LKWISTOUiH Cheap Cabinet Wareroom, J. 11. McDowells s tavern, Valley st. Tn/IE SUBSCRIBER invites those about going to housekeeping and toothers that wish to purchase Cheap Furniture, 'to call at the above mentioned Wareroom and examine his large slock of Weil Ofnde and Useful Furniture, of .ill kinds too numerous to mention here. Among his stock they will find an assortment of CA N E SEA T CHAIRS, which arf sold f ; CASH CKKAPKR tlian they have over been sola in this place. I would draw attention to a pa tent Elm*tic Spring-Bottom Bedstead, which can he seen in my Wareroom at anytime. It can be put up andtaken down ill less time than the old plan, and without a screw driver, and the great matter is that it forms a srniKO BOT TOM without a cord or sacking, thus saving tt.e purchaser ; the cost of those articles. *> COFFINS made to order and funerals attended at •the shortest notice. Either Mahogany, Cherry or Wal nut can be had at moderate terms. ANTHONY FELIX, j Lewis-town, December 1, ISI9. HAT & CAPp| i >* EMPORIUM IT. J". HTJDISILL, j At his Old Stand in Market street, HAS just received the Beebe Costar and latest Philadelphia and New York Spring Fashion of Hats and Caps, and is now prepared to furnish both old and new customers I with an article, which he will warrant good, and nothing shorter. Ho has now on hand a large and general assortment of HATS AAD CAPS, 1 OR MEN AND BOYS, which he will dispose of, WHOLESALE or RETAIL, on as fair terms as can be obtained here or elsewhere. His Ornish friends will also find him pre pared to suit their tastes. His unrivalled BROAD-BRIMS will receive the same care and attention which he has always bestowed upon them. Don't forget the old stand, where jou may depend upon not being disappointed. N. J. R. feels grateful for the generous pa ronage*he has thus far received, and assures ail that he will cpare no pains to give the gen eral satisfaction that he has hitherto succeed ed in affording all who have dealt with him. .Lewistown, march 29, ISso—tf. Spring Fashion* Received* W, G. ZOLLINGER'S HAT MANUFACTORY. Market street, Lewistoirn, adjoining Ken- . ncdy Porter s Store. MR. Z. informs the citizens ot Mifflin and the adjoining counties, that he has Kjust received the spring ' a '#ME§gjife shions, and i 9 now prepared to furnish all in want new HATS or CAPS with an arti cle, neat, durable and well finished, j comprising every style manufactured for this market. The care and attention he has ever given to \ le manufacture of the style of Hat 9 preferred •y his numerous Ornish customers, will be continued.; and he feels warranted in giving l ie assureccc that they will not be disap ooicted. COUNTRY MERCHANTS ' - ill find it decidedly to their advantage to give 1 iiiai a cell, for his arrangements are now such, as to enable him to furnish any quantity that may be desired on the shortest notice. Grateful for the encouragement he ha 6 thus far received, he will continue to deserve it, by continued assiduity to the wante of his friends, and strict attention to his business. Lewistown, march 29,1550—tf THE PATENT COMPOUND j WASH MIXTURE, ! For Washing Clothes, Paint ed Surfaces, And exery article or tfa nix which, may rcrpiire cleansing by washing. IT is made into l solid SOAP or in LIQUID form. The eoap will doubtless supercede j every other, and the procecs of washing now i ntroduced, drive out of use every wash board and machine in the lar.d. No injury is done to clothes, and time, labor, and expense are saved. The agents for the sale of FAMILY and COUN7 V MIGHTS in this State are HENRY FRYSINGER, DANIEL WISE, MARTIN JOHNS; and in PhiladelphiaC. 1). KNIGHT, .'5 North Sixih street. Those editors who have not yet published my first advertisement will please ornit tlial, and publish this in its place, on the same terms, say three times for one family right. Such as have advertised and not received a right will please inform tne. I he public arc again cautioned against un authorised venders of rights, who live by pira ting on others. ~ D. M'VOY, March 15, 1550— 6t Baltimore. A NEW MEDICINE 1 BROWN'S ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GINGER, \ FRY valuable preparation for persons A recovering fiom fever, or other diseases, a few drops imparling to the stomach a glow and vigor equal to a glassful of brandy., or other stimulants, without any of the debilitating ef fects which are sure to follow the use of liquor of any kind ; and it is therefore especially ap plicable to children and female*. To the aged it will prove a great comfort; to the dyspeptic, arid to those who are .predisposed to gout and rheumatic affections, it gives great relief; and to the inebriate, who wishes to reform, but whose stomach is constantly craving the nox ious liquor, it is invaluable—giving tone to the digestive organs, and strength to reeist tempta tion, and is consequently a great agent in the cauue of temperance. For sale bv J. !L MITCHELL. Lewistown, March 2*2, 1-50. Will TRUE AD'S KBBBNCR OF MUSTARD. A safe and effectual remedy for Rheu matism, Gout, Lumbago, Palsy, Sprains, Bruises. Chilibein, Numbne-s, &:c.; Judkin's Specific Ointment, Dewee'a