prices in the city Persons wishing to buy, w ill do well to examine the choice assortment he offers this season, of BEAUTIFUL IMPERIAL . iidivebv VARIETY oi [-CARPETS! INGRAIN AND VEMTIAN J And Oil, f ' LOT UN from i to II f . t w ide, to rut for Rooms, Halls. dec., with a great variety of low priced In grain Carpets, from to io cents, and Entry and Rtur Carpets from 10 to SO cents per yard Also, Mattings, Hearth Rugs, Table Covers, Floor Baize, Cotton and Rag Carpet, dtc , dec H. H. ELDRIDGE, 4 I ftrawberry st , one door above Cbesnut, near rerr,nd street, Philadelphia [march Ti- 3m. OLIVER EVAvVS, A"> 61 South. Strand tr/r, Phitadtlphia, Maltafact* rtr of Saloittiitnlrr, hre and Thitf Proof Iron ChtttM, i ei'h Povder Proof l.otkt, 4 N'D WARRANTED >:i(ual to any other make for se ! curilv against Fire or Burglars, having* ithstood the test of both, without injury or loss to tile ow tiers Also— In store and f r sale, Letter Copying Presses and Books; Real Presses for Corporations, Banks, dec.; Drug gists' Presses with Cylinders and Pans ; Hoisting Ma Chine* for ritores, Factories, dec. ; Portable Shower Baths of a new and superior construction, intended for either Cold or Warm water ; Refrigerators for cooling and pre serving Meats, Butter, Milk, dec., in the warmest weather, suitable to stand in any part of the house or cellar; Wa ter Filters, warranted to purify muddy or bad water, whether atTected by Rains, Marl, Limestone, or any other cause. [Phtla. March *2, IS3o—ly i:. HICKS JOIYKS, H'ho'eeale Wooden, Willov- Ware, Broom, Brush, Comb, /.ooktnjf films and Cariiti/ Store, Xu 1 Xorth Seeond Street, Philadelphia, under J Sidney Jones' Carpet Warehouse, TI.\VINO enlarged my STORE, have on hand and am A*- conotaiitly manufacturing and receiving from the eastern *tate and Europe, additions to my Cedar Ware.—ol)o nest Cedar and 100 nest painted Tub*, 400 harre! and 200 staff Churns, 100 dozen Cedar and f>oo dozen painted Pails, 200 dozen Wash Boards, 100 dozen nest Sugar and Flour Boxes ; Spigot*, Hphmis and l.adles Wtlloie It'are. —ooo nest Market and 200 nest C lothes B tekets, 100 Willow Coaches,(.'hairs and Cradles ; a lurge assortment of French and Domestic Baskets Hmotni and Brushes.—lo,ooo Wire Brooms, 10.000 Sha ker Brooms, 200 dozen eat h Wall, Paint, Si .rubbing, Shoe and ilorso Brushes; Tooth, Shaving, Cloth and Hair Brushes of every style Combe 2OOO dozen Faney Combs,of various patterns, ; side, neck, pocket, dressing and tins-tooth Combs of vari j oils styhis. Looking Mosses of Pine, Cherry, Walnut, Mahogany ; ami (Jilt Frame —all sizes and patterns ; Herman, French iud English Cooking fllas Plates of all sizos from 7hy 9 up to 72 hy 120 (packing insured to all parts of the I'nion) . together with a large assortment of Variety Hoods 100 \ numerous to mention The attention of Merchants is I reaper tfuliy solicited to the examination of my stock, all j of \v in< H will be sold low for CASH or city acceptance, so i ns to anticipate any competition that can be offered. Philadelphia, March 2, I*so I y Wholesale <Sc Retail CLOCK STORK, Vo. 238 .Market street, above Seventh, South side, PHILADELPHIA. \!.THOI,'HII we can scarcely estimate the value of TIME commercially, yet by calling at the above ex iiablishnient, JAMES IIAIIUER will furnish Ins friends, imong whom lie includes all who duly appreciate lis fleelness, with a beautiful and perfect Index for marking its progress, of whose value they CAN judge. His extensive stuck on hand, constantly changing in conformity to the improvements in taste ami style of f pattern and workmanship, consists of klight-day •\and I'litrly-hoar Brass Counting House, Parlor, _ Church, and Alarm CLOCKS, French, Ho thic and other fancy styles, as well as plain, which from his extensive t noitectioti and correspondence with the manufacturer* he finds he ran (Hit al the lowest *h ozur*. oi any uumiiity, from one to a thousand, of who li be win warrant the accuracy "i'V " P " ir "' " nd •eoe.nntr'd Clark Trimmings < All. and see me Among theis JAMKS BARBER, 23S M,htt t. Philadelphia A '.gust lit ItflW >v Philadelphia Advertisements, mma SALAMANDER SAFES, Warruult'tl fire A: Thief Proof, .1X1) FREE FROM D.IMI'XESS. rniIESE SAFES possess every qualification to render *- them proof against the action of fire or thieves,and of j sufficient strength to endure a fall from any story of a burning building They are made of wrought iron, being kneed, rivited ami welded together, and lined with a per fect nonconducting lire proof mineral composition, no wood being used in tbeir construction asintlie majority of safes sold by other makers. The doors of Oayler a Safe* i are secured with 111* THIEF DETECTOR and ANII GUN'POWDEII LOCK, which precludes the possibility of pu king or blowing them open with gunpowder. Over TWO HUNDRED of these Safes have been exposed in . accidental lire to the most intense heut, in ipany instance* remaining in the burning ruins for several days, and at no time have they ever been known to fail in preserving their contents. The public ore invited tocall at the BRANCH DEPOT, No. 10 EXCHANGE PLACE, PHILADELPHIA, near Dock street, ami examine the numerous testimonial, in favor ofGayler's Safes, alo the large assortment on hand for sale at manufacturers' prices, bv JOHN L. PIPER, Agent. P. S.—Also for sale low, new and second-band Safes of other makers, which have been taken iu part payment for : Oayler's Salamander*. ap26 3in Pure Wines and Liquors. fTIIIE attention of Dealers and Hotel Keepers is requcut ed to my fine assortment of Wines ami Liquors se lected with great care from stork, in Europe and this country, and from tourer* refuel, enable mt to a i tltxriE thetr puritu. mt AND IKS of every description from £i topper gallon. H IIISKKV , fine lr;,h. Scotch and Monongahela. ()l,l) J VJI AH A It I .11 , Holland (.in, and Peach Brandy IIA I>KI It Ml Kit I' \,V POUT WINKS, of every variety ami grade, from 75 ct,. to >5 per gallon CHAMP AGN Eof all celebrated brands, 5o to SIC Claret —l ine Table Claret ,t $3, ami higher grades. Also, Lisbon, Tencritfe, Malaga, Muscat, &o . Wild Cherry Brandy, Raspberry, Blai kberry and Lavender Utandy. Ac. Ac. Tlie Country Trade supplied at wholesale prices.—A complete assortment of Wines and Liquors, very cheap, for culinary purposes g>Orders promptly attended to. Good, carefully park ed and forwarded by "Express " Samples sent to any part uf the country free of charge, bv addressing, post paid. A. H. M'CALLA, ■ 12.3 m] Wine Merchant, 30 Walnut *t , Philadelphia. FEATHERS! FEATHERS!! # POUNDS uf E. at hers < inpri,ing all AVj WW qualities, for sale, wholesale and retail, at the lowest cash prices, bv HARTLEY & KNIGHT, 1 18 South Second street, five doors above Spruce. Our customers and the public HI general wi I please tOrXOTICE .IXI > REMEMHER.rjj that since the alterations recently made in our store, the t It F. 1> I) 1X c I) /; /' .1 RTM /: JY T ■if our business is in the second story, w here we now have, ready made, or will make to order, on short notice, BEDS, BOLSTERS, PILLOWS, M.ITTR ESSES, and FL SHIOXS of nil kinds. We also keep constantly on hand, a good assortment of , Tickings, Blankets, .War rules (futile, Comfortable*. Sark i ng Bottoms, 4 - r. The first floor and basement have been appropriated to the ssle of Carpeting,, among nhicb re j Brussels Carpeting*, Tapestry do Imperial Three Ply, . CA It J'CTI A€JS, ingrain Carpeting*, from 25 cent* to sl.ot.t, Sum Carpeting. OILCLOTHS, from 1" cents to |h > 0, Entry Carpentingi, _ from 20 cents to $1 25, SI III! Rag Carpeting* from 25 to in i erits 71 ATTDGS. Also, Oil Cloths and Mat J tings, at all prices I or sale hy HARTLEY A KNIGHT, 11- 8 flecond st , 5 doors stove Spruce, Pbila [u>h22-3m "TIIEAP BLINDS IS SHADES" 81 . J . \V I Is Is I A 71 Si , A" > 12 ,\'orth St ilk street, Philadelphia T'ENITIAN BUN D manufacturer and wholesale and * retail dealer in niximu SHADES —awarded Ihe highest CKP.MII MS at the New Vork, Philadelphia and Baltimore j Exhibitions. CURTAINS made ami I.ottered for stores snd puhlh buildings A large assortment of HUN D 8 snd SHADES of new styles and finish, at the lowest cash prices. The public will find it to their interest to call. Old Blinds painted and trimmed to look equal to new B.J W Inform* the patrons of FREEMAN'S old eslab- ! lishm'-nl, No It.'lJ South Second st ,that he has removed from there to No. 12 North Sixth st . u here he respectful Iv solicits a continuance of patronage.- [mh22 3ui Indemnity. FHHE FUAVKI.IS FIHB IN SI R A NI E COM PAN V of Philadet -t- phia— OFFH E IrtSj Chcsnut street, near I iflh street. DIRECTORS. Charles N llaricker, Deo. R Richards, Thomas Hart, Mordecai D Lewis, Tobias Wagner, Adolphe E. Bone, Samuel Grant, David S Brown, Jacob R. Smith, Moriis Patterson. Continue to make insurance, perpetual or limited, on j every description of property oi TOWN it cot N't Its , I at rate* as lon as arc consistent with security. The Company h-i>t reserved a large Contingent Fund, which, with their Capital ami Premiums safely invested, affords ample protection to the assured. The assets of the Company, on January Ist, ISIO, as j published agreeably to an Act of Assembly, were as fi l- ; lowa, viz: Mortgages, I .01T.43S 11 Real Estate, 01,721 S3 Temporary Loans, 00,001 85 Stocks, 51,523 25 Cash, Ac , 38,801 37 $1,328,402 71 Since their incorporation, a period of eighteen years, ' they have paid upwards of One .Million h'our Hundred l'h,tu. and Itoltart, losses by tire, I hereby affording all evi dence of the advantages of Insurance, as well as the abil ity and disposition to meet with promptness all liabilities. CHARLES N HANt KER, President. f. IWNCKCH, Secretary AGENT for Miflliu county, R. (". IIAI E, ENCJ , Lewistown. |npl2-ly Good News for Blacksmiths, j I R 0 IT . rpilE subscriber has just received a large lotol | t Irvin & C'o.'s ("cntrc county Iron on coin- ; mission, and shall continue to keep a heavy stock which he will warrant, and sell at the following prices, for cash, on delivery : Regular assorted Iron, Hi cents. Horse shoe do 4 do Nail rods, 4 1 do F. J. HOFFMAN. ijcu'istown, March 29, 18. r io. N. B.—On band, also, a large assortment of SMALL IRON. F. J. 11. PETROLEUM OR ROCR OIL. A Lrcal Natural BCciikcilv, PROCURED from a well 4(M) leet deep,and possessing wonderful curative powers in diseases of the cnwrr, WIND-PIPE and LUNBS. — Also, for the cure of diarrhtea, piles, gout, rheu matism, asthma, bronchitis, scrofula, neuralgia, i burns and scalds, tetter, ring-worm, obstinate eruptions of the skin, blotches and pimples on the face, biles, deafness, chronic sere eyes, ery sipelas, pains in the bones and joints, and all that class ot diseases in which alterative or purify in? medicine* are indicated. For sale by may 10 J. B. MITCHELL. DR. JIARTI.VS ssmj) of It'Hl) (JIIGKKI, ; rs the best Medicine yet fur Coughs, Cnirla, Consump- A tioii, Asthma, Spitting of Blood, Ac. Head the fol j lowing • November I3ih, 1818 f/titr Sit —1 take great pleasure in saying to you that ; Mrs. KORB has been entirely relieved of her cough by the ; use of your Syrup of Wild Cherry. It had continued fur fully eighteen months. She had used several prepara tions of the Wild Cherry now in popular use, but not with the slightest benefit, until she 1001, yours. She on ly took six bottles, and I am pleased to say she is now in good health. Every one who saw Mrs. Ross thought her in a deep decline. LEWIS P. ROHB, No. 2i>7 ij. Charles Street, Baltimore, Captain of Schoon er O K , Cambridge Packet. In Clergyman's sore Throat it is truly a " Sovereign Halm," as the Odd Fellow, Washington county, Mary land, of June 6th, 18 IS, says. Price 75 cents a Bottle. Prepared and sold by MARTIN \\ IIITELEY, at their wholesale Drug Store, 18 S. Calvert Street, Balti more, And for sale by F. J. HOFFMAN and YVATTSON &- JACOIJ, Lewistown; ALEX ANDER RL'TLEDUK, Williamsburg, Huntingdon county. [June 30. le)49—ly. 71 art in tV Whilelev'* NATIONAL TONIC, A certain Cure for Ague, Fever, and Dyspepsia, IN our summer and fall months many sections of our country are prostrated fcy BIT.LIOUS FEVER and AGUE and FEVER - It has been OUT particular study to find out some remedy to stop this dreadful arourge, and think, in this TONIC we have effected this great object. It is also we think the very best remedy in Dyspepsia, and if our directions are follow ed, w ill not fail to effect a cure. In a letter dated, M.iy 23<1, 1 r-ID, our Agent, Mr F.ltas Raub, of Wrightsvilb', \ urk county, Pa.,says:—I have never known any remedy fur Fever and digue equal to your invaluable National Tonic. It has given universal satisfaction, and has i ured i uses of Agile of years stand ing, and after the failure of all other medicines made ue of. Mr llenry lieverson. of the same place, says in his certificate, dated 22d March. !•■ !. • I applied to a number of Physicians, and also used a variety of the most popu lar Ague Mixtures at different times, but all without the desired effect; no permanent cure having been afforded. I was at length induced, at the recommendation of your worthy Agent at this place, to try a bottle of your Na tional Tonic, and to my great satisfaction,before 1 hid used half of it, I felt completely cured, though 1 contin ued the use of it till I had taken two bottles ' In a joint certificate from M' s-rs. Mi!s Hoke. William Blackson, and James l> Brown, of the same place, they say—'Hav ing tried nearly all the remedies within our reach with out slice -s, we at lat purchased some of\ our .hTational J'unir. which has completely cured us We, therefore, cheerfully recommend it to the nol ice of all persons af flicted with that terrible disease as the best remedy yet discovered.' See the Pamphlets, which you ran get from one of our Agents gratis Also, Dr Martin's Purgative Pills, the best now in use, in all cas- s where a purgative is needed. S> Prepared and sold by MARTIN Ac WHITELEY, Wholesale Drug No P- *< t'alvert st , Baltimore. For tale by F. J. HOFFMAN ami ATT SON ct JACOB, Lewistown ; owl by ALEX ANDER RI'TLEDOE, Williamsburg, Huntingdon county. June 30, ls49—ly. HARRIS, TVRXER $• HALE'S Compound i*up ol'Kpigelin or Vfgclablc Vermifuge, The most effectual, the safest, plcasantest and mast conrenieuf Worm Medicine rrer offered to the public. 'FIIE SPIGEI.IA, siys a work of highest authority, t stand* at the head of the Hat of .iathelminltrs or li'orm ' Medicine*. It i adapted to a wider range of rases,and to a greater variety of constitutions and states of Hie constitution, than any other But prepared as it com monly is, in the f.,riii of tea, it can seldom be given to < hildren 111 -tiffn lent doses In Harris, Turner Ac M ile's i Compound Syrup, il is so concentrated that the dose is very small, so combined as to ensure a purgative opera tion, and so palatable as to be taken, nol only with ease, but with positive pleasure. The precise composition of this syrup and the mode of preparing it, are the result of a series of experiments ' •ii i itiued for t ears Before offering it for sale, it was Jiibj.'tt< J tn the lent of e.|>eneitfe ill the hand* of emi nent (>lt \ si. ians, in Philadelphia and e'sew here, who hax'e recommended it in the highest term*, and still employ it in their practice. In addition to this evidence of its mer its, tvs offer the following, selected from a number of un solicited testimonials. lt A distinguished physician of Virginia, of much experience, riti s of it thus : "1 should have written before this, but felt disposed first to try the efficacy of youp Vermifuge. I have used more than half the quantity received,and the experiment has In i n most successful /re !ly betiere that it passes see advantages ocer any at her l'< rmij upe I hart trtr used Independent of the amalliiess of the dose, and the plea santness of the syrup (ureal advantages tn do9ig chil dren) tin- advantage of administering it under a variety of circumstances, enhances its value; indeed there is scarcely a condition of the system in which it may not he administered Yours, dec." •2d A respectable physician of Lebanon county,in this state, writes ; " I have been in the hahitof prescribing your Compound !' Syrup of Spigelia for some lime past, and have found it an excellent worm medicine, particularly for children.— Please forward per bearer 2 doz. bottles Yours, Ac " 3d -An intelligent merchant of Virginia to whom we had previously sold the sy tup, writes ; "-■Since my return home, I find that your Syrup of Spi gelia has come into general use in this neighborhood We have sold what we had on hand, and it gave such satis faction that it t-now called ficev.-y day. YOII will please put us up 5 or tl dozen In a small package, and send to the rare of \V Anderson A Co., Kichuioud, as soon as possi ble,and forwaidthe bill per mail.---Yours, dec." 4tl. —A respectable merchant of Ohio, on a late visit to i Philadelphia, slated, that some time since he had been ap j plied to by a customer for a vial of 's Ver ' inifuge for his son. Not having the article asked for, he advised a trial of Harris, Turner A Hale's Compound | Syrupof fipigelia and gave him a part of a bottle which f was all that remained In the store. A day or two after I tins the gentleman returning to the store, expressed his I surprise and delight at the effect of the Syrup, declaring : it liad expelled 200 worms and entirely relieved his son. The merchant added an expression of his great regret that Ihe had not had on hands a bottle of the 8\ rup at the time when his own little (laughter died, as he confidently be • lievid it would have saved her life. 6th- A gentleman of Hudson. X Y , having sent a bot i tie of Harris, Turner &. Hale's Compound Syrup of Spi ! gclia, to a young friend who had tried in vain a great num ber of worm medicines, writes, that his friend was itume ; diateiy reliev eel ; tin- words of the patient were : "It took I every worm our my body " MANUFAOTIIRF.D ONLY BY HARRIS, TURNKU IIAI.E, | Wholesale Druggists, ,Yo. 201 Mar I. el street, Philadelphia, I VtPOUTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALEKS IN Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Surgical and Obstetrical Instruments, Druggists' Glassware, Win dow -glass, Paints, Oils. Dyes, Perfumeries, dec.,4c.,and I exclusive manufacturers of Harris, Turner & Hale's j Sugar Coated Pills, lluxbaiii's Liniment for the Piles,the Hnabridge Hair Tonic, Ehetle s Eye Water, Mrs. Madi son's I ii rival led Indetlihle Ink, De wees' < 'elehrated Nerve and Hone Liniment, or Magic. Pain Extractor, Mrs Shars wooil's Extracts of Lemon and Vanilla,for flavoring Pud dings, Ice Creams, Ac., Ar. For sale by dealers in Drugs generally in Centre, Mifflin and Juniata counties. [au5 —tf I7IOR THE LADIES.—UIy White, Viatel toilet Powder, Tooth Powder, Tooth and Hair Brushes, Hair Oil, Perfumery, Musk Bags, Lip salve and soaps, for sale at A. A. HANKS' apl 2 Diamond Drug Store. Saddlers and Coachmakers! r * LOOK to your interests—call upon (HHHM'p subscriber and purchase your ware i low for cash at F. J HOFFMAN'S HJ'LJ Haiiiware Store. i.rm tiumiM, Jaundice, Dynpepda, Cliro ■lie or Nervous llebiiiiv, Disease ol" lite Kidneys, AND ALL DISEASES AH 18- 81 NO FROM A DISOR DERED LIVER OR STO MACH, SUCH AS CONSTIPA TION, INWARD PILES, FULLNESS, OR BLOOD TO THE HEAD, ACIDITY OF THE STOMACH, NAUSEA, HEART BURN, DIS GUST FOR FOOD, FULLNESS, OR WEIGHT IN THE STOMACH, SOUR ERUCTATIONS, SINKINO OR FLUTTERING AT THE PIT OF THE STOMACH, SWIMING OF THE HEAD, HURKIED AND DIFFICULT BREATHING, FLUTTERING AT THE HEART, CHOKING OR SLFFOC A T I N G SENSATIONS WHEN hi a lying posture, Dimness of I /'son, Dots or urLs before the Sight, truer and dull pain in the Head, Deficiency of Ptrspiru tion, Yellowness of the Skin and Dyes, I*am in the Side, Hack, Chest, lambs, dfrc., Sudden flushes if Heat, Burning in the flesh, Constant Imaginings of Evil, and grrat depression of Spirits, can be eflectuai ly cured by DR. HOOF LAND'S celebrated (; KUM A V 118 TT K US, PREPARED BY DR. C. IYL JACKSON, At lite Grruifiu Medicine Store, liO Arch st. PHILADELPHIA. Their jipu rr oyer the abuvc diseases is not eicelled—tf equalled— by other preparation in the United States a* the. fares attest, in man/ eases after skilful physicians had failed. These Itilt-rs are worthy the attention of invalids. PuwcMir.j (treat virtues in the rectification of diseases of the Liver and iesser i/lands, exercising the most search iiij! (>tve re in weakness and affections of the digestive or gans, the;, are w ilhul, safe, certain and pleasant. HEAD A\D HE COSYISCEI). C'iiAA UoblNitoN, Kmj., Ratou, Mil., in a loiter to l)r January 9, ISfiO, *%id— -14 My wife and ni)p|f have received more benefit from your medicine than any other we havf ever taken fur the Dyfptpsin and J.iver disease." "THETBMTH I E<MOX," published at Woodstock, Va . ; January 10, l-jo, said •• A ait i:a r m i:bicj.xn." '• W have uniformly refrained from recommending to the public any of the various Patent Medicine* of the ! day, unless thoroughly convinced of their value. Among tlio*e e consider worthy of notice is the (it rm.m Bitters, invented bv he ffonjlind, and prepared by l>r Jackson, in Philadelphia tine instance in particular, in which the superior virtues of this medicine has been tested, has fal ' ten under our observation During the last summer,a j son of MR ABRAHAM GRABII.L, of this county, was very ; seriously affiu ted with l.iver Complaint, and after try mg I in vain various remedies, he purchased a bottle of the j Hitters, and after using it, was so much relievtd of his j d stressing malady, that be procured another bottle, and i is restored entirely to health " READ FI'RTJIER A FEW FACTS FROM " Tut WELDON HERALD," published at Weldon, N C , Januarv 24, l s so, which said— •• PATENT MEDICINES.*' "It is r try seldom that we make any allusion to Patent Medicines, either approving or otherwise l (.fortunately for tbe country, and for honest and conscientious inven tor* and venders of these medicines, the land is becoming Hooded w itb rjuai k pre|>aratioiis, that are made alone for profit and are tit not even for the dogs. In this stale of things it is hard to tell w Inch are, and which are not worth having It a person gets an iudifferent medicine the first time be purchases, he i- very apt to condemn the whole of them and buy no more, and inventors must only blame those of their number, (who ignorantly combine plain medicines together for the purpose ofmaking money.) for the ill success K Inch attend* the efforts of the deserv iris " " We believe Dr C M. Jackson's 'Hoofland's German Billets' to be a most excellent medicine, and one that should be highly popular in these days of Temperance ; for they are altogether I'tpetable in their composition, without one drop of .lltuhohe Spirits in them. Tins ined icine ib innoi enl. bin strengthening in its effects, and rich ly deserving of an unbounded popularity, which, when it becomes know n, t w dt, no doubt, fully enjoy." Jt OOE M M. NOAH said, in hi" WEEKLY MESSEN GER," January i. Is.'-O " r>r Hoojiantt's fierman Bittern - Here is a prepara tion wlnch the leading presses in the t'nion appear io he Unanimous in recommending, and the reason is obvious. It is made nfti r a prescription furnished by one of the most celebrated physicians of modern times—the late llr t hristophrr Wilhelm Hooffand, professor to the I'ni verslty of Jena, private physician to the king of Prussia, and one of the greatest medical writers Germany has ever produced. He was emphatically thediemynf isnivs, and therefore a medicine of which he was ihe inventor andendorsor may be confidently relied on. He specially recommended it in l.iver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Debility, Vertigo, Aridity of the Stomach, Constipation, and all complaints arising froin a disordered condition of the stomach, the Inn and the intestines Nine Philadelphia papers express their conviction of its excellency, and sev eral of the editors speak of its effects from their own indi vidual experience I'nder these circumstances, \vc feel warranted, not only in calling the attention of our readers to the present proprietor's (Dr C M Jackson's) prepara tion, but in recommending the article to all afflicted " MORE EVIDESCE. The " Piut.snio.pilis Siti dv Cuetts," the beet ! family newspaper published in the I'nited State# Tit* : editor says of I IT. IfotiJlujid's German. Hitters: | "It is seldom that wc reronimcnd w hat arc termed Pat ent Medicines to the confidence and patronage of our ! readers : and, therefore, when we recommend Dr Hoof land's German Bitters, we wish it to be distinctly under stood that we are nut speakingofthe nostrums of the day, i "tat arc noised about for a brief period andjthen forgotten i after it has done its guilty tare of mischief,but of a med icine long established, universally prised, and who h lias I met the hearty approval of the faculty itself." Evidence upon evidence has been received (like the foregoing) from all sections of ibe | Unieu, the last three .years, and the strongest testimony in its favor, is, that there is more ot it used in the practice of the regular Physi cians el Philadelphia than all other nostrums : combined, a fact that can easily he established, nnd fully proving that a scientific preparation will meet with their quiet approval when pre sented even in this form. That this medicine will cure Liver Complaint | nnd I'yppepsia, no one can doubt after using it as directed. Ii acts specifically upon the stoin j och end luer; it is preferable to calomel in all : bilious diseases— the effect is immediate. 7 hey can be administered te i km all or infant j with safety ami reliable benefit, atanv lime. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. 1 his medicine has attained that high elm rac ier which is necessary for all medicines to at tain to induce counterfeiters to put forth a spu rious article at the risk of tho lives ol those who are innocently deceived Look well to the marks of the genuine. They have the written signature of C. M. JACKSON upon the wrapper, and the name blown in the bottle, without which they are spurious. For sale Wholesale and Retail at the Ckr uan Mtdh inb Stouf., No. 1 'JO Arch Strlkt, one door below Sixth,(late 0t278 Race Street,) I bilKilelphia, and by respectable dealers gener ally throughout the country. march F2 —ly. Paper & Blank Books. I UK subscriber has always on .hand B tin** stock of Printing, (Tap, J ifor, V\ rappmjj, Window and Wall Papers and Ulan!; Books. (O" Wrililij" Papeis very iovs by the Ream apl'-i ) J HOFFMAN. PURIFY! PURIFY! Life and Health are in the Blood. ; N,t ono of all the numerous medicines that have he, n prepared, begin* to be of as great medical virtue, power, and unfailing certainty to cleanse and purily. produce new?, hralthy blood, and strengthen and invigorate liie whole sy• lvui as BRANT'S INDIAN | PURIFYING EXTRACT. ] This Purifier is the most wonderful and astonishing rem edy in the world. No other medicine has effected such ah most miraculous cures of Scrofula, Fever Sores, Salt lllieum, SYPHILIS, and other eruptive and skin diseases, viz : Ery sspt.las, Sores, Ulcers, Ulcerated Sore Mouth and Throat. Nursing Sore Mouth, Scald Head. Bites, l'iles, Pimples u„ a,'. Fare, Rheumatism, RIVER COMPLAINT, and many other diseases. THOUSANDS of such diseases 1UIT been t „ r .. j by this PURIFIER, and cured by the use oi FOUR TIMES Less Quantity, at Less Cost by four-fold, than ever such diseases w.rc before or since, cured, by Sarsaparilla, or any other remedy. What, then. Is the question for those interested to decide, as to economy and health? FIRST— IViII it cure mu complaint t SEC f OND— It it cheaper > THIRD— WiII ONE DOLLAR'S WORTH of BRANTS PURIFIER effectively cure F OUR TIMES as much disease as one dollar's worth of Sarsaparilla ? If i; will, then it is FOUR TIMES CHEAPER than Bursals, rilla. And to prove this we otter one case of cure, out of i the many cases of | MOST HORRID SCROFULA. To realize the great power of this mpdicine as a purifier, read, in our Pamphlets, the perfect cure effected on Mr. J. B Has kin, of Rome, Oneida county, If. Y. He was confined to his bed One Yeai —was not expected to live twenty-four hours loneer —his neck was eaten nearly off. from ear to ear—a hole was eaten through the Wind-pipe —his ear nearly eaten out—the use of one arm aeslroytd —an Ulcer, as large as a man's hand, had nearly eaten through his side—ani there were on him, in all, Twenty Large, Deep, Discharging Fleers, which were ALL CURED, and he restored to heal-h and stiyugth to labor again, by the use of ONLY TWELVE BOTTLES. Tif.s wonderful cure is certified to by Fourteen Respectable Witnesses. And It is the greatest cure, the moat undoubtedly substantiat ed, of one of the most horrid and most hopeless cases of ' Scrofula that has ever been cured since the world was cre ated—completely establishing the great power and certain Jfirary of the medicine. PHYSICIAN, HEAL THYSELF. DOCT. J. W. FRENCH, of Hillsdale, Hillsdale Co , Mich . wrote to us. Dec. S, IP4/i: " 1 have been in the regular prac tice of medicine in this plane for Nine Years -, but was obliged to quit the practice of my profession in conse quence of ill health. 1 was so severely afflicted with a r ironic disease of the lungs as to convince rnet'tiat I had the Consumption pat', doubt 1 coughed almost incessantly night and day and had severe pains and soreness in my chest, side, and breat. I tried the remedies recommended by the most skilful of my profession, all to no effect, excepting the nau-ea and debility caused by them. I was prejudiced against Patent Medicines and have no faith now in them, generally. But I was induced, as an experiment, more than throui/h faith, to try a bottle of Bun's INDUS PLI.- MONIRT RAI.-AM. and 1 do here acknowledge, for the ben efit o! the afflicted or whom it may serve, that the effect of its use on me. was theetorf prompt and salutary of any med icines 1 ever witnessed the effect of in all my practice. My COCOH was IMMEDIATELY RELIEVED. and in about eight or ten days. 1 was free from cough, soreness of the chest, and pain, and now consider and pronounce myself a well man " Doct. French is now a respectable druggist and merchant at Hillsdale. ANOTHER IMPORTANT VICTORY! Messrs. Ho'tstander Si Co., respectable merchant* of Oberlin, Lorain Co., Ohio, wrote D-cem!ier 19, I£4? : " Af ter allowing the Brant's Medicines which you sent to us, to remain at Cleveland about three months, we sent for them We have been so often deceived by such medicines not proving to be equal to their recommendations, and therefore would not sell, when their want of efficacy was known, that we considered it unprofitable to keep such, and were therefore prejudiced against Brant's, supposing it to be no better than many others we have on sale After we had received Brant's, J, (A. Holtstander) was persuaded from reading the pamphlet to take a bottle of the Pulmonary Bal sam home. My wife had lieen afflicted with a severe cough for about ten months, end our friends were alarmed and fearful that he would find nothing to relieve or cure her Bjt r.otwithitanding our prejudices to patent medicines, we are r.bhe'i to say. and cheerfully confess, that BRANT'S BALSAM and PURIFYING EXTRACT, can be depended on in preference to any or ell of the many kinds that have been 'eft with ua for sale. My wife was immediately relieved in her cough, and before she had finished using the firs? bottle, began to gain strength arid health, and only three bottles effected a perfect cure. The PURIFYING EXTRACT I have personally used for a general debility of the system, and I have no hesitancy in saying that it is the best medi oinc to restore and invigorate' the system, that I have ever found In every instance where we have sold these medi cines they have proved their efficacy, and given the best satisfaction." BRANT'S INDIAN PULMONARY BALSAM Thi# Bui-urn pofe*es all the eJeannng ami taint vrng Virtues i)l tile alaive-uiunod Pi'Eim.vo ExrstAi r. anil al-o po^severs! other medication?), particularly and ;wm harly ala j) ted to cure ('Ol'GllS and CONS!' M BTIUNS. It hmls and runs VUert in 'he, and elsewhere interna'- ly, as readily and ua easily a the Purifying Ertract h-. Hifl and cares rxtrrnatly. Thol'sakds of curefl of uu- mast hopeless Consumption fully prove it- ilraist tniiarulous olfieacy in ail diseases of tlie KI NG.-". TRUuAT, and BREAST. A DYIXG WOMAN SAVED! CONSUMPTION CURED: We en e the following certificate as a fact of cure, which ym-fl to prove the power to save life, even when the |*.-r-tu -• > ins to Ik- in the very last stages of existence, win n Indian Pid mnniry Balsam is administered:— Toirn i t Bjl;<ton, Saratoga Co.. X V. —Z:ba PvKß man, being duly sworn, says: That in the winter of Iff", deponent's wite was btdieved by her physician nnd others t.> U •lying with a consumption of the 1 tines: and deponent believing that to lie the rvs". went to Mr. John ll'mft More, in the village of Jiallstun Spa, to purchase cloth for a shroud, nnd other necessaries, to prepare liis wife for burial alter she should die. Deponent further says, that while he s in flaid ll'mfi store, he was persuaded hv the Pr opt trior Ot -BRANTS INDIAN ITLMONARY BALSAM." who was then present, to take a bottle of said Medicine —he remark inc. that if the dying woman Ia? now past recovery, vet. i! •he be much oppressed and dishessed, the said medicine would soothe and reliere her, nnd make the pillow ,,r ileath more easy. Deponent took the said medicine home with him. together with the cloth he had purchased pre paratory to tile anticipated death of his wife. Deponent caused a portion of said medicine to la- administered " his wife, and to his astonishment it soon relieved her she continued tin: use of said medicine uutil she rrci v ereil from h< r disease, and has boon able since fit being now more than three years) to do the work, ami attend to ail her household atlaiis . and deponent verily tieliever that, through the blessing of I'roi idem-e, the restoration to heal'" of his wife was the result of the curative and healing cftv racy of B-ant's Indian Pulmonary Balsa*< 7.18A DVKEMAN. Subscribed ami sworn to. before me, Uiis 29th .lay of April, t js "I'HOS. <i. Y'Ol -N. Justice of the Peace. T. 'en or K,.listen, Saratoga county. -V. Y*. —.. This is to certify, that 1 am. and have been for many ynrs. will and iutiinktelv H<-ipniiib',l with the above niinieil "/.itin Dykemsn. who i- one i our mot worthy and respectable citizen*, at. i whose statements are entitled to full credit and belief. THOS. li. YOI'NG, Justice of the IVuce. April 2d, IS4S. lon a • i BiKston, 1 i tinge or Ballrtoa Spa—sr. : This is tr certify teat the ciremnstances avd facts stated atieve by '/ibu Dyke mail are to toy knowledge strictly true, ami that be has liecpioutty since nn dto me that Brant's linhsn balsam Saved the lite of Mis. Dykemau. April 29, ISIS. JOHN WAIT. BKANT'S PLT.MON AUY' BAf,® \M cures COXSVMP PittX, Coughs, Colds. Spitting of Blood, Bleeding at ths Lungs, Pain in the Breast ami Side, Xight Sweats, Xr rises C omplaints, Palpitation of the Heart, female UVaA nr.,<e. atid t omp'aints. Cholera InfanDysentery. and Summer ids vlaints FOR SALE BY .11. FRIII) M.IRKS, I.rtristoxcn, ir. HRF.HM.LV; McFeytomt, M STEELY 8c CO., Belleville, JOILV .'It.BRIGHT, ReedsvUU, And by Agents in all purls of the State. All letters and orders must be addressed b> Wal l ace A Co., 106 Broadway, New York November 17, 1849—eoly. ROUSSKLL'S PEREU M KRY —kxua. K assorted; Kan Lustrale, Phiiocutne, Lkjum Hair Uye, Charcoal Tooth Haste, Rose Ti>cih Haste, Hear! Powder. Tooth Hovvder, A'.c . J. 11. MITCHELLS !.evviy'iowii. march FF 1"V;U
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers