some <t them destined to fill into Jilapid.iiion ni dec:-y, if "his policy shall be continued ; wii-n the immense imperial ions three too to overwhelm nil the great industrial interests of the country with ruin; when thousands and tens of thousands of our industrious and irstelli "■ent citizens have been turned adrift with their families to starve, or beg, or work for ten cents per day ; 1 sav, when under those circum stances of ruin and distress, our patriotic and distinguished Chief Magistrate recommends to Conjrei-s a in Hiifica'ion of the present t&riil, *o as to sive and to protect ali the great inter e.--s of the country, we are met, sir, with a protest from her BriMunic Majesty's Govern ment ! Here it is: Bm risn LETSATI ON, January, 11, 18.">0. Sis: It having been represented to her Msj "sly's Government, that there is some idea on the part of the Government of tiie United Cia'.cs to increase the duties on British iron .mported into the United States, 1 have been instructed by her Majesty's Government to ex press to the United States Government the hope of her .Majesty's Government, that no addition whl be made to the duties imposed bv the present tariff of the United Siaits, which already weigh heavily on British productions ; and I cannot"hut observe, for my own part, that an augmentation of the duties cn British pro duce or manufactures, made at the moment when the British Government has by a series of measures, been facilitating the commerce between the twi\, countries, would produce a very disagreeable efhet on public opinion in England. 1 avail myself of the opportunity to renew to you tin? assurance of tny most distinguished consideration, LT'.NRV L. BULWF.R. Hon. JOHN M. CLAYTON, Ac., Ac. And *o, sir, this tariff, which met wilh the greatest commendation fr. m the statesmen o' ner Britannic Majesty's G iverument, and the report accompanying which, was published by order of the British Parliament; this tar.ff, which was regarded as having reduced us again to a slate of colonial vassalage, and which had rendered the commerce of England with her American c dames twice as valuable as all her other commerce wilh all her other colonies on the fice of the globe; this British tariff, at the christening of which her Britan nic Majesty's Government stood god-father, has become exceedingly oppressive—'• weighs heavily on British productions 1" And yet, the hope is expressed, very modestly to be sure, that we will touch it not! And to repress tlio audacity of any turbulent spirit fiorn any such attempt, we are very kindiy informed in ad vance, that any such attempt " would produce a very disagreeable effect upon pubhe opinion in England." And, s.r, we are therefore ex pected carefully and dutifully to abstain from niteiffinng in the slightest degree with a measure thus dear to the mother country, not withstanding it does bring b-'ggary sad rum upon our own pcop.e. And if we dare to iay our v ulgar hands upon this wonderful specimen of financial wisdom, I presume we may expect to receive another protest, a protest from S.r Robert Walker, to be added IJ the protest- of Sir Robert Peel, Sir llenry Lyttou Buhver, and I-ord John Rus sell, and of all the other sir= and lords of her Britannic Majesty's (iovernment. We may be favored, perhaps, with a still further prote-t from another degenerate son of Pennsylvania, who, m the hour of her, had it in bis pow er to save her, but who a-ted up hie heel against I not name him. He was bidding for the Presidency ; he had Ins eye upon the Baltimore Convention of 1~ IP. But, sir, it re jj'.ceu my heart to see him treated, as traitors have ever been Heated ; although the treason was loved, the traitor was despised and rejected. i desire, sir, to say nothing personally offen sive of Sir Henry Lytton Buiwer. Ho is the minister, the representative of the British Gov ernment; and has but discharged his duty by obeying the instructions of his Government. 1 have no doubt he is the able, talented, and ac complished diplomatist and gentleman which he has been represented to be. But, sir, I must bo permitted to denounce this interfe rence of his Government, as did our able Sen ator in the other wing of the Capitol, as unpre cedented, impertinent, arrogant, and highly of fensive. It is no doubt true, that Great Bri tain has, for the last two or three centuries, played a most conspicuous part upon the great theatre of tho world. She has long been dis tinguished for her wisdom, her prowess, her great wealth and power, and for many of those graat attributes that constitute national glory. But I affirm, and the whole civilized, and the whole barbarous world will bear testimony to the truth of what 1 say, that she has been still more distinguished for her pride, for her arro gance, for her insatiable cupidity, and inordi nate ambition. She grant commercial facili ties! when, without the most ample equiva- ienta ! She grant concessions ! when ? where ? In whit quarter of tue world ? In what peri r*l of her history ! She grant conce®-®iona ! Yes, Fir, such concessions "as vultures give to lambs, covering and devouring them." She grant concessions' O, yes, sir, I remember, rather I have heard, of some concessions which she did grunt She conceded, 1 believe, inde pendence to our Revolutionary sires; and at s later po ,d she conceded to their Bons the right to navigate the high sea, without to exercise her pretended right of impressment These sir. these are the only concessions which she grant® —concessions wrenched from her hy the mighty hand of eupen ir power. Hut, let us look a little into the practical cp era lions of ties new doctrine. It his Br;tp.n- me majesty, Sir John Bull, is to be permitted to interfere with our domestic policy, and to dictate our course of legiy'ation, brother Jona than. I presume, will claim Uio right to recip rocal" his acts of disinterested k.ndnvss. Jon athan, sir, is said to be an lridi-vi-du-ul, not only remarkably well qualified for attending to bis own business, hut has a ■prnchunt for looking a little into the business of his neigh bor. He is, in a word, a reformer. The spirit of chivalry, of which we have heard much on this floor, was net more illustriously developed m the celebrated knignt of f)e f,a Mancha, than in in Jonathan this spirit ot reform, of im provement, of progress. And it* this wide ie!d be thrown open to him. think you, sir, he will not enter upon it with alacrity! And what would bo his lir*t step in 1 lie glorious ca eer before Inrn ? vVhy, sir, I imagine, a* he s said to he fond of his kith and kin, he would in the firt p!a-.e " express Hie hope," modeat'y <<! course, to Sir John, that he strikes off the -hackles of "dear nul l Ireland,' restore to her her independence, and cesse any longer to op press ami grind her gallant people in the dust. I imagine he would then take a peep into Sir >oho's I.ust India possessions; and I have no b'Ui't n. sagacity would enable him tosug g;s divers reform® calculated to relieve and erne.iorate the condition of that oppressed .; iunt r y. But, a.® Jonathan is -Bid to have on "ye single to hi® own interests generally, in his great reform?, 1 presume he would invite Sir John'- at'ent >n to Ins |KH®ssions on this side j< the waters, nnd would " expr> ®s t > bio the J.ope." m-wiestly of course, that he would see he wisdom and propriety ,f surrendering up i.: Vim, in u.i-i I n North Interim p>: :>ei- siona, and of permitting them to become re annexed to the United States —intimating to him, m the most delicate manner in the world, j tint he considered iumself abundantly able to take charge of the whole North American con -1 tinent, and of the South American also, if it should beccme necessary. As Jonathan is said to be affected with a considerable share of " prying curiosity," 1 imagine lie would not he content with these external reforms, but would desire to examine a iittle into the domestic es tablishment of Sir John. And here, sir, lie would find a glorious field for the display of his taienis. 1 imagine he would, in the first place, suggest, m a very delicate manner of course, John, the propriety of hisabolish iiiv_r ins immense and oppressive Church estab lishment, and of enlarging the basis of repre sentation in the House or Commons, granting to every ichite subject at least, the right of suf frage in electing the members of the lower House. But, when he should come to the IJous; of Cords and to the Throne, what think you would he do! Here, he would exclaim, are evils beyond the reach of reform. What would be do ! Ue would cast.sir,his pruning knife t'r.nn hitn. lie would insist upon the ab olition of the whole system, upon the titter an nihilation of the whole race of King®. Queens, Princes, Dukes, and Lords, and the establish ment of a great English Republic. And if ■Sir John should be sta tiled ; if he should sug gest that he iiad n< t in his kingdom statesmen of sufficient knowledge and experience to put such new machinery in motion, I have no doubt, Jonathan would pledge himself to rig out the whole establish ma nt, wilh all the otlicrrs wanted, from the presidency down to the clerk ships, to the waiters. But tins doctrine. I presume, would lead to broils, to broken heads and bloody noses. I take this occasion, sir, toexoressmy thanks, and the thanks of my district, if not of the whole State, to our patriotic and worthy Chief Magistrate for Ins strong and decided recom mendation of the groat industrial interests of the country, to the favorable consideration of Congress, in his veiy able annual message. 1 desire, also, to express our thanks in like manner to the distinguished Secretary of the Treasury, for bis learned, iiiiniumi--, ami unan swerable argument in favor of the great prin ciple of protection, contained in his report sub mitted to us at the date of our organization— a report which, as a great State paper, will compare favorably with any that has ever emanated from any Department of the Govern ment. Nobiy has he sustained the honor of the old Key Stone Slate, and his own great rep utation. I wish, sir, to sec those parts of this message and correspondence, relation " to th? du*i:s im poseJ by the present tariff* of the United States," referred t<> a select committee, a m:,- jori'y of which shall be friendly to the protec tive policy, and to a modification of the Tariff of 1 -46, so as to protect American labor against tho competition of f ireign labor. \V e ali know how the present standing committees ot this House have been organized; and that to refer this message and correspondence, and the thou sand petitions praying for a modification of the present tariff", to the Committee on Manufac tures or of Ways and Means, would b" to con sign them to the tomb of ali theCapulets. Let us have a fa r select committee, comprising a mij irity of the friends of a modification of the present tariff ; (and I shall offer a resolution to this effect before i sit down, if in order.) let us have a bill reported, containing such modifications ot the act of ISI6, as the Admin istration and the friends of protection, think the suffering interests ot the country require; let us have a hearing. This certainly is not asking too much. We not for prohibitory, or for high pro tective duties. The age of prohibitions and stringent commercial restrictions, has paa*ed away, not soon I presume to return. But we ask. so long as Congress shall continue to col lect nearly all the revenues of the Government from duties and imposts on imported goods, that in the adjustment of those duties and imposts, they shall discriminate in favor of American labor,and American manufactures and products requiring protection. Upon such articles * have become necessaries, and are consumed by all classes, the poor as well as the rich, and which we cannot manufacture or produce, let there be no duty,; or, if some be necessary for the purpose of raising toe neceeeary amount of revenue, let the duty be light. But upon all articles of luxury, and upon ail such articles as the country possesses facilities tor manufac turing and producing, and with (he nmnufac lure and production of winch foreign labor is brought into ruinous competition, let theduties be high ; sufficiently high, at least, to enable the American manufacturer and producer to compete with the foreign manufacturer and protlucerfor the American market. In a word, let the burden of the revenues rest upon such articles of foreign manufacture and produce as are brought into ruinous competition with the like articles or American produce and manu facture This is what I understand by the principle of discriminate)!), a principle too evidently true and politic to admit of argument. It defies alike illustration and contradiction. He who would assail it, should assail the whole system of duties and imposts ; shoti'd insist upon their total abolition, arid the adoption of th j system of direct taxation. In the next place, let the principle of speci fic duties be adopted, wherever that principle is practicable ; and where it is not practicable, let the home valuation he substituted for the foreign valuation. I will not lit this time en large upon these topics. But, sir, let this Con gress take up this subject, let us apply these principles in a judicious modification of the TarilF of ISlfi, so as to ariorti sufficient protec tion to all the great industrial interests of the country; let us abolish tho Warehousing sys tem, and restore the whole principle of cash duties ami, sir, we will cover the country with blessing". And, sir, although much time has been waited in useless wrangling, in painful crimination and recrimination betwixt different sections of this glorious country, we will he met on our return home, by our constituents v. nil die plaudit of " vvei! done good nnd faith ful (servants.** Mr. SPEAKER, I now offer the following res olution as an amendment, if in order : '* Ilesohfd, That eo much of the Presi dent's meeeage, nnd of the correspondence of Sir Henry Lytton Bulwer accompanying the came, as relates to "duties imposed by the present tariff of the United Stales," he re ferred to a select committee of nine, with in structions to report by bill or otherwise." The SPEAKER. The proposition of the GEN tleman from Pennsylvania is not in order at tins time. It will he in order after the motion to refer to the standing committee shall be dis posed of. At a Church quarrel recently in Philadelphia, the parties came to blows and threw each other out of the building. .v it.tot ground on 1- runt street, Cincinnati, wu dd ou Monday la-1 tt,r SC4O pet loot u ovt tjjoO m inch, front. THE GAZETTE. LEWISEOWN, PA. FRIDAY E YEN IK, MAY 11, 1833. j T r. R M S : O*K DOLLAK IHIK AX&VJI, IN ADVANCE. For six months, 75 cents. £ty*AU NEW subscriptions must t)c paid in advance. If the paper is continued, and not paid within the first month, $1.25 will lie charg ed ; if not paid in three months, $1.50; if riot paid in nix months, $1.75; and if not paid in nine months, S2.U(J. COUNTY MEETING. The Whig* of Mifflin county arc re quested to assemble at MOVER'S HOTEL, on Saturday livening, .June 8, 1850, for the purpose of appointing dele gates to the IState Convention to be held on the 19th of that month. A Canal Com missioner, Auditor (ienoral, and Surveyor (•enetal are to be nominated. Jiy order of the County Committee. *> The law fir the Erection of a Poor llouse, which appear, tit our columns to-day. together with other new advertisements, leaves us but iittle room fur news Our outside, containing a part of Mr Calvin's speech, had been printed before the act was received, or vvi- should have postponed its publication until our next The speech w.ll, how ever, amply repay perusal s'.-THe Warm Springs u IVrry county w.ll afford a pleasant retreat for the invalid and p' tsiireseekiits citi zen during the heat of sunin. r. The tval'-rs are said to to b equal in mineral properties to any in the foiled States, and Mr. Krrua, the pr• ; lielor, will unqiiestuma blj'do all that an obliging host can do to render the stay of Ins visiters comfortable and agreeable. Aftit roes" Nortcss, —Our colenipor.iiea are making much complaint respecting the difficulty ofcollectuig pay for publishing these notice* We had the same trouble a. me year, ago, and soon retnedicJ the matter by charg ing the Auditors ?>Major Elbow suggests tint tin* rea* n why the loco focos are denouncing the Oalphin claim so bitterly, i >■- cause (i ilplun w a* a Revolutionary Whig, and lost thou sands by taking sides with Wsstiingii 11, Marion, and other They evidently hjtc the name rVThe IcKofbcos of the last lepisi tture In ving charter e banks enough to last a lifetime, ami indulged in aii kinds of corruption, the party organs are now crying out to nominate "the b'-M men " This cue wa. given by the Pennsylvania!!, and is a nor. ru. lo induce th<* honest portion of that party to sustain the political hark* who have for years fattened on the treasury am) falsified every principle of democracy The leaders w antjneither good men nor ' the heat men.' hut those who can be used as self interest may require. Will th* people ninth lon ger be deceived by Una ' s! >p thief crj * s> The \tit!itor General and rtate Treasurer have g.v en an opinion that the sum of #.'s ,0 0, appropriated tow arils the completion of the X .rib Branch Canal, may be applied to ) wuik without any itu reuse f the Stale debt This opinion is altogether based on < *!imnt*s, and when the year close* may shoot wide of the mark svTue If. .day aturg Standard soina weeks since called our attention t. a paragraph in the New Orleans ( res cent stating that a *!•■ of CToflVe had bee made in that mark. l at * tents per lb , and then asks— '* It the Tariff of '46 raised the price of coffee, ns the editor of the Gazette *. rted some time since, of course the same act has caused ihe reduction ' It's a poor rub; that won't work both ways/ What say coir, friend )' " Why, all we have t say is tins If the lanffof 'lc raised th- price of wheat some years ago u cession tended hy your party papers at tin- trine., the same tariff no doubt raised the price of coffer; anil having after wards thdmtf uUy put deirn f'.c uf vhtiit, it of fours, lowered the price of coffee ;*.i i* that sat.tfuclory a The Cuban Expedition. Th buccaneering mnvtiui r:t has failed, atid ihe leaders sought safety 111 en inglorious ffiglit. The hrl new* received repre*. nted that Gen Lopez, who headed tiie invading parly from Ihe Tinted Stales, tout effected a landing with a fen hundred men on the north ern part of tin- Island, at Cardenas, about ninety nules from Havana, and about forty miles eastward of Matan zas Cardenas : a -nail place, with but few inhabitants, and on lluil account was probably *i-leit. d as the easiest point to gain a foothold upon th.- island Ihe g.arr.son of only sixty men surrendered after n spiiited resistance, a number being killed and wounded on both sidi s Thia new s created much ani<-t\ to know cvhst follow cd, ami llie public hid not long to wait, for on Saturday morning last the commander who was to perform such extraordinary feats, appeared in th. streets of Bavannah, Georgia ' Ihe st'-amer Creole, with the troops on hoard, narrowly escaped being captured by a Hpantsh war steamer, and finally made her way into Key West, where she ha* been seized by the collector for a violation ofour revenue law* Lopez was arrested at Savannah by the Marshal, but managed to be disti: trged Others engaged in this movement have also been arretted for violating our treaty stipulations, and may not escape so easily. I rum the tone assumed by certain members at Wash ington, it won! I seem that the scheme of this piratical inoieni'iit for it fanunt w !l be called by any other name— 1 mbraced roar; of the restless spirit* of (he south w ho are ever dissatisfied unless engaged in broils of some kind. The President lis* now taken the matter In hand, and is determined that these men shall not violate our treaties and laws, as v.e|| at the laws of nations, with 1 FOIIKIGY SEWS. The new C.mard stenmer Asia witli Liverpool advices to the 17th int . arrivedt Halifax at 6 o'clock on Mon day morning, having made the passage in a little over eight days. The Commercial news by this arrival is of the highest importance. Cotton and Breadstuff* of all descriptions have advanced—the rise 111 Cotton 1* [J , in (lour I* ("el to 2* per bbl., and Corn Is to 1* 2d p-r quarter. The Krem ii .-.ik! Russian governments have taken um brage at the mode in w Inch Lord Palrnerston's agent at Allien* brought Hie Greek difficulty to a conclusion, and have withdrawn their Ambuenadors from London There 1* evidently a good deal of anxiety felt upon the subject, and in both houses of Parliament, on tlie 10th, < xplanations of the difficulty were asked. I he excitement with respect to the new Electoral Law i- spreading in Trance, and petition* -against the measure are pouring in from all quarters of the country. Several alterations have been made in the Mil. The whole vigilance of the Government of Rome *>.* ms to he ex-rcited in stopping the English, French ami Italian newspapers at the p..*l office, which colli ain articles severely clitic;ti:>g its 1 ■ ' 1 c.u du. 1 From < allfomla* 'I he steamship Crescent Gity, Capt Ludlow, from t L'hagres, via. Kingsion. (Jamaica,) arrived at New Voik on Saturday afternoon, w itii Ai'2oo,o<Ki in gold dust. Col. Jack Mays, the independent candidate, has been elected, and sworn in, as Sheriff of San Francisco county. Sacramento city was again overflowed, avoiee thnn it was before, much damage being done to property. Lumber and provisions are very low ; and frame houses brought on sailing vessels, would hardly sell for lost of freight " I'hiruns City" is fhe nainp of a new place on the Sac ramento, but recently commenced. The accounts from the mining regions are satisfactory Keyrr.'il new diggings have been discovered, w In h huvs yielded largely, and the old mines continue to pay from one to tw o ounces a day. A sad disaster occurred on an expedition to Trinidad Bay, by which John H. Peoples, Lieut, Bathe, and Lieut Browning, of the L'. 8 Navy, and two otheis, were drowned .11 A K It I B S . On Thursday, the 23d hint , by the Rev S P. I.illey, Mr JOli N liEN i>K IX, of lie ion county, and Mis* C'A'f II- AitiM! STOUT, of Ilecaiur township. DIED. tin Saturday evening last, in D'rry township, J AMES MEN'RY, son of William|j, aged I years, t> months, and 8 days. Departed this life on the 25tli inst.,about 6 o'clock F. M„ at his iCHidi nco in this borough. Rev. JACOB GRCBKR, of the Baltimore Annual 1 onfcience of the Methodist Episcopal Church, need 72years, 3 months and 2*2 day s. The subject of tics brief notice has been long and favorably known as a laborious and faithful watch man oil the walls of /.ion He entered the ministry ui the Spring of 1800, and has continued to labor in the vineyard of Ins .Master with almost unparalleled zeal and industry for fifty years, without an inter nns s on of four consecutive weeks at any one time da ring that whole period. I lis sound and vigorous constitution—whih he net' r allowed to become im paired by any needless self indulgence—enabled hun to perform a vast amount of work, and endure great fatigue and exposure m different el.males, at all sea sons and in all kinds of weather, lie pre.tchcd on an average Irom 250 to 3i'o sermons annually, be sides doing the work of a faithful pastor and vvgilant overseer of the souls under his < h vrge. It may well be said that he was a singular and extraordinary man. Singular us well for Ins strength and originality ol mind, energy of character, depth of jnr ty, prodig ous labors, power of endurance and extensive usefulness, as for the abstemiousness, simplicity, economy and regularity of his life. He out-lived, out-labored and out-suffered most of Ins eotemporar,es. Although good health smiled upon him for half a century, re t du ring the past three month Ills suffer.rigs w < r.: ex treme. A new, trying and painful serson this—yet he passed thtough it with chrustain firmness ami re signation He antic, pa ted his approaching dissolution with great coinposuie, and joyfully awaited the sum mon" of Li* Lord, from a cmu-h of p.i.n io a crown of glory. Ibe hour came ami found him ready to meet it: his v.oik done, his suffering ended, he fell asleep in the arms of his Redeemer,and w as gathered to his father-, to siifi"' r and die no more. -Servant nfG d—well done. Rest from thv loved employ; 'I lie battle s fought—the vict'ry's won— Enter your Master's )oy." Th .s has fallen one of the oldest and most faithful ministers ot the Gospel. The loss will be keenly felt, not only by li s surviving companion and rela tions, but by the < iiur< !i of his choice and the com munity in general, who have been greatly benefitted by his labors and liberality. Though dead, vet h.s name and example w ill five in the memory of thou sands: and in the great Judgment, many will rise up ami rail him blessed Max the God of nil grace sustain, support ami comfort 'be afflicted widow, and cheer h r lonely pathway, till she shall overtake her sainted husband in the church triumphant. 15 WARM SPRINGS. pSkirti" cc-xrarrY, r.v THE undersigned beg* leave to inform the public, that he lias recently purchased the Warm Springs, in Perry county. Pa , and ha* improved and r< furnished the building* for tin* entertainment of visiters, in a style calculated to ensure r uiifort arid convenience to all who may fro! diepo*.-d to patronize th establishment The*, spring* at- situated on th- banks of and empty into ■•' herman's ' reek, a stream lU-oe ated with th" thrill ing *. em * between the early sittier* of that part of Pennsy Iva uia aml th<- aborigines. w host huntiug grounds lay on it* margin They are li iiuies from Carlisle, (through which Ihe Cumberland Valley Railroad passe* from I'lißtnb..r*biirg lo llarrieburg.) from which place visiter* <a at all time* procure excellent conveyances. Those a!s > from the our, wishing to re it h the springs by th. tVntr.a: K .i!r<vrt, r un do by taking passag. lothe lliiticiiiinon Iron Works, (1.1 niilo* di-t.nt from the • prim:*) where coachea nr* constantly in readiness to convey them thither; and ilmne coming from the west on the saint road, con st nil times obtain en*> conveyan ces at the Railroad Hotel at Newport, which i> hut b few mile* distant from the springs The qualities of tft;- water st these springs are tiuott < xtra.-rdinary indeed for the speedy and [ e-manent cure of VF.Ts'fZK, KrUjlivrm t>f l ie Skin, end tn /<t.-t ire •rmt* f Cutaneous l uci.<c. He hat hnt.dr.-d* of certificate*, showing the wonderful cure* . fleeted by using th * water internally, and by bathing in it, obtained ■* wi-o from strangers as from those remdinr ill the immediate neighborhood of tlic springs, who have not only experienced th* infallible efficacy of the water themselves, but witnessed the same upon other*. Pn>f JiHL. (' BOOTH lis* analyzed the waters, and found them to contain 2 grains of solid matter in the gallon, which i composed as follows t'a rhonate of iirvie, ... 2 OCT niag-iesia. • • I l -3s Aikairne sails, chi- li, chi.-.j ~!•*, Willi a por tion of sulphate, - 1 CW3 Bilicia ..... P.tkjS Organic matter, S ei>7 9.900 There are also at the rtiiir place half a dozen of other springs, of different descriptions, among w tin h is our of sulphur and one of cold w ut.-r It may not be improper t 1 stale why a knowledge of the extraordinary medical qualities of these springs has not been more extensively known t'l.n is indicated by the certifies!, s of thoe only who have resided in their im mediate neighborhood. Wars ago the property fell into Hie hand* of a number of liens, who were indisposed to undertake the responsibility of making 11 a idare of pub lic entertainment- probably N.cause th patr. nnge o(The public would not have justified the undertaking, as at that lino- (before the *; iril id' improvement had rend red d,start anil dlffu ull points < f speedy mid ch- np access,) its location was out of the way, and the roads to it rough and almost impassable At the death of Mr. Kennedy, ■ I fell into the hands of his heirs, neither of whom seem ed disposed to lake hold of it, but leased it lo tenants, more f. r the cultivation of the land than a regard to Hie use of the water It was dually rented to Mr. Hippie, (now proprietor of a large hotel in Tremont. Fa.) who made arrangement* to a. commodate the public, and dur ing 111* term many invalids availed themselves of this opportunity to \ isrt and test its no dical qualities Mr Hippie however retired in a short time, and ihe property again f,-)t into the hands of the heirs, and remained s until proceedings were instituted in the Orphans' Court for it* sale. It was ordered to be sold, and the subscri ber became the purchaser- It will thus be seen th ai with the exception of the short time it was held by Mr. Hip pie, no efforts were made to bring it into notice. The country round the springs ami neighborhood is .li vcrsiiied by cultivation and beautifully wild and pictu resque scenery, abounding in game, while the stream passing through tire properly affords fine fishing Every attention will be paid to the comfort ami convenience of guests, and the charges ao moderate, that ail may avail themselves of the benefits of the Water. May HI —Bl li. 11. ETTER. Libiate vt Rcv'd Jacob CJiiibcr, (lec'd. VTOTICK is hereby given, that the. undersigned, '.\j residing in the borough of Lew istowu, been duly appointed and qualified a s Executrix of the Estate of Rev. JACOB GRUBER, late of Lewistown, Mifflin county, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate arc re quested to present them for settlement without dclav and those indebted to inake immediate payment. R U'HEL GRUBER, >lav .'ll lSiO—fiw Executrix IN pursuance of the duties enjoined on me, the following act lor the erection of a House for the Support of the Poor of Mifflin County, is made public. DAVIS M'K. COXTNER, Sheriff. \ SHIRIEF'S OFFICE, } Eewistown, May 30, ISoO. s FOR THE ERECTION OF A IIOCSE FOR THE SUPPORT OF THE POOR IN THE COCNTV OK MIFFLIN, Authoiisirig the Overseers of the Poor of Ly- j coming county to sell certain property belong ing to Walter Potts, an insane pauper; relative to the Boundary Lines between the States of Pennsylvania and Delaware; to Elections in Philadelphia county ; and to holding Courts ! in Juniata county; and to taking Excessive Interest from the Bank of Eewistown. SECTION 1. lie it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonirealth of Pennsyl vania in General Jlssevdbly met, and it is hereby en acted by the authority of the same, That Samuel W. Taylor, Isaiah Coplin, Samuel Barr, James Criswell, and David Jenkins—all of the countv of Mifflin—be and are hereby appointed Com missioners, whose duty it shall be, or a majority of them, on or before the first day of August, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and fifty, to determine upon and purchase such real estate as they shall deem necessary for the ac commodation of the poor of Mifflin county ; ar,d it shall be lawful for said Commissioners, or a majority of them, to take conveyances therefor in the name arid for the use of the corporation mentioned in the third section of this act : and they shall certify their proceedings therein, un der their hands and seals, to the Clerk of the Court of Quarter Sessions of the county of .Mifflin, to he filed in his office; arid at the next genera! election the qualified electors of Mifflin county shall elect three reputable citizens of said county to be Directors of the poor and of the house of employment for the county of Mifflin for the ensuing year in the following manner, to wit- The townships of Armagh, Brown, Union, and Mcnnn shall elect one per son, who -hail serve three years ; the townships of Wayne, Oliver, Granville, Deny, Decatur, and the borough of M'Veytown and the borough of .Newton Hamilton shall elect one person, shi shall serve for two years . and the borough 'if j Eewistown shall elect one person, who shall -erve one year—and annually thereafter one person shall be elected to serve for three vears, and be elected in the district where a vacancv shall occur by the expiration of the term of otfire; and the judgesof the election of said coun ty shall, immediately on receiving the returns from the several election districts and casting up the number of votes therein, or within three days thereafter, certify, under their hands and seals, the names of the persons so elected di rectors to the Clerk of the Court of Quarter Sessions of said county, who shall file the said certificate in his office, and forthwith give notice in writing to the aid directors of their being dected ; and said directors shall meet at the Court House, in Lewistowri. on the first Monday • of November next ensuing their election, to transact buiincs*. St< TIOV 2. Every director elected in manner aforeaid, or appointed as i* directed by the eleventh section of this act, shall, within ten days after he is notified of uch election or ap pointment. and before he enters upon the duties of the said office, take an oath or affirmation, which shali he tiled in the office of the Clerk of the Court of Quarter Sessions, which anv jus tice of the peace of said county i herebv author ized to administer, that he w ill discharge the duties of the office of director of the poor for the said county truly, faithfully, arid impartially, to tl.e best of his knowledge aud ability ; and in case of neglect or refusal to take said oath or affirmation within the time aforesaid, he shall forfeit and pay the sum of ten dollars for the use of the poor of said county, which fire shall be recovered by the <!irecti>r*'for the time being a' debts arc or shall be by law recoverable ; and the director? qualified as aforesaid are herebv authorised to administer an oath or affirmation in any case when it shall be necessary in relation to the duties of their office. SECIIO.N3. The .id directors --hall forever hereafter, in name and in fact, be one bodv pol itic and corporate in law to all intents and pur poses whatsoever relative to the poor of the county of Mid!in. and shall have perpetual suc cession, and may sue and bo sued, plead and be impleaded, by the name, style and title of " The Directors of the Poor and the House of Employ ment for the County of Mifflin," and by that name shall and may receive, take, and hold any lands, tenements, and hereditaments not exceed ing tb< yearly value of ten thousand dollars, and any go ds and chattels whatsoever of gift, alien ation. or bequest of any person or persons what soever ; to purchase, take, and hold any lands and tenements within their county in fee simple, or otherwise, and erect suitable buildings for the reception, use. and accommodation of the poor of said county : to provide all tilings necessary for the lodging, maintenance, and employment of said poor; to appoint a Treasurer annuallv, who shall give bond with full and sufficient sure ty for the faithful discharge of the duties of his office, and at the expiration thereof for the pay ment and delivery over to his successor in office all moneys, bonds, notes, book accounts, and other papers to the said corporation belonging, which shall then he remaining in his hands, cus tody, and pos-ession ; and said directors shall have power to employ, and 3t pleasure remove, a steward or stewards, matron or matrons, phy sician or physicians, surgeon or surgeons, and all other attendants that may be neccs-arv for the said poor respectively : to bind out appren tices so that sucli apprenticeship may expire (if males) at or before the age of twenty-one ; if fe males, at or before the auc of eighteen years, such poor children as --hall come under their notice, or as may now he hound apprentices by the Overseers of the Poor: Provided, That no child shall be bound at a greater distance than thirty miles from the poor house, and to have not less three months schooling in each and ererv year; and the said directors -hall < xerciso anil enjoy all such other powers now vested in the Overseers of the Poor as are not herein gramed or supplied ; and the said directors are hereby empowered to use one common seal in ail busi ness relating to said corporation, and at their pleasure to alter and renew the amc. SECTION - 4. The said directors, as soon a* may be after their election and organization as afore said, shall make an estimate of the probable ex pense of purchasing the lands and buildings, or erecting the necessary building or buildings, and furnishing the same, and maintaining the poor within the said countv tor one venr, whereupon the County Commissioners of the saij count) shall, and they are hereby authorized and re quired to increase the county tax bv one-fourth part of the sum necessary lor the purpose afore said, and shall procure on loan on the credit of the taxe herein directed to be levied, the re maining three-fourths tin nof f<> he paid in in stalments, with interest, out of the county taxes. Provided always, That not inore than one-fourth of the whole amount of the sum necessary for the purpose aforesaid shall he added to the coun ty tax annually thereafter, to he paid by the county treasurer to the directors aforesaid, on orders drawn in their favor by the county com missioners as the same may he found necessary. SECTION 5. It shall he "the duty of the said directors, on or before the first tlavof November in each and every year alter the poor house shall have been completed, to furnish the commission en of said county with an estimate of the pro* bable expense ol the poor and poor house for one year : and it shall be the duty of said com missioners to asess, and cause to be collected the amount of said estimate, which -hall be paid to said directors by the county treasurer, on warrants drawn in their favor bv the county commissioners as the same may be found neces sary ; and the said dire. tors shall, at least once in every year, render an account of all monies hv them received ami i spemled to the auditors elected to audit and settle the countv accounts subj *< t to llit* saint* jirnallio and r ilr. and reg ulations as are by law directed respecting the accounts of the county conimissionei and-had at least once in every year lay before the Court of (Quarter Sessions and -Grand Jury of vj, | county a list of the number, age, and sex of the persons maintained and employed in the hnu-e of employment, or supported or assisted by them elsew here, ami of the children bv tin , j bound out to apprenticeship as aforesaid, with the name of their masters or mistresses, an.i their trade, occupation, or calling ; and shall, at all times w hen thereunto required, submit to ii ; inspection and free examination of such visitors as shall from time to time he appointed bv the Court of tarter Sessions of the said county all their books and accounts, together with ii;e rei.t intcrest, and monies payable and receivable bv tne said corporation ; arul also, an account of all i sales, purchases, donations, devises and bequests ; as shall have been made by or to them, Prodded I hat no director shall sell or disnose of any ->i tide or articles to the said poor house durin-the I time he shall serve as director thereof, nor U a , contractor for c-recting buildings. ; SECTION G. AS soon as tl.e said huilding shall have been erected or purchased, and all necessa ry accommodations provided therein,notice V', ,i| be sent, signed by any two of the said director-.' the overseers of the several b iroughs and tVw '.- , ships ol the said county of Mifflin, forthwith to bring the poor of their re-ocrtn - boroughs and townships to said bouse 'of em ployment, which order the overseers are hereby enjoined and required to comply with, or other wise to forfeit the cost of all future ni-iutienn'-ic, except in cases when by sickness or anv other sufficient cause any poor person cannot be r< - j moved, in which case the said overseers shall represent the same, to the nearest justice of the peace, who being itisfu d of the truth thereof ' shall certify the same to the said directors, and* at the said time issu" an order tinder his hand and seal to the said overseers,directing thorn to maintain such poor until such times as lie or she | may be in a situation to he removed, and then convey the aid pauper and deliver him or her to the steward or keeper of the said house of employment, together with the said order; ami th- charge and expense of such temporary re lief and of such removal, shall be paid by the said directors at a reasonable allowance. Hr-.enov 7. rhe said directors shall from time to time receive, provide for and employ, accord ing to the true intent arid meaning of this act all such poor and indigent persons as shall be entitled to relief, or shall have gained a legal settlement in said county of Mifflin, and shall be sent there by an order or warrant for that pur pose under the hands and seals of any two jus tices of the peace, directed to any constable of the said i ouuty of Mifflin, or to the overseers of the proper township in any other county of this commonwealth ; and the -aid directors are here by auth irized when they shall deem it proper and convenient to do so, to permit anv p, JCr person or persons to be maintained elsewhere Provided, Theexpenseof their maintenance doct pot in any ra-e exceed that for which they could bo maintained at the poor house of the said county of Mifflin. SKCTIOS B- The said directors, or an V tvroof ihern. who shall be a quorum in all casi*s t<> d> business, shall hive full power to make and ordain such ordinances, rules, and regulations as they shall think proper, convenient, arid neces sary for the direction, government, and support of the poor and bouse of employment aforesaid and of the revenues thereunto' belonging and' of all such persons as shall come under their cognizance: Provided, The same be not repug nant to this law, or any of the laws of this State or the I'nited States, .ind provided also. That the same shall not have any force or effect, until they shall have been submitted to the court of common pleas for the time being of the countv of MitOin, and shall have received the approba tion of the same. SECTION- 9. The said directors, or either of them, shall have full power and authority to ad minister oaths or affirmations to all persons re siding in the said house of emplovuient, or be coming chargeable to the said county, touching their place of legal settlement; and in case such poor person or persons shall refuse to lake the said oath or affirmation, or shall refuse to answer such questions as shall be asked by the said directors, touching and relating to said set tlements. the 'aid directors may withhold all further relief from such poor person or person? until he or she. or they shall consent to take such oath or affirmation, and answer ail such questions as aforesaid ; and the said board of directors, or a majority of them, in addition to the powers hereinbefore granted, are author ize d and empowered to administer oaths an i affirmations in a!! cases wiuitcver relating to their official duties. Secuov 10. A quorum of said directors shall, and they are hereby enpuned and required, to meet at the said house of employment at Jea't once in every month, and visit the apartments, and see that the poor are comfortably supported, and hear ail complaints and redress or cause to be redressed all grievances that may happen bv the neglect or misconduct of any person or persons in their employment or otherwise. SUCTION- H. In case of any vacancy by death, resignation or otherwise, of any of said direc tors, the remaining directors shall fill such va cancy by the appointment of a citizen of the district in which such vacancy mav occur, un der the same penalty as is provided*by the sec ond section ot this act, to serve until the next general election, when another director shall be elected to serve as if no such vacancy had hap pened. SECTION Id. The said director? shall each of them receive lor their services annually the sum of twenty dollars, to defray the expense? of the necessary attendance on the duties of their office. SUCTION 13. All claim* and demands existing at the time of this act being cai ried into effect shall have toil force and effect as if this act had not passed, !fnd when the same may have been duly adjusted and settled, all moneys remaining in the hands of the overseers, as well as the un collected taxes levied for the support of the poor in the several boroughs and townships in the county of Mifflin, shall be paid over to the treasurer of the poor house, to be applied to the maintenance and support of the poor; ari 3? soon as the poor of the count}- of MilHs'i shall have been removed to the house of em ployment of said county, and the outstanding taxes collected and paid over, the office of over seer of the poor within the said county shall from thenceforth be abolished. !SKI nov 14. The powers conferred and the duties imposed on the overseers of the poor in and by an act t • empower the overseers and guardians of the poor in the several townships within thi* commonwealth, to recover certain tines, penalties, and forfeitures, and for other purposes, are hereby conferred and imposed on the supervisors of the highwavs in the said county of Mifflin, and that thejusticcs of tl e peace and sheriff withiu the said county are hereby required and enjoined to pay to the said supervisors, to be by them applied to the repair oi highways, the aforesaid fines, forfeitures and penalties within the time and in the manner prescribed by the said act for the pa 1 * incut thrr - ot in other counties to the overseers of the poor, and to give notice of the receipt thereof to the aid supervisors within the time and in the man ner aforesaid, and for any neglect or refusal to pctlorin any ot the duties enjoined on them by toe said act, the said justices of the peace and shcritl in the said county shall be subject to all fines, penalties, and forfeitures to which the jus tices and shcrifls in otii< r counties bv the said act are subject or liable. SUCTION I.. Ihe commissioners of said coun ty are hereby authorized am! empowered to pay to the directors a reasonable compensation for their services during the term they are employed in erecting any building or buildings aforesaid; I'roviJ-(I, I'lie shall not. including the He rnial sum allowed I'letn by this act. exceed sJ tv dollars in anv one \rnr St< IIOV If. Sn much of the LAW- -ft ' commonw vuitb rel it. !* i<> i-. p.ior a* are
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