Celebrated Rheumatic Nerve and IkmcJLniiinent, or Fain Extractor; 1 leyl-'a Embrocation for horses; Indian Hair Dye, &LC., for sale by J. P. Ml I.ewistowr., inarch 22, 1550. Confectionariesj f\[UTS, (trackers, Raisins, Arc., at the Lha- J M mond Drug and Variety Store of bp o A. A. BANKS. Philadelphia Advertisements, ! FEATHERS! FEATHERS!! ' O POUNDS of Feather*, comprising all AvjwVW qualities, for sale, wholesale and retail. I at the lowest cash prices, by HARTLEY & KNIGHT, HP South Second street, five doors above Spruce. Our customers and the public in general wi 1 please ] that since the alterations recently made in our store, the BEDDIXG DEPAR TMEXT of our business is in the second story, w here we now have, ready made, or will make to order, on short notice, BEDS, BOLSTERS, I'l LIMITS, ! MATTRESSES, and CUSHIOXS of all kinds. We also keep constantly on hand, a good assortment of Tickings, Blankets, Marseilles Quilts, Comfortables, Sack ! ing Bottoms, .f-c. The first floor and basement have been . appropriated to the sale of Carpelings, among which are Brussels Carpelings, "| j Tapestry do Imperial Three Ply. j CARPETIMGS, Ingrain Carpeting?, from 25 cents to sl-00, Stair Carpeting®, ; .... ... , from 10 cents to #1 On, - tXUIIIh, Entry Carpentings, j j from 20 cents to $1 25, SAlld i Rag Carpetings from 25 to 40 cents. { 18 ATTIHGS. | Also, Oil Cloths and Mat- j j tings, at all prices. For sale hy HARTLEY & KNIGHT, j 14b S. Second St., 5 doors above Spruce, l'ltila. [inli22-3in 1 CARPETS AND OILCLOTHS At ELDRIDGE'S CHEAP CARPET STORE. tTIHE SUBSCRIBER being in a bye street, is under a low rent and very light store expenses, which enables him to sell goods, wholesale and retail, at the lowest prices in the city. Persons wishing to buy, will do well to examine the choice assortment he offers this season, of BEAUTIFUL IMPERIAL a AND EVERY VARIETY OK [CARPETS: INGRAIN AND VENETIAN 3 And Oil, CI.OTIIS from 2 t024 feet wide, to cut for Rooms, Halls, Ac., with a great variety of low priced In grain Carpels, from 25 to 50 cents, and Entry and Stair Carpets from 10 to 50 cents per yard Also, Mattings, Hearth Hugs, Table Covers, Floor Baize, Cotton and Rag ; Carpet, ate., &c. 11. 11. ELDRIDGE, 4 1 Strawberry st., one door above Chesnut, mar Second street, Philadelphia. [march 22—3 m. CIIEAP BLINDS k SIIADES. it. J . uil,i,i An &, .YV 12 JSTurth Sixth street, Philadelphia. t T £MTIAN BLIND manufacturer and wholesale and retail dealer in wnrDowsHADits—awarded the bigheat ntE.MU'MS at the New York, Philadelphia ami Baltimore Exhibitions. CERTAINS made and Lettered for stores and public buildings A large assortment of BUN DS and SHADES of new styles and finish, at the lowest cash prices. The public will find it to their interest to call. Old Blinds painted and trimmed to look equal to now. B.J. VV. informs the patrons of KRLEMAVS old estab lishment, No. 113J South Second st.,that he has removed from thete to No. 12 North Sixth si., w here he respectful ly solicits a continuance of patronage. [mh223m ARCH STREET WALL PAi'Efi WAREHOUSE. .V o. 112 Arch street, htttreen Sixth and Seventh, south tide, Philadelphia. THE proprietor of the above extensive establishment has now ojtened his superb stock of WALL PAPERS, which are all of the latest, and of the very best manufacture. Purchasers from the country can rely on being accommodated with patterns suitable for every purpose, without the inconvenience of looking further. He is determined to sell at such prices as the advantage of a cash business affords. EDWARD BURTON. N. B —Paper hung in the country at city prices Philadelphia, March 6, lbs0 —3m GEORGE RELLIS, Wholesale Commission Agent, FOB ALL KINDS OK FISH, ,\o. T4 North Wharves, Above Race street, Philadelphia. Philadelphia, April 21, 1849.—1y E. HICKS JONES, WhuUsalt Wooden, Willow* Ware, Broom* Brnrh t Comb, Looking (Hiss and Variety Store, •V#. 1* Xtyrth Second Street, Philadelphia, under J Sidney Jones' Carptt Warehouse. HAVING enlarged my STORE, have on hand and am constantly manufacturing and receiving from the •astern state* and Karope, additions to my stock Cedar (fare.—MO nest Cedar and 100 neat painted Tub*, iflfj barrel and #OO staff Churn*, lOtt dozen Cedar and WO dozen painted Fai '■*. 200 dozen W'aah Hoards, 100 dozen net Sugar and Flour Boxes ; -uujjot*, Spoon* and Ladle*. mile If Wer.--W0 neat Market and 200 neat Clothe* Baskets, 4ft' Willov. Coaches.Chan* and Cradle* ; a large assortment of Trench and Domestic Basket*. firooms and Brushes. —10,000 Wire Brooms, 10,000 Sha ker Broom*, #OO dozen each Wall, Paint, Scrubbing, shoe •nd Hor*e Brushe*; Tooth, Shaving, Cloth and Hair Brushes of every tyle. Combs #**) dozen Fancy Comb*, of various pattern*, tide, neck, pocket, Creasing and fine-tooth C mhe ot vari ous style*. Looking Glasses of Pine. Cherry, Walnut, Mahogany sn.iGilt Frame—all aizet and pattern* ; German, French and English Looking Glass Plates ol all size* from • hy J up to 72 by 120—(packing insured to all part* of the Lnion) —together with a large assortment of Variety Good* too numerous to mention. The attention of Merchant* i* respectfully solicited