Lewistown gazette. (Lewistown, Pa.) 1843-1944, January 12, 1850, Image 1

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    . r--.■wjMMiijß, mi ■■ '■ iiiijiuM^K^^r^^'XAQLT.v.--wr smaassmm&muamm J^-RR 7 -?—TR •?.'^SETTm
Vo!. XXXV -Whole Ao. 1866.
Kates of Advertising.
One square, 18 lines, 2 squares, 6 mos. $5.00
1 time 50 " . 1 year 8.00
2 times 75 A column, 3 mos. 6.00
3 " 1.00 " 6 " 10.00
1 mo. 1.25 " 1 year 15.00
3 " 2.50 1 column, 3 mos. 10.00
" 6 " 4.00 " 6 " 15.00
" 1 year 6.(K) " 1 year 25.00
2 squares, 3 times 2.00 Notices before mar
" 3 mos. 3.50 riages, &c. sl2.
Communications recommending persons for
office, must be paid in advance at the rate of
25 cents per square.
Philadelphia Advertisements,
dlili I BELLI
T, nT T *s? TP A R* w t?
• •*** LIF K. * KM TS.M W KM \Y 4J V
Bacon, Lard, Butter, Wool, Gin
seng, Cloverseed, &e-,
Broad anti Cherry Streets,
Advances made, if required, on Receipt of
Consignments. CO~The Cars will be unload
ed at our Warehouse. Produce consigned to '
us for sale will not be subject to porterage or
storage. C. &. B. are Agents fur the Penn
sylvania Railroad Company.
' Oct. 20, 1849—tf.
BIZOI & CO., ~
Uoimimfeioii merchants,
And all descriptions of Country Produce,
Between Race and Cherry,
Respectfully solicit a share of tbc business
from this vicinity, and refer to
Messrs. LOSGENECKER, GRIBB &. Co., Bankers.
W. RISSKLL, Esq., Cashier, Lewistown.
E. E. LOCKE. Esq , Mifflin county.
K. J. Rom* Esq.. Cashier, (Harrisburg.
Messrs. R LSK &. MILLER, S*
SAMUEL JOHNSON, Esq., Marietta, Lancaster
county, Pa.
GEJ. M. TH OFT MAN, Cashier, of 1
Western Bank, i D . M ,
I r | j |-v jo p / 1 lifitlQCl 3*
Messrs. JAS. J. DUNCAN & Co., f
and Merchants generally, J
October C, 1849—0 m.*
THIS new and valuable medicine, now used by the :
1 medical profession wUb such astonishing ellicacy m
the cure of
Pulmonary Consumption, Scrofula, Chro• .
tiic Rheumatism, (Jout, Central De
bility, Complaints of the Kid
neys, 4'C., Ape.,
i-a prepared from the liver of the Cod T.ah f*>r medical
use, expressly for our salee.
(Extract from the London .Medical Journal.)
"C J. B Williams, M. IJ , F. R. 8., Professor of Medi
cine in University College, London, Consulting Physi
cian to the Hospital for consumption, 6cc., says : I have
prescribed the till in above four hundred cases of tubercu
lous disease of the I. lines, in different stages, v. hit h have
been under niy care the last two years and a half In
the ' je nun her of esses, 206 out of 23d, its use was fol
i . marked and unequivocal improvement, varying
in degr- - in different cases, from a temporary retarda
tion of tbe progress of the disease and a mitigation of dis
tressing symptoms, up to a more or less complete restor
ation t, apparent health.
"The effect of the Cod Liver Oil in most of these cases
■a n very remarkable. Even in a few days the cough
was mitigated, the expectoration diminished in quantity
and opacity, the night sweats ceased, the pulse became
slower, and of better volume, and the appetite, flesh and
strength were gradually improved
"In conclusion, 1 repeat that the pure fresh oil from
the Liver of the Cod is more beneficial in the treatment
of Pulmonary Consumption than any agent, medicinal,
dietetic or regimenal, that has yet been employed "
A j ?cc have made arrangement* to procure the Cod I over
Oil, fresh from head quarters, it ran now he had chemically
pure hy the single bottle, or in huxes of one doiin each.
Its wonderful efficacy has induced numerous spurious
* illations . As its success depends entirely on its purity,
too much care cannot be used in procuring it genuine.
Every bottle haring on it our tcntttn signature maybe
dcpemlri upon as genuine
Pamphlets containing an analysis of the Oil, with no
es of it from Medu al Journals, will be sent to those
w ho address us free of postage.
ll'hole sale J (ruggist * and Chemists.
JOO North Third Street, Philadelphia.
" ! ,ber 13, 6iu.
IILI >l> !H A A1 lAi TOR V.
11. C 3 A!tK,
iS iff n of the Golden Kaffle, No, KM I'l3,
Siiuth Second street, below Dock street,
T7"EEP.S always on hand a large and fashionable assert
BLINDS, manufactured in the in -t manner, of the beat
materials, and at the low e,t <.a- .■ price
Having refitted and nlar? d his establishment, he is
prepared to complete orders to u,y amount m the shortest
notice. Constantly on hand an a. ".rloient of
Alalios:• iiv Eurniturc,
of every variety, manufactured expressly for his own
sales, and purchasers may therefore rely on a good artic !e.
tfr Open in the evening
♦* Order* from a distance pa: i ed carefully, and sent
fre,- of porterage, to any pari of the city.
Philadelphia, August 16,1619—1y.
I!GORGE 11M.1.15.
Wholesale Commission Agent,
r i s ii.
\o. ."51 Aorlli Wliarvc*,
Above Hare street, I'hiladeljihiei.
BhilidHphla, April 21, 1-I'J. — ly
Philadelphia Advertisements.
Hie Girard Life Insurance Annuity and Trust
Company of Philadelphia,
Office No. L>9 Chesnut ,Street.
Capital $300,000.
Charter Perpetual.
' COXTINVE to make Insurances on I.ives on the most
favorable terms; receive and execute Trusts, and
I receive Deposits on Interest.
; The Capital being paid up and invested, together with
; accumulated premium fund, affords a perfect security to
| the insured. The premium may be paid in yearly, half
! yearly, or quarterly payments.
The Company add a BONUS at stated periods to the
; insurances for life. This plan of insurance is the most
j approved of, and is more generally in use than any other
; t" Great Britain, (where the subject is best understood by
: the people, and where they have had the longest cxperi
j ence,) as appears from the fact that out of 117 Life Insu-
I ranee Companies there, of all kinds, 87 are on this plan,
i The first BONUS was appropriated in December, 1844,
I amounting to 10 per cent, on the sum insured under the
| oldest policies ; to 84 per cent., 7} per cent. Arc.. Ate., on
| others, in proportion to the time of standing, making an
addition of #100; $87.50; $75, &.C., Sec., to every SIOOO,
| originally insured, which is an average of more than 50
. per cent, on the premiums paid, and without increasing
j the annual payment to the company.
| The operation of the Bonus will be seen by the follow -
j ing examples from the Life Insurance Register of the
| Company, thus:
ISum | Bonus or Amount of Policy and
Insured, j Addition. Bonus pa v aide at the
I i \ party's decease.
No. in SI,UOO SIOO 00 | $l,lOO 00
! " 88 2,500 250 00 j 2,750 00
" 205 4,000 400 00 4,400 00
' 276 2,000 175 00 2,175 00
" 333 5,000 437 50 j 5,437 50
s> PAMPHLETS containing the table of rates,'arid ex
planations of the subject; Forms of Application, and
further information can be had at the office, gratis, in
person or byletter,addressed to the President or Actuary
B. VV. RICHARDS, President.
JNO. F. JAMES, Actuary. [ap23:ly
I* A I 1 t IS ! I' AP E IS r
No. 21 liunk street, Between Market and
Chesnut, and 2d and 3d strcits,
PHIL i u e i. p hr.i.
THE subscribers beg leave to call the attention ofcoun
1 J- try buyers to their assortment of papers, embracing
i the different varieties of Priming, Hardware. Writing,
! Envelope, and Wrapping papers, Tissue papers white
and assorted colors, also Bonnet and Box B lids, itc.
Being engaged in the manufacture of printing papers,
1 they solicit orders from printers for any given size,
' which will be furnished at short notice, and at fair prices
Market prices either in cash or trade paid f,.r Rags.
No. 2L Hank street, Philadelphia.
October fi, 1849 ly.
The (sreal China Store
THANKFUL to the citizens of Lewistown and its vi
■ A cinity for their increased custom, we again request
their company to view our large and splendid assortment
jof China. Glass and Uueensware. Dinner is, tea
i sets, toilet sets, and single pieces, either of Class, China
or Btone Ware, sold in quantities to suit purchasers, for
! less than they can be bad elsewhere—in fact at less than
• wholesale prices. American and English B HITPA A* l.4
■ METAL GOODS, in greater variety than ever before
i offered in the city. Fancy China in great variety, very
[ cheap. Krtt'e would invite any person visiting the city
i to calf and ste us —they will at least be pleased to walk
J around our beautiful store, and to view the finest China
, and t.ie cheapest the world produces. Very respectfully,
j AO. 219 Chestnut street, Philadelphia.
] September 22, 1849 —ly.
W li o1p aI e &, Retail
.Vo. 23 u Market s-reet, above Seventh, South side,
\ LTHOTOII we can scarcely estimate the value of
•. TIME commercially, yet by calling at the ah n
I tahlishrnent, Jamch BsRBEH will furnish bis friends,
! among whom be includes all who duly appreciate its
i fleeiness, with a beautiful and perfect Index for marking
| its progress, of w hose value they esse judge
His extensive stock on hand, constantly changing in
conformity to the improvements in taste and style of
pattern and workmanship, consists of Eight-day
and Thirty-hour Brass Counting House, Parlor,
C!^.. .aft I fell, Church, and Alarm CLOCKS, Kr< nrli, (Jo-
I thic and other fancy styles, as well as plain,
! which from his extensive connection and correspondence
with the manufacturers he finds he can put at the lowest
cash figure, in any quantity, from one to a thousand, of
which he will warrant the accuracy.
Cr Clocks repaired and warranted. Clock Trimmings
on hand.
CALL and see me among there.
JAMES BARBER, 238 Market st,
Philadelphia, August 18,1849 —ly.
No. 52i Chestnut Street, abort Second,
rpilE subscriber r. spectfully solicits public attention t<
Ix. his superior and tasteful stock of
Pocket Books, Pocket Knives, and
Banker's Cases, Other Fine Cutlery,
Bill Books, Cold Pens and Pencils,
Dressing Cases, Keg.ar Cases,
Card Cases, Chess Men,
| Port Monales, Back (.amnion Boards,
| Purses, Dominoes, tr , dec.
IDs assortment consists of the most fashionable and
' modern stiles, of the finest quality and excellent work
i manship, embracing every desirable fancy pattern, which
| he will at all limes be prepared to exhibit and furnish
! wholesale or retail on the most pleasing terms.
RVPurcbasers who desire to supply themselves with
j articles of tiie best quality will consult their own inter
i csts hy calling at this establishment.
F. 11. SMITH,
Pocket Book Manufacturer, 521 Chestnut Street.
August 25, IStO —6m.
\VERY large and handsome Mock of Rea
dy-made CLOTHING, Boys' do.,
just landed and now opening at
Men and Boys, a large assortment at.
reduced prices. C. L. JONHS,
f, 027 New Cheap ('ash Store.
OF these goods a Urge assort merit on hand,
for sale by the piece or yard very low—
j 12£ ccntH, 18-J cts., 25 cts.,3l cts., cts.,
<l4 cts., 55 cts.. 50 cts., eta., 75 eta, 8?£
cts., 81 25 and #1.50; also a handsome
assortment of Bombazines.
nov3. New Cheap Cash Store.
Bar Iron.
BEST quality Bur iron for sale cheap for
cash, LIT C. L. JONES'
dec 15 New cheap cash store.
Sleigh Bells.
V large assortment ol Sleigh Bells just re
ceived, comprising every style; for sale at
least 20 per cent, lower than can be had else
where, at C. L. JONES'
dec 15. New cheap cash store.
MUFFS. BOAS, Yictorines, &e.
\\[ E will open in a few days a large and
V f handsome lot of Furs, such as Mutfis,
i Boas, Victorines, Bellerines, of Genctt, Lynx,
: Cooney, S'quirrc! and Fitch, which will be the
1 cheapest find handsomest ever offered. An
i examination cf the same is respectfully re
Lewistown, Oct. 20, 1849.
F JONES respectfully informs the la
dies that he made a large purchase of
! Cashmeres when last in the city, at greatly re
duced prices, and is now able to sell a genuine
article ol Cashmere at the extremely low price
of 25 cts. per yard, equal to any to he had at
jSO cts. at other places. Call soon, as they are
selling like hot cakes. —Also, a splendid assort
ment of sack Flannels and many other new
goods just received and arriving at the cele
; brnted new cheap cash store.
Nov. 17. C. L. JONES.
Carpets! iCarpets!
At Jones" Carpot Hall
CI AN be seen the most splendid assortment
Jof every grade and quality—Rag, Vonitian,
Ingrain, and Imperial; RUGS Ac. These Car
pits are direct from the celebrated manufac
t >ry of A. B. Cuitori &. Co., in Chester county,
and warranted good—no auction trash. Call
and see. C. L. JONES'
0c27. New Cheap ('ash Store.
8-4 Silk Piaid V\ 00l Shawls, .82 50
8-4 Cassimcre do 1 00
8-4 super, plaid wool do 500
16-4 do do long do 375
IG-4 do Bay State do do 12 00
10-4 do biack Thibet long do 10 00
10-4 do Bay State long do 0 50
Plain and Embroidered high colored Thibet
Merino Shawls.
I'he above list with many others are just
opening this week at the celebrated New
Cheap Cash Store.
nov3. C. L. JONES.
OF the above goods a very a\tensive assort
ment just opening, consisting of
Market Baskets, all sixes
Clothes do do
Travelling do do
Dinner do do
Knife do do
Churns, Tubs, Buckets, Sic.,&c., Sic., &c.
nov3. New Cheap Cash Store.
HAT & <1 i
£4 . v • A Jt i/. .8 i
At his (Jhl Stand in .Market street,
I fAS just received the Ceebe So Costar
J and latest Philadelphia and New York
Fail Fashion of Hats and (Japs, and is row
prepared to furnish both old and new customers
with an article, which he will warrant good,
and nothing shorter. He has now on hand a
large and general assortment of
which he will dispose cf, WHOLESALI •] or
RE TAIL, on as fair terms as can be obtained
here or elsewhere.
His Ornish friends will also find him pre
pared to suit their tastes. I lis unrivalled
BROA D-BlllMS will ree ive the si me care
and attention which he has always bestowed
upon them. Don't forget the old stand, where
you may depend upon not being disappointed.
N. J. R. fee la grateful for the generous pa
tronage be b is thus far received, and assures
all that he will spare no pains to give the gen
eral satisfaction that he has hitherto succeed
ed in affording all who have dealt with him.
Lewistown, Sept. 15, 1-49—tf.
Fall Fashion* Itvccived.
w, c.
Market street, Lewistou-n, adjoining Ken
nedy Porters Store.
IR. %. informs the citizens of Mifflin
IT l and the adjoining counties, that he has
4&4S ■, just received the fall '•- jifff fflifc
I shions, and is now prepared
ZBkI to furnish all in want
H.VTS or CAPS with an arti
cle, neat, durable and well finished,
comprising every style manufactured for this
The care and attention he Ims ever given to
the manufacture of the style of flats preferred
by fits numerous Ornish customers, will be
continued; and he feels warranted in giving
the assurance that they will not be disap
will find it decidedly to their advantage Jo give
him a call, for his arrangements are now such,
as to enible him to furnish any quantity that
may lie desired on the shortest notice.
Grateful for the encouragement he has thus
far received, he will continue to deserve it, by
continued assiduity to the wants of his friends,
and strict attention to his business.
Lewistown, Sept. 29,1819.
\'im HI AHA MIS,
JUST' received a few pieces more—sell
I at the former low prices at
j nov3 New Cheap Cash Store.
Irish JLiitciis.
A LARGE lot bought at a bargain in
Philadelphia, and selling by the
i piece or yard at a smail advance at
or' 27 New Cheap Cash Store.
PERSONS in want of Blankets are invited
to a large stock just received at
nov3. New Cheap Cash Store.
P. S. Remember these Blankets are fresh
goods just opened, no old stock.
r|!ilE fullest and most complete assortment
of Hosiery and Trimmings ever opened
before in 1 ewistown will be found at
nov3. New Cheap Cash Store.
Cloths j Cassimeres, Sattinets,
and VestingSj
IN endless variety, at every price and quali
. ty, for sale 20 per cent, below the usual
; price, at C. 1.. JONES'
nov3. New Cheap Cash Store.
f ls m b rc .
SILK, Cotton, and Gingham, a large assort
ment for sa'e very low, bv the piece or
dozen—so cents, 60 cts., 70 eis.. w 0 cts., 90
cts.. 81 00, 81..12A, §1.25. $1.50,81.75, §:i 00,
82 25, Silk at £2.50, §3 00, 84.00 unci 84.50.
nov3. New Cheap Cash Store.
n THERE.\S the great rush ut C. L.Jones'
celebrated new ch-ap cash store tor de
sirable and cheap goods lias tendered it at
many times impossible to wait, upon all the
customers, many have had to wait, and some
being in a hurry have been obliged to leave
the store; this is to inform all such tiiat there
is now an additional fiirco added, so that all
can be accommodated without delay. Come
on fur cheap goods at C. L. JONES'
Celebrated New Cheap Cadi Store.
November 17. 1849.
Queens ware & Glassware.
(v! ITE an extensive assortment just open
ing at the New Cheap Cash Store.
Gilt French China Tea Setts,
do uo do Plates.
White Iron Stone Tea unci Dinner Sets.
do Granite do do do
Light Blue do do do
Floring Blue do do do
Toilet Sets, 6 pieces; Plates of all kinds an!
sizes by the single or dozen ; also a large as
sortment of Cups and Saucers, by the single
Set; Gravy Bowls; Soup Tureens; Molasses
Pitchers; colored and white glass Candlesticks;
Preserve Dishes, in endless variety; French
china Mantle Ornaments; Saltcellars, various
patterns ; Castors ; Tumblers ; Glass Jars, va
rious size-; stone Jugs; stone Jars; large Tur
key Dishes, white, blue and mulberry, also
steak Dishes to match; Bowls. Pitchers; sauce
Dishes; and a large lot of common Cups and
Saucers, ail offered for sale at unprecedented
low prices fur cash, at
nov3 New Cheap Cash St> re.
w. si. IRWIMT
A TTO li N E Y A T L A If,
B -AS resumed the practice of his profession
JLJI in this and tlie adjoining counties.
Office at the Banking House of Longeneck
er, Grubb & Co. Jan. 20, 1848—tf.
A T 7 O 11 N E Y A T L A W,
Lewisfowu, Mifflin County, Pa.
OFFICE two doors west of the True Demo
crat Office. Mr. Elder will attend to any
business in the Courts of Centre country.
August 25, 18-I!)—tf.
w. * *■ ' r e* /8'- 8-
Attorney at Law,
W i"r ILL attend promptly to business entrust- ;
V v cd to his care in tins and adjoining !
counties. Office one door west of the Post
Office. June 16, '49-ly. j
Justice of Hie I'eace,
CIAN be found at his office, in the room re-
J cently occupied by Esquire Kulp, where
lie will attend to all business entrusted to his
care with the greatest care and despatch.
Lewistown, July 1, 1848—tf.
Samuel Hopper,
Is ready at all times to build the best Houses,
and can do that very thing.
Residence No. 5 Hale street, Lewistown.
March 31,1849—tf
ISoot V Shoe Manufacturer
CIONTINUES to manufacture, to order,
/ every description of BOOTS AND
SHOES, on the most reasonable terms.—
Having competent workmen in his employ and
using good stock, his customers,as well nsall
others, may rely upon getting a good article,
well made and neatly finished.
January 22, 1848 tf.
: ' Are we almost there? are we almost there ?'
Said a dying girl, as she drew near home;
, ' Are those our poplar trees that rear
Their forms so high 'gainst the heaven's blue
dorae ?'
Then she talked of her flowers, and she thought
of the well,
Where the cool waters dash o'er the large
white stone,
And she thought it would sooth like a fairy spell,
Could she drink of that fount when her fever
was on.
While yet so young, and her bloom grew less,
They had borne her away to a kindlier clime ;
For she would not tell that 'twas only distress
That had gathered life's rose in its sweet spring
And in secret she sighed for some secret spot,
Where she oft had played in chilhood's hour,
Though shrub or floweret marked it net,
It was dearer to her than the gayest bower.
And oft did she ask, ' are we almost there ?'
Still her voice grew faint, and her flushed
cheek pale,
And they strove to soothe her with useless carc,
As her sighs escaped on the evening gale.
Then swiftly, more swiftly, they hurried her on,
But their anxious hearts felt a chill despair,
For when the light of that eye was gone,
And the quick pulse stopped— sht teas almost
Jtl i&cellatteotts.
: U e hope there are many readers of the l)ai
! !y Mail who have had practical evidence that a
: little kindne.-s, however homcepathic the dose
may be, goes five times as far towards making
those around you happy, as cargoes of sour an°
swers or surly rebukes. There are two very
distinct ways of telling the same story. Some
men will make hosts of friends, while others
will find it impossible to discover one. Biunt
ness and frankness may do very well, but as a
general thing it is prudent to'study effects as
well as causes. Jones may say to Smith:
4 .Smith are you going to pay that note to
day V
' No 1 shan't; it don't suit rne, and I shan't do
'Then by thunder I'll see if you don't!' says
enraged Jones. A lawyer gets a case, a squab
ble follows, and—they both pav dearly lor a
lesson in civility. How different Brown wou d
fix it!
'Smith, what is the state of vour finances
this morning ; do you feel as though you could
let me have that §SO to-day !'
'Well, no, I can't,' says Smith,' I'm very
short; can't you wait on me a few days, it
would be an accommodation V
4 Well,' snys Brown,' let it stand; do some
thing for me as soon as you can, will you,
•Smith 1'
4 Certainly I will.' They part—friends and
4 Go away with t hat noise!' says some bullet
headed fellow to the poor itinerant organist and
his monkey. The poor fellow goes away, mor
tified and soured against his species ; how dif
ferently the good heart, the peace-maker does it.
4 My man, your music is pleasant, but it dis
turbs us now; there are a tew pennies, play
lor some others further on your way.' The
organist goes along, smiling at the man who
has ordered him olf. There is five times the
force m kind words and generosity, than there
is in morose suikiness and arbitrary measures.
We cannot live long nor happy among our
species, without the aid of kindness and gener
osity. It is not necessary to knock a man
down to convince him he is in error, or hold a
knife at his breast to assure him his life is in
your power. Politeness and civility are rare
jewels; they render two-fold good, blessing
him that giveth and him that receiveth. It is
quite astonishing, when we calculate the entire
safety and splendid percentage it yields—that
so few invest in that capital stock—gocd humor
and kindness.— Boston Mail.
The cultivators ot this new science, says the
New \ ork Day Book, are constantly bringing
curious things to light. One of the "most novel
ot these is termed Psychometry, which seems
to be the art or science of measuring souls. It
is managed in this fashion: —You must first
find what is termed an impressible person.
There are persons of so delicately susceptible
a nervous organization as to be powerfully af
fected by a very slight influence. Professor
BICHASAX, of the Ohio Eclectic Medical Col
lege, at i no of his medical lectures, distributed
to his class little packages, containing different
medicines carefully put up in two or three en
velopes. These papers, impervious toordinary
senses, the students were requested to hold in
their hands. At the end of twenty or thirty
minutes some twenty of the class were found
to have receiv ed a distinct impression as to the
nature of the medicine in their hands. Opi
ates, cuthurtics and emetics not only made an
impression which conveyed an idea of their
taste, but produced nausea, and other charac
teristic effects. 'This was one of several tests
of impressibility.
When a person is found to be easily im
pressed, that is, to have the power of receiving
ideas of the qualities of things by other than
the usual medicines, other and tar more curi
ous experiments may he proceeded with. Take
a letter, folded and sealed in its envelope, and
place it in the hands ot such a person, and in a
few moments he will have a clear conception
of ilie contents of the letter, the feelings ot the
writer, his character, pursuits personal appear
ance, and so on. It seems like a veritable
reading or measuring of the soul.
These experiments are tried daily, in this
city, and over the whole country, and the re
sults are of a very curious and interesting char
acter. They are tried in private, by philoso
phers who are seeking after the truth*; and not
vvith any view to publicity or speculation, and
it is cnly by accident that we have become ap
prised ot the existence ot such phenomena; hut
the tew experiments we have seen are quite
conclusive as to the existence and ex trot, c
oi such a faculty, however the philosophers
may uucount for it. Persons whom wc know
i\ct Serif*—Vol. 4—.\o. 2 2.
: intimate y, who are thousand--* of mi es away,
soma oil land and some 00 : on, have been ac
curately describe-] U> us, ami their characters,
feelings and motives iaid open, i y a person who
j knew nothing of them, simply by holding m
j the hand a closely enveloped letter.
This looks wondrously like necromancy—
but ail that is past. Two hundred years ago,
witchcraft was a terrible reality, tor the people
were hanged for it—but now witchcraft is sei
; en-e. There are no longer any mysteries or
miracles. We are learning more of Nature's
| laws, and do not find so many exceptions as we
thought. Within the material world, there
rises up a spiritual, with its own peculiar laws
' and phenomena, and these we are just beginning
to investigate. Those who have any curiosity
to explore these seeming mysteries further,
will find them very abiy discussed in the Jour
nal of" Man, a. monthly, edited by Dr. BUCHANAN,
| of Cincinnati.
From the New York Spirit of the Times.
' You remember the time when they finished
the road us fur as Waynesboro, don't voul'
• Yes.'
4 Yv'al, they had a mighty to do about it, they
did. There was Gov. Dudley, Doctor An
drews, Squire Griswolo, Bill Lane, (him as was
so near a beaten Stanley for Congress,) old Dick
I Washington, and a heap of the 4 big boys.'come
down to the borough to have rale jollification.
They had the darndesl biggest sort of a barba
cue, chords of old 1 red eye,' and the big gun—
they wanted everybody to juie and have a bus
tin frolic. WaJ, it was novated over the huil
I county, and aseverbody was gwine, 1 thought I
I mougiit as well go, too —so I slipped the old
j Mar in the cart, and put cut tor the borough,
i 4 Wal, Doctor, I had a puny easy tirneof it
' gwine down, f did—the old mar shying once
, and a while when she heard any luinbeiin about;
but ail thingsconsiderin, Doctor, I managed pur
ity well. That old mar was a caution, Doctor.
She was a perfect sight, arty how, she was—
j and if any pistil was shot oft' any vvhar about
her. nothing could keep her in the cart. SSotne
of these days, Doctor, I'll tell how she sarved
j me and brother Tart —you know Tart, Doctor
j—l know you do. All the accident that hap
pened was going up the hill by Lew Musgrave's
thar, close by Oul Pike's, the Quaker, when
j some of Lew's boys popped a cap on an old
j smoke pole at a partridge, when how she did
rip! She cavorted right smart, but it was no
j go—she only broke one try pin, and arter get
j tin up the hill 1 fixed that, and we proceeded
; tolerably well to the borough.
4 Wal, Doctor, we got thar, and I thought I
mought as well get down and iead her by the
court house. There was a heap of people on
j the green, and I didn't'zacly know what mought
happen, so I got down—l did, and slipped the
bridle over my arm, and was walking along,
looking at the crowd to see what was goir. ou.
Thar was 'bundance of folks, Debtor—men,
wimmin, chiidring, and niggers in a fuss—
oyster carts, cake carts, and all such sort of
doins plenty. Wal, Doctor, I was proceedin
on, tryin to find some place to latch the mar to,
Holy Moses ! her slam bang ! went the big gun!
The old mar started, and snatched me heels over
head, my cart struck an oyster cart—oysters,
. plates, spoons, pans and bowls went flyin—
down I went, but I held on to the briuie, Doctor,
1 did, and arter a rip or so, 1 sorter stopped her
headway, and made out to get up.
4 Thunder and mud ! Doctor, such a sight!—
I never seed the like afore—you'd a thought it
had been rainin nothm but oysters and piates
for a week—here a pan and thar a puddle of
soup big enough to swim my old 'scovy drake—
j the oyster man cussin every thing an inch high
—the old mar snortin and the folks liollerin like
blue biezas ! Wal, Doctor, I sorter shuck iny
i self and was lookin round to see what all the
fuss was about, when I seed Old Artur —Old
I Artur Spikes—you know him, Doctor, and
General Me ze, wi;h their mouths wide open
and nigh about lit to Lust. *Go it Abe,' said
Old Artur—and go it 1 did, for twant half 1
second before bane went that cussed olu gun
• Je-ru-salem ! Doctor, didn't the old mar split,
then 1 She fetched one splunge and both try
pinsccme out, the buck band broke, the wheels
whirled one way and struck an old 'oman's cake
cart—down cum cuke box, old 'omait and all,
away I went on tot her truck; down the hill
went the old mar as if kicked m end right siam
through the tables v.here the barbacue was sot
out, benches broke, niggers rolled ever—every
body hoilcrin as if heaven ana yearth hau cum
• Je-iio sa-phat! didn't that o'd mar rar, and
didn't 1?. Thar they was laughing at me,
ready to split! The old cuke Vniau had a fork
sticking right slam into my leg, and the old man
Artur and the General holding on to their
trowsers to keep from dying! I r;z—looked
around—hopped up and struck my heels together
three times afore 1 cum down, and swore if
they'd only give me half a chance I could lick
the hull kit and bilin of 'em, and they niought
let that darned, cussed big gun kick me in the
'Them's the doins down to Waynesboro,
Doctor—let's liquor!'
We were, not long since, much amused by a
couple of Hoosier girls, who came aboard the
steamer . at the little town of Mt. Ver
non, Indiana. They had evidently never been
a thousand iniics from home, and were making
their first trip on a steamboat. The elder one
was exceedingly talkative, and perfectly free
and unconcerned, with regard to the many eves
that wore scanning her movements. The other
was of the opposite turn of mind, inclined to
bashiulness. At dinner our ladies were honored
with a seat at the head of the table, and the
eldest one, with her usual independence, cut
her bread into small pieces, and with her fork,
reached over and enrolled each mouthful in the
nice dressing on a plateof beef-steak before her.
I'he passengers preserved their gravity during
the operation by dint of great eff<rt. Perceiv
ing that her sister was not very forward in help
ing herself, she turned round to her and ex
claimed loud enough to be heard by half the
tabi>—'• Sul, dip in to the Gravy — Dud pays us
I much as any im , em This was followed by
a general loar, in which the captain led off.—
The girls arrived at their place of destination
before supper, and when they left the bfoat, all
inn is gave three cheers for the girls of tho
| lioos vr hit th;