to the examination of my stock, all of which will be sold low for cash or city acceptance, *o a* to anticipate any lompetition that can be offered. Philadelphia, March 2, 1850—ly LIFE INSURANCE. The Girard Life Insurance Annuity and Trust Company of Philadelphia, Office No. 159 Chesnut Street. Capital $300,000. Charter Perpetual. ptONTINHB to make Insurance* on Live* on tW* mo*t favorable terms ; receive and execute Trusts, am! receive Deposit* on Interest. The Capital bring paid tip and invested, together wffh accumulated premium fund, afford* a perfect security to the insured. The premium may be paid in yearly, half yearly, or quarterly payment*. The Company add a DO Nit 8 at stated periods to the Insurances £,r Iff This plan of insurance i* the most approved of, and i* more generally in n*e than any oilier a: Great Britain, (where the subject I* l,et nnder*toodby lh< people, and wln-re they have had the longest experi • nee,) * appear* from the fact thai out of 117 l.ife Insu rance Companies there, of all kinds, 87 are on this plan. 1 he hr*t HONES was appropriated in December, 1814, • mounting to !0 per cent, on the sum insured under the oldest policies ; to fei per cent., 7| per cent. <kc , &c., on other*, in proportion to the time of standing, making an addition of #100; #B7 50; #75, ice., Ate., to every #IOOO, originally insured, which is an average of more than 50 per cent, on the premium* paid, and without increasing the annual payment to the company. The operation of ttie Bonne will be seen by the follow ing example* from the Life Insurance Register of the Company, thu*: Bum 1 Bonus or Amount of Policy and Policy Insured. ! Addition. Bonn* payable at the \ party's dacnase. No. ae : ~ #i,(Kiu ~ #IOO 00 j i " 1 5,500 200 00 j 2,750 00 " 205 1 4,000 400 Of) 4,400 (id *• 270 \ 2,000 175 00 2.175 00 " 333 [ 5,000 427 50 j 5,437 50 I'AMnrt.KT* eonlaJntng the taLl.- of rate*, and ex planMlon* of Ihc subject; Forms of Application, and further information ctn lie had at the office, gratis, in (•erson or by Utter, addressed to the President or Aciuury B. W. RICHARDS. President. •Ino. F. Jambs, Actuary. fn|2^;ly Philadelphia Advertisements. : COTTON YARN HOUSE. ; rrIOKRIS & EASTWOOD, Xo. T V Xorth Front Street, Philadelphia, COTTON and Linen Chain, Warps, Indigo Blue Twist, Coverlet Yarn, Tie Yarn, I .amp Wick, Cottton I.aps, Wadding, &c. February 16,1*50 —3n> MACKEREL, I SI IA I), i CODFISH, Constantly on hand ar.d i SALMON, for salo by . HERRINGS, ; J. PALMER & Co., PORK, Market street Wharf, HAMS & SIDES, PHILADELPHIA. ! SHOULDERS, i LARD & CIIEESE, March 22, 1830-3 m. Philadelphia and Liverpool LIAE OF PACKETS. SHIPS. BURTHEN. MASTER. i 700 tone, Alfred F. Smith. : KHKN A.MOAH, 808 " James West. MARV PLEASANTS, 800 " JQBowne. EUROPE, "00 " Henry F. Miegrken. j The above ships will sail punctually, on their appointed days, viz: From Philadelphia on the 10ih of each month. Front Liverpool on the Ist of each month. Taking Steam on the L'elawtwre. I For passage, apply to SAMUEL PLEASANTS, No. 37 Walnut street, Philadelphia. !ft> Parties will find these superior first class SHIPS most desirable conveyances for bringing out their friends, the accommodations in second cabin and steerage being of the most airy and capacious description. &> Also Drafts for sale, payable in nil parts of England, j Ireland and Scotland, front one pound upwards, i "February 2, 1850 —ly JI. & J. 11. ROWE, { ' i 03 Xortk 3d st., above Arch, Philadelphia, ItaVE FOR SALE, 1500 DOZEN CORN BROOMS. 500 do. PAINTED BUCKETS. 500 Nesle WHIow Market BASKETS. 600 Nests Cedar TUBS. 800 Staff and Barrel CHURNS. Together with the largest stock of Willow, Cedar and I Eastern IVOOIHYARE ever offered in the city, i N. B. Cash paid at all times for BROOM CORN nt our j factory. SskflS—S*. TIIE subscribers are now ready to supply dealers and others with this valuable MANURE. They offer for sale S(H) TONS PATAGONIA, in bags. 200 " PERUVIAN. Warranted first quality. Also, 1) E A LE US 11* I IS, Have always in store PURE SPEKM Oil.,for Manufac turing purposes. This oil is adapted to machinery of every description, and bcitig of the purest quality,cannot fiilto give satisfaction. J. B. A. k S. ALLEN, feb 23-3 m] No. 7 South Wharves, Philadelphia The Ureal China Store OF PHILADELPHIA. TH ANKFUL to the citizen* of Lewi*town and its vi cinity for their increased custom, we again request their company to view our large and splendid assortment of China. Class and Uueensware. Dinner sets, tea sets, toilet sets, and single pieces, either of Class, China or Stone Ware, sold in quantities to suit purchasers, for less than they can be had Isewbere—in fact at less th in wholesale prices. American and English HRITTAXIA MKTJtL GOODS, in greater variety than ever before offered in the city. Fancy China in great variety. Very cheap. :>W( would invite any person visiting the city to call and ee us -they will at leas! he pleased to walk around our beautiful store, and to view the finest China jnd fAc t heart est the world produces. Very respectfully, TYNDALE Ac MITCHELL, JYo. 210 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Bepuruihcr 22, Ifil'j— ly. OLIVE It EV A AS, .V f! SevtA Sttond iritt, Philadelphia, Manufacture r of Salamander, f ire and Thief Proof Iron. Cherts, vi th Poirdrr Proof Locks, VND WARRANTED equal to any other make for se curity again't Fire or Burglars, having withstood the test of both, without injury or I >* to the owners. Also—ln store and for sale. Letter Copying Presses and Books; Seat Presses for Corporations, Banks, dec.; Drug gists' Presses with Cyltndeis and Pans; Hoisting Ma chines for Stores, Factories, Ac.; Portable Shower Baths of a new and superior conslruetion.-lotended for either Cold or Warm water; Refrigerators for cooling and pre serving Meals, Butter, Milk, Ate., in the warmest wealber, suitable to stand in any part of the house or cellar; Wa ter Filters, warranted to purify muddy or bad water, whether affected by Kains, Marl, Limestone, or any other cause fPhila March 2, ISso—ly 1 A S E It ! 1A I E It! JN'o. 21 Bank street, Between Market and Chesnut, and 2d and 3d streits, PHIL .1 I) E I. P H J A. THE subscribers beg leave to call the attention ofcoun try buyers to their asaflirtuient of papers, embracing the different Varieties of Printing, Hardware, Writing, Envebqie, and Wrapping papers, Tisue papers white and assorted colors, also Bonnet and Box Boards, kc. Being engaged in the manufacture of printing papers, li y solicit orders from printers for any given size, which will be furnished at short notice, and 31 fair prices. Market prices either in rnsh or trade paid for Hags. DUCKETT & KNIGHT, \u. 21 Hank street, Philadelphia. October 6, Ifil'j—ly. Wholesale A It eta i I CLOCK STORE, „Vo, 238 Market street, above Seventh, South suit, PHILADELPHIA. A I.THOI'GH we can Hcarcely *timate Ihc value of A TIME commercially, yet by calling at the above es tablishment, Jams* Daubrr will furnUh bin friend*, among whom he includes all who duly appreciate its fleetness, with a beautiful and perfect hide* for marking its progress, of whose value they C*w judge. IDs utensive stock on hand, constantly changing in conformity to the Improvement* in taste and style of /ng pattern and workmanship, consists of FAghtday unit Thirty-hour Brass Counting House, Parlor, Hall, Church, and Alarm CLOOKB, French, Go thic end oilier fency styles, as well as plain, whirh from hi* extensive connection and correspondence with the manufacturers he finds he can put at the lowest cash figure, in any quantity, from one to a thousand, of which he will warrant the accuracy. (V Clocks repaired and tcarrantcd. Clock JCI in nun ft tm hand. CALL and see me among them. JAMES BARBER, 23S Market st. Philadelphia, August 18,1849—1y. TIN WARE! TIN WARE!! J. It. BEEIIEI.HER, AT his old stand, on MARKET street, I,ew istown, ix doors cast of the public square, south side, informs the public generally, that they will always find at his establishment, a Heavy Stock of Made lip TIN W A II E , of almost every variety, and offering great in ducements to purchasers. To COUNTRY MERCHANTS, who may wish to lay in a stock for sale, he will make such reduction in price as will prove advanta geous to tlmm. Thankful for the encouragement he has thus far received, he will endeavor to deserve and | hopes to receive a continuance of the same. — A good practical knowledge of his business, and all work being made under his own per sonal superintendence, warrants him in assur ing the public lliut they will nowhere find bet ter or cheaper. [mr rch 22,1850 -tf DR. IfIARTIIVS Compound svup of WILD CHERRY, IS the best Medicine yet for Coughs, Colds, Consump tion, Asthma, Spitting of Blood, &c. Head the fol lowing: November I3th, 1648. Dear Sir—l take great pleasure in saying to you that Mrs. Rose has been entirely relieved of Iter cough by the use of your Syrup ef Wild Cherry. It had continued for fully eighteen months. 6lie had used several prepara tions of the Wild Cherry now in popular use, but not with the slightest benefit, until she took yours. She on ly took six bottles, and 1 am pleased to say slit is now in good health. Every one who saw Mrs. Ross thought her in a deep decline. LEWIS P. ROSS, No 2ti7 S. Charles Street, Baltimore, Captain of Schoon er O. K., Cambridge Packet. In Clergyman's sore Throat it is truly a "Sovereign Balm," as the Odd Fellow, Washington county, .Mary land, of June Oth, 1818, says. Price 70 cents a Bottle. Prepared and gold hy MARTIN &. WIHTELEY,at their wholesale Drug Store, 46 S. Culvert Street, Balti more, And for sale by F. J. HOFFMAN and WATTSON &. JACOB, Lewistown; ALEX ANDER RCTLEDQE, Williamsburg, Huntingdon county. | Juno 30, 1849—1y. IV! art in X- Wliilelev'* NATIONAL TONIC, A certain Cure for Ague, Fever, and Dyspepsia, IN our summer and full month* many sections of our country are prostrated by BILLICIT)S FEVER and AGUE and FEVER.—It has been our particular study to find out some remedy to stop this dreadful scourge, and think, in this TONIC we have effected this great object. It is also we think the very best remedy in Dyspepsia, and if our directions are followed, will not fail to effect a cure. In a letter dated, May ISd, 2"IS, our Agent, Mr. Elias Kauh, of Wrigiitsville, York county, Fa.,says:—I have never known any remedy for Fever and .dyue equal to your invaluable National Tonic, it has given universal satisfaction, and has cured cases of Ague of years otaud ing, an.l after the failure of all other medicines made use of. Mr. Henry Bveron, of Ihc same place, says in his certificate, dated 22d March, I*slo, ' I applied to a number of I'hyeiciana, and also used a variety of the most popu lar Ague Mixtures at d.Cerent timet:, but al! without the Jesirt-d effect; no permanent cure having been afforded. I was at length induced, at the recommendation of your worthy Agent at tins place, to try a bottle of your Na tional Tonic, and to my great satisfaction, before 1 had used half of it, I felt completely cured, though I contin ued the use of it till 1 had taken two bottles.' fn a joint certificate from Messrs. Miles Hoke, William Hlackson, and James D. Brown, of the same place, they say—'Hav ing tried nearly all the remedies within our reach with out success, we at last purchased some of your National Tome , which has completely cured us. We, therefore, cheerfully recommend it to the notice of al) persons af flicted with that terrible disease as the beet remedy yet discovered.' Bee the Pamphlets, which you can get from one of our Agent* gratis Also, |)r. Martin's Purgative Pills, the host now in use, in all cases w here a purgative is needed. r> Prepared and sold by MARTIN Ac. WHITELEY, Wholesale Drug More, No. lis. Calvert et., Baltimore. For sale by F. J. HOFFMAN and \\ ATT - SON &. JACOB, Lewialown ; and by ALEX ANDER RUTLEDUE, Williamsburg, Huntingdon county. June 30,1819 —ly. D . lIiEL AND Si S, TIAKRLE MAML\S, \\J OULD respectfully inform their Iriende v t and the public, that they still continue to cerry on the MARBLE BUSINESS in all its various branches, at tbetr old stand, Corner of THIRD and VALLEY Sts., LEWISTOWN, where they have constantly on hand MARBLE MAM ELS, TO M BS, MONUMENTS, GRAVE STONES, <Vc. All kinds of PLAIN & ORNAMENTAL work executed with neatness, and on the most reasonable terms. Thankful for the liberal patronage extended to them, they still solicit a continuance of the same. Orders from any part of the country, through mail, attended to with accuracy and despatch. March 17,1817 —tf Tremendous Excitement! ! And all about Thomas's selling goods so CHEAP. 1 have a large assortment of Hoots and Shoes, and LADIES' and MISSES' GAITERS, made by the bet of workmen ; a variety of Drg (Kooxr.e, (£rocmcß, anfc 2LCquot% of the best kind ; among which are some vprv choice BRANDIES, and a superior article of STOUTON BITTERS; also, POWDER. SHOT, and LEAD; 100 bar rels best Monor.gahela WHISKEY. J- THOMAS, Between Swartz's and McDowell's Taverns. ALSO, , A General Assortment of Stoves* . Cheaper than can be purchased in this or any of the adjoining counties. The —-jl public are respectfuly invited to call and satisfy themselves of the fact. j'IANCY GOOBS.—Port Monnaieo, Pocket . Pooka, Cigar Caaes, Slmving Boxes, Note Paper, superior Sealing VV ax, Steel I eua, i en Holder*. Stamps, superior Percussion Cape, ! Snuft' Boxes, Motto Waters, superior white Knvelopea, do. brown do., redding and pocket 1 Combo, superior Shaving Brushes,do. Hairdo, Tooth and Nail do., &.C., &. c., for sale by .J. B. MITCHELL. I/owisfown, morch 22, 1850. urn Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Chro iaic or Nervous Debility, Disease ol* the Kidneys, AND ALL DISEASES ARIB - FROM A DISOR DERED LIVER OR SSTO MICH, SUCH AS CONSTIPA TION, INWARD PILES, FULLNESS, OR BLOOD TO THE HEAD, ACIDITY OF THE STOMACH, NAUSEA, HEART-BURN, DIS GUST FOR FOOD, FULLNESS, OR WEIGHT IN THE STOMACH, SOUR ERUCTATIONS, SINKING OR FLUTTERING AT THE FITOF THE STOMACH, SwiMING OF THE HEAD, HURRIED AND DIFFICULT BREATHING, FLUTTERING AT THE HEART, CHOKING OR St FFOC A T 1 N O SENSATIONS WHEN In a lying posture, Dimness of Vison, Dots or webs before the Sight, lever and dull pain in the Head, Deficiency of Perspira tion, Yellowness of the Skin and Eyes, Pain in the Side, Back, Chest, Limbs, 4*e., Sudden Plushes of Heat, Burning in the Flesh, Constant Imaginings of Evil, and great depression of Spirits, can be effectual ly cured by DR. HOOFLAND'S celebrated Ci KRM A N BITTERS, PREPARED BY DR. C. IYL JACKSON, At the Ccrjoiiiii Medicine Store, 120 Arch st. PHILADELPHIA. Their power over the above diseases is nut excelled— if equalled—bv any uthir ft reparation in the United States as the cures attest, in many ru.-es after skilful physicians had failtd. These Bitters are worthy the attention of invalids. Possessing great virtues in the rectification of diseases of the Liver and lesser glands, exercising the most search ing powers in weakness and affections of the digestive or gans, they arc withal, safe,certain and pleasant. READ AND BE CONVINCED. CHAS. ROBINSON, Esq., Easlon, Md., in a letter to Dr. Jackson, January 9, lhbo, said— "My wife and myself have received more benefit from your medicine than any other we have ever taken for the 1 hjtfnpani and I.*''er disease." "THE TENTH LEOION," published at Woodetoek,Va , January 10, lhoO, said— " A GREAT MEDICINE." " We have uniformly refrained from recommending lo the public any of tiie various Patent Medicines of the day, unless thoroughly convinced oftiieir value. Among those # consider worthy of notice is the German hitters, invented Ly Dr. Ifoufiand, and prepared by Dr. Jackson, in Philadelphia. One instance in particular, in which the superior virtues of this medicine has been tested,has fal len under our observation During the last summer, a son of Mn. ABUAHAM GHASM.L, of this county, was very seriously alflicied with Liver Complaint, and after trying in vain -various remedies, tie purchased a battle of the Bitters, aml after using it, was so much relieved of his distressing malady, that be procured another bottle, and is restored entirety to health." READ FURTHER A FEW FACTS FUOM "THB WBLDOK II F.KALD," published at Weldoo, N. C., January 21,1850, which said— " PATENT MEDICINES "It is very seldom that we make any allusion to Patent Medicines,either approving or otherwise. Unfortunately for the country, and for honest and conscientious inven tors and venders of these medicines, the land is becoming flooded with quack preparations, that are made alone for profit and are fit not even for the dogs. In this state of things it is hard to tell whit h are, and which are not worth having If a person gets an indifferent medicine the first time lie purchases, he is very apt to condemn the whole of them and buy no more, and inventors must only blame those of their number, (who ignorantly combine plain medicines together for the purpose of making money,) for the ill success which attends the efforts of the deserving." "We believe Dr. C. M Jackson's ' Hoofiand's German Bitters' to be a most excellent medicine, and one that should be highly popular in these days of Temperance; for they are altogether Vegetable in their composition, without one drop of ,11coholtc Spirits in iheui. This med icine is innocent, but strengthening in its effects, and rich 1} deserving of an unbounded popularity, which, when it becomes known, it will, no doubt, fuliy enjoy." JI/DGK M. M. NOAH said, iu his" WBKJILV MEVSKV OER." January 5,1550 "Or Jfovfiand's Oerman Hitters . Here is a prepara tion which the leading presses in the Union appear to be unanimous in recommencing, and the reason is obvious. It is made after a prescription furnished by one of the most celebrated physicians of modern times—the late Dr. Christopher Wilhelm Hoofiand, professor to the Uni versity of Jena, private physician to the king of Prussia, and one of the greatest medical writers Germany has ever produced. lie was emphatically the enetny of humbug, and therefore a medicine of which he was the inventor and endorsor may be confidently relied on. lie specially > recommended it in l.iver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Debility, ' Vertigo, Acidity of the Stomach, Constipation, and all ; complaints arising from a disordered condition of the stomach, the liver and the intestines. Nine Philadelphia papers express their conviction of its excellency, and sev eral of tlie editors speak of its effects from their own indi vidual experience. Cnder these circumstances, we feel warranted, not only in calling the attention of our readers to the present proprietor's (Dr C M. Jackson's) prepara tion, but in recommending the article to all afflicted." MORE EVIDEyCE. The " PNII.ADRI.PHJA SATURDAY ■GAZETTE," the best i family newspaper published in the United States. The editor says of Dr. HooflaneVs German Bitters: "It is seldom that we recommend w hat are termed Pat ent Medicines to the confidence and patronage of our readers ; and, therefore, when we recommend Dr. Hoof i land's German Hitters, we wish it to be distinctly under i stood that ive are not speakingof the nostrums of the day, that are noised about for a brief period andjtht-n forgotten t after it has done its guilty race of mischief,but of a med icine long established, universally prized, and which has i met the hearty approval of the faculty itself." Evidence upon evidence has been received (like the foregoing) from all sec'ions of the j Union, the last three years, and the strongest testimony in its favor, is, that there is more ot it used in the practice of the regular Physi cians of Philadelphia than all other nostrums combined, a fact that can easily be established, and fully proving that a scientific preparation will meet with their quiet approval when pre ; sented even in this form. I That this medicine will cure Liver Complaint untl Dyspepsia, no one can doubt after using it as directed, it acts specifically upon the stom ach tnd liver; it is preferable to calomel tn ail j bilious diseases —the effect is immediate. They can be administered to FEMALE or INFANT with safety and reliable benefit, atony time. NEWARK OF COUNTERFEITS, i This medicine has attained that high charac ter which is necessary for all medicines to at tain to induce counterfeiters to put forth a spu rious article ut the risk of the lives of those j who are innocently deceived Book well tu the marks nf the genuine. Tltev have the written signature of C. M. JACKSON upon the wrapper, and the name I blown in the bottle, without which they are 1 spurious. For sale Wholesale and Retail at the GER MAN MEDICINE STOKE, No. 120 ARCH STREET, one door below Sixth, (late ot27S Race Street,) Philadelphia, and by respectable dealers gener ally throughout the country. march 22—ly. Five Hundred Dollars. | T H a? unders, S ne <l has £SOO to invest in Fox, I Mink, Raccoon, Muskrat, and Rabbit Skins, I for which the highest price in cash will be paid ! on delivery, at the Juniata Hat Store." _ . N. J. RUDISII.L. J Uewittown, March 8, IS5Q—3t. t'Al"l IO\ EXTRA A man by the name of t I.A I P hat engaged with a young man of the name of H. P Townsend. and nc, hit name to put up a Parsaparilla, which they call Dr. Town •end's Sarsapnrilla, denominating it (IF.VtiI.VF., Original etc. This Townsend Is no doctor, and never was ; bat u formerly a worker on nuiroads. canals, and the like. Yet n assumes the title of l>r., for the purpose of gaining credit (of what he is not. This is to caution the public not (.• be deceived, and pnrchase none but the (IKJCUI.VF. ORIOI fifAI. Of.n Dr. Jacob TownsenH'i Sarsaparilla, having o It the Old Dr's. likeness, bis family coat of amis, and his signature across the coat of arms. Principal Office, 102 .Vassaust., .Veto For* City OLD DR. JAC^TOH^NI), THE ORIGINAL DISCOVERER OF THE Genuine Townsend Sarsaparilla. Old Dr. Townsend la now about 70 years of age, and Las long been known as tbe ,1 f/7 HOH and /i JSC* JI F.lit.ti of the (1 F..VUI.VE ORIOI.VAI. - TO H .VSE.VU S.IH- S.I PA Being poor, he was compelled to I unit iti manufacture, by which means It has been kept oat of mar ket, and the sales circumscribed to those only who bad proved its worth, and known its value. It had reached the ears of many, nevertheless, as those persons who had been healed of sore diseases, and saved from death, pro claimed its excellence and wonderful HEALING POWER. Knowing, many years ago , that he had. bv his skill, science and experience, devised an article hich would be of incalculable advantage to mankind when the means would be furnished to bring it into universal notice, whea its inestimable virtues would lie known and appreciated. This time h come, the nieam- are supplied : this ORA.VL) AJVU UJCEQ UA J.1.F.1J PREPARA TIOJC is manufactured on the largest scale, and is calied for throughout the length and breadth of the land, especially as it is found incapable of degeneration or deterioration. Unlike young S. P. Townsend's, it improves with age. and cever changes, but for the better: because it is prepared en scientific principles by a scientific man. Ihe highest know l edge of Chemistry, and the latest discoveries of the art, have all been brought into requisition in the manufacture of the Old Dr's Sarsaparilla. The Sarsaparilla root, it is well known to medical men, contains many medicinal pro perties, HI d some properties which are inert or useless, and others, which If retained in preparing it for use, produce fermentation and acid, which is injurious to the system. Rome of the properties of Sarsaparilla are so volatile, ibat they entirely evaporate and are lost in the preparation, if they are not preserved by a scientific process, known only to those experienced in its manufacture. Moreover, these volatile principles, which fly off in vapor, or as an exhala tion, under heat, are the very essential medical properties af tbe rout, which give to it ait its value. SOURING, FKIiMKMLSG. ACID "COM POUND" OF S. P. TOWNSEND, tnd yet he woum fnin have it understood that ' >!d Dr. Jacob Townsend's tjerfimr Original Sarsaparilla. is an IMITA TION of his inferior preparation ■; Heaven forbid that vie should deal in an article which would bear the most distant resrarhiance to s. P. Tuwn tend's article! and which should bring down upon the Old Dr. such a mountain ioad of complaints and criminations Crom Agents who have so:d. and purchasers who have used S. P. Townsend's FERMENTING COMPOUND We wish it understood, because it is the absolute fr*U, that S. P. Townsend's article and Old Dr. Jacob Town send's EarsapariHa are beanen-tclde apart, and infinitely dis similar ; that they are in every particular, having not one single thing in common. As 8. P. Townsend is no doctor, and never was, is no chemist, no pharmaceutist—know s no more of medicine or disease than any oiher common, unscientific. unprofessional ian, w hat guarantee can the public have tha: they are re ceiving a genuine scientific medicine, containing all the virtues of the cruder, u-ed in preparing it. and u hich are in capable of changer which migm mini or them the AGENTS of Disease instead of health. But what else should lie expensed from one who knows nothing comparatively of tcdicine or disease ! I: K pores * [lerson of some experience to (Mk and serve tip even a < tniuon decent meal, Row much more luiportaii: .s it that the persstas w ho manufacture medicine, designed for WEAK STOMACHS AN© EI.FKKEX.IH> SYSTEMS, should know well the medical pro;*:rues ul' plants, the lest manner of securing and Concentrating their healing virtues, also an extensive know ledge of the variottsdiseases which affect the human system, and haw u adapt reined.ct to these diseases I It is to arrext frauds upon the unfortunate, to pour bslrn * into wonnded humanity, to kindle hope in the despairing bosotu, to restore health and bloom, and vigor into the crushed and broken, and to banish intiruiilv that OLD DR. JACUB TOWNSRN© has StV'-CH f and Put ND the oy portunity and means to bring his Oraiid I'uiversal Concentrated Remedy within the reach and to the know ledge of all who need it, that they limy learn and know, by joyful ex]>erience its Transcendent Power to Heat. Any person can bail or stew the root till they get a dark solored liquid, which is mere from the coloring matter In the root than from any thing else: they can then strain this inslfud or vapid Kqtiuj, with sour molasses, •nd then call it "SARSAPARILUA EXTRACT or SY RUP." lint mch is not the article known as the GENUINE OLD DR. JACOB TOWNSEND'S SARSAPARILEA. This is so prepared, thtvi AH the inert properties of tht fHrsaparillK root are first removed, every thing capable of becoming arid or o! fermentation, is extracted and rejected; * then every |irtn !e of medical virtue is secured iu a purs and concentrated form r and thus it is rendered incapable us losing any of Its valuable and healing properties. Prepared is this way, it is made the atost powerful agent in the Cure of innumerable diseases. Hence the reason why we hear commendations on every able In its favor by tnen. women, and childrvn. We find it doing wonders in tle cure of COJS'SCMI'TIO.V. I) ySPJTPSIA, and I.IFF.R COM P1..11.YT. and in HHSCM.ITISM. SCHOFU/..1. ri/.h.S, COSTJI KATF.SS. all OUT.i.YF.OCS-F.RVP TJCJtTS, PIJUPI.F.S, Rt.OCTHES, and all affections arising from IMPURITY OF THF. BLOOD. It possesses a innrvaltouseflicacy in nil com|'laints arising from Indigestion, tc, HH .in.ury of the Stomach, from unequal circulation, determination of blood to the head, palpitation of the heart, cold tJt and hands, cold chills and hot Hashes over Die body. It has not its equal in Cuius and Cougks ; and promotes easy expectoration and gentle perspiration, relaxing stricture of the lungs, throat, and every other part. Hut iu nothing is its excellence more inauilestly seen and acknowledged than in all kinds and stage* of FEMALE COMPLAINTS. It works wonders in cases of Ftuor Jtlbus or Whites, Fhll ing of the M omb. Obstructed. Suppressed, or Painjui Menses, Irregularity of the menstrual periods, and the iike ; and is as effectual in curing all the forms of A tdney Uiscasc*. By removing obstructions, and regulating the general system, it tire* tone and strength to the w hole body, aud iitus cures all forms of Nenous diseases and debility. and thus prevents IT rein LES S gre.lL variety of other tnala dies, as Spinal irritation. .\*eura!gta, St. I tins Ilanc• Svrffeninjr, F.pUcptic fits. CoMruisivn*. &.c. It cleanser the blood. excites ih* liver to healthy action, the stomach, and jrtves good digestion. relieves the bowels of tor|Kr nad consultation. ullavs iiitiainiiiation, purifies the skia, fsjuali>es the ciruwtniion >1 the blood, producing ptoUe warmth et|*ally nil over the My, and the insensible perspiration; relaxes nil strictures and light ness, removes nil obstructions, and invigorates the enure nervous system. Is not this theu The medicine you pre-eminently need 1 Hut can nrfy of these ohinits be said of S. P. Townsend's lui r r article ! This man's liquid is not to be COMPARED \\ ITH THE OLD DR'S, bcrniiM- of one GRAND KAt.T, that the one is INCAPA HUE of DKI'EKIDIi A THIN, and NEVER SPOILS, while (he oiher DOES ; sourtnjr. jtrmentmg, and ng o,ft>oi:.ts containing il ml." fragments , the sour, ana liquid exploding an.) damaging other goods I Must not this honl hie < om|">uml twxspoisonous to the system 1— H Aaiput aeiJ ml" a ,-j/flrm uh c.i !y d.srasrd icitA acid ' What cause* llys|>epsia toil acid ? Ii we not HII know that when tbod tourt in our stomachs what mischiefs it produces < flatu lence, heartburn. palpitation ot the heart, liver complaint, dmrrhipit. dysentery, colic, nud corruption of the blood t What it Sr.rutuia hut an acid humor in the body 1 What produces all the humors which tiring on tlruidiom of the Skin, Scald Head, Sail Kheuni, Erysipelas, White Swell lugs, fever Sores, and all ulcerations internal and externa! I It is nothing under heaven, but an acid substance, which fours, and thus spoils all the thuds of the body, uiore ">l less. Y\ hat causes Kheiiuiatisiu but a sour or acid fluid which insinuates lt*ell between the joints and eisew here. Irritating and inflaming the delicate tissues upon which it acts 1 So of nervous diseases, of tuipuriiy of ihe bh"od. >a deranged circulations, and nearly all the ailiueuu winch artlict human nature. Mow is it not horrible to maka and sail, ami m/fHiteif ••rat to use this 0O""Eor sale in Lewistown by E. ALLEN, who is sole agent for Mifflin county. may 26,1849—1y. MAGISTRATE'S OFFICE CHRISTIAN HOOVER, Justice of the Peace, CAN be found at his office, in the room re cently occupied by Enquire Kulp, where he will attend to all business entrusted to his care with the greatest care and despatch Lewistown, July I, 1819—tt*.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers